Orchid care and cultivation. Does this flower poow? Growing in water

Garden technique 12.06.2019
Garden technique

Gardening in Russia is a hobby, which stops with the onset of cold weather. And only breeding room flowers You can do yearnogodically. One of the most spectacular and popular orchid is. Few plants can be compared with her beauty, elegance of forms and varieties of coloring. But the cultivation of tropical beauty is a rather complicated process for which it should be taken only after a thorough study of the theory.

The easiest way to start the plant is to buy in a specialized store. Today the assortment in them is widely, therefore, it is lighted for no wonder. Native when choosing should not only on the beauty of the flower, but also on a number of other signs.

The health of the roots will depend on the health of orchids. They must be developed, gray or green shade. A growing flower has a bright green root tip. Leafs are dense, without signs of lethargy. If they have sticky raid, white or yellow stains, then the purchase is worth refrain.

To check how healthy the roots, you can simply shake the pot with a plant.

For the cultivation of orchids, ordinary garden land does not use. The soil should consist of a mixture of moss, bark, perlite, sand, corks.

An adult plant capable of multiplying and blossoming will be more expensive. A young sighter has few leaves, and there is still no bloody on it. He will release a flower in just a few years. If there is no desire to wait, then it is better to take an orchid formed.

The necessary conditions

To correctly grow orchid, it is necessary to observe a number mandatory conditions: properly prepare the soil, maintain light mode, humidity, transplant flower on time.

Since orchids have a very long stem, the pot must provide her reliable support. The soil consists of a mixture of components holding moisture, wood bark saturated with substrate minerals (vermiculite), land is added literally handful. The soil saves moisture for a long time, supplies the plant with minerals.

The pot must be an elongated form, not too wide, with large quantity holes. It can replace the usual plastic container, which is placed in decorative porridge. But the pot itself is desirable to have a transparent - this will allow to control the degree of moisturity of the soil, follow the development of the roots.

Capacity with the younger seedlings can not be put on the south window! Leaves will get sunburn. It is better to move it to the center of the room, put on the table or stand. But on the northern or eastern window orchid can be placed.

Temperature and watering

IN natural conditions Orchid managed to spread throughout the globe and feels great in different climatic zones, right up to the polar circle. But most varieties still come from warm countries: Australia, South America, Malaysia, Brazil. To better raise this gentle flower, you should find out which climatic zone He comes

The optimal temperature is considered to be 18-27 ° C in the day period, at night - up to 24 ° C. Ideally, in the dark, it is necessary to transfer the plant into a cooler room. This will allow him to develop faster. By the way, it perfectly tolerates small differences. temperature mode. Only in case of cooling it is necessary to reduce watering (and on the contrary).

there is original way glaze. The capacity of larger volume is taken, water with fertilizer is poured into it. Then the pot of orchid is immersed there. For 15 min. The soil must have a moisture to drink, after which the plant gets.

  • Like many other flowers, orchid badly tolerates direct sunlightShe needs scattered lighting.
  • There is no need to pour a pot, it can lead to irreversible consequences - fading. A slightly increase the amount of water during the occurrence of the growth phase. But after flowering and in winter, watering is reduced.

Feelable orchids need constantly - it is better to do this using specially created fertilizers. Dilute and apply them follows according to the instructions. Tight durable leaves, the gray-green color of the roots say that watering is not required yet. But if the container is small, the moisture will evaporate from it faster. Therefore, the frequency of irrigation is determined by the situation.

Reproduction and transplant

If the growth goes correctly, it comes to transplantation. Often it is not recommended to be held because it stressful situation For a gentle inhabitant pot. After changing the place of residence, the growth can be suspended. But once every 3 years do it necessary, best time - Spring. You will need a secateur, a new primer mixture. The tool should be disinfected to not be infected.

  • A pot follows a little in hand - so the rhizomes are easier separated from the walls. They should be cleaned from the old soil.
  • After careful inspection, remove insects, damaged areas of the root system, the lower leaves.
  • The flower must be dried several hours.
  • Before planting orchid in new potIt must be treated with an antiseptic. Growth point is left on the surface.
  • Tights too tightly not needed - the soil must be air.

Everyone who managed to achieve flowering from a young flower will want to make a few more. In order to grow orchid at home, there are several options.

Some species multiply the only way - side shoots, or bulbs. But the simplest method is division. Therefore, the beginners should choose the grade for which it suits. Width and shifting.

The processes are better to cut those that were closer to the ground - the plants that will appear from them will be stronger. On each separated piece, they leave 2-3 kidneys, no longer needed. Sections need to be treated with a crowned coal. Then the landing material is placed in a wooded boring or moss sphagnum (they must be pre-moistened). Caring for ordinary orchid. The first roots will appear in a month.

The division of the bush is multiplying at home only those specimens that have reached the age of several years and have enough strengthened. It is necessary necessary the presence of air roots, at least three, and better if there are also newly prominents. The sections are processed by crushed coal, then sear in new pots, the soil change. After some time, the flower will go into growth.

Rarely, but some species give extra shoots. Small processes appear slightly away from the main root. Escape is neatly removed after abundant irrigation, rest in a separate container. Grown as usual.

The cultivation of orchids from seeds at home is the task of impossible! Many novice flower trees are taken for it, but to no avail. It is much more reliable to plant cuttings or dividing the already induced plant. These are proven methods that many lovers are successfully used.

Starting only from one flower, you can gradually increase your collection. If the household conditions are favorable, the orchid will bloom for a long time and the reproduction will be successful.

They are divided into several species. Treatment is usually long and not always effective, so it is better to strictly observe all the requirements that the plant grow healthy.

Orchids captivate their own gentle beauty Many lovers. Many believe that their cultivation at home is only an experienced gardener, but it is not. If you hold the necessary events in time, following the rules, it will turn out to not only grow orchid and achieve its flowering, but also to propagate the plant.

Watching television transmissions about tropical flora, we are always surprised in the riot of paints and plants growing in those latitudes. Did you know that there are many plants from tropical latitudes that can be quite successful at home, and they will be happy to be happy than those on the TV screen? In order to prove it, take, for example, orchid, flower - which amazes with its originality and at the same time simplicity for growing.

Although they are considered to be capricious plants, many amateurs of flowers both professionals and lovers, grownes are growing on the windowsill Without any labor. For the successful cultivation of orchids at home, it is necessary to preparely preparely prepare well, and then everything will go through the "rolled" and will be simple and easy. It is necessary to prepare several things: soil, tanks for a flower, fertilizer. All this is in most flower shops in excess. You also need to explore information about watering, lighting, transplantation. Delight into details optional but general information You need to explore.

What should be the lighting

What always attracts us in any colors is, of course, bloom itself. So how to grow orchid at home, and even so that it blooms? For this you need a large number of Sveta. Moreover, the lighting here has a major role. The most important thing is to find it. golden middlebecause if the light will be too much flower just burns, In case of lack of light, the plant will not bloom at all. Immediately the question arises, and how to determine this golden middle. Here the flower will tell you himself. With a lack of light, the leaves will be dark green (should be blond), and if you move to the lighting, the leaves will begin shirt.

Features of watering plants

Along with lighting is important and watering. In nature, orchids never grow in water, their roots do not endure the overaffect of moisture and standing water, so with watering it is necessary to observe extreme caution. Factors affect the frequency of irrigation:

  • duration of the daylight;
  • the size of the container in which the plant is located;
  • watering and feeding;
  • others external factors, such as dry air and ambient temperature.

On the lack of moisture, the plant immediately reacts by dark green leaves, and on the convergence yellow leaves and disgusting roots.

The rapid watering is required only during rapid growth or flowering. Watering must be implemented as follows. It is necessary to pour the plant under the shower with warm water in such a way that the soil is completely wet, and the water has completely flowed through drainage holes. Only after the total water is complete, the plant can be put back to the cass.

Selection of soil and capacity

A lot is important to choose a pot for a favorable flower growth. Mainly used:

  • transparent plastic containers;
  • clay pots;
  • baskets.

Some types of orchids from the epiphyte family are planted on the block. A block of bark can be a block, and in order for the roots do not dry use moisture to hold moisture. The block is located mostly miniature species or seedlings.

Now consider the soil. The selection of the substrate depends on what kind of species you want to grow. If it is an orchid from the epiphyte family, then the soil will mainly fulfill the role of plant support in a vertical position, protect the roots from excess moisture and ensure them necessary quantity air. The substrate should be a substrate from pieces of wood bark, coal, corks, moss, clay in granules and absolutely without garden land, in general, from those components that do not delay moisture. Also possible adding sand of a large fraction.

As a flower pot will suit any container capable of keeping the substrate of the required composition. To grow ground species, we will need a substrate of the same composition as for epiphytes, but with the addition of a small amount of garden land and dried leaves. All components must be well crossed. As a pot, it is best to use plastic transparent containers with drainage. To hide the unescape of containers, you can always put a flower into a decorative porridge. It is beautiful, and practical.

For beginners, you can recommend buying ready-made soil in stores, and not to prepare it yourself. On the packages sometimes even write for what type of one or another substrate. After receiving a certain experience, you can try to prepare the soil for ground orchids independently from the soil for epiphytes, moss and garden land.

Optimal temperature for the plant

Most plants require daytime temperatures from +18 to +27 degreesAnd at night from +13 to +24 degrees. One of of most important conditions For flowering is the difference in night and daytime temperatures. For central heating Transfer of plants accustomed to heat, at night in a cooler place can lead to good results. Plant can let the floweros. Orchids prefer air humidity 60-80%.

If these indicators are lower, they can be achieved by placement under the pot pallet with grille. Such pallets can be purchased either in garden stores, or to make the water in bulk on the bottom and lay a large layer of gravel on top. The main thing is to ensure that the roots do not touch the water.

In arid weather, it will be useful to spray from the spray from the sprayer. It is only worth expecting the time so that the plant will dry up to the night. Plants very important and air movement. Especially for cooling species. To do this, you can use an electric fan. But it is worth protecting the plant from severe drafts. During the blowing of the plant it is worth increasing the frequency of watering the flower.

Selection of fertilizers

For abundant flowering Need regular, balanced feeding. It is best to do it every two weeks. Use best specialized fertilizers for orchids that can always be purchased in flower stores. Cooking rules are usually written on the packaging.

In no case cannot be used fertilizers that are intended for other plants. This can lead to illness or even the death of the flower. It is also worth remembering that during peace should cut the frequency of feeding. Sooner or later, the plant will need to transplant in a new pot. It is best to do this after the plant has shouted and dug a little. The signal of this is the green part of the plant overshadowed the pot. It is important to remember that you do not need to deal with a transplant if root system Just performed above the surface of the tank.

Not everyone is solved on the reproduction of orchids at home, as this is due to a number of difficulties. Multiply flower in two ways is division during transplantation and seeds. The reproduction of the seeds is considered impossible, since they require absolutely sterile conditions in the plant and for the extension, since even the slightest microbes are able to ruin them. Therefore, if you have no mini-laboratory at home, you should not try. The division of division is also difficult, but still quite real. And if a new plant develops a system of roots and leaves, then in a year will delight you with flowers and will become an excellent decoration of your home.

21 jan. 2016

Now at the peak of popularity. These flowers are often presented as a gift as a symbol of love and beauty. Correct caring for orchids Guarantees the annual beautiful bloom of these exotic plants.

Many believe that orchids are possible to grow only in Oranges, where they are created for them. special conditions. However, there are existence unpretentious species Orchids adapted for cultivation at home, and based on their basis a large number of varieties and hybrids of orchids with a variety of coloring flowers. A few years ago among indoor plants Orchids were rare, now, on sale is presented huge range These exotic colors. The most sought-after are hybrid phalaenopsis, pafioediliums, dendrobium orchids, Cymbidium, Cattleya and others. Each view has its own individual external features, growth features, content requirements, but there are general orchid care rules at home.

There are only about 30 thousand types of orchids, which are divided by about 800 families. The orchid family is one of the most numerous in the vegetable world.

Orchid flowers have common features. The exotic type of orchid flower consists of three outer petals, they are called sepals, they are like a cup of bouts. Three inner petals are called the Falillies, of which the middle petal is sometimes different in shape, size and painting, it looks like a lip. In the center of the flower there is a column with anthers and strokes. Birds and insects in search of nectar get to the central part of the flower, pollen sticks to them, so it spreads from the flower to the flower.

Orchids are growing at various points globe. The habitats of these plants differ not only on climatic parameters, also in a lifestyle. There are orchids growing on Earth, they are also called ground. Epiphytic orchids grow on trees, old stumps, snags. Lithophyte orchids settle on the rocks, in the crevices of stones. Tropical orchids are mainly epiphyts. In the tropics add up the most favorable conditions For the development of orchids, therefore, most beautiful exotic colors grow there.

In addition to the place of growing and habitat, orchids differ in the form of growth on sympodial and monopodial. Orchids with sympodial growth have a sprawling rhizome or rize. The rize is also called the stem horizontally growing on the ground, from which new vertical shoots depart. The new escape, as a rule, is formed at the base of the previous one, replacing it with time. In the base of shoots, pseudobulbs are formed, in which the stock of moisture accumulates and nutrients. The presence of pseudobulb says that these orchids in natural conditions Adapted to drought periods, and the overjoyment for them is detrimental.

At sympodial orchids, the flowers is formed from the top of the escape - the point of growth, and for the new flowering starts to develop new escape. Simply orchids include: Cattleya, Cymbidium, Dendrobium, Miltononium, Odontoglosum, Ontcil, Pafiopedylum.

Orchids with a monopodial structure grow only upwards, their single stem is lengthened every year. In nature, the length of such orchids can reach several meters. The leaves on the stem are located in the opposite. Flowerines are formed between leaves. Also on the stem are formed air rootsWith their help, the stem orchid is attached to the tree trunk or another support, continuing to grow as a bald plant. Some orchids with monopodial growth stem is very shortened, and their leaves seem to be collected in a socket, they are not high - it is phalaenopsis and shoes.

If an orchid appeared in your house, first of all carefully inspect it, determine the structure, find out the name of the plant and collect information on the content and care at home. Depending on the habitat conditions in nature, the orchid needs to provide appropriate lighting, temperature regime, watering and nutrition.

Lighting. Orchids as all plants need light. Different types Orchids require different amounts of light. Most of the types of orchids prefer a bright scattered natural light with a duration of at least 6 hours a day. Epiphytic orchids that grow in forests on trees branches are closer to sunlight than those growing on Earth.

A sign of lack of lighting from orchid are dark green leaves. With a shortage of light, orchid ceases to grow and does not bloom.

The best location in the apartment for orchid is the windowsill window in the eastern direction. On the northern lighting window, the flower will not be enough, and on the windows with the Western and southern direction after lunch becomes too hot. Should be preserved orchids from direct sun rayThey can leave burns. To protect against the Sun, the flower is placed at some distance from the window for translucent tulle.

If you plan to grow orchids at home only with artificial lighting, then the lamps for plants must be included on 14-16 hours per day.

There are orchids that do not require bright lighting, they can grow and blossom in the depths of the room. In nature, these types of orchids grow in rainforests on Earth, where the crowns of trees shadow almost completely sunlight, they include all types of shoes and phalaenopsis.

Temperature mode Orchid content at home also depends on climatic conditions Places of its origin. Orchids from the rainforest of thermal-loving, the temperature is favorable + 20 ... + 25 0 s, in winter it should not decrease during the day not lower than +18 0 s, at night not lower than +16 0 S. Orchid native from mountain areas in the tropics love moderate heat in the summer Within + 18 ... + 20 0 s and winter + 15 ... + 18 0 s, the temperature of their content should not fall below +10 0 S. Orchid, loving coolness, grow in subtropics and high-mountainous areas of the tropics, in the summer for them are favorable the temperature of the day + 18 ... + 20 0 s, and at night I need coolness to + 10 ... + 16 0 s, so in summer time They will be better feeling outdoors. In winter, orchids from subtropics must be kept in a cool place at a temperature of + 8 ... + 12 0 s, but not lower than +5 0 C.

All orchids do not like heat and do not tolerate the temperature above + 30 ... + 32 0 C. With increasing air temperature above +25 0 C It is necessary to increase air humidity.

Orchids love fresh airTherefore, more often ventilate the room, but take care of the plants from draft.

Air humidity For orchids, 40-60% is sufficient, these are ordinary summer indicators. But in the winter in the apartments, the humidity of the air decreases to 20-30%, at this time it increases it, installing a pallet with a damp pebble next to plants, and the leaves spray and wipe the wet sponge.

Correct irrigation orchid - The key to its healthy development. In nature, the rainwater is soft, saturated with oxygen and nitrogen, fully provides plants in moisture. Water water From under the tap is not suitable for irrigation orchids, as it contains a large number of salts and chlorine. Before watering the water, it is necessary to defend at least a day in the package, during which the salt will fall, and chlorine to evaporate.

Watering orchids are better slightly warm water, abundantly, but rarely. The roots and the substrate between irrigation must completely die. In order for moisture completely impregnated with a light substrate, water the plant several times, while the excess water must flow from the pot and deleted. You can water orchids by immersing the pot into the tank with water, after putting the pot into the sink to remove excess water.

In the summer, the temperature is higher and more light, for growth plants require more moisture, during this period, it is raising more often, about 3-4 days. In winter, with a cool content and low illumination, orchids are enough of one watering a week.

Feeding. Orchids do not need a lot of food, excess fertilizers are harmful to them, so in the spring and summer during the period of growth just every two weeks to breed in water for watering the minimum rate of comprehensive fertilizer. It is better to use a special fertilizer for orchids, where the complex of the necessary nutrients for these colors is balanced.

The fabulous beauty of Orchid, as if the princess is demanding about the care and conditions of growth. Deciding to plant at home this capricious flowerMany nuances should be taken into account. However, you will understand that the efforts were not in vain, when as a result of care beautiful flower With a subtle aroma.

What variety of orchid is suitable for growing at home?

In total, there are about 20,000 orchid varieties in the world. You can not call this beauty, since in the conditions of our climate you can try to breed about a dozen species, and everyone else will be able to survive except in the oranges.

  • Phalaenopsis- optimal variety for homemade cultivationSince the flower is the most incredible color and remains long in the flowering process.

If you decide to try other orchid varieties, pay attention to such options:

  • The dendrobium blooms about a month and requires relative coolness.
  • Cattleya prefers heat, but not heat. Her flowers in diameter can reach about 20 cm.

  • Zigopetalum - flower with fragrant beautiful inflorescences 2-3 shades. It does not endure scorching sunlight.
  • Wanda is distinguished by a reinforced root system, loves shadow. The inflorescences are large, and in the process of increasing the size, they are becoming brighter.

All these types of orchids are a bit "harder" phalaenopsis, so newcomers are better to practice exactly

Important! The cultivation of orchid at home is best to start with the rooting of the cutting. Plant seeds are so small that it seems to be reminiscent of whites dust. The reproduction of orchids by seed method-complex technology, and is used mainly to eliminate new hybrids in the oranges. That is why, if you are interested in how to propagate orchid with a maximum effect, we advise you to use high-quality cuttings, purchased from proven flowerflowers or nurseries.

How to prepare the soil for orchid

The main task of soil - support the plant in a strictly vertical position, ensure the access of oxygen roots and remove excessive moisture.

Important! In excessively wet soil roots die!

In the ground, it is necessary to preserve a large number of emptiness, so it is impossible to consider the land as a substrate - it is very dense. Novice flowes are better to buy a soil in a garden store, and those who have patience and time, we offer recipes for the preparation of soil alone:

  • pine bark (for large plants its fraction is 6-9 mm, for small - 3-6);
  • peat + Fern + Sheet Land + Charcoal + Bark Pine (3/3/2/1/1);
  • pine cortex + charcoal woody (10/1).

Important! Before cooking pine Corre. It is necessary to dry well so that the substrate does not form a fungus.

Extruding orchids in different containers

When you prepared soil, you need to decide on the fit for landing and directly with planting material. The cutting should be fresh, without visible diseases, not faded. To your attention the rules for disembarking a cutter, taking into account the selected capacity:

  • Pots for orchids are most popular among experienced gardeners. Put 1/3 part of the drainage tank. It can be pieces of bricks, shards, crumbs of foam. Install the wire mesh and peg, which will subsequently serve as a flower support. Place the cuttings from above. Fall asleep so that the skeleton remains over the soil.

  • Basket. Place the wire mesh on the bottom, and decompose the roots on the surface. Throw the substrate from above to the desired mark.

  • Block. For normal humidity The flower requires a substrate of their moss. Carefully attach the flower to the block, cover the roots on top of moss. Fasten the cuttings on a block of a fishing line, kapron thread or wire.

Watering orchids a few days after disembarking is not recommended. Care at home for orchid will determine the further condition and viability of the plant.

How to create conditions for the growth of orchid

Depending on how to care for orchids will depend, the plant will take place or not.

  • Lighting. Home orchid Prefers halftime. If the pot stands on the windowsill, then closer to noon, it is better to remove it from there. When time starts autumn blossom, It is necessary to provide a pot additional sources of light so that the boutons do not dry, but managed to reveal. In winter, the pot must remain illuminated at least about 12 hours.

  • Temperature. Orchid at home is easier to move the temperature increase than its decrease. Range optimal temperature ranges in the range + 28 + 30 ° C.

Important! To stimulate the flowering process, you can hold the plant at a temperature of +12 + 15 for about a week.

  • Humidity. 60-80% - optimal levels of humidity when caring for room beauty. If the indicators are much lower, then provide for it the pallet with a lattice, the water is poured into the inside and the drainage layer is poured. The design is placed under the pot, moisture evaporates and moisturizes the plant.

  • Ventilation. Flowers love constant air movement, but do not tolerate drafts.
  • If you are worried about how to water orchid when you are left behind, you should not worry. The plant can do without water up to 2 weeks. Root system indicator Moisture level in the pot. Green color Speaker roots speak of normal humidity, and brown - about excessive moisture. Water the flower of sparkling room temperature. Try to eliminate moisture from entering the leaves not to infect from rotches. In summer, it is possible to make an exception and spray a foliage from the spray. During the premises, the pot in a cooler room, cut the watering to a minimum.

  • Orchid roots require fertilizer. Remember that immediately after disembarking or transplanting two weeks to make feeding it is impossible. Fertilize the plant during active growth. Such suitable liquid meanslike "Mr. color- orchid"," Dr. Foli "or" Bon Forte ".

This is done like this:

  1. Remove the plant from the pot.
  2. Carefully release the roots from the remnants of the soil, and if you clean it does not leave, then place the roots of warm water for 30 minutes - the remains will wash. Check if there are dead sections, cut them out so as not to brake growth.
  3. Sections of sections Curlinate with green and cinnamon wand.
  4. Prepare a pot of larger diameter.
  5. Upon completion of drying, the orchid transplant is made according to the same scheme as the initial landing.

The main thing in transplant is not to damage the roots. The first months after changing the pot of the plant will require additional care for the stalk and shelter by polyethylene to create a greenhouse effect.

Important! For proper care Before the base of the stem appear processes. Orchid reproduction can be made by their accurate compartment.

From which pests need to protect orchid

The most dangerous for the flower:

  • Shielder. As you can see in the photo, it little insectFed fodder and forming destructive mucus. Signs of infection with dark spots on the leaves. You can get rid of: change the ground, remove the pests, spray with special safety and periodically rinse with water sheets.

  • . A small, fluffy insect amazes a plant, and his leaves fall. Remove the insect and make disinfection.

  • Bellenka. The larvae suck juice. Rinse the plant with a solution of economic soap (1: 6) and make a disinfection of the pot.

  • Antraznno-brown spots that grow with time may appear from abundant humidity. Cull damaged sheets, and cutting out the cutting seas. It is worth purchasing a medicine in the store and handle the sheets.

  • Puffy Rosa-whiten flaw, leading to a drying of the affected area. The cause of the occurrence increased temperature Or humidity. Treatment - spray the entire area with a solution of colloidal sulfur, pre-thoroughly watering the ground.

It is worth attaching a little effort, and luxurious flower Will please you for many years.

Video: how to transplant orchid

OrchidsTropical exotic plantsThe right is considered one of the most diverse and delightful colors. In our house they got not so long ago - just a couple of dozen years ago, this culture was incredible rarity. But for short term These were so popular among Russian women that today they can be found, perhaps on every third windowsill.

And this is not surprising, because the orchid flowers do not leave anyone indifferent. They are striking with their fabulous beauty and rainbow spectrum of paints, forcing people to fold the wonderful about this amazing plant.

How not only grow and care for orchids on your windowsill, but also multiply They will find out by reading this article.

Orchid description

Plants with such titles are highlighted by botany in a separate family called orchid, orchids or yatryshnikovy. Orchids are quite ancient plants, they appeared in the lateral era of about 130 million years ago. Name " orchid"Has a Greek origin means" testicle»Mammal - such a form has the rhizome of this plant. In the family of orchids there are 5 submenses in which about 24 thousand species of plants are included. Of these, more than 3.5 thousand are included in the subfamily of orchid. It is they who are known to people who are not in the subtleties of botany as " orchids».

Look how beautiful these flowers are!

Orchids relate to sparrier, perennial, herbatous plants. They can grow, depending on the species, both from the Earth, and clutching towards other plants. Those who live on other plants are divided into two categories - epiphytic ( most of) and saprofit.

Orchid reproduction

In conditions home dilution It is possible to multiply orchid only two vegetative ways - the division of the bush and with the help of stroke siblings.

Reproduction of the division of the bush

This procedure is most convenient to do. during plants transplantation. After removing the orchid from the pot with clean scissors or a secaterator, cut the rhizome to pieces (decene), and at least 2-3 young pseudobulb should be in each of them. The old pseudobulb should be placed in the moss and wait until the apparent kidneys will develop in it. Dellets with young pseudobulbs should be planted using the technology described in the section.

In case you have gathered to multiply monopodial orchid, cut up the top, the young part of the stem with a small number of air roots. Then the old plant should be placed in a darkened place and often moisturize. Orchid should be kept in such conditions while the kidneys will not appear on her appropriate stem, and the side shoots with their own roots will not sprout. Here they are, subsequently, and sear.

Reproduction with siblous siblings

Reproduction in this way is possible only subject to a number of conditions:

  • it must be orchid with a black pseudobulby,
  • on pseudobulb or flowers (in the case of Phalaenopsis orchids) from the pressing kidney should be formed children,
  • young roots should be formed on side shoots (kids).

These shoots with their roots, which will be able to provide a normal nutritional level with a young plant, can be searched in the usual way.

How to make bloom orchid

Orchid blossoms begin at the age of a half - two years. Subject to the normal temperature regime and regular highlighting winter time Orchid must start the process of forming color kidneys in time. But sometimes, despite all your efforts and patience, the culture does not give flowers. To stimulate this process, experienced flower flows are subject to a plant. stressful situation:

  1. for 2 weeks lower the room temperature in which orchid is located, up to +16 degrees,
  2. the amount of irrigation is sharply reduced.

After that, your orchid will surely bloom and will please you with great colors enough for a long time - from 2 to 8 months. It will be not bad if you provide a support for a color, tied it to a stick or wire. All this time, it is necessary to fill snack buds and increase the amount of irrigation. When orchid wonders, cut the old dried flower on 2 cm above the top sleeping kidney, which forms lateral shoots. After flowering, the plant needs rest and feeding.

Falker Orchids

If you keep orchid in ideal conditions And change the substrate every two years, then this culture does not need this culture. But in the apartment such conditions is practically impossible. Therefore, as soon as the growth period comes, orchid follows once a week to feed diluted mineral fertilizers. In stores you can choose a suitable finished product.

The only nuance is buying a drug intended for room Orchids, but not universal tool For home plants. Use the drug according to the instructions on the package. Strictly follow the dosage. Before the fertilizer, the plant should be properly moistened.

At a time when the flower gives new sprouts, use a drug with a large content of nitrogen, and at the end of the growth period, use potash-phosphoric fertilizer.

Plants grown in block culture fueled by nitrogen fertilizer.

In order to prevent the nutrient substrate with mineral fertilizers with mineral fertilizers, it takes it from time to time to flush the entire period of feeding.

It is important to know: during peace, orchid does not fertilize.

Pest and Orchid Diseases

Most common cause of disease Orchids is violations in agrotechnology when the content of this room culture, or the use of non-sterile tools. Your orchid has obvious problems when:

On how not to be confused in the species diversity and correctly pick up the orchid variety for growing at home, you can read in. About legends, myths associated with this amazing plant can.

We recommend to read
