Trimming new shoots in roses. Proper trimming of garden roses

Engineering systems 03.06.2019
Engineering systems

Pink bushes, like most garden-park crops, need haircut and care. Before cropping roses after flowering, you need to determine their class affiliation. In total, there are over 30 groups, characterized by a bush and flower, shape and color of petals. Not all of them are leaving for dumart sites Due to the capricious ingredients, abundance of spikes or minimal winter hardiness.

Culture of care for decorative plants It is rooted in a centuries-old history. For example, the first mention of the crown-forming trim is found in the Persian scrolls of the achemenide dynasty. The Governor of TEISP, which fed the weakness to roses, was sent by the famous collector of these colors. In the royal gardens there were more than 25 species pink bushes, Caring for which was instructed to several gardeners. Among other duties, the servants were required to cut buds for tsarist Palace, follow the cleanliness and freshness of the bushes.

In the household gardens most often found:

  1. Tea-hybrid roses having solitary buds, tree crown and rowing rod type, in conditions middle strip Start blooming at the end of June, buds continue to form until the first frost.
  2. Pleets with elongated escapes, externally resembling lianas. Classified by the parameters of a bud on large-flowered and small beds.
  3. Floribund - bushes roses whose buds are collected in lush inflorescences.

Whatever the option was selected for the garden, only the correctly cropped plant will delight an attractive exterior, lush fragrance throughout the season.

Floribunda variety

Modern gardeners are known various types of trimming. Each of them corresponds to the class of plants, its age, the time of year. Regular cleaning is necessary for:

  • maintaining the hygiene of the bush - removing patients of shoots to light wood;
  • ensuring the aeration of the crown - cleaning from the internal branches, side offspring;
  • rejuvenation of the plant - the removal of skeletal branches and dried stems;
  • crane formation to maintain decorativeness.

There are several degrees of trimming:

Tea-hybrid strengths on a strong or moderate technology.

Floribunda is suitable for combined trimming. Part of the branches are shortened to 5-7 kidneys, which provides early blossom Shrub. The remaining shoots are cut to 3-4 kidneys to slow down growth, transfer bootonization to a later date. This technique allows you to increase the duration of flowering twice.

Pleet representatives poorly tolerate frequent haircut. For this class of plants, it is carried out an annual chipboard to 8-12 kidneys and a strong trimming of 1 time in 3-4 years. At the same time, the bush is brushing from the branches of the branches.

It should be noted that the sworded buds in roses must be collected and disposed. The material left in close proximity to the shrub is a natural pathogenic microflora, the reason for the appearance of fungal diseases in the garden.

How to trim the bushes after the first bloom wave, told in the video.

Types of trimming of garden roses

In the spring, summer and autumn, the rosary needs careful and regular care. There are several trimming options:

  • forming - giving an aesthetic form;
  • supporting - trimming of a young row to avoid congument of the crown;
  • sanitary - cleaning against affected and sick branches, leaves;
  • stimulating - removal of part of the escape to stimulate growth and development;
  • rejuvenating - removal of part of the crown for the appearance of new shoots.

In the spring plant needs sanitary and rejuvenating cleaning. Rejuvenating is carried out in order to stimulate the growth and development of fresh frightening on an aging plant. Sanitary - for the purpose of improving the bush. Often these trimming are combined in one procedure. After stripping the crowns from the frozen, old, damaged and deformed branches, the rose is actively increasing the green mass. The result becomes elegant foliage in May, enlarged buds in June, abundant bloom in July and August.

It is necessary to carry out this procedure annually, starting from 3 years of life of the plant. The optimal time is the beginning of March, while in the branches did not activate the processes of Sokward. In the spring for beginner gardeners, it is important to learn how to determine the degree of damage to the bush until the swelling swelling. The branches killed by frosts are distinguished by increased fragility, blackened "eyes."

Cut down at an angle, leaving 0.5-1 cm from the kidney

  1. The gardener selects skeletal branches that will become the base of the crown.
  2. Patients and deformed shoots are removed using a garden tool. The frozen and dried trunks are spilled under the root. Branches cut under sharp angle Using a secaterator. The sections of the sections are wiping with a solution of manganese and wipe the agricultural ribbon.
  3. The remaining branches are shortened in accordance with the class of roses. The oblique cut is carried out at a sharp angle by 0.5-1 cm above the last kidney. At the same time, the kidney itself should look outside in order to avoid deformation in the process of growth and development of the pores. This measure allows minimizing the concentration of the crown.
  4. With stimulating trimming on strong shoots, it is left from 5 to 8 kidneys, on weak - not more than 3.

If several branches have grown out of one kidney, then leave one very strong one. The rest shall not be waiting for their further growth. Education 3-5 kidney processes occurs after a haircut in a cold protracted spring.

Is the shut-down buds cut off?

Beginners of gardeners are often interested, whether the garden roses are needed after the first flowering. It is better not to do this on young bushes, as the plant should at least once go through the vegetative period completely: from the swelling of the kidneys before the aging of seeds. It increases the immune forces of the plant.

In the future, the summer trim includes the removal of flashing buds. Scrolls are made above the top five hundred from the flower brush. If it is a single flower, then cut under 7-8 sheet. This technology Suitable for bushes blooming in the first half of summer. On the location of the cut, young siblings will be scorn, which by the end of the season will have time to grow and bring new buds.

In the second half of the summer, the sworded roses are not cut, as the piglet from the perennial will not have time to grow to autumn. IN winter Such shoots are frozen and dying, harmful to the entire Kuste. Gardeners are chosen from the crown of faded buds and leaves without affecting the branches.

Removal of wild rose from garden roses

Side shoots below "Vaccinations" are wild and especially dangerous for hybrid roses. Their growing can lead to the degeneration of the bush. In this regard, gardeners carefully monitor their appearance and immediately remove. Otherwise, they will completely linger the cultural variety. You can find out wild shoots in a light green narrow foliage, an abundance of small spikes. If doubt arises, then the basis of the process. Making sure that he originates below the vaccination, delete. It is impossible to leave the cut, as this will lead to further growth of the stroke.

Rose classes

Trimming roses after flowering is universal for all varieties of this culture. Spring-autumn work technology varies.

  • Tea-hybrid and floribund

6-7 most developed trunks are selected for the crown. The rest are removed under the root. Sections of sections are poured by the Vary to avoid the appearance of the boil. Throwing shoots on these shrubs are cut into 1/3 due to the high annual growth. The cut is carried out at the level of 5 mm above the last kidney, located outside. This measure allows you to protect roses from freezing, even at temperatures from -35 ° C.

Collect the blurred buds with them in the summer. In the fall, the plant is not cut and clean. The increasing shoots are removed from the racks, gently laid in the well until winter. In March, the Liana is unleashed, remove the lower threshold, thin the crown from weak side shoots. The scaffolding is shortened to 8-12 kidneys. Scrolls are carried out at the level of 0.5-1 cm above the last kidney. The procedure exercises the process of growth and bootonization.

Every 5-7 years, the plenty roses cut up to 50 cm from the ground.

  • Stumbling Roses

Stack - type of crown in which the plant has only one barrel. In the form, stramb roses imitate small trees. The haircut is organized taking into account the varietal features of the bush. Most often, no more than 3 kidneys are left on the colorless shoots, the crown itself is thinned from branches and foliage growing.

Video about the rules for the formation of a strambered rose: what can and can not.

Do you need autumn haircut?

When preparing plants for the winter also spend the haircut of bushes. The optimal time is the first frosts, thanks to which roses stop producing kidneys. In the fall from the shrub, all the unseen shoots are cleaned (they can be used as planting material) And the leaves are shocked for coloring branches. Autumn and spring cleaning can be alternating.

With competent organized work Roses will bloom earlier, every year will look luxuriously, admiring their gardener and guests.

During the year, roses have to trim in spring, summer and autumn. Each such pruning has strictly defined goals. How to trim the plants in different time Years, you will learn looking at our videos.

For trimming, you will need: a sharp secateur, garden hacksaw (when trimming thick shoots), garden variety for protection of sections from infection and to protect the hands thick, dense gloves.

Brushing Roses Spring Video Lessons

Spring trimming is the main one, it should be carried out every year. For different varieties, trimming technique can differ significantly. After removing the shelter, the sanitary trimming is carried out, cutting out all the dry and frozen shoots, leaving only alive, green. The main trimming is carried out when the kidneys will be processed, in the form of the video it is described in detail and show how to do it.

Spring trimming video:

Stumbling roses. With spring trim, try to make the crown compact. In plants with drooping shoots carry out the crowns, the rest of the varieties have short-range shoots at 15 - 20 cm. Remember the main rule: cuts should be done over the kidney which looks out, and not in the middle of the bush, whatever young, growing shoots grew to the parties , not in the center of the plant

How to trim in the spring Stambling Roses:

Roses Floribunda. With weak spring trimming Floribuda flowering comes early, and with a strong can linger until August or even until September, and the shoots will be strongly elongated. Therefore, the roses of this group should be cropped moderately, on 4 - 6 eyes, it will contribute good development Escapes and provide abundant summer flowering.

English roses are recommended to trim until the kidneys is dissolved. Late and severe trimming will move the flowering period as well as Floribunda. Fully remove all weak, thin shoots, they still do not bloom, but they will only shade the bush. Also old, weighing the branches are also removed, so that to give the opportunity to grow young shoots.

Spring Roses Spring Rules and Floribund Videos:

Soil roses No systematic forming trimming is required. For most varieties, it is quite possible to remove only dry, damaged branches and sometimes carry out lightweight bushes.

Need to cut soil roses:

Trimming roses in summer after flowering video lesson

Summer trim is primarily the removal of flowing flowers, as well as blind, weak, growing inside the bush of escapes. Everywhere meets the same error: only one flower is removed, and the stem does not touch. In this case, repeated bloom occurs very not soon or does not occur at all.

When the rose in the summer begins to fond, it is necessary to cut the flower with a part of the stem. Immediately under the flower, the leaves consist of three leaves, and a little lower than the five-hundredths. That here, cut on half a centimeter above the sheet consisting of five sheet plates. For proper formation A bush cut the escape over the kidney located on the outside.

On the bushes sometimes there are blind shoots, shoots on which there are no buds, they are also subject to chosen. These are the basic rules of summer trimming roses.

Summer trimming roses after flowering:

Autumn trimming roses for winter video lessons

Autumn trimming roses are not particularly needed. In the fall, the bushes are cut mainly in order to be more convenient to cover them for the winter. Must be removed only not caused, young shoots. It is advisable to crop all the leaves, they can also serve as a source of infection.

Trimming roses in autumn:

Pleet roses Flowers on the shoots of the previous year, so these shoots must be kept in the winter. Autumn trimming plenty roses It comes down to thinning and removing branches of interfering shelter. The main trimming will be carried out in the spring.

Autumn trimming of plenty roses video:

Listen to the opinion of the expert about the need for autumn trimming:

To avoid the spread of disease, all remote branches must be burned. It follows only a clean, sharp tool. The blade of the secret should do a clean, smooth cut, and not to crush the escape. Sections of sections Do not forget to smear the garden warrior.

What can be more beautiful blooming roses. In each garden, a small, spacious - roses create an atmosphere of romanticity, fabulous and restrained luxury. Spectacular roses look at the flowerbed, and in separate landings.

But that Roses are luxuriously bloomed and pleased with the eye, you need to take care of them. One of the main aspects of the care of these beauties is the correct trimming, and it should be carried out regularly and professionally.

Cutting roses, determine the number of young shoots, therefore, create conditions for the formation large number Young shoots.

We also send the power of the plant on its development, affecting lush flowering And we extend the duration of life. Therefore, the correct trimming of roses is very important. Rose trim - not a complicated procedure, however different groups Require a specific approach.

Rose trimmer period

Suitable time for trimming roses is spring. Formal blossom can tell you when it is necessary to take for a secateur. Almost only forssee will cover with golden flowers, and at the bottom of the bushes of roses will begin to swell the kidney, then you can proceed to pruning. Somewhere in late April.

If cropped roses before, during freezing, cropped shoots freeze. Then the lush flowering rose will come later. If you stay with trimming, Rose will spend your strength on the growth of new foliage and shoots. As a result, the plant will be weak, and the flowering is not lush.

Wild shoots that often arise below vaccinations, break. To do this, you need to expose the root neck and cut it off at the base.

With a summer trimming of roses, it is necessary to remove the sworded flowers, thus providing, re-blossom. In the fall, it is necessary to cropped the rose bushes, remove the branches affected by fungi.

But the main trimming of roses is carried out, as noted earlier, in the spring, when it can be seen which branches did not fall, and on what kind of swollen kidneys are visible.

Basic rules trimming roses

First of all, when trimming roses should be taken into account, on what shoots the plant forms flowers: on last year's or on the shoots of this year. Next, you should clearly know what you want from this trimming: early and abundant flowering, or a certain shape of the bush.

Exist general rulesyou need to perform.

It is necessary to work with an acutely sharpened tool (garden knife, a secateur, a drink) so as not to make torn slices. The tool needs to clean and disinfect.

It is necessary to wash it in boiling water, and the blade to handle disinfectant, For example, alcohol. Because with each incision, the pathogens of different diseases stick to the garden tool and may be transferred to other plants.

Old shoots from the young are distinguished by the colorful bark.

It is necessary to remove all old, weak, sick, dead, and growing inward shoots.

Roses are trimmed over the kidney. The kidneys - the root of shoots that are formed in the sinuses of the leaves. At old branches are sleeping kidneys, waking up immediately after trimming.

Trimming of species bush roses

White roses do not need constant trimming. Species roses form flowers on the shoots of last year's years, so last year's branches are needed for lush flowering.

Every few years remove the oldest shoots to rejuvenate the bush. Trim shoots need to have the earth to stimulate the growth of young shoots. Pruning the old shoots in the top of the bush will lead to the latter. If the bush roses do not cut down, then the bushes are premature.

Pruning of soil rose

These roses are not cut. Remove the frozen, broken shoots. To rejuvenate the bush, it is necessary to carry out a radical trimming 5 years after landing.

Trimming tea-hybrid roses and roses Floribunda

This group is combined by the most noble roses, for them the spring trimming is vital. Due to the spring trimming, roses are developing floral shoots, and they begin to bloom in the same year.

The thickness of rose trim depends on the growth strength of certain varieties. We have 4 kidneys on the major shoots, and there are 7 kidneys from heavy-sighted roses. The stronger the trimming of roses Floribunda, the more there will be a new blooming increase.

Therefore, we need to shove the shoots to shorten the shoots strongly to grow new. For miniature roses, crop shoots can be up to 10 cm, leaving the upper kidney.

Before trimming, it is necessary to remove the hill of the Earth, which in the winter protected the vaccination location. Remove also old branches.

Trimming bush roses

British roses are cut on 1/3 of length. W. bush roses There must be a smooth combination of annuals, two-year, as well as perennial shoots.

Trimming re-flowering plenty roses

Very beautiful re- flowering roses Require an annual trimming. Remove shoots that are growing not in the direction. To stimulate the lush blossom of roses, the side shoots are shortened. To rejuvenate, the old copies of roses completely remove shoots that are over 6 years old.

How to Crop Single Flowering Pleet Roses

These roses include rabbers. They grow very quickly, the shoots of these roses grow up to 10 meters. With such sizes, it is very difficult to carry out. As a rule, in trimming these roses do not need.

Pruning the plenty of roses is carried out in the summer, immediately after flowering. The sworded shoots are shortened by 20 cm.

How to trim strambet roses

These roses are grafted on the stack. The purpose of the trimming of stumbling roses is to give the crown a beautiful neat appearance. To achieve this, the bush is cut into 3 kidneys and remove the shooting growing inside.

For roses on medium, as well as high strains, pruning is carried out depending on the garden group and grafted variety. Cascade and drooping strambl roses are slightly thinned. Also remove the pigstream that grows from the roots.

Flowers often argue about the consistency of the color of the color located near the flowers, including roses. Some believe that such an orange rose, like Domstadt Fulda, should not be planted near the dazzling-pink rose type Electron. Everything is not so unambiguous, because they will face blossom only once per season. After the wave of the abundance spring blossom They will go different repetition cycles (from 28 to 60 days).

It is useful to know that, the fewer the petals in the rose flower and in short, their bloom, the faster they bloom again.

The rose with a single flower on the stem will bloom again before the inflorescences forms. In fact, when some roses with single flowers are suitable for the third cycle, the rose with inflorescences blooms only a second time. Whether to plant a rose with flowers of sharp-contrast paint, depends on the choice of rosework - sustainable criteria simply does not exist.

For different regions Time when you need to cut roses, ambiguously. In purchased B. flower shop Rose is usually from 30 to 40 petals. It is with such a number of petals in a flower the most balanced form that is easily saved for a long time. Of course, beautiful in cutting and roses with a small number of petals.
It is only important to observe the rule: the smaller the roses of the petals, the earlier it must be cut off. When cutting roses of different varieties:

  • Neahn roses such as Sally Holmes, you need to cut as soon as the sewers open.
  • Tea-hybrid roses are recommended to cut when the bud flashed one third.
  • Gustomahve Roses () It is better to give time to blossom on the bush. Austin is now engaged in the removal of special section varieties of roses. Every year, very terry roses are increasingly used in the preparation of wedding bouquets and flower compositions.

Having arranged a flowerub with roses intended for cutting, it is important to take care of the preservation of plants. It is impossible to deprive the rose most of the foliage - it inflicts her potentially irreparable damage.

When to cut roses

Wise flower flowers are never cut at one time more than a third of the flowers blossoming on the bush. To get especially large flowers On a tea-hybrid rose, you need to break all the side kidneys formed around the top kidney PA each of the stems. While the kidneys are small, they can easily pinp off their fingers. Using the secateurs for this delicate procedure, it is easy to damage the flower.

Cut roses should be early in the morning or closer to the evening, it is done so that the roses cut off for a long time. At this time, the content of sugars and water in the flowers is maximum, so roses are not raised longer. The stem from the bush is cut by a sharp secateur, then the stem is cut off again under water so that air bubbles do not rise up, accelerating, thereby fading the flower. Sutting the stalks of the desired length, it is impossible to deprive the bush more than half of the foliage, because the longer cut stem, the more time and strength will need a rose to produce new flower. The incision created immediately over the eye, converted outwards, allows you to save the shape of the bush.

Cut rose flower is great and without a stem, if you put it in a bowl with water. For a single flower, a transparent glass or crystal vessel with a diameter of about 15 cm is suitable. In a vessel bigger size There are several different flowers selected largest and color.

How to save a rose if it is long-distance?

First, immerse the stem to the flower in the water with a temperature of about + 40 ° C, and then you need to withstand several hours in a cool place at a temperature of about + 10 ° C. Roses cut in advance for a special event or celebration, stored in a dark cool place. So that the rose remains fresh in the refrigerator, it is placed in the plastic bag, and the roses must be put on there, as spottedness will appear on wet flowers. It is important to take into account that apples are isolated gas from which roses are faster dissolved, so it is not recommended to keep them together in the refrigerator. Most roses are stored in the refrigerator for three days with a slight loss of density petals.

Preparations that contribute to the preservation of freshness of cut colors are useful for roses; A small amount of sugar and aspirin also act well. A 1 liter of water requires approximately 1 teaspoon of sugar and 1 aspirin tablet.

It is advisable to change water in the vessel every day and trim the stalks under water, which significantly prolongs the life of any cut colors, including roses.

Constituting the bouquets of roses, you can emphasize their magnificence good combination with other flowers. Air gypsophila with small gentle light flowers is let off the perfect form of tea-hybrid roses. Slender delphinium inflorescences, especially blue and lilac color, look very impressive along with deep shades. A bright green elegant asparagus is suitable for the arrangement of column roses, which focuses on their huge dazzling flowers.

The captivating beauty of miniature roses, most of which are deprived of the flavor, will strengthen the fragrance of a modest lavender added to the bouquet. In short, all the most interesting bouquets are obtained from correctly selected in color and form different species roses.

IN summer time You can and need to trim roses. If they are cut to form and reconcile the bush, this is a sanitary procedure. But another thing is to trim the pink bushes in the summer after flowering.

About the care of roses after flowering in summer

After the end of the first abundant flowering of roses in the summer season, she needs special care. It helps subsequently release new shoots on which buds will appear. The flower can be bloated again by autumn.

How to crop roses after flowering in summer so that they bloom again? After biting buds, you have been removed by faded colors, and too long stalks are shortened for giving a hormone curl.

Note!There are irreversible roses that bloom only once in the season, so their pruning will not lead to the emergence of new buds.

Also in the summer obligatory Weeding on flower beds with pink bushes, soil mulch, watering and feeding. If necessary, the bushes are sprayed with fungicides to protect against insects and diseases.

With regular soil mulch teat grass Practically does not appear. For feeding bushes next to them, potash fertilizers are scattering. You can buy already ready or use chicken litter.

If dry weather has been installed, and for a long time There was no precipitation, then pink bushes should be watered often. After irrigation, the soil is mulched. It will prevent the rapid evaporation of moisture from the soil. The mulch uses wood bark, chips or other organic materials. The mulch is folded by a layer of 10 cm. The scene near the bush with a diameter of 10 cm do not fall asleep.

Rose trimming

Why cut roses

Depending on the height of pink bushes, the species of the group to which they belong, the seasons are used various methods Trimming.

The first spring removal of branches in pink bushes is carried out for forming external view A bush to remove extra shoots that impede the normal growth of other stems, as well as to remove damaged. This, first of all, pursues decorative purposes.

Trimming at the autumn time is preparing a bush for entering the winter, which contributes:

  • accelerate the process of formation of new stems;
  • strengthening the development of the root system;
  • plant receipt more nutrients;
  • reducing the possibility of infectious infection.

Note! Proper cutting of stalks in pink bushes is the key to the appearance of updated shoots and the formation of new buds. Do not own certain knowledge to carry out such a procedure, irreparable damage can be caused by the plant.

Does roses cut off the blurred buds? Such a removal is carried out, first of all, in order to preserve the attractive type of bush, and also contributes to the continuation of flowering. After that, Rosa sends its strength on the process of throwing out new shoots with buds. Such a procedure is carried out until the plant be prepared for winter, and the branches harde.

On trimming roses after flowering Read more

Starting to remove faded buds, you need to put on gloves to protect your hands from sharp spikes. Scroll is carried out with a sharp secateur.

How correctly in the summer after flowering crop roses? Cropped with those flowers, whose petals become weak and began to crumble. At this time, blossomed buds begins to wither and bent to the ground. At the same time, you can remove the stems growing in the wrong direction. Extra shoots remove to ensure penetration inside the bush sunlight and air.

Before determining the location of the cut, carefully examine the leaves. They are combined on a cutlery in groups of several pieces. The correct slice is made above the sheet, which consists of at least 5 small leaflets. It should be noted that the new escape will grow in the direction in which the sheet grows.

Note!With a cut of escape over a stalk, consisting of 3 leaves, it may not grow blossoming escape. The emergence of new colors on them is possible only for the next season.

How to trim the swords of roses for repeated blossoms

Crossing roses in July after flowering is carried out by removing buds along with the branch. And you should pay attention to the point of growth - near the place where the stalk is connected to the sheet. From it later, the escape begins to grow again, on which a new bud will be formed. It is necessary to take into account the age of bushes. Saving U. annual plants Cut from approximately half.

Important!Cut the branch only above the growth point.

The following year, every circumcised branch will give 2-3 escapes. Two-year-olds are shortened by 2-3 eyes from the beginning of the base, and one years - directly above the upper kidney, located under the twisted bud.

Adult plants (older than 3 years of age) are completely removed all dead and weak branches, as well as small shoots formed after pruning in the previous year.

If you have to trigger in a large number of bushes, then it is not necessary to carefully determine the location of the cut. It is enough to remove the branch at a distance of about 5-8 mm above the selected sheet, since the growth points are almost next to the leaves.

Pruning allows longer to enjoy roses in the flowering season. If the swordless roses do not cut, then berries of rose hips and seeds begin to form.

Many believe that the process of cutting the branch must be carried out at an angle of 45 °, since, with a perpendicular cut, a plant can begin a fungal infection due to moisture accumulating in this place, and with inclined - water will be rapid faster.

Note!To secure the possible damage to the injured places, they can be treated with PVA glue.

You should not climb a faded bud by pinching a flowerwoman. After the procedure conducted in this way, a weakened escape will appear.

Crumpled roses with large buds has some differences from such with bushs of other varieties. They cut the stem on which the flower was formed to a certain place, and the whole-flowered roses and tea and tea after their flowing are completely all part of the branch over the first sheet. In the same way this procedure is carried out in soil grades.

Important! After a second bunch of roses in autumn time, triggering is undesirable. It is better if the plant will be alone and will be able to prepare for winter time.

Trimming tea-hybrid varieties

Branches of tea-hybrid roses branches are cut in such a way that the shape of the ball formed. Since buds are formed on the proceedings formed in the current year, remove them most. Procedure Schemes for such varieties are as follows:

  • on the bushes of single and two-year-olds leave 2-4 kidneys, retreating 15 cm from the soil level,
  • at adults - 4-6 kidneys at a distance of approximately 20 cm, and on side shoots, they leave about 2-4 kidneys.

Roach trimming

Some believe that room Rosa After flowering, no longer forms buds, but it is not. For proper care They will appear again.

Branches cut in early spring. The second time the procedure is carried out after complete flow, while 3 live kidneys leave on the branches. Also, roses in the pot remove shoots growing inside the bush, and those on which launched buds remained.

Scheme of pruning of plenty varieties

The buds at the plenty plant are formed only on last year's shoots. After the fruit, cutting the old branches, only if there are new shoots.

The formation of curly bushes is carried out in a horizontal direction. Flowers and young branches appear along the summer branches. Crossing after their flowing is carried out at the end of the summer - early autumn. Old leaves are cut, leaving 30-40 cm from the base.

Rose trim diagram

Further care

Like other plants, she needs a timely watering. Perfect option - Installation automatic irrigation system. Specialists set it up in such a way that water comes under each bush periodically and dosed. It makes it much easier to care for a flower bed. But since it is often not possible to do this, then weathered to water. It is desirable to moisturize only soil under the bush, and not the whole plant. At the same time, it is enough to make 5-15 liters of water for one bush.

Important! Watering water should be prehered under sunny rays. Watering is carried out from 1 to 3 times a week. Their number is determined by the state of the soil on the flower beds.

Watering is carried out in the evening or early in the morning. It is impossible to water at nozzhen heat. It may negatively affect the development of the plant: burns may form on gentle leaves.

To ensure violent flowering, do not forget about the fertilizers. Use granular feeders. They are simply scattered near the plant. It is done 3-4 times a season. You can also use soluble feeding. They are pre-lowered into water, and then poured into the ground next to the bush.

Under all the rules imposed on the summer trimming of roses, their abundant and lush flowering are stimulated. And regular care and disposal of unnecessary shoots will help protect them from insect pests and diseases.

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