The exit of the sewer pipe from a private house. Do-it-yourself sewerage in a private house: scheme and depth of laying sewer pipes for draining water

reservoirs 25.06.2019

During the construction of a country house, a wide variety of questions often arise: either the sewerage system is not arranged the way you would like, or it is completely absent. In our article, we will talk about how to lay a sewer in a private house with our own hands with minimal financial costs.

Most owners of suburban real estate in this case turn to specialists.

Let us remind you that the involvement of specialists requires considerable financial costs.

Maybe it’s still not worth spending fabulous sums and doing the construction of a sewerage system for a country house on your own?

Moreover, the sewerage and water supply of a private house is not the most difficult task, as it may seem the first time, without delving into the intricacies of construction.

The fundamental point in the construction of the sewer system of a country house is the presence or absence of access to a centralized highway.

In the event that a centralized sewer system, then the water supply and sewerage of a private house is not particularly difficult to build.

You need to find out from the experts which pipes to use to drain wastewater and water from the house, their dimensions, as well as how to properly mount them, lay them and bring them to the house and the centralized collector.

The greatest physical activity is expected on the street - you need to dig trenches (their depth depends on the soil freezing layer).

Usually it is enough to lay sewer pipes to a depth of 0.5 to 1.5 meters.

If you neglect the advice of specialists, then in a frosty winter, drains may freeze and, as a result, pipe ruptures.

Then you have to wait until spring and only then start repairing the sewer system.

And at this time, the residents of your house will be forced to live in uncomfortable conditions, without minimal amenities.

Are you ready for this? Not? Then we listen to the advice of experts on how to arrange a sewerage system in a private house, then there will be no problems with its operation.

More work will be required if your site is located away from a centralized collector. Then you will have to start building an autonomous sewer.

First of all, decide how you see it: will it be a cesspool, a septic tank, a filtering well or a local treatment plant (LOC)?

The main types of autonomous sewage for a country house

Despite the fact that cesspools are considered by many to be the "last century", this type of construction with my own hands the easiest.

An equally important argument in defense of cesspools is the fact that their internal arrangement has now changed.

Before you make a sewer in your house by type cesspool, you need to find out the engineering and geological features of your site.

The easiest way to build the walls of the cesspool from brickwork, with ceramic red brick being the most acceptable option.

If it is possible to use additional equipment, then it is possible to build a cesspool from reinforced concrete rings. Experts recommend concreted the bottom of the cesspool, cover the pit with a slab with equipped ventilation and a special inspection hatch.

You still have not decided how to make a sewer in a private house yourself?

This type of sewerage is especially relevant in those houses where people constantly live, and has gained particular popularity among Russians.

The septic tank is quite simple and reliable in operation, it is easy to install it on your own by following the step-by-step installation guide (it is included when buying a septic tank, for example, their polypropylene).

In addition, septic tanks do not require frequent cleaning, so you will spend less money on calling a vacuum truck.

Modern septic tanks are even three-chamber, they have a very high degree of wastewater treatment and domestic water thanks to the elements of the aeration system and biofilters.

To decide which type of autonomous sewerage is most suitable for your home and site, sewerage in a private house video will help.

The sequence of actions in the construction of an individual sewer system

Before you make a sewer in the house, you need to decide on a pan of initial actions:

  1. Determine on the ground where the sewer well (cesspool or septic tank) will be located. Important: the drain well must be located below the level of the house.
  2. Determine the exit point of the sewer from the house.
  3. Carefully inspect the exit point of the manifold pipe.
    Please note that at this point all drains and used water from all plumbing fixtures in your home (kitchen sinks, toilets, baths, boilers) will accumulate.
    Inspection of the place of receipt of water from the whole house is necessary in order to make sure that the collector is installed correctly (there should be no distortions and deviations).
  4. Only after a preliminary inspection has been made, it is possible to draw up a preliminary draft of the sewerage of a private house.
    Please note: the external sewer system is usually straight, the internal sewer system usually has many bends and corners. Therefore, it is very important when drawing up its project to calculate all pipe sizes, their bends, and so on.
  5. Only after everything is thought out and calculated, you can start buying necessary materials.
  6. We proceed to the installation of external and internal sewerage systems.

Construction of an external sewer system

If internal system Since the sewerage of a private house practically does not differ from the sewerage system in an apartment, the scope of work in the first and second cases differs significantly.

There is much less work to be done if the house already has an old sewage system. In this case, you just need to dismantle the old pipes and use the same sewer routes as before.

But it may happen that you have to completely redo everything. In this case, there is a lot of work to be done: you need to raise the floor (spread it) and in the event that the depth of the sewer exit from the house is not sufficient, we deepen it.

To do this, we dig a hole under the foundation, after which we measure the distance from the lower edge of the foundation to its upper edge.

This distance should be 1 meter or more, then the drains in the collector pipe at the exit from the house will not freeze even in the conditions of the Russian winter.

From the outside of the house, we also dig a trench to the drain well. Moreover, experts recommend digging a trench on the street deeper than inside the house, and ensuring its constant slope.

Such a measure is necessary in order to ensure the unimpeded flow of water and wastewater.

Tip: the depth of the trench at the exit from the house should be at least 1 m. And every 10 m, the depth of the trench should increase by 0.5 m.

How to lay sewer pipes in a trench?

The sewerage system in a private house with your own hands involves laying pipes both inside and outside the house. Let us dwell in more detail on the laying of external pipes.

On the sand, the pipes will sag slightly and take a comfortable position. This will save them from excessive pressure of the filled soil.

In fact, polluted air is forced out through the riser. And the people living in the house do not suffer from an unpleasant smell at all.

Important: insulate the riser if it is located in an unheated room. In order to connect the riser to the external sewer, you need to use a special outlet, its diameter must be less than the diameter of the pipe on the riser.

In the event that another additional riser is required, then a 45 degree angled tee and another additional bend must be used.

Therefore, it is much easier to connect to the sewerage of a private house on your own if there is one riser or one collector pipe.

For laying external sewerage, a polypropylene pipe with a diameter of 150 mm is best suited.

For those who still doubt own forces, we recommend viewing: how to make a sewer in a private house video. We hope that all your doubts will disappear and you will get down to work with enthusiasm.

Right selection of a treatment plant is a very important indicator in the work of the company and the formation of positive customer reviews about this company.

Discussing the details with the client is necessary for the most right choice type of treatment plant, as well as the choice of the most appropriate treatment technology. There are a number of questions, the answers to which will provide a complete picture of what kind of autonomous or modern local sewerage necessary.

These questions are divided into groups:

1. Calculation of the volume of a treatment plant of a local or autonomous type

  • you need to know the total amount of flow per day
  • runoff characteristics (grey waters, black waters)
  • periods of residence
  • peak periods (depending on the number of people living in the house at the same time)

2. drainage.

  • the presence of a slope in the territory
  • the presence of elevation marks on the site in relation to general condition relief
  • level ground water on the site, mandatory accounting of the process of snow melting in autumn
  • the height of groundwater underground at the highest and lowest points of the relief
  • presence on site drainage system(cuvettes, ditches, etc.)
  • Availability stormwater collection facilities and its cleaning
  • it is necessary to determine the composition of the soil, its ability to filter

3. Sources of drinking water and their sanitary zones

  • it is necessary to clarify the presence of a well on the site with drinking water or water well
  • situational characteristics (locating near the site of neighboring residential buildings)
  • the presence of wells with drinking water on the neighbors' plots
  • location of a site near the water protection zone of a special purpose reservoir
  • you need to specify the point of discharge

4. Specifications object

  • the depth at which the exit from the house of the sewer pipe is located
  • the presence of a riser with ventilation, the presence of an internal sewer system
  • distance from the wall of the room to the approximate installation site of the treatment equipment
  • the presence of a constant supply of electricity
  • the possibility of approaching a sewage truck to the distance necessary for pumping.

Autonomous sewerage of a private house or Autonomous sewerage with your own hands.

To make a decision about a manufacturer of wastewater treatment equipment, the client needs to have knowledge that could help him navigate the market.

5. Manufacturer and brand

  • the manufacturer's productive potential and feedback on the market
  • distributors in different locations
  • availability of territories allocated for warehouses
  • installation and maintenance services
  • transportation services
  • availability of stocks in warehouses and delivery time of equipment

6. Equipment specifications

  • material
  • design features
  • strength characteristics
  • modular design
  • universal equipment

7. Price

  • value for money
  • ratio of market price to producer prices

8. Guarantees

  • product warranty period
  • installation warranty period

9. Maintenance and other services

  • availability of service providers in your area
  • the presence of contractor groups involved in the installation of equipment
  • the possibility of consultation and implementation of the process of drawing up the binding of treatment equipment directly in one of the company's offices

10. Differences from similar products on the market

  • ease of use
  • reliable performance
  • availability of self-service
  • lack of complex technologies in the equipment
  • high quality cleaning
  • the possibility of various configurations depending on the characteristics of the object

1) Calculation of the volume and performance of the modern sewerage system

1.1 Used as autonomous sewers or local sewers , treatment facilities must be installed only after an accurate calculation of data regarding the number of people living in the house at the same time, as well as the number and volume of plumbing fixtures. The following factors must be taken into account: the average number of people living in a daily period, a possible increase in the volume of flow due to the appearance of guests to calculate the reserve.
1.2 The volume of runoff sometimes changes as the composition of the wastewater changes. To do this, you should understand the issues regarding separate drainage. Waste water is divided into gray water and black water. Black waters assume the presence of faecal effluents, which make up approximately 5 percent of the total composition of wastewater from joint drainage. Gray water is the collection of wastewater from all kinds of plumbing fixtures, such as a bathtub, shower or sink.
1.3 The seasonality of residence is an important factor that must be taken into account due to the fact that the full operation of the treatment plant depends on the continuous supply of sewage. Runoff waters have organic substances necessary for the process biological treatment by the action of microorganisms. Uneven flow can disrupt the work of such organisms, which will lead to a decrease in the quality of the treatment process.
1.4 The size of the third chamber of the septic tank must be determined in advance so that peak loads do not disrupt the complete cleaning process and do not wash out incompletely purified water along with some of the beneficial microorganisms.

Calculation of daily flow volumes and the required volumes of treatment equipment for local or autonomous sewage.
The volume of wastewater per day dictates the volume of treatment equipment. The calculation should be based on normative documents, in this case it is SNiP 2.04.03-85 Sewerage. External networks and structures.
The calculation of the volume of water consumption per inhabitant is based on SNiP 2.04.01-85 Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings (Appendix 3 of the rate of water consumption by consumers)
The calculation of the volume of water consumption per inhabitant is based on the data given in SNiP 2.04.01-85 Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings. An average rate of 200 liters per person is taken as an average value and is used in the calculation. This norm includes all plumbing fixtures that a person can use.
The calculation of the required volumes of treatment equipment is carried out in strict accordance with the norms of SNiP 2.04.01-85 Sewerage. External networks and structures.
The daily inflow of wastewater determines the required volume of a septic tank for a country house: if the volume of wastewater does not exceed 5 cubic meters per day, then the volume of the septic tank should be 15 cubic meters (that is, three times more). With a volume of wastewater exceeding 5 cubic meters per day, the volume of the septic tank should be two and a half times the volume of the drain. These calculations are valid for at least one use of the cleaning equipment.
The volume of the septic tank can be reduced by 15-20 percent only if the average wastewater temperature in winter exceeds 10 degrees, and the rate per person is more than 150 liters per day.

For example: five people live in a country house at the same time, therefore, 5 people. * 200 l = 1000 l/day. Therefore, the volume of treatment equipment should be 3000 liters (1000*3=3000). Such a tripling is necessary for the cleaning process, since the work of beneficial microorganisms is carried out for 3 days.
Calculations of the volumes of facilities for treatment at industrial enterprises, in campsites, hotels, hostels are carried out on the basis of the standards specified in SNiP 2.04.01-85.

2) Water drainage

During planning systems local sewers or modern autonomous sewers very important points should be clarified regarding the place where the purified water will fall. These factors can seriously affect cleaning equipment.

2.1 The presence of a natural slope on the site allows you to use it when building systems water drainage
2.2 The general topography of the area in which the site is located can give an idea of ​​what will happen as a result of increased volume of wastewater discharge, taking into account the level of groundwater and the ability of the soil to filter.
2.3 It is strictly forbidden to neglect the knowledge of information regarding the level of groundwater, since this factor is extremely important in the construction of treatment equipment. The water level can be determined by test drilling. After such an operation, a special document is issued that reflects the most important characteristics of the soil and a description of the soil layers.
Missing groundwater information can be filled with site data by checking the following:
- the depth of the foundation of the house
- the presence of ditches, ravines, standing water on the base
- determine the direction of water movement in the ditches (if any)

The lack of periodic change of wastewater can lead to the appearance unpleasant odors. The three points above can provide information on the standing of groundwater, taking into account seasonal changes (snowmelt and showers in spring). The level of waters under the ground can radically change the drainage system and transform it from gravity to pressure, the discharge of which is carried out using a pump. In the event that the groundwater level exceeds the depth at which the outlet pipe of the treatment plant is laid, a sealed water intake well should be used to install sewer pump with float switch.

2.4 If the site is located at lower points of the relief, then the probability of seasonal and permanent flooding, as well as periodic complete or partial waterlogging of the site, should be taken into account.

2.5 Artificial or natural systems drainage are pluses when considering options for sewer equipment. In this case, we can talk about ditches on the site, as well as other drainage systems on a larger scale. Such systems allow lowering the groundwater level and thus facilitating the installation of equipment for the removal of treated wastewater.

2.6 The equipped wastewater collection and treatment system allows it to be used for the disposal of wastewater that has been treated.

2.7 The composition of the soil and its ability to filter are very important indicators in the selection of treatment equipment. Everything that was described in paragraph 2.3, as well as test drilling of wells and geological data, must be strictly taken into account.
The constituents of the soil and its filtration capacity have a strong influence on the water drainage system and, consequently, on the required pipe length. sewers and the number of wells performing filtration.
There is a need to consider different options for diverting water:
- dependence of the design of water treatment equipment on climate conditions, soil type, groundwater level, conditions for discharging water after treatment, terrain, conditions for discharging runoff water (at sufficient level cleaning)
The project for the construction of a treatment facility is developed taking into account a special link to the facility; at the same time, a detailed study of the hydrogeological situation in the area of ​​​​possible placement, the presence of karst rocks, the level of protection of the underground aquifer, the height of groundwater, and the ability of the soil to filter are obligatory.
Where draining of wastewater after being in a septic tank is impossible according to sanitary standards, a filtration field should be installed, which is a system of pipes for drainage laid in rubble on a sandy base. Water will pass through it and fall into the layers of rubble for filtering, and then soak into the soil. It is recommended to use a filter trench, a filtration well, a filter with activated materials, and ultraviolet lamps for disinfection.

Equipment for soil post-treatment:

  • soaking trench
  • well for filtration
  • filtration trench or gravel-sand filter
  • underground filtration field

They are installed on soils for filtration - sandy loam, sandy soils, and on soils that are not capable of filtering runoff, provided that the groundwater level is more than 1 meter from the base of the well, drainage pipe tray or irrigation pipe tray. The equipment is equipped with risers for ventilation with a diameter of 10 cm, and their height should be greater than the likely level of snow cover (usually 0.7 m). Ventilation should be installed at the end of each irrigation line and at the beginning of each drain pipe. The length of the irrigation system and the size of the well are determined based on the water consumption per 1 square meter of surface for filtration (walls and bottom of the well) or per 1 square meter of irrigation pipe length.

The method of water diversion should be chosen depending on the ability of the water in the area to filter.

The filtering well is installed on soils for filtration (sandy loam, sands) with a filtering area of ​​1.5 square meters of sand or 3 square meters of sandy loam (per resident of a country house). The larger the filtering area, the higher the service life of the well. The groundwater level should be 50 centimeters below the crushed stone layer and 1 meter below the base of the well. The well for filtration is made of brick, prefabricated or monolithic reinforced concrete.

Soak trench (platform)

Where draining after being cleaned by a septic tank is not recommended according to sanitation standards, you can put an additional absorbent pad or make an absorbent trench, which is a pipeline route made of porous material. Water enters the soil and passes through a layer of soil ideal for the life of beneficial bacteria. Trenches and soaking pads are used where sandy or sandy soils predominate - in this case, these systems are a pipeline or a system of pipes for irrigation, installed at a depth of 0.6-0.9 meters, and 1 meter higher than the groundwater level. Systems irrigation - these are perforated pipes installed with a slope of 1 to 3 percent, which is 1-3 cm per 1 m of pipe. The pipes rest on a bedding created from broken bricks, fine gravel, slag or crushed stone. The ventilation riser must be located at the end of each pipe, its height must be at least 0.7 m. Almost one hundred percent cleaning efficiency is achieved through the use of such additional systems cleaning.

Trench for filtration
A filtration trench is installed where the soil has a low filtration capacity. It is a recess with drainage and irrigation pipe networks. Typically, these trenches are placed close to swamps, ditches, or bodies of water. Water that has been treated in a filtration trench flows there by gravity. Crushed stone and sand should fill the space between the drainage and irrigation networks.

The sand gravel filter resembles a filtration trench, with drainage and irrigation pipes arranged in parallel.

An underground filtration field or filtration trench is usually located along a natural slope in the terrain. 12 meters is the recommended limit for the length of one drainage or irrigation network. The slope in the direction of water movement should be 1 percent (that is, 10 millimeters per 1 meter of pipe). When choosing the configuration of the underground filtration field (linear, parallel, radial), one should take into account the general layout, the size of the site, the relief, plans for further landscaping or landscaping.
Uniform distribution of wastewater when using several irrigation or drainage pipes is carried out at the expense of a distribution well.

Parallel pipes are usually made either in separate trenches, or in one wide trench in which 2 or 3 lines of irrigation pipes are installed (it is important to respect the distance between the axes). 1 or 2 drainage pipes are installed at a distance below the irrigation pipes. The filtered water will subsequently be collected in drainage pipes and discharged into a ditch or ravine, etc.

An aftertreatment filter is a device that is used when there are increased requirements for the quality of waste water treatment. The material used as a filter can be crushed granite, sand, granulated blast-furnace slag, gravel, anthracite, polymers or activated carbon.

Calculation of the length of pipes for irrigation (Extract. Sewerage. External networks and structures) SNiP

6.190. The total length of the irrigation pipes should be determined depending on the loads presented in Table 49. The length of each of the sprinklers should not exceed 20 meters


  • load indicators are presented for those areas in which the average annual precipitation is up to 500 millimeters.
  • with average annual precipitation ranging from 500 to 600 millimeters, the load values ​​\u200b\u200bshould be reduced by 10-20 percent, but if the average annual rate exceeds 600 millimeters, then a decrease in the load value by 20-30 percent is recommended. For climatic region I and subregion IIIA, the value is reduced by 15 percent. The reduction percentage is greater when considering sandy loamy soils, and less when the terrain consists mainly of sandy soils.
  • coarse-grained bedding with a thickness of 20 to 50 centimeters involves the use of coefficients of 1.2-1.5 when considering the load value.
  • with a specific water discharge of more than 150 liters per person, the load values ​​​​increase by 20 percent. The same applies to sites with seasonal stay.
  • Calculation of the approximate length of pipes for irrigation in underground fields for filtration in accordance with the norms of SNiP 2.04.03-85 “Sewerage. Outdoor structures" taking into account the increase in the coefficient of coarse-grained bedding and the increase in load, if the water discharge rate exceeds 150 liters per person.
  • area with precipitation of 70 millimeters
  • the use of coarse-grained bedding with a layer of 20 to 50 centimeters (1.5 - coefficient)
  • specific water disposal per person is 200 liters (the load increases by 20 percent).

3) Water sources of drinking water and sanitary zones

3.1 Consideration regarding the installation of a sewer systems on the site involves taking into account such factors as the presence of a water well or drinking well. In this case, it is necessary to determine the depth of standing water in the well and the depth of the well. Such information will allow you to approximately determine the depth of the level. drinking water in this area.

3.2 When considering the option for water diversion, one should take into account the presence of devices for water intake not only directly on the territory of the site, but also in the territories that adjoin it (neighbors, water protection zones). It is necessary to take into account the location of the site in the general scale of the area, as well as to determine the area of ​​adjacent sites.

3.3 If neighbors' plots are located close to the water withdrawal point, then the sanitary zones of neighbors' plots should be taken into account, as well as determine whether they have drinking water intake devices.

3.4 If the site is located in the water protection zone of a fishery reservoir, then this implies additional restrictions on the use of wastewater treatment facilities, as well as their additional disinfection using special equipment. Chlorine cartridges, ultraviolet lamps, ozonation, etc. are used to carry out the disinfection process. At the design stage, all this is agreed in the supervisory authorities in accordance with existing scheme within the framework of regulations.

3.5 When performing work on the project, the supervisory authorities agree on the type of facility for treatment, its required indicators and characteristics of the quality of wastewater treatment. All of the above factors are carefully considered, sanitary zones are also defined, and the final point of wastewater discharge is agreed. The most important thing when agreeing on a water discharge point is to take into account the level of protection of the aquifer for drinking water.

4) Technical characteristics of the object.

4.1 Pre-design binding during development autonomous sewerage and installation of treatment facilities, as well as site planning and installation planning, are the first steps. By the time of choosing the type of facility for treatment, it should be understood that the facility itself is not at all some kind of complete complex for water treatment and that it requires the arrangement of engineering networks.
Tying the pipeline to the outlet of the fan pipe from the house is the beginning of calculating the required depths. The pipeline should be laid on a bed of sand with a slope of 2 to 3 percent per meter of pipeline. This slope is responsible for providing uniform motion dense inclusions, such as fecal discharge in the general flow of liquid substances, and also prevents the formation of any blockages.
The depth at which it is laid fan pipe, is determined by building codes, taking into account the depth of freezing characteristic of the area. Can be used additional elements for heating or heaters that are able to maintain temperatures from +2 to +5 degrees. The use of moisture-saturated materials is necessary when installing insulation that could withstand soil loads. Such heaters include energy flex, thermoflex, extruded foam plastic for insulation of foundation structures. The thickness of such insulation depends on the depth of the pipeline.

4.2 Sanitary zones of 5 meters are required for septic tanks, which should be taken into account when planning the site before installing a treatment facility. If the distance increases, then the amount of work also increases, and the junction point of the sewer pipe to the inlet of the treatment facility and the exit point from the treatment facility when using a gravity flow scheme are also deepened. This factor is very important, because a small increase in the depth of the exit from the treatment facility leads to additional difficulties in arranging drainage systems . If there is no possibility to divert purified runoff water from a considerable depth, then the circuit should be converted from gravity (non-pressure) to pressure, and, as a result, a sewer pump and a well for receiving water should be ordered as a set. This factor is of great importance in the presence of a high groundwater level, as a high level can lead to flooding of the treatment facility, making it impossible to use it.
With a large depth of the exit from the treatment facility, the existing slope to the point of lowering the relief should be taken into account.

4.4 When installing a pressure circuit using a sewage pump, the mandatory availability of a permanent power supply should be taken into account. The float switch on the pumping equipment carries out the processes of periodic switching on of the pump as a certain amount of wastewater accumulates and drains into drainage systems .
Cleaning facilities are not 100 percent dependent on electricity, because the cleaning process itself uses technologies that do not require energy supply. The use of electrically dependent devices is inevitable only when a pressure circuit is used. If there are interruptions in the power supply, the treatment plant has a reserve part for accumulation (a well for receiving water and a biological filter chamber in the respective systems). The volumes of the reserve part of the well and the biological filter are 0.62 m / cu - 1.5 m / cu., which allows residents to use plumbing in the house for quite a long time.

4.5 The dimensions of the site, taking into account the sanitary zones, must be considered when drawing up the installation plan.

4.6 Periodic maintenance is necessary for the correct operation of any type of treatment facility. Systems using a septic tank must be serviced once a year. When using additional bioenzymatic additives, it increases the percentage of wastewater treatment, and also extends the period between maintenance of facilities for cleaning by a sewage machine up to three years.
Due to the fact that the length of the hose of the sewage truck is 7 meters, when planning the layout of the installation of the cleaning facility in such a way that the truck can drive up to a distance of no more than 4-5 meters.
In extreme cases, a transfer pump or sewage pump can be used to pump out the accumulated sediment. In this case, pumping is carried out into the tank of the machine or onto a pile for decay and subsequent use as fertilizer.
The use of the obtained humus without preliminary heat treatment is unacceptable due to the fact that it may contain pathogenic bacteria or helminth eggs.

5) Manufacturer

5.1 In view of the fact that the manufacture of this type of product is a complex technological and production process, this fact should be taken into account when assessing the cost of such equipment and the durability of its operation. Therefore, it is worth excluding consideration of the option of purchasing complex structures made in a handicraft way.
To additional financial costs always leads the purchase of equipment from firms that are not specialists in a particular field.

6) Equipment specifications

6.1 Some of our treatment facilities are made of fiberglass.
Scope of products made of composite materials based on fiberglass when using different types resin expands as much as possible due to the strength of this material. Strength characteristics fiberglass are even comparable to metal, and sometimes even surpass it in some indicators, such as corrosion and chemical resistance, specific gravity, etc. Thus, cleaning facilities made of fiberglass are much more convenient to use than equipment made of polyethylene or reinforced concrete.
In fact, polyethylene septic tanks are cheaper than fiberglass, but they require special installation due to their low strength. In such a process, it is necessary to involve the installation of a special reinforced concrete box, which will significantly increase the cost of the equipment and its installation in total. Reinforced concrete has a number of significant disadvantages - it is very heavy, requires mandatory use special equipment for transport and installation, is also leak-proof and water-permeable. Aggressive environments can destroy a reinforced concrete structure.

Therefore, fiberglass is one of the best options, as it meets all the requirements that apply to facilities for cleaning. It is light, strong, durable, and it is these qualities that must be considered when choosing sewer system for a country house.

7) Cost

7.1 The price of our company's products is in the middle compared to other manufacturers of cleaning equipment. It is safe to say that almost all systems Russian-made, made of polyethylene, are cheaper than imported products. We have already explained what are the advantages and disadvantages of polyethylene and fiberglass.

8) Guarantees

8.1 Trademarks Graf and Traidenis provides warranties for treatment facilities - 10 years for the underground part and 3 years for the blower, compressor.

8.2 Work carried out on the installation of cleaning equipment by an organization is guaranteed directly by this organization.

9) Maintenance

9.1 The necessary consultations of our specialists are free of charge. The company provides the necessary support in selecting the type of treatment facility, which takes place right at the company's office, where they also provide all necessary information regarding the cleaning facility.

9.2 Our company also informs you about the existence of related organizations that carry out dealer activities, and also provides information about the presence of an authorized representative of the company in your area, performing the entire list of services from the purchase of equipment to its installation.

You should be guided by the Product Passport, as well as the installation and operation manual when considering a possible arrangement scheme in a country house autonomous sewerage .

Activated sludge is sludge found in a biological treatment facility (aerotank) that is formed from solid particles suspended in domestic sewage. A variety of microorganisms (bacteria and protozoa) serve as the basis for activated sludge. The process consists in the decomposition of organic pollutants by bacteria, which in turn are eaten by the simplest unicellular organisms. Activated sludge is an accelerator of the process of purification and oxidation of wastewater.

Anaerobic bacteria are microorganisms that can survive in an environment without oxygen.

Aeration - This is the artificial saturation of the environment in the water with air to oxidize the organic substances in it. Aeration is the basis of the biological wastewater treatment process in aerotanks and biofilters, as well as in other treatment facilities.

Aerobic bacteria are microorganisms that require oxygen to live. Aerobic bacteria are divided into conditional and unconditional (the former can live on a small amount of oxygen, while the latter live without it at all - in this case they receive oxygen from sulfates, nitrates, etc.). Denitrifying bacteria, for example, belong to a species of conditional bacteria.

Aerotank (aero-air, tank-capacity) - This is a container for wastewater treatment from organic contaminants due to their oxidation by various kinds of microorganisms that are in activated sludge. With the help of a pneumatic or mechanical aerator, air is introduced into the aeration tank, which mixes the runoff water with activated sludge and saturates it with oxygen necessary for the life of bacteria. A continuous supply of oxygen and a strong saturation of wastewater with activated sludge provide a high degree of intensity of the oxidation of organic substances and allow a high degree of purification to be achieved.

An air filter is a device for biological wastewater treatment, which differs from a biofilter in that it has more area filtration layer, as well as the fact that an air supply device is installed in it to guarantee a high degree of oxidation intensity.

Biological wastewater treatment - This is one of the methods for removing harmful substances and microorganisms from industrial domestic wastewater, based on the ability inherent in microorganisms to use organic pollutants as food.

Biofilter - This is a device for artificial biological wastewater treatment, which is made in the form of a container with a double bottom and coarse-grained material for filtration inside (crushed stone, slag, expanded clay, gravel, etc.). Accumulations of microorganisms form a biological film as a result of passing through the wastewater filter material. Microorganisms mineralize and oxidize organic matter.

Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) - This is the amount of oxygen that is needed for the final decomposition of organic matter contained in runoff water. An indicator of the degree of water pollution, which is characterized by the amount of oxygen spent for a specified time on the oxidation of pollutants (5 days - BOD 5), which are contained in one unit of water volume.

Nitrification is the treatment of wastewater from ammonium nitrogen.
Chemical oxygen demand (COD) This is the amount of oxygen required for the final oxidation of the wastewater.

10) Differences from analogues on the market

10.1 No difficulty in use. The installation and operation of Traidenis and GRAF brand cleaning facilities does not require special skills or technical knowledge.

10.2 The reliability of our cleaning systems is also ensured by the fact that cleaning is carried out through the use of natural biological processes, and this is an indisputable advantage over systems that use complex technological solutions in their work.

10.3 Cesspool cars carry out maintenance of treatment systems. With the help of a sewage pump or a transfer pump, pumping is possible if it is impossible to drive the machine to the installation site of the treatment facility.

10.4 There is no need for complex technological solutions due to the fact that the operation does not involve the use of complex devices in the operation of the facility for cleaning and drainage systems treated wastewater during water disposal.

10.5 Wastewater treatment quality:

Water withdrawal:

A septic tank that does not use bioenzymes (up to 50 percent). Maintenance periods after 1 year. Mandatory post-treatment of the soil.
A septic tank that uses bioenzymes (up to 70 percent).

When considering the discharge of water to a closed-type drainage system or storm sewer, it should be taken into account that systems , which are analogous to the systems of our company, do not have hydraulic seals or blockers in their design, without which only 35 percent of wastewater treatment is achieved. The absence of a stable water mirror does not allow such systems to use bioenzymes.

Discharge of treated stagnant water onto land is prohibited for all types of treatment facilities.

Systems post-treatment is a mandatory addition to any water treatment scheme when considering the option of discharging water in a fishery area. For this, they are used sand filters, physico-chemical devices, reagents such as coagulants or flocculants, disinfection with UV lamps, ozonation, chlorine cartridge.

Qualified employees of our company will help you make the right choice of system autonomous sewerage and answer all your questions.

Modern autonomous private sewer for a country house, a cottage or a summer residence. Selection, description, advice.

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autonomous sewerage for a summer residence admin

Professionally designed and implemented living conditions in a private house - the basis of the level of comfort of living in it. The main role in this is played by the sewerage system.

Particularly stringent requirements are placed on an autonomous system for private homes.

When designing it, it is imperative to adhere to sanitary standards, take into account environmental requirements and comfort of use.

For this use A complex approach to the sewerage device in a private house.

Projects of private houses, in most cases, are individual. The use of a general sewerage scheme without taking into account the specifics of the building can lead to disastrous consequences.

The first step in system planning is to draw up a general sewerage scheme.

Photo: general scheme outdoor sewerage

It consists of an internal and external part of the project:

  • For each point, you need to know how to connect it to a common drain system;
Photo: location of indoor plumbing fixtures
  • selection of wastewater outlet– pressure or self-drainage systems. In most cases, self-draining is used, as it is much cheaper. But at the same time, much attention is paid to their diameters;

Photo: sewer pipe slope
  • pipeline design. The maximum load is calculated for each point and the entire system as a whole. This is necessary to calculate the diameter of the pipelines in each section of the system.

Photo: scheme of pipes of internal sewerage in a private house
Photo: outdoor sewerage pipe scheme in a private house

Important! It is necessary to minimize the number of pipe turns to prevent clogging of the sewer.

  • The location of the riser and the fan pipe in the house. Their function is to equalize the pressure in the pipes to prevent the appearance of a characteristic smell in the rooms;

Photo: location of the riser location of the fan pipe in the house
  • outdoor sewerage. It is important to consider how to eliminate drain water– connection to the central sewerage or design autonomous system cleaning;

Photo: wastewater outlet
  • are also taken into account environmental requirements to the state of the surrounding area.

With wells located near the house, according to the norms, it is impossible to make a drain pit with a natural watercourse into the soil.

Each of these stages is closely related to each other.

The volume of the drain tank directly depends on the number of plumbing fixtures and the maximum flow of wastewater from them.

Device in a private house

When creating an external sewerage project, it is necessary to take into account its inseparable connection with the internal piping.

The exit of the central pipe from the house is carried out from basement. The depth of the outlet in the foundation should be below the maximum level of soil freezing (1 m).

Photo: sewer exit from the house

Drain well preparation. Its location depends on the type of storage wastewater system.

The dimensions of the pit must correspond to the selected system.

Calculation of the depth of the pipe inlet to the storage tank is carried out according to the following method: to the depth of the sewer outlet in the house, the length of the external main is summed up multiplied by a coefficient that depends on the diameter of the pipe.

For a diameter of 50 mm - 0.03; 110mm - 0.02; 160 - 0.008; 200 - 0.007 (according to SNiP 02.04.03-85).


  • h2- the estimated depth of the exit point in the storage well;
  • h1- the depth of the exit of the sewer pipe from the house (1.4 m);
  • l- distance from the foundation to the storage well (10 m);
  • k- pipe slope coefficient (0.02);
  • g- the natural slope of the surface. The difference between the entry and exit points according to the level of the slope of the site (0.3 m.).

h2=1.4+10*0.02+0.3=1.9 m.

According to the dimensions obtained, a trench is dug.

Photo: trench for sewer pipes

For the convenience of leveling the pipeline, the bottom is sprinkled with a small amount of sand.

Photo: laying pipes on a sand cushion

The connection of pipes starts from the exit from the house.

Photo: the beginning of the pipe connection

With a possible probability of deep freezing of the soil, the pipes are additionally insulated with insulating material.

Photo: pipe insulation

The final stage is to fill the pipes with sand to their upper level and bury the entire line with soil.

Photo: backfilling with sand

Internal sewerage device

When designing the internal wiring of the sewerage system in the house, the following is taken into account:

  • location of drain points;
  • riser;
  • pipe exits.

Stages of work:

Drafting of pipelines.

Photo: drawing of laying pipes for internal sewage

Often, pipes with a diameter of 50 mm are used for laying pipes to the riser. The riser is made with a minimum pipe section of at least 100 mm.

This is necessary to properly stabilize the pressure in the system and prevent clogging at maximum load.

pad horizontal pipes carried out with the same slope coefficient as for external sewage.

Photo: laying internal horizontal pipes
Photo: fan pipe for a two-story house

Often, to save space and material, the riser acts as a fan pipe.

When designing, it is necessary to provide for a uniform arrangement of revision channels to remove blockages. They are installed for each connection point of plumbing fixtures and in places corner connections. Rotation angles must not exceed 45°.

Photo: revision wells for private sewage
  • riser (fan pipe) - at least 100 mm;
  • "dirty" drain points (toilet, bathroom) - 100 mm;
  • sink - 50 mm.

Necessary materials and tools

The normal functioning of the sewerage system for a private house largely depends on the choice of pipe material.

Photo: plastic pipes for outdoor sewage

This is necessary to prevent their deformation when the soil is displaced or other external influences.

When choosing sewer pipes, you should pay attention to the following indicators:

  • resistance to active biological media;
  • convenience and reliability of connection;
  • smooth inner surface that does not interfere with the free movement of waste masses.

The following tools are required for the installation of plastic sewer pipes:

  1. scoring saw for plastic. It is needed to cut the pipe to the desired length;
  2. knife. After trimming, it is necessary to remove the burrs and make a small bevel at the end for a better connection .;
  3. spare sets of rubber seals for installation.

Photo: tool kit

Depending on the type of connection and the angle of rotation, the following accessories can be used:

  • branch (elbow) - designed to turn the pipeline by 45 ° or 90 °. Their design includes sockets for connecting pipes on both sides;
  • transition outlet. It has a connecting part only on one side;
  • connecting fittings with 3 or 4 outlets. Are intended for realization of branching of pipes;
  • transitional couplings. They are necessary for the transition of the pipeline from one diameter to another;
  • inspection hatches for checking the condition and repairing pipe joints.

Overview of sewer types

Along with professional design and laying of the internal sewer pipeline, it is no less scrupulous to approach the issue of storage and disposal of wastewater.

Septic tanks

For multi-level wastewater treatment, septic tanks are used - underground structures designed for phased purification.

They are two or more containers in which gradual purification takes place, followed by the withdrawal of water into the filtration fields (septic tank without pumping) or into a storage tank.

Photo: septic tank without pumping

Solid particles settle in the first tank, which are subsequently removed using sewage trucks.

Under pressure, the liquid from the first container flows into the second.

At this stage, anaerobic (without oxygen) decomposition of biological substances occurs, as a result of which the remaining sediment is cleaned with a layer of sand or gravel.

Currently, there are factory models, for example, but you can make a similar treatment plant yourself.

Photo: Topas septic tank

An example is a sewerage device in a private house from barrels that are used as reservoirs.

Photo: septic tank from barrels

In doing so, the following limitations should be taken into account:

  • wall thickness should not be less than 7 mm;
  • the total volume of barrels should be at least 3 times the daily norm for draining water for the house;
  • resistance to aggressive environments.

In addition to ready-made elements, it is also popular.

Photo: septic tank from the rings

Previously, a pit of estimated depth is prepared at the installation site, the bottom of which is poured with concrete mortar.

Photo: concrete bottom of a septic tank from rings

For the 2nd and 3rd tanks, it is not necessary to make a concrete cushion. The diameter of the pit should be 20-25 cm larger than the dimensions of the reinforced concrete rings.

Photo: the pit is larger than the diameter of the rings

After installation, the joints of the structures are sealed.

Photo: sealing a septic tank from rings

The connection between them is made using pipes, while a slight slope should be provided towards the next treatment tank.

Photo: connection between the rings of the septic tank

Sewer manholes are used for protection and safety.

Photo: hatches


With a small flow of water on the territory of a country house, it can be used as storage for wastewater.

Photo: cesspool

Important! According to existing requirements, the use of cesspools without a bottom is not allowed.

In practice, many neglect this. With a daily water consumption of less than 1 m³, cleaning in a pit without a bottom can occur with the help of soil.

But even in this case, there is a risk of contamination with harmful substances.

A cesspool with a bottom is a single-chamber septic tank, the design of which was discussed above.

A few facts against the use of cesspools:

  • the impossibility of filtering large volumes;
  • operation of a sealed structure provides for periodic pumping;
  • you need a place for a sewage truck, coupled with additional costs;
  • the possibility of an unpleasant odor.

For a house with permanent residence, the use of a cesspool is strongly discouraged.

Storm sewer

Storm sewer is designed to collect and drain rain and melt water. Its installation is relevant for areas with high rainfall rates in combination with a shallow depth of groundwater.

Photo: storm sewer

Technically, rainwater is directed to the point of discharge with the help of gutters and pipe systems - outside the territory of the site or into a storage tank.

Often, sewer tanks are used as storage.

Creation principles storm sewer are as follows:

  • design of drainage systems from the house with subsequent wiring on the site;
  • calculation of the angles of inclination of the elements to prevent stagnation of water in the system;
  • protection from external pollution - the use of pipes, gratings, etc.;
  • ensuring the protection of the foundation of the house from the possible ingress of water from storm sewers.

With a professional approach this species rainwater drainage will not only fully fulfill its functions, but will also give country house the new kind.

Snip regulations

The design and calculations of sewerage systems are regulated by SNiPs (building codes and rules).

The following regulations are currently in use:

  • SNiP 02.04.01-85 internal sewerage;
  • SNiP 02.04.03-85 external sewerage.

Most important information of which has been listed above.

It is worth noting that compliance with these standards is a mandatory factor when creating a sewerage project in a private house.

Device rules

Despite the individuality of each project to create an autonomous sewer system in a private house, there are a number of general mandatory rules.

For outdoor system:

  • selection of the location of the drain well. For septic tanks with storage tanks and sealed cesspools, the distance from them to the residential building and to the water intake point is regulated. From the house to the well - at least 5 m, from the well to the water intake point - at least 20 m. With the connection option central water supply the distance can be reduced to 10 m;
  • the material of the outer pipes must be resistant to external mechanical influences - soil pressure. When the formations are displaced, an uneven distribution of pressure on the surface of the pipe may occur. To avoid this, a metallized corrugated pipe is used;
  • it is necessary to calculate the exact value of the angle of inclination of the pipe. In practice, 20-25% is added to the calculated parameters for each value of the pipe diameter. If the slope is insufficient, the drain fluid will remain in the pipe, which will lead to blockage;
  • the depth of the pipeline should be below the freezing point by 0.3-.05 m. Otherwise, additional pipe insulation will be required, which still cannot guarantee the absence of damage due to temperature effects;
  • Piping angles should be avoided when designing piping. They are a natural barrier to solid elements. When mounting, it is necessary to provide for the installation of an inspection hatch every 15-20 cm.

Is it worth it to buy plastic sewer wells to give, about this in the article:.

Do you have an unpleasant smell from the drain hole in your country house? Don't despair, live bacteria for cesspools will help solve the problem. .

How to clean a sewer pipe with a cable.

For internal system:

  • the riser must be strictly vertical and not have turning elements;
  • the section size of the riser for a one-story house with 1 bathroom can be from 50 to 110 mm, but at the same time, its diameter should not be less than the maximum diameter of the pipe connected to it. Often this is a pipe from the toilet (110 mm.);
  • the connection of the toilet pipe to the riser must be straight, without intermediate connections, and its length is at least 1 m. For the entire line on the floor, the toilet connection point must be at the lowest level to prevent sewage from entering other plumbing fixtures;
  • the planned diameter of the conducted pipes should not be less than the outlet nozzles at sanitary facilities. Ideally, they should match;
  • to normalize pressure on large horizontal sections of pipe laying in their end part install an aerosol valve. Its mechanism allows air only into the system;
  • at junctions of the pipeline and in rotary sections inspection hatches are mounted.

Sewer drainage systems are often the cornerstone in organizing a comfortable stay in the house.

To accomplish this task, the best way would be to attract specialists - narrow-profile companies.

Independent work on the organization of the sewerage system requires a lot of effort and practical skills.

Small errors at the design stage can result in a waste of time and Money further.

Today, even in country houses, the owners strive to conduct water, electricity, gas. If there is a water supply system, the sewerage of a private house should also be built. Not all villages have the opportunityspend connecting a private house to a common wastewater disposal system, so there is a need to connect to a local sewer facility- septic tank. Let's figure it out how to make a sewer in a private house .

To ensure a comfortable life outside the city, it is necessary to have the usual amenities, in particular, a normally calculated and efficiently working water supply and sewerage system for a private house should be built. Therefore, homeowners have to equip local systems. Let's figure out how to make a sewer in a private house.

Choosing a wastewater treatment system

The modern market offers hundreds of different types of wastewater treatment plants. Therefore, when installing sewage in a private house, the options may be different. Before making a choice and drawing up a sewerage project in a private house, it is necessary to assess the operating conditions of the future drainage system. Factors such as:

  • The number of people living in the house (the amount of wastewater and, accordingly, the volume that the tank should have depends on the number of people). By the way, if there are often guests in the house or a family is planned to be replenished in the near future, then this circumstance should be taken into account.
  • Depending on how it will be used private house- sewerage will have to work constantly or periodically. For example, for a dacha, which is visited several times a month, it makes no sense to purchase a treatment plant that works “on bacteria”, since due to long sewer downtime, it will not be able to work effectively. But when planning the construction of a sewerage system in a private house for permanent residence, the option with bio-treatment is worth considering.
  • How many plumbing fixtures are planned to be installed in the house? It is clear that if the sewerage scheme in a private house includes several bathrooms, a pool or a jacuzzi, then such a structure will require a more productive installation than for summer cottages, where there is one sink, toilet and shower.

Next, you need to make a choice whether the sewerage system for a private house will be volatile or not, and whether the drains will move by gravity or a special pump will need to be connected to the sewer for pumping wastewater.

Further, based on the amount of funds that are planned to be allocated, you can understand whether it is worth hiring professional builders or is it better to try to carry out sewage in a private house with your own hands.

Advice! Having decided that the construction of a local sewage system in a private house will be built by oneself, you can save a significant amount of money, but you will have to spend more time on construction. Indeed, for the competent performance of the work, it will be necessary to spend a significant amount of time studying the necessary information.

Performing calculations

You need to start with planning and performing sewerage calculations for a private house. It is important to note that the normal mode of operation of a gravity sewer is uneven.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to make an accurate hydraulic calculation of sewerage. When designing, dependencies are used that are derived for uniform flows. So, when calculating the sewerage, it will be necessary to determine:

  • Pipe diameter (d);
  • Average flow rate (v);
  • The degree of filling of the pipe liquid (h / d);
  • Pipe slope (i).

When deciding how to conduct sewage in a private house, in practice they often do not perform calculations, but take known values. Thus, the maximum filling value for pipes with a diameter of 150-200 mm is 0.6, and for pipes with a cross section of 300-400 mm - 0.7.

Since water consumption is relatively small in a private house, when planning internal networks you can use pipes with a diameter of 100 mm for toilets and 50 mm for other plumbing objects. For the street network, pipes from 200 mm are selected.

The slope of the pipes is determined by the optimum flow rate. The fact is that both too fast and too slow movement of fluid can lead to blockages.

Therefore, you should choose a slope at which the liquid will move at a "self-cleaning" speed. So, for pipes with a diameter of 150-200 mm, the optimal flow velocity is 0.7 m/s. The slope of the pipes depends on the diameter of the pipeline, as follows:

  • For 50 mm pipes, it should be 2%.
  • For 100 mm - 3%.


Before laying a sewer in a private house, you need to draw up detailed diagram, which will indicate all plumbing fixtures and wiring, indicating the diameters and lengths of pipes and installation locations for fittings. Here are a few practical advice, which will help to design the sewerage:

  • The most reliable version of the sewer scheme is the simplest option. It is desirable that all plumbing fixtures are located close to each other, then all of them can be brought to one riser.
  • For a one-story house, it is advisable to plan the location of the kitchen and bathroom close to each other, if the building is multi-storey, bathrooms and kitchens should be planned one above the other.
  • In the event that plumbing fixtures are located in different parts of the house, then in order to supply sewage, you will have to install several risers (and, accordingly, several septic tanks) or plan to install pumps for pumping wastewater.

Sewer installation

The sewerage system can be divided into two main parts: external and internal.

Internal networks

Even from the name it is clear that the internal sewerage in a private house is that part of the system that is located inside the building. The internal sewerage wiring in a private house differs little from the wiring in a city apartment. Here are some tips for setting it up:

  • For the installation of the internal part of the networks, most often, polypropylene pipes with a cross section of 50 and 100 mm are used. A pipe of a larger diameter is used for the construction of a riser and for leading to a toilet bowl.
  • If it is necessary to branch the pipeline in a horizontal plane, then it will be necessary to use oblique tees and crosses.

  • It is not allowed to make pipe turns at right angles, it is necessary to use bends at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • If rotation is required in a vertical plane, then it is allowed to use bends at a right angle.
  • At the turns of the pipeline, special fittings are installed - revisions.

Advice! If the turn is located in a place to which there is access for cleaning (for example, near the washbasin), then the revision can be omitted.

In the event that it is important to ensure the absence of noise from the movement of water through pipes, it is necessary to install a sewerage system in a private house with sound insulation. The following solutions are possible for this:

  • The use of soundproofing materials. At the same time, it is necessary to isolate not only pipes, but also all connections, clamps and other parts.
  • If sound-absorbing sewerage is installed, pipes with thick walls should be selected, as well as shock-absorbing pads installed between the clamps and pipes.

Removal of sewerage from the house

It is somewhat more difficult to build external networks, because the external sewage system in a private house, the laying scheme and depth is selected taking into account local geological and climatic conditions. These conditions are individual for each site, therefore, to determine the optimal depth of sewerage in a private house, it is advisable to consult a specialist.

When installing the system, it is important that the pipe is properly led out of the house. For this, it is planned to lay a pipe through the foundation. If the exit hole was not made in advance, then you will have to punch it. In this case, the diameter of the hole must be such that there is a free gap around the pipe of at least two hundred millimeters.

Please note that the depth of the sewer in a private house depends on the location of the outlet. As a rule, the withdrawal of sewage from a private house is carried out at a depth of 0.5 - 0.7 m. (This value is valid for climatic conditions middle lane).

When deciding how to remove the sewer from the house, you need to take care of the maximum protection of the outgoing pipe. At the place of passage through the foundation, a sleeve is installed, which has a larger diameter than the pipe itself, so that there should be free space between the two surfaces.

Advice! To create the required gap between the sleeve and the outlet, you can put a "cocoon" of foam on the outlet pipe or simply wrap the pipe with a rope. Such insulation of sewerage in a private house will avoid the formation of ice plugs.

Outdoor networks

The composition of the external networks includes the actual treatment tank and the pipeline leading from the house to the septic tank. Let's figure out how to properly lay the sewer:

  • For the installation of an external pipeline, it is necessary to select special pipes designed for outdoor operation.
  • A pit is dug for laying pipes, the depth of laying is not standardized. The depth of the trenches is determined depending on the local climate, soil characteristics, remoteness of the septic tank and other factors.

  • If necessary, carry out work on thermal insulation of pipes.
  • The pipeline is connected to the septic tank through rubber compressor, that is, the place of connection of the pipe to the tank should not be rigid.
  • The septic tank should be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

To install a tank for receiving wastewater (septic tank), a hole is being dug. Moreover, the pit should be larger than the tank. When the pit is ready, its bottom is rammed, then a layer of sand is laid. Next, a tank is installed, after which you can start connecting pipes.

A pipe laid to the house joins the septic tank. An output is organized from the septic tank. Water is sent to the filter well tank. Or fields for filtering are arranged. For this, a hole is dug, the volume of which is filled with rubble.

In ready trenches you need to lay drainage pipes. The depth of their occurrence depends on climatic conditions, and the amount depends on how much sewage is cleared per day. Many take on their own the construction of sewers for a private house, how to properly build this system can be found in the special literature.

The most commonly used local treatment plant is a septic tank - a sewerage system in a private house equipped with this device will be able to work effectively if the installation performance has been selected correctly and the installation of networks has been carried out in accordance with building codes.

When arranging local sewerage, many questions arise. And one of the most burning - to what depth to bury the sewer? Let's try to figure it out.

Modern people relate to life a little differently than it was accepted twenty or thirty years ago. If earlier in the country the arrangement of an outdoor toilet was considered quite normal, today few people want to sacrifice their usual amenities. Therefore, and even more so in country cottage just necessary.

In the event that the owner has the opportunity to order the execution of all work on the sewerage device to professionals, questions, as a rule, do not arise. But if, for reasons of economy or for other reasons, a person far from construction undertakes the construction of a septic tank, then in order to avoid mistakes, he has to study a fairly large amount of information.

Before answering the question about the depth of the trench for, you need to figure out which pipes to use?

Pipes for local sewerage

Previously, only metal pipes were used for the construction of sewers. However, due to the susceptibility of metal to corrosion, it is increasingly being replaced by plastic.

An additional argument in favor plastic pipes- no need to resort to the services of a welder and involve construction equipment for laying, because plastic and metal pipe of the same diameter significantly differ in mass.

When choosing types of pipes for organization, it should be remembered that there are varieties for internal and external sewage.

  • Internal sewerage devices include all plumbing items and pipelines located inside the house.
  • External sewerage includes pipelines located on the street, as well as storage and treatment facilities for wastewater.

Pipes intended for outdoor use are produced in brown-orange, and those designed for use in the house are light gray.

Advice! Carefully read the information placed in the accompanying documents for the pipes. As a rule, manufacturers try to describe in detail the scope of each type of pipe. And do not forget to ask to familiarize yourself with the quality certificate to make sure that you are purchasing a worthwhile product, and not a fake.

At what depth should the sewer pipe exit from the house?

According to the requirements of SNiP, the outlet of the sewer pipe from the house should be located 30 cm higher medium depth freezing, but at the same time, the laying depth should not be less than 70 cm. In practice (in the conditions of the middle lane), most often, the pipe is laid at a depth of 50 cm.

Such a depth is sufficient, provided that no roadway or platform is supposed to be built on the surface, which will be cleared of snow in winter.

What should be the slope of the pipe?

In most cases, when arranged, it is assumed that the drains will go by gravity, due to the slope of the pipe. What should this bias be?

In SNiN 2.04.01-85 it is indicated that when using pipes with a diameter of up to 50 mm, the slope is 0.03 meters per meter of pipeline. When using pipes up to 100 mm in diameter, this figure is 0.02 m.

If this condition is not met, the flow in the pipe will move either too rapidly or, conversely, too slowly. Both situations threaten to clog pipes, as solid waste will settle in them, interfering with the flow.

Is it necessary to lay sewer pipes below the freezing level?

Many non-specialists mistakenly believe that the depth of laying a pipeline for local sewage should exceed the freezing depth. In fact, this is not always possible.

To make it clear, let's look at a specific example. It is generally accepted that in the middle lane the soil freezes to a depth of 1.6 meters. The distance from the house to the first chamber of the septic tank is 15 meters, therefore, if a pipe with a diameter of 100 mm is used, it will be 30 cm.

Thus, according to our calculations, the entry point to the septic tank will be located at a depth of 1.9 meters (1.6 + 0.3 = 1.9). And if there is an increase in relief in the direction of the location of the treatment plant, then the difference in heights will also need to be taken into account.

Thus, if it was planned to arrange a septic tank of a standard depth of 2.7 meters (from three concrete rings of 0.9 m each), then with such a low entry point, its useful depth will be only 0.8 meters (2.7-1.9 = 0.8), which, of course, is insufficient.

That is, in order to achieve the planned usable volume, you will have to dig a pit already under five standard rings. And this is already quite a significant additional cost for materials and digging a pit. In addition, when deciding to build such a deep septic tank, one must also take into account such a circumstance as the level of groundwater.


In the conditions of the middle lane, it is quite enough that the depth of the trench for laying sewers near the house is 0.5 meters. Further, the pipes should go with the slope recommended by SNiP.

You don't have to worry about the sewers freezing up. Firstly, draining, as a rule, occurs with water at least at room temperature, so the frost that appears on the pipe walls is simply washed off.

Secondly, heat penetrates into the pipes, which is formed due to the biological processes occurring in the septic tank. At the same time, when the sewer system is not in use, the pipes are empty, so there is nothing to freeze there.

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