The heating cable is internal for the sewerage. The principle of operation of the heating cable for sewer pipes, which one is better and how to install it correctly? How does a heating cable work?

Decor elements 20.06.2020
Decor elements

In order for the sewer system of a country house to function efficiently and efficiently, it is necessary to adhere to strict rules when arranging it. Particular attention should be paid to how the sewer pipes will be insulated. If you do not perform insulation, you may encounter a number of unpleasant problems, such as freezing pipes, the formation of traffic jams, an unpleasant smell in the territory and in the house.

There are several options for how to protect sewer pipes from low temperatures. You can lay them below the freezing level of the soil, but in order to do this, it is not always technically possible. Most often, insulation of sewers is carried out using insulation materials. For this purpose, mineral wool, basalt fibers, and other polystyrene are used.

One of the most effective ways is to heat the sewer pipe with a cable. It is also considered the most expensive, as it provides for the costs not only for installation work, but also for maintenance. The cable requires electricity to function. If it's cold outside, it consumes electricity constantly.

Heating a sewer pipe with a cable

How the cable works

With the help of a heating cable, sewer pipes are heated from the inside. The principle of operation of the cable, which is used to heat the sewer system, is significantly different from how conventional cables that conduct current work. In the process of passing its path, the current in the heating cable spends a minimum of energy, saving it in order to do its main job, that is, to heat the sewer pipe.

The cable receives the load simultaneously with the release of heat required to heat the pipe. In order for the cable to do its job effectively, care must be taken to ensure that it is properly wound around the pipe.

Note! Considering that there is an increased risk of freezing at the junctions of sewer pipes, the insulation of these sections must be done with high quality.

The cable constantly heats the pipes, protecting them from freezing, frost formation or ice plugs inside. As a result, the functionality of the sewer system is maintained even at very low temperatures.

Heating a sewer pipe with a heating cable

Types of heating cable

During the operation of a conventional heating cable, temperature regulation is carried out using a control system. This is not very convenient, so engineers and technologists have invented another type of cable that does not require the attention of the owner, since it can regulate itself. According to the principle of operation, there are two main types of heating cables.

  • The resistive cable works without interruption. It emits the same amount of heat along the entire length of the sewer pipe, so a control system is needed in order to regulate electricity consumption.
  • More modern, efficient and safer is the heating cable for sewer pipes, which is called self-regulating. It is equipped with a matrix that is able to change the temperature of the cable depending on the temperature of the soil. This cable is much more expensive, but it consumes less power.

Note! The self-regulating cable heats the sewer automatically. To bring it into working condition, you need to connect it to the outlet. A heating cable is installed inside the sewer pipes. If you use it for the first time, you may encounter the fact that the temperature will be higher than the declared one, but then it will normalize.

Heating cable fixing

Cable installation

Cable for sewer pipes can be installed by hand. You will need some knowledge and skills related to working with electricity. The process of performing work must consist of several stages.

  1. Clean and dry the surface of the sewer pipe.
  2. Now you need to wind the cable around the pipe or attach it on both sides using special elements.
  3. We wrap the pipe together with the cable with special foil to exclude moisture, microorganisms, and aggressive compounds from affecting the cable and the pipe itself.
  4. The pipe should be wrapped or lined with heat insulator to prevent heat loss.
  5. You can lay the pipe in a previously dug trench and bury it.

Note! To make the connection of the foil and the pipe more reliable, you need to wrap the pipe with tape over the foil.

Heating cable installation

Insulation of the sewer pipe with a heating cable is an effective, practical solution to keep the sewer system in good working order in winter. Using a cable will help prevent sewerage problems during a sudden change in temperature, and also prevent pipes from freezing.

Heating sewer pipes with a cable: efficient and practical

The use of electrical cable for insulation of the sewer system. What cables are used for sewerage heating? Principle of operation and installation rules

Which pipes are better to choose, their types, applications and installation

Heating of sewer pipes with a heating cable

Heating of sewer pipes with a heating cable is used when the system is located in zones of soil freezing. It is not always possible to stretch the drain line below the mentioned level. This may be hindered by:

  • floater;
  • laid other communications and much more.

Therefore, there is a need for heating the sewer system. For this task, the industry offers a large number of heaters. All of them are of excellent performance and high quality.

Also, a distinctive characteristic of these materials is their low cost. The most effective of heat insulators is called a heating cable for drain lines.

Heating inside the system

The heating cable inside the sewer pipe has been used for a long time. By its structure, this is an electric cable, where the resistance regulates the temperature regime inside the network. It uses a well-known property of metal conductors, this is heating when electricity passes through itself. At the same time, as the resistance increases, the heating level rises.

From the foregoing, it becomes clear that the heating cable for sewer pipes must be equipped with good waterproofing, because it is constantly in the water.

The cable that is laid inside is arranged as follows:

  1. metal conductor for heating;
  2. cores enclosed within heat-resistant insulation;
  3. another layer of PTFE insulation;
  4. copper screen;
  5. outer layer of insulation.

In addition, the device for pulling inside the drain structure contains a temperature controller. It prevents overheating on the mechanism and saves energy.

Advantages of sewer heating

Heating sewer pipes with a heating cable from the inside has a number of advantages:

  • Wires that warm up from the inside make it possible to maintain the desired temperature level so that the liquid in the system does not freeze.
  • High security of cables drawn from the inside and their regulators.
  • Such devices can be used not only from the inside, but also on the outside of the highway.
  • Simple and convenient application.
  • The ability to save electricity due to the automatic regulator.

The only drawback of devices installed from the inside is the dependence on the supply of electricity. For these reasons, it is necessary to install additional sources on important pipelines, which will come to the rescue in case of interruptions in the operation of the main source.

Types of devices that can be bought in Yakutsk

Heating cable for sewer pipes in Yakutsk can be bought of the following types:

Resistive options that are offered in Yakutsk are divided into the following types:

Products of a linear type emit heat when they enter the conductors of electricity. They can be single-stranded, or they can consist of several metal strands, which are often shaped like a spiral.

To buy quality products of this line in Yakutsk, you need to know that they differ in the type of application. For installation on domestic pipelines, low-power types are recommended.

ADVICE. Most often, in country houses and cottages, a variant with a power of 50 watts per meter of pipe is used to heat the sewer network. For a small drain design, this is quite enough.

For an important trunk line in Yakutsk, you can purchase a cable system with a higher capacity, it will effectively protect pipes from freezing even in this cold region.

You need to understand that the power of the heating cable depends not only on the diameter, but also on its length. Since the climate in Yakutsk is cold, preference will have to be given to more powerful options, and this will be reflected in electricity consumption.

Self-Regulating Heating Wire

The above information makes it clear that, in winter, heating sewer pipes is simply necessary. For this, special devices are used.

The heating self-regulating cable for heating sewer pipes is distinguished by the ability to warm up or cool down, depending on the temperature index of the environment. In this case, there is no need to apply any additional regulatory mechanisms.

Self-regulating heating with an internal installation method is placed on drain networks with a volume of up to 50 mm, which cannot be reached directly.

A heating device from the middle of the line is placed along its entire length. For this, a stuffing box is used, and all work is carried out in accordance with safety rules.

Here are a few conventions to follow:

  1. When inserting, cover all parts of the edges and the threads of the fittings.
  2. Do not damage the outer shell of the heating device.
  3. The cable installation location must be marked on the outer part of the trunk.
  4. The length of the heat pipe must correspond to the length of the line.
  5. It is not allowed to pass a self-regulating heating device through the shut-off valves.

This type of installation allows to achieve the highest heating efficiency, and it is used for commissioned structures. Before this, accurate measurements of the zone that will warm up are carried out.

Self-regulating wire for protection against short circuits is equipped with a device automatic shutdown. To the above, it must be added that a self-regulating heater within the network is not recommended for highways, supplying drinking water, but for drain systems, this option is very suitable.

Features of outdoor installation

Self-regulating heating cable for heating sewer pipes on the outside of the main is very often located.

There are several options for this work:

  • Laying in the form of a wavy line.
  • Placement along tubular straight.
  • Several heating wires running parallel to the main.
  • In the form of a spiral.
  • On knees and taps when installing a heat pipe, combine the previous methods at the same time.

A self-regulating cable with an external pull needs constant monitoring for damage. The heating wire is attached to the upper part of the sewer pipes with adhesive tape. Only a special aluminum tape is allowed to be used, and plastic tape is not allowed to be glued for this task.

At first, the device for heating the drain network is fixed with small pieces of tape. They are placed at a distance of 0.3 m from one another. Then aluminum tape is carried out along the entire length of the heat pipe. In this way, a strong attachment to the upper part of the highway is created.

ADVICE. The minimum bend volume for a heating wire is equal to the sum of its six volumes.

If this installation is carried out on a plastic system, it must first be glued with adhesive tape, you can also take aluminum foil for this task. This will allow the heat to be evenly distributed over the entire pipeline area.

After fixing the heating device, it is recommended to insulate the pipe system with special materials.

Heating of sewer pipes with a heating cable is easy to perform efficiently, thanks to manufacturers such as Raychem, Esto, Lavita, and others. And Devi's products received the highest marks from the craftsmen. All of them help to extend the life of the system, because it directly depends on the quality of heating in the cold winter.

Heating sewer pipes with a heating cable: consider the types of devices, their advantages and disadvantages, installation features

Heating of sewer pipes with a heating cable is carried out both inside the line and outside. The heating cable inside the sewer pipe must have good waterproofing, as it is constantly in the water

Heating of sewer pipes: external and internal

Given the climatic features of most regions of Russia, when laying external sewerage systems, it is necessary to provide heating for sewer pipes. More recently, to prevent freezing of water in pipelines, the technology of laying pipes below the freezing level of the soil and insulating them with various heat-insulating materials was used. You can learn about more modern technology from our article.

Sewer pipes need heating

Electric heating of sewer pipes

Today, this method is considered obsolete; it has been replaced by the latest developments in the field of heat engineering, which make it possible to supply heating pipes laid above the soil freezing line, and even outdoor ones.

Of course, the installation of electric pipe heating systems is an additional material investment, but if there is electric heating, there are no costs for laying pipes in the ground.

Electric cable for pipe heating is manufactured by many different manufacturers. According to the installation method, heating systems are divided into:

Example of external pipe heating

External heating systems for sewer pipes

Outdoor heating methods

External heating of sewer pipes can be film and cable.

Film type outdoor heating systems is the most common and relevant. The fact is that the cost of such a system is quite acceptable, and its installation does not cause difficulties. The material for the production of film heating is a heat-radiating film. The film system has the following advantages:

  • heat is distributed evenly over the entire area of ​​the pipe;
  • the system has a low power, which saves money during operation.

Film heating for pipes

Another option for heating sewer pipes is also possible - using a heating cable. In this case, the cable laid along the heated pipe, when the system is turned on, heats it up to a predetermined temperature.

Electric heating cable is available in various types:

  1. Self-regulating cable - the most promising of all existing types of heating cable. It is able to "adjust" to climatic conditions: when the air temperature rises outside, the cable resistance automatically decreases, which leads to a decrease in power consumption and, consequently, to a reduction in electricity costs. Moreover, the heating power may not be the same in different parts of the insulated pipe. When using a self-regulating heating cable, thermostats can be dispensed with.

Diagram of a self-regulating cable

  1. Resistive cable it is cheaper, but the power and resistance in such heating systems are not regulated when the ambient temperature changes, so the cable may fail due to overheating. To prevent damage to the heating system, sensors and thermostats must be installed.

Resistive cable diagram

  1. Zone cable according to the principle of operation, it is similar to resistive, but unlike it, it does not emit heat over its entire length, but only in certain zones. Thanks to this feature, cutting and redistribution of the cable to any place in the sewer system is allowed. The use of a zonal cable is advisable for the insulation of metal pipelines and tanks.

Zone cable diagram

Installation of the heating cable outside the pipes

When laying an electric heating cable, consider the following rules:

  1. The cable is pulled strictly along the pipe - this is the only way to avoid possible installation errors, prevent various damage to the cable and significantly save time.
  2. The electrical cable can be laid with a spiral gasket, but only if the project requires it.
  3. When laying, it is not allowed to cross the cable on supports and in other places.
  4. Cable installation must take into account dead-end and bypass lines.

The principle of installing the cable outside the pipe

Fixing the heating cable to the sewer pipes

The heating cable must be attached to the heated sewer pipes. Fastening is carried out at intervals of at least 200 mm with heat-resistant adhesive tape or synthetic cable bandage. If the heating cable has mineral insulation, fastening is done with tie-down bands or steel cable ties.

The principle of fixing the heating cable

When choosing fasteners, the following recommendations are taken into account:

  • the preferred means of fastening is adhesive tape;
  • when using a cable bandage, its resistance to chemical reagents and elevated temperature effects is taken into account;
  • if the heating cable is placed in a polymer sheath, the use of metal fasteners is prohibited;
  • when sticking an aluminum-based adhesive tape on a heating cable, its thermal power increases, so the use of such a tape must be justified by the requirements of the project;
  • If it is necessary to insulate synthetic sewer pipes, the best way to secure the cable is with aluminum adhesive tape or passing foil under the cable (in some cases under and over it), as this ensures efficient heat transfer and evenly distributes heat.

It is better to insulate the structure from the outside

Internal heating systems for sewer pipes

The use of internal heating systems occurs in small sections of the sewer pipeline, most often on street pumps. Internal systems are similar in principle to external systems, however, when entering the heating cable into the pipe, a tee must be installed beforehand. Through it, the heating cable will be inserted into the pipe.

Laying the heating cable inside the sewer pipes

Entering the heating cable into the sewerage system

There are cases when laying an electric heating cable is required to be carried out inside a sewer pipe. Then the cable is placed into the pipe through a special sleeve - a nipple. However, this comes with disadvantages:

  • due to the introduction of the tee into the sewer pipeline, its reliability is reduced;
  • the inner diameter of the pipe is reduced;
  • increases the likelihood of blockages;
  • if the pipeline is mounted with numerous transitions, bends, and also has a significant length, the installation of the heating cable inside the pipe is very complicated and time consuming.

Installing the cable inside the pipe

In conclusion, I would like to say that high-quality heating of sewer pipes is an important condition for the efficient operation of sewerage in the cold season. And although heating systems consume a certain amount of electricity, they can be economical, even in the face of ever-increasing electricity prices. After all, the system can be supplemented with switches or controllers and thermostats that will monitor changes in temperature in the pipes and regulate energy consumption.

Heating of sewer pipes: external, internal, film and cable

Heating of sewer pipes can be both external and internal. The most popular heating of sewer pipes is with a heating cable, thanks to which the pipes become heated.

Sewerage heating with electric cable

The performance of the sewer system in the winter season depends entirely on compliance with the recommendations regarding the deepening of the collector to a depth below the freezing mark. However, it is not always possible to adhere to such recommendations at the installation stage due to the characteristics of the soil on the site or other conditions. Common causes are:

  • Wetlands that do not allow pipes to be lowered below the groundwater level;
  • Part of the external collector, which is responsible for connecting the system to the septic tank;
  • Pipes at the exit from the house;
  • Piping from filters to drainage fields, etc.

In this case, the sewer cable will help to heat the collector.

It is important to know that the average depth of the sewer collector varies between 1-1.4 m. The pipeline laid above is prone to freezing. And this means that peculiar growths-icicles will form inside the pipe, which will subsequently gradually collect drains on themselves, thereby forming a large ice plug from the inside in the drainage system. As a result, the sewer will simply fail.

Important: a heater in the form of a special cable will prevent possible freezing of the pipeline of the sewer system.

Sewer heating methods

Heating of sewer pipes can be carried out and equipped even at the stage of collector installation in two ways:

  • Through the use of special heated pipes, which have a sandwich structure and are equipped inside with a special heating element. This collector is made of plastic. A heating element is placed on top of the plastic collector, and already on top of the pipe they are wrapped with a special heat-insulating material. The cost of such a sewer collector will be several times higher than the standard one.
  • And you can heat the sewer pipeline with a special heat cord. Such a device is a sealed and waterproofed heating element, which in most cases is located outside the pipeline. It is not recommended to mount such an electrical cable from the inside. There are only a few situations when the heating cable is mounted inside. One of them is the insufficient cross section of the collector.

Benefits of Using Cable

Using a special cable for heating the sewer with your own hands, the master gets a lot of advantages from this solution:

  • So, the sewer collector is in working order all the time, regardless of the temperature outside the window and the intensity of use of the sewerage system.
  • The speed of transporting wastewater from the house to the septic tank (pit) increases significantly, which prevents stagnation in the pipes.
  • The technological consistency of the aggressive environment remains in its original state, which accelerates the bacteriological treatment of wastewater in the septic tank in winter.
  • In addition, there will be no condensation on the surface of the collector, which means that the risk of corrosion inside the collector is minimized.

Types of heating cable

You can use three types of cable to create pipe heating with your own hands. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

  • Resistive heating element (heating cable). This type of device works on the principle of constant heating, regardless of the temperature outside. That is, the set temperature regime is constant, which means that the current consumption will also be unchanged. A resistive type heater needs constant monitoring.
  • Zone cable. This type of heating element is identical to the principle of operation of a resistive one. But at the same time, it has a significant difference - the heating element works in zones, and not along its entire length. Most often, such a wire for heating the system is used in separate sections of the sewer network.
  • Self-heating cable. This type of heating element for heating the sewer is more productive and economical. The wire is able to regulate the collector heating temperature depending on the ambient temperature. At the heart of the operation of such a wire is a semiconductor matrix, which regulates the amount of heat. Self-regulating cable consumes only 33 W of electricity per linear meter. At the same time, the installation of the wire is simplified due to the presence of an adhesive aluminum side on it. The convenience of using such an element is due to the fact that it can be easily cut into pieces and at the same time it will not lose its working properties. And the cable, which is 80 m long, can be plugged directly into a socket. Also, the self-heating cable can be adjusted according to temperature parameters at any desired section of the pipeline. That is, where the collector is located higher to the earth's surface, the temperature can be made higher and vice versa.

Important: during the initial connection of the heating system, a one-time consumption of electricity exceeding the nominal one may be observed. But already within 1-2 minutes, the heating system equalizes the current consumption and switches to normal operating mode.

Do-it-yourself heating cable installation

It is worth remembering that the installation of a heating element inside the system is not recommended. If there is an urgent need to mount the HPV inside the collector, then it is better to invite specialists for this. Outside of the system, it is quite possible to mount the wire with your own hands.

Work rules

If you decide to install a heating system with your own hands, then you should follow these important rules:

  • It is forbidden to mount the heating element on any sharp and cutting surfaces;
  • Before carrying out work, it is worth inspecting the collector for tightness and detection of possible leaks;
  • It is forbidden to connect a cable wound into a ball to electricity;
  • The finished heating system must be wrapped with hydro- and heat-insulating materials;
  • If the collector is made of plastic, then it is recommended to first wrap it with foil material to increase the thermal conductivity of the collector;
  • When laying the heating cable, it is necessary to make 3-4 loops 1.4 m long throughout the entire pipeline (depending on the length of the collector) in case of emergency disconnection of the pipeline. Loops are attached to the valves or neatly laid along the manifold;
  • Depending on the diameter of the cable, it is possible to strengthen the heating system by winding the heating element outside the collector with a spiral in two steps in opposite directions relative to each other.
  • Installation of the heating system for sewer pipes can also be carried out parallel to each other in a straight line. But in any of the cases, it is necessary to use additional clamps that will not allow the wire to move away from the collector in the future.
  • To avoid possible damage to the heating element, a mark is set outside the pipeline that the collector is equipped with an electronic heating system.

Important: overlaying layer on layer or crossing a resistive type cable during the installation phase is not allowed, as the cable may burn out. The self-regulating wire can be twisted during installation.

Performing installation work

If you purchased a cable in a reel and are going to mount it yourself, you will have to make a plug to the wire. To do this, you need to perform the following stages of work:

  • Measure 10 cm from the end of the cable and remove the outer sheath on this section of the wire. To do this, use a clerical or any other knife.
  • Now carefully unwind the braid with an awl and twist it into a bundle. In the future, this harness will be connected to the ground wire.
  • Again, remove the outer layer of thermal protection to the same length. Under it will be a conductive matrix. To easily remove it, you need to heat the material with a hair dryer to a state of plasticity. When the matrix becomes pliable, remove it.
  • We will have two copper current conductors in our hands, which must be connected to the wires of the prepared plug.
  • We reliably isolate all contacts of the heating cable after connection.

Important: if there is no grounding barrier in the plug circuit, then you can simply cut off the remaining braid braid.

We mount the prepared cable on the pipeline in the intended position and insulate the pipes.

Cable selection

In order to choose the right heating system, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the type of the wire itself (resistant, self-regulating), but also to the power of the wire. Since not always a more powerful element is needed in a particular case. Most likely, you just have to overpay for electricity.

  • So, for water pipes with a diameter of 22 to 36 mm, a cable with a power of 16 W per linear meter is suitable.
  • If the water pipe or sewer has a diameter of 50 to 110 mm, then a wire with a power of 24 W / linear meter will do.
  • For pipes with a larger diameter, you will need an electric cable with a power of 33 W per linear meter and above.

Heating of any water supply or drainage system using a heating cable will turn out to be more efficient in this case than when using standard insulating materials.

Sewer heating: heating cable for pipes

Sewer heating methods and the benefits of using an electric cable. Types of cables and installation methods. Choose a cable.

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Heating cable for sewerage: varieties, device, purposes and methods of application

In this article I want to talk about methods for heating sewer pipes with a heating cable. We will get acquainted with the methods of its laying, fastening, with the restrictions that should be followed during installation, and with the types of cable for heating pipes.

When heating is needed

If we summarize all possible scenarios, they can be divided into two main categories:

  1. When laying sewer pipes or installing a septic tank below the freezing level is for some reason impossible or undesirable;

This is true, in particular, when building a house on permafrost.
With a soil freezing depth of 6 - 10 meters, installing a septic tank below this level is, to put it mildly, difficult; the only way out is to organize insulation and heating.
Another possible scenario is rocky soil on the site, which makes it very difficult to dig trenches.

  1. In addition, heating can be insurance in case of extreme, uncharacteristic cold weather for a given climatic zone. So, in Crimea, the winter temperature rarely drops below zero, and most of the gravity sewers are laid openly or with minimal depth. However, when the Arctic air front breaks through the Crimean Mountains, the temperature can drop to -10 and even -20C for several days.

Laying sewer on the facade of the building. Location - Sevastopol, Crimea.

Cable types

Cable for heating sewer pipes can be divided into two categories.


What happens when we pass current through a conductor with non-zero electrical resistance? Heat is generated on the conductor. Its temperature rises until the amount of heat generated by it is equal to that given off to the environment.

It follows from the law of conservation of energy that the electric power of any direct heating device is exactly equal to the thermal power released on it. A relatively simple calculation allows, based on the resistivity of the conductor and the voltage applied to it, to select such a length at which heating will be effective against ice freezing, but safe for cable insulation and heated pipes.

This is how a resistive heating cable works.

The resistive cable can be single-core and two-core:

  • In the first case, the heating cable forms a closed circuit, the beginning and end of which are connected to a power source;
  • In the second case, the cable is powered from one side, and the second is completed with an end sleeve - a jumper between the cores.

A resistive cable, regardless of the number of cores, has a number of rather unpleasant drawbacks:

  1. It consumes a constant amount of electricity regardless of the outside temperature. Need heating or not - as long as the cable is connected to the network, you will pay for the energy consumed by it in full;
  2. It is sold in fixed length sections. The section size is selected according to your needs with a certain step depending on the specific resistance of the cable; however, you cannot cut off an extra section;
  3. Overlapping the cable will most likely lead to overheating and melting of the insulation, and even the plastic sewer pipe.

The second problem has been successfully solved in the zonal heating cable.
It consists of two conductors with low resistance and heating elements connecting them.
The cable can be cut into fixed size sections.


The self-regulating heating cable is a revolutionary solution, devoid of all the disadvantages of a resistive heater. How is it arranged?

Between two current-carrying copper conductors with low specific resistance, a self-regulating matrix is ​​placed inside the polymer insulation. As a rule, it is a polymer with a high coefficient of thermal expansion, mixed with a finely dispersed conductive filler (for example, graphite particles).

How it works?

  • When a section of the matrix is ​​heated, the polymer expands; in this case, the conductor particles move away from each other, losing electrical contact with each other. The resistance of the matrix increases, which leads to a drop in the current flowing through it, and to a decrease in heat generation in the corresponding area;
  • When cooled, the matrix shrinks. This leads to the convergence of conductive particles and to the heating of the cable section.

What does it give?

  1. The cable reduces energy consumption at high outdoor temperatures, saving electricity quite noticeably;
  2. It can be cut into sections of any size; in this case, the end sleeve is not needed: it is enough to isolate the cut end;
  3. If there is an overlap or if some area is thermally insulated, the corresponding section of the matrix will simply stop heating up. If so, the cable is not in danger of overheating.

It is a self-regulating cable that I strongly recommend using for heating pipes - both sewer and water pipes.
In what follows, we will focus on this solution.


In the price lists of cable manufacturers, the list of options indicates "shielded" or "unshielded". What does this mean?

Copper twisted braid solves three problems at once:

  1. Grounding. In case of mechanical damage to the shell, the current will flow between the phase current-carrying core and the braid. The situation in which a sewer, water pipe or drain is energized is completely excluded;

The braid, of course, must be grounded to the body of the electrical panel, a metal sheet dug into the ground or a circuit welded from a bar.

  1. The probability of mechanical damage itself will also noticeably decrease: the braid is not so easy to break through with an accidental blow;
  2. Finally, ground shielding will protect nearby electronics from interference. With a certain laying configuration, the cable will be an inductor that induces currents in all adjacent circuits.


On sale you can find cables with a specific power from 10 to 40 W / m. What power is optimal in each case?

  • 10 W / m are optimal for heating water pipes with a diameter of 15 - 25 mm;
  • 16-17 W / m are suitable for freezing protection of sewers with a diameter of 50 mm;

  • 30 - 40 W / m - power sufficient to heat a sewer pipe with a diameter of 110 - 160 mm.

I used a 16 watt cable for a 50 mm sewer and 30 watt for a 110 mm pipe.

Sample study

The reader will certainly be interested in the price of a running meter and other characteristics of the solution so obsessively advertised by me. I hasten to satisfy his curiosity.

Fine SRL16-2


Fine GRX-2CR 40W

In the specified range of operating voltages, the manufacturer guarantees that the actual power density corresponds to the declared values.
The cable will work at a significantly lower voltage; however, along with the voltage, heat transfer will decrease.


Is it difficult to assemble a heating cable section with your own hands?

The instruction is extremely simple and does not require special skills. Of the tools and additional materials we need:

  • Heat shrink tubing in three sizes;
  • Sleeves and pliers for crimping current-carrying conductors (two for unshielded cable and three for shielded cable);
  • Silicone sealant;
  • Sharp knife and side cutters for stripping insulation;
  • pliers;
  • Hairdryer or regular lighter to warm up the heat shrink;
  • The cold end is a cord with a plug. The ground wired on the plug and the third core are only needed to connect the shielding. If not, you can get by with a two-wire wire.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. We remove the sheath from the heating cable and cord;
  2. We clean the veins on both sides. In this case, the shielding braid and the earth must be stripped and twisted at a distance of 2–3 cm from the current-carrying conductors;
  3. We put pieces of heat shrink on individual cores, on a cable without a screen / earth and on the outer sheath;
  4. In pairs, we connect the current-carrying wires with sleeves;
  5. We apply a little sealant to each of them, upset the heat shrink tube and heat it until the wires are completely crimped;
  6. We repeat the operation with both current-carrying conductors assembled together;
  7. We connect the screen and the ground with a sleeve, having previously put a heat shrink on the core;
  8. We isolate the grounding separately, then we shrink the cable sheath and the cold end with heat shrink;
  9. We clean the sheath at the end of the cable and cut off all the cores with a spread in length of 1 - 2 cm. They are bred in order to increase the resistance when water enters the termination;
  10. Alternately we upset the tube with sealant on individual cores, on the conductive matrix and on the cable sheath;
  11. We flatten the free end of each heat shrink with ordinary pliers.


First, let's figure out how to warm up the sewer in a private house if it is already frozen.

The algorithm is extremely simple: the cable is laid under the pipe and is attracted to it in any way (adhesive tape, rags, bandage, etc.), after which the pipe is thermally insulated if possible (for example, wrapped in the same rags). The cable is plugged into the network and heated until it melts.

How to organize permanent sewer heating?

The cable can be installed both outside and inside the pipe.


  1. The cable is attached under the pipe (warm air rises, remember?) with aluminum tape. Its surface should be as tightly pressed against the walls of the pipe as possible. It is aluminum tape that is used because the foil reflects infrared radiation, reducing non-target heat loss;

At sewer bends, the cable must be bent so that the wider plane is perpendicular to the bend radius.
Otherwise, there is a risk of damaging the current-carrying matrix or breaking the copper wires.

  1. The pipe is thermally insulated from the outside with any roll insulation or, much better, with a foam shell. Thermal insulation not only reduces heat loss, but also fixes the cable: aluminum tape is not durable.

In my case, high-quality insulation was not required: in Crimea, heating is needed only a few days a year. In addition, with open sewerage, any thermal insulation would quickly become monstrously dirty.

I solved the heating problem like this:

  1. The cable was attached to the pipe with ordinary tape, which is much stronger than aluminum;
  2. On top of the tape was wrapped with aluminum tape;
  3. Additional fixation was provided by polyethylene ties.

As it turned out, the horizontal sections of the external sewage system need heating, first of all: the slow flow of drains allows them to cool down to freezing temperature. A vertical riser laid along the facade does not freeze if its lower part is heated.


Heating of sewer pipes from the inside is possible with some restrictions.

  • The heat shrink at the cold end connection and at the end must not come into contact with waste water. An aggressive environment destroys heat shrink tubes in one or two seasons, but the cable's own insulation can coexist with it indefinitely;

The end sleeve can be brought out of the sewer through a hole drilled in a corner or a tee.

  • The cable should be easy to remove. When mechanically clearing the blockage (with a cable or wire), it is guaranteed to be damaged or at least wound around your tool.

I use internal cable heating for a septic tank sump installed outdoors under the porch of the house. For a volume of 1 m3, several turns with a total length of approximately 4 meters are sufficient. The tank is not insulated from the outside and successfully endured several days of frost at -10 without freezing the contents.

To protect drains from freezing, there is a heating cable for sewer pipes. Sewerage heating is necessary in situations where pipes have to be located in unheated rooms, basements, basement levels of buildings.

Sometimes it is not possible to lay the system at the correct depth, leaving the pipeline at risk of freezing drains and ice plugs. In such cases, it is necessary to make pipe insulation. The best option is a heating cable for sewer pipes, which allows you to solve the problem efficiently and reliably. Let's consider this question more carefully.

Which pipes need heating

It should be noted that most sewer pipes do not need heating. If they are located inside the building, then, as a rule, they are not exposed to low temperatures. In addition, the system has a certain slope, due to which the effluents quickly pass into the collector and do not linger in the pipes. The temperature of the drains also contributes - large volumes of water, most often warm, as they are released from the bath, obtained when washing dishes or washing.

Sewer heating is required only in certain cases:

  • for the outer part of the system, which ensures that the effluents follow to the collector or treatment plant;
  • pipelines through which clarified effluents pass to filtration fields or discharged into filtration wells;
  • for pipelines supplying water to the washing filters of septic tanks or treatment plants.

The main problem is the difficulty in determining the degree of risk for a particular pipe section. There are a lot of factors affecting the system, from the level of soil freezing in winter to the depth of soil water. An additional complication is the constant change in conditions, the emergence of new factors that create a threat of freezing for sewers. If the installation of the system is done correctly, in compliance with all the requirements of SNiP, there is nothing to fear. But it is not always possible to immerse the pipeline to the required depth - the hydrogeological conditions of the site or the presence of other communications that interfere with the performance of work according to all technological rules can interfere. The way out is to heat the sewer pipes with a heating cable.

What is a heating cable

The heating cable is a long electrical heating device tightly attached to the pipeline and laid with it in the trench. Somewhat simplified, its design is a conductor that heats up when an electric current passes. The simplest options have a design that is common with the device of most heating devices.

Advantages and disadvantages of the heating cable

The advantages of cable heating of sewerage include:

  • the ability to exclude freezing and the formation of congestion within the system;
  • heating of pipelines allows to reduce the volume of earthworks;
  • the use of a heating cable stabilizes the sewerage system of a private house, which is not loaded as intensively as public lines and is more susceptible to low temperatures;
  • cable installation can be done by hand, without the involvement of expensive specialists.

The disadvantages of the heating cable are:

  • creating an additional load on the power grid;
  • the need to pay for the used electricity;
  • low maintainability;
  • noticeable labor costs when installing a heating system;
  • the need to connect additional devices to ensure the operation of the heater.

The disadvantages are quite serious, and the main one is the load on the power grid. Given the general deterioration and dilapidation of the power supply system, the use of electrical appliances for heating sewers seems to be a somewhat irrational solution. However, in the absence of other ways to protect pipelines, it is necessary to choose heated pipes for sewage.

Types of heating cable

There are different designs of heating cable:


The simplest design option. It has a strictly defined length, does not allow cutting or connecting several pieces, since the resistance will either decrease too much, which will create an emergency for the electrical wire and equipment, or increase and drastically reduce the efficiency of the cable. There are designs with one and two conductors. The first option requires laying folded in half, since the ends must be connected at one point. The second type can be laid as you like, since the double conductor is a single wire that simply runs to the end and returns back.

The resistive cable has a lot of disadvantages, but its attractiveness to the user lies in its low cost.


The zonal design is a double conductor in insulation, around which a heating nichrome filament is evenly wound. It is connected to the conductors at regular intervals, which makes it possible to obtain the corresponding heating zones. Such a system does not depend on the length of the circuit and can heat pipelines of any size. The use of a zone type facilitates the installation of a heating cable on a sewer pipe and provides some advantages:

  • starting currents are absent;
  • if the nichrome filament is damaged in a separate section, the rest of the cable continues to work;
  • heating power does not depend on the length of the circuit;
  • characteristics do not change over time.

The disadvantages can be considered the danger of local overheating of the cable section and the possibility of damage during installation. The price of such a heater is somewhat higher than that of resistive types, but significantly lower than that of self-regulating structures.


The self-regulating cable consists of two conductors, on which a polymeric heating matrix is ​​pressed, protected by a double layer of internal insulation, a copper screen and an external protective insulating layer. The peculiarity of its work is the ability to create its own temperature in different parts of the cable, depending on external conditions. The lower the temperature, the stronger the heat release at a given point. The self-heating sewer cable is the most effective solution to the problem of pipeline freezing, but its cost is significantly higher than that of simpler designs.

heating film

In the most difficult cases, a heating film is used. It wraps around the pipe, providing uniform heating of the entire surface. This allows you to get the maximum heating efficiency, but significantly complicates and slows down the installation work. At the same time, the film consumes much less electricity, which can significantly reduce costs. Given that you have to install the system once, and pay for the resources used - all the time, heating sewer pipes with a film can be considered quite a good option.

Which cable to choose?

The criteria for choosing one or another type of heater are:

  • the size and configuration of the problematic section of the pipeline;
  • depth or laying conditions;
  • operating temperature in winter;
  • cable cost;
  • possibility of repair or replacement.

As a rule, an element for heating sewer pipes is selected according to the totality of these conditions and requirements. It is very difficult to name the most successful option without knowing the specifics and configuration of the system. However, according to experts, resistive types are used less and less, and self-heating cable is used much more often, although it costs users much more.

Heating cable installation options

There are two options for cable placement:

  • outside the pipe;
  • inside the pipeline.

Mounting the heater outside the pipe is easier. It is usually attached along the pipeline or, if length permits, wrapped around the pipe for greater uniformity. For fixing to the surface, a conventional or metallized adhesive tape is used, which is resistant to heat. A layer of insulation is put on top. The most correct option is a polystyrene or polyurethane foam shell, which is easy to install and effectively retains thermal energy.

Installing a heating element inside the pipeline allows you to get a much greater effect. It is used in cases where the system is located close to the surface of the earth or is completely located in an open area. A self-regulating heating cable for sewerage inside a pipe allows you to reliably protect both a conventional and a storm system, which remains practically unused during the cold season. The remaining sewage freezes, is periodically replenished during warming and ultimately forms an ice jam that can break the pipeline. However, the installation of the heater can only be done in pipes of a sufficiently large diameter, otherwise it will cause frequent congestion and, instead of being useful, will only bring unnecessary worries.

Do-it-yourself installation and connection of a heating cable

Installing the heating element is not particularly difficult. It is most convenient to carry out work during the installation of the system, so that you do not have to dig up pipes already in use. If it is planned to heat the system from the outside, before installing the insulation, a heater is laid along the pipeline and fixed with tape. Installing a self-heating cable for sewerage inside a pipe is somewhat more difficult, since it is necessary to combine the laying of the system with the installation of the heater. It is important to bring the element all the way to the drain hole, which is the area exposed to the cold.

Connections must be insulated with heat shrink tubing, which is heated with a torch or building hair dryer. For input, an oblique tee with a plug is used, in which a hole is made. A heater is introduced through it, the outlet is filled with a heat insulator resistant to high temperatures. It is necessary to ensure that the sections of the heater do not intersect anywhere and are evenly spaced, without accumulations and empty areas.

Detailed video review:

Everything useful about sewerage -

Reading 5 min.

A heating cable for sewer pipes is used in cases where the line cannot be lowered below the freezing point of the soil or this is associated with high material costs. The use of this electrical device requires financial investments, but they are comparable to the costs of laying a deep and long trench. If you lay the heating cable for sewage inside the pipe, then it can be laid on the surface without deepening. Consider the rules for the selection and installation of these devices.

Heating cable for pipes

How cable works

The technology of warming up the drainage system is based on the resistance of certain materials when an electric current passes through them. The higher this figure, the more heat is generated. A similar principle is used in the manufacture of heating radiators and electric incandescent lamps. The heating cable has a complex structure, due to which heat is distributed evenly throughout the entire line. At the same time, the product is completely safe due to the presence of reliable insulation.

Manufacturers make these devices with different adjustment possibilities and power parameters.

The cable for heating the sewer pipe is available in several modifications.

Resistive - is a heating element (wire), enclosed inside materials that protect it from moisture and mechanical damage. A feature of the product is the gradual decrease in the temperature of the wire as it moves away from the power source (socket). Resistive cables have constant power parameters and do not respond to changes in ambient temperature. To prevent their overheating, it is necessary to install thermostats and sensors.

Resistive type products consist of the following elements:

  • heating wire;
  • internal polymer insulation that conducts heat well;
  • protective screen made of copper foil;
  • external insulation made of flexible plastic;
  • plug and cable for connection to a 220 V network.

Resistive heaters are affordable. They are purchased and installed where it is possible to turn off the heating when weather conditions change.

Self-regulating - its feature is the ability to change power when the ambient temperature rises or falls. This is due to the placement of a self-regulating matrix of semiconductor materials inside the product.

The device of a self-regulating device:

  • heating pair of wires;
  • semiconductor matrix;
  • internal insulation;
  • reinforcing braid;
  • external polymer insulation.

A variation of this cable is the zonal model. It can be configured to work only in those areas that need protection from the cold. The pieces of wire can be interleaved with the power cable according to the particularities of the pipeline.

Which one to choose and how to calculate

Depending on the design of the sewer, the heating elements are placed outside or laid inside. The choice is made based on the type of soil, the depth of the passage of the highway and the ambient temperature. Consider what to look for when planning a sewer heating system.

External laying - this method is used at the stage of installation of a long route with locking devices and revision wells. A heater is laid on top to prevent heat loss by pipes.

The following heating elements are used:

  1. One line laid at the bottom of the highway. Products with a power of 20 W per 1 m and more are selected.
  2. How many lines are spaced at the same distance from each other. This design allows you to maintain the same temperature over the entire area of ​​​​the pipe.
  3. Spiral. It is the best alternative to parallel laying. It is quickly mounted and provides uniform warming up.
  4. Wavy line. Installed at the bottom of the drain system or top and bottom. Prevents solidification of the flowing liquid and freezing of condensate.

Taps and valves are turned in such a way that they are heated throughout the entire volume.

Internal heating of sewer pipes with a cable is used in systems of small length with a diameter of at least 63 mm. This option allows you to transfer heat directly to the drains, minimizing losses. A similar solution is used in cases where it is necessary to heat the wastewater system without excavation and dismantling of the main.

Before the heater is placed in the channel, the exhaust cable is pulled into it and the adapter is inserted. The cable is fixed using a special sleeve. This part firmly clamps the wire and prevents an unpleasant odor from seeping out of the sewer. When choosing internal heating, it should be taken into account that because of this, the throughput of the channel is reduced, and the risk of blockages increases.

When making calculations for the purchase of material, one should be guided by the following criteria regarding the temperature regime of its operation:

  • up to -10ºС - 8-12 W / m;
  • up to -30ºС - 13-25 W / m;
  • -50ºС and below - 26-60 W / m.

Regardless of the installation method, material should be purchased in an amount of 10% more than the calculated one. Each shut-off device requires a separate measurement. Its result is added to the total length of the trunk.

How to carry out installation work

In order to carry out the arrangement of electric heating of the sewer system with your own hands, you will need the following tools and devices:

  • heating cable for water supply and sewerage pipes;
  • roulette;
  • forceps;
  • stationery knife;
  • marker;
  • scissors;
  • double sided aluminum foil tape.

The work is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Wrapping the pipe with special tape.
  2. Applying markup. Wire laying lines are drawn, places of its attachment are marked.
  3. The imposition of the heater on the line in accordance with the markings.
  4. Fixing the device with aluminum foil tapes.
  5. Wrapping the line with insulating material.

If a heating cable is laid in a sewer pipe, then a tee must be installed beforehand. The clamping sleeve is already fixed in it. When laying on straight sections, it is allowed to push the wire through without additional devices. Its cut must be well insulated.

In case of difficulty, a cable or a telescopic handle is used. With their help, the device is pulled into the pipe from the side where it is more convenient to do it. You can tie a tennis ball to the heater and wash it off with strong water pressure. When laying the cable, it is not allowed to twist or bend it more than the minimum radius specified by the manufacturer.

Based on the fact that most of the regions of the country have fairly cool climatic conditions, accordingly, there is a need to provide heating for sewer pipes.

Until recently, this issue was resolved by laying pipes below the freezing level of the soil and insulating them with all kinds of heat-insulating materials. Today, a simpler and more modern method has appeared, namely, connecting a heating cable for sewage.

Such a heating system according to the installation method is divided into internal and external.

Heating cable for sewerage pipes

Features of the use of a heating cable for internal and external sewerage

If we talk about external heating of sewer pipes, then it is used using a heating cable that is laid along the pipe and, when the system is turned on, heats it to the desired temperature.

The cable is available in several types, namely:

The heating cable inside the sewer pipe is most often used on small sections of pipelines, usually on street pumps.

According to the principle of operation, the heating cable inside the system is similar to working outside, but when the wire is inserted into the pipe, an additional installation of a tee will be required.

It is through this tee that the heating cable will be introduced into the pipe.

Heating cable inside a sewer pipe

If we talk about the principle of operation, then the heating cable for sewer pipes basically contains a core wire, which begins to heat up when an electric current passes.

Heat begins to be transferred from the outside and thus heats the water in the water supply or sewerage.

From the outside, seamless insulation provides protection to the cable.

The hot wire is connected to the cold wire by laser soldering, and there is a plug at the end of the second one.

It is enough to connect this plug to the power supply and the cable will start working.

Heating cable inside the pipe

What types of sewer pipes need heating

Not all sewer pipes need heating, it is worth considering in more detail those types where a heating cable for sewerage is urgently needed.

So, the following types of pipes need heating:

Connecting pipes of a septic tank with a filtration well

If we talk about the most common methods of heating pipes, then they are: laying sewer pipes already equipped with a heating system and heating sewer pipes using a special cable.

How to connect the heating cable yourself

The heating cable for water supply and sewerage pipes can be connected with your own hands.

Installation is carried out as follows:

  • we take a heating cable and put a heat-shrinkable tube on its end, the diameter of which should be larger;

    What heat shrink tubing looks like

  • then we clean the end of the cable by 50 mm from the sheath and braid, cut the braid itself by 10 mm;
  • we carry out the section of the heating cable and clean it from insulation by 40 mm;

    Cleaning the heating cable

  • after that, we put a heat-shrinkable tube of small diameter on the cable itself, and on each wire - along a tube of small diameter;
  • then, with the help of tweezers, we hold the tube and heat it with an open flame, you can also use a building hair dryer;
  • by 6 mm, strip the ends of the cable wires and place the twisted braid in a metal pipe, while holding it tightly;

    Winding the pipe with cable

  • now the end of the supply cable must be cleaned from the sheath by 80 mm;
  • the wires of the supply cable should be divided - we leave the ground wire 80 mm long, and cut the rest by 35 mm. All wires of the supply cable, or rather its ends, must be stripped 6 mm;
  • now comes the crucial moment - you need to connect the wires of the supply cable to the wires of the heating one. To do this, it is necessary to place all the wires in a small-diameter heat-shrinkable tube with a metal sleeve in it and heat it with a building hair dryer;

    Fixing the cable to the pipe

  • in those places where the connections of the supply wires are marked, they must be insulated with tape;
  • then we connect the metal braid and place its end in a metal sleeve, respectively, we clamp it;
  • we isolate the junction of the braid with tape;
  • after that, the junction of the heating cable must be covered with a heat-shrinkable tube of a larger diameter, heated with a building hair dryer, or an open flame can be used as heating;

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