There is no water coming out of the drain hole. The sewer cesspool fills up quickly - what needs to be done? Main signs and causes

Site arrangement 15.06.2019
Site arrangement

In order to ensure comfortable accommodation in a private house or cottage, the owners must take care of the sewer system. As a rule, residents of the private sector prefer storage tanks. This is much cheaper than installing a sealed tank, which requires constant cleaning with the help of sewage equipment.

With all its simplicity and accessibility, the operation of the drain pit can cause difficulties for the owners of the site. One of the most common problems is filling it up quickly. Let's take a closer look at how to determine that the cesspool is filling up too quickly, and what actions to take in this case.

The main signs of filling the pit

It is not difficult to determine that the cesspool quickly filled up. There are several signs of reduced functionality. These include:

  • bad smell on the site even when the waste pit is tightly closed;
  • siltation at the bottom of the tank;
  • various deposits on the walls of the structure;
  • the need to pump out every 4-5 weeks.

The appearance of one or more of the listed signs indicates the insufficient efficiency of the structure.

Reasons for fast filling

For effective solution problems with the sewer, it is necessary to establish the reasons why the drain pit fills up quickly. The main factors contributing to the occurrence of violations of functionality are:

  • silting of a cesspool;
  • accumulation of fat and other deposits on the bottom and walls;
  • freezing structure in winter.

After the reasons for the premature overflow of the storage structure are determined, it is necessary to move on to options for solving the problem.

What to do if the bottom of the pit is silted up?

If the reason for the rapid filling of the drain pit is that it is silted up, you can solve the problem in several ways:

  1. Sewage pumping and major cleaning of the structure with the help of cesspool devices.
  2. Liquefaction of sludge deposits with water. To do this, pour a large amount of water into the tank for 24 hours.
  3. The use of biological products to improve the functionality of the sewer system.

Most in a simple way The solution to the problem is to call a sewer, but such a service is not cheap. Many owners of private houses prefer to use preparations with biologically active substances in cases where the pit has silted up. The results of their application include:

  • elimination of unpleasant smells from the sewerage;
  • cleaning of sewer pipes and storage from various deposits;
  • reducing the level of sewage in the tank;
  • prevention of silting in the future;
  • restoration of the system.

IMPORTANT. You should be aware that products based on microorganisms and bacteria cannot be used in winter time. At low temperatures, the properties of the drug will be significantly reduced.

Choice of biological product

Specialty stores offer huge assortment biologically active drugs. Among them there are products of both foreign and domestic manufacturers of different price categories.

The form of release of the drug is also different, it can be a liquid concentrate, powder or tablets. What drug is better to buy?

In order to clear the pit of silt, many residents of private houses are advised to opt for liquid and powder preparations. This is due to the fact that these products contain anaerobic species of bacteria. These bacteria have the ability to process organic matter without access to oxygen.

It should be borne in mind that products with biologically active substances can only be diluted with water that does not contain chlorine. Otherwise, the effectiveness of the drug will be significantly reduced.

The degree of activity of microorganisms also decreases in the case when chemical substances are poured into the sewer. detergents, stain removers or bleaches.

Cleaning the bottom and walls of the drive

Deposits on the bottom and walls of the tank are common cause irregularities in his work. What to do in this case?

It is necessary to clean the pit and the performance will be restored. To do this, you need to follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. Using water or fecal pump pump out waste from the storage tank.
  2. Fill the reservoir with water. This must be done in order to dissolve deposits and blockages.
  3. Pour the biopreparation into the pit for 4-5 hours.

The main advantage of using a biological product for clogged sewers is that there is no need to pump out after its application. Waste water will leave itself after the active substances of the drug destroy blockages that do not allow water to pass through.

In addition, the biological product improves the drainage layers, which increases the efficiency of the structure.

How to unfreeze a hole?

As a rule, the freezing of the drain pit in winter is prevented by the snow layer and the thermal insulation system, but it happens that at very low temperatures the waste freezes. What to do if the cesspool freezes in winter?

It is possible to defrost waste in a cesspool using an extension cord, copper wire, a steel rod 20-30 cm long and a gripper.

Important! When carrying out work related to the use of electricity, it is necessary to observe safety precautions and protect yourself with rubber gloves and shoes with thick rubber soles. And also it is necessary to limit access to the place of work of children and pets.

In cases where only the sewer pipe is frozen, it is wrapped with a copper conductor, which is connected to the phase wire. Under the influence of current, the thawing of the pipe will take 2-3 hours.

When the entire pit freezes, a steel rod is driven into the middle, to which a copper conductor is attached. This is followed by the phase voltage supply. In this case, the pit will thaw for at least 24 hours. After the work is completed, the voltage is first turned off, and then the rod and wires are removed.

The further functionality of the sewer system depends on how well the work will be done.

If in a private house sewer system equipped with a cesspool, it should be remembered that periodically such a pit needs to be serviced by calling a sewage machine.

Usually, with the correct calculation of the volume of the pit, it is enough to use such services once a year.

But many owners country houses notice that after several years of operation, the cesspool fills up too quickly, and it has to be cleaned more often.

There are several signs that make it clear that the pit is filling up too quickly:

And if it is clear that the cesspool is filling too quickly, what to do with this problem can be determined by identifying the cause of the accelerated filling.

There are several main reasons:

This is what a frozen stock looks like

Depending on the cause, you may be able to figure out what to do to keep the cesspool from filling up so quickly.

What to do when silting the bottom of the pit

First and most main reason why the cesspool quickly fills up is the silting of the bottom, especially if there is drainage below, through which part of the runoff in the form of water enters the ground.

Silting occurs in any case, but accelerates if fats, detergents, large fractions of waste, toilet paper get into the drain.

And if the cesspool is silted up, what to do is easy to understand.

Your actions should look like this:

So the principle of solving the problem is clear, if a cesspool has silted up, what to do with this problem is also clear.

After the cleaning procedure, the sewer will work properly for several years.

In the future, when you notice again that the drain pit has silted up, what to do, you will already know for sure.

It should be noted that if the silting of the bottom happened in winter, biological preparations in this case will be absolutely useless.

To solve the problem, chemical agents should be used, which are nitrate oxidizing agents.

They quickly liquefy the silty environment, reduce the amount of residual mass, eliminate the unpleasant smell from the cesspool.

But, chemicals will be inactive if the drains in the pit are frozen.

Cesspool chemical preparation

If you continue to notice that the drain pit is quickly filling up, what to do in this case, we will consider further.

It is necessary to equip a new cesspool. At the same time, the old one does not need to be buried.

They should be connected with a pipe. Then you have a septic tank.

In the first pit, the effluents will be processed using natural processes and settled, decomposing into water and fractions.

The purified water will be able to flow into the next container, from which, after additional purification, it will seep into the soil through the drainage.

So the number of drains in the first pit will be significantly less, the sewer system will work more efficiently.

It looks like two cesspools connected by a pipe

Many in such cases decide to simply deepen the first drain hole. But still, the previously described method of solving the problem will be an order of magnitude more effective.

Moreover, it is quite simple to implement it.

What to do when the cesspool freezes

There may be sewage problems in the winter. The main reason for their occurrence is the freezing of drains.

That is why in the cold season the water in the cesspool does not go away. How to proceed in such a case?

The problem is solved quite simply. You need to take a copper wire, which is designed for 2 kW, prepare a metal pin, about 20 cm long, as well as a small hook.

So the cesspool is defrosted in winter. But this method should only be used if you are experienced with electricity.

At the same time, it is necessary to work in rubber boots. If there are no skills, such actions can be dangerous, then they should be entrusted to a specialist.

Protective special clothing (gloves and rubber boots)

If it's just frozen drain pipe, it should be wrapped once bare copper wire. Determining the length of the conductor is quite simple.

You need to multiply the diameter of the pipe by 3.14. Subsequently, the wire is connected to the mains, leaving it like that for a couple of hours.

After this time, the network is de-energized, the wire is removed from the pipe. When carrying out such work, it is necessary to exclude the presence of children and animals in the immediate vicinity.

The owners of suburban facilities using a drain pit know from experience how often it is necessary to pump out effluents from the reservoir. And if suddenly the container began to fill up too quickly, this cannot but raise questions. After all, this situation forces us to use the services of sewers more often, and this increases financial expenses. So, if the cesspool fills up quickly, what to do in this case?

Before construction local sewerage system performance is calculated. If, after a few years of operation, the sewer tank begins to fill up too quickly, it is necessary to find the reason for this. Let's figure out what to do if the cesspool quickly fills with sewage. You should start by identifying the causes of the malfunction.

Looking for reasons

In order for the local sewage system to function properly, it must be serviced regularly. The main task of the owners is to ensure the timely pumping of accumulated effluents. The pumping frequency is determined by:

  • volume of tanks;
  • the amount of waste generated in the house;
  • tank design.

Advice! If a septic tank or a filtering drain pit is used on the site, then it will not be necessary to pump out often, since the main part of the effluent - water - will be removed from the tank. It will be necessary to pump out only the heavy part of the effluent, which settles to the bottom in the form of sediment. But a sealed drain pit-drive requires more frequent cleaning - as it fills up.

Filling the drive depends only on the flow of water in the house. Therefore, if the drive began to fill up too quickly, it means that the water consumption in the house has increased. But if the septic tank or the filter drain pit began to overflow, then you need to look for the cause of the failure in the system. The most common reasons leading to performance degradation sewer plant, is:

  • bottom silting;
  • build-up of a layer of fat on the walls and bottom of the tank, due to which the useful volume of the installation decreases;
  • freezing.

Advice! Another signal of a malfunction in the local sewage system is the appearance of a sharp putrefactive odor that can spread throughout the site and even appear in the house. Therefore, if a strong unpleasant odor began to emanate from the drain pit with the hatch tightly closed, you need to look for the cause and take troubleshooting measures.

We eliminate silting

So, if you notice that the drain pit is filling up quickly, it is recommended to take action immediately.


Most often, the reason that the tank began to fill up too quickly is a decrease in bandwidth filter layer at the bottom. After all, it is through the filter layer that the water that makes up most domestic sewage, goes into the ground.

Silting of the filter layer is an almost inevitable process, but the rate of silting depends on the composition of the effluents. Rapid silting contributes to falling into the drain:

  • a large number fats;
  • toilet paper;
  • detergents;
  • non-degradable items - rags, plastic bags, etc.

What will need to be done if the drainage layer of the pit is silted up? The procedure for such a situation:

  • perform the most complete release of the tank from the contents, using special equipment (sewage truck);
  • this is followed by filling the tank with ordinary water, this will soften the formed silt sediment;
  • after a few hours, add special biological preparations to the tank to decompose sludge. It is recommended to choose the drug option marked "Intensive". Such preparations contain colonies of microorganisms that destroy organic sediment in the course of their life;
  • after a few days, once again, completely clean the pit with the help of a sewage machine.

If you managed to achieve a result, and the silt that filled the drainage layer was recycled, then the pit will be able to work flawlessly for several more years.

Silting in winter

In order for biological preparations to work, the temperature in the tank must be not only positive, but also sufficiently high (+10 degrees) temperature. Such conditions cannot be created if it is winter outside.

In this case, instead of biological preparations, it is recommended to use chemical agents. They can "work" even in severe frost. In addition, chemicals, unlike biological preparations, are resistant to the action of disinfectant additives that may be contained in household chemicals.

The only one, but very serious disadvantage chemicals, is their insecurity from the point of view of protection environment. The safest chemical option for cleaning pit latrines is the nitrate oxidizer.

If the problem could not be solved

If, despite the use of biological preparations, the drain pit continues to quickly fill with effluent, drastic measures will have to be applied. In this case, two solutions are possible:

  • construction of a new pit with backfilling of the old one;
  • construction of another tank and its connection with the previous one. Both tanks are connected by an overflow device and treatment plant begins to work on the principle of a septic tank.

Work of the treatment plant:

  • in the first tank, in which the filter layer is almost completely clogged, the effluents will undergo primary settling, here the largest inclusions will settle to the bottom;
  • relatively pure water containing a much smaller amount of impurities will enter the second tank through the overflow pipe;
  • settled water entering the second tank will be filtered through a layer of sand and gravel at the bottom, soaking into the soil.

Fat deposits

Large amounts of fat can be found in kitchen drains. Fat particles are deposited in sewer pipe and on the walls of the sewer tank, forming a dense sediment. Over time, the lumen of the tube can be filled with fatty deposits almost completely.

Sediment on the walls of the tank will gradually reduce the usable volume of the drain pit. To clean the system from fatty deposits, it is recommended to use special biological means marked "anti-fat".

In addition, it is possible to clean pipes and tanks using special equipment - a machine that cleans pipes and tanks from the inside using steam or hot water supplied under pressure.

Advice! To prevent a large amount of fat from entering the sewerage system, it is recommended to use special devices - grease traps. They are installed under the kitchen sink.


Often problems with overflow of the pit occur in winter, since drains can freeze in severe frost. In this case, the water will not be able to leave. How can you defrost a frozen drain hole?

Such a malfunction is eliminated quite simply. But the method can be applied provided that the person doing the defrosting work has the skills to handle electricity and knows the safety precautions. In the absence of skills, it is better to entrust the work to specialists.

Advice! You must first wear rubber boots and use rubber gloves.

To get started, you need to prepare the following details:

  • wire out copper wire, designed for 2 kW;
  • metal hook;
  • a metal pin with a length of at least 20 cm.

The procedure for defrosting the drain pit:

  • we connect the metal fittings with the wire, it must be driven into the center of the ice block in the sewer tank
  • the opposite end of the wire is connected to the hook;
  • the hook is thrown onto the element connected to the power supply.

Advice! You can use a wire with a plug attached, in this case, after driving the pin, the plug will just need to be plugged into the network.

After the completion of these works, all that remains is to wait. The waiting time depends on the amount of ice and outdoor temperature. Defrosting can take from several hours to several days.

After the ice is melted, you need to de-energize the wire, and then remove the pin from the pit. And to reduce the risk of freezing drains in the cesspool, it will be necessary to perform high-quality thermal insulation.

To defrost frozen drains in the cesspool, you can use the services of specialists. For example, a machine can be used to supply hot water vapor to the tank.

So, if the drain pit began to overflow with drains faster than usual, you need to try to restore the drainage, since the filling of the pit is due to the fact that the water stops leaving through the drainage layer. Drainage can stop flowing water due to silting or freezing. And in order to reduce the likelihood of a drain pit failure, you need to take care of this structure in a timely manner - periodically clean it of accumulated sediment, use biological preparations to reduce the amount of sludge, and perform high-quality thermal insulation.

What to do if the cesspool begins to fill up quickly in the winter season? Biological products cannot be used, as they die at temperatures below zero. The reason lies in the freezing of sewage. You need to use resistive heating of the conductors in order to restore good thermal insulation.

You will need:

  • Metal pin 20 cm long;
  • Copper wire 2 kW;
  • Hook.

What is the course of action?

It depends on how frozen the contents of the pit are.

  1. If the structure is not completely frozen, but the pipes through which sewage and sewage enter are frozen. Then: the frozen ground will act as a conductor, but have a high resistance, the ground will limit the amount of current. You need to strip the copper wire to a length that will exceed the value. The formula L=3.14xD will help you. Wrap the section around the pipeline, insert the other end into the phase connector of the socket. A current must pass through the pipeline for several hours, so the pipe warms up, everything frozen will melt, movement Wastewater will gradually begin to recover.
  2. If the cesspool itself is frozen, then you will need to insert an iron pin into its middle, winding the stripped end of the wire to it. You will need to apply 220 V to the other end of the wire. This can be done using a hook. Reinforce it to the wire and throw it on the current-carrying element. The device will freeze within a day.

In order to defrost plastic pipes, you can use special devices that operate under high voltage- 400 A. They contribute to the rapid melting of ice. They are usually used by professionals. If you want to implement this procedure yourself, then you will need welding machine. Its contacts must be in ice on both sides of the frozen pipeline.


Both of these options imply a mandatory shutdown of the current at the end of the defrosting, only after you turn off the current, you can remove the wires.

You can also defrost drains with fan heaters, they are also called "duiks", you can also use a blowtorch. More complex but effective way- this is to kindle a fire next to the pipeline and the pit.

Be sure to follow the full electrical safety. Since working with current is extremely dangerous, all actions must be performed as carefully as possible. Be sure to wear rubber boots and special gloves for electricians. Make sure that there are no small children and water near the current!

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