Air conditioning for heating in winter to 30. Air conditioning - like a heater? This is possible! Limitations of the outer temperature range

Garden technique 17.06.2019
Garden technique

Modern split systems and mobile blocks are capable not only to cool the air, but also heat it. It is important to understand: it is possible to use air conditioning for heating in winter or equipment is not designed to work in thermal mode at low temperatures on the street.

Features and principle of operation split-systems for heat

Any split system is not a heating device, there is no heating elementTherefore, for high-quality maintenance of a comfortable temperature of the climate control system, there will be little. This is due to the peculiarities of the principles of its functioning. Only with certain thermometer values \u200b\u200bon the street.

Most splits can issue warm air. In general terms, this process can be called the Freon reverse, in which the compressor is responsible for its injection towards the room: the heat is closed outside and is carried out inside. To change the refrigerant stroke, a four-way valve is required, which changes the evaporator and condenser in places. In the inner block, freon condensation occurs with heat release, and in external evaporation, in which the air conditioner absorbs heat. Heat is pumped from one place to another, but not produced. Because of this, in heating mode, the efficiency of the air conditioner is strongly reduced, which makes its work ineffective at street temperature closer to zero marks.

The heat exchanger of the external block becomes infinitely small: with the thermometer values \u200b\u200bcloser to zero and below its area is not enough for cold removal.

Limitations of the outer temperature range

The main part of the air conditioners with the heating function has certain limitations: manufacturers produce climate techniques with a programmed possibility to work on heat at a minimum temperature outside to -5 ° C. In practice, it is proved: for minus indicators, the split system should not be launched. It can be concluded that it is impossible to use the air conditioner for heating in winter. At best, it turns out to be warm in this way until November.

Failure to comply with the recommendations, data in the instructions and when installing, leads to work on the wear in constant start-stop mode. For modern two-component devices, there is a special program at which a signal from the thermal sensor is given on a fee of invalid heat exchanger temperature values, and the instrument is turned on. In extreme cases, only the fan will earn, or one of the error codes will be displayed - each brand There are their ciphers.

How to enable and configure air conditioner for warm air

If a temperature mode Outdoor on the street, turn on the air conditioner using the ON button on the remote control remote control or on the outer panel.

Find the Heat button or Mode and then the icon with the image of the sun, drops, snow or fan. If there is nothing like this, it means that this model of the air conditioner is not intended for heating the room.

After switching the system to heat mode using the "+" and "-" buttons the desired temperature. It should be higher than the room temperature.

After installing the desired temperature indicator, the fan will turn on, and then warm air will go. The specified climate will be set for 10 minutes.

There are models in which you first need to put the mode and temperature, and then press the ON button. detailed instructions attached to the device when buying.

Problems and risks of operation

If you turn on the air conditioner for heating at a temperature on the street below the permissible, the following problems may occur:

  • the efficiency of the system will decrease significantly;
  • will frozen the condenser of the external block;
  • a fan of the external block breaks;
  • oil thickens, as a result of which a compressor breaks during the system startup.

Efficiency and thermal efficiency of air conditioners

Under the efficiency of the air conditioner understands the evaluation of the efficiency of the system. The calculation of this value is made from the ratio of consumed and useful power. In this case, useful power is the amount of the reduced heat per unit of time. It is possible to talk about effective work when the efficiency of the air conditioner in heating mode is more than 1.

Usually, with positive temperatures on the street, the amount of heat generated exceeds the value of the consumed energy 2-4 times. If the power of consumption was 1 kW, then the heating power will be approximately 2-4 kW. The manufacturer indicates the rated power of consumption, which can not coincide a little with real values.

The energy efficiency coefficient of the air conditioner is usually marked as C.O.P. (Coeficalient of Performance). It can be calculated using two values \u200b\u200b- heating power to consumption power.

If a thermal power made up 3.5 kW, and consumption of 1.2 kW, then the effectiveness will be approximately 2.9 kW. This is considered quite a lot of productivity. If the temperature on the street decreases, respectively, the energy consumption increases, while the coefficient falls noticeably. The coefficient less than 2.4 is considered low. The devices with the values \u200b\u200bare marked below the A-Class.

Winter set

There are two myths about efficient heating air conditioning in winter cold.

The first myth: When installing a winter kit on air conditioning with a heating function, it can be used at low temperatures. This is the proportion of truth - to include the device in this case is allowed, but not heat, but on the cold.

Standard winter set consists of three elements:

  • fan rotation delay device;
  • compressor crankcase heating;
  • drainage heating is a self-regulating heating element.

When operating the air conditioner to heating in the winter there is no need to slow down the fan operation, on the contrary, it should rotate even stronger. Therefore, such a factory split will help only when the room is cooled when it is necessary to slow the fan rotation to maintain the condensation temperature.

Installing the winter kit for inverters is not fully carried out in most cases, but in part, since many devices have a fan rotation moderator already built into the complex electronics system.

The second myth: Acquisition of a modern air conditioner with a built-in winter set and an anti-icing program will function on heating to the specified temperature parameters that very often reach serious values. This is not entirely true. Only units of models belonging to the semi-industrial series will be able to warm the room. In addition to the built-in heater of the drainage pallet, they have increased heat exchanger. Such models provide a decent effectiveness of heating in winter air conditioning even at -25 ° C. The rest will be able to work efficiently with such outdoor parameters only for cooling.

Main manufacturers and series of devices with a programmed possibility of room heating in frost:

IN modern conditions Production climate machinery The ability to use air conditioning for heating is available, but the acquisition of all-season split will cost much more expensive.

Mobile Air Conditioner as a Winter Heater

Mobile air conditioner combined all internal work items in one case refrigerator. When working on a cold, the fence of the air goes out of the room, its division into two parts occurs: the cooled flow goes back, and warm is removed through the outgoing corrugation.

To heal the air in most monoblocks, a TEN is installed - a built-in electrical heater. The compressor works on the contrary: it turns out into the pipe cold air, and in the room is hot. At the same time, electricity consumption is significantly increased. Accordingly, the efficiency of work falls, and heating mobile air conditioning becomes costly.

At the same time, there are three significant advantages:

  • with this design, you can maintain an area of \u200b\u200bup to 60 m²;
  • heating air conditioning in winter is possible at any temperatures outside, as there is no external unit at all;
  • in the mobile block, a ceramic tan can be installed for heating air.

In a monoblock with a heating mode, an accurate thermostat is set, which, when the device is reached, turns off the compressor.

Manufacturers producing high-quality monoblocks with heating function, not much. The most famous among them:

Selection of air conditioner with heating function

Regardless of the preferred design of the device when the air conditioner is selected for heating, it is necessary to pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • rated power of consumption;
  • heat performance;
  • energy efficiency class;

Can I use air conditioning for heating?

Air conditioning in winter to use for heating rooms quite possibly. It is no secret that some models of air conditioners except cooling are capable of working on heating. Moreover, heating rooms with an air conditioner is 3 times more efficient than heating using a conventional electrical heater. Savings proceeds from the principles of air conditioning. Electricity in the air conditioner is spent on the movement of thermal energy, while in conventional heaters it is only converted from electrical in thermal.

But it is worth noting that far not all air conditioners can be used to heating the rooms in the frost. First, immediately exclude the model, functioning only for cooling. Usually, when choosing and buying an air conditioner, the customer is determined which air conditioning it is needed - heated or without. And if in favor of savings chosen inexpensive model Without the heating function, the option of economical heating with an air conditioner disappears. Such split systems cannot be removed. We note these air conditioners as the first group.

Secondly, most air conditioners are oriented only on use them as an additional heat source. After all, in apartment buildings there are basic heating - the central heating system. All residents of Moscow's high-rise buildings or other cities are familiar with the painful waiting for the supply of heat in late autumn. This is the most active time to use the air conditioner to heating. It is during this period that the air conditioner works on heating with full return! And in the house warm, dry and comfortable, and it is worth such comfort three times cheaper. Therefore, many producers produce the bulk of split systems, calculated on the minimum temperature of the outdoor air minus 5-10 OS. Before starting the air conditioner in the winter for heating, we strongly advise you to familiarize yourself with the limit parameters of your split-system, which are listed in the operating instructions, since these parameters are different from different air conditioners. If it is not possible to familiarize yourself with the instruction, then the minimum temperature of the air conditioner can be viewed in directories.

We highlight the second group of air conditioners capable of working for heating in winter at a medium negative temperature. Air conditioners, which will be heated in winter:

    For example, MIN heating temperature in inverter air conditioners Daikin.FTXG-J / RXG-K - minus 15 OS, and in non-converter models Daikin FTYN-G / RYN-G - minus 10 OS.

    Equipment Hitachi. Inverter series - minus 15 OS; Luxury series - minus 10 ° C; BUSINESS series - minus 7 OS.

    Conditioners Toshiba. Daiseikai series are designed for minus 15 OS, and the rest of the models for minus 10 ° C

  • In split-systems Panasonic This is the weakest indicator, both in inverter and in conventional models of only minus 5 OS.
  • In equipment LG Inverter models are designed to work up to minus 15 OS, non-converter (white and colored) to minus 10 OS, and Chinese G-LH all that is minus 5 ° C.

    GENERALClimate. It will be able to heat up to minus 7 OS.

    Samsung Promises to heat Monte's air conditioners with Freon R410A to minus 15 OS, and Monte with Freon R22, Vivace, Crystal and Max up to minus 5 °

We highlight the third, frost-resistant split system group. Manufacturers of expensive air conditioners offer options for serious frosts. Conditioners of this class can be used as full heating appliances:

  • Daikin.FTXR-E / RXR-E - up to minus 20 ° C; New Year of 2010 Daikin FTXL25G / RXL25G is designed to meet the full heating up to minus 20 ° C; Daikin. FTXS-J / RXS-J, FTX-J / RX-J- are designed to work up to minus 15 OS (the additional option "Inay" allows the air conditioner to work only on cooling up to minus 30 OS, and the option "Iceberg" is up to minus 40 OS, N and heated to minus 30-40 OS they do not work!).

    New models of split systems Mitsubishi.Electric As inverter, and without inverter, it is maintained - minus 20 ° C (for full work on heating at -20 C, a special option is needed - heated pallet of the outer unit). But, in old models, such as MSC-GAVB / MUH-GAVB release of 2006 minimum temperature On the heating is only minus 10 ° C.

    A Split Systems Mitsubishi.Electric SeriesZubadan. (MSZ-FDVABH / MUZ-FDVABH) - minus 25 ° C.

    Split systems Hitachi.Premium Xh,Cut.Out I.Air.Exchanger Also capable of bringing frost to minus 20 ° C.

These data are valid for air conditioners model Row 2010.

The air conditioner device is not intended for heating, the unit was invented for cooling the air.

Therefore, the spiral or tan did not think to put. But some "craftsmen", using the "heat pump" regime, decided that this would be enough to heat the room. The unit works on the principle: takes heat from the room and gives it to the street.

If the "pump" mode is enabled, reversion occurs: the warm air is pumped outside the outside.

But everything would be nothing, but only outside the window, the temperature is significantly lower than 0 ° C, it turns out the forces not enough at the compressor heat the air and it begins to work for wear. Any device cannot be long at the maximum, it leads to a breakdown. Even in responses it is indicated that the air conditioner is useful in our climatic zone Only in the offseason: Spring, autumn. At this time, heating to include nothing, and sometimes there is not enough heat.

Another matter of the country where heating is sometimes missing, and do not have to choose. Or regions in our country with a mild climate. Air conditioning there is irreplaceable household appliance. The testimony of the street temperature for the operation of the aggregate to heat the range in the range of 0 ° C -5 ° C. The temperature is the high risk of failure of the compressor.

So heating your apartment with air conditioning if the street is ordinary frosty winter - this is a myth.

With strong frosts, even the manufacturers themselves reject the idea of \u200b\u200busing the aggregate for heat itself. If for the window -15 ° C, then the hole, derived to the street, simply freezes, the entire condensate begins to flow back to the room.

But following consumer demand, today many companies conduct scientific research in the field of room heating by the aggregate. And already appeared, judging by the video, in the market, devices that are capable even at -20 ° C remain in working condition, heating air. Many companies, if we consider photos on their sites, there have been various modifications of units that work in winter conditionsSo the myth of heating by the aggregate in the winter will soon turn into reality.

Try to "rebuild" your air conditioner

Today, if you want to heat the apartment in the winter and your average street temperature does not fall below - 25 ° С, you can simply "rebuild" your technique in the winter kit. So you will make your engine "Morozostykh". The specialist will finalize your device with the following elements:

  • Heated drainage. The drainage heater does not give water to freeze. Removes condensate.
  • Carter compressor. If the compressor is stopped, then the heater is turned on, which heats the oil from thickening and contributes to the refrigerant could not find into the crankcase.
  • Controller of the outer block fan. It supports a certain condensation temperature, not allowing to frozen the inner block.

Heating "Split-system"

Modern systems of new aggregates are energy efficient. So, the device, spending only 1kW of electricity, gives up to four kilowatt. "Heat with air conditioning is significantly economy than electric heating," the consumer reviews say. This is because all the energy in the unit is spent on the movement of warm air, and in electrical heating devices, electrical energy is transformed into thermal.

If you remember Japan, where there is no oil, gas, and electricity-luxury, the use of an aggregate as a heating device is in the first place.

It is difficult to imagine how you can get warm from the street, where minus temperature.

Today there are systems that work perfectly when outside the window -25 ° C. The operation of the split system in heat mode is built on cooling the outdoor unit and on the heating of the internal, the fan of which is driven by air through a hot radiator, and the air heated now is distributed through the room.

Thermal energy does not appear nowhere and does not disappear to nowhere.


Even the working refrigerator displays heat to the back wall, where the heat sink radiator is installed. If we want to remove warm air from the apartment with an aggregate, then heat is displayed through outdoor block. Including the device for heat, the unit cooling the air on the street. Transmits heat to the apartment, heating your home.

The principle of heating is simple: the block makes the air fence with the value of temperature -16, and gives even cold air -25. It turns out the difference of nine degrees, it will be used for heat.

It turns out that we seem to be not paying for the heat, because we take it from the street. Pay only for electricity on which our device works.

Warm air and this is proved by numerous reviews, with a sharply different from heat obtained classic way. So, air heating occurs quickly, he does not have time to smire, but thanks the newest system The air is still ionized and filtered.

There are devices that can warm the temperature in a room of up to 30 degrees in 25 minutes.

Do not cost forget, whatever good for heat was air conditioned, it still remains only an addition to the main heating.

What positive moments are waiting for us when purchasing an air conditioner for heat in winter?

  1. Simplest performance features. The presence of a person is required during the period when you need to specify the parameters. And then: turned on the device, reinstalled the mode and forgot about the compressor.
  2. Trouble-free acquisition. The options of the device are many, so to purchase air conditioner more than available.
  3. Of all the devices on electricity air conditioning is the most economical.
  4. All air conditioners for heating are the perfect way out when the heating is already turned off, and the temperature does not rise yet.
  5. The unit can be complicated by different functionality.

Any type of equipment of the unit is very expensive, so it's not worth installing such a device with your own hands. Moreover, when buying, as a rule, the installation of the unit is already included in the cost of the goods, and you will not receive the guarantees when you try to start the unit yourself.

Heating home air conditioning in winter. Features of the air conditioner Mitsubishi Electric Zubadan Inverter in December.

Part of the third. Report for December.

This article publishes our brief report for December on the results of the operational testing of the Air Heat Pump Mitsubishi Electric MUZ-FH50VEHZ (Zubadan Inverter) operating in the heating mode of the room at home.

In the previous article, a brief report on the operation of the air conditioner-air thermal pump Mitsubishi Electric MUZ-FH50VEHZ (Zubadan Inverter) was published in heating mode with maintaining the temperature indoor at home at about +10 degrees, it was found that the device could work effectively in November In the mode of heating at home (I SAVE mode).

Abnormally warm weather in Southeast Moscow region was observed not only in November, but in the first month of winter - in December, despite this, there were days when there was a decrease in the average temperature of the outdoor (surrounding) air to -5 degrees with .... - 18 Glad C - from December 10 to December 11, as well as from December 14 to December 16. From December 15 to December 16 (per day), the "I-Save" mode was temporarily switched to heating mode with maintaining the room temperature in the house at +16 degrees Celsius. The maximum daily outdoor temperature in December even rose to +2 degrees with ...

Winter Kit for Split System

4 degrees with repeatedly for the period from December 20 to December 26, which, in general, it has positively affected the efficiency of the operation of the air heat pump in heating mode and the electricity consumed.

When operating air conditioning in the winter in the air heat pump mode (heating mode) cold air is given away from the radiator of the outer block with a fan in environment , but warm air is entered into room from the indoor unit. For negative temperatures Outdoor air on the plates of the radiator of the external unit of the air conditioner occurs, the formation of Inea (see photo 2 - to defrost). At the same time, the defrosting mode of the outer unit is automatically automatically automatically turned on, and the thawed distilled water flows from the drain hole stirred in the pallet of the exterior body housing, so the radiator plate of the outer block is cleaned from the ENEY form (see photo 2 - after defrosting).

Photo 2. View of the radiator plates of the outer unit of the air conditioner ME MUZ-FH50VEHZ with the included I-Save heating mode (up to defrost - left and after defrosting - right).

Generalized results of operational testing of air conditioner [air heat pump] Mitsubishi Electric MUZ-FH50VEHZ Zubadan Inverter for December:

  • the average monthly outdoor temperature minus 2.0 degrees C;
  • minimum outdoor temperature minus 18 degrees with (December 15 - 16);
  • the maximum outdoor temperature is about +4 degrees with (December 2 and December 23 - 25);
  • air temperature inside the room at home, where there is internal block MSZ-FH50VE, changed from +8 to +10 degrees C;
  • the temperature of the floor in the room where the internal MSZ-FH50VE unit is installed not lowered below +7 degrees C;
  • the minimum air temperature inside the room at home (measurement at all corners of the house) is about +6 degrees with;
  • the average air temperature inside the premises of the house (averaging at all corners of the house) +7.4 degrees with;
  • periodic operation of the air heat pump for heating with instantaneous electricity consumption per hour from 0.1 kW to 3.2 kW;
  • the total number of electric power consumed for the month of 954 kW;
  • assessment average consumption of electrical energy per day 30.77 kW;
  • the amount of condensate (distilled water) - not intended, a chute was installed for removal of melt water from the outer block.

Fig. 1. Electricity consumption chart in [kW] by days for December for air conditioner - Air thermal pump Me MUZ-FH50VEHZ / MSZ-FH50VE Zubadan Inverter when working in heating mode (I SAVE function, with maintenance of air temperature inside the room about +10 Grad C), power profiles for the period from December 01 to December 31.


Independent operational tests of the air thermal pump Mitsubishi Electric MUZ-FH50VEHZ / MSZ-FH50VE (Zubadan Inverter), which was operated from December 1 to December 31 in heating mode (I SAVE function) with maintaining air temperature about +10 degrees with indoors at home. Based on the resulting empirical data in December and the analysis of the results of the performance tests, the following conclusions were made:

  • Air conditioning [Air thermal pump] works effectively in heating at home in winter even at the outdoor temperature minus 18 degrees Celsius.
  • The total consumption of electricity is air conditioned [air thermal pump] for December amounted to 954 kW, while saving money amounted to at least 4,800 rubles compared with heating with two electrical convectors with a nominal capacity of 1.5 kW each.
  • The amount of electricity consumed for December is greater than in November 578 kW, with a difference in the average temperature of outdoor air between December and November about 5.2 degrees C. Outdoor unit of the air thermal pump MUZ-FH50VEHZ (in heating mode, the "I Save" function ) It is periodically disconnected, after which the defrost mode is turned on to remove it from the radiator of the outdoor unit and removal of melt water along the groove installed by us. The defrost mode significantly affects the reduction of the efficiency of the air heat pumpoperating in heating mode at negative outdoor air temperatures.
  • According to estimated calculations, heating air conditioning by ~ 27% more expensive than similar heating with a network natural gas (provided that the efficiency of the heating system is 85%).

Home Heating Air Conditioning - Air Heat Pump Mitsubishi Electric Zubadan Inverter "Air-Air" - report for January.

Modern air conditioners are full-fledged climatic control settings that ensure the maintenance of a given room temperature in "Heating" and "Cooling" modes. For supporting specified parameters Microclimate split-system The heat-cold is programmed, after which control sensors provide automatic maintenance of the temperature regime in the room.

The principle of operation of the Split system heat-cold

In order for the heat-cold split system to work on an increase and decrease in its design in its design is provided special valve, ensuring the opposite direction of the refrigerant movement.

When cooled by the room, the evaporation of freon occurs in the inner block, and condensation - in the outer. When heated - on the contrary. Thus, the room enters either cold or warm air.

Split system capabilities

The heat-cold split system provides effective monitoring of the temperature regime, depending on the air temperature "overboard" at home. Most of the systems presented in the market when cooled the room are able to operate in regular mode at a temperature of 35-40 degrees. At high temperatures, the air conditioning protection systems from overloads begin to operate.

In the "Heat" mode, the split system is able to lift the room temperature to 30-32 degrees, but the air temperature should be within 5-15 degrees.

Is it possible to include air conditioning in winter: heating and cooling at low temperatures

At lower temperatures, the system should be completed with additional equipment against the freezing of condensate, start the engine of the compressor, etc., but even then winter operation requires special precautions so that the air conditioner does not fail.

In general, the Split system heat-cold justifies itself if necessary to maintain the temperature in the offseason, when the summer has long over, and heating season Not yet come. As a full-fledged heater, its use is ineffective from an economic point of view, but when comfort and health stands on the horse, it is worth closing your eyes.

Split system care

Systematic operation of the system in both modes means that it is required sanitary treatmentwhose frequency depends on the quality of the filters installed. The alternation of warm and wet air inevitably leads to the formation of mold on the evaporator and the turbine of the fan, which is subsequently distributed with air flows on the premises of the house and has negative influence on the health of residents.

Therefore, the timely replacement of filters and systemal care will provide you with its normal operation and will help save health.

Use on the heating of the split system in winter.

Different models operate to different low temperatures, these limit temperatures are determined by the manufacturer and is indicated in the instructions for the acquired technique.

In heating modethe air conditioner operates as a thermal pump, it serves warm air to the room, and the street is cold, and since there is a minus temperature, then ice is ported on the heat exchanger and on the pallet of the external block, that is, the Split system freezes itself. In the future, the altage of the ice will not give to check the fan and the compressor can jam.

At the same time consider what is colder on the street, less heat Gives a split system.

Room temperature C DB-installed temperature on the remote control;

Q- issued power split system

Input- power consumption in W.

From this table, from the Mitsubishi Electric technical catalog, it can be seen that a specially prepared heat pump at a temperature of -10С produces 2.3 times less power than when +20 s

At what temperature can the air conditioner be used for heating?

Not an inverter split system (heat-cold) and inexpensive with an inverter.

Most often, the manufacturer indicates permissible temperature Work in mode heating to -5 -7 with on the street. This applies to almost all non-inverter split systems, exceptions here are only in good Japanese brands, in particular the Hitachi Luxory series (RAS / RAC-_LH2) and inexpensive split systems with an inverter, especially concerns cheap Chinese split systems with an inverter, but happens And in Korean inverters LG.

This is due to the overall minimization trend. production expenses and cheapening products, in particular, a decrease in the size and weight of internal and external blocks, this is a consequence and cause of a decrease in the size of heat exchangers responsible for the quality of the heat of removal. The heat exchanger is the deterioration of the removal of cold or warm air - a quantitative decrease in the maximum outdoor temperature recommended by the manufacturer at which the split system works.

Split systems with inverter controlwork at lower temperatures, for them, the recommended maximum allowable standard work temperature specified in the characteristics of the manufacturers, to -10 C -20 C. Most often the restriction is found to -15 S.

This includes high-quality inverters from China (in particular from the Gree and Midea plant), Japanese manufacturers. At good chinese manufacturers There is also a technique working before -20c - Quattroclima Milano series, Gree production. Manufacturers from the average range of Toshiba, Carrier, Hitachi, Fujitsu, Mitsubishi Heavy and Premium Brands Daikin and Mitsubishi Electric have a decent safety margin and high-quality manufacturing materials, and non-low parameters and can safely be operated in minus temperatures, to indicators specified in the passport, to - 15c.

Separately, it is worth considering specially prepared air conditioners for heating - the thermal pump Mitsubishi Electric ZubaDan Temperature limitations -25 C.

Is it possible to use air conditioners in severe frosts, up to -30 degrees?

But these air conditioners are up to 20% more expensive than similar Mitsubishi Electric Deluxe. This is the only split system of which can really be warm in winter, and it is designed and prepared in advance by the plant to heat the room. At the same time, its consumption is very low, the coefficient of ERR is more than 5.0

In the photo of the renovated split system from our service center, an example of an air conditioner in frost, at temperatures below, which is recommended by the manufacturer. The stagnant ice crushed the heat exchanger, interrupted copper tube And Freon is "left." Repair came out not cheap.

Separately you can buy low-temperature kitthat allows you to work split systems up to -30 s, or even up to -43 C. But winter kits do not solve the problem heating in winterthey are designed to work split systems at lower temperatures only in cooling mode. At the same time, the efficiency of work will remain low. They only allow the air conditioner to "survive" during frost, do not break.

Mitsubishi Electric This kit is intended only for the GF series operating exclusively for cooling. Installing this kit displays the limit of the operation of the split system to -40 C.

In low-cost brands you can also buy winter sets offered by the manufacturer. For example, Lessar or Tosot has separate "winter kits" and there are pre-installed at the factory.

Optionally, the low-temperature kit can be installed on any split system. Its cost will be from 4000 rubles, and envy of power. The more powerful - the more watts should be spent on the heating of the crankcase, drainage.

As part of the "winter kits" (low-temperature set) comes:

  • self-regulating electric heater Carter compressor
  • self-regulating heater for capillary tube
  • self-regulating electric heater for drainage hose
  • fan speed regulator

Most often, air conditioning with a winter kit is installed in northern together with a rotation device that combines several air conditioners in operation and the work algorithm specifies them.

If you use a split-system for heating in frost, the installation of a low-temperature set will allow the air conditioner to survive short-term frosts and do not break.

Can air conditioners not only cool, but also effectively heat the room in winter time? Yes. We conducted a study of the split-systems market and allocated the top 5 split systems that are suitable for heating at minus temperatures from -15 ° C to -30 ° C.

Advantages of air conditioners when heating, in comparison with heaters

Unlike any other heating devices, air conditioning on heating works on the principle of heat pump. This means that the heating of the room is carried out due to the selection of heat by Freon and transfer it from the street to the internal unit of the air conditioner, which in turn with the help of the fan spreads heat all over the room. It is worth noting that the CPD of the air conditioner is 4 times higher than, for example, in convectors or electrical heaters. This is due to the fact that on 1 kW of electricity spent, the air conditioner issues up to 4 kW of heat (this figure may vary depending on the outer air temperature). Inverter air conditioners are most effective in this regard, which, due to the smooth adjustment of the capacity of the compressor, maintain the temperature inside the room with minimal energy consumption. In addition, special inverter air conditioners, designed to work up -25 ° C, equipped with a heated compressor and heated pallet.

We offer to consider the advantages of split systems:

  1. 4 times more heat with the same electricity costs.
    The electrical heater (convector) during the cost of 1 kW of energy issues 1 kW of heat, and the air conditioner with costs ≈250-350 W energy issues 1 kW of heat.
  2. Suitable for year-round operation.
    IN summer time Effectively work on cooling, and in winter - on heating.
  3. Safety.
    Split systems are located in an inaccessible place for children. When working on heating, the surface does not heat up, in contrast to oil and electrical heaters.
  4. Quick heating of the room.
    Air conditioners allow you to warm up a room to 25 square meters. m for 5 minutes, at the expense of the fan, which blows out warm air throughout the room. The velocity of the fan can be changed using the control panel. Heaters heat the room in 1-2 hours. Infrared heaters Heat only the zone where the beam is directed. Oil heaters warm up the room longer than electric, but at the same time they retain heat longer, but the air is very strongly dried.

Split systems for heating rooms must be used with temperatures recommended by the manufacturer. This is due to the fact that oil is dissolved in the refrigent, which effectively lubricates the fuel parts of the compressor at the specified temperatures. In case of non-compliance with operation modes, rapid wear of the compressor occurs. In our review top 5 air conditioners you will find models that can be used for heating at temperatures up to -30 ° C.

ON-OFF air conditioners can be included on the heating at a minimum temperature on Street to -7 ° C.

Inverter air conditioners work on heat at minimum temperature outside the window to -15 ° C.

And only special inverter air conditioners equipped with compressor and pallet heating - can be operated in winter to -25-30 ° C.

Everyone decides himself, as he wants to warm in winter, but for those for whom the economic component goes to the fore, we offer the top 5 inverter air conditioners for heating in the winter.

What air conditioning is worth buying for heating in winter

1. Mitsubishi Heavy SRK-ZSX (up to -20 ° C)

Inverter Split System 2017 Designed for operation at temperatures up to -20 ° C and heating rooms with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 20 sq.m. Thanks to the silicone coating of management boards, the air conditioner is significantly increased. Noise level is reduced to 19 dB (A).


  • business class + designer series;
  • 3-dimensional air flow control;
  • noise level - 19 dB (A);
  • connecting to SUPERLINK and " Smart House»;
  • icing system;
  • motion Sensor;
  • weekly 24-hour programmer;
  • 4 fan rotation speed modes;
  • the highest Japanese quality;
  • production Thailand.


  • High cost, compared with Chinese air conditioners.

Price: 40176-42050 UAH

Video Review Mitsubishi Heavy SRK ZS-S

Mitsubishi Heavy SRK20ZSX-S / SRC20ZSX-S is the newest model that allows you to significantly save electrical energy. The device can recognize human movements and automatically adjusts the power. Over external species The inner block worked the Italian Designers of the studio TENSA SRL.

2. Cooper & Hunter Arctic (up to -25 ° C)

Arctic series air conditioning is designed specifically for the heating of rooms at temperatures up to -25 ° C. The outer block heat exchanger has a green-fin coating that protects the surface from corrosion. Split system is equipped with intellectual system defrosting, the function "Warm Start" and uses the air purification technology "Cold Plasma".


  • energy Efficiency Class A +++;
  • quickly cools and heats the room;
  • inexpensive, in comparison with the previous model;
  • noise level of the inner unit - 34 dB (a), outdoor - 50 dB (A);
  • electricity consumption at -20 ° C increases only 10-15%;
  • built-in Wi-Fi Module for managing through a smartphone / tablet (OS: Android, iOS).


  • the display does not live in the inner block;
  • there is no possibility to view the temperature inside and outside;
  • sleep functions do not work in three-dimensional mode, as described in the instructions (fan turnover and noise level are not reduced);
  • the line of the Arctic series begins only with the "9th" model.

Price: 16970 UAH


If you are looking for an inexpensive air conditioner, which will quickly warm the room in the winter period, then Cooper & Hunter Arctic - optimal option By indicators price / quality.

The wall split system works on heating at temperatures to -23 ° C and suitable for heating rooms with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 30 sq.m.


  • for heating room 22 square meters. M electricity consumption per day about 10 kW;
  • air purification technology "Cold Plasma";
  • anticorrosive heat exchanger coating.


  • sleep mode one, not 3, as indicated in the instructions;
  • there is no mount for the console;
  • when pressing TEMP does not show the temperature on the streets (a)
  • the Nordic EVO series line starts only with the "9th" model.

Price: 14870 UAH

Video Overview Cooper & Hunter Nordic EVO CH-S09FTXN-E, CH-S12FTXN-E

Budget modern air conditioning Perfect for heating small rooms. Equipped with all the necessary features for convenient operation.

4. Chigo FJORD (up to -30 ° C)

Wall-mounted air conditioner with an improved air filtration system Plazma. Creates a favorable microclimate in the room to 25 sq. M and is working unable at temperatures up to -30 ° C.


  • display on the inner block;
  • turbo mode for rapid heating or cooling;
  • self-diagnostic mode;
  • three-dimensional air distribution technology;
  • protection against cold streams;
  • built-in Wi-Fi module for managing through a smartphone / tablet (OS: Android, iOS);
  • the assembly occurs at its own factory in China (all components of the own production of the Chigo plant).


  • energy Efficiency Class A +;
  • the FJORD series line begins only with the "9th" model.

Price: 19700 UAH

Air conditioning of the average price category with record performance. Exit to the specified temperature mode does not take more than 3 minutes.

5. ELECTROLUX MONACO (up to -15 ° C)

Monaco DC Inverter Series Air Conditioner, effectively operating at temperatures up -15 ° C in rooms up to 25 sq.m. Air purification is carried out using a special High Densit filter, which is distinguished by the finely dispersed cell structure.


  • energy Efficiency Class A ++;
  • the noise indicator of the inner unit is 22 dB (A);
  • four-sided air exchange;
  • the accuracy of the temperature set is 0.5 ° C.


  • no ionizer;
  • there is no backlight of the buttons of the console;
  • no heating pallet outdoor unit.

Price: 14364 UAH

Video Overview Electrolux Monaco Super DC Inverter

Energy efficient air conditioning will suit For economical heating of rooms in the winter period of time. Thanks to the special design of the blinds, the air flow is fed to the long distance from the inner block and does not fall on the person sitting under the air conditioner.


Modern manufacturers offer air conditioners with an inverter engine that can be used to heat the rooms in the winter period. When choosing, consider the energy efficiency class, the noise level, the presence of air purification filters, then you can maintain a favorable microclimate indoor.

The efficiency of the operation and service life of the air conditioner is 90% depends on its installation, so we are pleased to offer you the services of software and. Our specialists will help determine the cause of the air conditioner breakdown, and will also prompt how to choose the device to choose the device for any area. We are the dealers of Mitsubishi, Chigo, Electrolux and other brands, so we sell climatic systems from a warehouse at competitive prices. We provide quality certificates and warranty on all split systems.


Winter is approaching sevenmal steps. It feels not only on the street, but also in our own apartments: unfortunately, the heating system often leaves much to be desired, and you have to warm the house on your own. Another situation happens: sometimes the battery is drowned too actively, and it is simply necessary to cool the air in the room. In this regard, many people have a question: is it possible to use air conditioning in winter? We answer - you can. But with some conditions.

The market presents a wide range of air conditioners with various specifications, so not very simple. But something nevertheless combines split systems, monoblocks and other devices: in winter they are extremely rarely used. But why?

The point in our famous Russian frosts. When the air temperature changes, its humidity changes - therefore, during the operation of the air conditioner there are excess moisture (condensate). In most air conditioners installed a drainage system for removing moisture: the visible part of this system is a tube, which, as a rule, goes to the street. If the street is too cold, the handset of the drainage system freezes, and an ice plug is formed in it, which does not give condensate to outward. Then the moisture remains two exits: either she seeps into your home through the inner case, or displays the device in order.

The outer block suffers from the cold, in particular the compressor - the "heart" of the air conditioner, compressing the refrigeration agent (the special substance necessary for the operation of air conditioners) and supporting its movement along the other parts of the device. Perform your direct duties helps him special oilwhose properties are just depend on air temperature. If it drops below the border approved by the manufacturer, the oil thickens, and the components of the compressor will wear out.

There is another danger. In the heating mode, the refrigeration agent, despite its name, should not be cooled, but heated. With an excessively low temperature, this does not occur. When cooled, i.e. Liquid, refrigerant in the compressor is a hydraulic blow - it can also lead the device into disrepair.

therefore in winter, you should use air conditioning with caution and follow the instruction manual.

True, there is one type of air conditioner, which can be adapted to work in winter conditions, is a mobile monoblock air conditioner. This mobile outdoor device can be used in all rooms, take with you to give or transport when moving: installation does not require installation. The only element of the device that should not be indoors is an air duct for removal of warm or cold air. To eliminate the risk of freezing the duct, it is worth outputting it into the vent.

In general, the operation of the air conditioner is based only on one principle, a familiar to us from the lessons of physics: the heat is absorbed during evaporation, and it is distinguished by condensation.

Initially, the device was intended for cooling, but modern technologies stepped far ahead, so now heating is the most common function for climate techniques. To understand how air conditioning works for heating, let's first consider how it works for cooling:

  1. The refrigerant in the gaseous state enters the compressor.
  2. In the compressor, the refrigerant is compressed under pressure and heats up to a very high temperature.
  3. From the compressor, the refrigerant enters the condenser, where the refrigerant transitions into a liquid state.
  4. Next, the refrigerant pressure drops, and it falls into the evaporator of the inner unit of the air conditioner, where he again moves from the liquid state in the gas. The boobing of the refrigerant occurs, he "takes" the heat from the room, goes back to the external unit and "throws out" the starting heat into the street.
  5. The refrigerant in the gaseous state enters the compressor again, and the cycle closes.

Use the heating mode allows a special valve - it turns the refrigerant flow and, as it were, the condenser and evaporator changes in places. The rest of the principle is the same.

Before using the heating mode, make sure that the device has such a function. This is indicated in the instructions, as well as on the device itself - the heating mode is usually indicated by the Sun icon.

If the heating mode is provided, see the lower threshold of the temperature at which heating can be turned on, - usually they are also written in the instructions.

Remember: each thermometer may have an error. Sometimes it reaches several degrees. Therefore, it is better not to use the air conditioner if your thermometer shows the critical mark claimed by the manufacturer.

To which temperature air conditioners work on heating

As a rule, air conditioners work properly in heating mode when the air temperature is higher than -5 ° C. At lower temperatures, firstly, the heating capacity drops significantly, and secondly, the risk of icing the capacitor or the drainage system of the device arises. So we do not recommend including heating mode during severe frosts, otherwise, because of the wrong operation, you risk losing your climate "friend."

However, some models of split-systems are heated by air and at -10 ° C, and at -15 ° C. The lower limit of temperature depends on the type of refrigerant. Also at -15 ° C, inverter models work - they have a function of adjusting the intensity of the compressor, which allows it to be more flexible with respect to outer temperatures. Of course, the price of an inverter air conditioner is significantly higher than usual.

The simplest reason why heating does not work is - the client bought a device without silent in its capabilities. For example, Split systems without heating mode are very popular in latitudes with a warm climate. Therefore, be attentive to all the trifles when buying climatic equipment.

Favorite device does not warm in the cold time? No wonder. We have already written about the possible dangers of the air conditioner's work on the cold: the problem may be associated with a breakdown of the compressor, and with oil, and with a drainage system. The wizard will help in detail to understand the problem.

If heating does not happen, do not rush to beat the alarm. Especially when the display shows that the device works fine. Perhaps simply long warms the internal unit - it is normal in cold weather. The room temperature can start climbing within 15 minutes after the device is started.

Another common problem is a refrigerant leakage. The leak occurs, for example, due to the poor-quality spike of inter-block tubes, according to which the refrigerant circulates. In this case, it will take refueling the refrigerant, which is manufactured by service services.

Even if you know, do not forget that after the installation you need to care for it. If you did not have time to clean the filters in a timely manner, do not avoid breakdowns.

To accurately determine the problem will help a small display screen. IN modern models It usually displays the error code. The value of each code is displayed in the instructions.

If you can not determine the cause of the breakdown or are not sure that you can fix it yourself, it is worth calling the wizard.

Is it possible to include air conditioning in winter on cooling

The answer will be the same as the answer to the question about heating, it is possible. But only if the winter is warm.

As a rule, the minimum temperature in which the air conditioner is operating normally in cooling mode is -5 ° C. At a lower temperature, the device is subject to all the dangers we wrote about at the beginning of the article. Therefore, carefully examine the technical specifications of the device before using the cooling mode.

In order not to be distracted by the air conditioner, you can install: the device will turn on and turn off automatically on the schedule that you will be.

Nevertheless, you always have the opportunity to "strengthen" air conditioning, putting the winter kit.

Winter air conditioner kit

Sometimes the air conditioner is equipped with a so-called winter set. The kit includes several devices. They are heated drainage systemPrevent the oil thickening and the hypothermia of the refrigerant.

The principles of work of the winter set are as follows:

  • Thanks to the temperature sensor, the speed of rotation of the fan of the external unit is adjusted. When the temperature becomes below, the speed slows down. Thus, freezing (and thickening) of oil and the formation of a land in the housing is prevented.
  • A significant part of the compressor load falls on its launch. And if the compressor is also freezing, the air conditioner is definitely incubated. Therefore, the winter kit provides compressor crankcase heating. So the compressor is always ready for launch.
  • In order not to arise ice plugs, the condensate was displayed without problems, the drainage system is heated.

It would seem that all problems are solved, and the dangers are overcome if it were not for one thing. Indeed, the winter kit allows you to turn on the air conditioner at lower temperatures than the manufacturer declared, but only in cooling mode!

When the air conditioner is turned on with a winter set in heating mode, the device will not work properly. Moreover, the risk of hydroudar increases significantly.

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