Is the oil heater for health harmful. Is infrared heaters for human health harmful? Types of aggregates and their features

Garden technique 16.06.2019
Garden technique

Today we will touch on one of the topical questions of our time - is the infrared heater harmful to humans?

From the fact that a person has tamed fire, he got the opportunity to heat his premises (let the caves initially) in accordance with their desires. Now winter seemed not so harsh and moved much easier.

Nowadays, the idea of \u200b\u200busing heaters has not changed much: we also strive to give the cold season with great comfort than it is capable of providing us. A number of technical inventions are coping with this task. They are of different types Actions, a variety of shapes and sizes.

It will be more about infrared heaters. There are many myths and misunderstandings around their harm or benefit. Let us try to find out what they eat with them "and are it really so harmful to health, as the media says.

The principle of operation of the infrequate heater

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating an infrared heater was taken over by nature itself, namely - at the sun. This glued to Bela The ball from gas and plasma sends into the universe not only billions of tons of radioactive particles, but also the waves of thermal radiation. It achieved objects solar system, It warms them by passing the living energy of the shone. The principle of action of the IR heater is not much different from the work of the sun. Is it deprived of the ability to be a source of radioactive particles.

Miracle rays

Electromagnetic waves are different lengths. Some of them we see (visible spectrum from red to purple color), and the other, most of Their range remains hidden from the human eye. Waves are invisible, with a long, shorter purple (ultraviolet) and longer than red (infrared light). IK rays that interest us are located between the Red visible light (wavelength of 0.74 μm) and shortwave radilation (1-2 mm).

It has been established that almost all radiation concluded in heated solid body, Located in this area. And only with increasing temperature, the body begins to acquire a glow, a catchy eye (red, white).

The infrared heater is just performing a heated body with a deflector, creating a concentrated beam of heat rays that do not come into contact with air. The degree of warming up the room depends on two constructive features: Quality of the deflector and temperature of heated elements.

Varieties of IR heaters

Comparative table of infrared heaters

ViewFeatureTemperature of heated elementsNote
QuartzRadiation is filtered by quartz glass.450-500 degreesThe most secure for home heating.
HalogenInstead of vacuum in the flask, gas is used.2000 degreesGood for heating large rooms, rarely used at home. Gases from the flask can harm health in case of damage.
CarbonicHeating elements from carbon600 -700 degreesThe helix is \u200b\u200bpractically not subject to damage under the influence of high temperatures. This makes carbon heaters very durable and reliable.
MicatermicPlates are covered with mica60-80 degreesThe highest efficiency (up to 85%), security and novelty, due to which this species is only gaining popularity.

Harm or benefit?

Is the infrared heater damage for a person possible? Once this question is increasingly disturbing the minds of people, it means that he cannot be unfounded. The principle of functioning of such devices is akin to the work of the blue lamp for the ears, which is usually forbidden to look from the danger to spoil eyesight.

Of course, B. large quantities Everything will be harmful. But, by observing the correct dosage of IR radiation, it is possible to make a neat warming of locally illuminated tissues due to the ability of heat rays to penetrate into the skin for several centimeters.

Moreover, such radiation destroys harmful microorganisms. Unlike ultraviolet, which is the killer of all living, infrared spectrum is widely used during health recovery after heavy injuries and various diseases. It helps to speed up the regeneration of tissues, give a feeling of relaxation, as well as help relax the nervous system.

Opinion of scientists

Results of the latter scientific research Reaffirmed the positive effect of long-wave infrared rays on human health and immunity. But this applies to a short impact. Otherwise (with a long directional heating), doctors argue, the skin is subjected to overheating and drying, which adversely affects its condition. In addition, it is possible to burn the retina and lens, so specialists strongly recommend looking at the heated elements of heaters.

All in the measure

It will be useful, having come with a frost, to warm up near the heat source, but to sleep in the immediate vicinity of the IR heater is harmful and dangerous. From hanging under the ceiling, or the working device standing in the corner of the room will be exactly so much harm, as from the fireplace. Are you not afraid to sit by the fire? But the open flame is a powerful source infrared radiation.

5 simple ways to avoid the destructive effects of radiation

To reduce the harmful effect of the heater to health, follow several simple rules by choosing the device and producing its installation:

  1. Place the device under the ceiling, or in the far corner of the room and do not hold it constantly directed to people. In this case, the room warms up, and you will not be subject to direct exposure to irradiation.
  2. It is recommended to avoid installing the infrared heater in the bedroom and the children's room. And if it is necessary there, try not to direct it to the constant zones of people.
  3. Do not chase over heavy duty heaters. In practice, it is enough for them to heat only the walls, ceiling and gender, and they will gradually give heat into the room.
  4. Carefully examine the attacked instance. Ask the consultant about all kinds of nuances of exploitation, ask the manufacturer's reliability. For more information, you can get acquainted with the instrument on the Internet before purchase, read independent reviews about it.
  5. When choosing a heater, do not strive to buy the most cheap. It is possible to reduce the cost of the unit only by the use of poor-quality materials excreted during heating hazardous elements into the air, which will certainly harm health.

Thus, the infrared heater is an excellent alternative to other species, and with competent and neat use practically does not harm human health. He is able to create comfort and dry you even in ferocious frosts.

Disputes about whether there is no harm from the microwave, they are conducted for years. The media write that the microwave has a harmful effect on the body, radiation is dangerous to health. You can talk much, but to provide scientific confirmation and evidence may not be every magazine. Surely you heard dozens of different opinions, but did not come to the conclusion.

We offer to find out if it is possible to use a microwave oven, whether it is dangerous for a person whether there is radiation in it, etc. The review presents the opinion of experts: we will find out the truth and destroy the myths.

Why is it easy to believe the loud headers that the microwave or mobile phone cause cancer? Business in the frightening word "radiation". We immediately imagine nuclear power plants And irradiation, although in fact the radiation is different.

Two types of radiation are distinguished: ionizing and non-ionizing. An example of the first - gamma rays, they are used in industry, at nuclear power plants. These rays have sufficient strength to damage the DNA - remove the electron from the molecule - and cause cancer.

The non-ionizing study is microwaves and radio waves, and allocate them during the operation of microwaves and phones. This radiation is not able to damage the DNA and lead to cancer.

American Cancer Society (American Cancer Society) in May 2016 released in which studies summed up different types radiation. It says that microwaves Do not eat radioactive, as they do not change its structure. They force the water molecules to vibrate, heating them.

Do not want consequences? Be careful when choosing dishes. Look at the page "" and "" to make sure the negligence is dangerous and how to avoid it.

security check

Want to independently check how bad the technique is? Check for radiation can be uncomplicated ways:

  • In the dark, launch the device to work, and there are a luminescent type lamp. If the lamp flashes or changes will occur in it, it means that the wave leakage is leaked from the housing.
  • The second option requires two mobile phone. Put one into the chamber, taking it on, and call the first one with the second. Got through? So, the isolation of the device is weak, poorly protects against radiation.

Such an experiment spend promptly. Do not use the expensive smartphone. Otherwise, irreparable may happen:

  • Cap water in a glass cup. Water did not boil in 3 minutes? This is proof of leakage.
  • Ultimately confirm the leak will help the supervisor-frequency wave detector. Load a glass of water into the chamber and turn on the electrical appliance. Using the detector, walk along the slots, inspect the corners, ventilation holes. If there is no danger - the light bulb will not change the color. Waves flow out - the detector will work with a red glare.

Be careful, conducting experiments. Without the extreme need to do this is not worth it. If you are worried about the issue of harm, and you do not know whether the microwave vitamins kill, harm products and you, better not buy the device, take care of the nerves.

Before you a lot of information, draw the conclusions yourself: to believe the arguments of scientists or be reinsured. The harmfulness of heating or cooking in the microwave oven is not proven, but also they do not bring additional benefits.

Why warm and superheated air indoors is harmful - tells head of the OKB Health Center, Oleg Borisov Therapist.

Dry air - not benefit

Natalia Korba, AiF-Ugra: Oleg Vasilyevich, what is dangerous overheated premises?

Therapist Oleg Borisov: The human body is open systemwhich has been interacting every second with the environment. The higher the air temperature indoors, the less humidity, and this is the most important factor. Excessively dry air dehydrates the body, cuts the skin, mucous eye, nose, throat. This problem is especially relevant for the north.


Hygienic air temperature standards in the premises of social infrastructure facilities: - 21-23 degrees Celsius in gaming youngest, middle, senior group cells of pre-school organizations; - 19-20 degrees Celsius in the bedrooms of all group cells of pre-school organizations; - 18-24 degrees Celsius in educational premises and cabinets of general education organizations; - 20-26 degrees Celsius in the chambers of therapeutic and preventive institutions; - not lower than 20 degrees Celsius in premises for recreation and games in organizations for orphans and children left without parental care; - 20-22 degrees Celsius in residential rooms organizations social service For elderly people, people with limited features Health and disabled. Data provided by Rospotrebnadzor on KMAO-UGRR.

In our region are building very warm houses With a good heating system. Batteries are pissed with heat, but the ventilation systems often work not so good, and the quality building materials Leaves to desire the best, they are not breathing and adsorbed moisture from the air. Add to this even household appliances: electric stoves, radiators. All this reduces air humidity in the house. Its optimal indicator in summer - 60-75%, in winter - 55-70%. In fact in modern concrete houses Such humidity is not retained, in the winter it drops to 25-30%.

- How does this affect our health?

With a humidity of 25-30%, respiratory epithelium is destroyed - the protector of the mucous membranes. This leads to a lighter penetration of infections. Therefore, during the cold season, chronic rhinitis is more often sharpened, especially in children, which can lead to more serious complications, for example, to adenoids. Dry air makes breathing, weakened throat is exposed to attacks of angina, tonsillitis. For young children, conjunctivitis occurs more often - they begin to scratch eyes and enter dust and dirt in them.

Low moisture in the room can lead to diseases, especially in children. Photo:

If the relative humidity in the premises is lowered to 10% or less, it can lead to serious impairment of the lungs, aggravation bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Aquarium - not for fish

- How to be if the batteries of the house can not be turned off?

Use Primary Means: Hang the wet rags on the batteries, put the containers with water, including open aquariums, spend daily wet cleaning. Well moisturized air home plants. Compulsory household appliance There must be an air humidifier. If it is impossible to provide an optimal level of humidity in the entire apartment, then at least in the zone where the child is located.

A special topic is the temperature in kindergartens. Studies were conducted, which revealed: the incidence of ARVI in kindergartens, where the air is dry, twice as high as where where perfect humidity. Therefore, parents need to pay attention to the microclimate in children's garden, and in case of violation temperature mode contact the administration.

- What prevention measures for respiratory diseases in autumn period Do you advise?

First, these are regular long walks. The child needs to wear on the weather, it is impossible that the children are constantly scattered, the body should breathe. Secondly, constant vitaminized meals, it will not work out in summer vitamins. It is important to remember a simple rule: we must receive those vitamins that we grow. For example, cranberries and lingonberry - for Northerners the best ascorbic acid. A permanent guest on the table should be garlic.

Do not too warmly wrap a child on a walk. Photo:

- And hardening?

Hardening systems are very much. The technique must be chosen under the child, its current state, the presence of chronic diseases. If the child is asthmatic, not every hardening technique it will be suitable, which can provoke a disease. Therefore, parents better apply for hardening recommendations to the Plot Pediatrician.

If you have a special device at home, measuring air humidity is a hygrometer, you can find out this indicator with a simple glass glass and water. To do this, you need to dial into the glass cold water And put in the refrigerator until the temperature of the liquid in the container will cool up to 3-5 degrees.

Photo: / Klimkin

The cooled glass must be placed in the room away from the heating source and just follow:

If condensate in 5-10 minutes is completely drying, the air indoors is very dry;

If after 5-10 minutes, the condensate gathered into large droplets on the walls of the glass and flows from them the streams - the air indoors are overly wet;

Normal humidity in the room in the event that after 5-10 minutes the condensate is not dry, but also not drowshes.

Thus, the glass and water turn into a hygrometer made with their own hands.

Infrared heaters enjoy tremendous popularity. They are positioned by manufacturers as economical, durable, supere efficient devices. It would seem that this is an ideal solution for the organization of additional heating.

At the same time, many buyers confuse possible harm Infrared heaters, which do not just rummage "grandmothers on a bench". We will help to figure out in a difficult question. The article submitted by us is based on the opinion of specialists who studied the impact of IR radiation on the human body.

The source of IR radiation is any heated body. A significant part of the radiation falling on Earth is infrared rays. Are heating devices, the principle of operation of which is borrowed from the heavenly shining, represent a real threat to human health and environment? It is worth understanding.

In contrast to UV radiation that launches photochemical reactions and actually only on the skin, infrared has mainly thermal effect and the ability to penetrate deep into the tissue.

The natural and technogenic sources of IR radiation are distinguished, the first refers to:

  • solar radiation;
  • thermal waters;
  • forest fires;
  • existing volcanoes;
  • heat and mass transfer in the atmosphere.

All this perfectly familiar to us processes and phenomena, the influence of which on the body is difficult to attribute to creating a valid threat to factors.

Contact with infrared radiation is inevitable - we are faced with it every day: at home, on the street, at work. It can have both beneficial and destructive impact

Technogenic sources of infrared radiation are:

  • electric and coal arcs;
  • gas-discharge lamps;
  • electric heating devices;
  • electric stoves with a spiral;
  • generators;
  • engines;
  • furnaces;
  • infrared lasers;
  • plasma plants;
  • atomic reactors, etc.

Thus, it is quite obvious that this radiation is continuously affecting the human body by a factor.

IR rays occupy an electromagnetic spectrum area between red visible light and short-wave radio radiation.

Infrared radiation itself is conventionally divided into:

  • shortwave;
  • middle-wave;
  • long-wave.

The length of the radiated waves is directly dependent on its temperature: the higher it is above, the waves in short, and the heating intensity is higher.

A man with a normal body temperature emits energy with a wavelength of 9.6 μm. And it is such radiation (9.6 μm and more) is the most comfortable and safe for the body. Range of working lengths of WHO waves - 3-10 μm, which in principle is considered permissible

Principle of operation and advantage of devices

In traditional heating systems With the use of radiators or convectors, heat from heating devices is intensively assigned to the surrounding space and is further distributed throughout the size of the room by mixing air.

Such a heat transfer mechanism is convective. The principle of operation of infrared heaters is radically different: infrared energy flow heats up the objects directly, and not the air in the room.

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All energy from the device is almost without loss reaches people and items in the zone of his action. And the air heats up from them. It is important to note that heating infrared aggregates is local in nature, i.e. Located outside the access of his rays, you will not feel warmth. But this is not a minus, but in many ways rather plus.

In particular, when it does not accumulate the warm air mass under the ceiling - phenomena, very characteristic of convective heating.

Thanks to this feature, ICO are excellent solution The issue of economical heating of rooms with high ceilings. Emitters and in those situations where heating requires only individual working areas.

When organizing additional heating using this equipment, it is possible to afford a little reduce the temperature in the main heating system without the slightest risk to health.

A human temperature in the right zones will continue to be comfortable, despite the cooler air. Thus, the "IR additive" allows to reduce energy consumption and save well on heating.

The emitters installed under the ceiling or the emitters embedded in it do not create any problems when installing other equipment, furniture, interior items. Compact outdoor models You can easily transfer between the rooms, take on the road.

Thanks to IFO, some specific tasks can be solved - for example, create heat curtains before panoramic windows, glass stained glass windows, domes and other translucent structures, the heat-shield properties of which may not be sufficient.

The IR-radiation focused on the window structure contributes to the trouble-free cleaning of ice and snow - the precipitates simply become failed. Similarly, the steps, porch, tracks leading to the house can be cleaned, departure from the garage. Human hands are so qualitatively such a job.

As for the power consumption of infrared aggregates, their capacity can be from a pair of dozens of watts to several kilowatts. Despite the decent "voraciousness" of devices, they are considered highly efficient, since about 90% of energy consumed is converted to heat.

The following article will introduce the following article with the criteria, with the content of which we advise you to get acquainted.

Types of aggregates and their features

The following types of ICO are distinguished:

  • electrical;
  • diesel;
  • gas;
  • devices with hot water supply.

The use of diesel and optimally outdoors, for heating residential premises it is not the most the best way. Such equipment is most economically, but to ensure its quality and safe work Requires burning products.

Gas infrared heaters with great success are used for heating open areas, arbors, balconies, veranda, hallways, garages, hangars, technical premises

The most popular and purchased are electrical devices . At the simplest devices this type The heating spiral (tungsten) is placed in a transparent glass quartz tube. Such equipment has a small warranty service life (only 1-2 years) and a relatively affordable price.

The power consumption of devices is 1-2.5 kW. Chief flaw - The presence of visible radiation, albeit not very intense. For people S. increased sensitivity Eye Regular "Contemplation" of such devices can be extremely undesirable.

IO with the basis of carbon yarns are more durable (capable of working without interruptions of 5 or more years), but also the roads. Visible radiation is also present.

Ceramic devices - most good choice Among electrical infrared heaters. Their heating spiral is reliably "hidden" in a ceramic shell: there is no visible glow from devices. Manufacturers warranty on such equipment - from 3 years. Ceramic heaters have a wide range of power consumed - this is their important advantage.

Depending on the method of installation, IO is:

  • wall;
  • outdoor;
  • ceiling.

The most demanded to date ceiling units - they completely exclude the effect of convection, which means they do not tolerate dust.

Electric infrared heater in unique design can be not only a reliable source of heat in the house, but also a real highlight of the interior

In the "family" of infrared devices there are newbies appeared on consumer market relatively recently. This, with the features of the work and the devices of which, as well as the selection benchmarks, will introduce the article recommended by us.

Popular myths about radiators

Despite the mass of obvious advantages, the issue of damage to the IR heaters stops from buying. Let's try to debunk the most common prejudices for equipment of radiant heating.

Myth number 1. IR heaters are dangerous a priori

Before talking about the danger of infrared equipment. It is equivalent to the statement that the sun is 100% evil. After all, their action is similar.

On a summer hot day on the sun, especially without a headdress, you can easily save with a thermal impact. But if you choose right time For a walk, put on a shock and settled in the shade, sun rays Bring exceptional benefits.

The same applies to infrared emitters. Sitting "in an embrace" with a doubtful quality device is definitely dangerous. A competently selected and located device of a proven brand will not bring any harm: on the contrary, it will improve well-being, will have a tonic effect on the body and will save the means for heating.

The efficiency and safety of infrared radiation in a reasonable dosage is proven by many scientific research. Weighing argument in favor of IR radiation - it wide application in medicine and production (including food).

Correctly dosed infrared radiation has anti-inflammatory, painful, antispasmodic, stimulating and circulatory effect. Do not perceive it as an absolute health threat

Myth number 2. Devices are burned oxygen

No heater burns oxygen - this is the usual "bike". Oxygen is an oxidizing agent, and burning is, in fact, a particular case of oxidation, accompanied by heat release. Oxidize oxidizer? This is some kind of anti-scientific nonsense.

It is more correct to say that heating equipment May "dry" air (and with it all mucous) indoors. After all, a decrease in the relative humidity of the air is a natural process when heated it. "Burn" the heater can except home dust.

By the way, you should not believe the advertising slogans of manufacturers that there are good heaters that are not dried at all (read - their products), and there are bad (that is, all other firms). All heating units reduce humidity indoors. IO in this question is no worse, and no better than others.

How to deal with "drought"? So that in the heated period in the house there is easier, the rooms must be regularly ventilated, it is possible to produce wet cleaning every day, possibly acquire an air humidifier.

High-temperature IR appliances can not be used in fire hazardous rooms. To the surface of the working device in order to avoid burns cannot be touched

What is the real danger?

One of the most likely harmful influences IO is drying the skin. The skin surface, being under the infrared source, is heated and moisture evaporates from its surface. But since the subcutaneous layers do not have time to warm up, the release of sweat does not occur. Because of this, the skin and "dries", sometimes burns.

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Real hazards for operation are instruments running from gas cylinders

In the operation of infrared heaters, it is necessary to strictly follow the prescriptions of the manufacturer, indicated by it in the articulated briefing

If gas heating equipment is intended for use in an open area, it should not be used to heat the rooms

When using gas IR devices in the house you need to install them in rooms, no less indicated by the manufacturer and regularly air the room

If you believe consumers' reviews about infrared units, the effect of "binding" during their operation is quite common, the skin in IR saunas suffers especially suffer. The effect of intensive infrared radiation on people is studied for a long time - both physiotherapists, and managerial labor protection issues.

With prolonged or not dosed effects of IR rays are considered a high-voltage factor. In physiotherapy, the effect of the use of radiant heat is considered a beneficial with strictly regulated "portions" and a small duration of irradiation.

The permissible intensity of infrared irradiation of the surface of the human body (with a long stay in a room with an IR source) is regulated by SanPine

Melt IR heaters in themselves danger and for eyes - thermal lesions of the lens and retina can provoke the development of cataracts, as well as contribute to the progression of existing problems with the organs of vision.

Infrared rays directed directly on the head cause migraine, nausea, deterioration of general well-being. Especially frequently, such complaints from the ceiling emitters owners.

Will bring Lie real harm The infrared heater depends in each specific case from such moments:

  • Length of emitted Wave Equipment. The most favorable for human organism long thermal waves; Short, penetrating through the skin and even the bones of the skull act not well;
  • The intensity of radiation. On IR rays intensity up to 100 W / m2, the body reacts positively: the activity of biochemical processes increases, cheerfulness appears, the appetite is improved. But the radiation intensity of more than 150 W / m2 can be dangerous: it oppresses immunity, leads to irreversible cell lesions;
  • Individual susceptibility. Some people react perfectly to the impact of IR rays, in other instantly deteriorating well-being. You must always listen to your feelings.

It is also worth remembering that there are a number of diseases in which IR-heating is contraindicated outside independence from wishes (tumors, cardiovascular diseases).

Ways to avoid negative impact

To reduce possible bad influence Heaters, follow a row simple rules When choosing and installing:

The perfectly placed heater gives warm walls, floor, furniture subjects and does not cause discomfort to man.

Using this table, you can determine optimum height Suspension of IR aggregates based on their power. But these data are averaged, each specific case requires a more accurate heat engineering calculation.

Schemes of heating are now widely applied. country housesmade on the basis of infrared heating systems. Features of their device and operation are described in detail here. The presented article is disassembled the specificity of the effective option of PLEN.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Video # 1. A brief answer of the expert on the dangers of infrared units:

Video # 2. Reviews and impressions of real users of IR appliances:

Quality ICOs selected and posted according to the basic safety rules will not cause any harm. They will provide high thermal comfort and good energy savings.

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