The basic principles of social services include. Basic principles of social services and their implementation

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A) Social services- an independent institution of the social security system. So, according to the authors of the textbook "The Law of Social Security of Russia" (edited by K.N. Gusov), this phrase should be understood as "one of the types of social security aimed at providing special bodies of the state (or other bodies authorized by it) to citizens various material services free of charge or on a partial payment basis in order to prevent the onset or decrease negative consequences of the social risks that have come in order to strengthen their social protection ”. And in the same place: “social services are the activities of special organizations established in the law for the provision of various kinds of social services free of charge or inequivalent in accordance with the established state standards for social adaptation and rehabilitation for persons who are, due to circumstances beyond their control, in a situation that disrupts their livelihoods. , and which they cannot overcome on their own (or with the help of persons obliged by law to support them). "

The Federal Law "On the Basics of Social Services for the Population in the Russian Federation" (dated 10.12.1995, No. 195 - FZ) provides an explanation of the following concepts:

-social services- enterprises and institutions, regardless of their form of ownership, providing social services, as well as citizens engaged in entrepreneurial activities in social services to the population without forming a legal entity;

-social service client- a citizen in a difficult life situation, who is provided with social services in this regard;

-social services- actions to provide certain categories of citizens in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, to the client of the social assistance service provided for by this Federal Law;

-difficult life situation- a situation that objectively disrupts the life of a citizen (disability, inability to self-service due to old age, illness, orphanhood, neglect, poverty, unemployment, lack of a definite place of residence, conflicts and abuse in the family, loneliness, etc.), which he cannot overcome on his own;

-state system of social services- a system consisting of state-owned enterprises and social service institutions that are the property of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and are under the jurisdiction of the authorities state power subjects of the Russian Federation.

In addition, Art. 4 of the aforementioned law proclaims support and encouragement from the state for the development of social services, regardless of the form of ownership (including the development of autonomous institutions of social services for the population or certain categories of citizens: the elderly, the disabled, children, etc.).

B) Principles of social service:

-Address... The state does not have the ability to really provide social services. the services of all persons in need of it. Consequently, the legislator establishes increased (additional) requirements for persons applying for this service (that is, identifies the persons who most need it).

-Humanity. It implies (ideally) a careful and respectful attitude towards the rights of persons (socially served) on the part of employees of the relevant institutions.

-Availability. Assumes a real opportunity for a person (eligible) to receive social services. service without hindrance and on time.

-Voluntariness. Means that this service cannot be carried out compulsorily, but only of good will (with the exception of a number of cases provided by the legislator).

-Confidentiality. Means that the employees of the relevant social institutions. services are obliged to keep professional secrecy (that is, they are not entitled to disclose personal information they know about the "patient").

-Priority... Means that the priority social. service should be directed to those categories of persons who cannot do it on their own due to “age-related disability”.

-Preventive focus. It means the need to carry out targeted preventive measures to prevent severe negative consequences caused by the relevant circumstances (poverty, homelessness, illness, etc.).

6.2. Social service institutions: types

Social services are provided by the relevant social institutions. service regardless of the form of ownership, to which Art. 17 of the above-mentioned Federal Law are assigned:

Complex social centers services to the population;

Territorial social centers helping family and children;

Social centers service;

Social rehabilitation centers for minors;

Centers for helping children without parental care;

Social shelters for children and adolescents;

Centers for psychological and pedagogical assistance to the population;

Emergency centers psychological assistance by phone;

Centers (departments) of social assistance at home;

Night stay houses;

Special houses for lonely elderly people;

Stationary institutions social. services (boarding homes for the elderly and disabled; neuropsychiatric boarding schools; orphanages - boarding schools for mentally retarded children; homes - boarding schools for children with disabilities);

Gerontological centers;

Dr. institutions providing social services.

6.3. Types of social services ( depend on the categories of citizens and on the nature of the services):

-material aid(provided to persons in difficult life situations in the form of cash, food, sanitation and hygiene products, childcare products, clothes, shoes and other essential items, fuel, special vehicles, technical means rehabilitation of disabled people and persons in need of outside care);

-social service at home(carried out by providing social. services to citizens in need of permanent or temporary non-stationary services. Such assistance can be in the form of social - household, social - medical services, etc .;

-inpatient social services(carried out by providing social. services to citizens who have lost (partially or completely) the ability to self-service and need constant outside care. This kind service is designed to ensure the creation of living conditions (corresponding to their age and state of health), the implementation of medical, psychological, social activities, food and care, as well as the organization of feasible work, rest and leisure;

-provision of temporary shelter carried out to certain categories of persons:

a) children - orphans;

b) children left without parental care;

c) neglected minors;

d) children who find themselves in a difficult life situation;

e) citizens without a fixed place of residence and certain occupations;

f) persons who have suffered from violence (physical or mental), natural disasters, as well as as a result of armed and interethnic conflicts;

g) others. social clients services in need of temporary shelter;

-organization day stay in social service institutions... Within the framework of this type, services are provided (social - household, social - medical, etc.) to the elderly and disabled people who have retained the ability to self-service and active movement, as well as to other persons (including minors in difficult life situations );

-advisory assistance(i.e. consulting on social - household and social - medical support of life, psychological - pedagogical assistance, social - legal protection;

-rehabilitation services(i.e. providing appropriate assistance in professional, social, psychological rehabilitation to disabled people, people with disabilities, juvenile offenders and other persons in need of rehabilitation.

The Federal Law "On the Basics of Social Services for the Population in the Russian Federation" dated December 10, 1995 establishes the foundations of legal regulation in the field of social services for citizens in difficult life situations.

At the same time, the following principles of social services for citizens are distinguished:

b targeting. In the context of the development of market relations, characterized by an increase in the impoverishment of the population, a low level of pension provision, etc., it becomes quite obvious that the state today does not have real opportunities to provide social services to all those who need them. Due to these circumstances

b the legislator establishes Additional requirements to citizens applying for one or another type of social service (living alone, lack of able-bodied family members, the minimum amount of pension received, etc.), in order to provide services only to those citizens who need it most;

l availability. This principle means the reality for every citizen who has the right to one or another type of social service, to receive it without any obstacles in the shortest possible time by contacting the appropriate institution of social protection of the population.

ь voluntariness. Social services are carried out on the basis of the citizen's voluntary consent to receive services. Consent to social services for persons under the age of 14 and persons recognized as legally incompetent is given by their legal representatives, and in their temporary absence, the decision on consent is made by the guardianship and guardianship body. The placement of elderly citizens and persons with disabilities in social protection institutions without their consent is possible only in cases where they are deprived of care and support from relatives or other legal representatives and at the same time are not able to independently satisfy their vital needs (loss

the ability to self-service and (or) active movement) or recognized as legally incompetent;

l humanity. When receiving social services, citizens have the right to respectful and humane attitude to themselves from the employees of social service institutions;

ь the priority of providing social services to minors in difficult life situations. The proclamation of this principle in the legislative order is dictated by the social need to protect, first of all, those who cannot do it on their own due to age incapacity;

ь confidentiality. Article 11 of the Federal Law "On Social Services for Elderly and Disabled Citizens" indicates that personal information that has become known to employees of a social service institution in the provision of social services is a professional secret. Employees of social service institutions guilty of disclosing professional secrets are liable in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

ь preventive orientation. One of the main goals of social services is the prevention of negative consequences arising in connection with a citizen's life situation (impoverishment, exacerbation of diseases, homelessness, loneliness, etc.). To provide social services, the state creates a system of social services, consisting of state enterprises and social service institutions, which are federal property and are under the jurisdiction of the whitewash oogans of the Russian government and its constituent entities. The municipal system of social services is made up of the corresponding municipal enterprises under the jurisdiction of local governments.

Social services are an independent institution of the social security system along with pensions and

the system of cash benefits and compensations, which combines the norms governing public relations related to the provision of social security to citizens in the form of specific benefits (i.e. in kind) free of charge or at a discount (Scheme 19).

The Institute of Social Services for Citizens of the Russian Federation is regulated by the following regulatory legal acts: Federal Law of 02.08.1995 No. 122-FZ "On social services for elderly citizens and disabled people"; Regulations on the provision of free social services and paid social services by state social services, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of June 24, 1996 No. 739; Regulations on the procedure and conditions for payment of social services provided to elderly citizens and disabled people at home, in semi-stationary and stationary conditions by state and municipal institutions social services approved by the RF Government Decree of 15.04.1996 No. 473.

The types of social services differ depending on the category of citizens to whom this type of social service is provided, and on the nature of the service provided: keeping the disabled and the elderly in social welfare institutions (hospitals and semi-hospitals); social services for the disabled and the elderly at home; keeping children in child care; urgent social services; social counseling assistance; rehabilitation services for disabled people (vocational training and employment of disabled people, providing disabled people with vehicles, providing disabled people with vehicles, prosthetic and orthopedic assistance to citizens).

1. Inpatient services for the disabled and the elderly held in institutions of social protection of the population. This type of social service is provided to citizens of the Russian Federation on the basis of the Federal

Law of 02.08.1995 No. 122-FZ "On social services for elderly and disabled citizens" and is carried out in boarding homes for the elderly and disabled, boarding homes for disabled people, neuropsychiatric boarding schools, etc. Citizens of retirement age ( women - from 55 years old, men - from 60 years old), as well as disabled people of I and II groups over 18 years old, provided that they do not have able-bodied children or parents who are obliged to support them. Children from 6 to 18 years old with mental or physical developmental abnormalities are admitted to the boarding school. At the same time, the placement of disabled children with physical disabilities in inpatient institutions intended for the residence of children with mental disorders is not allowed. The psycho-neurological boarding school admits persons suffering from mental chronic diseases, in need of care, household services and medical care, regardless of whether they have relatives who are legally obliged to support them or not. In stationary institutions, not only care and necessary medical assistance are carried out, but also rehabilitation measures of a medical, social, domestic and medical-labor nature.

2. Semi-stationary social services for the disabled and the elderly held in institutions of social protection of the population. Semi-stationary social services are provided for the elderly and disabled people who have retained the ability to self-service and active movement and do not have medical contraindications for enrolling in such social services.

This type of social assistance is provided in semi-hospitals created in municipal social service centers or social protection agencies, and provides for the provision of social, household, medical, cultural and consulting assistance to these categories of citizens.

3. Social (including social and medical) care at home. Social assistance at home is carried out by the relevant departments created in the municipal centers of social services or under the bodies of social protection of the population. It includes the provision of services for organizing food, everyday life and leisure, social, medical and sanitary and hygienic services, assistance in obtaining education for disabled people and in their employment, legal services, as well as assistance in organizing funeral services. On the basis of full or partial payment, certain types of medical care are provided, feeding weakened patients, conducting sanitary and educational work, etc.

4. Urgent social services. Social advisory assistance. Urgent social services are carried out in order to provide emergency care of a one-time nature to elderly citizens and disabled people who are in dire need of social support. Social and advisory assistance to elderly citizens and disabled people is aimed at their adaptation in society, weakening social tension, the creation of favorable relations in the family, as well as to ensure the interaction of the individual, family, society and the state. Urgent social services involves a one-time provision of those in dire need of free hot meals or food sets, provision of clothes, shoes and other essentials, a one-time provision material assistance, assistance in obtaining temporary accommodation, etc.

Social advisory assistance provides for the identification of persons in need of social advisory assistance, prevention of various kinds of socio-psychological deviations, work with families in which elderly citizens and persons with disabilities live, organization of their leisure time, advisory assistance in training, vocational guidance and employment of persons with disabilities etc.

At the same time, the organization and coordination of urgent social and social advisory assistance is carried out by the municipal centers of social services, as well as the bodies of social protection of the population, which create appropriate divisions for these purposes.

Professional training of disabled persons is carried out in educational institutions of general and special types,

as well as directly at enterprises in accordance with an individual rehabilitation program (including an individual schedule, homework, external studies, part-time education, etc.).

Professional training and retraining of disabled people are carried out primarily according to priority

professions and specialties, the mastery of which gives disabled people the greatest opportunity to be competitive

capable of regional labor markets.

The employment of people with disabilities is guaranteed by a system of guarantees (for example, establishing a quota for the employment of people with disabilities, reserving jobs in professions most suitable for employing people with disabilities, providing people with disabilities with working conditions in accordance with an individual rehabilitation program; creating other working conditions for people with disabilities, etc.), as well as a system of economic incentives (for example, the implementation of a preferential financial and credit policy in relation to special enterprises employing disabled people, encouraging enterprises to organize additional jobs for the employment of disabled people, creating conditions for entrepreneurial activity).

In accordance with the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 28.05.1992 No. 356 "On measures for social protection of disabled people who need special vehicles", all disabled persons have the right to receive a motorized carriage or vehicle (and in rural areas - a horse and a horse-drawn vehicle) ( including WWII) if they have established medical indications for the provision of special vehicles and there are no contraindications that prevent admission to driving them.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1995 No. 701 approved the Procedure for the appointment and payment of certain categories of disabled veterans monetary compensation expenses for gasoline or other types of fuel, repairs, Maintenance vehicles and spare parts for them, as well as transport services. It provides for the payment of monetary compensation for operating costs to war invalids who received vehicles for free or acquired them on preferential terms, disabled people of groups I and II who purchased vehicles at full cost, war veterans who became disabled due to general illness, work injury and other reasons ( except for disability from their illegal actions), if they received vehicles for free or purchased them on preferential terms, disabled people of I and II groups (from the same number) who purchased vehicles at full cost, etc.

Monetary compensation for transport services is paid to disabled war veterans instead of receiving a vehicle free of charge (at the request of disabled people), war veterans who have become disabled due to a general illness, work injury and other reasons (with the exception of disability resulting from their illegal actions), as well as military personnel, disabled as a result of a military injury sustained in the performance of military service duties (official duties), if they have the right to receive a vehicle free of charge.

On the the present stage the socio-economic and political situation in Russia is unstable, which is the reason for an increase in the number of citizens in need of state support. The solution to these issues is carried out by social services. The principles of operation of this system meet the latest standards for organizing various forms of assistance and have been formulated taking into account the specifics of the emerging

Factors in the development of the sphere of social services

The concept and services have been repeatedly changed and transformed, as various approaches to the consideration of these issues have appeared. With the development of statehood and civil society, they have become much more complex and expanded. However, the principles of this work as an activity took shape back in the nineteenth century, therefore, relatively recently, the organization of assistance to people in need has acquired such a form as social services. The principles were formed under the influence of the philosophical, sociological, economic paradigms of social work. At the present stage, their content also meets the requirements of the legislation.

New stage of development Russian system the provision of social assistance began after the events of 1991.

Social services: definition and legal framework

The domestic sphere of state aid to the needy population is being reformed and improved everywhere. The concept and services not only characterize the rule-making activity of the state, but also reflect the directions social policy in relation to the vulnerable sectors of society.

The clients of social services are citizens who have found themselves in a difficult life situation. This term refers to a situation (illness, disability, single motherhood, unemployment, old age, etc.) that objectively disrupts the life of a citizen, which cannot be overcome on his own.

The concept and principles of social services for the population determine the specifics of the organization. At the end of 2013, a new law “On the fundamentals of social services for citizens in the Russian Federation” was adopted, which determined the economic, social and legal grounds and procedure for organizing this type of activity. In addition, powers were re-established that fall within the competence of state authorities and regional authorities in the field of servicing citizens and providing them with qualified social assistance. At the same time, the rights and obligations of recipients of social services were approved. They included both persons who have Russian citizenship and foreigners who do not have this status, but who reside permanently on the territory of the country, for example, refugees. That is, the recipient of services can be any citizen, in legally recognized as needing social assistance.

The new legislation has established the concept, principles, forms of social services. It is a purposeful activity to provide a whole range of social services to various categories of citizens in need. A social service is understood as an action or actions provided on a permanent, periodic, one-time basis to improve living conditions or increase the ability to independently resolve life's difficulties.

Of course, social services have a completely different meaning in other countries. The principles, forms of work with the population in our country and abroad are determined by the territorial, economic, cultural and other characteristics of a particular state or region.

The structure of social service bodies

Today in Russia a multi-level system is developed, consisting of forms and technologies of work, institutions, organizations providing social services. The principles must be adhered to by each supplier implicitly and regardless of agency affiliation.

The state social service system is complex and includes:

  • at the federal level, whose task is to develop and implement the provisions of state policy and legal regulation in the field of social services;
  • the state authority at the regional level, which is authorized to implement the state guarantees of social assistance adopted by the legislation;
  • directly organizations and institutions of social services to the population, which are under the jurisdiction of federal, regional and local executive authorities;
  • non-profit and commercial (non-governmental) organizations that have the right (permission) to provide social services to citizens in need;
  • individual entrepreneurs specializing in social services.

The law also defines the subjects (suppliers) and objects (recipients) who participate in the process and have the legal right to affordable social services. The principles, the procedure for organizing the work of public institutions are developed taking into account the regional characteristics of the subject of Russia. The clients of social services are most often people with disabilities, pensioners, single-parent families and large families, military personnel, and the unemployed.

Changes taking place at the state level have a direct impact on social services for the population. The principles, types, functions should demonstrate the effectiveness of work in emergency situations and in multitasking conditions.

Main functions of the system

Researchers of the foundations of social work have identified two main groups of functions that relate to social services:

1) essential-activity preventive, adaptive, social-rehabilitation, security-protective);

2) moral and humanistic (personal and socio-humanistic).

They manifest themselves at the macro and micro levels of social services. Optimal performance elements and subsystems of social services is directly related to their practical implementation.

It should be noted that the functions and principles of social services apply not only to one recipient, but also to a group of people united by a common problem. That is, this activity is carried out at both the individual and group levels.

Principles for the provision of social services

The principles of social services for the population are characterized as comprehensive, integrated, acting in the interests of the recipients of services. The basis of work with citizens from vulnerable layers of the population is the provisions on the observance of the rights and freedoms of each person, respect for him as an individual, it does not allow insults to the dignity and honor of a person, pursues a humane attitude towards clients.

The fundamental principles of the provision of social services are:

  • Free and equal access of a citizen of any age, gender, language, religion, nationality, beliefs, place of residence, membership in public associations permitted in the state. From this it follows that the principles of social service guarantee those in need the same opportunities to receive the necessary services.
  • Targeted provision of all types of social assistance, that is, a complex of social services should be carried out taking into account the needs of a particular client, his internal resources.
  • Social service providers should be close to the recipient's area of ​​residence, the required number of providers to ensure customer satisfaction, and the optimal number of human, financial, informational and other social service providers' capabilities.
  • Maximum preservation of the client's usual favorable environment;
  • Voluntary start.
  • Confidentiality of work: the social service provider undertakes to store and not disclose personal data about the client, personal information and other information. In addition, it is not allowed to disclose confidential, proprietary information. Violation of this principle entails bringing the perpetrator to justice, as provided for by Russian law. Only after receiving the written consent of the recipient (legal representative) of social services is it allowed to transfer, copy information by other persons in the interests of the recipient. However, there are legal grounds that allow you to violate the principle of confidentiality and request information: a request from the authorities of the court, investigation, inquiry and others in connection with the conduct of court proceedings and other procedures, when processing on the portal of public services or other portals in accordance with the law.

When organizing work with a client, all the principles of social services for the population should be involved. Thus, it would be appropriate to assert an integrated approach to organizing relief activities.

It should be noted that the principles of social services for citizens are taken into account in the development of state standards and administrative regulations for the provision of services to those in need at all levels: from a federal department to a local institution.

Guaranteed rights for recipients of social services

The principles of the law of social services reflect the level of humanity of the state and society in relation to citizens in need.

Social service clients are entitled to:

  • respect and humane treatment;
  • receiving, on a free and accessible basis, information about their own rights and obligations, types, terms, procedure, conditions, tariffs for rendering services in the institution, in addition, the client can always receive information about the service provider, about the possibility of receiving assistance free of charge;
  • citizens have the right to an independent and voluntary choice of an institution to which they can be provided with the necessary service;
  • to refuse the service;
  • guarantee of protection of legal rights and interests;
  • ensuring the social and hygienic requirements of the conditions of stay and proper care in social service institutions;
  • free visit of the recipient by legal representatives, notaries, lawyers and other persons during the evening and daytime;
  • the right of social support.

The specified rights by the client cannot be violated, otherwise the consumer has legal grounds to seek clarifications from higher authorities or send a statement of claim to the court.

Obligations of recipients

The responsibilities of each client are also spelled out in the regulatory documents, that is, any recipient of a social service must:

  • provide documents and information that are necessary for the provision of social services;
  • promptly inform the provider about changes in personal data or circumstances affecting the process of providing assistance;
  • not to violate the terms of the service agreement, which include timely and full payment, if any;
  • not to violate the generally accepted rules and norms of behavior in society, discipline in the institution.

Due to violation of one or several rules, the social service has the right to temporarily suspend work with the client or completely refuse the requested service.

It also provides for the rights and obligations of suppliers. Each of them is obliged to fully provide a set of requested services, to carry out this work in a timely manner, in accordance with the legislation and existing regulations.

Conditions for the provision of social assistance

The institutionalized principles of social services affect the way in which all types of assistance are provided. The basis is a personal statement of the client (legal representative), submitted to the institution, or an appeal to state and local authorities, within the framework of the organization of interdepartmental interaction.

On a gratuitous basis, social services can be provided to persons affected by man-made, natural disasters and others emergency situations, during interethnic and armed clashes, as well as children under 18 years of age.

The application is considered within the time limits established by the regulations, after which the institution carries out the procedure for recognizing the applicant as needing social assistance. If the supplier refuses to provide the required service to the client, the latter has the right to appeal the decision in court.

The basic principles of social services also serve as a criterion for assessing the performance of service providers. If they are met, then the solution to customer problems is at a high level.

Financing the social services sector

The sources of financing for the system of social services for the population include budgetary funds (federal, regional, local levels of government); voluntary donations or charitable contributions; payment by citizens for social services provided to them; funds from entrepreneurial activities or other sources that are not prohibited by law.

Forms and types of social services

In fact, social services are an irreplaceable part of the social sphere. The concept, principles, types constitute its content.

The main forms of providing social services are:

  • home service;
  • semi-stationary service, that is, services are provided only in certain time days;
  • inpatient service, namely: customer service is carried out permanently or temporarily, five days a week in conditions of permanent residence in the institution.

However, not only the principles were legalized in the normative document. The types of social services imply a wide range of measures designed to solve a complex of consumer problems.

Social protection institutions provide clients with the following types of services:

  • social, providing assistance in the household sphere of the client in the process of life;
  • socio-medical, which are aimed at maintaining and preserving the health of the recipient of the service by organizing proper care for him, providing support for health-improving activities, organizing monitoring of the state of health and general well-being to prevent the occurrence of deviations;
  • social and psychological services provide for correctional assistance in the process of adaptation to new social conditions, as well as the provision of emergency assistance in difficult life situations by telephone hotline;
  • socio-pedagogical, the purpose of which is the prevention of deviations in the development of personality, the reinforcement of positive interests, training correct forms organization of leisure activities; assistance to any family in matters of raising children;
  • social and labor workers are designed to assist in the client's employment and help him cope with the problems that have arisen at the station of adaptation to the workplace;
  • social and legal provide for the provision of legal assistance, protection of the rights and interests of the recipient;
  • services aimed at improving the communication skills of a client with disabilities;
  • various types of urgent social services: provision of food kits or hot meals; clothes and shoes; essentials; assistance in finding temporary housing; provision of emergency psychological assistance; issuance of one-time financial assistance; holding legal advice and other services.

Citizens in need, if necessary, can be provided with assistance that is not related to social services, otherwise - social support.

The degree of complexity, the duration of the provision of services, the level of their adequacy and compliance with the requirements are at the heart of the criteria for the effectiveness of social services in relation to various categories of citizens. Compliance with legislative norms, the code of ethics and local regulations will make social services of high quality, the result of their action - effective, which together will help reduce social tension in society.

In the scientific literature, the concept of "social services for the population" is used relatively rarely. According to a number of scholars, social services in modern conditions acts as one of the areas of social work and the organizational form of this type of social activity, which is considered as a system of certain methods of social humanistic activity aimed at adaptation, social rehabilitation of an individual, family or human society.

In the Federal Law "On the Basics of Social Services for the Population in the Russian Federation" in Article 1, the following definition of the concept of "social service" is given: it is "the activity of social services for social support, the provision of social services and material assistance, social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens in difficult life situations. "

It should be noted that some authors, characterizing the concept of "social service", tend to define it as support for disabled citizens (pensioners, disabled people) in case of need. This is not enough complete definition the concept under consideration, first of all, on a subject basis. Indeed, modern legislation has significantly expanded the circle of persons entitled to social services.

The same authors as E.G. Tuchkova and Zakharov M.L. rightly believe that social services should not be limited to the provision of social services for the elderly and disabled, since this concept covers a wide range of people (including children). Social services cover almost all categories of society and is a direction of activities for the socio-economic support of children, youth, families with children, temporarily disabled, citizens who have lost their breadwinner, disabled people, persons of retirement age and the elderly, low-income citizens, as well as people who have fallen into critical life situations (migrants, refugees, etc.), etc.

Social service is an institution of social security law. Regulation in the field of social services is considered as one of the directions of the state's activities for social protection of the population. Thus, we can conclude that the regulation of social processes is the prerogative of the state.

But we must not forget that in Russia, in addition to state system social services, a non-state system is developing, which by its activities is designed to complement the work of state services, and therefore contribute to improving the volume and quality of services to the population. It is also appropriate to say that the main task of the state, as long as it has a regulatory function, is to promote the development of the social service system in two directions: state and non-state. In this case, the role of the latter should not be neglected.

As indicated in the concept of the development of social services for the population in the Russian Federation, practically the formation of this industry, understood as a set of social services and support of the population with means of livelihood, allows Russia to bring Russia closer to the common European understanding of the system. social management, which is built on the principles of a market-organized economy and meets the requirements of creating a humane and legal society.

At present, the development of the system of social services for the population is at the stage of creating a network of institutions and developing technologies for social services, taking into account the specifics of various regions of the Russian Federation. At the same time, it is important to define a clear structure of programs and principles of management, as well as the ability to autonomy and self-restraint, both from an economic and sociological point of view. To form effective system social services, it is also necessary to create their own tools for cognizing the surrounding reality and a person in need of social services. At the present stage, a sequential process of modeling territorial (departmental) social services and technologies of their activities is being carried out.

The criterion for the effectiveness of social services should be the effectiveness of all types, forms and methods of social services for various categories of the population, the activities of social services, as well as the leadership and management of the entire process of social work with the population and individuals in need of social services.

Social service is based on the following principles:

1 Targeting, i.e. providing personally to a specific person. The work to identify and create a data bank of such persons is carried out by local bodies of social protection of the population at the place of residence of the disabled, the elderly, large and single families. Public education authorities also have information about orphans, single and large families; about refugees - the migration service, about persons without a fixed place of residence - the internal affairs bodies, etc.

2 Availability. The possibility of free and partially paid receipt of social services is provided, which are included in the federal and territorial lists of social services guaranteed by the state. Their quality, volume, procedure and conditions of provision must comply with state standards established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Reduction of their volume at the territorial level is not allowed.

3 Lists of social services are determined taking into account the entities to whom they are intended. The federal list of state-guaranteed social services for elderly citizens and people with disabilities, provided by state and municipal institutions of social services, was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 25, 1995 No. 1151. On its basis, territorial lists are developed. Financing of services included in the lists is carried out at the expense of the corresponding budgets.

4 Voluntariness. Social services are carried out on the basis of a voluntary appeal of a citizen, his guardian, trustee, another legal representative, a public authority, a local government body or public association... At any time, a citizen can refuse to receive social services.

5 Humanity. Citizens living in permanent institutions have the right to freedom from punishment. Use of medicines, physical restraints, and isolation. The persons who committed these violations are subject to disciplinary, administrative or criminal liability.

6 Priority of providing to minors.

7 Confidentiality. Personal information that has become known to employees of a social service institution when providing social services is a professional secret. Employees guilty of disclosing it are liable under the law.

Thus, social services to the population are the most important link in social protection, a mechanism that makes it possible to practically solve complex issues of the life of society, the family and the individual. Social services should be considered as a significant addition to the general system of material support for elderly and disabled citizens.

It is important to note that other types of social assistance, in addition to social services, are carried out mainly in cash. The priority task of social services is to provide non-monetary assistance: home care, provision of temporary shelter, counseling, rehabilitation services, etc. In this specificity of tasks, the highest degree of humanity and philanthropy in society, supported by the policy of the state, is manifested. The state does not seek to "buy off" all kinds of monetary payments, but applies various types of social assistance according to the principle of expediency. In other words, there are situations when help "in kind" is the most necessary and effective. It is in this case that social services in all its forms are of great importance.

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The modern socio - economic, moral, psychological and spiritual situation in Russia is extremely contradictory and multidimensional there is instability in the economy, the federal budget deficit is acutely felt, the number of people with incomes below the subsistence level is not decreasing, the differentiation of the population by income is increasing, and tension on the labor market is increasing. , the arrears on the payment of salaries, pensions and social benefits, tendencies of Unwellness, including social deviation, are acutely manifested.

The current situation requires the state and non-governmental (organizations, public associations) to take adequate measures, primarily in the development of the system of social protection of the population and ensuring social psychological rehabilitation

In the 90s, one of the most significant trends in social, politics is the formation of a system of social services, wide application in working with the population of modern technologies and methods.

Social services for the population in some works are considered as a modern paradigm of social work, in others - as a highly effective social technology that allows you to provide effective social support to citizens in a difficult social economic situation, objectively disrupting the life of a person or a social group; in others, as a fundamentally important sector of the social sphere ...

The possibility of providing social services in the conditions of modern Russia becomes real and tangible as the network of territorial social services is organized and developed and the teams of professional social workers and other specialists in the field of social work, social pedagogy and psychology are quickly formed.

Theorists of social work, analyzing the process of the formation of social science, practice and profession, state that social services in modern conditions are inferior as one of the paradigms of social work and the organizational form of this type of social activity.

Not all countries in the world have the same understanding of social services. Often, this term has different meanings. For example, in Finland, the Social Services Act (1982) defines social services as a set of social services, livelihood support, social benefits and related activities that are designed to strengthen social security and contribute to the development of an individual, family, community.

The state of social services in Russia testifies to the protection of the theoretical substantiation of the essence and content of social services for families, women and children, and other categories of the population.

It is advisable to proceed from the fact that the social services of the population, the system is characterized not simply by the sum of institutions with the dynamics of their development in certain territories of the Russian Federation, but by a set of components as. A certain order of interaction between bodies and social services, interdepartmental relationship, research and substantiated actions of all institutions aimed at supporting various segments of the population; the form of organizational activity of social service institutions, a certain way of organizing a regional ordered set of institutions, united by common goals, tasks, functions; correlation of efforts aimed at the development of social services and the results of social services, expressed primarily in the degree of satisfaction of clients of social services, the effectiveness of social services.

The Federal Law "On the Basics of Social Services for the Population in the Russian Federation" in Article 1 emphasizes that social services are the activities of social services for social support, the provision of social, social, medical, psychological and pedagogical, social and legal services and material assistance, in carrying out social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens in difficult life situations.

The concept of "social service", as any term, describes some ideal object. From the point of view of its systemic properties, it acts as a set of subsystems and elements. From a formal point of view, social services are a type of social activity carried out mainly through a network of social services interacting with each other in order to achieve the intermediate and final goals of providing social services to clients.

Relevance of social work

In demography, the quantitative and qualitative composition of the population is usually depicted as a pyramid, the base of which is made up of newborns and children; then there is a gradual narrowing of the pyramid, taking into account mortality in each age period; its top is made up of persons aged 90 and older. Until now, it was believed that for health authorities and social services in research on the state of health of the population, this group of old people was not of great importance.

By the end of the 20th century, the demographic situation had changed radically: the age structure of the population of most countries of the world, including Russia, resembles not so much a pyramid as a column, characterized by a relatively small number of children, young and mature people and a relatively high number of older people. groups. For the first time in many countries, there is a situation in which the number of all age groups, including the most advanced age, is approximately the same.

For the social sphere, the main thing is the fact that among old people there is a tendency to slowly growing painful pathological processes that take chronic course and difficult to treat. If we take into account that from 40 to 45 years of age there is already an "accumulation" of diseases, then it is understandable why there are so many among very old people who are not capable of even the most elementary self-service.

The tragedy is that with the increase in life expectancy, the period of helpless existence of old people with various chronic and mental illnesses also increases. The progression of the consequences of chronic pathological processes cannot always be stopped with the help of the latest pharmacological agents.

The overwhelming majority of old people need the widest range of services and assistance provided to them by strangers, be it family members, neighbors, medical, social or charitable organizations. With regard to Russia, for the most part, families are unable to take on all the worries about old and helpless relatives. The whole burden of caring for old people will fall primarily on the shoulders of state social services and, to a lesser extent, given the current state and the transition to paid medical care in the future, on the health authorities.

The problems of social work with old people are currently in the center of attention of many social institutions, social and research programs aimed at solving social issues, ensuring an acceptable standard of living for the elderly and old people.

Among labor pensioners, the absolute majority belongs to old-age pensioners. There is reason to believe that in the near future this indicator will fluctuate within 88 - 90% of the number of labor pensioners. At the same time, there was also a tendency towards a constant increase in the proportion of pensioners who are registered with the social protection authorities: in 1991 -23%; 1992 - 24%; 1993 - 25.2%. However, 75% of pensioners are still outside the scope of attention and activities of the social protection system. It is these elderly and old people who cannot realize their needs for the social assistance they need, and the fact that they need it, especially when solving material and domestic difficulties, is beyond doubt. It is also alarming that about 50% of old people, after the first contact with officials of the social protection system, do not come for social assistance again, as they still have a feeling of bitterness and resentment. One of the reasons for this feeling is insufficient government funding of social services and benefits for low-income strata of the population, and the lack of strict accounting for the targeting of social protection.

The essence, goals and objectives of social services for the population

In the scientific literature, the concept of "social services for the population" is used relatively rarely. According to a number of scientists, social services in modern conditions acts as one of the areas of social work and the organizational form of this type of social activity, which is considered as a system of certain methods of social humanistic activity aimed at adaptation, social rehabilitation of an individual, family or human society. ...

In R. Barker's Dictionary of Social Work, social services are defined as “the provision of specific social services to people to meet the needs necessary for their normal development, to people who depend on others (those who cannot take care of themselves)”.

It should be noted that not all countries of the world have the same meaning in the concept of "social services". For example, in Finland, the Social Services Act (1982) means “a set of social services, livelihood support, social benefits and related activities that are designed to strengthen social security and contribute to the development of an individual, family, society ".

The foundations of legal regulation in the field of social services for the population of the Russian Federation are established by the federal law "On the foundations of social services for the population in the Russian Federation" (1995). It defines social services as "the activities of social services and individual support specialists, the provision of social, social, medical, psychological, pedagogical, social and legal services, the implementation of social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens in difficult life situations" (Art. one).

In the domestic literature, attempts were made to generalize modern experience and, on this basis, to concretize the essence of social services for various categories of the population - an integral part of modern social policy, a fundamentally new direction of social protection of the population. "

The purpose of this work is to systematize, accumulate and consolidate knowledge about the basic laws and principles of social services.

At present, the development of the system of social services for the population is at the stage of creating a network of institutions and developing technologies for social services, taking into account the specifics of various regions of the Russian Federation. At the same time, it is important to define a clear structure of programs and principles of management, as well as the ability to autonomy and self-restraint, both from an economic and sociological point of view. To form an effective system of social services, it is also necessary to create our own tools for understanding the surrounding reality and a person in need of social services. At the present stage, a sequential process of modeling territorial (departmental) social services and technologies of their activities is being carried out.

In the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the Basics of Social Services for the Population in the Russian Federation" (November 15, 1995), social work as a theory of the middle level is designed to ensure the effectiveness of social services for the population. At the same time, the effectiveness of social services is largely determined by the level of professional specialists, their ability to work with a person - a specific person or a group of people.

Therefore, the effectiveness of social services can, according to scientists, be determined on the basis of both general (those serving to assess its effectiveness in general) and specific (for assessing specific social services of certain types and methods of social work, the work of individual specialists, employees of institutions) criteria. The immediate source of determining the criteria for social services are the goals and objectives of the provision of social services and the degree of their implementation.

In this case, the following points are fundamentally important:

First, the goals of social services can be considered at the level of society, individual regions, settlements, districts and micro-districts, at the level of population groups and individuals;

Secondly, the goals of social services should take into account the socio - economic, moral - psychological, environmental, political and other situation that has developed in the context of political and economic reforms in the first half of the 90s;

Thirdly, the goals of social services in modern Russia should be inextricably linked with an objective assessment and positive coverage of the processes of the country's and its regions emerging from the crisis, as well as the stabilization of the social status of various categories of the population.

Based on the concept of systemic needs socially - economic structures in society, in applying it to solving practical and organizational problems of the sphere of social services for the population, it is possible to designate the systemic functions and goals of this sphere. These are the systemic functions of humanity, which include:

a) helping the poor, the weak, the sick and people in difficult life situations. If a person is in a difficult situation as a result of illness or any circumstances, then the humane attitude of other members of society towards him is likely to be able to save his life and restore his working capacity. In addition, the “social organism” (state, society, people, nation, ethnos, etc.) may benefit from not only potentially strong and healthy people;

b) ensuring the maintenance of the production in the "social organism" of the so-called "energy surpluses". This function is due to the fact that the need for resources for the survival of the "social organism" can change dramatically, for example, during a war or natural disasters.

The system of social services for the population can act as a tool for correcting the work of self-organization and self-regulation mechanisms in society: one of the main tasks to satisfy the systemic need for correcting the work of social mechanisms based on the principle of self-regulation and self-organization of "social organisms" is to correct people's behavior in accordance with interests including them "social organism". The functions of solving these problems are carried out by such institutions of society as the system of education and upbringing, religion, family, etc. With the beginning of the formation and development of the social service system, the correction of the work of social mechanisms of self-organization and self-regulation has become one of its most important tasks.

The role of social services for the population as a stimulator of the development of society is gaining great importance. The work of the social services system for the population contributes to the growth of the “level of normal consumption”. This is due to the fact that a decrease in the consumption level of socially disadvantaged groups of the population (as a result of illness, unemployment, etc.) ensures their habituation to lower living standards. By supporting these groups of people, the system of social services for the population contributes to the satisfaction of the systemic needs of "social organisms" to increase the "level of normal consumption" in society.

Concept and principles of social service

An integral part of the state system of social security in the Russian Federation is social services for the elderly, disabled and families with children, which includes various types of social services aimed at meeting the special needs of this contingent of persons. At present, the state is making great efforts to create a comprehensive system of social services for the population, to allocate funds for its development. The main laws have already been adopted, which constituted the legal basis for its functioning: Federal Law of December 10, 1995 No. 195-FZ "On the Fundamentals of Social Services to the Population in the Russian Federation"; Federal Law of 02.08.95 No. 122-FZ "On social services for elderly citizens and disabled people"; Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ "On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation", etc.

Social services are the activities of social services for social support, the provision of social, social and medical, psychological and pedagogical, social and legal services and material assistance, social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens in difficult life situations.

Basic principles of social services and their implementation

A citizen in a difficult life situation, who is therefore provided with social services, is considered in the legislation on social services as a client of a social service.

Social services are actions to provide a client with a social service provided by the legislation on social services.

A difficult life situation is a situation that objectively disrupts the life of a citizen (disability, inability to self-service due to old age, illness, orphanhood, neglect, poverty, unemployment, lack of a definite place of residence, conflicts and abuse in the family, loneliness, etc.) etc.) and which he cannot overcome on his own.

Social services are based on the following principles: targeting; availability; voluntariness; humanity; the priority of providing social services to minors in difficult life situations; confidentiality; preventive focus.

Activities in the field of social services for elderly citizens and disabled people are based on the principles:

Respect for human and civil rights;

Provision of state guarantees in the field of social services;

Ensuring equal opportunities in receiving social services and their accessibility for elderly citizens and disabled people;

Continuity of all types of social services;

Orientation of social services to the individual needs of elderly citizens and people with disabilities;

Priority of measures for social adaptation of elderly citizens and disabled people;

Responsibility of public authorities and institutions, as well as officials for ensuring the rights of elderly citizens and persons with disabilities in the field of social services.

For the first time in domestic legislation, the concept of such a socially significant circumstance as a difficult life situation has been formulated.

A difficult life situation is a situation that objectively disrupts the vital activity of a citizen, which he cannot overcome on his own. The reasons for its occurrence can be a variety of circumstances: disability, old age, illness, orphanhood, abuse in the family, unemployment, lack of a definite place of residence, etc.

The following persons have the right to social services: citizens of the Russian Federation; foreigners and stateless persons, unless otherwise established by international treaties of the Russian Federation.

Social service is based on the following principles.

Targeting, i.e. providing personally to a specific person. The work to identify and create a data bank of such persons is carried out by local bodies of social protection of the population at the place of residence of the disabled, the elderly, large and single families. Public education authorities also have information about orphans, single and large families; about refugees - the migration service, about persons without a fixed place of residence - the internal affairs bodies, etc.

Availability. The possibility of free and partially paid receipt of social services is provided, which are included in the federal and territorial lists of social services guaranteed by the state. Their quality, volume, procedure and conditions for their provision must comply with state standards established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Reduction of their volume at the territorial level is not allowed.

The lists of social services are determined taking into account the subjects to whom they are intended. The federal list of state-guaranteed social services for elderly citizens and disabled people, provided by state and municipal social service institutions, was approved by the RF Government Decree of November 25, 1995 No. 1151. On its basis, territorial lists are developed. Financing of services included in the lists is carried out at the expense of the corresponding budgets.

Voluntariness. Social services are carried out on the basis of a voluntary appeal of a citizen, his guardian, trustee, another legal representative, a government body, a local government body or a public association. At any time, a citizen can refuse to receive social services.

Humanity. Citizens living in permanent institutions have the right to freedom from punishment. The use of drugs, physical restraints, and isolation is not allowed for the purpose of punishing or creating convenience for personnel. The persons who committed these violations are subject to disciplinary, administrative or criminal liability.

Priority provision to minors.

Confidentiality. Personal information that has become known to employees of a social service institution when providing social services is a professional secret. Employees guilty of disclosing it are liable under the law.

The legislation provides for the following types of social services.

Material assistance in the form of cash, food, sanitation and hygiene products, clothing and footwear, other essential items, fuel, special vehicles, technical means of rehabilitation for disabled people and persons in need of outside care;

Social services at home are aimed at the maximum possible extension of the stay of elderly citizens and people with disabilities in their usual social environment in order to

maintaining their social status, as well as protecting their legal rights and interests. Home-based guaranteed services provided by the federal list include: home delivery of groceries; purchase of medicines, food and industrial goods of prime necessity; assistance in obtaining medical care, including escort to a medical institution: cleaning the premises; assistance in organizing legal services; assistance in organizing funeral services) other home-based services (for example, assistance in providing fuel).

Mentally ill persons in remission, patients with tuberculosis (except for the active form), and oncological patients receive medical care at home.

Children with disabilities who, for health reasons, cannot attend general education institutions, are provided with home education. The Ministry of Health approves the List of Diseases, in the presence of which a disabled child has the right to receive education at home. Disabled children are enrolled in educational institution at the place of residence, receive free educational, reference and other literature, are visited by pedagogical workers, undergo certification and receive a state-recognized document on the relevant education.

Semi-stationary social services are provided by day (night) stay departments at municipal social service centers or social protection agencies.

Inpatient social services are aimed at providing comprehensive social assistance to persons in need of constant outside care and supervision for health reasons.

The following groups of the population use the services free of charge: single elderly citizens (single married couples) and people with disabilities who receive a pension with allowances below the regional subsistence level; elderly citizens and disabled people, whose relatives, for objective reasons, cannot provide them with assistance and care, if the amount of the received pension, together with allowances, is lower than the regional subsistence minimum; elderly citizens and disabled people living in families with an average per capita income below the regional subsistence level.

The cost of services is determined based on the tariffs set for a specific region. The cost does not include the cost of providing medical care in the amount of the Basic or Territorial program of compulsory health insurance, education within the state educational standards.

Payment for additional social services can be made at the expense of funds received from the sale or other alienation of property, including residential premises, securities, etc. his other living quarters, as well as the right to material security in the form of food, care, necessary assistance; obtaining written consent from local social service authorities to complete the transaction.

The system of social services for the population: functions, types and forms of activity

Social services are provided through the system of social services.

The concept of "social service" refers to the basic concepts in social services to the population and is defined as a system of state and non-state structures that carry out social work and include special institutions for the provision of social services and their management bodies.

Social service as an instrument of social work organizes its activities in two directions: social protection and social assistance. The implementation of activities is based on the following approaches:

Assistance should be reintegrating;

When providing assistance, an individual approach to the client's request is carried out;

Social assistance is provided on the basis of the principle of subsidy;

The beneficiary must be active;

The mechanisms of social assistance are “switched on” when other methods of support have been exhausted (psychological, moral, contractual, legislative).

The system of social services includes state, municipal and non-state services.

The state social service includes institutions and enterprises of social services, executive authorities of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, whose competence includes the organization and implementation of social services.

The municipal social service includes institutions and enterprises of social services, local self-service bodies, whose competence includes the organization and implementation of social services.

Non-governmental social service includes institutions and social service enterprises created by charitable, public, religious and other non-governmental organizations and individuals.

In the context of these approaches, a client who finds himself in a difficult life situation can receive the following support based on his requests.

Assistance in the development of non-traditional forms of preschool, school and out-of-school education;

Organization of a temporary forced stay of a child outside the parental family, his further placement in children's institution, under guardianship (guardianship), adoption;

b) the function of consulting, which includes:

Consulting specialists (lawyers, sociologists, teachers, doctors, psychologists, etc.);

Participation in the preparation of young people for the choice of a profession;

Preparing young men and women for marriage and conscientious parenting;

Parental medico-psychological universal education;

c) the function of social correction and rehabilitation, which includes:

Social medical and psychological rehabilitation of minors with deviant behavior, neglected children and adolescents, children left without parental care;

Medical and social rehabilitation and rehabilitation of children and adolescents with disabilities and families raising them;

d) the function of information of the population, study and forecasting of social needs, within the framework of which there are three directions:

Providing the client with the information necessary to resolve a difficult life situation;

Dissemination of medical - psychological, pedagogical and other knowledge among the population;

Study by specialists in social work, specially created institutions, as well as with the help of scientific organizations, the needs of their clients and social problems that give rise to crisis situations in the region, the development and implementation of specific measures aimed at eliminating them;

e) the function of participation in the implementation of emergency measures to overcome the consequences of natural disasters and social conflicts:

Participation of social service specialists in the development of emergency programs;

Formation within the framework of rescue services organized at the central and other levels, teams of social workers, etc.

The main directions of social services for the population are determined Federal Law"On the basics of social services for the population in the Russian Federation" (1995):

Providing material assistance to citizens in difficult life situations, in the form of cash, food, etc., as well as special vehicles, technical means for the rehabilitation of disabled people and persons in need of outside care;

Social services at home, which is carried out by providing social services to citizens in need of outside or temporary non-stationary social services;

Social services in inpatient institutions, carried out by providing social services to citizens who have partially or completely lost the ability to self-service and who need constant outside care, and ensuring the creation of living conditions appropriate for their age and health status, carrying out medical, psychological, social activities, nutrition, care, as well as the organization of feasible work, rest and leisure;

Provision of temporary shelter in specialized social service institutions for orphans, neglected minor children, citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations, citizens of no fixed abode, victims of psychological or physical violence and other social service clients who need to be identified as a temporary shelter;

Organization of a day stay in social service institutions with the provision of social, social, medical and other services to elderly citizens and disabled people who have retained the ability to self-service and active movement, as well as to other persons, including minors in difficult life situations;

Advisory assistance on issues of social - household and social - medical support of life, psychological and pedagogical assistance, social and legal protection;

Rehabilitation services for persons with disabilities, juvenile offenders, other citizens who are in a difficult life situation and in need of professional, psychological, social rehabilitation.

Social services are based on the principles:

Equal opportunities for citizens regardless of nationality, gender and age;



Promoting self-reliant social adaptation;

Targeting, priority of assistance to citizens in a dangerous or helpless state;

Humanity, benevolence, confidentiality;

Preventive focus;

Legality and accounting of international standards.

Social service is formed on the basis of legality, humanism, justice and democracy. At the same time, general principles are uniform for the entire system of social service, the widespread adherence to which makes this system integral and consistent:

The principle of the priority of state principles in organizing social services and guaranteeing the rights of citizens to receive social services and assistance in difficult life situations means that the state ensures individual rights, sovereignty, honor and freedom, protects it from all kinds of encroachments. It provides a social service system necessary materials, finance, human resources, defines the responsibilities of institutions, governing bodies and social workers.

The principle of reliance on public participation means that the public component is a necessary link in the operation and management of social services. Moreover, in cases where social services require social vocational training, public participation is possible only as an aid to the main subjects of this activity.

The principle of territoriality means that the social service is as close as possible to the population and therefore to the maximum extent available for direct use. This principle makes it possible to solve the problems of integrating departmental interests and opportunities for a comprehensive solution to the problems of social services, to preserve the diversity of activities with uniform goals.

The principle of awareness means that institutions and governing bodies of the social service have the right to collect information, to receive, upon a reasoned request from state and public bodies, information that is necessary for their functions and to help clients.

The functions of managing the issues of social services to the population in the subordinate territory are carried out by the bodies of social protection of the population. They build their activities in cooperation with health authorities, public education, culture, physical education and sports, law enforcement agencies, government services for youth and employment and other government bodies, as well as with public, religious, charitable organizations and foundations.

Research methodology in social services

The professional activity of a social worker is the implementation of a number of functions. First of all, it is a scientific-cognitive, research-analytical function, for the implementation of which it is necessary to know the methodology for studying social reality. There are a number of stages in the research process aimed at social reality:

The process of studying social reality, social phenomena begins with the definition of the subject of knowledge, its external boundaries.

Statement of initial problems - questions with the help of which the researcher (research team) determines the most relevant aspects of the research subject.

Clarification of causal factors that influenced the emergence of a problem situation.

Formulation of research working hypotheses

Conducting basic research activities, using appropriate methods (sociological research methods, methods of statistical analysis).

Analysis of the information received.

Development of recommendations aimed at improving the situation and solving problems.

Social methodology is usually interpreted as a way of applying theoretical conclusions in solving practical problems.

The term "social methods" is used to denote a set of techniques, methods, methods and influences used to solve social problems.

There are two forms of social methods:

programs containing procedures and operations (i.e. methods and means of activity);

the activity itself, built in accordance with the program.

The diversity of the social world, social life determined the diversity of social methods. This necessitated the classification of social methods. The classification of social methods can be carried out on various grounds. It is based on the differentiation of the applied knowledge, methods, methods, objects, since certain methods of influence can be applied to each of them in order to ensure their optimal functioning and development.

It is possible to single out social methods of a global nature, social methods in relation to society as a whole, various spheres of public life, social structure, social institutions, processes and phenomena.

Social work specialists identify methods of searching for a management strategy, social modeling, diagnostics, and forecasting.

It is possible to single out information and implementation, training, innovative methods of past experience.

By the nature of the tasks to be solved, methods are distinguished between universal and specific. It is also advisable to highlight the methods of social development of individual countries, regions, territories, etc.

Social methods differ significantly from each other in their content. Let us briefly define the content of the most important social methods, which will help to consider in more detail the specifics of methods in social work.

From the point of view of scale, global social methods stand out. They are associated with the solution of universal human problems. We are talking about such knowledge, methods, ways that contribute to the understanding and solution of not only internal, but also global development trends, the connection between society and nature. Their introduction directly or indirectly concerns the life of people, their vital activity, social security.

Innovative social techniques are such methods and techniques innovation activities, which are aimed at the implementation of innovations in society, at the implementation of initiatives that cause qualitative changes in different areas social life leading to rational use material and other resources in society.

Unlike innovative methods of influencing social processes, provided by routine social methods, they are characterized by low science intensity, reflect the yesterday of social impact and do not stimulate the social object, the social system to change.

Regional social methods are aimed at studying and implementing the laws of the territorial organization of social life and its systematic changes.

One of the varieties of universal methods is the method of global modeling (research and solution of issues of preserving the world, nature, providing the Earth's population with food, energy, material resources, etc.).

Intellectual social techniques are aimed at developing and stimulating the mental activity of people, the development of their creative abilities.

Historical methods imply the comprehension of historical experience, historical knowledge as a condition for political, spiritual, social diagnosis.

Demographic methods are aimed at studying the mechanism of population reproduction and developing ways to change its size, composition, distribution, etc.

Social consent methods are methods, ways of achieving agreement of the majority of the population in solving the most topical issues social life, their mutual action.

This type is adjoined by social methods of resolving conflicts, in particular, socio-ethnic ones.

Political methods as a type of social methodology are methods of solving political problems, developing a policy, its implementation, and the implementation of political activity.

Among the management techniques, administrative and management techniques are of particular importance as methods of direct (direct) operational impact on the controlled object. This type of methodology is directly related to the implementation of social work tasks.

Psychological methods are ways of influencing psychological processes, qualities, phenomena and relationships, methods of influencing attitudes, character, reaction, will of the individual, interpersonal interactions.

Psychophysiological techniques are aimed at changing the parameters of the processes occurring inside a person under disturbing factors. These techniques are used in the provision of medical and social services.

Subject and object of research. Social work subject

Any science as an independent area of ​​knowledge (social work in this sense is no exception) has its own subject of study.

Currently, it is generally accepted to understand the subject of any science as a result of the choice of an objectively existing process (phenomenon) in order to study it from a certain angle of view. There are known differences between the subject and the object of science. The subject of science is a really existing reality (natural and social). It has many aspects and properties, each of which can become the subject of independent study.

The definition of the subject of science depends on many factors: on the level of knowledge achieved in this area, the development of social practice, etc.

The subject of social work as a science is the laws and principles of the development of social processes, their dynamics under the influence of various factors in the protection of civil rights and individual freedoms in society.

But you can consider the subject of social work in its practical activities, and in fact, this is a social situation. Social situation - the specific state of the problem of a specific client of social work, individual or group, with all the wealth of their connections and mediation related to the solution of this problem.

A social worker should make every effort in his work, because the purpose of his activity in a social situation is to improve the client's social situation, to prevent its deterioration, or at least to alleviate the client's subjective experience of his situation. After all, one can realize that in the conditions of a decline in production and mass unemployment, it is not so easy to help individuals find a new job. But it is quite possible to provide them with social and psychological support, to get rid of negative personal reactions to unemployment.

For example, members of the voluntary association "Wives of Alcoholics", admitting that they cannot save their husbands from harmful alcohol addiction, consider the goal of their participation in the work of the association to learn to be happy under the conditions of their spouse's drunkenness.

The concept of a social situation serves as a methodological tool for identifying those connections and interactions that are directly related to the social problem of a given client and the impact on which may affect its resolution. The easiest way would be to immediately declare that humanity could not cope with alcoholism throughout its long history of development, and on this basis, abandon the search for ways to help a particular drinking client and his family. It is possible, inadequately exploiting the dialectical principle of the universal connection of phenomena, to begin the analysis of the vital activity of this particular alcoholic with global problems and expect such a level of resources for their resolution, which, of course, is not available today. The concept of a social situation, without denying the general, global connections of the individual with the world, allows us to isolate in his specific conditions, first of all, what directly affects the solution of his problem, what is within the influence and scope of social work.

It should be recognized that not only the social worker, the entire institution of social work, the entire social system of a given state, and even all of humanity as a whole. For example, it is impossible today to completely eliminate the causes of congenital or acquired disability or to compensate for those defects that lead to the limitation of the capabilities of individuals. Such achievements of civilization as the development of health care, the emergence of new types of genetic prognostics and prenatal diagnostics, the improvement of medical care, the improvement of working and living conditions eliminate some causes of disability, but they are replaced by others, largely caused by the same successes of civilization, therefore the total number disabled people is growing. Unable to eliminate the cause, the social worker can only help the individual to achieve the maximum level of integration into society that is possible under his real life circumstances and health.

Social work object

Social coexistence and interaction should be based on the principles of social equality and partnership, fair distribution of material wealth, reliable guarantees for the creative self-affirmation of all subjects of society. This understanding of sociality is the most important criterion for the implementation of social work.

The object of social work, on the one hand, is determined by the goals and objectives of practical social work, and on the other, it determines the boundaries and content of the theory and practice of social work. There are many definitions of the object of social work, they are largely similar in that in modern conditions social work goes beyond the boundaries of practical social assistance and is increasingly becoming fundamental theoretical knowledge about a person in the system of social relations and interactions, about ways to improve his social life and social well-being. The object of social work is, first of all, a person in the system social connections and the relationship to which the social action is directed. This is a client of social assistance, social adaptation and rehabilitation, social diagnostics and prevention, social examination and social therapy.

Also, we can say that all people are the object of social work (in a broad sense). This is explained by the fact that the vital activity of all strata and groups of the population depends on those conditions that are largely predetermined by the level of development of society, the state of the social sphere, the content of social policy, and the possibilities for its implementation.

At whatever level - individual or group - human problems arise, the objects of help from social workers (or simply the objects of social work) are people who set certain goals for themselves, but are not able to realize them themselves, due to this feeling dissatisfaction with life. Behind every human problem lies a multitude of personal ones, i.e. unmet needs of a whole group of people. No matter how specific, for example, the personal problems of certain unemployed people differing in sex, age, marital status, education level or specialty, each of them is a manifestation of a social problem called unemployment. Therefore, we can say that the objects of social work are various groups of people who experience difficulties in solving problems that arise in their lives.

The family as an object in social services

In the family, to a large extent, all healthy prerequisites arise and germinate. Who and how will live and work in the future - it depends on what social well-being is. modern family how she raises children and what qualities she instills. Therefore, the family is in the center of attention of the social worker and is one of the most important spheres of his activity.

The family is a complex social system, which is characterized by the features of a social institution and a small social group. How social institution In society, a family is a set of social norms, patterns of behavior that regulate relationships between spouses, parents and children, and other relatives. Unemployment, low cost of living, non-payment wages, inflation, growing tension in social relations, deterioration of service, destruction of the old and the lack of formation of new value attitudes - these are the social problems of the modern family.

The family as a small group is a community of people based on marriage, consanguinity, satisfaction of individual needs of a person. It is distinguished by a single economic space, an interdependent way of life, emotional and moral ties, relations of care, guardianship, support, protection. In order to get a holistic view of the family, it is necessary to take into account the entire palette of family relationships.

The family as a small social group is characterized by the presence of a number of social goals that change in different life cycles; partial differences in the interests, needs and attitudes of family members; mediation of joint activities. Consequently, the well-being and longevity of the family depend on the extent to which spouses and other family members are able and willing to take care of each other.

Integral characteristics of a family, which largely determine its potentials, are considered: psychological health, functional and role coherence, social and role adequacy, emotional satisfaction, adaptability in microsocial relationships, striving for family longevity.

Communication plays an important role in the family, in real life the relationship between people develops in different ways, the existence of different types of families is possible. The most common is the nuclear family, consisting of parents and dependent children, or a married couple. Such a family can be complete or incomplete, formed as a result of divorce, widowhood, the birth of a child out of wedlock. If the family structure includes other relatives in addition to spouses and children, then it is called extended. Families can differ in the presence or absence of children and their number. It is customary to talk about childless, one-child, large or small families.

An analysis of sources containing information about the family allows us to present its inherent functions (table 1).


It is now becoming obvious that a fruitful way of solving numerous tasks social service is the introduction into practice of the results of the theoretical understanding of social work. However, ignorance or insufficient knowledge of the main paradigms of social work, the weakness of the development of these issues in modern domestic science, the lack of social technologies and private methods of social services, insufficient initiative in mastering knowledge by a number of specialists and employees of institutions and social management bodies who prefer traditional empirical experience to scientific recommendations ( in some cases - general education schools, kindergartens, orphanages.

Dispensaries, boarding schools, in others - the experience of hospitals, clinics and sanatoriums), predetermine the insufficient efficiency of the activities of social services. Naturally, with this approach, the organizers of a new type of institution - territorial centers for social assistance to families and children, social shelters, crisis centers for women, centers of psychological and pedagogical assistance, etc. - often experience more failures than successes in providing social services to various categories of the population. , which is manifested not only in the disappointment of a number of clients of social institutions, but also in the exacerbation of contradictions between the bodies of social services. protection, education, health care, etc.


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