The script of the day of dating in the camp with a daily stay "will be familiar!". Camp from "A" to "I"

Landscape design and layout 24.09.2019

Objective number 2: Install the rules of residence in the children's camp.

If target number 1 is achieved, and you liked your future ward go to the fulfillment of purpose # 2. If you could not like for children, then all the rules of life in the children's camp that you tell them will be perceived in the bayonets. Rules of living in a children's camp is a list of taboos, which is impossible to do. It is necessary to turn the wording of such rules to a positive tone. Children will follow only the rules that they like. Do so that they like the rules of the children's camp. In any society, there is a specific set of rules that its members must comply. The basic rules of the country's health camp: compliance with the camp regime; respect for the honor and dignity of other members of the children's team and staff of the camp; ban on the exit for the territory of the camp; Receive prohibition alcoholic beverages, narcotic substances, smoking. These are the most important rules, for the violation of which the child's removal from the camp is possible. FROM full list Camp rules for children you will be familiarized in therapy briefing before check-in. But the conversation about the rules of the indoor routine is better not to start with a tedious lecture and reading notations, children in the first hours of dating await from you completely different. Invite them to make up a "set of rules", armed with a handle and notepad. As a rule, they will call all the rules themselves, some of them may look ridiculous, somehow "do not fool in the presence of the prison", or "not ... (spoil the air) in the ward." You will only have a little to correct them and read the entire set of rules compiled with children. Children will be much better to fulfill him, considering that it is compiled by them. For example: Good rule: Children's camp is a place where you can not swear and offended smaller and weak. Excellent rule: a children's camp is a place where everyone is respected and loved and waiting for you the same. A good rule: in a children's camp can not be walking separately from the squad and go beyond the territory of the camp without the permission of the leaders. Excellent rule: in our children's camp, the counselor is very worried about you. Therefore, please inform him when you want to stay alone. Good rule: in the children's camp is prohibited to spoil the things around you. Otherwise, you will be imposed on your parents in accordance with the treaty they signed. Excellent rule: a lot of people have tried that you had everything you need in a children's camp. Let's respect their work with respect. And if you accidentally broke something, just tell me, we will get together everything. And life in the children's camp will again go to her!

Implementation of some rules may require you to additionally motivate children, so turn on the imagination. In the children's camp it is necessary. For example: Good Rule: Children in the children's camp every day should clean their rooms and put their beds. Excellent Rule: There is a competition in our camp for the cleanest room. The names of the inhabitants of the most clean and dirty room will appear every day on the Hall and Shame board. You always have a choice, wherever you want your names to appear. I will say only one thing. Residents of Samoa pure room Children's camps at the end of the shift will receive an honorary prize.

Algorithm for the installation of rules of life in a children's camp: 1. Read the rule. 2. Replace all "it is impossible" and "must" on positive formulations. 3. Answer the question "Why do children fulfill this rule? What will they get from this? " 4. Come up with motivation.

Object number 3: Acquaintance with the territory of the camp

The purpose of this stage is the acquaintance of the guys with the territory of the camp, people who work there, the work regime of all services.

The first day is the day of mastering a new place. As soon as the child falls into a new place, the discoverer and thirst for new impressions wake up in it. I want to try everything at once: a football field, new swings, a dance veranda.

Acquaintance with the camp will help organize "intelligence". Create several groups to collect information. Each such group give a package with a list of questions that are particularly interested in the "center". Explain that a group of 30-40 minutes is given to the collection of strategic data. Warn what each group acts autonomously, if possible, imperceptibly and quickly, and the group that will succeed in intelligence activities will be marked by a special difference. Questions with a vulture "Completely Secret" can be the most different, for example: what color is the curtain in the concert hall, how many meters in the longest asphalt lane camps, how many fountains in the camp is, what is the name of Mama Derukok camp, how many posting posts in the camp and where they are located at what temperature water can be swimming how many windows in the building of the dining room, what color is the bench at the administrative building, how many houses "on the circles", how many fireboxes on the camp with sand, what are the size of a soccer field, which mailing address At the camp, the favorite sports team of the Fizruk, etc.

- Playing at Star Marsh Trek Station.It is carried out throughout the camp. All detachments on the route sheets, which indicate the order of the following, come at the station, where they are met by the lead (most often these are counted, but better, if these are employees of services), which tell about this service, its capabilities and operation mode and are carried out for Guys Competition, the assessment of which is stipulated into the route list. Points can be encrypted (letters, figures, different color etc.). You can take into account not only points for quality, but also execution time. For interest from the station to the station, you can move in a certain way (holding hands, Guska, with a song, etc.).

Object number 4:We come up with the name of the detachment

The famous words of the songs of Captain Lunnerel "How you can call the boat, so she saves" you can apply to the name of the detachment. The competently chosen name of the detachment can largely facilitate the work of the charge throughout the change and makes the lives of children in the camp more interesting. Ultimately, the choice good name may serve as beginning fascinating gamein which children will play until the end of the shift.

Invent the number of the squad is better not from scratch, but pushing out any topic. It may be the topic camp shift. If it is abstract, you can take historical. For example, primitive people, Indians, Vikings, Knights or Ancient Greeks. The topic can be associated with the profession: cosmonauts, sailors, journalists, inventors. To select the topic, you can seek help from cartoons and books: Snow White and seven dwarfs, duck stories, the adventures of Baron Münhhausen. Or just rely on your own imagination.

Remember that within the framework of the chosen topic, it is necessary not only to come up with the name of the squad, but also to prepare a presentation.

The name of the detachment is better to invent along with the children. But before the discussion began, the guide should have one or several own versions of the name, which the children should not be called immediately. If his own version is most successful in the view of the prickly, then you must try to make the children offered it themselves. That is, to direct the discussion in the right track until the final result is reached. Children will be more proud of the title of the detachment if they themselves come up with them. Remember that the name of the squad and the maiden must: correspond to the age of children; substantial be conveniently pronounced; Do not violate the traditions of the camp if they are; reflect the common interests of the children of the detachment, their general feature or their aspirations.

Task: Come up with the name of the detachment, if the topic of shift "around the world for 21 days"

"Oceon of Friendship"

Lightweight dating ("Oceon of Friendship") - held in the first evening camp life Children.

  • mutaging mutual sympathy (location, good feelings, interest, desire to be together and help each other);
  • organization of the experience of the first sense of cohesion, compatibility;
  • creating a mood on the humanistic values \u200b\u200bof interaction and communication;
  • the presentation of the very light, as forms and methods of constructive communication, valuable for everyone separately, detachment and camp in general.

The purpose of the first light is closer familiarity with each other. The most important thing here is to create an atmosphere of trust, in the first evening it is good to lay a future tradition: it's not everyone in my own evening, and all together. This will help and sincere tone conversation, songs and legends. The first camp evening spend easily, because the friendship does not want to push children to the attentive perception of everything you say and do. But at the same time difficult, because children are separated and internally clamped.

Usually, on the first light, the leader tells about the traditions of the camps, about his story, about what the guys are waiting in the new shift (the story should be relaxed, informal, personally painted; well, if there are some memories, jokes, legends in it) It suggests playing a few games to remove the voltage or asks the guys to talk about his life, interests and hobbies. The counseling draws attention to the fact that the boys and girls sat inverse to the places to be comfortable for everyone and that everyone can be seen to the whole detachment. The counselors should not sit next to the attention of children not focused on one side of the circle. It is better if they will "break the circle to equal parts. Well, if the counselor or guys can play a guitar or know good songs, guitar and the right of severity are transmitted in a circle (well, when the song arises by itself, for example, some songs can sing on the basis of the context of the general conversation). Undoubtedly, from how and what the counselor says depends, whether the first sincere conversation will work, whether the guys will want to "open up" to people who are still completely inquiry to them. The guide, of course, should have a lot of "blanks" for evening light. A fully finished scenario here cannot be, and the plots of light range vary depending on the general mood and conversation. The most important thing is to "remove" the guys on a relaxed conversation.

In order not to move the evening of dating to the "pulling" of information from children, you should take advantage of the following forms of work.


In advance, stars are harvested with questions. The first leader invites the children to close the eyes and imagine that in the sky - the Starral, at that time the second leader decides to each child one asterisk. Children open their eyes, take their stars and take turns to the questions. If someone wants to answer not to his question, let him express his opinion. Questions may be as follows:

What does the word "friend" mean for you?

How do you imagine yourself in twenty years?

What is the main purpose you pursue in life?

What is your character?

What is your favorite subject in school?

Do you have a lot of friends?

Will you quarrel with parents and what about?

What is your favorite song?

What qualities in man do you value most?

What do you like to do in free time?

Do you often quarrel?

Can you draw?

What games do you like to play?

What kind of people do you think best friends?

What do you like most?

Who would you like to look like?

What is the worst thing for you in life?

What is a full rest for you?

Do you easily withdraw you?

Are you happy? Why?

Are you sure?

Are you a sociable person?

What can make you happy?

Do you easily break down?

Will you forget if someone offended?

Can you sympathize with people?

Do you have a restless in my soul? Because of which?

Are you afraid of darkness?

What dreams do you feel most often?

How do you understand the expression "feel at the seventh heaven"?

Do you like to perform on stage?

What would you like to learn?

Do you believe in horoscopes?

What is grief for you?

What is your favorite sport?

Would you like to fly like a bird?

Do you like to look at the night sky?

What could you be able to do in life?

Do you agree with the expression that everything in life must be trying?

Do you quickly forgive people who offended you?

Do you believe in love at first sight?

Are you a lucky person?

Do you like to give gifts anymore?

What is better to be strong or be smart?

What is better to have - a hundred rubles or a hundred friends?

Do you have a favorite holiday?

Do you believe in miracles?

If you had magic wandWhat three wishes would you guess?

What do you like more - day or night?

Your cherished dream?

First day acquaintance with each other and camp


The group is in a circle. Leading in the center, in his hands a rolled "newspaper". It is called the name of someone from the circle, and the presenter tries to ie it with a newspaper. In order not to be outlined, the named must have time to quickly call someone else standing in a circle. If a person was settled before he called the name, he becomes leading. After some time, an additional rule is entered: the former lead, as soon as it gets into a circle, must quickly call some name. And if he does not have time to do it before he is awaited by a new lead, he becomes leading again. In a group, in which many unfamiliar people are sometimes appropriate, so that one whose name is called, raised his hand, since the lead may not navigate in the names.

Talk about yourself in three words

Everything is clear here: each sitting in a circle calls 3 of any words, which, as it seems to him, is most fully characterized.

Quest. Acquaintance with camp. " What? Where? When?"

Objective: To introduce the guys with:

§ territory of the camp

§ people who work there

§ Mode of operation of all services

For the convenience of orientation and romance you can give everything in the camp beautiful names: The area of \u200b\u200bmorning dawn is a ruler, the house of funny little men - the body of the kids. Field places are needed and general Map Camps.

Methods of exploring camp


It is conducted within the detachment. If there are "old people" in the detachment, let them spend a tour. We alternate a story with games for acquaintance, contact, legends about the camp. After returning from the excursion, the guys can draw as they saw the camp or the most liked place. Research school

The guys are divided into groups that are given a package with questions that are interested in the intelligence center. They need to find out the secret information, for example, what size of the boot in the physroom, what color is the curtain in the dining room, etc.

If the tasks of the groups are the same, then we estimate the speed. If the tasks are different, then you can spend a contest who for a certain time Learn more information.

We estimate the accuracy and completeness of the answers. You can creatively submit the information received.

To warn the camp workers that there will be a game, and children - about the rules of courtesy.

You can get acquainted with the camp and otherwise, because it may happen that your guys are focused in the camp better than you, not everything, of course, but several old-timers will definitely have. You can try not to drive them on the tour, but to do it all the opposite: ask for old-timers to show camp to you and novice detachment. Also acquaintance with the camp will help organize "intelligence". Create several groups to collect information. Each such group give a package with a list of questions that are particularly interested in the "center". Explain that a group of 30-40 minutes is given to the collection of strategic data. Warn what each group acts autonomously, if possible, imperceptibly and quickly, and the group that will succeed in intelligence activities will be marked by a special difference. Questions with a vulture "Completely Secret" can be the most different, for example: what color is the curtain in the concert hall, how many meters in the longest asphalt lane camps, how many fountains in the camp is, what is the name of Mama Derukok camp, how many posting posts in the camp and where they Located, at what water temperature, it will be possible to swim, how many windows in the building of the dining room, what color is the bench at the administrative building, how many houses "on the circles", how many fireboxes in the camp with sand, what are the sizes of a football field, which postal address at the camp, Favorite sports team of Fizruka, etc.

Playing in Station

It is carried out throughout the camp. All detachments on the route sheets, which indicate the order of the following, come at the station, where they are met by the lead (most often these are counted, but better, if these are employees of services), which tell about this service, its capabilities and operation mode and are carried out for Guys Competition, the assessment of which is stipulated into the route list. Points can be encrypted. (letters, figures, different colors, etc.)

You can take into account not only points for quality, but also execution time. We need a translation of time to points.

For interest from the station to the station you can move in a certain way. (Holding hands, Guska, with songs, etc.)

If we see that the next station is a pilotation, then complicate the task.

Example: dining room. Meeting with the chef. Power Mode, Conduct Rules in Dining Room, self-service. Competition, who knows more dishes (from potatoes, soups ...), who will eat faster, table setting.

Camp map.

It is carried out inside its squad.

The detachment is divided into groups. Each group for a certain time is a map of a certain segment of the camp. Groups hide pieces of mosaic on their plot, and then they are denoted on the map.

Creatively beat the highlight, which is in this section of the camp.

Groups change cards. They need to find hidden pieces of mosaic as soon as possible and fold them into a single whole. ! You can make a single camp card at the end, and the guys can designate themselves in the place that they like most of all in the camp.

Traveling around the camp can be organized in the form of the game of the tracks: the guys need to find a magic key. They receive a note in which it is indicated where to move, where to find the second note, with whom you need to meet. To carry out this game, you need to develop a route in advance, hide notes, warn camp workers. Otherwise, the most boring thing you can do is build guys with couples and spend a tour with the words: "Look to the left, look right ...".

You can get acquainted with the camp and otherwise, because it may happen that your guys focus on the camp better than you, not everything, of course, but two or three old-faced will definitely have. You can try not to drive them on the tour, but to do it all the opposite: ask for old-timers to show camp to you and novice detachment.

"Intelligence" will help organize acquaintance with the camp. Create several groups to collect information. Each such group give a package with a list of questions that are particularly interested in the "Center". Explain that a group of 30-40 minutes is given to the collection of strategic data. Warning that each group is operating autonomously, if possible, imperceptibly and quickly, and the group that will succeed in exploration activities will be noted by a particular sign of differences. Questions with a vulture "completely secret" can be the most different, for example: what color is the curtain in the club, how many meters in the longest asphalt lane camping, how many urns in the camp is the name of the mother of the musical worker, how many posts in the camp and where they are located, What is the name of the counselor, at what temperature of the water can be swimming, how many windows in the building of the dining room, what color is the bench at the medport, how many houses in the "town of fairy tales", how much in the camp of fireboxes with sand, what are the sizes of a basketball field, which postal address Camps, as the favorite group of a radio station, a favorite sports team of the Fizruk, etc.

Acquaintance in numbers

Each detachment to issue a note in which a mathematical example is written (for each detachment, but the same in size). But the example is unusual - they need to find numbers themselves, insert in an example and calculate. For example: the number of cooks + number of benches on the frontal place * The number of minutes left in the schedule for lunch - the number full years Coordinator for the boys Peter - the number of windows in the dining room + the sum of the numbers on the number of the camp machine: the number of beds in the room of girls of the third detachment ... + number of columns in the fence around the club \u003d?

Each detachment opens its note with an example on a whistle. During the whistle there is time. The task of each command as quickly as possible to solve your example. But only, provided that they will all run around the camp and look for the right numbers together, that is, all the detachment (this should look at the mentor, who runs along with the guys). As soon as some kind of team finishes, she runs to the center of the camp to the sports office and gives his example, and the sport designer fixes the time. As soon as he gets ready decision From the last team, he compares the responses of detachments with the correct and immediately or during the evening collection announces the results. The winner is the team that the first one brought the correct answer.

Each digit should be somehow connected with the camp to decipher the digits of the guys familiar with the camp staff, with the history of the camp, with territory, etc.

Second day

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Scenario of the opening of a school camp

MKOU Ohrozavodskaya Sosh,


Leading: Dear guys! Congratulations on the opening of the camp season. I wish you a fun to spend time, to show all your best abilities, strengthen your health, relax and find new friends.


Dear guys:

Girls and boys.

Happy holidays Congratulations

And we invite you to the camp to play.

With you long, very long

We will sing, joke, play,

And of course, and of course

We will dance with you!

Leading: And now, guys, tell me

The sun has just woke up? (Yes)

And all the guys smiled? (Yes)

Is everything built on the line? (Yes)

To work and on vacation, all are configured? (Yes)

Well done!

Game "Let's get acquainted."

Let's get acquainted with each other. I suggest play the game "Acquaintance". I call names, and all the guys with these names perform a specific task.

Ilyusha - point out;

Oli - smile and

Anya, Lily. - lean;

Slavik, Roma - respond;

Lisa, light - stretch;

Daria, Vika - Test;

Mrina, Ira - praise;

Seymour, Danil, Yaroslav - Fall;

Alexey, Anastasia - Pump up;

Egor, Natalia - you can put the handle.

The task:

Now fold the name of our camp from these pieces.

(Fold the word "Sunny")

Well done! We coped with the task.

And now we all sing our song.

The game "I, too."

Let's play the game "I, too!".

Listen carefully, and when you need, say choir: "I, too!"

I got up early today! I, too!

In the zoo visited! I, too!

I saw an elephant with an elephant! I, too!

He looks like a pig!

I returned to the yard me too!

In the yard rushed troror!

He chased behind the cat

And wiely his tail!

What attentive children!

Do you like summer? (yes) And why? (children express their opinions)

Now I will call different phenomena of nature, if they relate to the summer - clap your hands, and if "no" -top!

In summer, flowers bloom

Green grass

From trees fall leaves

Speak Yagoda

Beasts fall into hibernation

Butterflies fly, dragonflies

All in boots and mittens

Birds remove chicks

And fly south

It is often fungal rain

And rainbow!

Music number

Guys, I came to you with one surprise! See what I have? (chamomile) right but itchamomile with riddles.

1. The sun shines brightly,

And light, and hot.

And the grass, flowers,

All day Brodie, Brodie.

What during the season is it? ... (summer)

2. How my name is, say

I often hide in rye.

Modest field flower

Siegyglase ... (Vasileuk) long tree dropped

And all the bugs destroyed.

In vain he did not spend time

Laughty, Pins ... (Woodpecker)

4.Forus, businessit,

All needles are covered.

Do you hear the topot of the shock legs?

This is our buddy ... (Hedgehog)

5. In each city yard

There is a joy of defector

Bird. You do not bay her!

This bird .... (Sparrow)

6. From spring to us from the south rushing

Black, like raven, bird.

For the trees of our doctor

Insects eat everyone ... (Ruch)

7.Tho with branches she eats

And in the garden helps us

On a piece of leaf, sitting deftly,

This is God's ... (cow)

Entra view number

Leading : Guys, in the summer you can run barefoot on the puddles. Now we will arrange a contest in which you need to show how you quickly run on the puddles. (the floor folds the sheets A4 6pcs. For each participant at a certain distance. Each participant must be coming to the "puddle" quickly reach the chips and back.)

Leading : Guys, let's dance!

Dancing with balls in pairs(Balls between foreheads)

Leading: Well done! Good dance! Now play!

"Feed a friend with an apple or banana" , "Find candy",

Music number.

It's time to finish the idea,

And everyone in it was happy.

In a farewell dance spin on stage

Our camp cheerful dance.

(Children dance dance) On this, our holiday opening holiday is finished. I wish you to spend well summer vacation And September 1 to school with new forces.

Let it be in the camp happiness and peace, and on sadness with hand!

This game program will be useful in the children's camp, when children only arrived and have not learned each other, as it should. It will require the participation of two counselors (leading), as well as one or several groups. The age of participants can be any, but, depending on the age, the conditions of games and competitions can be complicated or facilitated.

Scenario of the competitive gaming program "Island of dating"

Someone from the organizers includes music (it is desirable to sound the composition "with us friend").

Music is getting quieter and first lead He speaks: " Good morning, boys and girls! Good morning, colleagues! If the day starts well and the morning is really kind, then you know what it means? This means that the whole day will be held on "Hurray"! Congratulations to all with what another happy day awaits us! ".

Second lead continues: "Yes, dear friends! I am sure that we are waiting for a joyful day, full of fun! Today, each of us will find many new friends! Tell me guys, what do you do when you meet a friend? ".

Children choir They answer (the presenters can suggest): "We greets!".

Second lead: "Well done! I suggest playing very simple, but very interesting game! Now I will read the poem, and all those present here must permanently guess when it will be appropriate and tell the choir: "Hi!". So, let's begin:

When we meet the dawn, we tell him ... (Children shout children: "Hi!").

With a smile, the sun gives the light, we send your own ... (Hello).

When meeting after many years you scream friends ... (Hello).

And you will smile in response from the word good ... (Hello).

And you remember the advice: give everyone friends ...(Hello).

Let's together, all in response, we say to each other ... (Hello).

First lead: "Hello! Yes, hello, everyone! ".

Second lead: "Yes, guys, we are now on the" island of dating ", but soon we will have to go on a fascinating journey through the" Ocean of Friendship ". Now we will explain how you can build a ship and collect the team to control it! ".

Contest "Build a team"

Number of participants: 12 people (two teams, each - 6 participants).

Props: 12 cards, which are written by the names of all "ship" positions (navigator, Jung, Sailor, Starp, Captain, Lotsman). These cards leading should distribute to all participants of the game.

After the cards distributed to children (in random order), two teams are formed. The captains of both teams should build their "subordinates" in two ranks, in accordance with the post being held, from left to right. After that, they must take turns to name the names of all team members and rank.

Competition "Drawing Ship"

Number of participants: 8 people (4 player from both teams).

Props: Two Easels, Color Pencils, Two Watman List.

The presenter is building participants of the game in two ranks, four people in each, and in front of them, at a distance of 2-3 meters put easels. To all participants in front of the game pencils are distributed (two pencils per participant).

Then, by the lead signal, players from both teams in turn run up to the easers and draw ships (to reach and draw something they are given 30 seconds). Wins the team that first draws the ship.

After the game first lead Says: "Well done guys! Congratulations! Now we have two teams and two ships! ". After that, the other presenter includes the song "with us friend".

Competition "Make a letter"

Props: two sheets of paper, with "ciphers" written on them (see below), as well as two glass bottles With a wide neck (in which the paper leaves can easily be placed without difficulty and also pull them out from there).

Lead 1.: "Attention! Commands of ships! I declare that two of your vessel swim in the ocean for 7 days already and, once in the morning, when the sailors were engaged in the repair of ships, they saw it in water (shows two bottles of children). In these bottles, we, with a colleague (shows on the second hand) found two encrypted notes (takes leaves of paper from bottles and shows children). Now I need four people! Captains! Choose from your teams two of the smartest participants! ".

Captains choose four volunteers and are suitable for leading.

The leaders offer participants to "decipher" two found messages: nouns are written on the leaves in chaotic order, of which players must compile proposals.

So, examples of "ciffers".

First option: "Storm", "Portuguese", "Captain", "Fugitive", "Villain", "Thief", "Caste", "shipwreck", "Island", "Aborighen", "raft".

The second option: "cannibal", "African", "Mailor", "Dagger", "Hunger", "Ocean", "Bun", "murder", "shipwreck", "sabotage", "hero".

There are no losers and winners in this contest: children tell the stories that they have turned out. On "decoding" they give 5 minutes.

Competition "Lion Hunting"

Props: bucket on which lion is drawn (or any other capacity), four balls.

Lead 2.: "So, dear friends! Your ships drift in the ocean for two weeks for two weeks and so that the rebellion does not start, you need to urgently replenish the reserves of provisions and drinking water. "

Lead 1.: "And for this you will have to land on an island, which is not marked on the same map. There are probably water and food on this island, because the captains of both vessels saw in the picking pipes that there is vegetation on it. "

Lead 2.: "However, I do not advise you to land on a landing with a full composition: who knows what travelers can wait there. I propose to explore the territory of the four most brave team members. Go out, the most bold navigators! Two volunteer from both teams! "

The leaders form two ranks from the participants, each of them is given on the ball, and opposite the Shero, at a distance of 1-2 meters they put the container on which the lion was drawn.

Lead 2.: "And here our brave scouts unexpectedly stumbled into wild jungle, which cover the whole territory of the island, on a hungry lion. To survive, they will have to fight, however, no one guessed to take a weapon with them and everything that our fearless sailors have four stones. If all four stones fall into the goal, then the lion will eat our heroes and teams will remain without water and food. "

Children take turns throwing balls in a bucket, and then return to their teams.

Competition "Understand me"

Props: Cards on which tasks are written (see below).

Lead 1.: "After the scouts returned aboard, the captains of both teams decided to send five people to the shore from their teams so that they could bring more food and water. So, I invite you to participate in the following tests of ten volunteers: Five participants from both teams! ".

Lead 2.: "Imagine (apply to players) that Aborigines live on the island, which, naturally, speak in their own language and do not understand Russian. Before you stand difficult task: If something goes wrong and the locals will understand something wrong, then the ship's team can become their dinner. Therefore, our heroes will have to learn to express themselves with gestures. "

The leading build participants of both teams in one rank so that they all look in one direction. Then he gives it to someone who is the last in the rank, a card with a task (the phrase in which the action will be indicated, the subject, the command; for example: "Let's jump treasure"; "Let's go, eat, Kok prepared dinner"; "Let's go to wake Captain") . The task of each participant of the game (the first turns the closure): not verbally (i.e. without words) to explain ahead of the task in front of the next participant. At the end of the game, the child standing first in the rank is primarily welcoming the task out loud as he understood him.

Leading can give a consecutive several tasks, or if there are not so many time on the games, only one thing.

Competition "Raise anchors"

Props: Two armators made by hand from dense cardboard, two equal cuts of a dense thread.

Leading: "It's time to despair! In order for the teams to continue their way, they need to raise anchor. Calling two sailors! "

"Sailors" from both teams are suitable for a lead that gives each of them one cardboard anchor. Threads are tied to the anchors.

The task of the participants: as soon as possible to wind the threads on the "anchors", trying to get ahead of the opponent.

Lead 2.: "Well done, sailors! And now, dear my navigators, I suggest go home to my native shores! ".

Competition "Sailor Dance"

Lead 1.: "Congratulations! The teams successfully returned home! Ships moored, the teams went to the land! It's time to fulfill the traditional "sailor dance"! ".

Incendiary music sounds (for example, the well-known "Apple" melody) and the presenters ask for four volunteers from both teams (two participants from each team) to fulfill any dance (motion can be arbitrary).

In this competition, the winners are determined by the audience or leading. The couple wins, which uses the most unusual movements or can quickly react and fulfill a pair dance.

Entering B. new house, the owners, by tradition, let the cat in it. Animal with stunning intuition and reaction, inspects new possessions with a pretimile fear, seeking to find a safe secretive place to explore the territory. Close sensations and experiences are also experiencing a child who first visited the camp. He is looking for his "protected place", from which it is convenient to follow what is happening.

Another thing is the camp regulars. They know where they know what, how and why. Therefore, feel confidently, showing a certain bhazal. Their best experience must be used and spread. All will be in winnings: both children and counselors. The first to know the territory and its content. The second is all "malicious" and dangerous places where you need to "lay straw" or suitable for certain occupations.

The purpose of all operations to study the territory of the Dolla is: to give as much as possible full information About that "what can be" and "what is impossible", "where you can" and "where you can not", "with whom you can" and "without anyone." Information is fascinating, it is interesting, meaningfully, instructive, but without instruction and threats. In parallel, children acquaint themselves with adults working on the territory, not forgetting to thank them for labor.

The counselor depends on you, whether the camp will be loved by the first time, from the first sightseeing journey or not. Be a guide, in love with this "City of Childhood". Take care of "interesting" meetings on the route and pleasant surprises.

Methods and options for dating camp.

1) Radioigi « Go there, I do not know where, find something, I do not know what». Landmarks are set (direction of movement, number of steps, on the compass, by foreseeable elements). Having found the right object, information about it is mined (in question responsible for this post, finding a substrate note, message by phone, character appearance). Information transfer tools: radio network, Mobile Mobile, Intercoms, TynsOur, Signal Message (Alphabet Morse, checkboxes, lays down signs, other).

2) Around the "dust pillar". The algorithm is as follows: Determining items and responsible for them; Determining the time of stay at points; Development of microset at each item (microcludes); registration of route sheets; general installations and a general start by individual route sheets; Following the route (earning points, tokens, units of information, candy, parts of the map, the production of the subject, proving the stay of the detachment in the specified location); Collection of marks on the performance of tasks and the passage of the stage; Individual finish of each group of guys; The timestart of the route on the way, counting the mined signs; The definition of the "most real scouts" (you can call the winners in different ways). Superfinal is possible, which hosts the battle for the title of "Super Treaty of the Camp Territory" in the Quiz mode (Question-answer), the Club of the Currents working in the "Brainstorm" mode.

3) Familiarity "RVS" (Give, figure out, ask). Algorithm Games: Getting a set of questions in the collection point to which you need to find answers by the group. Questions are devoted to the location, structure, staff of the camp, safety, norms and rules of behavior, etc. Through set time The collection is exchanged for information. For the additionally mined data, the group receives bonuses. Estimated blocks of questions are completed by themes: "Our camp", "Camp staff", "camp services", "About everything", etc.

4) The map of the camp "where + what". The algorithm is the following: getting a matrix (shared territory card or camp scheme with designated external contours and some objects); collective free bypassing of the territory and applying the corresponding signs, object designations, additional information; Finish at a certain time and reconciliation of compiled maps with the original (criteria: accuracy, quantity, originality of designations). Final is possible by analogy of version number 2. We recommend the placement of the received card in the detachment corner.

Possible options games:

a) the card is created without a matrix, the guys themselves create it;

b) the card is filled with a series of signs developed by children (warning, permitting prohibiting);

c) The matrix is \u200b\u200bplaced on the corresponding objects in advance pre-renovated signs (on velcro, stickers), it is possible to attribute and fix on one main camp on each point.

d) Each detachment receives its part of the camp to study and apply to the card of special characters (play, win in the lottery). Then a stage of studying the territory is carried out, and in the final - the announcement of the acquired material by other detachments (act as a guide).

e) A variant is possible in the final part of the game to exchange fragments of cards and conduct correspondence study of the territory. Or: After the exchange of parts of cards, the missing information is reproduced.

5) Excursion. Spectrum of options: from classic to staged. Algorithm Next: Bypassing the territory and collecting useful information (events held here, cases, stories, legends) in free mode. Make a squad can: Old-timers camp, counselors, experienced children, characters (for example, fabulous). In the course of the excursion, the correction of reports is required from the point of view of the purpose and objectives of the first day in the camp.

6) Travel game "The reverse side of the camp " Algorithm Games: Children take hands and run away to seek the best place to stay. After 10 minutes, the counseling goes. The game is given to the installation: do not throw hands, do not run out of the territory, not to go from the selected place until the leader finds. Then stage of statements about best places Camps.

7) Combined Around Move , with combining elements different options. Including methods of group movement varies.

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