Closing the camp shift: the scenario of the holiday. Closing the shift

landscaping 01.10.2019

2nd shift closing scenario.

IN 1.: The shift ends

It's time to part.

Favorite faces are kinder and dearer.

And my heart is about to break

And departure time

Getting closer and closer

IN 2: To start the solemn Line dedicated to the closing of the 2nd camp shift "SUMMER EXPRESS", the detachments take their places.

\ Departure of the locomotive. Exit of detachments to Friendship Square./


The senior counselor submits a report to the head of the camp: Comrade head of the DOL "Dream" the camp for the solemn line dedicated to the closing of the second health shift "Summer Express" was built. Allow the line to begin.

\The head of the camp gives permission to open the line/

IN 2: Hello boys and girls, counselors and educators of the DREAM camp.

IN 1: Today our lineup includes:

  1. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  3. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



BUT A Sparkle of Happiness YOU CAN, YOU MUST,


IN 1: Squad 1, where are your hands?

Q2: the smile of the second is a gift from boredom!

IN 1: Team 3 welcomes us together!

IN 2: You don't need to introduce squad 4!

IN 1: We are glad to see the 5th detachment!

IN 2; And here are the guys on the 6th!

IN 1: How quickly our shift flew by! Left behind 20 days filled with accomplishments and unforgettable impressions. And now it's time for the very last line of the camp - the Line for closing the shift.

IN 2: Good people walk through life.

Some will be with us and some won't.

Each world measures by its own yardstick,

Not all paths lead to our doors.

IN 1: Our shift was called "SUMMER EXPERS".And the first STATION, which we opened at the very beginning


/ Children sing the song "Childhood" (Yu.Shatunov) /

IN 2: This shift was a real discovery for our camp, different from other shifts huge amount bright, talented guys. Many of you have shown yourself on stage and in other ways.


IN 1: Our train goes, goes
driver looks ahead
Workshop stop -
We're coming right here

B 2: Create and sing,

play, dance,

Poems to compose, BE ABLE TO DRAW

All this was on the shoulder,

Just say: "I can!"

(rewarding from the workshops)

IN 1: Our train flies, flies
the driver looks ahead.
To the sports stadium
Let's go, he says.

IN 2: All shift higher, stronger, faster

There is no wiser cure for a disease.

Raise the spirit of experience

Sport competitions.

(awarding athletes)

IN 1: Our train flies, flies
driver looks, looks
We pass the alley of counselors and educators - he says

IN 2: My dear tanners,

Pink striped

And of course a little tired,

But very native counselors.

You have a word.

/counselors play with children/

Applause to the guests first.

What are you tired of standing? Are you completely bored?

We need to get some energy.

We invite you to play with us

Put your hands on your shoulders

Here it is the moment in the "dream" for the meeting.

We are the force of a formidable temper,

Let's swing to the left, let's swing to the right.

Here are sacred moments for a dream,

Self applause!

IN 1: Strange people - beloved children:

They believe that there is no end to Summer.

Only once, if you want - believe me

We stay, they leave.

(song of the leaders)

IN 2: To not be afraid of distance,

What weave separation lace

It is customary to give at parting

good and kind words.

(song of teachers)

IN 1: Our train goes, goes
Who will he be without?
Well, of course, without technicians, doctors and cooks
Everyone needs your care
Let everyone be healthy.

IN 2: The train is flying, flying
our boss tells us
To the farewell station
Now he will please.

В1: The word for greeting and congratulations is given to the guests

IN 2: Be always the first.

Whoever you are first.

From songs - the best songs,

From books - the best books.

Be always the first!

IN 1: The floor for congratulations is given to the head of the camp Rocheva L.S.

/the head of the camp delivers a congratulatory speech/

IN 2: Our camp is empty

In barely audible sounds

A little bit the guitar twitched with a sad string.

The train echoes in the distance with its wheels

And the dawn is hurrying somewhere in the fog.

You are leaving already grown up,

Only we remain

We look after you for a long time


We are a little sad today

Silence descended on our camp.
And August is just around the corner.
and hurries on the road: "It's time!"
Don't be sad, smile goodbye
Remember these days, remember!
Wish your wishes come true
We wish you all a new meeting!

Friends break up
Tenderness remains in the heart.
Let's keep our friendship.
Goodbye, see you again!

Art. counselor: comrade head of DOL "Dream", allow the flags Russian Federation, the Republic of Komi, the Children and Youth Center for Sports and Tourism to lower, close the shift

Camp leader: I allow

IN 2: Right to descend State flag Russia, the Flag of the Republic of Komi, the flag of the Children and Youth Center for Sports and Tourism is provided.


Camp quietly! Alignment with flags.

At ease!

IN 2: Well, guys, the shift flag has been lifted, tomorrow we will all go home, and today there is still time to tell each other what has not been said yet. And now we invite you to the final concert, and then we are waiting for you at our disco.

Art. counselor: detachments to the right.The train "Summer Express" departs from the station "Friendship Square" to the station "It's time to go home"

Compiled by Knyazeva S.F., Deputy for VR

And so our camp shift came to an end. Today we will sum up and award our creative, our sports, our talented guys. And the musical and entertainment concert program will help us in this.

By tradition, the lineup began with the performance of the anthem and the removal of the flag of the summer camp "Rodnik".

Friends! Let's remember again
Squad names are simple.
They've all known us for a long time.
And so close to the heart.

Children with sports are all friendly with us,
Therefore, children are healthy and strong.
All day long they are hardened:
Walk a lot and swim a lot,
Jumping, running and pushing
And everyone does exercise!

We reward the participants of the traditional city sports day, as well as the winners of the city competition of cyclists "Safe Wheel".

Summer, summer, summer, summer!
There are no lessons!
You can run and play
And lie in the sun
And, of course, draw!

We are rewarding participants in the correspondence competition of drawings "Summer is excellent", as well as active children of the 1st detachment.

As a congratulations - the performance of the guys of the 1st detachment.

If you would like to know
Where to relax in summer
Don't worry, don't wait
Go to our "Rodnik" camp.
Here the guys are just class
And they will teach you everything:
And work and play
Songs to sing and dance.

We reward the participants of the fifth inter-camp Festival children's creativity and active children of the 2nd detachment. And helped the guys in development creativity Titova Elena Vladimirovna Congratulations from the "dandelions" - guys of the 2nd detachment.

Yes, in the camp we strengthened our health with sports, walks, and drank an oxygen cocktail. Our health also depends on proper nutrition.

Breakfast, afternoon tea and lunch -
Soup, fruit, cheese and bread,
Porridges, vegetables, meatballs,
Juices, buns, omelettes.
Well, we all ate here,
Every day we all got fat,
Vitamins were recruited
And stock up on health!

We thank the technical staff, the staff of the canteen, medical worker and the security guard of the summer camp "Rodnik", as well as active children of the 3rd and 4th detachments.

Let the children of the 3rd and 4th detachments tell about their impressions about the camp.

And every day is like wonderful moment,
Like a holiday: hiking, entertainment,
Museums, discos and awards -
Everyone seems to think that it was necessary!

The captains of our detachments also became very friendly. We thank them for their responsibility and excellent performance of their duties. We also reward active children of the 6th detachment.

We accept congratulations from the guys of the 6th detachment.

We reward active guys of 7th and 8th detachments.

Naturally, we cannot ignore our counselors, who have been with us all these days and organized children's holidays.

You have built a world of miracles for us with the creativity of your hearts,
Constellation of fairy tales, joy palace!

Yesterday, at the parent meeting, words of gratitude were expressed to the parents of the children who had a rest in our camp. And today we want to say thank you to the teachers for their students.

And here are our most-most counselors. Educators and counselors are congratulated by the 7th detachment.

It's great that you once decided to give the guys joy!
For this, it was only necessary at school summer camp us to open.

The floor is given to the head of the camp, Angelica Gennadievna Perevalova.

You built it the whole shift,
To give warmth to friends.
It's so comfortable, everything is familiar,
And it was easy for us to live here!

Gratitude is declared to the administration of the camp.

Congratulations were prepared by the 8th detachment.

Well, that's it guys! Together with your counselors and camp staff, you have built a house in our world, where harmony, goodness and beauty will reign. We hope that the eternal values ​​and ideas about the culture that you discovered during the shift became its foundation.

Yes, the best time for schoolchildren is the holidays that are yet to come, and so that they are not overshadowed by anything, we gave parting words to the children, which every schoolchild should remember during the holidays.

Unfortunately, everything comes to an end someday, just like our concert. But we still have a lot to look forward to a pleasant surprise: ice cream for everyone! And our holiday ended with a camp-wide flash mob.

The closing line helped to sum up the summer shift. This is a “curtain”, after which all the guys will disperse and go home. Our line of closing was sustained in strict but kind colors with the wishes of the guys all the best.

1. Rituals. In the conditions of the children's camp, these are solemn lines: the opening and closing of the shift, timed to coincide with any date - June 1, June 22.

Any ritual consists of a set of mandatory elements. So, on the line of the opening of the shift, the flag of the Russian Federation will definitely be raised, a congratulatory speech by the director of the camp will be heard, and service personnel will be introduced. And the rest of the elements you can come up with yourself. It can be:

Short - for 2 minutes - visiting cards of the detachments,

Competitions "from service personnel",

Creative shift announcement,

Solemn filling of the first page of the travel diary,

Presentation of the pedagogical team, etc.

The optimal length of the ruler is 20-25 minutes, because participants of this mass action watch it standing. When preparing for rituals, try to get by with one general rehearsal-run, but individual episodes need to be carefully rehearsed.

The line of closing the camp shift (dol "Kirovets")

The nature of the content. Artistic.

The form. Ritual.

Short description. The total collection of all units of the camp. Rewarding children who distinguished themselves during the shift. End of shift ceremony

pedagogical opportunities. Team building, creating a situation of empathy for the success of a friend. Formation of moral values. Creating a situation in which children can demonstrate their achievements.

For what age. From elementary school students to students.

duration. 30 – 40 min.


Phonogram. Squads line up.

senior counselor. Squads! Level up! Attention! Squad leaders get ready and submit reports!

Squad leaders. Squad! Level up! Attention!

Leaders line up in front of the senior counselor.

Leader of 1 squad. Comrade senior counselor, detachment ... .. (detachment chanting its name in unison), our motto (detachment chanting its motto in unison). It was built for the solemn line dedicated to the closing of the 1st camp shift. The report was handed over by the leader of the 1st detachment ... .. (last name, first name).

senior counselor. Squads! At ease!

Phonogram. Leaders come out.

1st leader. Good afternoon girls and boys!

2nd leader. Good afternoon guys and adults!

1st. It seems that quite recently we uttered these words, starting the 1st camp shift.

2nd. And now it's time to sum it up.

1st. How will these three weeks be remembered? What will we remember when we return to the city? So, we announce an open mic.

Music. Team members leave. Open microphone (* possible topics of speeches: friendship in (the detachment); sports competitions, memorable shift days; our counselors are the best; what I have learned). Team members return to teams.

1st. We experienced many difficult and joyful days in the camp. Every day, every week had its heroes.

2nd. Today we reward those of them who gave us all the warmth of their hearts, helped the counselors. A word to the director of our camp ....

Speech of the camp director.

senior counselor. For active participation in the life of the children's health camp "Kirovets" is awarded ...

Music. Award ceremony.

1st. Clubs worked in our camp all the time.

2nd. Everyone could choose a business to their liking and achieve real mastery in it.

1st. And now for you a farewell surprise from the ballroom dance club.

Ballroom dance club performance.

1st. Dandelions fly away letters

Maybe you, maybe not.

Goodbye girls and boys

It's time for us to go home, go home ...

2nd. They say that summer is a small life.

1st. Life is very special, like nothing else.

2nd. A life that you want to return to again and again.

1st. But in a year we will no longer be able to gather in Kirovets all together. Those who have already grown up will not be able to come ...

2nd. Word to our graduates.

The song "Where does childhood go?" Speech of the 1st detachment.

1st. Throughout this shift, another special one lived and worked next to the children's teams - this is the pedagogical team of the Kirovets children's health camp.

2nd. Meet! Your guides!

Leaders come out, read poetry.

1 counselor. Summer is hot in full swing

But the time has come to part.

We will remain friends with you

Never forget these days.

2 counselor. Let's remember our leaders together

Let's smile for a moment,

"Maybe we'll see each other again?"

3 counselor. Let the rays of the sun and light

Will remain in your soul

Let there be a piece of summer

With us always and everywhere.

1st. Melt fast last hours our shift.

2nd. And so our line has come to an end. It remains to put the final point.

1st. The right to lower the flag is granted to the leaders of the squads. Leaders - to the flag!

Music. Leaders go to the flagpole.

senior counselor. Squads! Level up! Attention! Lower the camp flag, finish the first camp shift!

Music. Lowering the flag.

2nd. Give the second shift in forty days!

After all, three weeks is very little.

1st. We just found friends here

Like it's time to leave.

2nd. And even though the boss knows better,

All (in chorus). Give the second shift in forty days!

Final song (camp anthem or "Last Evening"). Squads leave the line.

2. Stage competitions.

As a rule, 2-3 teams, made up of representatives of each detachment, participate in these events. These cases are based on the principle of spontaneity, improvisation - competitions do not require preparation from the participants. All stage actions are accompanied by very emotional behavior of the fans. And creating such an atmosphere in the hall is one of the tasks of the presenter.

→ Farewell to the camp >" url="http://scenario/index1.php?raz=6&prazd=23&page=1">

26.07.2017 | We looked at the script 4282 human

(A phonogram sounds: the noise of the forest.)
(a lost girl, shouting - Ay, calling for teachers and children, but in a slightly commanding tone)
- Hey, where are you, I need to urgently deliver to the camp.
- Ay. - Ay.
- Well, I'm Ay screaming, where is everyone who will save me ... I even ...

Closing the camp

26.07.2017 | We looked at the script 6239 human

1. Dear friends! Today we greet each other for the last time at the Meeting Place.
We didn't want to say goodbye!
Alas. This day has come
And in the glare of the solar brotherhood,
And in the colors of rainbow luminaries.

2. Let's keep in mind all the meetings.

Farewell bonfire in the camp.

27.07.2014 | We looked at the script 11935 human

1st presenter
A Chinese sage said:
"Time flies like an arrow."
And our change has flown by
Like a fired arrow.

2nd host
Friends, you need to part skillfully,
There is no reunion without parting.
With a new hope to meet
We have gathered for...

Closing the shift in the children's camp

03.06.2014 | We looked at the script 12639 human

A hedgehog appears on a chamomile field.
Hedgehog: Today is Hare's birthday. If I give him a carrot, he will eat it and there will be nothing left. If cabbage - too ... But what if I give him ..
A bear appears.
Bear: ...

The script for closing a shift at a summer camp

11.06.2013 | We looked at the script 31558 human

Dear children, guests, parents, educators.

Today we have a holiday, but at the same time a little sad. For a whole month we lived with you as one friendly family. And now it's time to say goodbye.

But let's not be sad. At...

Camp closure scenario

10.06.2013 | We looked at the script 24240 human

Dear friends! So the fun summer days have flown by and your shift is coming to an end! I know it's hard to say goodbye, so we want to brighten up this sad moment a little entertainment program so that you remember it, and you want to join us ...

"Camp Closing"

20.01.2011 | We looked at the script 29191 human

Morning. The sun is rising. (voice from backstage)
Don't let the kids sleep.
To be all right all day, (children in chorus)
We need to recharge.
(Music “To exercise, get up!” - Baba Yaga enters, looking around, turns to the girl.)
B.Ya. ...

Dear children, guests, parents, educators.

Today we have a holiday, but at the same time a little sad. For a whole month we lived with you as one friendly family. And now it's time to say goodbye.

But let's not be sad. You made a lot of new friends, you learned a lot during the shift. And you have a fun, fervent, sonorous summer ahead of you. There is nothing better for children than the sun, a river, a cheerful song!


Hello, summer is sonorous
We have been waiting for you
And warm and sunny
Invited to visit!
The sun is hot - cheers!
Hello summer time!
There will be games, songs will flow
Let's have fun in the summer!

(Song "There is nothing better in the world")


What is summer?
This is a lot of light.
This is a field, this is a forest
It's a thousand miracles.
It's clouds in the sky
This is a fast river
It - bright flowers
This is the blue of height
This is a hundred roads in the world
For baby fast feet!

(Song "Together it's fun to walk")


Very kind, very bright
Golden clear day
We'll go visit by the summer
Let's go to the sun.
Strawberries and flowers
Meet us and the forest and meadow
Our songs with us
The birds will sing around
Early morning bright light
Ringing in the dense foliage
The river will teach us to swim
Wind - run on the grass.
In our glorious camp
All the guys are like a treasure
And friendlier than us, believe me
Don't find guys!

(Song "We are little children")

(If there is time, games with the hall are held)


Well that's it, the season is over
And now we're breaking up
But we firmly know that we will return
We may be here more than once
But that's all, separation again
Again sad eyes
But we will shake hands
And smile as always
We are all very good friends here.
And we value our friendship
Children's hearts are opened here
We say thank you to all of you!

(Song "We'll survive this trouble")

(There is a noise behind the scene, a scream. The host leaves to see what happened. At this time, aliens - space pirates - come out)

Alien-1: Where shall we look?

Alien-2: And let's dig everywhere

Alien-1: (showing a shovel) And I have already dug everything everywhere, there is nothing anywhere.

Alien-2: What to do then?

Alien-1: Shall we torture? They will not withstand torture and will split!

Alien-2: Nothing will work, they are not afraid of torture, I tortured them

(shows mouse)

Alien-1: Or maybe we will arrange a dark one for them?

Alien 2: They are afraid of the dark. In the absence of light, they begin to create very loud sounds, but they are silent about treasures. What to do?

Alien-2: What if::.

Alien-1: Hush, someone's coming, we're leaving.

(quickly leave)

Moderator: All right, guys. It was some pranksters who decided to scare our cooks by turning off the lights. And then a mouse appeared from somewhere in the kitchen. The mouse was driven away, and the light was repaired, and who needed to arrange such a disgrace? Oh well, it won't spoil our mood!


We say goodbye today
Goodbye we say
This center is sure
Will visit again soon

We rested well
Gained strength and mind
Tried to be healthy
Doctors helped

The chefs served delicious food
We know a lot about food now
Together with teachers
We've been everywhere

Unfortunately our time
Flew like a star
Let's not forget this camp.
Never in my life!

Host: Whatever happens in life, may optimism save us all, as the hero of our song.

(Song "Marine")

(Without announcing the exit of the aliens)

ET-1: Earth, earth, I'm here, over!

Alien-2: Understood, over! I'm here.

ET 1: We are space pirates. We have learned that there is a huge treasure on your planet, in your camp.

Alien-2: Give away the treasure for good!

Host: What other treasure are you talking about?

Alien-1: The biggest in the galaxy!

Host: Guys, do you know what kind of treasure we are talking about? You see, we don't know anything about the treasure.

ET 2: If you don't give us the treasure, you'll miss out on your holiday dinner.

Host: Do you really want to grab our lunch?

ET 1: No, we've taken your cooks hostage.

(Bring out the bound cooks)

Presenter: The kidnapping of chefs is punishable by law!

Alien-2: Be quiet, call the police, it will be worse for you.

Host: Guys, what are we going to do? It looks like they are bad jokes. Let's think about what treasures we are talking about. (Everyone thinks). I think I understand what you are talking about!

ET 1: See, I told you it was good to take hostages. They love to eat and will not give up their cooks.

Alien 2: Let's hurry, we've been waiting.

(The host conducts a game with balloons. Inside the balloons is a note with the word "Friendship".

Task: who will quickly extract a note from the balls and make the word "friendship" from the cards)

ET-1: Friendship!? What else is this?

Alien-2: How can you touch it and what can you buy with it?

Host: Friendship is something that cannot be bought and cannot be sold!

Guys, let's all sing a song about friendship together now!

(The song "Friendship is strong" sounds)

ET-1: So what's going on, are you all friends?

ET-2: And this is your common treasure?

ET 1: We want to be your friends too. Then we will have a treasure!

Alien-2: Let's be friends with us!

Host: Will you stop harming our planet?

Alien-1: Yes! Now let's hand over your cooks.

Alien-2: Here, take them, we'll untie them now.

Alien-1: Hooray! Let's have lunch!

ET 2: It's great that we have friends now too!

Alien-1: Let's be friends and cherish our friendship!


Host: Goodbye, friends, see you soon!


We are ending our holiday
And let's all count together:
Let everything work out in your life - once!
To be healthy always - two!
To warm the soul from the inside - three!
So that everyone lives in love and peace - four!
To never be sad - five!
Friends so that everyone can not count - six!
To give warmth to everyone - seven!
For a fruitful autumn - eight!
That everything will be fine, believe - nine!
And finally, more good songs - ten!
More kindness, patience, diligence:.
Well, we say goodbye and say to everyone:

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