Calculation of the tarot ratio for the year. Destiny cards, birth cards, general forecast

Encyclopedia of Plants 28.06.2020
Encyclopedia of Plants

Magic fortune-telling is currently an actual solution to any problem. They predict changes that should happen to a person in the near future or a year. The most popular and plausible method is the forecast of fate for the year and the annual alignment on the cards. This alignment helps to determine the events that will occur in the next 12 months in various areas of life. In each month, developments in personal life, work, spiritual development and health will be described in detail. Knowing one's destiny will allow any person to save their personal life values ​​from many adverse events.

  • Forecast for the year
  • Relationship Development with Tarot Cards
  • The purpose of the Tarot layout for the year
  • The principle of the layout on playing cards
  • Interpretation of the layout of the past and future
  • Popular divination

Forecast for the year

Features of the annual layout are that fortune-telling should be carried out no more than 1 time per year. The most suitable time is the end of the outgoing year or the first days of the new year. Some people prefer to do a spread on their birthday or upcoming anniversary. In any case, fortune-telling may be repeated only 12 months after the previous alignment.

Tarot layout for a year on one card is a universal method of divination. Before performing the layout, the person must be in a calm state. The question should be clearly formulated in order to get a specific and truthful answer. With your right hand, you should draw one card from the deck and look at its exact value. It is better to take a sheet of paper, write down the question and the name of the card that fell out. The information in this scenario should be considered from all sides in order to avoid misinterpreting future events.

The Tarot layout for the year "12 houses" allows you to find out information in various areas of life. 12 cards should be laid out in a circle, and the 13th put in the middle of the layout. The value of the cards is determined as follows:

1 - Description of personality, views, interests.

2 - Financial condition and well-being.

3 - Upcoming events and upcoming trips.

4 - Relationships with relatives.

5 - Development of personal relationships.

6 - Health status and necessary purchases.

  1. Relationships with work colleagues.

8 - Unforeseen expenses, possible risks and dangers.

9 - New knowledge.

10 - Career prospects.

11 - Relationships with friends.

12 - Inner state of mind.

13 - Advice from cards for the near future.

An excellent method of divination is the Tarot layout for the year "12 grapes" from the tarologist Aurora. The technique should be carried out on the eve of the New Year or the upcoming birthday. The information will show the fortuneteller what will happen to him in the next 12 months. When fortune-telling, it is worth using the entire deck of cards, thinking about the coming year. It is worth laying out 12 cards according to the corresponding image.

Relationship Development with Tarot Cards

A forecast for the development of relationships for any year using tarot cards will help determine the development of relationships in any year. For this, there are certain layouts that describe the nature of the partner, the general scope of relationships, and the events that will happen to them in the near future. Couples who are in a long-term relationship worry about their future. For them, a layout for love and relationships with a man has been specially created. You should take a deck of cards in your hands, and think about your partner and personal relationships. Then you should mix them up and put them in front of you. The cards drawn will explain the situation that will occur in a particular year.

The purpose of the tarot layout for the year

There are several options for arranging tarot cards for a year. The annual layout of the tarot "Picture of the Year" is held on the eve of the New Year holidays. First you need to think about your life, and then shuffle the entire deck. There are 25 cards in the spread, as shown in the figure. They should be laid out in rows of 5 cards from left to right. Row 1 describes the state of health, Row 2 tells about personal relationships, Row 3 describes family relationships, Row 4 provides information about career and Row 5 about material well-being.

An individual tarot forecast for the year allows you to get information about all types of life directions for each month. An individual tarot forecast for a month will tell about events that will occur within 30 days. Individual tarot forecast for the week will provide information about each day of the week. Schedule details can be found below.

The principle of the layout on playing cards

Playing cards have been played since ancient times. The most common way is fortune telling on playing cards: simple layouts and interpretations. These include a method in which only 3 playing cards are used. You should randomly draw cards from the deck and lay them out horizontally. The 1st card represents the past, the 2nd is the present and the 3rd is the future. There is another interesting way of divination. A question is mentally formulated, and 3 cards are pulled out of the deck. It is these cards that will be the answer to the questions posed.

Fortune-telling for the near future on playing cards will help you learn about upcoming events in love, career and personal affairs. You should take a deck of cards, shuffle it, imagine your future clearly. Cards should be laid out in 5 piles. Each should contain 3 cards. The 1st stack describes one's own character, the 2nd one provides information about personal life, the 3rd one will tell about the situation in the family, the 4th one will tell about a past life, the 5th one will predict future events.

Divination is a real entertaining science. However, it is worth knowing what not to do when fortune telling on playing cards. Before making a divination, you must ask a reliable question. It is impossible to treat the alignment with mockery and frivolity. Cards must only be in the hands of one owner. The deck should be cleansed of accumulated negative energy with the help of salt. Fortune telling should be done only in the evening hours. You can use the Internet and conduct fortune-telling online. Online fortune-telling on cards by date of birth is performed as follows. You should find the appropriate site, enter the exact date of your birth in the required fields and click on the "calculate" button. The system will automatically lay out the cards and provide a full interpretation for the corresponding date.

Interpretation of the layout of the past and future

The alignment of “what was and what will be” and interpretations will help clarify situations about a past life, and describe events that will occur in the future. First you need to choose a card that will describe the person asking the question. Then you should shuffle the deck several times, and lay out the cards in 3 pieces until a suit similar to the value of the card of the asking person falls out. Cards are laid out in 3 pieces in 5 rows. The interpretation has the following meaning:

1 row - information about yourself.

2 row - heartfelt feelings.

3 row - home environment.

4 row - events from a past life.

5 row - the near future.

Popular divination

There are the most popular divination in the world, which combine cards of various types and interesting life objects. With the help of playing cards, you can see the face of your betrothed. To do this, you need to take 4 kings of various suits and put them under the pillow in the evening. The groom will definitely appear in a dream in an interesting guise. You can put a little salt in a glass of water and drink it before going to bed. In a dream, the betrothed will show his face and give his chosen one water. The layout on playing cards and tarot will tell about all the events that happened in the past and will come in the future.

What can you really learn from the tarot layout for the year?

The annual alignment of fate cards will help you find out changes in your personal life, about relationships with a real partner. The cards will warn people of possible dangers and unpleasant situations. They will help you understand what needs to be done to achieve career success and normalize financial stability. Spreads will provide a truthful answer to events in the future.

New Year. Tarot-numerological forecast for 2019. How to calculate your personal tarot prediction.

One type of numerological forecast is the tarot-numerological forecast, which analyzes your age in the coming year as applied to the symbolism of Tarot cards. Rather, this is not even a forecast, but recommendations: what to focus on in the coming year, and what to try to avoid. The symbolism of the cards gives recommendations on what to do in this or that case, and the forecast is similar to divination on Tarot cards.

How to count.
We take the figure of the coming year - 2019. To this figure we add your age, which you will reach in the coming year. For example, a person born in 1983 will reach the age of 38 in 2019. The sum will be 2019+38=2057. We bring this figure up to a number no more than 22. In our case, this is 2 + 0 + 5 + 7 \u003d 14

You must calculate your figure in the same way. It is this number that you use when linking to a Tarot card.
Then you need to read what the Tarot cards recommend for you in the coming year, what you need to avoid, what to strive for, what will be easy for you, and for something you will need to make incredible efforts.


1 - Tarot card "Magician".
In the coming year, you need to take the initiative. We need to act, we need willpower. It will be easy to increase your authority, designate or strengthen leadership. You can go on a trip abroad. You can improve your career. You can buy an apartment. But all this is possible only in the case of your personal actions.
But inaction and lack of initiative will bring you problems in your personal, family life. Unwillingness to realize your own ambitions can lead to a deterioration in your career and even loss of a job.

2 - "Priestess". In the coming year, be interested in the mysterious and mysterious, show intuition and you will get everything you dreamed about. Don't be afraid to do something out of the ordinary.
But avoid uncertainty.

3 - "Empress". The year presents you with an incredible opportunity to unleash your creativity. Write poetry, draw, sing, create. Everything will work out. Your vitality is at its peak.
But do not save emotions. Don't hold back your joy. Don't be afraid to appear frivolous.

4 - "Emperor". Willpower is required. You need to be persistent. You are able to gain power, you can gain access to power structures. If you clearly understand your goal, you will achieve it. Strive for order and stability.
But beware of casual connections, beware of strangers and do not get involved in dubious activities.

5 - "Priest". This year you are provided with the support of higher powers. You should believe more, be interested in magic. Show trust and understanding to people, trust your own intuition.
But this is the year in which many knowledges bring many sorrows. Do not try to understand everything thoroughly. You may be disappointed in people.

6 - "Lovers". Happiness awaits you in personal relationships. You can simply "bathe" in love. Follow your heart. Be faithful to your loved ones.
But do not try to cheat on your wife, husband, betray a friend ... Everything will collapse, even what you were 100 percent sure of.

7 - "Chariot". Show courage in reaching your goal. This year the result is important. Overcoming obstacles is the ultimate goal. Your perseverance will bring you fruit in all areas of life.
You can't be cowardly. Be afraid to yourself, you can’t show your fears and fears in public.

8 - "Justice". In the coming year, it is more important than ever for you to be fair. Be responsible, both in your promises and in your actions. Try to find the "golden mean" in everything. You can’t be biased, otherwise you will attract many enemies to yourself.

9 - "The Hermit". This year, spiritual search, spiritual development is important for you. Pay attention to the signs of fate. Pay attention to signs. All this will help you in making the right decisions and taking important actions. Go deeper into yourself, into your inner world.
Beware of resting on your laurels. Peace this year is contraindicated for you.

10 - "Wheel of Fortune". The year brings you success in everything, but you need to rely on your luck. If luck accompanies you, or you have done a good luck encoding for this year, then you will achieve everything you want. Expect fateful happy situations.
But if you are unlucky in life, then you will have a hard time. Very hard.

11 - "Strength". It is necessary to have moral strength in the coming year. Morality must be shown. If you live according to your conscience (in your understanding), you will have everything you want. Feel free to get involved. Your passion will reward you with divine fruits.
Don't get into "battles". You don't need them this year. You will win anyway.

12 - "The Hanged Man". The whole system of values ​​can be overturned. Get married, have kids, change jobs, change your image. A year of changes, but good changes. Try to discard what does not bring you a material result. Fantasies and unreasonable hopes leave last year.
Do not cling to the obsolete, the past. Everything that did not bring results last year will only "steal" your time and effort.

Learn to read tarot cards

13 - "Death" (or in another interpretation - "Reaper"). You are waiting for a radical restructuring and great changes. You are at the pinnacle of glory. You have reached the stage of realization of what you want.
Don't be afraid of change. Don't be afraid of the future.

14 - "Moderation". Love yourself and others. It's in that order. Devote a year to yourself. Amuse your ambitions, praise yourself and others will believe you.
Be attentive to any, even the smallest, health problems. You can not run even the most elementary cold.

15 - "Devil". Many temptations await you. You can “be tempted”, but within the limits of what is permitted and decency. You will be endowed with magical magnetism this year, use your talents.
You can't be dependent on anyone.

16 - "Tower". There is a change of life stages ahead, get ready for strong shocks. They are inevitable, but being ready for them will help you get through the crisis with minimal losses.
Try not to attract change to yourself.

17 - "Star". Your hopes are destined to come true. Get ready for long-term development prospects. Happiness and success awaits you.
Be careful not to take what does not belong to you.

18 - "Moon". It will be easy to get along with people. Your developed intuition will help you make the right decisions. Be open-minded. Try to find ways to improve your career.
Beware of being overly emotional.

19 - "Sun". Strengthen self-confidence, increase self-esteem. Be active, travel. You will be resourceful. You will have a good sense of humor.
Beware of gambling, do not waste time hoping to win.

20 - "Court". Give up dogmas, build life according to your own standards. Strive to know the truth. Let go of past delusions and dogmas.
Lack of sleep this year will be bad for your health.

21 - "Peace". You are about to find heaven on earth. You will be a hero to many. In any situation, even the most unpleasant, a happy ending awaits you.
Alcohol will bring you a lot of trouble.

22 - "Jester". Be open, non-judgmental. You are led by the Higher Forces, everything will work out for you.
Beware of being overly curious.

This system is original knowledge using 52 Tarot cards. Each person's birth date is assigned one of 52 cards called "Your Birth Card". After you know your birth chart, you get information about who you are and can find out in advance what will happen to you in the areas of love, family, work, finances, health, relationships with the law, travel and your spiritual life. Fear of the unknown and fear of change can place limits on how you live your life. These cards will provide you with the knowledge and insight to help you make the right decisions and open doors to new opportunities. By exploring what exactly your destiny cards are, you will be able to push away your fears and doubts in order to move forward with inner strength and confidence. The goal of the system is to transform your internal conflicts and your relationships with other people.

The cards reveal the script for your entire life from birth to death. Each of the 52 cards also represents a day of the year. Therefore, your birthday reveals the secrets of your personality to state what your talents are, what kind of work will bring the most satisfaction, how you interact with other people, with whom you have your most significant relationships, what are your biggest challenges and how to get the most out of your life.

Discover detailed information about yourself and valuable knowledge about the science of the TARO card, which comes from a very ancient and highly revered mystical knowledge that originated before early Egypt. Their exact origin is unknown, but the authenticity speaks for itself. This information gives you a timely and practical understanding of the events and experiences you are currently going through in your life, with whom and why.

My practice has allowed me to reduce the main characteristics of a person's personality to the 22 main Arcana of the Tarot. My calculation does not claim to be "absolutely correct", but allows you to quickly assess the main milestones of your birth charts and destiny charts. If you need a detailed analysis of the analysis of your card, I am waiting for you at a personal consultation. I will tell you, I will reveal the secrets based on my own many years of experience.

Date of your birth:

1 Arcana: The most noticeable qualities of your personality, your main character traits, behavior and interests:

Arcana 2: Birth card. Outwardly, your traits are less manifested, but having a greater influence on fate. The map shows the person's program, your tasks, mission and life path -
this is the road you are on. It reveals your highest destiny, your true Self. From it you can see the karmic influence, your past sins, and even determine the level of development of your soul.

3 Arcana. Complementary Arcana, which cannot be considered separately from the first two. It is no less important and similar in meaning to the second lasso, but even less pronounced. If the first two arcana do not reflect the essence of a person, then it is the third that becomes the leading one in the analysis of cards. In another case, he complements and emphasizes the descriptions of the first two arcana.

The magic of cards is that they can answer almost any question. Working with Tarot is no exception. The forecast for 2018 for each zodiac sign can be radically different from each other.

Thanks to the alignment, it is possible to answer the most important questions for a person, help him find what he wants and give some advice for the coming year. Fortune telling on Tarot cards comes down to answers to the most important questions:
the nature of relationships with other people, ways of establishing contacts
situation on the personal front: relationship with a spouse, the likelihood of new novels or other events in a person’s life
deciphering the financial situation, recommendations for solving problems and ways to improve the financial situation.

The Year of the Earth Dog, according to the alignment, is generally marked by activity. Many people, thanks to the favorable influence of the patron of the year, will be able to achieve unprecedented success in areas that they previously did not pay due attention to.

2018 is a time of dramatic change. You need to take on what previously seemed impossible. But it is worth considering the other side of the forecast, which suggests that this year some people may be too self-confident and want to get what is not destined for them by fate. In such situations, you can find yourself on the edge of the abyss - one careless movement will affect your future fate.

For the world as a whole, the year of the Earth Dog will be a period of unexpected statements and actions. And everything will happen at the most seemingly inopportune moment. Such changes will affect both the sphere of politics and the sphere of business.

The hermit card in the layout for Aries can be in their hands in the year of the Dog. Representatives of the sign will often be distinguished by prudence. It is these people who are the representatives of the light of reason in the new year. Often, their ideas will be noticed by influential people, therefore, working in the field of education, you can achieve unprecedented success, which you had only dreamed about before.

In all situations, you need to be yourself. It is unlikely that the desire to look better against the background of the offended and humiliated will play into the hands of Aries. However, this is a rather serious year, because who, if not representatives of the sign, should know that victory must be won at any cost.

The Tower card foreshadows liberation from past troubles for the representatives of the sign. This will also affect the scope of their daily communication. Many people who have not previously aroused particular interest will have to say goodbye.

Representatives of the sign will have to be careful, as indicated by the Moon card. It very often means failure in business and says that a person is more focused on his momentary desires. He can also come up with images that do not always correspond to reality.

In the matter of love, there will finally be a chance for a relationship to develop. The World map indicates a new beginning, positive changes await Aries.

Tarot Forecast 2018 for Taurus

No one knows how difficult it was for the Taurus last year. Constant chores, long business trips and work that no one appreciated. The "Sun" card predicts a radical change in events. Perhaps it will be possible to change the place of residence and get a new job. But on the other hand, there is a chance that everything will work out at the previous place of work.

In a love issue, experiences will fade into the background. The Star card says that Taurus needs to believe in their luck and destiny. Maybe you should not look for happiness in the distance, because it is very close. But at the same time, the Tower card advises the representatives of the sign not to take risks in matters of love. You need to think several times, especially in matters of parting.

The Hanged Man card advises Taurus not to cling to their past in material terms. Many representatives of the sign believe that a tit in the hands is better than a crane in the sky. But Tarot tells them that it's time to take a little break from what the Taurus have in their hands and try to catch the crane. Luck will be on their side. Under no circumstances should you abandon what you have started. Some of them may not become profitable immediately, responsibility is important.

Gemini Tarot Forecast 2018

How long have the representatives of the sign tried to change something, but they often did not succeed? Almost always they catch themselves on this thought. The "Justice" card advises the representatives of the sign to approach any business objectively. Do not think, if someone succeeded, then the Gemini will definitely succeed. Perhaps they are not destined to deal with certain matters and issues at all.

Often such people can be irresponsible. The Victory card warns Gemini. If they don’t know how to do something, then they don’t need to be taken on, because in the end they leave things on the shoulders of others. They easily light up with a new idea, but again, the Priest card advises you to find yourself in some business, and not to take on everything that brings prosperity and in which the representatives of the sign show a fleeting interest.

The Ace of Cups card advises the Gemini to think about the person who is now next to them. Maybe they experience strong sympathy, love. But true feelings and affection should be sought in your past. Surely the representatives of the sign left behind a person, fearing that they would not be able to justify his hopes. Moreover, at that time the Gemini had a lot of financial troubles, which is why they avoided this person.

Tarot Forecast for 2018 for Cancers

You can often hear that the representatives of the sign want to "live the spring" next to their loved one. But, for some reason, the relationship may not work out. In 2018, the Dog, as indicated by the 10 of Cups card, there is a high probability of a new love on the horizon. For those who are already in a relationship, Tarot cards advise against trying to look happier than they really are. You can't deceive yourself.

"Ace of Pentacles" speaks of something new in the life of Cancers. This will affect the financial situation. A successful business will be opened, and you will not have to invest a lot of personal savings in it. It is desirable to devote more time to this issue.

The inverted "Queen of Swords" promises the appearance in life of an unpleasant person who by all means will try to lead the representatives of the sign astray. It is no exception that she will be from the past of Cancers. We'll have to take drastic measures.

Representatives of the sign will manifest themselves in all spheres of life. And quite successfully. And the “Peace” card says that all negativity will be overcome and no obstacles in the way of Cancers are expected until the end of the year of the Dog. It is advisable not to get into conflicts yourself.

Tarot forecast for 2018 for Lviv

The Tarot spread shows that this year most Leos will prefer to hide their emotions from strangers. They are afraid of being vulnerable. Often, because of this, they will be insincere, as the Moon card indicates. But it is unlikely that they will deliberately lie to strangers, most likely, the Lions will try to hide some fact of deception.

The inverted card "Lovers" indicates that in terms of love, the choice of Lions will be wrong. There is a fairly high chance of making a mistake with new fans. If the choice falls between two people, then you need to choose with your heart, not with your mind. The card also suggests that the plans of the representatives of the sign in love may be unrealistic.

High probability of financial delays. The problem of everything can be the problems of the authorities or changes in the field of management. This is told by the card "3 of Wands", which is in an inverted position. It is because of the rather tense financial situation that frequent quarrels in the family are possible. It is advisable not to miss out on earning opportunities. Closer to the middle of the year of the Dog, a fairly lucrative job offer will arrive. Do not ignore him, it is desirable to show himself in the best light.

Tarot Forecast for 2018 for Virgo

The future events of this year for Virgos will not always be the most favorable. The layout of the Tarot cards advises them not to commit rash acts. In addition, you will have to think carefully about your future financial situation. The card "10 swords" is quite destructive and speaks of possible losses in the life of representatives of the sign.

Some events that started off very well may end up not being the most successful. Some of them, which are extremely important for Virgos, it is desirable to take under their own control. Sometimes such a card speaks of stagnation in the financial situation. Recommendations for representatives of the sign are as follows: it is time to urgently change something in life. The circle of communication, which is not comfortable for Virgos, should also not be valued and you can safely part with those who hurt.

In the personal life of the representatives of the sign, a real struggle will take place. Perhaps the partner will have someone on the side, but on the other hand, it may be that they will fight with themselves, with their shortcomings, which is what the “2 swords” card says in an inverted position.

In the second half of the year, as the Knight of Wands card says, the Virgos will have a lot of creative plans and many of them will turn out to be successful, you just have to devote a little time to this issue.

Tarot Forecast for 2018 for Libra

Most of the cards from the layout indicate that grandiose changes have taken place in the life of Libra. Some of them found a new partner, others got married. There are also those who have opened a profitable business and made new influential acquaintances. The 10 Pentacles card indicates the high position of the representatives of the sign in society. You can also talk about harmony in their lives and a strong position.

Things in your personal life will also develop very successfully. "6 of Pentacles" acquires a rather favorable interpretation, being next to the "Hanged Man" card. The romantic life of Libra will move to a new plane. Most likely, those people who are married for a long time will travel again and spend more time with each other.

The Hanged Man card speaks of serious changes in the life of the representatives of the sign. Who knows, maybe there are many trials ahead of them, or maybe everything will be quite successful. Everything depends only on Libra, their ability to make important decisions in emergency situations, the ability to negotiate with others and sacrifice themselves.

Most likely, representatives of the sign may have some misunderstandings with loved ones. In relations with subordinates, they will show toughness, and sometimes injustice, because there is a possibility that Libra will be left without reliable partners and employees.

Tarot Forecast for 2018 for Scorpio

A fairly productive period for representatives of this sign. The Nun Tarot card indicates that any important issues will be decided not by chance, but thanks to the knowledge and skills of Scorpio. Often they will receive everything that they have been going for so long. Surely the representatives of the sign have long decided what and how they will do, but 2018 is quite unstable, so plans can often change at the very last moment.

In the first half of the year, some situations can be misleading. The “2 of Wands” card suggests that, despite possible problems between partners, in their relationship, the supremacy will still belong to love, passion and mutual understanding.

Moreover, faith in a partner will be so strong that it will often help Scorpios to survive all the dark days of this year without much effort. The layout shows that the “2 of Wands” card will also bring a person unprecedented wealth. Moreover, you can win at any time in 2018 a fairly large amount.

The 6 of Wands recommends that the representatives of the sign prepare for possible difficulties, however, they will be short-lived. Do not focus too much on yourself, you will have to pay a little attention and care to others.

Sagittarius Tarot Forecast 2018

Sagittarians will have successful financial transactions this year. Almost all negotiations will be extremely successful, as indicated by the "4 of Pentacles" card. You should not worry about stability in 2018, as the cards show, there will be reliability and harmony in everything in life.

But at the same time, you should be more careful about your material expenses. You will be able to get a fairly good offer, in addition, you should not worry about your status in society.

The 3 of Cups card says that it is worth keeping control of any situation in life, even if it seems unimportant. This also applies to love relationships. If there were some problems in the past, then they will easily disappear. But there is also a reverse side of the coin - some problems can be reborn. It is always worth fighting to the last.

Also, this card indicates the birth of a child this year. It is worth considering, maybe now is the right time for this. The birth of a new family member will also strengthen the relationship between spouses.

The "page of the bowl" indicates the receipt of positive news. Often those that Sagittarius have been waiting for a long time. It also indicates that the life of the representatives of the sign will be filled with joyful emotions.

This year it will turn out to complete some major project. Perhaps the construction of the house will be completed or it will be possible to open your own business, bring legal and court cases to completion.

Tarot Forecast for 2018 for Capricorns

In the life of representatives of this sign, a certain woman plays an important role. She can be a mentor, a close relative, sometimes even a colleague. This is evidenced by the card "Queen of Pentacles". But you should be extremely careful, such a person is unlikely to take the side of the Capricorns if something threatens his interests. However, for now, such a person can be completely trusted, and he will help resolve difficult situations more than once this year.

The inverted card "9 of Wands" suggests that in the life of the representatives of the sign, not everything can be easy. It indicates that Capricorns can fall into a vicious circle from which it is not so easy to find a way out. The best way out is to leave the game if there is no strength for further struggle. It is unlikely that anyone will reproach the representatives of the sign for this.

The same card says that Capricorns will feel a crisis on the love front. Moreover, it will be temporary and can manifest itself spontaneously. No need to build far-sighted plans, a better option is to live today.

The Devil card indicates that Capricorns are too focused on the material plane. They can forget about everything and think only about finances. Moreover, such people are extremely envious. The best solution for them is to learn to enjoy the success of other people and borrow some of their ideas and ideas.

Aquarius Tarot Forecast 2018

Don't lead yourself into a trap. Perhaps unpleasant situations are not as critical as it may seem to Aquarius. The 6 Swords card says that a fairly successful year awaits the representatives of the sign. At the same time, there will be a large number of trips, not only business trips, but also a pleasant vacation with your loved ones.

It is in the year of the Dog that the grandiose changes that Capricorns have been waiting for for too long will come. At the same time, too many things will depend on the representatives of the sign. If they don’t act on time, they risk losing everything.

In terms of love, "Queen of Swords" speaks of strong and passionate love. Lonely representatives of the sign can meet true love, but, most likely, they will meet the wrong people several times. It is worth paying attention to more authoritative people. It is not always necessary to express your feelings too violently.

Tarot Forecast for 2018 for Pisces

"4 of Wands" is a card that is responsible for the life of Pisces in the year of the Dog. It is believed that she is one of the most prosperous. The year for representatives of the sign will be eventful. Things will not always go the way Pisces would like, but this will not make the result worse.

Previously, there were quite difficult times, both morally and financially. Right now, the time has come when Pisces can breathe deeply and live without worrying about what tomorrow will turn out to be.

The "Queen of the Cup" indicates that the love sphere of life will be filled with emotions. It is unlikely that you will have to solve serious problems in a relationship with a loved one. In addition, single representatives of the sign will get a good chance to meet exactly the person who has been waiting for a long time.

The “Strength” card, which is responsible for the internal incentives of Pisces, shows that this year the representatives of the sign will be strong both physically and morally. They will be able to withstand almost anything, even if at first it seems overwhelming.


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A dubious tool for divination and predictions in the hands of gypsies and schoolgirls.

For many years, I thought the same way. Until the books fell into my hands Robert Lee Camp

"The Big Book of Divination" and "Maps of Your Destiny".

To be honest, because of such a "non-serious" title, I would never have paid attention to these books myself. However, providence wanted me not only to open them, but also to “plunge” into them so deeply that after a while I became a professional card and card reader, having, by the way, a higher economic and managerial education.

I fell in love with cards and the more I study them, the more I see mathematical perfection card system. In my opinion, this is one of the best tools for spiritual growth, self-knowledge and work on yourself.

So what is Cards?

Have you ever wondered why in the deck 52 cards and 4 suits and what do they remind us of?

If nothing immediately comes to mind, I will answer you: our year and the annual calendar!

In the year, as you know, but not everyone realizes, 52 (!) weeks and 4 seasons!

And the whole year is divided into 7 planetary periods by 52 day!

Is it getting interesting? And this is just the beginning!

Each card in the deck has its own numerical value (numerical value).

Ace - 1, deuce -2, .... jack -11, queen - 12, king - 13!

Let's add up all the numerical values ​​of all the cards in the deck! Get... 364!

Doesn't it remind you of anything? Perhaps skeptics would like to say now that I'm trying to drag "by the ears" the sum of the numerical values ​​of the cards to the number of days in a year.

But I will remind skeptics that there is one more, special card in the deck, which stands, as it were, apart from the whole deck.

This card is the Joker! And its meaning is attention! - 1 and 1/4.

Total: 365 and 1/4 !!! Thus, the sum of the numerical values ​​​​of all cards in the deck clearly corresponds to number of days in a year !

4 suits correspond to the four seasons and the four elements (Water, Air, Earth and Fire). All these things are connected, as anyone familiar with astrology or tarot cards will attest.

12 card meanings in the deck correspond to 12 months and 12 zodiac signs! I hear, I hear how those who still remain in the ranks of skeptics are trying to remind me that there are 13 cards in the suit! And once again I want to call on the help of astrologers who will confirm the existence of the 13th sign of the zodiac - Ophiuchus! And there may have been a 13th month that we just don't know about yet.

If we add the digits of the number 52, we get 5 + 2 = 7

7 - the number of days of the week, the number of visible planets, the number of corresponding planetary periods in a year. I can talk about the magic number 7 for hours. And here even people who are far from esotericism will immediately name 7 notes, 7 colors of the rainbow and spectrum, 7 main chakras, 7 heavens.

And those who are at least somehow familiar with any metaphysical sciences will confirm that the Seven is the first spiritual number that opens the spiritual sphere. No wonder and in everyday life, we consider the Seven - the number of luck and good luck! Experts in the teachings of Rudolf Steiner will confirm that there is a division of life into seven-year periods, and, looking ahead, I will say that in the system described by the cards, such a division takes place.

And I want to show you another riddle of the deck related to the number 7! If you take any suit of 13 cards and arrange these cards in order from left to right, you will see a seven in the very center!

It seems to connect two spheres - earthly (1-6) and spiritual (8-13), and the seven really acts as a bridge between the material and spiritual levels. That is why the Seven is also called the number of Faith. Because only through Faith, we can change our external world with the help of Spiritual Energy, and in a much wiser way than using our minds filled with earthly knowledge.

That's what is hidden in such, at first glance, an ordinary playing deck of cards!

And I dare to assure you that this is only a tiny part of the mathematical patterns encrypted in the cards. Even after 5 years of studying the card system, I still make amazing discoveries in card combinations.

This system is unique, Destiny Cards are magical combination of cards, astrology and numerology, information that can be obtained from it, can be your spiritual guide to better understand how and why you make your life the way it is.

And I realized one more important thing while studying and working with maps. Each card has several meanings and ways of expressing its energy, there are positive and negative aspects. And man's choice only, his Will, spiritual level "manifest" and activates different sides and vibrations of the cards in annual and life layouts, as symbols of energy and events taking place in our lives.

So everything is in our hands!

And for this - Cards in hand!

Destiny Cards (Love Cards and Fate Matrix) waiting for you to uncover the mystery of your life!

The day we are born is determined by one of 53 card symbols. This symbol contains certain properties, just as each element of the periodic table has certain characteristics.

Some elements are easy to combine, others are difficult. Some are widely used, while others are found and used very rarely. All this is true of our birth charts, which are somewhat reminiscent of the elements of Mendeleev's periodic system.

The card associated with our birthday serves as a symbol of the totality of personality and karmic traits. It is not your true self. But it does help you see what personality traits you choose to express and work through in this life, as well as understand the patterns that recur in your life over and over again.

In essence, all models are copied ways of responding to certain situations. Usually the pattern of any birth chart manifests itself in each person as specific personal problems. But these are problems, not predetermined curses. With conscious understanding and love, any negative pattern of any card can be transformed into a high expression.

You can get out of the script of your map, rise above it, because you are so much more than it. In fact, we contain the properties and qualities of all 52 cards, and during life, we somehow make attempts to work with all levels of our evolutionary development, which was originally described by a deck of cards as an encrypted book of all human psychotypes.

Our birth chart serves as a symbol of the main work that we have to do in this life. The model of our life is formed even before we are born, and we choose it ourselves, and this cannot be changed or corrected. The choice of the Soul must be made.

Therefore, parents who, for some selfish reasons, decide to intervene in the choice of the baby’s date of birth (for example, using stimulation methods or doing a caesarean section), in addition to purely physiological problems that a competent midwife or osteopath can tell them about, “hang” on the child additional load in the form of working out a few more karmic tasks.

For such children, the Numerological core, which describes the purpose of life and the possibilities for its implementation, our spiritual motives and ways of life realization, also consists of numbers that are contradictory in their characteristics. Which is often hard on the fate of the child.

In order to be able to rise above our birth chart model, we must first understand and accept it, remembering that it is conscious choice of our soul .

The meaning of our incarnation comes down to accepting ourselves with all the positive and negative features of the model of the map of the day in which we decided to be born. And only after that you can push those very “Own Boundaries”, become a Free Artist and start creating your own Canvas of Life!

Natalia Kalyuzhnaya

Destiny cards (Love cards)

Natal chart or birth chart often also called a sun chart, much like our astrological sun (zodiacal) sign. All people born under the rule of a certain card will have a number of similar character traits, although these traits may be expressed in different ways.

The birth chart is the most powerful and important symbol of who we will be in our current life. The birth chart is the essence of our soul. This is the card we identify with the most. Each card has a high and a low expression. Even though we want to manifest the highest qualities of our birth chart, the lowest qualities of our birth chart are always present within us. But it depends on our choice which side of our map to present to the world.

If we follow the theory that we ourselves choose the day and place of our birth, the natal chart can be viewed as a kind of "case" with appropriate restrictions, in which we place ourselves for life.

These "restrictions", whether we like it or not, affect our entire reality until we consciously go beyond these limits, which, undoubtedly, is our task or the lesson of our life. Having understood and realized these limiting limitations, as well as the inclinations and abilities inherent in us, it becomes easier for us to work on ourselves and reveal our deep (divine) potential.

You can easily determine your natal chart or birth chart yourself from the table below:


planetary map is the second most important symbol of our life, with which our behavior is consistent. Some people act more according to this chart than their birth chart. It is determined taking into account the astrological sign.

This is another symbol of what we identify with, but most likely outwardly. Similar to the rising sign or ascendant in astrological terms.

She shows how we present ourselves to the world or how the world sees us.

Determining a planetary map is a little more difficult. Since this requires knowledge of the planets that control the signs of the Zodiac, and knowledge of the location of your birth chart in the so-called Solar layout or Life Spread, where each card has its own coordinate points with the corresponding influence of the planets.

Now I can bring to your attention tables with natal and planetary charts for all dates of the year.

In addition, in them you can see your 7 periods of the year, each of which is ruled by one of the 7 planets...


The next most important significators of our personality are our karma art.

Karma cards also represent different aspects of our personality, but these aspects hidden.

Nevertheless, they exist, and have a significant impact on our behavior.

And here, I want to make a small digression and tell you about the magic circle of cards.

A deck of 52 cards is divided into two special groups.

The first group of 45 cards forms the magic circle you see in the picture.

This circle is a cycle of never-ending energy, constantly regenerating itself.

All the cards in it are not placed randomly and in such a way that the energy moves from one card to another counterclock-wise .

If we imagine this circle as a group of people holding hands and looking at the center of the circle, person to your left - this is your second "karma card" from which you receive, a on rightfirst "karma card" which you give.

We always we get the left female hand , but we give it to the right, or male.

One step forward in any direction will reveal your so-called "cousins ​​of karma". Relations with which are also quite close, but do not have the degree of intensity that is characteristic of the relationship between karma cards.

Thus, the energy leaves you in one direction and invariably returns through a certain circle of people, even if you are not aware that the initial impulse was sent by you.

That is why in life, we do not always see the causal relationship. It seems to us that our action should receive a feedback from the person to whom it was somehow directed. But in most cases, we receive a “bowback” completely through other people and after a certain time, until our energy impulse passes through a kind of karmic circle, and will not return to us through the second card of karma.

One of the qualities of karma cards is that these relationships are always similar to soul mate relationship . The degree of closeness of such people is very high.

Usually acquaintances with such people occur under some special circumstances and develop into close relationships rather quickly.

The influence of both karma cards comes from our past lives.

First card of karma represents more negative karmic influence, a second karma card - more positive.

How does it manifest itself?

First card of karma shows us some weak aspect of our character.

A person whose natal or planetary charts are our first karma card will reflect to us our own part, which we do not love in ourselves, do not accept, and hide from ourselves and from others. He will act like mirror, therefore, can often cause irritation or even resentment. That is why our energy, attention, efforts will flow towards the first card of karma.

Second card of karma represents the area of ​​our life where we have gift or special ability but we don't show them to the world either.

We like such people, we feel attracted to them. However, we ourselves throw them a kind of challenge, being for them the first card of karma, reminding them of their own shortcomings.

Therefore, all “karmic relationships”, despite the strong attraction, can be very crafty and intense.

All in the following table karma cards shown below the main central map.

Test yourself! Have you identified correctly? your karma cards, using karmic circle ?

To be continued…


Don't let the word "disposition" confuse or confuse you.

In fact, annual alignment according to the system Cards of Destiny very far from those card layouts that gypsies or fortune tellers do to girls who are eager to know when their prince will ride on a white horse.

Annual layout of the cards of Destiny is determined on the basis of mathematical quadratures and the astrological influence of the planets, as well as the Moon and the Sun.

It combines both calendar and numerological, symbolic and astrological influences.

The alignment for the year contains cards that will say what, when and with whom will happen in the near future.

The layouts for the year are determined for the birth chart (natal chart), the planetary chart and the chart of your personality.

Each of these spreads contains specific information about your life in the current year. The overall picture is made up of these three layouts.

Any map in the layout for the year (or any other period) symbolizes the event that will happen to you qualities of personality or consciousness , which you acquire or work during this period, as well as human, which will play an important role in your life in accordance with the scenario and the position of the card in the layout.

In the schedule for the year there is five cards that define your life for a whole year.

These are the perspective map, the consequences map (outcome map), the Pluto map, the environment map, and the permutation map (displacement map).

Perspective map - the main card, which determines the general direction of the year, symbolizes spiritual state or experience that you gain during the year.

Pluto Map and Consequence Map always considered together.

These cards mean problem or lesson, which you will have to face, as well as the area of ​​\u200b\u200bproposed changes in life, determine your goals for the coming year, what you are striving for.

In addition to the challenges ahead of you, consequences map (outcome map) able to describe to you how will you end the current year. Anyway her influence is always favorable and extends until the end of the year.

Environment map draws an area in which you easily succeed.

The environment map, like the consequences map, always promises change for the better.

It symbolizes that part of your life in which everything will turn out well, where you will get the maximum result with a minimum of effort.

This may be a person who will source of positive emotions and experiences.

Permutation map describes the area in which you must part with something.

It's sort of the opposite of an environment map.

Firstly, it symbolizes that area of ​​\u200b\u200blife, which will require your active participation.

Secondly, the permutation map can indicate the area of ​​activity, in which you are not very sure, you feel unprofessional.

The impact of a permutation map can be very rewarding if you recognize where you need to go all out and just go for it. The result will not keep you waiting.

Often a permutation map promises changes in life, fulfillment of cherished desires . Don't think she's causing trouble. It may indicate a turning point that will completely change your life.

In addition, the annual layout tells about 7 annual planetary periods, the boundaries of which you can see in the tables above.

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