Comparative analysis of modern education programs for children. Analysis of the program "from birth to school" based on the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education

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Non-state educational institution of higher professional education

Eastern Economic and Legal Humanitarian Academy (VEU Academy)

Specialty 050707. "Pedagogy and methods of preschool education"

Specialization - pre-school education


According to the method of training and education in the field of pre-school education

Analysis of educational programs in Dow

Himaletdinova Zinfira Zayuzyatna

Raevsky 2012.





The modern system of domestic pre-school education is based on the principles of dynamism, the variability of organizational forms, a flexible response to the needs of society and personality, is characterized by the emergence of new types of educational institutions for children, a variety of pedagogical services.

Among the factors affecting the effectiveness and quality of education of children in the Dow, an important role belongs to the educational program. It is a guideline of creative activity of educators: determines the content educational process In Doe, reflects the ideological, scientific and methodological concept of preschool education, fixes its content in all major areas of child development. In accordance with the direction and level of implementation of the program, the form and category of the DOW are established.

The modern differentiation of pre-school education, the dowdow dow dow suggests significant variability in the use of programs and pedagogical technologies, subject to the unity of the main objectives and tasks of pre-school education.

1. Modern educational programs for preschool institutions

educational program preschool children training

The main preschool education programs determine the content of the preschool level of education, its level and focus, based on priority purposes and tasks. They guarantee the necessary and sufficient for the comprehensive development of the child the level of education.

The integrity of the educational process can be achieved not only by using one main program, but also by the method of qualified selection of specialized programs, each of which includes one or more directions for the development of the child. The main programs determine the characteristics of the organization of children in the context of ensuring all its parties and taking into account the use of the following forms of children's activities: classes as a specially organized form of training; non-inflammed activities; free time during the day.

2. Variety of programs and their classification

Currently, the main organizational form of pre-school education is pre-school educational institutions of six different species, as well as educational institutions for children of preschool and primary school age. Accordingly, the bulk of pre-school educational programs developed so far is aimed at pre-school educational institutions.

At the same time, due to a sharp reduction in the network of pre-school educational institutions and the inability to adopt all children of preschool age in them, since 2000, variable and alternative forms of preschool education began to develop.

In recent years, Russia is characterized by the emergence of new types of educational institutions for children, a variety of pedagogical services that are offered to children and their parents. Along with state, there are non-state children's gardens. Most of Children's institutions solve the task of the overall development of children, but already there are institutions that have a goal of early development of special abilities of preschoolers (aesthetic centers, pre-school groups and kindergartens in lyceums, gymnasiums, etc.); integration of educating healthy children and children with some problems of physical development; Creation of pre-school groups operating in bilingual conditions, and others. This state of affairs in preschool education is directly related both to the increasing requests of parents who want to raise the overall level of development of children, to disclose those or other abilities to them, prepare for training in a specific school, and as amended in school.

All preschool programs can be divided into complex and partial.

Complex (or general weselves) - include all the main directions of development of the child: physical, informative-speech, socio-personal, artistic and aesthetic; Promote the formation of various abilities (mental, communicative, motor, creative), the establishment of specific types of children's activities (subject, game, theatrical, visual, musical activity, design, etc.).

Partial (specialized, local) - include one or more directions for the development of the child.

The integrity of the educational process can be achieved not only by using one main (integrated) program, but also by the method of qualified selection of partial programs.

Complex programs of pre-school education:

* The program of upbringing and training in kindergarten is an author's team ed. MA Vasilyeva, V.V. Herb, TS Mosquito.

Partial pre-school education programs

* Health program - the saving direction "Basics of safety of preschool children" Authors: R.B. Sterkina, O.L. Knyazeva, N.N. Avdeev.

Programs of Environmental Education

* Program "Young Ecologist"

* Program "Pautinka"

* The program "Our Home - Nature"

* Program "Designing and Manual Labor in kindergarten" by L.V. Kutsakova.

Programs of socio-moral development of preschoolers

* Program "Promotion of children to the origins of Russian folk culture" Authors: O.L. Knyazeva, ppm Mahaneva.

* Program "Development in children of ideas about history and culture" Authors: L.N. Galiguzova, S.Yu. Meshcheryakova.

Programs of the physical development and health of preschoolers

* Program "Play Health" and the technology of its use in DOU. Authors: Voloshina L.N., Kurilova T.V.

* Author's program "Play Health", It is based on the use of games with sports elements. The program is based on a meaningful experimental work in Dow No. 69. Belgorod. She is addressed to educators kindergarten, Instructors in physical culture, coaches of children's sports schools, centers, wellness camps.

Short review program

"Raduga" is a comprehensive program of education, education and development of preschoolers, which employs children's gardens of Russia. The program provides comprehensive development of the child, its most important components are the game and physical development, the formation of a habit of a healthy lifestyle, ensuring mental comfort for each child.

The program is recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. For all major types of activities, preschoolers provide for kits for children of various age groups and recommendations for educators.

For this program, sets of benefits for preschoolers for all types of activities and guidelines for educators have been created.

The main objectives of the program:

ensuring the child the opportunity to joyfully and mean pre-school years;

ensuring the protection and strengthening of its health (both physical and mental);

comprehensive and timely mental development;

formation of active and careful respect for the world environment;

advisions to the main spheres of human culture (work, knowledge, art, morality).

red Color - Physical Culture: In the classroom, habits for the protection of their health, cleanness, accuracy, order, cultural - hygienic skills and elements of self-control during movements, are developed, the skills of proper behavior in situations, threatening life and health, and warnings are developed;

orange Color - Game: The game is considered to be the leading work activity, it allows you to provide psychological comfort, create an atmosphere of emotional heat, security, to remove excessive torganization and neuroticness of children. It allows you to make a sense of sympathy and interest in the partner by the game;

yellow color - Fine activity and manual work: - Training of visual activities and artistic work occurs through the acquaintance of children with samples of people's and decorative and applied arts (works of Khokhloma, Gzhel, Dymkovsky toy, etc.). Children are taught to draw pencils and paints, modeling on the basis of acquaintance with folk plastics;

green color - design: makes it possible to develop imagination, fantasy and mentally raise the baby; Children learn to build from building materials, develop constructive prerequisites, attach to the process of creativity in design;

blue color - classes with musical and plastic art: allow you to develop aesthetic experiences, form interest in music, develop musically - sensory abilities of the child, the ability to move into tact, spatial coordination;

blue color - Classes for the development of speech and familiarization with others: Training with native and foreign languages \u200b\u200boccur through the familiarization with the works of folk creativity, fiction;

purple color - Mathematics: Math training takes place in the atmosphere of benevolence, supporting a child, even if he made a mistake, the desire to express his opinion; Children not only learn mathematics, but master training skills: determine the task, searches, evaluate the results.

The program "Childhood" is a program of enriched development of children of preschool age, providing a single process of socializing-individualization of the person through the awareness of his needs, opportunities and abilities.

Developed by the team of teachers of the Department of Preschool Pedagogy RGPU. Herzen /V.?i. Loginova, T.? And. Babayeva, N.? A. Notketna et al. Edited by T.? And. Babaeva, Z.? A. Mikhailova / Motto of the program: "Feel - to know - create"

Program tasks:

Develop in children on the basis of various educational content emotional responsiveness, ability to empathy, willingness to manifest a humane attitude towards childhood activities, behavior, actions;

Promote the development of cognitive activity, curiosity, desire for independent knowledge and reflection, development of mental abilities and speech;

Awaken the creative activity of children, stimulate imagination, the desire to turn on in creative activity;

Strengthen the physical and mental health of the child, form the basics of motor and hygienic culture.

The program "East" (L.A. Paramonova, T.I. Aliyev, A.N. Davidchuk, etc.)

Comprehensive regional program. Developed by order of the Moscow Committee of Education. Based on perennial psychological and pedagogical studies; Gives current trends in the development of public pre-school education. The goal is to be versatile, upbringing and developing a child up to seven years. The program identifies the following age steps: Early childhood (it is infant / up to 1 / and early age / 1-3 years /) and preschool childhood (presented by junior pre-school age / 3-5 years / and senior preschool age / 5-7 years/). The program has basic and variable components. It is an open type program involving the use of a wide variety of pedagogical technologies.

Program "Development" (L.A. Wenger, O.M. Dyachenko, N.S. Varentsova, etc.)

It is one of the first variable preschool education programs. The fundamental principle is developing training based on the psychological theory of LA. Hanger on the development of children's abilities in preschool childhood. A specific difference from other programs is in strengthening attention to learning tools, the formation of the preschoolers of the methods of solving cognitive and creative tasks. The main goal is the mental and artistic development of children. Designed to work with children aged three to seven years. In addition to traditional sections, it contains unconventional: "Expressive Movement", "Art Design", "Director's Game", whose choice is carried out by preschool institutions. Program advantages: a clear structure, detailed earmarked educational material, the provision of each classes with a specific detailed work plan, learning tools.

Purpose: integrated development, education and training of children under the age of 3 years. Designed in the spirit of the ideas of humanization of family and public education of young children.

The peculiarity of the program is in a wide range of coverage of the child's development period, starting with the intrauterine (including the preparation of the mother to the emergence of a child to light) before adapting to adapt to the preschool educational institution.

The program is addressed primarily to the family and caregivers of DOU.

The program contains information materials in all directions for the development of the child's personality up to 3 years, as well as guidelines.

Along with traditional sections (physical education, protection and health promotion, development of movements, self-service skills, speech development), some sections reflect new developments in the field of pedagogy (for example, a section dedicated to the environmental education of young children).

For the first time, a section on psychological training of parents for the birth of a child is presented.

Program "Gifted child" (L.A. Wenger, OM Dyachenko et al.)

It is a level option "Development". It has a common conceptual basis with it, based on the theoretical provisions of the Scientific School L.A. Hanger on the development of children's abilities. Designed for educational work with gifted children of the sixth and seventh year of life (for two years). Contains a material that helps enrich the development of abilities (intellectual, artistic) mentally gifted children, as well as a unique technology for educating such children.

In the practical activity of preschool institutions, a wide recognition of mathematical cycle "Mathematical steps" was found. (This cycle is copyrighted and presented didactic benefits On the formation of mathematical ideas in preschool children from 3 to 7 years. For each age group, the author developed the content of learning.

In the "Mathematical Steps" cycle, the main ideas of the concept of educational training DB are being implemented. Elkonina and V.V. Davydov, in which the content, methods and forms of the organization of the educational process are directly agreed with the laws of the child's development.

It should be emphasized that the program for the children of the seventh year of life is quite informative, involves the formation of the knowledge and skills necessary for further school education.

Much attention in the program is paid to the training of children's recording numbers, signs that, as we have noted above, distinguishes this program from others.

Work on the formation of geometric representations implies not only acquaintance with geometric figures, but also their analysis associated with the release of their components.

The program "Development of children of preschool children in kindergarten" (O.S. Ushakov)

The goal of the program is the development of preschoolers of speech skills and skills, the formation of ideas about the structure of a connected statement, as well as about the methods of communication between individual phrases and its parts. The program is quite fully disclosed the theoretical foundations, the directions of work on the speech development of children are described.

The program "Designing and artistic labor in kindergarten" (L.V. Kutsakova)

The purpose of the program is the development of constructive skills, artistic - creative abilities, artistic taste. Also, the program is aimed at the development of such psychic processes in preschoolers as imagination and associative thinking, on education of hard work, perfection, patience. In class teachers, children with various techniques of design and modeling are introduced. The program allows you to apply to children with different levels Intellectual and artistic development Differentiated approach.

This program uses work in the first youngest, second younger, middle and preparatory groups.

The program "Development of ideas about a person in history and culture" (I.F. Movich)

The purpose of the program is moral, patriotic and mental education of preschoolers. The development of their ideas about the basics of legal and social consciousness, as well as the place of man in culture and history, its role in technical progress.

This program uses work in the second youngest, middle and preparatory groups.

Program "Attachment of children to the history of Russian folk culture" (O.L. Knyazeva)

The purpose of the program is the moral and patriotic education of preschoolers, through the acquisition of children to Russian folk culture. Teachers introduce children with life and life of people, their character. Meet moral values, traditions inherent in the Russian people, the peculiarities of their spiritual and material environment.

According to the program O.L. Princess "Acquisition of children to the history of Russian folk culture" work in the second youngest, middle and preparatory groups.

The program "Learning to live among people" (N.I. Zaozerskaya)

The program is aimed at socio-moral, morally aesthetic development of preschool children.

This program uses work in the second youngest, middle and preparatory groups.

All of the above partial programs are recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Program "Basics of Safety of Preschool Children" (R. B. Sterkina, O. L. Knyazeva, N. N. Avdeeva)

The program involves the solution of the most important socio-pedagogical task - education in a child's skills of adequate behavior in various unexpected situations. Developed based on the draft State Standard of Preschool Education. It contains a complex of materials that ensure stimulation in preschool childhood (senior preschool) of independence and responsibility for their behavior. Its goals - to form a reasonable behavior in a child, to teach adequate to behave in dangerous situations at home and on the street, in the city trance port, when communicating with unfamiliar people, interacting with fire hazard and other objects, animals and poisonous plants; Promote the formation of the foundations of environmental culture, introduce to a healthy lifestyle. The program is addressed to educators of senior groups of pre-school educational institutions. It consists of introducing and six sections, the content of which reflects changes in the lives of modern society and thematic planning, in accordance with which educational work with children is built: "Child and other people", "Child and Nature", "Child at home", "Child Health "," Emotional well-being of a child "," Child on the street of the city. " The content of the program leaves for each pre-school institution the right to use various forms and methods for organizing training, taking into account the individual and age characteristics of children, socio-cultural differences, the originality of domestic and living conditions, as well as the common socio-economic and criminogenic situation. By virtue of the special significance of the protection of the life and health of children, the program requires the mandatory compliance with its main principles: completeness (implementation of all its sections), systematic, accounting for the conditions of urban and countryside, seasonality, age addresses.

The program "I, you, we" (O.L. Knyazeva, R. B. Schkina)

The proposed program is relevant for all types of pre-school educational institutions and can effectively complement any program of pre-school education. Provides a basic (federal) component of the State Standard of Preschool Education. Designed to replenish a substantial gap in traditional domestic education related to the socio-emotional development of a child of preschool age. Aims to solve such important tasks as the formation of an emotional sphere, the development of the social competence of a child. The program also helps solve a complex of educational tasks related to the education of moral behaviors, the ability to build their relationship with children and adults, respect for them, worthy of coming out of conflict situations, as well as self-confidence, the ability to adequately evaluate their own capabilities.

Program "Open yourself" (E.V. Ryleev)

Deals with the most important problem of modern pre-school education - individualization of the personal development of children of two to six years and inextricably related task of development of self-consciousness from preschoolers by means of speech activity. The program is based on the principles of humanistic psychology and the author's technology under construction, allowing personalizing educational content, to make it more flexible, adequate demands and interests of children with different levels of personal development and abilities. Encompasses several leading directions of the State Standard of Preschool Education: "Speech Development", "Development of ideas about a person in history and culture", "The development of natural science representations", "Development of environmental culture". It has a block structure, a concentric layout of the educational material, allowing children to selectively assimilate the training content of the program. The main thematic blocks of the program: "I am such", "People's World", "The World of Independent", "I can" - ensure the formation of ideas about the significant spheres of human life, allow self-assessment correction, to prepare children to independently overcome difficulties. The program provides for the possibility of active inclusion in the pedagogical process of parents of pupils. Addressed to educators of pre-school educational institutions, educational institutions of the type "elementary school - kindergarten", psychologists, governors, parents.

The program "Harmony" (D.I. Vorobyova)

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe program is the holistic development of the child's personality of two to five years, its intellectual and artistic and creative potential. The leading principle is a multi-stage integration of educational and educational tasks of various activities with an emphasis on the productive activities of children (visual, constructive, artistic-speech, theatrical). The structure of the program provides for the work on two interrelated areas: the accumulation of social experience of knowing himself and the surrounding world (see, hear, beat, create) and the implementation of it in the conditions of independent activities of children. The program contains new original technologies based on the search activity of the child, providing him with a subjective position in a cognitive-creative process. An integral part of the Harmony program is a rhythm of the development of rhythmic plastics of the child "Rhythmic Mosaic", built on a single conceptual basis.

The UMKA program - TRIZ (L.M. Kurbatova, etc.)

The program contains a dialectical approach to the formation of the creative abilities of children of three-six years based on the development of active forms of thinking in unity with creative imagination. The program creates prerequisites for the systemic vision of the world and its creative transformation. Provides development in children of fantasy; The enrichment of the subject-spatial environment of the children's educational institution and determines the conditions contributing to the decision of the preschoolers of inventive tasks (fabulous, gaming, ethical, environmental, technical character, etc.). Provides widespread use of interactive forms and teaching techniques. Basic principles: humanistic focus, through, multistage character (covers the younger, middle, senior preschool age, younger school age), psychological support for gifted children, the variability of use in the system of basic and additional education. Consists of three relative to independent parts:

programs for the development of thinking and creative abilities of children of preschool age - "UMKA" - TRIZ;

a variant of a program that includes educational content for organizing work with children in the studios of intellectual and aesthetic development;

subprograms preparing teachers of pre-school educational institutions to implement the program for the development of the thinking and creative abilities of children of preschool age "UMKA" - TRIZ.

SEMITSVETY PROGRAM (V.I. Ashikov, S.G. Ashikova)

This program is designed to solve the task of cultural and ecological education of children of preschool age - the initial stage of the formation of a spiritually rich, creative, self-developing personality. From how a child learns to think and feel, his actions will depend on the action. The decision of this problem the authors see in the awareness of the small man of the sublime, sophisticated and beautiful, which give the world, nature and world culture. Education of morality, broad outlook, development of creativity through the perception of beauty - main feature This program. Much attention in the program is paid to joint creative activities of children and adults. The program is designed to use it in kindergarten, various artistic and creative children's studios, as well as in home education.

The program "Beauty - Joy - Creativity" (T. S. Komarov, etc.)

It is a holistic integrated program of aesthetic education of preschool children, effectively promoting the spiritual and intellectual development of children in preschool childhood. It is built on the author's concept of aesthetic education and the development of the artistic and creative abilities of children, which is based on the principles of nationality, the integrated use of different types of arts (musical, fine, theatrical, literature and architecture), the sensory development of the child. It has a clear structure and takes into account the growing creative opportunities of children from two to six years. Includes all sections of work on aesthetic education in kindergarten. Along with the traditional, the program is widely used and unconventional educational tools for aesthetic education - leisure and entertainment.

The program "Designing and Manual Labor in kindergarten" (L.V. Kutsakova)

Relying on the concept of artistic and aesthetic education of preschoolers. The main goal is to develop the design skills and artistic and creative abilities of children, introduce them with different techniques for modeling and designing. It is built on the integrated use of all types of design and artistic labor in kindergarten. Designed for the entire preschool age - from three to six years. Provides a differentiated approach to children with different levels of intellectual and artistic times, including children with weak and strong motivation, as well as gifted. The selection of educational material for creativity is responsible for the principles of pre-school didactics and the age-related possibilities of children. Contains technologies covered on the use of non-traditional methods and training techniques that allow the teacher to develop associative thinking in children, imagination, creative skills, practical skills, artistic taste, aesthetic attitude to reality. Much attention is paid to creative character of joint activities of the teacher and children.

Program "Nature and Artist" (TA Koptseva)

The program is aimed at the formation of four-six years of holistic ideas about nature as a living organism. The world of nature acts as a matter of close study and as a means of emotionally-shaped impact on the creative activity of children. The means of visual art solve problems of environmental and aesthetic education, the methods of the dialogue of cultures, spirituality of natural phenomena, fabulous gaming situations, etc. are used by the admission of children to world artistic culture as part of spiritual culture. The program has block-thematic planning. The main blocks "Mir of Nature", "The World of Animals", "Human World", "The World of Art" contain a system of artistic and creative tasks that contribute to the transfer and accumulation of experience of an emotional-value relationship from preschoolers to the world, the increase in creative activity, the development of skills and skills of visual, decorative and constructive activities, taking into account the age characteristics of children.

Our House - Nature Program (N.A. Ryzhova)

The content of the program provides familiarization of children with a variety and wealth natural world, promotes the development of initial natural - scientific ideas and environmental concepts. Designed to educate children of senior preschool age. Provides continuity with learning in elementary school in the courses "Environment" and "Nature". Major goals - education from the first years of life of a humane, socially active person, able to understand and love the world around, nature, carefully treat them. The feature of the program lies in the formation of a holistic view of a holistic view of nature and a person in it, environmentally friendly and safe behavior. Elegous knowledge elements are organically inscribed in general content, including natural and social aspects, which is determined. structural features Programs whose learning material includes training and raising components. The program provides for the widespread use of various practical activities of children in research and protection ambient. The content of the program can be clarified in accordance with local natural and climatic conditions.

The program "Life around us" (N.A. Avdeev, G. B. Stepanova)

Designed in accordance with the content of the state standard of pre-school education under the section "Development of the ecological culture of children." It provides for environmental education and education of senior preschool children, studying accessible to their understanding of the relationship of nature and social phenomena. The theoretical basis of the program is the concept of personal-oriented education, in the center of which - the creation of conditions for the development of the identity of the child. Provides the opportunity to a child in an affordable game form to master environmental information, form an emotional-positive, careful and responsible attitude of children to wildlife. The program is complemented by approximate thematic plan Classes and organizational and methodological recommendations for its implementation.

The program "Young Ecologist" (S.N. Nikolaev)

Directed to the formation of the beginning of an ecological culture in children of two - six years in a kindergarten. It has a theoretical substantiation and deployed methodological support. Environmental culture is considered as a conscious attitude of children to natural phenomena and objects that surround them, to themselves and their health, to subjects made from natural material. Consists of two subprogrammes: "Environmental education of preschool children" and "Improving the qualifications of pre-school educational institutions". The structure of the first subprogramme is based on the sensual perception by children of nature, emotional cooperation with it, elementary knowledge of life, growth and development of living beings. Environmental approach to familiarizing children with nature and the environmental content of all sections about grams are built on the main pattern of nature - the relationship of living organisms with the habitat.

Program "Pautinka" (J.L. Vasyakina Novikova)

The goal of the program is the formation of planetary thinking in children, raising a reasonable attitude towards peace and to itself as a resident of the planet Earth. The program offers a new original system for the development of environmental representations under construction on the principle of centering the content of work on a child with a wide use of search methods of training and gaming actions. Presented by four blocks: "Where do I live?", "Who do I live with?", "How do I live?", "When I live?" Through the knowledge of his "me", his life needs, the child comprehends the diversity of the relationship between nature and people. Designed to work with children of all age groups of the pre-school educational institution.

The program "Harmony" (K.L. Tarasova, T.V. Nesterenko, T.G. Ruban / Ed. K.L. Tarasova)

The program implements a comprehensive holistic approach to the musical development of the child in preschool childhood. The purpose of the program is the overall musical development of children, the formation of musical abilities. The content of the program is determined by the logic of becoming musical abilities in preschool childhood at each stage. It includes all major kinds of musical activities available to children of preschool age: listening to music, musical movement, singing, children's game musical instruments, Musical game-dramatization. The central place in the program is assigned to the formation of musical creativity in children and improvisational nature of classes. Music repertoire of the program, new and extensive, is made on the basis of a combination of highly artistic and affordable works of classical, modern and folk music of various eras and styles; It is organized on the bonds of those available and interesting children, fully presented in the texts of the musical repertoire and partly in the records on audio cassettes.

Program "Synthesis" (K.V. Tarasova, M.L. Petrova, T.G. Ruban, etc.)

This program aims to develop the musical perception of children from four to seven years. It has a wide educational aspect. Its content introduces the child not only into the world of musical art, but also artistic culture as a whole. The program is based on the principle of an integrated approach, in which musical works are considered in a single complex with works of fine art and fiction. At the same time, the stem art in the program is music. The program includes the works of classical art and folklore affordable. For the first time, along with chamber and symphonic music in training, synthetic genres of musical art are used - opera and ballet.

The program "Play in the orchestra by hearing" (MA Trubnikova)

The goal of the program is to train children of three - pole years to select the hearing melodies and playing children's musical instruments (in the ensemble, orchestra). The program has a fundamentally new methodology for teaching children to play musical instruments under the selection of hearing melodies. Along with the development of musical hearing (timbre, sound, melodic) and the feelings of musical rhythm in the program, the issues of general development of the child as a person are comprehensively solved. The musical repertoire of the program makes up the works of classical, modern and folk music, including new, specially written for this program.

The program "Kid" (V.A. Petrov)

The program provides for the development of musical abilities in children of the third year of life in all the types of musical activities available to them, contributes to their admission to the world of musical culture. The basis of the program is the works of a classic repertoire, a rich range of which implies the freedom to choose the teacher of a particular musical work, taking into account the level of preparation and development of a particular child. The program has significantly updated the repertoire of music games.

The program "Music masterpieces" (O.P. Radyov)

The program contains a scientifically based and methodically built system for the formation of the foundations of musical culture of preschool children (three to seven years), which takes into account the individual and psychophysiological features of children and interconnected with all educational work of children of children. The program is based on the use of high-art works, genuine samples of world musical classics. Fundamental principles of the program (thematic, contrast comparison of works, the concentric, principles of adaptability and syncretism) allow you to systematize the repertoire of musical classics and folk music in order to accumulate the intonation experience of the perception of music, the development of creative abilities in different kinds of musical activity, flexible application forms, methods and techniques of pedagogical work, depending on the age and individual characteristics of children. The program involves the relationship of cognitive and creative activities of children in the process of forming the foundations of musical culture.

Program "Acquisition of children to the origins of Russian folk culture" (O.L. Knyazeva, M.D. Mahaneva)

This program defines new benchmarks in the moral and patriotic education of children based on their admission to Russian folk culture. The main goal is to contribute to the formation of personal culture in children, to introduce them to the rich cultural heritage of the Russian people, lay a solid foundation in the development of the children of national culture on the basis of acquaintance with the life and life of the Russian people, its character inherent in the moral values, traditions, and peculiarities of material and spiritual environment. In parallel, the program solves issues of expanding the basic culture of the identity of educators of pre-school educational institutions. The theoretical basis of the program is a well-known position (D. Likhachev, I. Ilyin) that children in the process of familiarization with their native culture are involved in irreversive universal values. The program is designed to work with children of three to seven years, includes promising and calendar planning. Offers new organizational and methodological forms of work; Contains informational materials from various literary, historical, ethnographic, art historical and other sources.

The program "Inspection Values \u200b\u200bof Malaya Motherland" (E.V. Pchelentseva)

Deals with the historical and cultural aspect of the development of a child aged three to seven years. Created on the basis of the achievements of modern science and advanced pedagogical experience of preschool educational institutions Ivanovo region. Decals the content and necessary conditions for the formation in the early stages of the civilian bases of the individual, its patriotic, moral and ethical and aesthetic orientation, education of love and respect for their people, its cultural wealth and versatile talent. The peculiarity of the program is to integrate historical, environmental, aesthetic, ethical ideas of a child based on a wide addition to the cultural heritage of native land, folk traditions, original nature native region. The main criterion for the selection of material is local history culture, art and history, facts and events as part of the total national culture of Russia. The program includes three blocks that contain a wide range of topics on specially organized classes and outside the classroom familiarization of children with their native edge, its history, folklore, folk and visual creativity, etc. The program defines the content of the joint venture and children, provides for the organization of free Independent activity, within which the creative activity of each child develops.

Program "Development in children of ideas about history and culture" (L.N. Galiguzov, S.Yu. Meshcheryakova)

Designed in accordance with the structural component of the State Standard of Preschool Education "Development of submissions about a person in history and culture." Special attention in the program is paid to the incredit values \u200b\u200bof world civilization. The main goal is to form the formation of a senior preschool age the foundations of spiritual culture, a humane attitude towards a person and his work, respect for cultural values of different nationsThe development of cognitive activity, creative abilities. The content of the program on affordable children levels introduces them to the life of people in different historical epochs, gives elementary ideas about technical progress.

The program "Theater - Creativity - Children" (N.F. Sorokina, L.G. Milanovich)

The purpose of the program is to develop the creative abilities of children with means of theatrical art. It is scientifically substantiated in the phased use of certain types of children's creative activities in the process of theatrical incarnation; systemically presented means and methods of theatrical and game activity, taking into account the age of children; There is a parallel solution to the tasks of artistic and speech, stage and musical art. The leading principle of the program is the involvement of children into productive theatrical and game creative activities, the creation of stage images that cause emotional experiences. The program is partial and can serve as an addition to comprehensive and basic programs.

The program "Little Emo" (V.G. Razhnikov)

The purpose of the program is the emotional and aesthetic development of preschoolers of five - six years old, the admission of a child to a full-fledged emotionally aesthetic culture: a child can look at the world through the eyes of the poet, artist, musician; Learn to compose and execute the simplest artwork. The program is based on the development of artistic attitudes, common to all aesthetic phenomena. Emotional-aesthetic culture is not necessarily mastered in the simplest forms of artistic activities available to almost every child. These are rhythm sound improvisations, color improvisations and syllable poetic rhythms; In the artistic games, the child masters the creative positions of the author, the artist and the audience (listener). The program provides parallel learning, both a child and a teacher. Designed for educators of pre-school educational institutions and teachers of art education, as well as parents.

Educational program "Kindergarten is a house of joy."

This program was created by Natalia Mikhailovna Kryonova, Associate Professor of the Perm State University and Valentina Tarasovaya Ivanova, a teacher-innovator in 1985 on the basis of Perm State University.

The program is built on a solid philosophical, physiological and hygienic and psychological foundation. The scientific basis of the program "Kindergarten - House of Joy" is a typical program of education and training in kindergarten edited by R.A. Kurbatova and N.N. Podyakova. The program reflected all the best created by domestic and foreign educators and psychologists. Her tasks is:

Caring for the health of the child and promoting the enrichment of the mental and physical development of each child;

Promoting the development of various activities at the level of independence and the development of its creative potential;

Promoting the mastering the foundations of spiritual culture.

The central core of the program, as the system, is the moral and labor education of a small child, which contributes to the formation of value orientations of the child's personality.

What is this - the house of joy?

The concept of "house" is denoted by the possibility of each child, taking into account his age, gender and individuality, live every day of life as actively, satisfying their needs: physiological and spiritual. In our "house", such an environment reigns, such relationships between adults and children, when everyone understands and accept, love and respect for the fact that it is an individuality.

"Joy" is the word indicates emotion, which arises at the moment of great soul satisfaction and pleasure, if the activity that a person carries out is a positive result.

Thus, living in the "House of Joy" means to be every realized minute in a state of activity, the success of which is confirmed by the emergence of the emotion of joy.

For the teacher to raise in the "House of Joy" - it means to promote the enrichment and development of the unique personality of each child. The child is adopted as a system that has the right to preserve its autonomy, identity and uniqueness.


In this way, a large number of Educational programs makes it possible to solve the tasks not only educational institutions.

To date, it is safe to state the fact of a formal or meaningful transition of most pre-school educational institutions in the search mode. This mode is transitional on the way to qualitative changes and translation of the DOC to development mode. Another aspect is associated with high-quality signs of this transition: to how important the innovations implemented in the Dow correspond to the urgent needs and opportunities of its development, satisfy the interests and needs of children, parents, teachers, contribute to the achievement of sustainable high development rates. Therefore, the question of determining relevant problems in the development of the Dow becomes the most important.


1. Modern educational programs for preschool institutions: EDUCATION. Manual for studies Ped. universities and colleges / ed. T.I. Erofeeva. - M., 1999.

2. Preparing for certification. Methodological manual for Pedagogues DOU. St. Petersburg: Childhood-Press, 2005 (1st ed., 1999)

3. Website for pre-school education workers

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Analysis of educational programs DOU in the context of GEF to

Kazarina Daria Nikolaevna

Female student 5 courses

LPI-branch SFU

In modern conditions, the transition of pre-school educational institutions to GEF is carried out. We analyzed several preschool education programs for compliance with GEF to. When analyzing, we used the following programs: "Childhood" edited by TI Babayeva, A.Gogoberidze, O.V. Solntsev, "origins" T.I. Aliyev, T.V. Antonova, L.A. Paramonov, "Dialogue" edited by O.L.Soboleva, O.G. Prikhodko, "from birth to school" N.E. Veracses, TS Komarova, MA Vasilyeva, "Birch" V.K. Zagvkin, S.A. Trubicin.

The Federal State Educational Standard came to replace the federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of pre-school education introduced in 2009. The new standard is intended to bring the structure of the program and the conditions for its implementation in kindergartens to unified requirementswhich will ensure the continuity between pre-school and primary education programs. The standard determines the status of kindergartens as an entry-level institutions in the general education system: the child's first class of school will have to achieve a certain level of development. In front of the teachers of pre-school education, it is difficult to teach and develop pupils in accordance with the standards, but not to forget about the individuality and development of the personality of each kid, which remains the main goal of the introduction of GEF.

The main focus in the standard is made on the development of pupils through the game, a free conversation, a dialogue, through communication with peers, older guys, family, educators. The educator should be on the partnership position, comprehend new together with the child in the form of cognitive and research activities, in the form of creative activity that ensures the artistic and aesthetic development of the child.


The program "Childhood"

The program "origins"

Dialogue program

Program "from birth to school"

Program "Birch"


    increasing the social status of pre-school education;

    providing the state equality of opportunities for each child in obtaining high-quality preschool education;

    ensuring state guarantees of the level and quality of pre-school education on the basis of the unity of mandatory requirements for the conditions for the implementation of educational programs of pre-school education, their structure and the results of their development;

preservation of the unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation regarding the level of pre-school education

create every child in kindergarten is an opportunity for the development of abilities, widespread interaction with the world, active practition in various activities, creative self-realization.

The program is aimed at developing independence, cognitive and communicative activity, social confidence and value orientations that determine the behavior, activity and attitude of the child to the world.

Ensuring a full, versatile development of each child,

The formation of basic confidence in his world and universal, including creative abilities to the level corresponding to the age of the specifics and requirements of modern society;

Creating equal conditions for the development of children with different capabilities.

provide every child an adequate age as high as possible development, the possibility of self-affirmation: the perception of oneself as a person, as caught man, confident start before joining school life.

1. Creation of favorable conditions for a complete stay of a child of preschool childhood, 2. Formation of the basic culture of the personality, comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, 3. Ready to life in modern society, 4. formation of prerequisites for training activities , 5. Establishment of the safety of the preschooler.

designing social situations of the development of a child and a developing subject-spatial environment that ensure positive socialization, motivation and support of the individuality of children through communication, game, cognitive activity and other forms of activity of Waldorf pedagogy.


    protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children, including their emotional well-being;

    2) providing equal opportunities for the full development of each child during preschool childhood, regardless of the place of residence, gender, nation, language, social status, psychophysiological and other features (including limited health capabilities);

    3) ensuring the continuity of the objectives, objectives and content of education implemented in the framework of educational programs of various levels (hereinafter referred to as the main educational programs of pre-school and primary general education);

    4) the creation of favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations, the development of the abilities and the creative potential of each child as a subject of relations with themselves, other children, adults and peace;

    5) combining education and education into a holistic educational process based on spiritual and moral and sociocultural values \u200b\u200band the rules and norms adopted in society and the norms of behavior in the interests of a person, family, society;

    6) the formation of the general culture of the personality of children, including the values \u200b\u200bof a healthy lifestyle, the development of their social, moral, aesthetic, intellectual, physical qualities, initiative, independence and responsibility of the child, the formation of prerequisites for educational activities;

    7) ensuring the variability and diversity of the content of programs and organizational forms of pre-school education, the possibility of forming programs of various focus, taking into account educational needs, abilities and health status of children;

    8) the formation of a sociocultural environment corresponding to the age-related, individual, psychological and physiological characteristics of children;

    9) to ensure the psychological and pedagogical support of the family and increase the competence of parents (legal representatives) in the development and education, protection and promotion of children's health.

1) protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children, including their emotional well-being; 2) ensuring equal opportunities for the full development of each child during preschool childhood, regardless of the place of residence, gender, nation, language, social status, psychophysiological and other features (including limited health capabilities); 3) ensuring the continuity of the objectives, objectives and content of education implemented in the framework of educational programs of pre-school and primary general education; 4) the creation of favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and the inconsistencies, the development of the abilities and the creative potential of each child as a subject of relations with themselves, other children, adults and peace;

5) combining training and education in a holistic educational process based on spiritual and moral and sociocultural values \u200b\u200band adopted in the society of rules and norms of behavior in the interests of man, family, society; 6) the formation of a common culture of the identity of children, the development of their social, moral, aesthetic, intellectual, physical qualities, initiative, independence and responsibility of the child, the formation of prerequisites for educational activities; 7) ensuring the variability and diversity of the content of programs and organizational forms of pre-school education, the possibility of forming programs of various focus, taking into account the educational needs and abilities of children; 8) the formation of a sociocultural medium corresponding to the age, individual, psychological and physiological characteristics of children; 9) Ensuring the psychological and pedagogical support of the family and enhance the competence of parents (legal representatives) in the development and education, protection and promotion of children's health.

enrichment children's Development, the relationship of all of its parties. The implementation of the main educational program ensures the rights of the child to the physical, intellectual, social and emotional development ("Convention on the Rights of the Child", GEF to) on the Preschool Steps and when moving to training in elementary school.

1. Formation personal qualities The child is based on the transfer of the spiritual and moral and sociocultural experience of family and society, interaction with adults, other children, nature, peace.

2. targeted strengthening the physical and mental health of the child; The formation of sustainable positive ideas about the values \u200b\u200bassociated with a healthy lifestyle.

3. Formation of the general culture of the child based on its admission to universal values, art, the aesthetic side of life.

4. Formation of a child in sustainable positive motivation to various types of childhood activities based on waking up interest in objects of this activity and to activities as a process.

5. Formation of creative activity - based on amplification (enrichment) of children's development.

6. Ensuring positive socialization - on the basis of the development of cooperation, communicative activities, as well as admission to a variety of ways to handle information (taking into account the peculiarities of the age stages of preschool childhood). 7. Implementation of the "algorithm of speech liberty and development"; release and activation of the child's speech resource; Formation of creative speech behavior.

8. Implementation of the necessary prophylaxis and correction of psychological development of preschoolers using neuropsychological methods.

9. Adequate satisfaction of the special educational needs of children with disabilities - based on the correct approach to the creation of special conditions for their educational activities.

10. Ensuring each child (taking into account his individual characteristics and inconsistencies) the possibility of self-affirmation, improving self-esteem in the process of formation I - the concept.

11. Ensuring the child the possibilities of a multifaceted selection: in the game, cognitive, research and other activities, throughout the regime moments, in free pastime; support for the initiative and independence of children in different types Activities.

12. Achievement of the necessary degree of continuity of goals, objectives and content of education implemented in the framework of educational programs of preschool and primary general education.

13. Creation of necessary and sufficient conditions for implementation optimal option The interaction of subjects of educational relations - interaction in which the interests of a child, teacher, parents should be provided.

creating a program document that helps educators to organize an educational process in accordance with the requirements of GEF and allowing them to write their OOP on the basis of the approximate program.

Creating conditions for the maximum possible integration of education in different areas development provided for in the standard;

The inclusion of the content of education in the context of the daily lifestyle of the Group, the use of the educational potential of the so-called regime moments;

The formation of a social and objective environment that promotes the assimilation of moral values \u200b\u200band the norms of interpersonal communication through high-quality interaction and communication of children among themselves, as well as children and adults;

Revered by the experience of children's interchange groups;

Development in a kindergarten of a free spontaneous children's game;

Announced partnership with families of pupils.


1) a full-fledged accommodation by a child of all stages of childhood (infant, early and preschool age), enrichment (amplification) of children's development;

2) the construction of educational activities based on the individual characteristics of each child, in which the child himself becomes active in the choice of its formation, becomes the subject of education (hereinafter - the individualization of pre-school education);

3) assistance and cooperation of children and adults, recognition of the child with a full-fledged participant (subject) of educational relations;

4) support for children's initiative in various activities;

5) cooperation of the organization with family;

6) the admission of children to socio-cultural standards, traditions of family, society and state;

7) the formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child in various activities;

8) age-related adequacy of preschool education (compliance of conditions, requirements, agents and development features);

9) Accounting for the ethnocultural situation of the development of children.

1. Principle of full-fledged accommodation by a child of all stages of childhood (infant, early and preschool age), enrichment (amplification) of children's development.

2. The principle of building educational activities based on the individual characteristics of each child, in which the child himself becomes active in the choice of the content of its education becomes a subject of preschool education. 3. Principle of assistance and cooperation of children and adults, recognizing the child with a full-fledged participant (subject) of educational relations. 4. Principle support for children's initiative in various activities. 5. Principle of cooperation with family.

6. Principle of attachment of children to socio-cultural standards, traditions of family, society and state.

7. The principle of formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child in various activities.

8. The principle of age-related adequacy of pre-school education (compliance of conditions, requirements, agents and features of development).

9. The principle of taking into account the ethnocultural situation of the development of children.

1. The implementation of the principle "from the total to the private", the specificity of which at this age is that any private should speak to a child as a manifestation of something in common, i.e. Not in itself, but in the system of other objects or phenomena, based on what their different properties, interdependence. As a result, children in senior preschool age seize the ability to "embed" new objects for them in the systems already developed and use this skill as a means of knowledge. All this allows children to go beyond the specifics, which itself often does not make sense for a child, make generalizations, conclusions, predict some results and find creative solutions. It provides systems approach To organization of content.

2. The integrated principle of organizing the development of the proposed content, which, on the one hand, does not violate the integrity of each of the areas of knowledge (nature, native language, Drawing, etc.), and on the other hand, they are significantly mutually enriched, contributes to their semantic deepening, expands the associative information field of children. This activates in children its own interpretation of different phenomena 8 as verbal and non-verbal means. Children develop wide semantic bonds based on the "unity of affect and intellect" (L.S. Vygotsky).

3. Creating problem situations characterized by a certain level of difficulty related to the absence of a child of ready-made ways to resolve them and the need for their own independent search. As a result, children develop a search activity, the focus on achieving the goal, and the methods found them are generalized and are freely used in new situations, which indicates the development of their thinking and imagination.

4. Visual modeling demonstrating some hidden dependencies and relationships, for example, mathematical (part-integer, one second, one fourth, etc.), which contributes to the beginning of the formation of general categories, logical thinking. 5. Creating conditions for practical experimentation with different materials: both independent, before adults have an adult, as well as dictated by the conditions of the task proposed by the teacher. Wide orientation in the properties of the material significantly activates the search operation of children aimed at finding different solutions, which is one of the indicators of creativity.

6. Accounting for individual features, as personal (leadership, initiative, confidence, determination, etc.) and differences in opportunities and at the rate of tasks, etc. This contributes to the successful development of each child and its emotional well-being.

7. Accounting for the main styles of perception: some children better assimilate the content with a support for visual perception (visual), others - to the auditory (audible), and the third - on the motor and tactile (kinesthetic). And it is very important when the same content is also described, and is shown, and played by children through movements. In this case, children will be able, firstly, it is better to delve into the material and assimilate it, and secondly, all children will gradually develop more weathered types of perception.

8. Creating conditions for the demand of the children themselves mastered in the classes of content in further free activities (game, drawing, design, in the creation of carnival costumes, etc.), which contributes to both development and self-development of children.

9. Accounting for specifics in the development of boys and girls. So girls are more successful in small space and therefore, they easily manage small work in contrast to boys; With perception of texts on rumor, the girls react to the way this is said (emotionally or not), and the boys - in meaning; In the movement, the girls are more expressive, and the boys are more enduring and others. (T.P. Chrysman). However, it is very alarming excessive pedaling of a gender activity in education today, which can lead to distorted ideas.

10. The emphasis-based emphasis on the organization of the productive actions of children-oriented children is essential for the organization of the productive actions. In this regard, there is a balance in organizing the process of perception and productive actions.

1. Standard: full-fledged child stay of all stages of childhood (infant, early and preschool age), enrichment (amplification) of child development. The program correlates with it: positive preferences; natural game; predominance of novelty; optimal diversity; "Through" visualization; Supports on impressions.

2. Standard: Building educational activities based on the individual characteristics of each child, in which the child himself becomes active in the choice of the content of its education becomes the subject of education (hereinafter referred to as the individualization of pre-school education). The program correlates with it: the principle of accounting for an individual educational norm; the principle of "shifting reservoirs" ("educational elevators"); The principle of the path from the child (and not to the child).

3. Standard: Principle of facilitation and cooperation of children and adults, recognition of a child with a full-fledged participant (subject) of educational relations. The program correlates with it: the principle of emotional equality of the child and adult; The principle of joint "educational navigation".

4. Standard: The principle of supporting the initiative of children in various activities. The program correlates with it: the principles of voluntariness and alternative to the actions of the child.

5. Standard: The principle of cooperation between the organization with the family. The program correlates with it: the principle of productive activities of the educational community.

6. Standard: the acquisition of children to sociocultural standards, family traditions, society and state. The program with it correlates: the principle of the development of socio-cultural creativity.

7. Standard: The principle of formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child in various activities. The program correlates with it: the principle of free educational design.

8. Standard: The principle of age-related adequacy of preschool education (compliance of the conditions, requirements, agents and development peculiarities). In the program, it correlates with it: the principle of "crystal shoes" (disclosed, as well as the others, in the methodological application to the approximate program). 9. Standard: The principle of accounting for the ethnocultural situation of children's development. The program with it correlates: the principle of priority of national tolerance.

    corresponds to the principle of developing education, the purpose of which is the development of the child;

combines the principles of scientific validity and practical applicability (the content of the program corresponds to the main provisions of age psychology and pre-school pedagogy and, as experience shows, can be successfully implemented in the mass practice of preschool education);

corresponds to the criteria of completeness, necessity and sufficiency (allowing to solve the objectives and tasks when using a reasonable "minimum" of the material);

provides the unity of educational, developing and training goals and objectives of the education process of children of preschool age, during the implementation of which such qualities are formed, which are key in the development of preschoolers;

it is based on the principle of integrating educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and features of children, the specifics and capabilities of educational regions;

based on a comprehensive-thematic principle of building an educational process;

provides for the solution of program educational tasks in the joint activities of adult and children and independent activities of preschoolers not only within the framework of directly educational activities, but also during regime moments in accordance with the specifics of pre-school education;

ensures the construction of an educational process on adequate age forms of working with children. The main form of working with preschoolers and the leading type of their activity is the game;

allows varying the educational process depending on regional features;

constructed with compliance with the continuity between all age pre-school groups and between kindergarten and elementary school

    Imitation and example

    Rhythm and repetition

    Principle of integrity

    Support on the experienced experience of the child of the world and himself

    Artistic and aesthetic general background

    Requirements for the quality of the subject-developing environment

    The principle of the multi-industrial composition of the group

    Cooperation with children's families

    Integration of elements of traditional folk culture

Content Analysis


P. 230-231

Thus, by analyzing the program of pre-school education for compliance with the GEF, we concluded: educational programs do not contradict the federal state educational standard for preschool education.

Irina Morozova
Variability of exemplary preparation programs (comparative analysis)

« Variability of exemplary preschool education programs»

1 slide. Comparative analysis of approximate general education programs for pre-school education"Rainbow" Edited by E. V. Solovyova and "From birth to school" Edited by N. E. Veracs, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva

2 slide. Program"From birth to school" is innovative secondary software document for preschool educational institutionsprepared with the latest achievements of the science and practice of domestic and foreign preschool education.

Program written in accordance with GEF to. Publishing Mosaic - Synthesis Moscow, 2014

3 slide. To the advantages programs"From birth to school"Of course, it should be attributed to the fact that it covers all age periods of physical and mental development. children: Infant age (from 2 months to 1 of the year: Infant group) ; early age (from 1 year to 3 years: first and second early age groups) ; preschool age(from 3 years before schools: Junior, Middle, Senior and Preparatory for School of Group).

4 slide. Authors the programs called it"Rainbow" by analogies With a seven-color rainbow, because it includes seven critical activities of children and classes, in the course of which is raising and personality education child: physical culture, game, fine Activities and manual work, design, music and plastic art, speech development, familiarization with the surrounding world and mathematics. Each of the sections corresponds to a certain color of the rainbow, emphasizing originality its use in working with preschool children

5 slide. Work by program"Rainbow" It is carried out in various forms of organizing children's activities, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children and activities. Supplied by program The tasks are implemented in so-called everyday training situations, during the mode of mode. Gaming forms and methods of learning and consolidating the knowledge gained are widely used. Great importance An independent cognitive and productive activities of children are attached.

7 slide. Leading goals Programs"From birth to school" - creation of favorable conditions for full-fledged child stay preschool childhood, formation of the basic culture of personality, comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparing for life in modern society, the formation of prerequisites for training activities, ensuring life safety preschooler.

8 slide. Tasks programs"From birth to school". Protection and strengthening the physical and mental health of children, including their emotional well-being.

9. Education of patriotism, active life position, respect for traditional values.

9 slide. Main sections program.


Target section (Explanatory note; Planned OSO development results)

Meaningful section (content educational Activities in five educational areas ; Technologies for the implementation of the content of the OOP in accordance with educational areas; Technologies for creating an atmosphere of joyful stay preschool childhood; Support for children's initiative; Cooperation with family, pedagogical diagnostics; Correctional work and / inclusive education)

Organizational section (routine of the day, organization of the life of the group; Forms of implementation preschool education; Additional paid educational services ; Methodical support; Personnel policy; holidays, events; developing subject-spatial educational environment; sample Calculations of the regulatory costs for the provision of public services for implementation programs)

10 slide. Planned results of development Programs.

Planned results of development Programs. Target landmarks preschool educationAlso completely match up:

12 slide. Features of content programs"From birth to school":

The focus on the development of the child's personality

Patriotic orientation Programs

The focus on moral education, support for traditional values

Fixed focus education

The focus on the preservation and strengthening of children's health. The focus on the accounting of individual characteristics of the child

13 Slide: Features of content programs"Rainbow"

Program"Rainbow" conceived and implemented as covering all the main directions education children aged 2 months to 8 years in kindergarten and provides for the possibility of broad variatives Conditions of operation.

14 Slide: Goals and objectives of interaction with families of pupils

IN program"From birth to school" Object creation required conditions To form a responsible relationship with families of pupils and the development of the competence of parents.

15 slide. Forms of interaction with family ( "From birth to school")

16 slide. Features of the organization of the subject and spatial environment program"From birth to school"

Program"From birth to school" does not impose any special special requirements for equipping a developing subject-spatial environment (like eg, in program Montessori., in addition to the requirements marked in GEF to. With a lack or absence of funding, program can be implemented using equipment that already exists in preschool organization, most importantly, to comply with the requirements of the FSGS to and the principles of the organization of space marked in program.

17 slide. Features of the organization of the subject and spatial environment program"Rainbow"

Education The organization in accordance with the goals created creates a developing subject-spatial environment according to GEF to. Depending on the material and personnel conditions with which the organization has, and the nature of the request, which are presented to her parents, it is possible to organize material and technical support of three levels. Minimum level mat. those. The provision allows you to successfully implement the GEF to in the mass kindergarten, with any, how many modest material possibilities. It implies the creation of teachers and parents in the creation of RPPS, many elements of which are created by their hands with the satisfied participation of children. If the organization has some additional opportunities (pool, theater hall, additional specialists, then the organization has a resource to create a base level. If an organization is focused on working with families having higher requests to education child and ready to fully support the development of MTB DOU, organizes additional paid educational services, You can provide an extended logistical level.

18 Slide. Style "Rainbow" Groups

Developing subject and spatial environment "Rainbow" preschool Group distinguishes the abundance of children's work, for each of which is characterized by the bright individuality of the plan and means of its implementation. Rich zone of cognitive development, math zone and diplomas. Free access for children should always be diverse Fine Materials. Necessarily presence "Shelves of beauty".

19 slide. IN Program The forefront is advanced education, ensuring the formation of the child's personality and the orienting teacher on his individual characteristics, which corresponds to modern scientific "Concepts pre-school education» (Authors V. V. Davydov, V. A. Petrovsky, etc.) On the recognition of self-concreteness preschool period of childhood.

Program"Rainbow" Personality is brought up with a person. Therefore, we know what: It is important for children that the educator is really interested in what he tells;

children want to know about the life and experiences of adults;

the child can well teach only what you like to do;

the child can well teach only that adult he loves;

in "Rainbow" Groups in children do not have the same work;

in "Rainbow" kindergartens do not have the same groups;

each educator creates his day, month, year of life and work with children as a copyright.

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The completion of the preschool period and entering school is a complex and responsible stage in the life of a child. Creating conditions for the successful adaptation of younger students - our total task. "The school should not make a sharp fracture to life. Having become a student, the child continues to do today what he did yesterday. Let the new appear in his life gradually and not stunning an avalanche of impressions "(V.A. Sukhomlinsky).

The problem of continuity and continuity has always been one of the most pressing and important in education. Often readiness for school is considered as a certain amount of knowledge gained and skills.

To the question "How would you like to see a graduate of a kindergarten on the threshold of the school?" Teachers often respond as follows: "Well reading", "knowing the number", "able to solve logical tasks", "able to draw up a story, retell", "able to write off the text without errors to write off the printed letters." Thus, already at the entrance to school life, they make overestimated requirements for children and, despite all the prohibitions, pass them through the input tests.

Parents, fearing not to meet input school tests, try to teach their children fluently read, write, solve complex tasks. They believe that it will be the key to their successful study.

In order to school and parents, many pre-school educational institutions began to duplicate the goals, objectives, forms and methods of primary school. This led to a specific form of active child activity in kindergarten in kindergarten. More and more she is inferior to "learning in classroom".

These problems lie like a serious cargo on the shoulders of the child. Increased loads, overwork, deterioration in children's health, decline in learning motivation, loss of interest in learning, the lack of creative began provoke children's neurosis and other undesirable phenomena when moving to school education.

That is why the construction of continuity between kindergarten and school in the preparation of children to school today requires a new approach.

One of the tasks of a preschool institution is to prepare children to school. The problem of continuity between pre-school and primary education is relevant at all times. It was considered in the works of A.F. Skovikova, Ya.L. Koloming, A.A. Lublin, A.M. Leushina, V.D. Lysenko, N.N. Podyakova, V.A. Silivon, A.P. Ushovaya and others. The same problem is trying to solve modern teachers, and educational media psychologists.

preschool education educational

1. Theoretical foundations of continuity in the work of a pre-school educational institution and elementary school

1.1 Concept of continuity in the preparation of a child for school

The concept of continuity in the philosophical dictionary denotes a continuous process of education and teaching a child who has common and specific goals for each age period, i.e. - This is a connection between different levels of development, the essence of which is to maintain certain elements of the whole or individual characteristics during the transition to a new state.

Under the continuity, a consistent transition from one stage of education to another, expressed in the preservation and gradual change in the content, forms, methods, training technologies and education is understood.

The purpose of continuity is to provide a full-fledged personal development, the physiological and psychological well-being of the child in the transitional period from preschool education for school, aimed at promising formation of a child's personality with a support for its previous experience and accumulated knowledge.

Senior preschool age is an important stage in the development of a child with the laws of mental development inherent in it. Ignoring this fact, namely an attempt to intensify the development of the child by earlier start, studying it, according to school type, leads to a distorted development of children, in connection with this, it is necessary to take into account the provision on leading activities that the game is in older age.

The task of the kindergarten is the upbringing and development of the child (the development of its motivational sphere, thinking, memory, attention, etc.), and not to teach him the simplest school skills. Without gaming activities in senior preschool age, the full mental development of a child preschooler is impossible. The readiness for school learning arises as a result of a full-fledged childhood residence of the preschool period, involving the presence of leading gaming activities. As well as all traditional types of children who are engaged in their team independently and with adults.

It is necessary to strive for the organization of a single developing world - pre-school and primary education. It was with the release of federal state educational standards of primary general education and federal state requirements for the main general educational program of pre-school education that began to ensure the continuity of two elements of the education system. Unified theoretical foundations, principles of organizing educational work with children, continuity and coherence of goals, objectives, methods, funds, forms of organizing education and training, ensuring the effective translation of the child, are the basis for the implementation in practice to solve the problem of continuity.

The continuity in the work of the DOA and elementary school is that the first class come children who want to learn and can learn, i.e. They should be developed by those psychological prerequisites for mastering educational activities, which relies the first school class program. These include: cognitive and educational motivation, the appearance of coented behavior and activity motives, the ability to work according to the sample and on the rule associated with the development of arbitrary behavior, the ability to generalize usually arises no earlier than by the end of senior preschool age. And in the event of an outstanding game classes in school type - even later. Therefore, it is inappropriate to shorten the preschool period with children's classes and leading gaming activities.

Preparation for the school and, which is much more important, the comprehensive development of the child is a process requiring close attention and a long time.

As grounds for the implementation of the continuity of pre-school and primary school education today allocate:

1. State of health and physical development of children.

2. The level of development of their cognitive activity as the necessary component of educational activities.

3. Mental and moral abilities of students.

4. The formation of them creative imaginationas directions of personal and intellectual Development.

5. Development of communicative skills, i.e. Ability to communicate with adults and peers.

The key point in the implementation of continuity is to determine the readiness of the child to school training. Psychologists and teachers allocate overall and special readiness for school. Consequently, B. preschool institution Must be carried out general and special training.

1.2 General and Special Training Preparation

One of the tasks of the pre-school educational institution is to prepare children to school. The transition of a child to school is a qualitatively new stage in its development. The preparation result is readiness for school. These two terms are related to their causal relationships: School willingness directly depends on the quality of preparation.

General preparation (readiness).

1. Physical readiness: general physical development: normal weight, growth, chest volume, muscle tone, proportions, skin and other indicators that meet the norms of physical development of boys and girls of 6-7-year-old age in the country. Condition of view, hearing, motor skills (especially small movements of hands and finger brushes). condition nervous system Child: the degree of its excitability and balance, strength and mobility. General health. Physical readiness for school involves overall good health, low fatigue, high performance, endurance. Weakened children will often be sick, quickly tired, their performance will fall, which cannot but affect the results of training in school. Therefore, from the very early age, teachers and parents must take care of the health of children.

2. Intellectual readiness: In the content of intellectual readiness include not only vocabulary, horizons, special skills, but also the level of development of cognitive processes; their focus on the nearest development zone, the highest forms of visual-shaped thinking; The ability to allocate the learning task, turn it into an independent goal of activity.

3. Socio-psychological, moral and volitional readiness for school: the formation of a new social position ("the internal position of the schoolboy"); Formation of a group of moral qualities necessary for teaching. In the group of moral qualities necessary for the exercise include independence, responsibility, the ability to bring the case to the end, overcome difficulties, discipline, perfection, the presence of interest in knowledge. Also, the readiness for a new way of life involves the ability to establish positive relations with peers, knowledge of the norms of behavior and relationship, the ability to communicate with children and adults. A new way of life will require such personal qualities as honesty, initiative, optimism, etc.

4. Psychological readiness for school involves the formation of a motive of the exercise.

Special training for school:

Successfully master the first-class program can only those children who already have initial knowledge of the school program. However, our task as teachers is not a quantitative accumulation of children's knowledge, but the formation of skills to analyze, compare, summarize, make independent conclusions. We can teach a child to count to 100, but this does not guarantee its success in learning mathematics. It is primarily the awareness of knowledge and skills, an understanding of causal relationships, the ability to allocate and hold the learning task.

As criteria for the preparation of a child to school, the following indicators can be taken:

1) normal physical development and coordination of movements;

2) desire to learn;

3) managing their behavior;

4) possession of mental techniques;

5) manifestation of independence;

6) attitude to comrades and adults;

7) attitude to work;

8) the ability to navigate in space and notebook.

So, on the basis of all of the foregoing, we can argue that the preparation of children to school should be versatile and begin long before the receipt of children to school.

Preparation of children to school is carried out simultaneously by two institutions of education: dough and family. Only by joint efforts you can get the desired result.

In the implementation of continuity, it is important to draw attention to the execution of the teacher assigned functions (health, organizational, educational, etc.), on knowledge of pedagogy, psychology, methods of education, his erudition.

1.3 Forms of continuity

To make the transition of children to school softer, give them the opportunity to adapt to new conditions faster, the teachers should meet with forms, methods of work in preschool institutions, since the psychological difference between the six-year-old and seven-year-old child is not so great. And the familiarization of the preschoolers themselves with the school, educational and social life of schoolchildren makes it possible to expand the corresponding ideas of pupils of kindergartens, to develop interest in their school, desire to learn.

The mechanism for the implementation of continuity, its components function with certain forms and methods implemented in the process specifically organized activity Administrations, teachers of kindergarten, teachers primary classes to create conditions for the effective and painless transition of children to primary school.

Forms of successive connections

Pedagogical tips, seminars, round tables of teachers dough, school teachers and parents actual issues continuity;

Planning and implementing joint practical activities of teachers and teachers with children - preschoolers and first graders (holidays, exhibitions, sports competitions);

Psychological and communicative trainings for educators and teachers;

Interaction medical workers, psychologists of the Doo and school;

Holding "graduates" in DOU;

Jointly with the school's recruitment of 1 classes from graduates of DW and diagnostics to determine the readiness of children to school;

Meetings of parents with future teachers;

Questioning, testing of parents to study the health of the family on the eve of the child's school life and in the period of adaptation to school;

Game trainings and workshops for parents of children of preschool age.

Successful work on continuity can be carried out only with the joint work of the teacher and the educator.

The main tasks of the cooperation of DOU and School are:

The creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions providing a favorable course of the process of adapting first-graders to school training (the natural transition from kindergarten to school);

Improving training for school education 5-6 year old children;

Deepening interest in life at school;

Assistance to the family in a new situation arising from training for school training and when entering a child to school.

Mutual visit to the school and kindergarten teacher and educator,

Participation in pedagogical councils,

Mutual counseling, seminars, master class;

Joint holding the parent meeting by the educator and teacher, organization of conferences,

Study of education programs in the preschool institution and the first class school program, etc.

Psychological and communicative trainings for educators and teachers;

Diagnostics to determine the readiness of children to school;

The interaction of medical workers, psychologists of the DW and School;

Open shows of educational activities in Dow and open lessons at school;

Pedagogical and psychological observations.

In the school at first grader, everything is collapsed at once: and new rules of behavior, and training information. Therefore, it is better to prepare a baby to the coming change in the usual conditions, gradually step by step introducing new settings that meet new requirements.

Forms of dating preschoolers with school.

Space-playing games can be provided with great help, in particular, the game "To School".

Any plot role-playing game includes five components. This includes:

1. Things - physical, natural or man created by a person.

2. Place - Arena, on which there is an action.

3. Acting - participating people.

4. Organization - norms and rules that regulate the actions of people, information.

5. The meaning of the ideas that need to be learned.

The plot role-playing game "To school" helps the child to successfully enter school life, master the necessary experience. The game forms the ability to use the speech, the ability to negotiate (set the rules, distribute the roles), the ability to manage and be manageable. The child actively masters the "world of things" (cognitive and subjective practical activity) and the "world of people" (norms of human relationship). All this is necessary for the future first grader.

It is important that the reporting information about the school is not only clear to the child, but also feeling them. For this use:

1. Excursions (to the school building, then to the library, in the gym, in class, in the dining room).

2. Consider the picture "School"

3. Reading and analyzing child artistic literature on school life, memorizing poems.

4. Drawing on topics: "School building", "My impressions of the excursion to the school library", "Class".

5. Conversations, adult stories about their studies and favorite teachers.

6. Familiarization with proverbs and sayings, which emphasize the importance of the book, teachings and labor.

7. Consider school supplies and make riddles about them.

8.There and didactic games for school themes.

9. Familiarity and interaction of preschoolers with teachers and primary school students;

10. Participation in joint educational activities, gaming programs;

11. Meetings and conversations with former pupils of kindergarten (primary and high school students);

12. Joint holidays (knowledge day, dedication to first-graders, graduation in kindergarten, etc.) and sports competitions of preschoolers and first-graders;

13. Participation in theatrical activity;

14. A visit to preschool children of an adaptation course of classes organized at school (classes with a psychologist, speaking copist, music director, etc. School specialists).

It is advisable not to wrap on a child all school innovations immediately, but pay attention to some or one of the sides of school life, and the remaining components of the situation have not yet to affect. Let it first be things, educational supplies, the school form, which can be viewed in the pictures, and then go to school, sit at the desk.

A child in gentle mode, without a temporary limitation, will familiarize themselves with the appearance and purpose of things that will soon become its constant surroundings. Another time it is worth staying on the norms and rules, trying in the game of the teacher to present certain requirements for the "student" in the game. Next, the object of attention can be textbooks that are useful not only to watch and scroll through, but also try "Ponaroshka" to perform any simple task.

The importance of the problem of educating a positive attitude to school has no doubt. From how our work will be carried out, its success and effectiveness will depend on. "The school should not make a sharp change in the life of children. Let, becoming a student, the child continues to do today what did yesterday. Let the new appearing in his life gradually and not stunning an avalanche of impressions "- so wrote V.A. Sukhomlinsky about the acquaintance of children with a school in preschool education.

Education of a positive attitude towards school of preschool children is one of the topical problems of modern pedagogy.

But we cannot fully prepare a child for school, if we do not act with their parents in one way.

Pedagogical education of parents.

Parents play an important role in educating a positive attitude towards school. Without close interconnection with the family it is impossible to build its work. In working with parents, you can use the following forms of work:

Joint parental meetings with teachers of Dou and school teachers;

Round tables, discussion meetings, pedagogical "living rooms";

Parent conferences, evenings of questions and answers;

Consultations with teachers of the DW and School (consultation on the topic: "How to choose a school", "What if your child is not accepted to school", "a little about the game", etc.).

Meetings of parents with future teachers;

Open days;

Creative workshops;

Questioning, testing of parents to study the health of the family on the eve of the school life of the child and during the period of adaptation to the school (voice spectacle on the topic "How to help learn");

Educational and gaming trainings and workshops for parents of pre-school children, business games, workshops;

Family evenings, thematic leisure activities;

Visual means of communication (stand material, exhibitions, mailbox questions and answers, etc.): oral magazine

- "Your child is the future first grader"

- "Knowledge, skills and skills necessary for the future first grader."

- "8 advice to parents of future first graders."

Exhibition on the topic: "This is necessary for school."

The publication of the newspaper, which helps to inform the parents about the child's life in the institution.

Meetings of parent clubs (classes for parents and for child-parent couple).

An important role in ensuring the continuity of preschool and school education is played by a detailed study of the submissions of parents and teachers about each other, which will lead them to the interaction and developing joint recommendations.

It is known that the "smooth" continuity in the development of man does not have any transition to a new state, even the most pleasant thing is always stress.

Since it is almost impossible to do without stress, it is necessary to try to "make" them less harmful and more useful for development.

Continuity is a smooth transition from a pre-school institution to school.

The child should not be afraid of a new building, but also should not be used to him so that the effect of novelty, surprise, attractiveness.

2. Preschool program

2.1 Comparative analysis of FGT and GEF programs

After performing a comparative analysis of two programs, you can draw the following conclusions.

1) The basis of FGT and GEF is the unified theoretical and methodological basis - the system-activity approach, which involves:

Education and development of the personal qualities that meet the requirements of the information society, an innovative economy;

Formation of readiness for self-development and continuous education;

Active educational and educational activities of students;

Construction of the educational process, taking into account the individual age, psychological and physiological features students.

2) It can also be noted that the educational process uses uniform forms of operation:

Joint activity of children

Joint activities of adult and children

Independent activities

3) Next: Objectives of GEF are a continuation of the goals supplied by FGT:

The development of physical qualities is to strengthen physical health.

The formation of educational prerequisites - the formation of the bases of the ability to learn and the ability to organize their activities

The formation of a common culture, the development of intellectual and personal qualities - spiritual and moral development and upbringing.

Thus, the kindergarten in our understanding is the foundation of education, and the school is the building itself, where educational potential is being developed, the basic culture of the individual.

4) The main purpose of GEF and FGT is the formulation and provision of three interrelated requirements installed at the federal level: the results, structure and conditions for the implementation of the main educational programs.

5) Compare program structures. The program of preschool institutions has defined 5 points, in the Primary School Program - 11. Consider the points of contacting two programs.

The planned results of the development of the study of the main educational program of primary general education planned results of the development of children of the main educational program of pre-school education

The system of assessing the achievement of the planned results of the development of the main educational program of primary general education The system of monitoring the achievements of the planned results is the organization of the residence regime in an educational institution

Training items:

- "Russian language"

- "Literary reading"

- "Mathematics"

- "The world"

- "Art"

- "Music"

- "Technology"

- "Physical education"

- "Foreign language"

- "Physical education"

- "Health"

- "Safety"

- "Socialization"

- "Cognition"

- "Communication"

- "Reading fiction"

- "Artistic Creativity"

- "Music"

Correctional work program Correctional content (for children with disabilities).

Plan of extracurricular activities Organization of the regime of children's stay in an educational institution.

I would like to draw your attention to three areas that require a special explanation: "Socialization" - the content of the educational region is aimed at achieving the objectives of mastering the initial ideas of a social nature and the inclusion of children in the system social relationship Through the solution of the following tasks:

Development of the game activity of children;

Admission to elementary generally accepted standards and rules of relationship with peers and adults (including moral);

Formation of gender, family, civil affiliation, patriotic feelings, feelings of belonging to the world community.

"Cognition" - the content of the educational area is aimed at achieving the development goals in children of cognitive interests, the intellectual development of children through the solution of the following tasks:

Sensory development;

Development of informative and research and productive (constructive) activities;

Formation of elementary mathematical representations;

Formation of a holistic picture of the world, expansion of the horizons of children.

"Communication" - the content of the educational area is aimed at achieving the objectives of mastering the constructive methods and means of interaction with the surrounding people through the solution of the following tasks:

Development of free communication with adults and children;

The development of all components of the oral speech of children (the lexical side, the grammatical system of speech, the spoken side of speech; connected speech of dialogical and monological forms) in various forms and types of children's activities;

Practical mastering by pupils of speech standards.

6) in connection with the transition of primary school to new education standards, the issue of forming universal training actions is of particular importance.

According to Gos Wood, the set of ways of action, thanks to which the child is developing all the components of the training activities.

As a result of the study of all items in elementary school, graduates should be formed universal training actions as the basis of the ability to learn.

In preschool age, only prerequisites for universal training actions are formed.

In relation to the moment of receipt of the child, the following prerequisites for regulatory universal training actions can be distinguished.

Wood on children when entering school planned results by the end of grade 1

Knows how to treat himself positively, has a sense of self-esteem - understands the proposals and evaluation of teachers, comrades, parents and other people, can evaluate themselves to the criteria proposed by adults

Positively applies to school

Knows how to relate to others, responsive to the experiences of another person

Knowledges the dignity of others - it is necessary to navigate in the moral content and sense, both own actions and the actions of the surrounding people

Knows how to respect someone else's opinion

Knows how to understand the feelings of other people and empathize them

Knows how to take care of his things - knows how to carefully treat material values

Respes and accepts the values \u200b\u200bof the family and society

Loves his homeland and their land

Knows how to interact with peers by adults through participation in joint games and their organizations, negotiate, negotiate in the game, take into account the interests of others in the game, restrain their emotions in the game

In the society, peers knows how to choose a race of classes, partners - knows how to interact with peers in joint activities, negotiate, take into account the interests of others, restrain their emotions

Knows how to discuss the problems arising, rules

Can support the conversation to an interesting topic for him - knows how to discuss the problems arising, rules

Can support the conversation on an interesting topic

Knows how to show independence in different types of children's activities

Knows how to make self-esteem and for himself and its actions to show independence in different types of children's activities

Knows how to make self-esteem and his actions

Knows how to openly outer peace and feel confident in their abilities - it is necessary to adapt to some difficult situations

It can be seen that the prerequisites of universal educational actions of the preschooler find their development at the initial stage of education.

7) Now consider the requirements for the results of two programs.

The final result of the development of the main general educational program of pre-school education is the formed integrative qualities of the child. In the dictionary, the concept of integration is the process by which parts are connected to the whole. At the personal level is the condition of the body, when all components of the elements of the individual, its features or qualities are agreed as a whole.

Summarizing and comparing Requirements for a graduation Dow in accordance with FGT and requirements for the results of students, primary general education in accordance with GEF, we can trace a clear continuity.

Summing up the comparative analysis of FGT and GEF, it can be said that both of these documents are closely related to each other. The beginning began to ensure the continuity of the educational program of pre-school educational institutions with exemplary basic general educational programs of primary general education. The duplication of software areas of knowledge is eliminated, the implementation of a single line of the overall development of the child at the stages of preschool and school childhood is ensured.

Such an approach to the implementation of a single line for the development of the child at the stages of preschool and primary school education can give the pedagogical process a holistic, consistent and promising nature.

And, finally, the two levels of education will act not isolated from each other, but in a close relationship, which will allow the school to rely on the development of the child received in the preschool institution.

2.2 FGT and GEF programs

"The program of cooperation between educational institutions for the continuity of pre-school and primary general education in the framework of the implementation of FGT and GEF".

The introduction of federal state requirements (FGT) to the structure of the preschool program, the conditions for its implementation and adoption of new federal state educational standards (GEF) of primary school education - an important stage of the continuity of the activity of kindergarten and school. The introduction of educational standards approved at the state level significantly contributes to ensuring the continuity and prospects for improving the quality of education in a holistic education system. Analysis of the situation shows that this trend should remain a characteristic feature of the future education system.

School preparation is often considered as an earlier study of the first-class program and is reduced to the formation of narrow-consuming knowledge and skills. In this case, the continuity between preschool and junior school age is not determined by the fact that the future student schoolboy has been developed necessary for the implementation of new training activities, whether its prerequisites have been formed, and its presence or absence of certain knowledge of educational subjects. However, numerous studies of psychologists and teachers show that the presence of knowledge in itself does not determine the success of learning, it is much more important that the child knows themselves to extract them and apply them.

This is an activity approach that underlies state educational standards.

What is an activity approach? Teaching activities in an educational sense - it means to do the teaching motivated, to learn the child to independently put the goal and find ways, including funds, its achievements, help the child to form the ability to control and self-control, assessment and self-esteem.

Therefore, the leading goal of preparing for school should be the formation of the qualities of the qualities necessary for the mastery of educational activities - curiosity, initiative, independence, arbitrariness, creative self-expression of the child, etc.

Meanwhile, it should be remembered that the continuity between preschool and school levels of education should not be understood only as the preparation of children for learning. It is important to ensure the preservation of preschool claims, when the most important features of the future person are laid. Social skills and skills of the future schoolboy needed to adapt to school should be formed. It is necessary to seek the organization of a single educational world - pre-school and primary education. The solution of this issue is also laid in the program.

Considering that continuing education acts as a connection, the consistency and promise of all components of the system (goals, objectives, contents, methods, means, forms of organizing education and training) at each stage of education, the solution of the problem of continuity we see in the creation of an elementary school cooperation program and kindergarten, which would reflect this relationship, consistency and prospects. We defined the goal and task of the program.

Purpose: Implement a single line for the development of the child at the stages of preschool and initial school children, giving a pedagogical process a holistic consistent promising nature.

The main tasks of the ROU and school cooperation:

Establishing the unity of aspirations and views on the educational process between the kindergarten, family and school;

Development of common goals and educational tasks, ways to achieve outlined results;

Creating conditions for a favorable interaction of all participants in the educational process - educators, teachers, children and parents;

Comprehensive psychological and pedagogical education of parents;

Provision psychological assistance in the awareness of their own family and social resources that contribute to overcoming problems with the admission of a child to school;

Formation in families of a positive attitude to the active public and social activities Children.

The most important condition for the effectiveness of work on the establishment of successive ties of kindergartens and school is a clear understanding of the goals, objectives and content of continuity.

General goals of education of preschool and primary school age:

Education of a moral man;

Protection and strengthening the physical and mental health of children;

Preservation and support of the individuality of the child, the physical, mental development of children.

Continuity of pre-school and primary education involves the solution of the following priority tasks:

On the pre-school stage:

Acquisition of children to the values \u200b\u200bof a healthy lifestyle;

Ensuring the emotional well-being of each child, the development of his positive self-assumption;

Development, initiative, curiosity, arbitrariness, creative self-expression ability;

Formation of various knowledge of the world around the world, stimulating the communicative, cognitive, game, etc. The activity of children in various activities;

Development of competence in the field of relations to peace, to people, to themselves; The inclusion of children in various forms of cooperation (with adults and children of different ages).

In accordance with the standard at the stage of elementary school, it is carried out:

The formation of the foundations of civil identity and worldview of students; Formation of the basics of ability to learn and the ability to organize its activities,

The ability to take, maintain goals and follow them in training activities, plan their activities, to carry out its control and evaluation, interact with teacher and peers in the educational process;

Spiritual and moral development and education of students, providing for the adoption of moral norms, moral installations, national values;

Conscious adoption of the values \u200b\u200bof a healthy lifestyle and regulation of their behavior in accordance with them; Improving advances in pre-school development, special help on the development of qualifications formed in preschool childhood;

Individualization of the learning process, especially in cases of advanced development or backlog.

Expected results.

The result of the implementation of the cooperation program should be the creation of a comfortable continuity subject-developing educational environment:

Providing high quality education, its availability, openness and attractiveness for students, pupils, their parents (legal representatives) and all society, spiritual and moral development and education of students and pupils;

Guaranteeing and strengthening the physical, psychological and social health of students and pupils;

Comfortable in relation to students, pupils (including disabilities) and pedagogical workers.

The result of the fruitful cooperation of teachers of the elementary school and pre-school institution, parents (legal representatives) of pupils and students should be the development of the integrative qualities of the preschooler, who serve as the basis for the formation of the competences necessary for training in school.

Integrative qualities of a child-preschooler who are marked in federal state requirements for the structure of the main educational program of pre-school education, one can designate a portrait of a graduate Dow.


1. R.A. Dolzikova, G.M. Fedosimov, N.N. Kulichich, I.P. Ishchenko "Implementation of continuity in training and educating children in the Dow and elementary school", Moscow, school press, 2008.

2. Vygotsky hp "Favorites psychological research"(The problem of learning and mental development of a child at school age), Moscow, 2009.

3. Elkonin D.B. To the problem of periodization of mental development in childhood. - M., 2008.

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Analysis of the program "from birth to school" based on the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education
The approximate program "from birth to school" was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education (Order No. 1155 of October 17, 2013) and is intended for use in pre-school educational organizations for the formation of basic educational programs (OOP to).

The main taskfacing the authors of the program is the creation of a program document that helps the teachers to organize an educational process in accordance with the requirements of GEF and allowing them to write their OOP on the basis of the approximate program.

Leading goals of the program - the creation of favorable conditions for a complete residence of a child of preschool childhood, the formation of the basic culture of the personality, the full development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparing for life in modern society, to school education, ensuring the security of the vital activity of the preschooler.

Special attention in the program is paid to the development of the identity of the child, the preservation and strengthening of the health of children, as well as education in preschoolers, such as:


Active life position;

Creative approach in solving various life situations;

Respect for traditional values.

These goals are implemented in the process of various types of children's activities: game, communicative, labor, educational, research, productive, musical and artistic, reading.
To achieve the goals of the program, paramount importance are:

Caring for health, emotional well-being and timely comprehensive development of each child;

The creation of a humane and friendly atmosphere in groups to all pupils, which allows them to raise them with sociable, kind, inquisitive, initiative, seeking independence and creativity;

Maximum use of various types of children's activities, their integration in order to increase the effectiveness of the educational process;

Creative organization (creativity) of the educational process;

The variability of the use of educational material, which allows to develop creativity in accordance with the interests and inclination of each child;

Respectful attitude to the results of children's creativity;

Unity of approaches to raising children in pre-school educational institutions and families; . Compliance with the work of the kindergarten and primary school of continuity, excluding mental and physical overload in the content of education of preschool children, ensuring the absence of substantive learning pressure.

The decision of the targets marked in the program and tasks is possible only with systematic and targeted support for the teacher of various forms of children's activity and initiative, starting from the first days of the child's stay in a preschool educational institution.

The program for the forefront, the developing function of education is put forward, ensuring the formation of the child's personality and the orienting teacher on its individual features, which corresponds to the modern scientific "concept of pre-school education" (authors of 8 V. V. Davydov, V. A. Petrovsky et al.) Recognition of the self-composition of the preschool period of childhood.

The program is built on the positions of humane-personal attitudes towards the child and is aimed at its comprehensive development, the formation of spiritual and universal values, as well as abilities and integrative qualities. The program does not have a harsh regulation of knowledge of children and subject centrism in training.
When developing the program, the authors relied on the best traditions of domestic pre-school education, its fundamentality: a comprehensive solution to the tasks for the protection of life and to strengthen the health of children, comprehensive education, amplification (enrichment) of development on the basis of the organization of various types of children's creative activities.
A special role in the program is given to gaming activities as leading in preschool childhood (A. N. Leontiev, A. V. Zaporozhets, D. B. Elkonin, etc.). The authors of the program were based on the most important didactic principle - developing training and at the scientific situation of L. S. Vygotsky that properly organized training "leads" by the development. Education and mental development cannot act as two separate, independent processes, but at the same time, "education serves as a necessary and universal form of child development" (V. V. Davydov).
Thus, development within the framework of the program acts as the most important result of the success of the education and education of children. The program comprehensively represented all the main content lines of education and child education from birth to school.
The program is based on the principle of culturality. The implementation of this principle ensures the accounting of national values \u200b\u200band traditions in education, the disadvantages of spiritual and moral and emotional education focuses.
Education is considered as the process of attoring a child to the main components of human culture (knowledge, morality, art, work).

The main criterion for selecting software is its educational value, a high artistic level of the works of culture (classical and folk - both domestic and foreign), the possibility of the development of comprehensive abilities of the child at every stage of preschool childhood (E. A. Fleina, N. P. Sakulina, N. A. Vetlugin, N. S. Karpinskaya).

Program "from birth to school":
. corresponds to the principle of developing education, the purpose of which is the development of the child;
Combines the principles of scientific validity and practical applicability (the content of the program corresponds to the main provisions of age psychology and preschool pedagogy and, as experience shows, can be successfully implemented in the mass practice of preschool education);
. complies with the criteria of completeness, need and sufficiency (allowing to solve the goals and objectives when using a reasonable "minimum" of the material);
. Provides the unity of educational, developing and training goals and objectives of the education process of children of preschool age, during the implementation of which such qualities are formed, which are key in the development of preschoolers;
. It is based on the principle of integrating educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and features of children, the specifics and capabilities of educational regions;
. based on a comprehensive-thematic principle of building an educational process;
. provides for the solution of software educational tasks in the joint activities of adult and children and independent activities of preschoolers not only within the framework of directly educational activities, but also during regime moments in accordance with the specifics of pre-school education;
. Ensures the construction of an educational process on adequate age forms of working with children. The main form of working with preschoolers and the leading type of their activity is the game;
. allows varying the educational process depending on regional features;
. It is based on compliance with the continuity between all age-related pre-school groups and between a kindergarten and elementary school. Distinctive features of the program "from birth to school"

The focus on the development of the child's personality
The priority of the program is to raise a free, self-confident person, with an active life position, seeking creatively approaching the solution of various life situations having a view and who can defend him.

Patriotic focus of the program
The program pays great attention to upbringing in children of patriotic feelings, love to the Motherland, pride for its achievements, confidence that Russia is a great multinational country with the heroic past and a happy future. The focus on moral education, support for traditional values. Education of respect for traditional values, such as love for parents, respect for the elder, caring attitude towards kids, elderly people; the formation of traditional gender representations; Education in children of aspirations in their actions follow a positive example.

Further education
The program is aimed at developing in children of cognitive interest, desire for knowledge, positive motivation to further education at school, Institute; Understanding that all people need to receive education. Formation of attitudes towards education as one of the leading life values.

The focus on the preservation and strengthening of children's health
One of the main tasks that the program has been taught before the educators is concern for the preservation and strengthening of children's health, the formation of elementary ideas about a healthy lifestyle, education of useful habits, including habits for healthy nutrition, musculosity needs.

The focus on the accounting of individual characteristics of the child
The program is aimed at ensuring the emotional well-being of each child, which is achieved by taking into account the individual characteristics of children as in the organization of life organization (approaching the day of the day to the individual characteristics of the child, etc.), and in forms and ways of interaction with the child (manifestation of respect for his individuality , sensitivity to its emotional states, supporting his self-esteem, etc.).

Features of the structure of the program "from birth to school"
The most significant structural characteristic of the program "from birth to school" is the principle of filing material - the content of psychological and pedagogical work is set out in the program on educational areas, in each of which the main objectives and objectives and the content of psychological and pedagogical work are indicated.
The content of psychological and pedagogical work in educational areas is outlined on thematic blocks, within which the material is presented by age groups. Such a structure of the program allows you to see the time perspective of the development of the child's qualities, makes it possible to get flexible to the choice of software content, it is easier to enter the variable part.
Flexibility of the choice of software content, taking into account the level of child's development
In each thematic block, the material is presented by age groups. For example, the "Social and Communicative Development" in the educational field "Moral education" is allocated, in which the content of psychological and pedagogical work is presented by age groups. This makes it possible to see the time prospect of the development of the moral qualities of the preschooler, which allows the teacher to more fully take into account the individual features of children and put the tasks, relying not so much on age recommendations as the individual level of child development. Coverage of all age periods (from birth to school)

The benefits of the program "from birth to school" will certainly be attributed to the fact that it covers all age periods of the physical and mental development of children: early age - from birth to 2 years old (first and second early age groups); Junior Preschool age - from 2 to 4 years old (the first and second junior groups), the middle preschool age - from 4 to 5 years (secondary group), senior preschool age - from 5 to 7 years (senior and preparatory to school group).

Easy to introduce a variable part
The presentation of the content of the program on thematic blocks allows, when writing the OOP, it is easy to form a variable part (part formed by the participants of the educational process) - take into account the species diversity of the educational organization, priority areas, introduce a regional component, etc. In particular, an educational organization can replace one or more sense blocks into partial and copyright programs or rewrite the content of these sections on their own. The only requirement - the variable part must correspond to the GEF and should not contradict the goals and objectives of the program "from birth to school".

The presence of a separate section on the development of gaming activity is explained by the fact that in preschool age, the game is a leading activity and should be present in all psychological and pedagogical work, and not only in one of the regions. Recognizing the exclusive importance of the development of the gaming activity of the preschooler, the authors complemented the program to a separate chapter dedicated to the game. This chapter discloses the content of psychological and pedagogical work on the development of gaming activities for each age period, which allows the teacher to comprehensively see all aspects of gaming activities in progressive development.

Interaction with families of pupils.
In the section "The interaction of a kindergarten with family" describes the main forms of working with parents of pupils, the use of which allows teachers to successfully implement a general educational program of pre-school education. An important advantage of the program is that it is provided with allowances for classes with a child at home - books of the School of Seven Dwarfs.
The variability of the content of the inclusive and correctional education section within the framework of the program in the program presents two sections on inclusive and correctional education: "Inclusive practice in combined orientation groups" and "Correctional work in the DOO (according to educational regions)". Both sections correspond to GEF, but demonstrate a different approach to solving similar tasks. Teachers can choose the option that is more suitable for working in this preschool institution, or combine both options. Availability of an application with detailed listings in the modern program of the program all exemplary lists are submitted to the application. This significantly reduces the substantive part of the program and facilitates its perception. In addition, such a construction of the program allows you to see how the content of exemplary lists varies depending on the age of children. For example, it is now easy to see and analyze what is recommended for reading children in each of the age groups.

Development of a complete training and methodological kit to the program
The obvious advantage of the program is that it is provided with a complete teaching and methodological kit, including methodological benefits on all lines and directions of child development, comprehensive-thematic planning, visual aids and workbooks, as well as benefits on the work of a psychologist in DoO, for inclusive education and Family kindergarten work. At the same time, the training and methodological support of the program is a constantly developing tool professional activityreflecting modern achievements and trends in the domestic and world preschool education.

Organization of monitoring the conditions for the implementation of the FGOS to on the example of the program "from birth to school".
Planned results of the development of the program Target Landmarks The specificity of preschool childhood (flexibility, plasticity of the child's development, high scatter of its development options, its immediacy and involuntary) does not allow to require a child of preschool age to achieve specific educational results and necessitates the need to determine the results of the development of the educational program in the form of targets .

The targets of pre-school education, presented in GEF, should be considered as the socio-normative age characteristics of possible achievements of the child. This is a landmark for teachers and parents denoting the focus of educational activities of adults. Target guards marked in GEFs are common to the entire educational space of the Russian Federation, but each of the exemplary programs has its own distinctive features, its priorities, targets that do not contradict GEF to, but can deepen and supplement its requirements.
Thus, the target guidelines of the program "from birth to school" are based on GEF before and objectives and objectives marked in an explanatory note to the program "from birth to school" and in the part that coincides with the standards is given in the FGE text.
In the presented system for assessing the results of the program, modern trends are reflected related to a change in the understanding of the quality assessment of pre-school education. First of all, we are talking about the gradual shift of the accent from an objective (test) approach towards an authentic assessment.
Pedagogical diagnostics Implementation of the program "from birth to school" involves an assessment individual Development Children. Such an assessment is made by a pedagogical worker in the framework of pedagogical diagnostics (assessing the individual development of preschool children related to the evaluation of the effectiveness of pedagogical actions and - diagnosis is carried out during the observations of the activity of children in spontaneous and specially organized activities.

Tools for pedagogical diagnostics - Childhood observation cards, allowing to fix individual dynamics and prospects for the development of each child during:
. Communications with peers and adults (as changing ways to establish and maintain contact, mapping joint decisions, conflict resolutions, leadership, etc.);
. game activity;
. cognitive activity (as the development of children's abilities, cognitive activity);
. project activities (as the development of children's initiative, responsibility and autonomy is being developed, as the ability to plan and organize their activities);
. artistic activities;
. physical development.
The results of pedagogical diagnostics can be used exclusively to solve the following educational tasks:
1) individualization of education (including the support of the child, building its educational trajectory or professional correction of the features of its development);
2) optimization of working with a group of children. In the course of educational activities, teachers should create diagnostic situations to assess the individual dynamics of children and adjust their actions.

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