Non-verbal form of communication, facial expressions and gestures. Non-verbal communication

Plant encyclopedia 12.10.2019
Plant encyclopedia

Sometimes the words of people do not correspond to their true beliefs and intentions. To figure out what your interlocutor is really thinking about, non-verbal gestures will help. Be a little more attentive when communicating. This will give you a lot more information than your opponent would like to convey.

Is it true?

Many people are skeptical about such an issue as Gestures, facial expressions are perceived as something natural and mechanical. But taking into account this fact, we can talk about the objectivity of the non-verbal mechanism. Psychologists have dedicated many scientific works this issue. But if this is not an argument for skeptics, it is enough to conduct an independent observation. So, for example, having learned to decipher the thoughts and feelings of your family and friends, later you will be able to see through strangers.

Of course, do not forget that there are exceptions to the rule. So, a person can take one or another posture simply out of habit. In addition, it cannot be ruled out that he is not feeling well or that he is wearing uncomfortable clothes. Human behavior can be significantly influenced by air temperature. Thus, do not underestimate the role of non-verbal communication... Nevertheless, before making final conclusions, it is worth carefully analyzing the conditions in which the conversation takes place.

What are your hands in your pockets talking about?

It is often possible to notice how a person holds his hands in his pockets during a conversation. Someone considers this a manifestation of bad manners. Also, one should not reject the likelihood that a person is elementary frozen, being in uncomfortable temperature conditions. However, if we consider the non-verbal, we can come to the following conclusions:

  • Hands hidden in pockets can be evidence of intense concentration. A person in a similar position can think about something or build a plan of action. At the same time, it can slightly wiggle or roll from heel to toe.
  • Another decoding of this gesture - For example, at long meetings or social events, people often walk with their hands in their pockets, because you cannot leave the event, but nothing interesting happens at it. Thus, if the person you are talking to has adopted a similar position, it may be worth ending the conversation or turning it into a more engaging direction.
  • If the speaker, not the listener, hid his hands in his pockets, this may indicate his insincerity. Usually, it is the hands that betray the lie, and therefore the person instinctively hides them so that you do not guess his intentions.
  • Alternatively, hands in pockets may indicate the passive attitude of your interlocutor. He is most likely not interested or willing to do what you tell him to do. But the result, of course, will depend only on the level of your authority.
  • If we consider the non-verbal gestures of men, then in communicating with the ladies, the hands hidden in the pocket of their trousers (namely trousers!) Speak of sympathy and sexual desire. But communicating with representatives of the same sex, they thus demonstrate power and independence.

Demonstration of superiority

Knowing non-verbal gestures, you can greatly facilitate your life, because they can understand the true intentions and attitude of the interlocutor towards you. So, for example, if someone is trying to demonstrate self-confidence, as well as superiority and power over you, this can be understood by the following signs:

  • The man puts his hands behind his back, pushing his chest forward. Thus, he tries to show his fearlessness.
  • Hands are casually dropped into pockets, and the body is imposingly relaxed. Thus, a person is trying to show that you are indifferent to him and not interested.
  • Sometimes a domineering person can become defensive by crossing their arms over their chest and extending their thumbs. The latter means that although he is trying to defend himself, he feels superior to you.

Tactile interaction

When considering non-verbal gestures, it is worth paying Special attention tactile interaction with the interlocutor. So, we can talk about the following:

  • If you hug when meeting with a friend or relative, short contact should be taken as nothing more than a tribute to decency.
  • A strong hug means that the person missed you and is sincerely glad to see you. However, if the impact is too strong, and you literally choke on it, it is possible that the person is only trying to play the joy of meeting you.
  • If during a hug a person treats you with anxiety, and you feel comfortable, this indicates a respectful attitude towards you.
  • If, when meeting, a person is the first to open his palm for a handshake, this indicates his boundless trust in you.
  • If, during a handshake, a person is not taken by the palm, but closer to the wrist, this indicates his suspicious mood. This is exactly how during the Roman Empire they checked if there was a dagger in the sleeve of the interlocutor.
  • If the person shakes your hand firmly or grabs you with two palms, shaking vigorously (perhaps even causing you discomfort), this only indicates his sincere joy at meeting you.
  • If during the handshake you feel that your interlocutor's hand is sluggish, then productive communication will not work, because he is not in the mood to contact you.
  • If a person is palm down, he subconsciously seeks to dominate you.
  • A pat on the shoulder signifies a friendly attitude. In addition, this gesture demonstrates the strength of the interlocutor and his willingness to help.
  • Be attentive to people who grab your elbow during the conversation. Feeling your distrust, they similarly try to win you over and even suggest that he can become a reliable friend for you. But this gesture is not always sincere, because like psychological trick people with mercenary intentions often use it.

How to recognize sympathy

One of the main problems in the relationship between opposite sexes is distrust. Sometimes non-verbal communication can tell more than words. The gestures that indicate sympathy are as follows:

  • - this is not a myth. The person who feels sympathy really looks a little differently, and the cornea becomes more hydrated. In addition, the pupils will be slightly dilated.
  • A person in love, on a subconscious level, tries to please. Thus, upon meeting, he performs various manipulations with its appearance: straightens the back, draws in the stomach, straightens the hair.
  • Both men and women try to draw attention to external sex characteristics. This can be putting your toes behind the belt of your trousers, legs wide apart, the top button of your shirt unbuttoned.
  • Vigorous gesticulation (sometimes inappropriate) can also be a sign of sympathy. The fact is that a person in love often loses control over their actions.
  • The intentions of the interlocutor can be assessed by the direction of his gaze. If he keeps eye contact, there is reason to believe that he is interested in you as a person. And a glance running through the body speaks of nothing more than a sexual desire.
  • If the interlocutor of the opposite sex is constantly trying to approach or touch you under any pretext, you can be sure of his sympathy.

Lack of interest

Sometimes a person continues the story, not suspecting that the interlocutor is completely uninteresting. Non-verbal communication will come to the rescue. Indifference gestures include:

  • If your interlocutor crosses his arms over his chest, he instinctively shuts himself off from you. You are either indifferent to him, or unpleasant.
  • Pay attention to where the other person's gaze is directed. If he looks anywhere, but not in your direction, then it is worth ending the conversation.
  • If a person wants to end the conversation and leave, he will be given a constant glance at the clock. Also, the toes of his shoes can be directed towards the door.

Features of facial expressions

Much can be said about a person and his mood, his facial expressions. Non-verbal gestures reflected on the face may indicate the following:

  • narrowed eyes and pursed lips indicate an angry mood;
  • raised eyebrows and wide open eyes mean surprise;
  • in a state of fear, the lips are widely stretched, and their corners are lowered down;
  • happiness is characterized by a calm look and slightly raised corners of the mouth;
  • a sad man brings his eyebrows together and lowers the corners of his lips.

Voice intonation

The main ways of transmitting information are verbal. Non-verbal gestures can demonstrate what the other person is trying to hide. Intonation can be no less informative, which can tell about the following:

  • fast and confused speech in low tones speaks of strong excitement;
  • a confident and loud conversation indicates active enthusiasm;
  • if a person speaks sluggishly, lowering the tone towards the end of the phrase, we are talking about fatigue;
  • measured and slow speech, which is characterized by a constant tone, indicates the arrogance of the interlocutor;
  • constant pauses in speech, unintentional mistakes indicate nervousness and self-doubt.

Signs of a lie

Knowing the meaning of non-verbal gestures, you can recognize the lies of the interlocutors. So, it is worth paying attention to the following points:

  • a long pause before the beginning of a phrase or frequent pauses;
  • asymmetry in the work of facial muscles;
  • facial expression does not change for more than 10 seconds;
  • emotions arise with a delay and do not correspond to the content of speech;
  • a tight smile that creates not a curved, but a narrow lip line;
  • lack of visual contact;
  • manipulation of hands and feet (tapping, twitching), and lip biting;
  • attempts to keep gesticulation under control;
  • heavy breathing and a constant increase in the tone of the voice;
  • a closed pose with crossed arms and legs, as well as a hunched back;
  • rubbing the nose or eyelids (it can be automatic and barely noticeable);
  • (in terms of gestures and facial expressions) more active than the left;
  • exaggerated emotions and gestures;
  • frequent blinking.


Considering non-verbal means of gestures, one cannot but say about the distance that is maintained between people in certain conditions. So, the following indicators are considered generally accepted:

  • up to half a meter is an intimate distance between loved ones who are in a trusting relationship;
  • from 0.5 to 1.5 m is the interpersonal distance for friendly communication;
  • 1.5-3.5 m - social distance, which is comfortable for interaction between unfamiliar people, as well as on business issues;
  • 3.7 m is the public distance from which the performance is performed in front of a large audience.

Good to know for everyone

Max Egger is invaluable in the study of such a question as non-verbal means of gestures. He developed a system of 75 signals, the main of which are the following:

  • the movement of the Adam's apple indicates the agitation of the interlocutor or that he is telling a lie;
  • if hands come into contact with any object, this indicates insecurity;
  • if a person strokes his chin, he considers the proposal;
  • Biting on a finger, pencil, or the arch of glasses means that the person is evaluating you;
  • stroking the back of your neck means anger or a feeling of threat from you;
  • if a person rubs his palms, he expects to receive benefits;
  • if the toes of the feet are spread apart, the person feels superior to you.


If you want to know more than you're told, it's worth learning sign language. Non-verbal communication is difficult to control, and therefore it can be considered the most objective. Nevertheless, you should never forget that certain gestures can be associated with well-being or external influences.

Sign language is one of the forms of self-expression, without the use of words and speech symbols. This language was examined in detail by the Austrian writer Alan Pease, in his work entitled "Body Language". According to the writer, only seven percent of all information received is perceived by a person with the help of words. The remaining ninety-three percent are perceived by humans through non-verbal cues. Let's look at what non-verbal communication, facial expressions, gestures, movements, postures and their meaning are.

Our body language is unique compared to other verbal (speech) means of communication.

The ability to correctly interpret non-verbal signals is of great importance in modern life person. After all, it is precisely such gestures that most fully express human feelings and experiences. In some cases, emotional experiences can be so strong that it is almost impossible to convey the whole gamut of overwhelming emotions without verbal signals. In addition, these gestures allow you to establish a deeper communication contact between the interlocutors.

Often, such knowledge allows you to achieve certain results in business. main feature non-verbal signals is that the person is unable to control them. Examples of using such means of communication allow you to learn how to catch false notes in the words of the interlocutor and avoid attempts to manipulate your behavior.

A person who knows the basics of non-verbal communication better understands the interlocutor, which allows him to distinguish between lies and truth.

How to expand your own perception

In order to learn to understand all the intricacies of non-verbal communication, it will take a fairly long period of time. It is very important not only to be able to correctly recognize the various signs of the interlocutor, but also to analyze the various elements of his body movements. Non-verbal means of communication combine various body movements and gestures, facial expressions, tone of voice and its timbre, as well as the distance between interlocutors and even eye contact. Further, we propose to consider in all details these means of communication with specific examples.

Non-verbal communication (sign communication, body language) is a communication interaction between individuals without the use of words

Facial expressions

The term "facial expressions" should be understood as the expression human feelings and emotions with the help of facial muscles. According to experts who study facial expressions, it is much easier for a person to recognize positive emotions. These emotions include surprise, love, and other sincere expressions of emotional uplift. Feelings of anger or disgust are much more difficult to recognize because most people rarely show these emotions openly. The difficulty with perceiving such signals is that different sides faces reflect emotions in different ways.

Experts attribute this nuance to a feature of the human brain. Feelings and emotions are controlled by the right hemisphere, while the left takes responsibility for intellectual development... Let's take a look at how different emotions are expressed using facial expressions:

  1. Sadness- manifests itself in the form of "extinct" gaze, drooping corners of the lips and drawn eyebrows.
  2. Happiness- a person shows this emotion with the help of a calm look and raised corners of the lips.
  3. Anger- this feeling is reflected in the form of wide open eyes, drooping lips corners, clenched teeth and a squinted gaze.
  4. Astonishment- this feeling is reflected in the form of a slightly open mouth, eyes and raised eyebrows, the tips of the lips are most often lowered down.
  5. Fear- one of the strongest feelings of a person, which manifests itself in the form of drawn eyebrows, stretched lips, the corners of which are laid down.

Visual contact

Non-verbal communication consists of a specific set of signals, where visual contact plays a key role. It is the eyes that most clearly convey the interest of the interlocutor in the conversation, and directly reflect the level of his participation in the conversation. Actually, with the help of eye contact, the level of comfort during a conversation is regulated. A direct look can be regarded as a sign of trust in the interlocutor and interest in the topic of conversation.

According to psychologists, a conversation on a mutually pleasant topic creates direct visual contact, while with negative questions, most people avoid trying to establish it. Looking away is a signal of dislike and internal disagreement. Based on these features of body language, you can analyze the degree of interest of the interlocutor in continuing the conversation.

Non-verbal communication is what we say to each other without words

Let's take a look at how different emotions are manifested through eye contact. The anticipation is accompanied by a sharp look in the eyes and raised eyes. During the manifestation of hostility, the interlocutor avoids long visual contact and tries with all his might to avert his eyes. The disposition to talk is manifested with the help of an attentive gaze, and the visual contact itself is established with an interval of ten seconds.

Indignation manifests itself in a similar way, but in in this case there are no pauses, and in the eyes of the interlocutor you can notice a note of anxiety. Admiration manifests itself in a similar way, however, the person's gaze in this situation is calmer. Some psychologists say that determining a person's character is possible thanks not only to his manner of communication, but also to the color of his eyes.

Gestures and body movements

Speaking about what non-verbal communication is and how such signals are manifested, special attention should be paid to gestures and body movements. The habit of moving during a conversation, a set of gestures and individual body movements clearly demonstrate the full range of feelings that a person experiences. Expressive motor skills and lively facial expressions help to establish contact, which significantly increases the level of trust between the interlocutors.

A large number of gestures that are repeated at regular intervals may indicate that a person is experiencing a feeling of strong insecurity and is in a state of tension. It is the understanding of the gestures and body language of the person with whom the conversation is being conducted that will allow you to quickly establish mutual understanding. Let's take a look at how various emotions are manifested using gestures and postures.

In a concentrated state, a person often touches the chin and bridge of the nose, while closing his eyes. Criticality manifests itself in the form of forward tilt of the body and indirect contact with the face. The human body reflects boredom with a relaxed body, and the person's head is propped up with a hand. If your interlocutor feels a sense of superiority, then in a sitting position he "throws" one leg over the other, and folds his hands into a "lock" behind his head.

If disapproved, the person unconsciously displays restless movements and constantly straightens his own clothes. Openness is demonstrated through eye contact with the interlocutor, straightened shoulders and a relaxed body. Uncertainty is shown by people in the form of constant contact of hands with ears and elbows.

Historically, non-verbal communication arose much earlier than verbal communication.

Voice timbre and intonation

The ability to correctly perceive the timbre of the voice - allows you to learn to read information "between the lines" and to correctly capture the features of the information. These features of non-verbal communication are expressed in the form of: pauses between words, the construction of sentences, the speed of speech and the strength of the voice.

  1. Feeling insecure- expressed in the form of frequent pauses, bouts of nervous coughing and a large number mistakes in words.
  2. Fatigue- is transmitted in a low tone of voice and lowering the pitch closer to the end of the sentence.
  3. Feelings of excitement- is transmitted in the same way as fatigue, however, in this case, the person speaks more quickly, and his speech becomes more abrupt.
  4. Enthusiasm- manifests itself in the form of a high-pitched voice and clear confident speech.
  5. Feeling arrogant- manifests itself in the form of an extended pronunciation of words and an even monotonous intonation.

The importance of interpersonal space

Considering different kinds non-verbal communication, special attention should be paid to the importance of interpersonal space. It is this tool that plays a significant role when trying to establish contact in communication. Frequently used expressions such as "stay away from him" and "want to be near him" clearly show the importance of this tool. In a situation where people show a subconscious interest in each other, they tend to reduce the space between them. In some situations, such behavior is unacceptable, which forces a person to adhere to a certain framework of communication.

Non-verbal communication between a man and a woman who is interested in each other is carried out at a distance of less than fifty centimeters. The term "intimate" is used for this distance. A similar distance is allowed in communication with the other half, close friends, as well as in some sports, accompanied by bodily contact. During a friendly conversation, the interlocutors are most often located at some distance from each other. Most often they are located at a distance from half a meter to one hundred and twenty centimeters. This distance is called interpersonal space.

Today, 60% of communication between people is the non-verbal part, what people convey to each other with their bodies, through posture, gestures and facial expressions.

The social space between people conducting a conversation ranges from one hundred and twenty to three hundred and seventy centimeters. Most often, such examples can be seen during the business conversations... The formality of a conversation is determined by the distance between the negotiators. The distance of more than four meters between people is called public space. As the name suggests, this distance is more comfortable for public speaking in front of an audience.

Erecting a certain framework in communication, one should take into account the gender and age of the person, as well as some of the characteristics of his personality. Psychologists say that children often try to sit as close to the interlocutor as possible, and adolescents feel the need for some detachment. ... Women, like children, like to have a conversation at a closer distance. Psychologists also argue that for people with self-confidence, the distance at which the conversation is conducted is rarely of particular importance, while people with self-esteem problems try to subconsciously distance themselves from the person.

Non-verbal signals as a means of recognizing lies

Non-verbal communication is a system of various signals from the human body, with the help of which the transmission of various emotions and feelings is enhanced. The ability to correctly interpret a person's gestures allows you to avoid lies and deception. Most often, during a false statement of facts, a person hesitates before starting a sentence and inserts long pauses between words. Also, a lie is characterized by a "stone" facial expression and asynchrony in the work of facial muscles.

Due to the fact that a person is not able to control his emotions, they rarely correspond to words and appear only after uttering false phrases. Deception can be identified with an "elongated" smile, in which the lip line folds into a narrow line. When a person tells a lie, his gestures convey some nervousness, and the pose becomes closed.... An attempt to control your own body leads to meager facial gestures and low body mobility. Frequent hand gestures, shortness of breath, increased tone of voice, lip biting are the easiest ways to recognize lies in the words of the interlocutor.

As a rule, non-verbal communication occurs little consciously and rarely intentionally.

You can understand that a person is lying by analyzing the help of his gaze. During a deceitful conversation, the interlocutor avoids prolonged eye contact and his eyes quickly move to the sides. Often, problems with making eye contact lead to the fact that the deceiver begins to unconsciously bring his hands to his own face, rubbing various parts of the head.

It is possible to identify lies in words thanks to inappropriate gestures and movements, as well as too sluggish expression of your own emotions. Knowledge of such subtleties of non-verbal communication allows not only to avoid attempts to manipulate others, but also to learn how to independently control the interlocutors and direct the conversation in the necessary direction.

Our body language is unique in comparison to other verbal (speech) means of communication. If we imagine that it is he who carries from 60 to 80 percent of the information transmitted to the interlocutor, it is easy to understand the need to interpret this method of contact. If we want to be sure that we have understood the person exactly, we must combine into one the big picture body information and verbal expressions.
Who among us has not encountered a feeling of vague anxiety when he asserted one thing, but subconsciously you felt his falsity. You will say that this is intuition and that it is good for those who have it. In fact, it is easy to develop intuition by observing the interlocutor and, knowing the specific meaning of the gestures, draw the right conclusions.

An example of non-verbal communication

An experiment was conducted in a psychology class at one university. The audience, which consisted of married couples, was divided into two groups according to gender and allowed to view the videos. different options crying babies. They were then asked to explain their meaning. Most women who had children deciphered them accurately (hunger, wet diapers, pain, etc.), while men did not see much difference in crying options. This allowed us to conclude that women, being more sensitive and observant, are easier to interpret non-verbal gestures. It is more difficult for men to do this, they need specifics, and not all sorts of sentimental experiences. There are, of course, exceptions.
This case also explains the fact why it is difficult for the stronger sex to tell a lie to his wife, who seems to be reading the real state of affairs in her eyes.

Non-verbal communication

On the website of MirSovetov you will find interesting materials and answers to vital questions about relationship psychology, including the ability to read a person like a book.
So, let's look at non-verbal communication. To clearly understand their diverse structure, here is their classification:
  1. Expressive-expressive movements (body posture, facial expressions, gestures, gait).
  2. Tactile movements (shaking hands, patting on the back or shoulder, touching,).
  3. Visual contact gaze (direction of gaze, its duration, frequency of contact).
  4. Spatial movements (orientation, distance, table placement).
In this part of the article, we will dwell in detail on the first two groups of non-verbal communication means and try to characterize their meaning. It should be remembered that to interpret a single gesture without a combination of other body signals is to mislead oneself. Therefore, before drawing specific conclusions, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances of the interlocutor's behavior, as well as his physical and psychological state.

Expressive-expressive movements

Open body gestures and postures

The interlocutor's hands are turned with palms up and spread wide to the sides. The seating position of the head is straight, the shoulders are straightened. The look is direct. Facial expression is natural, without tension or stiffness. This pose of friendliness, as a means of non-verbal communication, speaks of openness and sincerity. Shaking hands with her two hands around her also speaks of her. Men can unbutton their shirt or jacket in conversation. Communicating with such a person, you involuntarily relax and feel trust in him.
MirSovetov recommends using this technique when communicating with people who are significant to you. Combined with a sincere tone, you will quickly gain favor with yourself.
In non-verbal communication, there is the concept of mental contact, which is expressed in involuntary copying of each other's gestures or of all behavior. A signal is sent to each other: "I understand you perfectly." And indeed, if you glance at the peacefully chatting couple at the table, we will see similar postures, the same arrangement of hands, up to specularity. If you want to convince another person to unconditionally share his opinion, just copy his body position.
If we observe the gait of a happy person in love, we note the flying gait, which is very striking. It is also typical for energetic people. One gets the impression that they do not care about all the problems.

Closed gestures and postures (protection, suspicion, secrecy)
You've probably seen how someone hides their hands in a conversation? It is likely that he is not telling the truth, since subconsciously the human brain sends signals to the body and when a lie is told, a strong desire arises to put his hands in his pocket, scratch his nose, rub his eyes. All these are typical signs, however, as MirSovetov already said, it is necessary to explain the meaning of non-verbal gestures together. A person with a runny nose can scratch his nose, rub his eyes - a child who has just woken up, etc.

Arms crossed on the chest, crossed legs in standing and sitting positions - a classic gesture of closeness, inaccessibility. Frequent blinking is a sign of protection, confusion. The emotional status of a person does not allow one to feel free and at ease. If you try to negotiate something with such an interlocutor, it is likely that you will get rejected. To "melt the ice", MirSovetov advises to use the means of non-verbal communication already described above, try to take an open pose with palms up.

Reflection and evaluation gestures

It is expressed in pinching the bridge of the nose with closed eyes. When the person with whom you are communicating decides what to do or what to do, in general thinks about solving a certain issue - at this time he can rub his chin.
If a person holds his hand at his chin, stretching his index finger along his cheek, and with the other hand supports the elbow, his left is lowered, you will understand that he has matured a negative assessment of what is happening.
It is interpreted as a slight forward tilt of the head and a light touch of the hand on the cheek. The body is tilted forward. Here is a person who is interested in what is happening and has a positive attitude to information.

Gestures of doubt and uncertainty
You have probably noticed how some students, listening to the speaker, cover their mouths with their hands? This gesture indicates disagreement with the opinion of the lecturer. They seem to restrain their statements, suppress true feelings and experiences. If in a conversation your friend unexpectedly makes a gesture of disbelief, stop and think about what words caused this reaction? Observing the behavior of the boss, the subordinate will understand what needs to be said and what is better to remain silent. Mistrust quickly turns into rejection, and then into rejection.
A non-verbal gesture such as scratching or rubbing the back of the ear or neck may indicate that the person does not fully understand what is wanted from him or what you mean in the conversation. How to interpret such a gesture if you have been told about complete understanding? Here, preference should be given to the non-verbal signal from the body. In this case, the person did not understand anything. A hand clasping the other by the elbow from behind also speaks of insecurity, probably its owner is in an unfamiliar society.

Gestures and postures that indicate unwillingness to listen

The interlocutor rests his head with his hand. It is clear that he is indifferent to what is happening. If he is sitting in the audience, we can say with confidence: the material presented by the lecturer is completely uninteresting. In such cases, MirSovetov recommends changing to exciting it or "shake it up" unexpected question... Be sure that he will wake up, and this is exactly what you need.
Shaking off non-existent villi, straightening the folds of clothes, pulling a skirt in non-verbal communication is a sign of your opponent's disagreement with the stated point of view. You will quickly understand the need to move to neutral topics. However, if a thread really stuck to the sleeve of a jacket, clothes are wrinkled, you should not regard this as a gesture of disapproval.
Willingness to leave
It can be identified by such signs as drooping eyelids (loss of interest), scratching the ear (blocking out the flow of speech), stretching the earlobe (does not want to speak), turning the whole body towards the door or pointing the leg in this direction. The gesture of removing the glasses also signals the end of the conversation.
When a person tells an obvious lie, and realizes that you saw through him, he will experience irritation from your innocence, which can manifest itself in the involuntary loosening of a tie or collar. In non-verbal communication, this can also manifest itself in rubbing the neck, unnecessary hand movements, pinching a lady's purse, mechanically drawing on paper.

Dominance gestures

The so-called "director pose" or "boss pose" in a seated position. Hands are behind the head, one leg on the other. If the eyelids are barely closed or the corners of the eyes are slightly squinted, the gaze is directed downward - in front of you is arrogance, disdain. This position of the body as a means of non-verbal communication is often accepted by bosses, people in leading positions. They are confident in themselves, demonstratively express their importance in front of others. An attempt to copy this gesture threatens to be swift.
Almost all men use a similar gesture, women are much less. The nature of the handshake can say a lot, first of all it will reveal the intentions of the other person. If at the moment of joining two hands one is above the back, its owner demonstrates his leading position. You can check how firmly he defends his leadership status in a simple way: turn your hand up. If you felt resistance, then you will not be able to convince him to take equality between you.

Sexual gestures
When man likes a woman, he shows his thumbs tucked in a belt, places his hands on his hips, or spreads his legs wide. The look at a woman, as a rule, is intimate, and can linger for a long time on selected parts of the body. A man may involuntarily adjust his tie or collar with his hand.
If female seeks to interest, she unconsciously lifts her head, straightens her hair, straightens her blouse. The more subtle art of seduction with the help of non-verbal communication means exposing the wrists, spreading legs in a sitting or standing position. If a woman demonstrates an intimate look in conjunction with an accidentally slipped shoulder strap, half-dressed cross-legged shoes, be sure of her desire to start flirting. Open mouth and wet lips are typical sexual urges.

Tactile movements
These include hugging, shaking hands, patting the shoulder or back, touching, kissing.

By the nature of the hugs, their strength, duration, they determine the meaning of feelings expressed by a person.
Bosom friends who were in a long separation, when they meet, almost strangle each other in strong embraces. Lovers linger in a gentle embrace for a long time. Hugs between distant relatives, depending on previously maintained contacts, can be both restrained, cold, and passionate. Between loved ones, they carry a soft, soulful meaning. In wrestling competitions, for example, participants hug shortly and part.
Such a means of non-verbal communication as hugs are more common among representatives of the strong half of humanity, between women they are a little less common. Now you can see two teenage girls on the streets running towards each other with open arms. At this age, the frequency of such contacts, both between boys and girls, is expressive, when you want to throw out the excess of joy, delight and admiration for the meeting. If you see same-sex couples walking slowly along the sidewalk in a woven embrace, it might inadvertently suggest gay sex.
Handshakes, as one of the means of non-verbal communication, also differ in the way they are performed, strength and duration. A strong, energetic shaking of the interlocutor's hand, coupled with a joyful exclamation, speaks of the partner's sincerity, his desire to continue the conversation. The girth of one's hand in the form of a "glove" also speaks of friendliness. But if a lifeless hand is extended to you, as if dead fish do not want to contact you.
A cold hand in a shake can signal that its owner is either cold or very worried. Misted palms speak of a nervous experience. A hand that is palm down in a shake indicates a desire to dominate another person. If, on the contrary, it is turned with the palm up, its owner unconsciously recognizes himself as subordinate to the interlocutor.
Pat on the back or shoulder
Patting on the back or shoulder is mostly typical for men. These non-verbal gestures are often interpreted as showing friendship, sympathy, or encouragement. They can be seen in almost all age categories. The slapping demonstrates masculine strength and the willingness of its owner to come to the rescue.
By the way, this gesture should not be confused with that used in medical practice. A newborn child is slapped on the back so that it screams and straightened its lungs, and a choking person is slapped from behind. Patting is a form of massage practice. That is, the specific meaning of this gesture depends on the current situation.
Touching is common in the world of non-verbal communication. V learning activities it helps to stop a mischievous mischief, in the case of a deaf person - to draw his attention to oneself, in medical practice, using this gesture, a state of health is diagnosed, the massage technique is based on a combination of methods of touching the body, in the intimate sphere between spouses they serve as a prelude to connection. Different types of touch are an indicator of the partner's unspoken feelings. They can be gentle, affectionate, light, strong, rude, hurtful, etc.

Kissing, as a type of tactile gesture, is widely used in all aspects of a person's life. In relation to a specific object, the nature of the kissing changes. The mother kisses the child tenderly and lovingly, between loving people they can range from a light touch of the lips to a passionate kiss. MirSovetov in a separate article reveals the whole range of this type of gesture in courting the opposite sex. Here we will note that kisses can be both sincere displays of feelings, and formal, cold, traditional. They kiss at the meeting and goodbye, kiss at the time of birth.

You got acquainted with the variety of non-verbal gestures of the first two groups. I am sure that they will undoubtedly be useful to you in your attempts to analyze human behavior by the sum of the signals sent, and will help you to correctly assess the intentions of a particular interlocutor, even if his speech conflicts with them. In the next article "" we will focus on the non-verbal means of communication of other groups. Welcome!


State educational institution

Higher professional education

"Rostov State Transport University"

"Non-verbal communication is a gesture"

Completed by: student GST-1-044

Grave Lilia Vladislavovna

Checked by: Ph.D. prof. Isaeva T.E.


Introduction ……………………. ……………………………………….… ..3

Open gestures ……………………………………………………… ... 4

Closed gestures ………. ……………………………………………… ... 6

Final Rules ………………………………. ………………… 11

List of used literature …………………. ………………… .12


Non-verbal language is a type of communication when words are not used: facial expressions, gestures, intonations are the most important part of communication. At times, much more can be said with these means than with words. Australian expert on "body language" A. Pease claims that words are used to transmit 7% of information, sound means (including tone of voice, intonation, etc.) - 38%, facial expressions, gestures, posture - 55%. In other words, we can say that it is not what is said that matters, but how it is said.

Non-verbal communication plays a large role in the exchange of emotions both between humans and between animals, including between humans and their trained pets. Observations show that in communication processes 60% - 95% of information is transmitted precisely with the help of the non-verbal system.

One of the most important and common means of non-verbal communication is gesture.

We can't even imagine how many different gestures a person uses when communicating, how often he accompanies his speech with them. And here's what is surprising. The language is taught from childhood, and gestures are learned naturally, and although no one explains in advance, does not decipher their meaning, the speakers correctly understand and use them. This is probably due to the fact that the gesture is most often used not by itself, but accompanies the word, serves as a kind of help for it, and sometimes clarifies it.

And if you learn to understand what certain gestures mean, then you can learn a lot about the interlocutor!

Open gestures.

Open arms.

The speaker made a gesture with his hand (or two) towards the listener, with the palm facing up for a moment. This gesture is especially evident in children: when they are proud of their achievements, they openly show their hands.

The open arms gesture demonstrates a desire to meet and establish contact. This gesture begins as if from the depths, from the level of the abdomen, directing the hands slightly up and towards the interlocutor. It shows "nothing is hidden here". This gesture favorably emphasizes the phrases "We are ready to cooperate with you", "You can trust us."

A more emotional and warm gesture is when the hands describe a trajectory from their "heart" to the "heart" of the interlocutor. This gesture emphasizes the interconnection of interests, for example, of the seller and the customer. It can enhance the impact of phrases such as "We have specially prepared such a contract in your interests", "Our concern is for you to feel comfortable."

The interlocutor's hands are turned with palms up and spread wide to the sides. The seating position of the head is straight, the shoulders are straightened. The look is direct. Facial expressions are natural, without tension and stiffness. This pose of friendliness as a means of non-verbal communication speaks of openness and sincerity.


A strong, energetic shaking of the interlocutor's hand, coupled with a joyful exclamation, speaks of the partner's sincerity, his desire to continue the conversation. The girth of one's hand in the form of a "glove" also speaks of friendliness.

Pat on the back or shoulder.

Patting on the back or shoulder is mostly typical for men. These non-verbal gestures are often interpreted as showing friendship, sympathy, or encouragement. They can be seen in almost all age categories. Patting, as it were, demonstrates masculine strength and the willingness of its owner to come to the rescue.

Unbuttoning a jacket.

People who are open and friendly to you often unbutton and even take off their jacket in your presence. Observations show that agreement between interlocutors in unbuttoned jackets is achieved more often than between those who remained buttoned. Anyone who changed his mind in a favorable direction, unclenched his hands and automatically unbuttoned his jacket.

When it becomes clear that an agreement or a positive solution to the issue under discussion is possible, as well as in the case when a positive impression of teamwork is created, those sitting unbutton their jackets, straighten their legs and move to the edge of the chair closer to the table, which separates them from the interlocutor sitting opposite them ...


It is interpreted as a slight forward tilt of the head and a light touch of the hand on the cheek. The body is tilted forward. Here is a person who is interested in what is happening and has a positive attitude to information.

Closed gestures.

Suspiciousness and secrecy.

The interlocutor mechanically rubs his forehead, temples, chin, seeks to cover his face with his hands. This indicates distrust, doubt about your correctness, a desire to hide something, to hide from you. But more often than not, he tries not to look at you, averting his gaze to the side. Another indicator of secrecy is gesture inconsistency. If a hostile or defensive person smiles, it means that he is trying to hide his insincerity with an artificial smile.

Protection, negative reaction.

A simple crossing of the arms is a universal gesture that denotes a defensive or negative state of the interlocutor. In this case, you should reconsider what you do or say, because the interlocutor will begin to withdraw from the discussion. It should also be considered that this gesture affects the behavior of others. If in a group of four or more people one has crossed his arms, then soon you can expect that others will follow this example. True, this gesture can simply mean calmness and confidence, but this happens when the atmosphere of the conversation is not of a conflicting nature. If, in addition to the arms crossed on the chest, the interlocutor also clenches his fingers into a fist - this indicates his hostility or offensive position. In this case, you need to slow down your speech and movements, as if inviting the interlocutor to follow your example, if this does not help, then try to change the topic of the conversation.

The hands of the crossed arms clasp the shoulders. Sometimes the hands dig into the shoulders or biceps so hard that the fingers turn white. This means curbing the interlocutor's negative reaction to your position. He is ready to rush into battle and can hardly restrain himself so as not to interrupt you. This technique is used when the interlocutors argue, trying at all costs to convince the other of the correctness of their position. The crossed arms pose is often accompanied by a cold, slightly narrowed gaze and an artificial smile. This facial expression says that your interlocutor is "at the limit." And if you do not take prompt measures to reduce tension, a breakdown can occur.

Arms crossed on the chest with thumbs upright. This gesture sends a double signal; the first is about a negative attitude (arms crossed), the second is the feeling of superiority expressed by the thumbs. The interlocutor using this gesture usually plays with one or both fingers, and the standing position is characterized by swaying in his heels. The gesture is also used to express ridicule or disrespect for a person who is pointed with the thumb over his shoulder.

Arms crossed on the chest, crossed legs in standing and sitting positions - a classic gesture of closeness, inaccessibility. Frequent blinking is a sign of protection, confusion. The emotional status of a person does not allow one to feel free and at ease. If you try to negotiate something with such an interlocutor, it is likely that you will get rejected.

Reflection and evaluation.

A pensive facial expression is accompanied by a hand-to-cheek gesture, when the interlocutor assumes the pose of Rodin's The Thinker, resting his hand on his cheek. This gesture indicates that he is interested in something. It remains to find out what prompted the focus on some problem.

Pinching the bridge of the nose, usually with closed eyes, indicates deep concentration and intense reflection.
When the interlocutor is busy with the decision-making process, he scratches his chin. After the decision is made, scratching stops. This gesture is usually matched by slightly narrowed eyes on his face - he seems to be looking at something in the distance, looking for an answer to his question there.

When the interlocutor brings his hand to his face, resting his chin on the palm, and the index finger stretches along the cheek (the rest of the fingers are below the mouth), this is eloquent evidence that he is critical of your arguments.

Doubt and uncertainty.

Most often expressed by scratching the place under the earlobe or the side of the neck with the index finger of the right hand. Touching or lightly rubbing the nose is also a sign of doubt. When your interlocutor finds it difficult to answer your question, he often begins to touch or rub his nose with his index finger. However, a word of caution should be made here: sometimes people rub their nose because it itches. However, those who scratch their nose usually do it vigorously, while those for whom it serves as a gesture only lightly touch.

Unwillingness to listen, desire to end the conversation.

If your interlocutor drops his eyelids, then you have become uninteresting for him, or simply bored, or he feels superior over you. When you notice this look in your interlocutor, keep in mind that something needs to be changed if you are interested in successfully ending the conversation.

Ear scratching is caused by the desire of the interlocutor to isolate himself from heard words. Another option for touching your ear is rubbing the auricle, drilling in the ear with your fingertip, or pulling on the earlobe to try to cover the opening. This gesture suggests that the interlocutor has heard enough and wants, perhaps, to express himself.

In the case when the interlocutor clearly wants to end the conversation faster, he noticeably (and sometimes unconsciously) moves and turns towards the exit door, while his legs also turn to the exit. The turn of his body and the position of his legs indicate that he really wants to leave. An indicator of such a desire is also a gesture when the interlocutor takes off his glasses and defiantly puts them aside.

In this situation, you need to interest the interlocutor with something or give him the opportunity to leave.

Wasting time.

One of the ways to delay the time to think about the decision is to bite the temple of the glasses, as well as constantly removing and putting on glasses, and wiping the lenses.

When you observe such a gesture immediately after asking the person for their decision, it is best to keep quiet while waiting.

If the partner puts on the glasses again, it means that he wants to "look" at the facts again.

A sign of a desire to slow down the pace is pacing. Many interlocutors use this method in an attempt to "stretch the time" to solve a difficult problem or make a difficult decision. Those who walk around should not be distracted. This can disrupt their train of thought and interfere with their decision making.


The interlocutor rests his head with his hand. It is clear that he is indifferent to what is happening. If he is sitting in the audience, we can say with confidence: the material presented by the lecturer is completely uninteresting. In such cases, it is recommended to change the topic of the conversation to an exciting one or "shake up" with an unexpected question. Be sure that he will wake up, and this is exactly what you need.


Shaking off non-existent villi, straightening the folds of clothes, pulling a skirt is a sign of disagreement between your interlocutor and the stated point of view. You will quickly understand the need to move to neutral topics. However, if a thread really stuck to the sleeve of the jacket, clothes are wrinkled, you should not regard this as a gesture of disapproval.

If a person holds his hand at his chin, extending his index finger along his cheek, and with the other hand supports the elbow, his left eyebrow is lowered, you will understand that he has matured a negative assessment of what is happening.


When a person tells a clear lie, and realizes that he has been bitten, he will experience irritation, which can manifest itself in the involuntary loosening of a tie or collar. It can also manifest itself in rubbing the neck, unnecessary hand movements, pinching a lady's purse, mechanically drawing on paper.


A person, listening to the speaker, covers his mouth with his palm. This gesture indicates disagreement with the opinion of the interlocutor. He kind of restrains his statements, suppresses true feelings and experiences. If in a conversation your friend unexpectedly made a gesture of disbelief, you need to stop and think about what words caused such a reaction.

Lies, deception.

In a conversation, the interlocutor hides his hands. It is likely that he is not telling the truth, since subconsciously the human brain sends signals to the body and when a lie is told, a strong desire arises to put his hands in his pocket.

Attempting to cover your mouth, eyes, or ears with your hands indicates that the other person is lying. Protecting your mouth with your hand is one of the few overt gestures that clearly indicates deception. The hand covers the mouth and the thumb is pressed to the cheek, as the brain sends a signal to restrain the spoken words. Some people try to fake a cough to disguise this gesture.

Touching your nose is a subtle, disguised version of the previous gesture. It can be expressed in a few light touches in the dimple under the nose, or it can be expressed in one quick, almost imperceptible touch on the nose. An explanation for this gesture may be that during a lie, tickling urges appear on the nerve endings of the nose and you really want to scratch it.

The rubbing of the eyelids is caused by the fact that there is a desire to hide from deception or suspicion and to avoid looking into the eyes of the interlocutor who is being told a lie. Men usually rub their eyelids very vigorously, and if the lie is very serious, then they look away or, even more often, look at the floor. Women very delicately do this movement by sliding their finger under the eye.

Lying usually causes an itchy sensation in the muscles of not only the face, but also the neck. Therefore, some interlocutors pull back their collars when they lie or suspect that their deception has been revealed. When you see that the other person is lying, you can ask him to repeat or clarify what was said. This will force the cheater to abandon the continuation of his cunning game.

Signs of insincerity are largely associated with the left hand. This is due to the fact that right hand as the more developed (for most people) is more controlled by the consciousness and does the right thing.
The left one, less developed and controlled by the right hemisphere of the brain, does what the subconscious wants, thereby betraying the secret thoughts of a person. If the interlocutor gestures with his left hand, then this should alert you: it is very likely that he is deceiving or taking an unfriendly position.


If the rib of the index finger taps on the table, it means the following: "I warn you again - then blame yourself!" If the surface of a finger taps, then it corresponds approximately to the following remark: "What are you talking about ?! Wait, darling, wait!".

Index, middle and ring fingers stroking or scratching the knuckles of the other hand. The gesture illustrates the readiness for physical aggression.

A less noticeable but more dangerous gesture of aggression is scratching or stroking the ribs of the palm with the pads of the fingers. He illustrates a willingness not only to fight an opponent, but to literally grind him into powder. In this case, the hands are most often raised to the level of the chest.

If the interlocutor's fingers clasped at chest levels are thrown forward like a fan (the palm opens up), this means that the person is not looking for reconciliation, he has enough strength to defend his position. Through this lunge towards the enemy, there is a powerful release of energy concentrated on the tips of the fingers. A person seems to attract to help not only the strength of his arguments, but also the energy potential of the body. The weak can be easily "jinxed" with such a gesture. A person will feel unwell, a decline of will and strength. But the good thing is that this gesture is quite rare in a face-to-face conversation, more often it appears in a dispute between one person and several worthy rivals.

If you notice that your interlocutor is increasingly using such gestures, be on your guard, try to do everything to return the conversation to a calmer channel. Change the subject, show your friendliness, frankly find out the real cause of the irritation, or finally postpone the conversation until better times.

Final rules:

    Do not make hasty conclusions on one single body movement of the interlocutor.

    Wait for other signals to tell about his condition.

    Pay attention first of all to the so-called "little things".

    Do not tailor your observation to a pre-existing first impression.

    In the process of communication, it is necessary to take into account general atmosphere conversations, its content, general attitude.

    Your behavior should be natural, not tense, should not force your interlocutor to tense up and wait for a catch.

    (8) non-verbal facilities communication " Completed: Art. gr. 24PS- ..., forms non-verbal information exchange aspect - non-verbal communication. TO means non-verbal communications belong gestures, facial expressions, ...

  • Non-verbal facilities communication (4)

    Abstract >> Psychology

    Read non-verbal facilities communication how to expose people in lies, and how to use it yourself gestures... The goal ... we saw in the course of the essay, non-verbal facilities communication, i.e. gestures, body movement, touch, glance, etc., has a huge ...

(The concept of non-verbal communication, the meaning of sign language in our life and its use to achieve desired goals, the meaning of some gestures.)
Every day you meet different people, you talk to them, you convince of something, you get information from them at the same time. At the same time, you want to look convincing, confident, and trustworthy. At the same time, it would be nice to understand how sincere other people are in communicating with us.
Your gestures, posture, gait, facial expressions are a kind of inscription on your back for those who know how to recognize body language. A gloomy, strict man in a strict suit with a heavy gait and a harsh voice also has his own inscription: "Do as I said!" And a man with downcast shoulders and a sad, preoccupied face announces: "Look how unlucky and tired I am."
In order to correctly understand other people and be able to correctly present yourself in the right situation, it is worth learning to "read" sign language and. After all, two-thirds of the information about your communication partner, about his real feelings and intentions, you draw (consciously or unconsciously) not from his words, but from his gestures, postures, facial expressions, glances.

Non-verbal language- this is not the result of conscious behavior, but of the impulses of the subconscious. Therefore, it as a whole cannot be faked (except perhaps for individual gestures) and it costs much more to trust it than words.

Looking closely at the movements of the interlocutor, it is important not to get carried away by unambiguous interpretations of individual gestures. A few non-verbal cues, ripped out of the entire communication, can only confuse the inexperienced observer.

If the interlocutor has put his leg aside, this can indicate both his mood and the fact that his leg is numb. If he scratched his nose or chin, this may indicate both a lie and the fact that part of his face was really combed. Therefore, the interlocutor's gestures must be looked at in aggregate, comparing them additionally with facial expressions and speech.

Sign language and facial expressions. the meaning of some gestures:

Openness gestures. Among the gestures of openness, the following can be considered: when a person's hands are open, palms up, this indicates his openness, sincerity; when the interlocutor unbuttons his jacket is also a sign that the person is open in front of you and is friendly.

Defensive gestures. It is like a reaction to conflicts and threats. If the other person crosses their arms over their chest, reflect on what you are saying, because they begin to avoid discussion. If a person clenched his hands into fists, it is also a defensive reaction.

Evaluating gestures. These are gestures of expression of thoughtfulness and reverie. For example, a person holds his hand to his cheek (immersed in deep thought). If the interlocutor evaluates you critically, you may notice that his chin rests on the palm of his hand, while the index finger is along the cheek, the rest of the fingers will be below the mouth. This position is called "wait and see." The interlocutor tilted his head - you can be sure that they are listening to you carefully. It so happens that in the classroom, students often sit with their heads bowed, which means that students are not interested in what the teacher is trying to convey. A person scratches his chin - it means he is busy making a decision.

Bored gestures. Many have seen such a gesture when a person begins to click the cap of a pen, or lowers his head in his palms. These are bored gestures, when a person is not interested, there is nothing to occupy himself with.

Courtship gestures. The woman begins to correct her hair, smooth her hair, examines herself in the mirror, balances her shoes on the tips of her toes - a gesture of "preening". The man, on the other hand, will straighten his tie, jacket, etc.

Gestures of secrecy and suspicion. The interlocutor covers his mouth with his hand - means that he is hiding his opinion on the issue being discussed. If the legs of the interlocutor and the entire body of the body are turned towards the exit, then the person wants to end the conversation and leave as soon as possible. A sign of doubt will be if a person rubs his nose, ear, eyes with his index finger.

Subordination gestures. Superiority gesture can be expressed in a handshake. The person shakes your hand, while turning it so that his palm rests on top of yours, this is a sign that he is trying to express his certain superiority over you. And, on the contrary, with the palm down, it means taking a subordinate role.

Nervous gestures. Clearing throat, coughing, tinkling with coins in your pocket, twitching your earlobe.

Skillful use of the mechanism of non-verbal communication, you can significantly improve the communication process. Everyone knows that there is verbal communication, and there is non-verbal communication (gestures, facial expressions, etc.). Some of the gestures are listed below. So:

By extending your hand with an open palm up, you signal that you are ready to give the initiative to your communication partner. Covering his palm with yours, you declare your leadership claims in advance.

A person's gait can also provide a lot of information about his character and mood. With a handshake, you can demonstrate authority or submissiveness, firmness or gentleness and caring.

Arms crossed on the chest speak of closeness and disagreement. By opening them, you will become more open to the interlocutor and arouse more confidence on his part. Open palms speak of sincerity and goodwill.

Hands folded at the mouth, a finger near the ear, a body slightly tilted forward indicate interest and readiness to listen to a partner. By doing this, you will demonstrate respect for the other person and present yourself as a person who is tolerant and open.

If you want to focus a person's attention on a specific idea, then at a key moment connect the index and thumbs or put all your fingers together. This will emphasize the importance of what was said and the accuracy of your judgment.

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