Determine the type of foot. Legs of different types of people

Engineering systems 23.09.2019
Engineering systems

Did you know that a person's character can be determined not only by the lines on the palm, the color of the eyes, the shape of the ears, but also by the structure of the legs? Don't believe? Then read on.

In the structure of the human foot, three types are distinguished: the Greek foot, Egyptian and Roman. Let's start with the first one.

The structure of the Greek foot

Usually the length of the toes in most people is such that they are located in a descending line relative to the big toe. However, there are exceptions - people whose second finger is longer than the first. This type is called "Greek".

According to statistics, the Greek foot is found only in 10% of the world's population, and its prevalence is uneven. So, among the Swedes, a similar structure of the legs is found in only 3% of cases, but among the Aina people, who inhabit the Japanese islands, in almost 90%.

In medicine, this phenomenon has received the name "Morton's finger" in honor of Dudley D. Morton, an American orthopedic surgeon who first described it. In orthopedics, it is considered a deviation from the norm, but, despite this, it usually does not cause any inconvenience, except with the selection of shoes.


The formation of the Greek foot is genetically determined. But how strongly the sign will be expressed depends on the speed of puberty. There is a theory that the length of the fingers directly depends on the age of the closure of the tubular bones. It is believed that the farther they are from the heart, the earlier and faster they close during puberty.

Since the toes are located farthest from the heart, the variability of their shape depends on the age of puberty, as well as on the sexual constitution. It is worth noting that this applies to all toes, but to a greater extent the second toe. But let's not talk about boring theories anymore, but let's see what history says about this.

Historical facts

The Greek type of foot was considered the aesthetic standard. The Romans adopted this principle from the Greeks. AT medieval Europe this feature of the structure of the fingers was considered a sign of aristocracy.

Morton's finger is also found in the works of Botticelli, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and other artists and sculptors. By the way, the Statue of Liberty, donated by the French to the people of the United States, is also distinguished by this feature.

Influence on character and sexuality

Let's move on to the most interesting. Let's figure out how the Greek foot and the character of a person are connected. It is believed that such a foot gives its owner leadership qualities. Such people are usually active, courageous and inventive. And the longer the second finger, the more pronounced the makings of a leader. It is important not to go too far here, because there is a danger of becoming a tyrant who does not take into account the interests of others.

Naturally, their leadership skills such people carry over to the family. Not without reason, in India, mothers-in-law were wary of their daughters-in-law if their second finger was too long - the risk is very high that the son will turn into a henpecked. The Greek foot in women suggests that they are the main ones in the family. It is believed, however, that women with such a leg structure are unlucky and cause a lot of trouble to others.

With regard to sexual life, it is obvious that the mismatch of sexual constitutions is a problem that entails other contradictions, no less serious. It turned out that people with a long thumb have the weakest libido. In second place are those whose first and second fingers are approximately the same length. Well, champions are considered to be those whose second finger protrudes 3-10 mm above the thumb. Of course, you can not choose a partner based only on this sign. But he can partly help you find a person with a similar constitution.

Roman foot. Character and sexuality

Unlike the Greek foot, the Roman foot is characterized by almost the same length of the first and second toes. Further, the line of fingers goes down, but without sharp drops.

The owners of such fingers are straightforward, have a simple, even character. For the sake of achieving the goal, they are able to “hollow at one point” for a long time, despite the difficulties. These qualities are the secret of their success. People with a Roman foot are distinguished by an average level of sexuality and are not prone to violent manifestations of passion.

Egyptian foot. Character and sexuality

Let's see what is the difference between the Greek foot and the Egyptian foot. The Egyptian foot is characterized by a uniform decrease in the length of the fingers from the big to the little finger.

People with this type of foot are distinguished by emotionality, kindness, gullibility and romance. These are the calmest people.

Elevation of the foot and character

Now that we have figured out the shape of the foot, it makes sense to look at its arch. This may be important. So, people with a high instep are born leaders, they have a strong character and a good memory. Unfortunately, they often hear accusations of incontinence and unscrupulousness addressed to them. A low rise of the foot indicates that its owner depends on the opinions of others, is ready for compromises, is somewhat dependent, but is sociable and soft in communication.

The influence of the shape of the heel on the character

Now let's see how the shape of the heel affects the character. People with narrow or small heels are distinguished by sophistication, impracticality and some detachment from reality. Their brothers with wide heels are reliable and practical. They are absolute realists. Personal safety and the safety of loved ones always comes first. If the heel is too wide, the wearer may lack a sense of security and stability.

The heels protruding beyond the foot speak of a person's concern for his future, the future of his family and children. The owners of such heels do not like changes and try to avoid them, or at least postpone them. Being in constant emotional stress, they begin to drag the legs, as it were, which leads to coarsening of the skin on the heels. This is a sign of a desire to isolate oneself from life's problems and fear of life.

What does the color of the skin of the feet say?

The color of the skin of the feet can say a lot not only about the character of a person, but also about his health. So, pale feet indicate that their owner is tired, exhausted and deprived of vital energy.

Red feet can talk about problems in personal or social life, about the accumulation of negative emotions and unexpressed feelings that only aggravate the situation, especially if a person does not think about the true causes of his troubles.

Cyanotic feet speak of the pain and suffering that a person experiences. In such a situation, it may seem to him that life wants to break him and nothing good will ever happen to him.

Yellowing of the foot, partially or completely, indicates that a person is on the edge in some situation or relationship. A completely yellowed foot is a sign of extreme weariness from life. If the calluses turn yellow, then the person has encountered obstacles to expressing his feelings.

Along with palmistry, there is a little-known type of divination - pedomancy. This is a definition of the character and fate of a person by the feet and toes. If their shape and length are known, the character of a person will no longer be knowing a secret.

In the article:

Thumb Length Meaning

If a thumb on the leg is the longest, its owner loves to shine in society and attract attention, one of the distinguishing features of character is creativity. Such people do not like and do not know how to worry for a long time. Only a serious reason can make them nervous: the owners of long thumbs rarely worry about trifles.

A negative character trait: the inability to focus on one thing due to monotony. To show good results, they need to change their occupation, the situation in the work process.

If the thumb is short, the person pays great attention to self-development. Distinguish the owners of such feet and ambitions. People with a short thumb know what they are going to achieve, and rarely doubt their ability to achieve what they want, like to persuade other people to do things that they themselves do not have the courage to do.

The more developed the big toe, the more prone to chatter. People with movable thumbs are gossipers who are better off not trusting secrets. Fingertips square or triangular forms speak of laconicism and isolation.

If there is a bump near the finger, the person is well adapted to life, problems will not unbalance him. However, the owner of feet with a bump on the side is dependent on the opinions of others and is afraid of gossip.

If there is an elevation on the nail, the person is irritable and emotionally unstable. Such people are encouraged to learn to control feelings. According to the sign, if the nail on the thumb has grown, it's time to get rid of the old in order to open the way for the new, that is, say goodbye to old habits and unnecessary things.

If the finger expands from the base to the tip, the person is dishonest with himself. The stronger the big one is turned to the rest, the brighter the dependence on the opinions of others.

People who think through every action have calluses between their thumb and forefinger. Their owners should learn to listen to the heart and pay attention to emotions.

Index toes

The shape of the toes will tell even about who will be the head of the family.
Before the wedding, you need to compare the length of the index fingers on the legs of the future spouses. If the wife has them longer, the woman will strive to play the role of the head of the family, while the husband will have the husband as the head of the house.

When both of the four index fingers are longer than the thumb, the spouses will have to learn to negotiate and compromise. If the index is the shortest, the person prefers to give the role of the head of the family to the spouse. The index and thumb of the same length speak of equality - this is one of.

If the finger is longer than the rest, it indicates lust for power. Its owner is resourceful and knows how to make decisions. A short index finger is a sign that there are no problems in communication. A person does not aspire to the role of a leader, but does not allow himself to be used, effortlessly finds mutual language with people, appreciates peace and harmony.

Meaning of middle fingers

Shape of the toes

It is not often that one comes across a foot on which the middle toe is the longest. Its owner is appreciated by the authorities: such people become real professionals and achieve considerable success, moving up the career ladder. The longer the middle finger, the more ambition a person has.

If the middle finger is the shortest, this indicates a desire for pleasure. People with such legs strive to get joy from life, but rarely think about anything other than entertainment - these are real lazy people. They do not tend to be interested in the outside world. Such people do not like active types of recreation: among their preferences is quiet leisure.

The thickness of the middle fingers also matters for the character:

  • Subtle talk about creative talents and creativity.
  • The owners of fat people are down-to-earth people who are practical and adaptable to life.

If the middle finger is tilted towards the little finger, the person likes to scandal and is not very patient.

A large distance between the index and middle fingers is a sign of dissatisfaction with work. The owner of such a foot has to go to a hated job every morning, spend a lot of effort to contain negative emotions about this. A person needs to try to find positive aspects or change jobs and give vent to emotions. As with , the distance between the fingers will decrease if you do it right.

Ring finger on the foot

Influence on human temperament and ring finger. Here is what his leg length will tell about his character:

  • Normal length is a neutral value.
  • Dinny - a person loves people, is attached to the family and honors relatives. This is a great friend who knows how to listen and loves to help loved ones, but these qualities make the owner of a non-standard foot vulnerable. They are easy to offend or use for personal gain. Such persons need to learn to help only loved ones who can be trusted.
  • Too short - the owner is selfish and puts his own pleasure above the needs of acquaintances. Such people are not interested in friends, there is no desire to communicate with relatives.

If the ring finger is turned towards the index finger, the person is able to find golden mean between helping others and self-interest, has many friends.

Wrinkles speak of the need for care. The flattened shape of the finger is about the need to argue and enter into conflicts. In order not to spoil relationships with loved ones, you need to find a way to give vent to negative emotions.

We recognize the character of the little toe

Pay attention to the length of the little finger if it is significantly shorter than the rest. Coincided? Then one loves to dream. Reality for its owner seems not as interesting as dreams, films and books of a favorite author. Able to keep the "inner child" until old age. Old age is not too scary, because at heart they are young. He loves communication and makes friends easily.

Marriage with people who know how to move the little finger, but not the ring finger, will be difficult. Usually this indicates that a person likes to flirt, cheats. They are impulsive, they are not boring with them, but they are easily bored.

If a person does not know how to move his little finger, he is predictable, loyal, you know how to find a common language with people and does not hide feelings. These people are great family people.

Development human body, incl. feet, is unique and occurs in a special, unlike anyone else. The dimensions of the sole, its completeness, the height of the arch and other parameters differ in different people. But for specific characteristics they are combined into groups of types of human feet, which are relatively few. There is a belief that character depends on the type of legs.

They are made up of 26 bones, tendons and muscles that fit 3 sides of the site:

  • plantar;
  • external;
  • back.

The pressure of the body falling on the sole is distributed over three spaced points.

The site is not always amenable to visual inspection. For the correct diagnosis of the shape of the legs, they use glass or leave an imprint on a piece of paper.

Egyptian leg

The owners of the foot of the Egyptian type have the longest toe - the big one, the sizes of the rest evenly decrease along the oblique line. On average, the next finger is shorter than the previous one by about half a phalanx.

Similar to the characteristic of the "Egyptians" is the foot English type, the fingers on which are sharply shortened after the first, as if beveled. The width of the foot of this type is large.

Roman foot

Distinguishing feature - rectangular shape. The fingers do not stand out in size: all 5 are approximately equal to each other, slightly decreasing.

There is an assumption that people with soles of this type are distinguished by a simple, direct and sharp character. They are successful in life due to perseverance and the ability to work hard for a long time.

peasant leg

To determine it, pay attention to fingers 3 to 5, thumb and index do not play a big role and can be either the same or different, and usually protrude a little forward. Peasant-type feet are wide or medium-wide.

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Greek foot

Correct and aesthetic, according to artists. Its external characteristics:

  1. The second finger is the longest, bypasses 1 by several mm and is larger than 3.
  2. The thumb and middle fingers are approximately equal.
  3. The ring and little fingers are arranged in descending order of length.
  4. 1 and 2 toes at the foot of the Greek type are noticeably spaced apart in different sides when compared to other elements.
  5. This type of foot can vary from extremely narrow to medium.

There is a leg of the described form only in a fifth of the world's population.

Other characteristics of the feet

In addition to the described types of feet, it is also advisable to consider the features of individual fingers.

Little finger doesn't move

There is a group of people who are unable to control the little fingers with the muscles of the sole.

There is an assumption: the feature distinguishes people who are hardworking, prone to order and stability, balanced conservatives who do not like changes in life.

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The little finger is movable

An excessively mobile, uncontrollable and often moving 5th finger indicates the antipode of the type described above. foot wearer of this type- an adventurer, a frivolous, fickle person, a lover of trying new and unknown, taking risks.

Very short little finger

A tiny little finger slightly moved away from the neighbors indicates an ardent individualist - a person who focuses only on his own opinion. The owner of such soles does not listen to fashion, social stereotypes and the advice of others, acts as the mind tells, avoids crowded places and noisy companies.

Third finger turned out

This oddity in the development of the legs indicates a lover to plan and plan ahead. Their lives are scheduled by the minute for years to come, surprises, spontaneous actions and desires unsettle and break the established rhythm of the day.

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Gap between fingers

It is localized in the region of the index and middle fingers, spreading them apart in opposite sides. According to beliefs, this is an indicator that a person knows how to distinguish between emotions and logical thinking, has an appropriate profession - an analyst, negotiator, etc.

From the outside, it seems that people with this type of foot are emotionally cold and do not pay attention to other people's feelings.

Common foot defects

Due to external or internal causes, various problems arise on the feet:

  • An ingrown nail on the first toe is provoked by improperly sized shoes or a violation of the nail cutting technique.
  • Fungal infection is a contagious infection, manifested by skin rashes, burning, and damage to the nail plates. Symptoms of infection occur after visiting public baths, beaches, swimming pools.
  • Deformation of the BP due to compression of it and its neighbors during long period time with hard toes of shoes or boots. Finger joints dislocated in an unnatural position cause pain and interfere with walking.
  • Calluses - develop due to physical overload, prolonged friction on hosiery, shoes with heels and improperly selected models, even on a flat sole.
  • Bumps on 1 finger. The predisposition to them is genetically transmitted, and poor-quality shoes exacerbate the situation. BP is responsible for correct location other parts of the front of the foot, therefore, when it deviates to the side, their position is also violated. As a result, a bone outgrowth, or bump, is formed on the outside of the rejected finger.

All people are different, and each of us is a unique person. And it's pretty reckless to judge another person by their appearance. Nevertheless, there is still some relationship between character and external data. Otherwise, we would not be talking about a "strong-willed chin" or a "smart forehead."

We bring to your attention a rapid test to determine the character, depending on the shape of the human foot. Of course, complete description he will not give a person, but will reveal his predominant qualities.

Roman shaped foot

This is the predominant type of foot, so it is difficult to single out any basic qualities of their owner. As a rule, people with this shape of the foot are distinguished by sociability and friendliness. They are predisposed to oratory, as well as trade.

Square foot

With this structure of the foot, the fingers are approximately the same in length. People who have such legs are distinguished by their prudence and balanced approach to business. First of all, they value practicality in life.

Greek foot shape

If the second toe protrudes further than the rest, this means that the person has a "Greek-shaped" foot. As a rule, such a body structure indicates extraordinary Creative skills. People with this shape of the leg are distinguished by a wonderful imagination and a non-standard view of things.

"Long" foot

Fingers tightly pressed together, which gradually decrease from the thumb to the little finger, give the impression of a long foot. People with such legs are often secretive and like to be alone with themselves. However, they are characterized by impulsiveness and a sharp change in mood.

Third finger tilted to the side

If the third finger is slightly bent to the side, this indicates composure. Such people are extremely calm in all situations. This is partly because they can predict these situations in advance and plan their actions.

Little finger on the side

When the little toe is much smaller than the rest of the toes, this type of foot is called "little toe on the side." This shape of the leg speaks of the freedom-loving nature of a person. It is almost impossible to impose someone else's opinion on him. People with this type of leg have incredible charisma and are often known as rebels.

Space between second and third fingers

People with this shape of the leg are famous for their businesslike approach to any business. They clearly distinguish working time and personal.

Narrow base of second toe

The narrow base of the thumb is a sign of expressiveness. Such people do not know how to keep their emotions in themselves. They share all their sorrows and joys with others.

Inability to move the little finger

If a person cannot protrude the little finger from the rest of the fingers without the help of hands, then this indicates his fidelity and reliability. His life is always clearly planned and organized. And the word given by them is always fulfilled.

The little finger sticks out

If the little finger noticeably separates from the rest of the fingers, then with a high degree of probability it can be assumed that such a person loves adventure. People who have such a foot hate the daily routine, appreciate the risk and love the bright sensations in life.


Human feet can vary in size, shape, width, and more. But, despite all their diversity, each pair of feet can be conditionally attributed to one of the five main types, each of which is characteristic of people with certain character traits. The characteristics of each type are based primarily on the length of the fingers.

If we count from the largest toe (first) to the smallest (fifth), we can describe the feet as follows.

Greek type

The Greek type of feet is characterized short first finger and a longer second, followed by the remaining three fingers in descending order of length. This type of feet is also characterized by a significant, compared with others, distance between the first and second toes. The width of the feet of the Greek type can vary from the narrowest to the average. Feet of this type have up to 20% of people.

People with Greek feet have a strong need to lead others. They are able to inspire others with their ideas and inspire action with deeds. Such people are more theoreticians than practitioners, although one does not exclude the other.

Rice. one. Greek foot

Egyptian type

The Egyptian type of feet is characterized by a long first toe and a decrease in length of the remaining four toes. The width of the feet varies in the same range as the feet of the Greek type. People with Egyptian type feet are often dreamers and dreamers, they are driven by great ideas. It is believed that they are prone to a passive life position. If, in addition, the big toes of their feet are somewhat protruding, they can hardly endure criticism from others. If the heels of the Egyptian type of feet are smaller than the large balls of the feet, such a person is likely to have to fight to realize his ideas, while facing great financial difficulties.

Rice. 2. Egyptian foot

Scotch-Irish type

The feet of the Scotch-Irish type have relatively long toes of almost equal length. People with this type of feet are sensitive and caring, easy-going and, although sometimes very conservative, can still struggle to expand the boundaries of their life.

Rice. 3. Scotch-Irish foot

English type

The feet of the modern English type are somewhat broader than the feet of the Scotch-Irish type, their toes are sharply sloping. People with this type of foot are quite mundane, they do not particularly strive to develop their spiritual or creative potential, they have a stable character. In their actions, such people would rather withdraw than do anything wrong.

Rice. four. Foot of the modern English type

peasant type

The feet of the peasant type usually have three inner toes of the same length, and all the toes are rather short and, as it were, square. The width of the feet of this type can vary from medium to wide. People with a peasant foot type are reliable and hardworking, stand firmly on their feet and are well prepared for life. They are much closer to today's problems than the distant and unknown future.

Rice. 5. Peasant foot

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