Plan Characteristics of the country Switzerland. Full description of Switzerland

Encyclopedia plants 21.09.2019
Encyclopedia plants

Switzerland - in many ways a unique state in Central Europe. It is surrounded by countries such as Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein, France and Italy. There is no exit to the sea. The main wealth of the country is Nature: 2/3 of the territory occupy mountains, alpine meadows, many lakes, natural parks.

The capital of the state is Bern (center of the same name of the German-speaking canton). To the number large cities Refer: Zurich, Geneva, Basel, Lausanne.

Political device. Official name of the country: Swiss Confederation. The President is the head of state and government.

Administrative territorial device. Switzerland - the federal republic, consisting of twenty-six cantons. Each Canton has its own constitution, parliament, legislation, but the rights of the regions are limited to the Swiss Constitution.

Language: The state was formed from various language groups, so common language not. The country officially uses four languages \u200b\u200b- German, French, Italian and Romanesky. Today, Germanoshvice make up most - 65%, French-speaking - 18%, etc. 10%. One percentage is the retortomians.

Religion. In the era of the Reformation, the country survived a church split, as a result of which the population shares approximately in half to Catholics and Protestants. About 6% are representatives of other religions.

Monetary unit: Swiss franc (CHF), equal to 100 centimams.

Climate. Differs in regions and depending on the height of the terrain. On most of the country, the climate is moderate, continental. There is no strong heat, cold, humidity drops. South of Alps almost Mediterranean. In the mountains in winter, stable snow cover.

  • The name of Switzerland occurred from the community of Schwitz, one of the three valleys, which in 1291 united in the Union to jointly confront enemies.
  • In ancient times, the Celtic tribe of Gelvetov lived in the country, hence another name - Gelving (used on the brands).
  • In 1815, the Vienna Congress proclaimed the "neutrality" of Switzerland. Since then, the country remains outside military conflicts.
  • Although most Countries occupy Mountains, Switzerland is a peasant country, famous for milk and cheese. And this state produces the world's best hours and is the world banking center.
  • Switzerland - not included in the European Union, nevertheless, there are headquarters of many international organizations (UN, WTO, IOC, Red Cross).

Switzerland Map.

Switzerland A brief information about the country.

Switzerland - A country generously gifted by nature with an amazing landscape, where he captures the spirit from the panorama of mountains and lakes, and purity, comfort and goodwill swiss Immediately create an atmosphere of comfort. In Switzerland The choice of what to do is so great that everyone will find something that he most like. For example, to drive on a chocolate train to Gruyer and visit the damp, where you can see the cooking process and immediately taste fresh Swiss cheese. There is also a great opportunity to enjoy the traditional swiss dish fondue (Wailed with white wine cheese, which is served in a special heated pot). Or climb on the mountain train to the top of Jungfrau, where an unforgettable panorama comes from the gaze. And also, visit the Palace of the United Nations, a mirroring labyrinth, watch factories of world famous brands, see the Geneva fountain, wooden bridge Cappelbruck and the largest Rhine Falls in Europe.

Switzerland is famous for its impeccable organization of outdoor activities. In the summer in the mountains, the paradise for cyclists and mountain hike lovers (the mass of thoroughly prepared and annually improved routes). For less active tourists, it is possible to soak out the outdoor pool and pamper yourself with thalassotherapy procedures on thermal sources (Lakersbad, Villar, Iverdon). Children's international camps are very popular in the mountains, your child will rest, gain strength, impressions and will lead new friends from all over the world.

In Switzerland You can unlimited travel around the country on any type of transport on a single ticket Swiss Pass, which also gives discounts on many mountain lifts. Having a universal travel pass in his pocket - Swiss Pass, you can move almost restrictions throughout Switzerland. The specially created SWISS Travel System system includes federal railways, a lake fleet, long-distance buses, public transport in most cities. There is a Swiss Card discount card that gives the right to a 50 percent discount when buying tickets and two free trips. Any free moves must be per day.

According to SwissThe most popular museum of the country is a museum of transport in Lucerne. In second place - the Botanical Garden in Geneva, on the third - medieval Schilon Castle on the shores of the Lake Geneva. The most famous zoo is located in Basel.

Every year B. Switzerland are held dozens of various musical festivals.For which tens of thousands of music lovers come. Lovers of classics come to Lucerne or Gstyad. The famous jazz festivals are held in Montre. The film festival is widely known in Locarno, passing under the open sky.

The most famous national dishes are fondue and raclett (dishes made of molten cheese) in the French part of the country, sausages and solids (potatoes fried in a special way) - in German. In the area of \u200b\u200bGraubünden, it is worth trying the finest slices fried meat - this dish is considered here the most delicious; Italian cuisine is dominated in Ticino. Special pride of Swiss - Wines, the secret of the preparation of which is considered almost a state secret. Do not care to solve her, but just enjoy. Thanks to its cultural and national manifold Switzerland Offers an unusually wide selection of gastronomic temptations. French, German and Italian cuisine prevails in areas where they speak these languages, but each area has its own culinary raisins. Swiss cuisine It appeared as a result of complex, long-term and controversial development under the influence of many peoples living in the country. Especially great influence of French, Italian and German culinary traditions. A distinctive feature of local cuisine is an abundance of cheese and dairy products, as well as meat with a variety of seasonings. Be sure to try the traditional "foie gras" or "CHES fondue" - melted in boiling white wine cheese "Gruyer" or "Emmental"Separated by spices. There is this dish in a hot, loose in cheese pieces white bread And be sure to "drinking" white wine. Another popular cheese dish - "Raclett", which is a specially toasted cheese with crispy marinated cucumbers and potatoes in Mundire. Extremely popular "Bernes Platter" - roasted pieces of beef and pork with green beans or acidic cabbage as well "Lurich Leshnetztis" - Thin pieces of veal in sauce. Appetizing sausages of all kinds are used everywhere, sausages from Cantons of St. Gallen and Bern, as well as huge two-meter zurich sausages, beautiful bacon and specially cooked potatoes "SOLUTS"which is best served in combination with a white Munich sausage "BATTURST". Swiss Chocolate and disasters "Hyuhli" and "Furious" Also known all over the world. It is worth trying and specially cooked very strong coffee "Ristretto". In the southern cantons, almost only Italian cuisine with her "pasta", "pizza", "Karpaccio" "scamp" and "risotto", with an abundance of greenery and olive oil. Swiss wines And beer are great. Among the white wines are highlighted "Johanniorberg", "Fendan", "Love, among the red - "Lamy", "Crown" and "Dol". Good liqueurs "Kirsche", "Pflumli" and "Williamin"But they are very strong.

Switzerland It is famous for jewelry, clock and chocolate. All major jewelry firms have their own representative office in Geneva. Here you can buy various models of traditional brands such as Omega, Tissot, Longines, IWC. Noteworthy damn Swiss stores - polite and attentive attitude towards its customers. Excellent quality of everything that is produced in Switzerland, turns it into a paradise for lovers shopping.

Ski Switzerland.

Switzerland No wonder they call the "ski fairy tale." Mountains take two thirds of the territory SwitzerlandAnd unusually well-groomed ski centers are considered one of the best in the world. In Switzerland All - on the highest class. Any local resort is a standard of quality, solidity and prestigiousness to the same extent, like swiss Bank or swiss Watches . And the pride of the skier will sweep the fact of conquering the most high-altitude trails in the world.

In Switzerland The five main ski regions, the most resorts are located in the cantons and graubyunden.

South cantona shaft can be considered the most highly mountainous region not only in SwitzerlandBut in general in the Alps, since most of these four-thousand people are concentrated in these places. Local resorts are famous for excellent snow and cloudless weather.

Bern Alps -Contal ski region of Switzerlandwhich is popular for more than 100 years. The height of the mountains and the complexity of the descents increase here as we move from the West to the East.

In the mountains of Central Switzerland preferred representatives of the middle class, since here are the most accessible from the luxurious swiss resorts. In the area of \u200b\u200bMount Titlis, skating does not stop even in the summer.

Ski resorts Eastern Switzerland We usually choose those who do not want to remove from large cities: in clear weather, the Glarnts Alps are visible from Zurich with the naked eye. At the same time, this array is very attractive for skiing, since it is located on the eve of the high Alps.

Graubyundden - this is the largest swiss canton With beautiful landscapes and rich history. Graubünden's most popular ski resorts are located in its central part (Arose, Davos) and in the south (St. Moritz, Pontresin).

What do we know about Switzerland? The main associations with this is an excellent country - these are only banks, cheese and accurate clock ... First of all, Switzerland - The attractive country of Europe, which conquers its nature - the endless Alpine meadows and beautiful lakes are sitting at any time of the year, and the mountain landscapes shook the imagination and mounted with their majesticity and beauty.
It is the magnificent mountain landscape and provide such the popularity of Switzerland Fans of outdoor activities that get amazing opportunities for excellent skiing both in the winter and summer.
Excellent conditions created by nature are greatly complemented by a well-developed tourist infrastructure, which " in Swiss"Ideal.
Single ski resort Switzerland Working all year round is Zermatt. This is the highest level resort, it is chosen both newcomers and professionals. Every year at the beginning of the summer, international competitions for ski instructors are held here.

Education system
Switzerland We are more known with our banks than schools and universities. Meanwhile, educational institutions of this country deserve the most close attention. It is especially worth noting private boarding schools for children, the world's best hotel management schools and local universities who gave the world several dozen Nobel laureates.

Many believe that swiss education Basinally expensive. And this is true, but only partly. Yes, the cost of training in private educational institutions - schools for children, schools of hotel management, etc. - worth big money. But, for example, for the semester in the state swiss university from foreigners take only 500 francs (here and then all the prices are given in Swiss francs (CHF), see the course on with. 111), that is, about $ 320 (see Table 1). Of course, such a low study fee is partly compensated for a high-cost life (see Table 3), but if you live economically, you can still pay less than in America. In addition, the student residence permit (Permis B) gives the right to work up to 15 hours a week, starting at the second year of study.

An unprepared visitor from Ukraine is striking the comfort and quality of the local infrastructure. In everyday life SwitzerlandPerhaps close to the ideal - literally everything is thought out to the smallest detail, everything is subordinated to the requirements of convenience. For example, university libraries are combined into a network, and upon request, you can get a book or a scientific journal from any of them the next day. Any student can write a request and access unique equipment, for example, to the supercomputer laboratory in Zurich.

Uniqueness of Switzerland It is that this country is like any other - multiculturalism and multilingualism. It so happened that on the tiny patch of the earth, clamped from all sides of the mountains, the side of different cultures speakers lived side by side. Even short training in Switzerland He will teach you better understand the thinking of the Germans, French and other Swedes, which can be very useful subsequently.

In addition, this place simply forces learning languages. Switzerland consists of 26 cantons and halftone included in three large groups: German-speaking (the most representative, including Basel, the official capital of Bern and the Business Center Zurich), French-speaking (Geneva, Lausanne) and tiny italy-speaking (Ticino). In addition, there is another small part of the population in the south, using the retoroman language, which is considered the first official state (it is the inscriptions on coins, stamps that are performed on it.). Accordingly, four in the country state languagewhich are in one degree or another express most swiss. If you know at least one, you will always find Swiss educational institutionwhere they teach it.

Internationalism and cosmopolitanism peculiar Switzerland, influenced the local education system. It was in this country that international schools and universities appeared first, the first international training programs were created here (for example, International Baccalaureate). Swiss universitieswe are constantly united, working on common research projects or together teach students on various programs. For example, in 1997, the universities of Bern, Freiburg and Neuzhetel developed a single educational program for some natural science directions and began to issue a single diploma in the country, and in 2003 they plan to merge the universities of Geneva and Lausanne.

For small Swiss Study begins in 4-6 years, from kindergarten or school. I must say that Swiss A peculiar approach to the upbringing of young children. They "do not interfere", that is, leave to frolic, in confidence that if there is no ability, they will certainly manifest. At the same time, for example, a multiplication table is not forced, and reading lessons replaces simply memorizing words and suggestions. As a result, small children tend to know much less of their peers in Ukraine.

Initial and secondary schools are subject to exclusively to cantons, therefore there is no common mandatory for all schools. Swiss federalmatura program is only one of several offered to schoolchildren to choose from. Public schools are open to children of foreigners, for a long time living in the country (for example, diplomats and employees of international organizations whose headquarters are located in Geneva).

All other services are about 250 private boarding schools. The first of them appeared at the beginning of the century. Many of them were created under the influence of the ideas of famous teachers - Johann Pestozzi, Father Girard, Maria Montessori and Rudolph Steiner. Suggested by them techniques and methods education of children Swiss schools Used so far. There are purely British (St George`s School, Aiglon College), American School of Switzerland, etc.) and Anglo-American (International School of Basel, John F. Kennedy International School et al.) Schools, at one time, founded by the British or Americans for their children. Now they accept students from around the world and, as a rule, more than the same directly in the UK and the United States, but they are worth it.

Orders in British schools are stricter, food is more modest. Asceticism of the local hostels amazes even visiting. In Switzerland Schools are more comfortable, especially in the French part of the country. It is not customary to make such an emphasis on disciplinary strictness. Many private schools were originally created for children of different nationalities, so they are more flexible and adapted for foreign disciples than English.

Most swiss schools Located in the mountains and looks like a sanatorium: five-volume nutrition, personal attention and care for every child, a lot of sports and entertaining lessons games. The curriculum focuses on foreign languages \u200b\u200band general development. Here they like to spend lessons in nature and send students to training travels to other cities and countries. In physical education lessons, children are engaged in all possible types Sports - skiing, ice skating, bicycle, swim in the pool, walk under the sails, climb the mountains. A lot of attention is paid to the classes for the soul and hands: drawing, music, modeling, etc. The local climate and natural conditions allow you to strengthen health, and communicating with peers from different countries - children of politicians, diplomats, large businessmen - provides invaluable experience and communications that can be useful in the future.

Almost all schools, along with swiss program Matura, there are still one or two foreign branches. Accordingly, children can learn from the English program of A-Level, the French program BAC (Baccalaureat), German ABITUR or Italian Maturite. All of them are distinguished by the level of complexity and saturation of objects (see the insert). And although with any of the issued in Switzerland School diplomas can be done in any swiss, most European and American universities, the final choice is determined by the fact that the country, according to parents' plans, the child will continue to learn, live and work.

Most private schools are located in French parts of Switzerland. It is inherent in a special charm and ease, while for German is characterized by business attitude and rigor. In schools located in the French part, the spirit of freedom reigns (even some permissiveness), the atmosphere in them is relaxing, all conditions for outdoor activities have been created. And in German reigns, discipline, for breakfast, schoolchildren go out in ties, at the table are sitting smoothly, they hold the back straight.

Some mansion are school and colleges in which Manners are taught. For example, in the Elitar School of Institut Auf Dem Rosenberg (German part, the place of St.gallen), according to its owners, raise future diplomats and government officials. Famous swiss institutions Noble maidens - FINISHING SCHOOLS, have once been famous all over the world. Now they are no longer so popular, but still exist. They take in them not only in the noble blood, but also all the six 16-27 years, who are not sorry to pay for good manners 18.000-20.000 swiss francs for trimester. It is taught in them to behave in the highest business and diplomatic circles of Etiquette et savoir vivre: what and how to speak in society, how to be a good wife and assistant to your husband, to keep a household and handle the servants. Students also train foreign languages, history of culture and art, office work, basics of business, cooking, sewing, design and design of the house, organization of parties - in general, everything that can be useful to girls from the highest society.

Year of study in the best swiss schools costs at $ 50,000 and more. However, not all schools Switzerland superdogiye and elite. There are very small, family and quite comparable at prices, for example, with English. Among them are Monte Rosa, College Du Leman and other schools, crowded, by the way, and Russian and Ukrainian children.

Higher education

In Switzerland There are about 120 colleges. They usually have a narrow specialization and give a good vocational education. Here is taught by the secretary and hotel case, accounting and other wisdoms needed in business life. A full course of study is designed for three to four years. It is curious that graduates swiss Colleges remain without work less often than those who graduated from the university (6.1% against 7.6%).

In this country there are the best institutes of hotel management and tourism in the world. These are private educational institutions, the most famous of which is, perhaps, Ecole Hoteliare de Lausanne is the first institution of this kind in the world. It was founded in 1893 and invites, in particular, a 4-year training program for english language. About 800 students from 44 countries study at school. The cost of the training semester is 9.300 francs.

Postpolomal education

The dream of Europe's managers is International Institute for Management Development (IMD), located in Lausanne. It traditionally occupies the second after the French Insead place in Europe and is included in the TOP 15 world business schools. This school is famous for the production orientation: 68% of graduates of its MBA program are found in this sector. The mentioned feature attracts more adult contingent in it (the average age is 31 years old) with greater than is usually required, experience (average figure is 7.5 years). Take only 80 people per year, which allows you to make a strict selection: the competition is 8-10 applicants in place).

When these people come out of the IMD walls in a year, their average salary is already $ 130 thousand per year. According to this indicator, the school is confidently ahead of all competitors in the old world. Training is conducted in English and is based on a combination of methods involving work in groups, Case Studies (study of real situations from business practices) and the preparation of project presentations. The International Consulting Projects module allows students to work as consultants in leading companies. The cost of learning in IMD is $ 28,000. For receipt, you must pass GMAT with a middle score of 615, but the TOEFL is not required to pass. However, this does not mean that it can be known "from the fifth to the tenth." Language knowledge is checked by completed questionnaires, essays and during the interview.

Swiss universities

To University swiss Get about 19-22 years. In Switzerland 12 state universities: seven "classic" cantonal universities - in Basel, Bern, Fryburg, Geneva, Lausanne, Neuzhetors, Zurich and in St. Gallen (see? 10 (11), 1999), - two small cantonal universities in the University of University College of Lucerne and Universita Della Svizzera Italiana in Lugano, as well as two special Polytechnic schools EPF Lausanne and Eth Zurich, where they are taught engineering sciences and architecture. There are private universities like European University and different colleges, however swiss Believe such institutions with distrust and do not recognize their diplomas.

Accordingly, Basel Universities, Bern, Lucerne, St. Gallen and both Tsurich universities are located in the German-speaking part of the country. In educational institutions of the Neuchant, Lausanne and Geneva teach French. Friendurg University - Polyglot: Bilingualism is officially proclaimed here and almost all lectures are read by both German and French. Finally, with Universita Della Svizzera Italiana, you probably have everything clearly by the name is a typical university.

At the University, students learn for four to six years depending on the faculty. However, due to the fact that many students combine their studies with work (see Table 2), usually this circumstance adds another 1-2 years. Now the country is experiencing the consequences of baby-boom of the 70s, so the number of universities entering universities is very large. However, the cantons do not want to introduce official restrictions on the example of students (Numerous Clausus). Therefore, universities regulate the number with the help of the exam after the first year of learning, the scary. After it, up to 50% of students are sifted.

Info Switzerland

Switzerland is quite small even by European standards. Nevertheless, this small country plays a rather significant role in global processes. And the foreign policy of this state, which for more than one hundred and fifty years provide unprecedented stability, can be considered unique. Let's briefly study the story, learn the area and as well as some other nuances associated with this country.

Geographical location of Switzerland

Before considering the Square of Switzerland, as well as some other questions, let's find out where this state is located.

Switzerland is located in the heart of Western Europe, on the territory of the mountain range called the Alps. In the east, it borders with Austria and Liechtenstein, in the south - with Italy, in the West - with France, and in the north comes with Germany.

The nature of most Switzerland is mountain in nature. In the West of the country there is a rather major Lake Geneva.

The capital of Switzerland is the city of Bern.

History before the formation of an independent state

Now briefly look into the history of Switzerland. Settlements in these places are known since the time of Paleolithic. During the neolithic period, there was a cultural community that built their homes at the piles.

In ancient times, the mountain plot in the east inhabited the Retov tribes, which were considered relatively Italian Etruscians. It was from the number of representatives of this tribe, one of the modern ethnic groups of Switzerland occurred - Retoromans.

Also starting from the XIII century to n. E., Celtic peoples began to penetrate here. Before the Roman conquest, the West of modern Switzerland inhabited the coad-tasked tribes of Gelvetov and Allobrists, and the East - Windlikov.

In 58 BC e. Gelviet and allorals were conquered by the great Roman commander Julia Caesar, and after his death at Octavian Augustus in 15-13 years before N. e. Reta and windy are conquered.

The captured areas are thus included in the Roman Empire. The territory of modern Switzerland was divided between the provinces - Registration and Upper Germany, also small plot Near Geneva entered the Narbon Gaul. Later, another province was separated from the Region in the north - winding. The region began to gradually rate, there were significant Roman structures, roads, cities, when the power of the empire kneads to decline, Christianity began to penetrate.

Already in 264, the German tribes of Alemanov invaded the territory of modern Western Switzerland. At the beginning of the V century, they finally captured the East of the country. In 470, the West Switzerland became part of the Kingdom of another German tribe - burgundy, which, however, were Christians. If the aleasans on their territory completely destroyed the traces of the novelization, exterminating, expelled and assimilating local population, then Burgundy, on the contrary, belonged to the local rather loyal, which contributed to the predominance of the Romanesque population on the land subject to them. This separation was reflected even in modern times: the Western French-speaking population of Switzerland is the main descendants of the residents of the country of the Roman period, and the eastern German-speaking population is the descendants of Alemanov.

In addition, after in 478, the south of Switzerland fell consistently under the authority of the German kingdoms of sharp and Langobards, the center of which was located in Italy. But the isgotes also did not make a violent growth of the population, therefore, in this part of the country, retortomans and Italians are currently living.

It should be noted that the prevention of mixing the above ethnic groups and military invasions prevented the natural separation of Switzerland Alps on relatively insulated areas.

In the VIII century, the total Square Switzerland was again combined within the framework of the Franksky state. But already in the 9th century it broke up. Switzerland was again divided between several states: the Upper Burgundy, Italy and Germany. But in the XI century, the German king managed to create which included the entire Square of Switzerland. However, soon the imperial power weakened, and the local feudals from the birth of cerensmen, the Kiburgs, Habsburgs and others who exploited the local population began to control these lands. Habsburgs were especially intensified after at the end of the XIII century, the title of Emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire was passed into their hands.

Fighting for independence

It is the struggle against these seniors, mainly Habsburgs, and served as the beginning of the cohesion of the scattered Swiss regions into a single independent state. In 1291, the Military Union "For Eternal Times" was concluded between representatives of the three cantons (regions) of Switzerland - Schwitz, Uri and Unterwalden. This date is made by the report of Swiss statehood. From this point, the active struggle of the people against the Habsburgs, representatives of the imperial administration and feudalists began. The famous legend of Wilhelme Tella is about the initial stage of this struggle.

In 1315, the first major clash between the Swiss and the Habsburg army occurred. It got the name of the battle in Morgarte. Then the Swiss managed to win, numerically exceeding them several times the enemy's army, besides, consisting of knights. It is with this event that the first mention of the name "Switzerland" is associated. This happened due to the erroneous distribution of the name of the Canton Shvitz into the territory of the whole Union. Immediately after the victory, the union contract was updated.

In the future, the Union continued to successfully act against the Habsburgs. This attracted the desire of other areas to join it. By 1353, the Union had already numbered eight cantons, since Zurich, Bern, Zug, Lucerne and the Glarus were added to the initial three.

In 1386 and 1388, the Swiss had two more significant damage to the Habsburgs in Battles for Zemvak and Nechels. This led to the fact that the world was imprisoned for 5 years. Then he was extended for 20 and 50 years. Habsburgs actually abandoned the rights of senors relatively eight Allied cantons, although they continued to be part of the Sacred Roman Empire. Such a state of affairs remained up to 1481, that is, almost 100 years.

In 1474-1477, Switzerland was drawn into the Burgundy War in the Union with France and Austria. In 1477, in the decisive battle of Nancy, the Swiss broke the troops of the Duke of Burgundsky and he himself died in this battle. This victory significantly increased the international authority of Switzerland. Her warriors became valued as excellent mercenaries, which had a positive effect on the country's economy. In this capacity, they serve the French king, Milan Duke, Pope and other sovereigns. In the Vatican Guard of the Holy See still comes from Swiss. Lands wishing to join the Union, but old cantons are not too burning with the desire to expand borders.

In the end, in 1481 an updated agreement was concluded. As members of the Union, two more canton were adopted - Zolled and Fribur. Switzerland expanded, and the number of cantons was brought to ten. In 1499, a victory was won by the War with the Swabian Union, supported by the emperor. After that, a contract was concluded, which actually marked the yield of Switzerland from the Sacred Roman Empire. But legally, the emperor has not yet abandoned his claims. In 1501, Basel and Schaffhausen were adopted as cantons to the Union, and in 1513 - Appenzel. The number of land reached thirteen.

Meanwhile, in the XV century in Europe, the Reformation is a broad guide - a group of Christian religious teachingswho depened the primacy of Pope in the spiritual world. In the city of Geneva, the founder of one of the leading currents of the Reformation was died and died and died - Jean Calvin. Another outstanding reformer Ulrich Zwingley was a native of St. Gallen. Reform accepted many European sovereigns and princes. But she was opposed by the emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire. For this reason, in 1618, the All-Eway in 1648, the Westphalian world was signed in 1648 ODU, in which the emperor recognized his defeat and the right of princes to choose religion for his land, and the release of Switzerland from the Sacred Roman Empire was legally enshrined. Now she has become an absolutely independent state.

Independent Switzerland

However, the Switzerland of that time only relative to the one state. Each Canton had its own legislation, territorial division, the right to enter into international agreements. It was more like a military-political union than a full-fledged state.

In 1795, a revolution, supported by the Napoleonic France, began in Switzerland. The French occupied the country, and in 1798 a unitary state was created here - the Helvetic Republic. After the victory of the allies over Napoleon in 1815, the previous device was returned to Switzerland, however, the number of cantons was increased to 22, and later to 26. But the country began to rise for the centralization of power. In 1848, a new constitution was adopted. According to her, Switzerland, although continued to be referred to as a confederation, actually turned into with a full-fledged government. The neutral status of the mill was fixed immediately. This has become a key to the fact that Switzerland has become one of the most peaceful and quiet corners of the world. While in the heart of Europe, destroyed by the first and second world wars, this state is almost the only one that did not suffer during the tragic events. And indeed, only Sweden and the territory of Switzerland were free from the war in Europe. The country area did not suffer from enemy bombs or invasions of foreign armies.

The country has actively developed industry and the banking sector. This made it possible to bring Switzerland to world leaders in providing financial services, and the standard of living of the Alpine state citizens became one of the highest on the planet.

Square Switzerland

Now let's find out what kind of Switzerland area. This indicator is a basic criterion for further analysis. At the moment, Switzerland is 41.3 thousand square meters. km. This is the 133rd indicator among all countries of the world.

For comparison, the area of \u200b\u200bone of the Volgograd region is 112.9 thousand square meters. km.

Administrative division of Switzerland

In the administrative-territorial plan, Switzerland is divided into 20 cantons and 6 semi-kantons, which, in general, is to 26 confederation subjects.

The largest areas are the cantons of graubyunden (7.1 thousand square meters), Bern (6.0 thousand square meters. Km.) And Vale (5.2 thousand square meters km).

Population size

The total population in the country is about 8 million people. This is the 95th indicator in the world.

But what density of residents has Switzerland? The country area and the population that we set up above are easily given to calculate this indicator. It is 188 people / sq. km.

Ethnic composition

On the territory of the country, 94% of residents consider themselves ethnic Swiss. It does not prevent them from talking in different languages. Thus, 65% of the population are German-speaking, 18% - French-speaking and 10% - the people-speaking.

In addition, about 1% of the population make up the retortomians.


At the time of the Middle Ages and the New Time, Switzerland became a real arena of the struggle between Protestants and Catholics. Now passion lighted and no religious confrontation in the country. About 50% of the population make up Protestants - Catholics.

In addition, Switzerland has small Jewish and Muslim communities.

general characteristics

We learned Switzerland's Square. km, population and the history of this country. As you can see, she fell a long way from the separated Union of Cantons to a single state. The history of Switzerland can serve as an example of how culturally, religious, ethnically and linguistically disparate communion can be united in a single nation.

The success of the Swiss development model confirms its economic indicators and more than 150-year-old peace in the country.

What associations first arise in a person who has heard the word "Switzerland"? Watches, cheese, chocolate, pearnous knives, banks, mountains, alpine meadows ... and, perhaps, all. But this country is very curious and unusual. In this article we will look at some interesting facts about Switzerland.

A little about the country

Switzerland is a very unique state, small even by European standards, which, however, contains a lot of interesting and unusual. According to the inhabitants of this country, its main property is nature: eternal glaciers, mountain ranges, alpine meadows, blue lakes and waterfalls. Here on a relatively small territory there are 1484 lakes. Many of them have a glacial origin - these are reservoirs of unique beauty and transparency. This can be judged even according to the photo above. Switzerland is unusual because in whatever point of the country you are not, a maximum of twenty kilometers from you will be a beautiful lake suitable for swimming. Mountains occupy two thirds of its territory. In this regard, the state considered by us is recognized as the most highitious in Europe. Approximately 14 percent of the area of \u200b\u200bthis country occupy natural reserves and parks in which the pristine nature has been preserved.

Political way

Even considering the political structure of this country, you can find interesting facts about Switzerland. It turns out that it is the world's only confederation. It happened for a long time. In the Middle Ages, she actually possessed a confederative device. Modern Switzerland is actually a federal republic. Interesting is the fact that this country does not officially have the capital. However, this function is performed by the city of Bern. In Switzerland, the President is elected for a period of one year. And, most interesting, he is appointed in turn, from the seven members of the Federal Council.

Social and political situation

There are four official languages \u200b\u200bin this country: French, German, Italian and the most rare language in Switzerland are Romanesky, less than one percent of the country's population is talking on it. Despite the fact that this state is in and not entered into the European Union, there are a huge number of offices and headquarters of various international organizations, including the Red Cross, the UN, WHO, WTO, FIFA, FIBA, CERN, IOC and others.

Referendums in Switzerland

Another interesting fact is that the country's legislation is allowed to hold a referendum every Sunday. However, in practice, they are carried out only a few times a year. According to the results of one such referendum in the state, the construction of new minarets was prohibited. Switzerland has only six such architectural structures. However, their main function (a disclation on the Namaz) cannot be performed, as it will lead to a violation

Consider some curious information about this country.

1. Switzerland is located in the middle part of Western Europe and the exit to the sea does not have, however, has a very large fleet. The main navigation company of the Lake Geneva is the owner of the highest number of vehicles of inland reservoirs in Europe.

2. The service in the army is mandatory for all men in the age of thirty years. Its duration is 260 days, but they are distributed for ten years. According to the legislation, it is possible to "disappear" from the service, for this will have to be transferred for 30 years to the state fund three percent of all its income.

3. In Switzerland until mobile phones appear as a means of communication, singing without words - iodl.

4. In Geneva on the embankment there are the largest floral clock on the planet. Their dial has five meters in diameter, it consists of 6.5 thousand living colors.

5. In order to cut the tree in Switzerland, it is necessary to obtain a special permission, even if the plant grows on your own plot of land.

6. White mushrooms grow in abundance in this country, but no one collects them and does not eat them.

There is something to learn

Collecting interesting facts about Switzerland, it can be noted and achievements.

1. In this state, the highest concrete dam (285 meters) in the world, the longest on the planet tunnel (57 kilometers) and the most highly mountainous suspension cable car (3820 meters) on the continent.

2. Despite the fact that the Switzerland country is two-thirds consists of mountains, it is known for its export of milk and cheese. It is an invalid peasant state, but produces the best hour mechanisms in the world. She was one hundred and fifty years ago, Switzerland was one of the poorest countries of Europe, and today is the kingdom of world banking corporations.

3. Citizens of this country are considered the most inventive in the world. After all, the Million inhabitants of Switzerland accounts for 2286 patents. The nearest competitors are the Dutch - 1427 patents; South Koreans - 1139 patents; And the Japanese - 1118 patents.

4. The average salary here is 5000 francs ($ 3900), and the minimum - 3500 francs ($ 2700). Inflation in this country does not exceed one percent per year.

5. Medicine in Switzerland is very modern and very high quality, but paid, includes mandatory insurance. According to citizens of this country, which visited the level of medical care is at the level of the Stone Age compared with the "homeland cheese".

Switzerland: Interesting Facts for Children

Children in Switzerland begin to attend school from four years old, but only four days a week study. Interesting fact is free higher education Not only for citizens of the country, but also for foreigners. Swiss private schools are considered the best in the world. Training here costs from 25 thousand per year (800 thousand rubles).

A little about lakes

1. Lake Lehman (Geneva) is the second largest in Europe.

2. Lucerne, or Corwaldstatersee. This lake, beyond doubt, is the most picturesque in the country. It is surrounded by mountain peaks covered with a white bedspread, and magnificent emerald forests spread over its shores.

3. Lugansk Lake is located in the south of the country, on the border with Italy.

4. Maggiore-Locarno. This lake is characterized by a soft Mediterranean climate, as well as magnificent vegetation and Italian landscape.

5. Murten is a small calm reservoir of the correct oval form. It is a favorite holiday destination residents of surrounding towns.

6. Lakes Brienz and Tun. These fascinating reservoirs are in the very center of Switzerland, in the foothills of the Alps. It has all the conditions for the activities of active sports: alkaline skiing, windsurfing, sailing. On Lake Brienz, there is a terrific waterfall of Gissbach, he will overtake with glaciers directly in the reservoir.

7. Nebanese reservoir. This is a beautiful mountain lake framed by low vertices of Yura, located in the western part of the country, in the valley of hours, near the French border.

8. Zurich's reservoir. This is not the biggest lake, but the very Switzerland is located on its shore, which is the financial and economic capital of the country.

This amazing Switzerland

1. Mountains. The Geographic Map of Switzerland shows 48 vertices that rise to a height of 4000 meters - most of all among all Alpine countries. With these monumental natural structures, many different records are connected. For example, here is the most high-altitude railway station in Europe - Jungfrauiokh (3454 meters); The coolest funicular, mountain trains and, of course, the longest glacier in Europe - Alets (23 kilometers).

2. The slowest train on Earth. Panoramic "Ice Express" overcomes 291 kilometers in eight hours. Its average speed is 42 kilometers per hour. Despite this, passengers hardly have time to capture all the beauty of the wondround. At its path, express rises to a height of 2033 meters, overcomes 91 tunnel and 291 bridge.

3. A sparkling holiday. In Zurich, the largest christmas market in Europe is working annually. Here the New Year's fir is installed, which is decorated with more than seven thousand Swarovski crystals. On the market you can purchase original gifts made by hand souvenirs, as well as delicious treats.

4. No smog. Switzerland has twelve ski resorts. They are categorically forbidden to move the movement of road transport. Here even urban services use electric vehicles.

5. Ignorable. Switzerland has the highest and large thermal spa resort - Lakersbad. Every day, in thirty local pools, more than 3.9 million liters of water are pumped, the temperature of which is 51 degrees Celsius.

Swiss confederation

Motto: "Unus Pro Omnibus Omnes Pro Uno." (Lat. "One for all, all for one.")

Name: From the name of one of the three initial cantons - Schwitz, formed from the ancient-monthly word "burn". Often meets the Latin name of the country - Gelvection (Confoederatio Helvetica)

Location: Western Europe

Capital: Berne
In Geneva since 1946 there is a European headquarters of the UN (and Switzerland herself entered the UN only in 2002)
Lausanne in 1994 was elected by the Olympic capital. Lausanne is not only the headquarters of the IOC, but also various international sports federations.

The president: Evelina Vider-SulmPF

Central European time UTC + 1 (difference with Moscow 3 hours),
But between 1:00 last Sunday of March and 1:00 last Sunday of October: Central European Summer Time UTC + 2 (difference with Moscow 2 hours)

Swiss franc (CHF, code 756)
Sellers can take the euro, but do not have to do this. You will most likely get the surrender in Swiss francs.
Currency exchange: Banks (open 8.30-16.30), airports, big cities railway stations, most hotels.

Telephone code: +41
From Switzerland to Russia: Cancel - 00 - 7 - (code) - subscriber number
Switzerland has three cellular operators GSM: Swisscom, Sunrise, Orange.

Internet domain: .ch a large number of Wi-Fi access points. Free Wi-Fi: in the lobby of hotels, restaurants, and sometimes in tourist areas. Payment can be made by plastic cards or provider cards. Normal access - in Swisscom telephone kiosks and an Internet cafe.

Territory: 41 284 km² (132th in the World)

Borders: With Germany (in the north), with Italy (in the south), with France (in the West), with Austria and Liechtenstein (in the East).

The mountains
Switzerland is considered the most mountainous country of Europe.
The Alps occupy 61% of the entire territory of Switzerland. These include Pennic Alps, Lepontinian Alps, the Retal Alps and Array of Bernina. Pennic Alps include the highest point of the country - Dufur peak (4,634 m) and the most famous mountain of the country - Matterhorn - the real symbol of Switzerland, painting on the chocolate chocolate emblem. Ron and Rhine, flowing in deep valleys, separate the Pennic and Lepontinian Alps from the Bernese Alps (with the Mountain Finstorearhorn height of 4274 m) and the Glarnian Alps.
Ostrovsky Alpine ridges are very often covered with glaciers. In total there are about 140 large valleys (24-kilometer large Alechy Gletcher - the largest glacier in the Alps), carrying and hanging glaciers.
Through the ridges at a height above 2,000 meters above sea level, the main passes are laid: Big Saint-Bernard, Symplon, Saint-Gotard, Bernina.
Nowadays, the Alps have become a real Mecca for thousands of outdoor lovers. The best ski and recreational resorts of Switzerland - Davos, St. Moritz, Zermatt, Interlaken, Lakersbad attract a huge number of tourists every year.
Alpine resorts were fame of their tourist attractions. This is the most high-altitude railway station Jungfraujoch at an altitude of 3454 m above sea level and the most highly mountainous brewery in Montstein at an altitude of 1600 m.
The Mountain Array of Yura in the north of the country takes 10% of the territory. The wooded ridges of these mountains stretched out and beyond the country to the territory of France and Germany. The highest point of these mountains is Mount Mont Tendre.
The Swiss Plateau is located in the center of the country, almost the entire territory of which exceeds the mark of 500 meters above sea level.
Forests cover approximately a quarter of Switzerland. Preferably oak and beech, and sometimes pine groves, they grow in the mountains, in the valleys and on plateaus.
On the southern slope of the Alps often encounter chestnut. Soft forests are rising slightly higher in the mountains, which are even above the alpine meadows. Here looks a lush flower carpet, blinding the brightness of the paints. This is spring crocuses and daffodils, and summer rhododendrons, stamps, princes and edelweiss. Further to the top of the stony peaks will cover only Mossi Yes Lichens, while the foot of the mountains will warm up in the rays of the Mediterranean palm trees and mimosa.
Mountain tracts of mountain paths - snow partridges and hareboat. In recent decades, it has become more difficult to see the root, groundwork or sulfur in the mountains. For their protection, as well as for the protection of such species like a deer, an alpine mountain goat and a fox, white partridges are held special events. Created by the Swiss National Park.

Rivers and lakes
Switzerland does not have access to the sea, it is rightly considered to be a stuffing of water. 6% of the stocks of all fresh water of Europe are concentrated here, and it is in the Swiss Alps that rivers such as Rhine, Ron, Inn, carrying their waters to the Northern, Mediterranean and the Black Seas. The valleys of the Swiss rivers are very picturesque. Waterfalls are often found in the mountains. For example, Europe's largest Rhinefall, the most high-altitude Murrenbakh Waterfall, and is not famous as the place of death of Sherlock Holmes Reichnbakh waterfall.

To the most extended in Switzerland, rivers belong:
Rhine, Ara, Ron, Ryuse, Limmat, Zane, Tour, Inn, Ticinino, Emma, \u200b\u200bDu, Birs.

But truly unusual beauty possesses numerous lake Switzerland. The most beautiful of them were the signs of famous poets and artists. As a rule, they are surrounded by picturesque parks with subtropical vegetation and old palaces. Since the Swiss lakes have a glacial origin, they are usually an elongated shape and quite deep.
Along the shores of the lakes spread out beautiful sandy beaches, because the temperature of the water in some lakes reaches + 25 ° C. The variety of natural landscapes of Switzerland is the cause of another interesting phenomenon. Under the influence of soil and vegetation of water, the lakes are painted in all sorts of rainbow colors.
On the water stroit, the lakes are floating on ships of shipping companies.
In Switzerland - 1484 lakes.

The largest among them
Lake Geneva (Cantons of Geneva, Valais) - the largest lake in the Alps - is protected by mountains from cold winds from all sides, so a very warm warm microclimate was formed here. At the famous resort Montreux grow even palm trees.
Bodhen Lake (Cantons of St. Gallen, Thurgau)
Neuvatorskaya Lake (Cantons Bern, Freirur, Neuchatel, C) - the largest lake, fully located in Switzerland.
Lago-Maggiore (Canton Ticino)
Country Lake (Cantons Lucerne, Nidvalden, Obbalden, Schwitz, Uri)
Zurich Lake (Cantons of St. Gallen, Schwitz, Zurich)
Lugano (Canton Ticino)
Tun Lake (Canton Bern)
Bill Lake (Cantons Bern, Neuchatel)
Tsug Lake (Cantons Lucerne, Schwitz, Zug)
Brienz Lake (Canton Bern)
Valenstadt Lake (Cantons Glarus, St. Gallen)
Murtten Lake (Cantons Freirur, VO)
Zemmad Lake (Canton Lucerne)
Schwitty Lake (Canton Shvitz)
Halville Lake (Cantons Argau, Lucerne)
Gruyer (Canton Freirur)
Zhu (Canton V)
Grahifenzeian lake (Canton Zurich)
Lake Lake (Canton Obbalden)
Aigeri (Canton Zug)
Baldheg (Canton Lucerne)

But most lakes are very small. but
Lake Kauma (Canton Graubyundden, total in the canton 637 mountain lakes) is known as the warmest in Switzerland above 1000 m above sea level
Lake Silser (Canton Graubyunden) is the most high-altitude of European lakes, on which official shipping is carried out (1800 meters above sea level)

Mountains create a huge variety in Switzerland climatic zonesEach valley, depending on the height above sea level, has unique weather conditions. However, in general, the central European continental climate prevails. In summer, temperatures are between + 20 ° to + 25 °, and in winter - from + 1 ° to + 6 °.
Climate Canton Ticino is close to Mediterranean.
The West of the country is under the influence of the Atlantic Ocean. In Geneva, the average temperatures of July about + 19 °, January -3 °. The strong northern and southern winds prevail.
At the same time, in the mountainous areas of winter are cold. The average temperature is 10 ° and below.
In winter, Switzerland blows a strong warm wind Fiang, who gave the name of the popular device for consumer electronics.

Switzerland has traditionally differed in high tourism development. A well-developed tourist infrastructure, upscale hotels, excellent iron and highways, and, of course, an amazing nature that made the name of Switzerland, as well as cultural monuments: witnesses of the glorious past freedom-loving people, all this ensures an endless flow of tourists from all over the world.
Extreme love has gained skiing and mountaineering in Switzerland. Davos, St. Moritz and Zermatt are among the best ski resorts in the world. Soft snow, wide slopes, breathtaking landscapes, multiplied by the Swiss quality of service turned Switzerland into one of the best directions of winter holidays. It is necessary to note the presence of excellent ski schools. In the location of the glaciers, skiing is possible all year round.
Switzerland - Paradise for hiking lovers. A diverse landscape made it possible to pave more than 180 routes of varying complexity: from walking on the shores of the lakes to complex trackings on mountain gorges or glaciers. Clearly designated pedestrian trails in winter are cleared of snow.
Switzerland - a country of bicycles. 3300 kilometers of cycling tracks meet all levels of preparation. Nine national cycling routes are combined into the project "Veloland Schweiz". Bicycles can be hired at most railway stations, and they can be returned elsewhere. In some cities, the bike can be rented for free for free monetary deposit or document.
In recent years, climbing rapidly develops in Switzerland.
Almost every Swiss hotel has its own tennis court, there are more fifty great golf courses in the country. In many cities, including in hotels, many covered and open pools, including heated water. At the Swiss lakes, in addition to beautiful beaches, a huge amount of sports entertainment is also popular. This is a yacht and sailing, water skiing and windsurfing. To this you need to add rafting, canoe, deltaplan, jumping with parachute and horse riding. All this indicates a very high level of sport in Switzerland.

Population 7,700 200 people. (98th in the world)
Historically, various peoples, languages \u200b\u200band religious flows are adjacent in Switzerland. The concept of the Swiss displays common history, culture, and a single civil self-consciousness. But there is no such people and language.

The main peoples of Switzerland
Germanoshvillets (65%, Cantons: Bern, Zurich, Uri, Schwitz, Owldenhand, Nidvalden, Glarus, Zug, Lucerne, Zolled, Basel Stadt, Basel-Land, Schaffhausen, Appenzell Ausserrod, Appenzell Innerroden, St. Gallen, Argau , Rougeau, in Cantons Graubyunden- 68%, Fribur-29%, Vale - 28% of the total population) speak German literary language, and its Swiss version: Alemann.
Francischwater (18%, cantons: in, nebanever, Geneva, Yura, in the Cantons of FRIBRI-63%, 62% shaft, from the total population) use official French, and its regional version - an ARPITAN (FRACOPENSAL) language.
Tychino Italy (10%, Canton Ticino) use official Italian and close to him Lombard.
Retoromanian peoples: Romanese and Ladins (1%, in the canton of graubyunden-14.5% of the total population). They speak Romanesm and Latin.
German, French, Italian and Romanesky - national and official languages \u200b\u200bof the Swiss Confederation.
There is an imaginary border between the German-speaking and French-speaking Switzerland - Roschtygraben ("potato dots". Roschti-national dish of the canton of Bern from the cooler potato).

The Reformation left in the inheritance of Switzerland a fairly faster religious picture. Unlike many neighboring states, no side took the top here. Until the XIX century. Cantons with various religions led with each other a fierce struggle. Nowadays:
catholics - 47% (Cantons: Uri, Schwitz, Obbalden, Nidvalden, Tsug, Lucerne, Appenzell-innerroden, Freirur, Vale, Yura, Ticino, in Cantons of St. Gallen, Geneva - 2/3, Zolled, Argau, Graubyunden, - More than half, Zurich, Basel, Glarus, Appenzell-Ausserroden, Turgau, V., Neuchatel - a little less than half, Schaffhausen - 1/3 of the total population)
protestants - 37% (Cantons: Bern, in Cantons Schaffhausen-2/3, Zurich, Basel, Glarus, Appenzell Ausserrod, Turgau, V., Neuncer - More than half, Zolled, Argau, Graubyunden - a little less than half, St. Gallen, Geneva - 1/3 of the total population).

Cantons (capital, largest cities)

Canton Capital Big cities
Berne Berne

Bill, Tun, Könitz, Ostermundingen, Shteofizburg, Burgdorf

Zurich Zurich

Winterthur, Uster, Dowendorf, Ditikon, Becikon, Vedenasville, Khorgen, Cloten, Bühlki, Volkesville, Talville, Regensdorf, Adlisville, Schliere, Illanau Efertikon, Poffikon

Uri. Altdorf.
Schwit Schwit
Owlden Granuen
Nidvalden Stanks
Glarus Glarus
Zug. Zug. Bar
Lucerne Lucerne Emman, Chrins
Zolled Zolled

Oleten, Grenchen

Basel -stadt Basel Rihan
Basel Land. Listale

Allshville, Rayakh, Muttenz, Pratteln

Schaffhausen Schaffhausen
Appenzell-Aausserrode Herisau.
Appenzell -innerrode Appenzell
St. Gallen. St. Gallen.

Rapperswil-Jona, Ville, GosSau

Graubyundden Kernel Davos
Argau. Arau

Santingen, Baden

Turgau. Frauenfeld Kreuzlingen
Ticino Bellinzona

Lugano, Locarno

In Lausanne

Iverdon Le Ben, Montreux, Renen, Nyon, Vevey, Bullee, Villenev

Vale Son

Monte, Martigny, Sier

Neuchatel Neuchatel Sho de Background
Geneva Geneva

Ripple, Lanxie, Meren, Karouge, One

Yura Delmon
Fribur Fribur Bule

While in the center of Europe, Switzerland has a thick network of automotive and railways. Transalpian railway communication opened in 1882 with the construction of Saint Gothard Tunnel, and then in 1906 and the Simplon Tunnel. Lötschberg tunnel opened in 2007.

A total of 5100 km of the railway network are used. Almost all Swiss railways are part of the National SBB-CFF-FFS system (Switzerland federal railways). In addition, numerous narrow-blooded railways are operated, the largest company in its kind is the Retal Railways.
The urban suburban railway networks are concentrated in major cities of the country, including: Zurich, Geneva, Basel, Bern, Lausanne and Neuchatel.
Lausanne is the only city with the metro system (Metro Lausanne), which includes two lines, the first of which is the line of light metro, and the other is a fully automated metro line - opened in 2008. After its discovery, Lausanne became the smallest city in the world with a full-fledged metro system.

Railway system Mürren.
The train usually cannot climb on a very steep rise, so it is necessary to build a lot of paths to gain the height gradually. But the transalpian message was made possible using circular tunnels spirals. In conditions of extremely highlands, engineers have chosen on more economical construction of a narrow gauge.
The numerous railway viaducts of the Retal Railway in the Canton of Graubünden, built for the most part at the beginning of the 20th century, became a tourist attraction, but retain the function of the extremely necessary transport system.
Some railways were built only for tourist purposes as Gornergrat or Jungfraujoch, the highest station in Europe in the Berne Alps, at an altitude of 3454 meters.
Metro Alpin in Saas-Fe - the most high-altitude underground cable railway in the world. It leads to the highest revolving restaurant and the world's largest ice grotto on Mount Mittellalin (3,500 meters)
Mount Klein Matterhorn (3,820 meters height) leads the most high-altitude suspension cable car in Europe.

Switzerland motorway
Total: 71345.6 km
Swiss highways have total speed limits of 120 km / h. Speed \u200b\u200blimits in settlements - 50 km / h.
For movement on the Higher Category highway, marked with green indicator shields, you need a "Vignette" card on the payment of annual traffic. Payment is accepted at border points, in post offices and gas stations.
Local buses cover the whole country. Postauto covers small towns and all areas where there is no railway network.

Air Transport
National Carrier - Swiss International Air Lines
Zurich International Airport (Coten Airport) is located in Coten (Canton Zurich) is the largest airport of Switzerland. In 2003, an automated metro was built to move passengers between the existing aircraft complex and the new terminal. Zurichsky Airport Railway Station (Zürich Flughafen) is under terminal. Trains go to various cities of Switzerland: Winterthur, Bern, Basel and Lucerne. However, anyway, arriving at Zurich Station, to most other cities in Switzerland can be reached in a few hours.
Geneva Kuantrene International Airport is the second largest in the country. Moreover, it has access to both Swiss and French side.
Basel-Mulhouse Freiburg International Airport
Bern Airport (Bern-Belp Airport)

Water transport
lines on lakes:
Compagnie Générale de Navigation Sur Le Lac Léman - on the Lake Geneva
Zürichsee-Schiffafahrtsgesellschaft on Lake Zurich

Objects (and candidates) of the UNESCO World Heritage List
Benedictine Monastery of St. John in Musayir (Canton Graubyunden)
Monastery of St. Galla in St. Gallen
Old Town in Bern
Bellinzone fortress facilities (Canton Ticino)
Jungfrau-Alech-Beachorn region (Cantons Bern, Vale)
Mount Monte San Georgeo (Canton Ticino)
Terracial Vineyards (Canton C)
Tectonic group of Sardon (Cantons Glarus, Graubyundden, St. Gallen)
Retal Railway (Canton Graubyunden)
La sho de background and le Loclles (Canton Neva)
Prehistoric pile dwellings in the vicinity of the Alps (Cantons Geneva, V., Saint Gallen)
Town planning and architectural works Le Corbusier: Villa Fall, Villa Villa Swob, Jeanner-Perre. (All - in La sho de von, canton laid), Villa Le Lac in Corso (Canton VI) (Candidate)

Culture Switzerland
The culture of Switzerland originated and developed, on the one hand, in a very close contact with neighboring German, French and Italian cultures, but, on the other hand, it was based on the deep identity and the uniqueness of the traditions of each canton.
The Fine Art of Switzerland is represented by sculpture, wonderful works in this genre were created by Herman Goller.
In the genre of painting worked: Franz Herch, Johann Ludwig Aberley, Daniel Spereri, Frank Bowl, Roman Zignene, Louis Mulat, Niklaus Manuel, Jean Ranggli, Thomas Huber, Hans Asper.
German-speaking literature in Switzerland leads its chemicals from the liturgical drama of Christ the Resurrection and Christmas Songs, written by the monasters of Muri Monastery (Argau) in the XIII century. Somewhat later, these works began to appear in the monastery of St. Galla.
In the XIV century, medieval court literature arose, for example, Manese code. The XVI century refers to the Swiss chronicle of Egidius Cuddy, which has become the main material for the Shiller Drama "Wilhelm Tel".
In the XIX century, in the work of Jeremiah Gothelf, Gotfried Keller and Conrad Ferdinand Meyer develops realism, their traditions continue Jacob Christoph Khoch and Joanna Spiry, the author of the famous Khaidi story about the Syrote girl, living with his grandfather in the Swiss Alps.
In the second half of the 20th century, Friedrich Durrenmatt, Max Frish and Robert Valzer raised the Swiss German-speaking literature on the global level, and Karl Spitteller and German Hesse were awarded the Nobel Prize.
Francophycle literature Switzerland is obliged to appear by Jean Calvin.
In the 19th century, in French, Charles Didier, Henri Blanvala, Louis Tourny, Philip, Alexander Wine and Charles Monnar.
Many of the Writers of the 20th century are known all over the world: Charles Ferdinand Ramia, Philip Jacot, Corina Bii, Maurice Shappaz, Zhanna Ersh.

Swiss music
It goes back to the traditional singing Yodl, originally arising as the throat rolls of shepherds in the mountains. In the X century liturgical music arose. In the church, Valere in Sion can see the oldest operating body in the world. In the XIII century, patriotic songs, shepherds and tunes on the Swiss People's Instrument - Alpine Horn are distributed. At the same time, Minnezinger -Liriki-poets are included. A professional composers come to replace them in the XV century, their works are printed by Vienna and Copenhagen. In the XVIII century, composers write trio-sonats and overtures, spiritual cantata and plays for the organ, opera-buff and Singspille. At the end of the century there is a choral movement.
In the XIX century, composers are published on the fore: F. K. Schnider von Ventenze, F. T. Frolich, Baumgartner. In 1835, the Geneva Conservatory was founded, and in 1862, the Zurich symphony orchestra.
In 1849-58, Richard Wagner worked in Switzerland. He conducted performances and symphony concerts. In the second half of the century, a new Pleiad composers comes: F. Hear, X. Huber, O. Barblan, F. Kloze, I. Lauber.
In the 1910s, Switzerland becomes a house for famous composers from different countries. I. F. Stravinsky writes here "Wedding" and "Soldier's story" here, F. Buzoni, S. V. Rakhmaninov, R. Strauss (end 1940s), P. Hindemite (1953-63), B. Martin (end of the 1950s). The largest Swiss composer of the 20th century - Artur Oneggger.
From the end of the 40s, the popularity of jazz is gaining popularity. In 1967, the annual jazz festival was founded in Montreux, collecting the best jazz performers.
In 1956, the Eurovision Song Contest for the first time was held in Switzerland.
In Switzerland, hundreds of music festivals of various directions take place every year, including:
Jazz festivals in Montreux, Bern and Willisau,
July festivals in Bern, Avalche and Nyon.
Summer pop concerts in the open sky
Symphony and chamber concerts in Bile and Lugano
International Music Festivals of Classical Music in Lucerne, St. Morice, Grande-Pre-Award Events in the World of Classical Music.
To date, 7 conservatory exist in Switzerland
Opera theaters work in Basel, Bern, Zurich, Lucerne, St. Gallen and Beale.
And ballet troupes - in Zurich, Basel and Geneva. All over the world, the dance troupe Maurice Bezhar is glorified. Lausanne passes one of the most prestigious ballet competitions in the world.
Swiss made a huge contribution to world science. Gustav Jung created an analytical psychology, Albert Hofmann opened and explored psychotropic substances, and Henri Dunan founded the International Committee of the Red Cross. In the Berkin period of life, Albert Einstein developed the main questions of the special theory of relativity.

But Switzerland left a deep mark and in our, Russian culture
N. V. Gogol in 1836 in Veve wrote the second volume of "dead souls".
Petr Ilyich Tchaikovsky in Geneva, and then in the Claranse on the shore of the Lake Geneva, the Opera "Eugene Onegin" and Jeanne d'Ark composed. And Igor Stravinsky in the vicinity of the city of Montreux wrote the famous "Spring sacred". One of the streets of Clarans in memory of this is called: Rue du Sacre du Printemps (Sacred Spring Street). The concert hall in Montreux also is the name of Strawinsky (Auditorium Strawinsky).
In childhood, Marina Tsvetaeva lived in Lausanne, and Vladimir Nabokov lived in Montreux for many years. In 1974 - 1976, Alexander Solzhenitsyn lived in Zurich.
Switzerland reflected about the fate of the Russian people Alexander Ivanovich Herzen, Mikhail Bakunin and Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. In Geneva, where the leader of the world proletariat lived for a long time, a museum and a store of Soviet symbolism opened, and in Zurich, at the house where Lenin also lived - a memorial plaque was installed.

January 1 - New Year
January 2 - the day of St. Bertold - the founder of the city of Bern.
April (usually) - Good Friday, Easter, Monday Light Sedmians
May 1 - Labor Day
May-June - Ascension of the Lord. Pentecost and perfumes day
June (usually) - Holiday Body of the Lord
August 1 - National Festival of Switzerland
August 15 - the Ascension of the Virgin Mary
November 1 - the day of all saints
December 8 - the day of the immaculate conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
December 25 - Christmas.
December 26 - Day of Gifts.

Gourmet Festival in St. Moritz
Carnival in Lucerne
Berne Carnival
Carnival in Basel
Jazz Festival in Montreux
Music festival Verbier
Geneva escalad

Swiss cuisine
Swiss cuisine is recognized and loved around the world. And although it did not cost without the influence of neighbors: Germany, France and Italy, the Swiss was able to create many original dishes:

Swiss chocolate
Fondue - a dish of cheese and wine, which is cooked in a special heat-resistant tableware with a cunele on an open fire.
Roschti - a cooral potato dish with additives of plant or animal fats
Basel Brunnels (Cookies)
Sausage Salad in Swiss
Swiss gingerbread
Swiss cheese soup
Swiss roll
Polenta - dish of corn flour,
Raclet - dish of molten fat cheese
Hobs "Lotus Petals"
Merengi - dessert of whipped with sugar and baked egg proteins

Switzerland is famous for its wines, the main region of winemaking: the shores of the Geneva and Neuvatorsky Lakes, and the Rhone Valley.
White wines are widely known: - "Dezaley", "St.-Saphorin", "Fendant", and "Johannisberg", "Twianner".
The best red wines - exquisitely thin "Rose der Ceil-de-Perdrix", strong "Dole", "Pinot Noir" and "Merlot".
Red Wines of Northern and Eastern Switzerland: Easy BLABURGUNDER, "Hallauer", "Stafener", "Maienf Elder".
The luxurious bouquet is the ruby-red wines of Canton Graubyunden: "Sassella", "Grumello", "Inferno".

Most restaurants are open from 11.00 to 19.30-20.00, sometimes until 21.30. But restaurants and cafes, located outside of tourist areas, can end to work already at 17.00 and close on all weekends. Installations in large cities, and especially within the borders of the historic center, are open for a longer time. It is necessary to take care of booking the table.
On the ski resorts Restaurants at hotels are open from 7.00 to 21.00-22.00. As a rule, in the morning and day - a buffet, and after 14.00 - work on the menu. Restaurants on the tracks open after 11.00 - and close with the end of the work of the lifts.

The most famous inhabitants of the modern territory of Switzerland are Celtic, Itali and Illyrian tribes. In particular, in I c. BC e. In the West of the Swiss Plateau settled Celts-Gelveti, in the east - Celts-Windliki, and in the Alps of Eastern Switzerland - Related Etruscas Reta. Helvets were engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding, produced iron and minted a gold coin, and have already begun to build cities. Just at this time, Aventikum (Avansh), Genyava (Geneva), Lausonium (Lausanne), Lausonis, Lausoniss (Vindic), Tourists (Zurich), Vitudurum (Winterthur), etc.
The first Celtic tribe, crushed and conquered by the Romans, became Insubras in 222 BC. (South Ticino). After a hundred years, in 121 BC The Romans won allobrists (Geneva district). But Gelviet themselves in 107 BC. e. Made a raid on southern gallium and smashed the Romans. After half a century, in 58 BC. e. Under the pressure of the German tribe, Helveets decided to fully move to the shore of the Atlantic Ocean. Fearing the threat of northern Italy on the part of Gelvetov, Caesar did not give them this, defeated them and forced them to return to her glide. And in 15 G. BC, Dezim Claudi Nero finally joins the Eastern and Central Switzerland to Rome. In the Roman era, welfare is growing, cities are built (the capital of Gelvetiku Aventikum - Avansh, Equestris - Nyon, August-Raurik - Augstt and Windosia -Vindish) and the roads, the trade is developed, the Latin language and Roman culture applies. Christianity penetrates in Gelving, monasteries are being built, bishop departments are based.

But peacefully lasted for a long time. Already in 264, Alemanns invaded Gelving and destroyed Aventicum, no longer revived. Despite the attempts of the Romans to build new fortresses and lagi, in 406-407. Alemanna captured Eastern Switzerland. And in 470, Western Switzerland was submitted to Burgundy. Alemanns almost completely eliminated Roman influence and Latin. Their descendants are modern German shifts, along with the German literary norm, are still talking in Alemann. In recent years, this language is especially applied to social networks And Internet forums. Burgundy was left in Western Switzerland a much smaller trail. On the basis of Latin, the arpitan (framesal) language has developed here - native language The second largest people of Switzerland - Francoshwather, also existing along with official French. Southeast (modern Canton Graubyunden) was under the rule of the sharp, from the mixing of Latin and Reta, there was a retroman language. And Canton Ticino, the former ownership of Langobards, took over the Lombard, close to the official Italian.
Frank became new conquerors. In 496, they conquered Alemannov, in 534 Burgundy were conquered. Ticino was conquered in 774. At this time, Christianity is finally approved, and new monasteries are being built. But in 843, the Frankish Empire disintegrates. Burgundy and Ticino are given to the Middle kingdom, the German king gets Alemania, where the city of Zurich and the Monastery of St. Gallen-Center for Enlightenment in Switzerland are towering. Alemania in 911 becomes duke, and the Upper Burgundy in 888 - a separate kingdom.
New danger arises in the century. In 917, Hungars were divided by Basel, and in 926 - St. Gallen; In 936-940, Arabs devastated graubyunden, the shaft and in.
In 1032, the German emperor also got Burgundy, Ticino was part of Italy, in turn, too, to a subordinate to the German Emperor.
Gradually, Alemania and Burgundy broke up on many individual counties and dukes, some of which were submitted directly to the emperor, and some of the Catholic Church. Especially raised graphs (later duke) ceringen, Habsburg, Kiburgi, Savoy. They founded new cities: Freiburg, Bern, Tun, Murten, and others. But despite the subordinate position among the free citizens and rural settlers at this time, republican-democratic self-government arises. The country achieves relative welfare.

The prerequisites for the manifestation of the Swiss state immediately became the struggle between the Habsburgs and Emperors and Emperors became worked out in the XIII century. Namely, in 1245-1252, Gabsburgs tried to conquer Canton Schwitz, to which Emperor Friedrich II in 1240 bestowed the special charter of liberty. Schwitz supported Uri and Unterwalden, who concluded the Union Agreement, on August 1, 1291 renewed "for eternal times."
From this contract, the beginning of Switzerland as a state is considered to be the beginning of Switzerland, although even the name of Switzerland was still unknown: it appeared subsequently.
In 1307, King Adolf Nassau, confirmed the independence of Schwitz and Uri from the Empire, and in 1309, Heinrich VII Luxembourg gave a certificate of liberty and Unterwalden. However, Habsburgs did not accept the loss of their lands. In 1315, the numerous army collected by them entered into the territory of the canton of Tsug and on Morgarten altitudes, in a narrow valley between the lake Egerie and the mountains suffered a defeat from the tiny detachment of local peasants and hunters. After this battle in Morgarten, because of the incorrect name of all allies with the name of one community - Schwitz and the modern name of the country was born.
In 1332, Lucerne joined the Union, Austria (where Gabsburgs reigned) answered unsuccessful war. In 1351, Zurich joined the purpose of protection against Austria. After the war that followed this, in 1352 the Austrian holdings of the Glarus and Zug were joined. And a year later, in 1353, breaking the allies of the Habsburgs, Bern joined. The Swiss independence was forced to defend in wars against Austria in 1364 and 1386. So the so-called "Union of 8 old lands" was formed.
In the meantime, the relationship between the allies remained absolutely voluntary. There was no single power and a single army. At times, wars even broke out, for example, the old Zurich War in 1436-1450 between Zurich and Forest Cantons. Nevertheless, in 1415, the Allies were allocated to Austrians Argau, in 1452 - at St. Gallensky Monastery - Appenzell and St. Gallen himself, in 1460 - Turgau and in 1440 - the Levent Student Valley. In 1475, the Vale's freed Savoy Counts was joined.
In the XIV - XV centuries, Switzerland has become the most free and democratic country In the world, welfare grew, trade and industry developed, in 1460 Basel University was founded. After the victorious Burgundy war, the Swiss hired troops became elite military units throughout Europe.
Freiburg and Zolled are joined to the Union. A new agreement is concluded for all 10 lands. After the war with the Swabian Union (1499), communication with St. Roman Empire was finally abolished. In the Italian wars, the Swiss participated in the conquest of Karl VIII Naples, and Louis XII - Milan, later becoming the Allies of Pope Julia II. Louis XII, in turn, handed over the Union Bellinzon, Lugano, Locarno, Kiavenn, Walteln and the southern part of Ticino.
Meanwhile, 1501 Basel, Schaffhausen and Appenzell entered the Union. An union formed 13 lands. The union on different rights were subject to the laid, the bishop of Basel, the Abbey of S.-Gallenskoe, the city of St. Gallen, Biel, Graubyunden, Vale, Geneva, Ticlin, Bellinzone, in.

At this time, the ideas of the Reformation penetrate into Switzerland. In 1519, Ulrich Zwingley began its activity in Zurich, in St. Gallen - Joachim Watt, in Schaffhausen - Mikhail Eggenisdorf. In 1525 there is a movement of anabaptists. In 1528, the Reformation won in Bern, in Basel, and then Salvin preached in Geneva. This led to the first religious war (1529) between the prosecutant Zurich, Berne, St. Gallen, Biel, Mühuzen, Basel, Schaffhausen and the Union of Catholic Cantons with Vale and Austria. Switzerland broke into two parts.
Meanwhile, in 1526, Geneva entered into an alliance with Berrn and Freiburg, which followed the war with Savoy brought the acquisition of the joining of Lausanne (1536). Protestant academies were founded in Geneva and Lausanne, and in Lucerne and Freiburg - Jesuit colleges. Religious struggle was accompanied by expulsion and mortal executions. In 1586, the Catholic Cantons of Schwitz, Uri, Unterwalden, Lucerne, Zug, Freiburg, Golden Savory. In 1597, Appenzell fell into 2 halfdes: Catholic innerroden and Protestant Ausserrod.
All this has adversely affected the country. Became frequent phenomena of plague and hunger. But the situation has changed neutrality in the thirty-year-old war, the position, subsequently becoming one of the main political ideas of the country. Switzerland has become a shelter for hiding from religious persecution for political exiles. Trade and industry are developing rapidly. But the echoes of the turbulent events of the previous century will fail. In 1656, the first Wilmergen war broke up between the Catholic Shuzitz and Lucerne and Protestant Zurich and Bern, and in 1712 - the second Wilmergen war between the Catholic and Protestant cantons. But the XVIII century highlights the fight between the oligarchy and democracy. This century is the flourishing industry and trade, scientific thought.

The events of Napoleonic Wars have not passed. In 1798, the French, under the pretext of the murder of the two French hussar, crossed the border of the Border, which they declared the Leman Republic. Based, Basel was attached to the republic, and it was transformed into the Helvetic Republic. A shaft, leman, Argau, Bellinzona, Lugano, Retium, Sarganz, Turgau and St. Gallen was added to the 13 old cantons. Uri, Schwitz, Unterwalden and Zug were connected to Canton Waldsteten with the capital in Schwice. Sargans and Glarus - in Canton Lint, and Appenzel and St. Gallen - in Canton Sentis. Geneva attached to France. And the republic was forced to sign the Union with France and turned into the Military Action Theater.
In 1803, Napoleon handed the Swiss a new constitution. Switzerland has become an allied state from 19 cantons. To 13 old cantons, Graubyunden, Argau, Turgau, St. Gallen, and Ticino were added to the 13th cantons. After the battle at Leipzig (1813), Switzerland decided to comply with strict neutrality, but the Austrians, wanting to subjugate the country to their influence, entered into its territory.
The Austrians were supported by Bern, Freirur, Zolled and Lucerne, who sought to restore the previous order and subjugate the newly formed cantons. But thanks to the support of Emperor Alexander I, a new Union Agreement was adopted. And the Declaration of 1815 confirmed the Eternal Neutrality of Switzerland and the inviolability of its borders. The shaft, Geneva and the laid were returned, reaching 3 new cantons.

Reference Information
Institutions usually work on weekdays 8.00-12.00 and 14.00-17.00. Saturday and Sunday - weekends.
Banks are usually open 8.30-16.30, except for the weekend. One day per week, banks work longer than usual, clarify it in every particular bank.
The post office in large cities is open on weekdays 8.30-12.00 and 13.30-17.00, on Saturday from 7.30- 11.00, Sunday is a day off.
Branch B. shopping centers Usually work in the same mode as the store itself, including the extended working day once a week.

Voltage in the network -220V / 50Hz. The sockets are mainly designed for the forks with three round pins (third-shifted grounding contact), but standard forks with two round pins are also suitable. Adapter for "EuroVilok" with grounding contact is not difficult to find in any hotel or shop.

The shops
Shops are open on weekdays 8.30 - 12.00, and then 14.00 - 18.30. In major cities, stores usually do not interrupt their work at the time of the lunch break, as well as one of the weekdays (usually on Thursday or Friday) work until 21.00. In Zurich on weekdays, shops are closed at 20.00. On Saturday, most shops work until 16.00 -18.00. On Sunday, only shops at airports are open at large railway stations and along the main highway.
The most profitable acquisition in Switzerland - the Swiss wrist Watch. Here you have a huge choice of much more reasonable prices.
The oldest watch store Switzerland is Beyer Chronometrie in Zurich, it belongs to the seventh generation of watchmakers.
In April, Baselworld jewelry exhibition is held in Basel, in which more than 2,200 hours of watches, jewelry, and precious stonesFor many of which Baselworld is an exclusive place to demonstrate their products.
You will also be amazed by the abundance of varieties, species and forms of chocolate.
In addition, in Switzerland it is worth buying clothes, bed linen, tablecloths, napkins, buttons with embroidery, accurate devices, pocket knives, ceramics, antiques and editions of art.
Value Added Tax in Switzerland - 7.6%. But if you purchased goods worth 300 Swiss francs in one store or in one day, and the goods will be exported from the country within 30 days from the date of purchase, you can make a return of VAT. To do this, in stores, Global Blue Tax Free Cheques will be issued to you, which should be stamped by customs services at the airport when traveling from the country. And you have the right to get the price of VAT VAT in cash at the airport at the Global Blue office, to the specified credit card or account in the bank, bank check or cash on returning home.

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