The most luxurious recreation centers in Primorye: the emerald sea, panoramic restaurants and swimming pools. Open left menu Primorsky Krai

garden equipment 25.09.2019
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- Subject of the Russian Federation, part of the Far Eastern Federal District.

Square- 165.9 thousand sq. km.

Population- 1982.2 thousand people (2010 data)
Population density - 11.9 people. per 1 sq. km.
The share of the urban population is 75.4%

Administrative center- Vladivostok city.
Distance from Moscow 9259 km.

Geographical position.
Located in the south Far East off the coast Sea of ​​Japan. The composition of the Primorsky Territory, in addition to the mainland, includes numerous islands: Russky, Popov, Putyatin, Reinecke, Rikord, Rimsky-Korsakov, Askold, Petrov and others.

in the north - with the Khabarovsk Territory;
in the west - from China;
in the southwest with the DPRK;
from the south and east it is washed by the Sea of ​​Japan.

The climate is temperate, monsoonal, humid. In the mountainous part, it changes with height: temperature drops, humidity rises. In winter, dry, frosty weather prevails. spring is quite early, summer is humid and foggy. Often there are tropical cyclones - typhoons. August to September is the most favorable time of the year. Average annual temperature in positive: +4.2°C, average monthly temperature in January -13°C (minimum temperature: -31.4°C), average monthly temperature in August + 19.4°C (maximum temperature: +34.1°C ). Average annual rainfall: 799 mm.

Vegetable world.
Primorsky Krai is located in the zone of deciduous forests. In the north - fir-spruce and larch forests. In the south there are forests of the Manchurian type with the participation of lianas (Amur grapes, magnolia vine, actinidia). Swamps are widely developed on the Khanka lowland. Forests occupy 90% of Primorsky Krai. Main species: Ayan spruce, Korean cedar, Mongolian oak, Manchurian walnut.

Animal world.
There are goral, spotted deer, red deer, roe deer, musk deer, elk, raccoon dog, Ussuri cat, wolverine, sable, weasel, fox, otter, etc. Over 100 species of fish: salmon, herring, sea bass, flounder, halibut, greenling, pollock, tuna, saury, mackerel, sardine, etc.

Almost 100 coal deposits have been discovered in the region with total predicted reserves of up to 2.4 billion tons. The main coal deposits are Bikinskoye, Pavlovskoye, Shkotovskoye and Artemovskoye - brown coal, Partizanskoye and Razdolnenskoye - hard coal.
Lots of non-ferrous metals. The most common is tin. At least 500 large and small ore occurrences are already known in Primorye. The most significant of the exploited deposits are Lifudzinskoye and Khrustalnoye in the Kavalerovsky district and Stalinskoye in Tetyukhinsky.
The second most common are lead and zinc, they are found both as independent deposits and together with tin. Lead-zinc ores often contain industrial amounts of silver and some rare elements. In total, about 200 deposits of lead and zinc are known in Primorye.
In addition to tin, lead and zinc, ore occurrences of copper, arsenic, tungsten, molybdenum, antimony were found on the territory of the region. Two industrial deposits of this graphite are known. Gold mining is one of the old mining industries in Primorye. Its deposits are known in many regions.


Sikhote-Alin State Natural Biosphere Reserve.
Created February 10, 1935. The reserve is located in the eastern and central watershed parts of the Sikhote-Alin ridge, on the territory of Terneisky and Krasnoarmeysky districts of Primorsky Krai. The reserve has a Museum of Nature, as well as enclosures where Amur tigers are kept.

State nature reserve"Cedar Fall".
The reserve was organized in 1925, on the basis of the provincial reserve, established here in 1916 at the initiative of the public. The reserve is located in the Southern Primorye, on the spurs of the ridges of the East Manchurian mountain system, on the territory of the Khasansky district of the Primorsky Territory.

Lazovsky State Nature Reserve named after V.I. L.G. Kaplanova.
The reserve was created on February 10, 1935, located in the Southern Primorye, east of the Kievka river valley, on the territory of the Lazovsky district of the Primorsky Territory. The task of the reserve is to preserve and study the natural complexes of liana coniferous-deciduous and broad-leaved forests of the Southern Sikhote-Alin; protection and restoration of populations of rare and valuable animals living here, primarily goral and sika deer.

Military Historical Fortification Museum "Vladivostok Fortress" (Vladivostok).
The museum is dedicated to the naval history of the fortified city of Vladivostok, the development of its fortifications. The basis of the museum is the reconstructed Coastal Nameless Battery, which occupied one of the key places in the defense of the fortress (known since 1862, rebuilt in concrete in 1900, reconstructed for museum purposes in 1989-1995).

Shaigin settlement.
It is located near the village of Sergeevka in the partisan district, about 70 km north of the city of Nakhodka. The Shaigin settlement is a unique cultural monument of the Jurchens of the second half of the 12th - the first third of the 13th centuries on the territory of Primorsky Krai.

Primorsky State United Museum named after V.K. Arseniev (Vladivostok).
The oldest museum of the Far East and Eastern Siberia, located in the central part of the city.

Holy Trinity Nicholas Monastery.
Located in the Kirovsky district of Primorsky Krai near the village of Shmakovka. It was built in 1895.

Primorsky Krai is located in the Far East of the Russian Federation. Its capital is Vladivostok, which is also the administrative center. Location - the Murvavyov-Amursky Peninsula, as well as the islands that are part of the Peter the Great Bay, which connects local reservoirs with the Sea of ​​Japan.


The capital of the Primorsky Territory is the terminus of the Trans-Siberian Railway. The local seaport has a high rate of cargo turnover; it ranks fourth in its basin.

Here is the main of the bases belonging to the fleet of the Pacific Ocean. There is a large center of education and science. The settlement appeared around a military post created here in 1860. This territory acquired the urban type in 1880. Since 1888 it has been the center of the administrative life of the region, and in 1938 the place became the center of administration, in charge of the entire Primorsky Territory.

The capital - the city of Vladivostok - was named a free port in October 2015. A special regime for customs operations, taxation, and the use of investments has been established here. The total population is 606.6 thousand people. according to 2016 data

Ponds and peaks

Nearby are the Amur and the length of the coastline is 30 kilometers from south to north and 10 kilometers from east to west. The Golden Horn is a bay that serves as a barrier that divides Vladivostok into two parts.

The capital of Primorsky Krai has a series of small rivers and streams. There are also reservoirs. The highest point can be called the Blue Hill, whose height is 474 meters, it is located on the Muravyov-Amursky Peninsula. Also noteworthy are the Eagle's Nest, Russian Mountain.


Monsoons are a phenomenon that is very typical when examining the climate that characterizes Primorsky Krai. The capital is no exception. During cold weather it is dry here, the clear sun often shines. In the spring time, the heat is slow to come. The weather can change rapidly. In summer there is a high level of humidity.

During the year, most of the precipitation falls at this time. Autumn passes quickly. In August, the strongest heat is observed - an average of about 19-20 degrees. In January, the temperature drops to minus 12. It is best to start coming to the beach in July and end in September. The maximum sea water temperature is approximately 25°C.


The capital of Primorsky Krai is a territory with a rich history. At one of the temporary stages, the rulers of the Bokhan Empire exercised power here. This happened in the period from 698 to 926. In the tenth century, the Khitans settled here, and then a state called Eastern Xia.

In 1233 there was an attack by the Mongol horde, because of which the land was devastated. This was followed by a series of territorial disputes and claims to given land, however, the next written mention was dated only to the 19th century.

1858 was the moment of signing the Aigun Treaty between China and Russia. As part of its terms, the two states jointly used the place where Primorsky Krai is now located. The capital was founded here in 1860. This year, the Beijing Treaty was signed, according to which the Russian Federation completely assumed control.


Further development took place. In 1890, the culture of the region was already concentrated here. After it happened October Revolution, power has changed here many times. Interventions from many countries landed in Primorsky Krai. The capital in 1920 became one of the parts that were part of

In 1921, it was declared the center of the Amur region. Since 1922 it has been included in the RSFSR. In 1958, the city was closed due to the location of the Pacific base here. In 1960, Khrushchev came here, which was the impetus for the start of large-scale construction works. Then the funicular and many other important objects were built.

In 1991, like the entire Soviet Union, Primorsky Krai underwent changes. The capital of the region became open again, foreigners got the opportunity of free access to its territory. The negative feature of this time is the decline in the standard of living and the collapse of the economy, which was characteristic, in fact, of the entire USSR at that time. Now material and social side are getting better. This point is of great importance as a major transport hub, commercial and industrial center. Rapid development and growth is also expected in the future.

Curious places

Of the sights here, it is extremely interesting to look at the Vladivostok fortress, which is considered the most important sight of the city. Around there is a picturesque forest park area, a beautiful coastline.

Using the protection of this architectural structure, in the past, Russia carried out settlement and colonization, which took place in the Ussuri region. The total area of ​​fortifications is 400 square meters. The museum is functioning. This historical monument is of great importance.

No less interesting can be a visit to the Catholic Church, which was built in 1921. Services were held here until 1935. Nowadays, a restoration project is being carried out, the funds for which are collected from donations from Catholics and those who want to help preserve the unique building.

Important expositions

Many interesting exhibits are contained in the Arseniev Ethnographic and Cultural Museum on Svetlanskaya Street. Here you can learn about how the region was mastered.

There are a large number of exhibitions on the theme of Slavic customs and water world. There are collections on ethnography and archeology. Each tourist has the opportunity to acquire an interesting souvenir: natural stone or a gem.

There is a lot of information here about people who explored this territory, for example, about scientists Arseniev, Przhevalsky, Venyukov and other prominent personalities.

For connoisseurs of art, a visit to the art gallery, which began to be created in the 30s of the last century, will be productive. Then it belonged to the Arseniev Museum. The separation took place in 1966. You can learn a lot about the fleet by visiting the military history museum. The military courts of the local port have a long and interesting history, which can be seen in high-quality expositions. The number of exhibits exceeds 40,000. This is the place where soldiers who serve in the Pacific take the oath, as well as important events and celebrations.

The proximity of the water element

Such a large-scale sea city is hard to imagine without an oceanarium, which is extremely popular with both locals and guests of the city. A beautiful and delightful, mysterious underwater world opens up before the visitor.

The complex was put into operation in 1991. The area of ​​the halls is about 1.3 thousand square kilometers. There are dioramas, corals mined from the depths of the sea, sponges and shells, fish and marine animals. After studying the animal world, you can switch to the human contribution to the development of water spaces. The opportunity to do this is presented when getting acquainted with the ship "Red Vympel", which became the first Far Eastern ship of the USSR.

He had a chance to participate in fierce battles and the elimination of mines in the Sea of ​​Japan. Now it is time for him to rest. The same applies to the S-56 submarine, which at other times sank 10 Nazi underwater vehicles. Every year a large number of tourists gather around it.

Distinctive features. Primorsky Krai has a number of features that make it worth coming here at least once in a lifetime. Let not forever, even for a week, for a month. But to get acquainted with this unique land, with its beauties is definitely worth it.

The first feature is nature. On the one hand - the taiga, where there are real wild tigers and bears, deer and squirrels. On the other hand - the blue sea, rich in its gifts.

And all this in Primorye can be seen at the same time! The generous Far Eastern nature offers simple but pleasant entertainment - picking mushrooms, berries and nuts in local forests. And lovers of seafood here will find a real paradise: huge Far Eastern crabs, trepangs, mussels, scallops, shrimps, sea ​​urchins, octopuses, sea ​​kale… Even in Soviet times, when there was a general shortage of food, the residents of Vladivostok and Primorye could catch any sea delicacies they wanted for dinner.

This is not manna from heaven. These are mollusks brought to the residents of Vladivostok by another typhoon. Photo by Svetlana Laletina

The second feature is the port city of Vladivostok and its environs, where the naval base of the Russian Navy is located. Glorious military traditions are loved and honored here. This is one of the few Russian cities, where a naval parade takes place on the last Sunday of August, it would even be more correct to call it a naval show. If you walk around Vladivostok, you will find many monuments related to the fleet and its history.

The third feature is a unique geographical location, which has not only disadvantages, but also its advantages. Despite the fact that there are 9177 km from Vladivostok to Moscow, only some 205 km separate Vladivostok from the border with China. It is very convenient for both tourism and business. Also, Japan is within easy reach from here, and countries are not so far away. South-East Asia, where to get from Primorye much faster than from the Russian capital. By the way, even if you do not take into account the gain in time, tours from Vladivostok to Thailand are 20-25% cheaper than from Moscow.

Geographic location. Primorsky Krai is located in the southeastern tip of Russia, in the southern part of the Far Eastern Federal District. From the south and east, its lands are washed by the Sea of ​​Japan. In the north it borders on the Khabarovsk Territory, in the west - on the Chinese people's republic. The relief is mountainous, a significant part of the territory is occupied by the Sikhote-Alin ridge.

There are beautiful lakes, caves and waterfalls in the mountains. The largest lake is Khanka, on the border with China. Main river Primorye - Ussuri.

The unique nature of Primorsky Krai with rare flora and fauna requires protection from poachers and other vandals. Now in Primorye there are 6 reserves, 3 national parks and one natural park. They are trying to save such endangered species as the Amur tiger and the Far Eastern leopard.

Population. Back in the days of the Russian Empire, Primorye was populated voluntarily-compulsorily. Cossacks were sent here to protect our borders, peasants instead of serving, convicts to serve their sentences. Also, free land was allocated to all wishing settlers. Under the Union, Primorsky Krai began to be populated even faster. Up until 1989, there was a steady increase in both urban and rural populations. And then serious problems began near Primorye. economic problems, and the population began to decrease at the same rate as it had grown before. Now 1,947,263 people live in Primorsky Krai, which roughly corresponds to the level of 1980.

Most Russians live in Primorsky Krai (85.66%). In second place - Ukrainians (2.55%), in third - Koreans (0.96%). In fact, there are much more Ukrainians living here, and they began to come here in large numbers at the end of the 19th century, when a regular connection was established between Odessa and Vladivostok. maritime traffic. And now there are other realities: in Primorye there are many guest workers from Central Asia and the Caucasus, who, it seems, are not going to return home. Relatively recently, another headache has been added: illegal immigrants from China, Vietnam and other Asian states, penetrating into Vladivostok in all possible ways.

Crime. 11th place in the criminal rating of the regions is a very sad indicator, indicating that the level of crime in Primorye is quite high. Despite the fact that Primorye is located in the south of the country, the population here is no less severe than in the Russian North. Wild forests, Ussuri taiga, remoteness from Moscow - all this leaves an imprint on local customs. An important factor in the high level of crime is the difficult economic situation in Primorye. In addition, Vladivostok has its own specifics - a seaport, cargo transshipment, customs - fertile ground for the development of organized crime.

Unemployment rate in Primorye, 6.87% is very high. But the locals have a way to save themselves. For example, a common local business is the transfer of cheap used Japanese cars to the western regions of Russia, where they give completely different money for them. The state is looking for different ways to increase business activity in the region, but so far the situation is far from ideal.

If we talk about official income, then the average salary in Primorye is 27,365 rubles. The highest salaries are in the production of petroleum products (51.6 thousand rubles), in the financial sector (50.6 thousand rubles), in science (38 thousand rubles) and transport (35 thousand rubles).

Real estate value. average cost one-room apartment in the secondary market - from 1.7 million rubles. New one-room apartments are sold for 2.5 million rubles and more. The price of "kopeck pieces" is already much higher, and starts somewhere from 2.5 million rubles for the old housing stock and 3.5 million rubles for new buildings.

Climate. The Primorsky Territory has its own Far Eastern weather, and it is unlikely to seem familiar to the inhabitants of the European plains. This climate is temperate monsoonal. In summer, here is the realm of typhoons coming from the south, bringing fog, heavy rains and floods. Of course, farming in such conditions is hellish work. During the hottest summer months average temperature+17…+26°С. In winter, the opposite is true. Cold northerly winds bring dry frosty air. Although the average temperature in January is −15°C, the sea is subjectively more frosty. And in the depths of the continent, even a thermometer will clearly show -20 ° and below. As already mentioned, the region is very rainy and the average annual rainfall is 600-900 mm per year. True, most of them fall in the warm season.

Cities of Primorsky Krai

(600 thousand people) - the capital of the Primorsky Territory, our outpost in the Far East and the Pacific Ocean. The city, founded in 1860, spreads out on the shores of the Golden Horn Bay. There is a sea and fishing port, as well as a naval base, thanks to which Vladivostok was a closed city for a long time.

After the collapse of the USSR, an economic crisis set in, as the enterprises of the defense complex were forced to downsize and switch to the production of civilian products, which is not so easy, given the presence of such monsters as Japan and China at hand. If you do not take into account economic problems, then Vladivostok is a beautiful and pleasant city, with its own unique charm.

(165 thousand people) - the second largest city in Primorye. Founded in 1866 by immigrants from Ukraine as the village of Nikolskoe. Now it is a major railway junction, the center of the food industry. Of the problems - crime, infrastructure that needs updating, drunkenness of the population. However, these problems are not only in Usuriysk, but in many Russian cities.

(158,358 people) - the most Southern City Russia, with a convenient bay, where the port facilities and the oil loading base are located. The infrastructure is well developed here, and due to the nature of the subtropics, there is a resort and medical base in the vicinity of the city. In particular, the Livadia area is a favorite vacation spot for many residents of the Far East, who find it almost impossible to get to the Black Sea resorts.

Artem(102,451 people) - this city with an amazing name is named after a Russian revolutionary, whose name, oddly enough, was Fedor Sergeev (and “comrade Artem” was his party nickname). It was originally a city of miners. But then all the mines were closed, so the main tasks of the Artemovites remained the maintenance of the Vladivostok airport located here, and the Artemovskaya thermal power plant, which runs on imported coal. Of course, all this turns into environmental problems. To pluses it is possible to add normally developed infrastructure. shopping malls and entertainment complexes- all this is here in abundance.

Summer in Primorsky Krai is in full swing. It's time for a comfortable stay on the seashore or in a shady grove, not only for the seaside residents, but also for the guests of the region. For those who do not spare money to spend an unforgettable vacation in VIP-class rooms, on the shores of the emerald sea with snow-white sand, swimming pools and unusual attractions, RIA PrimaMedia presents TOP 10 vacation spots where life turns into a luxurious fairy tale.

View from the room of the hotel complex "Teploe More". Author of the photo: Courtesy of the hotel complex

"Warm sea"

The hotel complex "Warm Sea", located in the Khasansky district of Primorye, unique in its natural and climatic conditions. He has already become calling card region and a popular holiday destination for residents and guests of the region and rightfully deserved a place in our TOP.

Hotel complex "Warm Sea". Author of the photo: Courtesy of the hotel complex

The location of the hotel complex is chosen in such a way that vacationers can fully enjoy the beauty of seaside nature. Diving lovers will love the beautiful bay, inhabited by a variety of marine fauna. And romantics will be able to admire the opening views of the ridge of the Rimsky-Korsakov Islands and Antipenko Island.

In the "Warm Sea" there are rooms for any wallet - "standard", "business", "studio", "apartments". All rooms with access to the balcony, from where you can enjoy the beautiful sea ​​view. Four comfortable two-story cottages are offered for recreation by a large company. The cost of living per day varies depending on the month, from 4 to 33 thousand rubles, - said Irina Blokhina, senior manager for the promotion of hotel services at the Teploe More group of companies.

A feature of the hotel is the opportunity to enjoy the heated ocean water all year round in two swimming pools operating on the territory of the Civil Code - outdoor and indoor.

In the hotel complex you can relax with the whole family at any time of the year and find something to do. Enjoy swimming in the sea or pools with warm sea water, enjoy and benefit the body from massage and spa treatments, recharge your batteries and good mood in the gym, on the football field, tennis court, basketball or volleyball courts, play billiards or table tennis, relax and relieve stress in the Finnish sauna and Turkish bath, take a walk around the beautiful hotel grounds and even feed the deer in the deer. For children, a children's room and playgrounds are equipped. And next year, according to the leaders of the complex, it is planned to build another water park with sea water and 63 cottage four-bed houses.

The hotel complex "Warm Sea" - the winner of the regional competition "Leader of the tourism industry-2014" in the nomination " The best remedy accommodation: hotel, tourist base, holiday home", winner of the XI Business Prize of the Primorsky Territory in the nomination "Socially Responsible Business 2014". We are now known not only in Primorye, but also far beyond the borders of the region. "took an honorable second place in the final of the festival-competition of tourist video presentations "Divo of Russia" in the nomination "Objects of improvement and recreation," said Irina Blokhina.

A room in the hotel complex "Warm Sea". Author of the photo: Courtesy of the hotel complex

The cost of living includes: breakfast, use of the swimming pool, fitness room, children's and sports grounds (except tennis), WI-FI, safe, secure parking. For non-residents at the base, the cost of 1 hour of the pool is 250 rubles, the gym is 200 rubles, the sauna + hammam (up to six people) is 1.6 thousand rubles. Equipment rental and laundry services are also available.

Where: the village of Slavyanka (Nerpa), st. Nerpinskaya, 1a.

"Sit down"

The next in our ranking of luxury holiday destinations is the Sidimi base, which is located in the village of Bezverkhovo, Khasansky district of Primorye. Emerald sea, sandy beach, cozy rooms, entertainment, sailing catamarans, climbing wall, windsurfing - this is only a small part of what the recreation center can offer. Not far from the village is the Far Eastern Marine Reserve and the Kedrovaya Pad Reserve.

In the water area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "Sidimi" base, there is always clean water. There are no large rivers near the base, which often bring into the sea muddy water. The base is located at the exit from the Amur Bay to the open sea, and, thanks to this, the purity of the water is ensured by the presence of high seas, and the closeness and shallow depth of the bay allows the water to warm up quickly. The base is a great getaway for the whole family. Here you will find a lot of entertainment, you will swim in the clear sea, sunbathe on the sandy beach, go kayaking, ride sailing catamarans, bicycles, skateboards, jump on a trampoline. "Sidimi" has three beaches equipped with anti-eye nets and plastic piers for swimming, - said the manager of the recreation center.

For children, "Sidimi" provides a children's beach with a fenced area, an indoor gym, a games room and creative workshops.

On the territory of the base there is one three-story hotel building with rooms "Hotel - Standard" and "Hotel - Studio", seven one-story buildings of the "Herringbone-Standard" type with terraces, five one-story buildings of the "Herringbone-Comfort" type with terraces, as well as separate houses cabin type. The cost of living in rooms per day varies depending on the month, from 2.4 to 8.4 thousand rubles, - said the manager.

Sauna rental (from six to eight people) - 1 thousand rubles, paintball - 500 rubles. Catamaran rental - 1 thousand rubles, single kayak - 400 rubles, double - 600 rubles, windsurfing (board, sail) - 500 rubles.

A gym, a skate park, a climbing wall, a volleyball court and a children's playroom are already included in the room rental price.

Where: the village of Bezverkhovo, st. Soviet, 22.

dream bay

Having moved to the south of Primorye, we find ourselves in a paradise with the mysterious name Dream Bay ("Dream Bay"). Malaya Okunevaya Bay, where the recreation center is located, is located 40 km from Nakhodka (220 km from Vladivostok or 11 km from the village of Pervostroiteley). Such remoteness allows vacationers to enjoy all the delights of a truly "wild" corner of the nature of the Far East.

A new, but already very popular recreation center invites those who want to get a high-class vacation in the middle of the taiga on the shores of the emerald sea.

In this place, the sea was connected with emerald clear water, the best beaches with quartz sand and mighty rocks surrounded by taiga forests. The sea coast of Okunevaya Bay, where the recreation center is located, is an ideal place for diving enthusiasts. This is a true paradise for those who love beautiful pristine beaches, outdoor activities and water sports. The Dream Bay recreation center compares favorably with other seaside recreation centers. It is located away from the bustle of the city, so you will fully enjoy the primeval beauty surrounding nature and rest from worldly worries. You can come here to spend a family vacation, or just for the weekend. At your service is an unforgettable vacation at sea under the gentle rays of the Far Eastern sun in comfortable houses with all amenities, - said General Director of LLC "NTS-Tour".

On the territory of the recreation center there are residential houses with separate rooms of three types: junior suite, superior double and standard double. The cost, depending on the month, varies from 5 to 15 thousand rubles. The rooms have everything from a TV to air conditioning, even safes for storing personal belongings, all rooms are guarded, and upon check-in, the vacationer receives an electronic key. He puts and removes the number from protection. Most of them are located along the coast of the bay and are located a few meters from the sea. There are two outdoor pools on the territory of the base: an adult and a children's shallow pool with a water slide. Near the pool there is a bar, the assortment of which will envy any city cafe.

Especially for children, an attraction with slides, swings and a horizontal bar is installed. Also at the disposal of vacationers - a sauna with a terrace, fonts with sea water, TV and karaoke. All vacationers can use sun loungers for free, and if you like to actively spend your leisure time, there is a professional table tennis table and a volleyball court, - said the General Director of NTS-Tour LLC.

Renting a bathhouse costs 1.5 thousand rubles, renting a catamaran for an hour - 400 rubles, a quad bike - 1 thousand rubles, a jet ski - 4 thousand rubles, a boat - 5 thousand rubles. There is also a banana boat rental, water skiing and a shooting range.

Where: the city of Nakhodka, the village of Wrangel, Malaya Okunevaya Bay.

The world of a fairy tale called "Lukomorye" is the next base in our chic top ten rating. Base family vacation is located on the picturesque coast of Vostok Bay, in the area of ​​Lake Swan, in the vicinity of Nakhodka. Cozy bay with clear water and sandy bottom. Long and well-groomed beach line. And most importantly, no noisy companies. There is a silence mode at the base after 23.00.

Summer-type houses without services and well-appointed wooden houses with all services, year-round hotel rooms with beautiful sea views, comfortable two-storey cottage and a stylish cafe where you can celebrate an anniversary, hold a celebration, a wedding banquet and any holiday. The choice is wide, and every vacationer will find exactly the option that suits the price and amenities at any time of the year. The cost of living in rooms, depending on the month, varies from 2.1 to 20 thousand rubles, - said general director of LLC "Quality" Lyubov Shvedova.

Lukomorye has a green oak, and not only. Author of the photo: Courtesy of the recreation center

In summer, sea attractions work for children, for adults - fishing, boat trips and yacht trips. A special regime for the protection of silence and ecological cleanliness of the territory is observed. Everything is arranged so that vacationers can enjoy communication with nature and gain health and vitality of the sea and the sun.

- We position ourselves as a base for a comfortable family vacation with children and try to provide maximum security. Neither adults nor children will be bored here. In the beach area there is a paid playground for children's attractions with a sea pool and an inflatable slide for kids, swings, trampolines and various climbing frames. For adults - two volleyball courts. And in the residential area - free playgrounds with swings, slides, carousels and a sandbox. For a quiet contemplative rest - "Fountain of Desires", various gazebos, the viewpoint "Green Oak", the suspension bridge "Above the Abyss" and a lot of other secluded places - unique corners on the territory of the recreation center, where you can take pictures as a keepsake of your summer vacation. On the territory of the base there is a cafe with a stunning view of the sea. We offer both complex meals for our guests, as well as menus in a regular cafe, and, of course, we did not forget about the little ones, a children's menu is also provided. Our pride is a one-of-a-kind bathhouse. It is designed for a company of up to 12 people. A large bright living room with a fireplace and a seating area, a stunning stained-glass window overlooking the sea, a spacious steam room and, to top it all off, an open-air hot and cold sea font, said Lyubov Shvedova .

Additional services: fishing, excursions in the water area, transfer and Wi-Fi throughout the territory.

The recreation center "Lukomorye" has a convenient online booking service that allows you to make a "purchase" summer holiday in two clicks. The site always has up-to-date information on the availability of places on the date of viewing. You can, without leaving your home, book and pay for the house you like.

Where: Nakhodka, Vostok Bay, Swan Lake area.


The recreation complex of the international level "Mayak" is a real paradise, which is located half an hour from Vladivostok, in the Yakornaya Bay of the Ussuri Bay. In "Mayak" you can spend a vacation or a day off: relax on the beach and by the pool, cook a barbecue in the park, play bowling with the whole family, dine in a restaurant and leave for the city rested and energized.

We have 18 cottages, each cottage has four standard rooms (four-star level), and 21 rooms in the hotel and entertainment complex. There are 97 rooms in total. The cost of living in rooms, depending on the month, varies from 3.5 to 8 thousand rubles. The price includes breakfast, free parking in a guarded parking lot, fitness room, use of a gazebo for barbecue, swimming pool, games room. Our complex is very popular, all rooms are already booked until September, - said the administrator of the complex.

Spacious restaurant with classic interior and summer terrace is located on the first floor of the hotel. Every morning breakfast is served here. Buffet. A cozy banquet hall is separately equipped. The terrace has a barbecue area with a tandoor. The menu of the restaurant - dishes European cuisine. There is also a grill menu and a children's menu.

Both adults and children can find entertainment to their liking. The entertainment complex has the widest range of entertainment. There is bowling, paintball, billiards, a park with gazebos, playground and a fitness room, spa, jade hammam, baths. Swimming pool with children's area and retractable dome filled with well water and equipped with an automatic cleaning system. Next to the pool is a patio with sun loungers where you can relax and sunbathe. Children can spend time relaxing in the creative workshop. Here you can work out painting, pottery, modeling from polymer clay- said an employee of the recreation complex.

Where: Vladivostok, Yakornaya Bay, 7.


The next luxury vacation spot in Primorye with a telling name is the Paradise family recreation center a piece of paradise on the edge of the picturesque Trinity Bay in Andreevka. It is comfortable to relax here with the whole family. Amazing view from panoramic windows cozy hotel rooms of the recreation center will make you forget about all your worries. Fans of active summer holidays are pleased to offer a huge selection of entertainment.

- For your comfortable stay, we provide hotel buildings with rooms of various comfort levels. We have two swimming pools (adult and children), a sauna, a cafe with a terrace, a pond. There are also picnic and barbecue areas on the beach. And most importantly, clean. sand beach and the emerald sea, - said the administrator of the base.

For lovers of outdoor activities there are exciting walks and excursions on boats, fishing, diving, riding "pills" and water skiing, there is a rental of aquabikes, ATVs, boats, bicycles, rollers, scooters.

For children, their own entertainment: a playground, a room in a cafe, an inflatable trampoline with a slide on the beach, and even a living corner with rabbits.

Where: the village of Andreevka, with. Rice Pad, st. Maple, 1b.

"Russian Renaissance"

At the recreation center there is a building with 22 rooms of different comfort. Accommodation in a single room costs from 2.5 to 4.5 thousand rubles, in a double room - 4.5 thousand rubles, in a suite - 5.5 thousand rubles. Children under 2 years old stay free of charge, from 2 to 6 years old - 50% discount. Each room has all the necessary furniture, a bathroom, personal hygiene items are also included in the price. Also at the recreation center there is a bath complex with a fireplace room, a pool with a waterfall, Russian billiards, a spacious Russian wood-fired steam room, karaoke, lounges and a terrace with stunning views of Novik Bay and Papenberg Island. You can try the author's cuisine in a cafe with a glazed veranda for 50 seats, with a children's menu and fresh seafood dishes.

Near the recreation center there is a pebble beach with a zone of imported sand. There is a diving pier nearby. For the youngest guests on the territory of the recreation center there is a children's playground. During your holiday, you can use the car park free of charge. On the territory of the recreation center there are two baths, billiards, a barbecue area, a gazebo. Fans of outdoor activities can rent catamarans and sports equipment. To view the surroundings, you can go on a car tour, - said the administrator of the base.

Where: Vladivostok, Russian Island, Cape Doronin, 12.

"Trinity Bay"

Another member of our luxurious TOP-10 is the recreation center "Bay Trinity" Andreevka. The resting place is located on the shores of the picturesque Troitsa Bay, near the village of Andreevka, Khasansky district, a 10-minute walk from the beach.

From the territory of the base, a beautiful landscape opens up to the entire Trinity Bay. Behind the territory of the base is an oak forest. The unique combination of sea and forest air gives coolness and energizes. All rooms of the recreation center have satellite TV, refrigerator, bedding. The cost of living in rooms, depending on the month, varies from 2.5 to 7 thousand rubles. Round the clock supply of hot water. Troitsa Bay is one of the best places in Primorsky Krai, located not far from the Far East Marine Biosphere Reserve, the Kedrovaya Pad Nature Reserve, the Barsovy Wildlife Sanctuary and the Natural Park for the Protection of Waterfowl. There are about 20 natural monuments here that are worth seeing with your own eyes, - said the employee of the base.

On the territory of the base there is a swimming pool with quartz water purification, baths, saunas, cafes, a park area with gazebos, swings. There is secure parking for cars and water transport. For the safety of tourists, video surveillance and round-the-clock security are conducted at the base.

Where: Primorsky Krai, Andreevka village, Troitsa Bay.

"Beauty! Lepota!" Indeed, a wonderful place with interesting architecture is the recreation center "Lepota", which is located in the village of Andreevka, Khasansky district. She rightfully deserves a place in our luxurious top 10. The base is located in a forest area, 500 meters from the main beach. Two modern residential complexes, decorated on the outside in the old Russian style, are the main decorations of the recreation area. Each of the buildings includes 10 double rooms of "Standard" class, equipped with everything necessary, including light, hot and cold water, bathroom (toilet, shower), single or double bed.

Each building has two deluxe rooms. The spacious two-room suites have two TVs, a bathroom, a double bed, a sofa, and two rattan armchairs. The cost of living in rooms, depending on the month, varies from 2.5 to 7 thousand rubles.

For swimmers, we have a heated swimming pool. Both adults and children can frolic here. Next to the adult pool there is a small paddling pool for the youngest swimmers. For real extreme sportsmen, we are ready to provide ATVs, buggies and even boats. For lovers of team sports there is a volleyball court. For the youngest guests, we have prepared a great place for entertainment - a spacious playground, - said the administrator of the base.

Where: Primorsky Krai, Andreevka village, st. Lugovaya, 16.

Novik Country Club

Our TOP-10 of the most luxurious holiday destinations by the sea is completed by Novik Country Club, located in Vladivostok on Russky Island, in a picturesque place on the shore of Novik Bay.

Having settled down in our recreation center you can enjoy a calm atmosphere, high-quality service and a variety of sea delicacies. The recreation center Novik Country Club is designed for corporate events (meetings, trainings, corporate parties), as well as celebrations (weddings, anniversaries, birthdays), relaxation and meetings of friends. The base has comfortable rooms, a spacious outdoor veranda, a children's room. We invite you to visit our cafe on the seashore. We will gladly treat you to our traditional dishes from fresh seafood, fish soup, pilaf or shish kebab, - said the administrator of the base.

At the base you can order walks along the Novik Bay of Russky Island: 10 people - 5 thousand rubles up to 2 hours. Boat trip: up to 10 hours - 20 thousand rubles. Boat rental near the shore: 15 people up to 8 hours - 10 thousand rubles.

Where: Vladivostok, about. Russian, pos. Shallow.

The nature and climate of Primorsky Krai are truly unique. This is a region that is ¾ covered with forest. This is a region where taiga trees grow next to lianas, and in the middle of the salty sea springs with fresh water gush.

About the region as a whole

Primorsky Krai was formed in 1938 as a result of the fragmentation of the Far East Territory. The region borders on two states - China and North Korea. The population of Primorsky Krai is almost two million people. And about 80% of them live in cities.

The geographical position on the eastern outskirts of Eurasia largely determines the nature of the climate and local weather. Primorsky Krai stretches from north to south for almost 900 kilometers. Significant expanses of the region are occupied by low mountains: the Manchurian-Korean, as well as the Sikhote-Alin. The highest point of the region is Mount Anik with a height of 1933 meters. largest river- Ussuri.

The natural landscapes of Primorsky Krai are striking in their diversity. Some of them evoke thoughts of distant overseas countries, they are very different from typical Russian landscapes. These, for example, include landscapes that are called the "Russian edge of the world."

The administrative center of the region is the city of Vladivostok. Primorsky Krai is administratively divided into 22 districts and 12 urban districts.

Geographical position

Primorsky Krai with an area of ​​165 thousand square kilometers occupies almost 1% of the Russian territory. The region is located on the southeastern outskirts of the Russian Federation. Its eastern shores are washed by the waters of the Sea of ​​Japan.

The coastline of the region is quite strongly dissected, forming a number of bays, islands and bays. The largest bays are Peter the Great, Amur, Vostok; islands - Russian, Askold, Putyatina and others.

The total length of the borders of Primorsky Krai is about 3,000 kilometers. Half of them are by sea.

The extreme points of Primorye are as follows:

  • northern - the source of the Dagda River (48 ° 28 'north latitude);
  • southern - the mouth of the Tumangan River (42 ° 18 'north latitude);
  • the western one is the source of the Novgorodovka River (130° 24' E);
  • eastern - Cape Zolotoi (139 ° 02 'East).

Weather and climate of Primorsky Krai

In the minds of many Russians, Primorsky Krai is a distant, northern, and very cold region. Few people know that the extreme southern point of Primorye is located south of Monte Carlo or the once popular resort of Sukhumi. However, the climate of Primorsky Krai is much more severe. In winter, frosts in some of its areas can reach 30-35 degrees below zero.

The climate type of Primorsky Krai is moderate monsoon. Winters are clear, dry and quite cold. In the spring there are significant temperature differences. Summers are cool and rainy: up to 80% of annual precipitation falls in these parts in three summer months. Autumn in Primorye is usually moderately warm and dry.

Frequent fogs, heavy rainfall and typhoons are typical summer weather for this region. Primorsky Krai in the warm season is often "visited" by tropical cyclones. The consequences of these "visits" are often very unpleasant, up to serious destruction of buildings and communications.

Average July temperatures in Primorye: +18 ... +26 degrees, January: -8 ... -18 degrees. Despite its harshness, the climate of Primorsky Krai allows the cultivation of a range of agricultural crops. For example, Amur grapes.

Flora, fauna and natural areas

The flora of Primorye is extremely diverse. Botanists count within it about 250 species of trees and shrubs, a thousand species of algae and fungi, several hundred mosses and lichens. There are many endemic plants in the region: iron birch, alangium, girl's grapes, heart-leaved hornbeam and others.

The fauna of the region is no less rich. It is home to 103 species of mammals, 483 birds, 377 fish, at least 22,000 species of insects, including the world's largest hornet. Typical representatives of the fauna of Primorye are the wolf, lynx, brown bear, elk, roe deer, squirrel, crane, fox, spotted deer. There are also exotic species for Russia here: raccoon dog, Himalayan bear, Manchurian tiger. The habitat of the latter, by the way, practically coincides with the administrative boundaries of Primorsky Krai.

Three natural zones can be distinguished within this region:

  • taiga (in the north);
  • variable-humid (monsoon type) forests - in the south and in the western part;
  • zone of altitudinal zonation (Sikhote-Alin and spurs of the Manchurian-Korean mountains).

It should be noted that the natural zones of Primorsky Krai have a submeridional configuration. That is, they are all elongated in the direction from north to south.

Forests of natural origin cover up to 80% of the territory of the region. Spruce-fir and cedar-broad-leaved forests grow here. In the south of the region, more heat-loving tree species are gradually added to them. On the sea coast and in the river valleys you can see amazing natural complexes - thickets of ash, elm and Manchurian walnut, entwined with real lianas.

One more natural area, which is found fragmentarily in Primorye - this is the forest-steppe. True, it arose here as a result of human activity (long-term deforestation) and large-scale fires.

Population and ethnic composition

The population of Primorsky Krai today is just over 1.9 million people. 77% of them live in cities. Average density - 12 persons/sq. km, but the population is distributed extremely unevenly. Most of the inhabitants are concentrated in the southern part of the region. About a third of the territory does not have a permanent population at all.

The ethnic structure of the region is dominated by Russians (85%). They are followed by Ukrainians (2.5%) and Koreans (about 1%). The indigenous peoples of Primorsky Krai are the Udeges, the Tazis and the Nanais. However, they are very few in number. Their total share in ethnic composition population of the region does not exceed one percent.

Administrative divisions and cities

Primorsky Krai includes 22 districts and 12 urban districts. The capital is the city of Vladivostok, which is home to about a third of the total population of Primorye. The districts of Primorsky Krai are not uniform in size. The largest of them are located in the north (Krasnoarmeysky, Pozharsky and Terneysky), and the smallest - in the south.

There are 12 cities in Primorsky Krai. The largest of them are Vladivostok, Ussuriysk and Nakhodka. Most of the cities in this region were formed at the end of the 19th or the first half of the 20th century.

Vladivostok (Primorsky Territory) - a city of fogs, ships and bridges

The largest and oldest city in the region is Vladivostok. It was founded in 1860 as a military post of the Russian Empire. Literally, the name of the city is interpreted as "owning the east", which fully corresponds to the purpose of its appearance on the map of Eurasia.

Vladivostok city district includes 50 islands. In 2012, two beautiful bridges were built in the city (on the occasion of the APEC summit being held here). One of them is thrown across the bay, the other - to the Russian Island. Since October 2015, Vladivostok has had the status of a free port (“free port”).

About 90% of urban residential development is multi-storey buildings. Public transport is represented by buses, trolleybuses, trams, ferries and even a funicular. By the way, the tram system of Vladivostok appeared in 1912 and is the oldest in the Asian part of Russia.

Many people compare this Far Eastern city with American San Francisco. True, the famous Russian blogger Ilya Varlamov calls it the “complete opposite” of the Foggy City of Frisco. There are indeed many problems in Vladivostok. The most acute of them are constant traffic jams, the lack of normal treatment facilities, and high food prices.

The main natural attractions of the region

Tourism is poorly developed in Primorsky Krai. Perhaps the residents South Korea, Japan or China, this region is even more interesting than the Russians. Tourists from these states come here regularly. And they are attracted here in the first place by nature.

Below are the 10 most beautiful, most famous and most impressive natural sights of the region:

  1. Big Amginsky waterfall.
  2. Gamow Peninsula.
  3. Peninsula Krabbe.
  4. Cape De Livron.
  5. Kosa Nazimov.
  6. Anna bay.
  7. Rock
  8. Triozerye is a picturesque bay and three freshwater lakes.
  9. Reef bay with beautiful and huge sandy beaches.

Finally, we bring to your attention the 12 most interesting facts about the nature and population of this amazing region:

  1. On the territory of the region you can find real taiga and subtropical forests.
  2. The warmest month of the year here is August.
  3. About 75% of the territory of Primorsky Krai is occupied by forests.
  4. The Far Eastern leopard lives within Primorye - a unique feline that is not found anywhere else on the planet.
  5. The most windy place in the region is the city of Vladivostok.
  6. Primorsky Krai is perhaps the only place on Earth where both bears and tigers can live in the same forest.
  7. On a small one in the waters of the Sea of ​​​​Japan there is a mysterious yew grove, whose age is at least a thousand years.
  8. On the territory of Primorsky Krai there are many settlements with very colorful names: Kievka, Chernigovka, Poltavka, New Moscow, etc. All these villages were founded by immigrants from the European part of Russia.
  9. Until 1880, there was not a single city here.
  10. The region produces a wide range of minerals, from brown coal to silver and gold.
  11. There are many atheists in Primorsky Krai - about 35% of the population (this is a record figure for Russia).
  12. This region has its own Bosporus Strait - East.

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