How much money is needed to organize a children's room. How to open a children's play complex

garden equipment 12.10.2019
garden equipment

Baby game rooms - step-by-step instruction of 6 stages + a list of the most cost-effective areas for game rooms.

Capital investments: from 300,000 rubles.
Payback: in 7-9 months

Businessmen know that one of profitable areas entrepreneurial activity are entertainment for children.

The most popular among them are photo shoots, holidays, as well as playrooms for children.

The latter can be placed anywhere: from shopping malls to airports.

The most important thing in this business is never to install cheap equipment so as not to harm the health of children, and also not to save on toys so that little visitors always have something to play with.

We will deal with the rest of the details of organizing a business further.

How to start a game room business?

In order for the game room to become a full-fledged business that brings considerable income, you need to go through the following stages of preparation:

  1. Register as an entrepreneur.
  2. Study the regulatory framework in the region.
  3. Familiarize yourself with federal regulations regarding children's play equipment.
  4. To study the laws that relate to liability for harming the health of babies.
  5. Familiarize yourself with fire safety requirements.
  6. Issue medical books to staff.

1. Paperwork.

For a game room, you need to go through the following steps so that the business is completely legal:

  • registration as individual entrepreneur or a legal entity (the first option is still recommended, because in this situation the IP has some bonuses);
  • select the OKVED code - as a rule, 92.7;
  • registration in pension and off-budget funds;
  • purchase cash register and equipment, which is selected according to the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor and fire safety inspection;
  • but no additional licensing is required.

2. Market analysis.

If there are already similar playgrounds where you plan to do business, you can visit them in work time, as a client, analyze their shortcomings and draw on the experience of competitors.

An effective way to test the profitability of this area is questionnaires for parents - by conducting a couple of surveys in a certain area, you can find out if there are many children there and how often they play in public places.

To ensure that the investment is not in vain, such a type of business as a playroom for children must be carefully studied.

To begin with, you should conduct a survey of parents and residents of a particular area where the opening of the site is planned.

Then you should find out which age group prefers which games.

3. Equipment for a children's playroom.

For each area, specific equipment is offered.

Production and installation of a standard complex takes 2-3 weeks.

To make all the details of a playroom in a certain thematic style, for example, based on a cartoon, it will take from 5 weeks.

The target audience is only children - therefore, the safety of the equipment must be thought first of all.

Game labyrinths with different obstacles for all ages are in great demand.

It's durable metal structure on 2-4 floors, equipped with a variety of game and educational elements.

The choice of equipment for filling the game labyrinth is huge, among them are:

  • slide with a dry pool;
  • trampoline;
  • slide with a turn or double;
  • obstacle strips with hanging, protruding and rotating soft elements;
  • braided tunnels.

In addition to game labyrinths, you should take care of areas for a relaxing pastime, where you can draw or play with interactive panels.

Such equipment does not take up much space, but requires constant availability. consumable(paper and stationery).

4. Rules of conduct for visitors.

To date, there are no official requirements regarding the organization of a children's playroom.

However, there are regulations to regulate the work of children's institutions.

The most important requirements are:

  • If a child has noticed colds, do not let him into the territory of the playroom.
  • A child can spend no more than 4 hours in the playroom.
  • Children under 3 years of age must be supervised by their parents.
  • If a child misbehaves, parents should pick him up after warning the playroom employee.
  • Children can only be in the playroom interchangeable shoes, and in labyrinths - without shoes.

These are not definitive rules for visiting the game room, they may vary depending on what equipment is used and how much space it occupies.

Where can children's playrooms be opened?

Where the playroom for children will be located will affect the amount of regular income.

Therefore, you should carefully consider all possible options in advance.

The most profitable places are where there are many children who are potential customers.

Of the most profitable and visited areas, it is worth highlighting:

  • shops specializing in the sale of children's goods;
  • sleeping areas where there are few playgrounds;
  • shopping centers.

Not all shopping centers can be reached high level attendance if they are located in a remote area or offer a poor range of goods.

The largest flow of customers is observed near branded retailers.

Here, people spend a lot of time thinking about what things to buy, and children do not like to wait long while their parents choose for a long time.

On weekends, traffic in a shopping center can be up to 100 people a day, on weekdays it is half as much - 30-40.

If you want your room to accommodate more than 10 visitors, you should choose a room from 20 sq. meters.

Which state requires a playroom for kids?

Still in the process, you need to start looking for staff.

All employees must keep order and cleanliness, prevent damage to property and not hide proceeds.

If the applicant inspires confidence, has a wealth of experience working with kids in his resume, you can offer him a vacancy.

You can hire the following applicants:

  • students;
  • housewife moms;
  • young pensioners.

A big advantage is the presence of pedagogical education.

In the state, not counting the head, 1-3 people can work in shifts, provided that the game room does not occupy a large area.

If desired, animators can be invited to the game room who will entertain and play with children so that they do not get bored.

In addition to the basic salary, employees can receive a certain percentage of the total revenue - 2-5%.

Thus, the employee is motivated to earn more money and will offer additional services to parents.

To clean the premises, you can invite an employee from a cleaning company on an hourly basis - this allows you to save some money.

How much does it cost to open a children's playroom?

It is noteworthy that one-time capital investments are enough for such a business.

Further costs are associated only with promotion and advertising, as well as repair work playground.

For example, the costs for opening a children's playroom with an area of ​​40 sq.m are given:

An example of how you can equip a children's playroom is presented in the video:

How quickly do playrooms for children pay off?

The income from a children's room can be different and depend on the number of visitors, as well as demand.

Indeed, it is known that in summer time years, there are much more children in open areas and streets.

In addition to the main service (placement of children in rooms), you can offer many additional services that double the revenue.

For example, the organization of children's carnivals, holidays and birthdays.

For such events, you need to develop invitations, scenarios and menus - this can be done both independently and ordered from event agencies.

The tastes of children with the development of technology often change.

Children's playrooms will bring in significantly more revenue if you regularly add new elements, change equipment and open up new spaces.

In this way, the children's interest will always be kept and they will be frequent customers.

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As soon as adults become parents, the question of how to organize the child's leisure begins to haunt them constantly. And how to combine your business with children's leisure as efficiently as possible for both parties? That's what children's playrooms are for.

While parents go about their business, children are supervised, communicate, play and learn something new. For parents, this is help, and for the owners of the room - business. And it can be profitable if you get all the key points right. How to open a children's playroom? The business plan is discussed below.


To register a children's playroom, you do not need to obtain any additional licenses.

A package of documents regulating this species activities, is reduced to a standard package of registration of a legally operating enterprise providing services to the population.

In this case, individual entrepreneurship is quite enough.

Such registration takes a minimum of time, and the level of costs here is quite small - within the limits of official taxes.

You can deal with registration issues yourself, but then you must be prepared to spend some time in the queue for filing and issuing documents, but you will be able to fit into the minimum budget.

If you are not ready to register yourself, doubt the correctness of filling out the registration forms and do not want to waste time on unproductive activities, you can hire a person who will complete this step for you. The cost of such services today is not so high, but it greatly simplifies the life of a future entrepreneur.

You will receive the documents at the same time as in the case of self-registration (and sometimes even earlier), but during this time you will be able to do for your future business what requires your direct participation.

Equipment (equipment) of the children's playroom

This moment is perhaps the most costly and responsible for this type of business.

You will have to work with children, and they are the most ruthless critics. If a child does not like your playroom, he will not come there again, and no mother will be able to convince him. But if you like it, then he will be your most grateful and regular visitor.

Children's room interior

The main elements of the equipment of the children's room may look like this:

  1. Elements for mobile recreation. Children's town, slides, ladders, swings, wall bars, balls.
  2. Stationery, objects for drawing and crafts, appropriate furniture.
  3. Books for children of different ages.
  4. Board games, puzzles.
  5. TV, a set of cartoons and children's films.
  6. Toys (only those that can be handled easily).

This list is not mandatory for every game room. You can vary it at your discretion, based on the possibilities of the budget and the technical capabilities of the room.

Playroom equipment for children

So, if you have a small room, you should not squeeze a huge town into it, you can completely get by with a small element. Common sense should be the main determining criterion in matters of room equipment. There are only two prerequisites:

  1. The child should be comfortable and spacious enough to have enough space to play.
  2. Your visitors must be safe. This is essential requirement. All toys and pieces of furniture must have appropriate safety certificates, be made only from materials that are safe for children (it’s good if they are natural), and be able to be easily washed and processed.

It is also worth noting that high-quality children's equipment is quite an expensive pleasure. However, such things last much longer, they can be subjected to minor repairs if necessary, without replacing entirely.

This is a smart investment compared to buying cheap pieces of furniture and toys that you will have to change after a short time.

Organizational moments

Speaking of organizational issues, we will again return to security issues in the first place.

Regardless of where the children's room will be located, both must comply with the most stringent sanitary and fire safety standards.

The same criteria must be met by all the items with which the room is equipped.

It is worth taking care of the presence of a first aid kit (we are dealing with children, and they often know how to do the most unexpected things), as well as a sufficient amount drinking water, disposable tableware and wet and dry wipes. The presence of a bathroom and a place for washing hands is also required.

As you prepare your game room for the opening, make sure that as many of you as possible know about this event. potential buyers. If the room is located in a shopping center, it is a good idea to place information on the center's notification system (almost every modern mall is equipped with it), as well as place advertising information in nearby houses.

If you're opening a game room elsewhere, it's worth spending a little more time on ads. Specific activities and ways to communicate with potential customers are determined depending on the specifics of your game room and the general traffic of visitors.

Children's playroom in the sports complex

Speaking about the format of the children's playroom, it is worth noting that along with the already familiar forms that can be seen today in almost every large supermarket, today the form of coworking is becoming more and more popular, which has already reached children's establishments.

More and more young mothers want to lead an active social life, while remaining together with their children. Coworking – perfect option for such cases. Any mother can come here with her child. Each of them can do what he is interested in, the mother can work, negotiate or communicate with other mothers, and the child at this time can play with peers.

At the same time, a relaxed and creative atmosphere motivates them to constantly visit such spaces. Yoga, drawing and art classes creative development children and adults are perfectly combined in such spaces.

In the summer, coworking can be organized right on the street, in a park or square, because then your visitors will enjoy communication and fresh air simultaneously.


Fun and interesting staff main value game room.

There are no clear criteria for age and professional education.

The main thing is that the person working with children in your playroom should be psychologically balanced, sufficiently educated, and have the ability to establish contact with any child.

Naturally, the presence of a health book and regular medical examination is prerequisite for every employee who deals with children.

For everything else, you can rely on your own discretion. Both young animators and nannies of age can do their job equally well, corresponding to the tasks set, as well as the level you declared. In some cases, mothers themselves are also involved in working with children in the playrooms, who have a desire to communicate with the child as much as possible.

Children's products always sell well. With the right organization, this business idea is doomed to success. : the main points for starting your own business.

Is it possible to open a children's clothing store from scratch and how to do it, read.

Private kindergartens are in demand among wealthy residents of cities. This business cannot be called simple, because with high initial costs, payback will have to be expected for a long time. Nevertheless, this enterprise can be profitable. Here is everything about the nuances of opening a private kindergarten.

Profitability and place

The profitability of a playroom for children is closely related to its location. Therefore, it would be good to initially worry about finding a room located in a place with good traffic for your target audience. Traditionally the best places to organize such places are large supermarkets, shopping centers and shopping malls.

Here, parents are ready to spend a significant amount of time, and they are interested in organizing leisure activities for their child during this period. Children visit such places with pleasure, and it is they who initiate the trip to the shopping center.

Game complex in a supermarket

The malls themselves have an interest in the good performance of the children's playrooms, as both parties benefit mutually from a well-organized process.

If the level of profitability from hourly pay does not suit you, you can provide a number of additional services that will attract more visitors to you.

So, we can talk about organizing holidays for children, holding birthdays and theme parties. Children are also interested in various creative workshops that can be held on a regular basis. So you will have a regular source of additional income.

Business plan for opening a children's playroom

The organization of a children's playroom can be a good business and bring a stable income to its owner, if you approach the matter thoughtfully.

There are several key points, which should be carefully considered at the stage of drawing up a business plan:

  • questions related to registration;
  • how to equip a children's room;
  • where to find a room;
  • selection of employees;
  • advertising.

Each of these stages requires a certain amount of time and money. By counting them correctly, you will be able to compose yourself detailed plan actions and calculate the payback period and the level of profitability of your business project.

It should be noted that the need for children's playrooms in big cities significantly higher than in small ones. However, here the level of competition will be much tougher than in a small town.

When preparing the launch of a new project, it is worth starting traditionally with an analysis of the existing competitive environment. Look around in the area that interests you, find out where children's playrooms are already operating, what services they provide. In this way, you can identify the clear needs of potential buyers and offer them exactly the service that will be expected in given time and in this place.

This approach will help you start successfully, bring the payback period of investments closer and reach the expected level of profitability.

If you first decided to open a children's development center, then first you need to create a clear action plan for yourself. where to start and what organizational issues must be taken into account, read on our website.

You will find step-by-step instructions for opening a point of sale of cotton candy in the section.

Game room, leisure center, development club - you can name your brainchild whatever you like. An important point is the absence educational activities in this institution. You do not need a license to open a children's playroom. Even with scheduled inspections, Rospotrebnadzor has no right to come to you. With unscheduled - yes, if one of your visitors, or rather, from their parents, wrote a complaint.

Opening such an enterprise is both easier and more difficult than a preschool educational institution. Easier, because you have to coordinate not very a large number of factors at the time of the "launch" of the enterprise. It is more difficult because no one has yet developed a normal regulatory framework for such institutions. In addition, according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation 84, all equipment safety standards are voluntary. Therefore, you have to use standards for similar structures.

Before opening a children's playroom (DIK), you can contact Rospotrebnadzor (local SES) and the State Fire Supervision Service for clarification. Lawyers even advise inviting a preliminary commission to evaluate your building / room and equipment for compliance with standards. But the preliminary commission may not come. There are no complaints, there is no legislative act regulating the check - there is no check.

If you couldn't find mutual language with the inspection authorities and get a comprehensive answer regarding the opening of the DIC, use the following regulatory documents when preparing the premises and equipment:

  1. SanPin 2.4.3049-13 dated 05/15/13. The document was developed for the preschool educational institution and describes the regime moments of the work of the children's institution, its content and organization. Here you can learn the rules for the maintenance and cleaning of the premises, the requirements for it and the estimated norms for the number of children that you can accept.
  2. Federal Law of the Russian Federation 123 as amended on 07/29/17. This is technical regulation fire safety, in which you can find the requirements for the premises and equipment of your institution. Find out if you need fire alarm and requirements for it. What kind of fire fighting equipment do you need to have?
  3. Order No. 402 as amended on 06/02/16 issued by Rospotrebnadzor. This document describes the requirements for the presence of medical records and health passports. Introduces you to how these documents should look when reviewed.
  4. Consumer Rights Protection Law (ZoZPP N 2300-1) and PP No. 125. From these documents, you will learn how the signboard of the organization is drawn up, the consumer's corner, what information should be reflected on them.

Before purchasing equipment for the game, you should deal with domestic and international standards regarding its safety.

European standards are set out in EN - 1176 . domestic are described by GOSTs describing the equipment and coverage of playgrounds:

If you do not place the equipment specified in these guests, you can not get acquainted with them. They describe not only the arrangement of children's rooms, but also relate to open areas.

In addition, you should find out if the local authorities have developed any guidelines for the placement of children in the PEC. For example, in Moscow such recommendations have been developed and published by the Consumer Market Department.

SES requirements

You will encounter questions from the SES in case of complaints about your children's room or its staff. If you want to open a DIC, you'd better familiarize yourself with such a voluminous and sometimes contradictory document as SanPin The main conclusions on the premises and its content, which can be made, we will consider below.

Requirements for the premises

The size of the room will determine the size of the group you can recruit. If you provide leisure for children:

  • up to 3 years, each child should have at least 2.5 m 2 of area;
  • 3-7 years - minimum - 2 m 2 area.

One child cannot be in the playroom for more than 5 hours in a row. This should be stipulated in the contract with the parents. If the same group of children spends 5 hours or more in the playroom, the bedroom will need to be arranged. Requirements for such an institution will be more serious.

Children's institutions can be located both in a separate building and on the ground floor of a residential building or in a built-in-attached area. But in the basement and basement, children's rooms are not placed.

  • locker rooms where you can leave outerwear;
  • toilet.

It is advisable to provide a cooler with drinking water, it must meet drinking water standards.

It is recommended to decontaminate the room where children stay germicidal lamp. There is no strict requirement in this matter. But experienced organizers of children's rooms recommend acquiring such equipment.

Finishing Requirements

SanPin recommends finishing the walls of the room with materials that easily tolerate contact with detergents and disinfectants. SanPin recommends painting walls in warm colors from the north and cool colors from sunny side. Paints are recommended to use pastel colors. You can also use bright decor elements, but not more than 25% of the area of ​​​​the room.

Equipment and room requirements

Windows in the room should allow ventilation of the children's playroom. Toys and furniture should be appropriate for the height and weight of the children who will spend their leisure time in your CEC.

All equipment, furniture, toys, etc. should be:

  • made of approved materials that are not harmful to the health of babies;
  • have certificates;
  • easy to wash and withstand disinfection.

Stuffed Toys not needed in game rooms. They are allowed to be used for preschoolers only as didactic material. All playing equipment must be safe. This means the absence sharp corners. If available, such corners are screened with special gaskets. The risk of a child being caught around a corner by clothing, hand or foot must be minimized. All elements of game structures must be securely fastened.

The game room is cleaned with a wet method at least 2 times during the day. Special attention applied to areas where dust may accumulate.

In addition, you must have disinfectants for processing premises, marked inventory and a register of such funds.

Lighting Requirements

These requirements are in line with the SES requirements for living rooms. Windows in the playroom must have adjustable blinds (sun protection devices). Irregularity of lighting should not be more than 3:1. All artificial lights must be in good working order.

Requirements for ventilation and heating

Not allowed to use indoor portable heating equipment, including IR. Heating appliances (batteries) must be protected by safe and non-traumatic material. Children's room should be regularly ventilated. When airing, the temperature in the room should not decrease by more than 4 degrees. The process must take place in the absence of children. Every 1.5 hours it is recommended to arrange the so-called through ventilation.

The temperature in the room should be controlled by thermometers and be comfortable 23-25 ​​o C. Contents harmful substances in the air, including carbon dioxide, should not exceed the MPC.

Employee Requirements

The main requirement that the SES imposes on employees of children's rooms is that they have a sanitary book and undergo medical examinations (when applying for a job and scheduled).

Requirements of the State Fire Supervision

Since children are not planned to stay in the children's playroom without their parents, any coordination with the Fire Inspectorate is not required. But the owner of the DIC can apply to this service for voluntary inspection. But, most likely, you will find out about your compliance with the standards already upon the fact of an unscheduled inspection.

  • SP 54.13330.2011 (updated for SNiP 31-01-2003) - this document describes where you can place additional premises for family preschool. They are also recommended to use when opening the DIC.
  • When choosing a room for your playroom, try to ensure that it complies with SP 118.13330.2012 (namely, clause 5.7, table No. 5, column 3-4, with the exception of the bedroom).

    Requirements for the PB system

    Requirements for PB are also developed for preschool educational institutions. But in the event of an emergency, the absence of specific legislative acts does not relieve the responsibility of the owner of the DIK or its manager. Therefore, it is worth doing work to maintain the PB in your institution.

    It can be broken down into 2 large elements:

    • documentation;
    • the PB system itself.

    The first group includes the presence of:

    • evacuation plan (color, A3 format);
    • safety instructions for personnel;
    • briefing log, accounting of primary fire extinguishing equipment and safety inspections;
    • organization order with the appointment of a responsible person;
    • signs with the telephone number of the fire service.

    The second one includes:

    • availability of primary fire extinguishing means (fire extinguisher, fire hose, stand, sand box);
    • fire fighting devices (APS).

    The materials with which the walls of the room will be sheathed / pasted over should be minimally combustible during the evacuation.

    These are the basic requirements. By the time you open your business, you should clarify the information. Maybe the law will change a bit.

Children's playrooms are most often created at shopping and entertainment centers. Parents who are forced to take their children with them to the mall are much more comfortable leaving them in the children's room than dragging them shopping with them.

There are pluses in children's playrooms for both parents and children: the former will be able to safely go shopping without worrying that the child will get lost or start acting up, and the latter will have fun in the company of their peers.

What you need to open a children's playroom

Any business involving children involves a certain degree of responsibility. If in other areas of business, you can only be responsible for equipment, or for fulfilling obligations under contracts, then here you also have responsibility for the life and health of your little customers. In this regard, many entrepreneurs have a question: how to open a children's playroom with the least responsibility? First of all, you need to provide your business with a solid documentary base. All Required documents and permits must be obtained before the business can operate.

Documents required to open a children's playroom:
1. A document confirming your registration as an individual entrepreneur.
2. Document on registration with the pension fund.
3. Document on registration of the cash register.
4. Permission from the fire inspectorate.
5. Permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station.
6. Medical books for each employee.
7. Documents confirming the safety of equipment (toys) used in work with children.

Wet cleaning of the entire playing area should be carried out every day. The same applies to everything that is in the room and with which children are in direct contact - toys, children's sports equipment, etc. All equipment must be of high quality, non-toxic, and the material from which the toys are made must not cause allergic reactions. Also, do not use equipment that can injure or scratch children, since the life and health of children, for whom you are responsible for the time they are in the playroom, depends on this. Children who look unwell or have external signs any infectious diseases should not be allowed into the room so as not to infect other visitors.

Children's playroom business plan

In general, the profitability of such a business is quite high, however, a lot depends on the size of the room (that is, on how many children you can take at the same time) and on the successful choice of the location of the children's room. If your playroom can accommodate up to about 20 children at a time (that's a minimum of 30 square meters), then count on the payback of the business within 6 months.

If you take a larger room, for about 70 children, then the payback and income will be more profitable, however, investments in such a site will naturally be larger. To equip such a game room, you will need at least 30 thousand dollars. Plus, the repair of the premises will take from 3 thousand dollars, to pay rent - from 800 dollars. The salary fund depends on the number of employees, however, to serve a large number of children (from 50 or more) you need at least 5 animators.

Children's playroom as a business

Choosing a location

The main factor that will determine the success or failure of your business is the favorable location of the children's room. As practice shows, the most good choice are shopping centers and entertainment complexes. It is better to place the information that there is a children's playroom in this shopping center right at the entrance, as well as indicate the path to it (or at least the floor).

In addition to shopping centers, cinemas, various game centers for adults (for example, bowling alleys), as well as places nearby leisure parks. The main thing to pay attention to when choosing a location is the high traffic of people.

We buy equipment

The purchase of equipment will amount to the most most expenses, and this is worth considering when. Returning to the responsibility of the entrepreneur, once again we will emphasize that all toys, children's sports equipment and everything else with which you are going to entertain children must be of high quality. You should not save on game inventory, as this is, first of all, your reputation.

Equipment for a children's playroom can be purchased as follows:

1. Children's maze. They are usually made to order, according to the desired size. The minimum size of the labyrinth, which manufacturers agree to produce, is usually about 15 square meters. You can order on the website

2. Inflatable trampolines. This is one of the most favorite entertainment for children, so you should not refuse to have a trampoline. For safety reasons, each trampoline must be surrounded by a special protective fence.

3. Inflatable dry pool. And such pools usually place a large number of balls different sizes, or other soft toys of various shapes.

4. Board games, constructors, drawing sets, plasticine modeling, etc.

5. Soft toys of different sizes and shapes that are located throughout the playroom.

6. Chairs, cabinets, tables.

7. For employees - cabinets for personal belongings, chairs or sofas.

We make out the interior of the room

Children's playrooms should be bright both inside and out. External walls often made of thick glass, and this makes sense: children from afar see how fun and interesting it is inside the room, and want to get back there as soon as possible. Inside the room, the interior should be bright, but not annoying. It will be great if characters from children's cartoons and games are depicted on the walls.

Hiring staff

The number of employees in the playroom who will spend time with children depends on the size of your room and how many children can be in it at the same time. For a small room, two or three employees will be enough. All employees should be trained in first aid medical care children (anything can happen), be able to communicate with children in a “childish” language - that is, the child should be interested not only with toys, but also with animators.

Ideally, animators should have minimal medical and pedagogical education. The more professional your employees are, the more trust you will receive from your parents. Since children's rooms usually work 12 hours a day, employees will go to work in shifts, according to a two-by-two schedule.

We set the mode of operation and pricing policy

The optimal working time of the children's entertainment room is from 9:00 to 21:00. At the entrance to the playroom, rules must be hung, which parents should familiarize themselves with without fail fulfill them. For example, each child cannot be in the playroom for more than four consecutive hours; when “transferring” the child to the playroom, the parent must present a passport (he must do the same when he picks up the child); children with any contagious diseases cannot be in the playroom.

To increase the loyalty of parents to your services, create a flexible pricing policy. On average, the cost of one hour of a child's stay in the playroom is from 1 to 3 dollars. However, if you allow parents to leave their child for, say, 30 minutes only, and pay only for that time, they will be more supportive of your venture. Give discounts to regular customers.

On weekends, it makes sense to raise the price a little, you can also increase the price from 16:00 to 21:00, since it is during these hours that the maximum occupancy of the room with children is observed. Including, you can set the so-called "happy hours", the cost of which will be much lower than in regular hours.

  • Where to begin?
  • Room selection
  • Required documents to open
  • Necessary equipment
  • Business payback

Are you a beginner businessman who wants to open his own business that does not require special knowledge and brings pleasure and joy? Opening a children's entertainment room is what you need. AT this business The main thing is to create an atmosphere of celebration and fun. Children's entertainment is a very profitable business, it is very difficult to save money on children, sometimes it is sometimes impossible. Children are the flowers of life, parents always want to please their children and give them pleasure. There is always a stable demand for this type of service. In this article, we will consider a small business plan on the topic "How to open a children's entertainment center from scratch."

Where to begin?

First you need to decide what exactly you want to open. If you want to open a children's development center, for this you will need much more time and Money. This is argued by the fact that you will need a license to conduct educational activities, recruit appropriate personnel, develop or purchase mandatory teaching methods. With the opening of the children's entertainment center, everything is much easier. An entertainment room will require several employees, thanks to this, at the first stage you will save on salaries, perhaps you can even perform some functions yourself. Required knowledge in order to open a children's entertainment center from scratch is not required, you also save on obtaining a license.

Room selection

The choice of premises is a very important parameter that affects the payback and profitability of a business. The entertainment room should be located in a place where there is a large flow of people. If you decide to open your business in big city, then it is advisable to choose large shopping centers. Young parents coming for shopping will be able to leave the child in the children's entertainment center for at least an hour. Moms-girlfriends who came for shopping will leave the children for two hours. Children quickly get tired of shopping and walking, so a children's room with entertainment will serve as a salvation for parents. If you decide to start a business in small town, then choose a place near kindergartens, near playgrounds. Rarely found in small towns entertainment centers for children, so it can become great idea to start a business.

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