Layout of a bath 6 * 6 with a swimming pool. Bath layout

Plant encyclopedia 20.06.2020
Plant encyclopedia

For a large family and a medium-sized family we offer bath projects the most suitable size - 6X6 meters. A bath of this size will allow all family members and invited guests to freely accommodate in order to have an exciting evening. If the project provides for a second floor and an attic, then the owners will not have problems accommodating guests for the night. Moreover, the price for such a bath will be as affordable as possible.

We offer a variety of projects log baths or from a log, sufficient space of the premises allows you to develop a project of not only functional, but also quite attractive baths. Its main decoration can be a veranda, on which it is pleasant to sit after a steam room in a close family circle at a samovar, or a pool, which allows you to fully appreciate the coolness of water. Most often, the bath room is divided into several functional departments. This can be a dressing room, steam room, washing and relaxation room. but bath projects in Moscow, where the rest room is combined with the dressing room, also look very attractive.

We offer projects where the area of ​​the steam room is often slightly larger than the size of the washroom. At the same time, a heater-stove and two-tier beds are installed in the steam room. At the request of the owner, you can install a hot tub, a shower tray, and an oak barrel, which is popular in our time, intended for spa procedures. The recreation room provides space for a comfortable table and sofa. Layout 6 by 6 m allows you to provide a bathroom, for the arrangement of which no more than 2 m 2 is required.

Variety of options for bath projects 6X6 provides for the arrangement of a terrace, but if the terrace is abandoned, then a small pool can be placed in the room. And although when developing such projects, we advise you to slightly reduce the area of ​​the washing room or rest room, or, as an option, combine a pool and a relaxation room, having your own pool that can be used in the cold season is worth it. If to order a bathhouse with a bathhouse project with a pool, then it is useful to equip an eaves overhang with access to a small courtyard, which can partially replace the terrace

The price for a 6 to 6 turnkey log house on two floors will be the same as for a 6 to 6 turnkey log house on one floor, so you can choose the one that suits you. When developing such buildings, the specialists of the "Tsar of Baths" company must take into account the landscape features and the appearance of the main estate, which makes it possible to perfectly fit the structure of the bath into the space of the site.

Two-storey saunas allow you to equip an additional recreation room with a billiard table or a guest room on the second floor. Look great log bath projects with a small balcony where you can equip a place for tea drinking.

In our company you can order bath projects 6X6 turnkey, which will perfectly match the space of the site. The specialists of our company will help you create a bathhouse that will ideally match the landscape of the site in accordance with the customer's budget.

When erecting a building from a log or from a log house, we carry out each stage of construction, from project development to finishing work. After the completion of construction, we hand over a completely finished building, which will not need to be completed.

Bath is a traditional type of relaxation that promotes general relaxation and body cleansing. For a standard procedure, the presence of a steam room and a shower is quite enough, however, in addition to the effect of the healing steam, another part of the process is of no less importance, namely the rest after the steam room.

For a full-fledged pastime, it is necessary to have a rest room, and for lovers of fresh air - an open terrace.

To build a bathhouse with a terrace and all the accompanying rooms, first of all, a full-fledged project is drawn up, on the basis of which the entire further construction process is carried out.

A properly designed building is the main guarantee of the convenience and reliability of the final result. Even if the instructions for the formation of individual parts of the bath will fully comply with building codes, an unsuccessfully drawn up project will nullify all efforts and funds spent.

The structure of the future bath depends largely on the size of the land plot on which the building will be located. The most successful design is considered to be a 6 by 6 bath with a terrace, since all the necessary premises can be placed on its area.

In this article, we will consider in detail the projects of 6x6 baths with a terrace, so that you can independently plan or make adjustments to the already finished scheme.

Ready-made schemes

A 6 by 6 bath project with a terrace most often consists of five zones-rooms, the presence of which is mandatory for a comfortable pastime.

They include:

  • steam room,
  • shower room,
  • hallway,
  • restroom,
  • and, accordingly, an open veranda (terrace) - their size and location are shown in the diagram.

  • Steam room - the area of ​​the steam room in this project is six square meters, which is quite enough for one or two people to steam. Heating of such a bath is carried out by means of a heater-stove or any other analogue;
  • Shower room - an alternative to a pool with cold water, its size is one third of the area of ​​the steam room;
  • The recreation room is a closed space, the area of ​​which is twelve square meters, which can accommodate an average-sized company of four to five people;
  • Hallway - the main role of this room is to provide an opportunity to melt, regulate and maintain the flame in the stove without directly touching the steam room. It contains a small supply of firewood or technical equipment if the stove is powered by natural gas;
  • The terrace is an alternative resting place, thanks to which you can spend time outdoors. Its dimensions are practically equal to the area of ​​the bath's rest room;

Despite the fact that this layout is considered the most successful, there are also several other schemes that you may also like. Among them it should be noted:

Self planning

Despite the presence of a large number of different schemes, you can also plan the future building yourself. The advantage of designing a bath with your own hands is the ability to create a building that will fully meet your wishes and needs.

Dimensions (edit)

The terrace does not have to be of fixed dimensions. Despite the fact that one part of it should be one piece with the bath and cannot go beyond it, the other can be stretched to the size you need. The area of ​​the veranda is determined not by the length or width of the main structure, but by the number of people resting on it.

Also, the size of the terrace is strongly influenced by the secondary elements that you plan to place on it. Objects such as a swimming pool should be included in the layout from the very beginning and greatly increase the area of ​​the bath veranda.


Traditionally, the veranda repeats the shape of the house, which is quite natural, given that it is a kind of continuation of it, but this condition is not required. The terrace can also be in the form of a covered corridor that will connect the house and the sauna - it can be used to equip a home solarium or a winter garden.

If the terrace will have a complex or broken shape, do not forget that you can experiment with only three available sides, while the fourth side is one of the walls of the bath.
An exception is a veranda in the form of a corridor or a separate covered annex, connected to the main building through a covered walkway.


The material from which the terrace will be erected should be similar to the walls of the main structure so that the extension looks organic. On the foundation, the veranda should be located with the same depth as the bath, so that its shrinkage has the same value as the main building.

Second floor

If the bathhouse will be built with an attic, the terrace can also be positioned at the level of the second floor by means of support pillars. The price of such a structure will be an order of magnitude higher than the ground-based counterpart, but fresh air and a light breeze will be a guaranteed reward for the increased costs.


Only a properly designed building can be adequately embodied in a full-fledged and durable structure. Despite the fact that the bathhouse is considered one of the smallest ground-based buildings, its design should be approached with all seriousness. You can familiarize yourself with the information provided in more detail by watching the video in this article.

Sauna projects 6x6

The bathhouse and everything connected with it in one way or another always arouses increased interest and attention in Russia. This phenomenon is explained quite simply: great pleasure and undoubted benefit from regular visits to the bathhouse in combination with national Russian traditions dating back more than one century of history. Therefore, it is not surprising at all the enormous popularity, which has increased even more in recent years, when private construction has grown at the highest rates.

One of the most common and most popular options is a bathhouse with a 6 * 6 main building. This is a large enough area, indicative of the high level of comfort that can be achieved. This article will consider various options, based on a building of standard sizes 6 * 6 or close to it.

Sauna project 5.7 * 6.2 from a bar with a terrace

This bath project is one of the simplest and most uncomplicated. At the same time, thanks to the competent study of layouts and design, the bath looks extremely attractive in appearance, combining with this the high functionality of the premises. The undoubted advantages of the project are:

  • a fairly spacious steam room (area 6.3 sq.m.) with a furnace in the adjacent room;
  • the presence of a vestibule in front of the recreation room, which is very convenient for visitors, and also helps to keep warm in the cold season;
  • the building is equipped with a terrace, which is convenient especially in the warm season, as it provides an opportunity to get out into the fresh air while staying under the roof. The area of ​​the terrace (6.8 sq.m.) is not enough to accommodate a barbecue, but it is quite possible to install it nearby;
  • the presence of windows in all four walls of the bath guarantees the maximum possible natural illumination of the premises.

Sauna project 6 * 6 from a bar with a porch

The bathhouse project is in many ways similar to the previous one, but it is even more ascetic and conservative. Firstly, the bathhouse is not equipped with a terrace, instead of which there is a small porch. It can hardly accommodate more than one or two people.

Secondly, the layout is much closer to the classic one. This is expressed in the fact that the steam room (in this case, the sauna) is equal in size to the washing room, and does not significantly exceed it, as in the previous version.

Thirdly, windows are provided only in the vestibule and the rest room, which is also the most traditional option.

The lack of attached auxiliary premises does not make it possible to mark a barbecue or barbecue under a canopy, which is a disadvantage of the project.

Taking into account the listed differences between projects, a potential customer can easily choose the one that is closer to him or simply more like it.

Sauna project 6 * 6.7 from a bar with a terrace

The bathhouse project is one of the most common layout options, implying a fairly spacious and spacious steam room and shower room, and a relaxation room, somewhat smaller than the recommended size. Such "infringement" is more than compensated by the terrace, which is larger than the rest room in area. In fact, this project may well be perceived as a project of a bathhouse with a gazebo, because the terrace is quite isolated and may well be considered an analogue of a gazebo. It quite allows you to place a brazier, a barbecue on it (of course, with the strictest fulfillment of fire safety requirements), but much more often - a large table and comfortable armchairs or chairs. Still, it is more logical and safer to place both a grill and a barbecue not under the roof, but next to the building, for example, under a light canopy.

An additional advantage of the project is the presence of windows in each of the rooms, and their dimensions are quite large.

Sauna project 6 * 6 from a bar with a terrace

This project is focused on the maximum level of comfort, which is achieved by increasing the area of ​​the recreation area and the presence of all auxiliary facilities that provide convenience. In particular, the bath project under consideration has the following features, indicating the above:

  • a spacious recreation room that occupies almost half of the total area of ​​the building (14 sq. m);
  • a large shower room (6.3 sq. m) and a separate bathroom (1.7 sq. m);
  • a vestibule, which also provides additional conveniences, especially in the cold season;
  • small steam room. Due to its small size, it is hardly possible to visit it by several people at the same time, but there are advantages from this - it warms up quickly, which makes it possible to easily maintain or restore the temperature for a long time;
  • the presence of large windows in all rooms, except for the steam room, guarantees natural lighting during daylight hours;
  • the area of ​​the terrace allows you to install a sofa and comfortably accommodate several vacationers, and the presence of a cover around the bathhouse allows you to set up a barbecue.

As a result, the considered bath project can be classified as original and aimed at comfort and convenience.

Project of a 2-storey bathhouse 6 * 6 from a wooden bar with a terrace and a balcony

The project under consideration, with standard dimensions, has such a competent layout that it can easily fit into it:

on the first floor:

  • all the premises required for a classic bath - a steam room, a sink and a rest room;
  • quite spacious terrace with an area of ​​9 sq. m .;

On the second floor:

  • a spacious recreation room that can be used as a living room;
  • a fairly spacious balcony with an area of ​​almost 7 sq.m.

One of the main advantages of such two-storey projects is that such buildings are very often the first on the newly acquired land plot. In such cases, a full-fledged house has not yet been built, but the owner wants to have a bath. The best option is to get both a small living space and a bathhouse in the same building for a relatively reasonable price.

And the fact that the bath project also has a terrace and a balcony is an additional plus. As well as the fact that it is quite possible and easy to install additional leisure facilities nearby, for example, a brazier or a barbecue, the products of which are so pleasant to eat after a bath, sitting on the terrace.

Sauna project 6 * 6 from a bar with an attic and a porch

The bath project perfectly demonstrates the possibility of combining a spacious and comfortable recreation area and a small living area on an area of ​​6 * 6.

You should pay attention to several main points of the project:

on the first floor:

  • the layout of the premises is close enough to the classic one for a bath, which is usually presented as: 1 / 1.5 / 2, respectively, a steam room / washing or shower / rest room;
  • competent planning allows the staircase, in fact, to play the role of a vestibule in front of the entrance to the recreation room;
  • a small utility room adjoins the staircase, convenient for use as a warehouse;
  • the recreation room is very spacious and bright, thanks to the presence of two large windows;
  • shower and steam rooms also have a small window;

on the second floor:

  • half of the floor can also be attributed to leisure - this is a billiard room, the area of ​​which is quite enough not only to install a rather large table, but also for a bar and a small group of a table and a couple of armchairs;
  • the second half is residential, consisting of two spacious bedrooms with an area of ​​9 sq. m.

As noted above, the option of combining a small living space with a working bath is popular and often used. The absence of attached sheds does not allow the installation of a barbecue or barbecue, which does not at all exclude their use in the open air.

Sauna project 6 * 6 from a bar with an attic and a terrace

The bath project is the most simple and budgetary option. Its efficiency lies in the absence of any complex structural elements. It is based on a simple and concise style that guarantees quality and reliability.

When developing the layouts, an emphasis was also placed on economy in construction and design solutions. Nevertheless, as a result of such simplifications, it is possible to achieve both a high level of comfort and the availability of all the required premises. The ground floor traditionally houses:

  • miniature steam room with an area of ​​2.3 sq. m, a visit to which is envisaged one at a time;
  • small washing area of ​​3.7 sq. m., which is quite enough for 2-3 people;
  • a spacious recreation room with an area of ​​14.2 sq. m;
  • a terrace of almost the same size (12 sq. m), on which or next to it, furniture for relaxation or a barbecue can be easily accommodated;
  • Despite all the savings, large windows are provided in the shower room and the rest room, making the rooms bright.

On the second floor, only two rooms are designed, one of which can be used as a hall, and the other as a bedroom.


The considered projects of baths in all their diversity - with a terrace, attic, barbecue or balcony - are only a small part of the huge number of options on the market in modern conditions. Any potential customer can easily find exactly the project that best suits their requirements.

Sauna 6x4 with a terrace

A fairly common project among developers, construction can be completed in one season. The use of modern building materials and technologies makes it possible to have a comfortable and beautiful building at very reasonable prices. The bathhouse has a steam room of 4 m2, a washing compartment of 4 m2, a relaxation room and an open terrace with an area of ​​8 m2. The dimensions of the premises allow six or more people to be in the bath at the same time.

A factory-made metal stove with a tank for heating water, warm water is supplied to the washing room, the water supply can be autonomous or from a country house.

The columnar foundation provides excellent ventilation, wooden structures work in favorable conditions.

Characteristics of the structure

  1. The foundation is columnar on a sand cushion.
  2. Log house made of profiled timber, mezhventsovy insulation - rolled jute fiber.

  3. Interior partitions of frame-panel type.

  4. The ceiling height is 2.2 meters, which ensures the comfort of taking water procedures.

  5. There are three windows measuring 600 × 600 mm. You can install metal-plastic or wooden.
  6. Floors. Insulated with mineral wool (except for the steam room), a sub-floor of 20 mm thick boards, a final floor of a grooved board 30 mm thick.

  7. Insulated ceilings in all rooms.

  8. The sink has a shower tray.

    The siphon and plastic pipes connect the sump to the water sump. For the sump, you can use any barrel (thick-walled metal or plastic), dug in outside the perimeter of the bath. In order for the water to gradually leave the barrel on its own, make holes in it in the bottom and along the perimeter. The holes are drilled with an electric drill, the diameter of the holes is ≈ 10 mm, arrange them evenly over the area of ​​the walls and bottom. The barrel should be closed from above, the lid can be made from ordinary edged boards or a piece of sheet steel. Due to the fact that the pallet is located high above the ground level, a normal drainage of water will be ensured.

    One caveat. All siphons need to be cleaned of dirt over time. If the location of the shower room makes it difficult to access the siphon for periodic cleaning, then it is better not to install it. Attach the plastic pipe directly to the pallet. Siphons serve for preliminary water purification from solid particles, prevent them from entering the drain system. In our case, you should not be afraid of blockages, the water at a steep slope will independently wash off the dirt into the settling barrel.

  9. The terrace is open, railings with chiseled or sawn balusters.

During the selection of the project and materials of manufacture, the main attention was paid to the comfort of all premises, while choosing building materials and technologies that allow to achieve the set goal with the lowest possible financial costs. Consider the step-by-step instructions for building a bath.

Choosing the location of the bath

We understand that the relatively small size of suburban areas significantly limits the choice of a construction site, but under any conditions the main criteria must be observed.

  1. Firstly, the bath cannot be located in the lowlands. If this is not possible, then you will have to make an artificial bedding; to shrink the brought soil, you will have to make a one-year pause.
  2. Secondly, it is necessary to solve the water supply issues in the best way. One of the options is to install a storage tank on the roof. This option has a significant drawback - the tank must be reliably insulated, but even such insulation does not give a full guarantee against freezing.
  3. Thirdly, each site has its own layout, the bath should not destroy the existing design, but complement it.
  4. And, fourthly, it is necessary to resolve issues with the supply and storage of building materials. If you have everything ready, call your assistants and start construction.

Layout and foundation

Drive pegs along the perimeter of the building, mark the locations of the posts. We chose just such a foundation because of the simplicity of its construction and satisfactory indicators of physical stability. In one of the following articles, we will dwell on the calculation methods and criteria for choosing a foundation. This is a very interesting topic, knowledge of the nuances will help you make the best decisions on your own in all situations.

The distance between the posts is two meters, carefully watch the corners of the building. To do this, check the parameters of the squares by measuring the diagonals. They should be equal, it didn't work the first time - change the position of the pegs and achieve 90 ° in all angles.

For the foundation, we recommend using ready-made concrete blocks with dimensions of 200 × 200 × 400 mm. It is possible to pour concrete pillars on your own, but in this case, "the game is not worth the candle." Ready-made blocks are very cheap, their use helps to significantly reduce the production time and guarantee their quality.

Another important point. Our foundation is shallow, this type can be built on loamy or sandy soils. It is not suitable for clayey and waterlogged soils. If you have just such soils, then you will have to lay the columns to a depth below the level of freezing of the earth in the winter period. To avoid swelling of the columns, we advise you to make a sand pillow with a thickness of within twenty centimeters under the blocks without fail.

DIY block foundation. Instructions

Step 1. Dig holes according to the size of the blocks, the depth of the holes is at least 50 centimeters, excluding the sand cushion.

Step 2. Now you need to roughly calculate the thickness of the mortar in order to bring the blocks one level horizontally. Take the water level and mark on the pegs the height above the ground equal to the height of one block. Measure the distance from this level to the sand cushion with a staff.

Step 3. The depth of the pits will be different, estimate the approximate thickness of the solution to bring the upper blocks one level. The fact is that it is impossible to put a too thick layer of mortar on the last block, the ideal option is that the surface of the last blocks horizontally is located at the same level without mortar. If this is not the case, align the position of all the columns. When laying some columns, make the seam thicker, while laying others, make the seam thinner, in this way remove the differences in height.

Important: make mortar for laying cement blocks with an increased amount of cement.

Step 4. Lay blocks on a level, constantly check the position of all planes.

Step 5. Cover the finished posts with two layers of roofing material.

Assembly of a log house

For the log house, we chose a profiled beam 90 × 140 mm, we will put it on the edge, the thickness of the walls of the bath is 90 mm, respectively. We believe that you should not make thicker walls for a bath, this is not a residential building where you need to heat around the clock. The bathhouse should keep the heat for only a few hours, and such a thickness of the timber in combination with insulation will do its job well. Prepare materials and tools, they should be in convenient places.

Step 1. Lay down the bottom strapping row. We strongly recommend fixing it with metal pins. To do this, you need to drill holes in the blocks and timber, the pins must be strictly vertical and enter the holes with little effort. Without effort, the pins are placed to fix the individual rows of the log house between themselves. Due to the fact that the timber is placed on the edge, the use of dowels is a prerequisite.

Step 2. Lay the floor joists. The distance between them is about one meter, use a beam of 100 × 100 mm or boards of 50 × 150 mm as beams. Be sure to treat wooden elements with any antiseptics. Fix their position with metal corners with self-tapping screws to the bottom row.

Step 3. Connect the corners of the bath in half a tree without release, subsequently they will be closed with clapboard. You can make corners for the release, then this method is more complicated and requires more materials.

Step 4. Mark out the doorways. Practical advice: when laying timber, do not rush to cut the whole material into pieces, always try on the available segments first.

Step 5. Start laying the second row from the corner, do not forget to insulate with jute fiber. Do the work carefully, do not rush.

Step 6. Be sure to install wooden pins to tie each row together. The distance between the pins is approximately one meter.

Important: near door and window openings, it is imperative to put pins on both sides.

Step 7. Control the height of the rows. As soon as you get close to the level of installation of the windows, make the markup again. Do not worry if the window openings turn out to be several centimeters higher or lower than the planned level. Firstly, a few centimeters do not play any negative role. Secondly, in a wooden house, no one has yet managed to install windows with an accuracy of a centimeter in height.

Step 8. Before the last row, you need to lay ceiling beams, use boards of 50 × 100 mm for this - the attic will be unused, such boards meet the strength requirements.

Video - Construction of floors in a wooden house. Part 1

Video - Construction of floors in a wooden house. Part 2

Step 9. A row of grazing must be planted on metal pins; for their manufacture, take bars of construction reinforcement or wire rods Ø 10 mm.

The log house is ready, now you need to bring it under the roof as soon as possible.

Bath roof

The roof is with an ondulin covering, inclined, gable, the gables are sheathed with clapboard under the rounded log. The rafters are made of boards 50 × 150 mm, the lathing is made of slats or unedged boards. The distance between the rafters is 80 centimeters. Before starting the installation of the roof, temporarily cover the ceiling beams with durable boards. They must be able to support the weight of work and building structures.

Step 1. Check the horizontal dimensions of the upper row of the bath, check the parallelism in length and width. Deviations should not exceed 1 ÷ 2 centimeters at the corners of the bath.

Step 2. Make a rafter template with planks. Lift the template and "walk" with it along the entire length of the bath, the position of the rafter legs should be symmetrical at the ends. Mark the places for the notches. Everything is fine - remove the template and start making the rafters.

Video - Calculation of rafters

Video - How to cut the rafters at the right angle and the right dimensions

Step 3. Despite the fact that the width of the bath allows the manufacture of the simplest hanging rafter system, we choose the layered version. The fact is that it is very difficult for inexperienced builders to make a high-quality hanging rafter system at the limit values ​​of spans, it is not worth the risk. It is better to install a ridge bar and vertical supports to it (headstock). Prepare all the rafters, when assembled, lift them to the bath.

Video - Installing rafters

Step 4. At the gables, install vertical posts of the appropriate length, fix the ridge beam on them. Constantly check the accuracy of linear dimensions and spatial position.

Step 5... Install the rafters one by one, check their position and fix them with steel corners with a thickness of at least 1.5 mm. Temporarily tie the installed rafter legs together with pieces of boards, after the sheathing they are dismantled.

Step 6. Using a rope with blue color, beat off the lines for the battens of the sheathing on the rafter legs. It is not worth making markings along the entire length of the roof, start with overhangs, then you can control the distance between the slats with the simplest templates.

Step 7. Install the roof covering, check the position of the rows. To ensure tightness, you can use a waterproofing made of any material. Ondulin is made from modified bitumen and polymer additives based on waste from the paper industry. The physical characteristics of the strength of such a material require careful handling during the installation of the roof covering. It is undesirable to walk on it, fixation is performed with special nails with soft sealing gaskets. You need to drive in nails with feeling.

Step 8. Align the protruding crate to the size of the ondulin sheets. Install supporting structures for the upholstery of the gables. Tap the overhangs of the rafter legs with boards, put on ridge protectors, etc.

Step 9. Install the gutter system according to the manufacturer's recommendations, sew up the gables. If there is no desire to install a drainage system, you need to make a blind area around the bath.

Video - Installation of a plastic drain

The most labor-intensive work has been completed. In this state, the log house can overwinter (the best option), if there is no time, start internal work.


All floors, except for the steam room and the washing room, must be insulated. We use any roll of mineral wool; modern materials must be taken for vapor barrier. You can take the AXTON, a versatile defense that is quite effective and reasonably priced.

Step, # # DescriptionIllustration

Step 1 Make subfloors. For their manufacture, unedged boards with a thickness of 20 mm are used, the boards are installed on the floor beams from below on special slats. A protective cover should be installed on the boards to prevent moisture from entering the cotton wool from the underground.
Step 2 Gently spread the cotton wool over the entire surface of the subfloors, do not allow gaps or crevices, the cotton wool is easily compressed and takes the shape of the floor.
Lay a vapor barrier on top of the cotton wool.
Step 3 Start laying the finished floor. For the floor, you need to take grooved boards with a thickness of 30 mm; during installation, tighten the boards tightly with special devices. It is easier to fix the coating with ordinary nails, the length of the nails should be three times longer than the thickness of the boards.
Step 4 Sand the floor if necessary, nail in the baseboards. The floor can be finished with durable paints or clearcoats.

Windows and doors

The joinery should be installed before starting the wall cladding. This rule applies to the construction of all buildings without exception, not just baths. Which windows and doors to use is the business of every developer. We put forward only one requirement - the woodwork in the steam room must be environmentally friendly and moisture resistant.

Bath window

Step 1. Make an accurate marking of the window opening, use a level. The size of the window opening must correspond to the box and at the same time have a margin of several centimeters in height. The stock should compensate not only for the shrinkage of the log house, but also for its periodic fluctuations in height. The fact is that all lumber absorbs moisture to one degree or another. Damp structures increase in size, while dry ones, on the contrary, decrease. This process occurs constantly, for this you don't need to wash in the bath. In summer, the log house dries up, and in wet autumn it increases.

Step 2... Using a gasoline or electric saw, carefully cut the window opening to size.

Step 3. Install a window frame; a gap of 2 ÷ 3 centimeters should be left between the upper surface and the frame. The gap must be carefully insulated. You can use special polyurethane foam (it does not create large pressures during expansion), tow or any other insulation.

Step 4. Check the position of the box and fix it securely in several places on the side with long wood screws.

Important. If the box is not installed vertically, then the window sashes will constantly open or close themselves completely, this causes inconvenience.

Step 5. Install the window frames, adjust their position. Place window sills and ebb tides. The platbands will be hammered in after the wall cladding.

Doors are installed according to the same algorithm. The only difference is that the door frame needs to be fixed more securely.

Wall and ceiling upholstery in the steam room and washroom

These rooms require increased attention due to high humidity and temperature. The duration of operation largely depends on the reliability of the protection of wooden structures.

The floor of the steam room must be drained. For the floor, take edged boards; during installation, you do not need to pull them strongly. Water will drain through small cracks. The bathhouse is placed on columnar foundations - you don't have to do a special drainage of water, it will "disappear" on its own. How to decorate walls and ceilings?

Step 1. Nail in rock wool strips. The width of the laths should correspond to the thickness of the mineral wool. The distance between them should be equal to the width of the insulation.

Step 2. Insert mineral wool carefully, do not allow gaps to form. To prevent the cotton from falling, carefully fix it in several places with thin studs of the appropriate length.

Step 3. Attach aluminum foil to the surfaces of the battens. Lay the strips from bottom to top, overlap approximately 10 centimeters. For reliability, it is better to additionally seal the joint with a special tape or ordinary tape. The foil is fixed to the walls with a stapler. Work carefully, aluminum foil breaks easily. The same operation must be repeated on the rough ceiling.

Step 4. Fasten thin slats 20 ÷ 50 mm in size on wide slats, the lining will be attached to them. Check all dimensions and positions of the supporting structure.

Step 5. Check the distance between the floor and the ceiling at the edges of the room. If there is a significant spread, you will have to file the first lining at an angle. At the bottom, the cut point will be covered with a plinth and will be completely invisible.

Step 6. Nail the lining with small nails, drive the nails at an angle into the groove. Periodically check the horizontal position of the boards with a hydro level. If the lining is of high quality, then the horizontality will be along the entire height, if the quality of the material is desired, then deviations will have to be eliminated. To do this, remove the spike from the groove for a few millimeters, in this way, after 5 ÷ 6 rows, you can eliminate the obliquity up to a centimeter in size, and do it imperceptibly.

Other rooms of the bath are sheathed in the same way. The difference is the lack of vapor barrier. It is important to remember that there should be a gap of about 1 ÷ 2 centimeters between the lining and the mineral wool. It is needed for a little natural ventilation, otherwise fungus or mold will quickly appear on wooden structures.

Nail platbands on doors and windows, decorative slats in the corners, ceiling plinths.

We strongly advise you to make ventilation in the steam room, you can use forced exhaust, or natural. With its help, you should quickly ventilate the steam room after taking water procedures. Make a hole in the wall under the ceiling for a fan or a closing grill, come up with decorative elements from the outside. During operation of the steam room, the ventilation opening must be tightly closed.

SNiP 41-01-2003. HEATING, VENTILATION AND AIR CONDITIONING. Ventilation, air conditioning and air heating (item 7)

SNiP 41-01-2003


For deck flooring, it is better to use boards impregnated with antiseptics. Now you can buy special boards for terraces, they are made from wood sawdust and plastics.

In terms of their performance characteristics, they surpass all existing floor coverings. But they have two drawbacks. First, the appearance does not at all resemble natural boards. This is not in harmony with the overall design of the bath. Second, the price of such boards makes many developers think about the advisability of purchasing them.

Balusters and railings can be fixed on spikes or using metal corners. In specialized stores, you can buy finished products; the choice in linear dimensions and appearance is huge. The railings are attached to vertical wooden supports.

After installation, you need to carefully grind all surfaces, putty the gaps at the joints. It is better to make the putty yourself, the purchased one will always differ in color. Putty is done very simply. Collect a small amount of small sawdust and mix it with waterproof PVA glue. The sawdust should be from the lumber that you plan to putty.

For finishing the terrace constructions, use only varnishes or paints intended for external work.

Video - Installation of terraces

Video - Fence for the terrace

During the construction of a bath, you need to think several years ahead. Some developers do not insulate the baths, motivating this by the fact that they plan to wash only in the summer. Thus, they are trying to reduce the financial costs of building a bath. The step is very rash, over time, situations may arise when the bath will have to be used in colder times. If there is insulation, great, you can put an ordinary heater in the rest room and the washing room and create a favorable temperature in the rooms in a few minutes. The same applies to the size of the bath.

Sauna with a veranda 6 to 6 made of logs

New technologies and building materials of the construction industry could not move the traditional log bath from the first place. So far, it is ahead of any design in many respects.

Very often, in suburban areas, you can find, for example, a 6x4 bathhouse frame with or without a veranda.


  1. Natural material and environmentally friendly. Due to its natural origin, wood has a beneficial effect on the human body, giving it the opportunity to inhale useful substances.
  2. Saving money on the purchase of building materials.
  3. Low thermal conductivity of wood. In winter, a 6 by 6 bathhouse with a veranda keeps heat well, even with small walls. At the same time, heating costs are minimal.
  4. The bathhouse has an aesthetic appearance. Even log buildings of simple shapes and without additional decoration look stylish and beautiful.
  5. Ease of assembly is one of the most important components of a log bath. Due to this, construction time is significantly reduced. If necessary, the building can be easily disassembled, transported and reassembled again at a new location.


  1. Fire hazard. To reduce the effect of this property, all wooden structural elements should be treated with special agents that help increase their resistance to fire.
  2. Shrinkage. Finishing work can be done only after six months.
  3. Care. To preserve its original appearance and properties, wood requires special care. Alternatively, you can cover the logs with cladding material to protect them from the environment.

How to choose wood

The most practical material for a log bath is pine. It is best to buy wood harvested in winter, then it is more moisture resistant. Choose wood with a high density and a log diameter of 180-250 mm.

Advice: make sure that the difference in diameter between the trunks is up to 30 mm.

Use mainly northern coniferous logs. Due to the dense structure of wood, their properties do not change due to high humidity and temperature changes.

Features when buying

  1. There should be no blue spots on the cut of the log, keep in mind that its price will be higher.
  2. Make sure that the core is even in color, dark and takes up most of the cut.
  3. The surface of the log should be yellow - dark or light.
  4. Make sure that there are no gaps on the branches, if any.
  5. The wood must be firm when cut.
  6. The presence of resin pockets is unacceptable.

How to build a sauna from logs

The instructions below will tell you the main stages of construction. Try to stick to them.

How to prepare material for work

  1. Sheathe the log "under the bracket". The difference between the upper and lower diameters by more than 30 mm is unacceptable.
  2. Saw along the length of the wall and place in sets. Place logs with unequal bottom and top diameters in a corner with different ends and cut at right angles.
  3. Cut out the grooves and "legs":
    • The "bowl" is the most common way. There are three options, in one of which the "bowl" is turned down, allowing you to protect the wood from possible rotting;

  • In the "paw" - the most economical option. However, subsequently, such compounds begin to rot, so the first option is preferable.

  1. Check after cutting down all the "legs", how tightly the logs fit. If not enough, place on the bottom tow.


The construction of a bath with your own hands should start from the foundation, having previously clarified the nature of the soil on the site. Most often, a log bath is installed on a columnar foundation, the depth of which is 700-1000 mm. Brick, concrete or stone are used for this, since they are more durable than wooden posts.

The tape base should be erected when he:

  • garden;
  • forest;
  • clayey;
  • loamy;
  • marshy;
  • from coarse sand or fine gravel.

When the building will be located on a slope, or when soil swelling is possible, a screw or pile foundation for the bath should be made.


  1. Waterproof the foundation with two layers of roofing material.
  2. Install the "crown".
  3. Lay the first pair of logs on the foundation parallel to each other on opposite sides.
  4. Cut them into a "bowl" for laying the top logs.
  5. Place the next pair of logs into the finished slots. Check the pairing, it should be at right angles.
  6. Install the second crown and all the others in the same way.

How wall caulking is made

The process is the filling of gaps between the wooden elements of the bath, for example, logs and in the cuttings, with fibrous materials. In this case, the caulking material should protrude from the grooves on both sides of the log house by 50 mm or more.

Spread the fibrous materials so that the fibers are across the groove. After that, they are hammered into the cracks with caulking. Work should be carried out consistently along the entire perimeter of the bath. You need to caulk inside after the outer layer.

Advice: to reduce the wall ventilation, carry out caulking twice - after the walls have been erected and after they have shrunk.

Roof device

When building a 6 by 3 bathhouse with a veranda, use a shed or gable roof. Make the rafters from well-dried coniferous wood. Remember the main thing that when installing the roof and carrying out communications, you should not hammer nails directly into the logs, the bath will shrink over time.


The sauna terrace is a great place to take a break from the steam room in summer. It can be attached to a ready-made structure or done at the same time. The second option is more practical, since in the first case you will have to wait 1.5-2 years for the wood to dry and shrink.

It differs from an ordinary room in that it has no walls. But, they can be made sliding, turning the veranda into an additional room. (see also the article Projects of baths from rounded logs: options)


You can make a sauna from logs with your own hands or entrust the work to professionals. Natural wood will give you the full power to enjoy the steam room. In the video presented in this article, you will find additional information on this topic.

Modern baths have long ceased to be small and nondescript structures that do not have a sufficient level of comfort and are made with the use of ancient technologies. They are built using modern materials, have water and electricity input, and at the same time have various technical solutions to increase their functionality. That is why the two-story sauna with a terrace is considered an example of advanced construction, which implements all the technologies to increase comfort.

Phased construction

First of all, it should be noted that the first floor will be adapted for a steam room and a washing room. Moreover, if the two-story frame bath will have large dimensions, then the pool can be located there. It is better to allocate the second floor for organizing a recreation room, where a billiard table, a massage lounger and even several exercise machines are often installed.


  • Typical construction of a two-story bath always starts with a project.
  • It is necessary to indicate all materials used, methods of their installation and fastening features.
  • Also, the project of a two-story bath should contain a plan for the location of all rooms with an indication of the arrangement of interior items.
  • Special attention is paid to communication systems, which usually consist of electrical wiring, water supply and ventilation.

  • If you plan to create a structure with an attic, then a separate roof project is also made.
  • When the placement of a brick oven is meant in the bath, then its drawings and order are prepared separately.

Advice! If there is no ability to independently create a project, then a specialist is involved for this process. You can also use ready-made designs and drawings.


It is believed that it is best to make a bath from a bar with dimensions of 6x6. These are the optimal dimensions for such structures and they perfectly allow you to implement all the additional functions of the structure.

At the same time, the use of this material allows the use of a pile foundation.

  • It should be noted that such a base cannot withstand heavy loads, but a two-story structure, even taking into account the attic, will completely tolerate it.
  • The foundation is made according to a special project called "pile field".
  • To create it, use the layout plan for the rooms on the first floor. Places of installation of piles are marked on it.

  • Usually, two-story houses with a bathhouse sit on supports along the perimeter of load-bearing walls, piers, as well as in the locations of stoves and stairs. It should be remembered that piles must also be installed at the joints of all partitions.
  • After all the supports are installed, they are tied together with a metal channel, creating a platform of squares. For one-story structures, this can not be done, but installation on nickels.

Advice! There are several types of piles, each designed for a specific soil type. By choosing the right supports, you can significantly strengthen the base, making it stiffer and stronger.

Laying crowns

  • When creating two-story wooden baths from a bar, special attention is paid to the choice of carved locks to create corners and other connections. The fact is that there are a number of different types of execution of such units, which have their own special design.
  • Usually professional craftsmen use no more than three or four ways for corner joints, which are used depending on the technical conditions or personal wishes of the customer.
  • It is worth noting that when erecting walls, you need to immediately make floor beams, logs, rough floors and interior partitions.
  • If a house with dimensions of 6x8 is being built, then problems with the length of the beams may arise. Therefore, the design material of six meters should be immediately entered into the project, which means that at the same time it is necessary to indicate the type of extension and the location of such connections.
  • Some masters advise using glued laminated timber when creating such structures. The fact is that this material perfectly tolerates the effects of moisture, seals the room well and has a good appearance.
  • If it was decided to use a solid wood bar, then before installing it, it should be treated with protective impregnations, which endow the product with additional qualities.
  • Roll tow or special rubber gaskets are used as a sealant.
  • For the connection between the crowns, wooden cotter pins are used. They are placed in pre-prepared holes made in a checkerboard pattern.
  • To fix all the elements, the installation instructions advise the use of metal brackets. They are quite practical and very reliable.

Advice! All the features of this design are included in the project and during installation they accurately follow all its instructions. Otherwise, it is easy to make a mistake.


  • First of all, it should be noted that the roof structure should be as lightweight as possible. This is due to the type of foundation chosen, which does not require additional loads.
  • If the future structure has dimensions of 6x4, then a pitched roof is quite suitable for it. This will help to save a lot, but the possibility of making an attic immediately disappears.
  • It is best to use smaller beams with a rectangular cross-section to create a rafter system. This will help reduce the weight of the structure without sacrificing strength.

  • All elements are fixed with metal staples and long nails. However, professional craftsmen recommend using a special fastener capable of clamping in two or three planes.
  • The roof layout of a two-story bath is usually no different from other construction projects and is created according to the same principle.

Advice! Roof insulation is done on the attic floor. However, if an attic is created, then the roof itself must be additionally protected from the cold.


  • In order to heat a room with dimensions 6 by 6 and at the same time maintain a certain temperature throughout the building, several types of heating systems can be used.
  • The most practical way is to install a brick stove with two water tanks in the steam room. In this case, one of them should be located on the chimney pipe on the second floor. This will help maintain a comfortable temperature upstairs.

  • Also, some masters advise you to install an additional tank with your own hands, which is connected to the main tank with two pipes at different levels. This solution makes it possible to obtain a large supply of hot water and an additional heating element in the room.
  • It should be noted that such a system works perfectly only when using the steam room directly. Otherwise, it will be cold in winter.

  • Another heating method involves using a small stove with a water tank and a separate heating system. In this case, you can use a gas boiler or special multifunctional sauna heaters with branched room heating.

Advice! The choice of the oven depends only on the personal preferences of the users and the required functionality of the product.

Thermal insulation

If the entire structure is made of laminated veneer lumber, then when located in a mild climate, it does not need protection from the cold. However, in this case, special attention must be paid to seals and sealants so that there are no cracks in the structure.

It is also recommended to use liquid insulation. Its price is quite high, but it is thanks to it that you can get protection from cold, moisture and open fire at the same time. At the same time, this material retains the appearance of the structure, and with the addition of a dye, it can diversify it.

It is better to insulate the sauna room with moisture-resistant roll products with a layer of reflective surface. At the end of the installation, the room is completely sewn up and covered with a special protective compound.


In the video presented in this article, you will find additional information on this topic. Also, based on the text presented above, we can conclude that the manufacture of modern baths in two floors is a complex process that requires accurate calculations and preparatory work (see also the article "Projects of two-story baths from a bar, where to stop").

However, a two-story bathhouse and a log house, with the right approach, can be made in just one season. This requires only a clear coordination of all actions and a properly drawn up work plan.

Wood is a time-tested material for building a bath. It not only retains heat, but also creates an optimal microclimate: the phytoncides contained in coniferous wood improve the air, and the ability to absorb and evaporate moisture helps to regulate humidity. This section presents projects of baths from a bar 6 to 6.

Baths 6 by 6 made of profiled timber

Profiled beams are a modern replacement for logs that have been used in construction for centuries. Unlike a log, it has a rectangular or square section, which determines its aesthetic and operational properties.

  • Due to the larger area of ​​contact, the timber retains heat better and does not require large costs for insulating joints.
  • A bath from a bar is easier to finish. The walls from the inside do not need additional sheathing and leveling - they are completely ready for the installation of the topcoat.
  • The tongue-and-groove system allows you to tightly connect the bars along the length and minimize the gaps between them. Shrinkage of the log bath is minimal.

Baths 6 by 6 allow you to comfortably organize the space: plan a bathroom, a place for storing inventory and fuel, and allocate a recreation area. Classic sauna from a bar 6 to 6- these are 3-4 rooms:

  • Washers and steam rooms, which are combined into one room.
  • Restroom.
  • Bathroom - this is especially important if the bath will be used in winter.
  • Terrace.

The durability of the timber bath is guaranteed if the assembly technology is followed and high-quality sawn timber is used. Do you want to be sure of the result? Order construction baths 6 to 6 turnkey in the company "Brusovye tekhnologii". We have prepared for you more than 40 standard bath projects: with terraces and attics, vestibules and bathrooms. The options presented can serve as a source of your own ideas. Any of them can be modified by adapting to your requirements and conditions.

Masters of "Timber Technologies" undertake the preparation of lumber, delivery and assembly on a turnkey basis. The construction of a bathhouse on the site takes no more than 7 days. You can get additional information on terms and cost of delivery by phone or e-mail.

A relatively small bathhouse, but it will be cozy and, what is also important, it can be two-story.

Bath layouts

You can build a one-story bathhouse with a large terrace where you can sit and drink tea with friends. Two-story baths can be built with or without a balcony. They also have a terrace on the ground floor. A bedroom can be located on the second floor. If there is a desire, a hall is organized instead of a balcony.

One-story baths 6 by 6 can have an area equal to 36 square meters, and if there is a veranda - 32 square meters. All two-storey baths have an area of ​​60 square meters.

The construction of a bath from a bar 6 by 6

Such baths have a foundation of supporting-columnar blocks connected in bedside tables. The base of a bath from a 6 by 6 bar is made of a single unplaned timber with natural moisture. Also, non-planed timber serves as sex lags.

Bath walls, partitions of the first floor are erected from profiled timber. The beam can be rounded on one side or have two straight sides. When assembling a log house, metal or wooden pins are used. For the roof, metal or Onduline is used.

From the floor to the ceiling, the distance can be 2.45 meters and with the number of rows of timber equal to 17 or 2.35 meters with the number of rows of timber - 16.

Windows can be made of PVC double-chamber or wooden with double glazing through the duralumin strip.

The cost of building a log house 6x6 without finishing under the roof - 295,000 rubles

  • The foundation is support-columnar. 2 blocks in a curbstone (for one-story houses) and 4 blocks in a curbstone on a cement screed (for houses with an attic). Concrete blocks, full-bodied, 200x200x400 mm in size. The curbstones are installed on a compacted sand cushion. Sand (ASG) is provided by the customer.
  • External walls - profiled timber of natural moisture with a section of 145x90 mm (wall thickness - 90mm) "Block-house" or straight profile.
  • In total, there are 16 crowns in the frame of one-story baths. In the frame of the baths with an attic there are 17 crowns.
  • An open terrace (if any) on supports made of planed beams with a section of 100 * 150 mm, with shrinkage jacks. Fencing - a handrail made of a planed bar with a section of 40 * 100 mm. Entrance steps.
  • The height of the cleanliness of the first floor ceiling (from the floor log to the floor beams) for one-story baths is 2.15 m (+/- 50mm); for baths with attic 2.29m (+/- 50mm)
  • The second floor is attic. The height of the cleanliness of the attic ceiling (from the ceiling beam to the ceiling beam) is 2.25 m
  • The height of the roof in the ridge for one-story baths is 1.20 m.
  • Gables - a frame made of a board of natural moisture with a section of 150 * 40 mm, 100 * 40 mm. Outside finishing of gables - lining (spruce / pine AB) 17 * 90 mm. Wind protection - NANOIZOL “A” (for buildings with an attic).
  • A door (1 pc.) And ventilation hatches (1 pc. For each pediment, under the ridge) are installed in the gables of one-story buildings.
  • Ventilation hatches are installed in the pediments of buildings with an attic (3 pcs. For each pediment).
  • Eaves and eaves of the roof 200 mm wide (for one-storey buildings) and 300 mm (for buildings with an attic). Eaves and overhangs are hemmed with clapboard (spruce / pine AB) 17 * 90 mm.
  • Arrangement of window and door openings with a dressing crown, without installing casing bars.
  • House / bath assembly at the customer's site.

The price of a turnkey 6x6 bath with a foundation and a stove is 450,000 rubles

  • The foundation is columnar. 2 blocks in a curbstone (for one-story baths) and 4 blocks in a curbstone on a cement screed (for baths with an attic). Concrete blocks, full-bodied, 200x200x400 mm in size. The curbstones are installed on a compacted sand cushion. Sand (ASG) is provided by the customer.
  • Waterproofing - roofing material in one layer.
  • Strapping - a bar of natural moisture with a section of 150x100 mm. Along the outer perimeter, the harness is laid in two rows. The timber is treated with a protective compound.
  • Floor logs - a board of natural moisture with a section of 40x150 mm per edge, with a step of 600 mm.
  • The rough floor is a board of natural moisture with a section of 22x100mm. Paro, waterproofing - NANOIZOL S.
  • Floor insulation - 100mm KNAUF / URSA mineral wool (or equivalent). Vapor barrier - NANOIZOL V.
  • The final floor of the first floor is a dry grooved floorboard (spruce / pine AB) 36mm thick. Each fifth board is fastened with self-tapping screws (for the possibility of further constriction of the floors).
  • External walls - profiled timber of natural moisture with a section of 145x90 mm (wall thickness - 90mm) "Block-house" or straight profile. A total of 16 crowns (for one-story baths) and 17 crowns (for baths with an attic).
  • Partitions of the first floor - profiled timber of natural moisture with a section of 145x90 mm, straight profile. They cut into external walls with a depth of up to 30mm.
  • Mezhventsovy insulation - jute cloth 6mm thick
  • Inter-crown connection - on a metal dowel (construction nail 6x200mm, 250mm).
  • Corner connection - "half-tree". The outer corners of the log house are sewn up with clapboard (spruce / pine AB) 17 * 90 mm in two rows.
  • An open terrace (if any) on supports made of planed beams with a section of 100 * 150 mm, with shrinkage jacks. Fencing - a handrail made of a planed bar with a section of 40 * 100 mm filled with carved balusters. Entrance steps.
  • Terrace floors - dry grooved floorboard (AB spruce / pine) 36mm thick. Fastened with self-tapping screws to each board. Boards are stacked in 5 mm increments.
  • Terrace ceilings - lining (spruce / pine AB) 17 * 90 mm. Vapor barrier - NANOIZOL V.
  • The height of the ceiling of the first floor clean (from floor to ceiling) is 2.10 m (+/- 50mm) - for one-story baths and 2.25 m (+/- 50mm) - for baths with an attic.
  • Ceiling on the first floor (except for the steam room) - lining (spruce / pine AB) 12.8 * 88 mm. (a joint for a layout is allowed)
  • The second floor is attic. Attic ceiling height clean (from floor to ceiling) - 2.20m
  • Thermal insulation of floors - 100mm mineral wool KNAUF / URSA (or equivalent). Vapor barrier NANOIZOL V.
  • Attic floors - dry grooved floorboard (spruce / pine AB) 36mm thick. Each fifth board is fastened with self-tapping screws (for the possibility of further constriction of the floors).
  • Sheathing of the walls and ceiling of the attic - lining (spruce / pine AB) 12.5 * 88 mm (joint for layout is allowed).
  • Insulation of the attic walls - 100mm ROCKWOOL basalt mats (or equivalent). Vapor barrier - NANOIZOL V.
  • Attic partitions - a frame made of a bar of natural moisture with a section of 40 * 75 mm, sheathed on both sides with clapboard (spruce / pine AB) 12.5 * 88 mm. Partitions are not insulated.
  • Rafters - trusses made of boards of natural moisture with a section of 150x40mm., 100x40mm. Installed in increments of 900-1000 mm.
  • Gables - a frame made of a board of natural moisture with a section of 150 * 40 mm, 100 * 40 mm. Outside finishing of gables - lining (spruce / pine AB) 17 * 90 mm. ... Wind, moisture protection - NANOIZOL "A" (for baths with an attic).
  • A door (1 pc.) And ventilation hatches (1 pc. For each pediment, under the ridge) are installed in the pediments of one-story baths.
  • In the pediments of the baths with an attic, ventilation hatches are installed (3 pcs. For each pediment).
  • The lathing is a board of natural moisture with a section of 22 * ​​100 mm, with a step of 300 mm. Counter lattice - rail 20 * 40 mm, along the rafters.
  • Roof covering - ONDULIN (burgundy, brown, green) or galvanized corrugated board. Roof vapor barrier - NANOIZOL S.
  • Eaves and overhangs of the roof 200 mm wide (for one-story baths) and 300 mm (for baths with an attic). Eaves and overhangs are hemmed with clapboard (spruce / pine AB) 17 * 90 mm.
  • The staircase to the attic is one-flight, on bowstrings made of planed timber with a section of 145 * 90 mm. Floorboard steps. A handrail and a fence in the attic - a planed bar with a section of 40 * 100 mm.
  • Decorating the walls and ceiling of the steam room - lining (aspen B) 14 * 90 mm (a joint for the layout is allowed). Reflective insulation on a foil basis - NANOIZOL FB. Counter batten - 10 * 40 mm (ventilation gap - 10 mm). Before cladding, the timber base of the walls is treated with a protective compound for baths and saunas NEOMID 200.
  • Two-tier planed board shelves (aspen B) 28 * 90 mm. The width of the fit is 40 cm (height is 50 cm); lounger width - 60 cm (height - 110 cm).
  • Installation of the ERMAK 12 / ERMAK 16 furnace with a hinged tank (stainless steel 35 l) for heating water.
  • The base of the furnace is brick in one row. Cutting the furnace portal - brick.
  • Fireproofing - basalt cardboard, ceiling and roof passages, reflective screen made of smooth galvanized steel on basalt cardboard, flush-mounted sheet.
  • The chimney is vertical, with an outlet to the roof through the ceiling. Starting pipe - stainless steel 0.5 mm, gate valve made of stainless steel, starting adapter stainless steel, sandwich pipes 115 * 200 mm (stainless steel 0.5 mm * galvanized 0.5 mm), galvanized head.
  • Installation in a wash shower tray 800 * 800 mm with a siphon. The outlet of the drain outside the perimeter of the bath is a plumbing PVC pipe with a diameter of 50 mm.
  • Windows - wooden, double glazed, with gaskets and fittings (screw hinges, twist locks). Inward-opening sashes. Dimensions (h * w) 1200 * 1500 mm; 1200 * 1000 m; 1200 * 600mm; 600 * 600mm; 400 * 400 mm. Windows are installed in casings.
  • Entrance door - wooden, paneled, deaf (spruce / pine A). Dimensions (h * w) 1800 * 800 mm (for one-story baths; 2000 * 800 mm (for baths with an attic). Handles, hinges. A padlock is installed on the front door.
  • Interior doors - bath, frame (aspen A). Size (h * w) 1750 * 750 mm. Handles, hinges.
  • Casing bars (swarms) are installed in window and door openings.
  • Sealing of corners, joints, abutments - plinth spruce / pine A / aspen AB.
  • Finishing of windows and doors - platbands spruce / pine A on both sides, aspen AB
  • Nails for fastening parts are black construction nails.
  • Nails for fastening the lining - galvanized 2.5x50 mm
  • Nails for fixing the plinth, layouts - finishing galvanized 1.8x50 mm.
  • Loading, delivery up to 400 km from Pestovo, Novgorod region, unloading of a set of material.
  • Assembly of a bath at the customer's site.
  • BONUS. Steam room accessories. Stones - gabbro-diabase 40 kg.

We have compiled for you a convenient table of differences in the complete sets of shrink and turnkey baths.




Columnar foundation made of concrete blocks 200 * 200 * 400



Double strapping from a bar 150 * 100 mm



Floor joists from a board 40 * 150 per edge with a step of 600 mm



Sub-floor from a board 22 * ​​100/150 mm



Floor insulation with hydro and vapor barrier



Finishing floor - dry grooved floorboard 36 mm



Walls and partitions made of profiled timber of natural moisture with a section of 145 * 90 mm (wall thickness - 90mm)



Assembly of a log house on steel dowels



Corner connection - half wood



Mezhventsovy insulation - jute



Rafters - trusses from a bar 40 * 100/150 mm with a step of 900/1000 mm



Sheathing - board 20 * 100/150 mm



Roofing - ondulin / galvanized corrugated board C20



Eaves and eaves of the roof are lined with clapboard spruce / pine AB



Window and door openings with a bandage crown, without installing casing bars



Window and door openings with casing installation



Installation of windows and doors



Ceiling lining - spruce / pine AB



Insulation + vapor barrier of ceilings / attic



Wall and ceiling decoration of the attic - spruce / pine AB lining



Decorating the walls and ceiling of the steam room - lining aspen AB + shelves



Furnace and chimney installation



Installation in a wash shower tray 800 * 800 mm with a siphon. Drainage outside the perimeter of the bath



Attic staircase



Finishing: plinth, platbands



Loading a set of material, its delivery up to 400 km from our base, unloading at the customer's site




Cost, rub)

unit of measurement

Foundation device on screw piles or reinforced concrete foundation


Base / plinth decorative finish - zabirka ()


running meters

Installation of reinforced concrete slabs 500 * 500 * 100 mm under support pedestals ( )


Protection (lining board) of the first row of strapping from a larch board 50 * 150 mm ( )

running meters

Protection (lining board) of the first row of strapping from a larch board 50 * 200 mm ( )

running meters

Double strapping from a bar 150x150mm

running meters

Double strapping from a bar 150x200mm

running meters

The device of a log floor from a bar 150x100mm

running meters

Installation of floors from larch decking "velveteen" (for open terraces) ()


m * 2 floors

Installation of finishing floors made of 27 mm tongue-and-groove larch floorboards ( )


m * 2 floors

External walls made of profiled timber eats moisture with a section of 145x140mm, partitions made of profiled timber eats. humidity section 145 * 90 mm


running meters outside walls

External walls and partitions made of chamber-dried profiled timber with a section of 145x90 mm


running meters outside walls

And partitions

External walls made of chamber-dried profiled beams with a section of 145x140 mm, partitions made of chamber-dried profiled beams with a section of 145x90 mm


running meters of outer walls

The outer walls are made of profiled timber. humidity with a section of 145x190mm, partitions made of profiled timber eats. humidity section 145 * 90 mm


running meters of outer walls

External walls made of chamber-dried profiled beams with a section of 145x190mm, partitions made of chamber-dried profiled beams with a section of 145 * 90 mm.


running meters of outer walls

A set of kiln-dried sawn timber ( )


m * 2 building area

Pairing the crowns on a wooden dowel


Assembly of a log house using a SPRING UNIT FORCE ( )


running meters external walls and partitions of a log house

Assembly of a log house with a crown tie in height with steel pins


running meters external walls and partitions of a log house

Corner connection "groove-tenon" (warm corner)


one corner of the log house

Bowl elbow ( )

from 30,000

house kit

Mezhventsovy insulation - holofiber()


running meter of the outer walls of the log house

Increase in ceiling height by 14cm (+ one crown in a log house)


running meters outside walls

and partitions of the log house

Insulation 150mm

m * 2 insulated area

The device of a ladder on bowstrings made of glued beams, with wide steps, chiseled posts, balusters and a figured handrail.



Roofing - metal tiles RAL 3005, 5005,6005,7004, 7024,8017)

m * 2 roofs

Roofing - corrugated board with polymer coating(RAL 3005,5005,6005,7004, 7024,8017)

m * 2 roofs

Drainage system device (PVC, DЁKE)


running meters roof slope

The device of corner snow barriers ( )

running meters roof slope

The device of tubular snow barriers ( )


running meters roof slope

Attic device: sparse flooring from edged boards along the ceiling beams, a door in one of the gables + a dormer window in the opposite gable

m * 2 ceilings

Outside finishing of gables - block house spruce / pine AB 28 * 140

m * 2 gable area

External finishing of gables - imitation of timber 18 * 140 mm

m * 2 gable area

Treatment of the entire building with the NEOMID fire-retardant compound ( )

m * 2 building area

Surface treatment with NEOMID terrace oil ( )

m * 2 floors

Treatment of the walls and ceiling of the steam room and washing varnish NEOMID "for baths and saunas" ( )

m * 2 walls and ceiling

Processing the ends of a log house with NEOMID TOR PLUS ( )

opening / corner

Treatment of shelves in the steam room with NEOMID oil ( )


m * 2 shelf

Finishing of walls and ceiling with larch larch washing lining 14 * 90mm ( )


m * 2 walls and ceiling

Leaking floor device in the washing ( )


m * 2 floors

Finishing with a pair of clapboard OSINA A, including shelves - OSINA A

m * 2 walls and ceiling

Finishing with a pair of clapboard LIPA A, including shelves - LIPA A


m * 2 walls and ceiling

Finishing with a pair of clapboard LIPA EXTRA, including shelves - LIPA Extra more details)

35 000


Installation of PVC windows with single-chamber double-glazed windows

from 4000


Installation of PVC windows with double-glazed windows

from 5000


Installation of a heat exchanger in the ERMAK furnace, installation of a remote tank (stainless steel 60l) on the washing wall, hot water supply with metal-plastic pipes



Installation of a tank (stainless steel 50l) on a pipe above the oven, with a tap outlet to the washing room

13 000


Installation of another ERMAK oven (

12 000/16000


Chimney device made of stainless steel with a thickness of 0.8 mm

16 000/20000


Delivery over 400 km from the city of Pestovo, Novgorod region.


Construction change house 2.0 * 3.0 / 4.0 m ()

from 21,000


The whole country rests on such workers.

Alexey Gennadievich !!! Due to the lack of time, I could not write to you - many thanks for the work of your employees in the construction of the bath, two young men, unfortunately, I do not know their names, they worked clearly and harmoniously, the quality of the bath is EXCELLENT !!! The whole country rests on such workers. All friends and relatives also noted the impeccable work of the guys, as a result, the bathhouse they dreamed of.

The guys built us an amazing bathhouse

I would like to express my deep gratitude to Alexey (general director), Sergey Zorin and Vladimir Chistyakov (builders)! At the beginning of August, the guys built an amazing bathhouse for us, taking into account all our wishes. The delivery of materials was made on time, the construction was completed even ahead of the time agreed upon earlier, the quality of materials and work is at the highest level. In general, just a fairy tale! I advise you to build only with Russian carpenters!

"Price quality"

The work is pleasing to the eye. Quickly, efficiently, on time. I would like to thank the team of guys (Evgeny, Dmitry, Sergey) and General Director Alexey Roslov for the work done. I ordered a bath with an attic 6x6 project B-20 with minor changes, "for shrinkage". All work was completed ahead of schedule and with high quality. All my wishes were taken into account. Alexey Roslov's attitude to his work was very pleasant. He always promptly and competently answered all questions of interest to me, settled controversial issues. The team, despite the young age of the guys, worked quickly and smoothly, at the end they gave advice on the care of the timber and conservation for the winter. Next year I will be finishing with the same team. "Russian carpenters" in all positions are superior in comparison with other large companies. “Price-quality” is about them. Thanks again. I will recommend it to everyone.

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