Sun-loving flowers. What to plant on the sunny side of what shrubs

Garden equipment 14.06.2019
Garden equipment
Perennials for sunny areas

Under sunbeams perennials bloom with special splendor and beauty.

The choice of their species and varieties is large enough so that every gardener can find plants of the color, shape and flowering period that suit him.

The most successful places for many rich flowering garden perennials- open to the sun.

Here such noble long-flowered flowers as lilies, peonies and phloxes can show themselves in all their glory.

They tolerate short-term daytime shade rather calmly, however, longer shading and even openwork shade from trees and shrubs seriously affect their prosperity.

Especially sensitive in this respect are large, lush blooming breeding varieties sun-loving perennials.

For them, the most optimal ridges with fertile and sufficiently moist soils.

The design of sunny areas depends entirely on your taste and, of course, on the real possibilities of your garden.

Small flower beds in the front garden can be decorated no less impressively than stretched along garden path a rabatka, a "ribbon" of perennials along the border of the garden, or a flower island in the center of the lawn.

In any case, it is very important to skillfully combine plants for growth.

Cultures as tall and lush as krasodnev, mallow and lupine, the most advantageous on the "distant" section of the flower bed. Their flower stalks will rise above the shorter crops in the foreground, which in turn will cover the base of their shoots.

Compact pillow-shaped perennials are very suitable for decorating a beautiful transition between a rabat open to the sun and a lawn, terrace or garden path - shrub aster, gray carnation or Carpathian bell.

They will reliably cover the soil with a dense leafy cover, which will decorate the edges of the rabatka at the time when flowering ends.

The most important advantage of sun-loving perennials is a colorful outfit.

Their multicolored arrangement looks best against a calm background of trees and bushes.

To achieve certain color combinations, it is necessary to take into account the frequency of development of each individual culture.

Perennial flowering peaks between June and August. At this time, such large yellow-colored "sun worshipers" as rudbeckia, heliopsis, coreopsis, helenium, as well as juicy red monarda and knifophya.

Calm white and blue notes in this flavor bring different kinds and varieties bell and spur (delphinium) .

You can extend the flowering season on a sunny rabat with attractive autumn flowering crops such as sedum, garden chrysanthemums or autumn asters .

Most perennials bloom again in the fall if they are promptly cut off after the main flowering period.

These plants include delphinium, stenactis, catnip iskabiosa.

The choice of spring sun-loving perennials is somewhat less.

Bloom in April rezuha, lumbago meadow and adonis.

In May they are joined by daylily, catnip and peony.

You can enrich the spring palette with bulbs such as daffodil, tulip and hazel grouse.

Since bulbous crops become unattractive after flowering, they should not be planted in the foreground.

A variation on an easier-to-maintain large flower garden is a sunbathing lawn.

Wild perennials - daisy, yarrow, meadow sage - thrive here in a motley company with herbaceous plants.

Such lawns are sown with a special seed mixture or individual crops are planted on an existing lawn.

Rabatka of sun-loving perennials

This bed of perennials is dominated by soft and delicate colors.

1. Miscanthus - Miscanthus sinensis.
2. One-year malopa three-incised, or hole - Malope trifida.
3. Hybrid variety yarrow - Achillea "Schwefelbluete".
4. Bellflower milk-flowered - Campanula lactiflora.
5. Perovskia wormwood - Perovskia abrotanoides.
6. Annual hybrid of verbena - Verbena.
7. Sedum-creak, or hare cabbage- Sedum telephium (before flowering).
8. Ornamental round-headed onion - Allium sphaerocephalon.
9. Foxtail cirrus - Pennisetum alopecuroides (before the appearance of peduncles).
10. Wormwood Louis - Artemisia ludoviciana.
11. Hybrid variety of yarrow - Achillea "Lachsschoenheit".
12. Hybrid shrub aster - Aster dumosus (before flowering).
13. Hybrid coreopsis - Coreopsis.
14. Fassen's Catnip - Nepeta fassenii "Six Hills Giant".
15. Geranium Himalayan - Geranium himalayense.
16. Annual fragrant tobacco - Nicotiana.
17. Santolina cypress-Santolina chamaecyparissus.

Examples of compositions from sun-loving perennials

Cascades of colors

Thanks to a well thought out fit, geraniums, sedum and cuff get the same sunlight as well as tall wood mallow (Malva sylvestris) in the background.

Warm colors of autumn

The delicate and soft palette of Echinacea purpurea, Helenium and Aster amellus hybrids is simply amazing!


Daylily (Hemerocallis), Gaillardia (Gaillardia) and spotted loosestrife (Lysimachia punctata) just glow in the sun.

Beautiful sun-loving perennials

Delphinium - large-flowered perennial with long candle-shaped inflorescences; supports are desirable; re-flowering after pruning. Densely covered with bells, the erect peduncles of the bushpur are effective in any corner of the garden.

Phlox paniculata - a long-lived large-flowered perennial with dense, pin-shaped peduncles; re-flowering after pruning. The pleasant scent and lush floral outfit make phlox one of the most popular horticultural crops.

- unpretentious large-flowered perennial with inflorescences-baskets; gives root suckers; pruning increases the flowering period. If you give the rudbeckia enough space, then gradually it forms dense flower thickets.

- an abundance of star-shaped inflorescences over dense dark green foliage; good ground cover plant. Warm lights autumn asters shrubby (Aster dumosus) glows in the garden until October.

Catnip - long, arched shoots with numerous small two-lipped flowers; loose bushy growth. It is not difficult for him to find a company. Regular pruning keeps the bush compact.

Oriental poppy (Turkish) - large cupped flowers of a luminous color; short flowering time; spreads by self-seeding. He is loved for the freshness of bright flowers and for the expressiveness of the seed pods.

is a hardy large-flowered perennial with sunflower-like inflorescences on long, straight stems and long-lasting flowers.

Lavender - a compact long-lived perennial with evergreen pubescent foliage and fragrant flowers. Thanks to the ligneous stems, lavender is classified as a semi-shrub. She is very good at curbs.

Day-lily - large-flowered perennial with stellate or bell-shaped flowers; grows to the size of a large bush.

Gaillardia - attractive, multi-colored radial inflorescences on strong stems; protection from cold weather is recommended.

This is a site about garden flowers that grow everywhere in our summer cottages, are used as landscaping in cities and towns, and some of them are found even in the wild in forests and glades. Learning to grow these flowers so that they bring joy to you and those around you is the task of this site.

Some garden flowers in the more northern regions of the country are cultivated as annuals due to the fact that they do not tolerate well. cold winter but in more southern regions these same flowers can be grown as perennials. Usually, garden flowers are planted in different types flower beds: on flower beds, ridges, borders, mixborders or in a rock garden (rockery). The choice of types of flower beds and their location is an important issue; the impression that they will make on you and others will largely depend on it.

You need to be guided by two principles to please you and the plants that will grow in flower beds. The main requirement for plants in a flower garden is the continuity of flowering and decorative view... The decorativeness of the flower garden is achieved by the correct combination of colors in color, height and shape. When choosing plants for a flower garden, one should not forget that the selected flowers must be biologically resistant to climatic conditions the area on which they will be grown, and should also meet your aesthetic preferences.

To basic care work garden flowers should include the following types of work. Watering - the need of plants for water depends on their biological features, the phase of development and the type of soil, when watering it is necessary to be guided by the following rule - in the evening hours it is more effective, since the water does not evaporate, but penetrates to the roots. Loosening - creates a favorable water-air regime of the soil for the normal development of the root system, while it is destroyed a large number of weeds.

Mulching - useful]]> when growing any plants, including garden flowers, it reduces the number of loosening, conserves heat and moisture in the soil, prevents the development of weeds, and also provides plants with additional nutrition due to the decomposition of organic mulch. The best materials for mulching are: peat, chopped bark, compost, sawdust, old leaves, and freshly cut chopped grass. You can also use special synthetic materials for mulching soils such as lutrasil and spunbond. Fertilizer - when planting, rotted manure, mineral complex fertilizers, wood ash are applied. Top dressing can be started no earlier than a month after planting, when the plant takes root in its place. They are usually fed with full mineral fertilizers in the spring and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers at the end of summer.

They bloom with special splendor and beauty. The choice of their species and varieties is large enough so that every gardener can find plants of the color, shape and flowering period that suit him.

The most successful places for many abundantly flowering garden perennials are open to the sun.

Here such noble long-flowered flowers as lilies, peonies and phloxes can show themselves in all their glory. They rather calmly tolerate short-term daytime shade, however, longer shade and even openwork shade from trees and shrubs seriously affect their prosperity.

Particularly sensitive in this respect are large, lush-flowering selection varieties of sun-loving perennials. For them, the most optimal ridges with fertile and sufficiently moist soils.

The design of sunny areas depends entirely on your taste and, of course, on the real possibilities of your garden. Small flower beds in the front garden can be decorated no less impressively than a rabatka stretched along the garden path, a "ribbon" of perennials along the border of the garden, or a flower island in the center of the lawn.

In any case, it is very important to skillfully combine plants for growth. Such tall and lush-flowering crops, such as krasodnev, mallow and lupine, are most advantageous in the "far" section of the flower bed. Their flower stalks will rise above the shorter crops in the foreground, which in turn will cover the base of their shoots.

Compact pillow-shaped perennials - shrub aster, gray carnation or Carpathian bell are very suitable for decorating a beautiful transition between a rabatka open to the sun and a lawn, a terrace or a garden path. They will reliably cover the soil with a dense leafy cover, which will decorate the edges of the rabatka at the time when flowering ends.

The most important advantage of sun-loving perennials is a colorful outfit. Their multicolored arrangement looks best against a calm background of trees and bushes.

To achieve certain color combinations, it is necessary to take into account the frequency of development of each individual culture.

Perennial flowering peaks between June and August. At this time, such large yellow-colored "sun worshipers" as rudbeckia, heliopsis, coreopsis, helenium, as well as juicy-red and cniphophia bloom magnificently.

The choice of spring sun-loving perennials is somewhat less. In April, razuha, meadow lumbago and adonis bloom. In May, they are joined by a daylily, a catnip and a peony.

You can enrich your spring palette with bulbs such as daffodil, tulip and hazel grouse. Since bulbous crops become unattractive after flowering, they should not be planted in the foreground.

A variation on an easier-to-maintain large flower garden is a sunbathing lawn. Wild perennials, such as cornflower, meadow sage, thrive here in a motley company with herbaceous plants. Such lawns are sown with a special seed mixture or individual crops are planted on an existing lawn.

Rabatka of sun-loving perennials

This bed of perennials is dominated by soft and delicate colors.

Rabat of sun-loving perennials

1. Miscanthus - Miscanthus sinensis.

2. One-year malopa three-incised, or hole - Malope trifida.

3. Hybrid variety of yarrow - Achillea "Schwefelbluete".

4. Bellflower milk-flowered - Campanula lactiflora.

5. Perovskia wormwood - Perovskia abrotanoides.

6. Annual hybrid of verbena - Verbena.

7. Sedum-squeaky, or hare cabbage - Sedum telephium (before flowering).

9. Foxtail cirrus - Pennisetum alopecuroides (before the appearance of peduncles).

10. Wormwood Louis - Artemisia ludoviciana.

11. Hybrid variety of yarrow - Achillea "Lachsschoenheit".

12. Hybrid shrub aster - Aster dumosus (before flowering).

13. Hybrid coreopsis - Coreopsis.

14. Fassen's Catnip - Nepeta fassenii "Six Hills Giant".

15. Himalayan - Geranium himalayense.

16. Annual fragrant tobacco - Nicotiana.

17. Santolina cypress-Santolina chamaecyparissus.

Beautiful sun-loving perennials

Delphinium- large-flowered perennial with long candle-shaped inflorescences; supports are desirable; re-flowering after pruning. Densely covered with bells, the erect peduncles of the bushpur are effective in any corner of the garden.

Phlox paniculata- a long-lived large-flowered perennial with dense, pin-shaped peduncles; re-flowering after pruning. The pleasant scent and lush floral outfit make phlox one of the most popular horticultural crops.

Rudbeckia- unpretentious large-flowered perennial with inflorescences-baskets; gives root suckers; pruning increases the flowering period. If you give the rudbeckia enough space, then gradually it forms dense flower thickets.

Shrub aster- an abundance of star-shaped inflorescences over dense dark green foliage; good. Warm lights of the autumn shrub aster (Aster dumosus) glow in the garden until October.

Catnip- long, arched shoots with numerous small two-lipped flowers; loose bushy growth. It is not difficult for him to find a company. Regular pruning keeps the bush compact.

Oriental poppy (Turkish)- large cupped flowers of a luminous color; short flowering time; spreads by self-seeding. He is loved for the freshness of bright flowers and for the expressiveness of the seed pods.

Heliopsis is a hardy large-flowered perennial with sunflower-like inflorescences on long, straight stems and long-lasting flowers.

Compact long-lived perennial with evergreen pubescent foliage and fragrant flowers. Thanks to it, it is referred to as semi-shrub. She is very good at curbs.

Day-lily- large-flowered perennial with stellate or bell-shaped flowers; grows to the size of a large bush.

Gaillardia- attractive, multi-colored radial inflorescences on strong stems; protection from cold weather is recommended.

A flower garden of sun-loving perennials:

Under the sun's rays, perennials bloom with special splendor and beauty. The choice of their species and varieties is large enough so that every gardener can find plants of the color, shape and flowering period that suit him.

The most successful places for many abundantly flowering garden perennials are open to the sun.

Here such noble long-flowered flowers as lilies, peonies and phloxes can show themselves in all their glory. They rather calmly tolerate short-term daytime shade, however, longer shade and even openwork shade from trees and shrubs seriously affect their prosperity.

Particularly sensitive in this respect are large, lush-flowering selection varieties of sun-loving perennials. For them, the most optimal ridges with fertile and sufficiently moist soils.

The design of sunny areas depends entirely on your taste and, of course, on the real possibilities of your garden. Small flower beds in the front garden can be decorated no less impressively than a rabatka stretched along the garden path, a "ribbon" of perennials along the border of the garden, or a flower island in the center of the lawn.

In any case, it is very important to skillfully combine plants for growth. Such tall and lush-flowering crops, such as krasodnev, mallow and lupine, are most advantageous in the "far" section of the flower bed. Their flower stalks will rise above the shorter crops in the foreground, which in turn will cover the base of their shoots.

We offer you an approximate scheme of a flower bed with perennials:

1. Miscanthus - Miscanthus sinensis.

2. One-year malopa three-incised, or hole - Malope trifida.

3. Hybrid variety of yarrow - Achillea "Schwefelbluete".

4. Bellflower milk-flowered - Campanula lactiflora.

5. Perovskia wormwood - Perovskia abrotanoides.

6. Annual hybrid of verbena - Verbena.

7. Sedum-squeaky, or hare cabbage - Sedum telephium (before flowering).

9. Foxtail cirrus - Pennisetum alopecuroides (before the appearance of peduncles).

10. Wormwood Louis - Artemisia ludoviciana.

11. Hybrid variety of yarrow - Achillea "Lachsschoenheit".

12. Hybrid shrub aster - Aster dumosus (before flowering).

13. Hybrid coreopsis - Coreopsis.

14. Fassen's Catnip - Nepeta fassenii "Six Hills Giant".

15. Geranium Himalayan - Geranium himalayense.

16. Annual fragrant tobacco - Nicotiana.

17. Santolina cypress-Santolina chamaecyparissus.

Of course, you can replace some flowers with your favorite ones, because this is an approximate option ... and you can extend the flowering season in a sunny flower bed with the help of such attractive autumn flowering crops as sedum, garden chrysanthemums or autumn asters.

Most perennials bloom again in the fall if they are promptly cut off after the main flowering period. These plants include delphinium, stenactis, catnip and scabious.

The choice of spring sun-loving perennials is somewhat less. Bloom in April rezuha, lumbago meadow and Adonis... In May they are joined by day-lily, catnip and peony.

You can enrich the spring palette with bulbs such as narcissus,Tulip and grouse... Since bulbous crops become unattractive after flowering, they should not be planted in the foreground.

A variation on an easier-to-maintain large flower garden is a sunbathing lawn. Wild perennials - nivyanik, yarrow,meadow sage- thrive here in a motley company with herbaceous plants. Such lawns are sown with a special seed mixture or individual crops are planted on an existing lawn.

Examples of compositions from sun-loving perennials:

Cascades of colors

Thanks to a well thought out fit geranium, sedum and cuff get as much sunlight as tall forest mallow(Malva sylvestris) in the background.

Warm colors of autumn

Delicate and soft palette Echinacea purpurea(Echinacea purpurea), helenium hybrids(Helenium) and asters camomile(Aster amellus) is simply amazing!

Beautiful sun-loving perennials

Delphinium- large-flowered perennial with long candle-shaped inflorescences; supports are desirable; re-flowering after pruning. Densely covered with bells, the erect peduncles of the bushpur are effective in any corner of the garden.

Phlox paniculata- a long-lived large-flowered perennial with dense, pin-shaped peduncles; re-flowering after pruning. The pleasant scent and lush floral outfit make phlox one of the most popular horticultural crops.

Rudbeckia- unpretentious large-flowered perennial with inflorescences-baskets; gives root suckers; pruning increases the flowering period. If you give the rudbeckia enough space, then gradually it forms dense flower thickets.

Shrub aster- an abundance of star-shaped inflorescences over dense dark green foliage; good ground cover plant. Warm lights of the autumn shrub aster (Aster dumosus) glow in the garden until October.

Catnip- long, arched shoots with numerous small two-lipped flowers; loose bushy growth. It is not difficult for him to find a company. Regular pruning keeps the bush compact.

Oriental poppy (Turkish)- large cupped flowers of a luminous color; short flowering time; spreads by self-seeding. He is loved for the freshness of bright flowers and for the expressiveness of the seed pods.

Heliopsis is a hardy large-flowered perennial with sunflower-like inflorescences on long, straight stems and long-lasting flowers.

Lavender- a compact long-lived perennial with evergreen pubescent foliage and fragrant flowers. Thanks to the ligneous stems, lavender is classified as a semi-shrub. She is very good at curbs.

Day-lily- large-flowered perennial with stellate or bell-shaped flowers; grows to the size of a large bush.

Gaillardia- attractive, multi-colored radial inflorescences on strong stems; protection from cold weather is recommended.

Sources: vk.api;



If your site is not shaded by plantings, is well lit by the sun, has light, sandy loam soils, then they will feel best on it drought tolerant plants... They grow well in the sun, easily tolerate a lack of moisture in the soil, while maintaining decorative properties. Their assortment is quite large, and compositions with sun-loving and drought-resistant plants can be very diverse.

Irreplaceable ground cover

First of all, drought-resistant plants include numerous ground cover or cushion "alpine" perennials for rocky gardens. They, as a rule, are undersized (15-35 cm), form dense growing clumps, feel great in the bright sun. Light, well-drained soils are suitable for the growth of "Alpines".

Rejuvenated(m. roofing, m. cobweb, m. offspring, m. hybrid) form compact rosettes of shortened and pointed thick leaves of green or purple color. In the summer they bloom pretty large flowers on long peduncles of yellowish-white, dirty pink, red flowers.

Numerous varieties stonecrops also belong to the sun worshipers. They form extensive clumps, blooming from June to August in yellow, pink, white, orange, crimson small flowers collected in loose inflorescences. Sedum have various leaf shapes - pointed, oval, rounded. They can be colored green, purple, yellow, have a white border around the edge of the leaf. The most popular are: Otkotnyy Island, Edkiy Island, Eversa Island, Kamchatsky Island, Pozhny Island, Rocky Island, Bely Island, and many others.

Heat-resistant plants include a variety of varieties carnation-grass and carnations grayish-blue with bluish stems and leaves with simple or double flowers white-pink or raspberry-red colors. They form "cushions" up to a meter in diameter and require pruning after flowering.

In the spring, white and pink arabis turn into colored "rugs" phlox subulate with white, pink, lilac, purple flowers, obrieta (lilac and dark pink color of flowers), sunny yellow alissum rocky.

Alpine aster, which belongs to dwarf shrubs, blooms in June simple flowers pink, lilac, white.

Various types of dwarfs are quite drought-resistant and sun-loving bells with blue, white, purple flowers: Carpathian village, Osh village, leafy spoon, Kholmova village, Gargan village, Portenshlag village, Pozharsky village.

The common one blooms in July with lilac small flowers, attracting a large number of bees and bumblebees, spreading out in vast clumps. If you step on the plants, the air is filled with a pleasant aroma.

Yaskolka felt with white asterisks of flowers and whitish-gray foliage is able to cover large spaces, as it forms underground stolons.

Loving the sun

There are quite a large assortment medium-sized perennials, flowering and decorative-leaved plants that prefer a sunny location, easily tolerate a lack of moisture in the soil. They usually reach a height of 40 to 100 cm. These plants can form small clumps or take up large areas.

There are many varieties of geyher - plants that form compact rosettes of rounded or jagged leaves of green, purple, yellow, silver colors. Such rosettes have a height and diameter of about 30-40 cm, and peduncles with small red or white small flowers collected in a brush rise to a height of 60 cm.

Some stonecrops (vidny island, living island) form rounded bushes 40-60 cm high with bluish, bright green, variegated (white with green), purple foliage, blooming in mid-summer and autumn with pink, purple, yellow, white flowers collected in flat inflorescences.

Variety look spectacular decorative bows .

Most of them are real sun worshipers. These are dwarf (no higher than 30 cm) Moli bows with yellow wax flowers and Ostrovsky bows with dark pink inflorescences, Karatavsky onions with wide leaves and dirty pink spherical inflorescences, blue onions with bright blue heads, Christophe's bow with huge lilac flower balls (up to 20 cm in diameter).

Liatris spikelet has spike-shaped inflorescences of lilac or white flowers height 50 cm and in July decorates the middle plans of flower beds.

The famous edelweiss, symbol alpine mountains, forms a low loose rosette of silvery stems with whitish flowers.

Some drought-tolerant plants can grow vigorously and occupy large areas in flower beds. Perennial sage with bright blue flowers perfectly tolerates drought and decorates the composition with flowering for a long time.

Yarrow (cultivars and wild species) forms whole thickets of stems 60-70 cm high with yellow, pink, purple and white flowers, collected in flat inflorescences.

Anafalis is a low plant (about 40 cm) with silvery stems and leaves, it has white flowers with a yellow center, similar to yarrow. Various wormwood (for example, P. Steller and others) have different shape leaves and height, but usually silvery foliage.

Well tolerates the sun and drought, the woolly and part of the Byzantine - plants with pubescent grayish leaves and tall peduncles of small purple flowers.

Of the annuals that love a sunny and dry location, one can name the seaside alissum, umbelliferae Iberis, large-flowered purslane, mesembriantemum cinnum-flowered, gatsania hybrid, salvia (annual species and varieties), seaside cineraria, celosia pinnate, Echscholzia cinematocephalus, Schoenucariaceae.

Of the shrubs, the most sun-loving and drought-resistant are various types of spirits, henomeles (Japanese quince), but with a lack of moisture, they quickly fade.

Buy seedlings of ornamental plants >>

Most conifers (with the exception of thujas) prefer a sunny and dry place. The most hardy are pines, horizontal junipers and other blue spruce species.

Handsome and colorful plot maybe everyone, even not so much an experienced gardener... And even if it is not possible to provide daily watering and they need to be planted in an open, arid area, it does not matter. Let's take a look at some drought-tolerant plants as examples for planting in a sunny flower bed that will bloom, delight with lush greenery and create a cozy atmosphere in your garden.

Drought tolerant herbs

When decorating a solar flower bed, you should pay attention to which will help to complement your flower garden with juicy greens and give it volume.

Examples of such drought tolerant plants:
  • meandering meadow- forms bumps of thin blades of bright green color. It is not picky about tolerating frost well and is great for planting in an open area;
  • tonkong gray- a low drought-resistant grass of a green-gray color, which explains its name. It takes root well in sunny areas and does not need any specific care;
  • reed canary- grows well both in sunny and shady areas. His main feature- white leaves;
  • - an excellent plant that absolutely does not need watering and loves sunny places. Many varieties of tenacious are known, which differ in a variety of colors.
  • Sun-loving flowers for a flower bed

    In nature, there are a lot of plants that we can plant in a solar flower bed. And in search of drought-resistant flowers for a flower bed, we advise you to pay attention to those that do not need to be sown every year. Another plus in favor of perennials is the fact that they are quite unpretentious and do not need special care.

    • In April-May, you can land cornflowers. They prefer sunny places and are unpretentious to the soil. These perennials must be planted at a distance of at least 30 cm, otherwise the plants will shade each other. Cornflower does not require special care after planting and is resistant to pests and diseases. In order for your sunny flower bed to look neat, you need to remove flowers that have faded.

      Did you know? Cornflowers are perennials that are widely used in classical medicine. They are part of antiseptics and drugs for the treatment of diseases of the eyes, liver and biliary tract. V folk medicine inflorescences are used to make various tinctures that help in cosmetology and even gynecology.

    • A sunny mood in your flower bed will create doronicum. While the rest of the plants are just gaining strength, and the bulbous have already faded, the doronicum will delight you from May to June. More than 40 species of this plant are known. The flower perfectly adapts to any conditions, so a solar flower bed is perfect for planting it. When leaving, it must be borne in mind that the plant has a superficial root system, and weed and loosen the soil with care so as not to damage the perennial.
    • Lush and bright, which are also planted during this period, are not only unpretentious, but also bloom twice: in June-July and August-September. They can be planted either one at a time or in groups of 2-3 plants, in which case in a couple of years you will get powerful Root system this plant is very strong and goes down to a depth of 1 meter. It should be borne in mind that the seeds of this perennial are poisonous and it is necessary to cut the peduncles in time. But the stems of faded lupine will be wonderful for your flower bed.
    • The list of flowers that are great for an open solar flower bed includes small petals blooming throughout the summer. This plant is deservedly preferred by novice gardeners and designers. After all, when choosing this perennial, you get fluffy green bushes, which also bloom profusely. Small petals are frost-resistant, not capricious and sun-loving perennial.
    • You can also disembark at the end of May. This herbaceous plant With bright colors has about 90 species, there are both upright and ampelous. The plant does not require much maintenance, but it is advisable to provide moderate watering during flowering. And, of course, to maintain the neatness of your flower bed, you should remove dried flower stalks.
    • has a variety of colors and is perfect for a solar flower bed. In addition to the abundance of colors, it also has a pleasant aroma. All varieties of carnations go well with other plants in the flower bed, they are not capricious to the neighborhood.

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