Good morning flowers. Violet sorrel: home care

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Oxalis got its name for its sour taste, but flower growers have another name - “Good morning”. This plant folds its leaves in the evening, and spreads them again in the morning. Let's take a closer look at sour, and it will gratefully take root on your windowsill. Common oxalis (Oxalis) is a modest plant with clover-like leaves. But her decorative varieties amazingly varied. Leaves can be silver, burgundy and purple. The shape of the leaf slightly resembles a butterfly, so it seems that a whole flock of these gentle creatures sat down to rest on your windowsill. Usually oxalis are perennial plants, although there are also annual species.

Violet sorrel: home care

They grow well in open field, on balconies and in apartments. But there are sissies that require real greenhouse conditions.

Oxygen photo

Kislitsa Deppe photo

Landing Oxalis

Oxygen does not require complex conditions of detention, it is completely undemanding. And yet, in order for a plant to please the eye with its appearance, certain conditions will have to be observed. Oxalis is not particularly demanding on the soil, but it will still be preferable for it to be slightly acidic, humus-rich soil and good drainage. The usual universal mixture from the flower grower's store is quite suitable for her. Although you can prepare the earthen mixture yourself. To do this, leaf and sod land is mixed with sand and peat. All components are taken in equal proportions.

Caring for Oxalis at home

AT summer heat oxalis requires abundant watering. It is important to ensure that moisture does not stagnate in the pot in any case. This is very harmful, because when transfused, the tubers rot, and the plant may die. The rule is very simple: you only need to water the acid when the top layer of the earth dries out. In winter, you just need to keep the earthen ball slightly damp. Oxygen can grow in shady areas of the apartment, but it is much better suited for it. good lighting. In this case, the light should be bright, but diffused. An east, west or south window is ideal for this. On the north window, the flower lacks lighting, so it may refuse to bloom, and its leaves become inconspicuous and elongated in petioles. It is even worse if the flower is in a draft. So sometimes it is enough to move the sour to another window sill so that it cheers up and acquires a healthy look.

Kislitsa is quite satisfied temperature regime 20–25 degrees, but it is desirable that in winter the temperature in the room should not be lower than 16˚С. In summer, the plant is transferred from the room to Fresh air or even planted in a flower bed.

Reproduction of Oxalis

AT indoor floriculture propagate Oxalis tubers, bulbs, cuttings. Tubers or bulbs are carefully separated from the root and planted in several pieces in the prepared soil, lightly sprinkled with earth. The pot is left in a cool place, watering a little weekly. As soon as young shoots appear, the plant is transferred to a brighter place. In less than a month and a half, you will have a new lush plant.

For propagation by cuttings, you will need to cut off a small piece of the stem with one leaf with a knife. The cutting is placed in water. After 2 weeks, thin roots appear. When the roots grow up to 1.5 cm in length, several cuttings are simultaneously transplanted into a prepared pot. Although the cuttings can be rooted not only in water, but also in wet sand under glass.

Pests and diseases of sour

Aphid, spider mite hic, shield, mealybug and whitefly are the main enemies of oxalis. To combat these pests, it is required to treat the plant with insecticides in accordance with the instructions. At excessive watering at the oxalis, rotting of the roots begins and gray rot (fusarium) occurs. To avoid this trouble, do not fill the flower. If the process of decay has already begun, then the plant will be saved by fungicide treatment. Now you know enough about sour, perhaps you will find a place for her in your home and fall in love with this beauty with good name"Good morning".

Oxalis flower photo

Oxalis blooming photo

Oxalis triangular photo

Good morning flower!

good morning wishes

Good morning wishes

Good morning! Happy new day!

bright droplets of the sun
They burn on daisies with fire,
Let the world become brighter, kinder,
Let the fairy tale settle in it!
May life be generous, rich,
May happiness bring every moment
Let the morning wake you up with coolness
And enjoy the sunshine!

Sing a song in the morning
What have you always loved?
And a good joke
Also good in the morning.
Say hello to nature
"Good afternoon!" tell her
And from this on the heart
It will become softer and warmer.
Start the day with a smile
With a good heart and then
There will be joy and happiness
accompany you always
Good morning and good mood!

The wind is quietly flying
Good morning wishes!
A new day is knocking on the window
And you sleep so sweetly!
Good morning!

Good morning!
Let the day start with kindness
Let there be more warmth
Let the day be filled with business
Will arrive with new friends
And it's important to stay calm
Because tomorrow will be another day.

In the morning the sun is playful
All flowers showered with mother-of-pearl,
He smiled, whispering playfully:
Wake up! Good morning!

Good morning! Happy new day!
With the sun in the blue sky!
With birds singing! With a babbling stream!
And rustling grass!
I love you earth!
Hello morning, it's me!

Good morning! Bright day!
Let the birds chirp wake you up!
A sunbeam will glide across the pillow.
The awakened cat meows loudly.
Let there be delicious breakfast and tea,
And in the soul forever youth and May!
The radio plays your favorite tune.
News gives only positive.
So that you never remember
More value words "trouble"
So that grief and evil do not touch you,
So that there was no talk of illnesses,
To become your friends forever
Joy, smile, fun and laughter,
To always be inseparable
With you health, love, kindness!

When you wake up at dawn
See a ray on the wall
Promise you will smile
And just remember me.

Good morning my baby
Wash up and get up!
I feel very bad without you
I'll come, make some tea.

Good morning! I'll tell you
Or maybe I'll whisper in your ear
That it's time to slowly get up
And start the day well.

Violet sorrel is considered a picky room culture, which looks like a lush lilac-colored bush with a mass of small purple leaves and several flower plates.


The plant is different small flowers, however, in combination with colorful foliage, it looks lovely. Flowers are white, pink or yellow. One flower is replaced by another, and it seems that the oxalis blooms endlessly. She shoots an arrow that goes the length of the leaves, and on her top is an umbrella with tiny flowers. Approximately 3-4 buds bloom together, fading over time, and then new flowers begin to bloom behind them.

In certain countries, such a culture is a symbol of goodness and good luck in the home. It is also presented as new year gift. In the countries of Russia, the plant acquired the name "Butterfly Flower", since its leaves curl up, like an insect, if the light changes.

Violet sorrel: home care

Such a flower needs classical care, despite its individuality of the image and the gift to hide the leaves. Care consists in constant transplantation, timely watering and fertilizer. If you want to have a fresh and healthy plant on your windowsill, you should conscientiously look after it.

Growing principle

AT natural environment and in the warm season, the flower actively vegetates, and with the onset of cold weather, it throws off its crown, discarding the tubers to winter in the ground. In view of the fact that in room conditions acidity retains its green view all year round, it is more correct to transplant it after the dormant stage every six months or a year.

Air humidity and ideal temperature

The acceptable temperature of the medium for the culture in the summer season should not be higher than 20 degrees. In winter, the temperature should not be lowered below the +7 mark. Violet room sorrel loves to stay in cold conditions, but it also withstands high air temperatures quite well.

Humidity environment for a plant should be moderate. If the room is cool (15-18 degrees), you don’t have to worry too much about the state of moisture - the flower can easily withstand dry air. With an increase in temperature, you need to worry about increasing humidity: you can spray the leaves or store the culture in a container filled with wet expanded clay.


Violet acid is best placed in the western or eastern part of the apartment. At the same time, it is necessary not to forget that the plant needs in a certain amount and direct Sun rays, in particular it is important in the morning. The flower is able to grow well on a shaded windowsill and at the same time delight with excellent flowering. But growth in this case will not be very fast.


In spring- summer time, especially when it is hot, violet oxalis requires a considerable amount of moisture. Watering the culture in the home environment should be plentiful, but in no case should water stagnate in the soil. To do this, after irrigation, after 2-3 minutes, it is necessary to drain the water that has drained into the pan. AT winter period Water the plant at a frequency that keeps the soil slightly moist.


The flower should be fed when it is in the phase of developing flowering and growth. For organics, universal fertilizers will fit, which will need to be applied to the soil with a frequency of up to 30 times a year.

How to care for sour during its rest

If the culture begins to noticeably wither and lose its foliage, and it is just the winter period outside, then the plant begins the dormant stage. Violet acid care at this time will also be necessary. The first thing to do: shorten the cuttings by 1-2 cm and put the flowerpot in a dry dark room. great places for this there will be a basement or cellar. Fertilizer and watering will have to be stopped, and only then, after 1-2 months, with the release of the first shoots, resume again. Even during such a period, an invasion of pests is possible, so you need to carefully monitor the flower.


The need for transplanting sour occurs when it is clearly thickened. The best time for transplanting a crop is the first half of spring. This is the most positive moment when the plant revives. For transplanting a flower the best option will become a ceramic pot with a diameter of 3 cm larger than the volume of the previous container, with a suitable vent to remove moisture. This is all done so that the violet sorrel does not dry out, and its leaves do not turn yellow and fade.

Then you will need to pour a copious amount of drainage on the bottom so that moisture does not linger and green algae does not breed. Broken brick or expanded clay can be taken as a drainage layer (they are also suitable for this purpose). After that, you should carefully pull the culture out of the old flowerpot, slightly soften the soil lump with your hands, find and separate the young tubers from the determining mass of the rhizome and put them in a pre-prepared container with a light substrate.

The more carefully you can take out the flower, the faster and freer the rooting procedure will go. For transplantation, as a substrate, you can use a ready-made and packaged earthen solution from the store, or you can prepare it yourself. What purple sorrel looks like, the photo posted in the article will demonstrate this.

The soil

The preparation of the substrate for a houseplant goes in the following order: you need to take one part of the leaf and sod land, add two portions of peat to them and for the same component of sand and soil. In this case, the soil should be neutral (6.0-7.0) and slightly acidic (5.0-6.0).

Due to the different transplanting period, it is possible to control the flowering time of the crop. You can also resort to the help of the plant growth biostimulant "Epin". But it is better to do this in extreme cases, since under a favorable environment, after a certain stage, the oxalis actively rises to growth and starts flower stalks.

flower reproduction

The culture is bred by seeds, division of the rhizome, daughter bulbs or tubers. In the second and third cases, the delenki are planted in the ground in large flowerpots of 5-10 pieces in an interval of 10 cm, filled with a thin layer of soil, watered sparingly and stored in a cool room.

Violet acid is also propagated with the help of cuttings with leaves, which are placed in a container with water, and when the first shoots appear, they are planted in the sand - there the cuttings take root.

Seeds need to be sown in the spring season (after frost), without falling asleep with soil and saving sustained moisture. To do this, after seating them should be covered with glass. It is also necessary to maintain reduced lighting and ventilate the sowing area every day. The temperature should be 16-18 degrees. Vegetation can be expected after a month.

In fact, growing seeds is considered a very difficult undertaking, so it is often advised, especially for inexperienced gardeners, to practice the above plant propagation methods.


Like all crops, oxalis is also attacked by insects such as aphids, mealybugs, whiteflies and spider mites. If this happened to the plant, then you need to treat it with insecticidal agents. Secondary treatment after a week is desirable.

Violet acid: useful properties

In folk medicine, all components of the culture are used - leaves, flowers and peduncles. The plant has all organic acids (citric, oxalic and malic). Raw materials are prepared in spring or from the beginning of summer (May-June) and dried at a temperature of 40-50 degrees. An extract made from such material is used for diseases of the liver, stomach and scurvy. This is an excellent antiseptic. Violet acid juice is also used to treat scabies and the flower is used in homeopathy.

The plant is used for loss of appetite and to normalize metabolism. It also has a hemostatic, wound healing, diuretic, antihelminthic and choleretic effect. Helps to neutralize heartburn and vomiting, lowers arterial pressure, used when either arsenic. Decoctions and tinctures are used for therapy:

  • stomatitis;
  • gastritis;
  • bleeding;
  • cardiovascular ailments;
  • kidneys;
  • Bladder;
  • liver.

If you correctly follow all the above rules and tips, then violet sorrel will always invariably delight households, not only lush crown patterned leaves, but also the endless flowering of white and pink flowers throughout the year. A fragile plant, like a butterfly, will open its leaves every morning and fold them in the evening. And in a society of other varieties of oxalis, culture will look very impressive both in the room and on the balcony.

Dear friends, welcome to the site Dom Family i Ya. Tell me, have you ever heard of such an indoor flower sour? No. Then I will introduce you today, show him a photo, tell you what care should be taken for him so that he grows and blooms all year round, and we will also touch on the topic of his reproduction and you will understand how non-capricious this plant is.

This plant has been living in my house for more than ten years, I love it very much for its beauty and unusualness. I especially like that he will always tell you when he doesn’t like something, which is why he is so easy to care for. In general, let's get acquainted.

Indoor flower sour. Photos, names and signs

What is this flower?

In my life, I have not met a plant that would have so many names: family happiness, hare cabbage, good morning, butterfly, triangular oxalis, flower of love, lucky clover. What kind of plant is this and why does it have so many names?

Let's start with the name "Butterfly". His leaf really resembles this winged beauty, hence, apparently, the association. Why is the oxalis triangular, and because each of its petals resembles a triangle, “ Good morning”The plant is called for its rare feature, in the evening it folds the leaves, and in the morning, waking up, opens them. By the way, in nature, Lucky Clover closes even in bad weather.

It is also notable for the fact that it blooms at home almost all year round without a break. True, the flowers lose in their beauty in front of the leaves, but they complement them with their contrast.

Surprisingly, but hare cabbage"can grow not only at home, but also in the garden. Even the wild nature suits her quite well, because the birthplace of "Family Happiness" is Brazil and Mexico, although some species are found in Europe and Africa. Yes, and in our forests, sour can also be found.

Why does the plant have such a strange name - sour, what does it mean? The fact is that the leaves of the flower contain a large amount of vitamin C and oxalic acid, so they taste sour, hence the name. And, in general, her scientific name is Oksalis, which means spicy or sour.

Oxygen. Is it possible to keep a flower at home

Traditionally, it is customary to endow all plants with magical powers, both good and bad. Therefore, I hasten to answer the question: “Is it possible to keep a sour flower at home?”

The energy of oxalis is considered positive and very useful for the home - this plant is a talisman. It brings good luck, success in business, love, happiness and well-being in the family to the house, because it is not for nothing that it is called the flower of love and family happiness. If you have problems in your personal life, then bring it into the house and everything will work out.

In addition, sour is used for food and for treatment. It treats wounds, ulcers and hypertension. Due to the large amount of vitamin C, this plant is used to increase immunity, as a choleretic and diuretic. However, the oxalis flower is poisonous, and therefore it is considered dangerous to human health if consumed in in large numbers. In small doses, it is harmless. At one time, my kitten tried to gnaw on it, nothing, it still runs around.

What does an oxalis flower look like

The plant has more than 800 varieties, but I will show you the most popular of them. This is what oxalis looks like.

trifoliate purple

Four-leaf Deppe





Oxalis flower home care

At home, oxalis is completely easy to care for. Not only is the plant picky, it will also tell you how to create comfortable conditions for it, and in order to fully understand this issue, I will tell you in detail how to care for it, propagate, protect and cherish.

What loves sour


Many write that oxalis shade plant, somewhere, the way it is, but my many years of experience show that the flower loves the light, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. The best place for him, an east or west window. With a lack of lighting, the leaves begin to acquire a green tint.

If the oxalis is under the bright sun, it will first fold the leaves, and then it may droop.

Therefore, always pay attention to the leaves, if they are all well opened, if the plant closed them in broad daylight, then something is wrong, look for the reason.


"Butterfly" tolerates overflow more easily than drying out the soil. As soon as the soil dries, the plant will fold its leaves, begging for water from you, and then begin to wither. But you should not get carried away with excessive watering either, everything should be in moderation. Do not forget about top dressing, twice a month with complex fertilizer will be enough.


Removing flowers and leaves

Oxalis always blooms profusely, but each flower does not last long, so it is quite common to see an unattractive picture of hanging obsolete flowers and leaves. They need to be cleaned up in a timely manner.

winter care

It is believed that the dormant period for room acidity falls on the month of December-February. However, in all the years I did not notice the dropping of leaves, at most, during this period the plant did not bloom. I did not reduce watering, reduced feeding and rearranged the pot to sunny side, our winters are usually cloudy, so I did this to avoid greenery on the leaves.

Violet acid. Diseases

Like any plant, oxalis is also susceptible to attack by various insects - it is loved by aphids, whiteflies, spider mites, mealybugs, and scale insects. It is necessary to ensure that this fraternity does not appear on the flower and, if necessary, treat with Aktara or Aktellik preparations.

Diseases also do not bypass him. Most often the reason is not proper care.

  • The plant has stopped growing - he may be hot, move to a cool room.
  • Gray rot or fusarium appeared - cause excessive watering, reduce it and spray the plant with foundationol.
  • Leaves closed in broad daylight - dry soil or direct sunlight. You need to water the bush and rearrange the pot to another place.
  • Oxalis flower disappears - perhaps there is overflow and decay. Remove the plant from the pot, select undamaged tubers and plant them in new soil.
  • Spots on the leaves Most likely it's burns. Move the oxalis to a different location.
  • A green tint appeared on the leaves - lack of light, find a flowerpot on a more lit window sill, but not in the sun.
  • Oxalis stopped blooming- or a period of rest has come or the soil is completely exhausted. In the first case, we do nothing, we just give the plant a rest, in the second, we need to transplant it into a new one. nutrient soil. But a third option is also possible - too much nutrition, then the leaves will fatten, but there will be no color.

Home flower sour. reproduction

How it breeds

On the Internet, they write a lot about how this home plant reproduces. There are many options - and nodules, and cuttings, and seeds. The latest ways I've never tried it, but it's easy to do with tubers.

And you can try to propagate the flower with cuttings, this is done as usual. We put the cutting in water, and after the appearance of the first roots, transplant it into soil or sand, where further rooting will take place.

Each tuber may have one or two leaves, but do not worry if they break off from you, or the tuber is left without small roots. Plant it in the ground, it will definitely take over, put out leaves and flowers, and new nodules will grow around very quickly.

How to transplant

When transplanting sour, it is better to plant it, as it grows quite quickly. Five or ten nodules can be laid out in one pot, maintaining a distance of up to 10 cm between them, although sometimes I put them thicker. It is not necessary to pour a lot of earth on top, just a little bit, about 0.5-1 cm.

When to transplant

As for any home plant best time transplants - spring, and when asked how often this should be done, I will say that once every two to three years. Although you yourself will see when the oxalis needs a transplant. Instead of a beautiful lush bush, there will be rare single leaves, flowering will stop, it is clear to the naked eye that the flower is bad.

In which pot to plant an oxalis flower

Let's start with which pot to plant the oxalis flower in. It doesn't have to be very deep, because root system the plant is weak and does not go deep into the ground, but on the other hand, the pot must be chosen at such a height that the hanging leaves do not lie on the windowsill.

Oxalis looks very nice not only in round pots, but also in long rectangular or oval ones. They plant several nodules in one row. After the growth of the bushes, the view is simply bewitching.

What kind of soil to use

For the umpteenth time I say that the plant is not capricious, therefore soil is suitable and universal, the main thing is that it should not be too nutritious, otherwise there will be a lot of leaves, but no flowers. Be sure to make a drainage layer of expanded clay.

Here is such an indoor flower sour. The photo showed you what kind of care he needs and told about reproduction too. I wish you good luck with this wonderful plant, let it please you with its beautiful view and flowering.

I wish everyone happiness, Natalya Murga

Oxalis got its name for its sour taste, but flower growers have another name - “Good morning”. This plant folds its leaves in the evening, and spreads them again in the morning. Let's take a closer look at sour, and it will gratefully take root on your windowsill. Common oxalis (Oxalis) is a modest plant with clover-like leaves. But its decorative varieties are surprisingly diverse. The leaves can be silver, burgundy and purple. The shape of the leaf slightly resembles a butterfly, so it seems that a whole flock of these gentle creatures sat down to rest on your windowsill. Usually oxalis are perennial plants, although there are also annual species. They grow well in open ground, on balconies and in apartments. But there are sissies that require real greenhouse conditions.

Landing Oxalis

Oxygen does not require complex conditions of detention, it is completely undemanding. And yet, in order for a plant to please the eye with its appearance, certain conditions will have to be observed. Oxalis is not particularly demanding on the soil, but it will still be preferable for it to be slightly acidic, humus-rich soil and good drainage. The usual universal mixture from the flower grower's store is quite suitable for her. Although you can prepare the earthen mixture yourself. To do this, leaf and sod land is mixed with sand and peat. All components are taken in equal proportions.

Caring for Oxalis at home

In the summer heat, oxalis requires abundant watering. It is important to ensure that moisture does not stagnate in the pot in any case. This is very harmful, because when transfused, the tubers rot, and the plant may die. The rule is very simple: you only need to water the acid when the top layer of the earth dries out. In winter, you just need to keep the earthen ball slightly damp. Oxalis can grow in shady areas of the apartment, but good lighting is much better for it. In this case, the light should be bright, but diffused. An east, west or south window is ideal for this. On the north window, the flower lacks lighting, so it may refuse to bloom, and its leaves become inconspicuous and elongated in petioles. It is even worse if the flower is in a draft. So sometimes it is enough to move the sour to another window sill so that it cheers up and acquires a healthy look.

Kislitsa is quite satisfied with the temperature regime of 20–25 degrees, but it is desirable that in winter the temperature in the room should not be lower than 16˚С. In summer, the plant is transferred from the room to fresh air or even planted in a flower bed.

Reproduction of Oxalis

In indoor floriculture, Oxalis is propagated by tubers, bulbs, and cuttings. Tubers or bulbs are carefully separated from the root and planted in several pieces in the prepared soil, lightly sprinkled with earth. The pot is left in a cool place, watering a little weekly. As soon as young shoots appear, the plant is transferred to a brighter place. In less than a month and a half, you will have a new lush plant.

For propagation by cuttings, you will need to cut off a small piece of the stem with one leaf with a knife. The cutting is placed in water. After 2 weeks, thin roots appear. When the roots grow up to 1.5 cm in length, several cuttings are simultaneously transplanted into a prepared pot. Although the cuttings can be rooted not only in water, but also in wet sand under glass.

Pests and diseases of sour

Aphids, spider mites, scale insects, mealybugs and whiteflies are the main enemies of oxalis. To combat these pests, it is required to treat the plant with insecticides in accordance with the instructions. With excessive watering, sour roots begin to rot and gray rot (fusarium) occurs. To avoid this trouble, do not fill the flower. If the process of decay has already begun, then the plant will be saved by fungicide treatment. Now you know enough about sour, perhaps you will find a place for her in your home and fall in love with this beauty with the good name "Good morning".

A few words about sour

Many flower growers breed this plant because of its bright characteristic feature: fold and lower the leaves in cloudy weather or after dusk, this can be clearly seen in the view below. Almost every species has such abilities, including triangular and purple oxalis.

Looking at the photo of the plant, its leaves can be compared with a swarm of butterflies sitting on a dwarf bush. And just as soon as daylight touches a flower in sufficient quantity, it again dissolves its leaves. However, the flower got its amazing name due to the presence of oxalic acid in it.

Oxalis care

Looking at the photo, and even more so after learning about such amazing abilities, you might think that at home caring for this plant is quite laborious. However, such a statement is an absolute fallacy. Experienced flower growers grow this flower in the same way as an ordinary flower. garden plant. Quite often, growing oxalis can be admired on the verandas or balconies of city apartments or private houses ( see photo).

Soil, lighting and optimal temperature

The flower prefers bright but diffused light (as in the photo). This condition provides partial care and is mandatory. Penumbra also does not harm the plant, but drafts have a detrimental effect on heat-loving oxalis. Especially triangular oxalis suffers from them. unpretentious given plant to the temperature conditions of cultivation, which facilitates care. Oxalis feels great, both at room temperature and in open space. However, in winter, purple oxalis, as well as triangular, requires that the ambient temperature does not fall below + 16-18 degrees.

In relation to the soil, the plant is also not very demanding. Oxalis, both at home and in the open field, is able to develop perfectly on an ordinary universal store mix. If you want to prepare the substrate personally, use the following recipe. Mix in equal parts:

  • sod land;
  • leaf ground;
  • peat;
  • sand.

Preparing the soil personally will ensure not only successful care, but also the confident development of a healthy specimen. If there is too nutritious soil mixture, the flower will be abundantly strewn with leaves and rare flowers.

Humidity and watering

Based on the fact that the flower does not need to be created special conditions to maintain the required level of moisture, care for it is greatly simplified. However, at home, oxalis needs abundant watering in summer period. It must be taken into account that the water in the pot should not stagnate, under any circumstances. In this part, care will consist in avoiding transfusions, which adversely affect flower tubers that cannot tolerate constantly wetting soil.

Triangular oxalis is especially sensitive to drying out of the soil or its excessive watering. Regarding the winter period, care here will not consist in watering, as such, but in the usual maintenance of the soil in a slightly moistened state.

Feeding and transplanting

Most experienced flower growers recommend feeding the plant at home during the period of active flower growth and, especially, flowering, in order to provide the plant with proper care. Oxalis is fertilized with mineral complex fertilizers every two to three weeks. Given the frequency of top dressing, it must be taken less than two times in relation to the amount indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer.

Adhering to the recommendations of flower growers, it is better to choose the winter months for such a procedure. It is transplanted into wide flower pots, in each of which several bulbs or nodules of this plant are planted.

The bottom of the pot, in which triangular oxalis will grow, must be laid out with a drainage layer to ensure that excess water flows out freely to eliminate even the smallest possibility of rotting of the root system of the flower.

rest period

As a rule, a large number of species of this plant rest in winter, but without shedding leaves. It manifests itself by the usual cessation of growth and lasts from one to one and a half months. Basically, at such a time, flower care at home is limited to extremely poor watering to prevent the flower's earthen clod from drying out.

Then place the plant in a cool, dry place and observe the acidity. After some time, the leaves should fully grow back.


The uniqueness of this plant lies in the fact that you can enjoy blooming oxalis at any time of the year, providing the flower with sufficient lighting. To do this, after the completion of the period of its natural flowering, it is necessary to significantly reduce watering and rearrange the oxalis in a cool room. These actions will provoke a forced state of rest. After thirty days, the bulbs or tubers must be transplanted into a new earthen substrate, watering should be resumed, and flower pot place under abundant sunlight, but diffused. Flowering will resume in thirty, forty days.

Reproduction of oxalis

Based on the type of plant, sorrel propagates with bulbs, daughter tubers, leaves or cuttings.
in turn, seed propagation at home is not practiced, since this occurs exclusively in vivo. So, reproduction occurs as follows: the tubers or bulbs that form around the tap root of the flower are separated from the plant ( see photo) and are planted separately in the ground in an amount of five to ten pieces, after which they are sprinkled with a small layer of earth. As a result, the container is placed in a not too warm place and watered from time to time. After the appearance of the first sprouts, the container is moved closer to the light source, and after 30-40 days the oxalis will turn into a fairly lush plant.

Otherwise, reproduction occurs by cutting the cutting and placing it in a glass of water. After two or three weeks, small shoots 1 to 1.5 centimeters long will appear on the cut cutting. When this happens, the flower can be transplanted into loose soil. (see photo). After a month and a half, the first leaves will appear at home. However, the cutting can also be rooted after the first shoots appear in it, and the container in which the plant develops must be covered with transparent plastic or glass. In this case, reproduction will be as effective as in all other cases.

Indoor flower sour. Photos, names and signs

What is this flower?

In my life, I have not met a plant that would have so many names: family happiness, hare cabbage, good morning, butterfly, triangular sorrel, flower of love, lucky clover. What kind of plant is this and why does it have so many names?

Let's start with the name "Butterfly". His leaf really resembles this winged beauty, hence, apparently, the association. Why is the acid tree triangular, and because each of its petals resembles a triangle, “Good morning” is called the plant for its rare feature, in the evening it folds the leaves, and in the morning, waking up, opens them. By the way, in nature, Lucky Clover closes even in bad weather.

It is also notable for the fact that it blooms at home almost all year round without a break. True, the flowers lose in their beauty in front of the leaves, but they complement them with their contrast.

Surprisingly, "Rabbit Cabbage" can grow not only at home, but also in the garden. Even the wild nature suits her quite well, because the birthplace of "Family Happiness" is Brazil and Mexico, although some species are found in Europe and Africa. Yes, and in our forests, sour can also be found.

Why does the plant have such a strange name - sour, what does it mean? The fact is that the leaves of the flower contain a large amount of vitamin C and oxalic acid, so they taste sour, hence the name. And, in general, her scientific name is Oksalis, which means spicy or sour.

Oxygen. Is it possible to keep a flower at home

Traditionally, it is customary to endow all plants with magical powers, both good and bad. Therefore, I hasten to answer the question: “Is it possible to keep a sour flower at home?”

The energy of oxalis is considered positive and very useful for the home - this plant is a talisman. It brings good luck, success in business, love, happiness and well-being in the family to the house, because it is not for nothing that it is called the flower of love and family happiness. If you have problems in your personal life, then bring it into the house and everything will work out.

In addition, sour is used for food and for treatment. It treats wounds, ulcers and hypertension. Due to the large amount of vitamin C, this plant is used to increase immunity, as a choleretic and diuretic. However, the oxalis flower is poisonous, which is why it is considered dangerous to human health if consumed in large quantities. In small doses, it is harmless. At one time, my kitten tried to gnaw on it, nothing, it still runs around.

What does an oxalis flower look like

The plant has more than 800 varieties, but I will show you the most popular of them. This is what oxalis looks like.

trifoliate purple

Four-leaf Deppe





Oxalis flower home care

At home, oxalis is completely easy to care for. Not only is the plant picky, it will also tell you how to create comfortable conditions for it, and in order to fully understand this issue, I will tell you in detail how to care for it, propagate, protect and cherish.

What loves sour


Many write that oxalis is a shade-loving plant, somewhere, it is true, but my many years of experience show that the flower loves light, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. The best place for him is an east or west window. With a lack of lighting, the leaves begin to acquire a green tint.

If the oxalis is under the bright sun, it will first fold the leaves, and then it may droop.

Therefore, always pay attention to the leaves, if they are all well opened, if the plant closed them in broad daylight, then something is wrong, look for the reason.


"Butterfly" tolerates overflow more easily than drying out the soil. As soon as the soil dries, the plant will fold its leaves, begging for water from you, and then begin to wither. But you should not get carried away with excessive watering either, everything should be in moderation. Do not forget about top dressing, twice a month with complex fertilizer will be enough.


Removing flowers and leaves

Oxalis always blooms profusely, but each flower does not last long, so it is quite common to see an unattractive picture of hanging obsolete flowers and leaves. They need to be cleaned up in a timely manner.

winter care

It is believed that the dormant period for room acidity falls on the month of December-February. However, in all the years I did not notice the dropping of leaves, at most, during this period the plant did not bloom. I did not reduce watering, reduced top dressing and moved the pot to the sunny side, our winters are usually cloudy, so I did this to avoid greenery on the leaves.

Violet acid. Diseases

Like any plant, oxalis is also susceptible to attack by various insects - it is loved by aphids, whiteflies, spider mites, mealybugs, and scale insects. It is necessary to ensure that this fraternity does not appear on the flower and, if necessary, treat with Aktara or Aktellik preparations.

Diseases also do not bypass him. The reason most often is improper care.

  • The plant has stopped growing- he may be hot, move to a cool room.
  • Gray rot or fusarium appeared- cause excessive watering, reduce it and spray the plant with foundationol.
  • Leaves closed in broad daylight- dry soil or direct sunlight. You need to water the bush and rearrange the pot to another place.
  • Oxalis flower disappears- perhaps there is overflow and decay. Remove the plant from the pot, select undamaged tubers and plant them in new soil.
  • Spots on the leaves Most likely it's burns. Move the oxalis to a different location.
  • A green tint appeared on the leaves- lack of light, find a flowerpot on a more lit window sill, but not in the sun.
  • Oxalis stopped blooming- or a period of rest has come or the soil is completely exhausted. In the first case, we do nothing, we just give the plant a rest, in the second, we need to transplant it into a new nutrient soil. But a third option is also possible - too much nutrition, then the leaves will fatten, but there will be no color.

Home flower sour. reproduction

How it breeds

On the Internet, they write a lot about how this home plant reproduces. There are many options - and nodules, and cuttings, and seeds. I have never tried the latter methods, but it is easy to do this with tubers.

And you can try to propagate the flower with cuttings, this is done as usual. We put the cutting in water, and after the appearance of the first roots, transplant it into soil or sand, where further rooting will take place.

Each tuber may have one or two leaves, but do not worry if they break off from you, or the tuber is left without small roots. Plant it in the ground, it will definitely take over, put out leaves and flowers, and new nodules will grow around very quickly.

How to transplant

When transplanting sour, it is better to plant it, as it grows quite quickly. Five or ten nodules can be laid out in one pot, maintaining a distance of up to 10 cm between them, although sometimes I put them thicker. It is not necessary to pour a lot of earth on top, just a little bit, about 0.5-1 cm.

When to transplant

As for any home plant, the best transplant time is spring, and when asked how often this should be done, I will say that once every two to three years. Although you yourself will see when the oxalis needs a transplant. Instead of a beautiful lush bush, there will be rare single leaves, flowering will stop, it is clear to the naked eye that the flower is bad.

In which pot to plant an oxalis flower

Let's start with which pot to plant the oxalis flower in. It should not be very deep, since the root system of the plant is weak and does not go deep into the ground, but on the other hand, the pot must be chosen so high that the hanging leaves do not lie on the windowsill.

Oxalis looks very nice not only in round pots, but also in long rectangular or oval ones. They plant several nodules in one row. After the growth of the bushes, the view is simply bewitching.

What kind of soil to use

For the umpteenth time I say that the plant is not capricious, so the soil is suitable and universal, the main thing is that it should not be too nutritious, otherwise there will be a lot of leaves, but no flowers. Be sure to make a drainage layer of expanded clay.

Here is such an indoor flower sour. The photo showed you what kind of care he needs and told about reproduction too. I wish you good luck with this wonderful plant, let it please you with its beautiful appearance and flowering.

I wish everyone happiness, Natalya Murga


The plant is characterized by small flowers, but in combination with colorful foliage it looks lovely. Flowers are white, pink or yellow. One flower is replaced by another, and it seems that the oxalis blooms endlessly. She shoots an arrow that goes the length of the leaves, and on her top is an umbrella with tiny flowers. Approximately 3-4 buds bloom together, fading over time, and then new flowers begin to bloom behind them.

In certain countries, such a culture is a symbol of goodness and good luck in the home. It is also presented as a New Year's gift. In the countries of Russia, the plant acquired the name "Butterfly Flower", since its leaves curl up, like an insect, if the light changes.

Violet sorrel: home care

Such a flower needs classical care, despite its individuality of the image and the gift to hide the leaves. Care consists in constant transplantation, timely watering and fertilizer. If you want to have a fresh and healthy plant on your windowsill, you should conscientiously look after it.

Growing principle

In the natural environment and in the warm season, the flower actively vegetates, and with the onset of cold weather it throws off its crown, discarding the tubers to winter in the ground. Due to the fact that under room conditions the oxalis retains its green appearance all year round, it is more correct to transplant it after the dormant stage every six months or a year.

Air humidity and ideal temperature

The acceptable temperature of the medium for the culture in the summer season should not be higher than 20 degrees. In winter, the temperature should not be lowered below the +7 mark. Violet room sorrel loves to stay in cold conditions, but it also withstands high air temperatures quite well.

The humidity of the environment for the plant should be moderate. If the room is cool (15-18 degrees), you don’t have to worry too much about the state of moisture - the flower can easily withstand dry air. With an increase in temperature, you need to worry about increasing humidity: you can spray the leaves or store the culture in a container filled with wet expanded clay.


Violet acid is best placed in the western or eastern part of the apartment. At the same time, it is necessary not to forget that the plant needs direct sunlight in a certain amount, in particular, this is important in the morning. The flower is able to grow well on a shaded windowsill and at the same time delight with excellent flowering. But growth in this case will not be very fast.


In spring and summer, especially when it is hot, violet oxalis requires a considerable amount of moisture. Watering the culture in the home environment should be plentiful, but in no case should water stagnate in the soil. To do this, after irrigation, after 2-3 minutes, it is necessary to drain the water that has drained into the pan. In winter, you need to water the plant with a frequency that ensures that the earth is kept in a slightly moist state.


The flower should be fed when it is in the phase of developing flowering and growth. For organics, universal fertilizers will fit, which will need to be applied to the soil with a frequency of up to 30 times a year.

How to care for sour during its rest

If the culture begins to noticeably wither and lose its foliage, and it is just the winter period outside, then the plant begins the dormant stage. Violet acid care at this time will also be necessary. The first thing to do is to shorten the cuttings by 1-2 cm and put the flowerpot in a dry, dark room. An excellent place for this would be a basement or cellar. Fertilizer and watering will have to be stopped, and only then, after 1-2 months, with the release of the first shoots, resume again. Even during such a period, an invasion of pests is possible, so you need to carefully monitor the flower.


The need for transplanting sour occurs when it is clearly thickened. The best time for transplanting a crop is the first half of spring. This is the most positive moment when the plant revives. For transplanting a flower, the best option would be a ceramic pot with a diameter of 3 cm larger than the volume of the previous container, with a suitable container to remove moisture. This is all done so that the violet sorrel does not dry out, and its leaves do not turn yellow and fade.

Then you will need to pour a copious amount of drainage on the bottom so that moisture does not linger and green algae does not breed. Broken brick or expanded clay can be taken as a drainage layer (they are also suitable for this purpose). After that, you should carefully pull the culture out of the old flowerpot, slightly soften the soil lump with your hands, find and separate the young tubers from the determining mass of the rhizome and put them in a pre-prepared container with a light substrate.

The more carefully you can take out the flower, the faster and freer the rooting procedure will go. For transplantation, as a substrate, you can use a ready-made and packaged earthen solution from the store, or you can prepare it yourself. What purple sorrel looks like, the photo posted in the article will demonstrate this.«>

The soil

The preparation of the substrate for a houseplant goes in the following order: you need to take one part of the leaf and sod land, add two portions of peat to them and the same component of sand and soil. In this case, the soil should be neutral (6.0-7.0) and slightly acidic (5.0-6.0).

Due to the different transplanting period, it is possible to control the flowering time of the crop. You can also resort to the help of the plant growth biostimulant "Epin". But it is better to do this in extreme cases, since under a favorable environment, after a certain stage, the oxalis actively rises to growth and starts flower stalks.

flower reproduction

The culture is bred by seeds, division of the rhizome, daughter bulbs or tubers. In the second and third cases, the delenki are planted in the ground in large flowerpots of 5-10 pieces in an interval of 10 cm, filled with a thin layer of soil, watered sparingly and stored in a cool room.

Violet acid is also propagated with the help of cuttings with leaves, which are placed in a container with water, and when the first shoots appear, they are planted in the sand - there the cuttings take root.

Seeds need to be sown in the spring season (after frost), without falling asleep with soil and saving sustained moisture. To do this, after seating them should be covered with glass. It is also necessary to maintain reduced lighting and ventilate the sowing area every day. The temperature should be 16-18 degrees. Vegetation can be expected after a month.

In fact, growing seeds is considered a very difficult undertaking, so it is often advised, especially for inexperienced gardeners, to practice the above plant propagation methods.


Like all crops, oxalis is also attacked by insects such as aphids, mealybugs, whiteflies and spider mites. If this happened to the plant, then you need to treat it with insecticidal agents. Secondary treatment after a week is desirable.

Violet acid: useful properties

In folk medicine, all components of the culture are used - leaves, flowers and peduncles. The plant has all organic acids (citric, oxalic and malic). Raw materials are prepared in spring or from the beginning of summer (May-June) and dried at a temperature of 40-50 degrees. An extract made from such material is used for diseases of the liver, stomach and scurvy. This is an excellent antiseptic. Violet acid juice is also used to treat scabies and the flower is used in homeopathy.

The plant is used for loss of appetite and to normalize metabolism. It also has a hemostatic, wound healing, diuretic, antihelminthic and choleretic effect. Helps to neutralize heartburn and vomiting, lowers blood pressure, is used for intoxication with mercury or arsenic. Decoctions and tinctures are used for therapy:

  • stomatitis;
  • gastritis;
  • bleeding;
  • cardiovascular ailments;
  • kidneys;
  • Bladder;
  • liver.

If you correctly follow all the above rules and tips, then violet oxalis will always delight households not only with a lush crown of patterned leaves, but also with the endless flowering of white and pink flowers throughout the year. A fragile plant, like a butterfly, will open its leaves every morning and fold them in the evening. And in a society of other varieties of oxalis, culture will look very impressive both in the room and on the balcony.

Oxalis flower - description

Oxides are represented by many types, among them are annual, perennial, tuberous and bulbous plants. The leaves of the oxalis are palmate or trifoliate, petiolate, with a complex limb, folding in the evening and opening in the morning. The leaves also react to too bright light and mechanical irritation. The color of the leaves, depending on the type of acid, can be green, purple or burgundy. The flowers of the oxalis are medium-sized, regular, the color of the petals can be white, pink, lilac or yellow. The flowers, like the leaves of the plant, close at night or before bad weather. Oxalis seeds ripen in a shell that explodes easily when touched when the seeds are ripe. Oxalis at home is most often represented by two types - four-leaved sour and triangular sour. Room sour is a popular gift under the Christmas tree in Europe, since there is a sign that the plant brings happiness and prosperity to the house if it settles in it the day before the New Year.

Acid care at home

How to care for sour.

indoor flower oxalis has the same requirements for growing conditions as its wild relative. She needs intense but diffused light with shading from the direct rays of the sun. The temperature in the summer time is preferred by domestic sorrel in the range of 20-25 ºC, which, however, is quite natural for this time of year. In winter, it is advisable to lower the temperature a little - to 12-18 ºC, otherwise the plant will not bloom. Watering in the summer should be plentiful, but at the same time, stagnation of water in the roots should not be allowed. With the onset of autumn, watering is reduced, and in winter, moistening the soil in a pot with sour should be symbolic so that the soil is barely wet. Oxalis houseplant does not need to spray the leaves, although if the house is too hot and stuffy, you can spray the plant boiled water. AT winter time spraying sour is contraindicated.

Some types of oxalis rest in winter. The rest period lasts a month and a half. If you notice that the plant has begun to lose leaves after flowering, reduce watering and move the flower to a cool place where it will be at rest. Sometimes the leaves do not fall off the oxalis, it simply stops growing, as if frozen - this is a sign that it is time to move it to a “winter apartment” to restore strength. At this time, watering should be minimal. But as soon as you find that the plant began to appear new shoots, transplant it into a fresh substrate, return it to its usual place, resume watering and top dressing.

Sour fertilizer.

Home sour care involves the timely feeding of the plant with complex mineral fertilizers. They are applied during the period of active growth and flowering every 2-3 weeks, and the concentration of the solution should be half that recommended by the manufacturer.

Caring for room sour requires an annual transplant of young plants, adult plants are transplanted once every two to three years. If you don't know how to transplant an oxalis, start by choosing a pot. A pot for oxalis needs a wide one so that you can plant several tubers or onions in one container - this is how you get a luxurious flowering bush. A layer of drainage is laid at the bottom of the pot so that excess water does not stagnate in the roots of the plant. Any soil is suitable for oxalis - buy universal soil in the store or make up the soil mixture yourself from leafy, soddy, peat soil and sand in equal parts. Keep in mind that if the soil is too nutritious, then the plant will have many leaves and few flowers. Planting sour in new pot carried out with great care, along with an earthy clod, if you have no intention of breeding it this time.

Pests and diseases of sour.

If you are too zealous with watering and have not bothered to place a layer of drainage under the soil, the plant can be affected by gray rot or fusarium. Both of these diseases initial stage successfully treated with foundationazole.

Home sour - reproduction

Growing oxalis from seeds.

Under natural conditions, oxalis are propagated by seeds. The seed method of propagating oxalis at home is rarely resorted to, since there are more reliable methods of reproduction - vegetative. But if it is important for you to grow oxalis from seeds, then we wish you success and offer a list of conditions and measures for the successful generative reproduction of oxalis:

  • - the composition of the mixture for sowing: four parts of leaf humus and peat and one part of sand;
  • - sour seeds in early spring they scatter over the surface of the soil without covering it; after sowing, the container is covered with glass, since 100% humidity is needed for germination;
  • – for seed germination, diffused light is also needed, a temperature of 16-18 ºC and constantly wet soil- watering of crops is carried out from a spray gun;
  • - daily airing of crops is necessary.

Subject to all these conditions, seedlings, depending on the freshness of the seeds, will appear a week or a month after sowing.

Vegetative methods of propagation of sour.

The easiest way is to separate the daughter bulbs or nodules that have formed around the tap root during the annual spring transplantation of acid, and plant them several times in one pot, sprinkled with a small amount of soil, placing the container in a cool shaded place and occasionally moistening the soil. When shoots appear, the pot is moved closer to the light, and in a month and a half the young plant will turn into a lush flowering bush.

After a dormant period, as soon as the first new leaf appears, the tuber is removed from the ground, cleaned of soil, washed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, cut into pieces, treated with crushed charcoal and planted in separate pots. Pots with planted parts of the tuber are placed under diffused light, watered after the earthen clod dries out and fed twice a month, starting from the second week after planting.

Oxygen properties

For a long time, sour has been considered medicinal plant. The ground part of the plant was used to treat scurvy, to treat ulcers and wounds, as an antidote for arsenic or mercury poisoning. ethnoscience successfully used the antihelminthic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and wound healing properties of the plant.

Due high content in the leaves of vitamin C acid, its use helped to cope with colds and strengthened the immune system. Kislitsa is also in demand in cooking: it was used to prepare delicious and healthy tea, added to cabbage soup, green borscht or kvass.

Types of oxalis

Oxalis triangularis (Oxalis triangularis),

or violet oxalis, more often than other species grown in room culture, is a low tuberous plant with dark purple spotted tripartite leaves on long petioles. The purple acid leaf looks like the fluttering wings of a butterfly, for which it was called "Madame Butterfly". The flowers of this species are small, white, light pink or lilac.

Oxalis tetraphylla (Oxalis tetraphylla),

or Deppe's oxalis (Oxalis deppei) grown both in the garden and at home. Her leaves are four-lobed, light green with a red-brown middle. It blooms for a long time with red-crimson flowers that form inflorescences. It is this species that the British call "lucky clover".

Bowie Oxalis (Oxalis bowiei)

- a fragile thermophilic species 20-25 cm high with leathery leaves of light green color and dark pink flowers on long peduncles.

Common Oxalis (Oxalis acetosella)

- a rhizomatous plant 8-10 cm high with clover-like leaves and white single flowers on long peduncles.

Oxalis ferruginous (Oxalis adenophylla)

- bushes up to 10 cm tall with gray-green multi-lobed leaves and large light pink flowers with spots and veins.

Oxalis multi-colored (Oxalis versicolor)

- an amazingly beautiful plant with white flowers in a red stripe. open flower white on the inside with a red border around the edge.

In addition to these species, Oxus Obtus, Oka Ox, or tuberous, carob, nine-leaved, poor, milky white, nasturtium, succulent, segmented, appressed, triangular, and many others are known in culture. But all these beautiful plants are grown in the garden, and that, as they say, is a completely different story ...

Basic information about the plant

Oxalis ordinary - a resident of deciduous forests middle lane Europe and Russia. it perennial, propagates in a spruce forest by creeping rhizomes. Leaves resembling butterfly wings are located low above the ground. Air tassels of flowers hover above them. Ripened seeds shoot out of the box, giving life to new plants.

The sour plant is named for its sour taste, they contain vitamin C and oxalic acid. Vitamin spring greens.

The leaves are trifoliate, there are species with four lobes, forming a circle when folded. They have a different color, due to the presence of carotenoids in the composition. In the forests grows modest Oxalis acetosella, room sour is much more decorative. AT home breeding the most common variety was purple sorrel. Many amateurs breed varieties of a different color and structure of the leaf blade.

Agrotechnics of the flower of happiness

An unpretentious flower is little susceptible to disease, but ubiquitous pests indoor plants can settle on it. But if oxalis receives proper care at home, insects are not afraid of her. According to signs, a healthy plant brings happiness to the house, A flowering bush will become a messenger of happiness if you give it to friends on Christmas.

The height of the plant does not exceed 30 cm, the leaves are large, the flowers are collected in a panicle. How to care for sour so that it always pleases? The conditions for keeping a flower are simple:

  • any window is suitable, except for the north one, but shading in the summer is mandatory;
  • temperature in summer 20-25, in winter 12-18 degrees;
  • uniform watering without excesses;
  • spraying leaves in spring and summer;
  • top dressing with complex fertilizer during flowering after 2-3 weeks;
  • dried leaves and flowers need to be removed, the plant is clean.

In the process of caring for sour at home, their own well-established techniques and methods applicable to the plant will appear.

How to ensure proper care of oxalis

If the flower does not have enough light, it will stop blooming, the leaves will turn pale and fall. Therefore, the north window is not suitable for the plant. If the care of the sour at home is good, it will look like in the photo.

Oxygen is demanding to comply water regime. The earth should not dry out, but tender plants cannot stand stagnant moisture.

Winter watering should be sparse, but not allowed to dry out. The leaves love it when droplets of soft settled water collect on them. Fertilize tender plant need little by little, using half the recommended dose.

Requirement for soil, planting capacity and plant transplantation

The root system of all Oxalis species is superficial. Therefore, you need to choose a wide planter so that the plant grows. A drainage layer is created below. Even a short-term stagnation of water in the care of room acid should not be allowed.

The soil for the indoor flower is prepared loose and neutral. It consists of equal parts:

  • turf;
  • leaf land;
  • humus;
  • peat;
  • sand.

You can buy ready-made soil for indoor plants.

How to care for an oxalis flower during transplantation and during dormancy

Purchased sour after a week of acclimatization should be transplanted into a new pot. You need to time the event by the time the plant wakes up, by early spring. Transplant a young plant into a large bowl by transshipment.

In an adult flower, you need to slightly shake off the ground and carefully pick out the old dead roots. Plant several bulbs side by side. In winter, when the plant has stopped growing and drooped, disassembly is easy. After replacing the soil in a month, the oxalis will begin to bloom.

When transplanting, the flower is easy to propagate by selecting a few nodules on the edge and planting them separately. In addition, you can take a leaf with a part of the stem and put it on rooting in water or in damp sand under the film. Roots will appear in 35-40 days.

In December, oxalis still blooms, which is why it is called the Christmas flower of happiness. But later the growth stops and the leaves wilt. It was a period of rest. The cuttings are cut, leaving stumps one and a half centimeters high. The pot is installed in a dry cellar or other room with a temperature of 12-15 degrees. During the dormant period, the plant is only watered a little, preventing the earth from drying out. Expose the acid to a bright place with the appearance of the first shoots.

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