We form a magnificent crown and meaty cakex in adenium. Adenium Growing and care at home reproduction seeds and shilling trimming why adeniode does not bloom

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An unusual appearance of adenium and addressed to its colors of comparison with a rose, lily or star - the reasons for increased interest in the plant from the African deserts. At the same time adenium, care at home for which is completely uncomplicated, very unpretentious.

Some knowledge, diligence, attention, and indoor pet will answer lush flowering. And unlimited possibilities of trimming and formation allow you to grow a truly unique copy.

Adenium has a very recognizable appearance. Thickened full-time stem, a small outlet of the dense leaves, a crowned top and large flowers of all shades from white to dense-purple.

Plants, in nature, not spoiled by the conditions of semi-deserts, adapt perfectly in the house, bloom and even allow them to experiment. Their result becomes bizarre adeniums, in shape resembling octopuses, mangrove trees or abstract green sculptures.

The secret of successful adenium care at home is simple and lies in providing the maximum of the sun, loose soil, regular, but moderate irrigation.

Temperature and air humidity for adenium

Adeniums can be called one of the most "heat-resistant" indoor plants. Comfortable for them is the temperature of 30-35 ° C. A decrease of 3-5 units does not cause discomfort, but long-term cooling of the air to 18-20 ° C causes the plant to slow down growth, abandon flowering and start preparing for the winter period of rest.

Signs of the oppressed state are noticeable and in too warm the room. The temperature of +38 ° C when careing adenium at home is often critical if the humidity of the air in the room is not high enough. Moisture helps the flower to carry the heat, but in the cold it, on the contrary, becomes the cause of problems.

The minimum permissible temperature for the adenium content in the room is +10 ° C. If the air continues to cool, significantly increases the risk of lesions of the crustacean system and its death from the posting.

For adeniums, pronounced periods of hibernation or peace are characterized when the plant:

  • partially or completely resets the leaves;
  • ceases growth;
  • does not forms new buds.

A kind of flower sign is:

  • reducing the duration of the daylight;
  • cooling to 16-20 ° C.

"Slot" helps the plant to recover and create a hop for future flowering. Therefore, the temperature of about 12-16 ° C is maintained at all of its time for adenium and radically reduced watering. It must be remembered that the plants do not endure even small frosts. As in the photo, when careing adenium at home, you can do without spraying and special measures to increase air humidity.

Adenium lighting when leaving at home

Adenium modes are universities, unlike most room plants, they do not need shading and feel the best of themselves on the southern and eastern side.

In the summer, the more sun they get, the more magnificent flowering will be, the more dense and healthier will be krone. In winter, conditions do not change, if the light is not enough, then the shadow can be partly compensated for by maintaining the temperature in the range of 15 ° C or long.

In an effort to the sun, the house adeniums lean towards the window. Return the Krone beauty by turning the flower. Over time, the stem will straighten again.

Light mode for adenium, which comes from the equatorial zone of the planet, is desirable to support close to natural values. That is, from autumn to spring, so that the plant gets light for 12-14 hours, it will be required backlight.

Soil for Adenium and its transplant

The soil mixture for adenium should be lightweight, very loose, nutritious and permeable for moisture and oxygen. Acidness level, comfortable for the plant is pH 5.5-7.

Today, there is a sufficient assortment of ready-made peat-based substrates or coconut fiber. For adenium, it will fit the soil for succulents or universal soil with the addition of loosening, structuring components.

If the soil acquired is too dense or it seems poor, mix the soil for adenium can be independently, taking:

  • 5 parts of the finished substrate;
  • 3 pieces of leaf land with high humus content;
  • 2 parts of vermiculite, river sand or perlite.

A good additive will be crushed charcoal, which can act as a natural soil component or.

In the recommendations of major producers engaged in the cultivation of adeniums, there is an indication of the substrate for this culture. Three parts of the crushed wood bark are added part of the perlite. Such a soil for adenium is perfectly passed by air and moisture, it is never compacted and can be considered universal. However, the nutrients in it are not too much, so the flower will have to think about the frequent feeding of his pet.

The same leads to the same proportion of foam balls, brick crumbs, charcoal and other bars, which are added to increase the substrate airiness.

Adenium transplant is most often spent in spring when active growth begins. The new pot should not be too big, otherwise the plant can postpone the long-awaited flowering. However, in a close container, it is difficult to achieve a harmonious form of the CAUDECS trunk.

If the cause of adenium transplant was the formation of its bizarre roots, for 5-7 days such a plant is not watered or moisturized very carefully. Healthy adeniums, for example, portable seedlings that are transferred to individual pots, can be watered as usual.

How to water adenium?

Watering mode of decorative leaving Africa depends:

  • from season;
  • from air temperature;
  • from tank pot;
  • from the soil chosen for adenium;
  • from the location of the plant and the phase of its vegetation.

In the period of active growth, the plant needs a lot of water, and the higher the temperature, the more adenium needs.

In hot weather, the soil in the pot must be a little wet. This will help the flower to maintain life activity and do not reset the flowers. No need to spray adenium.

Cooling is a faithful flower sign that watering needs to be reduced. Excess water is often caused by the disease and dying of the root system. How to water the adenium to be confident in the optimal amount of moisture?

In the summer, at a comfortable temperature, a new portion of water is needed when the top layer of the soil is completely oxide after the previous watering. In winter, in the cool room, water the flower needs to be limited when the substrate will dry completely. In the warm room and while maintaining growth, adenium is watered as usual, but somewhat less often.

Pruning and adenium formation

To make a crown thick, branched, flower products are resorted to the formation and trimming of adenium.

Often it is simply necessary, because many plants have upheld development is dominant and does not give to develop other shoots except the central one.

Removing the top activates sleeping side kidneys and starts branching. As a result of such trimming at home on adernium:

  • the amount of foliage increases;
  • larger buds;
  • crown is leveled aligned, volumetric and dense.

Usually, after trimming, more than three kidneys wake up, and the thicker cut the stem, the thicker it is formed on the edge of it "hemp".

Also, the adenium trimming at home is used to rejuvenate adult plants, some branches of which are noticeably weakened with age. It is carried out with frequency of two years, shortening shoots up to 5-8 cm.

Adenium Caudex formation

Adenium is a rare plant that allows the flower to form not only an overhead, but also the underground part. Pruning and formation of adenium caudex allows the flower to grow incredible instances.

The flower is extremely "loyal" to all human manipulations, which can bind roots, cut some of them or completely remove the bottom of the plant to grow a new root system of the specified form.

Most often on the basis of adenium, bonsai like a mangrove tree form. For this:

  • choose a desired seedler with a thick base of the stem;
  • at the plant on the site of the conjugation of the CAUDECS root cut off;
  • the resulting cutlets is again rooted in water or loose mixture of pearlitis and vermiculite.

When the plant will turn around the roots again, it is transferred to a wide pot on a light soil for adenium. Under the cutlets are put in advance the cooked round plate of tight plastic. Roots are placed and fixed to give the desired shape. Then the roots on one or two centimeters are sprinkled with soil.

After such a formation of the adenium caudex, the adenium is more frequent, we usually moderate irrigation and regular checking the position of the roots. For this, the plant is transplanted twice a year, straightening rhizomes and removing unnecessary.

Video about adenium care rules at home

There are several ways to stimulate the formation of a powerful caudex, picturesque roots, crowns, trunk.

The formation of the trunk of adeniumum


The formation of the trunk is embarking on the earliest stages of adenium growth. At home, 2-3 weekly seedlings pinpace the escape when the semi-siudolas appears. Pluck using tweezers. Growth point is removed, trying not to damage the seedlies.

The playground between the seedlines should be completely clean. As a result, the distance between the seedlines increases, the barrel is expanding, two young escape appears on the site of one.

With a successful pieceing near the central shoots, additional are formed. Paging stimulates the branching and the growth of adenium, contributes to the increase in its decorativeness.

Pruning the trunk of adeniumum

Protecting the trunk at home is used to rejuvenate adult plants. It stimulates flowering, the appearance of a large number of young shoots.

At the same time, there is a danger that branching will be too abundant, the shoots will be thinned and weak. In this case, part of the shoots are removed.

Formation of crown crown

Central and side shoots are cut off to obtain additional branching and forming a decorative crown. Without regular trimming, adenium trunk is very dragging, loses its attractiveness.

It is necessary to cut at the beginning of the growing season, preferably in hot time when all processes in the plant occur accelerated, including wound healing.

The tool is treated with alcohol, wounds - garden water. The trimming makes the painter, such a way activates sleeping kidneys, causes a rapid growth of new shoots and leaves. Additionally stimulate the branching of the main trunk of cytokinin paste. Phytoogormon cytokinin contained in the paste, "awakens" sleeping kidneys.

Methods for the formation of powerful caud

Splicing of several adeniums

Several seedlings are spliced \u200b\u200bby choosing the plants of one age with about the same growth rate. Interesting specimens are obtained by splitting adeniums with flowers of different color.

  • Seedlings are combined together and wrapped with a film.
  • Put in the ground, the bandage is periodically updated, remove it in 2 months.
  • Separate the bandage, cuts are made in places of contact.
  • Again connected adeniums, tied up with a film for 4 weeks, plants must be fighting during this time.

The soil

Fertile, enriched with organic fertilizers of the soil - an important condition for the formation of developed cage. Adenium prefers natural fertilizers, as an additive uses overwhelmed cow manure or exhaust from it.

Cutting roots

Spectacular decorative cakex form in plants using root trimming. Work is carried out regularly at each transplant, the land must be moistened, but not wet.

  • The young seedlings cut the main root and all the roots going down.
  • In the pot pounded with a hill ground, a plastic circle is put on it.
  • Sedane is installed on the circle.
  • Side roots gently straighten, fixed with wires, plastic sticks, pebbles. In the base of the seedlings, you can also put the pebbles to give the roots of bizarre outlines.
  • Scattered roots sprinkle soil.
  • The plant is defined: tied to the support using the clamp so that there are no traces of dressing.

Pruning adenium as a stage of formation of crown and caudes of plants at home - an exciting occupation, but not all flower products know how to do it right. At what age the crown and the roots of adenium is carried out? How to do it right? Transplantation Plant and simultaneous formation of Caudex. In this case, we will use the recommendations of specialists with a detailed explanation of the issues of pruning adenium and how to care for the plant after.

So, a step-by-step photo-instruction on pruning the crown and the roots of adenium. Formation of cauda and plants transplantation.

Pruning adenium crown

Before carrying out the pruning of the adenium crown, it is necessary to deal with the concept of "apical dominance". In this case, we are talking about the dominance of some sleeping kidney plants over others. As a rule, adenium is faster than the upper kidney on escape. This is caused by the distribution of hormones in the plant. Thus, the Hormones of Auxins (they are responsible for the growth of branches in the plant) are more concentrated in the upper part of the escape, while the lower part of the plant gets them to a lesser extent. With the adenium age, the concentration of auxins in the stem is aligned and it begins to branch independently without any trimming. However, that adenium began to branch independently, that is, the Auxin Hormones evenly distributed on his stalk and gave impetus to the growth of new branches from sleeping kidney, the age of the plant should exceed 4-5 years. Consequently, experts recommend pruning adenium to form a lush and beautiful crown.

Pruning adenium is needed for:

1. Forming a lush and beautiful crown.

2. Stimulating the growth of lateral branches.

3. Rejuvenation of an adult plant whose age exceeds 5-6 years, which, in turn, stimulates abundant flowering. After all, as you know, on the old branches of adenium is laid every year less and less buds. The trimming of old branches causes the growth of the young slop, and the buds appear several times more than several times, compared with old branches.

When to do adenium trimming? Many flower products are offered to do not trimmed, but the chipping of young shoots of adenium, that is, it is cut off only the top of the plant, which does not exceed 1 year. What is happening when pruning adenium up to 1 year? In most cases, 1 sleeping kidney wakes up, which is closest to the top of the top of the top. By the result, only one twig is started to develop after trimming, which replaces the cut top.

It is recommended to trim the adenium crown whose age is equal to 3-5 years. The plant should have a fairly wide causex. In this case, "wakes up" more sleeping kidney, which will result in a magnificent crown. However, there is another nuance - this is the time of trimming. It is desirable to pruning the adenium crown in the spring, but only after the flower woke up from a winter holiday and moved to the phase of active growth. If the trimming is performed in early spring, when the flower is still sleeping, then 1-2 kidneys will be wound on the stem.

It is not recommended to carry out adenium trimming in the fall and winter. At this time, the plant goes on peace or already sleeps. Side branches do not develop, and flower can die. It is not recommended to trim the young adenium (the age of the plant is 1-2 years). He only has a caudex. The size of the caudex depends on the amount of green mass of the flower. If you remove the latter, the cakex will be small.

How to do adenium pruning? Experts point to the universal way of trimming adenium - the height of the remaining cutlery should not exceed 9 cm. If you perform a trimming close to Caudex - a lot of sleeping kidneys will wake up. As a result, it turns out a lot of thin twigs, which is not very beautiful for adenium. If you cut only the top of the dominant branch (the length of the resulting cutting does not exceed 5 cm), then only replacing the twig will develop. It will grow up and trimming simply will not be noticeable.

Photo Experiment by Pruning Adenium Crown

In the photo experiment, several options for trimming adenium are considered. This manual will help the flower for forming a beautiful plant crown. So trimming was carried out by the seedlings whose age reached 3.5 years. In this case, the width of the caudex in diameter was larger than the width of the stem in diameter of 1.5-2 times.

On the first photo, the trim height was 5 cm, that is, the entire ground part of the flower was cropped. They left only a stalk, 5 cm high from the top edge of the caud. As a result, it woke up to a dozen sleeping kidney. In the process of growth, not all twigs survived, but it turned out a lush krona adenium.

In the second photo, the height of the left cutlets relative to the level of the cage was about 10 cm. As a result, about 5 sleeping kidneys woke up, which compared with the previous trimming variant is much worse. In the process of growth, some twigs died. The remaining branches cut off again, which made it possible to form an adenium magnificent crown. But this option trimming postponed the bloom of the plant for the year.

Only 5 cm of the crown of the plant removed on the third photo. As a result, only the replacing branch is developing, which stretches up. That is, if it is difficult to crop adenium at all, then the magnificent crown will not work. Only one kidney comes from which one twig develops.

The photo below shows the results of various options for trimming and forming the adenium crown.

There is another embodiment and form an adenium crown. A completely stem of the plant and the top of the cauda is cut off, that is, conduct deep trimming. As a result, very up to 15 sleeping kidneys wake up. In the process of growth, not all formed twigs survive, but the number of remaining shoots is very large, which is considered ugly for adenium.

There are several basic rules for pruning and forming the adenium crown:

2. Delete all weak shoots. Over time, they sneak themselves, but their timely removal stimulates the growth of healthy branches of the plant.

4. The number of second branches, the third and so on, the order should increase according to the geometric progression.

5. When thinning the crown of the old adhenium, slices on branches must be carried out in a sleeper kidney, which looks outside the crown. In this case, the sleeping kidney is measured 5 mm above the stalk, and the rest of the rest (what remains above) is cut.

You can not perform trimming if the plant is sick. More details about adenium diseases. Why adenium dries leaves and soft cakex?

Pruning and formation of adenium crown in photo

2 days before pruning the adenium, it is necessary to pour. This watering should be planned, you can not overcoat the flower. Explanation of this provision of things Simple: We cut off the crown of the plant, and with it and leaves. The leaves are the main agent in the process of evaporation of moisture from the flower. In the converted soil and without leaves adenium there will be nowhere to be given an excess of moisture and it can be understood.

If a transplant was conducted, then the trimming is better not to carry out at least 2 weeks after the transplant. Although many flower products are recommended to conduct a transplant, and crown trimming at the same time, it is incorrect, since many crop roots during transplantation. If at the same time remove the adenium crown, it may die.

1 step. Prepare directly the plant with which the sharp blade will also work. It in the future is better not to use anywhere, as the juice adenium is poisonous. It is also recommended to put a plant in an inaccessible plant after pruning for children and domestic animals.

2 step. Crop the adenium crown at the desired height, which was written above. The stalk, which was formed, can be rooted. Of course, the caudax in the root cutting will develop more slowly, compared with the adenium adenium from seeds, but in this way, two plants can be obtained from one plant.

3 step. The juice will begin on the cut. It is cleaned with a napkin. After the juice ceases to allocate, the location of the cut is necessarily lubricated with garden wrair or special paste. It can be purchased in a flower shop. Do not use the adenium colloidal sulfur and the integrated activated carbon. They are more suitable for roots. If used, it turns out an ugly cut, which does not heal for a long time.

Important!!! After trimming on adenium, you can wear a polyethylene package. Thus, the slice point is contained in a humid environment. This, according to specialists, stimulates wound healing and awakening sleeping kidney. To increase sleeping kidneys, you can use cytokinine paste.

Intensive branches starts between 14 to 45 days. It all depends on the conditions of the flower content.

Pruning the roots of adeniumum

In what cases is the pruning of adenium roots? This is done during the formation of Caudex, less often - when rotting the root system.

So, the most popular way to form a Caudex adenium is an octopus. In this case, the plant covers all the roots on the part of the CAUDECS, which narrows the book. If you don't want to crop the cakex and thus form the roots at adenium, you can simply raise its root system over the ground while transplanting the plants.

When is the first pruning of adenium roots? Some flower products are offered to crop the chief corona with adenium already aged 1-3 months. After removal of the central root begins to grow intensively and increase the lateral root system in the amount. Rimming her over the soil during plants transplantation, you can form a lush cakex bizarre form. But as practice shows, trim the central root of seedlings at the age of 1-3 months does not lead to anything good. In some cases, the flower begins to develop one replacing root, which will be dominated over time and the bizarre root system is not formed. But in most people, the seedlings are painfully reacting to the trimming of the central root, slow down their growth, and when improper care is discarded.

It is too late to trim the roots if adenium is already 2-3 years old. This plant is already fully formed, complete removal of the roots (if desired, form the octopus) can lead to its death. With adult adenium, you can go as follows: perform pruning its crowns (soaring kidneys are wakewicked on the stem and the lush krona is obtained). The remaining cuttings root. The rooted cutlets does not give a central root, but develops side roots. Correctly directing the latter, you can form a large caudex in the form of octopus.

It is recommended to trim the roots in the seedlings, age up to 1 year (5-6 months). Such seedlings remove either one central root, or completely the lower part of the cauda is cut, which makes it possible to form octopus.

Pruning and formation of octopus at the adenium seedlings

For the first trimming, the strong seedlings of adenium are selected, which comes up to the year, although it is possible to experiment with young seedlings to six months. In the latter case, you need to be ready for the fact that the plant will slow down its growth. Although if you take very little seedlings, which have not yet managed to properly form a central root, then the pruning will not need. Enough when transplanting, decompose the flower roots in a circle on a tight plate and pour out the ground. Over time, the roots will begin to grow and the octopus will be formed.

Photo instructions for the formation of couxes octopus at the adenium seedlings:

Important!!! Pruning adenium seedlings is carried out during the period of intensive growth. If the planting of the seed was carried out in the fall, the period of intensive growth in shoots begins in May-June, then you can cut a central root. It is not recommended to cut down simultaneously and the crown of the plant.

1 step. Seedls up to 1 year are removed from the soil. Their root system is cleaned of soil, you can rinse. It is easier to carry out trimming.

2 step. The central root at adenium is cut into sharp, sterile blade. You need to be very neat, because the juice of the plant is poisonous. Cuts are recommended to blocked up a napkin. After the juice on the cut ceases to stand out, it is poured either by molten paraffin, or sprinkled with crowded activated carbon.

3 step. It is necessary to give cuts to dry. Some do this for 3 days, but as practice shows, during this time the cuttings lose a lot of water and become sluggish. Such a landing material is rooted very badly. Specialists are recommended to dry the curved adeniums no more than a day. This is done in a dry place in the half.

4 step. The rooting of adeniums is carried out in the perlite, which is well moistened. Pre-in perlite you need to put a piece of plastic cut out with a circle. Adeniums put on it and poured soil.

Important!!! The top layer of the soil, where the adenium is located on a plastic circle, very quickly dries. It must be regularly wetted from the pulverizer.

Adenium after trimming put on a sunny place. The temperature of the content must be within +25 ... + 30 degrees. The higher the plant content temperature, the less likelihood of reloading the slice location. It is not necessary to organize the greenhouse over the seedlings. It is enough to spray them with warm water 1-2 times a day.

Fur after trimming begin to grow after 1 month. Adenium is removed from the perlit. You can notice tightly confused roots, which, with the right approach, grow in a circle. They are unraveling, weak roots are cut. So that the adenium roots grow in the right direction, the plant returns back to the plastic circle, while the root system is slightly raised over the soil. Between the roots, you can put pieces of foam or fasten the roots in the desired direction with the toothpicks.

Succulents may not just be unprofitable "fattech" - residents of rocky gardens. Some of them are awesome plants with bright expressive colors. Set a fabulous tree on your windowsill, covered with many small pink colors, - adenium. Call adenium still a rose desert or a star of Sabinia, the Imparal Lilia.

A little known until recently, adenium has won wide popularity among flower water due to its exotic appearance and ease of care. Tender, delightful flowers, covering the crown of the tree, are able to cause admiration for anyone.

It is known about 50 types of adenium, in nature there are copies of up to several meters in height! In detailed flower growing, one species is common - adeniosis fat, quite similar to bonsai. However, the adenium does not have to mess around with adenium: the tree itself takes bizarre forms, such an attractive look, only a little demanding trimming and quinting.

How to care for adenium at home

Caring for adenium is simple as possible, so no primroids will need to remember. A beginner flower descender or an amateur "with experience", everyone will appreciate the unpretentiousness of the flower. The main features of the agrotechnology is easy to remember, we will tell you more about them in the article.


Adenium loves a lot of light, so the southern windows are the best place where you can settle exotic. Only with the occurrence of hot summer, when the rays of the sun becomes especially burning, the plant is transferred to the eastern or western windowsill so that burns do not appear on the trunk and leaves.


In warm summer days, when the air temperature reaches 25-30 ° C, adenium feels great. When autumn occurs, when the air temperature is reduced, and the day is shortened, the plant slowly joins at rest. Therefore, with the arrival of winter, it is desirable to maintain this state by defining the adenium into a cool room, where there will be about 12-15 ° C heat, but not lower than + 10 ° C.

How to water adenium

Considering that adenium is succulent, you should not cry with watering. The plant has a property of accumulating moisture in its fleshy tissues. Therefore, let's dry a little on the top layer of the Earth so that adenium felt comfortable. Especially such a watering regime will enjoy lazy flowers, which recall the existence of homemade green pets only at the weekend.

In the summer, when the plant is actively increasing the green mass, watering can be done more often, but little by little, so as not to replete the earth. During the period of watering, it is minimized, only occasionally moistened to prevent the drying of the Earth in the pot.

Air humidity

Air humidity in the apartment is quite sufficient for the active development of adenium. In the spring, before the start of flowering, speaks well on spraying from the pulvelizer. If the spraying pattern appears, it is necessary to stop: it can provoke the appearance of rot, therefore it is better not to risk.

What to fertilize adeniums for better growth

In a flower shop, a comprehensive fertilizer for succulents is sold. It is advisable to acquire it and fertilize the plant in spring, during the period of active growth. The main elements in which the plant needs to grow and develop, the embedding of floral kidneys, is phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen. The main thing is not to overdo and comply with the recommendations specified by the manufacturer of drugs.

Remember, "cobbled" succulents are capable of increasing the mass of the barrel, reducing the volume and duration of flowering. Therefore, feed no more than two times a month, and strictly according to the instructions.

Soil for adeniumum

In order not to arrange yourself and the plant test, it is best to purchase a ready-made soil for, which has the necessary characteristics on physical and chemical parameters. The soil should be loose, well drained and nutritious.

Why yellow leaves from adenium?

If the lower sheets are yellowers in the fall or in winter, it is not worthwhile: it is a sign that the succulent entered during peace and drops extra sheets to make it easier to move the "hibernation".

If the problem is seen in spring-summer, when the plant is in the active phase, pay attention to the conditions of its content. This may be a sign of supercooling, ingressing on a draft or insufficient watering.

Adenium transplantation

Young adeniums are actively growing, quickly exhaust the supply of nutrient elements in the ground, occupy the whole area allocated to them, so rooting becomes closely. Therefore, in the spring, from March to May, the succulents transplanted into a more spacious pot, trying to gently partially replace the soil.

By the way, do not forget that succulents after the transplant categorically impossible to water. Wait a couple of days, let the damaged roots get angry and tightened the wounds, then neatly, gradually, resume watering.

Pages, trimming and formation of adenium adenium video

If you wish to get a unique branching mini-tree crown, do not be lazy to engage in it with a piece and pruning. Crimping aims to form crown and stimulating branching. The quotient pursues the same goals, it is carried out from seeders derived from seeds.

How to form roots at adenium

Consider that Adenium roots greatly grow up, why gradually the plant is supplanted over the surface of the Earth. If the roots have risen more than 1-2 cm above the ground, you need to urgently cut them. For this, the plant is released from the pot, cut off the side roots, and transplanted into a deeper pot.

About the seeding seedlings and pruning adenium roots will tell the video:

Adenium reproduction at home

Adenium can be propagated by seeds and stalling.

Adenium from seeds

You can plant one by one in peat cups or even soak on a marlay until we germinate, and then carefully fall into the nutrient soil.

Young seedlings are actively growing and speak well on watering and full light. The air temperature should not be descended below 14 ° C or rise above 30 ° C.

When plants become closely in temporary cups, they are neatly transplanted along with a lounge ground for a permanent place, shortening the central root to stimulate the development of side roots.

How to grow adenium from seeds video:

The advantage of growing adenium from seeds is that adult plants will have a caudax - a characteristic thickening at the bottom of the central stem. Saplings obtained by stalling do not have such thickening.

The reproduction of adenium cuttings

The fastest and easiest way to multiply adenium is to root the top cuttings cut-off with a length of 10-15 cm.

Before the disembarkation in the place of the cut, you need to sprinkle with crowded charcoal (or activated) and give to dry up to the formation of a dry dry skin. After that, planted in a slightly wet soil, but do not watered. Only after two or three days it will be carefully occasionally to moisten the earth with a pulvelizer and renew watering only noticing the growth of new shoots.

Pruning adenium adeniums is very interesting and, often, unpredictable plants. You can sow seeds of one species, even from one pod, but to get the seedlings significantly different from each other. The shape of the leaves, color and size of the caud, branching the root or green part. Yes, branching is also a genetic feature. Some "kids" can from birth to give two or three points of growth, others - stubbornly will raise one. And even the trimming helps not always. So, the general rules: 1. Any trimming should be made no earlier than spring. Without a bright sun and a long daylight, a great chance that adenium will give one leading escape. 2. Adenium juice poisonous. True, even if you teeth bite the top of the branches, the maximum that we will experience the creepy bitterness, from which it will be very difficult to get rid of. But this juice is excellent oxidized metal blades. 3. The wounds do not necessarily process something, but if there is a large amount of juice, it is worthwheeling with a napkin to avoid ugly flows. 4. The lower the cut line is, the more kidneys can wake up. 5. Cropped adenium drinks less water, especially if he has few leaves left. Be careful. 6. Cropped seedlings need to be put on the lightest place, it will stimulate the development of the kidneys. 7. There is an opinion that the trimming of the seedlings is laying their flowering. I do not know how much you can compare such experience, however, many vaccinations, even after serious trimming, do not cease to score buds if the conditions are suitable. They produce them from lateral kidneys, together with the first leaves. 8. If only one wakes up from several branches of adenium, it needs to be cut below the rest, it should stimulate the development of the kidneys. 9. Any feeding after trimming must proceed from the rule: nitrogen stimulates the growth of green mass, but also lengthens the distances between the leaves. Therefore, you need to choose those where N (nitrogen) is less than other substances, or as much. Better first to do with stimulants, waiting for 2-3 pairs of leaves. 10. All adeniums are wanted in different ways after trimming. By time it may take about 10 days. Let us turn to a detailed consideration. Item 1. Cutting seedlings from 2.5 to 4 months. After one old video from Taiwan, where, during the transplant, a two-way trimming of young adeniums was made, many began to remove the growth point and the central root among seedlings under the age of four months. It is believed that such a procedure makes it possible to obtain plants that will actively branch and have a beautiful root, avoiding the problems of non-welltic scars. Let's consider this procedure more. What are the advantages of early growth point ink? 1. You can really get a beautiful branching already on young seedlings. 2. The scar from such a cut will be absolutely impaired. What are minuses? 1. Little seedlings very often do not pull the development of such a number of branches, therefore, only one, replacing the escape, is normally growing. 2. The simultaneous crew of the crown and the root will seriously brake the development of adenium. 3. Abundant branching from the very birth, according to the experience of some masters, leads to the fact that the seedman grows slower and later blooms. Paragraph 2. Protecting plants from 1 year. The larger the adenium, the higher the chance to get abundant branching after trimming. The height on which it needs to be carried out is personal preference for everyone. There are those who like to form adenium as trees. And there are lovers of classic forms. For different purposes, different ways can be approached: 1. If the adenium is already branched, but one of the branches is developing much faster, suppressing the growth of the others, then it can be "blinded" - please root or pull out the most painshk. 2. If you do not want abundant branch (no more than 2 branches), but you want to shorten a sighter, then a slice at an angle is perfect - from one sheet to another. As a rule, after such trimming, 1-2 kidneys begin to develop, next to which the section was carried out. After a while, the scar disappears almost completely. 3. If you want abundant branching from the CAUDECS level, you need to make a deep facing, leaving a small margin in case only one kidney will be wanted from the first time. The cut is better to do directly. 4. One of the interesting ways to trim, to obtain two points of growth, is cutting in the center of the small wedge barrel. This experiment has happened by chance - the result of unsuccessful vaccination. Finally, I want to say: there are adenium, which, even after multiple trim, is stubbornly growing only one branch. In this case, the vaccination "Sam-Owl" can help. A paint stalk is given in the main trunk of the Wedge, or in the CaudEx itself under the drill. There is also a variant with cytokinin paste, but on adeniums it gives a completely unpredictable result. Very often, the processed kidneys are inflated, becoming the size of the pea and this is stopped by photo: 1-2 - trimming seedlings aged 2.5 months. 3-4 - result. Some branches remained underdeveloped, but the scar completely disappeared 5 - if the adenium is inclined to branch, he branches himself, but one escape, most often, leading. 6-7 - pruning large adeniums almost always ends with a lush branch. But, if there is little light (7 photos), the branches rarely happens more than 2nd 8-9- when trimming from one sheet to another (oblique cut), the scar can disappear almost completely, even on an adult seedlings 10 - formation under the "tree" . During trimming, only the growth point was damaged. Author of the article and photo Nastya Volkov

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