What to plant in the pond. Selecting and caring for aquatic plants for your garden pond

Landscaping and layout 06.06.2019
Landscaping and layout

Admire the reflection of the sun's rays on the water surface, watch insects and amphibians, just relax in a cool corner by the water ... What could be better, especially if all this is in own garden.

Most often, it is the aesthetic pleasure that prompts the owners garden plots equip. But the garden pond also has a practical purpose.

It allows you to create an ecosystem that promotes better vegetation for both trees and garden crops... Moreover, the presence of a reservoir excludes leaching of the fertile soil layer.

But all these advantages are possible only in one case - if the pond is as if it was created by nature. What kind of body of water is it?

"Alive", in which small aquatic animals and plants feel good. By the way, it is the plants that create that unique ecological environment that allows the water to always remain clean. Biological equilibrium is maintained due to the saturation of water with oxygen, the decomposition of unnecessary impurities and the elimination of decay processes.

If a fish lives in the reservoir, then the plants will help it to overwinter.

What kind of plants does a pond need?

For a normal natural balance in a garden pond, certain types of aquatic plants are needed.

They are conventionally classified into deep-sea, waterfowl, oxygen generators (plants that purify the water in the pond from carbon dioxide) and coastal.

They all interact with each other and perform a specific role. And if at least one plant species is missing from this chain, it will be almost impossible to create the necessary balance.

Plants for water

Aquatic plants for a pond that are directly in the water.

Deep sea

These are plants whose roots are at a depth of 30 cm to a meter.

The most common deep-sea plants are water lily, egg capsule, lotus, aponogeton, nymphaean and others. The leaves of these plants float to the surface. But most of all, flowers of amazing beauty attract the eye.

In the photo nymphaean

Most often used:

  1. Water lily- perhaps the most common flower of this species. Its other name is water lily. Water lily rhizomes are thick, creeping, rich in starch. Today, about 35 types of these flowers are known, most of from which they are artificially derived. More often there is a snow-white water lily, an inhabitant of natural reservoirs and therefore the most resistant to changes in climate and growing conditions. These water lilies bloom from May until frost. The flowers have a delicate pleasant aroma, and the leaves reach 20 cm in length. For abundant flowering, water lilies need a sunny location.
  2. Aponogeton Is another beautiful water flower. True, unlike a water lily, its tubers will have to be brought into a room protected from frost for the winter. This is because aponogeton is an inhabitant of water bodies of tropical and subtropical countries. It can be planted at the bottom of the reservoir when the water warms up enough and the spring frosts have passed. The optimum depth is up to 50 cm. Water hawthorn blooms (by the way, this is the second name more common among gardeners) in spring and early summer. The flowers are large: white, pink or yellow color with a distinct vanilla smell. When planting aponogeton in a reservoir, areas with straight lines should be avoided. sunbeams. Best option for this plant - partial shade.
  3. Nympheanicunpretentious plant for a reservoir. Miniature leaves are similar to water lily leaves, but yellow flowers rather resemble buttercups. It tolerates winter well and grows quickly, therefore, in garden ponds, it should be controlled by removing unnecessary shoots. Blooms from July to September, subject to placement in the sunny area of ​​the reservoir. It is better to plant nymphs to a depth of 60 cm.

Aquatic plants

A special place in the pond is occupied by waterfowl plants. Their roots do not need soil, they float freely and multiply on the surface of the water.

But, when settling such plants in your own artificial reservoir, it should be borne in mind that they are quite aggressive and capable of filling the entire surface of the water. However, it is probably impossible to do without waterfowl at all. Their main purpose is to protect water from direct sunlight.

In the photo vodokras

For small reservoirs, you should not choose duckweed, it grows too quickly. But water paint, telorez and salvinia are ideal.

Oxygenerating plants

Oxygen generator plants saturate water with oxygen by absorbing harmful carbon dioxide.

It is thanks to this process that the water space will be protected from pollution and overgrowth with mud.

Interestingly, oxygen generators are almost always invisible, they are hidden under water, but their role is extremely important. The most common among such representatives of the aquatic flora are:

  1. Hornwort lives in a pond with slowly flowing water. It develops quickly in warm water, and by autumn it almost completely dies off. Only the tops of the shoots sink to the bottom, where they hibernate. To populate a pond with hornwort, you just need to throw its cuttings into the water.
  2. Swamp girl- a wonderful algae for shallow water bodies. Its delicate stems resemble cereals, they grow all over the bottom. Therefore, in artificial ponds, it is most often grown in special containers. The swamp is frost-resistant and does not require maintenance.
  3. grows in any body of water - both with stagnant water and with a fast current. The plant is planted to a depth of 1.5 meters, it tolerates winter well and does not require maintenance.

Kabomba - beautiful and unusual

Coastal plants

Plants that are planted around the pond can be divided into two groups - those that grow in shallow water and those that are used to decorate the shore.

The first ones are obligatory for the reservoir. The most popular coastal plants are calamus, swamp, water pine, reed, forget-me-not, sedge, cattail, reed, marigold, buttercup and others.

How is the plant used in the design of summer cottages, especially breeding and pest control. Details in our material.

Meadow bluegrass for your lawn is a choice you will not regret. on how to choose seeds, prepare the area for a lawn and plant a plant.

Most often used:

  1. Calamus- unpretentious shallow water plant. It is often used in pond landscaping to add vertical lines to the composition. All plant parts contain essential oil with a characteristic aroma. The rhizome of the plant is brittle, but each part gives rise to new growth. It can be planted in spring or summer to a depth of 15 cm.
  2. (often also called "tail") - an unpretentious plant of the coastal zone. Its stem is single, up to half a meter in height, and the roots are creeping. The plant perfectly cleans water from decomposed organic residues, and also removes unpleasant odors. But it is growing rapidly.
  3. Sedge- a plant that today occupies a special place in the landscape design of reservoirs. There are more than 2 thousand species of sedge, which have different characteristics and are able to adapt to different climatic conditions. Ornamental species of this plant are able to give the reservoir a unique appearance. The plant is propagated by dividing the rhizomes, planted directly by the water. In winter, sedge leaves die off, and roots hibernate in the soil without shelter.

Waterpine - coniferous in your pond

And, finally, decorative moisture-loving plants can be planted near the shore of the reservoir. Their roots should not be in water, but such plants do not tolerate drought either.

Many moisture-loving plants bloom beautifully, so the reservoir in different time can look smart and well-groomed.

Moisture-loving plants include loosestrife, various irises, astilbe, comfrey, ferns, etc.

The video covers the main aquatic plants that are used for the artificial pond.

Daylilies by the pond are beautiful and bright

Features of planting plants in a pond

It is better to plant plants starting from the deepest zone. Initially, the number of plants should be determined.

We repeat that it is important that representatives of all four of the above groups are present in the reservoir - deep-water, oxygen generators, floating and coastal plants.

You should not plant the plants too densely, because they will grow anyway. Optimal if you count ½ m2 per plant... In addition, it is desirable that representatives of the flora occupy no more than two-thirds of the entire reservoir.

It is convenient to plant deep-sea plants in special containers. No containers are needed for waterfowl. When choosing plants, you should adhere to a certain decorative idea.

If placement is planned near the water, then tall plants should not be placed in this part of the reservoir.

They should be in the background, creating a beautiful backdrop for other, perhaps decorative foliage or flowering flora.

Plants around the pond in the country

Care features

To care for the pond, you will need a certain set of gardening tools - pond shears, pruning shears, a landing net and tongs. First of all, caring for plants consists in the timely cleansing of the reservoir from dying parts of plants.

Yellowed or browned leaves deeply aquatic plants should be cut off. To do this, the pond shears are lowered 20 cm below the water, and the cut leaf is removed with a net.

It is especially important to clean the surface of the water in the spring - when there is a lot of pollen, dry scales and catkins, as well as in the fall, when foliage falls from trees and shrubs.

Leaves and stems of shallow-water plants should not be cut off before winter, because they are half-dried, they are an excellent conductor of oxygen under the ice. But in the spring, these stems should be removed to make the pond look attractive.

Knowing the peculiarities of planting plants for a reservoir and knowing how to take care of them, you can create a wonderful corner in your own garden. It will delight the owners and guests of the estate for a long time, will become a picturesque natural accent, attracting to itself at any time of the year. Everyone can create beauty.

See how cozy and pleasant your own garden can be!

The pond is not a flower garden, and the overabundance of plants is much more obvious here. Therefore, you should not buy the entire range of aquatic plants in order to ennoble the pond. You need to choose and plant them wisely.

Plant selection rules

Ponds are different: large and small, natural and artificial, with clay or rocky banks, with or without fish. But what no body of water on a backyard can do without is without ornamental aquatic plants.

However, before ennobling the pond with plants, you need to have a good idea of ​​how it should look. It is important to consider the main decorative elements in advance, you can even sketch your "perfect pond" on paper. Once you have a well-formed idea for the decor, you can plant a pond with plants. The main thing in this business is not to overdo it and not turn it into a shop window.

All aquatic plants can be divided into 5 groups:

  • deep sea,
  • oxygenators,
  • floating,
  • shallow,
  • coastal.

You can read more about which plants are included in these groups. It is desirable that plants from all of these groups are present in the pond, since each of them is responsible for certain functions.

If the pond is very small, on initial stage it will be enough to plant 2-3 aquatic plants in it. Into the big pond it is not recommended to plant more than 5-7 specimens. Moreover, the choice should be made in favor of the most unpretentious perennials... Later, when the pioneer plants take root and get stronger, you can add a few more capricious or even exotic species to them.

Plants for a small pond

Aquatic plants for a small reservoir should also be selected as miniature ones. These should be species whose growth and reproduction can be easily controlled. As a central plant, you can choose marigold- she will play small pond the same role that a water lily plays in large ones. Floating plants will do duckweed or pemphigus... Just remember that the duckweed needs to be thinned out from time to time.

Suitable for shallow water small bedhead or sedge... The latter plant also looks good in the coastal zone, as it allows you to visually enlarge the boundaries of the pond. The ideal plant for the shores of a mini-pond is loosestrife: it can grow into neat yellow-green rugs. And alpine slides look very interesting in the coastal zone.

Plants for big pond

The queen of the big pond is, of course, water lily... However, among the deep-sea plants, there are other, no less interesting specimens, for example pdest and turcha... Suitable for shallow water arrowhead, sedge, cattail and umbellate susak... The latter plant fits especially well in large ponds due to its huge inflorescences. The shore will be decorated Siberian iris or hosts.

Do not plant the Umbelliferae in a small pond - with this plant it will seem even smaller.

If in the future fish appear in the pond, then it is worth settling a predator from the world of flora in it - pemphigus... She will gladly "eat up" the remains of their food for the fish.

Pond zoning

To make the pond look solid, you need to select plants for it taking into account the depth. In total, 5 main zones are distinguished in the reservoir:

  • deep water zone,
  • shallow water,
  • swampy area,
  • wet area,
  • coastal zone.

Deep sea zone. The deepest part of the pond is intended for planting plants that take root in the ground at the bottom. The selection of deep-sea plants must be taken very seriously, as they adorn the very center of the pond and are its key elements. Usually those aquatic plants that can grow at a depth of 40 cm to 3 m are planted here.

Those aquatic crops, the leaves and flowers of which are visible on the surface, look best in the center of the pond. The most famous of these plants is the water lily (nymphea, water lily). It is recommended to plant no more than 2 deep-water plants per square meter of pond.

It is also advisable to settle plants in the pond that float freely on the surface of the water surface, without fixing themselves in the ground. These include, pistia, duckweed and water hyacinth... If you want these plants not to "clump together", but to be in a certain place, they can be fixed with the help of some kind of improvised "anchor".

Oxygenator plants are also planted in the deep-sea zone. Most often these are algae, which are completely hidden under water and are capable of releasing oxygen. It is very important to have these plants in the pond where the fish live. Elodea, hornwort and other oxygenators are also good because underwater animals often find shelter in these underwater thickets.

Shallow water. This zone of the pond is from 10 to 40 cm deep. Plants are planted here, the roots of which are in the water (or in swampy soil), and top part visible on the surface. Grow well in shallow water sedge, cattail and sitnik.

Swampy area. This is an area where the water height does not exceed 10 cm.Plants are planted here that are very fond of moist soil ( aquilegia , astilba , loosestrife). But if the water level changes slightly from time to time, it’s not scary. Most of the plants in the bog zone are adapted to this phenomenon.

Wet and coastal areas. These sections of the pond are often combined into one, since it is sometimes difficult to draw a border between them. In moist soil, moisture-loving garden flowers grow well ( calla, iris), which will be able to transfer temporary heating in case of emergency.

A dry area is intended for any garden plants that we are used to seeing in flower gardens and flower beds. But the main thing is not to overdo it with them: if you plant too many plants along the shore of the reservoir, then over time they will close the pond. In addition, the water in a shaded pond will warm up worse.

Shore plants are best placed on one side of the pond. Usually they are planted to a depth of 15 cm (planting density - 2-3 pcs per 1 sq. M).

Planting methods for aquatic plants

There are 2 ways to plant aquatic plants in a pond:

  • directly into the ground,
  • into containers.

Each of these options has its own pros and cons. Find out what they are.

Landing in the ground

Pros. Planting plants in a permanent place makes it easier to green a pond with a high bank.

Minuses. If you find that you have planted a plant in the wrong place, replanting it will take a long time. To extract such plants from the pond for wintering, they will have to be dug up each time and transplanted into containers.

Landing features. If you want to achieve the effect " wild pond ", then the plants should be planted in the reservoir directly into the ground. For this, a layer of soil about 20-30 cm thick should be laid out on the bottom of the container (or on the section of the pond intended for planting).

The soil for planting aquatic plants is not very fertile. The ideal is a substrate made up of loamy soil, fine sand (sifted) and peat in a ratio of 7: 2: 1. If it is not possible to make up the soil mixture yourself, you can take the usual purchased soil for aquatic plants, which is easy to find in specialized gardening stores.

It is worth planting aquatic plants in the pond immediately after purchase. Like any other plant, pond species are best planted in cloudy weather to thrive. After planting, it is recommended to sprinkle the soil surface with a layer of gravel. Then, when the pond is filled with water, soil particles will not float to the surface. It will also protect the plant roots from fish.

If you do not want to fill the entire pond with soil, the plants can be planted in "film pockets". These are artificial planting pits filled with substrate. The advantage of this planting method is that you yourself can adjust the depth and width of the "island" with soil (depending on the curtain to be planted). In addition, with the help of such planting holes, it is easier to limit the growth of aggressive species. Artificial planting holes should also be covered with a layer of gravel.

Landing in containers

Pros. Thanks to container plantings, the design of the pond can be constantly changed by moving the pots of plants from one place to another. In addition, it is good to plant species in containers that grow very quickly: planting in pots limits their growth. Plants in containers can be easily removed from the pond and sent for wintering - they do not need to be dug out, you just need to get the container with the root system out of the pond.

Minuses. The soil in containers is depleted over time, so plants can start to "starve", as a result of which they will become less blooming. In a small pond, containers can be visible to the naked eye and must be masked. And you also need to know that some fish (for example, carps) like to break the ground in baskets with aquatic plants.

Landing features. For container plants, you first need to find a suitable container. Ordinary pots can be used, but as a rule, all kinds of garden containers, including plastic baskets, are used. Horticultural centers usually have a large assortment of these trellis containers that are specially designed for planting pond plants. It is worth choosing boxes with large cells so that the roots of the plants are subsequently well washed with water.

To prevent soil from washing out through large holes, the bottom of the basket container can be covered with a piece of burlap. Next, a small layer of pebbles should be poured on it (to make the container heavier and protect the soil from washing out). After that, the basket should be half filled with soil for aquatic plants or a substrate of loamy soil, fine sand and peat (7: 2: 1).

To plant a plant in a prepared container, it must be carefully removed from the container in which it was sold. After transplanting the plant, it must be watered and sprinkled with the rest of the earth. At the same time, it is not worth tamping the soil too much. You can protect it from washing out from above with the help of the same pebbles. The pebbles should be laid in a layer of about 4 cm. After that, the container with the plant can be immersed in the pond.

The sequence of planting aquatic plants in the pond

It is best to plant aquatic plants from early April to mid-July.

  • Deep-sea plants are placed first in the pond - oxygenators, which need to be planted one bunch per 1 sq. m. If you are placing plants in containers in a pond, then they should be placed at the same distance from each other.
  • When the water in the pond warms up to a temperature of 18-20 ° C, everyone's beloved can be planted in it. water lilies... Also at the same time it is worth starting to launch floating plants. They will shade the pond a little while the water lilies are just starting to reveal their gorgeous big leaves.
  • When the pond is populated, you can start disembarking plants on the shore.

By correctly planting your plants in a pond, you will not only create a beautiful body of water, but also save yourself the hassle in the future. This does not mean that you will not need to care for aquatic plants at all, but it will be much easier to do.

When choosing plants for the shores of reservoirs, you should pay attention to representatives of botanical groups who prefer moist soils for growth. Exists various plants for the shore of the pond, many of them have useful properties. This review presents plants for decorating the banks of the pond, which can be grown even by not very experienced growers.

The beauty of the reservoir ultimately depends on the design of the banks. Plants intended for the design of the coastal zone of an artificial reservoir or stream should correspond to the reservoir in size and fit well into the composition; among the many suitable ones, it is worth choosing those that are decorative from spring to late autumn and do not require serious care. Film or rigid plastic mold the banks reliably protect the soil from water poured into a pond or stream, therefore, in principle, it is possible to plant any plants here, not only those that need high soil moisture, but it is worth planting only those species that create the correct impression of water. For example, bright tulips, dahlias or gladioli on the shore of a landscape style pond contradict the impression of it, they do not look harmonious and natural here. To the place will be not only those that adorn the banks of a pond, swamp or stream, but also garden plants originally from other parts the globe that look logical near the water and enhance the impression of it. If the garden pond is not very large, try to use not species plants for planting on the shore or in shallow water, but varieties and garden forms, they are not only more interesting, but also less tall.

Names and photos of plants for the design of the reservoir

The following are the names and photos of plants for reservoirs, which can be used when decorating the banks. We list some of the plants for decorating a reservoir, they all love moist soil during the growing season, but require dry wintering. You can see plants for reservoirs in the photo, which illustrate examples of successful ones.

Astilba - (Astilbe)

Astilba (Astilbe) is now at the height of garden fashion, although its current popularity has gained quite recently. There are about 300 luxurious varieties of hybrid astilbe belonging to several main groups:

Photo gallery

And the novelties of breeding can no longer be attributed to any of these groups.

Astilbe is winter-hardy, not capricious, happy with life on any garden soil.

Their only requirement is constant sufficient humidity during the growing season and, as a consequence of this, the possibility of growing in places with a high level groundwater, near natural streams and reservoirs. Light partial shade is the best place for their life; on moist soil they will feel good and in full sun. Blooming in the sun is more magnificent and brighter than in the shade, but ends faster. There are types and varieties of astilbe that tolerate dry soils.

The elastic stems of astilbe do not break in the wind, even in the pouring rain, their wet panicles do not lie on the ground, but gracefully hang. Leaves on long petioles are good, strong, beautifully carved, most often dark green, sometimes light green, reddish-green or bronze. These wonderful plants that adorn the garden for long period, is a florist's dream and a godsend for a garden designer.

The stems of this perennial are erect, the height, depending on the species and variety, is from 20 cm to 2 m. Small flowers, white, pink, salmon, lilac, red or purple, collected in paniculate inflorescences of various lengths and shapes. The flowering time of various varieties is from late June to September.

Every year, new buds form in the upper part of the rhizome, the vertical growth is 3-5 cm per year, and the lower part gradually dies off, therefore mulching is necessary, which creates favorable conditions for wintering, covering new buds, mulch retains moisture and looseness of the soil, prevents the appearance of weeds ... V favorable conditions astilbe grows rapidly. Usually they are divided every 5-6 years, but they can grow in one place for up to 20 years and bloom profusely if they are fertilized and mulched annually.

Highlander - (Polygonum)

This plant has changed its Latin name several times, now it belongs to the genus Polygonum, although it is sometimes found under the name Persicaria. Botanical scientists argue that it is necessary to name him with an emphasis on the last syllable, for a highlander with an emphasis on the first syllable is a man from the mountains, they are probably right, but I have never heard of him being called in this way.

Most familiar to us highlander serpentine (P. bistorta), or cancerous necks, often found in wet places in the nature near Moscow. It is a perennial 70-100 cm high with pink cylindrical long inflorescences, blooming in June, growing well in the sun and in partial shade on moist soils. There is a variety "Superbum" with especially large inflorescences.

Highlander kindred (P. affine)- an excellent ground cover plant with dark pink inflorescences 30 cm high, it has several good varieties that differ in the height and color of the inflorescence - pink, pink-red, salmon-pink. Highlander blooms starting in June for three months. Prefers shade, but grows well in the sun, drought-resistant, does not tolerate stagnation, winter-hardy, but can suffer in snowless winters, preferably preventive shelter for the winter with spruce branches.

Perhaps the most impressive highlander stalk (R. amplexicaule), a plant with a height of 70-100 cm with inflorescences different colors depending on the variety: white, bright red, dark red, pink, dark purple. Blooms from mid-July to late August. Particularly good variety "Firetail" 90 cm high with bright red, flying up, slender inflorescences.

Darmera - (Darmera peltata)

More recently, this plant was called peltiphyllum thyroid (Peltiphyllum peltatum), now his name is Darmera. It is a decoratively stable perennial with beautiful large round leaves up to 50 cm in diameter, which rise above the ground on strong thick petioles up to 90 cm long.A peduncle 50-60 cm long appears before leaves in May, small pale pink flowers collected in a shield up to 12 cm, they look very delicate. If the plant falls under spring frosts, then it will not bloom this season.

This perennial has a powerful, rather thick, knotty rhizome located near the soil surface. Darmera (Darmera peltata) prefers loose, moist, fertile soils, hygrophilous, but does not tolerate stagnant waters. Winter hardy, like all plants with a superficial rhizome, loves mulching. In partial shade, it can grow on any buds without any care for many years.

To decorate the spring picture between the roots of the peltiphyllum, it is good to plant spring small-bulbous plants, as well as daffodils, primroses and other plants blooming at this time. The autumn coloration of the Darmera is unusually good.

Flowers and plants near the reservoir

When planted correctly, the flowers near the pond create a beautiful view and fill the air with a magnificent scent. For planting, plants near a reservoir are grouped according to their botanical characteristics.

Derbennik - (Lythrum)

Loosestrife willow (L. salicaria), or plakun-grass, is an inhabitant of our swamps, flood meadows, roadside ditches and swamps. This perennial is ubiquitous in the Moscow region, from nature it is not difficult to bring it into the garden, where it will grow well on wet and on ordinary soil. Its root system is powerful, but not deep, so it is easy to remove it from the swampy soil.

The specific plant is a straight bush up to one and a half meters high, blooming in June - August. Its lanceolate green leaves are similar to those of a willow tree. Very good dense vertical ears, consisting of star-shaped purple small (up to 1 cm in diameter) flowers. Loosestrife (Lythrum) is an excellent honey plant, it is loved not only by bees, but by bumblebees and butterflies. This species has several varieties, differing in height and shade of flowers, for my taste the best of them "Robert" is about a meter high.

Another winter-hardy species is also interesting - loosestrife (L.virgatum), which differs from the previous type in more compact proportions (height 120 cm) and more bright flowers... Its inflorescences are more rare, but the flowers are more intensely colored. There are several varieties in various shades of crimson-pink. Blooms in June - August.

Derbenniki grow well in the sun and in partial shade, are unpretentious, tolerate drying out, but prefer moist and rich soil. They tolerate stagnant waterlogging well, but only in the summer. They live without rejuvenation for many years.

Derbenniki are valued for their long, abundant flowering; they look amazingly organic near water bodies.

Deschampsia, pike - (Deschampsia)

The Russian name of this cereal is rustic - pike, sometimes it is called a meadow, but Latin is quite euphonic - deshampsia (Deschampsia)... This perennial forms dense bushes, hummocks, consisting of thin, long, dark green wintering leaves, a "skirt" with a diameter of 1-1.5 m and a height of about 40 cm. In June - July, shoots with a height of 20 to 120 cm appear above them (depending on the variety) with graceful spreading panicles and small shiny spikelets, green, yellowish or pale purple, taking on a straw color as they mature. It looks like a transparent waving cloud.

All pikes are unpretentious and long-lived plants, growing well on a variety of soils, preferring moist ones, in the sun and in partial shade, in full shade they hardly bloom.

Leaving deshampsia practically is not required, except for pruning. It should be done in early spring, before the young leaves begin to grow back, if you forget about this operation, you will get a gray tussock, not very neat until the young leaves grow back and cover the old ones.

The varieties of this plant differ from each other in the height of the stems, the shades of the spikelets and the length of the leaves, but they do not differ much, nuancedly, therefore, if you do not consider yourself a collector of these cereals, you may well limit yourself to one variety. The pike is especially effective in late summer and autumn, covered with dew or frost.

Molinia - (Molinia)

Molinia (Molinia) quite recently began to be used in Russian garden design, although it possesses undoubted merits: beautiful shape bush, graceful inflorescences, cold resistance and unpretentiousness.

Two types of it are used in the garden.

Moliniya blue (M. caerulea)- a perennial with a height of 40 to 150 cm, depending on the variety, growing in a non-spreading hummock. Stems are erect, leaves are flat, narrow (from 3 to 10 mm).

Especially effective in late summer and autumn during flowering due to spreading panicles, consisting of purple spikelets. The plant is a soloist, its original appearance invariably attracts attention.

Green-leaved varieties of molin are distinguished by the spreading of the bush and its height. Any of them is a miracle how good and unusually graceful. Curious is its variegated form (M. caerulea var variegate) 40-50 cm high with longitudinal yellowish-cream stripes on the leaves.

Reed molinia (M. arundinacea) stronger, more powerful and more architectural. Grain with bushy growth up to 2 m high, with much wider leaves than the previous species, yellowing in autumn. Blooms in August - September. This strong plant, swaying from the slightest breeze, looks especially impressive when illuminated by the setting sun, as well as in the morning in drops of dew or frost. The bushes grow slowly at first, but after 3-4 years you get an unusually effective and practically maintenance-free plant, the only concern for which is watering during drought. Molini loves moist soils, even damp soils, grow on any - from acidic to alkaline, thrive in the sun and in partial shade. Good varieties "Fontane", "Karl Foerster", "Transparent", two-meter, widely spreading bushes, not very different from each other (the difference in the color of the spikelets and the shape of the panicle is hardly noticeable in the garden).

Stripes are great for decorating a coastal area. Do not forget that these are accent plants, give them enough space and surround them with low plants that do not interfere with admiring the shape of the bush.

Miscanthus - (Miscantus)

Miscanthus chinese (M. sinensis)- powerful, short - rhizome perennial grass with erect, leafy stems up to 2 m in height in the lower part. Spikelets are loose panicles of long silky hairs.

There are more than 100 varieties of miscanthus, which differ in the shape and color of the inflorescences (from pure white and pink to brownish-burgundy), as well as the shape, size and color of the leaves, which can be thin, gracefully curved or strong, upright, having green or brownish, leaves can have longitudinal or transverse stripes of white, cream or yellow. The varieties also differ in the shape and size of the bush. Many of them are successfully cultivated in middle lane Russia, but there are also more heat-loving ones.

Miscanthus bloom from August to October, depending on the variety. Blooming sultans, reddish or pinkish when opened, turn silvery-white when wilted. The typical color of autumn foliage is yellow; in some cultivars, the foliage acquires various shades Red.

When planting Chinese miscanthus, it is necessary to find a warm place for it in full sun, protected from cold winds, with fertile loose soil, high humidity of the air and soil is desirable (the plant does not tolerate drying out) and careful fulfillment of all agricultural requirements. The plant begins to vegetate quite late, at a temperature of 25 ° C, at this time it must be fertilized several times with a nitrogen-containing fertilizer, liquid top dressing is desirable. For the winter, it is recommended to cover with sphagnum moss, you can also use it with cut leaves or boards. With good proper care Miscanthus grows quickly and vigorously, which allows them to winter better. In the Moscow region, they do not like division, they recover for a long time after it. For planting, choose the most winter-hardy and early flowering varieties.

Euphorbia - (Euphorbia)

Most often grows in gardens euphorbia multicolor (E. polychroma)... It is a perennial with erect stems 50 cm high. The cover leaves are light yellow, orange during the flowering period. It blooms in May for a month, retains its shape and decorative effect until autumn, only in October the leaves turn yellow and fall off. This type of milkweed will decorate the bank of a stream or pond from spring to autumn.

In central Russia it winters without shelter, it is drought-resistant. A place is allocated to him in the sun or in partial shade on a drained, light, calcareous and fertilized land. It can grow in one place without a transplant for 5-6 years, often dividing is not recommended.

In autumn, the stems are cut to the base and the plants are covered with humus.

Plants near the reservoir

Griffith's spurge, or m. Fiery (E. griffithii)... it perennial up to 80 cm tall. The growth pattern is bushy, with straight shoots.

Expands rapidly, occupying large area... The leaf is lanceolate, dull green, yellowish orange in autumn. Inflorescences - orange-red leaves on separately standing umbrellas. It blooms for a long time, starting in June, it is especially beautiful in the sun, but it can grow in partial shade. The plant is winter-hardy, but a preventive shelter for the winter with a dry leaf is desirable.

Variety "Fireglow" has dark green leaves with a pale median vein and orange-red inflorescences, the variety "Dixter" has the same inflorescences, but the foliage is purple-red. These milkweed do not tolerate heavy and moist soils.

Euphorbia marsh (Euphorbia palustris), an indigenous inhabitant of European swamps, forms a round dense bush 1 m or more in height, up to 1.5 m on oily soil, this is a large architectural plant that prefers moist soil. Blooms from mid-June to mid-July. It has a powerful, multi-headed, branched rhizome and erect, thick, bare, leafy stems. The leaves are lanceolate, the flowers are collected in a complex apical umbel with broad-ovate lemon-colored bracts. Grows well in partial shade.

Palm sedge, muskingumenskaya - (Carex muskingumensis)

Narrow leaves Muskingumen sedge (Carex muskingumensis) depart from the roots and are located in bunches ("palms") at the ends of weak stems, growing up to 60-80cm. The plant is a slightly spreading green hummock. Blooming in June - July is of no interest. In winter, this sedge leaves green and remains so until the middle of winter. At the beginning of spring, it must be cut off, as the plant begins to grow early. Grows well in the shade or on moist soils in the sun.

Variety "Wachtposten" differs from the species in stronger stems, but the species plant, even when “falling apart”, does not look sloppy. The lower variety "Silberstreif" (syn. "Variegata") with a bright white stripe along the edge of the green leaf is good.

Plants around the reservoir

What plants around the reservoir will make it possible to form a single landscape design? Among them, first of all, you should pay attention to the hosts.

Hosta - (Hosta)

The magical color of the leaves, elegance, sophistication - it's all about the hosts. V last years they have become the most popular among perennials, which is explained not only by their high decorative effect, but also by their durability. With age, their bushes become more luxuriant and more beautiful. Green, blue, yellow leaves host, which can have a contrasting border or center, and even longitudinal stripes, bring extraordinary colors to the garden's palette. The host also has tricolor varieties. Varieties with a wavy edge of the leaf blade are extremely interesting - this is one of the latest directions in host breeding. The autumn color of the leaves is good, decorative until frost. The texture of the leaf is also varied: glossy, wrinkled, wrinkled, with a waxy coating or metallic sheen.

The host has a lot of advantages. They are unpretentious, cold-resistant, shade-tolerant, extremely decorative, not susceptible to disease. Khosta is often called the queen of shade, but some species and varieties grow well in the sun, which expands the possibilities for their use.

Now more than 2,000 host varieties have been registered, very different in size - from giants 120 cm in height to dwarfs not exceeding 5 cm.

It takes at least 4-5 years for the host to acquire the maximum decorative effect. At the age of 8-10 years, it will look great and will not lose its merits, staying in one place for 20-25 years, forming larger and larger leaves every year, acquiring a characteristic shape for the variety and showing all the nuances of color.

Hosts with blue leaves prefer shading, yellow-leaved hosts are more resistant to sunlight. General rule- varieties with dense leaves are planted in sunny areas.

Hosts (Hosta) are unpretentious and can grow on any garden soils, but in order for them to show maximum decorativeness, a nutritious, moist, well-drained soil from slightly acidic to slightly alkaline (pH 6.5-7.5) is needed. They are responsive, with proper care, the bushes grow faster, the leaves turn out to be larger, with a lack of water, the tips of the leaves dry out.

If you do not want the hosta bush to become less dense during flowering, break out the young flower arrows, but there are hosts that are appreciated precisely for flowering, for example, the Fragrant Bouquet and Guacamole varieties with large white fragrant flowers, such varieties are best planted in the sun.

They have useful functions: they prevent overheating of water, saturate it with oxygen, prevent the development of the simplest algae. We want to tell you about how to plant plants correctly and what species to choose in order to enjoy the beauty of the reservoir.

Varieties of plants for the pond

Before planting, you need to know which plants can be planted in a specific area of ​​the pond:

1. Coastal or "wet" area. This is a place where water and constantly wet earth gets from time to time. Here, moisture-loving plants grow well: marsh iris, loosestrife, forget-me-nots, primroses, marsh white-eye.

Iris marsh

2. The depth from the edge of the water to a depth of 10 cm is called “swamp”. This place is characterized by constant jumps in the water level, so you need to plant unpretentious, stress-resistant plants: loosestrife, euphorbia, calla, cattail.


3. Shallow water zone. It starts at a depth of 10 to 40 cm. This is a place for planting plants, the roots of which must always be in the water: reeds, hedgehogs, susak, orontium, pontederia.


4. The deep-water zone starts from 40 cm. There are three groups of plants that can grow here:

  1. Deep sea varieties. Their root system develops in the ground, at the bottom of the pond, and flowers and leaves float on the surface of the water. These plants usually have large leaves, protecting the pond from excessive sun exposure, thereby inhibiting the growth of green algae. The most popular are nymphea, egg-capsule, Schreber's brazen, nymphaean, aponogeton. Such plants do not tolerate frost, therefore they are planted in special containers, and for the winter they are transferred to the underground.

Schreber's Brazil

Yellow capsule

  1. Swimming species. The roots of such plants are threadlike, not fixed in the ground, but float under water. They also protect the reservoir from direct rays, and the roots are a natural filter, absorbing mineral salts, which are the source of nutrition for green algae. They are planted in small batches so that the coverage area is no more than 50% of the total pond surface, since they grow very quickly. Most often, plants are planted that create a beautiful green carpet - azole, globular Wolfia, water salad.

Water salad

Also flowering species: frog, eichornia, luronium.


  1. Oxygenerating plants. In appearance, such varieties have an unattractive appearance. Their main task is to saturate the water with oxygen, consuming carbon dioxide and minerals, thereby taking nutrition from green algae. They can grow to coastal zones (hornwort, elodea, urut) or float on the surface (swamp, rdest).


Swamp girl


Planting aquatic plants is best done from May to August. There are two ways to plant aquatic plants.

Into containers

  1. Choosing a plastic container. In size, it should be 2 times larger than the size of the flower, so that there is room for the growth of the root system. The color of the form should be neutral (brown, green, black) so as not to stand out in the pond.
  2. To protect the soil from washing out, we put burlap inside the container or put a layer of gravel on the bottom. This will protect the roots of the plants from being eaten by the fish and give the pot more weight.
  3. Fill half the pot with ready-made soil for aquatic plants or a composition of sand, fertile soil, clay and compost. We carefully transfer the plant to a container, fill it with the rest of the earth so that 4 cm of free space remains to the end. It is not worth tamping the ground too much.
  4. Fill the remaining gap with gravel for additional protection against washout.
  5. We place the container in water.

Plants planted in this way can be stored in the cellar for the winter, and the growth of some deep-sea species can also be regulated.

Directly into the ground

  1. Sprinkle the bottom of the pond with a layer of soil 8 cm thick, consisting of a mixture of sand, clay and compost.
  2. We plant plants in the soil, each terrace has its own look.
  3. We fill the roots with river sand, 2-4 cm thick, this will protect the soil layer from erosion.

This method is ineffective, since you will not be able to control the growth of plants, change the design of the compositions and, if necessary, send the plants for "wintering".

Oskigenizer plant - hornwort can be planted directly into the ground

Secrets of the design of artificial reservoirs

On the shore of a small reservoir, you should not plant large-sized plants. They visually make the size of the pond smaller. It is best to plant small shrubs, for example, Plantain Chastukha or calamus.

Calamus will be a wonderful decoration of the coastline of small ponds

Consider how much the plants are growing before planting. With this in mind, you need to leave an open area so that the entire surface of the reservoir is visible, decorating the coast with stones or creeping plants, for example, marsh St. John's wort.

Swamp St. John's wort

For geometrically shaped bodies of water, plant on the shoreline plants that accentuate its symmetry: boxwood, ivy, or small shrubs such as hawthorn and spirea.

Boxwood adorns a pond in French style

If you do not want to dig up pots with plants every 2-3 years and replant them, then you can make the pond a little larger for the growth of flora, and plant the flowers themselves directly into the ground (except for those plants that require wintering).

Spherical wolfia

Pond plant care

The main problem of artificial reservoirs is green algae. The more they grow, the more turbid the water becomes, less oxygen is supplied, which is important for the normal growth of flora. Therefore, in the summer season, when there is a maximum growth of algae, the filters should be switched on around the clock.

Nymphaean helps to protect the pond from the growth of green algae

Swamp forget-me-not

The choice of pond plants must be approached responsibly. It is necessary to take into account many factors: the depth of planting, the degree of growth, you need to know whether these plants are suitable for wintering or they will have to be transplanted. Be sure to ask the consultant about this when you purchase the plants. Otherwise, the pond, even with proper care, will turn into a swamp.

Plants for a pond, or aquatic, crops are widely used both for the design of any artificial reservoir in the garden, and for home ponds. In order to choose the right vegetation for a small or sufficiently voluminous decorative pond in the country, you need to know the basic botanical features such crops.

Differences and features of aquatic plants for pond decoration and cleaning

Pond and river are not only an integral part modern design, but also an obligatory part of the ecological system of water bodies, necessary to stabilize the equilibrium of the ecosystem. The presence of higher plants that purify the waters of reservoirs is especially important for small and non-flowing mini-ponds, as it helps to prevent "blooming" and turbidity. Such processes develop especially rapidly in warm and sunny weather, and decaying organic matter, unicellular algae and bacterial flora can make a reservoir in the yard or on garden plot unusable. For the purpose of purification, in this case, some aquatic higher plants are used, which have certain signs and characteristics:

  • foliage of aquatic plants is characterized by a dismembered, threadlike form;
  • the stem part is represented by air cavities;
  • the root system is rather poorly developed.

Criteria for choosing plants for an artificial reservoir

If there is an artificial reservoir in the backyard, it is imperative to take into account the total area and depth, as well as the characteristics of the surrounding landscape. It is advisable to give preference to the most unpretentious, low-maintenance species.

  • the ability of a decorative culture to survive the winter period in a reservoir or soil near it;
  • the timing and methods of planting, as well as the durability of vegetation;
  • need for care.

If the pond has the main perspective, then the plant composition should be built in such a way that vigorous vegetation does not obscure the view of the reservoir. It is better to arrange the recreation area with undersized or ground cover crops. With a usable area of ​​four square meters, reeds, hogweed, cattail, reeds, as well as angelica and rhubarb are used. Too small ponds are decorated with arrowheads, calamus, bracken, daylilies and ditties. The design of the survey part is carried out by undersized cinquefoil, bergenia, marigold and medicinal watercress.

A good result is given by the contrast of long-leaved plants: cattail, calamus, daylily and reed and round-leaved water lily, lotuses, incense and chalice. Near-water and aquatic flowers are also widely used. To ensure all-season flowering, such crops can be placed in decorative containers.

What plants to choose for a pond (video)

Characteristics of the best plants for a pond

Absolutely all varieties and types of aquatic vegetation are representatives of flora, capable of growing in the water column of not only natural, but also artificial ponds.

Aquatic floating on the surface

The foliage of such a decorative culture floats on the surface. A characteristic difference is the lack of anchorage of the root system in the ground. The vegetation of the above-water location protects the water surface and the thickness from overheating and uses organic compounds, which prevents the "blooming" of water. Floating plants can grow very quickly, so they need to provide quality care, including pruning and timely removal of excess shoots. Growing in special floating baskets gives a good result.

Nearwater (coastal)

Coastal perennials are also very popular in pond design. In order for the vegetation of the reservoir to look interesting and attractive, the coastal area also needs to be properly designed, as a result of which the moisture-loving crops planted on the shore will be a connecting link.

All sorts of decorative cereals, as well as flowering daylilies and irises, swimsuits, meadowsweet, loosestrife and valerian look organic and very picturesque on the coastal zone. Fern varieties look incredibly elegant.


Important to remember, that in order not to allow perennials to grow strongly, it is necessary to periodically plague the floor.

The quality characteristics of the water affect the growth and development of flora, therefore, the reservoir must be regularly cleaned. This category includes the marsh forget-me-not, Magellan sedge, bedhead, zhiryanka, crowberry, vaccinium and marsh violet.


A significant part of such perennials, useful from the point of view of the ecosystem, are in the water, and the flowers are above or under water. They help prevent water pollution and also serve as food and breeding grounds for fish.

The underwater foliage absorbs mineral salts and carbon dioxide. Several plants, planted in the spring-summer period at the bottom of the pond, can significantly improve the appearance and condition of the pond water.

Deep sea

The root system is located in the bottom soil, the foliage is on the surface of the water, and the flowers are on the surface or above the water. Some deep sea cultures allow water purification, and their absence can cause uncontrolled reproduction of algae and bacteria.

Most often, such a group of decorative perennials is represented by a marsh flower or nymphaean, water lily, yellow egg capsule, eichornia, vodokras, hornwort and duckweed.

Landing rules and design features of various types of reservoirs

In reservoirs small in volume and size, it is required to plant a couple of plant species of each type, distributing them in small groups:

  • deep-water and floating vegetation should cover no more than half of the entire water surface;
  • it is important to plant aquatic plants according to their adaptability to certain depth indicators;
  • when planting marsh decorative crops drainage is mandatory.

How to care for plants in a pond (video)

The design of reservoirs can consist in a soil or container method of cultivation and planting, carried out in the following sequence:

  • to the bottom after draining, fill in ten centimeters of fertile soil substrate, represented by compost, sand and rotted mullein;
  • coastal tall vegetation should be planted closer to the coast, and deep-sea crops are planted in the central part;
  • the bottom surface should be covered with a five-centimeter layer of medium-grained river sand, which protects the root system and soil from erosion.

Heat-loving crops in winter quite often freeze completely, so it is advisable to dig them up and move them to storage. Container cultivation of aquatic plants is no less popular in our country, which allows you to move them with the onset of a strong cold snap in the cellars:

  • for cultivation, a fairly spacious, lattice-type planting tank is used, which allows the root system to actively multiply;
  • it is best to use non-brightly colored containers that will blend in with the environment;
  • it is recommended to effectively protect the bottom part and walls from washing out the nutrient substrate with burlap, and sprinkle the surface of the soil with gravel.

As a rule, all aquatic vegetation is planted from the last spring decade to mid-summer. The design must be approached very carefully and responsibly.

Appearance reservoir Recommended plants for decoration
Geometric ponds Common calamus, three-leafed watch, loosestrife or meadow tea, willow loaf or plakun-grass, broadleaf dichromena, drooping isolepis, calamus or watery iris, as well as sedge, syphilitic lobelia, long-leaved buttercup, large mannik and marsilea blunt-pointed
Deep pond When decorating, vigorous reeds, cattails, reeds, buzulnik and rogersia, as well as undersized berry and funkia or flowering snake knotweed and marsh iris are used
Mini ponds and shallow waters Plants such as calla, calamus, sedge or manna are characterized by a high level of unpretentiousness and vitality, therefore they grow well even in conditions of significant fluctuations in water level, and for some time even in its complete absence
Pond with a decorative fountain For decoration, you can use water hyacinths, dwarf varieties of water lilies. It is recommended to decorate the coastline with a cuff, gravilat, plantain plantain, cuckoo color, undersized irises, curved rush or swamp forget-me-nots

Of course, on large bodies of water, you can diversify the design and plant a significant number of plants. Spring bloom opens with cinquefoil, marigold and badan, after which water lilies, angelica and hogweed bloom, and the parade of colors is completed by brown-yellow daylilies, marshmallows and angelica. However, even small ponds can be very attractive. Experts advise to combine the cultivation of several types of aquatic-terrestrial plants, which allows you to get the most decorative result.

Plants for the pond: varieties (video)

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