Plants for a small pond at home. Selection of plants for a pond in the country, taking into account the principles of zoning

Landscaping 13.06.2019

Since ancient times, decorative garden ponds have been an element of the improvement of recreation areas, remaining popular today. Such ponds are usually decorated with coastal dumps and plants, imitating a natural reservoir, and sometimes live fish are also added. In this article, we will talk about plants, which are planted near a pond or directly into the water.

Features of the design of reservoirs

Usually artificial reservoirs in private houses and dachas have an area of ​​0.5 m2 to 5-6 m2 with a depth of 30 cm to 1.5 m. What technologies are not used! Ponds are created with waterproofing and an earthen bottom, using plastic containers and baths. Mini ponds are created in barrels, trays, troughs. It all depends on the area of ​​the site and your imagination.

To give the pond in the country a natural naturalness, they use natural materials -different kinds stones: basalt, granite, gabrodiabase, sandstone, quartz, beautiful driftwood, rubble of different colors and fractions, pebbles, shells.

And, of course, we use plants that will add completeness and uniqueness to our decorative pond.

Plants that can be planted around the pond are of different plant forms: trees, shrubs, grasses and flowers.

Trees should be planted away from the edge of the pond so as not to contaminate it with leaves and needles and to prevent clogging of equipment that may be installed to aerate ponds. In addition, the foliage that settles to the bottom decays and releases poisonous gases that can oppress plants planted in water, aquatic animals and fish.

Trees are placed singly or in small groups, various shrubs are planted in front of them, and herbaceous plants are placed right next to the water. You shouldn't plant many identical plants along the coast, it will add monotony to your landscape. Do not clutter the entire area around the pond with plants, keep the view of the water surface and the opposite shore.

Of particular importance in the design of a decorative pond are aquatic plants, which are planted directly into the reservoir. They should occupy a small area of ​​the water mirror and stand out as a clear spot on it. It is not recommended to plant more than 2-3 plant species in one group.

Deciduous trees for coastal plantings

Shrubs for planting by the water

Let's move on to the shrubs. Suitable for planting in the ground from shrubs:

Herbs and flowers for coastal plantings

Grasses and flowers suitable for planting near a reservoir are of a great species diversity. It is better to limit the planting sites of one species of plants. This is especially true for cereals. Cereals have creeping rhizomes and, if not limited, will quickly take over the entire free surface, displacing weaker neighbors.

Grasses and flowers look beautiful in niches between stones.

Let's list the coastal grasses.

  1. Morrow's sedge, varieties: "Variegata", "Ice Dance". Height above water surface: 20-30 cm. Planting depth in water: 0 cm. Prefers shady, moderately warm places. The soil should be moist with humus. In winter they are kept indoors at t 4-6 * c.

  2. Chinese miscanthus, varieties: "Gold Bar", "Gracilimus", "Graziella", "Silberfeder", "Strictus", "Zebrinus". Ornamental strongly growing grass, height from 0.5 to 2 m. Very beautiful panicles last until winter. The soils are constantly moist. It is better to cover young plants for the winter. Landing no more than 3 pieces per 1 m2.

  3. Moliniya blue "Variegata". Forms lush bushes with striped leaves, height up to 60 cm. For moist, acidic soils. Up to 10 pieces per 1m2.

  4. Laxmann's cattail and variegata broadleaf cattail. Planting depth in water: from 0 to 40 cm. Height above water: 80-150 cm. They love the sun. It is better to plant in a container in heavy clay soil. Hibernates at the landing site.

  5. Spiralis spreading hermit. Planting depth in water 0-10 cm, height above water 40-60 cm. Photophilous. If hibernates in a container, lower it below the freezing level.

  6. Reed horsetail. Planting depth in water: 0-5 cm, height above water: 20-30 cm. Suitable for swamp gardens and mini ponds. Sunny place or partial shade. It grows slowly. If it grows in a container, it is added dropwise in the garden for the winter.
  7. Pine water. Planting depth in water: 0-60 cm, height above water 20-30 cm. Unpretentious. When planting in a container, move to a depth for the winter.

It is better to grow all coastal aquatic plants in containers in order to limit their growth and protect the waterproofing from the roots, if there is one at the bottom of the reservoir.

Before winter, it is better not to cut cereal grasses, their foliage and flower stalks are decorative under the snow. Pruning is carried out in early spring after the snow melts.

The design of the coast looks picturesque garden pond ferns - provided that the reservoir is located in the shade or partial shade. Ferns are planted:

Now let's list some flowers. Some flowers can also be planted directly in the water in a container.

Planting flowers and herbaceous plants carried out in a loose, permeable soil.

Aquatic plants for planting in a pond

From aquatic plants the most common are water lilies, they are also nymphs or water lilies. In small ornamental ponds, water lilies are grown in containers that are immersed to a specific depth for a given variety. Water lilies bloom from June to cold weather. For abundant flowering, water lilies are planted in sunny and wind-protected places.

Currently withdrawn a large number of varieties of water lilies, differing in color and size of flowers, leaves, frost resistance. The most beautiful varieties: Attraction, Fabiola, Gonnere, Rose Arey, Chromatella.

In addition to water lilies, in the pond, you can plant the nymphaean sycamore, water buttercup, and in the southern regions - the Caspian lotus. In the northern regions, lotus is kept in ponds only in the summer. For the winter, the rhizomes are removed and stored in wet sand, in the cellar.

If yours has a depth of less than 1.5 m, then it is also better to take out the water lilies and store in the basement. To do this, the container with the roots is placed in a container of water to cover the soil in the container. Other plants grown in containers in shallow water are also preserved.

Usually, aquatic plants are sold in small shipping containers, so it is best to transplant them before placing them in water. For planting, we take a container 10-15 cm larger than the shipping container, always with drainage holes. We put a small layer of expanded clay on the bottom and cover it with heavy clay. Clay can be used from any natural pond, swamp or quarry. We transplant the rhizome into clay, and rinse well with water to wash off the dusty particles of the earth. You can sew the container into a burlap, then the water is practically not contaminated. After that, we lower the container to a depth corresponding to the type of plant.

Fertilizers for nymphs are used in spring, before immersion in water. All of them have a prolonged effect, therefore they are applied once a season. For example - Osmokot. If your garden pond has an earthen bottom, you can plant the water lilies directly in the ground, just choose a variety that matches the depth of your pond. After planting the rhizome, it must be pressed down with rubble so that it does not float up. Fertilizer is applied to the hole during planting.

Caring for aquatic and coastal plants consists in the timely cleaning of rotten, dried leaves and peduncles in order to exclude fungal diseases.


We hope this article will help you create a cozy seating area next to a pond. And may he please you and inspire your friends to accomplish your goals!

So, you are the owner of a decorative garden pond. Having spent a lot of effort on the device of a mini-reservoir, and having decorated it with a landscape or design style, it is time to start gardening. What plants can be planted in the pond, and what plants can be planted near the pond, in it coastal zone? There are a lot of options here, here you will learn about the most popular representatives of aquatic flora for an artificial reservoir.

What types of plants can be planted in a home pond

All artificial pond aquatic plants fulfill an important task: they serve as filters to purify water and maintain biological balance. It is desirable that at least one third of the artificial reservoir be allocated for plants.

There are several types of aquatic plants for a pond, each of which requires planting at a specific depth.

There are deep-sea plants for a garden pond, the flowers of which are on the surface of the water surface (for example, a water lily).

There are oxygenator plants that grow in the water column and bring the greatest benefit to the reservoir, but they are practically invisible from the outside.

There are floating plants for the pond, as well as coastal plants that rise above the surface of the water, and their roots are in the ground under water. Swamp crops are usually planted near a body of water in swampy and moist soil. They are of little use to the reservoir, but provide shade and decorative function. When deciding which pond plants to plant in the water surface and on the shore, you need to choose them in accordance with the style of landscape design, relying on your own taste.

Planting aquatic plants for an artificial suburban pond

Plants for a pond in the country are planted in a pond already at the moment when the structure is completely ready, filled with water and settled for 10 days. It is better to plant aquatic crops in early summer. Depending on the type of plants, they are planted along the coast or at the bottom of the reservoir. Plants can be planted directly in the bottom of the soil, but it is best to place them in plastic or ceramic pots, which are then set on the bottom.

Pots with water plants for a pond must have holes in the walls and bottom, this is necessary for ventilation of the soil, otherwise the roots will rot. Z and plants in pots and baskets will be easier to care for: move to a warm room for the winter, carry out reproduction, etc.

The soil in the baskets can be composed of ordinary land from the garden (it is better to use clay soil) and a small amount of bone meal. It is impossible to enrich the soil with manure, fertilizers, black soil or peat, this can cause poisoning of the inhabitants of the reservoir.

Take care to keep the soil in the baskets from being washed away by water, and also that the fish do not pick up mud from the surface of the soil. To do this, after planting the plants in the pond, you can lay a clean burlap or other rough cloth on top, and place small pebbles on it (with a layer of 2 cm).

Regardless of which plants you decide to plant in the pond, you need to remove especially long roots and old leaves from them before planting. After planting, it is necessary to compact the soil around the stem of the plant so that the distance between the soil and the edge of the basket is at least 40 mm. Before planting aquatic plants, it is imperative to establish exactly at what depth they should be planted.

There are also such types of plants for a decorative pond that do not require planting at all - they float freely on the surface of the reservoir, independently remaining on the surface of the water. These plants include water lilies and lotus. But these cultures need to be monitored closely, since in favorable conditions they multiply rapidly and, if not thinned out, can short term occupy the entire pond.

The main problem for any closed body of water with stagnant water is duckweed, which multiplies rapidly and rapidly takes over the entire area. In no case should you plant it on purpose. In general, when planting plants, you need to adhere to the measure - all plants need light and, in addition, dense thickets in a small pond will look unattractive.

In any case, the reservoir with plants must be regularly thinned out, removing excess and old processes. As for the preparation of plants for wintering, those aquatic crops for which the temperate climate is their natural habitat should be left in the reservoir.

Exotic home pond plants from warm countries should be removed from the pond and placed in a home aquarium or indoor bath for the winter. You must first prune overgrown plants. Indoors, crops must be provided with sufficient lighting to keep them from withering away.

If it is not possible to buy plants for a summer cottage in a store, you can simply go to the nearest swampy pond, carefully study what grows in it and at what depth, and then select individual specimens for your own reservoir.

Since the water in the pond is stagnant, as in most artificial reservoirs, then the plants in it will be suitable, moreover, all of them, without exception, are adapted to the local climate.

IN this case there will be an opportunity to transplant at once adult plant... But you need to be careful not to go “hunting” alone, because after all, many of the plants grow in swampy areas, and here it will be difficult for one person to cope with the task at hand, and even unsafe. You need to first stock up on two long poles to feel the soil under your feet, good rubber boots with high tops and a reliable assistant who will have to stay on the shore, but within the reach of the pole.

The most popular aquatic plants for the pond

The most popular aquatic plant in an artificial pond is the water lily, or water lily. It belongs to the category of deep-sea plants and has a horizontally growing rhizome. There are four types of water lilies: dwarf (planting depth - 0.1-0.25 m, diameter of the surface covered with leaves - 0.3-0.6 m, coverage area - 1-2.5 m2, flower diameter - 5-10 cm ), shallow (planting depth - 0.1-0.25 m, diameter of the surface covered with leaves - 0.3-0.6 m, coverage area - 1-2.5 m2, flower diameter - 5-10 cm), average (planting depth - 0.1-0.25 m, diameter of the surface covered with leaves - 0.3-0.6 m, coverage area - 1-2.5 m2, flower diameter - 5-10 cm) and large (planting depth - 0.1-0.25 m, the diameter of the surface covered with leaves is 0.3-0.6 m, the coverage area is 1-2.5 m2, the diameter of the flower is 5-10 cm). Often, large and beautiful water lilies are much cheaper than small and nondescript at first glance relatives. But the former grow in tropical climates and do not adapt well to ours. In addition, large water lilies need a large reservoir. But smaller water lilies and take up little space, and feel great in the local climate.

As you can see in the photo, these pond aquatic plants come with white, pink, red and yellow flowers:

Leaves begin to grow back immediately after the ice melts, when the water temperature in the reservoir rises several degrees above the zero point of the thermometer, and the plants bloom until late autumn. Their peak flowering occurs during the warmest period of the garden season. When choosing the type of water lilies, you need to take into account their characteristics: the temperature of the content (exotic species are not adapted to our climate), the depth of the reservoir (some species require a depth of up to 1 m), the area covered with flowers.

If the reservoir is small, then too profuse flowering will block more than half of the surface of the pond, and this can lead to shading of the reservoir, there will be a lack of oxygen in the water, there will be an excess of bog gas and the water will rot.

Deep-sea lilies as they grow (after 2-3 months) need to be transplanted to a greater depth, and if the pond is shallow, then the pots with roots must be removed to the basement for the winter.

The marsh plant is also a deep-water plant. This plant resembles a water lily, because it has small wavy leaves, often with brownish specks (up to 5 cm in diameter).

Look at the photo: this plant has flowers for the pond yellow color, collected in inflorescences, reach a diameter of 4 cm. Usually, this culture is planted in a reservoir until the water lilies take root. It tends to grow rapidly. Planting depth - 0.3-0.6 m, the height of the flowers above the water surface - 5-8 cm. The marsh flower blooms from July to September. Reproduction occurs by dividing the rhizomes and occurs in late spring or summer.

Another plant from the category of deep-sea plants is the egg capsule. This is the "relative" of the water lily, although she is not so beautiful. The capsule has small and uninteresting flowers, planted on thick peduncles, towering above the surface of the water. For this plant need running water and partial shade. For a medium sized pond, a small and dwarf egg capsule can be used.

Japanese and foreign egg-pods are often found on sale, but these plants require a large reservoir, because the diameter of the flower reaches 8 cm, and the pistil is comparable in size and shape with a small glass bottle... Planting depth - 0.3-0.6 m (for small species), the height of the flowers above the water surface is 8 cm, the egg capsule blooms from June to September, and multiplies by dividing the rhizomes in late spring or summer.

Floating Plants for Garden Ornamental Pond

Vodokras ordinary, or frog, - a plant floating on the surface of the water. This culture is often used in small reservoirs, because it grows slowly, although it blooms all summer, and its foliage dies off in the fall. Vodokras overwinters in the form of buds at the bottom of the pond, which rise to the surface at the beginning of summer and a new plant grows from them. Some experts recommend removing the kidneys for the winter along with a part of the muddy bottom and storing them in a jar of water, and then lowering them to the bottom in April. This will protect the population from freezing, because shallow water bodies freeze through thoroughly.

Vodokras leaves reach 2.5-5 cm in diameter. The height of flowers above the water surface is 3-5 cm. Vodokras reproduces in summer by dividing bushes.

One of the most popular plants for the construction of artificial reservoirs is hornwort... This plant is an oxygen generator, that is, it has no roots and grows right in the water. Adapted to any lighting conditions, does not grow too much, multiplies by dividing the shoots into parts in the summer.

In water it looks like a thick branchy brush. This plant is essential for maintaining biological balance in water.

There are several types of hornworts, but dark green or submerged is recommended for artificial reservoirs. The plant overwinters in the form of buds at the bottom of the reservoir.

What plants to plant near the pond in the country

Below are descriptions of coastal plants for the pond with photos and names that can be planted around the artificial reservoir.

Calamus refers to coastal plants. There are several varieties of calamus, which differ in color and size. When choosing, it must be remembered that undersized varieties are more vulnerable to winter frosts. Usually, two types of these coastal pond plants are used to decorate garden ponds: common calamus and marsh calamus.

The first type is very large, resembling an iris. It has straight, arrow-shaped leaves that exude a pleasant aroma. The cob inflorescences are of little interest - they are small, greenish and horny. The second type of calamus has beautiful leaves with a green-cream color, which turns green-pink in spring.

The height of this plant in the coastal zone of the pond is 0.5-1 m. These aquatic plants should be planted to a depth of 8-15 cm. It is also a coastal plant - Volzhanka. There are Volzhanka dioecious and Volzhanka forest, or ordinary. The latter is the most common. This plant is unpretentious, takes root well in a new place, reaches a 2-meter height in 2 years. Flowering time - June-July, multiplies by dividing the bushes in the fall. Volzhanka inflorescences are large, fluffy and long (up to 20 cm), composed of many creamy white flowers. It is necessary to plant crops at a distance of 75 cm from each other and in small quantities, because this large plant shades the reservoir quite strongly. At the end of autumn, Volzhanka must be pruned, leaving only stems 10-15 cm long above the ground surface. The crop should be planted in the shade.

Plants of the coastal zone around the pond in the country

When deciding which plants to plant near the pond in the country, pay attention to buttercups, they also belong to the group of coastal plants. For the design of artificial reservoirs, an underwater buttercup is used, which looks very peculiar - it has two types of leaves: the underwater leaves are dissected into thin segments that look like hairs, and the above-water ones floating on the surface have triple leaves and look like clover. The first flowers appear in early summer. They are white with branching stems that rise above the water. When the flowering period ends, the plant dies off. Buttercup propagates in spring and summer by cuttings.

Kaluzhnitsa is a marsh plant, and it is often used to decorate coastal areas of water bodies. This plant near the pond is a very unpretentious crop that grows well on the banks of small ponds or swamps. The marigold blooms early - in April. Its flowers resemble buttercup flowers, and the leaves are round or heart-shaped. The most popular variety of this plant, planted near the pond, is the marsh marigold. Plant height is 0.3-0.5 m, it is planted to a depth of 5 cm, blooms with bright yellow flowers.

Another popular type of plant around the pond is Calthapalustris Plena. This culture is distinguished by its double yellow flowers, similar to small chrysanthemums, blooms in April. The bushes reach a height of 10-30 cm. There is a type of plant Alba, which blooms in May with white flowers. The culture grows in a swamp, planting depth is up to 2.5 cm, plant height is 15-20 cm. Another fine-sepal marigold is a bit like Alba. But this is a real giant among all other relatives. The many-petalled marigold has large beautiful leaves and large yellow flowers, grows up to 1 m in height and is planted to a depth of 5-10 cm in large bodies of water. All these plants, growing near the pond in the country, multiply at the end of summer by fresh seeds or by dividing the bushes.

What other plants to plant near the pond in the country

What other plants to plant near the pond to decorate the coastal area of ​​the reservoir?

Sedge grows both in water and in coastal swampy soil. Its planting depth in water is 5 cm. There are tall plants that are suitable for large bodies of water. In the decoration of the pond, sedge sticking out is often used. This plant, planted near a pond in the country, yellow leaves, and the bush reaches a height of 0.5 m. You can also use coastal sedge - it has green and white leaves and a bush height of 0.3-0.6 m. Kotula is a coastal plant, distinguished by fragrant leaves. Its bushes grow up to 15 cm in height, and all summer bloom in small yellow, button-like inflorescences. There is a coronopus-leaved cotula - annual plant, which is easily propagated by self-seeding.

You can sow the seeds of this plant in the spring at home, and then transplant it into a ceramic pot and plant it in a pond. The planting depth of the cauldron is 12 cm.

An excellent plant for the pond bank is pontederia... The most popular in the construction of garden ponds is the heart-shaped pontederia. This is a very beautiful plant: it has large shiny leaves, it grows in bushes, the inflorescences of a cylindrical spike-shaped shape are pale blue, the height of the peduncles is 0.6-0.75 m, it grows slowly. Pontederia blooms from July to September, propagates by dividing the bushes in late spring. However, this plant, planted around, is not very resistant to frost, overwinters with buds at the bottom. Therefore, it is advisable that the kidney be as deep as possible, or for safety reasons, you need to select the kidneys from the bottom together with silt and place them in a jar of water for the winter, and with the onset of heat, move them back into the reservoir.

The beginning of June is a great time to plant aquatic plants, and therefore it's time to talk about which of them is better to choose for the design of the reservoir so that it matches the style of your summer cottage.

Hybrid water lily (Nymphaea)

No other plant can match the beauty of nymphs or one of the most beautiful aquatic plants. These are white wild-growing water lilies from natural reservoirs, and varietal nymphs with large, 15-20 cm in diameter flowers of a wide variety of colors: white, pink, yellow, crimson. Bloom in June-September.

Water lilies appeared on sale several years ago, but still, in terms of the beauty of aquatic plants, they are not inferior to anyone their palm. Water lilies give the reservoir a touching, nostalgic flair and fit perfectly into the design of the cottage, both in a romantic style and in an Art Nouveau style.

Growing features

Recommended for the deep-water zone of the reservoir, when planting large plants at a depth of 50 cm or more, small - from 20 cm, preferably in a thick layer of organic silt or on fertile heavy clay soil.

In ancient times, the flowers of the blue nymphea, called the Egyptian blue rose, adorned the halls of rulers, religious buildings and dwellings in the land of the pharaohs. IN Ancient Greece the water lily flower was a symbol of beauty and eloquence. There is a legend about nymphs who turned into a flower of a white water lily and lured travelers to the bottom.

Among the Slavs, a water lily was endowed with mystical and healing power. They called her the overpowering grass and believed that she was able to overcome all evil spirits and ailments. In addition, she helped travelers, softened the hearts of cruel beauties, and endowed them with talents.

You can also read about the hybrid water lily on the site in the article.

Calamus ordinary, or marsh (Acorus calamus)

Calamus forms spectacular groups of xiphoid stems and leaves rising high above the water with a spicy, pleasant smell. The strict linearity of the plant will harmoniously fit into both the regular style of the dacha and its landscape image. Maintains and creates a green or greenish-white ('Variegatus' form) gamut.

Growing features

Calamus is planted immersed in water to a depth of 0.3-0.5 m or with planting in a swampy zone, preferably on clayey, but it is also possible on sandy loam soil, permissible - in containers (for the winter, the leaves are cut off, leaving 10 cm above the water surface ). It grows in one place for a long time. With intensive growth, it is able to displace other plant species; distribution control is required. The distance between plants is 50-70 cm.

Calamus, like the water lily, is also shrouded in legends and traditions. It is believed that it was brought from the south during the Mongol-Tatar invasion. It was the eastern warriors who threw it into reservoirs, and if the plants took root, then the water was considered clean and drinkable.

Iris airovidny, or marsh (Iris pseudacorus)

A very spectacular aquatic plant from the iris or iris family, quickly forming groups of luscious greenery. During the flowering period, it brings its sunny joyful accords, proclaiming the triumph of life. It grows up to 90 cm high, on one rhizome - 12-15 bright yellow flowers, blooming in late May - July. The xiphoid leaves up to 120 cm long are decorative throughout the summer.

Iris calamus or marsh. Photo from the site

Growing features

Planted in shallow water. Control over the spread of the rhizome is required. It is better to plant in a container and annually remove the shoots growing to the sides. At the end of summer, all the leaves are cut off so as not to clog the banks and the bottom of the reservoir.

Calla marsh calla (Calla palustris)

A wonderful exotic aquatic plant from the aroid family, especially effective during the flowering period. Natural habitats are shallow waters along the banks of overgrown ponds. A thick fleshy rhizome grows quickly, a plant in one summer can completely cover an area in several square meters.

Its heart-shaped dark green shiny leaves are beautiful. Inflorescences with a white veil appear in May-June. By the end of summer, bright red fruits are formed. Suitable for ponds of Art Nouveau summer cottages. Flowers are used in cut, they look very beautiful and majestic in bouquets, symbolizing freshness and purity.

Photo from the site

Growing features

The planting depth of calla lilies is 10-15 cm. Propagated by segments of rhizomes. For the winter, the leaves are cut off. It is better to plant the calla lilies in a container, which is brought into the basement for the winter and stored until the onset of stable spring warm weather.

In the southern regions, in ponds, a relative of the marsh calla is more often used - the Ethiopian calla or Ethiopian zantedeshia ( Zantedeschia aethiopica ). Provided that tubers are dug up in the fall (they are stored at a temperature of +10 ... + 15 ° C) and not too fast (after the last spring frosts) planting in the spring, this plant can be grown even in reservoirs of central Russia.

On the Black Sea coast Krasnodar Territory and the southern coast of Crimea, you can leave zantedeshia for the winter in open ground near the water in secluded places of the cottage, protected from the cold northern winds, covering it with leaves. Starting in May, Ethiopian calla flowers bloom profusely for a long time.

Cattail (Typha)

All cattails are beautiful perennial background plants. Recommended for creating spectacular thickets in large reservoirs, and in small ones they are planted in few groups or singly. Cattails look harmoniously in the reservoirs of landscape-style summer cottages. Their dense, dark brown, velvety cob buds bloom in June-August.

Growing features

The minimum depth of placement of plants in the reservoir is 7-12 cm. Control over the spread is required; it is better to plant in a container. In this case, excess rhizomes should be removed to prevent overgrowth.

Surely many of you know the cattail called "reed". However, the real reed is a completely different plant from the sedge family, with wide panicles at the ends of long stems. You will read about him below. Why this happened is not known for certain.

Lake reed (Scirpus lacustris)

The same "reed rustled". This large plant from the family of sedges with a loose texture, it is better to decorate rather large reservoirs in massive groups. When landscaping small ponds, it can be used in small groups planted in containers to limit the area of ​​food and, therefore, the growth of plants. The long stem grows up to 1-2 m in height, and the leaves of the reeds are barely noticeable, narrow, small, located at the panicle inflorescence.

Bulrush. Photo from

Growing features

Better to plant in containers in the shallow water zone at a depth of 7-12 cm. Winters in water bodies.

Reed can not only decorate reservoirs, it is also good for food. Its rhizomes are edible - fresh, baked, chopped and boiled, flour can be made from dried rhizomes. You can also eat the root part of the stem of young plants, juicy and sweet in taste. People who find themselves in extreme conditions are not in danger of hunger when there is a reed nearby.

Common reed (Phragmites communis, syn.P. australis)

The reed belongs to the bluegrass family (so reeds, cattails, and reeds belonging to different families should not be confused). Reed is more suitable for decorating large reservoirs in landscape-style dachas. It is decorative throughout its entire growth, and even dry plants in a frozen pond, covered with snow, captivate with its beauty. Reduces water pollution with organic substances (oxygenator).

Common reed. Photo from the site

The reed has long, erect, bluish-green stems-straws up to 3-4 m high. Flowers in brown-violet spikelets-panicles are small, inconspicuous, bloom from July to autumn. In August-September, they turn into eye-catching silvery-brownish fluffy sultans. There is decorative variety reed ‘ Variegata’- up to 1 m high, leaves with a golden yellow, later white border.

Growing features

Can be planted to a depth of 1.5 m, variegated ‘ Variegata’- 7-12 cm or in the coastal wet zone. Control over distribution is mandatory, since the plant is large, powerful, forming thickets. Winters in the open field.

The Latin name for the reed - Phragmites - comes from the Greek word phragma which means wattle fence... And this is no coincidence, since since ancient times it has been used to cover roofs, arrange fences, and weave baskets.

Umbelliferae (Butomus umbellatus)

Very graceful plant for the design of reservoirs, which can emphasize both the strict regular style of composition with its xiphoid, long leaves, and naturally fit into the company of aquatic plants in a pond in a landscape style. The height of the stems of the susak is 40-10 cm, the flowers are pink-white, collected in umbrellas, bloom in June-July.

Growing features

Susak can be planted in a container in shallow water (10 cm to 1 m). Prefers clay soil. Grows rapidly; divided every 2-3 years. Distribution control required.

Arrowhead arrowhead or ordinary (Sagittaria sagittifolia)

Arrowhead is one of the most beautiful aquatic plants that stands out decorative leaves different shapes (depending on their location) and white with dark purple or pink flowers in racemes on triangular stems. Blooms in July-August. Suitable for ponds of summer cottages, made in various styles: both regular, landscape, and eclectic.

Growing features

It can grow at different depths: from 20-60 and more (up to 120 cm). Arrowhead is unpretentious to the ground, grows well on a muddy bottom.

Plantain ditto (Alisma plantago-aquatica)

It is excellent ornamental, in bloom - openwork plant with a beautiful Latin name is great for decorating reservoirs in a landscape or landscape style. Sprawling rosettes of leaves look great along the coast. The stem with flowers reaches a height of 60-80 cm, flowers in a panicle are small, white or pinkish, bloom in June-September.

On the right is a plantain daisy. Photo from the site

Growing features

Can be planted in shallow water with a depth of 15-30 cm. The distance between plants is 40-50 cm.

And if some green pets already live in your reservoir, tell us about them!

A body of water is a small closed ecosystem, within which a certain balance must always be maintained. Plants are the most important component of any pond: representatives of the flora kingdom will not only provide an excellent appearance of a decorative object, but will also be useful from the point of view of the microclimate in the reservoir. What plants should be chosen for a pond in the country and how do they differ from each other?

At first glance, the purpose of placing plants in and around the water is obvious: this way the pond will look much more natural and fit better with the rest of the garden, but you should be aware of other equally important reasons for landscaping water bodies:

  • Plants, being in the water column or on its surface, will not only decorate it, but also cleanse it of such harmful substances as phosphates, ammonia, nitrates or ammonium. In other words, it will be possible to safely breed fish and other animals in the pond without fear for their health and life;
  • If there is not enough space on the site to accommodate a reservoir in shade conditions, and now it is under the scorching sun every day, flowers will help to artificially create shade, preventing the rapid multiplication of microorganisms that affect swamping and "blooming" of stagnant water. Attention! Plants should cover between one third and half of the entire water surface.

Common classification of aquatic plants

Among those plants that are usually planted in a reservoir, five main subgroups are traditionally distinguished: floating, marsh, deep-sea, coastal and oxygenators. Each of them has its own characteristics and should be located at different depths, which should be taken into account during the design. Let's consider these subgroups in more detail.

Oxygenators, or "water orderlies"

Feature: the ability to absorb carbon dioxide and at the same time produce oxygen, which is vital for the inhabitants of the reservoir. They are plants, the overwhelming majority of which are submerged under water and are not visible to an outside observer. These crops should be placed at the bottom in special containers (baskets, pots) at the very beginning of May. Experts recommend planting several specimens of similar flowers at the same time, since not all representatives of oxygenators are adapted to the climatic conditions of temperate latitudes.

The brightest representatives of oxygenators:

Buttercup water

  • Buttercup water - will decorate your artificial reservoir with its modest white flowers. Reproduces well by cuttings;
  • Rdest has many varieties, but they all have common feature: developed root system capable of overwintering, therefore the plant is considered a perennial. Serves as food and breeding ground for fish, blooms with small yellowish "buds", reminiscent of plantain fruits;
  • Turcha, or hottonia, blooms in June, decorating numerous peduncles up to 25 cm high with pale lilac flowers. At the end of the flowering period, it sinks to the bottom of the pond and waits out the winter. The plant is recommended to be kept in soft water and propagated by cuttings;
  • Elodea is a plant that helps others to settle down better. Possesses long stems and dark green lanceolate foliage, bred by cuttings in spring and summer. It should be borne in mind that the plant is capable of spreading quickly, therefore thinning is a mandatory procedure for elodea;
  • The bog, or rather some of its varieties, is perfect for decorating small ponds. The bog bog has a rather nondescript appearance, the only decorative type is ordinary, it forms a network of small stars on the surface of the water surface;

Turcha or hottonia

  • Tillea is an Australian visitor, aggressive and capable of completely covering the bottom with small foliage. This oxygenator is recommended to be placed one of the first in clean water, and then removed. So the water column will remain saturated with oxygen, and other plants will be able to fully develop;
  • Water moss, or, as it is also called, fontinalis, is well suited for ponds with fish, since animals lay eggs on its oxygen-producing leaves.

Floating plants for the pond

Such crops are usually planted in a reservoir located on open place, in order to create shade and prevent premature fading of water. The structure of floating plants is such that their foliage and flowers are on the surface, and the roots float freely under water.

Attention! Do not allow floating crops to cover more than half of the total pond surface.

The brightest representatives with a description:

    • Azolla is a tiny tropical fern that looks like openwork moss. The plant will take root both in the sun and in the shade, but it does not tolerate low temperatures well, therefore it is better to move it to room conditions during winter;
    • Duckweed is hard not to recognize - its three-lobed fronds cover almost any body of water in central Russia with a shiny emerald carpet. The plant is distinguished by its vitality and vegetative reproduction. Able to winter at the bottom of the pond. Some experts do not advise planting it on purpose - most likely the duckweed, sooner or later, will itself appear in stagnant water;
    • In a small summer cottage pond, it is imperative to settle a vodokras - this is a floating plant, characterized by a low rate of expansion in breadth. In July and August, its modest white flowers against the backdrop of round green leaves will add a special charm to the pond. The plant is quite unpretentious and is able to withstand winter frosts;


    • Pistia is a challenge for gardeners; an extremely capricious plant will not be able to endure not only the winter, but even the cool summer. The reason is the origin of the "velvet rose": in the wild, Pistia grows in tropical and subtropical forests... The advantage of culture is high decorative properties and attractiveness for fish;
    • Pemphigus is an unusual representative of the group of floating plants, as it is a predator. Leaves floating on the water surface with bubbles fall small insects, which serve as food for the pemphigus. Thanks to this carnivorous inhabitant, dead beetles and flying insects will not accumulate in your pond.


Deep sea cultures

The microclimate of a summer cottage pond will not do without ornamental plants. These include deep-sea representatives of the aquatic flora. Feature: soil, water and air are used for life.

The most popular members of the group:

    • The nugget is an inconspicuous, unassuming, yet rewarding carpet of bright leaves in the wild, serving as food for small rodents, elk and other mammals. On the garden plot, you can plant enough greenery with a pod. large areas... The plant tolerates winter well and is capable of independent reproduction;
    • Water lily, or nymphea, is the most popular representative of deep-sea plants in Russia; many beautiful legends are associated with it. The beauty will delight the owners of the pond large flowers up to 15 cm in diameter (color depends on the variety) from the beginning of summer to the first frost. It is recommended to plant a water lily at a depth of 1 m;

Water lily or nymphea

  • The lotus fits perfectly into an oriental-style garden. This plant has been revered since ancient times as giving health, beauty and food. Today, the lotus has no less fans, and buying it for your pond is a great idea if your pond has enough space for its stately flowers up to 30 cm in diameter.An interesting feature of the lotus is the presence of both underwater and emergent leaves, sometimes towering above the water stitch on 0.4-0.5 m;
  • Despite the fact that orontium is little bred on the territory of Russia, you can take the risk and settle it in your garden. The undoubted plus of the plant is very beautiful leaves and bright yellow inflorescences-cobs, similar to golden clubs, which gave the plant its second name.


Zone between shore and water: marsh and coastal plants

Distracting attention from the shores of the pond and making a smooth transition between it and the rest of the garden is the main task of coastal and marsh crops. Feature: love of wet soil, drought-resistant. In this case, as a rule, marsh plants are planted directly into the ground, and coastal plants are often placed in containers, and only then they are buried in the ground to the required depth.

The brightest representatives of marsh plants:

    • The catchment, or aquilegia, is a biennial with openwork foliage and flowers of white, blue or red-yellow shades. Differs in long shoots up to 0.8 m long, propagates by seed (you can learn more about this);
    • Buzulnik will decorate the shore of the pond with bright baskets of warm shades and unusual foliage - each leaf resembles a heart in shape and is distinguished by a non-standard purple or reddish color. It is not difficult to care for the crop, you just need to cut the stems after flowering. Buzulnik reproduces vegetatively every three years (spring or autumn);
    • The verbeinik will cover the coastal surface of the water with a bright yellow carpet of small round leaves and star flowers. However, it should be remembered that the growth of this culture must be constantly monitored;


  • Marsh iris and its many varieties are usually planted right near the water in a place where there is no shade. By the middle of summer, on long shoots up to 70 cm high, amazingly beautiful lilac or purple flowers without smell;
  • You can also plant a swimsuit near the shore. This moisture-loving and unpretentious shrub will develop well in the shade. The plant blooms from May to June, adorned with large spherical inflorescences, usually yellow in color, characteristic of hybrid variety most common among gardeners;
  • In April, pink primrose blooms - an early unpretentious culture with beautiful bright scarlet flowers. This species has many varieties for every taste, differing in the shade of inflorescences and sizes - Japanese, orange, Sikkim, powdered, etc. Propagated by dividing the bush or.

Primrose pink

Popular coastal crops:

    • Hosta - beautiful ornamental plant with many varietal varieties. Despite the fact that it does not bloom for long (July-August), it is often planted along the shady coast, where there is a lot of moisture. Hosta reproduces vegetatively. The main enemies are snails and slugs, they can eat foliage;
    • The pond will shine with new colors if a daylily is planted near the shore. This sun-loving culture blooms all summer with one-day flowers, the color of which can vary from red to blue;
    • Some lobelia varieties can even grow in water. Thanks to this feature and the unusual blue color of the inflorescences, this annual crop is highly valued both in the West and among Russian flower growers. It is better to plant the plant directly into the water, otherwise it can become a victim of an attack by slugs. It develops poorly in stagnant water. or purchase ready-made seedlings;
    • The ostrich is a popular fern species widely used to give a pond a wild, natural look. Outwardly, the plant resembles large bird feathers; reproduces by dividing the bush;


  • Volzhanka ordinary will transform the shore of the reservoir with its lush creamy white inflorescences. This plant is a giant, capable of reaching two meters in height, so it is used as an object that creates a shadow. Volzhanka herself also prefers to develop in a shaded place;

Pond planting technology

Decorating the pond with plants is the final stage in the construction of the reservoir. After at least 10 days have passed since the pond is filled with water, you can start landscaping. The ideal time for this is the first month of summer.

There are many ways to build a small artificial reservoir on your own. summer cottage, and one of the most ...

Depending on the type of plant, it is planted at the bottom of the reservoir or on the shore. If the culture is rooted in the ground, then it is better to provide each individual with its own pot. In this way, unpleasant situations of exposure of the underwater root system can be avoided. Mandatory requirement to the pots is the presence of special ventilation holes in the bottom and walls to prevent root rot. In addition, plants placed in separate containers will be much easier to transport indoors for the winter season.

In terms of soil, aquatic plants will thrive best in a mixture of clay soil and bone meal. It is strongly not recommended to fertilize the soil for such crops with manure, humus or peat - this will entail poisoning in fish and other inhabitants of the reservoir.

Where can I get plants if there is no way to buy them? Everything is very simple - the best specimens, adapted to local climatic conditions, you can easily find in the nearest natural body of water. However, care should be taken not to visit the marshland alone.

Tip: so that the muddy is not understood from the bottom, you should cover all the pots with a thick cloth or burlap, and then lay small pebbles on it.

Aquatic plants are an important part of designing a pond of any size and style. The main principles are to maintain the optimal number of crops on the surface of the reservoir and to ensure that they successfully survive the winter season in time.

Many people have a dream to have a small fishing or decorative pond... And of course, its implementation requires a lot of effort. But if all this is passed and the reservoir is ready, then it remains to decorate it beautifully and find the appropriate plants suitable for life in the water. It is worth telling separately how to choose the right flora for your pond, focusing on some points.

Plants needed by the pond

Determining which plants are needed for a particular pond is not as easy as it seems at first glance. A private pond near the house is not only a bright landscape design solution, but also represents a whole ecosystem. A viable environment in which there are rules and principles of arrangement. It is absolutely natural that for the normal coexistence of microorganisms and the performance of various tasks, a variety of plants are required that will perform different functions from each other. This means that the types of aquatic plants will differ in the purpose of their planting in the reservoir.

By general principles seedlings can be divided into:

  • coastal,
  • waterfowl,
  • oxygen generator, that is, aimed at purifying water from carbon dioxide,
  • abyssal.

Moreover, if at least one plant species is excluded from this classification, then the tasks of the normal functioning of the aquatic environment will not be fulfilled and the entire ecological balance will be violated.

Factors influencing the choice

Choosing plants for a summer cottage pond is an interesting and rather difficult task. Finding which plants are appropriate and adequate in an existing body of water is not easy. The choice of the necessary plants is influenced by different factors... The purpose of the pond itself will also determine which plants should be settled there. It is logical that different plants will be needed for fishing and decorative ponds.

A factor such as the allotment of one of the sides of the pond for a recreation area also affects. Overall design should be organically combined with the selected plants and the owner's idea. Therefore, along the coast, where you plan to spend time, it is recommended to plant low plants, herbaceous type, which will not obscure the view of the pond and access to it.

Plants represent more than design

Of course, the decor of a personal reservoir, equipped on its territory, performs an aesthetic function and is an integral part landscape design, is designed to please and satisfy the needs of the owner, but its purpose is not limited to this. The plants around the pond play a very important role. Thanks to their leaves, a partial shade is formed on the pond, which protects from excessive sun rays and prevents excessive algae and rotting at the bottom. The water remains clean and transparent much longer, and in addition, it does not warm up so much, which has great importance for fish living in the pond.

Plants should be planted taking into account the areas of the reservoir, depending on its depth. Deep-water plants are located closer to the center of the pond, at its deepest point. Floating shallow-water plants, on the contrary, are planted near the coast or in a swampy area. Plants that love moisture and do well in moist soil are placed on the coast. And already on the shore shrubs, flowers, ground cover plants are planted.

Rules for planting plants and decorating a country pond

Before you start planting plants directly, you need to decide on the idea of ​​decorating your pond, understand what you want to see in the end. It is best to make a preliminary sketch of the desired result.

Note! You should not buy all the aquatic plants in a row, as this will not lead to decorating and ennobling the pond, but to turning it into a kind of overcrowded tasteless flower shop.

Plants must be selected based on the specific needs of the particular pond. It is important that the reservoir is not too empty, but also not overflowing. The number and types of plants that need to be filled in the pond depend on its size, on the presence or absence of fish in it, and on the general landscape design.

Plant no more than three plants in a small pond to avoid congestion. A large body of water fills with six or seven species different plants... At the same time, you need to start planting with the most unassuming perennials. And already when such plants become familiar, it will be possible to add other, more demanding and even exotic ones.

There are two methods for planting plants:

  • in containers,
  • straight into the ground.

Reference! These methods have two sides of the coin, that is, positive and negative points.

The peculiarities of planting in containers are manifested in the fact that you can choose any ordinary pot for these purposes. But the best choice is plastic lattice garden containers, baskets, or special containers that are sold for aquatic plants. It is desirable that the cells are large enough to allow the roots to be well washed with water. A bag is lined at the bottom of such a container so that the soil is not washed out, and small pebbles are poured over the burlap to make the container heavier. Then it is filled with soil and the plant is planted.

The main advantage of this method is the convenience of moving plants in the pond, the ability to easily change the design and interior of the pond. If necessary, the plants can be easily removed from the pond, they do not need to be dug out. And besides, the containers hold back the growth of the root system.

However, planting plants in containers is not suitable for small ponds, since the containers are visible in the water, and this spoils the aesthetic perception or they have to be masked, which creates unnecessary trouble. After some time, the soil is depleted and discomfort, starvation occurs, and, consequently, the plants begin to bloom poorly or die altogether. You should be aware that some fish tear the soil out of containers, which worsens the position of the seedlings.

Planting plants directly into the ground will make the pond more natural and natural. At the beginning of the work, a soil layer of 20 or 30 centimeters is poured onto the site designated for planting. It is necessary to choose not very fertile soil. The best option is considered to be a substrate collected from loamy soil. But in the absence of the opportunity to make such land on your own, you can buy special soil for aquatic plants, which is a good alternative.
This method of planting seedlings has the advantage that being in a permanent place, they experience less stress, bloom better, and this planting method is well suited for landscaping a pond with a high bank. However, there are also downsides to this method. There is no way to easily move the plants around the pond (and near the pond), each time they need to be dug up for wintering and transplanted into containers.

Which method is more convenient to use and which will fit more organically into the design of a particular reservoir, only the owner decides.

Plant the plants correctly, starting in April and until mid-July. Planting begins with deep-water oxygen generator plants, one bunch per 1 sq. M. Containers with plants are also located every 1 sq. M. In order to launch water lilies into the pond, the water temperature must rise to 18-20 degrees. At the same time, you can fill the pond with floating plants. After the planting of aquatic plants, the shore is ennobled.

Important! Planting aquatic plants correctly will make it much easier to care for them in the future.

Types of aquatic plants

There are many pond plants. Most of them can perfectly live and develop in both natural and artificial reservoirs. Depending on the zone of location of plants, they are classified into:

  • coastal,
  • floating,
  • oxygen generators,
  • deep sea,
  • marsh

This separation of views allows you to effectively fill the space and not miss important elements for the normal functioning of the local ecosystem.

What will take root in shallow water

In shallow water, as a rule, moisture-loving plants are settled. Such plants give the pond a complete and vivid view are an important milestone its registration.

All of these testes are suitable both for planting in shallow water and for swampy areas, so they can be fully considered not only coastal, but also marsh.

Floating plants

Representatives of the flora, floating on the surface of the water surface, are classified as floating, and play a very important role for the reservoir. So they form a shade and prevent overheating of the water, contribute to its transparency, neutralize the harmful effects of decomposing substances on the purity of the pond, and maintain the ecological balance.

The most common green creatures of this variety are the grinder, wolf, water nut, azole. They are completely picky, adaptable and thrive both in sunny and shaded places. The most beautiful representatives are luronium, hydrokleis, vodokras, pemphigus.

Peculiarity! It must be remembered that floating plants should not cover more than half of the reservoir, but it is better to plant them in small quantities.

Oxygen generators

Oxygen generators are a special kind of aquatic plants, as they purify water from carbon dioxide and supply oxygen. Outwardly, they are not as seductive as other variations, but their functionality is difficult to replace with anything. Thanks to them, not only an excellent environment is created for the fish, if it lives in the pond, but also the appearance of algae is prevented, since, by absorbing minerals from the water, oxygen generators deprive the algae of food. Striking examples are:

  • pdest,
  • urut,
  • elodea,
  • hornwort

Deep sea plants

Abyssal flora live in the water column at a depth of more than 40 centimeters. As a rule, this place is located in the center of the pond, therefore, such testes are the main decoration of the reservoir.

Reference! Since the center of the reservoir is its main zone and attracts the most attention, it is worth planting deep-sea plants there, which will be noticeable on the surface.


Aquatic crops planted in a summer cottage require careful attention and care, along with garden shrubs and flowers. Accordingly, to take care of them, you will need special scissors adapted to work in water, pruning shears, tongs, special fertilizers, and a landing net.

The yellowed leaves must be cut off immediately with scissors, and if they are far from the shore, then you can pull them in with a net and complete the task.

It is important to remove fallen flowers or foliage from the pond in a timely manner. Otherwise, rotting will begin, which will harm both the reservoir and its inhabitants.

Do not cut dry plants in the coastal zone and shallow water, since in winter they will be ideal conductors of oxygen under the ice. But when spring comes, they will need to be removed. And before the onset of winter, wintering buds should be cut off and stored in a warm place until next season.

An important condition for the comfortable existence of pond flora is the use of high-quality fertilizers.


Owning your own body of water brings moral and aesthetic satisfaction. And so that the reservoir is pleasing to the eye when creating a plant decor, the main thing is not to overdo it. A well-coordinated structure of plants should decorate the interior of the pond, filling the contemplator with positive emotions and leaving harmony and serenity in the soul.

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