Miniature ficus "Natasha": how to grow an elegant plant on the windowsill. Ficus Natasha: reproduction and care at home

garden equipment 12.06.2019
garden equipment

Ficus Natasha is a dwarf variety of Ficus Benjamin. It grows on the islands of Java, Borneo and Ceylon. In nature, this plant can reach more than 10 meters, but in room conditions the height does not exceed 40 cm. The trunk is flexible and thin, if desired, it can be twisted and give the plant a spectacular look. The leaves are shiny, oval.

The color and size of the leaves may vary slightly. There are varieties with plain or variegated leaves. Miniature varieties are often used to create bonsai. More details can be seen in the photo.

Ficus Natasha prefers bright lighting. You can put the plant on the south side of the house, but in the daytime it is recommended to shade the flower. IN summer period suitable temperature ranges from 20-25 degrees. In winter, the temperature is slightly lowered, as the flower enters a dormant phase. Minimum temperature, which single-color varieties can withstand, 10 degrees, and variegated species require at least 15.


Ficus Natasha should be watered according to the condition of the soil. If top part the earth has dried up, then you can water the flower a little. You can only water with filtered water at room temperature. In winter, watering is reduced to a minimum. The lower the air temperature in the room, the less you should water. Optimal Humidity for a plant is at least 60%. To increase the humidity of the air, it is recommended to spray the leaves with a spray bottle.


Do I need a transplant after buying ficus Natasha? The plant grows from the first pot for a long time. Ficus transplantation is a huge stress, so it is carried out only in case of emergency. Adult specimens are transplanted 1 time in 3-5 years. If the flower does not tolerate the transplant, then you can simply replace upper layer soil. The best time to transplant is spring.

Soil and top dressing

The substrate for ficus should be loose and soft. To prepare such a soil, you need to mix the following ingredients:

  • peat;
  • leaf land;
  • sod land;
  • sand.

All components should be mixed in equal proportions. At the bottom of the pot should be a drainage layer of small stones.

Ficus Natasha is fed only from March to August. It is necessary to fertilize the plant 1 time in 15 days with organic top dressing.


Ficus Benjamin Natasha should be pruned at the beginning of active growth. Pruning helps to rejuvenate the plant and form a fluffy crown.

To get a fluffy shape, you should cut a few shoots with different parties. For decoration, you can buy jute. It is a rough fabric that is wrapped around the stem of a plant. The formation of the trunk occurs under a tightly stretched tissue. Sometimes, with prolonged use of jute, the trunks of several ficuses can grow together.


Ficus can be propagated using cuttings that remain after pruning. Shoots should be at least 10-15 cm long and have at least 2 leaves. Cuttings should be cut only with a sharp knife so that the cut is even. Ready shoots are dipped into water with the addition activated carbon. As soon as the first roots appear, the cuttings can be transplanted into a permanent 10 cm pot. Then you need to take care of it, like an adult plant.

Diseases and pests

Ficus Natasha is considered a deciduous variety. This species is characterized by leaf fall in the autumn season. If a flower sheds leaves at another time, then there are several reasons:

  • excessive watering;
  • depleted soil, rare top dressing;
  • dry air;
  • insufficient lighting.

All these factors contribute to the strong fall of the leaves. It is recommended to change the conditions for caring for the plant and see how the flower reacts in the future. Home care for ficus Natasha consists in observing the regime of lighting and watering.

What to do if the leaves dry and turn yellow? Most likely, pests attacked the ficus. The most common of them are worms, scale insects and centipedes. If insects are found, wash the plant with a soft brush. Pests should be removed manually, and the affected areas should be treated with an insecticide. Chemical solutions from pests can be applied to the soil.

Ficuses are popular, these plants can often be found in home greenhouses. beautiful plants, which look like a mini-tree, are distinguished by the oily sheen of the leaves, the variety of their color and the variability of crown formation.

Varieties of ficus Benjamin: Natasha and Kinky are dwarf varieties of this plant. Miniature trees are quite often used in bonsai style, for interior decoration or as a natural air purifier.

The care of these varieties, as well as, is very similar.

Exterior features of varieties Natasha and Kinki

Variety Natasha
differs in the small sizes of leaves which color varies from light green to saturated dark color. The size of the leaves in an adult plant does not exceed 3 cm in length and 1.5 cm in width. The leaves are noticeably bent inward along the central vein, the surface is slightly shiny.

Well-branched trunks reach a height of no more than 40 cm. The crown of this plant is easy to shape, thin trunks, if desired, can be formed into one by twisting each other.

This variety is often used for the bonsai style due to its small size.

Variety Kinky belongs to the variegated species of ficus Benjamin, the plant also has small sizes - 35-40 cm in height.

The crown of a young plant is spherical, lush.
With growth, the ficus loses its ideal spherical shape, its branches begin to grow outward.

Ficus leaves have an oblong-oval shape, with a curved pointed top, arranged alternately.

The size of the leaves of an adult plant does not exceed 4 cm in length and 2 cm wide.

In a young plant, green leaves have a light green edging, an adult specimen is distinguished by a white or cream edging along the edges of the leaf.

The trunk of the plant is short, in the form of many veins, the main one is weakly expressed. Thanks to this, the ficus has a lush crown. like a ball.

Ficus care Natasha and Kinki


Like other types of ficuses, Natasha and Kinki are quite demanding on their place of residence.

Variegated Kinky should be in a well-lit area, but not in direct sunlight. In the shade, light edging along the edge of the sheet may disappear over time.

Variety Natasha not so picky about lighting, but due to the constant presence in the shade - the leaves of this variety of ficuses can become very dark.

If plants are critically lacking sunlight, they may respond to this with complete shedding of leaves and growth retardation.


Ficuses are tropical plant species that drought is much easier to tolerate than constant overflow.

Watering tips:

  • Water for varieties Natasha and Kinki should be settled in open containers for several days;
  • The water should not be cold;
  • Plants need to be watered only when the soil dries out more than 3 cm.
  • Leaving excess moisture in pallets is not recommended.- the root system can rot.
  • It is very important to spray small ficus leaves with water. It is desirable to carry out spraying several times a week.

In winter, do not open windows after such water procedures, since varieties Natasha and Kinki very sensitive to drafts and temperature changes.


The beauty of small-leaved varieties of ficus Natasha and Kinka depends on the density and color of the leaves of the crown.

In order for the plant to be lush, you need fertilize it from early spring until autumn.

Easiest to buy special nitrogen fertilizers for these types of plants and use according to the instructions. IN winter period feed is not used winter is the time of rest.

Causes of shedding, falling and yellowing of leaves in varieties Natasha and Kinki

And its varieties under similar conditions.

  • Transportation of the plant to another place;
  • Regular overflow of water;
  • Insufficient watering;
  • Lack of necessary lighting;
  • Dry air, especially during the heating period;
  • Low air temperature (below 16 degrees);
  • Flaw nutrients;
  • Unsuitable type of fertilizer;
  • Pests (, ants)

It is impossible to immediately determine the cause of leaf drop in ficus. It is necessary to carefully observe the plant, to exclude all harmful factors.


Ficus varieties Natasha and Kinki need to be repotted periodically: young plants once a year, adults - once every 3-4 years.

With every transplant the plant pot must be larger than the previous capacity.

In the process of transplanting, you need to wash the root system with water to make sure that there are no pests and rot. Roots damaged by rot need to be pruned..

The soil for transplantation should consist of humus, peat and leaf soil. You can add sand to the mixture, then the soil will not be heavy. Freshly purchased plants are recommended to be transplanted a few weeks after purchase.

Natasha and Kinky are miniature plants with a lush crown, able to decorate any room. Also, do not forget about useful properties ficuses, such as: purifying the air and filling it with substances that increase resistance human body to various viruses and infections.


It differs from, which include rubber species, but is similar for Natasha and Kinki varieties. The next video will tell you about the breeding features of the Natasha variety.

Formation of Bonsai from ficus Kinki

Bonsai is becoming more and more popular every day. Therefore, we have prepared for you a video instruction on the formation of bonsai from ficus Kinki.

Ficus Natasha mini-tree, which is bought in order to diversify the interior and decorate the apartment. It is considered a symbol of love and prosperity. According to signs, the more interesting the shape of the ficus, the faster it grows, the happier the family will be.

In order to avoid mistakes when caring for a plant at home, it is important to know its growth characteristics in its natural environment. Since the ficus comes from the tropics, it must be provided with similar conditions.

general description

Ficus Natasha a dwarf variety of representatives of the Mulberry family, symbolizes well-being and comfort in the house. IN natural conditions x growth is common on the islands of Borneo, Java, Ceylon. Wild species sometimes reach 10 m in height, indoor species cannot even boast of a height of 45 cm.

Thanks to the thin and flexible trunk, spectacular forms can be formed from ficus benjamin. The leaves are oval, shiny. You can find varieties with plain and variegated foliage.

Home care

It is advisable for a novice florist to familiarize himself with the rules of care, since after purchase dwarf plant many face difficulties in growing, although this type of ficus is considered unpretentious.

Immediately after purchase

Before heading to the store for a purchase, it is important to determine the location for the ficus, as the plant does not tolerate frequent rearrangements.

The place should not be sunny, diffused lighting is preferable.

He does not like ficus and proximity to heating appliances. During the ventilation of the room, the plant should not be allowed to stand in a draft.

Ficus Benjamin Natasha will undergo adaptation to room conditions. Now it can be transplanted into new land in a pot, slightly larger in diameter than the previous one.

Attention! Very often, the ficus begins to shed its foliage. This is considered a normal adaptation process. Don't panic. In order for the plant to quickly get used to the new conditions, it is recommended to spray the foliage more often and do not forget about watering.



For good ficus growth moderate temperature is required. It is optimal if you maintain indoors + 18-22 ° C throughout the year . At too high a temperature and low humidity, the plant begins to shed its foliage.


Ficus Natasha does not tolerate prolonged drying of an earthy coma. As a result, he will be able to drop all the foliage. Watering should be done as needed, but not allowing excess water to "stand" in the pot.

Half an hour after watering, it is necessary to drain the water that has leaked into the pan. It is necessary to water with warm, settled water, otherwise diseases of the root system cannot be avoided.

The soil

Ficus Natasha prefers fertile soil. During planting, you need to consider that the plant does not like when its roots float in water.

Therefore, a drainage layer must be placed at the bottom of the pot. IN flower shops you can buy special soil for ficuses.

top dressing

As a result of a lack of nutrients, the plant begins to shed its foliage. Fertilizers are applied to the soil during the entire growing season: in spring and summer.

Ficus needs mineral and organic matter, that's why Once a month they are fed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers, 1 time - composts, manure, peat, etc.. The feeding process is carried out after watering, so as not to burn the root system.


Formative pruning is carried out in early spring with the aim of:

  • giving the plant a compact appearance;
  • to stimulate the formation of new shoots;
  • barrel exposure warnings;
  • formation of a standard tree.

Ficus Benjamin in the spring there is an active growth. After pruning, new shoots begin to grow, which contributes to the formation of a lush bush. Young branches grow back healthy and strong.

It is advisable to start pruning a few weeks before transplanting and combine the process itself with fertilizing.

Attention! It is impossible to transplant the plant and carry out pruning at the same time, as this will lead to its weakening, perhaps the ficus will stop growing.

Do not prune weak specimens, as stress will adversely affect weakened plants.


Summer is good time for propagation of ficus Natalie. The best way reproduction - cuttings.

For cuttings, already lignified shoots are selected, green ones are not suitable, since there is a high probability of not rooting. One cutting should contain 2 to 4 leaflets with buds.

The cuttings are placed in a glass of water and the water is changed daily, as the vegetative parts secrete white juice. After 2 weeks, a callus forms on the cut of the cuttings, then roots appear. Cuttings at this time can be planted in separate pots.

Cuttings can be planted in the soil immediately after cutting, let them dry for a couple of hours at room temperature until the juice stops coming out.

Rooting will be faster if the plant pot is covered with a jar. After the formation of the root system, the jar is removed and the new specimen is taken care of like an ordinary ficus.


Transplantation can only be done 3 weeks after the purchase of the plant. Adult specimens are transplanted 1 time in 2-3 years.

Transplant rules:

  • the width and height of the pot should only be 2-3 cm higher than the volume of the previous container, otherwise the plant may stop developing;
  • at the bottom of the tank it is necessary to arrange drainage;
  • after extracting the plant from the old soil, you need to shake off the old soil as much as possible and transplant it into a new nutrient soil;
  • when planting, the root system is straightened, the pot is filled to the top with soil and watered.

Further care consists in timely watering, fertilizing, pruning.

Listen to the advice of an amateur grower:

Diseases and pests

Of the diseases of ficus benjamin Natasha, one can name root rot, anthracnose, leaf spot, cercosporosis.

The scale insect likes to settle on the plant, mealybugs can be seen in the soil, and a soot fungus on the surface.

To do this, remove the ficus from the pot, dry the roots and cut them to a healthy part. When the root system dries out a little, treat the cut points with crushed coal, plant the plant in dry soil and do not water for 3-4 days . This time is necessary for the adaptation of the ficus.

The scale insect does a lot of damage. To fight it, you must first treat the trunk, shoots and foliage with a sponge dipped in laundry soap. After 2 hours, you need to wipe the plant with a new sponge, while removing the scale insects. After application folk remedies it is necessary to treat the ficus with insecticides to combat scale insects.

stem shaping

There are many methods on how to form a ficus tree at home.

A dwarf tree can be formed as:

  • stem;
  • longline trunk;
  • sculpture.

Consider all the formation methods in more detail with a photo.


To form a lush bush, you will need to pinch the main shoot at a height of 10-12 cm from the soil level. After the top is removed from the axillary buds, young shoots begin to develop. When they reach a length of 10 cm, they are also pinched. The procedure is done over the kidney, which is turned outward.

Juice will stand out from the slices for some time, which must be removed with a cotton swab, and then sprinkled with charcoal.

Uniform formation will depend on regularly turning the plant pot towards the sun.


To form a trunk, you need to choose a plant with an erect trunk and remove all side shoots until the height of the ficus reaches 20 cm. Now you need to pinch the top.

This will stimulate the growth of side shoots. At first, the ficus needs support. When the plant adapts, the peg can be removed.

Longline trunk

Such formation is possible only on an adult plant with a pronounced trunk. When the ficus Natasha reaches the required height, pinch the top.

Two-level trunk: the crown is divided into 3 parts, the middle one is bared, that is, the shoots are completely removed, and the upper and lower tiers are formed in the form of a ball.

Three-level trunk: the plant is divided into 5 parts, the branches are completely removed on the second and fourth, and the crown is formed in the form of a ball on 1, 3, 5.


Ficus benjamin can be given a spherical, conical or cube shape. You can make curly pruning in the form of animals or birds.

How to braid ficus Natasha

So that later the ficus can be braided and created a bizarre shape, it is necessary to plant several cuttings in one pot. After pinching and trimming from the shoots you can form whatever you want.

From two copies, you can create a spiral shape by twisting the trunks into a bundle. If 3 plants are planted, you can braid them. The whole procedure must be carried out carefully, trying not to damage the branches.

As the plant grows, it will get used to the shape and it will be easier for it to develop in a given pattern. Weaving should be free.

Here's how to do it right:

The benefits of ficus

Ficus Natalie, having settled in the house, brings great benefit. The foliage of the plant absorbs harmful substances: phenol and benzene, that is - cleans the microclimate.

People call him "Family Tree". Beliefs say that when a ficus appears in the house, a baby can soon be expected.

Ficus - unpretentious plant which is not difficult to care for. Having settled in the house, it will serve as an interior decoration for many years. With proper care, ficuses can live for more than 15 years.

Ficuses of this species lend themselves perfectly to pruning, they are given any interesting shapes. Often they make a tree on a trunk.

Ficus trunks are quite flexible, and often several plants are planted in one pot, intertwined with each other.

It grows at home quite quickly and turns into a beautiful dwarf tree with proper care.

Ficus "Benjamina Natasha (Natalie)" photo:

Home care

Features of care after purchase

For the ficus "Benjamin Natasha" care is not very easy. At proper watering, lighting and humidity, the plant grows into a beautiful little tree and pleases the hostess with greenery all year round.

Important: after purchase, it is advised to transplant the plant in a month.

Then the young are transplanted once a year, most often in the spring during the active growth of the shoots, then as the pot becomes small for the roots.

When ficus grows more than one and a half meters, it is advised not to change the pot, but just fill up the earth, because this big plant not very convenient for transplantation, and the root system of ficuses is quite sensitive and requires very careful handling.


Ficus Benjamin is very photophilous, the light makes the leaves of the plant glossy.

Ficus loves bright light and tolerates direct sunlight.

For this type of plant, windows facing the southeast or southwest are perfect.

Try to rotate the plant as often as possible so that it receives light evenly from each side.

Standing in partial shade, it will develop worse and a curvature of the trunk may occur, as the ficus will "stretch towards the sun."


Ficus Benjamin Natasha, like any other tropical plant very thermophilic.

Optimum temperature for him will be 25-30 degrees.

With constant spraying, it will be easier to endure hot weather.

Attention: during active growth, try not to change the position of the ficus relative to the light source - it may begin to throw off the leaves.

If you have a loggia or a balcony, then this place will become great solution for a summer plant

Air humidity

Ficus grows well in rooms with high humidity.

He will like frequent spraying especially during the dry summer season.

You can also periodically triple your pet a “warm shower”.


Ficus "Natalie" prefers regular moderate watering, it is best to use warm settled water.

In summer, as the top layer of the earth dries out, in winter, less often, but not allowing the roots to completely dry out.

crown formation

If you want to give nice shape the crown of your ficus, it is best to start doing this at a young tree, since the shoots of the ficus quickly take a horizontal position and the tree turns one-sided.

Often several bushes are planted in one pot, they are intertwined with trunks among themselves, then these places can grow together.

It turns out a denser and branched plant.

Reference: to support young shoots, you can use bamboo sticks, which are removed when the trunk becomes more stable and strong.

Fertilizers and feed

It is best to feed the plant during the period of their greatest growth, that is, in summer and spring.

Liquid fertilizers for ficuses and palms are perfect for this purpose.

Transplant and soil

The plant is transplanted very carefully, ficus benjamin has very sensitive roots.

Best transplanted in the spring during active growth.

The soil is advised to take fertile and breathable.

You can also add sand and humus to the soil.

Important: be sure to make drainage (expanded clay), up to 1/5 of the height of the pot.


Reproduction is mainly carried out by cuttings, the roots are perfectly formed in the water. The recommended temperature is 25-30 degrees.

You can also plant the stalk in specially prepared soil with moss and cover with foil. Most often, cuttings with roots are planted in the ground.

It is advised to wash off the juice released from the cut, otherwise the vessels will clog, and the roots may not appear.

Growing ficus seeds at home is quite difficult.

Flowering and fruits

Flowering in this type of ficus is rare, and most often it occurs in natural habitats.


Ficus has long been called the "Family Flower". It is believed that the family in which this plant appeared will have children in the near future.

This type of ficus has a wonderful property - it is able to purify the air from benzene and phenol, processing them into amino acids.

It makes an invaluable contribution to the microclimate of the room.

Important: the plant does not bring any harm, benjamin's ficus is not poisonous.

scientific name

Ficus Benjamina Natasha got its name in honor of the outstanding British botanist Benjamin Daydon Jackson, the compiler of the famous reference book on floriculture. Also, this tree is a symbol of Bangkok.

Diseases and pests

Why does the ficus "Benjamin Natasha" fall leaves? What to do?

In care, the plant is quite whimsical.

With a lack of light in the cold season, when the plant cools (drafts), the Benjamin Natasha ficus drops its leaves.

And in no case should you fill the flower - it will also drop all the leaves.

The main pests that affect the leaves and trunk of the plant are - mealybugs, aphids, scale insects and spider mites.

A cotton pad moistened with soapy water or an alcohol solution will help get rid of pests.

Also successfully applied special preparations, such as "Karbofos", "Inta-vir", "Aktellik".

With proper care, timely watering and a comfortable temperature, the ficus grows well, quickly acquires new leaves and turns into a beautiful little tree.


Useful video about home care for ficus Benjamin "Natasha":

Ficus Benjamin Natasha (Ficus Natasja) is a variety that has gained wide popularity. It has long been believed that this plant gives love and family well-being - the more intensively it grows, the happier the relationship will be. But what features does this miniature tree have, how to properly care for it, and what you need to know about the most common diseases and treatment.
Hot countries are considered to be the birthplace of ficuses, in which summer reigns all year round. That is why the flower needs to be kept at a certain temperature - the room should be warm and humid.

Ficus Benjamin, variety - Natasha

Ficus Natasha by appearance looks more like a small bush than indoor flower. The leaves are slightly elongated, uniform green. At home, the plant does not bloom. The question of how to braid branches is quite common. It is only necessary to plant the stems side by side, connecting them together - and get a stylish and unusual element of decor.

Temperature jumps are unacceptable for this flower - it is necessary to maintain an optimal microclimate in the room. The location must be chosen in advance - even before the ficus is brought into the house. Almost all species of this plant have a rather capricious character, and Natasha is no exception. It is necessary to carefully monitor the conditions of its maintenance, constantly maintaining the required level of humidity, optimal temperature conditions, as well as using a sufficient amount of liquid and fertilizer for top dressing.

Important! The lush crown of this small shrub is its distinguishing feature. Therefore, during each watering, it is important to gently shake the branches - this will open access to air currents, which are so necessary for the flower.

The plant needs moisture - you can refresh it by spraying the leaves with a spray bottle. This must be done not only in summer, but also in winter, because actively working batteries not only heat, but also dry the air. Young flowers for this period can even be placed under a capacious jar, creating a kind of greenhouse.

Very often, ficus leaves fall and turn yellow later. short term after purchase, If the process is slow, then you can not worry about this - this is a kind of reaction of the plant to such stress. Need to ensure proper care- and everything is back to normal.

Ficus care Natasha at home

Ficus Natasha is a small plant, whose height is only about 40 cm. But despite its miniature size, it needs special care. What does it include?

  • Watering: Watering ficus cannot be planned according to the standard scheme, for example, moistening the soil once a week. This plant needs individual approach, because excess fluid only harms him. To understand that it is time to “refresh” the earth, you can stick it into it wooden stick or a toothpick - if the top 3 cm is still wet, then you can take your time with watering. It is only important not to allow the soil to dry out completely.

Use tap water undesirable. Before watering, the liquid should stand for at least 2 days. Starting from spring, the volumes of water gradually increase, starting from autumn, they decrease.

It is better to water the ficus slowly - alternately introducing the liquid in small portions. Each of them should be well absorbed - everything that appears on the pallet after 30-60 minutes should be carefully drained. Under no circumstances should you use cold water- it must be at room temperature otherwise it will harm the roots.

  • reproduction: In the spring, during the period of active growth of the flower, it's time to think about its reproduction. To do this, one of the young, but already lignified cuttings with several leaves (no more than 4) is cut off from the top.

Reproduction of ficus Natasha is not particularly difficult - after working with a pruner, the resulting process must be placed in clean water, which is updated every 2-3 days. The stalk is in the water until the roots appear, which takes about 3 weeks.

Important! Juice forms at the cutting site white color- if you do not renew the liquid, then it will harden and prevent future roots from germinating.

You can put the cutting not in water, but in wet sand and cover it with a jar or film, creating the effect of a greenhouse. A few weeks later, the cutting is transplanted into a pre-prepared soil containing mineral and organic fertilizers.

  • Transfer: Pruning and crown formation, transplantation - all these procedures are performed in the spring. root system young plants very quickly fills the entire space, which means it's time to buy a new pot.

It is necessary to cut off a small cutting in the upper part - it must be at least half lignified. Until the roots appear, the shoot is in the water, and after a few weeks it is transplanted into suitable soil.

You can cut this variety at your own discretion - it easily tolerates the procedure, and changing the shape is not difficult. The main thing is to use a sharp pruner, as well as decide in advance on the choice of the future style.

  • top dressing: In spring and summer, caring for ficus Natasha includes the introduction of additional top dressing - otherwise the branches will begin to thin out, and the leaves may completely crumble. It is better to pick up fertilizers in a specialized store, diluting the concentrate strictly according to the instructions.

Top dressing is introduced 1-2 times a month - mineral fertilizers alternate with organic ones. When transplanting or planting cuttings, it is important to observe the reaction of the plant - this will allow you to draw up an optimal schedule for soil nutrition. In no case should the proportions of the dilution of the remedy be violated - an excess of nutrients is harmful and can provoke the development of various ailments.

Diseases: why leaves fall off

Owners of this variety are often faced with the fact that ficus Natasha sheds leaves. There can be many reasons for this, but the most common problem is improper care behind a small bush, for which special conditions must be provided.

Initially you need:

  1. Check the air temperature in the room (it should be at least 17-18 degrees)
  2. Provide extra hydration by spraying the leaves daily with a spray bottle
  3. work out optimal mode watering, moistening the earth when necessary, but not allowing it to dry out.

Very often, ficus sheds leaves after transplanting or when moving to a new place. It will not be superfluous to inspect the inside of the sheet - if pests are found on it, then you will need to use chemical agents.

You can appreciate the beauty of ficus Natasha in the photo - such green spaces will decorate any apartment. Moreover, they are completely special properties, purifying the air in the premises - this will more than pay off all the efforts spent on growing.

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