Apples Grennie Smith, description, useful properties. Apples "Grennie Smith": Huge benefits for the body

Landscape design and layout 13.06.2019
Landscape design and layout

The name of this variety of apples, Grennie Smith, translates as "Granny Smith", their homeland is considered to be Australia. From where Apples Grennie Smith received such a strange name, you ask? According to the legend of origin, Anna Maria Smith (1799-1870), an elderly lady who is fond of breeding, in 1868 crossed the French apple tree-dick with a local variety. Initially, the new apple tree fell into New Zealandwhere it quickly became popular, and already in the 1930s won England. Nowadays, Grennie Smith's apples where they do not grow, thanks to excellent breeding qualities, they are rightfully considered one of the most popular varieties in the world.

Apples Grennie Smith, according to the classic description, have an oval, round or truncated conical shape, and their weight can reach 300g. They differ saturated green With a light yellowish tint, sometimes, when ripening on a bright sun, one of the sides of the apple can be covered with a blurred red-brown blush. Inside Grennie Smith's apples, as you can see in the photo, juicy and dense softness of greenish-white color. In this case, the taste of fruit is pronounced, sweet, with obvious sourness. One of the features of this variety is the complete absence of fragrance.

The composition of these fruits is unique, Grennie Smith has low calorie content, 87% consist of water and practically do not contain fats, also have a lot of fiber, so useful for the gastrointestinal tract. So how many calories in the apple Grennie Smith? Total 47, 5 kcal, which makes them indispensable when drawing up diet menus. As in other varieties of apples, in Grenni Smitht, confirming their favor, there are iron, ascorbic acid, vitamin A, folic acid, potassium and pectin.

Also perfectly accounted for due to the fact that long does not darken with a cut form, therefore it is often used in salads and baking. Anotherly definite plus Grennie Smith is a fortress that can easily endure transportation over long distances, and long shelf life.

Apples Grennie Smith, Translated Meaning "Grandma Smith", appeared in Australia. The name is associated with the legend of the elimination of this variety. Anna Smith's old woman was engaged in the selection, which joined the French Dichka and Australian Apples. To date, this variety is popular around the world.

Frequently large fruits are sometimes achieved in weight until 300 g. There are fruit round, truncated and conical and oval form. Fruits painted in green color with a yellowish tint, as well as on sunny side A red blurred blush may occur. Inside is dense, but at the same time a sufficiently juicy flesh of greenish color (see photo). Grennie Smith's apples have a sweet taste with distinctly tangible sourness. By the way, the peculiarity of this variety is the complete absence of fragrance.

Storage and transportation

Apples Grennie Smith enough well tolerate transportation over long distances And they retain their freshness for a long time.

Beneficial features

The use of Grennie Smith's apples is due to the composition of fruits. So this grade is 87% of water and practically does not contain fat. In addition, this fruit contains a large amount of fiber, which favorably affects the intestinal activity and helps improve the operation of the gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to the regular consumption of Grennie Smith's apples, you can prevent constipation of constipation. Given the large amount of iron, the fruits will be useful to people with anemia.

This fruit has low calorie and low nutritional value, which makes it possible to use them without fear for their shape. Enters the fruit of ascorbic acid, which increases the protective function of the body. There are Smith Folic Acid and Vitamin A. apples in Grennie Apples, it is also worth saying that the fruit includes a large number of potassium, which favorably affects the activities of the cardiovascular system.

Is part of the fruit of pectin, which has the ability to remove toxins from the body and heavy metals . Considering this, Grennie Smith's apples can be used during unloading Dayswho are aimed at cleaning the intestine. With regular consumption, the condition of hair, view, nails and skin is improved. In addition, this fruit helps to improve the psychological state and clean the blood.

In the diet, Grennie Smith's apples are standing for people who suffer from chronic eczema and other skin problems. This variety of apples with rheumatism, gout and atherosclerosis is also useful.

Use in cooking

Despite low attractiveness due to its features, Grennie Apples Smith is quite popular in cooking. For example, fruits are used to prepare pies and other baking. In the fresh form, fruit is put in salads and snacks. Here you can recall another feature of the fruit - Apples Grennie Smith enough for a long time Do not darken in a cut form.

Harm of Apple Grennie Smith and Contraindications

Harbor's harm Smith apples can bring people with individual intolerance to the product. With caution it is worth using fruits with colitis, ulcers and gastritis. It is also necessary to control the amount of fruit eaten, since when moving, you can provoke problems with dental enamel. In addition, you need to remember that the bones of poisonous and there are impossible.

In the trading network, especially in large supermarkets, round year On sale large, green apples. These fruits gives the grade of the apple tree Grennie Smith.

Why grow green apples? After all, their fruit on the background of green foliage looks not as impressive as yellow or red. Where did Apple Hrennie Smith, come from?

We will get acquainted in what its benefits and uniqueness. Perhaps this is precisely this lacking your garden.

A distinctive feature of the variety are themselves apples - very rich green, recognizable at first sight. Sometimes subcutaneous enclosures are manifested - brownish or brownish - red.

The fruits are covered with dense, resistant to injury and lesions, peel. The flesh of the fruit is also quite dense, but at the same time juicy and gentle during sovage.

As a natural semi-darker, the apple varieties are average, fast-growing in the first years and slowing growth after joining fruction.

Sort Grennie Smith refers to winter group . The fruits ripen by the end of September and are suitable for long-term storage.

Grade old, widely distributed almost around the world And it is cultivated in all climatic latitudes, where you can grow. He is moderately demanding, although the productivity and quality of fruits, largely depends on the conditions of growth and weather conditions.

Apple tree Grennie Smith.

additional characteristics

Grennie Smith grows up to 3.5 meters.

Yield and frequency of fruiting

For favorable conditions the frequency of fruiting and high yield Although it applies to the mid-product. Trees on semi-darling stock reach a peak of yields in the fifth year - 15-20 kg with one apple tree. Fruit such apple trees for eight - ten years.

Apple tree Grennie Smith gives up to 20 kg of fruits from one tree.

Tasting evaluation

Apples have an acidic - sweet taste, the sweetness of which is enhanced when stored. In the fruit of juicy flesh, a pleasant fragrance and it has a high estimate of taste. The variety considers the best among green apples in the composition of minerals, vitamins and nutrientskept in the fruits.

The fruits of Apple and Grennie Smith.

The use of apples in moderate quantities helps to strengthen the immunity, improving the operation of the digestive tract and reduce the risk of heart and colds.

Look at the video, how Apples Grennie Smith looks:

Winter hardiness

Apple tree Grennie Smith poorly refer to K. long period Low temperatures and have a medium level of winter hardiness. Ideal for him is a moderate, soft climate with a long summer and a short winter.

Resistance to disease

It has average stability indicators, and, more often amazed and powdered mold.

Apple tree grade Smith can be amazed rust.

Watch video with rust fighting methods:


Svetlana. "I personally sit perpetual on the diet. And therefore in my garden a variety separate place. With the care of special problems there. Harvest is good, apples are delicious and very long stored. Recommend."

Alexander. "Initially, the appearance of the apples disappointed me. From the autumn they were dim green. But in the process of storage, they have proven themselves perfectly. And the color has become more fun, and the taste has improved. And it is not harder to grow than any other apple tree. "

Olga. "The first apple tree Grennie Smith put in Thawing for the bath. The result was not impressed - the apples were not crowded, and the taste was not very. Another apple tree placed on the sun. Excellent fruits, and apples ripen large, juicy. "

Features of planting and care



Saplings both and. Most - that finding a plant in the rest stage and the lack of frosts.

Prior to development, the plant should have time to adapt in the soil and consolidate the root system in it.

For middle strip this is:

  • The end of March - the beginning of April;
  • The end of September is the beginning of October.

Watch the video, how to put apple trees correctly:


Right is the key to successful survival and subsequent successful fruiting.

Pits for landing are prepared in advance so that the fertile mixture added to them (humus, overwhelmed, mineral fertilizers) has seal well. Root system The pit is free, not bending. Root neck is left above the ground surface. The seedling is tied up to the support and are plenty of water.

Planting an apple tree.

Growing and agrotechnology

Main agrotechnical techniques:

  • . It is important to maintain the soil wet especially in the first year after landing. Effective watering in dry years at any age;

Watering an apple tree.

Attention! Do not spend watering during the ripening period of fruits. This can lead to cracking of the peel.

  • In the early spring period, copper-containing drugs. If there are signs, the Fundosol, Bayleton, Bordeaux Liquid and other drugs are used in accordance with the instructions;

Processing apple trees from diseases.

Undercantle apple trees.

  • Swimming, mulching of the soil and the removal of weeds.

Mulching of the priority circle.

Crown Pruning and Forming

The tree grows intensely, especially in the early years, and permanent requiredTo prevent its thickening.

Crane formation start from the second year:

  • The main skeletal branches are left at a height of at least 50 cm each other;
  • Remove shoots directed inside crowns and intersecting with other branches;
  • Damaged branches and having signs of the disease are also removed.

Look at the video, as correct:

Sort Fatalithors

Apple tree grade Smith is an excellent pollinator for others late varieties Apple trees with matching flowering times and himself it is partially barren. Concerning very good is the neighborhood with such varieties as:

  • Pink lady;
  • Elise.

Pink lady.

Features of ripening and fruiting

Beginning of fruiting

In trees on a low-speed, dating and fruits appear on 2 - 3 years of life, but it will be single fruits. For 4 - 5, a full fertilization begins.

The first fruits on the apple tree appear for 2-3 years.



Winter grade and blooms in late dates, coinciding with the flowering of other late varieties. Blossom friendly, abundant, medium duration. Large, white, saucer flowers are collected in inflorescences.

Flowering apple tree grennie Smith.


Removable ripe fruit has to at the end of September, And in separate regions - at the beginning of October.

Removable maturity of fruits occurs at the end of September.

Fruit storage

Apples stored before the new crop. To do this, it is necessary to remove them correctly, not allowing damage to the peel, waxing and squeezing. Fruits as if unscrew from the branch, carefully examine, remove the fruits even with minimal signs of diseases.

Apples Grennie Smith can be stored until the next harvest.

Important! Apples immediately after the removal lay on storage in dry rooms (cellar, basements or specialized storage) at temperatures from 0 to +2 degrees. If you allow the area, it is better to lay apples in one layer.

Ryonation in Russia

Apple tree Grennie Smith it grows safely and fruits in different regions:

  • Central;
  • Central Black Earth;
  • Volgo Vyatsky;
  • in the south of Russia.

Grennie Smith grows perfectly in many regions of Russia.

In unfavorable years, with an insufficient amount of warm days, apples with difficulty have time to grow to the end of the autumn and their taste qualities may not reach the best indicators.

Growing in the suburbs

Medium level of winter hardiness allows you to grow grade in the suburbs. Apples have time to ripen and accumulate enough mineral substances.


Beautiful variety of Apple Grennie Smith will be decent decoration of any garden.

According to its quality characteristics, green apples are considered one of the best in diet nutrition, as well as in the production of confectionery products.

The cultivation of the variety is available even to beginners, and the result will delight to the new crop.

In contact with

Apples Grennie Smith: benefit and harm, energy value fruit

Grennie Smith's apples are acidic, green, high content of vitamins and minerals. Located in the 70s of the XIX century in Australia as a result of crossing wild and cultural varieties. Known as the lowest calorie among fruit.

Fruit Description, Energy Value

Grennie Smith have a dense white flesh of the sour-sweet taste. Externally, a gentle-green fruit, rounded, with strong skin. That part of the apple that is turned to the sun, with a pinkish tint. Middle Mass fruit - 300 g

Source: Depositphotos.

Apples Grennie Smith - the lowest and calorie and hypoallergenic

Apple juicy. Of 1-2 pieces, 1 cup of juice is obtained. This is the autumn-winter grade, which matures by the end of September. Stored in a cool room until spring. Best taste qualities Fruit has a month after collecting.

Botanical Description:

  • middle-grade tree;
  • cone-like crown;
  • white flowers;
  • fruit annually for 10 years.

In Europe, the grade is grown in the regions with a soft winter and warm summer. Cool and abundance of precipitation tree does not like. From this apples are pulled out, become pale yellow, acid. Fruits are especially valued in nutrition. Calorie 100 g of product - 47 kcal. Frequently used to purify the digestive tract, holding unloading days.

Benefit and harm

Grennie Smith is used in dietary and wellness nutrition. Raise vital tone, improve the work of the digestive system, fill the deficit of vitamins, trace elements.

In the composition of the fruit are present:

  • vitamins PP, K, C, B6, A and E;
  • minerals (zinc, iron, iodine, selenium);
  • pectins;
  • cellulose;
  • organic acids.

The benefits and harm of the fetus are caused by the composition, easy absorbability. Apples are used to purify blood, as they contribute to the splitting of cholesterol, the removal of toxins. Improve the intestinal work, clean the mucous membrane. Fruits are useful to consume to strengthen the gums and teeth, when gouging, anemia.

It is impossible to use fruit with gastritis, ulcers, colitis, irritable intestinal syndrome. It is not recommended to eat apples in large quantities. It provokes the thinning of the enamel of the teeth, the development of digestive problems due to receipt large number fiber.

In the culinary Grennie Smith is used for the preparation of salads, desserts, juices, compotes. The flesh of the fruit does not change the color after cutting, so it is used as a filling for open or closed pies. One apple on day covers daily rate in fiber by 20%. Fruit hypoallergenic, he is given to small children, nursing mothers, older people to restore forces.

Grennie Smith is winter variety. Fruits ripen by the time of the first coolness - in September or early October.

Deviation from the norm is possible in the cool climate.

If the warm weather in the growing region does not hold for a long time, fruits can mature to winter and at the same time lose their characteristics.

Grade is sPRILED, he has a regular fruit, differs special stability, frost resistance.

Fruit apple tree from eight to ten years.

Peak falls on the fifth-seventh years of plant growth.

Among winter varieties apple trees are also used, and.

Description of the grade of Grennie Smith

Consider separately appearance Apple tree and fetal itself.

Usually the tree of the apple variety "Grennie Smith" middle-grade And is natural halfcaric. It has spicy crown.

proper care The fruits are tightly held on the tree.

Sometimes the green surface of the apples includes brownish-red splashes - they appear on the side turned to the sun.

The pulp of apples is light, juicy, sour-sweet taste.

What is the benefit and how many calories in Grennie Smith's green apple?

These apples have a reduced content of sugars and elevated - vitamins.

Since the calorie content of these apples is low - 47.5 calories, You can rummage without any fears about the harmony of the figure. Also considered hypoallergenic.

The magnificent taste and increased benefit of fruits demonstrate such varieties: and.

History of selection

Apples grandmother Smith or everyone famous "Grennie Smith" appeared in the new South Wales, in Australia, in 1868.

They are a selection product Wild French apple tree with Australian.

Brought new grades breakinger amateur, Elderly Australian Anna Maria Smith.

The result of her work quickly won popularity worldwide.


Sort "Grennie Smith" refers to average productive.

On the growth of I. full development Fruit It takes 240 days of heat.

Apple tree "Grennie Smith" enter fruit on the second or third year After disembarking into the garden in the autumn period.

For the fifth year of growth from one tree you can collect up to 15 kilograms of crop.

It should be noted that "Grennie Smith" is excellent pollinator for all other varieties.

So that the yield was higher, this variety should be planted nearby only with the same winter species apple trees: , Elise, Ligol, Pink Lady.

If you are looking for an apple tree with high yields, pay attention to, and.

Region of Natural Growing

Where do these apples grow? Today "Grennie Smith" gardening gardeners of all countries.

Variety capricious: on the content conditions depend on the form, size and other characteristics of the fetus and the tree itself.

"Grennie Smith" does not tolerate heat. Due to high dose sunlight fruits dry out.

Also grad do not love and strong coolness: from low temperatures apples yellow and change the shape.

The perfect climate for cultivation is considered soft, moderate, with a short winter and a long agricultural period.

Landing and care

When landing any fruit tree It is necessary to take into account such factors as the right time, place.

This is the key to the fact that your apple tree will be good fruit and delight you with your fruits.

Saplings - usually two-year-old - an apple tree of this popular variety land in spring and fallwhen there are no frosts.

A month before the landing, it is necessary to prepare pits for seedlings - the soil must be presserved. Jama need a depth of 60 centimeters and a diameter of at least one meter.

The soil that will be removed from the pit should be mixed with any Fertilizers of organic origin.

Before boarding the pit, you need to moisten with water.

Do not put a tree next to Malina, but with other winter sorts of apple trees, on the contrary, it is recommended.

After disembarking, it should be sprinkled with a sufficient number of land and it is good to pour that the earth fits tightly to the roots of young trees.

Before the onset of Morozov Stems need to insulateand soil next to the tree cover a layer from manure.

Watch the video about how and when to put a tree correctly.

Apple It is required to cut annually.

Crown trimming will ensure the early fruit of the tree and its durability.

Crossing can be conducted from the second year of the tree early in the spring so far have not swollen kidneys.

Abundant summer watering - Three or four liters for each tree - should be carried out in the first years of the life and growth of the plant.

When the fruits are growing, watering should be cutOtherwise they crack.

Diseases and pests

The indisputable plus of Grennie Smith varieties - resistance to many "apple" diseases and pests. So, this variety does not suffer parso and mild dewy.

Cons - exposure strongs and rust, powdered mold.

With them you can cope with fonggicides: Benalty, Fundazola, Bayleton, Bordeaux Fluid and other preparations of a wide range of action.

The rest of the disease and pests affect the apple tree extremely rarely, which makes it an excellent choice for breeding in the garden. However, it will not hurt to take care of the prevention of such of them as a fruit crook for a long time is stored for a long time and it becomes only better.

Trees of this variety are often used as a living hedge in garden and summer cottages.

Good yield, the excellent taste of fruits and the beautiful appearance of the trees make this grade leader among others.

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