Mid-late and late varieties and hybrids of watermelon. Varieties of the most delicious watermelons What is the name of the variety of elongated watermelon

reservoirs 23.06.2020

The height of summer is our body's favorite time, because it's time to get saturated with vitamins. The most generous months for fruits and berries are July and August. It is at the end of July that the largest berry itself ripens - watermelon. The main rule for lovers of the true taste of watermelon is not to rush into buying it. Those giant berries that begin to be sold in our stores in June, or even earlier, do not ripen on the field, but on the way to the store. Of course, this cannot but affect the taste properties of watermelon. How to choose a watermelon, guided by simple rules, we will now find out.

To choose a delicious watermelon, you need to remember these rules:

  • Watermelons come in two genders, just like people - "boys" and "girls". A "girl" differs from a "boy" in a flat ass. They say that “girls”, like big sweets, are the sweetest and have few bones in them. Therefore, try to find yourself the most delicious "girl";
  • Pay attention to the bottom of the watermelon again, it has a tip through which the watermelon was fed during its growth. Pay attention to this process: if it is completely dry, it means that the watermelon is ripe and will delight you with its taste and vitamins. Not knowing how to choose a watermelon, you run the risk of buying an unripe and not sweet berry;
  • Tap on the watermelon. Connoisseurs say that the most sugary and ripe striped berries make a dull sound when knocked;
  • And one more rule, how to choose a watermelon - do not take the biggest berry. Take the middle one. So you are more likely to get the most fragrant and ripe yummy;
  • Do not forget to take a man with you, watermelon is a tasty, healthy, but also heavy berry.

The benefits of watermelon

Watermelon, as the bearer of the title of the most useful berry, is supposed to store many useful substances in itself. So, let's put it on the shelves, what is the use of watermelon. Firstly, due to its light, airy fiber structure, watermelon allows you to cleanse the vessels of accumulated bad cholesterol. Juicy and fragrant watermelon pulp is rich in potassium, iron and magnesium. What could be better for good heart function? The second positive side of watermelon is that it helps to cleanse the body of toxins, since it contains B vitamins, carotene, vitamins C, PP, and folic acid. Thirdly, watermelon is the most effective and useful natural diuretic, and what a delicious one! This berry is a summer salvation for those who suffer from gout, arthritis or sclerosis. The benefits of watermelon have been proven over the years of its use in natural medicine.

Varieties of watermelon

  • Astrakhan is the most common and favorite variety of watermelon. Its shape is round or oblong. Dense green color with clear stripes. Astrakhan watermelon has the most sugary and fragrant pulp. The average berry weighs 7-10 kilograms;
  • Crimson suite - ripens faster than the previous variety of watermelon. Smooth and round like a ball. It can be confused with Astrakhan, but if you look closely, you will notice that in the light it gleams noticeably. The pulp is airy and sweet, and by weight it averages 4-5 kilograms;
  • Spark - ripens as long as Astrakhan - from 71 to 87 days. The shape resembles a regular ball. This one is distinguished from another variety of watermelon by a thin, and without strips of skin. The light is dark green. The flesh is just as tender and tasty. On average, such a watermelon weighs only 2 kilograms, so even a woman can carry it home;
  • Sugar baby is one of the most long-awaited varieties of watermelon. It is rich green in color. The shape of this variety of watermelon is a circle. The same bright flesh is scarlet, and of course, very sugary. On average, such a baby weighs four kilograms;
  • The gift of the sun is a miracle of melons of oval, elongated shape. Its feature is color. It is not green, like a classic watermelon, but yellow, and more like a melon. However, inside we recognize the weight of our favorite watermelon - red pulp, fragrant and tender. On average, such a miracle of selection weighs four kilograms;
  • Chill - by right it can be called the most long-awaited variety. After all, its ripening time lasts from 85 to 97 days! This late watermelon looks like a green ball with light-colored spots. As usual, this watermelon is just as sugary and extraordinarily tasty. On average, it weighs about seven kilograms. Remember how to choose a delicious watermelon: tap on it, a dull sound should be heard, and when squeezed, a slight crack;
  • Skorik - this variety, as the name implies, is the most precocious. Despite the small weight - an average of three kilograms, it has a thick crust and an unusual pattern in the form of curved lines. It is its pulp that gourmets recognize as the most tender and fragrant.

Here are the main varieties of watermelon. Now you know how to choose a delicious watermelon! Armed with our tips, you will bring the most sugary and ripe striped treat to the table!

When you want to quench your thirst in the summer heat, a cold watermelon comes to mind. Indeed, it is impossible to spend the summer period without tasting these wonderful juicy fruits. However, such a culture is not limited to the most famous varieties. There are others that are not inferior in their taste and varietal qualities to those berries to which we are accustomed.

The purpose of breeding new varieties

Due to climate change, it is becoming more and more difficult to grow gourds. Therefore, breeders are trying to develop new varieties of watermelons that are less whimsical and can adapt to changes in weather conditions. It would be useful for every gardener to learn about such varieties, since some of them can be grown in the northern regions. With this information, farmers may want to radically change the way they grow their crops. The article provides a description of the varieties of watermelons. The photos below illustrate the external differences of these amazing fruits.

Botanical description of watermelon

Creeping plant with flexible, far-growing shoots, reaches 3 meters in length or more. Each of the stems has branched tendrils and dissected individual leaves. Flowers pale yellow, large.

The fruit is a false berry, the classic color of which varies from light pink to bright scarlet. The rind of the watermelon is mostly green in color with various stripes or dashes. The shape of the fruit is spherical or oval.

Brief information

Watermelon is a herbaceous crop belonging to the plant. The plant is successfully cultivated in regions with short winters and a long hot period in summer. The gourd culture is drought-resistant, and it feels great in the steppe territories and the Mediterranean.

In Russia, watermelons are grown on a large scale in the Volga region and southern regions. In these regions, the fruits have time to ripen on their own in the fields. In the northern regions, farmers have to use auxiliary methods to fully ripen watermelons. For this purpose, greenhouses and special manure pits are used, sprinkled with earth in the form of a hill. Experienced farmers manage to get rich harvests of watermelons and not in very favorable conditions for this crop.

What does a beginner farmer need to know?

To get a good harvest of tasty and juicy berries, novice farmers should find out what varieties of watermelons are grown in their area. The right choice of seed material is always the key to the expected result.

In special stores you can buy growing even in Siberia. There is a sufficient selection of crops that can tolerate a drop in temperature, and also have strong immunity to anthracosis. There are early and late types of melons.

For the middle zone of the country, growing a crop in a greenhouse is a suitable option. For the arrangement of such premises, a dense film or polycarbonate is usually used. This material allows the penetration of air and light, which are necessary for seed germination and

Seeds before planting watermelons should be treated with copper sulphate. This will protect the plants from diseases.

Early cultures

Fruits with an early ripening period are usually not large and have a less pronounced taste characteristic of watermelons. But their plus is that already 45 days after the formation of the first leaves, it will be possible to enjoy their fruits, even in cities such as Orel and Kaluga.

Here are some names of watermelon varieties bred for early cultivation: Ultra early, Spark, Siberian fires. Below we consider each type of pumpkin culture separately:

  • Ultra early. The most resistant variety to temperature extremes. The bright scarlet berry is rich in sucrose. Pulp with veins and medium-sized black seeds. Full maturation of the fetus occurs after 2.5 months.
  • Twinkle. One of the earliest types of watermelons, the fruits of which can be harvested after 45-50 days after germination. The culture quickly adapts to new climatic conditions after disembarkation and is unpretentious in care. The fruits are round, with a uniform dark green skin. The pulp is sweet, watery. Weight - 1-3 kg (the first fruits are usually smaller).
  • Siberian lights. The culture is adapted to adverse climatic conditions and is resistant to Fusarium. Suitable for regions with a short summer period and a lack of sunlight. It is grown in seedlings with transplantation in open ground or in greenhouses. The duration of plant development from planting to harvest is about 80 days. Watermelons of this species have a dark green color and narrow small dashes. The variety Siberian Lights is characterized by a thin skin of the fruit and small beige seeds. The pulp is light in color, sweet, has a porous structure.

Late varieties of watermelons

  • Chill. This variety is characterized by good transportability and keeping quality of fruits. Juicy red berry has large brownish seeds with speckles. The fruits are round, deep green in color, with dark stripes of indefinite shape. The bush has a strong vegetative development. Its powerful lashes grow to 4-5 m. The ripening period of watermelons is 2.5-3 months, the fruit weight can reach up to 5 kg.
  • Icarus. Among other types of watermelons, one can single out such features of the variety as crop stability and a long period of fruit storage. Under the right conditions, the berries can be stored for up to 6 months and are suitable for preservation and pickling. The plant tolerates drought well and is resistant to fusarium, but is not protected from anthracnose. A bush with a long leading lash. The leaves are dissected, with a weak gray bloom and a barely noticeable fluff. Dark green fruits with a pattern in the form of studded stripes, the peel is not thick, elastic. Inside the berry has a raspberry or red color, sweet, with a pronounced watermelon flavor. Seeds brownish, small. The average weight of one fruit is 5.5 kg.

Photos of types of watermelons of early and late varieties can be found in the article.


  • Astrakhan The most popular watermelons, in demand among buyers and farmers. They are valued for high yields, disease resistance, and long shelf life. Massive berries with a thin skin can reach a weight of 6 kg. They have a fresh aroma and amazing sugary taste - this is the sweetest variety of watermelon. The shape of the fruit is oblong, with a striped surface. The pulp has a pronounced red color. Seeds black, medium size.
  • Black Prince. It is resistant to temperature fluctuations and is characterized by good preservation of fruits. The bush is large with a long main lash and wide green leaves. The fruits have an oval, rather elongated shape. The internal contents of the berry are bright red with dark dotted seeds and a loose structure. Skin of medium density. The average ripening period is 95 days.

Unusual types of pumpkin culture

Thanks to their diligence and ingenuity, some farmers turn everyone's favorite berry into a curiosity. For example, a farmer from Arizona managed to grow a real giant watermelon. The huge berry, which was named Carolina Cross, reached 122 kg in weight.

There are large varieties of watermelons in our country. These include the following types of culture: Palladin F1 (20 kg), Crimson glory F1 (up to 16 kg), Astrakhan (10 kg), Charleston gray (up to 12 kg) and Russian size (over 60 kg).

Farmers from Japan found it necessary to diversify the shape of the fruit for successful transportation. Regardless of the types of watermelons, their fruits grow square. As soon as small ovaries appear on the bushes, they are carefully placed in wooden boxes in which they continue to grow and eventually take on their shape.

There is a unique variety of gourds of miniature size (2 cm), which is considered a delicacy. You can taste this fruit only in chic restaurants in America. It doesn't have the classic watermelon taste and is more like a cucumber.

In Russia, you can find watermelons with white and slightly greenish skins. Their flesh is cream and white. Fruits with a light lemon flavor are also grown, the description of which is given below.

  • Lunar. One of the most unconventional varieties for this culture is yellow watermelon. The unusual color of the pulp with small brown seeds does not detract from the taste of the berry. The shape of the fruit is similar to an ellipse, its surface is smooth, green, with dark stripes. Bush with medium size lashes and small leaves. The period from sowing seeds to the full ripening of watermelons is about 90 days. Fruits weighing up to 3 kg can be stored for 30 days after harvest.
  • Vector. It has a nutmeg taste and has a large amount of monosaccharides. This peculiar aftertaste distinguishes watermelon from all its "brothers".

Unique types of watermelons and photos with their image can be seen below.


The fruits of the culture in question do not have the ability to ripen after they are removed from the bushes. Therefore, the task is to correctly establish the full maturity of the watermelon. The types of varieties do not matter here, since all signs of the suitability of the fruit are determined by the vegetative appearance and touch.

  • The first thing they pay attention to is the stalk and mustache. They must be completely dry. Accordingly, the fetus no longer receives proper nutrition and is ready for use.
  • A yellow spot where the watermelon touched the ground indicates its maturity.
  • If you hit the watermelon with a light click and at the same time it will ring dully, then you can safely tear the fruit from the bush.
  • In species of watermelons that have a thin peel, you can hear the crackling of the pulp when squeezing the fruit.

Watermelon Growing Methods in Cold Climate Regions

Gardeners who decided to plant a southern crop in more severe conditions did not regret it. Undoubtedly, diligence and experience are important here. But there are two ways that significantly accelerate the ripening of fruits in the short period of time that the northern summer gives.

On the site, the brightest and warmest place is chosen, and warm beds are prepared on it. They need to be placed so that different types of watermelons do not grow too close to each other, and do not pollinate. Since pumpkin culture tends to spread, a distance of about 80 cm should be left between the compost grooves.

The beds are deepened by 40-50 cm and laid with dry grass, straw, hay and organic waste. Sprinkle with compost or humus on top, and the last layer with fertile soil. Such compost "pillows" have been prepared since autumn. They can be covered on top with some material so that moisture remains in them until spring.

The second method is growing watermelons in greenhouses in an upright position. Tapestries are prepared in advance for tying plants. Bushes are formed, leaving two lashes on them. When the fruits grow up and gain weight, they are partially placed in the so-called mesh-juices, which are securely tied to the base. When heat sets in, the film on the greenhouse must be removed so that the watermelons develop in natural conditions.


Most often, berries are used for pickling and conservation. For this purpose, they can be removed a little unripe.

From the peel of watermelons, jam and candied fruits are cooked, and they are also used as a medicine. The crusts from ripe watermelons are washed, cut into thin strips, and dried well on the street or in special dryers. An infusion from this part of the plant relieves puffiness.

If dried watermelon flowers are prepared from the summer, then in winter this medicine will serve as an excellent expectorant.

fruit value

Fresh watermelon berries, as well as products made on their basis, have positive effects on many processes in the human body. They cleanse the kidneys and even help to crush and remove stones. Watermelons improve the process of hematopoiesis, strengthen the immune system, normalize the functioning of the prostate gland, help in the treatment of colitis, sclerosis, dropsy and arthritis.


We hope that the types of watermelons, photos, names of some of them provided in our article will help draw certain conclusions and choose the right variety for your area.

Aqua Dulce F1

Antey F1- early (matures on 68-70 days from the moment of emergence of seedlings) hybrid of Nunems (USA). The fruits are oval-cubic in shape, with a dense bark, very sugary and tender pulp. Handles transportation well. Demanding on soil fertility. Not in the Register of the Russian Federation.

Atamansky(in the Register since 1998) - early (68-70 days from the moment of germination) and uniformly ripening variety obtained as a result of selection of the variety Nica. Fruits are white-green, spherical, with tasty, juicy pulp. It has a pronounced diuretic effect. After cleaning, it is stored for about a month.

Attica F1- a seedless hybrid from Syngenta (USA) with beautiful, spherical fruits weighing up to 10 kg. Harvesting can be carried out after 67-70 days from the moment of germination. The hybrid is resistant to diseases, but quickly overripes. Sometimes seeds are found in separate parts of the fruit. Not in the Register of the Russian Federation.

AU Producer F1(in the Register since 2004) - a medium-early reference variety of the Crimson Sweet type (Hollar, USA). Productive, tasty, sweet, with bright pulp. Relatively resistant to stress, light, well transported.

Great Beijing Joy F1(2010) - mid-early (80 days) hybrid of the company "Sedek" (Russia) for garden plots. The plant is medium. The fruit is large, weighing 8-12 kg, rounded, green with dark green stripes, with a thin bark. The flesh is bright red, granular, sweet. Resistant to diseases, transportable, lying.

Borchansky- an early ripe variety of the company "Sibsad" for growing in open and protected ground. Ripening period 63-66 days. The fruits are short-oval, weighing 2.5-3.5 kg. The surface is green, with narrow spiny dark green stripes. The flesh is bright red, very juicy, sugary, unusually sweet. Not in the Register of the Russian Federation.

Blade F1(2011) - a hybrid of the Nunems company (USA) of the Crimson Sweet type for cultivation in open ground and under film tunnels. Ripens in 62-66 days from the moment of emergence of shoots. Differs in powerful growth, largeness of fruits, productivity. Watermelons are round-oval, large, weighing 8-12 kg, striped. The pulp is red, crispy, juicy, moderately sweet, tender. Seeds are small, dark brown. The hybrid is resistant to the main types of pathogens.

Bonta F1(2010) is a super-early hybrid of the Semenis company (USA-Holland) of the Crimson Sweet type. Designed for cultivation in open ground, film tunnels and under non-woven fabric. The plant is vigorous, with good fruit coverage (protection from sunburn). Fruits of the correct spherical shape, with a diameter of 25 cm, weighing 7-8 kg. The bark is dense, green, stripes of medium width, dark green. The flesh is firm, crispy, dark red, very sweet. The hybrid is distinguished by evenness of fruits, high presentation and transportability.

F1 bonus(2008) - a hybrid of the May Agro Tokhumdzhuluk company (Turkey) for the main season. The fruits are oval, leveled, weighing 8-10 kg, with a bright color (dark green stripes on a light green background). The flesh is dark red, without strands, crispy, sweet. Differs in high transportability, productivity, resistance to the basic diseases.

Vizier F1- a powerful, early, fruitful and large-fruited hybrid of the KLOZ company (France). Well kept. Resistant to fusarium and anthracnose. Not in the Register of the Russian Federation.

VNIIOB 2 F1(1998) - the first domestic watermelon hybrid. Early ripening (from germination to ripening 55-60 days), fruitful (500 kg per hundred square meters), ripening in unison (75-90% of watermelons ripen in the first decade of fruiting). The fruits are round-oval with dark green prickly stripes. The flesh is pink, tender, juicy, sweet (sugar content 8.1%). Transportability and keeping quality of fruits is good. Resistant to weakly virulent races of anthracnose.

Grail F1(2011) - a large-fruited hybrid of the All-Russian Research Institute of Irrigated Melons. The fruits are original, oval-cylindrical in shape, with striped bark and red flesh. They keep marketability for a long time.

Granite F1- a hybrid of the Syngenta company (USA) of the Crimson Sweet type, intended for cultivation under temporary film shelters and in open ground. The fruits are round, with dark green pronounced stripes. The bark is thin, the pulp is of excellent structure, bright red, crispy, high in sugars. The disadvantage is that it overripes very quickly, losing its taste. Not in the Register of the Russian Federation.

Jenny F1- a special ultra-early bush hybrid of Nunems (USA) for supermarkets and urban markets. Ripens on the 54th day from the moment of emergence of shoots. The bush forms 4-6 standard portioned fruits weighing 1-1.5 kg. The fruits are very beautiful - thin dark stripes on a white-green background (like Bykovsky). The rind is exceptionally thin but strong; the flesh is bright and very tasty. The seeds are very small (smaller than grape seeds), they are eaten and completely absorbed. Not in the Register of the Russian Federation.

Dolby F1(2005) - ultra-early (60-65 days from the moment of germination), high-yielding, stress-resistant hybrid of the Nunems (USA) Trophy type, but forms more powerful plants, therefore, requires less frequent sowing. The fruits are large, spherical, slightly sugary.
Dumara F1(2002) - early (75 days), but sweet and with small "pits", a hybrid of the company "Nunems" (USA). The fruits are oval-cubic, well tolerate transportation.

Yellow Katy F1- an ultra-early hybrid of the company "Sakata" (Japan) with portioned fruits (1.5-3 kg), with yellow flesh. Not disease resistant. Not in the Register of the Russian Federation.

earthling(1993) - productive (up to 500 kg per hundred) variety, ripens in 80 days. Fruits weighing up to 16 kg, with a strong bark, bright pulp, very tasty, stored for up to 2 months. The variety is responsive to irrigation.

Zenith(2000) - a popular productive variety for cultivation in open ground and film shelters. The fruits ripen in 70 days (without shelters) from the moment of germination and 10 days earlier than the Crimson Sweet variety. Stored after removal for about a month. The variety is suitable for cultivation through seedlings, grafting and under film cover. The plant is long-climbing (the main whip is more than 3 m). Scourges of the first, second and third orders are average. Leaf of medium size, strongly dissected. The fruits are large, up to 12 kg, spherical and spherical-flattened, weakly segmented, with a strong bark and blood-red, delicate, harmonious taste, sweet pulp. The color of the fruit is light green. Pattern - wide interlocking stripes of dark green color. Seeds are oval, brown with black dots, medium size. The weight of 1000 seeds is 85 - 90 g. The variety is relatively resistant to anthracnose and Fusarium wilt, resistant to powdery mildew.

Golden- an early ripe variety (Aelita firm) for cultivation in open ground and under temporary film shelters. The fruits are round, large, weighing up to 6 kg. The peel is thin, dense, dark green with small dark green stripes. The flesh is golden yellow, tender, juicy, very sweet, excellent taste. Differs in excellent transportability and resistance to fusarium. Not in the Register of the Russian Federation.

Kadija F1- a very early hybrid of the company "Vilmorin" (France). The plant is climbing. The fruits are smooth, leveled, oval, dark green with stripes, fruit weight 9-11 kg. The flesh is red, tender and very sweet. Important features of the hybrid: very sweet pulp, long fruiting, strong peel. Not in the Register of the Russian Federation.

Kandan F1- an early hybrid of the Nickerson Swann company (Holland) of the Crimson Sweet type, intended for cultivation in open ground, film tunnels and greenhouses. The plant is short-haired, so the hybrid can be grown densely. The fruits are small, weighing up to 5 kg, aligned, early and amicably tied. Not in the Register of the Russian Federation

Peasant F1(2009) is a mid-late hybrid of the Sedek company (Russia), intended for horticultural plots. The fruit is oval, striped, with pink, sweet, granular flesh, weighing up to 8 kg.

Crimson Glory F1- a productive hybrid of the company "Semenis" (USA-Holland) of the Crimson Sweet type. The fruit is rounded, weighing 12-15 kg, rounded, slightly flattened at the base (near the tail). The bark is thick, striped (wide green stripes with a light green border and white stripes with a yellow tinge). The seeds are large, the flesh is pink, loose. The hybrid is resistant to diseases, tolerates transportation well, and is stored for a long time. Not in the Register of the Russian Federation.

Crimson Jewel F1- an early seedless hybrid ("Sakata", Japan) with small rounded, transportable, thick-skinned, very sweet fruits. Not in the Register of the Russian Federation.

Crimson Ruby F1(2010) - early (55-60 days from planting seedlings) hybrid company "Sakata" (Japan) for cultivation in open ground and in film shelters. Fruits are elongated-rounded, weighing 9-12 kg, with a high sugar content. The pulp is sweet, crispy, red, without streaks. The crust is of medium thickness. The hybrid is transportable, long-living, tolerant to fusarium and resistant to anthracnose. The plant tolerates vaccinations well, is powerful, provides protection for fruits from sunburn.

Crimson Sweet(Raspberry Sugar) (2006) - the leader among foreign selection of watermelons and one of the oldest varieties of Hollar (USA). Fruits weighing up to 5 kg, round-oval, moderately sweet, with a beautiful contrasting smooth skin. In appearance, they are similar to the fruits of the Astrakhan variety, only the flesh is brilliant red, the stripes on the peel are blurry, the main color is straw yellow, and the thickness of its green part is more powerful. Ripens from the moment of germination in 67-82 days. Brings a stable harvest. Fruit sizes are larger than average, but very large ones are rare. Watermelon is harvested selectively (as it ripens) from the third decade of June until the beginning of the second five-day period of August.

Crimson Sweet F1

Crimson Tide F1(2007) - a hybrid of the Syngenta company (USA) of the Crimson Sweet type. The first fruits ripen on the 75th day. Fruits are oval, large, up to 10 kg. The pulp is sweet, bright. The hybrid is resistant to fusarium, hardy to anthracnose and downy mildew. After removal, it is stored for about one and a half weeks, it is well transported. In hot summer, it gives almost the entire crop at once. In cool weather, it knits and bears fruit slowly.

Crisby F1(2000) - early ripening (matures after 65 days from the moment of germination), quite productive hybrid of Nunems (USA), but not storable and not suitable for storage. The fruits are round, tasty, poorly responsive to drought.

Colosseo F1(2010) - an early hybrid of the company "Simenis". Fruits weighing 10-15 kg, elongated-oval, green-striped. The pulp is juicy, red

Constellation F1(2008) is a medium climbing, high-yielding (600-750 kg per hundred) hybrid of the Syngenta company for early fresh sale, as well as long-term storage and transportation. Suitable for growing through seedlings. Ripens in 88 days from sowing. The fruits are moderately large (10-14 kg), oval-oblong, with dark stripes on the green bark, red-pink flesh, small seeds. Lightweight, transportable. Resistant to fungal diseases.

Coral F1(2008) - an early ripe hybrid of the company "Sedek" (Russia). The fruit is spherical, green with dark green stripes, weighing up to 5 kg. The pulp is red.

Lady F1(2000) - productive, keeping, transportable, early (66 days) hybrid of Nunems (USA). The plant is powerful, with large elongated oval fruits with tasty pulp. Resistant to fusarium, transportable.

Couch potato honey F1- early (75-85 days) hybrid variety of the company "Sedek" (Russia) for open and protected ground. The plant is long-branched, strongly branched. The fruits are round, green, with dark stripes, weighing 3-5 kg. The flesh is red, granular, very sweet. The seeds are small. It is light-requiring, does not tolerate shading well, with a dense planting it sharply reduces the yield, is responsive to fertilizers and watering. Transportable, lezhky, during storage for a long time retains the density of the pulp. Not in the Register of the Russian Federation.

Lunar(2007) - a variety of the All-Russian Research Institute of irrigated melon growing, ripens in 68-73 days from the moment of germination. Productive, prolific. Fruits weighing 3.5 - 4 kg, round-oval, with an attractive striped bark pattern. The flesh is bright, yellow or lemon yellow, tender, juicy, with good original taste.

Madera F1- an early hybrid of the company "Semenis" (USA-Holland), characterized by good resistance to diseases. It grows well in open ground and film tunnels. The fruits ripen on day 65, rounded, large, weighing 6-8 kg, outwardly similar to the fruits of the Astrakhan variety, but the surface of the bark is more shiny and light straw-yellow stripes. The pulp is juicy, but loose, sweet, pink-red, with a pleasant delicate aroma. Seeds black, large. The bark is of medium thickness, so the fruits are transportable, they retain their commercial and taste qualities for a long time. The hybrid is not resistant to anthracnose. Not in the Register of the Russian Federation.

Milady F1- a hybrid of the Nunems company (USA) of the Lady hybrid type, but more powerful and large-fruited. Fruits are oval, striped, weighing up to 25 kg, with pink-red juicy pulp. Not long-lived and quickly lose their taste after harvest. Not in the Register of the Russian Federation

Monk- a variety of the All-Russian Research Institute of irrigated melon growing, early ripening, 63-68 days, high-yielding - 50 t/ha in irrigation. Transportability is high, retains commercial qualities up to 30 days. Resistant to weakly virulent races of anthracnose. The flesh is pink-red, tender, excellent taste. Not in the Register of the Russian Federation

Montana F1(2009) - a hybrid of Nunems (USA) with rounded, green-striped fruits with red flesh.

Nice(2001) - early ripening (75-80 days), productive, reliable variety of the Krasnodar Research Institute of Vegetable and Potato Farming. Obtained as a result of crossing varieties Crimson Sweet and Monastyrsky. Plants are powerful, with large leaves, climbing (the length of the main stem is 1.5-2.5 m). The fruit is large, broadly elliptical, weighing 6-10 kg. The fruit surface is smooth; color - green, with a pattern in the form of wide, dark green stripes, with blurry edges. The bark is 1-1.5 cm thick, strong. The flesh is purple, granular, tender, juicy, tasty. Dry matter content 8.6-8.9%, sugars 7.1-7.8%. Seeds are oval, brown with black dots, rough. Weight of 1000 seeds - 48 g. Transportable, stored for at least one and a half months after harvesting (until the beginning of October). Unlike Crimson Sweet, it does not turn yellow for a very long time and retains marketability. Seeds are small, black, speckled, slightly rough. The average weight of 1000 seeds is 45 - 50 g. The variety is early ripe, from germination to fruit ripening 65 - 75 days. Powdery mildew, fusarium and anthracnose are weakly affected.

New Astrakhan(2009) - an ultra-early variety from Sibsad. Fruits are round-oval, green with dark green stripes, weighing 6-10 kg. The pulp is dark red, tender, juicy, sweet. The variety has very small, soft seeds.

spark(1960) - an improved old variety of Kharkov selection, one of the oldest varieties of watermelon for growing in summer cottages and household plots in the middle lane, in the Urals, in Siberia. Early maturing (70-85 days), high-yielding variety of watermelon. The fruits are spherical, weighing 2.5 kg (in the greenhouse 1-1.5 kg), with a plain, thin, black-green, without a pattern, bark. The flesh is carmine red, tender, grainy, juicy, sweet, with a small amount of small black seeds. Weakly affected by diseases, relatively resistant to low temperatures, but quickly overripes on melons.

Olinda F1 (2007)

Memory Kholodov(2002) - a variety of the Bykovskaya melon breeding experimental station. Early ripe (89-106 days). The plant is powerful, the main lash is of medium length. The leaf is medium in size, green, strongly dissected. Fruit weighing 2.5-5.5 kg, rounded, smooth. The background is white, without a pattern. Bark of medium thickness, leathery. The pulp is red, red, juicy. Seeds of medium size, brown with black dots. The yield of marketable fruits in the North Caucasus region is 110-320 kg per hundred square meters. According to the originator, it is resistant to Aptracnose, Fusarium wilt and powdery mildew.

Paradise F1- an early ripe high-yielding hybrid of the Kloz company (France) of the Crimson Sweet type. Differs in thin bark and bright sweet pulp. The hybrid is resistant to fusarium and anthracnose. Not in the Register of the Russian Federation

The gift of the sun(2004) - the first variety of watermelon with a golden yellow monochromatic, like a melon, or with orange stripes, like a pumpkin, bark. Ripens at 68-75 days from the moment of germination. The fruits are round, weighing 3.5-4.5 kg, with bright red, granular, juicy, tender, very sweet (sugar content 10.4-11%) pulp and black seeds. Plants are compact, short-braided, therefore they take up little space in the greenhouse, resistant to fusarium and anthracnose.

Prince Arthur F1- early (from germination to fruit ripening 70-80 days) unpretentious hybrid of the company "Sedek" (Russia) for open and protected ground. Suitable for growing in areas of unstable agriculture, even in open ground. The fruits are oval, medium-sized, weighing 1-2 kg. The bark is light green, with narrow dark green longitudinal stripes. The flesh is red, sugary, granular, with few seeds, juicy and aromatic. Productivity - 4-7 kg from a plant. Recommended for fresh consumption, preparation of candied fruits and watermelon honey. Not in the Register of the Russian Federation

Prince Hamlet F1- early (from germination to fruit ripening 70-80 days) hybrid of the company "Sedek" (Russia) for open and protected ground. Suitable for outdoor cultivation in the area of ​​unstable agriculture. The fruits are round, green with dark green stripes, portioned (weighing 1-2 kg), with a thin bark. Pulp without seeds, lemon-yellow, very sweet. Productivity - 4-6 kg from a plant. Recommended for fresh consumption, preparation of candied fruits and watermelon honey. Not in the Register of the Russian Federation.

Joy F1(2009)

Early Kuban(1997) - early ripening (70 days), medium climbing variety of watermelon, fruiting well in Siberia and the Moscow region. The fruits are thin-skinned, rounded, with a smooth or slightly segmented surface, weighing 3-5 kg. The pulp is raspberry, granular, sweet, juicy. Watermelons tolerate transportation well, they are stored for a month. Plants are resistant to both fusarium and anthracnose.

Rapid(2006) - early maturing (58-60 days), very productive, Fusarium-resistant variety of the All-Russian Research Institute of irrigated melon growing. The fruits are tasty, attractive, well transported, but do not lie longer than three weeks. The flesh is bright red, tender, excellent taste. The variety is resistant to weakly virulent races of anthracnose.

Red Komet F1- a hybrid of the Nunems company (USA) of the Ogonyok type with small (4-8 kg) dark green rounded fruits without stripes, sweet pulp. Harvesting is carried out for a long time, as it ripens, starting from the 58th day from the moment of germination. The hybrid is resistant to stress in the open field, the fruits tolerate transportation. Not in the Register of the Russian Federation

Red Star F1- a hybrid of the Nunems company (USA) of the Ogonyok type with small (4-8 kg) dark green rounded fruits without stripes, sweet pulp. Harvesting is carried out for a long time, as it ripens, starting from the 65th day from the moment of germination. The hybrid is resistant to stress in the open field, the fruits tolerate transportation. Not in the Register of the Russian Federation.

Red Charm F1- an ultra-early hybrid of the company "Sakata" (Japan) with portioned fruits, weighing 1.5-3 kg, with red pulp. They are not disease resistant. Not in the Register of the Russian Federation.

Pink champagne- early maturing variety. Fruits weighing 4-7 kg. The pulp is bright, juicy, granular. Suitable for fresh consumption and for the manufacture of candied fruits, salads, drinks. Not in the Register of the Russian Federation.
Royal Crimson Sweet F1- an early hybrid of the company "Siemenis" (USA-Holland) of the Crimson Sweet type, intended for growing under a film. The fruits are very uniform, almost perfectly spherical, green with small dark green stripes, weighing 6-10 kg. The flesh is bright red, crispy, sweet. The hybrid is resistant to antarknose. Not in the Register of the Russian Federation.

Royal Majesty F1- an early hybrid of the company "Simenis" (USA-Holland) with large striped elongated sugary fruits. Not in the Register of the Russian Federation.

Royal Star F1- a hybrid of the company "Siemenis" (USA-Holland) of the Crimson Sweet type. Similar to the Madera hybrid, but resistant to anthracnose and stress. Ripens at 70-75 days. Not in the Register of the Russian Federation.

Sungold F1- a hybrid of the firm "Sakata" (Japan) of the Shuga Baby type. The harvest gives from the 68-72nd day. The fruits are small, rounded, with a dense bark and pulp. Well stored and transported. Tolerant to fusarium and anthracnose. Not in the Register of the Russian Federation.

Sweet Wonder F1- an early seedless hybrid of the company "Sakata" (Japan) with small rounded, transportable, thick-skinned, very sweet fruits. Not in the Register of the Russian Federation.

Siberian lights(2003) - early ripening (75-85 days), medium climbing (up to 2.5 m) watermelon variety of the West Siberian Vegetable Experimental Station. Fruits are spherical, dark green, striped, portioned (2.5-3 kg). The bark is thin, the flesh is bright red, juicy, harmonious taste. Productivity at the level of the Early Kuban variety. The variety is relatively resistant to Fusarium, lies about three weeks after picking, but is not transportable.

Sympathy F1- very early (makes 63 days) hybrid of the company "Simenis" (USA-Holland). The fruits are large, weighing 6-10 kg, and beautiful (perfectly round), they are distinguished by a magnificent green color with dark green stripes. The pulp is juicy, fragrant, sweet. Not included in the Register of the Russian Federation.

Siberian- early ripening (75–82 days), medium climbing (up to 2.5 m) watermelon variety bred at the West Siberian Vegetable Experimental Station of the Ogonyok type for horticultural plots. The fruits are spherical, weighing up to 5 kg, with a thin dark green bark, without stripes. The pulp is bright red, juicy. The variety is well adapted to Siberian conditions. Productivity in open ground up to 3 kg/m, under film shelters - up to 5.5 kg/m. Not in the Register of the Russian Federation

Siberian rose- an early ripe variety of the Sibsad company. Maturing term - 75-85 days. The fruits are round, weighing up to 5 kg. The bark is thin, strong, dark green in color. The flesh is intensely pink, juicy, very sweet. Not in the Register of the Russian Federation.

Skorik(1997) - a variety of selection VNIIOB. The fruits are large, striped, the seeds are black, 2-3 days earlier than the Ilyinsky variety (Photon). The pulp is dense, bright red with good taste. Early ripe, 65-90 days pass from germination to fruit picking. The plant is long-branched, the length of the main lash is more than 3 meters. Scourges of the first, second and third orders are average. The shape of the leaf blade is wide-lobed, strongly dissected, of medium size. The flowers are hermaphroditic and male. The shape of the fruit is spherical and spherical-flattened. The fruit is round, smooth, with an average weight of 3 kg. The background is green, the pattern is dark green stripes with blurry edges. The bark is strong, bending. The pulp is bright red, fibrous, tender, juicy, sweet, with a pronounced watermelon aroma. Taste qualities are good. Productivity is 15-25 tons per hectare. The seeds are oval, medium in size, the color of the seeds is black, the weight of 1000 seeds is 85–90 g. It is resistant to anthracnose, and is slightly affected by bacterial spotting. The value of the variety is the friendly formation of an early harvest, good keeping quality of fruits. Watermelon variety "Skorik" - the earliest Russian variety of watermelon, with a friendly return of the harvest!

Sorento F1(2008) - early (70 days) hybrid type Crimson Sweet from Syngenta (USA). The fruits are bright, beautiful, weighing up to 8 kg. Flesh with an orange tint, very pleasant to the taste. Harvest does not lie longer than 3-4 days and requires immediate implementation and consumption.

SRD(Super-early Dyutina) - a variety of VNIIOB selection for summer cottages and household plots. In terms of early maturity, the Ogonyok variety is 2-3 days ahead. Under favorable conditions (temperature 25-30°C), the fruits ripen on the 53-55th day. A bush type variety (with a natural limitation of the growth of lateral shoots) for open ground and greenhouses. After the third node, side shoots do not appear, even if the top of the main shoot is removed. There are also no tendrils, instead of them a bunch of male flowers is formed. Although the leaves are larger than those of other varieties, plants can not be pinched in greenhouses, and in the open field watermelons can be planted every 0.5 m in a row, or by narrowing the aisle aisles, direct the lashes along the row. Fruits weighing 2-5 kg ​​(with irrigation can reach 10 kg), striped, with a thick and hard bark. The flesh is bright red, tasty, the seeds are speckled.

SRW 2(2001) - an early ripening (60 days) variety (patent holder CJSC Semko-Junior), also intended for garden plots, home gardens and small farms for growing in open ground and under film shelters. The plant is single-stemmed (the length of the main stem is 1.5-2 m), with limited development of lateral shoots. The leaf is medium in size, green, slightly dissected. The fruit is round, slightly segmented, weighing 5-9 kg. Bark, 1.5 cm thick, light green with dark green spiny stripes, flexible, light green in section. The pulp is red, dense, granular, tasty (dry matter content -10%, sugars - 6.5%). Seeds are white with a grayish tint. The weight of 1000 seeds is 115 g. The fruits remain marketable for 25 days after removal. The variety is resistant to anthracnose, responsive to watering, requires manual powdering and stacking of stems.

Stetson F1(2009) - ultra early watermelon hybrid. The fruits are large, rounded, weighing 8-10 kg, dense, medium-thick bark. The flesh is crisp, fine texture, bright red saturated color with a high sugar content. Seeds are small, dark brown. It tolerates the transportation of fruits over long distances.

Surprise F1(2010)

Tadjoura F1- early-ripening hybrid of the company "Vilmorin" (France), variety type Crimson Sweet. Climbing plant. Vegetation period (from sowing to ripening) - 63-65 days. The fruits are oblong, dark green with medium-sized stripes. Fruit weight 10-12 kg. Red, tender flesh with good taste. Not in the Register of the Russian Federation

Top Gun F1(2007) - a hybrid of the Syngenta company (USA) of the Crimson Sweet type. Maturing term - 75-80 days. The fruits are round, weighing up to 10 kg, with relief stripes in the form of furrows on a dark green bark. The pulp is juicy, sweet, bright. Feature: seeds for sowing are large, and in fruits - small. Watermelons keep well.

F1 Tribute- a hybrid of the company "Simenis" (USA-Holland), ripening for 78-80 days from the moment of germination. The plant has a vigorous growth. Fruits are round-oval, weighing up to 9 kg, leveled. The pulp is tender, very tasty, without seeds. Not in the Register of the Russian Federation

Triton F1- a triploid hybrid of the firm "Siemenis" (USA-Holland), ripening on the 75th day from the moment of germination. Fruits weighing up to 7 kg, without seeds. Not in the RF Register Triumph (2001)

Trophy F1(2000) - early maturing (70 days) hybrid of Nunems (USA). The fruits are round, green-striped, with red, sweet pulp. Very transportable, resistant to fusarium.
Torch - a promising early ripening variety (matures 65-70 days after germination). The plant is long-branched. Fruits weighing 3-8 kg, dark green, with a pattern in the form of a grid a little darker than the background. The bark is strong, the flesh is intense pink, tender, very sweet. Not in the Register of the Russian Federation.

Farao F1(2006) - high-yielding, early (starting from day 75) hybrid from Syngenta (USA). The fruit is oval-cylindrical, very large (from 10 kg), with tasty, red pulp and large seeds. The plant is powerful, with broad leaves. The fruits quickly overripe and cannot be kept on melons for more than a week.

Florida F1(2010)

Photon (Ilyinsky)(2002) - an early ripening, medium climbing watermelon variety of VNIIOB breeding for placement in film greenhouses (in a temperate climate) and open ground (in the south). It can be grown through seedlings (sowing at the end of April, seedlings at the age of 30-35 days are used for planting). In the greenhouse, the plants are tied to a trellis, all side shoots are removed to a height of 50 cm, the next ones are pinched over 1-3 leaves. It is possible to grow in free culture in spreading. Watering is moderate, especially during fruit ripening. Planting pattern 70x150 cm. Productivity 7-7.5 kg / m 2. On melons it ripens 3-5 days earlier than the Astrakhan variety, it has a high yield and excellent taste. The fruit is medium in size, weighing about 4 kg, slightly oblong in shape, with a pattern, like that of the Astrakhan variety (the bark is thick, light green in color, the pattern on it is in the form of wide dark green stripes), but the seeds are black. The pulp is tender, friable, red. Resistant to some strains of anthracnose and fusarium. Stored for about 2-3 weeks after harvest, tolerates transportation well.

Helen F1(2001) - early-ripening (60 days) hybrid of Nunems (USA) for horticultural plots, home gardens and small farms for placement in open ground and under film shelters. The plant is climbing (the length of the main stem is 5.5-6.5 m), of medium power, with 4-7 lateral lashes. The fruit is broadly elliptical, smooth, weighing 7-12 kg. The background of the bark is green, the pattern is wide dark green stripes. The bark is 1.5-2 cm thick, greenish-white in section. The pulp is dark red, tender, tasty (dry matter content 12-13.1%, sugars 10.2-10.6%). Seeds are brown and medium in size. Productivity is 3-3.2 kg/m. The fruits remain marketable for about 40 days after removal. The hybrid is resistant to anthracnose, fusarium, tolerates a short-term decrease in temperature. At the beginning of development, it requires enhanced nutrition and moisture. Ripens amicably - the harvest is selected twice.

Emperor's Hat F1(2008) - mid-season (period from germination to fruit ripening 95-100 days) hybrid of the company "Sedek" (Russia) for open ground and film shelters. Fruits are oblong-oval, green with black stripes, weighing 6-8 (up to 10) kg. The pulp is red, granular, sweet (sugar content up to 12%) Yield 15-25 kg per plant. Resistant to diseases, tolerates transportation well, suitable for long-term storage.

Suger Bel F1- a hybrid of the firm "Sakata" (Japan) of the Shuga Baby type. The crop ripens on the 68th-72nd day from the moment of germination. The fruits are small, weighing up to 8 kg, rounded, well stored and transported. The pulp and bark are dense. The hybrid is resistant to fusarium and anthracnose. Not in the Register of the Russian Federation.

Suga Baby(Suga Baby, Sugar baby) (2008) - the oldest, most popular in the world and early (75-85 days) variety of the firm "Kloz" (France) of the Ogonyok type, but 2 times larger than it. It is intended for cultivation in film greenhouses. Plants are climbing. Fruits are dark green in color with even darker stripes, weighing 3.5-4.5 kg, perfectly round. The flesh is bright red, tender, granular, very sweet. Seeds are small, black, few. The fruits are well suited for pickling. Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out at the end of April. At the age of 35 days (at the end of May - beginning of June), watermelons are planted in a permanent place according to the planting pattern of 70x150 cm. Plants are tied to a trellis, all lateral shoots are removed up to a height of 50 cm, the next ones are pinched over 1-3 leaves. Watering is moderate, especially during fruit ripening. Productivity is 7-10 kg/sq.m. The variety is unpretentious and can be grown in the northern regions of the country.

Suga Delitata F1(2010) - early ripe (68-75 days) hybrid of the company "Sakata" (Japan) of the Shuga Baby type. The fruit is dark green, oval, with dense bark and pulp. Well stored and transported. Tolerant to fusarium and anthracnose.

Eureka F1(2010) - very early (50-65 days) hybrid of Semenis (USA-Holland) Crimson Sweet type, intended for growing under film. The fruits are slightly oval (28x32cm), with red flesh and seeds, weighing up to 14 kg. The hybrid is resistant to major diseases, tolerates a short-term drop in temperature and heat.

Eden F1(2004) - early ripe hybrid.

Anniversary of NK- early ripe large-fruited hybrid of the company "NK" (Russia) with elongated oval fruits weighing 8-10 kg. The color of the peel, like that of the Sinchevsky watermelon, the flesh is bright red, fragrant, crispy, high in sugars, excellent taste. Resistant to fusarium and anthracnose, transportable and lying. Not in the Register of the Russian Federation.

Yarilo(1983) - a variety of the All-Russian Research Institute of irrigated melon growing. Early maturing, zoned standard in the Astrakhan region. High-yielding, up to 500 kg per hundred square meters during irrigation, transportable. The flesh is bright red, the taste is high. Relatively resistant to anthracnose.

Watermelons have a unique composition, rich in vitamins and microelements, with juicy red or yellow flesh, with or without seeds. The choice is quite rich, because more than 2000 varieties of sweet berries have already been bred, and breeding work continues. Despite the fact that watermelon is traditionally considered a heat-loving crop, there are species that are grown even in Siberia. As a rule, watermelon is chosen according to the degree of sweetness, juiciness, ripeness, aroma and taste. Do not make a mistake with the choice and buy the most delicious watermelon, you can only study the features of the best varieties and varieties.


One of the most popular and widespread, since Soviet times, a variety of gourds. Its main advantages are unpretentiousness in cultivation, the possibility of long-term storage, resistance to long-distance transportation. But this is not the most important thing, because watermelon has a sweet, rich taste, rich in vitamins, perfectly quenches thirst, and satisfies the needs of even experienced gourmets.

One of the most popular and widespread, since Soviet times, a variety of gourds

A ripe berry reaches 7–10 kg, has a round or slightly oval shape, with light yellow, slightly blurred stripes on a dark green background. The brighter the contrast between such stripes, the richer and tastier the watermelon. The flesh is dark red, juicy, with a strong, persistent aroma, black seeds and a very thick skin. In terms of ripening, Astrakhan belongs to mid-season watermelons. The original variety is grown only in the southern regions, with a warm climate, but many hybrids of this species have been bred, suitable for harvesting in mid-latitudes. You can buy a real Astrakhan watermelon only during the ripening season, that is, in August-September, but not earlier.


This Soviet early ripe variety is ideal for growing not only in the middle latitudes, but also in the northern regions. It is unpretentious to growing conditions, resistant to diseases, has a high yield. In addition, Ogonyok is very sweet, with delicate granular flesh, almost without seeds. A ripe berry is small in size, rarely exceeds a weight of 2 kg, which does not detract from its merits.

This Soviet early ripe variety is ideal for growing not only in the middle latitudes, but also in the northern regions.

Watermelon is distinguished not only by miniature forms, but also by an interesting, very dark (almost black), uniform color of the peel. By its appearance, Ogonyok resembles neat, perfectly round, small balls, it fully matures in just 80-85 days, and you can buy it already in mid-August. A significant disadvantage of the variety is that it is not suitable for long-term storage and transportation.

Crimson Sweet

Another interesting early variety, designed specifically for industrial cultivation and sale. It is very productive, but rather thermophilic, therefore it is cultivated only in the southern regions, or in special greenhouses. The variety is widely known and popular due to its unique honey taste, high sugar content, bright aroma and persistent aftertaste.

Another interesting early variety, designed specifically for industrial cultivation and sale.

Watermelon fully matures in 70 days, and can grow up to 12 kg, it is disease resistant, well stored, and transported. The peel is light green, striped, and the flesh is a rich crimson hue, with a strong smell of honey. It happens that abundant watering during cultivation makes the berry watery, but this happens infrequently, and it appears on sale in August-September.

sugar baby

One of the most unpretentious, cold-resistant, not prone to wateriness and diseases, a variety of watermelons. It is not for nothing that he has earned recognition from farmers and amateur gardeners. Despite its very small size (maximum 5 kg, but more often 1.5–2 kg), it is distinguished by a sweet, sugary taste, delicate bright flesh and a dense, dark skin.

One of the most unpretentious, cold-resistant, not prone to wateriness and diseases, watermelon variety

The variety is early, so you can buy it already at the end of July, and in taste and aroma, it surpasses most of the known hybrids.


An original, memorable hybrid, with bright lemon-colored pulp, obtained by crossing Astrakhan and wild watermelons. The peel, size, shape and smell of the Lunar variety are no different from the Astrakhan variety. The main difference lies in the color and tenderness of the pulp, an unforgettable taste, in which notes of lemon, honey, vanilla are mixed.

An original, memorable hybrid, with bright lemon-colored flesh

It has a very high amount of sugar, almost no seeds, and a loose rind, which makes it difficult to transport and sell. A mature fruit reaches a weight of only 3 kg, and ripens in 70–80 days. It can be seen on sale already in August, and it grows not only in the south, but also in temperate latitudes.


One of the most famous late varieties of berries, characterized by huge dimensions (up to 25 kg). The variety was bred in Volgograd, which explains its resistance to cold and unpretentiousness. Berries of an elongated oval shape, weighing no more than 4.5 kg, with thick striped skin and bright sugary and juicy pulp.

The variety was bred in Volgograd, which explains its resistance to cold and unpretentiousness.

The main advantages of the variety are long-term storage, the possibility of transportation, unique taste, yield, but you can buy it only in September, due to the late ripening.


Mid-late variety of watermelon, one of the sweetest and most delicious, which is grown in the southern regions of Russia, Moldova. The peel of the berry is thick, light with dark spiky stripes, and the pulp is grainy, high sugar content (about 8%) and juicy.

Mid-late variety of watermelon, one of the sweetest and most delicious

Watermelon reaches a mass of 14–16 kg, and from 1 hectare up to 30 tons of ripe berries are harvested. Due to its high taste and commercial properties, this variety is often found on sale in August or early September, along with Astrakhan watermelons. Unfortunately, Volzhanin is poorly stored, but it compensates for the lack with its amazing taste.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the rarest, most delicious and insanely expensive variety of Japanese Densuke watermelon, which has a black rind and burgundy flesh. The cost of a kilogram of such a berry is more than $ 6,000, which does not stop real gourmets. Everyone can choose a watermelon to their taste by trying and comparing several different varieties. The varieties described above will help you navigate the difficult choice.

Watermelons - along with my favorite peppers (here) - love the bright sun during the day, warmth at night, loose sandy soil in the root area and in the root neck zone. For cool regions, you need to choose special varieties and the best hybrids of watermelons - not too fastidious, and they do better in greenhouses through seedlings. Only the most hardy forms of hybrid watermelons of varieties of special selection are suitable for open ground. Recently, new representatives of these berries have appeared, bearing massive fruits in any territory.

The traditional areas of cultivation of watermelons are Central Asia, the North Caucasus, the Lower Volga (Astrakhan). The promotion of this melon culture to the North required significant breeding efforts. Selection based on the principle of early maturity was not enough. For watermelons, unlike radishes (there is plenty to choose from here), the strength of solar radiation is of great importance.

As we will see below, the emphasis - for the most part - is on plantings repeatedly (more than five years) of the best varieties of watermelons tested by all kinds of weather. An exception was given to the varieties "Barrel of Honey" and "Striped Torpedo", for three years of cultivation (here everything is about), they deserved only positive reviews in different regions and regions.

Best early watermelons for any area (universal)

Many modern varieties and hybrids of watermelons have a growing season of 60-80 days; they are considered early maturing. They are distinguished by increased unpretentiousness - they endure both heat and cold snaps. In the southern regions, they gain weight over 10 kg, in the northern regions - more modestly.


Lady F1

The Dutch company "Nunems" specializes in the creation of super-early gourds. Watermelon Lady F1 - in the list of her best achievements. This hybrid was included in the Russian State Register in 2000, without regional restrictions. The first fruits ripen two months after germination. This is extremely early. Commodity quality is very high.

Lady F1 is the earliest of the oval-shaped watermelons. Even in the northern regions it is able to grow more than 5 kg, and in the south it pulls 11-18 kg. The accumulation of sugars occurs at a rapid pace. The sugar content is very high (11%). There are no hard veins in the intensely colored pulp. Seeds are small.

The peel is of moderate thickness, does not burst; covering stripes are even, rather wide. Watermelons can be transported, stored for a month and a half.

The hybrid is not affected by Fusarium wilt. The main stem and side shoots are long (about 6 meters); in the northern regions, stepping and topping, normalization of ovaries are necessary. It tolerates a lack of ground moisture, but prefers a good water supply. At least 30-40 kg of watermelons are removed from ten square meters.

Eureka F1

The hybrid was entered into the Russian Seed Registry in 2010. Bred in the Dutch branch of "Seminis" corporation "Monsanto". Fruits need 60-75 days to ripen. This watermelon is zoned in the Lower Volga region, but is successfully cultivated in the Far East, Siberia and Altai, the Urals, and the Moscow region. In the northern regions, it grows 6-7 kg in greenhouses, 3-5 kg ​​in street ridges and greenhouses. In the south, the weight reaches 13-14 kg.

Watermelons are spherical or slightly elongated, striped in shape. The skin is strong, withstands transportation well. Lightness is moderate. Taste qualities are excellent.

The stems are not too long, the bush takes up little space. Does not require heavy watering. Excellent resistance to temperature stresses (cooling, heat). Not susceptible to Fusarium wilt and anthracnose.

Ataman F1

The Dutch hybrid has been zoned in Russia since 2011. It takes 56-66 days to mature. State tests were held in the North Caucasus, but Ataman F1 came to court in other areas. For example, it shows excellent results in the Amur region, on ridges with a mulch film. In cloudy, rainy seasons, the yield is moderate. But if the weather is favorable, then the fruits grow by 10-18 kg, making a worthy competitor to Central Asian supplies.

The minimum weight of watermelons is 2.5-4 kg. They are spherical or slightly elongated; the stripes are blurry. The integumentary tissue is moderately thick, allows you to transport and store products for about a month. The grains are small. The pulp is juicy, sugar accumulation depends on the weather - from normal to very good (about 6.5%).

The bush is powerful, bears up to five ovaries. Genetically resistant to anthracnose and fusarium. On ten square meters, 22-30 kg of marketable watermelons ripens.

Ataman F1 should not be confused with the non-hybrid Krasnodar variety Atamansky.

Honey Giant super F1

The peel is unusual - grayish with a malachite rendering. The ripening period ranges from 65-80 days. The fruits are cylindrical, with a record length of half a meter and a weight of 15 kg. Average weight 4-5 kg. The pulp is light raspberry, with a good content of sugars. Shoots are quite long (about 4 meters). fusarium, anthracnose. Due to the strong skin, watermelons can withstand long transportation.

Prince Danish F1

A new hybrid from the agricultural company "Sedek", in the State Register since 2013. Maturing term - from 75 days. Watermelons are spherical, slightly elongated. Average weight - 5 kg, maximum - 17 kg, minimum - 1.8 kg. The surface is dark green, the banding is indistinct. The flesh is deep pink, with a wonderful sweetness. Seeds are small. Keeping fruit - 1 month. Transportation should be careful - the skin is not too dense.

Crimson Ruby F1

The growth period before the first harvest is 65-80 days. This hybrid form was created by breeders of the French branch of the Japanese agricultural company Sakata. It was entered into the Russian State Register in 2010. Under the northern sky, fruits gain weight of 3-4 kg, in greenhouses and in the south - 9-14 kg each. Sugar content is moderate (4%) to excellent (7%).

The watermelon is slightly elongated, the stripes are uniform. The crust is of moderate thickness. The ability to store - from 3 to 9 weeks (depending on conditions).

The leaf apparatus is quite large, the main stem is long. The hybrid is hardy to dryness of the soil, cooling, Fusarium wilt. Grows well in open ground on light sandy soils. Fees per square meter are 2.5 - 3.9 kg.

Crimson Sweet seedless F1

This is a hybrid of special selection: there are no seeds in it at all. For the successful formation of ovaries, bushes are planted next to simple varieties of a similar flowering period. Pollinators should be allowed to carry pollen from male flowers. Slightly oval watermelons grow in weight from 3 to 9 kg, tender and sweet. The skin is thick, does not burst during transportation.


Crimson Sweet

A popular variety of Dutch selection, the ancestor of many modern varieties and hybrids. Sometimes it is put on sale under the translated name - "Raspberry Sweet". Unpretentious. You can get your seeds from it. Watermelon in terms of early or medium early (approximately 65-80 days passes from germination to the first harvest). Weight fluctuates in the range of 3-12 kg. The fruits are round or slightly elongated. The integumentary stripes are distinct, but not even, but slightly mosaic. The pulp successfully accumulates sweetness even in the northern regions.

miracle berry

This is an original early variety from the breeders of the Russian company "Aelita". "Wonderful" in it is the golden flesh of a lemon hue - smelly, with honey sweetness. There are very few seeds. "Berries" weigh 3-6 kg. The bushes are powerful, cold-resistant. About 30 kg of fruits are harvested from ten square meters.

Mid-season and mid-early varieties of the best watermelons for southern soil and northern greenhouses

In the North Caucasus and in the lower reaches of the Volga, these watermelons build up a large mass in the open air - they have enough solar energy and heat. In the more northern regions, the fruits have time to ripen only in greenhouses and greenhouses, and even then, subject to planting seedlings and decent agricultural technology.

hybrid varieties

Crimlong F1

"Long" is translated as "long". The name refers to the beautiful elongated shape of this hybrid watermelon. The plant needs at least 3 months to grow fruits weighing up to 10 kg and accumulate sugar content. Strong peel contributes to excellent preservation and trouble-free transportation of the harvested crop. Long lashes with large foliage do not get sick with Fusarium wilt and anthracnose, they put up with a lack of moisture.

F1 striped torpedo

Another hybrid with a "talking" name. From germination to maturity takes 12-13 weeks. A breeding novelty from the Gavrish agricultural firm was entered into the State Register in 2015, zoned in Kalmykia, as well as in the Saratov, Astrakhan, Vologda regions. Here, in open ground conditions, the average weight of one watermelon is 5 kg, the record one is 12 kg. Sugar content is very good - about 7-8%. Stem rather long, branched; long-term yield. Shelf life - 1 month.

Bushes are not affected by anthracnose and fusarium. The hybrid is hardy to high temperatures and low humidity in the root zone. On the southern non-irrigated lands, the yield is 18-23 kg per ten square meters. In wet weather, plants develop worse.

Florida F1

This Russian hybrid has been on the State Register since 2010. Recommended for growing on the Lower Volga. Ripening terms - from mid-early to medium (70-100 days). Weight 4-8 kg. The accumulation of sugars is good. The fruits are elongated, the stripes are blurred. Covering tissues are dense. Watermelons are suitable for transportation, they are stored for one and a half to two months.

The bushes are sprawling, the productivity is high - on irrigated lands up to 3.5 kg per square of usable melon area. The hybrid puts up with short cold snaps.



The variety differs significantly from the early ripening Dutch hybrid with the similar name Ataman F1. Watermelon Atamansky was obtained by scientists of the Krasnodar Territory, zoned in 1998 for the Nizhnevolzhskaya agricultural zone. In terms of fruiting - medium early (70-90 days). The variety is distinguished by a rapid and friendly growth of the first wave of the crop.. The average weight of a watermelon is about 3-4 kg.

The fruits are slightly oval. The color is original, patterned - light gray with a greenish undertone and an openwork green drawing. The skin is thin, but the ability to transport is excellent. Keeping quality - 1 month. Sugar content more than 7%. The pulp is juicy. The growth force of the bush is moderate. The variety is not afraid of anthracnose and fusarium wilt. Hardy to lack of moisture, but on irrigated lands, fees double, reaching 2.5 kg per square meter.


The ripening time of this Russian variety from the agricultural company "Aelita" is medium early. Commodity watermelons are received in 80 days. The fruits are spherical, grayish-green marble color. By weight, they are not too large, 3-4 kg each, but they stand out with a very high sugar content. The pulp is melting, the skin is thin. We let three or four ovaries grow on one bush, we pluck the rest.

barrel of honey

A new variety from Russian breeders, which received a State patent in 2015. From germination to ripening of the first fruits, at least three months pass. Watermelons have a beautiful cylinder shape. Weight 2.5-6 kg. The pulp is pinkish, sugary. The skin is not too thick, but dense. Fruits are well transported. Bushes are climbing. The average fee per ten square meters is 15 kg.

The next three varieties are presented in packages from the agricultural company "Altai Seeds". However, in Altai and Siberia they can only be grown in greenhouses. The ripening period is mid-early and medium, the fruits are large. These watermelons work best in warmer regions.


This watermelon was bred in Krasnodar and entered the State Register in 2001. It is proposed for cultivation in the Lower Volga and the North Caucasus. For these regions, the variety is considered early. Watermelons begin to ripen 80-90 days after germination; the first collections are already plentiful. The fruits are spherical, slightly elongated, the average weight is 5 kg. In the southern regions, the accumulation of sugar is excellent - up to 8%. Seeds are small.

Scourge of moderate length. Plants are relatively resistant to Fusarium wilt and anthracnose. The crop is well transported, stored for about a month. Seasonal collection from ten square meters of ground melon - up to 43 kg.

Charleston Gray

The original variety of Kuban selection, zoned since 2013 in the North Caucasus. The surface of the skin has a special shade - light green, with an implicit mesh-mosaic drawing. Watermelons grow in a beautiful cylindrical shape, weigh from 3.5 to 8 kg, record-breaking fruits are pulled out by 15 - 18 kg. They ripen 75-90 days after germination. The sugar content is standard: within 6-7%.

The pulp is red-pink, dense, not watery. The peel is moderately thick, does not burst during transportation. Keeping fruit long - at least one and a half months. The variety is resistant to anthracnose. Productivity on irrigated southern lands reaches 45 kg per ten square meters.

big sugar

The growing season before fruiting is 80-90 days. Watermelons grow up to 10 kg. They are round or slightly oval in shape. Raspberry pulp, good sugar content. Stems are long, branched.

The best varieties of early ripening watermelons for the northern zones

Special northern selection prioritizes traits such as precocity and cold tolerance. The fruits usually grow not too large, so it makes no sense to plant such varieties in the south. But in cool regions, they give out a stable crop in greenhouses, the simplest greenhouses and in open ground beds.


Orange Honey F1

Spherical watermelons grow up to 2.5 kg in weight. On the cut, they are "with a surprise" - bright orange. The taste is sweeter than southern watermelons. Sugar content is very high - up to 11%.

Kai F1

The exclusive seller of this hybrid in Russia is the St. Petersburg agricultural firm "Biotechnika". Plants are genetically hardy to cold snaps and lack of solar energy. The best results are shown in greenhouses, where record fruits can be poured up to 10 kg.

It is recommended to grow a hybrid through seedlings. The stem is long, actively developing. Ripe fruits begin to be harvested 70 days after germination. By this time, the pulp successfully accumulates sugar, turns crimson, acquires juiciness. The skin is small, the seeds are very small.

Gift to the North F1

An exclusive hybrid from the company "NK-Russian garden". Watermelons ripen in early and mid-early periods: 75-85 days. They are spherical, juicy, sweet, with a strong skin. In closed ground, this hybrid is able to grow up to 10 kg, in the ground, the weight of the fruit is more modest. Bushes are resistant to diseases, cold snaps, soil drought.

Pink champagne F1

Another branded hybrid from "Russian garden". It is recommended to grow it by seedling method. The minimum weight of round fruits is 2-4 kg, the maximum is 6-7 kg. Ripe pulp is friable, reddish-pink, very tasty, contains a lot of juice.

Prince Arthur F1

This hybrid watermelon grows in 70 days even in open ground. Fruits are oval, striped, juicy, low-seeded. The average weight is 1.5 kg, and the maximum is 2 kg. 3-4 ovaries are left on each plant, the rest are removed. The taste of watermelon is excellent.

Peking joy prone F1

The fruits begin to ripen 80 days after the start of the growing season. The ovaries grow quickly, their optimal number is 3 or 4 pieces per bush. The weight of each watermelon does not exceed 3.5 kg. The pulp quickly accumulates sugar. Seeds are small. The skin is solid, the keeping quality is long.



In the State Register since 2001. Ultra-early variety (55 days) with excellent sugar content (7%) and excellent fruit weight (average 5 kg). The maximum weight can be doubled. An intensive type of plant is focused on fruiting. The main stem grows only 2 meters, the branches are small. Cushioned landing possible. A crop from a dozen square meters reaches 70 kg (especially with proper moisture supply).

One bush is able to fully bear 2 or 3 ovaries. The keeping quality of ripe watermelons is up to 3-4 weeks. They are not suitable for long-term transportation - the skin is too thin and soft. The variety demonstrates good resistance to aphids, anthracnose, powdery mildew.

ultra early

A variety of Siberian selection with a moderate growth of the vegetative mass and a fast filling of ovaries. It ripens even in open greenhouses due to its increased cold resistance. The weight of watermelons is from 2 to 6 kg. The skin is thin and dark. The pulp is small-seeded, sugary.

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