What time of day to water the orchid. When and how often to water orchids

garden equipment 12.06.2019
garden equipment

Orchids amaze with their exotic beauty and sophistication. Fans collect a whole collection of these flowering plants. The most unpretentious and popular orchid among flower growers is phalaenopsis.

To achieve stable flowering, you need to properly care for the flower. Great importance for the correct maintenance of the plant has timely watering. How to water an orchid at home, not all novice flower growers know. Their main mistake is that they often and incorrectly irrigate the plant.

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    When to water plants?

    The orchid does not like a lot of moisture. It is recommended to water it once every 7 days. Only in summer, when the weather is dry and hot, the number of waterings increases to 2 times a week. When moistening the soil, the leaves of the flower are wiped with a damp cloth.

    It is convenient when the orchid grows in a transparent pot. In this case, you can follow the roots, which change color depending on the presence of moisture in the container. If the color of the roots is green, then the plant does not need to be moistened. When the roots begin to lighten, then watering is necessary.

    Soil moisture can be determined using wooden stick. It is placed in the substrate for 15 minutes and then removed. If it turned out to be wet, then moisture is present in the pot and watering is not required.

    Experienced flower growers determine the presence of moisture by the weight of the plant. A dry flower is much lighter than a wet one.

    Watering methods

    The choice of irrigation method depends on the condition of the plant, the composition of the soil, the volume of the orchid pot. It's hard to say which way is better. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

    In addition, each grower prefers his proven method. With any method of watering, the water in the pot should not stagnate. This leads to root rot.

    Surface irrigation

    When moistened in this way, water is evenly distributed over the surface of the substrate and aerial roots. The liquid must not get into the inner leaf axils and rosettes of the leaves. The presence of moisture in these places leads to plant disease and death. After watering, excess liquid is removed with a paper towel or piece of cloth.

    Water the flower in a thin stream until water begins to pour out through the drainage holes. After all the liquid has flowed out, re-irrigation is performed.

    After watering is completed, the plant is dried and placed in its usual place. Over several days, the moisture will gradually evaporate.

    Root irrigation

    Root spraying is used when the plant is grown without a substrate. Water is poured into a spray bottle and the roots of the flower are sprayed. Drops should be very small, in this case, moisture will be absorbed quickly. If the absorption of moisture does not occur within 4 hours, then the roots of the plant rot.

    Immersion of plants in water

    This method of moistening the substrate is suitable for young and healthy plants. It is often combined with top dressing. To do this, fertilizers are dissolved in the liquid.

    Orchid in a pot is placed in a container with warm water. The edge of the pot should be slightly above the water level. Soaking the leaves and stems of the flower is not allowed. Soil is moistened through drainage holes. The advantage of this method is that there is little chance of excess water entering the substrate. If watering by immersion is done for the first time, it should not last more than 10 minutes. In the future, this time is 15-20 minutes.

    After the procedure is over, the pot is taken out of the water. Excess liquid must drain, otherwise there is a high probability of root rot and mold. After moistening each flower, the water should be replaced.

    Hot shower application

    In order to help the plant adapt after transplantation, it is useful to apply hot shower. A shower will help the flower feel good after moving it to a new place. This will moisten the leaves and wash off the dust from them.

    It is important to observe during the procedure temperature regime. The water temperature should be at least 50 and not more than 70 degrees. More precisely, it is selected taking into account the acidity of the substrate.

    Pallet use

    If there are several orchids, then you can water them at the same time. To do this, flower pots are installed in one common tray, into which water is poured. Plants take in as much water as they need.

    The advantage of this method is that the care of flowers is simplified. The disadvantage of the watering method is the following: if one plant gets sick, then the rest become infected from it.

    Water quality

    The health of a flowering plant depends on what liquid is used to water it. The ideal option there will be rainfall or melted snow. If this is not possible, then filtered tap water is used.

    by the most simple option will be the use of cooled boiled water. It is not recommended to use distilled liquid for irrigation, because it completely lacks minerals that are useful for the plant.

    The addition of oxalic acid will help reduce water hardness..

    Adding succinic acid to the irrigation liquid will have the following effect:

    • accelerate growth;
    • heal the substrate;
    • improve the absorption of fertilizers;
    • strengthen the immunity of the flower;
    • speed up the process of photosynthesis.

    Regular watering alternates with saturation of the soil with garlic liquid. To obtain it, 1 crushed garlic clove is infused in 1 liter of water for 40 minutes. Garlic extract is used for the next watering. It is a fertilizer and protects the plant from pests and microbes.

    Watering a blooming orchid

    During flowering, more attention is paid to caring for the plant. At this time, he needs more moisture and nutrients.In order for the flowering to be bright and long, flower growers are advised to follow the recommendations:

    1. 1. If the orchid blooms in spring or summer, then you need to irrigate it after 3 days. If the buds appeared in winter, then watering is carried out 2 times a week.
    2. 2. Every day the plant is sprayed with a spray bottle. Moisture should not fall on flowers and buds.
    3. 3. The temperature of a hot shower should not exceed 60 degrees.
    4. 4. Cannot be rearranged flowering plant to a new place. This may stop flowering.
    • per liter plastic bottle 1 tsp is added. castor oil;
    • the bottle is closed with a cap, and the mixture is thoroughly shaken.

    The smallest particles of oil are mixed with water. Watering is done immediately after the preparation of the mixture.

    An orchid is a capricious plant, but if you properly care for it and water it correctly, you can achieve stable flowering.

Orchids have long ceased to be perceived as exotic plants and are found in most apartments, houses, offices and ceremonial halls. They fit perfectly into any interior, create an atmosphere of solemnity and elegance at the same time. For those who practice their cultivation, it is no secret that these plants are rather capricious, require clear growth conditions and are reluctant to compromise on these conditions. One of the items that should be given considerable attention is watering orchids, so let's try to figure out how often you need to water an orchid, how much water and what kind of water is better to water an orchid. We define and seasonal features glaze.

In order for the plant to feel comfortable, actively grow, not and also bloom, you need to create conditions for it that are as close to natural as possible. In nature, orchids almost never grow in water, so stagnant moisture in a pot will be absolutely inappropriate. Watering time is determined by checking the condition and taking into account the type of orchid. For example, if Phalaenopsis, Odontoglossum, Cymbidium are grown, then the substrate should not dry out, it grows well in slightly moist soil, but not in a pot of stagnant water, but Oncidium, Dendrobium and Cattleya love watering only if the soil dries. This is important, so when buying a plant, be sure to clarify the name of the plant variety.

Ways to water an orchid

An orchid is watered in a variety of ways, both under a tap, and under a shower, and bathing them in water completely, but the best option is to place a pot with drainage holes in another, larger one and water from above. Thus, the orchid gets drunk enough, the entire bark is evenly moistened, the plant is not at risk of drying out, and the water does not stagnate. This method is called soldering.

Similar to it is the method of immersion, when a smaller pot is placed in a larger one already filled with water. Soldering can be called an improved version of it, so the water pours from above and the bark is wetted faster, it takes more time when immersed.

You can water orchids in the shower, but this method, to put it mildly, is uneconomical, since for good wetting of the bark, water must continuously flow for about 30-40 minutes.

Watering orchids during flowering

Many are also interested in whether it is possible to water an orchid during flowering, we will dwell on this in detail. Watering, of course, is necessary and watering during this period has certain features. If flowering occurs in the summer, then watering intensifies and occurs every three days; if the buds bloom in winter, the substrate is moistened no more than twice a week.

In between watering, it is worth giving the bark the opportunity to dry, excess moisture will be inappropriate. And another very important rule is the temperature of the water, in no case should it be cold, warm settled water would be the best option.

If the orchid pleased with its color, then do not neglect these rules. We remind you that she is capricious and can quickly shed flowers and get sick due to improper moisture.

How to water orchids in winter and summer

The question is: how often to water an orchid in winter, whether to make watering more intensive in summer, and whether spraying is needed. The frequency of watering orchids in winter and summer period actually different, in winter the plant slows down growth, and the intervals between waterings become large. It is very important to make sure that it does not remain in the outlet, so after watering it can be drained by carefully lowering the plant, or simply soaked with a napkin.

Water for winter watering should be warm, slightly above room temperature. Under the pots standing on the windowsills, it is advisable to put foam, if the root temperature drops below 14 C, the plant will suffer.

With the onset of spring and summer, all physiological processes in orchids accelerate and watering needs to be made more abundant, with a lack of water, the plant will wrinkle its leaves and require action. The water temperature should not be lower than room temperature, it is good to defend the water.

You can determine whether it is time to restore the amount of water by checking the condition of the roots and walls of the pot. If the condensate from the walls has disappeared, and the roots have become silvery, the pot itself is light - it's time to water. It is for such checks that orchids are grown in transparent pots.

Watering orchids after purchase

So, the orchid found its happy owner, moved to a new home. When to water an orchid after purchase and does it need some time to adapt and get used to a new place? Undoubtedly. For a few weeks, place it in a shady place, away from other houseplants. Do not expose it to direct sunlight. It is not worth watering and “feeding” the fertilizers that were recommended when buying it, the plant is still experiencing stress, however, you should still focus on the state of the plant, especially the leaves, and make decisions based on their condition. Usually, orchids tolerate several weeks of quarantine well without watering or any other interventions.

The plant should be brought out of this state by moderate watering, which over time becomes more intense and gradually accustomed to the sun.

Watering orchids after transplanting

And the last thing we focus on is whether it is necessary to water the orchid after transplantation. If a store bought plant does not grow in sphagnum moss, then transplantation is not needed, and it can be in its native substrate for several years until the need to change the pot comes.

If, nevertheless, the need has come and the plant has been transplanted, then after it you need to water it abundantly. While the substrate is not yet compacted, it is good to water the plant under the shower for 5-7 minutes, and then immerse it in a container of water for 30 minutes.

The first 7-10 days after transplantation, the orchid should be in a shaded place, watering occurs in the usual way.


Every indoor plant lover dreams of replenishing his home collection with a blooming orchid, however, as practice shows, few people know how to water an orchid in order to prevent the root system from rotting. After all, overflow for this plant is much more dangerous than drought. You should be careful and follow the individual rules for caring for a capricious flower.

Many mistakenly believe that other indoor plants are necessary after upper layer the soil will be completely dry. However, this indicator can be misleading, because inside the pot the soil may still remain wet. It is much more convenient to determine this when growing an orchid in a transparent pot. A signal of excess moisture and sufficient soil moisture will be the accumulation of condensate, small droplets of liquid on the walls of a pot made of clear glass or plastic. In this case, water the plant early. Also take a look at appearance root system. If the roots have a bright green tint, then you should not water the orchid. When the roots brighten, you can start moisturizing.

Watering orchids

Owners of orchids with opaque containers are better off guided by other signs. Take a wooden skewer, deepen it into the ground to the very bottom and leave for 10-20 minutes. If after this time the stick remains completely dry, then it's time to water the orchid. You can also determine the degree of saturation of the soil with moisture by checking the weight of the pot. Of course, at first it will be difficult to do this, but over time you will learn to capture this moment.

The main thing to remember is that orchids are epiphytes, that is, plants that grow in their natural environment on trees and other plant crops that do not need a lot of moisture. More important to them is a constant flow fresh air to the root system. Therefore, choose comfortable and spacious pots for such plants. But you should not “torment” the plant for too long from a lack of water. This can lead to slower growth and flowering.

Water for irrigation should not be cold. A liquid with a temperature of 18-25 degrees is considered optimal. It is also good to saturate the water with oxygen beforehand. To do this, it is enough to pour it in a thin stream from one container to another. Water for orchids is a source of nutrition and self-regulation. If we consider the vital activity of this flower in its natural habitat, then it receives its life-giving moisture thanks to heavy tropical rains. To create similar conditions for an orchid at home, many indoor plant lovers use rainwater to water the flower. However, taking into account harmful emissions in cities and radiation, this method of care cannot be called high-quality. Such water vaguely resembles tropical water and can cause even more harm to your plant.

Peat for water treatment

For successful flower growth, the pH level of the water plays an important role. A pH level of 5 is considered optimal for orchids and can be determined using special indicators. If the hardness of the water is high, then it must be lowered. We do this by adding a few drops of lemon juice or oxalic acid to the water for irrigation at the rate of 2 g of the substance per 5 liters of liquid. The second component can be purchased at any home flower care store. Preliminary settling of water also helps, due to which excess chlorine is vented. A bag of peat - not less than effective remedy. It is enough to immerse it overnight in water, and after a day you can use softened water for irrigation. As for the use of distilled water, it is better to combine it with ordinary settled water, since such a liquid is completely devoid of oxygen and salts.

Watering by sprinkling is very similar to the natural irrigation of a flower. A shower head is ideal for this. If you have different water spray modes, select the "tropical rain" function, which is present in most modern watering cans. Irrigation of orchids is carried out with warm water, avoiding moisture on the flowers. We wait until the substrate is saturated, and leave the flower in the bathroom for 10-15 minutes, so that the glass is excess liquid. After an hour (not later), we wipe the remaining moisture on the leaves with a soft cloth, giving Special attention sinuses and core. Otherwise, the socket may rot and jeopardize the further development of the orchid. If white stains are found on the leaves, we wipe the leaf plates with a health cocktail based on beer and lemon juice, mixed in equal proportions.

One way to water orchids

The second commonly used watering method is to completely submerge the flower pot in water. Prepare a basin or a convenient bucket, pour into it right amount water at room temperature and put inside the orchid in a pot for no more than 20-30 minutes. After this time, we take out the pot with the flower and leave it alone for 10-15 minutes so that the excess liquid is glass.

The easiest method of moisturizing is watering from a watering can. We pour water in a thin stream over the entire upper layer of soil, avoiding moisture on the growing point and leaf axils. Required amount moisture is controlled through the drainage holes in the pot. When liquid begins to flow out of them, we stop watering. After about 2-3 minutes, the procedure can be repeated and excess water drained from the pan. It is best to water the orchid in the morning. For growing without substrate orchids on blocks the best option to maintain an optimal level of moisture will be spraying the roots. This procedure will have to be carried out more often than watering orchids in pots, since the root system of such flowers dries out much faster. As in the case of ordinary watering from a watering can, we spray the roots in the morning so that they have time to dry before evening.

When watering orchids planted in the substrate, remember that in the center of the pot the soil dries out much more slowly than at the edges. Therefore, it is better to navigate by the moisture content of the upper layer, not along the edges of the soil, but in the center. So the chances of rewetting this indoor flower decreases many times. As a rule, watering orchids in pots is carried out no more than once a week, it is worth focusing on temperature conditions, the degree of illumination and humidity in the room. If you want to slightly dampen the substrate, water only around the edges of the pot, without touching the core.

epiphyte orchids

Orchid in baskets are watered more often, as moisture evaporates faster. The optimal watering will be immersion. We dip the basket with the flower for a few minutes in a container of water, after which we take it out and let the excess moisture drain.

Epiphyte orchids planted on blocks need periodic moistening not only of the roots, but also of the air, which is quite easy to provide by spraying a small amount of liquid over the flower with a spray bottle. In this way, the most natural growing conditions are created, which allow the flower to grow normally. After all, these flowers receive water in the tropics not from soil or wood, but from humid air. Orchid is more demanding for frequent and abundant watering. Fragmipedium. But other representatives of this plant ( Wanda, Phalaenopsis, Miltoniopsis, Cymbidium and Vuilstekeara) are less capricious, require moderate watering.

More often, an orchid without a substrate can be seen in long glass flowerpots. When watering, pour water to the base of the orchid, immersing only root system and leave the plant alone for a few minutes. After that, completely pour out the liquid and wipe the vase dry. If particles of moisture remain at the bottom or a large number of liquid, the roots will begin to rot and gradually die off. In the dry summer period, such watering is recommended to be carried out every 3 days, and in winter time reduce it to once every 5-7 days.

The famous English botanist and author of non-fiction books about plants David Gerald Hassion compares orchids in the world of flowers with champagne in drinks. Both in that and in another there is a special charm, its own charm is hidden. Indeed, if you look closely at them, you will notice how sparkling sprays adorn delicate petals, creating the most bizarre and vibrant patterns.

Orchids are unusual plants, and growing them at home or in greenhouses can be a real pleasure. Therefore, choose among more than 100 thousand hybrids those that you like and learn how to care for them.

From the article you will learn about the main features of caring for these plants, including how often to water the orchid in winter and during the period of active growth and flowering.

Orchid habitat

Caring for a plant in room conditions directly depends on its natural habitat. The soil and its composition, watering, location and air temperature are all major factors to consider. Most representatives of the Orchid family are epiphytic plants, but some species common in culture, in particular Fragmipedium and Paphiopedilum, grow on the soil. In this feature lies the answer to the question of how often an orchid should be watered and how to do it. First, determine the species of your plant. Orchids are conditionally divided into three groups:

  1. Epiphytic.
  2. Ground.
  3. Lithophytic.

Ground orchids, as you might guess, grow on the surface of the soil, these include all types of temperate climates.

Representatives of the lithophytic group are found on bare or moss-covered stones and rocks.

Seven fatal mistakes in care

  1. Cold drafts. Free-roaming air currents have nothing to do with periodic ventilation of the room.
  2. Proximity to a heat source. Do not place orchids near central heating radiators. A plant that is constantly in the flow warm air starts losing leaves quickly.
  3. Over watering the plant. non-compliance water regime- the main reason for the death of orchids at home. Consider the features of the species and recommendations. How often to water an orchid at home, read further in the article.
  4. Wet leaves. Spraying and watering should be done in the morning. Do not leave the plant with wet leaves overnight - this promotes the development of bacterial and fungal diseases.
  5. Overfeeding. You can not accelerate growth or flowering, which is called "horse" doses of fertilizers. It is necessary to remember two rules: do not feed orchids (and any other plants) during the dormant period and do not violate the dosage indicated on the drug package.
  6. Dry air. Orchids are children of the tropics and need high humidity and frequent ventilation.
  7. Bright sunlight. Epiphytes live under the canopy of the forest, in the zone of scattered light. Therefore, always protect orchids from direct sunlight.

Home orchid: how often to water?

The frequency of watering plants depends directly on their type. Botanists conditionally divide all orchids into four groups, which can be arranged in the form of a kind of scale:

Watering problems

The same symptoms indicate a lack of moisture or an excess of it in orchids: wrinkling of the pseudobulb and yellowing of the leaves. A thorough examination of the plant will help to understand. Carefully remove it from the pot and inspect the roots. With a lack of moisture, they have White color and hard to the touch, with its excess - soft and dark. Drought most often affects old or overgrown plants, to which the pot has become small. Such specimens need to be transplanted as soon as possible, and at first watered by immersion. A common question for beginner gardeners is how often to water an orchid during flowering. General scheme quite simple - once or twice a week, but be sure to consider the characteristics of the species.

Note that orchids are able to endure prolonged drought much better than many other indoor plants. That's just in themselves after such stressful conditions, they come much longer. Therefore, it is so important to learn how to water them correctly. We bring general recommendations, it all depends on the specific species. So, for example, plants with pseudobulbs are watered less frequently than those that do not have them.

Determine the need for watering in simple ways:

  • First, just feel the substrate with your finger at a depth of 1-2 cm. If it turns out to be dry, then moisture-loving species should be watered, and those that require moderate watering can still wait 1-2 days.
  • Second, weigh the pot in your hands. Gradually, you will learn how to determine dry soil or wet soil by weight.
  • Thirdly, use special devices.

What determines the frequency of watering?

Having answered the question above about how often you need to water an orchid, you still need to clarify the vague timing of the frequency. What does regularly or once a week mean? For example, water the plant exclusively on Mondays? It won't work that way. For all species, there are different periods between waterings, which can vary from a couple of days to a week. This indicator Moreover, it may change depending on the conditions. environment, time of year.

It has already been said above how important the fact of what species your orchid belongs to is.

How often to water the plant, depending on the dishes in which it grows? This question is also quite natural. The material from which the pot is made is quite big influence for irrigation frequency. So, in clay pots, the substrate dries out faster, and in plastic - more slowly. But in the first case, moisture is distributed more evenly throughout the volume. Plants in small pots need more frequent watering than those in large containers. It is noteworthy that the substrate itself also has an influence: if it is old, then it retains moisture better.

The demand for water increases as the ambient temperature rises and the light intensity increases. The strength of evaporation of moisture from the soil is also affected by the central heating system and excessively dry indoor air.

What water to water?

In order for the plants to develop well and delight their lush and long flowering, they need a good substrate and the “right” water. As a rule, there are practically no problems with the latter, but still some features need to be taken into account. So, tap water can be used in two cases. Firstly, if it is soft, and secondly, only for hardy and unpretentious orchids. In all other cases, rain or melt water would be the best option. To improve performance, you can pass it through a filter. Bring water to room temperature before watering. The use of special softening agents is not recommended.

How to water?

Despite the unpretentiousness of many species, not everyone manages to grow such a plant as an orchid on their windowsill. How often to water a flower, we have already found out, in addition, it is important to know exactly how to do it. The most common way is to use a watering can. Place the plant pot in a deep pan or sink and water the substrate slowly, evenly moistening the entire surface. Continue this process until moisture begins to come out of the holes in the bottom of the planter. Let excess water drain. The most optimal watering time, especially in winter period- early morning.

About air humidity

In an apartment with central heating in winter, the orchid (how often to water the plants, read above) feels bad. As the air in a room warms up, its relative humidity decreases. For orchids, on average, it should be about 50%, although each species has certain requirements. For example, spraying and moistened pebbles in the pan will be enough for phalaenopsis. Use a hygrometer to measure the humidity level in the air. To stabilize the situation, use the techniques described below.

Techniques for increasing air humidity

  • Spraying - increases humidity for a short period of time and is an auxiliary technique, not the main one. Do not perform the procedure in a cold room, do not use hard water, do not do this at night.
  • Tray with wet pebbles. The layer of stone should be at least 7 cm thick. Pebbles are poured with water to a height of 3-5 cm. Place pots of orchids on top. Pebbles must be washed periodically (1 time per month).
  • Grouping of plants. A special microclimate is created around orchids and any other plants collected in a group, and the evaporation of moisture from the surface of leaves and soil is reduced. double effect achieved if this technique is used in conjunction with the previous one.
  • Floor irrigation is an effective method in greenhouses and greenhouses. In the summer, it can not only be sprayed, but directly watered from a hose in the morning.

Normalization of air humidity helps prevent the appearance of some pests, including spider mites and thrips.

Watering orchids at home - important condition successful cultivation of orchids. Before those who are just carried away by orchids, there are many questions: what water to use for watering orchids; how often to water orchids, how to water ground or epiphytic orchids? Let's try to answer these questions.

Water for watering orchids

In areas where natural water very soft, such a question is not at all worth it. This water can be used directly from the tap. And where the water is very hard (a lot of lime, a lot of scale forms when boiling), then such water cannot be used for watering orchids from the tap. Water can be filtered using drinking filters such as Barrier.

Most best option- water orchids in summer - with rainwater, in winter - with melted snow.

This option also does not tire everyone, so boiled water can be used to water orchids. Boil water to reduce hardness. Then this boiled water is poured into enameled or glassware, where it settles for another day. After that, only 2/3 of the volume of settled boiled water is used for watering orchids, the rest of the water is drained. The water temperature for watering orchids should be room temperature or slightly warmer, 2-5 0 C higher than room temperature. Just before watering, to saturate the water with air (oxygen), pour it in a thin stream from one container to another.

If you have an aquarium at home, use aquarium water to water your orchids. This water is already settled, saturated with nitrogen and air. It works very well for orchids. The same soft water suits others indoor plants, for example, selaginelle.

Another one important detail A: Each orchid requires its own specific water pH. By the name of the orchid, ask which one (acidic, neutral, alkaline). If within 5 pH (slightly acidified), then you can use lemon juice, a drop of vinegar, in flower shops there is oxalic acid precisely for these purposes. So, we figured out the water.

How to properly water orchids

Now you need to know that watering ground orchids planted in the ground in pots is different from watering epiphytic orchids planted on blocks or in baskets.

If the orchid is planted in the ground, then you must always remember that in the center of the pot the substrate dries out much more slowly than at the edges of the pot. Therefore, a pot with such an orchid is completely shed no more than once a week. The rest of the time it is enough to water only along the edge of the pot.

Orchids planted in baskets or blocks are watered abundantly, as the water drains very quickly, or the blocks and baskets with orchids are immersed in a container of water for several minutes, after which excess moisture is allowed to drain. With this watering, there are no dry zones inside the block or basket.

Orchids grown without substrate in glass vases watered like this: for a few minutes, water is poured into a vase to the base of the orchid, so that only the roots are completely immersed. After that, the water is completely drained. Such watering in the summer, in warm weather, is recommended to be done once every three days, in winter, when the room is cooler, it is enough to water once every 5-7 days. Under no pretext, water after watering should not remain at the bottom of the vase, otherwise this will lead to the appearance of rot and the gradual death of the roots of the orchid.

Some flower growers practice watering orchids with a warm shower. Modern showers have a "tropical rain" function, probably specifically for watering orchids.

Orchids are placed under a warm shower just enough so that the substrate is completely wetted, after which the water is allowed to drain. It is believed that such irrigation is as close as possible to natural conditions orchids, well cleans the leaves of dust, which in turn is a pest prevention. After watering with a shower, orchids grow leaves faster.

But don't forget that indoor orchids still much weaker than their wild sisters, so after watering with a shower, do not forget to drain all the axils of the leaves, the core of the orchid outlet, otherwise this will lead to decay. After such watering, white stains from hard water may remain. Wipe all orchid leaves with a paper towel. blooming orchids still it is better not to put it under the shower, the flowers may lose their decorative effect (from stains). Such watering is contraindicated for phalaenopsis.

1. For epiphytic orchids, excess moisture is more dangerous than its lack. Remember that in such orchids, the roots need an influx of fresh air. Epiphytic orchids can easily tolerate short delays in watering. Do not look that the roots look dry from above, there is a lot of moisture inside them. But too long intervals between waterings entail a slowdown in the growth of the orchid, premature flowering (short-term) or vice versa, there will be no flowering.

2. If you have just started growing orchids, then use a less moisture-intensive substrate. When you become more experienced, understand your orchids at a glance, then you can already use more moisture-absorbing substrates, which, of course, make it easier to care for orchids.

How often to water orchids

Advice from experienced amateur flower growers: do you doubt the need for watering? Then wait one day, then water.

Orchid watering frequency depends on the type of orchid, on air temperature, on the substrate, on the illumination, on the physiological state of the orchid (growth period, dormant period). The frequency of irrigation depends on room conditions. Someone in the room is cool, someone has a higher air temperature, and this reduces the humidity. Therefore, everyone will have to choose their own terms for watering orchids, acceptable only to you. We can only give some recommendations. Watering each orchid in a particular place is selected individually.

Epiphytic orchidsplanted on blocks need periodic moistening of both the block and the air around the orchid. Remember the tropics where orchids grow on trees in vivo. Completely without soil. In the tropics there are short-term tropical showers. This moisture is enough for epiphyte orchids to fully grow and bloom. They collect water aerial roots from moist air. Phragmipedium (Phragmipedium) can be attributed to orchids that require a constantly waterlogged substrate. Orchids that require a constantly moist substrate include Vanda, Paphiopedilum, Phalaenopsis, Cymbidium, Miltoniopsis, Vuylstekeara.

Watering such orchids only in winter decreases slightly if the room temperature is lowered.

With a decrease in ambient temperature at the roots of orchids, the absorption capacity is sharply reduced and excess water, especially cold, can lead to the death of the roots. The same can be said with a decrease in the illumination of the room.

Orchids that require abundant watering from spring to autumn, moderate watering in winter include Epidendrum (Epidendrum), Ludisia (Ludisia).

With a significant decrease in temperature or light, it is recommended that all orchids reduce their watering rates. And vice versa, the higher the ambient temperature and the illumination of the room, the shorter the intervals between watering.

Orchids that are in the dormant phase should be watered carefully, as their roots are not able to absorb a large amount of moisture. In addition to epiphytes, their roots need to be moistened even during the dormant period. And they are watered exactly as much as necessary so that the pseudobulbs do not wrinkle. Epiphytic orchids include Encyclia, Cattleya, Coelogyne, and Brassia.

Orchids at the very beginning of shoot growth require less watering than during their active growth period. Orchids that grow intensively need to be watered abundantly; when the next growth matures, watering is gradually reduced, transferring the orchid to a dormant period.

Another way to control the moisture content of the substrate: compare the weight of the pots with dry and wet substrate (if there is something to compare).

If the orchid is terrestrial, growing in the substrate, among other things, consider the composition of the substrate: light or more moisture-intensive. The bark-based substrate gradually accumulates moisture, so excess water can also lead to root rot. And do not look that the top of the substrate is dry, inside it can be very wet.

In between watering orchids, you can use spraying. Spraying the space around the orchids increases the humidity of the air. However, at low temperatures and high humidity, there is a great risk leading to rotting of the roots or pseudobulbs. To avoid this trouble, it is better to spray orchids in the morning, so that delicate orchids can dry out before evening.

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Image copyright flickr.com: pushad, yananine, eyriel, Soul101

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