How does an orchid flower spike. What to do with a broken peduncle

Decor elements 12.06.2019
Decor elements

Helpful Hints

The orchid is loved by many and the most beautiful flower. The first mention of it appeared in the 7th century BC, but some experts studying plants claim that mankind got acquainted with the orchid much earlier. This is one of the oldest flowers, which has been a symbol of harmony, purity, purity and perfection for a very long time.

Even our ancestors considered the orchid chosen flower, it was given to loved ones, showing the purity of thoughts and expressing their respect. There are many signs about the orchid, some of which talk about the difficulties of artificially breeding a flower, and some about personal experience ancestors.

Orchid in the house: bad omens

A lot of signs endow these beautiful flowers the properties of an energy vampire, which you do not need to keep in the house. It is said that energy vampire plants draw energy from people living with them under the same roof. The teachings of Feng Shui do not argue with this sign, which is better than others for most plants in the house and only encourages the presence of flowers in a person's life.

It turns out that the whole point is that the pollen of several species of this flower lulls a person. There is also an opinion that the orchid is male plant, but in fact it is exactly the opposite. In fact, a female orchid, she helps the fair sex, at times increasing the attractiveness and femininity of her mistress.

The orchid has a negative effect on the male sex, it can make a man effeminate and pampered. For this reason, do not plant your plant in the rooms of married couples, men, and little boys.

The bad omens associated with this flower do not at all prohibit planting, but impose some restrictions. Being vampires, orchids are active at night, so they must be ordered to enter the bedroom. Be sure to make sure that the male part of your family has minimal contact with the flower. Settle the beauty where men are the least.

This is a female plant, do not decorate the rooms and offices of men with it.

Orchid in the house: good signs

We have already said above that, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, it is possible to grow orchids in the house, subject to certain precautions. In this case, you will be able to avoid them. negative impact, and they can become a real talisman of any woman, helping to engage in creativity and develop talents.

But in order for the orchid to treat you well, take care of it properly, protect it from diseases and prevent the plant from wilting. A flower has the power to prolong a woman's youth, her health and good mood, it enhances all feminine qualities and endows with attractiveness.

The orchid will expel negative energy from the house and attract positive. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the color of the plant, because different colors exert their influence. Among other things, this plant will be your protector, save you from a guest who has conceived evil, drive him away, provoking poor health.

Secret and overt enemies of the hostess of the orchid are faced with headaches, a variety of disorders and anxiety.

Signs with orchids of different colors

According to Feng Shui, orchids of different colors have different effects on their owner. For example, purple and red orchid flowers are designed to fight human laziness. They are great for ladies on a diet, quitting smoking and those who decide to take up in a healthy way life.

Such plants, combined with your will, will help you achieve what you want. Also, red flowers will help you finally do what you always put off until next Monday or tomorrow. Yellow flowers needed in the house to someone who decided to climb the career ladder, they bring prosperity to the house.

The same can be said about orange flowers, they help a person to be more active and engage in an active lifestyle. They are ideal for someone who believes that his life energy is running out, who suffers from laziness and cannot begin to implement his ideas in any way.

Orange orchid helps to find inspiration and supports creative people. Pink and white orchids are intended for those who do not even imagine what inner harmony is, but really wants to find it. They are simply necessary for women who see black colors around, are prone to depression and melancholy.

Moreover, pink orchids will help you find inner attractiveness and charm. In general, this flower is perfect for any woman who wants to protect herself from negative energy, emphasize her attractiveness and develop her creative features.

Orchid Care

Now let's talk about caring for this beauty. The fact that the orchid requires rather scrupulous care, and it is rather capricious, everyone knows. In order for a flower to bloom again, you need to know what contributes to this and follow the care regimen. In this case, the orchid will delight you with amazing flowers for 2-6 months. Moreover, some species, such as vanda and phalaenopsis, can even bloom all year round.

For orchid bloom

1. Find out the age of the plant

If you've purchased a plant that isn't blooming and isn't even going to flower, it's probably very young. Orchid different types begins to bloom at the age of 1.5 - 3 years.

To understand that the flower is old enough, count the number of shoots. mature plant, which is ready for flowering, has 5 - 8 shoots. If an orchid begins to bloom earlier, then you should not always rejoice at this. The thing is that after flowering, a young plant may need more strength to recover than he has. Because of this, the orchid may die.

2. Find a permanent place for the flower

Many orchid lovers are aware that moving a plant is a lot of stress. The flower is hard going through even the most insignificant movements. The plant is very sensitive to light. Therefore, if it becomes necessary to rearrange the orchid, place it on the same side of the light source where it was in its original place.

Do not move the pot while watering. When moving, the growth of the flower stops, especially if this coincided with the appearance of the peduncle.

3. Pay Attention to Your Roots

Everyone who deals with orchids knows that the roots of the flower are actively involved in the process of photosynthesis, for this reason it is extremely important to ensure that they receive enough light. Because once again it is better not to move the plant, it is better to think about the roots in advance. For example, don't get ceramic pots, plant your flowers in clear plastic instead, as these pots tend to have a lot of drainage holes.

It is also not recommended to choose a pot with corrugated walls, because the roots of the orchid will eventually grow to uneven surface. Moreover, sharp elements in a pot can harm the root system, and therefore the entire plant.

4. Set the right lighting

Sunlight is one of key factors affecting the flowering of the plant. If the orchid does not have a full daylight hours (10-12 hours a day), it will not bloom. For this reason, in winter and autumn, when there is very little natural light, it is necessary to illuminate the plant with lamps.

There are so-called phytolamps that illuminate plants, giving them the necessary bright light, without drying the air.

If your flower has released a peduncle in winter or autumn, be sure to make sure that it does not die due to lack of light. After all, without additional illumination at these times of the year, the peduncle will either stop developing or die.

If you do not have the opportunity to give the entire plant additional light, try to organize additional lighting only at the tip of the peduncle. It is important to ensure that neither the peduncle nor the rest of the orchid heats up.

5. Take care of the allowable temperature difference

An active catalyst for the flowering of most types of orchids is a small difference in the ratio of day and night temperatures. That is, for your plant to bloom, during the day the air temperature should be 4 to 6 degrees higher than at night.

Of course, throughout the year it is somewhat problematic to create such conditions, however, from late spring to early autumn, keep flowers outdoors, where temperature changes occur naturally.

With the onset of a cold snap, when the orchids must move into the house, the room in which the flowers live must be regularly ventilated. However, this should be done with caution, because the plant is also afraid of drafts.

6. Ensure proper watering

Water your orchid after the soil is completely dry. This will prevent root rot. This rule is universal for all seasons, and is suitable for orchids of any age. But there is one exception. After the flowering period is over, watering should be reduced by about a month.

When an orchid completes its flowering cycle in nature, seeds begin to set in it, which should fly away several kilometers in different sides. This happens only during dry periods, during the rainy season it is excluded. Therefore, try to provide your flower with conditions close to natural, so that the plant often blooms and is healthy.

Most often, we are given an already blooming phalaenopsis, which pleases the eye with large flowers and retains its beauty for a long time. appearance. But how to care for your pet so that she again releases a peduncle and pleases the eye longer? Nothing is impossible if you know all the subtleties of this process. Today you will learn how to make an orchid release a peduncle.

In an orchid, flowering occurs most often 2 times a year. But there are cases when she releases a peduncle, ignoring dormant periods. Lighting is one of the main factors for the qualitative improvement of the environment in which you can make phalaenopsis bloom. It should be noted that direct sunlight is not suitable for him. It is best to place the pot on a south-facing window, and an east window will do as well.

Why an orchid cannot be under aggressive sunbeams? They can simply lead to a burn of the leaves, make them painful.

For an orchid to feel comfortable, it needs enough light. In the autumn-winter period, they need additional lighting. Moreover, ordinary incandescent lamps will not work here, as they will heat the plant. It is worth using sodium, halogen, fluorescent, mercury lamps, up to 40 kW.

Light day should last at least 16 hours.

Watering mode

In order to force our exotic plant let the peduncle, you can reduce watering. If everything is in order with the root system, then for stimulation, you can dry the flower for 10 days, then water it, while immersing it in warm water for 15 minutes.

The beauty should be watered with settled water so that it is not hard.

The best option among the happy owners of this flower is the method of "strait". To do this, you need 1-1.5 liters of settled water. We take a pot, go to the bathroom, hold the orchid in our hands and pour all the water taken from top to bottom. Then we wait until it drains, and return the flower to its habitat.

Thus, both upper and lower roots receive water, there is no problem of stagnation of water below, which leads to rotting of the root system.

How do you know when to water? There is no clear guidance on this subject. If the root color is green, no watering is needed. When there is condensation on the walls of the pot, you need to wait until it passes and water the flower in a couple of days.

You can also look at the weight of the pot, it should be light.

Comfort temperature

There are several rules temperature regime. After studying them, you will know how you can painlessly force the orchid to release the desired peduncle.

For her to live comfortably at home, you need to create a difference between day and night temperatures of approximately 4 ° C. That is, if it was 20 ° C during the day, then it should be 16 ° C at night.

When indoors from 25 ° C on hot days, these plants willingly grow deciduous mass, but orchids will not shoot arrows in such conditions.

In order to stimulate flowering, you need to reduce night temperatures.

In general, the temperature difference has a beneficial effect on the flower, it makes it necessary to activate all processes. Therefore, it is likely that very quickly it will be possible to observe how a peduncle grows from your pot.

Fertilizers and care features

When buying a new flower, pay attention to the condition of the roots. If the purchase was made in flower shop, where he was well cared for, there is no point in transplanting. You can just enjoy blooming.

When a flower is from a regular store, you can find foam rubber in a pot. It is laid down for easy transportation, as it retains moisture. But you need to get it at home! Also, flowers can fade quickly, as they are watered too much. It should be noted that you may be overtaken by another surprise in the form of mold growing in a pot, accompanied by large quantity moisture. In this case, experts advise the guest to immediately transplant into more acceptable conditions.

In order for the orchid to release the cherished arrow, it needs to be fed. There are several ways you can feed your pet.

Some experts advise using. It can be bought at a pharmacy. Dissolve 4 tablets of this acid in a liter of water and immerse the orchid in this solution overnight. Don't worry about oversaturation. The plant will take only what it needs. You can use this method once a week. To get the phalaenopsis to release a peduncle, you can also add Zircon to the irrigation water, and Bud and Pollen to the water for spraying the leaves.

Experienced owners of this exotic pet are advised to feed once a month in winter, because a dormant period begins. In summer - once every 2 weeks. Do not overfeed the plant with nutrients. This can burn the roots.

Your pet simply needs the following elements: nitrogen, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and sulfur. They are part of fertilizers that can be found in flower shops. Experts do not advise taking fertilizers in sticks that need to be inserted into the pot. There is a high probability of burning the roots when using them.

Proper feeding will speed up the flowering process, and soon you will be able to see new shoots.

What to do with a broken peduncle

The released peduncle is very fragile and sensitive. If suddenly it breaks for some reason, the main thing is not to panic! What to do with the arrow, how to save?

The first option is to simply throw away the broken peduncle. With proper care of the plant, there is no negative impact associated with the loss of a limb. Since phalaenopsis reproduce with bulbs, it simply does not make sense to put such a peduncle in water so that it takes root.

In the case when the arrow is not completely broken off, simply cover it with adhesive tape. You will understand that she did not take root if top part will begin to lose strength and dry up. Do not rush to tear off the patch, the "healing" process is slow and can take a long time.

In response to proper care, care and patience, phalaenopsis will answer you with beautiful and bright flowers!

Video “How to make an orchid bloom?”

From this video you will learn how to make an orchid bloom at home.

At the end of autumn, the flower begins the main period in its life - flowering. It is at this point that the orchid accumulates all its strength.

After 2 months, small buds form in place of the peduncles, which subsequently open in the form of flowers.

During the formation of the peduncle, the pet needs all the attention and care of the owner, consisting in regular watering, fertilizing, ensuring optimal lighting.

If the last time the peduncle was not cut off to the very base, then there is a high probability that in the fall a bud will wake up on it and the process of growth of the lateral arrow will begin. Flowers, in this case, will appear earlier, already after 35-40 days.

Care before and during flowering - what's the difference?

Step by step care instructions

The most common diseases with poor orchid care:

  • Rot is a type of fungal disease. All affected areas are urgently removed, and the sections are disinfected.

    The main reason for the formation of rot is a large number of moisture at low temperatures.

  • powdery mildew. white bloom is a clear sign. A solution of colloidal sulfur or a remedy called "Skor" will cope with the disease. The reason is the greenhouse effect.
  • Fusarium- the foliage becomes soft, and the surface is covered with a bloom with a pink tint. You can overcome the disease with the help of "Fundazol". Processed for at least a week. Occurs due to high humidity.
  • spotted leaves. Dark and damp spots - a lot of fertilizer is applied. Can only help complete removal foliage followed by fungicide treatment.

Orchid - exotic flower demanding to himself special attention. Proper Care- guarantees regular and lush bloom, absence of diseases, healthy appearance of the plant.

Fairy orchids are perennial herbaceous plants. In nature, there are more than 30,000 varieties of orchids. In its natural environment, this flower does not grow in the soil, but clings to trees.

From the middle of the 18th century, orchids filled greenhouses and botanical gardens. The flowers of this plant simply captivate with their beauty and diversity. Sometimes attempts to grow orchids at home end in a complete fiasco, since only the roots and leaves develop intensively in the plant. In order to find out the reason for the lack of flowers, first understand the features of its breeding.

The tropical climate is the most suitable natural habitat for orchids. Therefore, if the conditions of the plant are very different from natural, do not expect abundant and frequent flowering.

Among the most important reasons for the absence of flowers are the following:

Orchids are usually planted in small pots, in which the soil is quickly depleted. The plant must be fed periodically. Mineral top dressing for orchids should contain less nitrogen. Nitrogen ensures the growth of green mass, and in order to form flower buds, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus are needed. Before fertilizing the plant, you must first water the soil abundantly so as not to burn the roots of the orchid. Prepare a low concentration aqueous solution of dry fertilizers. Excessive amount nutrients also very detrimental to the plant.

Wrong watering

The orchid has rather wide leaves, from which all moisture evaporates very quickly. During the period of active growth, the plant should be watered quite often, 2-3 times a week. In winter, the opposite is true - do not moisten the soil abundantly. The water which watered the orchid should be soft. It is advisable to use boiled or filtered water at room temperature. Wet roots that show drops of condensate do not need to be watered. Excessive moisture favors the formation of rot on the roots.

Violation of temperature and lighting

Orchids are very susceptible to temperature changes. Temperature differences between day and night should not exceed 4°C. Summer optimum temperature air should fluctuate between 18 - 25°C, in winter - not lower than 15°C. Lighting is important for an orchid, but direct sunlight is also completely undesirable. Because they provoke burns on the leaves.

Unsuitable substrate

The substrate for the orchid should provide the roots with a minimum of moisture and free air circulation. It is for this reason that orchids cannot be planted in ordinary black soil or in garden soil. The pot in which the orchid is planted must be filled with a substrate, which consists of moss, peat and coarse sand. It is best to buy ready-made soil in a flower shop, especially for growing orchids.

Roots are the most important! Location of the root system in a pot

The orchid has very strong and strong roots covered with spongy tissue. In the natural environment, these roots cling to tree trunks. A pot will help keep the plant upright. To provide access sunlight, the pot must be made of transparent material. The presence of holes at the bottom of the pot for water drainage is a must. It is desirable that there are such holes on the walls of the pot for air ventilation. The roots should be loose in the pot, they may even stick out. Best of all, transparent plastic pots are suitable for orchids. This material allows you to see how the roots develop. If you want to repot the plant, then the plastic pot can be easily cut open without damaging the roots during removal.

How to stimulate orchid flowering - the most effective ways

In tropical environments, orchids live under dense foliage, so for orchids there is no such thing as a change of seasons. The most non-capricious type of orchid is the phalaenopsis, which can bloom continuously for 11 months. However, achieving this result at home is not so easy.

Sudden temperature changes

In the daytime, the orchid should be in a warm room. At night, you can open a window or balcony if you want to lower the temperature to 16 - 18°C. In summer, you can take the orchid into the garden. Being outside will speed up photosynthesis and promote the accumulation of carbon dioxide, which, in turn, stimulates flowering.

Creating an arid desert environment

To create such a dry climate, increase the intervals between waterings. AT summer time water the orchid once every 4 days, in winter once a week. Orchid roots must be dry. If you water the plant correctly lower leaves will be a little soft.

hot shower

Before starting this procedure, fill the bathroom with steam by turning on hot water. Pour pots with orchids for 15 minutes with warm water, the temperature is about 35 ° C. During this time, the plant absorbs moisture through the roots and intensively releases moisture through the leaves. After a week, the orchid should release flower stalks.

Lighting improvement

Different types of orchids require different light intensities. When a plant does not bloom for a long time, it may not receive enough light. Move the orchid pot to another more lit place or buy a special fluorescent lamp.

Pruning the peduncle

On each peduncle there are several buds that are dormant. To encourage flowering, trim the arrow to about 3 buds.


Lack of flowering can sometimes be due to depleted soil. This is always seen in the leaves of the plant. When the growing leaves are smaller than the old ones, or they are of a different shape, then the orchid must be transplanted into a new substrate.

There are orchids that release a peduncle only after reaching the age of three. The plant is mature enough and ready to bloom only when it already has 5 - 8 shoots. It is possible to stimulate flowering only in healthy orchids. To release a flower branch, withered and diseased orchids must gain strength.

The orchid has released a peduncle: what's next?

As a rule, from the moment the orchid shoots an arrow, it should take about 2 months before the opening of the first flowers. During this period of time, you must create comfortable conditions so that the unopened buds bloom.

Near the pot with an orchid, you need to put a small container with water to ensure sufficient air humidification. If the house is very warm, it is advisable to spray the orchid with warm water. Water the plant in the usual way, as the substrate dries out.

In winter, the orchid needs additional lighting.

To compensate for the lack of light, use a phytolamp. Such a lamp does not dry the air and provides the plant required amount bright light. Daylight hours in winter should be at least 12 hours.

The orchid does not like to be moved frequently from place to place and reacts to these movements with slow growth. If you still want to rearrange the pot, place it with the same side to the light as it stood before.

Feed the plant with fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium until the first flower appears. These components favorably affect the formation and growth of flower buds. When the orchid blooms, there is no need for additional fertilizer.

Proper care of an orchid after flowering

The flowering period lasts from 5 to 12 months. Do not rush to immediately cut off the peduncle after the flowers have dried. Make sure the orchid is no longer blooming first. Examine the arrow carefully to understand how to proceed further. If the tip of the peduncle is green, then additional buds may appear on it.

When the peduncle turns yellow and begins to dry, flowering is over. However, the orchid still continues to feed from the flower branch. Therefore, the arrow must be cut off after complete drying.

Usually a cut is made, leaving 3 lower buds, the stump should be at least 2 cm. Sometimes, in summer, a young shoot appears on a flower branch. With it, the orchid can be propagated. Leave this shoot on the stem for about 6 months until it has roots and 2 leaves.

Plant care after flowering is almost no different from other periods. During the dormant period, you can reduce the amount of feeding to once a month. When the substrate dries quickly after watering, and roots stick out from the holes in the bottom of the pot, it's time to transplant the orchid. The most suitable period for transplantation is immediately after flowering.

Before transplanting, the orchid is watered abundantly and carefully removed from the pot. Roots cannot be expanded. Blackened and dried shoots must be removed. The substrate can be pre-calcined on fire to destroy pests. For drainage, it is necessary to lay a layer on the bottom of the pot crushed granite. In the new substrate, the orchid is placed at the same level as before. After transplanting, you do not need to water the orchid. You can only spray the plant.

The rest period lasts about 3 - 6 months, after which new flower stalks will appear, and the orchid will bloom again.

Don't be scared! favorable conditions for flowering orchids, it is not at all difficult to create. The main thing is to surround the plant with care and love, and then you can admire beautiful exotic flowers throughout the year.

Like any plant, the orchid has an escape. So the shoot on which flower buds form and develop is called a flower-bearing shoot, a flower-bearing arrow, or simply a flower stalk.

You can learn more about what an orchid peduncle is, how it appears, and also see a photo of a plant, but we told how a flower-bearing arrow differs from a flower root.

Importance for the flower

Rather, it is not as important for the plant itself as it is for its owner. After all, it is thanks to the flower-bearing arrow that the orchid begins to bloom. And the flowering period, exactly like the period of rest and rest, is an integral part of the plant life cycle. Therefore, if you have not watched the flowering of your beauty for a long time, it's time to think about whether you are caring for her correctly, in particular, her peduncle.

We list the main reasons that interfere with this process:

Why does it come out but not grow?

First of all, such a process indicates insufficient lighting. The amount of light decreases sharply with the onset of autumn, so you need to worry about artificial help. The orchid, in particular the peduncle, reacts very sharply to a decrease in the amount of light. At best, the growth of the flower-bearing arrow stops, at worst, it dries up completely.

ATTENTION: Also, the reason may be hiding in the lack of nutrients. The plant may simply not have enough fertilizer. Take care of the complex nutrition of the orchid every two weeks, but not more often, so as not to burn root system.

How to force the arrow to release - step by step instructions

If a new peduncle does not appear on the plant within six months after the last flowering, do not worry about it. But if more than six months have passed, and there are still no shoots, it’s worth starting to act here:

What to do to get multiple shoots at the same time?

There are no new rules for this. Just follow all the above recommendations. But the main condition is that the plant has enough strength to provide the flower arrows with all the necessary substances.

ADVICE: If your beauty is still too young, you should not try to throw out several flower stalks at once - this can deprive her of all strength. Therefore, it is better to reduce watering, but start spraying phalaenopsis leaf plates more often.

A flower arrow can grow in a very unusual way - even bend into a pig tail. But most of the time, you don't have to worry about it. Any living beings are very smart and have high level survival. That's why the orchid itself directs the peduncle up to prolong its life.

But it happens that the shoot stubbornly grows down. Then all the responsibility falls on the grower. It is necessary to start acting while the flower arrow is still young and malleable for any mechanical damage. To do this, you need to tie the young process with a wire and attach it to the holding stick.

The second option for changing the direction of growth of the flower arrow is to adjust the angle of incidence of light on the plant. Lighting should be set so that the peduncle stretches upwards towards the sun. It may also happen that no maneuvers will help, and the process will continue its downward growth. If you find yourself in a similar situation, humble yourself and put the orchid pot in a place where it can freely grow in reverse direction. Yes, it is strange and unusual, but it can be.

Your favorite beautiful orchid is blooming - it's wonderful. So that in the future there will be no problems, read our materials about, and, and also learn how to grow it on a flowering shoot.


In this article, we have described the basic principles of the orchid. So that you do not have problems with this process, try to adhere to these recommendations as much as possible. This will help you achieve the longest and most frequent flowering period possible. It's important to remember here: everything should be in moderation, such as fertilizers and soil moisture.

In conclusion, we want to remind you that the orchid is a plant that loves stability. Therefore, if you have chosen for it some one specific place and position for lighting, then try to make sure that the position you have chosen is constant and does not change. Because this kind of stress will not benefit your home or office pet.

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