Flower of wonderful mood - Lily. Lilyniki: Best varieties with photos and names Lily flowers

The buildings 13.06.2019
The buildings

Wonderful decorative The plant is lilyniki. These flowers are so diverse in shape, coloring, drawing on the petals, that everyone can find their own favorite instance.

Care behind the flower is quite simple, so grow it can even beginning gardener. On the principles of landing, the rules of care and the struggle against pests will be told in this article.


American Society of Lilynikov (AHS) - the official registrar of varieties, registered 70 thousand. species of this plant.

It also developed a classification, which is based on almost all the features of representatives of this culture.

There are the following options classifications Lilynikov:

  • By the type of vegetation;
  • On the damiform of the plant (the number of chromosomes in the plant)
  • In time of flowering;
  • In the size of the flower;
  • By smell;
  • In the size of the floweros (the height of the loyal, taking into account the coloring);
  • in the form of a flower;
  • Over the color of the flower.

By type of vegetation exists three Lilynikov groups:

  1. Evergreen or Evergreen.The catalogs adopted a reduction EV. Almost continuously, this species grows in countries that differ in a warm climate. The rest period lasts only two or three weeks - at this time the active growth slows down slightly. Evergreen representatives of the species well tolerate winter in the suburbs;
  2. Sleeping or Dormant.reduction - Dor.. In such plants, in the fall, the leaves first be burnt, and then die away. Flower "sleeps" to the beginning of spring. In the context of the Moscow region, these plants can be bolded to be called the most sustainable;
  3. Semievergreen. or hyphettereduction - Sev.. Such lotions are occupied intermediate Position. They adapt very well to growing conditions. Depending on the climate, they can behave like sleeping or evergreen.

The magnitude of the flower Lilyliki distinguish:

Interesting classification by smell. Exists three Plant groups:

  1. Lilyniki, possessing aroma;
  2. Having aroma;
  3. Grade S. pronounced aroma.

What does the Lily Lily look like?

Day-lily is a grassy rhizuy perennial. His leaves whole extreme and wide. The height of the stem can reach one meter.

Flowers of this plant voronenevoidThe size of them and painting are diverse. Lily flowers are collected in splashing inflorescences three - ten pieces.

The flowering of each of them continues one or two day. The total duration of the flowering of the loyal is approximately 25 days.

Rhizome in this plant urine (The root system is represented mainly by apparent roots), which allows the plant to fight drought. The fruit itself is triangled The box in which the brilliant seeds of black color are located. ImportantThat the Lily is a winter-hardy flower, and therefore it tolerates freezing easily.

Types and varieties

Rod of Lilynikov has about 25 species. In decorative gardening use natural species Plants, namely:

  • Orange Lilyik. The leaves of this plant are curved. Flowers - very high (up 100 cm) Without fragrance. Somewhere in the middle of summer begins to bloom;
  • Lily lemon yellow. Long, before 14 cm, Flowers with a strong aroma. You can find areas of Central China. The height of the bush can reach 90 cm. Blooms at night in July duration 40 days;
  • Lily chiferty. Named in honor of the Belgian Botany V. Digorier. It blooms this view in May. Forms a bush height to 70 cm;
  • Lilyrik Red, or brown-yellow. Orange-red flowers, leaves wide ( 2.5 cm), bushes tall up 1m. Blooms in mid-July;
  • Lily yellow. Yellow flowers in shape resemble a bell, the length of the petals is about 6 cm;
  • Lily Middondorfa. Flowers bright yellow, petals length about 9-10 cm. Start of flowering - May;
  • Lily Tunberg. Flowers are very high with a low aroma.


Sort Lilynikov, as well as species, are very diverse. Here are just some of them:

Anyfrom the above-described varieties or species will become beautiful decoration garden plot. As well as others garden flowers:, Lilyiks are used to create borders and others for flower.

Very beautiful I. naturally Lilyika looks on the shore of the pond, in close proximity to the decorative. Using loyers and to create beautiful bouquets.

Features landing

For good growth and blossoms of the loyal, it is important to choose and prepare for him place landing:

  • Representatives of this culture are sunconiumTherefore, the landing place should be well lit. However, varieties with dark flowers it is better Shed in a light half, so that the color is not burned under the rays of the bright sun. Lily can land with single instances or groups directly on;
  • Most favorable time for landing is spring. Best time For landing - the end of August and the beginning of September. for best protection The plant is recommended to cover the earth or leaves;
  • Attention! If the landing of the Lily to exercise later the specified deadlines, the plant may not take care and die.

  • When landing a loyal, it is important to pay attention to the quality soil. If the soil seed landing site is light, then you only need to dig a hole in which the roots will be able to fit. If the land solid, then the pit must be twice as much. It is covered with a prepared mixture, which consists of a sublinka, peat and sand taken in the ratio 3:2:1 . Also added to the mixture ash. In the pit it should be formed by the Hollyk to which a seedling is installed. Roots straightened in different sides. As the Earth falls asleeps, it is necessary to ensure that the root neck is not too shrouded, otherwise the plant will be poorly developed. Optimal landing depth - 2.0-2.5 cm.

Note! On clay soils there may be a stagnation of moisture, which, in turn, can lead to radiating roots during the cold season.

Care rules

Important! The shelter of the loyal is made only after installing cold weather, otherwise the plant can recreat.


This plant is breeding dividing bush. You can do it in the middle of spring or closer to the end of August. The division of the bush contributes to a more rapid growth of the plant.

Optimal The age for reproduction is three - or four-year age of the plant, but for rapid reproduction of some kind of variety can be done every year.

Diseases and pests

Diseases of this culture are divided into 5 Groups:

  • Viral (tobacco virus ring spot);
  • Nematodes (diseases caused by worm nematodes);
  • Bacterial (bacterial soft rot);
  • Fungal (rotting root, Opened root rot, spotted leaves);
  • Cultural and environmental problems.

Of pests The most common are:

  • Herbal bug;
  • Web tick;
  • Root tick;
  • Snails and slugs;
  • Medveda;
  • Gallean midge.

Most effective measures to combat pests and diseases is content Plants in pure form. In addition, it is necessary to use various means of fighting, effective with certain diseases. For example, when developing rust, you can use Bayleton. Effective tool The fight against pests is.

From the following video You will learn how to plant loylays and how to care for them after landing:

Lilynik is an ideal option for gardening cottages or a homeland. His decorativeness and attractiveness are successfully combined with unpretentious care. Despite the fact that the plant is more period, he has a long period of flowering with a wide palette of the paint. And his ability to grow in a pronounted place in the simplicity of cultivation made a Lilynik one of the most popular gardening.

Using Lilynikov

Lilynikov find use in landscape design. These plants fit harmoniously in the gardens of any style: East, country, modern, landscape, nostalgic and others.

Plants are universal, since they can be entrusted with any role. So, they are used as single cultures (solvents) and apply in mixed flower beds (Mixleters). Different varieties are applied in their own way:

  1. In landscape design for decorating rocaries and alpine slides, they turn to low varieties.
  2. With their help, ribbons framing and borders are created, that is, the living hedges. Select varieties with a dense structure that do not give root chain. Designers recommend to connect varieties blooming in different timeBut they should have about the same height of greenery.
  3. The composition should consist of collected, according to certain considerations of varieties that would complement each other. Often, dwarf varieties are planted on the foreground, in the middle - mid-graduated plants, on the back plan - tall.
  4. Color in the composition also has great importance For visual perception. So, saturated and dark varieties are determined in the middle of the flower garden, because in the background they will reduce the space of the territory, the composition will have a flat view.
  5. Lilyniki not growing high, apply in the decoration of the Alpine slides and rocaries.
  6. Incredibly fragrant loyal with gentle pink flowers is called Siloam Double Classic. He is sitting near the arbor or shops to enjoy his aroma. This unusual flower No one will leave indifferent. Photos of this flower can be seen in the catalog.

Combination of varieties of loyers with other plants

What colors form a single composition?

Excellent combination gives Lily with bulbous cultures. They are planted next to tulips, hostats, iris, astilbamas, crocuses, hyacinths, dolphiniums.

Lukovichny preferably land in the foreground, which will help protect them from overheating. The flower beds will acquire brightness, however, will not be obsessive.

All varieties of loyers and high and dwarf can well develop in various containers, ruddles, pots. For this, just need correct Capacity. The plant has a powerful root system, so the vase is needed volumetric.

They are used to decorate balconies, terraces, parisades, garden sites and recreation areas. They are good in winter Gardens. In urban conditions, Lilyniki may also exist. It is actively implemented in landscape for landscaping streets, territories near parking and shops.

Selection of grade for growing

In order for flowers to appear throughout the magnificence, they need a suitable background. To do this, you can accommodate a flat canvas of the lawn, live hedge or a group of trees, shrubs that close the horizon line.

On the back background, coniferous and deciduous cultures can be located. Choosing a variety of a lacer follows from the already finished living platform for growing. So, if dark-green plants are placed in the background, then bright, for example, will be advantageous yellow I. pinsy varieties Lilynik, if the background is Pentess - monophonic or saturated.

Tall loyers that are formed dark flowers, perfectly look on the background of light leaf of shrubs.

Unfortunately, at the end of summer, many varieties lose their beauty, their foliage becomes yellow and dying. So before planing a loyal select a partner to themwho will close their fading.

For these purposes in compositions with loyers may be decorative grasseswhich differ in various shades:

  • fisure;
  • liatris;
  • verbaine dot;
  • yarrow.

Varieties of flowers of Lilynikov

Lily in the catalog numbered about 62 thousand varieties. In our country, the following are most popular:

  • In the photo Lily Buro-Yellow. This is a powerful bush to 1 meter, the leaves of dark green are wide 2.5 cm. Hurting, easily adapts to the place located in the shade, wide and quickly grow. Flowers of orange-red shade. There are a number of terry varieties.
  • Grows a bush to 60 cm Lily Middendorf. It is abundantly flowing in May-June with yellow-orange flowers with a strong aroma.
  • Reaching 105 cm Lily Tsitrine. In the first half of summer provides abundant bloom with lemon shades.
  • Hybrid varieties are represented by Stella de Oro. Growing a dwarf, has bright yellow flowers that are happy with their beauty for about 4 months.
  • Midnight Madzhik has large colors reaching 14 cm, the shade of dark-bard.
  • Margaret Peri from July to August forms dark-pink flowers, in diameter up to 15 cm.
  • Lavender color has variety of Prairie Blue Ice. The diameter reaches 14 cm.

Care rules

These plants due to their unpretentiousness were called "Flowers for intelligent lazy people". However, so that they look neat and well-groomed, and also abundantly and longly blooming for them still need to follow, and for a start create certain conditions.

When choosing the soil, keep in mind that it should be rich in an organic have a good drainage, loose loam in acidity is 6-6.5 pH. Clay soil Dilute with compost and sand, lime will help lower the level of acidity. Alkaline soil can be powered by peat.

Good lighting is optional, as the Lilynik is quite adapt to semount And even shadow. However, with bright lighting, when the day of day lasts about 6-7 hours, its bloom will become more abundant and massive, the colors will get saturation. Very love soft sun hybrid varieties.

Features of watering, feeding and transplants

The powerful root system of Lilyniki is adapted to the fact that in the arid period, it can get moisture from the depth. Therefore, long drought suffer not badHowever, the quality of buds, which become small and rare.

In the period of melting of snow, in early springThe plant should be protected from water stagnation. Although culture copes well with temporary difficulties, it is still necessary to trace the root neck to be over the water.

The best option is to maintain the upper layer of the earth dry (where the rosette of the leaves is developing), and the level of suction roots, which are located at a depth of 20-30 cm from the surface of the Earth - wet.

To achieve this to be resorted to mulching wood crust or dry peat. The best thing water in the evening. The plant moisturize the water jets directed under the bush. From above, waterfly water can not be eliminated to eliminate the appearance of spots.

Prefer desirablebecause the flowers thank the active growth and abundant blossom. Fertilizer is selected based on the soil features. With their help, the shortage of those elements that lack soil is compensated. Before making a fertilizer, the plant is watered with ordinary water so as not to burn roots.

The transplant of Lilynikov is necessary in 5-7 years. Required trimming floral shoots After flowering. In the late autumn, the ground part of the bush is completely cut.

So, Lilyiks are unpretentious and proper selection varieties are capable give beauty blossom Since the beginning of spring to late autumn. And compiled compositions from these perennials, supplemented by other plants, will form the imagination of the most sophisticated natur.

The plant is boldly called the culture for lazy gardeners. Even almost complete absence does not interfere with its chic flowering. You can decorate the garden with loyabilities "savages", as well as hybrids and varieties of incredible beauty derived by breeders.

They are called the flowers of joy - it is impossible not to be glad, looking at bright flowers. They believe that they bring good luck, carrying all the sadness and sorrow away.

Culture prefers solar lighting, but he feels well in minor shading (sufficiently active lighting of the site for 6 hours a day). It is not imposed to the composition of the soil of special requirements, in one place there are successfully growing for many years, forming lush beautiful-flowing thickets. Perfectly adapted to weather vagaries.

When blooms Lilynik?

  • Duration of flowering of Lilynikov: Active flowering falls in April-June.

For a successful Lily, you should define a few points: what to choose a place when and how to plant, what, even minimal, care is required.

Landing place

It is very important to immediately choose a piece of growing plot, since Lilyniks are long-livers. Curtains with beautiful multi-colored wedges without a transplant cost about 15 years.

When choosing a site for the Lily, consider that it is best developed under bright lighting. It is not afraid of drafts and strong wind gusts. In such conditions, most of the garden crops will feel uncomfortable - the Lilyniki is very helpful. For ravant expansion, provide him with a space that will not be limited to shrubs, trees, large herbatous plants. They can be a plant competition.

Note that the root system should not suffer from closely locked groundwater and spring floods.

Dates of landing of Lilynikov in open ground

The time of landing of Lilynikov in open ground can be attributed to the benefits of the plant. This can be done throughout the warm season. Nothing prevents the transplant to the autumn.

Most successfully passes spring landing - Saplings quickly root and go in growth, come in the same season. If the weather is cold, planting material Out of the soil can be stored for about a month: spray the root system with sand or sandy-peat mixture, you can shift with a wet rag. In this case, the sheet plates cut half or 1/3 to reduce the need of plants in moisture.

If summer is not hot, you can put a landing and at this time.

With autumn landing there is a riskThat before the cold plants do not have time to be rooted, they can freeze in winter or, if they do not perish, will be weak. For the winter, young landings should be emphasized the earth, inspirate the soil by foliage or straw.

  • According to experienced gardenersIn the conditions of the middle band, the most favorable months for landing of the Lilynik are May and August.

Lilayer planting in spring in open ground

How to plant a clock photo

It should be prepared for landing. Inspect them, remove dry, damaged or fired roots. Separations of cuts. Treat Fungicide. Greens can be cut down by leaving 10-15 cm from the base of sheet plates.

If at the time of planting to open ground root dried, the saplings should be soaked for 4 hours in a solution with a stimulant of growth.

Lilynik grows well in loose, light soil of neutral or weakly acidic reaction - such is the usual garden land.

  • Pull the plot to the depth of the full bayonet shovel. Clay soil or loam dilute overworked manure, compost and sand.
  • Planting Pits Make the root system.
  • If the soil is depleted, prepare the nutrient mixture: humid and peat with adding 30 g of potassium and phosphorus to 1 bucket of the substrate.
  • In the landing pit, put on the ground with a slide, position the sapling on top of the soil, carefully distribute the rhizome so that the roots are not flex.
  • Pour the ground and slightly compact the soil around the seedling, pour, the root cervous can be bundled by 2-3 cm.
  • Between individual plants, follow 70 cm.

To reduce evaporation of moisture, you can climb the soil around the plant. Use sweater materials (bark of trees, needles, straw). In the same way, the Lilynik in the summer and autumn are planted.

How to care for fishing in the garden

Filler procedures are minimal: water, periodically loosen the soil, remove weeds.


Active growing and flowering Lily needed regular watering. The faded leaves testify about the insufficiency of moisture, the buds may occur. In the heat, water can be absolutely soil to wet by 20-30 cm (to the depth of the root system). Also, excellently, the Lilynik will react to fine sprinkle. With a sufficient amount of precipitation, watering reduce.

Best time for holding water procedures It is evening or early morning - there is no risk of burns.


In the first season after a plant, sufficient nutrients. From the second year, begin to make feeding. Use complex mineral fertilizers. The share of nitrogen should be moderate in order not to provoke excessive bunning to the damage to flowering. Adopt in the spring, a couple of times in the summer. Closer to the autumn make a potash-phosphorian feeder to strengthen the plant to winter.

Shelter for winter

The plants are high, but the Lilynik can suffer at hindy winter. Cover your cheese, sweetheart or other handicraft materials. Free from the shelter as soon as the active melting of snow begins, so that the root neck does not overheat and not sink.

Reproduction of Lilynikov

Usually, the Lilynik breed vegetatively (the division of the bush, rooting a sheet outlet). For seed reproduction From its seeds there is a loss of varietal differences - therefore, the seeds are grown by the Lilynik, only if they purchased them from a proven manufacturer.

When you need to dissolve a loyal or why it does not bloom

The most magnificent bush of the Lilyrik falls on the first 5-7 years, then the flowerons among lush greenery appear less often, and the inflorescences are minor. The situation can be corrected by the usual division of the bush. Unpretentious culture Easily tolerates the division and transplant process.

  • To divide the Lily bush, carefully sink it from all sides to remove along with the root system.
  • The resulting gently divide the knife into separate parts in such a way that there remained at least one green escape with part of the root.

  • The deteen obtained landed by the method described above.

Lilayer reproduction by air kids - proliferations

Proliferation - Another way to reproduce the Lilynik. What he really is? This is rooted by leaf outlets formed on a color-based (proliferation). They must be well developed.

  • Wait until the upper part of the flower, going to the outlet, will dry, then cut a piece of color, along with a socket and place in water for rooting.

  • Leaflers shorten on 1/3 length.
  • You can add a few drops of growth stimulator.

  • When the roots reach a length of 4-5 cm, put in the pot of light soil and grow in room conditions until spring.
  • In the open ground in late April-early May.

Growing a leafer from seeds at home

  • Lily of seeds at home can already be at the end of February.
  • Lily seeds are large enough. They are soaked before landing, laying out on wet shallow pebbles, perlite or wet fabric.
  • When the seeds proceed, they are neatly seated into separate glasses or pots filled with universal soil for seedlings.
  • Mandatory in the bottom of the tank should be drainage holes.

  • Seedlings are furious on a warm sunny window.
  • There are no moisture without stagnation, feed 1-2 times a month with comprehensive fertilizers.
  • At the end of May, when there is no frost, the seedlings of the loyal can be planted into the ground.
  • Pre-harden plants within 1-2 weeks.

Types of Lily with photos and names

Culturally grown 3 species forms of the loyal.

Lily Buro-Yellow Hemerocallis Fulva

Six-board whine bunks of orange tint are banging on the meter flower.

Lily yellow Hemerocallis Flava

The whip-and yellow shades are slightly dowed.

Lemon-yellow Lily Hemerocallis Citrine

The crins of a lemon-yellow shade reaches a diameter of about 10 cm.

There are about 30,000 varieties of the loyal - the painstaking work of breeders.

They can be divided in the form of inflorescences:

  • Simple (the most close to natural species);
  • Terry (have a double, triple set of petals);
  • Poworkoons (elongated petals make a flower similar to this insect);
  • Form unusual or uncertain;
  • Multiforms (can be attributed directly to several groups).

Distinguish loyers in the flowering period:

  • Terms Early and Late, there are varieties with wave bloom (several times per season).
  • There are also day and night species.

Growth classification:

  • Miniature varieties with a height of 30-40 cm (vintage diameter 7-8 cm)
  • Tall, reaching maximum height 1.5 m (the diameter of the bunny can reach 15-17 cm).

The best varieties of Lilynik with photo names and description

FRANS HALS - Plant Height 60-80 cm, The blooming is energized with a yellow-orange colors with a wavy edge, the diameter is 12-15 cm.

Bonanza - in the center of the bunny yellow color There is a red-wine deposition. Different with regular blossoms, high frost resistance.

There are varieties of loyers whose inflorescences are reminded by gladioluses:

Lily "Longfields Pearl 'longfields pearl photo

Longfields Pearl - Flowers of a yellow-cream shade bloom in August, glad to the middle of the autumn. The diameter of the whisk is 10 cm.

Lily of Stella de Oro Stella de Oro photo

Stella de Oro - The height of the coastal is 30-40 cm. Yellow veins are 6-7 cm. Distinguished by a long period of flowering. Kroch will become a real garden star: low-spirited bushes will look at the tracks, in curvature landings.

New varieties of Lilynikov:

Catherine Woodbery - Classic Petals For Lily Form Shapes have a strain lilac shade, varying depending on the lighting (under the bright sun becomes pink-yellow, and in contraction shows a lilac-pink sophistication). Diameter - 12-16 cm.

Night Beacon - colorful contrast of yellow-green core and purple petals, does not fade under the sun. The crins reach a diameter of 8 cm.

Double River Wye - terry whores with a diameter of about 12 cm, color is saturated yellow.

Bestseller - the height of the bush is 60-70 cm. Large whites (14 cm in diameter) are impressive form and color. They are simple, but at the edges of pink-purple petals there is an apart from a greenish yellow shade.

Lily Divas Chusis Hemerocallis Diva's Choice Photo

Diva's Choice - in the depths of the neck of a creamy-yellow shade spot, smoothly turning into rose-cream petals, which becomes greasy-coral with flowering. Record diameter of inflorescences - 17 cm. One blooming is holding 3-4 won.

Lily Pandoras Boxing Hemerocallis Pandora's Box Photo

Pandora's Box - at half-meter height of the bush pleases with inflorescences with a diameter of about 10 cm. The born of a lime column, then a bright middle - as if a handful of ripe cherry, ending the petals of a pastel-yellow shade.

Lily Pardon Mi Hemerocallis Pardon Me Photo

Pardon Me is the leader among the lowest varieties. Flowers from June to late September. The neck of Lyme shade, petals - dark cherry blossom.

Night EMBERS - the height of the bush is 75 cm. Machirus whites, diameter 12-15 cm. Petals like a velvet, raspberry and wine tint.

Lacy Doily - bush is a height of 60-80 cm. Elegant terry flowers Have a gentle pink shade.

Double Dream is really a dream. Huge (15 cm diameter) terry whims from a creamy-cream to salmon shade. It flourishes early, ready to grow on the sun, tolerates the absence of a strait, not afraid of frosts.

RED RUM - scarlet inflorescences with a diameter of 10 cm are happy during the June-August period.

Black Stockings - NEW (led in 2015). I am striking the vintage diameter of 15 cm and a purple-violet tinge of petals, a yellowish core highlights from the inside. The edges of the petals corrugated.

Little Anna Rosa is a miniature with a gross 40 cm, the diameter of the bunny - 8 cm. The core of a saturated lemon color, petals of a gentle pink shade with corrugated edges. It has 2 blossom waves.

Mildred Mitchell - huge veins (18 cm diameter) are revealed in June-July, repeating flowering in the fall. Coloring is gentle, in pink-purple tones.

Burgundy Love - You can wait for 2-3 blossom waves from it. Corrugated petals have a noble burgundy shade.

Lily in the garden design selection photo:

Thyme or chabret? And maybe Chebry or Bogorodskaya grass? How correct? And correctly, in any way, because under these names "passes" the same plant, more precisely, one genus of plants from the Casnot's family. There are many other popular names associated with the amazing property of this semi-staple to distinguish a large amount of fragrant substances. On the cultivation of thyme and its use in the design of the garden and cooking will we are talking in this article.

Favorite sensipolia possess not only a special appearance, but also a very specific character. The cultivation of this plant little resembles classic care for indoor crops. And even relatives of Uzambar violets from the number of heesnery require several other approaches. Watering is often called the most "strange" point of care for violets, which prefer non-standard watering by classical method. But a change approach will have to feed fertilizers.

Useful, hardy, unpretentious and simple velvets in cultivation are indispensable. These seals have long been from urban flower beds and classic flower beds moved to the original compositions, decorated the beds and potted gardens. The velvets with their easily recognizable yellow-orange-brown colors and even more inimage fragrances today are capable of surprising and their diversity. First, among the velvets there are both high and miniature plants.

The system for protecting fruit and berry plantations is based on the use of mainly pesticides. However, if pesticides can be applied in the protection of seedic gardens during almost the entire growing season, taking into account the waiting time for each drug, then in the protection of berry crops, they can only be used before the phase of flowering and after harvesting. In this regard, the question arises which drugs should be applied during this period to suppress pests and pathogens.

Our grandmothers, grown with a strawberry garden, or strawberries, as we used to call it, not particularly worried about mulching. But today, this agroprium has become fundamental in achieving high quality berries and reduce crop losses. Someone can say that it is troublesome. But practice shows that labor costs in this case pay off by a hundredfold. In this article, we suggest you would like to meet the nine best materials for mulching garden strawberries.

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Biscuit cake with chocolate cream is light, fluffy and air, with delicate sweet cream based on milk powder, cocoa and cream. It will take quite a bit of time to prepare this dessert, and the products are simple, inexpensive and affordable. Homemade cakes for evening tea are pleasant and cozy moments of life that can organize any mistress for his family or friends-girlfriends. Coconut chips in this recipe can be replaced with fried walnuts.

It often happens that chemical insecticides, especially those who have long been presented on the market, cease to act on pests due to the development of resistance (sustainability) to the active substance, and then biological drugs can come to the aid, which, by the way, have a number of benefits. In this article you will learn, due to which the lepyocid facility will protect vegetable, berry, decorative and fruit cultures from leaf-making pests.

Mint used the Egyptians for another 1.5 thousand years before our era. It is distinguished by a strong aroma due to the large content of various essential oilshaving high volatility. Today, mint is used in medicine, perfumery, cosmetology, winemaking, cooking, in decorative gardening, in the confectionery industry. In this article, consider the most interesting varieties mint, and also tell about the peculiarities of growing this plant in open soil.

People began to grow crocuses for 500 years before the onset of our era. Although the presence of these colors in the garden is fleeting, we are always looking forward to the return of spring of spring next year. Crocuses are one of the earliest primroses, whose flowering begins, as soon as snow comes. However, flowering time may differ depending on species and varieties. This article is devoted to the earliest varieties of crocuses that bloom at the end of March-early April.

Soup from the early young cabbage on the beef broth - satisfying, fragrant and simple cooking. In this recipe you will learn how to cook delicious beef broth and make light soup on this broth. Early cabbage is boiled quickly, so it is put in a pan simultaneously with the rest of the vegetables, unlike the autumn cabbage, which is preparing somewhat longer. Ready soup can be stored in the refrigerator a few days. Turning sch are tastier just cooked.

Blueberry - low-prolonged promising berry culture in the gardens. Blueberry berries are the source of biologically active substances and vitamins, possess anti-cutting, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, well-fascinating properties. Berries contain vitamins C, E, A, flavonoids, anthocyans, microelements - zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, as well as plant hormones - phytoestrogens. Blueberry berry flavor is reminiscent of a mixture of grapes and blueberries.

Looking at the variety of tomato varieties, it is difficult not to be confused - the choice is very wide today. Even experienced Gorodnikov He is sometimes confused! However, to understand the basics of the selection of varieties "for themselves" is not difficult. The main thing is in particular culture and start experimenting. One of the easiest to grow groups of tomatoes is grades and hybrids with limited growth. They always appreciated by the gardeners who do not have a lot of strength and time to care for the beds.

There are no time very popular under the name of indoor nettle, and then forgotten, the coles today are one of the brightest garden and indoor plants. They are not in vain are considered the stars of the first magnitude for those who are looking for above all non-standard colors. Simple in cultivation, but not so comprehensive to approach everything, the cakes require constant control. But if you care about them, bushes from velvety unique leaves easily eclipse any competitor.

Baked salmon ridge in olive herbs - "Supplier" delicious pieces Fish pulp for lightweight salad with fresh leisters of the abrade. Champignons are slightly roasted in olive oil, and then watered with apple vinegar. Such mushrooms are tastier than ordinary marinas, and they are better suited for baked fish. The shortcut and fresh dill get along perfectly in one salad, emphasizing each other's fragrance. Garlic acuteness of the abrade is impregnated and the flesh of salmon, and pieces of mushrooms.

Lilyniks have been leading many years in the ratings of popular perennials. They have indisputable advantages: unpretentious in growing and leaving, decorative for the entire season, long bloom, and the collection of varieties and hybrids has tens of thousands of plants with different colors in shape and color.

Selection of place for landing

It is believed that Lilyniki can grow anywhere, because in their homeland - in the Far East, they feel great in shady forest corners.

BUT B. moderate climates The middle strip of Russia is not enough heat for libery in the midst, and such a landing will not give plants to show all their capabilities. It is better for them to choose solar, protected from the wind plots.

It is desirable that the plants be completely covered at least 5-6 hours a day. Lily with gentle painting flowers is needed all day long, and varieties with a saturated and dark color in the heat need a midday shading from burnout.

The soil

The soil for the loyers should be neutral or weakly acid. The land for plants is preparing in advance and carefully, because in a permanent place, Lilyikam has to grow long - 6-15 years.

The soil is drunk to a depth of 30-35 cm. In a heavy clay - contribute, peat, sand, so that the moisture is not stored. Sand soils, on the contrary, lungs and poorly retain water and nutrients, so they are enriched with humus, clay add.

With the close grounding of groundwater, the loylays planted on the ridge with a height of 10-15 cm.

How to choose high-quality planting material when buying?

Shops and gardening centers for landing offer rhizomes of Lilynikov. Before buying, you should carefully examine the transparent polyethylene packaging and make sure that the root system is lively, healthy and dense. It is necessary to consider that if the roots are small and they are weak and thin, then such a plant will gain strength for flowering for another 2-3 years. Rhizome should not have soft and rotten parts.

When buying new products, you should find out how the variety or hybrid is adapted to the local climate. Each year on the market there are hundreds of new loyers. Most of these plants are derived in the subtropics of the United States and may this happen that in the average Russian latitudes, their acclimatization will pass with difficulty, so often experts advise flowers not to forget about old reliable and proven varieties.


An important moment in the cultivation of Lilynikov is a landing in the ground. It is carried out in spring in May or in early September. Preferably Spring landing, such plants are better leaving.

If the seedlock is bought late in the fall or in winter, then until it is planted, a healthy rhizome can be stored without loss for several months. Plants are placed before the awakening of the kidneys in a cool place with a temperature of 4-8 ° C.

Before boarding the dead and rotten parts of the roots are removed, for disinfection is treated with a solution of any fungicide. If the planting material was kept for a long time and the roots were dried, then it is soaked for several hours in a solution of humate or corneum. Healthy roots with such a processing will quickly revive, chopped parts will also be visible - they are cut.

Landing holes in diameter should be more root system. The distance between them, depending on the degree of growing bushes, is 0.5-1 m.

In the prepared wells add a nutrient mixture of compost, garden land, peat. Additionally, you can add mineral fertilizers and ashes. The day before landing the soil, it is advisable to shed so that the earth is a little donkey.

In the center of the landing pitch, a small hill is formed, on which the root neck is placed. It can not be strongly plugged, it will not affect blossom. The depth of sealing the root neck should not be more than 2.5-3 cm. Around in the hole freely distribute roots. Rhizome carefully fall asleep the earth, sealing the soil around the seedling and watered. In the first days after landing, the roots continue to spread regularly.



Moisture is especially important for plants in the spring, when the flowers are laid and in the summer during flowering. Regular deep watering is preferable than frequent and surface. Depending on weather conditions, the plants are watered 1 time in 7-14 days. Such a regime of irrigation is enough for roots to accumulate moisture. Water in the morning or in the evening, trying so that the water does not get on the delicate petals of flowers. After irrigated, the plants are stolen and loose.


If young diligets are planted in fertile soil, then the additional feeding is not required by them in the first year. Due to excess nitrogen fertilizers, the plant will increase green leaves to the detriment of flowering.

Fertilizers are introduced by Phazno: at the beginning of spring growth, in the summer before flowering and at the beginning of autumn. In the summer and autumn, feeding should contain potassium and phosphorus, important elements Nutrition necessary for bookmarking future flowers in all blooms.

Lilyniki love liquid feeding by organic fertilizers. Dry mineral fertilizers spread around the bushes, then close in the soil and watered. The dosage depends on the age of the Lilynik and the type of soil.

Special attention should be paid to the old bored bushes, the soil around which is depleted by flowering.

In old, born bushes, the root neck is broken over time, so annually around the base is beaten by a humid layer 2-3 cm.

For plants, mulching around bushes is useful. This improves the composition of the soil, protects against overheating, protects against frost and weeds. A mulch is used dry peat, compost, crushed pine Corre.. You can not use fresh sawdust. In order for the wood mulch, the granules of preparations from pests or superphosphate are scattered around the landings.


In one place, Lilyniki can grow long to 15-20 years. During this time, the bush grow up, ages, the flowers become smaller. This is noticeable in 7-8 years. Therefore, every 5-6 years of plants need to be rejuvenated. You can transplant Lilyniki throughout the season, but it is preferable to do this at the beginning of the spring growth of the leaves - in April-May or in August-September with the onset of rest period. With a spring transplant, rooting will pass faster and more successful.

How to cover flowers for the winter?

Lilynikov well tolerate wintering in the middle lane of Russia. Most of the natural snow cover. But for the reliability of planting heat-loving loyers in the fall mulched by a layer of 2-3 cm or shelted with a pap. Also, bushes can be dipped to the ground to 15-20 cm in height. Pre-all the dry overhead part is cut. Shelter is especially important in the first year for young autumn landing.

With the arrival of spring, the shelter is cleaned, the mulch is sprung from the base of the bushes so that it does not prevent the growth of new shoots.


Lilyniks determine the division of the bush, seeds, stem cuttings.

Division bush

This is the most common way in which the plant retains all parental signs. Several ways of separation of Lilynikov are used: with digging bushes or without removing it from the Earth.

The bush is digging completely along with the root. Rhizome is washed with water. So easy to get rid of pests, all parts are clearly visible and convenient to divide the plant. Then remove the flowers and leaves, leaving shoots a height of 10-15 cm. Old bushes are dried, then the plant is cut into part so that each has part of the root ceride. In order for the decene to have more decorative greens, they leave 3-5 shoots.

Highly born bushes to share problematic. In such plants, young roots grow along the edges of the bushes, and these parts after separation will be rapidly rooted. Dellens from the middle of a bush without young roots need time to grow, because these parts are more traumatized. Here are more dead and long roots that are cut. Dellets from the middle of the bush put on a temporary bed, and after 1-2 years - at a permanent place.

From the loose loyal bushes at the end of summer, you can separate young sockets, without resorting to digging maternal bush. To do this, choose two or three-year-old bushes with their own roots.

Without digging in the spring, you can share not highly growing varieties of loyers. An acute shovel of the vertical position on the laid lines is cut, then cut it from below and remove the decenes from the ground. This method requires experience and skill. Sections of cuts on the roots are sprinkled with wood ash.

Reproduction of seeds

This method of reproduction is more often used by breeders to obtain new varieties and hybrids. The seeds of Lilynikov are not stored for a long time. The landing is carried out under the winter with freshly collected seeds or in spring the next year. Lilyinic seeds need stratification by cold. In case of subsequent sowing, this procedure will be held in the soil naturally. In the spring - the seeds are pre-kept under reduced temperatures of 2-3 ° C for a month. They are close to a depth of 2-3 cm. Blossom in Lilyniki grown from seeds, begins for 2-3 years.

Reproduction with stalks

Some varieties blooming in August, 1-3 new courses are formed in sinuses. When they grow, there will be several pairs of leaves and root tubercles. After the flower area drying, the outlet is carefully separated from the maternal bush. You can cut off the cuttings and with a stem piece of 3-5 cm. The leaves on the sockets are shortening by a third, then the cuttings are planted in nourishing substrate For rooting. The first time is monitored so that the soil does not swing, periodically spray, shape plants.

Diseases and pests

Lilyikas are lucky, they differ good health, resistant to disease and rarely affected by pests.

Of the disease, the main danger for the Lilynikov represents root rot. Its causative agents can be bacteria or fungi, and the reason is the mooring of the soil.

Signs of illness - slowdown in the growth and yellowing of the leaves. They become sluggish, sticky, easily detach from the base. Urgent measures are taken immediately at the first symptoms of the disease. The plant is completely digging. The roots are washed in a solution of mangartages, all the affected parts are cut with a sharp knife, and then the cuts are sprinkled with fungicide.

From pests before flowering, the problem delivers komarik Lilyika. It breeds, laying eggs in buds. Damaged buds do not grow, deform. They are broken and destroyed.

Wintering in the soil caterpillars Scoops Early spring can damage and destroy young shoots and buds of the plant. The pests are destroyed, wearing aisle, processing loyers insecticides. Effectively use of poisoned bait.

In any garden you can find a small corner for Lilynikov. This is a grateful plant. For minimal care it will delight its owners with beautiful blossoms. Lilyiks are good not only on the flower beds, in curbdoms or on, in bouquets they look no less festive and luxurious!

Tips for experienced flowerflowers about the cultivation of Lilyniks you can find out by reviewing the video.

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