Yoshta - what is it and a photo of berry culture. Yoshta - cultivation technology

reservoirs 20.06.2020

Almost every household plot has shrubs of various berries. Most often, gardeners grow black and red currants, gooseberries and raspberries. Modern breeders have managed to grow other types of berries by crossing familiar berry crops to all of us. So there are all new hybrids with peculiar taste qualities. Many of them are disease and pest resistant.

Surely many of us have heard of such a berry as yoshta, but not everyone knows about its features and how to grow it. It will be interesting to learn about it for many novice gardeners.

What is yoshta? Photos of berries

All berries are good in their own way, they have their own taste and aroma. Black currant is highly valued for its taste and healing properties. Its only drawback is poor resistance to diseases and pests. To this end, breeders have bred a new hybrid, crossed blackcurrant and gooseberry. The result was an unusual berry called yoshta. This berry took the best qualities from gooseberries and black currants, but it cannot be called ideal in every respect.

Over the years, there have been attempts to create this hybrid, but the results were unsuccessful. The yoshta bush did not produce berries, the plant was barren. Only with the advent of new technologies, scientists managed to achieve success in the 70s. They tried to grow a hybrid in different countries, so the berries on fruit-bearing shrubs differed in appearance and taste.

In addition to a pleasant taste, the plant also has an equally pleasant appearance, for which many gardeners began to use it as an element of landscape design. The leaves of a perennial shrub have a very attractive appearance. They large and delicate, and the branches do not have thorns, unlike gooseberries. An adult bush in height can reach 2 meters or more. It has 15-20 large branches of different ages. The root system goes into the soil approximately to a depth of 30-40 cm from the soil surface.

In spring, the shrub is covered with golden flowers, which very quickly turn into green berries. The taste of the berry resembles gooseberries and black currants at the same time - pleasantly sweet and sour. As you can see in the photo, the size of the berries is almost the size of a cherry. They are black in color with a purple tint.

Growing yoshta

Proper planting and care ensure the future yield of yoshta. This berry takes root very well on light loamy fertile soils. Shrubs are best planted in sunny areas without strong winds. It is advisable to plant yoshta shrubs nearby, then the yields will be higher. The landing pit should be approximately 50x50x50 cm.

Yoshta care is easy, even inexperienced gardeners can grow it. The plant needs regular and frequent watering. On hot sunny days, it needs to be watered abundantly. It responds well to top dressing, so 2-3 times a year it is necessary to apply mineral fertilizers under yoshta shrubs. It is very good to pour several glasses of wood ash under each bush in the spring.

Shrubs do not need traditional pruning. Dry and damaged branches should be removed as necessary. The plant practically does not get sick, yoshta is not afraid of pests and is resistant to diseases. Due to the fact that the unpretentious yoshtu plant is often planted instead of a hedge, the bushes grow quickly and without problems, and also give tasty and healthy fruits. Yoshta is considered a young crop, so other varieties have not yet been bred.

Landing and care

Yoshtu is usually planted in late spring or early autumn. To get a good harvest, shrubs should be planted at a certain distance. about 2 meters apart. Over time, they will grow, so there must be enough space for the normal development of the bushes. If you use yoshtu as a hedge, then you can plant shrubs with an interval of half a meter.

Before planting, it is necessary to prepare the site. It must be dug up and fertilized with components with a high content of potassium. Yoshta responds well to potash fertilizers. The place should be well lit with loose soil. Crop care is the same as for blackcurrant. The differences between them are as follows:

  • yoshta needs a large landing area:
  • for it it is necessary to make more various fertilizers;
  • it is advisable to mulch the soil under the bushes.

Mulch contributes to a good nutrient and water environment in the soil. It also gives a positive result in the fight against weeds. With mulch, there is no need to frequently loosen the soil where shrubs grow. Most compost growers use:

  • humus,
  • prepared compost from your site;
  • small herbaceous plants;
  • small shoots and stepchildren from grapes.

Most of all, yoshta needs feeding in the first three years - at least 6 kg. Then it is desirable to increase the amount of mineral fertilizers by 2 times.

A hybrid can reproduce in two ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings.

The first method is rather complicated, since it is necessary to select the seeds, stratify them within 200 days. The temperature for storage should be at +5 ° C. After that, the pulp is removed and in the autumn season the seeds can be planted on the site.

Reproduction by cuttings- the most familiar method of reproduction for most gardeners. They have long successfully used it for the propagation of many berry crops.

The large composition of vitamins and other nutrients in yoshte helps to strengthen the immune system. These berries contain even more vitamins than gooseberries or currants. They are great for fresh consumption and for winter harvesting. They also make delicious jam and wine from yoshta, because the berries have nutmeg notes and the wine is very fragrant.

Such a berry crop can be grown on any personal plot, because it is unpretentious in care. A useful and beautiful shrub can be used for two purposes at once - for obtaining a berry crop and landscape design.

In many summer cottages, you can easily find currants and gooseberries, but growing yoshty not all gardeners do it. This hybrid has not yet received universal recognition, although those who have encountered it have already managed to appreciate all the advantages of such berries. Yoshta not only helps to restore hemoglobin in the complex treatment of anemia, but also normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and also contributes to a speedy recovery from colds, hypertension and vascular problems (strengthens their walls). That is why it is so important to know how to properly plant, care for (in particular, and cut) yoshta from spring to the very frost.

The history of yoshta breeding

In appearance, yoshta resembles a large currant or black gooseberry, which makes it similar to both species. In fact, experiments on crossing these plants lasted more than a century without any serious results: the bushes bloomed, but did not give fruit. It was possible to achieve a positive result only in the 70s of the twentieth century, when the German breeder R. Bauer brought out the first fruit-bearing hybrid.

His "name" consists of two letters of the German name for currant and three letters from the name of gooseberry, which, as a result of the merger, gave the word Josta (joshta). Around the same time, another German breeder H. Muravsky, thanks to numerous experiments, brought out three more currant-gooseberry hybrids, which eventually received the names Johne, Moro and Jochemina. In the future, all derived hybrids were obtained thanks to the efforts of breeders from other countries, in particular, Russian scientists. All new specimens differed in the size of the bush or the berries themselves, the shape of the leaves, yield and taste.

At present, a popular hybrid of currant and gooseberry is a powerful bush with thornless shoots reaching a length of 1.5 meters. Compared to blackcurrant, yoshta branches are more durable. This plant forms a small number of root shoots, so it does not need heavy pruning. However, the most important advantage of yoshta, which distinguishes it favorably from the same currants and gooseberries, is its high resistance to the main diseases of the "parents" and good frost resistance.

Did you know? The content of vitamin C in yoshte is slightly lower than in currants, but 2-4 times more than in gooseberries.

How to choose the right yoshta seedlings when buying

If you decide to plant yoshta on your site, then the first thing you need to know is the criteria for choosing seedlings of this plant.

Here it is worth considering a number of the following features:

  1. The younger the purchased seedling, the easier it will take root in a new place.
  2. The root system of plants should be powerful and healthy, and the roots themselves should be fresh and moist. With dry and weathered roots, the seedling, although it will take root, will grow very slowly.
  3. In a quality seedling, the bark on the shoots and trunk will be smooth and elastic, and if it has already wrinkled, it means that a particular specimen was dug out long ago and has already dried up.

Important! If you pinch off a small part of the bark, you can find out if the seedling is alive or has already dried up. The green bottom indicates the suitability of the selected option, while the brown will indicate its death.

When buying a seedling in the autumn, the leaves on the branches must be carefully removed without damaging the buds in the axils. In addition, before transporting the purchase, the roots of yoshta should be wrapped in a damp cloth and placed in a plastic bag.

Site selection and soil preparation for yoshtu

Planting yoshta (both in spring and autumn) can be carried out for different purposes: to obtain a quality crop or to decorate a summer cottage. In the latter case, the quality and abundance of the crop plays an insignificant role, therefore, bushes can be planted both in the sun and in the shade, choosing elevated or low-lying areas of a flat surface, or areas on a slope. In the event that the primary task of growing yoshta is to obtain a large number of juicy and tasty berries, it is better to look after sunny and fertile plots of land. Preparation of the selected site is necessary only if weeds grow on it, and the land is initially not very fertile. In such a situation, the soil is dug up and rotted organic fertilizer is applied at the rate of 15 kg per 1 m².

Proper planting of yoshta seedlings

As soon as you buy a yoshta seedling and prepare a place for it, you can proceed to the direct planting of the plant in the ground. However, before this, it is necessary to once again examine the acquired seedlings well, remove dried branches and dead roots.

As we have already noted, yoshtu is planted at a permanent place of growth in spring or autumn. To do this, first dig a hole 50-60 cm deep and 50 cm wide (or more, depending on the size of the root system of the seedling). As a fertilizer, compost or humus (half a bucket), 100 g of superphosphate and half a liter of wood ash are added to it. All these fertilizers are thoroughly mixed with a fertile layer of soil, which is subsequently filled in the pit by 1/3 of its volume. The next should be a fertile layer of soil without fertilizers, which is watered with a bucket of water. As soon as the liquid is completely absorbed, a seedling is placed in the middle of the pit, its roots are straightened, and the pit is covered with earth, lightly tamping the soil. Finally, the soil is watered again and mulched with peat, grass or hay (optional). The height of the mulching layer should be about 10 cm.

Important! For better growth, seedlings are cut off immediately after planting, leaving two or three buds on each shoot.

Most often, planting occurs in the spring, but in some cases, planting yoshta in the fall is more relevant. There is nothing to worry about, and the whole process goes according to the scheme described above, with the only difference being that the pits for seedlings are prepared two weeks before planting.

Yoshta care in the garden

Those summer residents who choose yoshta for planting on their site already know for sure that caring for it is much easier than gooseberries, and not much more difficult than caring for currants. The main ongoing activities are reduced to loosening the soil near the bushes, weeding weeds, regular watering and fertilizing the soil and the mandatory protection of the shrub from pests and diseases. That, in fact, is the whole care for yoshta.

Soil mulching

Soil mulching creates an optimally stable balance of moisture and nutrition in the soil, which will save you from the need for constant loosening of the earth under the bush. Well-rotted compost or humus is well suited for the role of mulch, which requires 1-2 buckets per bush. Also a good option is the use of peat. Moreover, mulching the soil under the crown of the shrub and in the area of ​​​​its trunk will not only create a favorable nutrient regime in the soil, but also limit the evaporation of moisture, and also prevent the growth of weeds.

Did you know? Yoshta can grow in one place up to 20 years, all the while delighting you with a bountiful harvest.

Watering yoshta

One of the main requirements for growing yoshta is abundant and regular watering of the shrub. The lack of moisture in the soil leads to delays in the growth and development of the plant, which is why it is very important to maintain soil moisture around the bushes, especially during the entire growing season. The applied liquid should moisten the soil to the depth of the root-forming layer, which is 30-40 cm. The approximate water consumption in this case will be 20-30 liters per 1 m² (meaning one irrigation), and the frequency of irrigation largely depends on the moisture permeability of the soil, weather conditions and the presence / absence of a protective mulch layer on the surface.

In addition, an important aspect in this matter is the time of application of the liquid. So, it is best to water yoshtu in the early morning or immediately after sunset, pouring water into pre-made circular grooves, the depth of which should be 10-15 cm (usually they are located at a distance of 30-40 cm from the crown projection). Restrictive earthen rollers, 15 cm high, are poured on the outside of the grooves. If the plants are watered under the scorching sun, then all the moisture will quickly evaporate.

Yoshta fertilizer

As practice shows, yoshta, grown only as a decorative element of landscape design, does not need to be fed, but if you want to get a plentiful and tasty harvest, then this issue will have to be given due attention. By and large, the plant responds well to fertilization and in the first few years you will need 4-5 kilograms of organic compounds per year. In addition, yoshta also needs other nutrients: potassium sulfate (20 g per year per 1 m²) and superphosphate (30-40 g per 1 m²). Organic fertilizers (you can use diluted fresh mullein) and superphosphate are applied to the soil in early summer, and potassium sulfate is added to the soil in the autumn.

Did you know? Mineral fertilizers can be easily replaced with bird droppings or the same mullein in a ratio of 1:10 (applied to the soil in early summer) and a half-liter can of wood ash in the autumn.

Yoshta processing

Like many other plants, yoshta is susceptible to attack by harmful insects, although this is not such a serious problem as when growing currants. Yoshta pests are mainly represented by various types of mites and aphids, as well as moth butterflies and currant glass cases. The most effective means in the fight against these insects are the insecticides "Akarin", "Agravertin", "Biotlin", "Decis" and "Kleschevit". However, in order to protect your plant from the invasion of pests and various diseases, the treatment with the above preparations must be carried out not only for the treatment of yoshta, but also for their prevention. For this purpose, in the spring (before the buds begin to bloom on the shrub) and in the fall (after the plant goes dormant), yoshtu is treated with a one percent solution of Bordeaux liquid, copper sulfate or a seven percent solution of urea. The preferred option for such treatment is urea, since in addition to protecting against pests and insects, it also performs the function of feeding plants with nitrogen fertilizers. In any case, it will be possible to start spraying only when the temperature in the garden reaches +5 ºC.

All the nuances of pruning yoshta

Even though yoshta does not need formative pruning, you still have to deal with this aspect of plant care. So, with the onset of spring, sanitary pruning of the shrub is carried out, which involves the removal of broken and diseased shoots, as well as the shortening of healthy parts that have frozen a little during the winter. In addition, after 7-8 years, it is necessary to shorten the shoots, leaving only segments with 6-8 buds on the bush. Pruning yoshta in the fall also comes down to sanitary measures. As soon as shrubs and trees go into a dormant period, summer residents cut out broken shoots, as well as parts affected by glass. Moreover, healthy branches are also subject to shortening, which are cut to a third of their length.

How to propagate yoshtu

Like currants, yoshta has several options for vegetative propagation, which means that every gardener can choose the most suitable option for himself. What it will be (cutting, dividing a bush or planting by layering) is up to you to decide, but in any case, it is necessary to take into account the features of each method.

By dividing the bush

This variant of reproduction of yoshta is used in the autumn period and only if it is necessary to transplant a bush. In this case, the reproduction and transplantation of the plant involves the following steps: having dug up a bush, its roots are cleaned of adhering earth and divided into parts with a sharp knife or secateurs. Each of them should have developed roots and several strong shoots. For sanitary purposes, the places of cuts are treated with crushed coal, after which the resulting parts are seated in pre-prepared places. The selection of the territory and the preparation of the soil for planting are carried out according to the rules described earlier.


Cuttings of yoshta in the spring have two implementation options: using green cuttings or through semi-lignified parts of the plant. In the latter case, mature shoots of two to four years of age are selected for harvesting material. It is better to do this in the autumn (in the second half of September), since in this case the cuttings planted for rooting will have time to take root and overwinter normally, and in the spring they will all grow together. The part of the shoot taken from the mother bush should have 5-6 buds and reach 20 cm in length.

Important! The unripened shoot tip is not suitable for rooting when using semi-lignified cuttings.

The resulting parts of the yoshta are planted in dug up soil at an angle of 45 º, keeping a distance of 60-70 cm. Only two buds should remain above the ground. As with normal planting, the ground around the seedling is slightly compacted, watered and mulched with peat. As for green cuttings, in this case, on the contrary, apical cuttings, the length of which is 10-15 cm, are better suited. . All lower leaves are removed from them, and the upper ones are shortened by a third of the length.
Such cuttings can be planted in open ground throughout the summer (from June to early September), but a cold greenhouse will also come in handy. Light incisions are made above each bud of the cuttings, after which the lower sections are placed in a root-forming solution and left in it for 12 hours. After this time, the cuttings are taken out, washed with clean water and planted in a constructed greenhouse close to each other at an inclination of 45 º. Now it remains only to pour the seedlings through a fine sieve and cover with a transparent lid. Between the edge of the lid and the cuttings themselves, a space of at least 15-20 cm should be maintained.

The first time after planting, the lid can not be lifted. Fresh air and a temperature of +20 ºC should be maintained in the greenhouse, but as soon as this value reaches +25 ºC, the lid is lifted for ventilation. If all the recommendations are followed, after 3-4 weeks, the yoshta cuttings will take root, and it will be possible to proceed to hardening procedures, daily removing the lid from the greenhouse and increasing the duration of ventilation. As soon as the cuttings are well strengthened, the lid is completely removed. It must be said that the survival rate of green cuttings is somewhat higher than that of semi-lignified parts of the shoot, so the use of this method of reproduction is preferable.


Reproduction of yoshta by layering is carried out in early spring, as soon as the soil warms up a little. To implement what was conceived in this way, you need to choose well-developed one-year or two-year-old shoots, put them in grooves about 10 cm deep prepared in advance in the loosened soil and secure with metal hooks. The tops remaining above the ground are pinched and sprinkled with fertile soil. As soon as the cuttings have shoots 10-12 cm high, they need to be sprinkled with earth to half. After two or three weeks, the hilling is repeated to the same height, and in the fall (or even better - next spring), the rooted cuttings are separated and planted in a permanent place. In addition to horizontal layering, when propagating yoshta, you can also use arc or vertical versions of this method.

Harvesting yoshta

Full ripening of yoshta berries occurs within 2-3 weeks, and the mass of each of them varies from 3 to 7 grams. Given the fact that the berries collected in the brush ripen at different times, it is likely that they will stay on the bush for a long time.
However, be that as it may, the harvest is carried out from the middle to the end of July, since it is at this time that yoshta reaches biological maturity. The fruits of the shrub are consumed both fresh and after they have been processed into jam, fruit drinks, compotes, jam, jelly, marmalade, etc. Depending on climatic conditions and the level of ripening, yoshta berries can be sour-sweet, sweet or very sour. Having decided to plant yoshta on your site, you will see for yourself that this is a truly unique plant that combines all the positive qualities of currants and gooseberries.

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190 times already

Yoshta is a berry obtained by crossing gooseberries and black currants. This hybrid, created by man, turned out to be quite powerful, frost-resistant and resistant to the negative effects of various pests, including kidney mites. The plant is not susceptible to powdery mildew and other serious diseases. Yoshta shrubs grow very quickly. At the same time, the length of their shoots reaches a height of about one and a half meters, and there are no thorns on them, unlike gooseberries.

Each brush of yoshta consists of rather large flowers in the amount of 4-5 pcs.

The berries are several times the size of black currants, although outwardly they are very similar to each other. One berry weighs approximately 3-5 g. The fruits have a smooth and dense skin. Even after ripening, they do not fall to the ground, but continue to hang on the bush. The taste of yoshta berries is sweet and sour, reminiscent of both currants and gooseberries. The life expectancy of a shrub with proper care is 20-30 years.

Growing Features

A hybrid of currant and gooseberry yoshta can be planted both in spring and autumn. If planting is carried out in the spring, the seedlings take root well. In this case, the first fruits can be obtained already next year. When planting yoshta in early autumn, fruiting can also be expected next year, however, if the seedling has time to take root before the onset of cold weather.

The site chosen for planting should be well lit by the sun. It must first be dug up and applied to the soil:

  • lime (about 400g/m2);
  • manure or rotted compost (1-2 buckets);
  • potassium sulfate and superphosphate (100 g each).

Yoshta is planted in rows. The distance between seedlings should be at least 2 meters, and the gap between shrubs in a row should be 1-1.5 m. The depth of the pit should correspond to the root system of the seedling. Before planting, a so-called talker is made in the recess, consisting of fertile soil and water. In do not lower the seedling and with uniform movements carry out the fit of the talker of its roots. After that, the pit is covered with earth, watered and slightly compacted.

Tip: In order to ensure a high yield of yoshta, blackcurrants or gooseberries should not be planted near. Thus, its high-quality pollination is ensured.

How to care for yoshta?

Growing yoshta involves mandatory soil mulching. This operation contributes to the creation of optimal humidity, which is very important for this plant. In this case, it is not necessary to loosen the soil after each watering of the plants. The pruning technology for yoshta is almost the same as for blackcurrant. But since yoshta has longer and more powerful shoots, there are some differences: overgrown branches need to be shortened, transferring them to a weaker branch, which is higher. If you do not prune yoshta in the spring, shoots under heavy load can lie on the ground, which will negatively affect the quality of the crop.

In order to improve the taste of yoshta berries, special feeding should be done annually. The first is done in early June. It includes the introduction of organic matter (4-6 kg/m2) and superphosphate (30 g/m2). At the second top dressing, which is performed in the fall, calcium sulfate (20 g / m2) is added to the soil. An alternative to mineral fertilizers is: in summer - bird droppings or mullein diluted with water (1:10), in autumn - wood ash (0.5 l / m2).

Reproduction methods

There are different ways to propagate yoshta: using cuttings, layering, dividing the bush, as well as sowing seeds. If you want to transplant an old bush, the method of dividing the bush is used. The division of the shrub into parts is carried out in such a way that each contains a developed root system and has at least two shoots. This method is quite effective, but very laborious. Fruiting can be expected in the second year.

Propagation of yoshta by cuttings can speed up the production of its seedlings. From the upper branches of the shrub, cuttings of approximately 10-15 cm in length are cut three times during the summer. All leaves, with the exception of a few top ones, are removed. In order for the plant to take root faster, one longitudinal small incision is made at the top of each bud, and two or three at the bottom. The cuttings are washed with clean water and planted in greenhouses, after filling them with soil with a ten-centimeter layer of fine sand. Planting of plants is carried out densely and at an angle (45 °). Planted cuttings should be watered regularly. They take root approximately two weeks after planting, and a fibrous root system is formed.

Propagation by horizontal or arcuate layering requires the presence of one-year shoots or two-year-old branches. The soil near the plant must first be dug up and leveled. Further, the processes are tilted and sprinkled in pre-made grooves. After the length of young shoots reaches 15 cm, they are sprinkled with fertile soil or humus. Agronomists recommend separating and transplanting layers in the spring.

What variety to plant on a plot in the Moscow region?

Yoshta looks very beautiful and with her appearance is able to decorate any backyard or summer cottage. Since planting and caring for it are uncomplicated, many amateur agronomists prefer it to currants and gooseberries. To date, there are not so many hybrids of this plant, and everyone chooses for himself the variety of yoshta, the fruits of which he likes best.

Among the varieties of yoshta for the Moscow region, the following can be highlighted:

  • EMB. Her homeland is England. Wide bushes both in length and in width reach about two meters. The taste and color of the berries is more similar to gooseberries than currants. The shrub is resistant to the harmful effects of various diseases and insects;
  • Yohini. A fairly tall (height - about 2 m) plant with very sweet berries, which taste very different from currants and gooseberries;
  • Crown. Developed by scientists in Sweden. Straight shrub with shoots 1.5 m long. Each branch can have several brushes containing 5-6 fruits. Very often used as a hedge, as well as for landscaping;
  • Rekst. Bred by Russian breeders. It has excellent taste and high density of berries. Often used for landscaping. If the shrub is grown in order to obtain a crop of berries, then only thinning is done.

New varieties

Recently, columnar yoshta has become very popular. This plant is small and compact. Its height is up to 2 m. The berries ripen in July. They are quite large and very tasty. The plant requires constant maintenance of soil moisture. With proper care and cultivation of yoshta, you can get a fairly high yield - up to 10 kg from one bush. In addition to being consumed raw, it is also used to make juices and jams.

Many people prefer to grow yoshtu Moro on their plots. The shrub can reach a height of 2.5m. The berries are dark, almost black, quite large - the size of a cherry. They have a sweet and sour taste and a pleasant nutmeg aroma. Yoshta Key Royal bushes are sprawling and powerful. The length of the shoots can be 1.5 m. Large berries are dark brown in color and taste sweet with a slight sourness. From one bush you can collect 8-10 kg of fruit.

Beneficial features

  1. Vitamin C, contained in yoshte in large quantities, has a beneficial effect on human immunity. Therefore, doctors recommend the use of berries for the prevention and treatment of various colds.
  2. Increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, so it is recommended to use in the treatment of anemia.
  3. Helps to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract. It is recommended for diarrhea, constipation and other types of gastric disorders.
  4. Doctors advise hypertensive patients to use yoshta berries, pre-mixing them with honey.
  5. Phytoncides, which are part of the fetus, help not only in the fight against colds, but also relieve various inflammatory processes in the body, and also destroy microbial infections.
  6. Useful properties of yoshta also lie in its rich mineral composition. For example, the presence of vitamin P, as well as berry anthocyanins, help improve blood circulation and strengthen blood vessels.
  7. Since the berry contains a small amount of sugar, it is useful for people with diabetes.
  8. Very often, yoshta fruits are introduced into the diet of people who are obese or simply trying to bring their figure back to normal. After all, the berry helps to speed up metabolic processes, and also burns fat reserves.
  9. When using yoshta, the excretory system is stimulated, as a result of which toxins and radionuclides are removed from the body.

Tip: Yoshta fruits can be stored for a long time if they are frozen in a freezer or dried in a special electric dryer. At the same time, all its useful substances are preserved.

However, there are some contraindications. People who are allergic to vitamin C, as well as those who have been diagnosed with a tendency to form blood clots, should not eat this berry. Also, experts recommend abandoning the use of yoshta for diseases such as ulcers and colitis, as well as if the body reacts negatively to the use of black currants or gooseberries. Fans of these tasty and healthy fruits should also follow the measure to eliminate the risk of developing an allergic reaction.

You can find out interesting information on how to properly care for yoshta by watching the video:

In many summer cottages, you can easily find currants and gooseberries, but not all summer residents are engaged in growing yoshta. This hybrid has not yet received universal recognition, although those who have encountered it have already managed to appreciate all the advantages of such berries. Yoshta not only helps to restore hemoglobin in the complex treatment of anemia, but also normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and also contributes to a speedy recovery from colds, hypertension and vascular problems (strengthens their walls). That is why it is so important to know how to properly plant, care for (in particular, and cut) yoshta from spring to the very frost.

Yosta description

Yoshta hybrid is a perennial powerful, sprawling shrub that forms shoots about 1.5 meters high or more. Its root system is located at a depth of 30-40 cm. Despite the fact that the yoshta bush is a direct descendant of such a prickly culture as gooseberries, it does not have thorns. The diameter of the crown of yoshta is 1.5-2 m. The leaves of yoshta, large, shiny, dark green, inheriting the shape of currant leaves, but not possessing its aroma, stay on the bush until winter. Yoshta blooms with large, bright flowers.

Yoshta fruits, sweet and sour, black with a purple tint, more like cherries, are collected in a brush of 3-5 berries. Usually yoshta bears fruit from the age of two. The yoshta berry is resistant to frost, diseases and pests, its life expectancy is from 20 to 30 years. Given the origin of yoshta, we can safely say that her relatives are not only gooseberries and black currants, but also red currants and white currants. From this article you will learn how yoshta is planted, propagated and cared for, which varieties of yoshta can be grown in the middle lane, why yoshta does not bear fruit if its bush becomes too thick, what diseases and pests of gooseberries and currants can harm yoshta, and much more. Yoshta can hardly surprise with a variety of varieties, since it is itself a hybrid.

Useful properties of yoshta

The large black berries of the buzzard have a number of undeniable health benefits:

  • The content of vitamin C in fruits is high, so yoshta can help with weakened immune defenses, colds and other ailments;
  • Due to the content of routine, the berry strengthens the vascular walls and normalizes blood circulation;
  • It is useful for patients with anemia, since it restores the level of hemoglobin (however, it cannot be considered a full-fledged replacement for drugs);
  • In combination with honey, it helps with high blood pressure;
  • Treats various intestinal ailments, including diarrhea;
  • Accelerates metabolism, which is why it is indicated for people on a diet;
  • Approved for use by diabetics, because it contains a minimum of sugar;
  • Helps the body to get rid of harmful and toxic substances.

The negative properties of yoshta partially follow from its beneficial properties:

  • These fruits should not be eaten by those suffering from vitamin C intolerance;
  • Not allowed to eat with gastritis or ulcers;
  • It is strictly forbidden for thrombosis;
  • When consumed in large quantities, allergies can develop.

The result of the painstaking work of German breeders is this plant, today it is especially popular in Western Europe. We are talking about the yoshta berry. What it is? This is a mixture of black currant and gooseberry, a real decoration of any garden.

Reproduction of yoshta

Yoshta propagates using cuttings, as well as layering of an arcuate, vertical or horizontal type. Shrub division is also used, but only if an adult bush requires a transplant.

  • cuttings. For breeding a hybrid of blackcurrant and gooseberry - yoshta - even annual cuttings with a small number of twigs are suitable. A mandatory criterion for assessing their quality is the presence of kidneys. It is best to do this in the fall. This will allow the cuttings to quickly take root before winter and survive it calmly. The upper cut should be above the bud (oblique), and the lower cut should be even, under the lower bud of the shoot. Cuttings must be planted on the same day, then pruning was carried out. In the soil, the cutting is placed at an angle of 450 and the soil is trampled down. If the earth is heavily compacted, it should be poured, forming a small mound. From above, it is recommended to mulch the soil with sawdust, compost or humus.
  • The division of the bushes. Reproduction of yoshta by dividing the bush is used when a sufficiently mature bush requires a transplant. When dividing a bush, it is necessary to ensure that each new part of the plant has a well-developed root system and a healthy above-ground part (1-2 shoots). Parts of the bush with old rhizomes should not be taken, they are destroyed.
  • Seeds. This method is rarely used, usually if you want to get a new variety of yoshta. The seeds are mixed with wet, pre-steamed sand, then placed in a cool place. It is necessary to periodically moisten the sand.
  • layering. Dig up the soil around the bush, water it abundantly, make grooves in the ground from the center of the bush in different directions, then bend the outer young shoots to the ground, fix with brackets and sprinkle with earth. Transplant independent rooted bushes in a year. If the seeds germinate before spring, then they should be planted in pots on a windowsill or in a snow pile until spring. In the spring, seedlings are hardened and planted in the ground.

How to water and feed yoshtu

Yoshta should be watered regularly, but excessive waterlogging of the soil should be avoided. Watering is required during the setting and ripening of fruits, as well as in mid-August, when the next year's buds are laid. It is advisable to mulch the soil around the bush. Thus, the moisture will last longer, and there will be fewer weeds.

In autumn, organic and complex mineral fertilizers, such as wood ash, are applied.

Pruning yoshta

Pruning of yoshta is done according to the same principle as currants, but due to the fact that yoshta produces few root branches, pruning is rarely done. More attention should be paid to pruning overgrown branches. If you do not cut the bush, the branches eventually bend to the ground under the load of berries and lie down. This is how much of the harvest is lost.

Yoshta diseases and pests

The main feature of yoshta is resistance to various diseases and pests. Since the hybrid is not at risk of anthracnose, and is not affected by powdery mildew and bud mites, there is no need to carry out any spraying with chemicals or other preparations.

What could be more pleasant for the gardener than a rich harvest of juicy berries that begin to ripen in mid-summer. Connoisseurs distinguish tart nutmeg notes in the taste of fruits. Gardeners collect up to 10 kg of ripe berries from each bush. When torn, they are stored for several days in a dry and shallow dish. Jams and jams are prepared from the fruits of yoshta, they are used as a filling for pies and sweet rolls. But not only for the berries rich in vitamins, the plant is valued. The ease of reproduction and undemanding care allow you to decorate and ennoble the adjoining area. This shrub successfully combines high decorativeness with abundant fruiting. Yoshta is widely used in landscape design. With its help, you can arrange a hedge by planting young bushes, at a distance of at least forty centimeters from each other. This shrub looks great in a single planting, as well as in the company of other shrubs.

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It is best to plant yoshtu in the middle of autumn - at the end of September or the first days of October, so that before the onset of frost the plant has time to take root and immediately start growing in the spring. It is advisable to prepare the pit in advance so that the earth has time to stand. Spring planting of the plant should be done as early as possible so that it takes root before the start of the hot period. At the same time, they dig a hole in the fall.

Yoshta berries have not only a wonderful taste and fresh aroma, but also some medicinal properties.

growing yoshta

Many gardeners have appreciated the beauty and originality of the hedge. But in order for it to look great at any time of the year, you will have to pay a little attention to it. In the spring, when all living things wake up after a long winter sleep, your hedge will need a haircut. Pruning a plant...more​

Cold greenhouses for green cuttings are prepared in advance (in June). On a dug up clean layer of earth in greenhouses, before planting the cuttings, large sifted well-washed sand is poured with a layer of 7-10 cm.

Propagation by woody cuttings

Yoshtu is propagated by cuttings, layering (horizontal, arcuate, vertical) and dividing the bush.

Seedlings are carefully inspected before planting. Remove dried branches and dead roots. The tips of the roots are updated (trimmed) with a pruner to a healthy place.

Yoshta takes root equally well when planted both in spring and autumn.


Features of growing yoshta |

Yoshta is a powerful, unpretentious plant. Yoshta is photophilous. Yoshta is moisture-loving (the crop depends on moisture). Yoshta is frost- and winter-hardy (practically does not freeze). Yoshta is not picky about soil fertility (it grows well in badlands).

Yoshta is a sprawling perennial shrub obtained by crossing currants with gooseberries. It can reach one and a half or two meters in height. There are no thorns on the stems of the plant. This is what distinguishes the yoshta plant from the gooseberry. Planting and caring for this representative of the flora are simple and easy. The leaves of the shrub are shiny, dark green in color and large in size. They don't fall off in the winter. The berries of this representative of the flora are very large, with a purple bloom. The plant is great for growing in a country house or garden plot.​

The hybrid is propagated in the same ways as currants and gooseberries: cuttings, as well as layering, horizontal and vertical. Most gardeners use the cutting method of propagation. To do this, it is necessary to prepare lignified cuttings about one centimeter thick and about 15 centimeters long. The upper cut of the cutting should be above the kidney, and the lower one should be located below it. To accelerate root formation, special stimulating solutions are used, which can be bought at any garden store. The cuttings are planted in soft, loose soil, trying to ensure that the upper kidney is no higher than 1.5 centimeters above the soil level. Then the soil needs to be compacted and watered abundantly. Yoshta has a high survival rate. It is advisable to plant planting material in the middle of autumn, so that by the beginning of the spring season the bush is already rooted.

. They can be used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, to improve blood circulation and quickly remove heavy metals and toxic substances from the body.

Like any other plant, yoshta requires some care and supervision.

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The green stalk is cut 10-15 cm long (depending on growth). After cutting, the cuttings are prepared for planting: the lower leaves are removed, leaving 2-3 upper ones, which are also partially shortened. For better and faster rooting, a light longitudinal incision is made above each kidney, and 3-4 such incisions are made in the lower part of the cutting. Before planting, for better rooting, the lower ends of the cuttings are immersed in a solution of a rooting agent (growth stimulator) for 6-12 hours. Then the cuttings, washed in clean water, are planted in pre-prepared cold greenhouses.

Reproduction of yoshta by dividing the bush

The size (width and depth) of the planting hole should be such that the roots are placed in it correctly, according to their shape.

Features of buying yoshta seedlings

Requirements for purchased seedlings:

This is a perennial thornless shrub, a hybrid of blackcurrant and gooseberry. Bushes are powerful, sprawling. They have great growth strength and form shoots 1.5 m or more high.

Yoshta berry - planting and care

The best time for planting seedlings in the ground is the end of August or the beginning of September. Rooted seedlings are placed in the ground at a distance of about two meters from each other. In this case, the yoshta bushes will grow without disturbing the neighbors. Holes should be 60 cm in diameter and 40 cm deep. About 8 kg of organic fertilizer, 50 g of potassium sulfate and about 100-150 g of superphosphate are added to the planting hole.

Also, yoshta is great for use in landscaping, such as making hedges. Yoshta is planted at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other, in a line. The plant can also be included in mixed borders, or plants can be grown singly, arranging a semblance of a wild garden on the territory.

So, it is mandatory to mulch the soil under the crown of the shrub and in the area of ​​​​the trunk. This will create a favorable nutrient regime in the soil, prevent the evaporation of moisture, the growth of weeds, and reduce the need for loosening the soil. Experienced summer residents are advised to use peat or humus for mulch. Under each yoshta bush, up to 20 kg of mulch is required. Yoshta fertilizer is also a mandatory part of a shrub care program. In the first few years, the rate of fertilizers is every year: 4-5 kilograms of organic fertilizers, 20 g of potassium sulfate and 30-40 g of superphosphate per square meter of growth. Starting from the fourth year, 4-6 kg of organic fertilizer, 24 g of potassium sulfate and no more than 30 g of simple superphosphate. Yoshtu needs to be fed with the same complex of fertilizers as currants.

The whole point of country work is to produce a wonderful-looking flower garden or grow trees and shrubs that, after a long time of care, fertilizer, pruning and other manipulations, will be able to please the owner with their fresh and juicy fruits. But, in our time, everything is changing a little and not every summer resident grows only classic crops on his own plot - apples, pears, peaches, cherries, raspberries, strawberries and so on. There are those people who like to experiment with varieties and plant their plantations with interesting plants that are considered unidentified rarities in a particular area. It is about such a culture that we will talk today.

Cuttings cut and planted in greenhouses before mid-summer will have a developed root system by the end of summer and can be transplanted to grow in a separate area. Cuttings cut and planted in a greenhouse in autumn are left in greenhouses until next spring. In the spring they are also transplanted for growing.

Choosing a site for planting yoshta.

For propagation by woody cuttings, well-ripened annual shoots are taken (from 2-4-year-old branches).

Used when a sufficiently mature bush requires a transplant.

Planting yoshta.

When planting yoshta as a fruit crop, the distance between the bushes should be 1.5-2 meters. When using yoshta as a green hedge, seedlings are planted at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other.

The younger the seedling, the easier and easier it takes root.

The leaves are shaped like blackcurrant leaves, but without aroma. The berries are black, with a purple bloom, have a very dense skin, resemble dark gooseberries in size and shape. Yoshta is practically not sick.

Plant the berry on a flat, well-lit area. It is better to plant a plant in the middle of autumn. For this, holes are prepared 40 cm deep, about 60 cm in diameter. The distance between the bushes should be about one and a half meters, so that the yoshta plant feels spacious. Planting and caring for it require fertilization in the planting recess and subsequent mulching. Up to 10 kg of organic matter, 200 g of superphosphate, as well as potash fertilizers - 60 g are added to the finished pit. The soil under the plant trunk must be mulched using peat or humus for this. If you plant currants and gooseberries next to yoshta, then it will develop well and bear fruit.

Experienced gardeners advise planting gooseberries next to yoshta and

Various varieties of yoshta can be used at your own discretion, you should pay attention to which variety is suitable for growing yoshta in your climate. Next, you will only need to buy yoshta and plant it on the territory of your summer cottage, and in a few years a beautiful shrub will be able to please you with a delicious berry and the beauty of a stately bush.

There is nothing difficult in pruning yoshta. The same techniques should be applied to the shrub that are used when pruning currant and gooseberry bushes.

I want to pay attention to yoshte - a shrub, which is a relatively new, unique, high-vitamin, berry culture

Pruning yoshta.

The cuttings should be planted obliquely almost close to each other at a distance of 3-4 cm. There should be a free space 15-20 cm high between the greenhouse film and the cuttings. After planting, the cuttings are carefully and plentifully watered from a watering can with a very fine sieve. It is very important that the water does not flow in a continuous stream, but splashes. After watering, the greenhouse is covered with a film.

Feeding yoshta.

Shoots on cuttings are best cut in the fall in the second half of September, planted during this period they have time to take root well and winter safely.

When dividing a bush, it is necessary to ensure that each new part of the plant has a well-developed root system and a healthy aerial part (1-2 shoots). Parts of the bush with old rhizomes should not be taken, they are destroyed.

A planting hole is dug with a depth of 50-60 cm, a width of 50 cm in diameter, depending on the size of the root system of the seedling.

Reproduction of yoshta.

When buying a seedling, they pay attention not to the height of the shoots, but to the quality of the root system, which must be powerful and healthy. Roots should be fresh and moist. If the roots are dry and weathered, then the seedling can take root, but will grow slowly.

Yoshta flowers are large, 3-5 in a brush. One of the most picky plants is yoshta. Planting and caring for it is very simple. With a lack of natural moisture, the plant needs to be watered, weeds removed and fed. For the first three years, yoshtu is not pruned. After the age of three, dry branches are cut out from the shrub. New ones will grow in their place. The maximum yield of this species is achieved in the fifth year of life.


Many gardeners are familiar with this plant, which is a hybrid of currant and gooseberry. Yoshta has been known for a very long time and combines the best qualities of both parents. Since this plant is quite unpretentious, even the laziest summer resident can grow it in a garden plot and enjoy delicious fruits. Reproduction of yoshta can occur by cuttings and offspring.

. In fact, yoshta is the result of many years of work and many breeders who have worked to create a new shrub by crossing currants and gooseberries. With their work, scientists tried to achieve improvements in the qualities of currants, namely, increases in size, increased yields, and got rid of a number of plant diseases. At the same time, their task was to rid the new hybrid of gooseberry thorns.​

The main care for the cuttings is regular watering (at first it is important that the air in the greenhouses is warm and humid) and airing the greenhouses when the temperature in them rises above 25 °.

On the same day, the shoots are cut into cuttings 15-20 cm long, with 5-6 buds. The uppermost unripened part of the shoot should not be taken for cuttings. The upper cut on the handle is made oblique, on the kidney, the lower one is under the kidney. Planting is carried out on the day the cuttings are harvested. For propagation by horizontal and arcuate layering

Compost or humus (half a bucket), 100 g of superphosphate and wood ash are added to the hole in a half-liter jar.

The bark on the trunk and on the branches of the seedling should not be wrinkled (otherwise the seedling was dug out a long time ago and managed to dry out). By pinching off a small piece of bark, you can find out if the seedling is alive (if the green bottom is exposed, then the seedling is alive, if it is brown, then it is dead). The berries are black, oval, large. They ripen at the end of July and do not crumble until late autumn. The berries are larger than currant berries. They have a pleasant, reminiscent of both blackcurrant and gooseberry, sweet and sour taste, slightly with a nutmeg aroma.

Reproduction of yoshta berry

- this will help to achieve a stable good harvest.

Yoshta refers to berry crops. This is an artificially bred sprawling shrub that exceeds two meters in height and reaches a width of three meters. The leaves of this plant resemble gooseberries in shape, but their size is much larger, they do not fall off for a long time and do not have a pungent smell of currants. Yoshta, unlike gooseberries, has no thorns at all.

It is possible to plant a shrub in the ground in spring or early autumn, but many argue that the best period for planting will be the end of August and the beginning of September. Read more about planting shrubs in the fall - in the material "Autumn planting shrubs". Yoshta seedlings should be placed in the ground at a distance of at least 1.5-2.5 m from each other.

Yoshta is a wonderful shrub for giving So, apparently, we should start with a full description of the plant, which many people already grow in the country, and many just want to get acquainted with it for planting on the site. Yoshta is a perennial, tall, spreading berry shrub. With increased growth strength, yoshta shoots can reach a height of one and a half meters. It is noteworthy that on yoshte, unlike gooseberries, there are no thorns at all. The leaves of the plant are dark green, large, shiny, do not fall off for a long time and at the same time do not contain the aroma of currants. The flowering of yoshta is yellow, with large and bright flowers. Berry of large size, black, with a slight touch of purple. The taste is sweet and sour, mainly contained in the thick rind of the berry.

Three to four weeks after planting, the cuttings in greenhouses take root well. Next, the film is slightly opened during the day, and then, when the cuttings have undergone some hardening, they leave the greenhouse open for the night. 7-10 days after the rooting of the cuttings, the film is removed altogether.

In well-prepared soil (dug up, weed-free, leveled), cuttings are planted in rows with a distance of 60-70 cm between them, and in a row of 10-15 cm obliquely at an angle of approximately 45 °. At the top, 2 kidneys are left, and one of them should be at the level of the soil. The earth around the cuttings is tightly compressed so that there are no voids, watered well and mulched with clean peat. It is better to take well-developed annual shoots and biennial branches with strong growths on young bushes. Layering is best done in early spring, as soon as the soil allows. The soil under the bushes intended for layering must be well dug up and leveled in advance.

All fertilizers are well mixed with ordinary soil so as to fill the hole with it by 1/3 of the volume. Then a layer of ordinary earth is poured up to half the volume of the pit. Throw out a bucket of water. When the water is absorbed, a seedling is placed on top, in the middle of the pit. Straighten its roots so that voids do not form. Ordinary soil (from the top layer) completely fills the pit.

When buying a seedling in the fall, the existing leaves on the branches are carefully removed without damaging the buds on the axils of the leaves.

The first crop of yoshta appears on the 3-4th year after planting. The bush bears fruit well in one place for 15-20 years.

This representative of the flora propagates by cuttings, which should be stiff. Two cuts are made on them: at the top of the seedling (above the bud) and at the bottom (under the bud). The cuttings should be about 15 cm long and 1 cm thick. They are planted in prepared soil so that the upper bud does not rise more than 2 cm above ground level. The planted plant must be watered in a timely manner. If you plant cuttings in the fall, then in the spring they will begin to actively develop and grow. From one bush, you can collect about 10 kg of berries with a normal harvest.

Yoshta berries ripen fully by mid-July. Since they are collected in brushes, they do not ripen at the same time and therefore stay on the bush for a long time. The fruits of this plant are suitable for fresh consumption, as well as for cooking compotes, jam, jam, marmalade.

Yoshta blooms with large green-yellow flowers, and its berries are large and black, outwardly similar to currants. They have the peculiarity of not crumbling for a long time. The hybrid of currant and gooseberry ripens in early August and is characterized by high yield. Berries can be consumed both in their natural form and after processing. Yoshte contains a large amount of vitamin C, organic acids, pectin and sugar. Berries help to remove radioactive substances and salts of heavy metals from the human body, improve blood circulation and cure diseases of the intestines and stomach.

Before planting yoshtu in the ground, the earth should be dug up and carefully processed. For each square meter, about 400 g of lime, 100-120 g of superphosphate, 80-100 g of potassium sulfate and about 10 kg of organic fertilizer are applied. When filling the landing hole - about 8 kg of organic fertilizer, 150 g of superphosphate and 40-50 g of potassium sulfate. It is highly desirable to observe the correct parameters for planting bushes in the territory, this will enable the yoshte to grow arbitrarily without catching neighboring bushes. Yoshta is planted in holes with a diameter of 60 cm and a depth of 40 cm. The distance between the bushes is at least 1.5 meters.

Yoshta is rich in vitamins and, according to some of its properties, surpasses currants at times.

Three-week-old cuttings with proper care form a good fibrous root system. The survival rate of cuttings in some varieties reaches 70-100%.

If the planting of the cuttings is transferred to the spring, then it is better to prepare them from autumn to spring in the basement, in wet sand. In the spring, cuttings should be planted as early as possible, as soon as the soil allows.

After that, shallow grooves are made in the soil from the base of the bush, into which young shoots are bent and pinned. The tops of the latter are slightly pinched. When 10-12 cm young green shoots develop from the buds of the allotted branches, they are sprinkled up to half the height with moist fertile soil or humus. After 15-20 days, when the shoots grow another 10-15 cm, the powder is repeated.


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Next, they trample down the earth a little. Again, water and mulch the soil with humus, peat or other organic matter (grass, hay, straw) 5-10 cm high. After planting, the stems must be cut off, leaving 2-3 buds on each shoot.

Cutting a hedge in the country

During transportation, the roots of the purchased seedling are wrapped with a damp cloth, put in a plastic bag.

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The hybrid is undemanding to growing conditions, easy to care for, practically not damaged by pests and diseases.

Yoshta is one of the most worthy hybrids with delicious fruits

Any summer resident or owner of a personal plot can plant this beautiful and useful plant and enjoy delicious berries in a few years. Another no less interesting shrub for your site - Beautiful tall yoshta bushes can be used in landscape design, for example, to make a hedge out of it. For this, plants are planted about half a meter apart.

Yoshta - a useful and beautiful shrub

Yoshta berries fully ripen within 2-3 weeks. The mass of each of them is quite large, from 3 g to 7 g. Since the berries that are collected in small brushes ripen at different times, it is quite possible that they will be on the bush for a long time. In any case, the shrub is self-pollinating, easily survives a frosty winter and does not suffer from diseases. Fruits in the 3rd-4th year after planting, but does not slow down the yield for 12-18 years. In a good year, with proper care, up to 10 kg of juicy and fragrant berries can be collected from one bush. As soon as the bushes take root after transplanting for growing, they are liquidly fertilized with nitrogen mineral fertilizers (30 g of ammonium nitrate per bucket of water) or manure slurry diluted with water 6-8 times.

Growing yoshta

growing conditions

For good and quick rooting of cuttings, the soil in the garden should always be kept moist and loose. This is especially important in the first month after planting. With good care, by autumn, a standard seedling suitable for planting can be grown from a cutting. Rooted cuttings can be separated from the mother bush and transplanted to a permanent place either in autumn or next spring. Preferably next spring. Yoshta does not need special pruning. In the spring, sanitary pruning is done - damaged and frostbitten branches are removed.

Yoshta care

If it is not possible to immediately plant the purchased seedling, then it is added dropwise in a shaded place in the country. Dig a shallow elongated hole with a slope to the south. The seedling is placed obliquely in the hole. They fall asleep so that both the roots and half the length of the shoots are underground. Abundantly watered. In this form, seedlings can be stored for 3-4 weeks without compromising quality. Yoshta bushes have great growth strength, they grow powerful and tall, so planting it in the center of the site is not recommended. In the fruits of this plant, the content of vitamin C is somewhat less than in currants, but significantly more than in gooseberries. In large quantities, they contain vitamin P and anthocyanins. Yoshta berry has various beneficial properties. It is especially good to eat it in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. When eating this berry, blood circulation also improves, heavy metals are excreted from the body.

Pruning yoshta



Yoshta shrub prefers a well-lit, open area. He loves moisture, is frost-resistant, needs cultivated and high-quality fertilized soil and is practically not susceptible to any diseases.Yoshta harvesting can begin in mid-late July

Yoshta shrub requires a flat, open and well-lit location in a summer cottage. Yoshta gives good yields on soils that are cultivated and fertilized with high quality. For planting, prepare the soil in the same way as for currants.


During the entire growing period, loosening of the soil and weeding of weeds are carried out, and in dry weather, the soil is watered abundantly. Reproduction by green cuttings For propagation by vertical layering

Yoshta use

Yoshta, as a decoration of the landscape, practically does not need to be fed.

For the purpose of planting yoshta as a landscape decoration, the site can be any - in the sun or in the shade, on a hill or in a lowland, on a flat surface or on a slope. Due to its picturesque beauty, yoshta bushes are used to decorate landscapes, to create living hedges (bushes are planted in a row densely, at a distance of 40–50 cm from each other).

Application in cooking


Yoshta - planting, care and reproduction. The use of yoshta berries. |

Yoshta care is quite simple. Since the plant is moisture-loving, with insufficient natural soil moisture in the area, it must be watered. The soil must be mulched, as this creates a favorable nutrient climate in the soil, prevents moisture from evaporating quickly and weeds from growing, and also reduces the need for frequent loosening of the soil. For mulch, it is desirable to use humus or peat; each bush requires about 20 kilograms of mulch. Yoshte requires mandatory soil fertilization. To do this, use organic fertilizers, potassium sulfate and superphosphate.

Appearance of yoshta

When the berry reaches biological maturity.

It is necessary to take into account only the moment that potassium is very important for yoshta.

The following autumn, the bushes are dug up and planted in a permanent place. Bushes suitable for planting should have well-developed roots and strong shoots.

Makes it possible to speed up the production of yoshta seedlings, since already one-year-old plants have an excellent fibrous root system and a well-branched aerial part.

Yoshta care

, mother bushes are cut short in early spring, leaving stumps 15-20 cm long. Good care and abundant watering ensure a large number of young shoots. The first hilling should be carried out when the shoots reach a height of 10-15 cm (from the base). The center of the bush is recommended to be covered tightly with earth to prevent the branches from approaching. After 20-25 days, the shoots are again sprinkled with earth. This is best done after rain. In dry weather, before the second powder, the bushes must be watered. Layers are separated from the mother plant in autumn or early spring the next year.

If you want to increase the quality and quantity of the yoshta crop as a fruit crop, annually, at the beginning of summer, under each adult bush, add 10 liters of fresh mullein diluted with water (1:5) or a bucket of diluted bird droppings (1:10). Mullein or litter can be replaced with agrolife.​

Reproduction and planting of yoshta

In order to harvest, they choose the sunniest, most fertile plots of land, then the harvest will be larger, the berry is larger.

Yoshta is also grafted onto golden currants and gooseberries, grown in a standard form, then the plant looks neater than a bush with spreading branches.

Yoshtu is consumed both fresh and various dishes are prepared from it. The berry is very tasty (sweet, with a pleasant sourness) and extremely healthy. Compotes are made from yoshta, jam, jam, marmalade, jams and jelly are cooked. Berries can be frozen. Growing this representative of the flora on a personal plot does not require much work, and there are a lot of benefits from this plant.

​Subscribe to new articles - enter your e-mail​​For the first three years after planting, the plant does not need to be cut, and then it is necessary to regularly remove old dried branches so that they are replaced by new ones. Periodically, shrubs need to be updated, since the maximum yield falls on about the fifth year of plant growth. The fruits of the shrub can be consumed fresh. The berry is sweet, sour-sweet or more sour, depending on the climate and the level of ripeness. You can also process yoshta berries into jam, fruit drinks, compotes, jams, jelly, jam, jam, etc.

The use of yoshta berries

If you want to get a healthy shrub that will consistently bear fruit, take the trouble to plant several currant and gooseberry bushes next to the yoshta for pollination.

The construction of a country house involves not only the foundation, brick and stone laying, roof and roofing, but also the further equipment of the house. One of the most important processes is the installation of windows for a summer residence, and we will study it today. First of all, it is necessary to consider all types of windows that can ... more For cutting cuttings, powerful healthy bushes are chosen. From the mother bush, cuttings can be cut 2-3 times over the summer, cutting them off from the tops of all branches of the bush. The first time - around the beginning of summer, the second - only after new growth and better from the side branches, the third - in early September from all shoots.

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