Decorative cereals: about miscounts from the personal experience of Tatiana Zhestovskaya.

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Miscantus, or Jerenik, is called a decorative cereal, who has deserved recognition of gardeners due to its unpretentiousness and spectacular appearance. It is well harmonized with other plants and are encouraged to grow in open ground, and this species is used as a source of energy.

A perennial plant can reach height from 80 to 200 cm, The root funeral system is creeping and loose. Stems upright, sheet plates linear and very rigid. Movements of cereals have long side sprigs, and spikelets form 1 developed flower. The growing season at Miscantus is long, and therefore it is necessary for the temperature of more than 20 ºC for enhanced growth and development. And also the plant requires fertile soil to provide life processes.

Botany believe that the birthplace of grass is the territory of Japan, Korea, Manchuria. And also meets wild grands with the east coast of the United States and South Kurilla. In the middle of the last century, breeders drew on Miscantus and long-term work on the plant began.

How to plant Missantus (video)

Views and varieties of Missantus

There are a lot of varieties of this unique culture, they all differ from each other in appearance, adaptability to the conditions ambientsizes. Consider the best famous species and varieties of fans.

Miscantus giant

it garden plant It is a complex hybrid, and its height can reach 3 meters. Zlak has a represented shape, lateral foliage departs from the stem in different sides, reminding the fountain. Coloring its green with a typical white stripe in the middle. It's time for the flowering of a giant french falls on late autumnAt the same time, in areas with a short summer, it may not be bloated at all. The blurred sweaters have a pinkish shade, then they are made silver.

The lower foliage in the late summer dies and looks ugly, so in front of the Miscantus gigantic it is recommended to plant other cultures in the foreground. Powerful perennial well feels near the reservoirs of any size, and its amazing winter hardiness allows him to grow it in Russia.

Miscantus giant

Miscantus Sakhalocevetric

This species grows on sandy soil near the rivers, And also you can meet it on the filler meadows of Primorsky Krai, Japan and China. The height of the cereal reaches in some cases 2 meters, stems are naked, linear foliage. Self-deception in the form of mellowok can be white, piszzled and silver, they appear in July.

SakhalaceTracks Verenik prefers a warm climate, but its cultivation is allowed in the middle lane of Russia. It is important to choose the plants correctly, Some of them differ less cold resistance and do not tolerate harsh winters.

Miscantus Sakhalocevetric

Gallery: Miscantus in the garden (25 photos)

Miscantus Chinese

This popular decorative cereal is most often called a fans, and its natural habitat is territory Eastern China, Korea, as well as to meet the plant on Hokkaido Islands and South Chickens. An unusual species requires fertile soil and high humidity.

Miscantus Chinese


This variety is considered the most extraordinary. Zebrina sometimes reaches a height of 2 meters and has a spherical shape of a bush, and the leaves of grass extended, rigid and decorated with yellowish transverse stripes, remindingly the same animal. You can see the bloom of such a muscantus at the end of summer, when on the tops of the plant appear collected in the brush inflorescences of a lilac shade. Despite the fragile beauty, the Chinese fan is hardy, he is not afraid of snowfall and even drought.

A similar shape of the bush has a Miscantus Grazilimus, preferring to grow in a half. Its flowers appear only at the end of September, so planting the plant is recommended in the south of the country.

Miscantus Zebrinus

Gold bar

The described grade plant grows slowly, and the height of the adult instance does not exceed 1.5 meters. Green foliage with cream stripes looks spectacular, flower grass in August, forming fluffy brushes of a wine tint. Such a muscantus can be planted on the shore of the reservoir, Near the lawns or flower. Inflorescences are observed in August, they are used to create dried compositions of colors.

Miscantus Gold Bar.


Elegant herbate plant It is distinguished by wide leaves, which in the fall acquire an orange or golden shade. Flowers are in fan-shaped mellowes, and the color of the inflorescence is unusual - in the summer they are red-brown, it becomes saturated-red by autumn. A feature of the variety is considered the ability to form thick thickets up to 2 meters high, Therefore, such a muscantus is used to decorate water bodies.

Miscantus Malepartus


The cereal culture allows you to decorate the garden plot due to the unusual shade of the leaves. The plant reaches a height of about 1.5 meters and bodies for autumn, in the middle of August you can observe fluffy inflorescences - cream-colored sweaters, stretching up. This variety is unpretentious and grows on any basis, Transfers drought and good winters. Nevertheless, such a muscantus requires a lot of sunlight And in the shade can die.

Miscantus Graziella


Beautiful variety is considered to be exotic due to hanging inflorescences of a pinkish shade . Flowers plant in July and August, P. favorable conditions Zlak reaches a height of more than 2 meters. The leaves are rigid, have a characteristic light strip in the middle. Such a muscantus stands out among other varieties of winter hardiness and unpretentiousness. As well as such characteristics possesses Miscantus Strictus, but his reddish flowers appear no earlier than September.

Miscantus Cascade

Planting Missantus in Open Soil

It is important to know that the cereal culture is inclined to constantly increase the volume of the bush, reaching impressive sizes, which means that the plant needs to provide a spacious territory. Here it will be for a long time, but it is extremely undesirable to transplant adult specimens. Soils for Miscounts are any, with the exception of clay and sandy soils.

Residents of the southern regions acquire Miscantus varieties at the later flowering period, while dackets middle strip Russia choose varieties of culture blooming in July and August. Buy adult seedlings are recommended, Since the cereal culture has a long period of vegetation. The plant will begin to develop only at a temperature of 25 ° C and higher, so it is inappropriate to acquire young seedlings.

Limit the place of planting a panic around the perimeter using a special limiter to a small depth of 15 cm, and its edge is lift over the ground level so that powerful roots cannot overcome the barrier. The landing pit should be several times more than the root system of the plant. Place a few fertile land on the bottom, then lower the seedling in the hole and endure the soil upon completion garden work Be sure to pour Miscantus.

Miscantus features (video)

Technology of proper care of Miscantus

The cultivation of the decorative creek cannot be called difficult, nevertheless the plant needs to pay attention regularly. Young specimens require abundant irrigation, to do it best in dry and sunny weather, using water from the hose, but the leaves should not be poured moisture.

The care of the fan is provided for and moderate making feeding, it is allowed to apply the following components:

  • liquid chicken litter;
  • compost;
  • calimagnesia.

Munchantuses are in nutrition older than 1 year old, for example, in May you can add liquid nitrogen fertilizers or urea solution into the soil. In the middle of the summer, decorative grasses feed with a compatrum, and a potash-phosphorous additives add to the soil in the soil. Before boarding a french, it is necessary to remove from the plot all perennial weedsExperienced gardeners are recommended to do it in the fall before treating the soil. The task of the dacket lies in the constant destruction of weed plants, and only for 3 years of life, his root system will be able to protect against unnecessary plants.

Miscantus is famous for a good winter hardiness

It looks very impressive in the garden. But its cultivation in the middle lane requires some efforts. How to plant miscanthus, care for it, stroke for the winter, as well as - as lucky to use in design, tells Tatyana Shikanyan.

(M. Sinensis) - a powerful short-corneeling perennial with reprehensive two-meter stems. In the suburbs, mulching and dry shelter for the winter are required.
There is more 100 varieties of Miscantus, distinguished by the shape and size of the bush, and most importantly frost resistance. Some of them grow well in the middle lane of Russia.

Different missantusov varieties and colorful inflorescences - from white and pink to burgundy, as well as a shape, size and coloring leaves - from thin, elegantly curved to durable, vertically growing, having a green, yellowish, pinkish or brownish color, as well as longitudinal either cross stripes of white, cream or yellow color.
So that Miscantus stuck, Put it on a sunny warm place, protected from cold windsprovide fertile loose soil as well high humidity Air and soil. He will like to grow near a huge stone on the shore of the reservoir, where there is always an increased humidity. Miscantuses do not bring drying, watering should be regular. With good proper care They grow quickly and powerfully, which allows them to be better overwhelming.

Plants are growing heat, i.e. begin to grow at a temperature of more than 25 ° C. Better to acquire adult landing material. Good results gives the shelter by moss-sphagnum, boards or cut-off plant stems.

With the appearance of Rostkov, somewhere in mid-May, miscantus must be controversial nitrogen fertilizers. It is better to use liquid feeding, they are quickly absorbed. Important organic feeding and watering During the season, they will allow to gain a decent mass in a short summer. In the suburbs, Miscantuses do not like fission, long after it is restored.

Depending on the grade, Miscantuses bloom from August to October. Blooming sultans, reddish or pink during disclosure, become silver-white when fading. The typical color of autumn foliage yellow, some varieties are purchased various shades Red I. brown color. For planting in the suburbs, choose the most winter-hardy and wounded varieties.
And one more nuance. Miscantus can only be divided in spring, Autumnal dealer is unacceptable. But from the hands are sold mainly in autumn fresh decene, this is the main problem and the cause of failures in the cultivation of this extremely spectacular cereal.


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Plant miscantus (lat. miscanthus), or verenik, It is a close relative of sugar cane and refers to the genus of grassy perennials of the Matlikovy family (cereals), common in subtropical and tropical areas of Asia, Australia and Africa. There are about 40 species of plants in the family. In the culture of Grass Missantus is one of the most popular decorative cereals. Miscantus B. landscape design It is used to decorate water bodies, lawns, as well as to create dry floristic compositions.

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Landing and care for Miscantus (brief)

  • Landing: From the end of March to mid-May.
  • Bloom: In the second half of summer.
  • Lighting: Bright sunlight.
  • The soil: Wet, fertile, near the reservoir. Miscantus is growing poorly on heavy clay and sand.
  • Watering: Regularly and abundantly, it is possible from the hose.
  • Feeding: Regular and moderate, three times per season, starting from the second year: in mid-May, urea solution, in the first half of summer - humats, in the second - potash-phosphoric fertilizers.
  • Reproduction: Seeds, but more often the division of the bush in the spring.
  • Pests and diseases: The plant is extremely stable both to diseases and pests.

Details about the cultivation of Missantus read below

Miscantus Flower - Description

Miscantus flower - a perennial height from 80 cm to 2 m with creeping rhizomes, which in search of nutrition can reach a depth of 6 m, extensive shoots, scratched leathery leaves from 5 to 18 mm wide and fan-shaped risels with a length of 10 to 30 cm consisting of spikelets. . Miscantus is unpretentious, hardy and environmentally safe, it is of interest not only with its decorativeness, but also as fuel for power plants, because during its burning is released a large number of Energy in the formation of a minimum amount of ash due to low moisture content in raw materials.

Landing Missantus

When to plant Miscantus

The landing of the Missantus is carried out in the spring when the soil warms - from the end of March to mid-May. Miscantuses are thermal-loving, so it is necessary to plant them on well-lit sites and heated by the sun, protected from cold wind. But even more than heat, Miscantuses love water, which is why they prefer wet, fertile coastal areas. Soil quality for muscantus much No, but worst of all they grow in sands and heavy clays.

How to plant Missanthus

If you decide to grow on the Miscunts plot, buy adult seedlings: this plant has a very long season, because a thermal-loving muscantus is getting drunk only when the air temperature reaches 25 ºC, so a young seedling just does not have time to get along and stump until the cold. In an adult seedlings, the margin of durability is greater, and it will be able to survive even with good shelter even cold Winter. In the landing jam, which should be slightly larger in volume than the root seedling system, put a layer of fertile soil, then lower the seedlove into it and fill the emptiness of the earth, gradually its tampering. After landing, Miscantly watered abundantly.

Miscantus care in the garden

How to care for muscantus

Fans of the plant argue that there is no terrible spectacle than drying up Missantus, so do not forget to water it, especially in a hot dry time. It is best to arrange watering Muccantus from the hose - the more abundant, the better. The cultivation of Miscounts also provides regular, but moderate feeding, since excess nitrogen, for example, leads to a plant lodging. In the first year, Muccantus is not feeding, and in the future fertilizers contribute twice for the season: in the middle of May, a liquid feeding of nitrogen fertilizers will be required - for example, a solution of urea. In the first half of summer, the plot is watered with humats, and in the second, potash-phosphoric fertilizers contribute. Starting to grow Missantus, set up for a constant struggle with weeds, in any case, in the first two years of the life of the plant. Then, when it is strengthened and grow up, weeds no longer break through the intensively sprawling roots of the Miscantus. But thanks to the roots of the plant, you do not have to loose the soil on the site. By the way, the growing of Missantus in the garden will have to be limited, otherwise you, in addition to this pictorial canthage, can not grow anything else. Do it immediately after landing: the limiter is planned the limits in which the plant should remain. You can use pieces of iron or slate as a limiter. It is necessary to dig over the entire perimeter of the site, without breaks and gaps, to a depth of at least 20 cm, and they should rise above the surface, by no less than 10 cm so that the roots in search of food could not "jump over" the frontier.

By the end of the summer, some kinds of muscantus lose bottom leavesAnd this decorative decorative plant is reduced. To disguise the lower thorough part of the bushes, it is best to plant on the site a high host - 50-60 cm in a height, calmly growing under the conditions of excessive soil humidity, without which Miscantus cannot do.

Here, perhaps, everything that can be said about the cultivation of this cereal. Landing and care for the muscantus in the open ground of unearmable, and the beauty and effectiveness of this plant is difficult to overestimate.

The reproduction of Missantus

Miscunts does not like change places, but over time, in the center of the bush, the shoots die, so there is a need for a plant transplanting, which is combined with the division of the bush - one of the most reliable vegetative methods of breeding Missantus. They divide the bush in spring or early summer, the procedure is carried out very carefully, since Miscantus after injuries is restored long and painfully.

It is also possible to reproduction of the plant seed fashion. The Miscantus seeds do not need pre-sowing processing, but the generative method of reproduction will require patience from you and takes a lot of time, since the attractiveness of a plant grown from seeds is only at the third to four year. Geese seeds B. peat pots, and with the onset of spring, after full thawing of the soil, they are planted in open sad. We remind you that during seed reproduction, the varietal signs of Missantus does not preserve, so the overwhelming majority of gardeners prefers to multiply Miscantus vegetatively.

Miscantus pests and diseases

About diseases and pests that are able to hit Miscanths, nothing is known. This is a very healthy plant.

Miscounts after flowering

Preparation of Miscounts for Winter

There are types of miscounts resistant to cold, and there are those that need mandatory shelter for the winter. Gentle varieties need to be protected not only from frosts, but also from sudden temperature drops. If the cooling comes gradually, then the plant has time to adapt to changes in nature, but if the frosts are sinking unexpectedly, it can perish. So that this does not happen, cover the Miscantus with a slush from the film so that air can act from the sides to her, and on top to the film, just a shalashik, install two wooden shield - This design will protect the Miscantus from sudden cooling. But do not forget before the construction of the shelter to climb the site and protect the roots from freezing with a thick layer of any loose soil.

Views and varieties of Missantus

Miscantus Giant (Miscanthus Giganteus)

most likely, it is a complex hybrid, which has long been familiar to the gardeners, but the origin of which has only to guess. Its expanding the stems reach a height of 3 m, wearing a dark green with a white stripe on medium alive leaves a width of up to 25 cm, departing from the stem in all directions, make a plant similar to a large fountain. This view of the late summer pinkish buzzes, which are becoming silver over time, and in areas with a cold summer, the Miscantus gigantic may not bloom at all. Most often, this species is used as focus in the background. It requires masking of the bottom of the stems due to the leaves dieting in the second half of summer.

Miscantus Chinese (Miscanthus Sinensis)

in nature, it grows in China, Korea, Japan and Russia. This is a multi-year cereal with a loose bush, short rhizome and upright stems up to 3 m high. The leaves are linear, rigid and rough, up to 1.5 cm wide, with a gross edge of the mid-alkalio. It blooms with single-skewed spikelets up to 7 mm long, assembled in loose panicles. In culture, the view since 1875, the winter hardiness is relative, so dry shelter and mulching for the winter is required. Missantus Chinese is the most popular view in culture, today it is known for more than a hundred of its varieties, which differ in the colorful and form of inflorescences, sizes and outlines of the bush. Among them, there are both thermal-loving plants and those that are safely grown in the middle strip. For example:

  • Blondo - the height of the bush is up to 2 m, cool plates - winter without shelter;
  • Variagatus - loose bush tall no more than one and a half meters with white longitudinal stripes on the leaves;
  • miscantus Zebrinus, Sometimes it is called miscantus Zebrina - Peppercut plant with transverse yellow stripes on green leaves;
  • Ferner Austin - Height up to one and a half meters, on narrow elegant green leaves a white strip in the middle resident, in the fall of changing color on the reddish-redhead. Flourishing fan-shaped bright red bakelings with white tops gradually become silvery-bronze;
  • Morning light - Elegant low plant with narrow leaves with white edging. Unfortunately, this variety blooms late and not every year;
  • Strictus - Miscantus up to 270 cm high with bright motley leaves up to 1.5 cm wide, according to which transverse bright white and green stripes alternate, and reddish one-dimensional spikelets in loose panicles.

Miscantus Chinese is one of the most famous decorative cereals. In nature, it can be seen in the countries Far East, Japan, Korea and China. Among the gardeners of the world, there are other names of this plant - "Chinese reeds", "franque".

What is the plant

Miscantus is a powerful perennial cereal with a short rhizome. The height of its bushes is from 60 to 200 cm. They have tight upright stalks, the lower part of which is covered with long leaves. Their rigid surface has a variety of color. To the touch leaves whose width is approximately 2 cm, very rough.

The muscantus Chinese has one-bed spikelets. The place of their placement is loose, shortened, fans blizzards.

There are more than 100 varieties of Miscantus in the world. There are not many of them on the territory of our state. Many types of this plant, despite thorough care and shelter, marzed in winter time.

Use of Missantusov

In decorative gardening, Miscantus is most often used to decorate the shores of reservoirs. It also looks very good in mix bears. At the same time, it can be used both separately and in group landings.

Almost all the varieties of Miscounts have enough a long period decorative, which begins in early spring And lasts before the onset of cold weather. In the autumn leaves of this decorative plant become yellow, red and brown.

The inflorescence of the creek in the cutting is used when they completely ripen and become fluffy. Also using this plant create scenes.

A great advantage in using Chinese Miscantus is his ability to keep shape. Most of his species have a kind of solemn upright bush, which slowly grow up. Other varieties are more aggressive - sherins quickly grow and clog the neighboring plants.

Missantus Chinese: landing and care

Miscantus is not very demanding for the soil. But during its landing it is necessary to avoid places with sandy or heavy clay soil.

Caring for this plant is relatively simple. In order to prevent unwanted intense growth, during the landing should limit the plant with an artificial way. The restriction should be placed around the perimeter of landing and have a depth of at least 10 cm. But it is not necessary too deepening, since the plant has a surface root system. The upper edges of the limit must be placed about 5 cm above the soil level. It is associated with sufficiently strong roots capable of moving a low barrier.

If the Miscantus Chinese formed a tight cute, he can start dying in the center. main reason This is the delay in timely division. This decorative grade must be periodically divided and disassemble.

The feeding should be carried out only minor. If there is an excess of nitrogen fertilizers - the plant will grow very quickly and pools to the ground.

Crop the muscantus Chinese should be in early spring, because his shoots have decorative View Even in autumn and winter season. It is necessary to regularly remove processes that have not such a decorative appearance as the bush itself. This plant does not like transplants very much - therefore the most optimal option There will be a permanent place in the garden.


There are two methods of breeding Missantus:

  • seeds;
  • dividing bush.

We need to divide the bush in early spring. It is necessary to carry out this work very carefully and carefully, as Miscantus does not like transplanting manipulations related.

For reproduction, seeds need to be held by their sowing. They do not require pre-processing. If you preferred this method of reproduction - be patient. This bush will acquire its natural beauty only after 3-4 years.

In order to minimize the plant's roots, seeds first germinate in pots. And only after the onset of spring and complete thawing of the soil, they are transplanted into open ground.

During the cultivation of Miscounts from the seed, the preservation of varietal signs is absent. Therefore, another type of reproduction is more popular - division.

Group of Miscantus

Chinese monkantuses in most cases are divided into three groups, depending on their height.

  • Low-resistant - elegant bushes with thin leaves reaching 150 cm in height. Most often, they are placed in the first rows of flower beds. Also take place their landing in the mountaineering.
  • The average - the most common varieties reaching 180 cm. In the garden, in most cases, they are located neat groups or independent bodies.
  • Tall - their height is more than 200 cm. They are placed on the rear plans. Most of the representatives of this group are blooming only in warm climatic conditions.

Missantusov varieties

Today, Miscantus Chinese is very common. His varieties have more than 100 pieces. They can be distinguished from each other in shape and color of inflorescences. It is pure-white, pink, brown, with a burgundy tint. Also varieties are distinguished by color, shape and size of leaves. There are elegant thin, curved and vertically standing leaflets painted with a variety of shades.

Among the main differences, one of the main places belongs to the size and shape of the bush. Also, an important role is played by adaptability to a variety of cultivation conditions and weather-climatic zones.

The conditions of the middle strip are ideal for growing such varieties.

  • "Blondo" - the height of the bush of this cold-resistant plant reaches 2 meters.
  • "Flamingo" - tall muscantus, having large inflorescences and beautiful splashing leaves of pink shades.
  • "Grosse Fontane" - also relates to a group of tall plants, has green magnificent leaves and a tightly standing bush in the form of a fountain;
  • "Hinjo" is a decorative nourgistic bush with leaves painted with horizontal yellow stripes.
  • "Variegatus" - has leaves with bright white longitudinal stripes.
  • "Kleine Fontane" is a representative of a group of low-spirited muscantusov, having a deep red-brown color and very magnificent flowering.
  • Missantus Chinese "Morning Light" is as suitable for growing in containers. His main feature is narrow left leaves and reddish inflorescence.
  • Miscantus Chinese Zebrinus refers to tall plants, as the height of its bushes reaches 250 cm; A across its leaves are placed stripes of cream color.
  • Miscantus Chinese "Strictus" is a very high plant (up to 270 cm), having a colonum shape, on leaves there are transverse white stripes, and inflorescences have a reddish color.

Miscantus Chinese "Purpurascens"

Miscantus Chinese "Purpurezenzes" at the peak of his beauty acquires a bright criminal color. And during the flowering period, the bush is covered with inflorescences of silver shade. Long leaves of this plant resemble brown needles with their appearance.

This grade of Miscantus can be searched by small spiny islands in chaotic order. Also well they will look along the border. They are used to designate the borders of the flower beds.

During the planning of the placement of this variety of Miscantuses, it is necessary to take into account its meter height. And in order for the plant to have a type of framing, a higher colors should be placed in the flower bed.

Its breeding is so simple that even a newcomer can cope with this. During the care of Miscantus, the Chinese "Purpurezenzen" should not be forgotten about frequent watering.

Miscantus "Strictus"

Miscantus Chinese Stricktus has a relative frost resistance. It is a powerful short-chip-corrugated plant-cereal with reprehensive stems, despicable at the bottom. The height of the bushes reaches 180-270 cm, and the width is 45 cm. The leaves have a linear form. In the middle of them there is a thick edge, and on the surface - a large number of transverse white strips.

Flowers have a kind of mononial spikelets of reddish color. These are loose bullets whose length is 0.7 cm. They bloom at the beginning of autumn.

As for the cultivation and care - Miscantus "Strickstus" are ideal for the converted plots. But it can be grown on relatively dry places. Although in this case it does not grow so much.

This type of cereals are not demanding of the soil, but prefers more than fresh. Poor grows on clay and hourgredices.

Growing Miscunts in the Garden

It is not so easy to successfully dilute in his garden Missantus Chinese. Growing it implies compliance with some mandatory rules.

  • During the choice and purchase of seedlings, it is necessary to give preference to adult landing material. This is due to the peculiarities of our climate, unusual for Miscantus. Therefore, he needs more time in order to go through the growing season. In the opposite case, a small seedlock simply will not have time to strengthen and will not take the cold winter.
  • A landing place should be sunny and protected from winds.
  • A pit is needed for landing with fertile, sufficiently wet soil.
  • Organization of regular irrigation.
  • Mulching the root zone of the bush, as the plant does not tolerate the dryness.
  • Ensuring an annual subordinate organic fertilizers In the spring season.

Miscantus Care Winter

For the winter, Miscantus is desirable to stream. In particular, non-dimest grades and those that were planted in cold areas need. This cereal gradually adapts to a minor decrease in temperature. But the sharp it can provoke his death.

It can be covered with a garden film. At the same time, we should not forget to leave places on the sides for ventilation.

The medium band climatic zone is characterized by the fact that here only in spring or early summer you can share the Miscantus Chinese. Landing and care assumes that after this process takes several years, in order for this plant to reach its maximum decorativeness.

Decorative grasses Now they are becoming increasingly popular in horticulture. Growling, they form beautiful curtains, this is something like attractive because it frost-resistant plant. One of the representatives of this family muscantus chinese which is represented by various attractive varieties. Let's talk further about landing and care for this culture.

Botanical description

In the natural environment dwells throughout the length of Far Eastern regions of Asia, Japan, Korea, Russia. It grows on open glades, mountain slopes up to the beginning of the lower mountain ridge. IN natural conditions Well multiplied. It is a large herbal bush that can reach more than 3 meters in height. The average height of the culture from the meter to two and a half. The stalks are straight, at the bottom of them the root has leathery leaves in the form of scales. The leaves that grow straight on the shoots are very long, in the middle there is a rib, width around a centimeter, quite tough, with bend. Because of the variety of varieties there are different colors.

Inflorescences - panicles, usually loose, length from 10 to 30 cm consist of one-star spikelets on legs, a little less centimeter long. Inflorescences are from burgundy to white shades, depending on the variety.

The plant has a very powerful root system that greatly grows. Miscantus Chinese is also called a fans or Chinese reed, with a Greek title translates as on the leg ", the botanical name - Miscanthus sinensis.

Popular varieties

The variety of varieties of the Chinese Miscantum, which today is more than a hundred, make it popular in use for landscaping plots.Depending on the variety and time of the year, the leaves and inflorescences are presented in the wide color gamma. If there are several varieties on the site, it looks very impressive. Next, consider the photo and a description of some of the most popular at the gardeners.

Late variety that blooms from August to the end of October. Hard leaves fall to the bottom and resemble a fountain. In the spring and summer they are green, and in the fall can be from bright yellow to burgundy. The inflorescences bloom at the end of summer and first red-raspberry color, and closer to autumn become gentle brown. Unpretentious to prefers fresh without sand and clay. Frost resistant, can grow in the fifth zone.

The variety is high enough. Herbal bush can be more than two meters in height. Flowers with almost white flowers from the beginning of summer and until late autumn. Narrow leaves, hard, dark green. This variety of Chinese Miscantus is quite suitable for growing in the conditions of the Moscow region, as it transfers frost to -34 ° C and refers to the fourth zone.

Refers to average grades and rarely grow to 1.8 meters in height. Got his name because of bright pink flowersthat bloom at the beginning of summer. Leaves are hard, dark green, which retain it to deep autumn. The variety is popular with gardeners due to the color scheme, relative unpretentiousness and good frost resistance. Refers to the fourth zone and transfers frost to -28 ° C.

Refers to varieties, average in height and can grow to one and a half meters and to a meter wide. Popular in that autumn leaves and stems are becoming copper colors with a touch of orange. Begins to bloom in July and ends in August, do not like the shadow, bloom only on open placesWhere a lot of sun. This species loves soil with high humiditywhere it grows well. In the arid summer you need to water. Withstand frosts up to -28 ° C.

The Chinese fans reaches a height of two meters, therefore refers to high varieties. Flowers from the end of June to the end of August with copper blinks. Long mold leaves, up to 1.5 cm wide, in summer saturated green, autumn can acquire red, brown and yellow tones. It grows well in wet soils without clay, on solar plots, afraid of winds. It needs shelter for the winter, carrying frosts to -28s °.

Very unusual variety Strictus (Strictus). With its appearance, he reminds of the dickery. All due to the fact that white stripes are scattered on hard leaves. They are bright green, tough, width to centimeter and stand straight. In the fall, they are painted from yellow to burgundy. Bronze flowers with red, up to 0.7 cm long bloom in October and continue to bloom to deep autumn. The plant is well blooming in the sun, maximum in a half, does not like soils that contain sand and clay. It can withstand frosts up to -28 ° C, it is necessary to cover only young plants for the winter.

Very spectacular garden plot Will look chinese muscanthus Ferner Osten Osten. He is probably the brightest of all popular varieties of this plant. The leaves in the summer are green, and in the autumn, red, yellow and brown, form a thick "cap". They are slightly tilted to the ground, in width a little more centimeter, long and tough. When the inflorescence only blooms, and this is usually July, it is a gentle pink color. Before the end of bloom, and it is up to the middle of the autumn, panicles acquire the color from dark pink to almost burgundy. This representative of the species loves to grow in solar, warm places, is afraid of wind. Loves not clay wet soils. Transfer frost to -28 ° C. This variety will be a bright spot of your garden.

Important! Some varieties of the Miscantus Chinese are very well referred to the overwheck of soil, but the stagnation of water can destroy them.

Selection of the growing area

As with the cultivation of other decorative plants, there are subtleties and recommendations for proper landing and care for Chinese muscantus. They begin with the choice of place to land.

Lighting and place

Most of these plants do not like the shadow, preferring open solar sections.Without the sun, they grow, but do not bloom. There are some varieties that endure the half-day, to pay attention to this when choosing planting material. Places should be quite a lot, as it is a long-term grass that grows well. Many varieties are afraid of winds, so you need to choose a place protected from them. It is worth paying attention to the combination of miscounts with other plants. All of them are bright representatives of cereals, attract attention to their species, so together will not look very good. Advise them to destroy "spots" in different parts Plot.

Soil for Miscantus

Culture is enough unpretentious to soils.Of course, if possible, the soil should be fertile. Do not recommend planting plants into the ground, which contains a lot of clay and sand. The main condition for most varieties - the soil should "hold" moisture well. The soil can be overwhelmed, but dry can not. Therefore, it is loose and often watered, especially in the first few years of the life of the plant.

Landing a capricious "child"

When disembarking Missantus in an open ground, it is important to know about some moments of directly landing and leaving the plant.

Carefully choose landing material

The plant is seeded by that is, the big bush is divided into seedlings and seated. Either separated and transplant part. Saplings can be bought in nurseries, but still need to pay attention to their appearance. For landing you need to choose an adult, well-developed sapling. Replanted and plant plants only in spring or early summer, it occurs when the air temperature approaches 25 ° C, it must have time to be rooted and subsequently transferred to winter. Miceatusi breeds and seeds, but as a rule, gardeners rarely use this method.

Planting scheme

The plant is planted in a fossa, which, by advice experienced gardenersmust be three times the root plant of the plant. Usually it is centimeters 20 width and up to 30 depth. You can add to the soil a little, for example, having stirred it from the ground. Roots do not have to contact with can be soaked for a while root system Saplings in solution at the calculation of the tablespoon per liter of water. It will strengthen it and saturates with oxygen. The seedling gently sprinkle the earth, paying attention to their full shelter, it should be somewhere 3-5 cm. After planting a seedling must be abundantly watered.

Important!The roots of Missantus Chinese are very growing, so it is necessary to make a limiter on the perimeter, based on the width of the adult plant. It should leave up to 15 cm deep and 10 in height.

Plant care

Like any garden "pet", Miscantus requires a certain care, but it is essentially not heavy and does not require much time.


Culture loves wet soil and does not tolerate droughts, so it needs watering. Saplings and young plants are especially demanding. It is necessary to monitor the dryness of the soil and when drying is to pour. IN this case It is better to fill than not to add. Water needed at sunset, When the sun does not overheat the soil. If we water into the hot sun, the water will heat the soil, and with it and water, and it can harm the plant.


As a rule, an adult plant does not need additional fertilizers. In order to pamper him, you can dilute some of the organic type in water and pour. Another thing is a seedling and young herbal bushes. After landing, through time, you need to eat the soil and a little later in potash phosphate. It is necessary to feather a solution, it is quickly absorbed. The main thing is to know the measure, because the plant lies from the overabundancy of nitrogen on Earth.

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