Rogers flowers planting and care. Rogersia - planting and care in the open field

Encyclopedia of Plants 14.06.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Recently, to decorate the garden plot and add unusualness, zest to its design, a plant such as Rogersia (Rodgersia) is used. She is exotic enough to freshen up any corner, and her whimsicality remains within reasonable limits. Moreover, she is perennial plant, which means that every year you don’t need to think about filling the flower beds with something else, or re-plant this crop. Let's see how Rogersia is grown (planting and care, photo landscape compositions in the garden).

Rogersia garden flower: planting and care, photo

Rogersia is a fairly spreading shrub with large spreading leaves of bright emerald green saturated color. However, the leaves are different in shape and carved pattern on them, and depend on the variety of Rogersia, but they grow densely, and the plant eventually takes up a lot of space. In many species, young leaves are tinted purple when blooming, acquiring a varietal color as they grow older.

The shrub is crowned with small flowers collected in inflorescences - the size of the inflorescence also depends on the variety, sometimes they resemble something like a branch of lilac or bird cherry. The palette of Rogersia flowers is small - pink, milky, white shades.

Types and varieties:

What conditions are necessary for Rogersia to grow and develop successfully?

When planting Rogersia, one should take into account the fact that this plant came to us from China, which means it has some preferences for climatic conditions. Consider the conditions for planting Rogersia at their summer cottage:

Choosing a place to land

Rogersia is not a supporter of the bright and hot sun, she loves partial shade more. It is impossible to plant it in an open place - under the rays of the sun, its delicate emerald leaves will begin to burn, and the winds walking back and forth can also destroy the culture. Accordingly, you should choose a place for Rogers. At the same time, it is also impossible to plant it in a lowland - the accumulated excessive moisture will destroy the root system. At the same time, its location near the reservoir - perfect option because the plant loves water.

Given the sprawling nature of Rogersia, there should be quite a lot of free space next to it - otherwise it will act as an oppressor of all the other "greens" that it meets on the way.

Important nuance- only in the third year of life, Rogers reaches its true size.

The soil

Rogersia loves humus, compost and peat. It is best to create just such a soil mixture when landing. Moreover, her deepening of the roots is small - a maximum of 10 cm.

Landing time

Planting Rogersia in open ground

The process of planting a seedling, both purchased and personally grown, in open ground is not something complicated.

Once a planting site has been chosen, a comfortable hole should be dug for the plant, which will be slightly larger than the size of its root system. The very first thing to do in this pit is to equip the drainage. To do this, it is enough to lay a layer of a mixture of sand and crushed bricks. Then comes a layer of hardwood. For best results, we recommend adding a little manure.

We equip the seedling in the pit, after carefully removing it from the container in which it grew. In order not to damage the roots, a few hours before direct planting in open ground, the soil of the seedling in the container is well shed so that the plant easily comes out of there with a clod of earth. After placing the seedling in the pit, it is covered with prepared earth, rammed. Naturally, after planting, watering should be carried out. AND last action- mulching of the trunk circle. Mulching is best done with shredded bark.

Exotic Rogersia Care

Caring for this crop consists of about the same items as caring for any other plant.

  • Watering. Rogersia, as already mentioned, is moisture-loving, and therefore, cannot live without watering. This issue is especially relevant in hot summers, or when there is a shortage of rain. If the plant lives near a reservoir (and this best option), then watering is carried out only after checking the soil - if it is wet, then nothing should be done.
  • Pruning. As with any other plant, Rogersia has sanitary pruning, during which broken and dried branches are removed, and diseased leaves are cut off. After flowering, flower stalks are cut off from the culture.

Important! Before the winter period at Rogersia in without fail all leaves are cut off and all shoots are cut off, almost at the root - this helps the plant to survive the winter more easily.

  • Top dressing. You can feed Rogersia during the entire period of its growing season, and especially during its active growth and flowering. It responds well to both mineral fertilizers and organic matter. It is best to use complex organomineral fertilizers, as they contain all the trace elements necessary for Rogers. But special attention should be paid to the presence of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. Top dressing is most often combined with watering.
  • Mulching. The procedure must be carried out with the onset of spring, which helps to create the right microclimate and retain moisture. Sometimes a situation happens when the roots of Rogers look out to the surface of the earth. It is imperative to monitor this, and if this happens, then immediately sprinkle with earth and mulch.
  • Sheltered for the winter. Still, Rogersia is a heat-loving, exotic plant and is afraid of frost. Therefore, before winter, it must be covered with fallen leaves. In principle, Rogersia will not freeze during the snowy period, danger lies in wait for it early- in early spring when the snow has already melted, and the frosts are still fierce. In order not to freeze the culture, during this period it must be additionally covered - nonwoven fabric, For example.
  • Pest control. Rogersia is quite resistant to pests, but it also has weaknesses. These are grape snails and slugs, which can successfully eat it. If you find them, you must urgently remove all damaged leaves, and treat the plant with a fungicide. But even here there is some danger - after all, Rogersia leaves must be dry.

Rogers in landscape design

The popularity of landscape design in home gardens and summer cottages is growing, and on each such piece of land you can find beautiful clubs, compositions from all kinds of plants, and simply exquisitely beaten lawns and paths. On the site, Rogersia is very good not only as an independent plant, but also in flower beds, in compositions, rockeries. Most often it is combined with brunner, ferns, junipers, thujas and other coniferous shrubs. In a flower bed it goes well with bluebells and magnolias.

Rogersia is indispensable when decorating small artificial reservoirs, next to which it looks harmonious. Especially if the composition uses natural stones. Here, in combination with Rogersia, undersized astilbes, epimedium (goryanka), sedge, and ostrich are well suited.

V landscape design Rogersia is also used as a single plant in flower beds located in the shade of sprawling or dwarf trees. Good in a single version and for the design of tracks.

Perhaps the only place where it is undesirable to use Rogersia is alpine slides, as it is very large plant, and an appropriate environment is required.

So choose the variety you like and plant such a chic plant as Rogersia - planting and caring for it is not too burdensome, and the design of the site with its participation changes significantly. Stay with us and you will learn how to propagate Rogersia - we will continue the topic of growing this wonderful perennial.

The leaves are large on long petioles, which are purple-brown at first, then turn green, and become reddish, purple, golden or bronze by autumn. Rogersia flowers are small and fragrant pink, cream or white color. The plant blooms for about one month, after which the rapid growth of leaves begins.

Rogersia is a heat-loving and rather capricious plant. To please it with rapid growth and abundant flowering, you need to know and follow all the landing rules, especially carefully choose a place.

Read about how to plant and grow a chestnut on your site.

Location selection

The plant does not tolerate direct exposure to sunlight, it is better for it to choose light partial shade, the place should be fertile and protected from the winds. A large area is needed for Rogersia, as it grows rapidly and can further oppress closely growing plants.

The ideal place for landing is near a reservoir, as Rogersia is moisture-loving.

You can not plant several species next to each other, as they can pollinate. To prevent the plant from dying from frost, it is better for it to choose a place in the garden where the snow melts last. You can not choose lowlands for this flower, where melt and rain water accumulates - stagnation of fluid in the soil will lead to decay and death of the plant.

Landing time selection

Rogersia can be planted in spring and autumn, but experienced gardeners nevertheless, autumn time is advised, since the plant will vegetate better after wintering.

Soil preparation

The soil for Rogersia should be rich in humus, forest soil with leaf particles and leaf humus should be added to it. The substrate is chosen moist, aerated, without stagnant moisture and loose.

Landing features

Digging for planting deep hole, a mixture of leafy humus and manure is added to it. A mixture of sand and brick chips is placed at the bottom for drainage. The seedling is well watered, removed from the pot along with a clod of earth, so as not to damage the roots. The rhizome is placed in a pit, covered with earth and tamped, the planting site is watered and the surface is mulched with crushed bark.

For more information about planting and growing Rogersia, see the video:


The plant reproduces in two ways.


This is a long and painstaking process, starting which you need to take into account problems with seed germination, cross-pollination, the return of hybrids to maternal forms, long period growth.

Seeds are sown in a shallow container with a moist substrate and left for several weeks at a temperature of 0°C, then it is raised to 10-15°C. As soon as shoots appear, you need to ensure that the air in the room is humid. When the seedlings reach 15 cm, they are transplanted into separate containers, in spring and summer they can be taken out into the street, and in autumn they can be planted in open ground.

The division of the bush

Rogersia is dug up in the fall and the rhizome is divided into several parts, which is then planted in flat pallets with soil. They are stored indoors at a temperature of 5-10°C. The soil should always be slightly damp. In the spring, mature plants are planted in open ground.


Rogersia does not require close attention and careful care, it is enough to follow a few simple rules watering, fertilizing and pruning. This is a heat-loving plant, so it needs to be prepared for the winter period. The rhizome is located close to the surface of the earth, so you need to make sure that the roots are not exposed. If this happens, they are covered with soil or humus to avoid drying out.

If you follow the rules of care, Rogersia will decorate the garden with beautiful flowering.


Watering should be plentiful and regular, since most of all the plant is afraid of drying out. If it is located next to a reservoir, then it is enough to ensure that the soil is moist. During dry and hot weather, water for irrigation should not be spared.


This procedure is carried out as Rogersia grows: dried leaves and inflorescences are removed, and closer to winter, all vegetation is completely removed so that the flower retains its strength throughout the winter.

Preparing for winter

Rogersia does not tolerate severe frosts, but spring frosts are even more dangerous for her. To avoid the death of the plant, you need to choose a place for it in the garden where the snow melts later, cover the flower with compost or foliage before wintering, and insulate it with dense material with the onset of spring.

top dressing

The plant needs regular application of mineral and organic fertilizers. Complex fertilizers should contain potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus. Rogers also needs other trace elements: magnesium, iron, molybdenum, copper, zinc, sulfur and boron. Organic fertilizers should be applied throughout the growing season.

Many gardeners believe that Rogersia is too whimsical for the middle climatic zone. But, if you follow all the rules of planting and care, this heat-loving beauty will decorate any garden and landscape composition.

Read about planting and caring for winged euonymus.

About how to grow spray roses, you will find information in the article -

Read about the choice of varieties for the plant in the article.

Pest and disease control

Rogersia is very rarely exposed to disease, as it contains antiseptic substances. But, if good drainage is not provided during planting, the rhizome may rot.

The plant can be eaten by grape snails and slugs, sometimes the leaves are affected by a rust fungus. Damaged areas must be removed and the plant treated with a fungicide. Processing is carried out only in the warm time in the morning. It is important to remember that Rogersia leaves must be dry.

When not proper care the plant loses leaves and flowers. This means that he does not have enough moisture, additional watering or transplanting is required. Strong wind and scorching Sun rays cause dry patches and brown spots in Rogersia. In this case, the plant must be transplanted or protected from negative effects.


Five types of Rogersia are known:

  1. Rogersia horse chestnut leaf. It is named after the shape of the leaves, which resemble chestnut leaves. At first they have a reddish tint, but as they grow they turn green. Flowers are pale pink or white. In nature, it is found in the mountain pine forests of China, grows at an altitude of 2900-3000 m.
  2. Rogersia elderberry. This is one of the most unpretentious and common species, it has massive leaves with a bronze tint. Ivory flowers have a strong scent. Rogersia elderberry comes from Chinese provinces Sichuan and Yunnan, in nature it grows in mountain pine forests. This type of Rogersia blooms in July.
  3. Rogersia is pinnate. A small plant up to 70 cm high, has branched inflorescences of white-pink color and low leaves. Two garden molds: Superba and Alba.
  4. Rogersia Henritz. The plant grows to a height of up to 1 meter, can grow in open sunny places. The leaves are beige at first, becoming bright green as they grow.
  5. Rogersia stopolifolia. This is the most large view, reaching a height of 160 cm. The plant has branched inflorescences of white or cream color and sweeping leaves. It grows naturally in Japan, Korea and China. Rogersia stopifolia blooms from mid-June to mid-July.

See photos of Rogersia species in the gallery:

Exotic plants of an unusual look, which many gardeners want to see on their site, are often capricious and too demanding on the conditions of detention to become a worthy decoration. suburban area. You can take the word of the seller from the garden center that any bush will delight its owner with abundant flowering for many years, and purchase some kind of expensive plant. But it often happens that it turns out to be too capricious and does not bloom at all. If you want to plant something unusual on the site in order to surprise the neighbors, but at the same time not take care of the plant too much, you can buy horse chestnut leaf rogers. This plant, judging by the name, looks like horse chestnut, but is not a tree, but a shrub.

Rogersia horse-chestnut leaf: description of the plant

Rogersia belongs to the saxifrage family. It is decorative and often used for landscaping European parks, but in Russia it is still not widespread enough. But it is quite possible that it will soon gain popularity due to its unusual and very decorative appearance. During the flowering period of Rogersia horse-chestnut leaf, the inflorescence of this plant vaguely resembles how chestnut blossoms, but the buds themselves are smaller, white, collected in a panicle.

Perennial Features

The height of the peduncle can reach 1.5 m. It appears in early July and continues to bloom for about a month. The leaves are pinnate, beautiful, rich green. They are located on long petioles growing from the rhizome. In autumn, the leaf plates acquire a juicy bronze hue, but may change color to purple or crimson Rogersia leaves. Landing and care in do not cause much difficulty. Main positive quality of this plant - its undemanding to growing conditions and care. Of course, it has its own characteristics, but it is convenient to grow it in moist and shady areas, where the bush feels good and grows well. The soils of this perennial like light and nutritious. Loam is best.

The use of Rogers in landscape design

The plant is associated with Asian countries, wet forests along river valleys and mountain slopes, but at the same time it strongly resembles the horse chestnut familiar to everyone. It's all about the dissected leaves, covered with deep veins. Rogersia horse chestnut grows on the banks of water bodies, therefore it prefers wet conditions. It is desirable to plant it in shady areas, protected from cold winds.

Companions for Rogers in and on Alpine rollercoaster tall plants can become, then you get a single surface of foliage various shapes and invoices. A colorful mixture of shrubs and other shade-tolerant perennials looks beautiful. The plant is used for decoration not only in single plantings, but also in group compositions. It goes well with hostas, bergenia, various flowers and ferns.

The height of the Rogersia horse chestnut bush can reach 1.5 m. This should be taken into account when creating compositions with other plants. In width, the bush grows by about half a meter, one leaf in favorable conditions can reach the same size. The plant looks good in stone, able to decorate a large alpine hill and rockeries. You can plant Rogersia as a single plant in the shade of trees or on the lawn next to the house. Then this exotic plant definitely not go unnoticed by neighbors.

Rogersia: planting and care in the open field

The shrub prefers nutritious soils. When planting in a hole, you need to add a mixture of compost, peat and humus. The soil should be loose, light and rich in minerals. Having chosen a place and prepared a landing pit, you can proceed to the landing of horse chestnut-leaved Rogersia. The root system is not deepened too much. The depth should not exceed 5 cm. The plant is covered with soil and immediately mulched. Mulch helps retain moisture and keeps the roots from drying out. The bush develops rapidly and in two years will have decorative look. If the planting was carried out correctly, the plant can stay in one place for decades, and this only benefits it.

Growing Rogers

When the planting and care of Rogersia is completed in open ground starts as an adult plant, you need to take time to regularly water the plant, especially in summer period. No more special care bush is not needed. In autumn, when the growing season is over, the plant is pruned at the root. Growing Rogersia horse chestnut leaf in winter period does not require special attention gardener. The bush is quite cold-resistant and does not need additional shelter for the winter. It easily tolerates frosts down to -25 ° C. You can mulch the ground around the plant with dry foliage, peat chips or other covering material. But the piece of stem left after cutting the shoots must be left free.

Bush feeding

The first top dressing of Rogersia horse chestnut leaf is made in the spring. For this, a nitrogen-containing organic fertilizer is used. The bush responds well to the introduction of nutrients, blooms more abundantly and actively grows foliage. In summer, it is fed under the root with phosphorus-potassium fertilizer. It is important that copper, magnesium, zinc and sulfur are present in complex fertilizers for Rogers. When the plant has faded, the inflorescences are removed so as not to spoil the decorative look. If desired, it can be transplanted to another place, but, being constantly on the same site, it becomes more and more attractive every year and more and more pleasing to the eyes of its owners.

Reproduction of Rogersia

The easiest way to propagate a shrub vegetatively. The most commonly used division of the bush. This is a simple process that does not cause any special problems. When dividing the bush, a full-fledged flowering plant is immediately obtained. The procedure is carried out in spring or autumn: the rhizome is dug up and divided into several parts. Then the delenki are seated in pre-prepared areas. You can plant Rogersia in a group of several plants, but then the distance between them should be at least 15 cm.

Another option is to use parts of the rhizome to propagate the bush, cutting it into pieces about 10 cm in size. It is better to harvest them in late autumn, when the green part of the plant has already died. Pieces of rhizome are placed in wiring boxes 5-7 cm deep and covered with soil or sand. Containers should be stored in a cool place for up to 4 months. You need to make sure that this place does not freeze through. Optimum temperature for reproduction by pieces of rhizomes: +5... +10 ºС. For this purpose, a cellar or basement is suitable. The soil must be periodically moistened so that the roots do not dry out. Sprouts will appear in the spring, then they can first be transplanted into peat pots, and when the threat of frost passes and the soil warms up, plant in a permanent place.

In the summer, Rogersia is propagated using leafy cuttings with a “heel”. This option is more time consuming than dividing the bush, and takes more time. Segments of stems are placed in a container with soil, covered with a film and placed in a place protected from direct sun. The cuttings are regularly moistened and ventilated.

Features of seed reproduction

Rogersia can be propagated by seeds, but this method is practically not used for a number of reasons:

  1. Seeds do not germinate well.
  2. Seedlings grow very slowly.
  3. If they were pollinated by different varieties, the seedling will not receive the varietal characteristics of the mother plant.
  4. Varietal characteristics are practically not transmitted, even if the seeds are collected from plants that have been pollinated by the same variety.

This option of plant propagation is useful only to very enthusiastic and patient gardeners, for whom varieties do not matter. For others, dividing the bush is best.

Diseases and pests of Rogersia

The plant is very unpretentious and practically not damaged by pests and diseases if it grows in suitable conditions. The only thing she can get sick with is fungal infections. They arise due to errors in care, when the soil is swamped or with abundant watering, after prolonged drying of the root system. It is very important to properly water Rogersia throughout the growing season. Then she won't get sick. The substrate in which the bush grows also matters. If the soil is airy, loose and rich nutrients, the bush grows strong, beautiful and has strong immunity. To prevent fungal diseases, it is advisable to periodically spray the crown with a fungicide solution.

If you want to decorate the shady corners of your garden, which will delight for many years, then Rogers will be a wonderful option. Planting and caring for this unpretentious beauty from the Saxifrage family in the open field is not at all difficult, although it is often claimed that she is capricious. It is enough to know a few simple rules for growing and then your plantings will show themselves in all their glory.

The culture was brought to Europe in the 19th century from Asia, where it was found by Admiral John Rogers, after whom the Eastern culture was named. The plant is recognizable by dense carved foliage, thick stems and neat paniculate inflorescences of very gentle tones. There are only eight species in the genus, but five are especially popular in horticulture.

Types and popular varieties of Rogersia

Horse chestnut leaf. It is named so for the external resemblance of foliage to chestnut. In many hybrids of this species, for example, "Rodgersia purdomii" and "Rodgersia henrici", the leaves are first beet-reddish tones, then gradually turn green. It blooms white or pale pink.

Rogersia Henrici is suitable for sunny areas, and its bush can reach a meter in height. Beige young foliage becomes juicy over time green color, cream inflorescences.

The elderberry type of culture is very unusual. Its inflorescences have a very pronounced aroma, and the cultivar 'Rotlau' has massive bronze leaves and ivory flowers.

Cirrus Rogersia is relatively low, a maximum of 70 centimeters. The leaves are wide, the flowers are snow-white (variety "Alba"), scarlet in the variety "Rubra" or pink - "Sureba". The hit of the last few years is an unusual variety with unusual foliage of a rich chocolate shade in spring and autumn - "Chocolate Wings". Its flowers can be in all shades of pink and red.

The stopolith or podophyllous Rogersia is simply a giant compared to other species, as it can reach a length of 160 cm. Its inflorescences are covered with a delicate fluff, the petals are cream or white. This species will delight with the most original varieties, for example, large majestic Big Mama specimens or exotic multi-tiered Pagoda inflorescences. Good endurance to various climatic conditions of cultivation is shown by a magnificent hybrid "Irish Bronze".

Rogersia is a shady garden perennial, so choose a shady spot for planting and preferably protected from drafts. The soil prefers fertile and moisture-permeable, without stagnant moisture.

V natural conditions the culture often grows near water bodies, so it does not like the soil to dry out. Especially attentive to watering should be treated in a dry period - do not skimp on water. top dressing organic fertilizers during the growing season will have a good effect on the development of culture and resistance to diseases.

As they wither, the flowers are cut off, with the exception of the pinnate species, since it is especially decorative during the period of seed ripening. Although if the plant is young, then fruiting can weaken it. By winter, it is better to completely cut off the entire green part of the perennial. The culture tolerates frosts quite stubbornly, but it can suffer from frosts in early spring, therefore, to protect the growth buds, it is advisable to cover the plant with foliage or.


Rogersia is usually propagated by dividing adult bushes or thick rhizomes. In the first case, the procedure is started in the spring, so that before the onset of winter, young plantations can gain strength. The delenka bush is planted in the soil to a depth of about 5 cm.

Rhizomes for propagation are prepared in the fall. They are placed in containers and left indoors for rooting until spring, periodically watering the ground. In late May or early summer, they are planted in an open area. Since the plant is large in size, when planting Rogersia, leave enough space around free space necessary for its development.

You can propagate Rogersia and seeds, but this is a very troublesome task. They quickly lose their germination capacity, so fresh ones are best. In autumn, they are sown in boxes and leave them outside until spring. Then they are brought into the room and provide regular watering. The sprouts should appear quickly, they dive, and then the mature bushes are moved to the open ground when the threat of frost has passed.

Rogers in landscape design

The July flowering of this powerful perennial is quite spectacular, and thanks to the large and textured foliage, it will be an excellent decoration for any landscape design.

As already mentioned, in general unpretentious plant can get sick under the influence of drafts, so it is better to plant it near the walls of houses, fences, in the shade of sprawling trees. Such placement will decorate your garden and allow the perennial to feel comfortable. If there is an artificial reservoir on the site, then you can create a magnificent composition by planting a culture near the water. The soil will be moistened and plantings will not suffer even in places open to the sun.

The oriental beauty looks beautiful as a tapeworm and in group plantings. When choosing neighbors for her, pay attention to shade-tolerant

Rogersia is a perennial ornamental deciduous shrub of the saxifrage family. An evergreen plant forms a powerful shrub thanks to relief long-leaved leaves. root system plants is a modified stem, which is located horizontally underground, which facilitates the procedure for propagation and planting. In the article we will tell you how the planting and care of Rogersia takes place in the open field, we will give advice to gardeners.

Rogersia in vivo blooms with creamy white flowers. At garden varieties flowers are yellow, pink, cream and white. The shrub reaches a height of up to 1.5 meters.

Rogersia grows well in climatic conditions middle lane Russia.

Optimal conditions for growing Rogersia in the garden

Rogersia successfully takes root on shaded garden plots, which allows gardeners to turn the shaded area into beautiful flower garden. Rogersia has the ability to accumulate light, so the bush is enough sunlight, penetrating throughout the daylight hours through the foliage of other plantations.

Rogersia needs about 3 hours of rarefied sunlight in the middle of the day.

The root system of Rogersia is characterized by the fact that it grows quite quickly and forms root stems with buds, from which daughter plants are formed. It is for this reason that Rogersia is best planted in a large, spacious area. Rogersia is not recommended to be planted next to plants with a weak root system, since the rhizome of the shrub, as it grows, can “strangle” such plants.

Rogersia should not be planted in low-lying areas and areas with close occurrence ground water. Rogersia, although a moisture-loving plant, does not tolerate soils with any amount of water accumulation.

The soil for planting Rogersia should be loose, fertile, well-drained.

Tip #1 Rogersia is a shade-loving and moisture-loving plant, therefore it does not grow well in dry shade conditions. A dry shade will not be terrible for a shrub if the soil is generously covered with mulch in early spring. Such soil will always be warm and saturated with the optimal amount of moisture.

Preparing the soil for planting Rogersia

As a mineral supplement, you should choose complex fertilizers, which should include not only nitrogen-potassium-phosphorus substances, but also trace elements:

  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • sulfur;

Mineral fertilizers are applied to the soil throughout the growing season. In the table, we consider universal mineral fertilizers containing trace elements, as well as their application rate for decorative leafy plants.

Mineral fertilizers for shrubs

Step-by-step instructions for growing Rogersia seeds

Rogers are rarely propagated by seeds. This method does not always allow genetic material mother plant. There are problems with seed germination. Seedlings are characterized by long growth and development. Seeds are sown in planting containers in autumn - at the end of September - at the beginning of October. Consider step by step instructions Growing Rogersia from Seeds:

  1. Seeds for sowing are selected whole without defects. Selected seeds are soaked for 5-10 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Before sowing, the seeds are mixed with clean sand.
  2. Planting containers are disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate. Form 5-6 holes at the bottom of the container.
  3. The soil mixture for sowing should be fertile, loose and light. Such a soil substrate will provide good access to oxygen, as well as ensure uniform wetting of the entire volume of the substrate into the planting containers. The composition of the soil mixture should include components such as turf, sand, peat and wood ash. Sod land, sand and peat in a ratio of 1:1:1. Wood ash is applied to the soil at the rate of 10 g of ash per 1 kg of soil mixture.
  4. The planting container is filled with the finished substrate and moderately watered with warm water. Seeds are mixed with sand and sown in planting containers. Sowing is covered with a film. Expose planting containers with sowing on the site for freezing.
  5. In early spring, the containers are moved to the windowsill. Since the seeds germinate poorly and very slowly, seedlings will appear no earlier than 30-35 days.
  6. Seedlings dive into smaller containers. As soon as the seedlings get stronger, they are transplanted to a garden bed in open ground.

Tip #2 For those who practice seed propagation of Rogersia, it is not recommended to plant several varieties in one area. Such planting can lead to over-pollination of plants. Seeds obtained from cross-pollinated plants may contain genetic traits that were acquired during cross-pollination from another related variety.

Reproduction of Rogersia by segments of rhizomes

The optimal breeding season for Rogersia is spring and autumn. Rhizome segments are formed in autumn. They dig up the horizontal root of the mother plant and divide it into segments 8-10 cm long. The segments are planted in planting containers with a fertile soil substrate. The composition of the substrate should include the following components:

  • Fertile, and loose garden soil;
  • Sand;
  • Peat.

The above components are mixed in equal amounts. Pre-treated segments of the rhizome are planted in the finished soil mixture in a growth stimulator. The landing capacity is moved for the winter period to a cold room until spring. In the spring, the containers are moved to a warmer place. As soon as seedlings appear, they are transplanted into peat pots. In late May or early June, they are planted in a permanent place in open ground.

The use of Rogersia in landscape design

Rogersia, thanks to the decorativeness of the leaves, goes well with many ornamental and flowering plants. Rogersia is used in landscape design to create picturesque compositions.

An exotic plant is planted in a flower bed, in mixborders and along rocky paths. Rogersia looks good at the foot of artificial reservoirs and a pond. The shrub looks interesting in rockeries. It is not recommended to use Rogersia in alpine slides due to the height of this plant.

Rogersia looks beautiful among variegated flowering plants. The picture shows a diagram flower arrangement in which Rogersia will look most harmonious.

Experienced flower growers say that Rogersia does not coexist well with all plants. Only those plants with which Rogersia can create a single horizontal surface are suitable as companions. In the table, consider the types of plants with which Rogersia looks organic:

The best varieties of Rogersia

In nature, there are approximately 8-9 species of Rogersia; cultivated - 3 species. Consider the types and varieties of Rogersia that are suitable for planting in a garden plot:

Rogersia horse chestnut leaf this species the plant reaches a height of up to 1 m. During the flowering period, the height of the plant is 1.5 m. Main characteristics. Leaves pubescent red. The leaves are large, dissected into 6-7 leaflets. The flowers are fragrant, collected in paniculate inflorescences, the length of the inflorescence is up to 40 cm. The most common variety of this type of Rogersia is Irish Bronze.

Rogersia Pinnate - reaches a height of up to 60 cm, with full flowering, the height of the plant is 1.2 m. The leaves are divided, large, up to 40 cm in diameter. It blooms with white-pink fragrant flowers. Common varieties of this type of Rogersia:

  • Bronze Peacock;
  • Hercules;
  • Superba;
  • Chocolate Wings;
  • Firevox.

Rogersia podophyllum - reaches a height of more than 80 cm, with full flowering, the height of the plant is 1.3 m. The leaves are palmate, large, up to 50 cm in diameter. It blooms with white-cream fragrant flowers. Common varieties of this type of Rogersia:

  • Brownlaub;
  • Rothlaub;
  • Emerald.

All types and varieties of Rogersia begin to bloom in June. Flowering time is approximately 30-35 days. In the table, consider characteristics leaves and flowers of all the above varieties:

Varieties of Rogersia Characteristic features of the leaves Characteristic features of flowers
Irish Bronze In spring, the color of the leaves is bright bronze; summer green-bronze Beige or pale pink paniculate inflorescences
Bronze Peacock Purplish-pink in spring; summer green-bronze Cream or pale yellow elongated paniculate inflorescences
Hercules In spring, deep green with a slight bronze tint; glossy green in summer Light pink wide inflorescences of medium length
Superba Reddish-bronze in spring; summer green-brown with red edging Pink wide inflorescences
Chocolate Wings Spring chocolate shade; chocolate green in summer Pink wide inflorescences
Firevox All year round bright green with purple border Red-pink wide inflorescences
Brownlaub Bronze in spring; green-brown with a bronze tint in summer

Creamy elongated paniculate inflorescences

Rothlaub Greenish-red in spring; rich green in summer with a red border
Emerald Bright green all year round

Rogers are able to withstand frosts down to -25 ° C and do not need shelter

Rogersia outdoor care plan

  • Spring. The old mulch is removed, the soil is loosened, fed and covered with a new layer of mulch. In the spring, the plant is fed with organic fertilizers. After top dressing, the plant is covered with non-woven material to protect against matinees and return frosts. During the active growth of the ground part, the plant is abundantly watered.
  • Summer. The plant is fed with universal mineral fertilizers for decorative leafy plants. Conduct a visual inspection, if open roots are found, sprinkle with soil. Water abundantly, but not often. As soon as the plant has faded, cut off the flower stalks and remove the dry leaves.
  • Autumn. Remove leaves and cut off all shoots. Re-mulch with dry leaves or humus. Read also the article: → "".

Serious mistakes gardeners make when growing Rogersia outdoors

  1. Rogersia is grown in low-lying areas and areas with a close occurrence of groundwater.
  2. Rogersia is planted in the sunniest areas.
  3. For the winter, the plant is left with leaves and shoots.

Frequently Asked Questions about Growing Rogersia

Question number 1. How many days does Rogersia bloom?

Rogers bloom for about 1 to 1.5 months, after which active leaf growth begins.

Question number 2. How to protect Rogersia from frost and snowless winter?

For the leaves and rudiments of Rogersia inflorescences, the main enemy is return frosts. To protect the shrub from early spring and return frosts, cover with non-woven material. The plant will survive a snowless winter well if, in the fall, after cutting the leaves, the plant is sprinkled with compost or fallen leaves. fruit trees. A small layer of compost or foliage will protect the buds of plant renewal from frost.

Question number 3. How many days does it take from sowing to flowering Rogersia ??

Seedlings begin to bloom for 3-4 years.

Question number 4. How many years can Rogersia grow in one place?

Rogersia has been growing in one place for over 8 years. With proper care of the plant - more than 10 years.

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