Bush hibiscus. Growing and wintering garden tree hibiscus

landscaping 14.06.2019

According to what names were given to hibiscus in different countries, you can judge the attitude of people to the flower:

  • "Princess Earrings" in Brazil;
  • "Sudan Rose" in Egypt and Sudan (and also "Chinese Rose" and "Syrian Rose");
  • "The Flower of Beautiful Women" in Hawaii (where it is a national treasure);
  • "Swamp mallow"- not very harmonious, but in moist forests America, hibiscus grows in thickets - it is clear why it is called that.


This is an evergreen plant. belongs to the Malvaceae family. There are many types of hibiscus. According to various estimates - from 150 to 230.

Among them there are ornamental trees, shrubs, shrubs and herbaceous hibiscus. Originally from China.

It is found wherever it is warm - in Africa, Asian countries and America.

The flowers are very large. Three petals in a cup. Golden stamens, fused into a tube, protrude beyond the flower.

The flowering period is from early summer to early autumn.

garden, in different parts the world are called different types. In Russia, the Syrian tree-like and herbaceous hybrid hibiscus is conventionally considered garden.

In the Krasnodar Territory, it is possible to grow variable Hibiscus in the ground.

Where and with whom to plant

Take the choice of a place for planting Hibiscus with all seriousness, because with good care, a flower can live in one place for many decades!

There are many options for how to beat Hibiscus in a flower garden! Get creative, here are a few ideas:

As a hedge, hibiscus is really perfect. In height, it can be from 1.5 to 3 meters. Gives dense dense greens. In addition, it is great for cutting and giving it various shapes.

No matter how you decide to plant a hibiscus, the main thing that a flower needs is a lot of light and little wind!


There are three ways to grow hibiscus:

  • cuttings;
  • seeds;
  • layering.

We will consider the first two, as they are simpler and more commonly used.

Cutting method

It is necessary to prepare a stalk in the summer. Best fit top part the youngest growth.

Method 1. The stalk is placed in water, and when it winters, it is transplanted into the ground.

Method 2. Cutting sections are treated with a growth stimulator and placed in a mixture of peat and sand.

After about a month, when there are roots, it is planted in a pot. Planting mix - humus, leaf ground and sand. In the spring - in the ground.


Sowing time is from January to March. Seeds are soaked for 12 hours. After that, plant in a pot with peat and sand.

Cover with glass, but regularly open for ventilation and spray with warm water.

The temperature in the room should be above 26 ° C. When planting hibiscus seeds, it needs 3 to 4 years to “grow up” and begin to bloom.

Don't try to grow from seed. terry varieties hibiscus. For them, cuttings are still better.


Hibiscus prefers fertile, loose soil (the same as for roses). Landing only when the soil warmed up well, and the frosts are already behind.


  1. Dig a hole twice as big as the root ball.
  2. We bring compost.
  3. Carefully place the seedling in the hole so that the root ball does not fail and does not rise above ground level.
  4. We fill the voids in the hole with earth and compost. We compact the earth.
  5. Form a watering circle.
  6. Rinse generously with warm water. If the earth has settled, add more.

If you live in an area with a cool climate, choose only strong seedlings with well-developed roots for planting! Then they will have time to get stronger before wintering.

Hibiscus Care


Watering requires regular, not too plentiful. But in the heat, when the temperature approaches tropical, make sure that the ground under the bush does not dry out.

Increase watering even during flowering. But don't flood.

top dressing

The first, with nitrogen, is done in the spring. In the summer, if you want to achieve lush flowering, add phosphorus, potassium and trace elements.

Small portions about once every three weeks.


Don't be afraid to prune your hibiscus. This is only to his advantage - and it will be more magnificent, and you can give a decorative shape.

The procedure is done at the end of winter, or in early spring. Before the start of shoot growth.

Hibiscus looks very interesting, which was formed in the form of a standard tree. It's simple - from the very beginning of development, side shoots are removed until the flower grows to the desired height.

Wintering hibiscus

Fertilize with potash in the fall. If you live in warm areas, it is enough to mulch the soil, and cover it with snow in winter. Just in case, the bush can be tied with spruce branches.

But, if temperatures in winter fall below 30-34 degrees - this is detrimental to hibiscus!

In this case, the heat-loving creature is taken into the house for the winter. You can put the plant in the basement, or you can in big pot lodging at your place.

What causes hibiscus

Chlorosis. Opali lower leaves- it means that the water for irrigation is supersaturated with chlorine and calcium.

Spider mite. It affects the flower in dry hot weather. In the evenings, spray the hibiscus with warm water to prevent this from happening.

If the flower is already infected, Aktara and Fitoverm are used.

Aphid. Methods of dealing with aphids, as well as on other plants. For example, tobacco or ash.
If the conditions of detention are violated:

  • did not open, or all the buds wilted at the same time - little moisture and nutrition;
  • there are no flowers, and the foliage is lush - they overdid it with nitrogen, either there was little light, or it was too hot in winter;
  • there are dirty pink spots on the leaves - there is little light, but there is a lot of nutrition.

Useful, not just beautiful

Hibiscus has found application in medicine, cosmetology, it is eaten and drinks are made from it.

famous tea "Karkade" made from Sudanese rose. On sale you can find: "Mallow tea", "Hibiscus tea", "Sudanese rose".

Hibiscus contains pectin, flavonoids, phytosterols, anthocyanins and hibiscus acid.

If you are the owner of your own hibiscus, you can make your own healing drink.

Take 2 tablespoons of chopped hibiscus flowers, pour boiling water (400 ml.) Let it brew and strain.

This red infusion:

  • choleretic;
  • diuretic;
  • has a bactericidal effect;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • mild laxative;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • regulates blood pressure (hot - increases, cold - lowers);
  • good for the liver;
  • antipyretic.

Moreover, crushed flowers are used externally for the treatment of:

  • boils;
  • warts.

Contraindicated hibiscus treatment: pregnant women and young children.

From hibiscus flowers make black hair dye and purple - for industrial purposes.

In general, hibiscus is unpretentious. Apply all these simple recommendations, and he will answer you with rich colors of flowers and lush greenery. Plant a hibiscus in your home - and enjoy the exotic, which is always there!

Garden hibiscus in its homeland, the Hawaiian Islands, is considered flower of love. Indeed, it is dazzlingly bright and attractive. His presence in the garden can create a festive mood. Despite the fact that the garden hibiscus looks exotic, it is not difficult to care for it.

A bright pink terry variety justifies the popular name of hibiscus - the flower of love.

Varietal variety of garden hibiscus

Garden (sometimes also called Syrian) hibiscus belongs to the Malvaceae. AT vivo there are up to 200 different species of this plant - they differ in size and shape, as well as the size and color of the flower (the flowers of some varieties can correspond to the size of a volleyball).

Tree-like varieties often decorate the streets in southern countries.

According to the shape of plants, they are distinguished:

  • shrubs;
  • shrubs;
  • decorative trees;
  • herbaceous species.

Low grassy species look bright in borders and flower beds.

It is worth noting the most attractive in modern garden culture varieties:

  • Woodbridge with ruby-red single flowers, preferring open space;
  • gorgeous terry Ardens;
  • upright bush Oiseau Bleu with blue-violet flowers up to 14 cm in diameter;
  • Lady Stanley, flowers resembling a carnation;
  • vertically growing Totus Albus with simple white flowers;
  • created to solo in the composition of a compact bush Hamabo blooming pink.

Ruby flowers of the Woodbridge variety.

Depends on the type chosen placement of plants in the composition. So, undersized shrubs look great in mixed borders. Syrian hibiscus also looks harmoniously with ground cover roses and contrasts with decorative deciduous shrubs. But the tree variety can be perfectly beaten using several plants with different colors in standard solitary planting.

The bushy Totus Albus adorns itself with simple white flowers.

How to care for a plant

Planting a garden hibiscus carried out in the spring. Make sure that the plant you plant in the garden is well protected from the winds.

Oiseau Bleu flowers can be up to 14 cm in diameter.

Please note that shrub heat-loving and demanding of light. If you place it in a shaded area, then it will grow more slowly and bloom not too abundantly. Here are some recommendations from the reviews of experienced flower growers. Follow them and caring for garden hibiscus will be quite simple:

  1. If your site is located in a region with a cool climate, then choose non-terry varieties - they are more hardy.
  2. For hibiscus to bloom profusely, every two years it will need light pruning.
  3. Complement planting with hibiscus with lavender bushes - this will help protect the plant from aphids.
  4. Required for a plant fertile soil with good water permeability.
  5. Over watering the plant does not need - moisten the soil only after it dries.
  6. Lush bloom you will be provided if you do not forget about regular phosphorus supplements.
  7. Potash fertilizers will also be required - thanks to this wintering plants will become easier.

Variety Ardens refers to terry.

By the way, this garden shrub suitable for cultivation and as a pot plant. This way of growing is somewhat more complicated. So, the plant needs to choose an ideal place in every sense - otherwise, when transferring or turning a flowering plant, there is a high risk of breaking weak flower stalks. Choose a sunny and warm place, protected from the winds. Hibiscus in a tub will need to be cut regularly (in early spring or in autumn) - this will help maintain its decorative shape.

Garden hibiscus feels great in a tub. A little imagination and ... the tricolor looks even more impressive!

Potted hibiscus should be sprayed regularly, because it tropical plant. Every two weeks, feed it with fertilizers of the phosphorus group. You also need to water the plant regularly to keep the soil moist. For the winter, the tub should be moved to a room with a temperature of about 13ºC and a sufficient amount of light. Watering for this period is not stopped, but its frequency is reduced.

Pale pink compact Hamabo.

Transplanting garden hibiscus may not be necessary at all- in conditions of constant feeding and watering, in a well-lit place, the plant can live for more than 20 years. If you decide to transplant the plant, then do it in early spring. After transplantation, the hibiscus is pruned and the next year they are excellent. flowering plant.

Hibiscus Pruning Rules

Flower buds in garden hibiscus are formed only on the shoots of the current year. Therefore, regular pruning guarantees you many flowers. Cut the plant before the start of active growth - at the end of winter.

They can become a real decoration of your site. You probably do not suspect how many amazingly beautiful and unusual varieties the breeders managed to bring out.

At summer cottages and household plots you can often see phloxes. O proper cultivation see these colors.

By the way, pruning can also be used to ensure ornamental shrub. In southern countries, where hibiscus is ubiquitous, balls, pyramids and even cubes strewn with flowers are made from it.

Ardens purple is shaped like an ornamental tree.

The plant tolerates pruning very well. You can form a bush or a tree of the size you need - such compactness will allow the hibiscus to fit into the design not only suburban area but also terraces and even balconies.

How to Winterize Your Garden Hibiscus

Most non-double varieties of garden hibiscus are frost-resistant. This means that in the southern regions no special preparation for winter is required, but in the northern regions the plant hibernates only with shelter.

in ornamental gardening and landscape design used frequently . This is understandable: its magnificent huge inflorescences will leave few indifferent.

The most common lilac, it turns out, has many varieties. With a skillful approach, you can land a whole one on your site!

And from the barberry of Thunberg you can arrange a picturesque purple border. It's all about growing and propagating barberry.

Herbaceous and tree hibiscus they are prepared for wintering in the same way - they need to be cut off, watered abundantly (before frost). A few days after watering, the plants are spudded, and for this they use ordinary land with the addition of sand.

Ready for winter! Shelter option for plants.

In the second half of November, they also hold warming. To do this, the prepared plant is covered with sawdust or dry foliage - so that the height of the mound is about 15 cm. Young bushes need to be covered especially carefully, for which there are several ways:

  • the whole bush is bent to the ground and covered with a special cloth (spunbond, lutrasil), and then also with plastic wrap;
  • a strong frame is created around the bush, wrapped with covering material in several layers, and for better shelter they even use spruce branches.

By the way, after winter frosts cluster Syrian hibiscus goes out of dormancy for a long time - keep this in mind so as not to uproot a viable plant.

Reproduction methods

Garden hibiscus reproduces in several ways:

Chopped cuttings root quite quickly in water.

  1. Cuttings. Cut cuttings are placed in water, and then planted in the ground as soon as roots appear on it. You can first plant a seedling in a pot and place it in the garden for the summer, and take it to a warm place for the winter. Cuttings are carried out in the spring, before flowering begins - you can also use the parts left after pruning.
  2. Reproduction of garden hibiscus can also be done with seeds. They are sown from January to March. Before planting, the seeds are soaked in Epin's solution, and then placed in a soil mixture of peat and sand. The bowl with seeds is covered with glass. It is important to keep warm - up to 27ºC, which will contribute to good seed germination. The bowl should be periodically ventilated. As soon as the seedlings have a few leaves, they can be dived into separate small pots.

Seeds sprouted, soon you can dive into pots.

Keep in mind that if a shrub is grown from seeds, then flowers will appear on it only after 3-4 years.

What difficulties can you expect?

So, if on hibiscus buds are tied, but soon fall off, then the reason for this is insufficient watering or lack of nutrients.

If there is an excess of iron in the water for irrigation, then the lower leaves of the plant will fall off, and the upper ones turn yellow.

Lady Stanley's flowers resemble carnation flowers.

Lush foliage combined with complete absence of leaves indicates that the plant received excess nitrogen fertilization.

The lack of moisture indicates wilted drooping leaves, and too cold soil will cause the roots to dry out.

Incredibly beautiful terry variety Danica.

Garden hibiscus is a great plant for single and group plantings. It does not require complex maintenance, and thanks to varietal diversity will decorate your site for years to come.


An amateur gardener talks about herbaceous hibiscus (flower diameter - 27 cm!), its flowering and care.

Tropical plants have gained unusually wide popularity in areas with temperate climatic conditions. Growing hibiscus, for example, is a process no different particular difficulties. It is enough to remember the basic techniques regarding the care of a shrub flower, and to know about the main features of the species itself. What is a garden hibiscus plant, how to grow it on own site how to propagate hibiscus? Read about it below.

perennial shrub hibiscus is primarily distinguished by the presence of large flowers, the diameter of which can be about 12 cm. The buds have a variety of shades, but among the most common are white, red and purple. Interestingly, the street shrub begins 3-4 years after planting it in the ground, since this garden decoration grows rather slowly.

There is one more nuance regarding the peculiarities of hibiscus flowering: its buds bloom literally one day. During this period of time, he manages to open up, and in the evening falls off. The next day, a fresh bud takes its place. If the cultivation and care of the shrub is ensured correctly so that it blooms already in early June, then the flowering phase will come to an end no earlier than September.

As a rule, flower growers prefer bush hibiscus if they want to decorate their site with a lush flowering plant. And all because this plant reaches a height of about 3 m, and a width of 1.5 m. To achieve such parameters, it is necessary to master the basic points for caring for a flower, to study the pruning technology. Implementing it correctly, you can make your garden bush much more branched and lush, as well as stimulate its growth.

Species and varieties

Breeding hibiscus is not too burdensome. With proper care, the shrub will decorate even a shady area in the garden. However, you need to choose based on the climatic features in your area. If it's about temperate climate(for example, in Belarus), it is best to give preference to the following types of trees:

  • trifoliate;
  • Syrian;
  • marsh;
  • herbaceous;
  • garden.

Interestingly, beginners can confuse the shrub with another variety - garden. That is why the first instance is often called a tree. Its flowers are simple or double. Initially, their shade was either white or purple, but now varieties tree hibiscus much more, and the palette of shades replenished with pink, red and blue.

What is good about swamp hibiscus is its frost resistance. In open ground, it can be planted safely, because it tolerates temperatures down to -30 ° C. Among the types of hibiscus, there is also a herbaceous plant. Its flowers are quite large, and the bush reaches a height of about 3 m. This category includes many hybrid hibiscus (at least 1 thousand varieties were bred by breeders). As for the trifoliate species, it is classified as a medicinal annual plant. Its flowers are light yellow, and they open only in the morning for several hours.

Optimal environment for this plant– a well-lit and wind-sheltered area with easy fertile soil that lets moisture through. The characteristics of the soil should be similar to the substrate in which you usually plant roses. garden plant recommended to plant in the spring. Wait for the end of the night frosts and then boldly plant the hibiscus. In this case, by the onset of autumn, the shrub will get stronger and will be completely ready for the upcoming wintering.

In order for landing and care to be carried out correctly, try to follow all the recommendations of specialists. For example, if you decide to plant a tree plant on the site, the hole dug for the seedling should be twice as large as the rhizome of the flower.

Make sure you have drainage. To do this, you can take a broken brick. Then add a small layer of sand, compost and sand again (each layer should be about 10-15 cm thick). The very same land is recommended to be mixed with peat and sand. In this composition, you will plant hibiscus. At the end of the planting, be sure to spud the plant: it will need to be watered often and abundantly, and this procedure will allow the water to go directly under the root of the flower.

It is not difficult to plant a garden hibiscus and ensure cultivation according to the basic recommendations. And in return you get a beautiful flowering plant that will certainly decorate any corner.

Cultivation and care

AT summer period When the temperature is quite high and the soil dries out too quickly, you can water the hibiscus daily. Spraying is a good option for a garden specimen. Its leaves must be cleaned of dust. Thus, the flower will be saturated with sufficient moisture, and you will prevent the invasion of the spider mite.


Exercise for garden hibiscus complete care and reproduction is possible without much difficulty. It is also very important to be able to carry out competent pruning of hibiscus. Since flower buds appear only on young shoots, shaping pruning is recommended annually. It is advisable to start pruning as early as February, when the sap flow process has not yet begun.

When the shrub grows well, do not forget to take up rejuvenating pruning at least once every three years - remove old and dry branches., You can replant the bush. It is advisable to start this procedure in early spring, when the flower is still dormant. The technology of transplantation is no different from the process of planting young seedlings.


Propagation of garden hibiscus is carried out both by cuttings and seeds. Knowing how to reproduce herbaceous shrub, you can grow several of these specimens on the site. It is best to propagate hibiscus by cuttings - using this method, you will quickly get a rooted plant. Seedlings obtained after cuttings are rooted in the ground or in water. In general, hibiscus reproduces without the use of complex agricultural techniques.

Disease and pest control

To preserve a herbaceous plant for many years, you need to know how to feed it in spring and winter, as well as how to prevent pest invasion. Most often, hibiscus is threatened spider mite. You can get rid of it by processing the flower special preparations, most importantly, notice the first signs in time (yellow dots on the leaves and cobwebs).

As for common ailments, these primarily include chlorosis. It manifests itself due to a lack of fertilizers, especially iron. That is why do not neglect top dressing herbaceous plant. Shrubs should also be fed in order to avoid the occurrence of fungal diseases. Let the flowering of the grown hibiscus be bright and long-lasting.

Video "Garden Hibiscus Care"

From this video you will learn how to properly care for garden hibiscus.

working landscape designer, I always advise my clients on plants that combine visual appeal with unpretentious care. One of my favorite plants is garden hibiscus, which is what I use more often than others when decorating plots.

The plant is able to transform any landscape, looks extremely impressive. In the article I will talk about this plant, share my experience on how to plant and grow garden hibiscus.

Garden hibiscus is a real decoration of the backyard landscape. In addition to the exceptional external decorativeness, the plant can also boast of flowers suitable for brewing delicious tea. It is hibiscus flowers that are used as the basis for the famous Hibiscus.

In addition, the plant is also quite unpretentious: its care and reproduction does not cause difficulties.

In the homeland of the plant - the Hawaiian Islands - it is also called the "flower of love". Hawaiian women adorn their hairstyles with amazingly spectacular flowers.

It can be different in height: tree-like varieties are the tallest. The flowers of the plant deserve a separate description. They have the shape of a pronounced funnel, formed from five or more (terry varieties) petals.

Funnel parameters can be from 6 to 15 cm, there are also varieties in which flowers in a loose state reach the diameter of a soccer ball.

The color is different: pink, white, blue, lilac, red shades are more common. There are also two-tone, striped, bordered varieties - they are the most decorative.

Garden hibiscus is able to withstand frosts down to -20 degrees without shelter. Of course, in most Russian regions, the plant will need to be covered for the winter. The shrub blooms for a long time - from late June to October. Could be like annual plant, and perennial, its evergreen and deciduous varieties are also known.

The plants are malvaceae. In nature, there are about 250 varieties of this flower. The following varieties are cultivated in the garden:

  • hibiscus tree;
  • grassy;
  • semi-shrub;
  • shrubby.

landscape use

Different types and varieties of garden hibiscus are used in the design of the backyard landscape in different ways. If the variety is undersized, it is ideal for borders, including mixed ones.

Herbaceous hibiscus looks spectacular in combination with roses and other beautiful ornamental shrubs.

The tree-like variety is perfectly combined with both massive coniferous trees and shrubs, and with undersized flowers. Hibiscus: photo in the garden.

Since the garden hibiscus loves water, a site on the shore of a reservoir or pond will suit him perfectly. Growing hibiscus outdoors is easy, and miniature varieties of the plant are also suitable for pot cultivation.


Science knows many species and varieties of this beautiful plant, however, under conditions open ground only a few of them are usually grown in Russia:

  • Syrian;
  • trifoliate;
  • hybrid.


This is the most suitable hibiscus for our climate, as it is quite frost-resistant. His homeland is not Syria, as you might think, but China.

Under natural conditions, Syrian hibiscus reaches 5 meters, but with cultural cultivation- only 3 meters. It is usually cultivated as a small tree. The plant is decorated with elongated dissected leaves and large flowers, reaching a diameter of 6-12 cm.


Has African origin. Reaches 80 cm in height, has a tap root system and straight elongated branches. The name comes from the type of foliage - the leaves are divided into three parts.

The flowers are small, reaching a diameter of only 4 cm. However, due to their number and external showiness, the shrub looks very picturesque. The color of the petals is yellowish, the core is red. Flowers bloom only in the morning.


It was bred artificially by crossing marsh hibiscus, red and holly. Differs in long years of life and very beautiful, bright and large flowers.

Condition Requirements

We will find out under what conditions the street hibiscus will best show its decorative qualities.


It is necessary to plant a plant in a sunny area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garden.

In this case, the place should be protected from drafts and gusts of wind.

The soil

Hibiscus does not impose special requirements on the composition of the soil, which greatly simplifies the task of the gardener. It is better to grow and develop a shrub in loamy soil; it is undesirable to plant it on a site with calcareous soil.

It is important that the bed has good permeability, is loose and drainable: the plant does not like stagnant moisture. And the most spectacular flowering can be achieved by planting hibiscus in the soil in a neutral or slightly acid reaction. It is also important that the soil is sufficiently nutritious, saturated with organic matter.


Garden hibiscus is a tropical flower, therefore it is not indifferent to heat. When the winter shelter is removed in the spring, it is necessary to build a film greenhouse over the shrub to protect it from recurrent frosts. With the onset of sustainable heat, the need for a greenhouse disappears.

View on the topic:


Hibiscus can be propagated in the garden in two ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings.


This method is the longest, but if it is not possible to propagate hibiscus vegetatively, there is no other way out. Seeds must be stratified before planting to harden the plants.

Seeds are placed in the ground, sprayed with water and cleaned in this form in the refrigerator for stratification. The procedure lasts a month, after which the seeds are planted already in the substrate for germination. The substrate should consist of peat and sand.

The container is covered with a film and placed in heat (+ 25-27 degrees). You need to regularly lift the film for ventilation, as well as spray the soil with a spray bottle.

After germination, wait for the seedlings to form a few true leaves and dive the seedlings into separate pots.

Keep in mind that hibiscus will bloom in this case only in the third year.


For this method, it is best to choose spring. The stalk is cut from young shoots 5 cm below the bud node. After cutting, the lower leaves are removed from the cutting and the cut is treated with a root stimulator.

Rooting occurs in the ground: you need to deepen the cutting to the node. From above, the seedling is covered with polyethylene and so kept for about a month. During specified period the stalk takes root, after which it can be transplanted to the garden. In this case, hibiscus will begin to bloom next year.

Planting in the garden

You can plant both hibiscus seedlings grown from seeds and cuttings with roots on the garden bed. The following is a step by step process.

  1. Prepare holes for plants at a distance of a meter and a half from each other. The size of the hole should be twice the volume of the roots of the plant.
  2. Place a drainage layer of broken bricks at the bottom of the recesses.
  3. Pour sand on top, then compost, sand again.
  4. Remove the seedling from the container so as not to damage its vulnerable roots.
  5. Place the seedling in a hole, cover the roots with soil (earth + peat + sand). The root neck should be slightly below ground level.
  6. Spud the seedling, forming a watering recess around the trunk.
  7. Water the plant.

How to care

With proper care, the plant can live safely for 15 years, while annually delighting with its flowering. Let's get acquainted with the basic requirements for the care of garden hibiscus.


The plant requires regular and fairly abundant moisture. However, it is important to prevent soil flooding and stagnation in it. Make sure that the soil in the hibiscus bed is constantly moist, but without puddles.

If there is a drought, water the plant daily, and on cool days the procedure can be omitted. After watering, it is recommended to loosen the soil to ensure good soil permeability.


This procedure is needed mainly by young hibiscus. Usually the plant is transplanted in early spring, trying to be in time before the start of sap flow.

When it comes to herbaceous hibiscus, it should be transplanted especially carefully. The fact is that its roots cannot be damaged - such negligence can very quickly lead to the death of the plant. Therefore, dig out the bush very carefully, trying not to touch its rhizomes, it is better to retreat to a decent distance.

How it hibernates

Since winters in our country are usually harsh, garden hibiscus needs to survive the cold under cover. The plant will not withstand frosts below -20 degrees.

Before cold weather, mulch the root circle with peat, trim and then cover the bush with burlap or agrofiber. In this form, the plant will be able to safely survive the winter.

top dressing

Fertilizers for garden hibiscus should be without fail contain phosphorus. And before sheltering for the winter, feed the plant with potassium - fertilizer will help to survive frosts more easily.

We met with such a magnificent plant as garden hibiscus. This unique shrub boasts a rare decorative effect combined with unpretentiousness. It will decorate any site, perfectly combined with most garden plants.

Now you know how to plant it and how to care for it - following the tips from the article, you can avoid many problems when growing hibiscus.

One of the most popular ornamental plants in indoor floriculture and gardening are hibiscus. These plants are great for decorating home and office interiors, for creating picturesque compositions in landscape design.

In my opinion, the main advantage of hibiscus is its unpretentiousness. In addition to high decorative qualities, hibiscus flowers have valuable properties that are used in cosmetology and cooking. Hibiscus flower extracts are added to various cosmetic products for hair and skin care. For example, in skin care products, flower extract is used as a sunscreen agent, as it is able to absorb ultraviolet radiation.

Hibiscus drink, which is made from the sepals of hibiscus sabdarif, is very popular all over the world. Hibiscus is a tart, sour drink of dark red, raspberry or purple color, containing vitamins (C, PP, etc.), polysaccharides, flavonoids, antioxidants, anthocyanins, various organic acids (15-30%) (citric, malic, etc.) . Hibiscus can be consumed cold and hot. Sugar, lemon, mint, rose hips, ginger, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg and other spices are added to the drink to taste. Numerous foreign studies have shown that with regular use, the hibiscus drink reduces systolic arterial pressure, reduces cholesterol levels, has a hypotensive and diuretic effect.

In some countries, hibiscus flowers are prepared various dishes, e.g. from the edible bracts of the plant on the islands Pacific Ocean make salads.

On July 28, 1960, the Chinese hibiscus was named the national flower of this country by the government of Malaysia (it is depicted on banknotes and coins). Hibiscus is also

national symbol of Haiti. In India, hibiscus flowers are used to decorate wedding ceremonies. Plants of the genus hibiscus (Hibiscus) belong to the family Malvaceae (Malvaceae).

Propagation of hibiscus

Under natural conditions, hibiscus grow in Asia, America, Africa, Southern Europe, and the Middle East.

Usually hibiscus are found in the form of evergreen (or deciduous) shrubs or small trees, which can reach a height of 2-3 m, as well as in the form of herbaceous plants.

Hibiscus species

Scientists have counted about three hundred species of hibiscus. The most common species in indoor floriculture is Chinese hibiscus (or Chinese rose) (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis). In countries with tropical and subtropical climates, this heat-loving plant is grown outdoors.

In Russia, the following types of hibiscus are grown in indoor floriculture and gardens: hibiscus chinensis(H. rosa-sinensis), hibiscus hybrid(H. hybridus), hibiscus syriac(H. syriacus), hibiscus sabdarifa (sudanese rose or rosella) (H. sabdariffa) and others. Hibiscus sabdarifa can be grown from the seeds that are found in packages of the Hibiscus drink.


Hibiscus have shiny dark green or bright green leaves that can be solid or variegated, with white, cream, pink, red streaks, spots or streaks.

Flowers solitary; simple or terry; funnel-shaped, with stamens fused into an elongated tube; large (up to 15-20 cm in diameter, in garden forms - up to 25 cm); have different forms and coloration. According to various estimates, 400-500 forms and varieties of hibiscus are known. The flowers of these numerous forms, varieties and hybrids have various shades petals - red, white, pink, crimson, orange, yellow, lilac, purple, brown, purple, peach, salmon, etc. You can probably find flowers of almost any color, except for blue and black. They can be monophonic, or they can be decorated with a decorative ornament in the form of a border, spots, strokes, streaks, etc.

Hibiscus is a fairly hardy plant. The main problem that flower growers face when growing hibiscus is the lack of flowers. It should be noted that with good care, hibiscus bloom profusely. For creating favorable conditions hibiscus needs good lighting, regular watering and spraying of leaves, periodic fertilization. The flowering period is from March to November. It happens that hibiscus blooms in winter, during the dormant period.

Illumination and temperature conditions

Hibiscus is a light, heat, moisture-loving plant. Therefore, it is best to place the plants in a place well lit by indirect light. sunbeams. It should be noted that hibiscus is shade-tolerant, but it blooms less often in the shade. Optimum temperature air in the warm season 18 ... 25 ° С.

Our China Rose grows in a large ceramic flower pot near a south-facing window. From direct sunlight, the plant is protected by a tulle curtain. In hibiscus, flower buds are laid at a temperature of 12 ... 17 ° C. Therefore, one of the main factors necessary for the flowering of a plant is to provide it with a special temperature regime during the dormant period. In late autumn, the hibiscus comes to a dormant state, and we move it to a dark corner, away from the radiator. In this place, the plant stands from November to March. When young leaves appear on the branches, we return the hibiscus to its original place (this must be done before the buds appear).

Some flower growers artificially shift the flowering time of hibiscus, "changing" its dormant period: until May, the plant is in dark room, water it rarely. In May, the hibiscus is pruned (and transplanted if necessary), in July it is cut again. As a result, the plant begins to bloom in late autumn, and flowering continues throughout the winter.

Watering mode and air humidity

Hibiscus is a moisture-loving plant, so you need to water it regularly and spray the leaves. In summer, I spray hibiscus twice a day (morning and evening), in spring and autumn - once. Of course, the frequency of spraying should depend on the conditions of the plant.

Watering also depends on the conditions of the hibiscus and the time of year. I usually reduce watering in winter (in December and January - watering is limited). During the period of active vegetation (especially during flowering), I water the plant more often and more abundantly than during the dormant period; with insufficient watering, it will not bloom. Therefore, the soil flower pot should always be loose, moderately moist, waterlogging or overdrying can lead to dropping leaves and buds.

Periodically, dust or dirt should be removed from the leaves. I wipe its leaves with a piece of damp cloth or a soft sponge.

Soil, planting, transplanting

For planting and transplanting hibiscus, I generally prefer to use ready-made ornamental shrub soil (loose, permeable, high in nutrients). I cook much less often. soil mixture on one's own. It should include: turf, leaf, pine soil, humus (in approximately equal proportions), as well as sand and peat. You can add some charcoal.

Soil acidity for hibiscus can range from pH 5.5-7.8. Ideal soil acidity should be close to neutral (pH 6-7). Outside of these ranges, the plant will have a harder time absorbing nutrients.

A flower pot for planting hibiscus must have drainage.

Young plants should be repotted once a year in the spring, and older plants as needed. When our hibiscus was a young plant, I transplanted it annually in the spring into a pot. bigger size. Now that a plant growing in a very large pot has reached an impressive size, it would be difficult to transplant it into another pot, so I periodically replenish new ground replacing the top layer.

Feeding hibiscus with fertilizers

In the spring-summer period (approximately from March to August), I feed hibiscus once every 10-15 days with water-soluble fertilizers for flowers and ornamental shrubs (alternating mineral and organic fertilizers). In the autumn-winter period, I stop fertilizing or reduce it to once a month (depending on the condition of the plant).

The applied fertilizers should contain the following elements: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, iron, copper, manganese, magnesium, etc.

In spring, it is best to use fertilizers with a higher nitrogen content, in summer time it is necessary to switch to fertilizers with a higher content of potassium and phosphorus.

Bush Shaping and Rejuvenating Hibiscus Pruning

In the spring, you can cut last year's growth of hibiscus by 1/3 of the length in order to rejuvenate old bushes and form young branched bushes or a standard tree. Also annual pruning is necessary to stimulate flowering. Cut cuttings can be rooted.

Reproduction of Chinese hibiscus

Hibiscus are propagated by cuttings, air layering, less often by seeds.

Hibiscus can be propagated by cuttings throughout the year, but best time February to April or July to September. cut young apical cuttings about 15 cm long should be planted in small pots filled with a loose substrate - a mixture of peat and sand in equal proportions. You can root cuttings in water.

In order to speed up root formation, seedlings can be covered with a jar or film; regular airing and spraying are required. To get a branchy bush, when the cuttings grow a little, their tops and side shoots need to be pinched.

Cuttings take root within 1-2 months (depending on temperature, humidity and light). With good care, young plants can bloom in 10-12 months. After a year, they need to be transplanted into a larger pot.

hibiscus grafting

Some flower growers in May-June plant several cuttings (usually no more than 4-5 pieces) of various varieties per standard bush (in the crown) of non-double hibiscus. I do not really like this experiment, because, in my opinion, flowers of various shapes and shades do not look very natural on one bush.

Possible problems that gardeners may experience when growing hibiscus are shown in the table.

Table. Possible problems, pests, diseases
Problem The reasons Solution
1. Chlorosis - leaf discoloration (interveinal tissues pale yellow, veins green). Low temperature, high humidity soil; an excess of phosphorus and calcium with a lack of iron. Compliance with the temperature regime; restriction of watering (add ferrous sulfate (ferrous sulfate) or iron chelate to the water).
2. Falling buds, flower buds, drying and dropping leaves. A sharp change in location or conditions of detention; irregular fertilization; low air humidity; insufficient illumination; low temperature; under or over watering. Compliance with temperature and lighting conditions; regular moderate watering, spraying and fertilizing with fertilizers.
3. Absence of flowers (flower buds are not laid). During the dormant period, the temperature is below 12°C or above 17°C; insufficient watering; excess nitrogen fertilizer. Compliance with the temperature regime during the rest period; regular watering.
4. Fungal diseases (soot fungus; root rot). Contribute to damage: high humidity, hypothermia, insufficient illumination. Remove the affected leaves, treat the plant with fungicides (foundazol, oxychom, glyocladin, etc.) in accordance with the instructions. Limited watering during the cold season.
5. Pests: spider mites, aphids, felt, whiteflies, thrips, scale insects (attack weakened plants). Defeat is promoted by: insufficient humidity of air; lack of regular feeding. If pests are found, carry out chemical treatment with actellik or an aqueous solution laundry soap. Repot the plant in new soil. For prevention - frequent spraying water and regular fertilization.

In order to prevent diseases, restore immunity, stimulate root formation and flowering, I periodically spray the plant with a solution of Epin or Zircon.

Hibiscus in the garden

One day I decided to find out from my Sicilian friend the secrets of successfully growing hibiscus in the garden. To my questions about the peculiarities of caring for plants, he replied: “I don’t care for them, they grow on their own.” From this it can be concluded - the main problem, which occurs in Russian flower growers when cultivating hibiscus in gardens, this is a successful wintering of plants.

As a rule, Russian flower growers grow frost-resistant hibiscus in gardens, for example, various forms and varieties of hybrid hibiscus, which was bred by breeder Fyodor Nikolaevich Rusanov by crossing three species: bright red hibiscus, marsh hibiscus, armed hibiscus. But planting cold-resistant hibiscus to protect their roots from frost in winter and from overdrying in summer must be mulched with dry fallen leaves or grass. In addition, plants must be covered for the winter. In the spring, it is necessary to cut off the old branches, and the young shoots that have appeared can be pinched to form lush bushes.

For successful cultivation of hibiscus in the garden, it is best to choose a place well lit by sunlight. Hibiscus hybrid - moisture-loving, but drought tolerant plant. Hibiscus is not very demanding on the soil, the main thing is that it be fertile, loose and well-drained.

Anna Vasilina

Photo by Olga Rubtsova and Alla Protasova

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