Hibiscus shrub garden care. Syrian hibiscus garden cultivation, care and video

The buildings 13.06.2019
The buildings

Tropical guest - hibiscus, fell in love with Russian flower growers and became a frequent inhabitant of household plots, residential and office space. Therefore, for many beginners and experienced gardeners, the topic is relevant: hibiscus shrub planting and care. Let's get acquainted with interesting plant closer.

Hibiscus is an ornamental or indoor shrub of the Malvaceae family. The plant is native to Southeast Asia. The shrub is quite tall (up to 4.5 m), has dark green leaves on petioles and large (16-30 cm in diameter) beautiful flowers different shades. Despite the fact that each bud blooms only during the day, hibiscus bushes are distinguished by long flowering, which begins in spring and lasts until late autumn.

hibiscus seeds

Pollination in vivo produced by insects, after flowering, the pollinated shrub bears fruit. The fruits are capsule-shaped and contain seeds.

Landscape designers and amateur gardeners can choose the most unusual of the variety of varieties and species, more than 200 plant names are widely used in decorative gardening.

The most common type of garden hibiscus is the Syrian hibiscus, planting and caring for which is not even available. experienced gardeners. For the middle band, it is considered more expedient to breed grassy hibiscus (for example, Red King), decorated with large flowers, and more frost-resistant.

The variety of varieties and types of Syrian hibiscus

Hibiscus species are used in landscape design differently:

Hibiscus marsh with big flowers, reaching a diameter of up to 12 cm, is often used to create a hedge. The same function is performed by hibiscus tree, having bright flowers graceful shape (flower diameter - up to 10 cm).

Hibiscus Chinese, blooming all year round, is used not only for decorating plots. The petals of its flowers are used to brew a special tea - “hibiscus tea”.

Sour hibiscus is often also called annual maple. It has not only red flowers, but also the same carved leaves, looks good both in a hedge and in a single planting.

Description of the most popular varieties of Syrian hibiscus

  • Hibiscus Syrian Blue Chiffon - variety, main feature which is the color of the flowers. This variety is often called "chiffon" because of the tenderness of their petals. Blue chiffon attracts attention, because in nature the blue color, clear and clean, almost never occurs with a transition to blue.
  • Hibiscus Syrian Oziau blue. This variety also has blue flowers, but their central color is red.
  • Syrian hibiscus Matilda is remembered as a red spot on the pink flower petals.
  • It is not by chance that the Syrian hibiscus Red Heart is called the “red heart”: the central part of its white flowers is red in color.
  • Hibiscus Syrian Ardens differs not only in the compactness of the bush, but also in flowers. Each double flower has a purple color.
  • Hibiscus Syrian Duc de Brabant is equally good in the form of a shrub, and in the form of a tree, colored purple with red petals.


Professionals give a different answer to the question of novice flower growers, how to propagate hibiscus. For this, cuttings are used, and cultivation from seeds is also often used.

  1. cuttings

Pruning the youngest growth from the tops of the flower in the summer gives cuttings ready for propagation. Having treated them with a growth stimulator, they are first rooted in a greenhouse, and after transplanting into the ground, they develop shoots of growth. To do this, cut the cutting at a distance of 15 cm from the base, leaving the first shoot bud.

  1. Sowing seeds

Propagation by seeds is often used for marsh hibiscus. It is also effective to grow herbaceous hibiscus from seeds. Such reproduction can be carried out in sufficient long terms, at home, sowing begins in January and continues until April. Before sowing the seeds, they are soaked in water for 12 hours, and after that they can be planted in a prepared soil mixture of peat and sand. A container box with planted hibiscus seeds is placed in a warm place with a constant temperature of 25-27 °. Hibiscus is characterized by fast germination. The sown shrub is regularly sprayed after the appearance of sprouts, and at the age of 3 full leaves they are transplanted into a pot.

  1. Graft

Another one is grafting. This horticultural process is done traditionally, using good cutting. To comply with all the rules, novice summer residents are advised to get acquainted with the video representing the training master class of the experienced Sergey Marinkov.


Planting garden hibiscus consists of several stages

  • Location selection

When using open ground, the following rule should be observed: ornamental shrub grows well in a free sunny place, protected from the wind. And varieties of hibiscus marsh mix, in addition to the sun, are also demanding for an increased level of moisture.

  • Planting hole preparation

The size of the hole is determined by the size of the root system of the seedling with a clod of earth. The planting hole should be twice the size of the hibiscus rhizome.

The filling of the landing pit is as follows: 15 cm - drainage, then in layers: sand - compost - sand.

  • Landing

A hibiscus seedling is placed in a hole and sprinkled soil mixture so that the root neck was sprinkled lightly. The composition of the mixture for sprinkling: turf, peat, sand in equal quantities.

After planting, the seedling is spudded, at the same time a groove is made around for irrigation and watered abundantly.


A southeastern resident by origin, hibiscus is quite unpretentious, does not expect a special approach, however, caring for and growing a plant requires certain rules to be followed.

  • Watering

Hibiscus needs abundant watering. In the hottest weather or in dry regions in the summer, the shrub is watered every day. In spring, autumn, in cool weather or when planting in middle lane watering is carried out after the complete drying of the soil around the plant.

  • loosening

A prerequisite full development shrub is regular loosening, which will enrich the soil with air. This has a beneficial effect on the plant, as well as weed grass removed during loosening.

  • Mulching

A layer of mulch (sawdust, dry peat, tree bark) keeps the soil moist and at the same time gets rid of weeds.

  • top dressing

During the growing season, as well as before the onset of autumn cold weather, the plant is fed with potash, phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers.

  • pruning

In the spring, pruning of weak, damaged branches is carried out, as well as a certain amount of last year's growth to activate the appearance of young shoots. During the flowering period, in order to extend its terms, it is also necessary to regularly trim the faded buds.

Preparing for winter

Hibiscus is hardy. Even the exotic herbaceous hybrid hibiscus tolerates winter well. It can winter just sprinkled with snow. The photo shows how hibiscus hibernates in the garden, tied with burlap or spruce branches.

In regions with severe winters and temperatures below 34°C, hibiscus wintering in the soil may die. Therefore, the bush is dug up and moved to a heated room. So it can stay in the basement until spring, or it can develop in a pot, like an indoor flower.

AT the world- with harmony
Any street, area near the house will be transformed with the advent of hibiscus

Many countries consider hibiscus to be theirs. It is no coincidence that a plant has several plants at once. In Sudan, hibiscus is called " sudanese rose”, in Syria - “Syrian rose”. But this ornamental shrub is international. This rose can be yours too! Plant hibiscus in the country, enjoy its flowering, drink hibiscus tea, feel the whole harmony of the world created by your own hands!

In the spring, at the height of the summer season, at a time when the sale of rose seedlings and garden plants, not infrequently we see seedlings that are unremarkable in appearance, which, according to sellers, are called "hibiscus". Many of the lovers of flower growers know Hibiscus as indoor plant- Chinese rose and this confuses them, because it is sold as garden flower like hydrangeas, roses and other garden flower crops. This should not be surprising at all - indeed, a garden hibiscus is sold, which is called "Syrian Hibiscus".

Today in nature there are about 200 species of various hibiscus, all of them grow in a tropical climate and, unfortunately, cannot survive in ours at all. He can feel quite well in a temperate climate, of course, provided that for the winter he will be insulated and covered in the same way as they usually do with garden roses. If in the climate where it is planted the winters are quite warm, there is an almost 100% guarantee that the flower will take root and will delight every summer with its unusually beautiful flowering.

garden hibiscus requires little maintenance. The main condition for its planting in the soil is good lighting. The flower does not like shade, only with enough ultraviolet light will the flower delight you with lush flowering in the garden. Syrian hibiscus goes well with any variety of roses. It grows no more than 1.5 meters in height and has a fairly compact shape. Hibiscus is considered an ideal plant for a rose garden or rock garden.

Hibiscus also looks very good as a single plant when decorating the landscape of the site. If you live in a warm climate, plant lavender bushes around it. It is very beautiful, and also the scent of lavender will protect the Syrian hibiscus from insects. This plant exists in 2 types: terry and non-terry varieties. When purchasing a plant, it is worth remembering that terry varieties tolerate winter better and are more frost-resistant.

Syrian hibiscus does not need special soil. It takes root well on the same one on which you traditionally plant roses. It must be permeable and sufficiently nutritious.

The flower is usually watered sparingly, as it does not need intensive watering and may even disappear because of this. But you also need to monitor the rate of drying of the soil, because in the summer in a hot climate, the flower may need daily watering. During the period of active growth and flowering (June-September), this horticultural crop needs periodic top dressing with garden fertilizers, which have a high phosphorus content. Typically, Syrian hibiscus is watered once every two weeks. And so that winter does not become stressful for the plant, it is fed with potash fertilizer in the fall.

If you are planting this plant for the first time, it is better to purchase ready-made strong seedlings with a steadily developed root system. Especially if you want to grow Syrian hibiscus in a cold climate. The plant will take root over the summer, get stronger, you will prepare it for the winter, and it will survive it safely. Despite the fact that the plant is mainly propagated by cuttings, there is another option for growing this garden culture- from seeds. They are planted in the soil in the spring, when there are no more night frosts and the earth has warmed up enough.

If you decide to grow a flower from a cutting, do it better in summer time. To do this, the stalk is placed in a container filled with water (it is better to close it from direct sun rays, as the root system will break through in the water). And when you see that the roots have appeared, you can safely transplant it into a pot with earth, which you can take in your garden or buy prepared soil in a special store. With the advent of cold weather, a pot with a seedling is brought into the house, and in the spring it is already quite ready to be planted in open ground.

To achieve abundant flowering, it is necessary not only to properly grow and feed the plant, but also to cut it. Hibiscus buds form on young shoots, therefore, the more there are, the more abundant the flowering will be. In order for the plant to give fresh shoots, it is cut 3-4 times a year. The flower tolerates pruning well and responds positively to it. Usually pruned at the end of winter, before the flower begins its period of active growth. The plant is also pruned not only for the purpose of creating lush flowering, but also for the formation of a decorative form of the bush.

In the southern regions, where the conditions are most suitable for hibiscus and it is found everywhere, you can see various flowering compositions in the form of a cube, ball, pyramid, etc. Due to the compactness of the flower, everyone has the opportunity to plant it on their balcony, terrace or winter garden . And not just in the flower garden.

A distinctive feature of hibiscus is that the life span of its flowers is very short, but despite this, a new one quickly opens in place of the previous one. This is not to be feared. It is worse when abundant drying of flowers begins, in this case, the flower most likely lacks watering and is in dry ground.

If you really want to have this flower, but live in a harsh climate, you can plant it, but for the winter period you will have to dig it out and put it in the basement or in the house until spring. With good care, the Syrian hibiscus can continue to bloom in your home through the winter. Hibiscus is a perennial plant and can go without repotting for up to 20 years.

Hibiscus garden tree, or Syrian rose - tropical plant, which perfectly takes root even in the harsh climate of central Russia. This unpretentious shrub even a novice gardener can grow. Moreover, in this article we will analyze in detail all the intricacies of planting, caring for and propagating hibiscus.

Hibiscus tree is grown as a tree or low shrub. The leaves of this plant seem to be slightly incised. Large hibiscus flowers reach up to 12 cm in size. Bright and colorful, they simply fascinate with their beauty. There are even varieties where the petals have a border of a contrasting color. The fruit of the Syrian rose is considered to be a box with seeds. In general, there are about two hundred varieties of hibiscus.

The plant, resistant to low temperatures, is used even for medical purposes, it has also found its application in cosmetology. Main characteristic hibiscus tree - a long flowering period: from early summer to late autumn. True, a flower pleases the eye only for one day, but literally tomorrow a new one appears in its place.

Hibiscus bushes can be an excellent material for creating landscape compositions . Since our latitudes are alien for this plant, cultivation will require a certain skill from the gardener:

  • choose the right place for landing;
  • water regularly;
  • feed;
  • prepare the bush for wintering.

Landing Rules

Planting is the first thing a grower will encounter. It is better to immediately choose a sunny place for this exotic, so that you do not have to replant later. The flower does not tolerate strong wind. Seedlings for planting are chosen by those that have overwintered, and with well-developed roots.

The planting hole should be large so that the voluminous roots can fit and strengthen well. At the bottom put a special nutrient solution prepared from humus, sand, sod and leafy soil. We take the first two components in one part, and the second in two. Everything is mixed and laid on the bottom with a layer of at least 5 cm. Then you need to pour half a bucket of water into the pit.

The bush must first be tried on. The upper roots of the seedling should not be lower than the ground level. It is necessary to plant a plant with obligatory hilling.

If there is a need to transplant hibiscus, this can be done before flowering begins. It is necessary to transplant a flower along with the earth on the roots. In a new place, immediately cut off the crown to make it easier for the plant to take root.

Features of care

Despite some nuances, the care of the Syrian rose is quite simple. When new shoots appear on the tree, immediately remove the dried stems. Do not forget to loosen the ground, quickly get rid of weeds. From June to September, the bush needs phosphorus and nitrogen-containing top dressing.
Caring for this flower includes watering. However, it is necessary to moisten the soil only after it has completely dried. Daily watering is usually required only in the summer.

Since the Syrian rose is an ornamental plant, the crown of the tree needs to be shaped. In this case, you will have to be patient. In the first year, the branches are cut to two or three buds, the trunk is not touched yet. In subsequent years, at the beginning of spring, it will be necessary to cut the side stems to one or two buds, and the trunk to five or six buds. When the tree has reached the desired height, it's time to form a crown of strong stems.

Phosphorus and boron deficiency can cause hibiscus to stop growing. Again, solve the fertilizer problem.


You have already noticed that planting and caring for hibiscus is a simple matter, even beginners can handle it. A similar statement can be made regarding the propagation of garden hibiscus, which occurs by layering, grafting, cuttings and seeds (the last two more often). Hybrid hibiscus is propagated by dividing the bush and green cuttings.
When propagating garden hibiscus leads to more quick results- obtaining an ornamental bush. Seeds give an adult in three years. Cuttings begin with the fact that in the summer shoots are cut out, which are lignified and have several internodes. After treating the sections with a growth stimulator, they are placed in water. After two weeks, they sprout roots that resemble a panicle. This procedure succeeds mostly experienced gardeners. It is easier to plant cuttings in pots in advance in order to transplant them into the soil in the spring.

You can root the shoots in the substrate (peat and sand, taken in equal amounts). The cutting is planted to a depth of 10 cm and covered with a jar or polyethylene. By maintaining a temperature of +25 ° C and carrying out regular watering, you create greenhouse conditions that lead to the fact that after a month the cuttings take root. It is better for a young plant to spend the first winter in its life indoors. When spring comes, the formed bush is planted in open ground. You can transfer this procedure to autumn, but then the plant will need to be covered before the onset of cold weather.

How to propagate hibiscus seeds? First, the seeds are dipped in a solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour. The next step is soaking for a day in the Epin solution. During this time, the seeds will be slightly covered with this substance. Then containers are prepared, into which a mixture of peat and sand, taken in equal parts, is poured. Seeds are sown in the prepared soil, covered with glass and placed in a place with a constant temperature of about +25 ° C, providing bottom heating.

Subsequent care consists in regular ventilation, removal of condensate and moistening of the soil. When the first green leaves appear, each individual is placed in a separate pot. It would be nice to provide seedlings with artificial lighting, as the seedlings will reach for the sun and stretch out, which is undesirable. In mid-May, young hibiscus are planted in open ground.

Preparing for winter

In the southern regions of Russia, hibiscus wintering is normal. For prevention, mulch the soil around - you can use fallen leaves, dry branches, straw. If you live in the middle lane, then take measures to protect yourself from the cold, and the hibiscus will overwinter without problems.

Hibiscus blooms in early July and remains lush until frost, and sheds foliage for the winter. There are frost-resistant varieties that do not freeze in mild winters. In the middle lane, a tropical plant grows up to 2 m and needs shelter.

How to prepare hibiscus for winter? Sand is added to the ground by one third. For some time plentifully watered. When the top layer of the soil dries up, high hilling is performed. When cold weather sets in, the trunk of the plant is covered with a layer (15 cm) of shavings and sawdust. The shelter must be loose, as the air in the loose surface will increase thermal insulation. Then the branches are gently bent to the ground, a frame is made, which is covered with several layers of fabric, and warming materials are laid on top. So the tree-like hibiscus winters in the house.

Hibiscus can overwinter simply with insulated roots, but extreme conditions may arise, and the frame will come in handy. In order not to be caught off guard, prepare in advance. In areas with a continental climate, to ensure safe wintering, the plant is dug up from the roots. Surrounding it with a large earthen clod. In this form, hibiscus is guaranteed to overwinter in the cellar without problems. Herbaceous hibiscus is prepared for wintering, waiting until its ground part dies off. Subsequently, similar measures for warming are carried out.

Having carried out proper care and reproduction according to the instructions, you will enjoy luxurious flowering. From year to year, hibiscus will give you their delicate white, yellow and pink flowers rewarding for the care shown.

Video "Growing garden hibiscus"

From this video you will learn how to properly grow garden hibiscus.

Hibiscus are flowers of unearthly beauty. Usually, they are associated in people with a room Chinese rose. But, despite this, they can be found in the garden. Garden hibiscus is a large shrub that blooms many beautiful flowers. Moreover, their colors can be the most diverse - rich red, orange, crimson, white, yellow, and so on.

It is worth noting that flower growers grow this particular variety of plants in our country for the longest time. What is most interesting, despite foreign origin garden hibiscus, he is practically not picky, and therefore it is not so difficult to care for him. In today's article, we will talk about how to grow, care for and propagate garden hibiscus.

What is a plant?

If to speak in simple words, then among lovers, garden hibiscus is divided into two varieties:

  • Tree-like;
  • Herbaceous.

But this is all purely conditional. Since, any of them also has its own subspecies, varieties and so on. They are members of the Malvaceae family. The founder of which is considered to be popular and known to almost every mallow. By the way, in appearance, the flowers of many varieties of garden hibiscus have a strong resemblance to mallow. They are remarkably similar.

All types of hibiscus, so just do not list, there are a lot of them. Of course, most of them are grown only in their area and are not suitable for the local climate. These plants need a tropical or subtropical habitat for normal growth and flowering. good care. In the regions temperate latitude, Syrian and trifoliate hibiscus usually grow.

In addition, breeders created another type of hibiscus - a hybrid. He then just along with his many varieties and belongs to the herbaceous group.

As for the tree-like variety, Syrian plants are most widespread here. Such a garden hibiscus is most often grown as a shrub. However, some still manage with their efforts to give it the appearance of a standard tree.

Interesting fact. Although this variety has a Syrian name, it originated from China. Also, it is grown in regions of Korea and some parts of Asia. Syria has nothing to do with this plant, it simply does not grow there.

Any tree hibiscus is a perennial. What can not be said about herbaceous, most of which are one-year-olds. But in one they are really the same. Both varieties grow large and amazing flowers, the color of which can be absolutely any, depending on which variety it is.

In appearance, they are either ordinary or terry. Finally, one thing can be noted - each garden hibiscus is amazingly beautiful. However, in order to admire this beauty from year to year, you need to be patient and provide him with the right care.

Everything you need to know about growing and caring

What care do hibiscus need? For all varieties of hibiscus, it is very important to get enough solar energy. Therefore, it is desirable to grow them in a sunny place. However, that's not all. A plot with flowers should not be exposed to wind blowing. Therefore, when you decide on a place, it is worth remembering that the plant will be there for a long time.

Hibiscus are flower centenarians. They can please the eye for more than twenty years. It is also worth noting that they are practically not picky about the ground. They also grow well in loamy soil. Be sure to follow two rules: lime should not be present in the ground, and you should not make it too wet.

The ideal option for hibiscus is airy and saturated with useful microelements soil. Usually flower growers plant them near roses. This is due to the fact that one or another soil is equally suitable for them. In addition, together they create the so-called "flower symphony" it all looks very beautiful.

It is important to know! Those who live in areas with cold climatic conditions, it is desirable to breed herbaceous species that do not have fluffy flowers. Such hybrids will be the most resistant to frosty winters.

Planting hibiscus is necessary in the spring. By the way, this event should be held only when the weather improves and it is warm outside. Before the onset winter period, the plants will become strong and calmly overwinter.

Landing Rules

All types of garden hibiscus are very similar in planting and care. But in one they still differ: under the Syrian hibiscus, they dig a hole twice as long as the length of the roots.

Before planting, the holes are prepared. It is known that such plants do not like too wet soil. Based on this, it is necessary to make a high-quality drainage layer in advance. It is best to use chipped red brick.

Drainage must be at least 15 cm in diameter. When everything is ready, you need to pour sand on top of it (in the same amount), and then cover it with compost in the same proportions. At the end, fill it with sand again (15 cm).

By following this recommendation, you will receive not only high-quality, but also a useful layer. It also does not hurt to add sand and peat to the soil that you will take out in the process of digging holes (in a ratio of 1: 2: 4).

Having completed this preparation, the flowers are placed in the soil and covered with mixed earth. The part with the root neck should not be dug too deep into the hole.

When the planting is done, it is necessary to water each flower. After complete absorption of water and subsidence of the earth, it is recommended to add a little mixture, so as to level it with the ground level.

We grow hibiscus

Caring for such flowers, of course, is not limited to watering alone. Proper cultivation and care are as follows:

  • Periodically loosen the site;
  • Remove emerging weeds;
  • Remove dryish shoots and dead flowers.

In doing so, keep in mind that last action will have to be done every day. Garden hibiscus flowers always bloom a lot and for a long time.

But despite this, each new flower, lives no more than one day. In this regard, it is necessary to constantly get rid of them, new ones will appear near them.

If the plants grow the first year or the frosts in winter are too strong, they should be covered at the end of autumn. Covering hibiscus is done in the same way as for roses.


Hibiscus do not require regular watering. You can say even more - plants can even die from them. Based on this, it is possible to moisten the soil only when it becomes dry.

As a rule, natural precipitation is able to satisfy the needs of a flower in moisture, and it is not necessary to water it. But in hot summer heat, irrigation should be regular.


Hibiscus, actively blooms and develops throughout summer period. It is at this time that he needs additional feeding. It should be done once every fifteen days. For this purpose, flower fertilizers are used, which contain nitrogen and phosphorus in large quantities.

When autumn comes, in preparation for the winter cold, it is advisable to fertilize, with the presence of potassium. To do this, you can take an ordinary infusion on wood ash or ashes.

Does it need to be cut?

If you are going to grow a herbaceous variety of flowers, then you will not have problems with circumcision. The only thing that needs to be done is to get rid of the dried stems before the onset of winter. But tree-like varieties, especially Syrian hibiscus, need constant pruning.

Such manipulations are of several types:

  1. Hygienic.
  2. Stimulants.
  3. Formative.

The first one should be carried out in without fail, in early spring. First, cut branches that have dried up or frozen in winter. Next, get rid of the branches growing into the plants. If there are weakened or vice versa very developed branches on which lateral growths have not appeared, they must be cut to the beginning of the base. In the end, you should get rid of the root shoots.

Incentive circumcision is performed at the same time as hygienic circumcision. In Syrian hibiscus, flowers are formed only on those new shoots. Based on this, how abundantly they will bloom depends on their number. So that young branches can germinate freely and well, you just need to cut the old ones by 1/3.

Hibiscus do not need formative pruning, as such. It is made solely to give beautiful shape. They also do this in the spring. If you have a rich imagination, you can make plants in such a shape that you like. Flower growers often create topiary from these flowers.

Transplanting garden hibiscus

These plants are undemanding to transplants. Therefore, they may be needed only if you are dissatisfied with the chosen site for growing garden hibiscus, or the flowers are flooded with water and the root system begins to rot.

If it is a herbaceous or hybrid hibiscus, the root system is also divided during transplantation, which is most often the cause. In a situation where a transplant is necessary, it is done in the spring, until the flowering period has begun.

But if the need for transplantation has arisen, then it must be carried out in the same period when the primary planting of hibiscus takes place, before flowering begins. They do everything according to the same technique as when landing.


How does a plant reproduce? If this is the case with one of the hybrid species, then it is advisable to propagate it by dividing the rhizome. But tree-like varieties - cuttings. But, in addition to these two methods, they can be propagated using seeds, layering or grafting. Let's consider in more detail.

Planting seeds

How to properly propagate by seeds? This option is considered quite easy. But, despite this, care must be correct. Growing strong hibiscus seedlings for later transplanting into open soil is as easy as growing any seedling.

Sow seeds from the beginning of January to the end of March. Important condition, which must be adhered to - seeds should be chosen only not stale. So the chances of it coming up most of of them will increase.

It is recommended to place them in advance for 15-20 minutes in a mixture of water with potassium permanganate. And then, pour for 24 hours with any stimulating drug, also in the form of a solution. The soil in which the seedlings will germinate should be of high quality and light. But you can make it yourself by adding peat and sand to the soil.

In order for seedlings to appear as early as possible, the temperature in the room where the container is located must be at least 25 degrees. It will be very good if it is additionally heated from below. On top of the container with future seedlings, it is advisable to put a sheet of glass or plastic wrap.

Need to support normal humidity soil, from time to time carry out airing, and also get rid of drops of moisture accumulated on glass or film.

After seedlings germinate, they should be provided good lighting. Otherwise, there is a big risk that they will stretch and become thin. It is permissible to engage in planting plants when the leaves on the seedlings are normally formed. Moreover, it is desirable to make this event closer to the end of the May days.

Propagation by cuttings

It is very easy to do this. Engaged in cutting cuttings in the summer. Do not choose those cuttings that have already reached large sizes. Even cuttings will do, with two to three internodes.

When the shoots are selected, they are placed in the stimulator for a while. But you can do without it and dig the cuttings into suitable soil. And cover with a cut plastic bottle.

Basically, after 30 days, the roots have already formed on the cuttings, and they can be transplanted. For this procedure, suitable-sized flower pots are prepared.

They are filled with a mixture containing equal proportions of soddy soil, peat and sand. Next, the plants should be placed in room conditions before the onset of spring. And then, you can plant them in open soil.

If you want to do everything faster, you can do otherwise. Place the cut cuttings in a container with large quantity water. Wait until roots appear on them, and then plant them in pots. It is better to propagate hibiscus by cuttings than in any other way, for the reason that a seedling planted in this way has a stronger vegetative mass and is able to bloom in the same year.

The mallow family is a shrub or small tree native to Asia and China.

Due to the abundant and bright flowering, it is called the "flower of love."

There are several varieties of hibiscus adapted to grow at home and in the garden. In the natural environment, there are about 300 species, the height of which reaches 3 m.

During the holidays, Hawaiian girls use the hibiscus flower as hair ornaments.

In Europe, the flower is endowed with magical powers. By changing his condition, the future was foreseen. Dropping leaves or drying of a flower indicated possible problems and sickness in the family. The premature appearance of flowers testified to imminent death, and in general the plant symbolized death and misfortune to those who plant it in their home. Of course, much of this legend, hibiscus continues to delight gardeners today with its flowering and charm, filling the house with positive energy.

Due to the wonderful aroma, garden hibiscus flowers are used to make tea, under everything. famous name"hibiscus tea". Plant care is not difficult and is suitable for growing novice gardeners.

Description: a flowering bush plant of small height with abundant flowering different color. Hibiscus garden prefers tropical and subtropical climates with high humidity. This is a member of the Malvaceae family, annual and perennial, it all depends on the variety. In our climate, only some frost-resistant varieties can grow on open ground: these include garden hibiscus, Syrian (triple), hybrid (bred in the 50s).

Hibiscus Chinese ( Chinese rose) in our latitudes can exist only as an indoor decorative flowering plant, only occasionally on summer days the pot is taken out into the open air.

There are three forms of plants: tree-like, shrub or semi-shrub, herbaceous.

Tree-like appearance: Syrian rose up to 1.5 m high. Hybrid forms are herbaceous.

Depending on the species, there is a specific arrangement of hibiscus in the garden.

Undersized herbaceous plants beautifully framed borders. Bush varieties complement bouquets of roses and other ornamental flowering shrubs. Tree hibiscus in combination with standard flowering plants perfectly creates a unique composition.

The leaves are small oval, dark green solid color.

Simple and funnel-shaped terry flowers in diameter reach 12 cm, there are pink, red, purple, yellow, white, lilac, raspberry, purple with a large number of shades. In the center of the flower, a peephole is clearly visible, contrastingly different from the petals. There are hybrid forms with two-color branches.

Hibiscus with double flowers less resistant to frost, take into account the peculiarities of your climate zone when planting on open ground.

Long flowering begins in June and ends in early October. The flowering of one flower lasts 1 day, the long flowering of the bush is achieved by uneven flowering, the flowers bloom alternately creating an effect for 5-6 months flowering bush. Frost-resistant varieties can withstand frosts down to -20 ° C.

The fruit is a five-leaved capsule with seeds in the middle.

To protect hibiscus from aphids, lavender bushes are planted nearby.

Garden hibiscus - types

Hibiscus - home care

Plant care is not difficult, but for positive results and long flowering, you need to know the basic concepts and features of planting, care and reproduction. Proper care will extend the life of the plant up to 15 years.

Location: tropical plant prefers warm climate and a large number of sun. Choose a cozy, well-lit place in the garden with partial shelter from the winds.

Watering: during the hot period, regular watering is required, but water stagnation in the soil is unacceptable. The next watering is carried out after the topsoil has dried. In the hot period, water every day in the morning or in the evening.

Landing: hibiscus planted in early spring, when the night temperature rises above 0 ° C. Regularly loosen the soil around and remove the weed. All new shoots that appear are removed.

Soil: Subtropical hibiscus requires nutritious and permeable soil. choose fertile soil rich in humus. At home, hibiscus grows well in pots. Choose soil from sod (3 hours), leafy soil (3 hours), with the addition of sand (1 hour) and humus (1 hour).

Transplanting: For young plants, it is necessary to regularly update the soil. After planting and rooting, after 2 months, the hibiscus is transplanted into a pot. Don't choose a pot that's too big. Previously, a layer of expanded clay is laid on the bottom as a drainage, otherwise the roots may begin to rot.

Transplanted into open ground in the spring in the absence of night frosts. The bush is transplanted in the spring before the buds appear, the young shoots are cut off in half beforehand.

Hybrid forms during transplantation are divided into parts, receiving several bushes at once.

Young plants cannot winter on their own, they need additional shelter. Transplanting in the fall includes mulching the soil around the bush and wrapping it with spruce branches.

Previously, a hole of 50-70 cm is dug at the landing site. Drainage and expanded clay are laid on the bottom up to 15 cm, 10 cm of sand on top and the same layer of compost and again a layer of sand.

Place the bush in a hole so that the root neck is at ground level, and cover the roots with prepared soil from sand (1 hour), peat (2 hours), garden soil(4 hours). Around the seedling, the earth is spudded and watered abundantly. After soaking the water into the soil, add the missing soil around the seedling, leveling it.

Fertilizers: in the spring, mineral complex fertilizers are applied 2-3 times a month with a high content of nitrogen and phosphorus. In the fall, they are fed with potash fertilizer, so the hibiscus will endure frosts more easily.

Reproduction of garden hibiscus

There are three ways to grow garden hibiscus: seeds, cuttings and dividing the bush (for individual species), we will consider each method in detail.

Seeds: in February, the seeds are sown in a small container. The earth is used from peat and sand in the same ratio. Previously, for better germination, I soak the seeds for 30 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate, then put them in a weak solution of a growth stimulator (epin) for a day. Sow seeds on the surface, lightly sprinkled with earth on top. The container is placed in a mini greenhouse, covered with a plastic bag, or a glass flask. Seeds are carefully watered from the sprayer, avoiding their ascent. The temperature is kept at 25 ° C, the container is ventilated 2 times a day. To speed up the germination process, use the bottom heating.

So that young shoots do not stretch, it is necessary to provide a large amount of diffused light. As soon as 3 own leaves appear, the seedlings are seated in bowls (separate containers). Young sprouts are transplanted to open ground in May, when the air and soil warm up well. Flowering in seedlings grown from seeds will come in the 3rd year.

Cuttings: in spring - early summer, the upper shoots are cut from the hibiscus bush with 3 nodes as a cutting. The lower part of the cuttings is treated in a growth stimulator, left for 24 hours, then rooted in soil consisting of sand and peat, taken in equal proportions.

The cutting can also be rooted in water, but this method requires skill.

The cutting is buried in the ground to the knot, the container is covered with a film or a glass flask from above. Keep a constant temperature of 24-26 ° C, water regularly and ventilate 2 times a day. A month later, the cutting will have its own roots and it is transplanted into the soil from soddy and leafy soil, peat and sand in equal proportions and pinched to give the shape of a bush. After the formation of the bush, the cutting is transplanted to open ground at a distance of 0.5 m. If everything is done correctly, the garden hibiscus from the cutting will bloom in the first year.

The division of the rhizomes: During the transplantation period, as a rule, in the spring, the roots are divided into several parts and planted in the ground at a distance of 0.5 m. Suitable for this method hybrid varieties. In this way, flowering is obtained in the current year.

pruning garden hibiscus

Pruning is carried out in the spring, before the appearance of buds and leaves. To give the shape of a decorative standard tree, shoots are cut off from a young plant, leaving 3 buds, while not touching the trunk. A few years later, the trunk is cut to 6 buds, and the branches to 1-2. Upon reaching the desired height, the lower branches on the trunk are removed, and a rounded crown is formed from the upper ones.

All pruning is best done before sap flow begins. All dry branches are completely pruned.

If you don't have a goal, create decorative tree, cut last year's branches by a third, removing all growing inwards, weak and low-quality shoots.

If the hibiscus is not pruned, new shoots will not appear in such numbers and the flowering becomes smaller and smaller every year.

Wintering garden hibiscus

For the northern and central parts of Russia and in other countries where there are significant frosts in winter, even frost-resistant varieties hibiscus may not overwinter without shelter.

Some varieties, such as tree hibiscus, shed their leaves in autumn.

More resistant to frost are species with non-double flowering.

Before the onset of frost, in the fall, the bush is highly spudded with earth with the addition of river sand, pre-watered abundantly and allowed to dry well. Then, to a height of 20-30 cm, they are covered with sawdust, moss, rotted manure or spruce branches.

The branches are gently bent down, and a frame is created from above and covered with a cloth (lutrasil, spunbond or agrotex) and everything is covered with coniferous branches. In severe frosts, the whole plant is covered with spruce branches. It is laid in three layers from the roots to the branches, after lowering and tying the branches, or by constructing a frame.

If there are a small number of bushes on the site, and you have the opportunity to keep them indoors, the bushes are dug up, transplanted into a pot (bucket) and kept all winter in a cool basement, and re-planted in the garden in the spring.

Pests and diseases

Garden hibiscus, despite growing in outdoor garden pest resistant, but insufficient watering and low humidity can provoke the appearance of pests such as thrips, aphids, spider mites, whiteflies.

For their destruction, drugs Actellik, Inta-vir, Karbofos, Fitoferm, etc. are used. It is necessary to process several times with an interval of 5-7 days.

In addition to pests, the plant is exposed to various diseases.

  • Chloris. A disease that affects the leaf plate. Young leaves grow already yellow, and the old ones turn yellow and fall off. The main reason is the lack of mineral fertilizers, in particular nitrogen and iron. It is necessary to add iron chelate to the water during irrigation and regularly apply mineral fertilizers for flowering plants. ornamental plants with a high nitrogen content.
  • Another reason for yellowed leaves is partial damage to the roots during transplantation.
  • In the hot period, lack of moisture also leads to yellowing of the foliage.

No flowering There are several reasons, let's look at each of them.

  • Insufficient lighting. In such cases, the hibiscus may not bloom, or the flowering is scarce and small, the period lasts very little, the shoots are drawn out.
  • Insufficient amount of boron and phosphorus. Add missing substances and minerals to watering.
  • Lack of flowering and slow growth of the bush - not enough nitrogen in the soil. Remember to fertilize regularly.
  • Leaves fall - natural fall of leaves can only be in autumn, in another period this indicates a violation of care.
  • Hibiscus reacts quite strongly to humidity and a lack or excess of water can affect the foliage.
  • Also, leaf fall is associated with mechanical damage to the root system.

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