Make a large arrangement of artificial flowers. Master class on do-it-yourself topiary from artificial flowers and fruits

reservoirs 30.08.2019

Compositions of pre-prepared artificial flowers for home interior with their own hands gradually replace living plants. And if until recently such decor looked in most cases clumsy and tasteless, today it is able to compete with natural works of art - fresh roses, chrysanthemums, tulips and ficuses.

We make compositions from artificial flowers with our own hands

There is no need to prove that the compositions of artificial flowers in the cemetery are in some way superior to their natural counterparts. There will always be both supporters and opponents of such an unusual artificial interior decor. We will simply list the positive and negative aspects of indoor artificial flora, and you can draw your own conclusions.

The positive aspects for decorating the interior include the following:

  • artificial plants in pots for home interior do not require the use of fertilizers, transplanting, watering;
  • there is no need to ask relatives or your neighbors to come to your house and water the green seedlings when you are away;
  • such artificial plants do not get sick and are not attacked by vicious pests;
  • artificial flowers are a real salvation for flora lovers suffering from pollen allergies;
  • if pets or small children accidentally knock over a container with a composition, you do not have to remove the crumbled black soil or wipe the flower water;
  • artificial flowers are a great opportunity for needlework lovers to show their talents, because if you learn how to make artificial flowers and practice a little, you can decorate the interior with your own hands with stylish hand-made decor;
  • unlike living plants, artificial seedlings are completely unpretentious to living conditions. You can place them in the bathroom, corridor, dressing room and even on the loggia without worrying that the plants will be hard to be in cold or dark conditions;
  • artificial plants make it possible to independently select the color shade of the bouquet. If you like bright yellow sunflowers, but the whole interior is decorated in restrained colors and in a classic way, and you don’t want the composition on the wall to stand out from the general style of the room, there is a way out. It is only necessary to tint the petals of sunflowers in a suitable shade.

Among the disadvantages of artificial compositions include the following:

  • artificial plants will not delight you with their floral scent;
  • artificial plants made from cheap and low-quality materials can cause allergies;
  • leaves and petals may lose over time color saturation and burn out under the action of sunlight;
  • artificial plants still require maintenance: it will be necessary to wipe or wash them with soap and water from time to time to prevent dust from accumulating.

We have told you about the advantages and disadvantages of using artificial flower arrangements. Now you can think about and decide how acceptable it is for you to use such elements in decorating your room.

Your interior, of course, will be decorated with compositions of artificial flowers, made by hand with a master class. Such decorative elements can be used to decorate the interior of the room that you are preparing to receive guests. Your friends will also be pleasantly surprised if you give them not just a bouquet of flowers for the holiday, but a beautifully designed composition, for example, in a wicker basket.

Artificial flower arrangements can be arranged with your own hands in a wicker basket, because they do not need water at all, they will delight you with their beautiful view, but will not fill your home with their unique floral scent.
An unusual autumn composition can also be arranged in a wicker basket, which will include autumn yellowed leaves, berries and dry twigs, as well as dried flowers. Also compositions from artificial materials can be arranged in a tea cup or teapot, and if you want to use them for decoration personal plot, then you can take an old iron kettle.

A selection of thematic video for the article

After reading our article, we suggest watching a selection of thematic videos. This will allow the most profound study of this issue. You can also learn other subtleties and tricks of making compositions. Happy viewing!

A popular craft, which is diverse among other types of topiary, is the flower tree of happiness.

They make crafts from any fresh flowers that are bought in stores or are in the house:

  • tulips;
  • chamomile;
  • orchids;
  • lilies;
  • peonies;
  • poppies;
  • lilies of the valley;
  • roses;
  • peonies;
  • asters.

But living plants are not the limit. Artificial flowers from various materials are also suitable for topiary:

  • paper: corrugated, colored, foamiran, napkins;
  • fabrics: satin, organza, tulle, burlap, mesh;
  • knitted from yarn.

Important! Crafts from fresh flowers are performed mainly in the spring and summer. They are a good alternative to a vase of water. In the fall, you can make crafts from dried flowers. For winter, use fabric or paper homemade flowers to decorate your home.

To add splendor to the crown, use sisal or bast. To decorate the trunk, satin or floral ribbons, threads, twine are suitable. It is also allowed to use real plants, such as moss, to decorate the pot.

A popular version of the topiary is a craft made from real or dried fruits. Decorate the product with small berries in combination with fresh flowers. Flower and fruit topiary will be a decoration for any occasion: birthday, wedding, anniversary.

A useful master class for those who want to make a tree from natural flowers is presented in the video:

How to make artificial flower topiary

The simplest is a tree of ready-made artificial daisies, asters, roses, peonies. We offer you a small easy master class on how to make a tree of happiness with your own hands at home.

To work, you will need 1 hour of free time and skills in working with a glue gun. Be sure to prepare materials:

  • thermal gun;
  • glue;
  • a foam ball of the required diameter;
  • a branch from a tree for the trunk;
  • ready-made artificial bouquets;
  • toothpick;
  • scissors;
  • a stand in the form of a cup, glass, pot or homemade container;
  • gypsum.

Advice! As an alternative to a foam ball - a base made of polyurethane foam. The stand is chosen in such a diameter that it does not exceed the size of the decorated crown.

Important! There are no restrictions on the dimensions of the topiary. If you have spacious room, make an outdoor flower tree that is 50 cm in height.

To create your own masterpiece, follow the instructions step by step:

  • cut the flowers from the stems with scissors. Leave the tail length at about 5 mm. Do not throw away the cut stems and leaves, they will come in handy for decorating crafts;
  • make a hole in the base to a depth of 2 cm, where you insert the trunk;
  • decorate the ball. Make small holes around the perimeter with a knitting needle or a toothpick. Spread glue on the stems on the flowers and quickly insert into the base. Distribute all the elements correctly so that there is no chaos. Fasten the flowers so that the base is not visible;
  • insert the trunk in the form of a branch from a tree into a pre-prepared hole with glue;
  • close the transition from the base to the trunk with cut leaves;
  • decorate the branch with stems from artificial flowers;
  • breed gypsum mortar and pour into a pot. Insert the trunk with the finished crown and wait a few minutes until the plaster hardens;
  • decorate the top layer of the hardened solution with artificial grass or sisal, which are sold in any florist's shop.

An interesting option for a flower tree is a bicycle-shaped base. It is prepared from cut cardboard or a thick sheet of foam. The wheels are decorated with artificial flowers. It looks creative, suitable for a gift to a female colleague or on March 8th.

A detailed tutorial on creating artificial flower crafts in the video:

Topiary of artificial roses

Popular flowers for decorating the crown of the tree of happiness are small and large artificial roses of different shades. Materials for manufacturing are:

  • foamiran;
  • corrugated paper;
  • paper napkins;
  • satin ribbons;
  • crepe paper;
  • organza;
  • latex;
  • felt.

If the interior of the room is decorated in vintage style, an craft from a combination of white dry roses with homemade flowers from a music notebook will fit into it. Such a topiary can be decorated with satin ribbons and beads of pastel and light colors. Dried rose buds are allowed.

Master class on making round volumetric pink roses for the crown, see the video

Topiary in the form of a sunflower

You will fill your home with sunshine if you make a sunflower topiary. You can use one flower instead of a crown, decorate the base with a few small sunflowers. Both options look advantageous.

To make a solar sunflower, use:

  • yellow napkins;
  • corrugated paper;
  • satin ribbons.

Flowers from ribbons using the kanzashi technique look believable. How to make a sunflower with your own hands, see the master class:

Below you can see the original kanzashi sunflower topiary.

Make your own flower topiary

When making a tree of good luck from living plants, an important role is played by a basket of flowers. It is important that the plants do not wither, therefore, how to make such a basket for a flower tree of happiness, look in the master class:

How to make DIY flowers for a topiary

There are many lessons on the Internet on how to make crafts from daisies, roses, asters, sunflowers, using corrugated paper, paper napkins or satin ribbons.

DIY ribbons

For example, how to make roses from napkins with your own hands, see the detailed MK:

Easy to make crepe paper roses for topiary. To do this, stock up on the necessary color of corrugated paper. The chamomile crown looks unusual and creative, which has ear sticks instead of petals.

Advice! To save you time, buy ready flowers from cold porcelain for crown decoration. So you just have to fix them on the base and not waste time on manufacturing.

For the base, it is practiced to use not only a spherical base, but, for example, a house, eiffel tower, bicycle with flowers. Decorate the base not only with flowers, but also with fruits. To do this, make dummies of suitable fruits or dry real ones.

For lovers classical style a topiary made of flowers using the kanzashi technique is suitable.

Creative housewives will love the topiary - a cup with flowers. It looks like a floating mug in the air with flowers pouring from the mug in the saucer. How to make it, see the video:

flower cup

By the way, instead of a saucer, you can use a basket of flowers.

It is customary to additionally decorate a tree with flowers with coffee beans, pebbles, beads, ribbons. A wedding topiary with beads and flowers to match the style of the event looks profitable and beautiful.

Artificial flower topiaries are distinguished by sophistication and versatility, because you can create your favorite composition at any time of the year. Of course, in order to get a truly realistic picture, you will have to work hard after viewing a single master class! However, the end result will make you erase all the difficulties of the workflow from memory, making you enjoy only the end result.

Such crafts are very modern idea which has acquired its relevance relatively recently. Any person can cope with the task, even an amateur in matters of hand made. The main thing is to clearly observe the proportions and the basic principle of work.

The tree itself can perform several purposes at once:

  • Become a wonderful gift for both adults and their children.
  • Act as a decor for photo shoots.
  • Decorate the current interior.

By the way, it is better to make a grass topiary somewhat larger in height than a traditional flower arrangement. This is explained by the fact that such a composition will look much more convincing in enlarged sizes and, if the performer wishes, it can even outwardly resemble a real tree! However, unlike their live equivalent, topiaries do not have to be watered, fertilized, etc.

Unusual ideas for creating coffee bean topiary:

At the same time, the form of the composition does not change: everything is also a rounded tree in an exquisite pot. Of course, it will take quite a lot of time to paste over the crown, because gluing small fragments of artificial grass can sometimes be very tasty and monotonous! But you need to be patient! In any case, the end result will justify the efforts.

DIY artificial flower topiary for beginners

Topiary of perfect artificial flowers begins with the manufacture of a "tree" and the selection of the right pot for it. The "plant" itself consists of crumpled paper worn over wooden stick- everything is very simple and concise. It will be much more difficult to decorate the product in the future. One of the most important issues is the choice and decor of the pot, which plays an important role in this tandem.

And you can achieve harmony thanks to the following improvised materials:

  • Ribbons, beads and decorative mesh.
  • Embroidery "planted" on the canvas.
  • Textile.
  • Hand painted with acrylics.
  • Leg-split.
  • Burlap with additions of decorative elements.

Recently, the so-called shabby style has gained particular popularity - chic, characterized by blatant simplicity of lines and some negligence. The pot must be painted with a single-color paint, leaving scuffs and underpainting on purpose. If it was not possible to achieve this during the work, you can use sandpaper which will immediately solve all problems.

When installing a tree in a pot, you need to make sure that it is securely fastened. This can be achieved by pouring concrete into the dishes, and leaving the structure to dry for about a day. Now there is no doubt: the topiary will stand securely in place and withstand the loads that the future decor will place on it.

How to make a do-it-yourself artificial flower topiary: useful tips

Any master class for making topiary makes this process accessible to everyone: parents, children, teachers, students. The main thing is the desire to concentrate attention and, in the end, to get a really stunning result.

For these purposes you will need:

  • Artificial flowers and grass.
  • Gypsum.
  • Glue.
  • A flower pot.
  • Decor elements.
  • Coffee beans.
  • Newspapers or thin paper.

Moreover, all selected elements may vary depending on the wishes of the performer. The main thing is that none of them stand out from the general ensemble.

When preparing artificial flowers for work, it is necessary to remove the legs from the root by treating the cut with sandpaper. Thus, it is possible to ensure a tighter fit of the material to the base. In order to make the composition look more realistic, the crown of the tree can be wrapped with artificial grass, giving it more natural look. As a "highlight" of the composition, small birds can act, snugly hiding in a green skinny.

The topiary will be exactly the way the master sees it! And this is the main advantage of such work!

Master class of artificial flower topiary: what is important

That is why, starting work, you should keep in mind such a Talmud:

  • The master class is just a sketch that can be improved.
  • There are no errors here, so you can do whatever you want.
  • Even experienced professionals can make mistakes.

Topiary from flowers: master class (video)

In order to create an exquisite topiary, it will take no more than a day. Artificial grass, flowers or decorative elements behave equally well in caring hands. Especially if the composition is made as a gift to a good or close person.

Artificial flower topiary options (photo)

They were associated exclusively with ritual services and were not used to decorate the interior. Later, they found a less sad use and began to be used in November processions and demonstrations. These were home-made paper and fabric, which were merrily or angrily shaken at rallies and parades. Roses and carnations were mainly made, later handicrafts were replaced by more aesthetic factory counterparts. Today, technology has stepped forward so much that you can hardly distinguish modern artificial flowers from living ones. The assortment has also expanded - boring roses and carnations changed and even field cornflowers In a word, there is a “color” for every taste.

Pros and cons

Perhaps someone will snort and argue that there is nothing better than living plants. Perhaps, but the creations of nature are short-lived, and contain many allergens. In this regard, artificial compositions have a number of undeniable advantages.


  • The most important plus is that they do not cause allergic reactions, which makes it possible for people with this disease to admire flowers without risk.
  • No transplant, care, fertilizer needed.
  • You won't have to ask your neighbors to water your "arboretum" if you decide to relax in hot countries for a month or two.
  • No evil ones.
  • Won't eat them Small child or a cat.
  • If you accidentally overturn such pot, it will not be necessary to clean the wet earth.
  • Can be placed in any, even the darkest room.
  • The opportunity to be a decorator and independently choose combinations of shades and materials.

There are few cons, and it’s difficult to call them cons, rather, these are some taste nuances.


  • There is no natural natural flavor.
  • The need to wipe off dust.
  • Gradual sunburn.

As you can see, the advantages outweigh the controversial nuances several times, which means that the project " artificial compositions"has the full right to life.

From what, from what?

In modern compositions, plants made from the best quality materials are used.

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Plastic. Today, these are not coarse feces or carnations for mourning wreaths, but graceful small creations. High-quality polyester does not have a pungent odor and is easy to clean, but its main advantage is the most low price among all other species.

Textile. The ancestor of such plants is China. Since ancient times, Asian craftswomen have been creating hand-made masterpieces from silks of the highest quality, their price was high, but they were worth it. Nowadays fabric flowers can be made from satin, crepe de chine, cambric or synthetic analogues, which makes their prices affordable.

Silicone - the father of all masterpieces. The material sculpturally conveys any subtleties of each flower and leaf, down to the finest veins and the smallest relief features. This gives the widest range. Pleasure is not cheap, but there are even more expensive ones.

Latex. Natural rubber flowers are the most expensive, but also the most natural. Such material imitates not only external forms but also confusing to the touch. Not every connoisseur will be able to distinguish a latex flower from a real one with his eyes closed. If natural rubber is expensive, there is synthetic latex, and such plants will cost less, and they do not differ much in quality.

Types of popular options

Artificial compositions are used not only in the design of holidays. They help to successfully disguise the flaws of everyday life - pipes, etc. They are used for various purposes different kinds layout.

Dear classic

What and where:

  • Living room. The best goal is, if not, then a great option is an artificial outdoor jungle or stylish floor vases next to the sofa. The table and shelves can be decorated with a basket of decorative fruits and low vases. Several small glass containers look beautiful, filled with the same colors and lined up.

Artificial flowers for home decor are a godsend for different type of people. They are ideal for connoisseurs of comfort who do not want to bother with caring for live plants or are rarely at home due to frequent business trips, as well as people who cannot afford to breed real plants due to allergic reactions and other health reasons. Moreover, such artificial bouquets are not able to wither over time, which means that they will transform home premises for a very long time.

Advantages of bouquets from artificial plants.

  • Look fresh and vibrant.
  • Will decorate the room all year round.
  • They do not need to be watered, which means you can easily go on a trip without worrying about the life of your "green friends".
  • Pests do not start on such plants, they do not get sick and do not wither.
  • They do not have pollen, which causes bouts of allergic reactions.
  • They are quite strong, they are hard to break by accident.
  • Such flowers are very diverse in color, which means that you can easily choose the perfect tone for your interior.
  • They can be installed from dark rooms(bathroom, dressing room, corridor), they absolutely do not need light, unlike fresh flowers.
  • They can be left on a cold loggia, they are not afraid of temperature changes.

But there are also disadvantages: the lack of a natural floral aroma, low-quality material can cause allergies, they can fade over time, they need to be periodically cleaned of accumulated dust.

What are artificial flowers made of?

In fact, from what only such plants are not made. Well, among the most popular materials I would like to highlight:

  1. paper;
  2. Plastic;
  3. Glass;
  4. polymer clay;
  5. Cold porcelain;
  6. Textile;
  7. Foamiran;
  8. Beads;
  9. Threads;
  10. Colored wire.

Ideally, such flowers should smell like nothing. But in general, the most important thing is that there is no caustic chemical "aroma", it is difficult to remove it, and as a result, it will exude its stench throughout the house.

It is better to ask the seller for a certificate for flowers, making sure they are safe.

Naturally, the colors should not show spots of painting or, on the contrary, unpainted fragments.

When choosing a bouquet, be guided by the size of the vase in which it will stand, so for a large vase it is better to buy several branches with flowers so that the composition looks magnificent and spectacular.

If the purchased bouquet of flowers could not survive the postage, and as a result you see completely crumpled fabric buds, hold the bouquet over the steam coming from a heated kettle or pan - as a result, the petals will align and look aesthetically pleasing!

How to take care of these plants.

There is no global secret here, in fact, everything is extremely simple. You can use fluffy panicles for dusting (cleans fabric flowers perfectly), each petal can be wiped with a damp cloth (this option is suitable for plastic plants made of polymer clay or cold porcelain). A steam cleaner is ideal for tissue plants, it will not only remove dirt, but also, as it were, correct their shape.

Examples of flower arrangements for the style of the interior.

  • The interior of Provence can be supplemented with a composition of small pink roses set in a white painted vase.
  • Country design will look great with flowers that mimic field specimens - cornflowers, thyme, daisies, dandelions.
  • The Shabby Chic room will be wonderfully perceived with peonies of various colors.
  • Japanese style will be happy to accept sakura branches.
  • Classic interior will look luxurious with roses, lilies or orchids.

Artificial flowers in the interior, photo (additional selection):

How to cover fresh flowers with wax (video):

How to make a flower from cold porcelain (video):

Do-it-yourself foamiran flowers (video):

Compositions of artificial flowers for the interior can be called a kind of "magic wand", they successfully transform the design of the premises, are not afraid of a long absence of the owners (they do not need to be watered), even a beginner can quickly and easily make a chic bouquet. In addition, they have a relatively affordable cost, if the bouquet gets tired of it, you can replace it with another, and of course they will delight you with their "bloom" not seasonally, but all year round. No matter how you look, there are only advantages around! By the way, we told the wound - come in, study. Good luck composing artificial plants, and see you again on the pages of the site "Comfort in the House".

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