What plants can be planted in an artificial reservoir. How to choose and properly plant plants for a pond in the country with your own hands

reservoirs 13.06.2019

The pond is not a flower garden, and the overabundance of plants is much more obvious here. Therefore, you should not buy the entire range of aquatic plants to ennoble the pond. You need to choose and plant them wisely.

Plant selection rules

Ponds are different: large and small, natural and artificial, with clay or rocky shore, with or without fish. But what no body of water on a personal plot can definitely do without is without ornamental aquatic plants.

However, before ennobling the pond with plants, you need to have a good idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow it should look. It is important to think over the main decorative elements in advance, you can even sketch out your "ideal pond" on paper. When you have a well-formed decor idea, you can plant a pond with plants. The main thing in this business is not to overdo it and not turn it into a shop window.

All aquatic plants can be divided into 5 groups:

  • deep sea,
  • oxygenators,
  • floating,
  • shallow water,
  • coastal.

You can read more about which plants are included in these groups. It is desirable that plants from all these groups be present in the pond, since each of them is responsible for certain functions.

If the pond is very small, on the initial stage it will be enough to plant 2-3 aquatic plants in it. Into the big pond it is not recommended to plant more than 5-7 specimens. Moreover, the choice should be made in favor of the most unpretentious perennials. Later, when the pioneer plants take root and get stronger, you can add a few more capricious or even exotic species to them.

Plants for a small pond

Aquatic plants for a small reservoir should also be selected miniature. These should be species whose growth and reproduction can be easily controlled. As a center plant, you can choose marigold she will play small pond the same role that the water lily plays in large ones. From floating plants suitable duckweed or pemphigus. Just remember that duckweed needs to be thinned out from time to time.

Suitable for shallow water small burr or sedge. The last plant also looks good in coastal zone, because it allows you to visually increase the boundaries of the pond. The ideal plant for the shore of a mini-reservoir is coined loosestrife: It can grow into neat yellow-green mats. And the alpine slides look very interesting in the coastal zone.

Plants for a large pond

The Queen of the Big Pond is, of course, water lily. However, among deep-sea plants there are other, no less interesting specimens, for example pondweed and turcha. Suitable for shallow water arrowhead, sedge, cattail and susak umbrella. The latter plant fits especially well in large ponds due to its huge inflorescences. The coast will be decorated Siberian iris or hosts.

Do not plant succulent susak in a small pond - with this plant, it will seem even smaller.

If in the future fish appear in the pond, then it is worth putting a predator from the world of flora in it - pemphigus. She will gladly "eat up" the remains of their food for the fish.

Pond zoning

To make the pond look solid, you need to select plants for it, taking into account the depth. In total, 5 main zones are distinguished in the reservoir:

  • deep water zone,
  • shallow water,
  • swampy area,
  • wet area,
  • coastal zone.

Deep water zone. The deepest part of the pond is intended for planting plants that take root in the soil at the bottom. The selection of deep water plants should be taken very seriously, as they decorate the very center of the pond and are its key elements. Usually those aquatic plants that can grow at a depth of 40 cm to 3 m are planted here.

Those aquatic cultures look best in the center of the pond, the leaves and flowers of which are visible on the surface. The most famous of these plants is the water lily (nymphea, water lily). It is recommended to plant no more than 2 deep water plants per square meter of pond.

It is also desirable to settle in the pond plants that float freely on the surface of the water surface, without fixing themselves in the ground. These include, pistia, duckweed and water hyacinth. If you want these plants not to "clump", but to be in a certain place, they can be fixed using some kind of impromptu "anchor".

Oxygenator plants are also planted in the deep water zone. Most often, these are algae that are completely hidden under water and are able to release oxygen. It is very important to have such plants in the pond in which the fish live. Elodea, hornwort and other oxygenators are also good because underwater animals often find shelter in these underwater thickets.

Shallow water. This zone of the pond is from 10 to 40 cm deep. Plants are planted here, the roots of which are in the water (or in marshy soil), and top part visible on the surface. Grows well in shallow water sedge, cattail and rush.

Wetland zone. This is a site where the water height does not exceed 10 cm. Plants are planted here that are very fond of moist soil ( aquilegia , astilba , loosestrife). But if the water level changes slightly from time to time - it's not scary. Most plants in the swamp zone are adapted to this phenomenon.

Wet and coastal zones. These sections of the pond are often combined into one, since it is sometimes difficult to draw a border between them. Moisture-loving garden flowers grow well in moist soil ( calla, iris), which will be able, in which case, to transfer temporary flooding.

Dry area is suitable for any garden plants, which we are used to seeing in flower beds and flower beds. But the main thing is not to overdo it with them: if you plant too many plants along the shore of the reservoir, then over time they will close the pond. In addition, water in a shaded pond will warm up worse.

Plants coastal zone best placed on one side of the pond. Usually they are planted to a depth of up to 15 cm (planting density - 2-3 pieces per 1 sq.m).

Methods for planting aquatic plants

There are 2 ways to plant aquatic plants in a pond:

  • directly into the ground
  • into containers.

Each of these options has its pros and cons. Find out what they are.

Landing in the ground

Pros. Planting plants in a permanent place makes it easier to green a pond with a high bank.

Minuses. If you find that you planted the plant in the wrong place, it will take a long time to transplant it. To remove such plants from the pond for the winter, they will have to be dug up and transplanted into containers each time.

Landing features. If you want an effect " wild pond", then the plants should be planted in the reservoir directly into the ground. To do this, a layer of soil about 20-30 cm thick should be laid out on the bottom of the tank (or on the section of the pond intended for planting plants).

The soil for planting aquatic plants requires not too fertile. The ideal substrate is considered to be composed of loamy soil, fine sand (sifted) and peat in a ratio of 7:2:1. If it is not possible to make the soil mixture on your own, you can take the usual purchased soil for aquatic plants, which is easy to find in specialized gardening stores.

It is worth planting aquatic plants in the pond immediately after purchase. Like any other plant, pond species are best planted in cloudy weather - this is how they take root best. After planting, it is recommended to sprinkle the soil surface with a layer of gravel. Then, when filling the pond with water, soil particles will not float to the surface. It will also protect the plant roots from fish.

If you do not want to fill the entire pond with earth, plants can be planted in "film pockets". These are artificial planting pits filled with substrate. The advantage of this planting method is that you yourself can adjust the depth and width of the "island" with the ground (depending on the curtain being planted). In addition, with the help of such planting holes it is easier to limit the growth of aggressive species. Artificial landing pits should also be sprinkled with a layer of gravel.

Planting in containers

Pros. Thanks to container planting, the design of the pond can be constantly changed by rearranging potted plants from one place to another. In addition, it is good to plant species in containers that grow very quickly: planting in pots limits their growth. Plants in containers are easy to remove from the pond and send for wintering - they do not need to be dug up, just get the container with the root system from the pond.

Minuses. Potted soil will deplete over time, so the plants can begin to starve, resulting in poorer blooms. In a small pond, containers may be visible to the naked eye and must be masked. And you also need to know that some fish (for example, carps) love to tear the ground in baskets with aquatic plants.

Landing features. For container plants, you first need to choose a suitable container. You can use ordinary pots, but as a rule, all kinds of garden containers are used, including plastic baskets. Horticultural centers usually have a large assortment of these slatted containers that are specifically designed for planting pond plants. It is worth choosing boxes with large cells so that the roots of the plants are subsequently well washed with water.

To prevent soil from washing out through large holes, the bottom of the basket container can be covered with a piece of burlap. Next, a small layer of pebbles should be poured on it (to make the container heavier and protect the soil from being washed out). After that, the basket should be half filled with soil for aquatic plants or a substrate of loamy soil, fine sand and peat (7:2:1).

To plant a plant in a prepared container, it must be carefully removed from the container in which it was sold. After transplanting the plant, it must be watered and sprinkled with the rest of the earth. At the same time, the soil should not be heavily compacted. You can protect it from washing out from above with the help of the same pebbles. Pebbles need to be laid in a layer of about 4 cm. After that, the container with the plant can be immersed in the pond.

The sequence of planting aquatic plants in the pond

It is best to plant aquatic plants from early April to mid-July.

  • Deep water plants are placed first in the pond. oxygenators, which need to be planted one bunch per 1 sq.m. If you place plants in containers in the pond, then they should be placed at the same distance from each other.
  • When the water in the pond warms up to a temperature of 18-20 ° C, you can plant your favorite plants in it. water lilies. Also at the same time it is worth starting to run floating plants. They will shade the pond a little while the water lilies are just beginning to open their gorgeous large leaves.
  • When the pond is populated, you can start landing plants on the beach.

Properly planting plants in the pond, you will not only create a beautiful pond, but also save yourself from the hassle in the future. This does not mean that aquatic plants will not need to be looked after at all, but it will be much easier to do so.

Aquatic plants for a pond are representatives of the flora that can grow in the water column of both natural reservoirs and artificial ponds in personal plots. Moreover, you can grow such plants regardless of the climatic conditions in which you live. The main thing is to choose the right crops to decorate the pond and know how they hibernate.

Are there any benefits to plants in a pond?

Certainly there is. A plastic container dug into the ground just filled with water looks boring and uninteresting, unlike a pond, on the shiny surface of which beautiful nymphs swim. In addition, aquatic plants help maintain the ecosystem of the pond (especially if there are fish in it).

Based on the foregoing, all aquatic plants can be divided into 2 groups: plants for decor and plants-"orderlies". How are they different?

  • Ornamental plants for the pond. Popular aquatic plants such as lotuses, water lilies and water hyacinths, are planted mainly to decorate the water surface of a reservoir in a personal plot. It is their huge floating leaves and magnificent flowers that turn the pond into a fabulous oasis. So, if you are going to make a pond, be sure to put some of these plants in it.
  • Plants for cleaning the pond. Unlike the plants in the previous group, these crops are not always beautiful. But you can’t do without them, because they absorb carbon dioxide and minerals from the water and release oxygen. As a result, floating algae are deprived of food, and the reservoir is not covered with mud. Simply put, thanks to aquatic plants, the water in the pond can stay clean and clear for longer. Such plants include hornwort, Elodea, swamp and etc.

What are aquatic plants

Depending on the functions and structure, pond plants can be divided into 5 main groups:

  • oxygenators,
  • deep sea,
  • floating,
  • marsh,
  • coastal.

This gradation helps with the zoning of the pond, taking into account the depth. In the deepest part of the reservoir (usually its center), deep-water specimens are placed, closer to the shore and in wetlands - floating or shallow-water plants. The shores can be decorated with ordinary garden flowers who love moist soil. If the soil around the pond is dry, not too moisture-loving flowers and shrubs will do.

oxygenating plants

They should be in every body of water, as they help prevent pollution, as well as absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. In addition, if there are fish in the pond, these cultures will serve them both as food and as a spawning ground.

Plants-oxygenators live under water, only partially appearing on the surface of the water surface. They are planted in baskets, which are placed at the bottom of the pond. It is best to do this in early May. Some species of these plants are quite picky about the conditions. environment and may not take root in the pond the first time. Therefore, it is best to plant several oxygenator plants in a pond at once.

Plant oxygenators: Elodea, water buttercup, swamp, swamp, pondweed, tillea, hornwort, urut, turcha, water moss (fontinalis), hara.

deep sea plants

These plants take root at the bottom of the reservoir, while their leaves are on the surface. Underwater plants with floating leaves are good because they absorb organic matter, dissolved in the water of the pond and adversely affecting its ecosystem. In addition, their large leaf plates shade the pond, which helps prevent water heating and prevent the active reproduction of algae. And most deep-sea plants bloom very beautifully.

The most popular pond plants

Regardless of whether your pond is large or small, whether it is made of plastic or concrete, you need to select plants for it. different types, differing in size, height and depth of growth. Then the pond will look multi-level, which will make it more voluminous.

If you plan to arrange a place to rest on one side of the pond, choose low plants for this part of the pond so that they do not block the entire view.

Remember that in an aquatic ecosystem where various microorganisms, algae and fish coexist side by side, aquatic plants should occupy about half of the water surface. Here are some of the most popular pond plants.


Place and depth of landing


Growing features

Water lily

In containers under water . Dwarf(flower diameter 5-15 cm) - to a depth of 10-50 cm; medium(flower diameter 15-18 cm) - 30-60 cm; large(flower diameter 18-25 cm) - 50-100 cm

In a pond at a depth of about 60 cm

In order for the plants to bloom, they need to be regularly fed with a special fertilizer for water lilies.

Yellow capsule

In containers (baskets) under water or directly into the ground to a depth of 30-60 cm

In a pond, provided that it does not freeze, or in an aquarium in cool water

Plants need to be planted in a substrate of peat, humus and clay

In containers under water to a depth of 20-30 cm

Winters in the pond. Forms buds that can withstand freezing water, and in the spring give life to new plants

Elodea is best planted in small ponds, where it will look beautiful, and also where it will be easier for the grower to limit its growth, since the plant grows very quickly


In the ground or container under water to a depth of 10-20 cm (if planted deeper, the plants will not be visible on the surface)

In a pond below freezing level


It is not necessary to plant, the roots do not have to reach the bottom, the plant is floating

It hibernates at the bottom of the reservoir in the form of dormant buds, which are laid on the plant by autumn, and sink to the bottom of the pond by winter. In spring, air cushions appear in the buds, thanks to which they emerge and give life to new plants.

So that the water paint does not take up the entire space of the pond, its distribution must be limited by removing extra outlets. If it is necessary to stimulate the growth of the plant, you can feed it with a solution of urea at the rate of 10 g per 1 liter of water (spray the leaves no more than three times a year)

The roots may not reach the bottom or even be absent, the plant floats freely in the pond

Winters under the ice in the form of buds sinking to the bottom along with dying plants.

Periodically, it is necessary to catch the excess part of the population or purify the water in order not to allow the duckweed to grow rapidly

In shallow water: calamus marsh- 20 cm, calamus cereal- 5-15 cm. Possibility of placement by the pond in baskets (the soil must be constantly moist) or in a swampy area

It overwinters better in a pond than in the soil under cover.

It is important to weed calamus from time to time, as weeds that intertwine with the roots of the plant can be difficult to remove over time.


Planted in baskets on the shore. A swampy shore or very wet soil is suitable for planting; degree of deepening - 5-10 cm

Winters without shelter

The plant can be planted in ponds hidden in the shade of trees, but marigold requires sunlight to bloom.

Into the ground on the shore to a depth of at least 30 cm (depending on the root ball)

Refers to winter-hardy perennials that can not be covered for the winter

Plant care consists of regular watering, fertilizing, weeding and loosening the soil. It is also necessary to remove flower arrows so that the bush does not fall apart and has a neat appearance.


In the ground on the shore, a landing hole is dug according to the size of the root ball

The plant is considered winter-hardy, hibernates in the ground, does not require shelter

Aquilegia is an unpretentious plant. It can grow both in sunny places and in partial shade, and in both cases it blooms well. However, in the bright sun, the flowers may become smaller over time, so a shady pond would be more preferable for her.

In containers or baskets on the shore. More often planted at a depth of 5-10 cm, some species can be planted at a depth of up to 20 cm. Can grow in shallow water

Most varieties can overwinter in the soil without shelter.

In the ground, in a container on the shore. Minimum depth 7-12 cm, allowable - up to 30 cm

It is best to grow in a container so that it is easier to clean in the winter in the basement with a temperature of about 0 ° C

Suitable for creating spectacular thickets near large bodies of water. When planting in the ground, it is necessary to remove the rhizomes from time to time so that the plants do not grow so much.

When determining the planting depth of a plant, the countdown is from the top edge of the basket.

Basic landing rules

1. There are two ways to plant plants in a pond (or near it): in a container and without it. A pond with high banks is easier to plant with plants planted directly into the ground. Container planting, in turn, allows you to change the design of the reservoir and limit the growth of plants that need it.

2. The best time for planting most aquatic plants - early April - mid-July. The first to be placed in the pond are oxygenator plants, which must be planted according to the principle of 1 copy in 1 container. As the water warms up, underwater and then floating plants can be lowered into the pond. Next in line is the coastal zone.

3. Aquatic plants need to be given time to take root and adapt before introducing fish into the pond. This usually takes 4 to 6 weeks. In addition, the water must be properly settled.

4. Pots for planting aquatic plants are suitable for the most common, including garden containers or baskets. So that the soil does not wash out of them, you can line the basket with burlap from the inside, and put pebbles on top.

Features of using artificial plants

It is advisable to use artificial plants to design a pond in which there is no way to keep live specimens or for which there is no time to take care of. However, it is impossible to say that artificial flowers in a pond remove absolutely all worries from the owner. Periodically, they need to be taken out and cleaned of dirt, various growths and plaque. In addition, artificial plants can fade in the sun, therefore, in order for the pond to always look bright and tidy, they should be replaced with new ones as necessary. You should also not leave artificial plants in the pond for the winter, because this way they will quickly become unusable.


Only thanks to aquatic plants can an ordinary pond turn into an exclusive and key element of everything. personal plot. Experiment with different types, watch the plants grow, care for them as needed and enjoy the bloom.

Admire the reflection of the sun's rays on the water surface, watch insects and amphibians, just relax in a cool corner near the water ... What could be better, especially if all this is in own garden.

Most often, it is aesthetic pleasure that prompts owners garden plots equip . But the garden pond also has a practical purpose.

It allows you to create an ecosystem that promotes better vegetation of both trees and horticultural crops. Moreover, the presence of a reservoir eliminates the washing out of the fertile soil layer.

But all these advantages are possible only in one case - if the pond is as if created by nature. And what is this body of water?

"Alive", in which small aquatic animals and plants feel good. By the way, it is plants that create that unique eco-environment that allows water to always remain clean. Biological balance is maintained due to the saturation of water with oxygen, the decomposition of unnecessary impurities and the exclusion of decay processes.

If a fish lives in a pond, then the plants will help it to overwinter.

What Plants Do Ponds Need?

For a normal natural balance in a garden pond, aquatic plants of certain types are needed.

They are conditionally classified into deep-sea, waterfowl, oxygen generators (plants that purify water in a pond from carbon dioxide) and coastal ones.

All of them interact with each other and perform a specific role. And if at least one plant species is missing from this chain, it will be almost impossible to create the desired balance.

plants for water

Aquatic plants for the pond, which are located directly in the water.

deep sea

These are plants whose roots are at a depth of 30 cm to a meter.

The most common deep-water plants are water lily, egg capsule, lotus, aponogeton, nymphaeum and others. The leaves of these plants float on the surface. But most of all, the amazing beauty of flowers attracts the eye.

Pictured is a nymphaeum

Most commonly used:

  1. Water lily- perhaps the most common flower of this species. Its other name is water lily. Rhizomes of water lilies are thick, creeping, rich in starch. Today, about 35 species of these flowers are known, most of from which they are artificially derived. More common is the snow-white water lily, a resident of natural reservoirs and therefore the most resistant to climate change and growing conditions. These water lilies bloom from May until frost. The flowers have a delicate pleasant aroma, and the leaves reach 20 cm in length. For abundant flowering Water lilies need a sunny location.
  2. Aponogeton- Another beautiful water flower. True, unlike the water lily, its tubers will have to be brought in for wintering in a room protected from frost. This is because aponogeton is a resident of water bodies of tropical and subtropical countries. You can plant it on the bottom of the reservoir when the water warms up enough and the spring frosts pass. The optimal depth is up to 50 cm. Water hawthorn blooms (this, by the way, is the second, more common name among gardeners) in spring and early summer. Large flowers: white, pink or yellow color with a distinct vanilla scent. When planting aponogeton in a pond, avoid areas with direct sunbeams. Best Option for this plant - partial shade.
  3. Nymphaenik- an unpretentious plant for a reservoir. Miniature leaves look like water lily leaves, but yellow flowers rather reminiscent of buttercups. It tolerates winter well and grows quickly, so in garden ponds it should be controlled by removing unnecessary shoots. It blooms from July to September, subject to placement in the sunny zone of the reservoir. It is better to plant nymphaeums to a depth of 60 cm.

water plants

A special place in the pond is occupied by waterfowl. Their roots do not need soil, they swim freely and multiply on the surface of the water.

But, when settling such plants in your artificial reservoir, it should be borne in mind that they are quite aggressive and are able to flood the entire surface of the water. However, it is probably impossible to do without waterfowl at all. Their main purpose is to protect water from direct sunlight.

In the photo, water paint

For small ponds, you should not choose duckweed, it grows too quickly. But vodokras, telorez and salvinia are ideal.


Oxygenating plants saturate the water with oxygen by absorbing harmful carbon dioxide.

It is thanks to this process that the water space will be protected from pollution and overgrowing with mud.

Interestingly, oxygen generators are almost always invisible, they are hidden under water, but their role is extremely important. The most common among such representatives of aquatic flora are:

  1. hornwort lives in ponds with slow flowing water. In warm water it develops quickly, and by autumn it almost completely dies off. Only the tops of the shoots sink to the bottom, where they overwinter. To populate a reservoir with a hornwort, you just need to throw its cuttings into the water.
  2. Bolotnitsa- a wonderful algae for shallow ponds. Its delicate stems resemble cereals, they grow all over the bottom. Therefore, in artificial ponds, it is most often grown in special containers. The bog is resistant to frost and does not require care.
  3. grows in any reservoirs - both with stagnant water, and with a fast current. The plant is planted to a depth of 1.5 meters, it tolerates winter well and does not require care.

Kabomba - beautiful and unusual

Plants of the coastal zone

Plants that are planted around the pond can be divided into two groups - those that grow in shallow water, and those that are used to decorate the shore.

The first ones are mandatory for the reservoir. The most popular coastal plants are calamus, swamp, water pine, reed, forget-me-not, sedge, cattail, reed, marigold, buttercup and others.

How in the design of suburban areas is used for the plant, the features of breeding and pest control. Details in our material.

Bluegrass meadow for the lawn is a choice you will not regret. about how to choose seeds, prepare the area for a lawn and plant a plant.

Most often used:

  1. Air- unpretentious shallow water plant. It is often used in landscaping water bodies to add vertical lines to the composition. All parts of plants contain an essential oil with a characteristic aroma. The rhizome of the plant is brittle, but each part gives a new growth. It can be planted in spring or summer to a depth of 15 cm.
  2. (often also called "tail") - an unpretentious plant of the coastal zone. Its stem is single, up to half a meter in height, and the roots are creeping. The plant perfectly purifies water from decomposed organic residues, and also removes unpleasant odors. But it's growing fast.
  3. Sedge- a plant that today occupies a special place in the landscape design of reservoirs. There are more than 2 thousand species of sedge, which have different characteristics and are able to adapt to different conditions. climatic conditions. decorative types of this plant are able to give the reservoir a unique appearance. The plant is propagated by dividing the rhizome, planted directly near the water. In winter, the leaves of the sedge die off, and the roots overwinter in the soil without shelter.

Water pine - coniferous in your pond

And, finally, decorative moisture-loving plants can be planted near the shore of the reservoir. Their roots should not be in the water, but such plants do not tolerate drought either.

Many moisture-loving plants bloom beautifully, so the reservoir is in different time can look elegant and well-groomed.

Moisture-loving plants include loosestrife, a variety of irises, astilba, comfrey, and ferns.

The video looks at the main aquatic plants that are used for an artificial pond.

Daylilies by the pond - it's beautiful and bright

Features of planting plants in the pond

It is better to plant plants, starting from the deepest zone. Initially, the number of plants should be determined.

Again, it is important that all four of the above groups are present in the reservoir - deep-sea, oxygenators, floating and coastal plants.

Do not plant plants too densely, because they will grow anyway. Optimal if calculated ½ m2 per plant. In addition, it is desirable that representatives of the flora occupy no more than two-thirds of the entire reservoir.

Deep-water plants are conveniently planted in special containers. For waterfowl containers are not needed. When choosing plants, you should adhere to a certain decorative idea.

If placement is planned near the water, then tall plants should not be placed in this part of the reservoir.

They should be in the background, creating a beautiful backdrop for other, perhaps decorative foliage or flowering plants.

Plants around the pond in the country

Features of care

To care for the pond, you will need a certain set of garden tools - pond scissors, pruners, a net and tongs. First of all, plant care consists in the timely cleansing of the reservoir from dying parts of plants.

Yellowed or browned leaves of deep-sea plants should be cut off. To do this, the pond shears are lowered 20 cm below the water, and the cut leaf is removed with a net.

It is especially important to clean the surface of the water in the spring - when there is a lot of pollen, dry scales and catkins, as well as in autumn, when leaves fall from trees and shrubs.

Leaves and stems of shallow-water plants should not be cut before winter, because half-dried, they are an excellent conductor of oxygen under the ice. But in the spring, these stems should be removed so that the reservoir looks attractive.

Knowing the features of planting plants for a reservoir and knowing how to care for them, you can create a wonderful corner in your own garden. It will delight the owners and guests of the estate for a long time, it will become a picturesque natural accent that attracts you at any time of the year. Everyone can create beauty.

See how cozy and pleasant your own garden can be!

Plants create not only comfort and mood, but also perform useful features: bear fruit, protect from heat, fertilize the soil, etc. The choice and amount of greenery entirely depends on the desire of the owner of the cottage and the characteristics of the area. Today we will tell you how to choose plants for a pond in the country.

Why do we need plants by the pond

Artificial reservoirs, decorated in any style, make landscape design much brighter and richer. There is no need to talk about the possibilities of enjoying a quiet holiday on the shore, but not everyone knows that reservoirs can perform not only a decorative, but also a practical function. The proximity of water contributes to the normalization of air humidity, and even on the hottest day, plants and flowers near it look fresh and attractive.

The most common design option for ponds is as close to the natural environment as possible. natural area. For this, not only different kinds stone, sand, beautiful driftwood, but also plants. In different zones of the reservoir, all kinds of flowers, shrubs and trees are planted, which will harmoniously combine with each other in one microsystem. They give the pond a complete look and retain the shape of the coastal zone. Such a green area requires constant maintenance, and it may take several years for your dream oasis to look like you previously envisioned.

Video "What to plant on the bank of the pond"

In this video, an expert will tell you what plants can be planted on the banks of an ornamental pond.


The size and position of the pond dictate their conditions, so you need to correctly calculate which plants will look harmoniously around the pond, and which directly in it. However, they should not be in conflict with each other.


The area near the pond should not be completely filled, otherwise a small number of floating and deep-sea plants will look superfluous, and the pond itself will be too cluttered. Flowers should not occupy the entire body of water; individual islands will look much more profitable and attractive. Most of them have roots, but they do not take root in the soil. They not only decorate the pond, but also prevent the development of primitive green algae that pollute water bodies.

The sizes of floating plants can be different - from miniature duckweed to giant water hyacinth. You can decorate the water space with water cabbage, villain, pemphigus, pinnate, pistia. The main thing is to take care of floating plants in a timely manner and clear the water surface.

deep sea

Among deep-water plants, tenacious and capricious varieties come across. Most of them are recognizable and popular. Some bloom, others have unusually beautiful decorative leaves. They are planted to a depth of no more than 1.5 m, otherwise the plants may lack light and air. The quality of the water in the pond can be determined by the state of deep-water plants. If they are healthy and actively developing, then the water in the reservoir is clean, light and oxygen are supplied in the right amount. Most often, ponds are decorated with water lilies, nymphs, silkworms, and water lilies.

Landing and care

In order for the plants in the pond to take root and grow normally, they need to be planted correctly. The best time for planting is late spring - early summer. Plant aquatic cultures in containers or mesh baskets. The best option soil - clay and peat, in a ratio of 2:1. The soil is poured to the bottom of the container, then the plant is carefully laid, straightening the roots. After laying, it is covered with soil up to the root neck and rammed. From above, the soil is covered with pebbles. The container is lowered into the water, supporting it with fishing line from several sides.

At first, it is not recommended to immerse the flower too deeply. The dive is gradual. Caring for plants in the pond consists of periodic cleaning and thinning. Small crops are usually eaten by fish or frogs, but large ones need to be cleaned up on their own. Immediately you need to get rid of damaged or yellowed parts of the greenery. They provoke the process of decay and worsen the overall appearance.

Almost all floating plants must be taken from the reservoir for the winter.

Because garden ponds usually shallow or built on the basis of containers dug into the ground, the water will freeze and the plants will die. Therefore, all plants placed in containers are transferred to a warm room and placed in a large container with water. Unrooted free-floating cultures are recommended to be placed in aquariums or any other suitable container.

As rightly noted, beauty does not require sacrifice, but only care and investment. Green islands in the pond and ornamental crops in the coastal zone will delight you for a long time if you provide them with proper care. The main thing in choosing plants is not to overdo it in your pursuit of perfection, and do not try to plant everything at once.

If there is a reservoir on the site, then it will be useful to decorate it with aquatic plants to give a special atmosphere. Now there are a lot of crops that can be planted both in the pond itself and in the coastal zone, so it is important to figure out which ones are suitable for what. In this article we will talk about how to decorate decorative pond on the suburban area plants and which ones to choose.

Plant Selection Criteria

The plants in the pond are not only decorative element, but also an integral part of the ecological system, which allows you to keep its balance. In stagnant water bodies, for example, it is important to have higher plants that can purify the water and prevent it from clouding and blooming.

These processes occur especially rapidly in warm weather, when bacteria multiply extremely rapidly and can as soon as possible make the reservoir unusable.

When choosing representatives of the flora for the pond, it is important to take into account the shape and depth of the reservoir, as well as the landscape surrounding it. For the suburban area, it is best suited unpretentious plants who do not need regular care.

When landscaping aquatic type, the following features are taken into account:

  1. The ability of pond plants to survive the winter months in both water and soil.
  2. The timing and options for planting, as well as the time until the vegetation will delight with a full-fledged appearance.
  3. Description of cultural care.

If the pond is designed in such a way that it has an angle from which it can be enjoyed, then it is important to plant the vegetation in such a way that it does not cover the pond itself. If there is a recreation area near the water, then it is made out only by undersized crops. For a pond at 4 square meters the following plants can be used in various combinations: reed, reed, angelica or rhubarb. Very small ponds need a simple design with the help of calamus, daylily, ditty or arrowhead.

Variety of cultures for the pond

All plants that are aquatic can grow not only in natural conditions, but also in artificially created ones. There are many of them and almost all are suitable for decorating a reservoir in a suburban area. It is only important to choose the right representatives of the flora and correctly combine them with each other.

Advice! If the plans did not include the purchase of plants for the pond, then it is quite possible to bring them from the nearest wetland. Such cultures will even better take root in a familiar climate.

floating plants

A distinctive feature of such crops is that they are not fixed by the root system in the ground and due to this they can float over the entire surface of the pond. Thanks to such vegetation, the “blooming” of water is prevented, and the pond itself is protected from overheating.

Since floating pond plants grow very quickly, they need timely care, which includes mandatory pruning and removal of unnecessary shoots.

Advice! For ease of cultivation, plants can be placed in a special floating basket.

coastal cultures

When designing ponds, such perennials very popular. In order for the pond to look neat and attractive, the vegetation must be correctly combined with each other. If everything is done as it should, then the resulting composition will be the link between water and land.

Very lively and concise look near the water different cultures related to cereals, as well as irises and daylilies, valerian, loosestrife, bathing suits, meadowsweet. Incredible elegance is distinguished by all varieties of ferns.

swamp vegetation

Many plants of this group will be an excellent option for decorating a pond, as they are unpretentious. In order for them not to grow extremely violently, you need to periodically seat and cut them.

To improve the quality of water in an artificial reservoir on the site, its timely cleaning is important. The marsh forget-me-not, the butterfly, the head burr, the Magellanic sedge, and the marsh violet do an excellent job with this task.

oxygen generators

These pond-friendly plants are crops whose flowers are on the surface, and the rest in the water column. They prevent various pollution, and also, if fish are bred in the pond, they will become an excellent place for their spawning.

The foliage that is under water has the property of absorbing mineral salts and carbon dioxide, which is especially important in the spring and summer to improve water quality.

Deep water varieties

Such plants are long shoots, the roots of which are in the bottom soil, the stem and foliage in the water column, and the flowers on the surface. They are planted in a pond not only for beauty, but also to prevent the uncontrolled reproduction of bacteria and algae. Most often, water lilies, water-colors, eichornia, duckweed, hornwort or marsh flower are used in artificial reservoirs.

Planting and caring for vegetation in the pond

Plants in the pond and around it are planted only when the structure is completely completed and filled with water. At the same time, it is important that the water settles for at least 10 days. Moisture-loving crops are planted in early summer. Depending on the type of plant, it is located directly in the pond or near it. Deep-sea cultures are planted at the bottom of the pond, and it is better to do this in pots with holes all over the surface so that the roots do not rot in the future. It is much easier to care for crops in pots, or rather, transfer them to a warm place for wintering, move them as needed.

Be sure to make sure that the soil in the baskets and pots is protected from erosion and turbidity does not rise from it. To do this, already installed pots with plants are covered with a layer of burlap, on which there are small pebbles.

Regardless of the type of pond plant, it is important to remove all old leaves and long roots before planting. In advance, it is necessary to clarify at what depth in the soil the roots of the plant should be. Crops are planted not close to each other, but so that each shoot has enough space and light for normal growth.

Advice! It is best not to specifically plant a plant such as duckweed, as it grows very quickly and can take up all the space that no body of water can decorate.

We take care of the plants

It is not enough just to plant plants in and around the pond. To enjoy a beautiful view, it is necessary to properly care for everything that has been planted. It consists in constant thinning, during which old, dead and too tall shoots and leaves are removed.

As for wintering, those water plants that grow in this climate can be left in the pond, as this is their usual environment and they are ready for such conditions. But exotic crops from the pond will have to be moved to a warm place. An aquarium or bath is suitable as a reservoir for them, but only located indoors. Previously, before immersing in a new place, the roots of such plants are cut off. It is important to remember that it is necessary to maintain sufficient illumination in the room, due to which the representatives of the flora will not wither away.

Plant options according to the shape of the pond

Depending on the configuration of the artificial reservoir, it is possible to offer different types plants:


Decorating a pond with plants is a kind of process in which it is important to focus not only on the external beauty and the result, but also on the combination of plants. If everything is done according to the rules, then you can get original design an artificial reservoir that will decorate the site.

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