Why didn't helenium rise? Gelenium flower: planting and care in the open field, photo

Encyclopedia of Plants 13.06.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Many gardeners prefer to grow a beautiful gelenium plant on their plots. There are about 40 species of representatives of the genus Gelenium perennial or annual, differing in height, shape, color of leaves and flowers.

Gelenium is a perennial representative of the Astrov family. Its homeland is North and East America, where it is quite common. garden plant. This beautiful flower pleased with the variety of colors and shapes. Perhaps that is why in Russia there is increased attention to varieties of this species. Planting and care will not be difficult; with due attention, perennial gelenium will delight you with abundant flowering.

plant description

The maximum height of the stem reaches 160 cm. Depending on the species, the stem of the plant can be smooth, straight, branched. The leaves of gelenium in most species are stem, lanceolate, grow in the next order.

Helenium flower is a hemisphere covered with yellow pollen. Its central part is framed by petals, the color and shape of which has its own characteristics depending on the species. In all varieties of this species, the flower has a circular, chamomile-like shape.

The stem with a flower is quite high, reaches a height of up to 50-90 cm. The flowering period can last five to six weeks. The beginning of flowering occurs in late summer - early autumn. After the flowering period, cylindrical seeds are formed.

Sometimes the gelenium looks like a bush, because it can grow and occupy an area of ​​​​about 60 cm. Gelenium is a herbaceous plant for open ground, it is very photophilous, it can tolerate partial shade. Active growth and color gives at good watering and adequately fertilized soil.

The root system of the plant is weak, with the onset of the first cold weather it dies off along with the ground part of the flower. In place of the dried root, a new bud is formed, from which new leaves, stem and roots appear in spring.

All varieties of this plant are thermophilic, they do not tolerate cold well, therefore, for the winter period, plants are covered with sawdust, fallen leaves, straw, moss, cardboard or special covering material from a specialized store for gardeners.

Species and varieties

For cultivation, a wide selection of different varieties of plants obtained by breeding is provided. Currently, you can observe a variety of gelenium flower options, with different flowering times. So y hybrid varieties, compared with typical ones, the duration of flowering is 1-2 months longer. Color palette flowers is quite diverse: you can see the gelenium of hybrid varieties with yellow, red, burgundy, orange and gold flowers.

Perennials bloom in groups, almost simultaneously, creating a large colored "ball" in the flower bed. Flowers retain their appearance throughout the flowering period, which makes them very attractive in terms of gardening.

Helenium hybrid

Helenium hebrides

Helenium hybrid

All representatives of this plant of uncertain origin are classified as a hybrid variety, the progenitor of which is considered the autumn variety of gelenium.

The height of the plant is 1 - 1.3 m, the flowers are yellow - brown, red - yellow in color, the diameter of which is 3 - 3.5 cm. The peak of flowering occurs in mid-July.

The most popular representatives of the hybrid variety:

  • grade Gartensonne, height 1 - 1.3 m, brown-red flowers, diameter 4 - 5 cm;
  • grade goldlakzwerg height up to 1 m, the petals of the inflorescence are orange with brown spots, with yellowish spots on the tips;
  • grade Brassingham Gold, height not higher than 1 m, yellow flowers;
  • grade Windley, height 60 - 80 cm, flowers are yellow with an orange tint;
  • grade Riverton Jam, height up to 1 m, golden-red flowers;
  • grade Grimson Beauty, not higher than 50-60 cm yellow flowers.

Gelenium autumn jazz

Gelenium autumn jazz

It is a kind of autumn gelenium. The height of the stem reaches 1.5 m. Helenium Autumn Jazz can be found with various shades colors: bright yellow, red-orange, golden. The flowers are shaped like a large chamomile. Flower diameter 4.5-5 cm. Prefers loose, well-fertilized, moist soil. blooms large quantity flowers from mid-July to mid-September. The variety is very popular with gardeners.

Helenium Bigelow

Helenium Biglow

Native to North America, Canada. The height of the stem reaches 80 cm, the leaves are whole, lanceolate. The central cone-shaped part of the flower is brown, the petals around it are yellow. Inflorescences up to 6 cm in diameter. Peak bloom June-July.

Helenium Hupa

Helenium Hupa

A distinctive feature of the variety is that it can be planted on slopes, rocky places, Alpine rollercoaster. Compared to other varieties, it has a more developed root system. The flowers are orange, the diameter of the inflorescence reaches 10 cm. Helenium Hupa begins to bloom from early July to mid-September. Plant height 70-90 cm, leaves whole, lanceolate, gray-green.

Helenium autumn

Helenium autumn

The most common species, is the base for breeding other varieties. It grows naturally in North America and Canada. A very tall representative of its species, grows up to 1-2 m. The stem with a flower is strong, long, straight, slightly branched towards the crown. Differs in rich flowering at the end of August, continues to bloom until the end of September. The flowers are large, up to 5-6 cm in diameter, golden-yellow in color with curved toothed wheel-shaped petals.

The stem branches, each "twig" ends with a flower. One plant can produce a very large number of buds. Helenium autumn is actively used in gardening. The most popular representatives of this variety:

  • grade Magnificum, height 60 - 80 cm, bright yellow flower. Active flowering end of July beginning of August;
  • grade Butterpat, stem height not more than 1 m, dark yellow flowers;
  • grade bruno height 1 - 1.2 m, the shade of flowers is dark red with golden splashes.

Gelenium Rubinzwerg

Gelenium Rubinzwerg

It has a different name - Ruby Dwarf. Stem height 50-60 cm, flowers red, burgundy, ruby. Flowering time from late July to October. Gelenium Rubinzwerg is a cold-resistant variety.

Helenium Salsa

Helenium Salsa

Flowering period from mid-June to late September. Helenium Salsa flower colors: red-orange petals with a brown-gold central cone-shaped part.

Helenium Fuego

Helenium Fuego

Height 45-60 cm, flowering time July-September, flower diameter 5 cm. It is a very young hybrid variety. Flower Helenium Fuego is very bright: the petals are red-orange, with yellow spots near the central part.

Helenium Mörheim Beauty

Helenium Mörheim Beauty

Plant height 90-150 cm, bronze-red inflorescence color. Flowering time July - September. Stems of Helenium Mörheim Beauty are very strong, do not require a garter, the variety is very wind resistant. One of the few hybrid varieties that is not picky about the composition of the soil.

Landing and care

In open ground, seedlings, seeds, layering and cuttings are planted at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other, since the plant gives abundant foliage. 3-4 plants are planted per 1 square meter. After planting in open ground, gelenium needs care. The ground with seeds is covered with glass, a cap or cellophane. As soon as the first shoots appear, the covering material is removed. If the bores have risen close to each other, they are seated.

When to plant helenium seeds?

You can grow seedlings from seeds, or you can immediately lower them into open ground. To do this, after the seeds ripen in late autumn, immediately after harvest, they should be sown in the ground. The weather during this period must be cool so that the seeds do not germinate, otherwise they will simply die. They are planted in open ground in the spring, as soon as the snow melts, it becomes more or less warm, without night frosts.

Watering plants like regular, it is desirable to loosen the soil after each watering, this will create an additional flow of oxygen to the roots.

Hybrid varieties are less susceptible to cold, but still experienced gardeners It is advised to cover the plants for the winter.

Top dressing also needs to be done by periodically adding mineral fertilizers to the soil around the roots.

Helenium reproduction

There are the following methods of reproduction of this type of plant:

  • seeds. Planting seeds is carried out in late autumn or early spring directly into the ground on a prepared bed. Many seedlings are grown in advance in early spring from seeds, which take root better in open field;
  • cuttings. Most fast way obtaining an adult gelenium plant. A stalk is cut from an adult bush, which is immediately planted in the ground. Sometimes, for better rooting, it is advised to hold the stalk in water with mineral fertilizers;
  • sockets. When dividing an adult plant, a piece of the ground part with the root system is separated with a knife. The division of the bush must be done in the spring. If this is done in the autumn, then the separated parts will give green shoots and may die during the first autumn frosts.

Diseases and pests of Gelenium

Helenium in winter

In autumn, as soon as the stem and leaves dry, they are cut off, leaving 10-15 cm with a new bud on the stem near the root system. In order for the plant not to freeze, it is covered.

Growing Gelenium from seeds

To obtain good strong seedlings, it is necessary to start preparing seedlings at the end of spring. Seeds are planted in loose fertilized moist soil. It is also necessary to take care of drainage, the plant does not like stagnant water, which provokes rotting of the roots.

AT flower shops sell ready-made soil for seedlings of flowers of hybrid plants.
You can plant seeds in one large box or container, but in this case, you should try to place them at some distance from each other. With this method of reproduction, time is spent on the survival of seedlings during a dive. Since the plant seeds are very small, accurate seeding is a little difficult. When sprouts have 2-3 leaves, they are transplanted into separate peat cups.

All presented varieties are photophilous. For seedlings, in case of shortage natural light, put additional phyto lamps.

When to plant seedlings grown from Helenium seeds?

Planting is usually done in late spring, when there are no severe night frosts. But before that, for a couple of weeks, the seedlings are exposed to the open air for better habituation, the so-called "hardening" of the plant before planting in the ground. In this case, the flower tolerates weather changes much better: rain, wind, temperature changes.

Helenium after flowering

If there is a need to collect seeds, then it is best to do this in late autumn, when the flower begins to fade and the petals dry up. And you need to have time before the autumn rains, otherwise the seeds will simply rot.

Seeds collected from flowers in autumn have low germination.

To be sure to grow gelenium flowers, it is better to purchase seeds in a specialized store. With a certain perseverance, it is possible to get seedlings from seeds collected independently, but it is not a fact that the same plant from which they were collected will grow from them. Most likely, new shoots will be weak, will not give abundant, dense flowering.

Gelenium in landscape design

Due to the lush flowering, gelenium is preferred to be planted in flower beds, on lawns, along borders and fences, in combination with others. garden flowers or singly. Tall varieties are planted in the center of a flower bed or near tall shrubs, undersized varieties put in the foreground.

Gelenium is also used in floristry. It is noteworthy that when composing bouquets, it is necessary to use only fully open flowers: the presence of water in the vase does not affect the opening of the bud of cut flowers.

In our photo gallery you can see examples of the use of gelenium in landscape design.

Gelenium is a very beautiful plant and good care will be happy for a long time beautiful flowers. Gardeners will appreciate the variety of colors and shapes. This plant is a great addition to horticultural crops, because its blooming appearance able to please until the frost.

In many gardens and flower beds grows such a beautiful and sunny flower- helenium. According to legend, this lovely plant, which delights with its flowering on the eve of the beginning of autumn, received such a unique name in honor of the beautiful Helen, the wife of Menelaus, whose charm was so admired by the admirer of Paris. Probably, the golden tone of this flower resembled the color of Elena's golden curls.

Description of Helenium

For the first time, the gelenium flower was found in the region of Central and North America. Today, more than 30 species of this perennial are known. herbaceous plant. Geleniums are not endowed with a long-term developed rhizome. Strong flowering stems dry out after the onset of autumn frosts along with the roots.

But during their death, living buds that appeared on the ground part of the plant form a rosette of leaves with roots. It is this new rosette that forms the flowering stem for the next year. Geleniums do not have the shape of a bush, they are independent plants, placed close to each other.

How to sow hellenium seeds in the ground When to plant

You can plant hellenium directly into the ground. Like any perennial, it is planted in autumn or early spring in order to get seedlings as quickly as possible. It is enough to wait for warm weather and the maturation of the soil. Usually it is the end of April - May. Sometimes it turns out to sow even in March, it all depends on the region. Planted in autumn in late September-October when it's cold enough that the seeds won't sprout.

  • The bed is prepared with loose, well-drained soil, heavy clay soils it is better to flavor with humus and add sand.
  • The distance between the furrows is 30-35 cm.
  • We sow less often so as not to break through.
  • Ascended bushes are watered and freed from weeds, loosen the soil.
  • When the seedlings grow to a height of 8-10 cm, they can be transplanted.
  • The remaining plants should be at a distance of 30 cm from each other.

Hellenium is easy to care for, the main thing is to water and prevent soil compaction. It is desirable to loosen after each watering, shallow, even with a rake, if the soil is not heavy. But it is better to mulch the ground and forget about weeds and earthen crust.

Hellenium transplantation and reproduction by dividing the bush

Transplantation and propagation of hellenium by dividing the bush photo

As already mentioned, it is necessary to transplant the hellenium 4-5 years after landing. A well-developed bush will degenerate over time to rejuvenate the plant and allow room for development, and periodic division of the bush with replanting is required.

  • Carefully, you should dig up the root and get a bush with a clod of earth.
  • Take a knife or shovel to cut the bush into several pieces, being careful not to hit the ground.
  • Planted in deep holes up to 30 cm, on the bottom of which humus is poured.
  • The planting level is kept the same, without deepening the root neck. Keep in mind that the earth will settle, strive so that later the roots do not appear on the surface, which is also very bad.
  • Water abundantly to moisten the soil to the entire depth of the hole.

Sometimes they do this: they dig around the edges, separating its parts, and leave a part untouched. Since the bush has been divided, there will be room for new root buds to grow and the plant will rejuvenate. And the separated delenki are planted in a new place.

Gelenium in landscape design

Gelenium is planted in large flower beds in the background, near ornamental shrubs, in groups or singly. They decorate the fence of buildings. High gelenium perfectly coexists with autumn asters.

Their inflorescences look great in bouquets and compositions, they are cut off fully blooming, since water does not affect their blooming of buds.

Types and varieties of gelenium with photos and descriptions

Hegenium autumn helenium autumnale

Helenium autumn Fuego Helenium Fuego planting and care in the open field photo

Helenium autumn, cultivated since the 17th century, is the most common. Distinctive advantages of this flower are considered abundant late flowering. bushes autumn variety gelenium have a columnar shape. Strong stems of this variety can rise up to 2 m in height.

The upper part is strongly branched. Each branched part ends in a golden hue, a basket with a diameter of 6 cm. As a result, each stem can have up to several hundred flowers. The autumn variety blooms in early August, beautiful flowering continues for another month, the seeds fully ripen by October. There are currently many unpretentious varieties of this flower, perfectly used in landscaping.

Varieties with yellow marginal color of flowers are very popular. Among them is the undersized Magnificum, reaching only 80 cm in height. Its middle is classically yellow, it pleases with lush flowering in late July - early August.

Gelenium Sunrise lemon Gelenium growing and caring for photos of flowers in the garden

Medium tall Gartensonne stretches up to 110 cm, gives lush baskets with a diameter of 6 cm, the middle of the flower goes brown tone. Flowering begins at the end of July.

The lovely Katarina has a height of 140 cm, the middle of her flower is also brown. Lush flowering pleases from mid-August.

Gelenium autumn sunrise red What does a gelenium look like photo how to plant a gelenium

The magnificent Moerheim Beauty variety reaches 180 cm in height, the middle of the flower has a yellow-brown hue. Abundant flowering also starts from mid-August.

Also brought out with red coloring of flowers. Among them, it is worth noting the medium-sized Di Blonde variety, which has a developed dense bush up to 170 cm high. Its marginal flowers are red-brown in color, the middle is also brown. This variety begins flowering in mid-August.

An interesting undersized variety Glutauge, it gives baskets with a diameter of 6 cm, the core of the flowers is red-brown.

The natural habitat of geleniums is wet, swampy areas. The roots of the plant are superficial, characterized by poor development. The bred varieties of autumn gelenium are cultivated in illuminated areas. garden soil for them must be provided with proper watering. Sufficiently high varieties are tied to wooden stakes. Geleniums have a high growth rate, after 3 years of intensive development it gives up to 30 new stems.

The plant itself also quickly ages, as it grows in breadth. It is for this reason that in the 4th year of development it is necessary to divide the bush and transplant to a new place. The optimal time for the next transplant is early spring, when dug up plants easily break up into separate rosettes, they are planted in 2 pieces in prepared places.

Strong Helenium Hupa Gupes Helenium hoopesii

This plant grows comfortably in rocky terrain. It has a developed rhizome, large basal leaves, strong stems. Helenium gupes gives fairly large baskets with a diameter of 10 cm, his flowers orange tone. This variety has long period flowering - up to 40 days, it begins in July. Then it begins to bear fruit, has propagation methods similar to autumn gelenium.

Helenium hybrid

Among them it is worth noting high grade Gartensonne, growing up to 130 cm in height, having inflorescences up to 3.5 cm in diameter. The color of flowers is from reddish-yellow to yellow-brown. Lush flowering is observed from July.

A variety of medium height, Goldlaktswerg, extends only up to 100 cm. It produces compact inflorescences, up to 4.5 cm in diameter. The color of its reed flowers is brown-orange, with yellowish tips. Abundant flowering begins in July.

Also in culture, a variety of Helenium Rotgaut is common, capable of developing up to 120 cm in height. It is capable of producing inflorescences up to 4.5 cm in diameter. The color of the reed flowers is intensely brown, its tubular inflorescences are yellow-brown, lush flowering has been observed since July.

Helenium in the photo

Among the palette of bright colors in the autumn garden, chamomile gelenium is graceful, modest and beautiful ... Lost in the summer against the background lush flowering roses, gladiolus, lilies and dahlias, the autumn gelenium manifests itself in all its glory at the end of the hot season, when the main riot of colors in the garden gradually fades. The plant blooms for a long time and steadfastly keeps in any bad weather.

For reference. Helenium flowers owe such an interesting botanical name to the wife of King Menelaus, abducted by Paris - Beautiful Helen, who became the unwitting cause of the long Trojan War.

External characteristics

Autumn gelenium is quite high (up to 160 cm); the stems are strong, branching, woody by the end of autumn. The leaves are small, light green, serrated along the edges. Chamomile-shaped baskets, with a convex middle, are 3-6 cm in diameter. The edges of the petals are curly, as if cut with scissors. Coquettishly splayed to the side, they resemble. The core of the gelenium is convex, during flowering it is covered with bright yellow anthers and takes on a spherical shape. On each stem of the plant in its upper part, 15-20 flowers bloom at the same time. Their yellow-orange palette fully corresponds to the current season and fits optimally into the days.

How to prolong the flowering of gelenium?

You can admire the flowering of a modest garden decoration, during which many varieties tend to change color, from July until the first frost. The abundance of flowering is easy to ensure by pinching off the tops of the shoots, and you can extend the charming action by removing wilted inflorescences and a small piece of the stem on which they are located. Such manipulation activates branching and the formation of new shoots that will bloom after a short time.

Plant in the garden landscape

Autumn gelenium is beautiful in the cut. Plucked unblown, it will still bloom and will stand in a vase for a surprisingly long time without fading.

Perennial is often used to decorate unpresentable fences and revitalize the landscape on old sites. Gelenium cannot be called an individual flower, like, for example, a tulip or a rose. Most often it is an addition to the overall composition. On the garden plot undersized varieties look chic in the foreground of the flower garden, they can be planted as border plant. Tall geleniums are an excellent backdrop for large flower beds, good neighbors for ornamental shrubs, excellent "partners" for perennial autumn-flowering asters, ornamental grasses, rudbecky.

In one place, the plant can grow for 3-4 years, during which a large number of basal rosettes develop, rising higher and higher to the surface of the earth every year. In the future, such a process can lead to freezing of the plant. Therefore, the location of the gelenium should be changed periodically.

Popular varieties of autumn gelenium

Helenium autumn (photos are presented in the article) has been known in cultural cultivation since the 17th century, it is the most popular species among its fellows and fundamental for breeding a large number of varieties. Many of them are used by flower growers to decorate their plots and plant out for the purpose of aesthetic pleasure.

In July-September, helenium autumn Moerheim beauty blooms profusely. The plant is undemanding to soils, the optimal location for it are sunny areas. Also, this variety can be planted in partial shade. A bush with a height of 90-150 cm has strong stems; it does not require a garter. Resistant in windy conditions. Externally decorative. Flowers play with a diverse palette: red, golden, orange, yellow, copper; when blooming, they take one shade - dark brown.

The description of the autumn Pip squeak gelenium causes an irresistible desire to acquire such a variety at their summer cottage. An unpretentious autumn-flowering plant is characterized by low growth, up to 60 cm. It has a large number of strong straight stems with bright yellow flower baskets with a brown center and a mass of narrow leaves. Flowering begins in July. The plant is beautiful in group plantings, unpretentious in care.

With velvety warm tones, helenium autumn Jazz delivers aesthetic pleasure to gardeners. The flowers of this variety are characterized by a red-yellow palette, basket-inflorescences are 3-5 cm in diameter.

The landscape of the autumn garden will perfectly decorate the autumn Rubintswerg gelenium (translated from German - “ruby gnome”). Against the background of other plants, the perennial culture stands out with ruby-red flowers with a convex dark middle. The variety is low, about 70 cm. The bush is sprawling, with rapidly growing new shoots.

Helenium autumn Waltraut will enrich the territory of the garden with red-copper-yellow flowers. The bush is low, up to 80 cm. Flowering occurs in July-August.

Gelenium Feature

Autumn helenium bushes can only be called such conditionally. In fact, this is a colony of independent plants, the flowering stems of which live only one season.

From the “It's interesting” section: there is a belief that gelenium petals were previously used instead of tobacco. Inhaling them, the person sneezed, thus getting rid of the evil spirits present in the body.

Helenium autumn (Helenium autumnale) has one specific feature: the absence of a wintering rhizome. At the end of flowering, the stems die off along with the roots, giving way to new rosettes that form from renewal buds at their base. These are independent having their own root system. Each of them gives full-fledged flowering shoots, which, despite their defenseless appearance, are able to withstand fairly severe frosts in snowless winters.

The subtleties of caring for gelenium

Autumn gelenium care is absolutely non-capricious. When acquiring such a plant on own site you should know that it does not tolerate drought. Therefore, on dry days, it is necessary to water the gelenium abundantly and often. Periodically it is recommended to carry out weeding and shallow loosening of the soil. Weed control can be minimized by mulching the area with peat or rotted leaves.

To prepare for winter, the stems of gelenium must be cut almost to the surface of the earth, leaving 10-15 cm. After this operation, the area must be mulched with sawdust or moss and covered with lutrasil from above

Feeding activities

To activate growth at the beginning of the growing season, autumn gelenium will not be superfluous to treat with the Bud growth stimulator at the rate of 10 grams of the product per 10 liters of water.

  1. May. For a 10-liter bucket of water - potassium sulfate, urea and the organic preparation "Effekton" (a tablespoon). The consumption of the resulting solution per 1 sq. meter - 3-4 liters.
  2. During flowering. In 10 liters of water, dilute a tablespoon of Agricola 7 and Agricola Fantasy. Add 1 liter of liquid manure to this. Consumption per 1 sq. square meter - 2-3 liters of the finished solution.
  3. The end of October. For 10 liters of water - a tablespoon of potassium sulfate and superphosphate. The consumption of the drug per 1 sq. meter plot - 5 liters.

Propagation of helenium autumn vegetatively

Helenium autumn, planting and caring for which is not particularly difficult, propagates in several ways, the easiest of which is dividing the bush. The optimal period for this operation is May-month, but if necessary, it can be carried out at any other time, even at the flowering stage.

The bush needs to be dug up and divided into parts, each of which is cut low before planting - up to 10-15 cm from the soil level. By dividing the bush, it is recommended to propagate varietal plants in order to preserve characteristic features.

cutting method

No less popular among flower growers is propagation by cuttings. In the spring, you need to cut a few branches you like and put them in water. As soon as the roots appear, young shoots can be planted in the soil. For better rooting, young cuttings are recommended to be covered with jars or plastic bottles. You can remove the containers when the first leaves appear. A plant planted by cuttings will delight in flowering a year after planting.

seed method

The seed propagation method is less popular due to the low percentage of germination and the laboriousness of the planting process. In open ground, seeds can be sown in late autumn or in May, in well-warmed soil. To secure against possible frosts, it is recommended to cover the area with plastic wrap.

For growing seedlings of gelenium, sowing seed produced in spring (April-May) in planting containers. The seeds should first be stratified by mixing them with wet sawdust and leaving for 3 weeks at a temperature of +3 ... +5 ° C.

It is required to germinate seeds at a temperature of +18 ... +22 ° C. The appearance of 2-3 full-fledged leaves will indicate the need for picking (seating) young plants. In open ground, seedlings should be planted in May. Before immersion in the hole, the plants should first be lowered with roots into the water in order to saturate with moisture. The number of plants per square meter should be no more than 4-5 pieces due to the active growth of the bush.

After planting, the site must be mulched with peat or humus.

Seed harvesting

Seeds should be collected before prolonged rainfall, characteristic of the autumn season. Otherwise, they will rot on the plant itself. Maturity seed material can be identified by darkened reed flowers and blackened tubular ones. However, the best option is to purchase seed in specialized stores.

Diseases and pests

Also, the growth of gelenium is negatively affected by stagnant moisture, which can form from a close occurrence. ground water. Therefore, when planting plants, one should responsibly choose a landing site in order to avoid negative consequences in the future.

What kind of flower helenium, as well as where exactly such a name came from, can be found below. This article will talk about this perennial gelenium, its planting and care. You will also learn what varieties there are and how to grow them from seeds. Photos will be presented below.

Gelenium culture (from the Latin Helenium), serves as a family of annuals and perennials of the Compositae division, which contains 32 subspecies. Similar plants grow in Central and North America, especially in the Western United States. It is generally accepted that the culture was able to get the name in honor of the wife of Tsar Menelaus, the beautiful Helen, because of which the war between Greece and Troy, described by Homer in the Iliad, began. What is remarkable in given plant? Initially, it was their own inconspicuousness. With the onset of summer, the saturation of colors in the garden begins to fade, but you can find that a modest plant stands aside, which you could not notice until yesterday. On this day, he, along with his golden baskets, which can change their own color, begins to delight your eyes with a not very elegant, but lukewarm, calm and cozy disposition.

A culture that has been growing for many years has the following zest - its root system dies by winter cold along with flower stalks, but from the buds that grow under the ground of a stem that lives one year, a leaf rosette with roots appears by this period of time, which for the future year will be able to give a brand new peduncle.

What many consider a gelenium shrub, in truth, are closely growing independent crops with straight, branched stems at the top, which can be up to 1.5 m high.

In this gelenium, the leaves are represented by lanceolate, alternate. Baskets are single or collected in corymbose inflorescences, consisting of marginal reed flowers. The latter are orange, brown, yellow, red and purple, centrally tubular have a yellow or brown color. The fruit is a pubescent achene, which has an oblong and cylindrical shape.

How to grow crops from seeds

The presence of freshly harvested seeds of this crop, without starting a topic already for stale seeds, has low germination. However, if you have a desire to experiment with seed propagation of a flower, you can safely try, and we will try to help by telling you how to do it. It will not be superfluous to note that the plant is perfectly able to reproduce using the vegetative method - that is, when the bush is divided, as well as leaf rosettes.

Sow the seeds themselves should be in the autumn period of time, directly into the soil, or in the spring - in boxes for seedlings. However, when planting in the spring, seed stratification is necessary: ​​a container with seeds sown on top of the soil is wrapped in a plastic bag and placed in the refrigerator, in the vegetable section, forgetting about it for about one or one and a half months. When the deadlines are already coming to an end, they can be taken out of the refrigerator and put in a warm place under artificial lighting.

The temperature regime, in order for the growth process to be, should be about 18-22 degrees Celsius. After the seedlings begin to develop 2-3 true leaves, they will begin to dive.

How a plant is planted

In this section, we will learn when to plant a crop. Planting a flower on open soil must be done at a time when there will be no night frosts, approximately, this is the month of May or the beginning of June. A plot of soil should be chosen as a sunny type, although such a culture can also grow in a shady zone. It is desirable that the soil be light, but nutritious, contain a neutral reaction and well-drained. Before planting, it would be good to dig up the earth, adding compost to the distance of the shovel bayonet.

How is the planting of gelenium. A hole for seedlings must be made a couple of times larger than the root ball. Even before you start lowering the flower into the pit, its roots need to be lowered into the water a little so that they can absorb moisture, and then plant the seedlings at the same depth at which it grew in the container. It should be planted so that between the flowers there is about 30 cm of distance, and between rows of at least 35 centimeters. Following planting, it is necessary to mulch a piece of land with peat or humus.

A plant that is grown by seedlings from seeds will begin to bloom only in the second year. Also, it will not be superfluous to recall that in order to propagate the species gelenium, the seed method is suitable, and in order to propagate a varietal plant, it is necessary to use the vegetative method, since when seed propagation, the species characteristics of the parents will not be preserved.

How to care for gelenium

How to grow a flower. Landing and caring for a gelenium is not so difficult if you know its features. But the main difference between culture is that it does not like dry soil, based on this, the most important moment in caring for a plant is its watering. After the onset of hot dry days, it is necessary to water the gelenium quite often and not sparing water. However, the culture does not like too much wet earth, based on which, we can conclude that the soil must have good water permeability. Having a shallow loosening of the earth, along with weeding, should be included in the required action to care for the plant, although mulching the area of ​​the earth makes it much easier to fight weeds. If we talk about nutrition itself, then in one summer, feeding a flower using mineral and organic fertilizers takes about three times.

The debut is in May. It is necessary to dilute in 10 liters according to art. spoonful of urea, potassium sulfate and organic fertilizer Effecton. Everything should be calculated in such a way that 3-4 liters of such a mixture are required per 1 m (2).

The second feeding takes place during flowering. It is required to dilute a liter of liquid mullein and according to Art. a spoonful of liquid Agricola-7 and Agricola-Fantasy in 10 liters of water, taking into account that about 2-3 liters of solution will go per 1 square meter.

The last meal will take place during the October period. You need one tablespoon of superphosphate, as well as potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water, at a consumption of 5 liters per 1 square meter.

To optimize the bud emergence process, it is initially required to spray the crop with Bud Growth Regulator. For 10 liters of water, you need to dilute 10 grams of the drug.

If there is a desire, so that the flowering of the plant is lush, it will be necessary to remove wilted flowers in time. It will be possible to increase the branching and density of the bush by plucking the tops of the shoots. Cultivation means planting 2-3-year-old flowers, combining transplantation with propagation of the culture by dividing the plant. It is better to perform this procedure during the spring.

If you keep track of water balance soil, then diseases will not threaten the plant.

Culture after flowering

How and when to collect plant seeds. If you need to collect the seeds of this crop, you need to have time to carry out this procedure before the long autumn rains, otherwise the seeds will begin to rot. The presence of darkened reed flowers and blackened tubular ones will tell you that the seeds are already mature. However, it is logical to conclude that it is best to purchase plant seeds from specialized stores, since those that you collect yourself may not sprout at all, no matter how hard you try, and if they sprout, you cannot guarantee that you will end up with what you have sown. Therefore, you should not waste your precious labors in vain, but it is better to use vegetative methods of crop propagation.

Gelenium in winter. During winter, the stems of the crop should be cut almost to the surface of the ground, leaving only 10-15 centimeters of stems. Following pruning, the area is mulched with moss or sawdust and covered with lutrasil if there are severe frosts or winter without snow.

Availability of varieties and varieties of crops

There are more than 30 varieties of the crop, but only 5 can be grown. Below, a brief description of the most famous varieties will be presented.

Helenium Bigelow. This is the most uncommon variety in vegetation, the genus of which is the West of North America. It has straight stems that can reach up to 80 centimeters. There are the presence of lanceolate leaves, whole, inflorescences up to 6 centimeters in diameter, tubular (median) flowers of brown color and reed - yellow. Flowering occurs in the summer months (June-July).

Helenium spring. It has stems that are straight, which can reach one meter in height. It has the presence of whole leaves, lanceolate, inflorescences up to 7 centimeters in diameter, reed flowers of orange color, as well as tubular flowers with brown color. Flowering continues for one month, which begins in mid-May.

Helenium Gupes is up to 90 centimeters in height. It has the presence of whole lanceolate leaves with a grayish-green tint, long peduncles, single yellow inflorescences, which can reach 8-9 centimeters in diameter. Flowering begins in the summer months (June-July).

Helenium autumn is the most popular type of plant, which has received great popularity in culture and has become the most basic for breeding. a large number varieties. The stems are tall, reaching 160 centimeters in height, strong and woody. The plant has small foliage with jagged edges, baskets, which reach from 3 to 5 centimeters in diameter and gather in corymbose inflorescences up to 30 centimeters transversely. The presence of reed flowers is represented by a yellow or reddish color, and the tubular ones have a dark yellowish color. Flowering begins from July to September, and lasts a couple of months.

Helenium hybrid. This is a composite sample, in which there are species of indefinite occurrence, although it is customary to consider the autumn gelenium mentioned above to be the initial samples of all varieties of this sample.

The most desirable varieties in culture are:

  • Helenium Rubinzwerg, which is a very well-known variety of a dense bush, whose height is about 65 centimeters and which has ruby ​​\u200b\u200bcolored baskets. This variety begins to bloom from the end of July. Rarely can it be confused with the look of Rosie Jam;
  • The cockade, which reaches a height of 120 centimeters, and the baskets are 4.5 centimeters in diameter. There is also the presence of reed flowers of a red-brown hue, the edges of which are yellow, but closer to the center, the redness becomes clearer. Tubular flowers are yellow-brown in color. Flowering begins in August and lasts about 1.5 months;
  • Moerheim Beauty. This is one of the most popular types. It differs in that when it blooms, its flowers have different shades, where there is the presence of red, yellow, golden, copper color. However, at the moment of opening, they turn into red-brown. In height, the bush reaches about 90-120 centimeters. Its flowering begins in the summer month of July and ends in November.

Flower gelenium (lat. Helenium)- a genus of annuals and perennials of the Asteraceae family, numbering 32 species that grow in Central and North America, mainly in the Western United States. It is generally accepted that the Helenium plant is named after the wife of King Menelaus, the beautiful Helen, because of which the Greek war with Troy, described by Homer in the Iliad, broke out. What is remarkable about gelenium flowers? First of all, just by its unremarkableness - for the time being. When the riot of colors in the garden subsides at the end of summer, you suddenly discover with interest somewhere aside a modest bush of gelenium, which you didn’t notice yesterday. And today, its golden baskets, which can change their color, attract your attention not very elegant, but warm, calm and cozy beauty ...

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Planting and caring for gelenium (in short)

  • Landing: sowing seeds in the ground before winter or spring. Sowing seeds for seedlings in February-March, planting seedlings in open ground in late May or early June.
  • Bloom: from July to September.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight, penumbra.
  • The soil: fertile moist, well-cultivated soils of neutral reaction.
  • Watering: frequent and plentiful, but only in drought.
  • Top dressing: three times per season: in May, during the flowering period and at the end of October.
  • Reproduction: seeds, leaf rosettes, dividing the bush.
  • Pests: chrysanthemum nematodes, aphids, spider mites.
  • Diseases: gray rot and rust.

Read more about growing gelenium below.

Gelenium flower - description

Perennial gelenium has the following feature: its roots die off by winter along with peduncles, but from the underground buds of an annual stem, a leaf rosette with roots is formed by this time, which will give a new peduncle next year. What we think of as a gelenium bush is in fact closely growing independent plants with straight, branching stems up to one and a half meters high in the upper part. Leaves lanceolate, alternate. Baskets, either single or collected in corymbose inflorescences, consist of marginal reed flowers of orange, brown, yellow, red or purple, and central tubular flowers are yellow or brown. The fruit is an oblong, pubescent, cylindrical achene.

Growing gelenium from seeds

Freshly harvested gelenium seeds, not to mention stale seeds, have low germination. But if you are full of desire to conduct an experiment with seed propagation of gelenium - go for it, and we will help you with this by sharing our knowledge. But in fairness, it should be said that gelenium reproduces perfectly vegetatively - by dividing the bush and leaf rosettes.

You can sow seeds directly into the ground in autumn or in spring, in February-March - in seedling boxes, but in this case, sowing is combined with seed stratification: a container with seeds sown on top of the soil is wrapped in a plastic bag, placed in the refrigerator section for vegetables and forgotten about him for a month and a half. After the expiration date, the container is taken out of the refrigerator and placed in a warm place under artificial lighting. The temperature for germination should be 18-22 ºC. When the seedlings develop 2-3 true leaves, they swoop down.

Helenium planting

When to plant gelenium

Planting gelenium in open ground is carried out when night frosts are no longer terrible - in May, early June. The site for them is chosen sunny, although geleniums can grow in shady places. The soil is preferably light, but nutritious, neutral and well-drained. Before planting, it is advisable to dig the site with compost to the depth of a shovel bayonet.

How to plant a gelenium

The seedling hole should be twice the size of the root ball. Before lowering the plant into the hole, its roots are lowered into the water for several minutes so that they are saturated with moisture, then the seedlings are planted at the same depth at which it grew in the pot and in such a way that there is a distance of at least 30 cm between the specimens , and between rows of at least 35 cm. After planting, mulch the area with peat or humus. Gelenium, grown in seedlings from seeds, will bloom only in the second year. And let me remind you that seed way it is possible to propagate species gelenium, and for varietal propagation it is better to use the vegetative method, because the varietal characteristics of the parents are not preserved during seed propagation.

Gelenium Care

How to grow gelenium

Planting and caring for a gelenium is easy if you are armed with knowledge about the characteristics of the plant. BUT main feature gelenium is that it does not tolerate dry soil, so the most important point in caring for it is watering. When hot, dry days come, you need to water the plant often and plentifully. But gelenium does not tolerate too wet soil, which is why good water permeability of the soil is so important for it. Shallow loosening of the soil and weeding are also included in the mandatory gelenium maintenance program, although mulching the site should make it much easier for you to fight weeds. As far as nutrition is concerned, summer period Helenium is fertilized with mineral and organic fertilizers 3 times:

  • in May: dilute in 10 liters of urea, potassium sulfate and organic fertilizer Effecton, counting that 3-4 liters of such a solution are needed per square meter;
  • during the flowering period: dilute a liter of liquid mullein and a tablespoon of liquid Agricola-7 and Agricola-Fantasy in 10 liters of water, given that per 1 sq. a meter will take 2-3 liters of the mixture;
  • at the end of October: one tablespoon of superphosphate and potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water at a consumption of 5 liters per 1 sq. meter.

To optimize the process of bud formation, at the very beginning, spray the plants with Bud growth regulator, dissolving 10 g of the drug in 10 liters of water.

If you want the flowering of the gelenium to be lush, remove wilted flowers in a timely manner, and you can increase the branching and density of the bush by pinching off the tops of the shoots. Growing gelenium also involves planting two to three year old plants, combining transplantation with plant propagation by dividing the bush, and it is better to do this in spring.

Pests and diseases of gelenium

If you monitor the water balance of the soil, then your geleniums are not afraid of diseases.

Helenium after flowering

How and when to harvest helenium seeds

If you want to collect helenium seeds, you must have time to do this before the long autumn rains, otherwise the seeds will rot. The darkened reed flowers and the blackened tubular ones will tell you that the seeds are ripe. But, as already mentioned, it is better to buy gelenium seeds in specialized stores, since those collected by you, with all your diligence, may not sprout, and if they sprout, it is not a fact that you will get what you sow as a result. Do not waste your efforts, buy seeds or use vegetative propagation methods for gelenium.

Helenium in winter

For the winter, gelenium stems are cut almost to the surface of the earth, leaving only 10-15 cm of stems. After pruning, the site is mulched with moss or sawdust and covered with lutrasil on top in case of severe frosts or snowless winters.

Types and varieties of gelenium

Of the more than thirty types of gelenium, only five are grown in culture. We are offering to you brief description the most popular types.

Gelenium Bigelow (Helenium bigelovii)

The least common in culture gelenium from the West of North America. Straight stems reach a height of 80 cm, leaves are lanceolate, whole, inflorescences up to 6 cm in diameter, tubular (median) flowers Brown color, reed - yellow. Blooms in June-July.

Helenium spring (Helenium vernalis)

Straight stems reach a meter height, leaves are whole, lanceolate, inflorescences up to 7 cm in diameter, reed flowers orange color, tubular - brown. Blooms for about a month from mid-May.

Gelenium Gupes (Helenium hoopesii)

Height up to 90 cm, whole lanceolate leaves of a grayish-green hue, long peduncles, single yellow inflorescences reach 8-9 cm in diameter. Blooms in June-July.

Helenium autumn (Helenium autumnale)

The most popular species, which has become widespread in culture and has become the basis for breeding many varieties. Tall, up to 160 cm strong woody stems, leaves are small, with a jagged edge, baskets 3-5 cm in diameter are collected in corymbose inflorescences up to 30 cm in diameter. Reed flowers yellow or with a reddish tint, tubular darker yellow. Blooms in July-September for two months.

Helenium hybrid (Helenium x hybridum)

Composite species, which includes forms of indeterminate origin, although the original species of all representatives of this species is Helenium autumn.

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