What is manganese made of. Disinfection of seeds with potassium permanganate

landscaping 22.09.2019

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What is potassium permanganate? This is the household name for the potassium salt of permanganic acid, which also has the name potassium permanganate or potassium permanganate. Solid in the form of the smallest crystals of a dark purple color with a glassy luster, it is familiar to almost everyone. The composition of the substance includes manganese, potassium and oxygen. It dissolves well in water and is an excellent oxidizing agent. It has a wide range of specific properties that are valued and used in medicine (traditional and folk), cosmetology, veterinary medicine and in everyday life.

Potassium permanganate in an aqueous solution decomposes, resulting in a precipitate of dark Brown color- manganese dioxide. When a weakly concentrated sediment interacts with organic proteins, special substances are formed that create a thin film on the wound surface - this is how the astringent effect of potassium permanganate manifests itself.

In high concentration, on the contrary, the irritating and cauterizing effect of manganese on the human body is manifested.

In addition, when in contact with an easily oxidized organic surface, water solution potassium permanganate begins to actively release atomic oxygen, known for its ability to kill microbes and bacteria. Therefore, potassium permanganate has long been famous for its antiseptic effect.

The released atomic oxygen also has a deodorizing property - it oxidizes volatile compounds of odorous substances, removing unpleasant odors.

Potassium permanganate is dangerous because excessive concentration or ingestion of crystals can cause severe burns and poisoning.

Application in medicine

Potassium permanganate has found application in medicine. Solutions of potassium permanganate in various dilutions are used by physicians in complex treatment many diseases:

  • Toxicologists with their help neutralize intoxication caused by alkaloids (strychnine, caffeine, nicotine, cocaine). In case of food poisoning, gastric lavage with a weak solution of potassium permanganate is the most the best remedy first aid.
  • surgeons use freshly prepared solutions of potassium permanganate to treat wounds and abscesses with anaerobic and putrefactive infections. They are also very effective for purulent infections of the soft tissues of the fingers - panaritiums.
  • Gynecologists and urologists used for the treatment of fungal, bacterial and inflammatory diseases. good action will provide daily procedures for douching with thrush in women, and washing with external inflammatory processes in men.
  • Dentists carry out irrigation of inflamed places with stomatitis, gingivitis and periodontal disease. In a low concentration, the agent is suitable for rinsing the mouth during dental treatment, which helps to avoid infection.
  • Dermatologists various skin diseases are treated in this way. Lubrication of rashes with chickenpox, for example, relieves itching and pain, promotes rapid scarring. When burned, the resulting film protects the damaged surface from irritation and reduces pain.

Use in child care

The question of whether or not to add potassium permanganate when bathing newborns is ambiguous. Doctors, given the disinfecting effect of the substance, recommend such baths while the umbilical wound is fresh. Prolonged bathing in such water can lead to dryness and flaking of the skin, as well as cause an allergic reaction.

It is necessary to prepare the solution very carefully and carefully. It is forbidden to pour permanganate crystals directly into the bath. Some of them may not dissolve and cause skin and eye burns. There is also the danger of making a mistake with the concentration.

Bathing water should be prepared in sequence:

  • dissolve potassium permanganate in a glass;
  • strain through a dense gauze filter;
  • pour into the bath until light Pink colour.

Only by fulfilling such requirements, you will be sure of the complete safety of your baby.

Application in traditional medicine

A jar of potassium permanganate crystals can be found, probably, in every home. The people have long known and appreciated this tool for its availability, effectiveness and wide scope. There are many folk, so-called "grandmother's" recipes, passed down from generation to generation, based on the use of a manganese solution:

In case of occurrence side effects in the form of edema, unusual coloring of mucous membranes, acute pain or convulsions - treatment with potassium permanganate should be stopped immediately.

Home use

The widespread use of potassium permanganate in everyday life is explained by its many remarkable properties. With her help:

You need to know that potassium permanganate can be explosive when interacting with certain substances (coal, tannin, sugar). Therefore, its crystals should be stored in glass, tightly closed containers, out of the reach of children. Manufacturers indicate the shelf life of potassium permanganate - no more than 5 years in a cool (not higher than 25 0 C) place.

Practice shows that potassium permanganate can retain its properties in dry form for much longer, while the shelf life of the finished solution does not exceed two days.

Potassium permanganate is a unique tool, the scope and popularity of which is only growing over the years. It will bring many more benefits to people, subject to proper storage and use.

Minerals of manganese, in particular pyrolusite, were known in ancient times. Pyrolusite was considered a variety magnetic iron ore and used in glass melting - for clarification. The fact that a mineral, unlike real magnetic iron ore, is not attracted by a magnet was explained quite amusingly: it was believed that pyrolusite is a female mineral and is indifferent to a magnet.

In the 18th century, manganese was isolated in its pure form. And today we will talk about it in detail. So, let's discuss whether manganese is harmful, where you can buy it, how to get manganese and whether it obeys GOST.

Manganese belongs to a similar group 7 group 4 period. The element is common - it takes 14th place.

The item belongs to heavy metals– atomic mass more than 40. It is passivated in air – covered with a dense oxide film, which prevents further reaction with oxygen. Thanks to this film normal conditions inactive.

When heated, manganese reacts with many simple substances, acids and bases, forming compounds with very different oxidation states: -1, -6, +2, +3, +4, +7. The metal belongs to the transition metal, therefore, it exhibits both reducing and oxidizing properties with equal ease. With metals, for example, with, forms solid solutions without reacting.

This video will tell you what manganese is:

Features and differences from other materials

Manganese - silver white metal, dense, hard - , with an unusually complex structure. The latter is the cause of the fragility of the substance. Four modifications of manganese are known. Alloys with metal make it possible to stabilize any of them and obtain solid solutions with very different properties.

  • Manganese is one of the vital trace elements. This applies equally to plants and animals. The element is involved in photosynthesis, in the process of respiration, activates a number of enzymes, is an indispensable participant in muscle metabolism, and so on. The daily dose of manganese for humans is 2–9 mg. Both a deficiency and an excess of an element are equally dangerous.
  • The metal is heavier and harder than iron, but it has no practical application in its pure form due to its high brittleness. But its alloys and compounds are unusually great importance in national economy. It is used in ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, in the production of fertilizers, in electrical engineering, in fine organic synthesis, and so on.
  • Manganese is quite different from the metals of its own subgroup. Technetium is a radioactive element, obtained artificially. Rhenium refers to trace and rare elements. Borium can also be obtained only artificially and does not occur in nature. The chemical activity of both technetium and rhenium is much lower than that of manganese. Practical use, except for nuclear fusion, finds only manganese.

Manganese (photo)

Advantages and disadvantages

The physical and chemical properties of the metal are such that in practice they deal not with manganese itself, but with its numerous compounds and alloys, so the advantages and disadvantages of the material should be considered from this point of view.

  • Manganese forms a wide variety of alloys with almost all metals, which is a definite plus.
  • completely mutually soluble, that is, they form solid solutions with any ratio of the element, homogeneous in properties. In this case, the alloy will have a much lower boiling point than manganese.
  • Greatest practical value have alloys of the element with carbon and . Both alloys are of great importance to the steel industry.
  • Numerous and diverse manganese compounds are used in the chemical, textile, glass industries, in the production of fertilizers, and so on. The basis of this diversity is the chemical activity of the substance.

The disadvantages of the metal are associated with the peculiarities of its structure, which do not allow the use of the metal itself as a structural material.

  • The main one is brittleness at high hardness. Mn up to +707 C crystallizes in a structure where the cell includes 58 atoms.
  • A rather high boiling point, it is difficult to work with metal with such high rates.
  • The electrical conductivity of manganese is very low, so its use in electrical engineering is also limited.

about chemical and physical properties manganese will talk further.

Properties and characteristics

The physical characteristics of the metal depend markedly on temperature. Given the presence of as many as 4 modifications, this is not surprising.

The main characteristics of the substance are as follows:

  • density - at normal temperature is 7.45 g / cu. see It is this value that weakly depends on temperature: for example, when heated to 600 C, the density decreases only by 7%;
  • melting point - 1244 C;
  • boiling point - 2095 C;
  • thermal conductivity at 25 C is 66.57 W / (m K), which is a low indicator for a metal;
  • specific heat capacity - 0.478 kJ / (kg K);
  • the coefficient of linear expansion, measured at 20 C, is equal to 22.3 10 -6 deg -1 - ; The heat capacity and thermal conductivity of a substance increase linearly with increasing temperature;
  • specific electrical resistance - 1.5–2.6 μm m, only slightly higher than that of lead.

Manganese is paramagnetic, that is, it is magnetized in an external magnetic field and is attracted to a magnet. The metal passes into the antiferromagnetic state at low temperatures, and the transition temperature for each modification is different.

The structure and composition of manganese are described below.

Manganese and its compounds is the topic of the video below:

Structure and composition

Four structural modifications of the substance are described, each of which is stable in a certain temperature range. Fusion with certain metals can stabilize any phase.

  • Up to 707 C the a-modification is stable. – cubic body-centered lattice, the unit cell of which includes 58 atoms. Such a structure is very complex and causes a high fragility of the substance. Its indicators - heat capacity, thermal conductivity, density, are given as properties of a substance.
  • At 700–1079 C stable is the b-phase with the same type of lattice, but with more simple structure A: A cell is 20 atoms. In this phase, manganese exhibits a certain plasticity. The density of the b-modification is 7.26 g / cu. see. The phase is easy to fix - by quenching the substance at a temperature above the phase transition temperature.
  • At temperatures from 1079 C to 1143 The g-phase is stable. It is characterized by a cubic face-centered lattice with a cell of 4 atoms. Modification is plastic. However, it is not possible to fix the phase completely upon cooling. At the transition temperature, the density of the metal is 6.37 g/cu. cm, at normal - 7, 21 g / cu. cm.
  • Above a temperature of 1143 C and to a boil the d-phase with a body-centered cubic lattice is stabilized, the cell of which includes 2 atoms. The modification density is 6.28 g/cu. see. Interestingly, d-Mn can go into an antiferromagnetic state at a high temperature - 303 C.

Phase transitions are of great importance in obtaining various alloys, especially since physical characteristics structural modifications are different.

Manganese production is described below.


Basically, but there are also independent deposits. Thus, up to 40% of the world's reserves of manganese ores are concentrated on the territory of the Chiatura deposit.

The element is scattered in almost all rocks, easy to wash out. Its content in sea ​​water is small, but at the bottom of the oceans, together with iron, it forms nodules, in which the content of the element reaches 45%. These deposits are considered promising for further development.

On Russian territory large deposits there is little manganese, because for the Russian Federation it is an acutely scarce raw material.

The most famous minerals are pyrolusite, magnetite, brownite, manganese spar and so on. The content of the element in them varies from 62 to 69%. They are mined in a quarry or mine method. As a rule, the ore is pre-washed.

Obtaining manganese is directly related to its use. Its main consumer is the steel industry, and for its needs it is not the metal itself that is required, but its combination with iron - ferromanganese. Therefore, speaking about the production of manganese, they often mean a compound necessary in ferrous metallurgy.

Previously, ferromanganese was produced in blast furnaces. But due to the shortage of coke and the need to use poor manganese ores, manufacturers switched to smelting in electric furnaces.

For melting, open and closed furnaces lined with coal are used - in this way carbon ferromanganese is obtained. Melting is carried out at a voltage of 110-160 V, using two methods - flux and flux-free. The second method is more economical, since it allows the element to be extracted more fully, however, with a high content of silica in the ore, only the flux method is possible.

  • Flux-free method- continuous process. The mixture of manganese ore, coke and iron shavings is loaded as it is remelted. It is important to ensure that the amount of reducing agent is sufficient. Ferromanganese and slag are produced simultaneously 5–6 times per shift.
  • Silicomanganese produced by a similar method in an electric melting furnace. The charge, in addition to ore, includes manganese slag - without phosphorus, quartzite and coke.
  • Metal manganese obtained similarly to the smelting of ferromanganese. The raw material is waste from casting and cutting of the alloy. After the melting of the alloy and the mixture, silicomanganese is added, and 30 minutes before the end of the melting, it is blown with compressed air.
  • A chemically pure substance is obtained electrolysis.


90% of the world's manganese production goes to the steel industry. Moreover, most metals are required not to obtain manganese alloys themselves, but for and include 1% of the element. Moreover, it can completely replace nickel if its content is increased to 4–16%. The fact is that manganese, as well as stabilizes the austenite phase in steel.

  • Manganese can significantly lower the transition temperature of austenite to ferrite, which prevents the precipitation of iron carbide. Thus, the finished product acquires greater rigidity and strength.
  • The manganese element is used to obtain corrosion resistant - from 1%. Such material is used in the food processing industry in the manufacture of a variety of containers. Metal alloys with - are used in the manufacture of marine propellers, bearings, gears and other parts in contact with sea water.
  • Its compounds are very widely used in the non-metallurgical industry - in medicine, in agriculture, in chemical industries.
  • Manganese is a metal that is interesting not so much in itself as in the properties of its many compounds. However, it is difficult to overestimate its importance as an alloying element.

    The reaction of manganese oxide with aluminum is demonstrated in this video:

    Potassium permanganate, in everyday life - potassium permanganate, the use of which is based on its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, is widely used in many families.

    Potassium permanganate is sold in the form of purple small crystals, but for use they must be dissolved in water. Depending on the ratio of water and crystals, a solution of different concentrations and colors will be obtained - from slightly pink to bright red.

    The useful and necessary properties of potassium permanganate are that it is an extremely effective antiseptic, so it is indispensable for poisoning (including alcohol), the stomach is washed with a weak pale pink solution, both in the infectious diseases departments of hospitals and at home.

    Also, this drug is used for diarrhea, for the treatment of wounds and bedsores, with abundant rashes of herpes, chicken pox, and so on. Potassium permanganate is able to cope with many infections, both on the skin and on the mucous membrane, so it is wise to always have it in your first-aid kit. However, it is best to consult with your doctor before use.

    Use for poisoning

    At present, it is quite easy to get poisoned, especially if you often eat out. Unfortunately, methyl alcohol poisoning is becoming more common, which can lead to death.

    What to do in such cases? First of all, of course, rinse the stomach, thus removing the poison from the body. The manganese solution in this case will be much more effective tool than boiled water.

    For such a situation, the instructions for use are as follows:

    1. Dissolve potassium permanganate crystals in a small amount of water until a rich dark red color.
    2. Pass the resulting solution through gauze folded in several layers, thereby filtering it.
    3. Boil and cool 5 to 12 liters of water.
    4. Pour a small amount of manganese solution into this water. The water should turn pink.
    5. Drink the resulting solution and induce vomiting several times until improvement is felt.

    Precautions: it is forbidden to drink too "strong" red or raspberry solution, this can lead to burns of all digestive organs.

    Potassium permanganate in gynecology

    In gynecology and urology, potassium permanganate is mainly used for washing and douching the affected organs.

    In the treatment of cervical erosion, douching with a weak solution of potassium permanganate is often prescribed (usually 0.02-0.1%). The same solution is effective in the treatment of thrush and fungal diseases. Naturally, all procedures must be carried out with the permission of the attending physician.

    Potassium permanganate is suitable for the treatment of most diseases associated with purulent and infectious rashes on the mucous membranes and skin, including urological diseases.

    For diseases associated with irritation of the genital organs, you can make a small sitz bath with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Baths will help with anal fissures. Instructions for use are as follows. About 1.5 tablespoons of manganese are mixed in 10 liters of water to obtain a pale pink solution. In the resulting bath, you need to sit for about 15 minutes. Repeat this procedure at least 2 times a week.

    Other uses in traditional medicine

    Potassium permanganate is used in traditional medicine as a remedy for eliminating calluses and the pain they provoke. For these purposes, special baths are made. A weak solution of potassium permanganate (pale pink) and a couple of tablespoons of salt are mixed in a basin. For maximum effect, you need to lower your legs into the resulting solution for 20 minutes, and after the procedure, air dry without using a towel. After a few applications, the corns will stop hurting.

    A similar procedure can be used for persistent pungent foot odor and excessive sweating. You need to make a warm bath with manganese and salt, then wipe your feet and sprinkle them with talc.

    Potassium permanganate is good for diaper rash and is suitable even for the smallest children. A bath with potassium permanganate is also used, but if diaper rash does not go away after 2-3 days, you should definitely consult a doctor, as this may indicate a serious illness.

    Potassium permanganate can also be used as a treatment for advanced cases of hemorrhoids. To do this, you need to make the following bath: in hot water add potassium permanganate (until a pink color is obtained), 1 tsp. soda and the same vegetable oil, 200 ml of boiled milk. You need to take such a bath for 20 minutes in the evening during the week.

    Finally, manganese is sometimes used in washing wounds and in dermatitis. The skin must be wiped with a cloth dipped in a slightly pink solution of manganese, in serious cases, moisten a cotton pad and leave it on the affected area for several minutes, then rinse with running water.


    In no case should potassium permanganate be used in case of individual intolerance to this drug, allergies.

    If during use swelling, itching, severe redness or other discoloration of the skin or mucous membranes, convulsions appear, you should immediately stop using and contact a healthcare professional.

    Due to its oxidizing properties, manganese should not be taken with certain substances such as Activated carbon, sugar and other easily oxidizing drugs.

    It is very important to be careful when preparing solutions, because too strong a solution can cause burns. It is important to ensure that all the crystals dissolve in water, and the color is not too saturated.

    A solution of potassium permanganate is an extremely effective home remedy. Its use is possible for bathing a newborn, treating wounds and other areas. Let's see what potassium permanganate is and what its application is.

    What is potassium permanganate

    Potassium permanganate, or as it is called - potassium permanganate or potassium permanganate, is a dark purple powder consisting of tiny crystals, which, when dissolved in water, form a bright red solution.

    Action and application

    The use of the drug is aimed at antiseptic effects. If you make a weak solution correctly, then it can be used to treat wounds, in case of poisoning, to bathe a newborn, and for many other purposes. The use of a solution is usually used for poisoning. Treatment lies in the ability to oxidize many inorganic and organic compounds. In other words, a potassium permanganate solution is capable of:

    • translate many chemical substances, into an inactive, safe form, for example, alcohol or its surrogates;
    • have a destructive effect on the cellular system of most microbes that can cause food poisoning.

    Contraindications and indications

    Today, the use of this drug is popular not only in medicine. Its benefits have been proven in the most various areas, but today we will talk about the treatment, as well as how to properly dilute a weak solution of potassium permanganate at home.

    Conventionally, treatment is carried out with a weak and strong solution of potassium permanganate. If poisoning is possible, then it is necessary to make a weak solution correctly, and a strong one is used to treat wounds and prevent purulent complications in traumatological and surgical practice (for example, when treating burns and wounds).

    The use of the solution can be harmful to people with hypersensitivity, a high probability of education:

    • allergic bronchitis;
    • allergic rhinitis;
    • skin irritation.

    By the way, this is general recommendation, for all people with a tendency to develop allergic reactions. In general, potassium permanganate solution is one of the most gentle antiseptics. Treatment with it is not capable of causing harm even infants. The use of such a tool is extremely useful when treating wounds at home.

    Potassium permanganate in case of poisoning

    The benefits of such a remedy have been proven in the treatment of not only various kinds of wounds, but also in case of poisoning. In case of poisoning, it is recommended to dilute a weak solution of potassium permanganate and drink it inside. Potassium parchment will be able to have the necessary effect on the stomach. You must be prepared for the fact that after taking the solution, a person will vomit - this is a normal phenomenon, unable to harm the body.

    How to cook potassium permanganate in case of poisoning

    Our parents did not particularly think about how to dilute potassium permanganate at home, however, in order not to cause harm, it is better not to use the “by eye” method. They fell asleep generously in a jar of boiled water a pinch of powder, then ready solution diluted to the desired consistency (pale pink solution). During the dilution, it is very important that the solution is strained through 8 layers of cheesecloth to remove any crystals that have failed to dissolve. If this is not done, then gastric lavage will be harmful, since the crystals fall on the mucous membrane gastrointestinal tract and cause chemical burns.

    Since that time, practically nothing has changed and the “3-4 grains per liter of water” method works as before. Methodical modern literature tells us that a weak solution is approximately 0.01-0.1%, while a strong solution is already considered to be -2–5% solution.

    Precautionary measures

    Potassium permanganate is classified as a fairly active, potent substance, so in order not to harm the body, you need to follow a number of rules.

    During the development of the solution. Dissolve potassium permanganate in a jar or a transparent glass. As mentioned above, it is imperative to filter the finished solution, provided it is taken inward. In addition, accidentally entering the body with a strong solution of potassium permanganate can cause methemoglobinemia - a condition that is fraught with a total lack of oxygen for all tissues and organs, and primarily a violation of the kidneys.

    Of course, for potassium permanganate there is also an antidote (a substance that has the opposite effect) - methylene blue. However, for the treatment of poisoning with potassium permanganate, its intravenous administration is necessary. large quantities, and this can not even be done in all hospitals.

    During storage. It is necessary to store the powder in a tightly closed container, excluding direct sunlight and moisture. In no case should you shake the container, this can lead to self-ignition, and in some cases an explosion!

    Potassium permanganate for bathing newborns

    The preparation of a potassium permanganate solution for bathing a newborn includes several stages: first, you need to dilute the potassium permanganate in a glass of water to a bright crimson color, then it is recommended to strain the solution through several layers of gauze. Only after carrying out such procedures, part of the solution is added to the baby bath for bathing, while the color of the water in which should be pale pink.

    You can use a solution of potassium permanganate for bathing only freshly prepared and filtered - this condition is mandatory. Bathing a child is advised to carry out before evening feeding, every day at the same time. Before bathing the baby, the bath must be poured over with boiling water and washed with baby soap. Having collected water, you need to measure its temperature - it should be + 36-37 degrees, after which we add a solution of potassium permanganate. After carrying out all the manipulations, the child should be carefully lowered into the water, wrapping it first in a thin diaper. The baby should be held by the back and head, and with the second hand, using a sponge, wipe its skin.

    The first baths are best done when both parents take part in the process - one can support the child, and the other can wash him. Bathing with a solution of potassium permanganate is recommended until the umbilical wound has healed. It is extremely important to take into account that bathing with a solution of potassium permanganate can be carried out exclusively in a baby bath; in an adult bath, the composition can ruin the enamel. Once the umbilical wound is completely healed, the baby can be moved to a large bath for bathing without using more potassium permanganate solution.

    A solution of potassium permanganate is universal remedy, which gained wide distribution. It is used to heal wounds, including burns and the navel in newborns. Potassium permanganate is also used for poisoning, but in this case it is better to consult a doctor before starting treatment.

    Our grandmothers also knew the useful properties of potassium permanganate in everyday life: they washed wounds, treated poisoning, disinfected them, bathed babies, and even used them in pest control in the garden. Such wide application potassium permanganate explains its main property - it is an antimicrobial drug. Due to active oxidation processes, potassium permanganate kills harmful microbes - the causative agents of various infections both on the surface of the skin and inside the body.

    Potassium permanganate - instructions for use

    Potassium permanganate, or potassium permanganate, exists in the form of crystals and is never used in this form. Potassium permanganate, its any use is the need to dissolve crystals in water to obtain a solution. A solution of potassium permanganate differs in color: pale pink means a weak solution in concentration, bright crimson means strong.

    The solution is often prepared "by eye", but the main recommendations are 10 crystals per 1 liter of water, the further strength of the solution can be adjusted according to its color. It is very important that all crystals dissolve in water before use, otherwise, in the process of contact with the skin or internal organs, undissolved crystals can cause a burn.

    The use of potassium permanganate in medicine is based on its disinfecting properties. Washed with a solution of potassium permanganate festering wounds, corns, treat cuts. In this case, only freshly prepared mixture is used.

    In inflammatory diseases of the throat and pharynx, rinses are prescribed with a weak, pale pink solution of potassium permanganate. With this remedy, you can gargle up to 3-4 times a day. In addition, with other diseases of the oral cavity, you can use a solution of potassium permanganate to irrigate inflamed areas.

    Potassium permanganate - use for poisoning

    The most popular solution of potassium permanganate in case of poisoning. At the first sign, including diarrhea, the patient is offered a solution of potassium permanganate, which stimulates.

    Potassium permanganate for oral administration in case of poisoning is prepared in the ratio of 2 crystals per cup of water, such a solution is drunk. Due to its antiseptic properties, such a medicine stops the focus of infection in the stomach.

    Potassium permanganate - use in urology, gynecology

    Due to its antiseptic, antimicrobial abilities, potassium permanganate solution is used in the treatment of fungal, bacterial diseases in urology and gynecology. Potassium permanganate is used for thrush, when a weak solution is prescribed for daily douching. For urological problems in men associated with external inflammatory processes, prescribe washing with a solution of potassium permanganate.

    When used in urology and gynecology, it is important to follow the rules for preparing the solution, to ensure that the potassium permanganate crystals are completely dissolved. Otherwise, if it gets on the mucous membrane, the crystals can cause even more irritation.

    Potassium permanganate - contraindications

    It is not recommended to use a solution of potassium permanganate in case of individual intolerance. This can be immediately understood by the presence of side effects - swelling, discoloration of the mucous membranes, sharp pain when taken orally, convulsions, etc. If you have similar or other unpleasant symptoms, you should stop taking potassium permanganate and consult a doctor.

    Potassium permanganate due to its oxidizing properties is absolutely incompatible with the use of coal, sugar and other substances that are easily oxidized. It is important to store potassium permanganate crystals away from easily oxidizing substances, otherwise their contact can lead to an explosion and even a fire.

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