Sea buckthorn oil for purulent wounds. Sea buckthorn oil

Decor elements 30.06.2020
Decor elements

Now there are no people who would be unfamiliar with sea buckthorn oil. The most favorable time for harvesting sea buckthorn is, of course, the beginning of September, the end of August. And how many healing properties does such a berry contain? It's just an unsurpassed treasure trove.

Collecting such a storehouse of vitamins is not so pleasant, but how much benefit and health such a product will bring to loved ones and yourself.

Sea buckthorn oil contains a lot of useful vitamins.

You can call sea buckthorn and non-waste raw materials. It can be easily frozen, made into juice and simply stored with ice cubes in the freezer.

Adding such frozen cubes to tea in winter is just wonderful. Immediately in a cup of pleasant and useful memories of the summer. The oil is prepared from the remaining cake, so the product can be safely considered waste-free.

Elixir for beauty and health

A case of their practice: “for the first time I got into sea buckthorn oil when I was treating my daughter for stomatitis during chemotherapy, it was very scary, and we had already tried almost everything we could afford, and in the end it was the therapeutic one that came up. But if earlier my mother-in-law gave me such oil, then later I learned how to cook it myself.

Cooking it is troublesome, but now we can get the elixir of not only health, but also beauty.”

All the benefits in sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn oil improves the functioning of the thyroid gland.

In order to make it easier to understand why sea buckthorn oil is so valuable and how it can be beneficial for the body, let's just analyze the properties that this recommended product has to one degree or another:

  • relieves age spots, relieves freckles and smoothes wrinkles (therefore, it is highly valued and used in cosmetology);
  • able to protect the skin from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, which is so harmful to our skin;
  • improves the work of the thyroid gland and improves work;
  • for the preservation of male strength is very useful for men;
  • has a sufficient general strengthening effect for the body;
  • vision improves;
  • restores and normalizes the work of the liver;
  • able to prevent thrombosis;
  • normalizes metabolic processes in the body;
  • the development of obesity can prevent;
  • applicable for the treatment of constipation, as it has pronounced laxative properties;
  • to improve cardiac activity, sea buckthorn oil is quite useful;
  • you can use oil to eliminate dandruff, oil can also accelerate hair growth and does an excellent job in the treatment of hair diseases;
  • has high antimicrobial effects and therefore can perfectly treat both tonsillitis and stomatitis and periodontal disease;
  • can change the level in the blood (lower it);
  • improves blood supply, and has no less favorable effect on the vascular wall (improves its elasticity);
  • analgesic properties;
  • the use of the drug as a wound healing medicine for skin problems and festering wounds is facilitated by an increased indicator of the bactericidal properties of the product;
  • expressed biological activity;
  • can be used to treat peptic ulcer and gastric ulcer, since the oil has an excellent wound healing effect;
  • can significantly strengthen the immune system.

Contraindications to the use of sea buckthorn oil

Contraindications are individual intolerance to the drug. You should carefully take the remedy for acute inflammation in the 12th duodenum, pancreas, gallbladder. Also with diarrhea and gallstone disease.

How to make sea buckthorn oil at home

Sea buckthorn oil can be prepared at home.

  1. To begin with, it is worth selecting fresh berries.
  2. Rinse the collected products with running water as thoroughly as possible.
  3. Dry (you can easily do this on a baking sheet covered with a cotton towel.
  4. Squeeze out the juice (you can use any juicers for this purpose).
  5. Collect separately cake.
  6. Spread the cake on paper in order to dry it (be sure to hide it from the sun).
  7. Make sure the pulp doesn't get moldy.

Next, the dry cake is crushed with a coffee grinder, and put into a glass container. Pour the contents of the jar with oil, which is heated to 45 degrees. Olive oil can be used. Oil cake should be covered by 3 cm.

Keep the jar at room temperature for about a week and do not forget to cover it in advance with foil or any dark cloth so that the sun does not get inside. Every day while the product is infused, it should be opened and the contents mixed thoroughly.

After a week has passed and the product has been infused, it will be possible to strain the contents with a thick layer of gauze. Store the finished product in small glass containers in the refrigerator.

If the process of making butter is laborious enough for you, do not despair. You can simply purchase a ready-made product that is sold in pharmacies. The product is sold in different forms:

  • gelatin capsules;
  • in the form of oil.

sea ​​buckthorn oil price

The cost of oil in a pharmacy ranges from 50 to 180 rubles. This is an estimated cost and it depends on the following components:

  1. from the form of release of the product;
  2. from packaging;
  3. from the manufacturer.

Details about the benefits of sea buckthorn oil - in the thematic video:

The use of sea buckthorn oil

The oil can be used both internally and externally. Sea buckthorn oil is used orally in the fight against diseases (conditions of the body), such as: stomatitis, infertility, hormonal levels, with impaired metabolism, for the treatment of atherosclerosis, for the prevention of atherosclerosis, the treatment of diseases of the duodenum, treatment, and also for many others diseases and problems.

Sea buckthorn oil is used externally for visual acuity, to strengthen hair, in order to prevent premature aging of the skin, heal burns and wounds.

Details on the use of sea buckthorn oil for certain diseases

Sea buckthorn oil will help with heartburn.

The most common oil in the treatment of peptic ulcer (both stomach and 12th duodenal ulcer).

In this case, taking oil half an hour before meals and three times a day, one teaspoon. But the morning reception should be strictly on an empty stomach.

At the very beginning of treatment, the patient may experience discomfort (heartburn). The course of such treatment is usually 1 month.

With stomatitis, sea buckthorn oil is applied topically. Just lubricate the areas that require treatment. Make applications more efficient.

In order to make an application of sea buckthorn oil, you need to take a sterile bandage or sterile cotton wool and put it on the problem area after moistening it in oil. Hold for about 5-10 minutes. Then do not eat or drink for about half an hour, preferably an hour.

When treating a runny nose, sea buckthorn oil should be instilled into the nose 2-3 drops about 3 times a day. Also lubricate the nasal passages with this oil.

With sore throat, sea buckthorn oil is used as a rinse. To do this, prepare a solution: 0.5 liters of water (warm) and 1 tsp. oils. This solution will gargle the sore throat every half hour. You can also safely make compresses on the throat from such an emulsion.

For radiation injuries, take 1 tsp. oil three times a day. It also turns out to be useful and simple tea with sea buckthorn fruits. In atherosclerosis, the product is used for prevention twice a day, 1 tsp. half an hour before. The course of this treatment is about one month.

In diseases of the upper respiratory tract, it is better to use inhalations with sea buckthorn oil. Every day for 15 minutes about 10 procedures and the problem will go away.

Tampons with sea buckthorn oil in gynecology for the treatment of cervical erosion. Moisten the swab and press it to the site of erosion, leave it for 12 hours. Change tampons. Courses to carry out procedures. The course is from 8 to 12 procedures.

Sea buckthorn oil is also used for burns and frostbite and for wound healing. First, the wound is treated with furacilin, and then a bandage with oil. Change bandages daily.

With sea buckthorn oil, apply both internally and locally. Compresses perfectly help to heal these processes.

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The well-known sea buckthorn berry has found wide application in medicine, in the kitchen and in the cosmetic industry. It has many health benefits, one of which is boosting immunity due to its high vitamin C content.

Sea buckthorn oil is made from berries, small orange fruits the size of peas that grow on the branches of a bush or tree. Each fruit contains no more than 9% oil, which means that to create 100 g of natural sea buckthorn oil, at least several kilograms of raw materials are required. Therefore, 100% undiluted oil cannot be cheap. It has a characteristic fruity aroma and intense orange color due to its high vitamin A content.

Composition of sea buckthorn oil

Many factors influence the composition of sea buckthorn oil. The climatic conditions of the plants, the maturity of the fruits used in production, the time of their harvest and the processing technique - all these conditions cause differences in the nutritional properties of each particular oil. However, each oil contains:

  • vitamins A, B (B1, B2, B6), C, E, K;
  • minerals - calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium;
  • flavonoids, familiar to everyone as vitamin P;
  • tannins;
  • phenolic compounds;
  • organic acids - tartaric, malic, oxalic;
  • folic acid;
  • provitamin D;
  • boron, manganese;
  • unsaturated fatty acids - oleic and linolenic acids;
  • amino acids;
  • phytosterols, including beta-sitosterol and ergosterol.

There are two types of sea buckthorn oil. They share some common features and are relatively equally nutrient-dense. However, there are some differences between them, so it is advisable to consult a specialist before using them.

  1. The first type of oil is produced from the seeds of the plant. It has a pale orange color and a rather liquid texture. It is very rich in omega-3 and 6 fatty acids.
  2. The second type is extracted from the fruit of the plant and is considered more valuable, so it costs more. This oil is dark red in color and has a high viscosity. It is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and omega-7 acids.

Useful properties of sea buckthorn oil

  1. The oil of this plant is useful for the whole body and helps to fight many ailments and diseases. It has antioxidant and anti-cancer properties. It contains a large amount of vitamin C, so it can be used to treat and prevent colds.
  2. It has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system - lowers blood pressure, prevents coronary heart disease, prevents the development of atherosclerosis and heart attacks.
  3. The active substances in sea buckthorn oil reduce rheumatic symptoms. They reduce the level of LDL cholesterol - its oxidation is prevented (note: oxidized cholesterol thickens and settles on the walls of blood vessels).
  4. It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, so it is useful in the treatment of various inflammations, vaginitis and conjunctivitis. Thanks to the content of minerals such as iron, manganese and phosphorus, the absorption of a variety of vitamins and nutrients by the body is improved. Thanks to this, sea buckthorn can prevent anemia.
  5. Sea buckthorn oil helps in the treatment of a huge list of diseases of the digestive system, including duodenal ulcer and stomach ulcers. Accelerates the treatment of hemorrhoids - painful areas should be lubricated with a cotton swab.
  6. The oil is recommended to combat heartburn and dyspepsia. Due to its regenerative properties, it is suitable for the treatment of frostbite, scars, burns, skin lesions after radiation therapy and hard-to-heal wounds.
  7. External application is recommended for hair care. Their loss is prevented, and split ends of hair are eliminated. At the same time, an antifungal effect is manifested and shine is given to the hair.
  8. Very often, external use is relevant in skin care. The oil from these berries has a rejuvenating effect. Daily use of oil slows down the aging process, and also moisturizes the skin, maintains its elasticity and cleans well.
  9. The organic acids that make up sea buckthorn oil protect against radiation and the toxic effects of certain drugs. In dentistry, it is used to treat stomatitis, pulpitis, periodontitis.

It has long been proven that the oil has anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties and has a good effect on the body as a whole. It can be applied in various ways, both for external use and internal use.

  1. The most common way is to drink it before meals. Usually taken orally up to 5 milligrams 2 or 3 times a day. But it is advisable to consult a doctor to clarify the dosage.
  2. The oil can also be used in the form of rinses - in case of problems with the oral cavity.
  3. The oil solution can also be rubbed directly into the skin - it absorbs quickly and does not leave an oily layer.
  4. Sea buckthorn oil can sometimes be used as an enema (5-10 drops per 1.5 liters of water). Especially this method is recommended for diseases of the intestine.

In stores and pharmacies, you can find preparations based on sea buckthorn in the form of capsules and suppositories. Also on sale is cosmetics for skin care, which contains sea buckthorn. The same applies to hair care products.

Oil for burns

To treat burns, you will need to take a dry, clean cloth, on which sea buckthorn oil is applied in a thin layer. Further, this tissue should be used as a bandage, which is applied to the burn. The application time is selected individually, but the procedure should be performed 5-6 times a day.

After a week of such procedures, there will be no traces of a burn on the skin, including redness and scarring. This method will be very effective if the burn is caused by exposure to hot water.

Skin oil

Not everyone knows that sea buckthorn oil is an invaluable gift to the skin from nature. It is perfect for dry skin, effectively moisturizing it. It is also suitable for problem skin. This tool is often used for various injuries and irritations of the skin. It relieves inflammation and irritation, disinfects, restores the skin, makes it more elastic. It also helps to remove pigmentation of the skin of the face.

Just a few drops of oil are sufficient per day. They can be added to various face and hand creams. Sea buckthorn oil can be used for the skin and in its pure form. It is heated in a water bath to ensure better penetration into the skin. Various lotions or mixtures with other oils are often made. In combination with other oils, it is used in massage procedures.


  1. To create a nourishing mask for the skin of the face, you will need to mix sour cream and butter in a simple ratio of 2 to 1. The resulting mixture is applied to the face for about 20 minutes, after which it is washed off.
  2. To remove age spots, sea buckthorn oil is applied as thinly as possible exclusively on cleansed skin. After 20 minutes, the oil is removed with a cotton swab soaked in green tea.
  3. To improve aging skin, oil is mixed with honey in a ratio of 1: 2, after which it is applied for 20 minutes. After this time, the mask is simply washed off with warm water.

Oil for hemorrhoids

Sea buckthorn oil is very effective for the treatment of hemorrhoids. It relieves the symptoms of the disease, creates a protective film, prevents excessive bleeding from the anus. For treatment, you should not drink oil, but use it rectally. To do this, moisten a cotton swab in oil and place it in the anus. There will be no bad effects from such home procedures, so each patient can independently verify the effectiveness of this remedy.

For internal hemorrhoids, sea buckthorn oil is used as an enema. A small amount of oil, usually no more than 50 milliliters, is warmed to room temperature, and the enema is injected into the rectum. In order for the oil not to come out, after the procedure, you should not roll over in bed for about 30 minutes. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Diseases of the nose, mouth and throat

Natural sea buckthorn oil, according to doctors, has pronounced bactericidal properties, so it is often used for inflammation of the nasal mucosa and pharynx. The therapy is simple: they lubricate the surface of the mucosa 1-2 times / day.

By the way, sea buckthorn oil treatment also gives positive results in gum disease. Many dentists recommend that their patients use natural oil in the treatment of affected areas of the gums (for 10-15 minutes 1-2 times a day).

Stomach ulcer: therapy with sea buckthorn oil

Doctors also recommend treating gastric/duodenal ulcers with sea buckthorn oil. To do this, before eating, you should drink 1 tsp. oils. In addition, this method has shown itself well in the treatment of certain tumor diseases of the digestive tract.

  1. Hair loss is a serious problem for many people. To solve it, you can use sea buckthorn oil, which strengthens the hair roots and ensures their growth. With severe hair loss, internal use of oil is recommended, one teaspoon twice a day.
  2. You can also use different masks. It is necessary to mix in equal quantities sea buckthorn oil, eucalyptus, castor oil, pepper and thistle. The resulting mixture is left for several hours, after which it is washed off. This procedure helps to strengthen weakened hair.
  3. It is recommended to use sea buckthorn oil in conjunction with dimexide. This enhances the healing effect of sea buckthorn. But dimexide has contraindications, for this reason, if negative consequences appear, you should stop using this remedy. To prepare an effective mask 2 tbsp. tablespoons of oil are mixed with one tbsp. a spoonful of dimexide and immediately applied to the hair. Then a polyethylene cover is put on and the head is covered with a cloth on top. Hair loss is reduced after three treatments, and full restoration of the hair structure occurs after ten sessions. Treatment should be carried out, as experts say, twice a week, and always within a few months.
  4. Also an effective remedy is a mixture in the ratio of 6/1 olive and sea buckthorn oils, which is applied to the hair for 40 minutes.
  5. For the treatment of the scalp with psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, a mixture based on sea buckthorn oil should be used. To prepare the mixture, you will need 15 ml of American clay, 30 ml of glycerin, 20 drops of sea buckthorn oil. You need to mix all the ingredients and shake the mixture well. Then it is gently applied to the scalp with gentle rubbing.
  6. As an additional hair care, you can add 10-20 drops of oil to your favorite shampoo.

Sea buckthorn oil contraindications

It should be noted that, despite the abundance of useful properties, this plant has a number of contraindications. It is important to remember that sea buckthorn oil is a fairly powerful drug with a high content of biologically active substances. As a result, it can provoke the appearance of allergic reactions.

  1. Sea buckthorn oil is not recommended for people suffering from various diseases of the liver and pancreas.
  2. It should also not be used by patients with acute inflammation of the gallbladder or cholelithiasis.
  3. Since the composition of the oil contains a large amount of acids, it is contraindicated in people with inflammation of the duodenum.

During the treatment of stomach ulcers and diseases of the colon, it is not recommended to overload the stomach with abundant food. Pregnant women are advised to consult a doctor before using the oil.

In healthy people, even long-term use of sea buckthorn oil does not disturb the biological balance of the body. Sea buckthorn oil contains many useful components that improve overall health, so it is recommended to use it for the prevention of diseases. If there are no contraindications, you should definitely personally verify its effectiveness.

Video: health benefits of sea buckthorn

It is quite obvious that the beneficial properties of sea buckthorn oil directly depend on its composition. Let's dwell on it in more detail.

  • Fats: Omega-3 (4-6%), Omega-6 (15-16%), Omega-9 (10-13%); unsaturated fatty acids: palmitoleic acid (23-31%); saturated fatty acids: palmitic acid (29-40%), stearic acid (1.5%), myristic acid (1.5%);
  • Phospholipids;
  • Amino acids: a total of 18 amino acids are present in sea buckthorn oil, among them: Valine, Histidine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Threonine, Phenylalanine;
  • Non-essential amino acids: Alanine, Arginine, Aspartic acid, Glycine, Glutamic acid, Proline, Serine, Tyrosine, Carotenoids (1-6%), Lycopene, Zeaxanthin, Beta-carotene, Cryptoxanthin, Querceti;
  • Phytosterols: Beta-sitosterol;
  • Flavonoids, including: Rutin, Isoramnetin, Kaempferol;
  • Triterpenic acids: oleanic, ursolic and some other triterpenic acids;
  • Organic acids: Tartaric, Salicylic, Oxalic, Malic, Amber;
  • Tannins: Phytoncides, Serotonin, Pectins, Coumarins, Alkoloids;
  • Vitamins: Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B9, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Vitamin P;
  • Micro and macro elements: Sea buckthorn oil contains 27 minerals, including aluminum, boron, vanadium, iron, calcium, cobalt, silicon, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, sodium, nickel, sulfur, strontium, titanium, phosphorus, zinc.

It should be noted that the bright orange color of sea buckthorn oil is due to the extremely high content of carotenoids. Carotenoids are known to be precursors of vitamin A, the role of which in the human body can hardly be overestimated. Sea buckthorn oil is the undoubted leader in the content of carotenoids among all currently known vegetable oils.

The content of tocopherols (vitamin E) is also high in this oil. This powerful antioxidant in sea buckthorn oil is 2 times more than in wheat germ oil, although the content of tocopherols in wheat germ is quite high.

Another feature of sea buckthorn oil is simply a huge content of vitamin C in it, it is more in this oil than in lemons and oranges. In addition, the ascorbic acid of this oil is extremely stable in processing. Scientists explain this feature of sea buckthorn berries by the fact that they lack the ascorbinose enzyme, which converts ascorbic acid into an inactive form.

The benefits of sea buckthorn oil

Due to its rich composition, cold-pressed sea buckthorn oil has a tonic, vascular strengthening, wound healing, epithelializing, regenerating, granulating, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antimicrobial, analgesic, oncoprotective and radioprotective effect. In addition, sea buckthorn oil is an excellent multivitamin complex created by nature itself.

Benefits for vitamin deficiency: Sea buckthorn oil is used both for beriberi and hypovitaminosis. Being a completely natural remedy, it is widely used both in traditional medicine and medical specialists.

The cardiovascular system: Sea buckthorn oil contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, flavonoids and coumarins, which increase the elasticity of blood vessel walls and reduce their permeability. In addition, regular use of sea buckthorn oil reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels and reduces the risk of thrombosis. This oil prevents the development of inflammatory processes in the cardiovascular system. But that's not all, regular use of sea buckthorn oil helps to normalize blood pressure and blood clotting. Therefore, sea buckthorn oil can be used as an adjuvant in the complex treatment of atherosclerosis, hypertension, angina pectoris, thrombophlebitis, coronary heart disease, inflammatory diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Gastrointestinal tract: Sea buckthorn oil reduces the acidity of gastric juice, improves the protection of the gastric mucosa, improves fat metabolism in the liver. The use of this oil is effective in certain liver diseases, especially those associated with alcohol intoxication or other poisonings. It is successfully used as an aid in the complex therapy of hypokinesia of the stomach and intestines. This oil is an excellent remedy for gastric and duodenal ulcers, and it not only promotes the healing of ulcers, but can even eliminate old scars. In addition, it activates the work of the pancreas. Sea buckthorn oil is used in the complex treatment of the following diseases: gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice, colitis, enterocolitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, tumors in the gastrointestinal tract, esophagitis, gastroduodenitis. Sea buckthorn oil should be taken to prevent fatty liver and cholelithiasis. Candles, which include sea buckthorn a little, help with proctitis, hemorrhoids, sphincteritis, as well as rectal ulcers.

Diseases of the nasopharynx: Sea buckthorn oil has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and bactericidal action, therefore it is actively used in the complex treatment of various respiratory diseases. Its use is indicated for sinusitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, nasopharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis.

Diseases of the organs of vision: Sea buckthorn oil is an excellent natural vitamin complex, in addition, it is a champion in the content of carotenoids, which our eyes simply need for normal functioning. Zeaxanthin and Quercetin, moreover, tend to accumulate in the tissues of the eye, protecting them from adverse effects and free radicals. Sea buckthorn oil is an excellent prophylactic against most eye diseases, including cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, masculodystrophy, of course, with regular use of this oil inside. In addition, this oil is successfully used in the complex treatment of the following eye diseases: conjunctivitis, traumatic lesions of the cornea, radiation injuries and eye burns, including chemical ones, keratitis, trachoma.

Oral diseases: Dentists recommend the use of sea buckthorn oil in the treatment of periodontitis, periodontal disease, stomatitis and pulpitis, glossalgia, alveolar pyorrhea.

Ear diseases: Sea buckthorn oil will help to cope with otitis media and get rid of sulfur plugs in the ear.

Gynecological diseases: Sea buckthorn oil has long been successfully used in the complex treatment of colpitis, cervicitis, endometritis, vaginitis, but it is most active in the treatment of cervical erosion and traumatic injuries of the mucous membranes in the vagina. Healing occurs in 8-12 days. The results of treatment are quite stable. By the way, sea buckthorn oil can be used even in the complex treatment of pregnant women suffering from the above diseases. Of course, before starting treatment, you should consult with your doctor.

Benefits for breastfeeding mothers: Sea buckthorn oil is a natural source of vitamins A and E, the lack of which reduces the amount of mother's milk. In addition, this oil is used for cracked nipples in a nursing mother.

useful for problems with potency: Sea buckthorn oil contains a significant amount of B vitamins. Therefore, it is successfully used to increase potency. The use of this oil will help young people who have problems with potency. It is simply necessary to include this oil in the diet of men who have reached the age of 40.

Diseases and damage to the skin: Sea buckthorn oil is used in the treatment of abscesses, boils, fistulas, trophic ulcers, acne. It has been proven that the use of sea buckthorn oil in the complex treatment of difficult-to-heal wounds, burns (solar, thermal, chemical and radiation), frostbite, bedsores, radiation and chemical skin lesions is extremely effective. The use of sea buckthorn oil in the postoperative period is shown, for the speedy recovery and tightening of the sutures. The use of sea buckthorn oil in the complex treatment of psoriasis, neurodermatitis, pityriasis versicolor, eczema, pyoderma, skin tuberculosis, cheilitis, lupus, Darier's disease shows a very high efficiency.

Benefits for diabetes: Sea buckthorn oil contains vitamins B1, B3, E, carotenoids, manganese and a number of amino acids that regulate blood sugar levels, as well as those involved in the synthesis of inulin by the pancreas.

Benefits for obesity: Unsaturated fatty acids and flavonoids present in sea buckthorn oil improve lipid metabolism, so it can be included in the diet for obesity.

Benefits in cancer: For cancer of the esophagus, it is recommended to use sea buckthorn oil during the course of radiation therapy, to reduce the degenerative phenomena of the esophageal wall, and 2-3 weeks after its completion.

Benefits for joint problems: Traditional medicine recommends the external use of sea buckthorn oil for gout and rheumatism.

Benefits for children: Sea buckthorn oil will help fight diaper rash in babies. It is fashionable to simply lubricate damaged skin with sea buckthorn oil, or make a compress with it. This oil also fights well with thrush that occurs in babies due to regurgitation or intestinal dysbacteriosis. In this case, its external use contributes to the fastest recovery of the mucosa. The use of this oil will also help with glossitis, an inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane of the tongue. Regularly lubricate the baby's mouth and gums with sea buckthorn oil when teething. This procedure will partially relieve pain and itching, as well as protect the oral cavity from inflammation.

In addition, the use of sea buckthorn oil is indicated for people who are in areas of radioactive contamination, as this oil helps to remove radionuclides from the human body.

The use of sea buckthorn oil

The use of sea buckthorn oil in medicine

Sea buckthorn oil for gastric and duodenal ulcers

Sea buckthorn oil for colitis and colitis

Sea buckthorn oil for cardiovascular diseases

It is recommended to use sea buckthorn oil as a biologically active food supplement: either include this oil in the diet (without heat treatment), or take 1 tsp. in the morning and in the evening.

Sea buckthorn oil for hemorrhoids and rectal fissures

It is recommended to take sea buckthorn oil orally several times a day and, of course, before going to bed. In addition, it is necessary to make microclysters with sea buckthorn oil, introduce tampons soaked in this oil, or put candles with sea buckthorn oil.

Sea buckthorn oil for diseases of the female genital area

Abundantly soaked in sea buckthorn oil, swabs are inserted into the vagina, leaving for 16-24 hours. The course of treatment is 8-12 procedures for cervical erosion and 12-15 procedures for colpitis and endocervinitis. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated after a month and a half.

Sea buckthorn oil for esophageal cancer

Sea buckthorn oil for ear diseases

A gauze turunda soaked in sea buckthorn oil is introduced into the sore ear, after 15-20 minutes it is removed.

Sea buckthorn oil for diseases of the nasopharynx

It is recommended to lubricate the nasal mucosa and pharynx daily with sea buckthorn oil. Inhalations with sea buckthorn oil for 15 minutes are also useful. In addition, it is necessary to combine the local application of the oil with its ingestion of 1 tsp. 3 times a day.

Sea buckthorn oil for eye diseases

In the complex treatment of eye diseases, sea buckthorn oil is used in the form of drops or 10-20% ointment. As a prophylactic multivitamin, sea buckthorn oil is taken 1 tsp. 3 times a day.

Sea buckthorn oil for burns and frostbite

In case of burns or frostbite, it is recommended to wipe the damaged surface of the skin with sea buckthorn oil or use gauze bandages soaked in sea buckthorn oil. It is recommended to lubricate the skin with sea buckthorn oil in case of sunburn.

Sea buckthorn oil for skin diseases

The damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin is pre-treated with an antiseptic and allowed to dry. Sea buckthorn oil is applied directly to the damage with a pipette, covered with a sterile napkin, parchment on top and bandaged. The bandage should be changed every two days. The course of treatment is 4-6 weeks, in severe cases even longer.

Sea buckthorn oil for preventive purposes

For preventive purposes and as a multivitamin preparation, sea buckthorn oil is usually recommended to be taken 2 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

The use of sea buckthorn oil in cosmetology

Sea buckthorn oil contains a huge amount of substances that have a beneficial effect on the skin, nails and hair. Therefore, the use of this oil in cosmetology is extremely diverse. What effect does sea buckthorn oil have on human skin?

Firstly, this oil easily penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin. It nourishes, moisturizes, prevents drying and peeling, softens the skin.

Secondly, it actively contributes to the restoration of acid-base and fat balance.

Thirdly, with regular use, it prevents premature aging of the skin.

Fourthly, it helps to smooth mimic and small age wrinkles, makes the skin supple and elastic. In general, it promotes skin rejuvenation.

Fifth, this amazing oil whitens the skin well. Do you have freckles or age spots? So this oil is for you!

Sixth, it has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, which allows the use of sea buckthorn oil in the fight against acne and pimples.

Seventh, it is successfully used in the treatment of skin burns, including sunburns.

And eighthly, it has an extremely beneficial effect on the hair and scalp: it helps strengthen hair follicles, actively fights hair loss, stimulates their growth, and, finally, makes hair shiny and silky. One can only dream of such an assistant!

By the way, it should be especially noted that only cold-pressed oil is suitable for external use, sea buckthorn oil obtained in a different way, alas, can harm your skin, so it is not suitable for external use!

Due to these properties, sea buckthorn oil is widely used both in the cosmetic industry and in home cosmetology. Unfortunately, this oil cannot often be used undiluted like most vegetable oils. This can lead to a weakening of the protective barrier of the skin and an increase in its sensitivity to external conditions. Which, of course, none of us need. But still, pure undiluted sea buckthorn oil is used in the treatment of damaged skin (scratches, sunburn, acne, peeling ...). You can use sea buckthorn oil mixed with other oils suitable for your skin in a ratio of 1:4. For oily skin, undiluted sea buckthorn oil can occasionally be used to prevent inflammation and restore fat balance.

Sea buckthorn oil for skin

Compress for oily skin with enlarged pores

Soak a clean soft cloth in the tea infusion, apply on the face and hold for 10-15 minutes, apply sea buckthorn oil on the face, after 15 minutes blot the skin with a cosmetic tissue to remove the remaining oil.

Of course, the easiest way, which does not require time and effort, is to add a few drops of sea buckthorn oil to a finished cosmetic product, be it a cream, cosmetic milk, balm mask or shampoo. It is especially recommended to use this method for the care of dry, aging, wrinkled skin, skin with acne and pimples, to lighten freckles and age spots.

But, undoubtedly, self-made cosmetic masks and creams based on sea buckthorn oil are more effective. Here are some of them:

Lifting mask for aging skin:
1 egg yolk (raw)
1 tsp yellow cosmetic clay
2 tsp sea ​​buckthorn oil
Mix all ingredients thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed. Apply the mask on a previously cleansed face. Hold for 15 minutes. Rinse off this mask first with warm water, and then with cold, of course, without the use of detergents.

Moisturizing mask for dry skin of the face, neck and décolleté:
1 egg yolk (raw)
1 tsp lemon juice
1 tsp liquid honey
1 tsp sea ​​buckthorn oil
If the honey is candied, then dissolve it in a water bath and cool. Mix all ingredients thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed. Apply to pre-cleansed skin of the face, neck and décolleté, leave for 15 minutes. The mask should be washed off with warm water without the use of detergents.

Nourishing and moisturizing mask for dry and aging skin:
1 egg yolk (raw)
1 tsp orange juice
1 tsp sea ​​buckthorn oil
Mix all ingredients thoroughly until smooth. Apply to cleansed skin, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water.
In this mask, you can also use apple, tangerine, watermelon, apricot, grape or sea buckthorn juice, of course, freshly squeezed, not canned.

Mask for dry rough and chapped skin, nourishing:
3 tbsp milk
1 tsp honey
1 tsp low-fat cottage cheese
1 tsp sea ​​buckthorn oil
Milk should be warmed up a little, honey, if it is candied, warmed up in a water bath. Add honey to warm milk and stir until honey is completely dissolved, then add cottage cheese and sea buckthorn oil. mix all ingredients thoroughly. Apply the mask on clean face skin, leave for 15 minutes. Then, simulating the peeling process, rub the skin with your fingertips soaked in water. Then wash off the mask with warm water without the use of detergents.

Mask for dry skin whitening:
1 tsp sea ​​buckthorn oil
100 ml 20% sour cream
Chop the parsley to a mushy state, we only need 1 tbsp. without a slide. Add the rest of the ingredients, mix thoroughly. Apply the mask on previously cleansed skin, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse the mask with warm water without the use of detergents.

Nourishing mask for dry and wrinkled skin:
100 ml 20% cream
1 tsp semolina
1 egg yolk (raw)
2 tsp sea ​​buckthorn oil
1 tsp honey
0.5 tsp fine sea salt
1 tsp freshly squeezed juice (orange, tangerine, sea buckthorn, apple, apricot)
Cook semolina porridge on cream, cool it slightly (up to 50-69 degrees). Add salt and honey to warm semolina porridge, stir until completely dissolved. Add juice, oil, yolk, mix thoroughly until smooth. Apply the mask on clean skin of the face, neck and décolleté, leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water without the use of detergents, then rinse the skin with cold water.

Nourishing mask for mature skin:
Oat flakes
2 tsp honey
2 tsp sea ​​buckthorn oil
2 tbsp freshly squeezed juice (orange, tangerine, apple)
Pour oatmeal with hot milk, leave for 28 minutes to swell. For the mask, we need only 2 tbsp. oatmeal. Add honey to the still warm porridge (if the honey is candied, you can melt it in a water bath or add it to the porridge a little earlier so that it can melt), mix, then add the rest of the mask ingredients, mix well. Apply the mask to clean skin of the face, neck and décolleté. Hold for half an hour, then rinse with warm fashion without the use of detergents. It is recommended to do this mask 1-2 times a week.

Cream for flaccid and wrinkled skin around the eyelids:
2 tsp cocoa butter (solid)
1 tsp sea ​​buckthorn oil
1 tsp vitamin E (oil extract sold in pharmacies)
Melt cocoa butter in a water bath. Add sea buckthorn oil and vitamin E oil extract, mix thoroughly and remove from the water bath. The mixture should be stirred until completely cooled, then transferred to a tightly closed jar (you can use it from under the cream). Store the cream in the refrigerator. Apply the cream by tapping with your fingertips into the skin around the eyes. Attention: the cream melts quickly!

Sea buckthorn oil for nails

Regular rubbing of sea buckthorn oil into the nail plates will help eliminate brittle nails, make them strong and healthy. It is advisable to combine the external use of oil with its use inside. Such an integrated approach improves the effectiveness of treatment.

Sea buckthorn hair oil

Since ancient times, beauties have used sea buckthorn oil for hair care. This oil gives hair shine and silkiness, promotes hair growth and strengthening, prevents hair loss, and eliminates dandruff. Rub sea buckthorn oil into the roots of the scalp for an hour or two before washing, then wrap your head first with a film, then with a towel. Do this mask regularly, at least 2 times a week.

Mask for restoring "tired" hair:
1 egg yolk (raw)
1 tsp sea ​​buckthorn oil
10 g tritizanol (sold in a pharmacy)
Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, add a little warm water to make a medium-thick slurry. Apply the mixture on the scalp, carefully rubbing it into the hair roots. Put on a plastic cap, wrap it well with a terry towel or downy scarf. Hold for 29 minutes, then rinse hair with warm water.

Hair strengthener:
3 tbsp burdock roots
5 st. l sea buckthorn oil
Crushed burdock roots are poured into 1 liter of cold water, brought to a boil and boiled for 15-20 minutes, cooled, filtered. Sea buckthorn oil is added to the finished decoction of burdock. The potion is ready. Store the product in the refrigerator.
The drug should be rubbed into the hair roots daily before going to bed.

Mask for oily hair:
2 tbsp sea ​​buckthorn oil
2 tbsp castor oil
2 egg yolks (raw)
Mix all ingredients and blend with a blender. Apply the resulting mass on the skin of the scalp, gently rubbing into the hair roots. Put on a plastic cap and wrap your head well. Leave for half an hour and rinse your hair with warm water and shampoo.

Mask for any type of hair:
1 tsp burdock oil
1 tsp sea ​​buckthorn oil
1 tsp castor oil
1 tsp eucalyptus oil
The oils should be mixed well. Apply a mixture of oils on the scalp, put on a plastic cap and wrap your head. Soak for 2 hours, then wash your hair with shampoo and rinse with a decoction of chamomile or nettle.

Dandruff mask:
1 tbsp sea ​​buckthorn oil
6 tbsp olive oil
Mix the oils, apply the mask on the hair roots and hold for 40 minutes. Rinse hair with warm water using regular shampoo. the mask should be done once a week for 2 months.

Mask to accelerate hair growth:
2 tbsp sea ​​buckthorn oil
1 tsp dimexide (sold in a pharmacy)
Heat sea buckthorn oil (70-80 degrees), mix with dimexide, cool to 40 degrees. Rub into the skin of the scalp, hold for 30 minutes. Rinse hair with warm water using regular shampoo and rinse with water and apple cider vinegar.

Dimexide promotes the absorption of nutrients into the scalp.

There are many recipes using sea buckthorn oil, because it has been used to preserve youth and beauty for several centuries. But remember, beauty, youth and health are links in one chain. When using sea buckthorn oil externally, use it internally as well!

The use of sea buckthorn oil in cooking

We will talk about the use of sea buckthorn oil in cooking a little later.

Contraindications to the use of sea buckthorn oil

Even such a completely natural product as sea buckthorn oil still has some contraindications. Firstly, it is an individual intolerance to the product. Secondly, it is not recommended to use sea buckthorn oil for gastritis with high acidity, cholecystitis, cholangitis, pancreatitis and cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, as well as inflammation in the pancreas or liver. Thirdly, the use of this oil inside with diarrhea is contraindicated.

Sometimes, with external and internal use of sea buckthorn oil, a burning sensation occurs. Allergic reactions are possible, so allergy sufferers should take this oil with extreme caution.

Before undergoing a treatment and preventive course, people with chronic diseases should consult with their doctor!


What is sea buckthorn oil?

What is sea buckthorn oil, medicinal properties and its use are of great interest to people who lead a healthy lifestyle, monitor their health, and are interested in folk methods of treatment. Here we will try to answer the questions of interest to this category of people.

Sea buckthorn oil (Oleum Hippophaes) is an oily, orange-red liquid with a characteristic odor and taste. Acid number no more than 14.5. Contains a mixture of carotene and carotenoids at least 180 mg%, the amount of tocopherols, sterols, phospholipids, vitamin K, as well as glycerides of oleic, linoleic, palmitoleic, palmitic and stearic acids.

Sea buckthorn oil is obtained by extracting sea buckthorn seeds in sunflower oil.

Sea buckthorn oil is recommended as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent that stimulates regenerative processes in soft tissues, including liver cells after alcohol intoxication, increases the protein content in the liver, regulates fat metabolism, and prevents the development of atherosclerosis. It has an analgesic wound-healing effect.

Sea buckthorn oil is a good remedy for various skin diseases, especially those accompanied by a lack of vitamins in the body. They are treated with eczema, female (cervical erosion, colpitis) and other diseases, lubricating the skin, mucous membranes and taking it orally. Sea buckthorn oil is especially curative in the treatment of burns, bedsores, rectal ulcers, inflammation of the pulp of the teeth and gums, sinusitis, tonsillitis.


What does sea buckthorn oil treat?

Sea buckthorn is a shrub or small tree 1.5–2 m high, of the loch family. It grows in temperate climatic zones of Europe and Asia. The plant is widely distributed in the Caucasus, Western and Eastern Siberia.

Sea buckthorn fruits are harvested for medical purposes.

Sea buckthorn fruits contain a significant amount of pigments and carotene, which determine the intense orange color of the berries. In addition, vitamins E (tocopherol), groups B and P, as well as essential acids, tannins, coumarins, flavonoids, essential oils, and trace elements were found in the fruits of the plant.

Sea buckthorn oil contains tocopherols, carotenoids, vitamins K, group B, sterols, stigmasterols, fatty acids (oleic, linoleic, linolenic), sugars, organic acids and phytoncides.

Sea buckthorn oil accelerates the healing process of wounds and burns. Influencing the wound, stimulates recovery processes. The regenerative properties of sea buckthorn oil are known, in particular, on the cornea of ​​​​the eyes. After treatment with sea buckthorn oil, the healing of the corneal defect was much faster.

Sea buckthorn oil has an antibacterial property, the drug delays the growth of Staphylococcus aureus, hemolytic streptococcus.

In addition, the inhibitory effect of sea buckthorn oil on the secretion of gastric juice was noted.

Sea buckthorn oil is effective in liver pathology caused by alcohol intoxication and carbon tetrachloride; it significantly increases the content of proteins in the liver tissue, and also has a positive effect on lipid metabolism in the liver.

Sea buckthorn oil also prevents the development of the atherosclerotic process, while the content of total cholesterol, lipoproteins and total lipids in the blood serum gradually decreases.

Sea buckthorn oil is used for burns, trophic ulcers and skin diseases with sluggish epithelization processes, in the treatment of bedsores. With the introduction of sea buckthorn oil into wound cavities after suppuration, it cleanses them of purulent deposits.

Sea buckthorn oil is used in gynecological practice for the treatment of cervical erosion and other inflammatory diseases. Its high therapeutic efficacy has been noted for eye burns. Sea buckthorn oil is used to treat patients with creeping corneal ulcers.

Ulcers are cleared of pus and intensive regeneration begins.

Treatment with sea buckthorn oil in patients with peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum improves their condition, while the acidity of gastric juice does not change significantly. The use of suppositories with sea buckthorn oil for erosive and ulcerative proctitis, erosive and ulcerative sphincteritis, anal fissures, catarrhal and atrophic proctitis, internal hemorrhoids in patients with chronic enterocolitis gives positive results.

Sea buckthorn oil is used for sinusitis, in the postoperative period after tonsillectomy, for chronic tonsillitis, as well as in the treatment of pulpitis and periodontitis.

Sea buckthorn oil is useful for patients with atherosclerosis.

It helps lower serum cholesterol and phospholipids. In patients with atherosclerosis, angina pectoris disappears, vegetative vascular disorders decrease, and blood pressure normalizes.

Sea buckthorn oil usually does not cause side effects.

Sea buckthorn oil is available in bottles of 50, 100 and 200 ml. In the treatment of burns, bedsores, radiation damage to the skin, sea buckthorn oil is applied to the ulcerative surface cleaned from plaque and a gauze bandage is applied, which is changed every other day. Before applying the oil, the ulcerative surface is washed with a solution of penicillin.

In radiation therapy for esophageal cancer, sea buckthorn oil is prescribed half a tablespoon 2-3 times a day during the entire course of treatment and at the end of it - another 2-3 weeks. In the treatment of gastric ulcer, 1 teaspoon is prescribed 2-3 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals.

In the treatment of cervical erosion, cotton swabs are used, abundantly moistened with oil (5–10 ml per swab). Tampons are changed daily. With colpitis and endocervicitis, cotton balls are used. The course of treatment for colpitis - 10-15 procedures, for endocervicitis and cervical erosion - 8-12 procedures. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated after 4-6 weeks.


There are no specific contraindications to the use and use of sea buckthorn oil. Pregnant women should be treated with caution and used only after consulting a doctor.

Sea buckthorn oil can also cause allergies, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and gastrointestinal upset in hypersensitive individuals.

Do not consume oil in large quantities, as this can lead to dehydration and loss of beneficial electrolytes.

Inside, you can not use oil for patients with cholecystitis, cholangitis, pancreatitis, hepatitis, cholelithiasis. Do not give to children under 12 years of age by mouth.

You can not take the oil at the same time as taking vasodilators and with caution for people with diabetes.

How to treat gastritis with sea buckthorn oil?

With gastritis, sea buckthorn oil is an almost indispensable remedy, since it contains many trace elements, vitamins, phospholipids and other biologically active substances, so it:

  • stimulates regeneration processes;
  • enhances the secretion of bile;
  • exhibits antibacterial action;
  • envelops the mucous membranes of the stomach with a film;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • has an analgesic effect.

Due to its wound healing properties, sea buckthorn oil can also be used for erosive gastritis. Therefore, the process of recovery of the gastric mucosa proceeds faster than usual. In addition, this tool helps:

  • normalization of the secretory function of the stomach;
  • improving the process of digestion;
  • enhancing absorption of nutrients.

True, you should not start taking sea buckthorn oil on your own if you have a tendency to indigestion and diarrhea.

Prevention of the disease is no less important than timely treatment. Sea buckthorn oil will come to the rescue here. In this case, everything is simple - you need to drink a spoonful of oil once or twice a day for a month, then take a break and repeat the course again. It is good to add it to vegetable salads as a dressing.

Erosive gastritis is the most common. The reasons for it are well known to all. These are malnutrition, alcohol and soda abuse, coffee, smoking and stress. As a result, the stomach lining becomes inflamed.

How will sea buckthorn oil help with erosive gastritis? As already mentioned, it perfectly relieves inflammation and, of course, will help heal erosion. It is best to cook it yourself - to do this, mix sea buckthorn juice and olive oil in equal proportions (five tablespoons each), leave for three days. Then take orally in the morning (necessarily on an empty stomach) in a teaspoon. Treatment should be carried out for at least two weeks.

What is useful sea buckthorn oil for hemorrhoids?

The benefits of sea buckthorn oil for hemorrhoids are due to its special healing properties:

Vitamin C helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, which stops the growth of hemorrhoids.

Tannins and organic acids have antibacterial properties, reducing the inflammatory process.

The wound-healing effect of the oil eliminates redness, reduces swelling and promotes healing of the mucosa. In the course of treatment of the disease, sea buckthorn oil and suppositories are used, which include this remedy.

Depending on the type of hemorrhoids, sea buckthorn oil is used in different ways. With external hemorrhoids, the use of compresses and therapeutic baths gives a good effect.

For a compress, a gauze bandage soaked in oil is taken and applied to the sore spot at night. For baths, it is necessary to prepare a special infusion: 10 sprigs of sea buckthorn with leaves are poured with boiling water and infused for 2-3 hours.

The finished infusion is added to the bath along with 2 tablespoons of sea buckthorn oil.

Burn treatment:

Sea buckthorn oil for burns is an indispensable tool that folk recipes recommend resorting to in case of thermal damage to the skin. This product has an anti-inflammatory and powerful regenerating effect, which is of great importance in relation to the treatment of burns.

Before using the described agent in the treatment of thermal damage to the skin, the oil must be sterilized.

Next, they are impregnated with a sterile piece of gauze or bandage, after which an oil application is placed on the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. It is allowed not to fix the napkin too tightly with a bandage, plaster or bandage. All fixing elements must be sterile! In advance, before applying the oil application, it will be necessary to treat the affected skin area with peroxide or another disinfectant, removing the hairline in this place in advance.

Snoring treatment:

Treatment of snoring is also possible with the help of folk methods, one of which is sea buckthorn oil. Sea buckthorn oil is obtained by cold pressing the fruits of the sea buckthorn tree.

Sea buckthorn berries contain a record number of useful trace elements, are enriched with vitamins of all groups, and have a vasoconstrictive property. One has only to bring sea buckthorn oil in the first-aid kit and snoring noticeably subsides.

In order to choose a high-quality and usable oil of sea buckthorn berries, it is recommended to contact a pharmacy. In the line of manufacturers of pharmaceutical products, cold-pressed and hot-pressed oils are distinguished.

For the treatment of snoring, oil obtained by any method is suitable, but you need to pay attention to the composition: only sea buckthorn oil should be indicated on the label, without dyes, fragrances, additional concentrates and nitrates.

In addition, it is strictly forbidden to use sea buckthorn essential oil for this purpose, which is so concentrated that it can simply burn the nasal cavity and cause significant harm to the nasopharyngeal mucosa, causing serious burns, pain and even severe allergies.

When using sea buckthorn oil against snoring, it will not be superfluous to also purchase a pipette in a pharmacy, which will act as a kind of oil dispenser.

So, before you start treatment, you should clean the mucous membrane of the sinuses. If the patient has a runny nose, it is also necessary to prepare.

After all the conditions are met, you will need to collect a certain amount of sea buckthorn oil in a pipette and carefully drip a few drops into the nasal cavity. Don't use too much oil as this can make it difficult to feed. It will be enough 5-6 drops to drip the right amount into both nostrils.

The specified procedure must be carried out daily before bedtime, without making intervals before a positive trend becomes noticeable. It is worth noting that after the first application, many notice a significant relief in the passage of air through the nasal passages, which also has a positive effect on the tranquility of sleep: snoring recedes.

How to treat a runny nose with sea buckthorn oil?

A runny nose is a swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, which is accompanied by a narrowing of the lumen of the nasal passage due to the influence of viruses, allergens, bacteria. A runny nose can cause serious complications: rhinitis, laryngitis, sinusitis and frontal sinusitis.

Sea buckthorn oil with a runny nose is a good adjuvant that kills bacteria, prevents their reproduction, and prevents dryness of the nasal mucosa when using vasoconstrictor drops.

Treatment for a runny nose is a complex of therapeutic procedures, and you should not neglect any component of this complex if you want the treatment to take as little time as possible, and the positive effect to come as quickly as possible.

Sea buckthorn oil is prescribed in the form of nasal drops. But how to take sea buckthorn oil so as not to harm? It's very simple: you need to instill sea buckthorn oil into the nose 4-5 times a day - 2-3 drops into the nasal passage. Breathing will gradually cease to cause difficulties, swelling of the mucous membrane will subside, and secretory activity will decrease significantly. Symptoms of the disease will disappear in 1-3 days. Such a quick effect is due to the presence of vitamin C, which is an excellent antimicrobial component.

Important! Oil drops in the nose are strictly prohibited for children under 2 years old! Due to age, the child cannot yet hold his breath, but inhales a drug that can cause exogenous fatty pneumonia if it enters the upper lungs! For newborns and children under two years of age, any nasal drops based on oils and esters are contraindicated!

For any other rhinitis: allergic, bacterial, viral, chronic, taking sea buckthorn oil is not only allowed, but also strongly recommended. The drug has no contraindications, and its overdose will not cause negative symptoms.

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The healing properties of sea buckthorn oil have been known for a long time. It has a regulating effect on the immune system, it is a natural immunomodulator that has a granulating, epithelializing and healing effect ... Even in ancient Greece, sea buckthorn fruits were used to treat both people and animals. The sea buckthorn plant is simply unique, because it has a wide range of healing properties and for the treatment of various diseases, the people used all the organs of this plant: sea buckthorn fruits, branches, tree bark, leaves and roots.

Biologically active substances of sea buckthorn are used by medicine for the manufacture of various medicines. Sea buckthorn oil is famous for its uniqueness. In the 80s of the last century, when the fame of the medicinal plant and the healing properties of the plant spread throughout the country, a real sea buckthorn "boom" began. People passed each other recipes for treatment with sea buckthorn oil and miraculous stories of healing. Sea buckthorn oil could not be bought in pharmacies, prescriptions were written on special forms. In pharmacies there was a queue for appointments and strict records were kept on the cost of sea buckthorn oil. Sea buckthorn oil was a real shortage!

At present, passions for sea buckthorn oil have subsided, but one should not forget about this amazing healing agent, because it really has exceptional healing properties and works wonders.

Healing properties of sea buckthorn oil:

Sea buckthorn oil is rich in various vitamins. I have already talked about the high content of vitamin C and carotene (provitamin A), biologically active substances and glycerides of oleic, palmitic, stearic fatty acids in it. But these substances are also found in other plants.

Sea buckthorn oil, in addition to B vitamins: B1, B2, Sun (folic acid), also contains a particularly rare vitamin E, which enhances the activity of the endocrine glands. Vitamin E, together with linoleic acid contained in sea buckthorn oil (a component of vitamin F) - activate and regulate metabolism in the human body and especially in the skin. This is one of the features noticed by the ancient Greeks. I also talked about this in the article: Sea buckthorn is a pantry of biologically active substances.

So, the healing properties of sea buckthorn oil:

## Sea buckthorn oil has a regulating effect on the immune system, it is a natural immunomodulator.

## Sea buckthorn oil has an excellent granulating, epithelizing and healing effect, so it is successfully used in official medicine.

## Sea buckthorn oil is a real pantry of vitamins and biologically active substances, it helps to restore the body in case of respiratory diseases, flu, adds strength after surgical operations.

## It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire digestive system, normalizing its activity.

## The biologically active substances contained in the oil promote the healing of ulcers and have an excellent analgesic effect.

## The oil has an antimicrobial effect.

## Stimulates the production of enzymes by the pancreas.


## And traditional medicine uses to heal all superficial wounds and scratches on the skin.

How to make sea buckthorn oil? At home, sea buckthorn oil is obtained in two ways.

1. Make sea buckthorn oil from the pulp of the fruit.

It has been proven that the pulp of sea buckthorn fruits contains 8% red oil. Sea buckthorn berries must first be sorted out, all leaves, twigs, rubbish removed and washed. Then, spreading a clean towel, dry the fruits on it. Squeeze the juice from prepared clean berries through a juicer.

The squeezed juice of berries is defended in a cold place for several hours. At the same time, a thick, dense layer of reddish color is formed on the surface - this is the sea buckthorn oil of the fruit pulp. The carotene contained in the pulp gives it its color. The oil is carefully collected in a separate dark glass container. Sea buckthorn oil from the pulp of the fruit is considered by the people to be of the highest quality.

2. Make sea buckthorn oil from pomace.

Sea buckthorn seeds contain yellow oil and it is slightly higher, up to 12.5%. It is obtained from pomace. The cake remaining from obtaining the juice is dried, additionally crushed. You can ceiling or grind on a coffee grinder. Pour the cake with any refined oil heated to 30-40 degrees, in the ratio: 1 part of cake: 2 parts of oil. Insist for several days in a dark place and wring out, by ordinary pressing. This oil is lighter and is valued much lower. To enhance the properties of sea buckthorn oil obtained by the second method, you can put a new portion of cake into it and insist again for several days.

This can be repeated 3 times. Sea buckthorn oil will be of a higher concentration, it will change color, which means that the healing properties will be stronger. Homemade sea buckthorn oil retains the pineapple flavor of sea buckthorn fruits.

What can be treated with sea buckthorn oil? I offer you a small selection of sea buckthorn oil treatments, which amazes with its wide spectrum. The oil is used both externally and internally.

## Sea buckthorn oil is successfully used in gastroenterological practice, being one of the most effective means, it is used to treat internal non-healing ulcers, including gastric and duodenal ulcers:

For the treatment of stomach ulcers, it is recommended to take 1 teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil on an empty stomach in the morning, after which it is necessary to lie down for 15-20 minutes on the same time on the other side so that the walls of the stomach are completely lubricated with oil. For treatment, you need to drink 200 ml. oils.

And one more recipe for the treatment of duodenal ulcers: every morning, on an empty stomach, eat without drinking - 1 tablespoon of honey, after 20 minutes, take 1 teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil. The treatment is long.

## Sea buckthorn oil is also used in surgical practice. It is used to accelerate tissue regeneration and overgrowth of surgical sutures.

## In dermatology, sea buckthorn oil is also in service, it is used as a prophylactic to reduce degenerative changes during radiation therapy for esophageal cancer.

## And as a bactericidal and wound healing agent for the treatment of burns and radiation damage to the skin: During treatment, the wound is pre-washed with a solution of penicillin, then sea buckthorn oil is applied with a pipette and a bandage is applied.

## Successfully treats human skin diseases such as eczema and lichen, boils, fistulas, abscesses and any damage to the mucous membranes.

## Sea buckthorn oil, as well as sea buckthorn fruits, are used for hypo- and avitaminosis: the biologically active substances of sea buckthorn oil have a general strengthening effect on the human body, enhance immunity, and it is not by chance that it is considered a natural immunomodulator.

## Tangible results are observed in patients with atherosclerosis, while taking sea buckthorn oil, their general condition improves, cholesterol in the blood decreases.

## People use sea buckthorn oil to treat some diseases of the eyelids and eyes: blepharitis, conjunctivitis, inflammation of the eyelids: by lubricating the eyelids and instilling 2 drops of oil into the eyes in the morning and evening. To avoid burning before instillation of oil in the eyes, you can drip 1 drop of glycerin.

## The antimicrobial effect of sea buckthorn oil is used for diseases of the ear, throat and nose, for this, sea buckthorn oil is also instilled in drops in the ears and sea buckthorn warming compresses are applied.

## It is a valuable tool in gynecological practice, for the treatment of erosions, colpitis, endopervicitis. With these diseases, tampons soaked in sea buckthorn oil are placed at night.

## Promotes rapid recovery from viral respiratory diseases. Sea buckthorn oil relieves the condition with tonsillitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis.

## Sea buckthorn oil is used as an anti-snoring aid. Before going to bed, 1 teaspoon of oil is kept in the mouth for 1-2 minutes and swallowed to lubricate the throat.

## Sea buckthorn oil is successfully used in cosmetology for the treatment of skin and hair…

Sea buckthorn oil, contraindications Sea buckthorn oil, unfortunately, has contraindications, some people have individual intolerance and hypersensitivity to it. Do not use oil for diseases such as: cholecystitis, hepatitis, acute pancreatitis.

It is undesirable to use oil for people with a tendency to diarrhea. Sea buckthorn fruits and sea buckthorn oil are a precious gift of our nature, which brings health and longevity, youth and beauty.

When choosing a drug, it is important to pay attention to its safety. Sea buckthorn oil is a unique product that is useful for various body systems due to a huge number of medicinal properties. However, before you start using it, you should familiarize yourself with the composition, properties and instructions for using the product, depending on the specific problem.

What is sea buckthorn oil

This remedy is a therapeutic and dietary product that is made from sea buckthorn berries.. It is used in medicine and cosmetology to solve various problems. Treatment with sea buckthorn oil gives good results due to the properties of its constituent components. It is allowed to use the product in cooking for salads or baking.

The benefits of sea buckthorn oil for the body are explained by its rich composition. The product contains vitamins, trace elements, minerals. In total, it has more than 190 useful substances:

  • vitamins: A, groups B, C, K, D, E, P;
  • trace elements: copper, selenium, manganese, iron;
  • valuable fatty acids: omega-3, 6, 7, 9;
  • terpenes;
  • carotenoids;
  • phenols;
  • amino acids;
  • glycosides;
  • flavonoids;
  • polyphenols.

Below is the composition of sea buckthorn oil in the form of a table, which indicates the content of the main components:

Medicinal properties

This remedy belongs to herbal preparations, has anti-inflammatory, wound healing, antiseptic effect. The healing properties of the product are explained by the presence of useful trace elements in the composition:

  1. Due to B vitamins, the use of this drug helps maintain the health of the nervous system and muscles, positively affects the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and improves the condition of hair and nails.
  2. Thanks to vitamin A, the drug heals wounds on the skin, is used for inflammatory eye diseases.
  3. Due to vitamin F, the process of cell regeneration is triggered in case of skin damage.
  4. Thanks to vitamin K, the product helps to eliminate swelling.
  5. A high concentration of vitamin E helps maintain hormone levels, moisturizes the skin, and slows down aging.
  6. Due to vitamin C, the process of collagen formation is activated, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, immunity is increased.

What does sea buckthorn oil treat?

This natural remedy is widely used in complex therapy and for the prevention of various diseases. The effectiveness of the drug has been proven in the following cases:

  1. With liver diseases, stomach ulcers, gastritis, chronic inflammation of the intestines, pancreatitis, the agent provides an anti-inflammatory, enveloping effect.
  2. Oil microclysters help normalize metabolic processes, cleanse the intestines, so they are often prescribed for obesity or diabetes.
  3. For external use, the remedy is used in the treatment of diaper rash in newborns.
  4. In oncological diseases of the skin, esophagus, stomach, the drug is used to prevent the development of cancer cells.
  5. The drug is used to prevent ischemia of the heart, atherosclerosis. In addition, the drug is effective in hypertension, helps to expand blood vessels, normalize blood circulation.
  6. Ophthalmologists prescribe this medicine for cataracts, circulatory disorders of the central vision and retina, and glaucoma.
  7. Otolaryngologists use this natural preparation to treat tonsillitis, otitis media, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis and laryngitis.
  8. Dentists recommend this medicine for stomatitis, pulpitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease.
  9. With the help of this drug, skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, burns, dermatitis, neurodermatitis, phlegmon, bedsores, dandruff, boils are treated.
  10. In gynecology, this drug is used to treat cervical erosion, colpitis.
  11. For the prevention of viral and colds, it is useful to take this medicine inside.
  12. Candles and microclysters with sea buckthorn oil are effective for internal and external hemorrhoids.
  13. Often the remedy is used in combination with others for radiation injuries, after operations, serious illnesses to restore the body.

Instructions for use of sea buckthorn oil

Methods of treatment with this natural preparation differ depending on the diagnosis, the age of the patient and other factors. In addition, the form of release of the drug is of great importance. Below are the different methods of treatment with this tool:

  1. Sea buckthorn is taken orally 3 times a day, 1 tsp. The course of treatment can last up to 30 days. 1 tsp. Every day they drink oil 1 time for preventive purposes up to 60 days in a row.
  2. The remedy in the form of capsules is taken according to the instructions, no more than 8 pcs. for the reception.
  3. Candles for the treatment of rectal fissures, erosions, hemorrhoids, proctitis are taken according to the instructions in accordance with the doctor's recommendations.
  4. For inhalation, the drug is used in the treatment of sinusitis, bronchitis and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
  5. For the treatment of cervical erosion, it is recommended to use tampons in the vagina.
  6. Microclysters are prescribed for complex treatment of the intestines.
  7. For the treatment of acne on the face, masks from oil mixtures are used.
  8. Compresses and oil dressings are applied to the affected areas of the skin with open wounds, injuries, burns.
  1. Drink oil 1 tablespoon 3 times daily.
  2. It is important to take the medicine on an empty stomach in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening - 30 minutes before meals.
  3. Course duration - no more than 30 days.

In gynecology

The product has been widely used in gynecology. With the help of sea buckthorn medicine, women manage to get rid of various diseases of the vaginal cavity: inflammatory and infectious, genital organs. The drug is used for the manufacture of medicinal tampons. They clean and disinfect the vaginal cavity well. Before the introduction, it is recommended to douche with chamomile infusion.

Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor according to the following scheme:

  1. Tampons with sea buckthorn oil are inserted into the vagina for 16-20 hours. It is optimal to conduct a session at night.
  2. Repeat the procedure 1 time per day.
  3. The course of treatment is up to 14 days.

In dentistry

For the treatment of stomatitis, periodontal disease, pulpitis and other diseases of the oral cavity, sea buckthorn medicine is used according to the following scheme:

  1. Means lubricate problem areas or make lotions.
  2. Leave the drug for at least 5-10 minutes on the sores.
  3. After the session, it is not recommended to drink, eat for 30-60 minutes.

This tool has proven itself in the treatment of ophthalmic diseases. The drug is considered especially effective for rosacea-keratitis, trachoma, burns of the eyeball, conjunctivitis. Depending on the specific ailment, the agent is instilled with drops every 3 hours or smeared with sea buckthorn ointment with a concentration of 10-20%. The therapy helps eliminate concomitant infections, relieve pain, and eliminate the fear of light. The duration of treatment is determined individually by the doctor..

For the treatment of wounds

Skin damage, frostbite, burns, superficial wounds, bedsores are treated according to the following scheme:

  1. Treat the affected area with furatsilin.
  2. A compress with sea buckthorn medicine is applied to the wound or oil is rubbed into the skin.
  3. Change bandages or apply daily.
  4. The course is continued until complete recovery.

For the liver

Clinical trials have found that sea buckthorn normalizes serum bile acid and liver enzyme levels. In addition, orange berry oil helps protect the liver from toxins and harmful chemicals. Take the drug to maintain the liver inside, 1 tsp. three times a day. The course of therapy is up to 4 weeks. If necessary, you can repeat the course after 1-1.5 months.

For babies

With the help of sea buckthorn oil, you can solve many problems in babies up to 1 year old. The tool helps to fight diaper rash, thrush, soreness during teething. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, you need to lubricate redness on the skin, gums or oral cavity of the crumbs with oil 2-3 times a day until complete recovery. However, do not abuse this remedy, so as not to provoke irritation or allergies.

For skin diseases

With the help of healing sea buckthorn oil, skin diseases such as eczema, ulcerative lupus, neurodermatitis, lichen scaly, etc. can be treated. The scheme is as follows:

  1. An ointment is prepared with a sea buckthorn oil concentration of not more than 5% based on chicken fat or baby cream.
  2. Apply the resulting composition to the affected skin 2 times a day.
  3. Repeat the procedure until complete recovery.

Sea buckthorn oil contraindications

Before using this product for treatment, you should familiarize yourself with its contraindications. These include the following:

  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • cholecystitis;
  • acute diseases of the pancreas;
  • hepatitis;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • treatment with anticoagulants, antiplatelet drugs (Diclofenac, Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Heparin, etc.).

Sea buckthorn oil price

The cost of this drug depends on the form of release, packaging and manufacturer. You can buy a product in Moscow and St. Petersburg at the prices shown in the table below:

Anna, 32 years old

I read about the use of sea buckthorn oil in traditional medicine, I was surprised that it is so useful. Used for microclysters with internal hemorrhoids. It helps a lot, improves the condition quickly. It was treated for more than a month, but after that the disease did not return. The price of the drug is small.

Inga, 29 years old

I tried to bury the eye of a child with sea buckthorn oil after a corneal burn with a chemical composition. It took 3 weeks to heal. Vision was not affected, everything recovered quickly. In general, the beneficial properties of sea buckthorn oil allow the remedy to be used for various diseases, but I only tried it for burns.

Olga, 23 years old

I do inhalations with sea buckthorn and eucalyptus oil in the treatment of a runny nose and sore throat. A very efficient and enjoyable process. Relief comes, congestion disappears, inflammation is removed quickly. 3-5 such procedures and you can not go to the hospital. Everything passes instantly, without expensive drugs and antibiotics.

Ivan, 23 years old

My mother used to buy sea buckthorn oil for healing burns at the pharmacy. Once I accidentally scalded my hand with boiling water at work. He did oil bandages on damaged areas. Compresses well anesthetize and accelerate the healing process. Cheap and yet effective! After a couple of weeks, the burns healed, there were no complications.

The ancient Greeks, Tibetans, Mongols, Chinese, Slavs knew about the benefits of sea buckthorn berries. The healing properties of sea buckthorn oil were scientifically substantiated by the Russian biochemist V.N. Ruchkin only at the beginning of the 20th century. In the course of laboratory studies, the scientist confirmed the therapeutic efficacy, regenerating, multivitamin properties of this remedy.

In the middle of the 20th century, the industrial pharmacological production of sea buckthorn oil began in the USSR. Today, the "sea buckthorn boom", which, for example, was observed in the 70-80s of the twentieth century, has subsided a bit. In those days, this remedy was a scarce medicine. You can buy it in a pharmacy only with a doctor's prescription. Read more about the use and medicinal properties of sea buckthorn in our other article.

Features of sea buckthorn oil

In a pharmacy, you can buy sea buckthorn oil in bottles with a volume of 20, 50 and 100 ml. It is recommended to store it at a temperature not higher than +10°C and protect from direct sunlight.

What's in the chemical composition

The preparation contains:

  • fatty oil;
  • flavonoids;
  • organic acids;
  • vitamins A, C, E, F, P, B;
  • phytoncides;
  • coumarins;
  • trace elements;
  • pectins.

Sea buckthorn contains a high concentration of carotenoids. It is thanks to these substances that it is so valued in medicine.

What are the pharmacological properties

Instructions for the use of sea buckthorn oil indicate: the drug belongs to the group of agents that affect the processes of tissue metabolism. It is also referred to as a multivitamin preparation of plant origin. But the spectrum of pharmacological action of this drug is much wider. What are the beneficial properties of sea buckthorn oil?

  • Epithelializing.
  • Bactericidal.
  • Laxative.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Regenerating.
  • Wound healing.
  • Tonic.
  • Fortifying.

Indications for use

Sea buckthorn oil is taken orally, and is also widely used externally. Under what diagnoses and symptoms does this medicine give a good therapeutic effect?

  • Diseases of the digestive tract. The tool has anti-inflammatory, enveloping properties. Therefore, it is often prescribed in gastroenterology: for stomach ulcers, chronic inflammation of the intestines, pancreas (pancreatitis), gastritis with low acidity.
  • Sea buckthorn oil for weight loss. The tool normalizes metabolic processes, cleanses the intestines well, acts as a mild laxative. It is prescribed for obesity, diabetes.
  • Sea buckthorn oil for newborns. Only external use is allowed. From the first days of life, the product can be used to care for the delicate skin of an infant. They treat diaper rash, lubricate wounds on the mucous membrane of the mouth, gums during teething. A local allergic reaction is possible with an overdose and frequent use.
  • Antitumor agent. Sea buckthorn has been proven to stop the growth of malignant cells and is considered a powerful natural antioxidant. It is prescribed for oncological diseases of the stomach, esophagus, skin. But this remedy is considered effective at an early stage of the disease.
  • The cardiovascular system. It is useful for the prevention of atherosclerosis, cardiac ischemia, for removing excess cholesterol, increasing the elasticity of blood vessels. Oil also helps with hypertension, dilates blood vessels, normalizes blood circulation.
  • Benefits for vision. Vitamins, organic acids and trace elements normalize the functioning of the optic nerves and retina, improve blood circulation, reduce intraocular pressure, relieve inflammation. With cataracts, glaucoma, circulatory disorders of the retina and central vision, you can take the medicine inside. Outwardly, they are treated with eyelids in inflammatory processes. You can find information that in a diluted form, the drug is dripped into the eyes. You can't self-medicate! Only an ophthalmologist can recommend such a treatment or refute it.
  • Outdoor application. The tool is widely used in otolaryngology. They are treated with tonsillitis, otitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis. In dentistry - stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease, pulpitis, used after tooth extraction. It is also an indispensable drug for the treatment of eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, dermatitis, burns (thermal and radiation), phlegmon, non-healing wounds, boils, bedsores. The drug leads to rapid healing of tissues during a burn without scarring. In addition, sea buckthorn oil is good for hair and face.
  • Immunostimulating agent. It is useful to drink for the prevention of colds, viral diseases, to strengthen the body's defenses. Often it is included in rehabilitation therapy after radiation, serious illnesses, and operations. This is the first remedy for a lack of vitamins.

How to apply

There are various methods of using sea buckthorn oil. Dosage, course of treatment, method of administration depend on the diagnosis, stage of the disease, age of the patient.

  • How to drink sea buckthorn oil? 1 tsp. 3 times a day. The course of treatment can last from 10 to 30 days. For prevention, they drink 1 tsp. once a day. Preventive reception can be carried out no more than 2 times a year and no more than 2 months. It is recommended to drink oil before meals. The pediatric dosage is determined by the doctor. Also in the pharmacy you can buy sea buckthorn oil in capsules, which belongs to the group of dietary supplements. Adults can drink 8 capsules at a single dose.
  • Candles with sea buckthorn oil. Means for external use. Assign for hemorrhoids, fissures, proctitis, ulcers, erosions of the rectum.
  • Inhalations. The oil is used for inhalation procedures for diseases of the upper respiratory tract - tonsillitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, sinusitis and other diseases.
  • Tampons. Widely used in gynecology, in the first place - with erosion of the cervix.
  • Microclysters. Assign for diseases of the rectum. It is used in combination with medicinal herbs with anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Compresses and bandages. Apply to the affected areas of the skin.

Side effects

With an overdose, prolonged use, individual intolerance, the following side effects are possible:

  • digestive disorders: heartburn, nausea, diarrhea;
  • allergies in the form of itching, burning, urticaria, swelling;
  • with inhalation, bronchospasm.

What are the contraindications of the drug? Acute forms of pancreatitis, cholangitis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis. In chronic diseases of the gallbladder and pancreas, a mandatory consultation with a doctor is required before taking the drug. Individual intolerance and allergy to carotenoids are also possible. Do not recommend taking the drug for chronic diarrhea, gastritis with high acidity, hypotension.

Features of the use of sea buckthorn oil

Today, sea buckthorn oil is produced by many domestic pharmacological manufacturers. You need to pay attention to the certification of this drug, buy it only in a pharmacy. You can also make your own oil.


How to cook sea buckthorn oil at home from pomace? First you need to get the cake. For this:

  • you should skip the berries through a juicer;
  • from the resulting juice you can make syrup or jam;
  • Cake rich in fatty oil and carotenoids is used to make oil.


  1. Dry the pulp for 24 hours.
  2. Grind it into powder.
  3. Pour into a jar, pour olive oil heated in a steam bath.
  4. Insist 3 weeks in a dark place.

Strain before use, pour into a dark glass dish, store in the refrigerator.


Based on sea buckthorn oil, creams for various skin types, face and hair masks, shampoos, lip balms, massage and aromatherapy products are produced. Why is sea buckthorn so popular in cosmetology?

  • The oil contains vitamins A, E, C, microelements and organic acids, useful for hair growth and facial skin.
  • Improves metabolism, lipid, acid-base balance of the skin.
  • Promotes rapid tissue regeneration, does not leave scars after traumatic skin damage, burns.
  • Acts as an antiseptic for acne, pimples.
  • Acts as an anti-aging agent, stimulates collagen synthesis, improves skin elasticity, smoothes wrinkles.
  • Whitens the skin, eliminates defects - freckles, age spots.
  • Softens and protects the skin during the cold season, prevents drying, peeling of the skin during the heating season.
  • Strengthens and nourishes eyelashes and nails.
  • Strengthens hair follicles, helps against hair loss, effective for seborrhea.

Precautionary measures

  • What if, during cosmetic procedures, sea buckthorn oil gets into the eye? There is nothing wrong with this, you just need to rinse your eyes thoroughly with clean running water. With redness, prolonged burning sensation, it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist.
  • Can it be used in pure form? Beauticians still recommend diluting the oil so as not to cause skin sensitivity to the drug. It should also be remembered that under prolonged exposure to carotenoids, the protective properties of the skin are weakened. During treatment, direct exposure to ultraviolet rays on the body should be avoided.


Sea buckthorn oil in gynecology is an effective remedy that is often prescribed for such gynecological diagnoses:

  • cervical erosion;
  • colpitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the vagina);
  • endocervicitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal).

How is the treatment carried out?

  • In complex therapy with other drugs.
  • The walls of the vagina are treated with oil.
  • Tampons are laid at night, pressing against the erosive surface during cervical erosion.
  • A variant of tampons can be vaginal suppositories.
  • With colpitis, the course of treatment is at least 10 procedures.
  • With erosion and endocervicitis - at least 8 procedures.
  • Often a second course of treatment is prescribed after a month.

You can also take the remedy inside to strengthen the body's defenses. Indeed, many gynecological diagnoses are associated with the state of the woman's immune system. There are many positive reviews about the treatment of cervical erosion with oil at an early stage. However, it is required to undergo a gynecological examination, pass the necessary tests to determine the cause and stage of erosion.

The widespread use of sea buckthorn oil in folk and traditional medicine is explained by its bactericidal, wound healing, anti-inflammatory, multivitamin, and antioxidant effects. This tool is often used in gynecology, dentistry, dermatology, otolaryngology.

Health and BeautyBody CareSPAEssential Oils

Sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn is a plant widely known for its medicinal properties. People have been treated with it since ancient times, using it as an external and internal remedy for many diseases and problems.

Sea buckthorn oil and juice was taken if it was necessary to recover from a serious illness; juice of berries and decoction of leaves washed wounds; oil was used for burns, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, women's diseases, tonsillitis, joint pain, sinusitis, atherosclerosis, diseases of the skin and hair - it is difficult to list everything. It is the oil of this plant that has magical, healing properties - it relieves pain, relieves inflammation, stimulates the healing of wounds and ulcers, and protects against infections.

Useful composition of sea buckthorn oil

The fruits of sea buckthorn oil can contain from 5 to 10%. This oil has a characteristic, bright orange color - due to the high content of carotenoids. The chemical composition of sea buckthorn oil is very rich: it contains many biologically active substances - tocopherols, organic acids, phospholipids, phytosterols, vitamins, a lot of useful minerals and amino acids. Of the fatty acids in sea buckthorn oil, there are a lot of palmitic and palmitoleic acids, of vitamins A, E and C are the most.

Sea buckthorn oil treatment
Recipes with sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn oil It is used not only in traditional medicine or cosmetology - official medicine uses it to treat a wide variety of diseases. Based on sea buckthorn oil, many medicines are made that are prescribed to patients for the treatment and prevention of many health problems.

sea ​​buckthorn oil abscesses and boils, fistulas, ulcers, injuries and inflammations of the mucous membranes, tumors are treated. For cancer of the esophagus, it is prescribed during radiation therapy, and for another 2-3 weeks after the end of the course of treatment - 0.5 tsp. 3 times a day.

Sea buckthorn oil stimulates sexual function, favorably affects the functioning of the thyroid gland; helps in the treatment of atherosclerosis, improves heart function, makes blood vessels more elastic; maintains normal cholesterol levels, participates in protein metabolism, prevents fatty liver; can remove salts of heavy metals, kill pathogenic microbes, protect the liver.

If you lubricate the throat and nasopharynx with sea buckthorn oil for tonsillitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis, then these diseases are cured much faster. By lubricating the joints with it, gout and rheumatism can be alleviated.

Affected tissues and trophic ulcers heal much faster if they are treated with sea buckthorn oil - the complex of substances contained in it has pronounced regenerative properties. Burns of moderate severity heal almost without traces; sea ​​buckthorn oil can also be used to treat sunburns.

Most often, sea buckthorn oil is used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, colitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers. With increased acidity, the oil helps to reduce it, heals ulcers and scars.

For stomach ulcers, sea buckthorn oil is taken 2-3 times a day, half an hour before meals, 1 tsp; also treat and ulcer 12 duodenal ulcer. However, with pancreatitis, acute cholecystitis and other diseases of the pancreas, sea buckthorn oil is contraindicated inside. With a tendency to diarrhea and indigestion, it is also not recommended - in extreme cases, it should be used with caution.

Suppositories with sea buckthorn oil well heal anal fissures, ulcers and inflammation in the rectum.

In dental practice, sea buckthorn oil is used in the complex treatment of periodontitis - inflammation of the tissues surrounding the roots of the teeth; stomatitis and pulpitis - inflammatory processes in the dental pulp.

Sea buckthorn oil helps our eyes as well - this is confirmed by many ophthalmologists. With its help, defects and injuries of the cornea, conjunctivitis, ulcers, keratitis are treated; severe eye burns, including chemical ones; trachoma - a chronic infectious eye disease; radiation damage.

Most women know that sea ​​buckthorn oil It has long been used in gynecology, and gives an excellent effect in the treatment of many diseases.

With colpitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the vagina and part of the cervix, sea buckthorn oil is injected into the vagina with cotton swabs. The same treatment is prescribed for endocervicitis - more extensive inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cervix and cervical canal. The course is usually continued up to 2 weeks.

Cervical erosion is also treated with sea buckthorn oil - it is prescribed by many gynecologists. Within 1-2 weeks, you need to insert a tampon soaked in oil into the vagina, pressing it tightly against the cervix - there should be about 5-10 ml of oil on the tampon, and leave it for at least 12 hours. After 2 months, you can repeat the course.

Sea buckthorn oil, due to its ability to soften the skin, make it more elastic and protect against free radicals, it is very widely used in cosmetology. Creams, masks, balms, shampoos, toothpaste, lipstick, cosmetic creams, etc. are produced on its basis.

Works very well sea ​​buckthorn oil on withering and wrinkled skin: improves its tone, increases firmness and elasticity, smoothes superficial wrinkles. With dry facial skin, to remove peeling, it is also used - softens, moisturizes and nourishes dry skin, prevents its aging and wrinkles.

Age spots and freckles can also be removed or lightened with sea buckthorn oil. They treat skin lesions, acne, eczema, dermatitis, pyoderma, lupus, lichen and many skin diseases.

Sea buckthorn oil perfectly cares for lips, skin around the eyes, nourishes and strengthens eyelashes.

It is not recommended to use undiluted oil for care - only damaged or diseased skin on the affected areas is lubricated with pure oil. In general, sea buckthorn oil, obtained by cold pressing, is used for cosmetic purposes.

You can add it to your daily face cream: take a portion of the cream in the palm of your hand, add a couple of drops of oil to it, mix and immediately apply to your face.

Face masks with sea buckthorn oil

With sea buckthorn oil, you can make homemade face masks - there are a lot of them. Here are some of them:

  • For dry, aging skin. Mix 1 tsp. oil and fresh sea buckthorn juice with raw yolk and apply the mixture on the face for 15-20 minutes; wash off the mask with lukewarm water. If there is no sea buckthorn juice, then instead of it you can take apple, orange, grape, peach or apricot - of course, freshly squeezed.
  • For aging and dull skin - 2 times a week. Mix raw yolk with 1 tsp. sea ​​buckthorn oil and add 0.5 tbsp. l. powder of yellow cosmetic clay. Stir so that there are no lumps left, and apply on face for 15 minutes. Rinse first with warm water and then cool. This mask tightens the skin, makes it more elastic and elastic.
  • A mask of sea buckthorn oil and cottage cheese is more suitable for dry skin, but it can also be used for fading. In 3 tbsp. warm milk dissolve 1 tsp. honey, then add 1 tbsp. fat cottage cheese and 1 tsp. sea ​​buckthorn oil, and rub everything thoroughly. The mixture is applied to the face, and after 15 minutes, gently roll with wet fingers, as when applying scrubs. The rest is washed off with warm water.

Herbal cream with sea buckthorn oil is used for hair treatment - it can be prepared at home. Chopped burdock root - 3 tablespoons, pour 1.5 cups of water, put on fire, bring to a boil; cook for 15 minutes on low heat. Strain the resulting broth, add 5 tbsp. sea ​​buckthorn oil and beat. This cream is suitable for thin and dry hair. If you regularly rub it into the scalp before washing, then the hair will acquire a healthy shine, become stronger and stronger.

How to cook sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn oil can be prepared at home in a fairly simple way. Sort fresh berries, rinse and dry, laying out on a cloth or paper. Then you need to squeeze the juice with a press, pour it into a jar and put it in a dark place for 2 weeks.

A layer of oil forms on the surface of the juice - it must be collected using a pipette or an ordinary spoon and pasteurized. The juice left in the jar can also be used: jelly and homemade drinks are prepared from it.

Perhaps, of all medicinal plants, sea buckthorn is one of the most popular, including official medicine. It’s good if every home first-aid kit contains sea buckthorn oil, as well as its juice, berries, leaves - all this has healing properties. However, treatment with any folk remedies, including sea buckthorn oil, should be started only on the recommendation of specialists.

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