What foods can be used for hemorrhoids. Diet for hemorrhoids, constipation and anal fissures: allowed and prohibited foods, menu for every day

reservoirs 03.07.2020

With such an acute disease as hemorrhoids, it is very important to follow a diet. Proper nutrition can greatly relieve symptoms and pain. You need to review your diet and stick to balanced nutrition, and also important active lifestyle and stress should be avoided whenever possible. If the patient has sedentary work, this is especially true, you should walk more often and move more, and even better, perform therapeutic exercises daily. Regular moderate physical activity will increase blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

A person suffering from hemorrhoids needs to eat food rich in dietary fiber in order to remove the load from the rectum as much as possible and the act of defecation proceeded gently and painlessly.

Prohibited foods for hemorrhoids

It is very important to remember the list of products that need to be removed from the usual menu. If you violate these recommendations, the situation will worsen, constipation is formed, which only injures the hemorrhoids more. It is necessary to exclude from the diet foods such as:

  • fried and smoked dishes;
  • fatty meat, fish;
  • salty foods and any marinades;
  • spices, seasonings and spices;
  • sweet and starchy foods, pasta (baking provokes constipation);
  • any alcohol;
  • kissels, coffee, black tea and pomegranate juice;
  • products that provoke bloating and gas formation (legumes, grapes).

The above products irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, cause increased gas formation and acidity. In any case, each organism is individual and you should always seek the advice of a doctor.

In addition to the correct diet, it is necessary to follow some rules that together will alleviate the symptoms of the disease. The main ones are:

  1. Drinking large amounts of water. The ideal volume would be 1.5 liters per day. Water should be boiled and at room temperature. Due to the liquid, the feces in the intestines will not be dense, which will eliminate muscle tension during bowel movements, this is strictly prohibited in case of inflammation of hemorrhoids.
  2. Fractional nutrition. If eat in small portions regularly, every 2 hours, it will be much easier for the intestines to digest and assimilate food, there will be no stagnation in the rectum.
  3. Inclusion of fiber in the diet. Need to consume more fruits and vegetables, berries and greens. Fiber is great for promoting intestinal motility.
  4. Daily use fermented milk products. Kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, yogurt will help to establish the intestinal microflora and normalize the stool.
  5. The diet should contain foods cooked in a steam or stew mode. Meat and vegetables are best cooked without oil and frying.
  6. In no case, during hemorrhoids, one should not adhere to protein diets, which are popular especially among women (Dukan or Kremlin diet). Protein thickens the stool, constipation is inevitable.

Allowed foods for hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids is a disease, the treatment of which is difficult and for a rather long period, and in complex advanced cases, it sometimes becomes impossible to permanently cure this ailment and the disease develops into a chronic one. Nutrition, perhaps, is the main remedy for eliminating the symptoms of hemorrhoids. Allowed products:

  • cereals- oatmeal, pearl barley, buckwheat, barley porridge will reduce the burden on the intestines and help it function properly (but rice and semolina should be completely abandoned, they have a fixing property);
  • vegetables- it is better to eat laxative vegetables such as cabbage, carrots, beets, pumpkins and zucchini, and potatoes, radishes and radishes only worsen the condition, they have a lot of starch and this can lead to constipation. It is advisable to cook vegetables for a couple or bake;
  • fruit- a very important product for those suffering from hemorrhoids, since most fruits have a laxative property, especially bananas, pears, plums, peaches and prunes, freshly squeezed juices will be useful. As well as dried fruits - raisins, dried apricots, compote can be cooked from them;
  • will be incredibly helpful oils, especially linen and olive. They coat the intestinal wall and promote soft stools. They can be added to porridge or taken 1 tbsp. l. morning and evening on an empty stomach;
  • greens- has anti-inflammatory properties due to the high content of vitamin C and enriches the body with iron.

An example of a daily diet for hemorrhoids

  1. Breakfast:
  • after waking up a glass of water;
    • oatmeal on the water with the addition of olive oil;
    • 50 g banana;
  1. Snack:
  • dried fruit compote and an apple.
  1. Dinner:
  • vegetable puree;
  • 50 g boiled turkey;
  • fresh greens.
  1. Afternoon snack:
  • 100 g of cottage cheese;
  • Apple.
  1. Dinner:
  • 100 g vegetable stew;
  • 70 g stewed fish cakes.
  1. Before going to bed 150 ml of curdled milk.

Diet for exacerbation of hemorrhoids

The acute form of hemorrhoids is a neglected form of the disease, you should not postpone visiting a specialist. At any stage of this unpleasant disease, it is important to eat right, and if the situation has become more complicated and the disease has flowed into an acute form and causes pain or bleeding, nutrition should be approached especially responsibly. During the acute period of the disease, remove from the menu eggs, dairy products, spices, minimize the intake of salt and sugar.

If the hemorrhoid is inside the intestines and there is internal bleeding, you can swallow a whole clove of garlic. When garlic passes through the intestines, it will cauterize the mucous membrane and the healing process will be greatly accelerated.

At acute hemorrhoids you need to empty the intestines no more than 2 times a day, but no less than 1 time in 3 days. Too frequent bowel movements will complicate the situation, interfering with the healing of hemorrhoids, and frequent will again and again provoke constipation and stool compaction. If the act of defecation occurs less frequently than once every 3 days, the situation cannot be resolved only by nutrition, in this case it is better to resort to the help of laxatives.

Diet after hemorrhoid surgery

In a severe form of the disease, when no other methods lead to an improvement in the condition, surgical intervention is indispensable. It should be noted that the recovery process after such an operation lasts at least 1.5 months. And in the first couple of days after surgery, it is necessary to exclude defecation so as not to damage the scar, so the drinking regimen is observed. During this period, it is extremely important to follow a strict diet. The main assistant is water, 1 glass clean water in the morning on an empty stomach, and during the day 2 liters of water. Allowed food in the post-operative period:

  • puree or soup of grated vegetables;
  • porridge on the water of a liquid consistency;
  • fermented milk products (especially kefir and cottage cheese);

After a week of recovery, stewed vegetables, boiled meat or fish are added to the patient's menu.

Relationship between alcohol and hemorrhoids

The appearance of hemorrhoids is not directly related to alcohol consumption, but alcohol-containing drinks extremely negative impact on the development of existing hemorrhoids. When drinking alcohol, the vessels of the rectum are the first to expand, the blood stagnates and this leads to inflammation, and in a state of intoxication, a person often overeats.

When drinking alcohol, frequent urination occurs, and subsequently dehydration. Due to the lack of fluid, the feces become hard and dry. Alcohol contains toxins that damage the intestinal mucosa. Therefore, alcohol and hemorrhoids are incompatible.

Doctors consider that a relatively safe amount of alcohol is 75 ml of strong drink and up to 150 ml of soft alcohol, but not daily. And just before use, you need to take Activated carbon(1 tab. per 10 kg of weight). The most harmful drink in these circumstances will be beer and champagne. Beer contains a large amount of hops, which irritates the mucous membranes.

It is important to remember that any alcohol should not be drunk on an empty stomach.

Drinking alcohol after surgery

Often, after the removal of hemorrhoids, the patient believes that if the problem is resolved, you can return to alcohol, but this cannot be done. After surgery for the removal of hemorrhoids, strict diet, and alcohol should be abandoned in the first place, since alcohol dilates the veins, this will provoke severe anal bleeding. In this case, after the operation, the patient is prescribed antibiotics, and, as you know, an antibiotic with alcohol incompatible. The scar should tighten properly, the sites of removal of the nodes should heal.

Even 10 years ago, the main categories suffering from hemorrhoids were people over 45 years old, but now young people are increasingly suffering from this disease. One of the reasons is addiction to alcohol, especially beer drinks. According to statistics, 50% of people who regularly drink alcohol suffer from hemorrhoids of varying degrees.

In any case, after the operation for at least 2 months follow give up completely from any alcohol.

Main conclusions

Proper and balanced nutrition is 80% the key to a successful outcome of such a disease as hemorrhoids, since the main goal is to reduce the likelihood of constipation to zero, because it is constipation that leads to hemorrhoids. The basis of recovery is water and fiber. Together, they thin the feces and facilitate the process of defecation. About 50% of the diet should be vegetables, cereals, fruits and greens.

Sweets, flour products, marinades, alcohol and legumes are prohibited.

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Treatment of hemorrhoids is a long process. In addition to drug therapy, an important component of successful conservative treatment is the exclusion of constipation, the complex normalization of the digestive process, and the elimination of irritating bowel foods from the diet.

Diet for exacerbation of hemorrhoids implies:

  • balanced menu;
  • rejection of harmful products;
  • clear mode of eating;
  • plentiful drink.

Some proctologists recommend during the acute phases of hemorrhoids to completely abandon the use of solid foods in favor of broths - fish, meat or vegetable. This will cleanse the intestines, soften the existing feces and remove them without traumatizing the hemorrhoids.

Vegetable oil has a good laxative effect:

  • pumpkin;
  • linen;
  • olive;
  • sunflower.

It is enough to regularly take 1 tablespoon of oil before bedtime, or in the morning on an empty stomach, an hour before the main meal. In the first case, the laxative effect will be achieved in the morning, and in the second - after 1-1.5 hours.

Hemorrhoids in any form require a carefully selected menu, so it is strongly recommended to refrain from fatty and fried foods, spicy, canned, pickled foods. Give preference to vegetables in any form (except fried), low-calorie meat, fish, fruits. It is important to drink plenty of water - at least 2.5 liters. This will allow the intestines to leave enough fluid in the stool, which will ensure that they are easily expelled during a bowel movement.

Fiber contributes to the normalization of the intestines, but a large amount of it is not recommended for people with colitis and enterocolitis. A large amount of fiber is found in fresh vegetables, bran, dried fruits. By the way, the inclusion of dried fruits (especially prunes) in the daily menu also has a positive effect on intestinal motility, eliminates constipation and normalizes digestion in general.

All foods present in the daily diet can be divided into:

  1. Recommended for exacerbation of hemorrhoids.
  2. Allowed in moderation.
  3. Those from which it is worth abstaining at least for the period of exacerbation, ideally - forever.

The consumption of cereals, which contain a large amount of indigestible fiber fibers, has a very positive effect. It is good if cereals become the basis of the diet for acute hemorrhoids. From cereals, it is most preferable:

  • buckwheat;
  • millet;
  • corn;
  • oatmeal;
  • barley;
  • barley.

There are many useful micro and macro elements in these crops, so the diet for hemorrhoids does not harm the general condition of the body.

Rice porridge has an astringent effect and helps to reduce intestinal irritation. Its regular use will allow you to get rid of loose stools and diarrhea, which often appear during exacerbations of 3-4 stages of hemorrhoids.

Vegetables, along with cereals, should form the basis of the diet in cases where hemorrhoids have become aggravated. They are best consumed fresh, stewed, boiled or steamed. from vegetables recommended for daily use:

  • zucchini;
  • carrot;
  • cabbage (cauliflower, white, red, broccoli, kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts, Beijing, Savoy);
  • beet;
  • cucumbers;
  • tomatoes (without skin);
  • bell pepper;
  • pumpkin;
  • radish.

Greens are a good support for vegetables. The use of spinach, celery, cilantro, dill, basil, lettuce leaves has a very positive effect on the course of hemorrhoids. It is recommended to include a salad of fresh vegetables and herbs in every main meal.

Fruits and berries have a large amount of fiber, contribute to the proper formation of feces and have a laxative effect. It is important to pay attention to the ripeness of fruits: in case of exacerbation of hemorrhoids, it is recommended to use only ripe fruits:

  • bananas;
  • melons;
  • plums;
  • apricots;
  • peaches;
  • persimmon;
  • papaya;
  • kiwi.

Fruits can be consumed both fresh and dried, dried, in the form of compotes. It is recommended to pre-bake apples, and it is better to refuse the use of grapes. Fresh apples and grapes provoke the formation of gases in the intestines, which can injure the hemorrhoids during discharge.

Dairy products have a very positive effect on the work of the intestines. The menu must include kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, curdled milk, ayran. It is better to refrain from drinking fresh milk, it can be used in the preparation of scrambled eggs or porridge, but the fat content should not exceed 2.5%. When buying kefir, you need to take into account that the freshly made product has a slight laxative effect, so it is recommended to buy and drink kefir on the day of manufacture, maximum on the next. It is better to buy yogurts natural, without dyes, flavors and additives. If you like fruit-flavored yogurt, it's best to make your own at home with your favorite ingredients. Also, yogurt can be seasoned with salads, both fruit and vegetable. This is a worthy alternative to fatty sour cream and mayonnaise.


This category of products is allowed to be consumed, but not daily and not in large quantities. It is difficult for the average person to imagine their life without bread, meat, pasta or potatoes. Therefore, a diet for hemorrhoids should be with rare inclusions of such products, so as not to cause psychological discomfort and at the same time speed up the treatment of the disease.

It is better to choose whole grain bread, with the addition of bran, sesame seeds, flax seeds or pumpkin. It is recommended to refuse white bread and loaf for the period of exacerbation of hemorrhoids. Preferably stale rye bread or crispbread. Also, the use of buns, pies, cookies (with the exception of biscuits and lean crackers) is not recommended.

Without protein foods, it is very difficult to achieve a feeling of satiety, so you should not refuse to eat meat. It is better to choose lean beef or veal, chicken (breast), turkey or rabbit meat. A good alternative to meat will be fish and seafood. It is important to choose lean fish:

  • pollock;
  • haddock;
  • cod;
  • zander;
  • river perch;
  • pike;
  • mullet.

These are dietary varieties of fish with a minimum fat content and low calorie content. But as an exception, 1-2 times a week, you can cook fish varieties a little fatter:

  • flounder;
  • carp;
  • pink salmon;
  • chum salmon;
  • tuna;
  • trout.

And meat, and fish, and seafood must be cooked in any way other than frying. Boiling or steaming is preferable, you can bake in the oven, after wrapping it in foil. It is better to cook meat and seafood without salt and spices. In the broth, you can add a few peas of black pepper and bay leaf.

Eggs can be consumed, but not fried. You can cook an omelette, boil soft-boiled eggs, cook poached eggs. At the same time, it is not recommended to use them more than three times a week. The same goes for cheese. You can eat 1-2 times a week a small piece of pickled cheese (brynza, suluguni, chechil, feta). Soft cream cheese (Philadelphia, mascarpone) can also be included in the menu no more than twice a week.


A diet in the treatment of hemorrhoids is mandatory, but a strict taboo on some products is imposed only during an exacerbation or after removal of the hemorrhoid. This allows you to speed up treatment and rehabilitation, improve the general condition of the patient, and constant dieting significantly reduces the risk of relapse.

Alcohol should be under strict prohibition for any manifestation of hemorrhoids, starting from the initial stages of development. Alcoholic drinks dilate blood vessels, including hemorrhoidal veins. Therefore, with frequent and abundant use of alcohol, the disease passes into an exacerbation phase, new hemorrhoids form, and existing ones increase in size.

Fried foods, especially meat, should not be present in the diet, at least during an exacerbation of hemorrhoids. It is quite difficult to completely refuse fried foods, it is allowed to eat fried potatoes or meat, but in small quantities, not more than 1 time per week and only for chronic hemorrhoids. In addition, fried food contributes to constipation, worsens intestinal motility, forms hard feces, which severely injures hemorrhoids. It is better not to drink carbonated drinks, concentrated juices, coffee and tea. Herbs can be an alternative to tea:

  • thyme;
  • chamomile;
  • Melissa;
  • mint.

Juices must be diluted with water, because they can irritate the intestines. It is recommended to refuse the use of citrus fruits during an exacerbation of hemorrhoids.

From the menu you need to exclude:

  • fatty cheeses;
  • spices;
  • smoked meats;
  • pickled foods;
  • semi-finished products;
  • canned food;
  • salty foods;
  • sweet.

Instead of sweets, you can eat candied fruits or nuts. Diet for hemorrhoids involves limiting frequent sugar, but this does not apply to fructose and other sugars.


With hemorrhoids, the diet implies not only the correct selection of food, but also a rational number of meals. It is recommended to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions, so as not to overload digestion and ensure maximum digestion of food.

During the period of acute hemorrhoidal inflammation, it is necessary to provide several regular meals per day, while it is better to eat breakfast an hour after waking up, and dinner 2-3 hours before bedtime. In addition to the main meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner), it is necessary to arrange full snacks (lunch, afternoon snack, second dinner).

Approximate diet

Below is an example of a menu for a week, which reflects a diet for hemorrhoids.

I breakfast II breakfast dinner afternoon tea I dinner II dinner
Monday Oatmeal with dried fruits, peach, herbal tea 1 egg (soft-boiled, poached), 1 ripe banana, diluted juice Vegetable soup in meat broth, a piece of boiled meat with carrot salad, compote 50 g dried fruits, 2 walnut kernels, herbal tea Cottage cheese casserole with dried fruits, vegetable salad, compote A glass of kefir
Tuesday Omelet, bread, candied fruit, weak/herbal tea Fruit salad with yogurt, diluted juice Vegetable soup, beetroot salad, steamed fish, herbal tea Cottage cheese with candied fruits, dried fruits and nuts, compote Chicken fillet with vegetable garnish, herbal tea Glass of bio yogurt
Wednesday Millet porridge with milk, diluted juice Nuts, candied fruits, dried fruits, herbal tea Meat soup with vegetables, vegetable salad, diluted fruit drink Cookies or biscuits, prunes, yogurt Boiled fish with buckwheat, carrot salad, diluted fruit drink A glass of kefir
Thursday Cottage cheese, cottage cheese with bread, weak / herbal tea Beet salad, compote Chicken broth with meat, vegetable stew, diluted juice Pickled cheese, fresh tomatoes, cucumber and herbs, herbal tea Vegetable salad, crispbread, fruit drink A glass of fermented baked milk
Friday Omelet, cottage cheese, bread, weak tea 2 baked apples, herbal tea Fish soup with vegetables, seafood with vegetable garnish, mineral water Vinaigrette, cereal bread, compote Carrot cutlets with buckwheat porridge, mineral water Glass of yogurt
Saturday Porridge (oatmeal or millet) with dried fruits, herbal tea 1 egg (soft-boiled, poached), crispbread, cucumber salad, diluted juice Vegetable puree soup in meat broth (without meat), a piece of boiled meat, herbs, juice Cottage cheese with nuts, bran, dried fruits, compote Cutlets with vegetables, pearl barley, herbal tea A glass of kefir
Sunday Pickled cheese, crispbread, 1 egg, diluted juice Fruit salad with yogurt, nuts, herbal tea Soup in meat broth with vegetables, vegetable salad, compote Nuts, dried fruits, herbal tea Buckwheat porridge, chicken fillet, vegetables, weak tea A glass of fermented baked milk

Recipes for dishes can be very different, but the main condition is not to fry anything, and not to add butter to cereals. It is good to add a small amount of nuts, dried fruits or candied fruits to morning cereals instead of sugar. Instead of fruit salad, you can eat selected fruits separately. Beet and carrot salads are prepared very simply: the selected root crop and Chinese cabbage are finely chopped, greens are added to taste. It is better to boil beets, carrots - to let in. The diet for hemorrhoids is based on vegetables, but a large amount of them fresh can lead to intestinal irritation. As a dressing, you can use vegetable oil, lemon juice, a small amount of soy sauce. In such salads, it is good to add a little prunes and walnuts to set off the taste.

Cucumber salad is prepared in almost the same way as carrot and beetroot salad: the cucumber is cut into strips, chopped radishes, bell peppers, celery and greens are also added. You can dress the salad with oil, wine, apple or balsamic vinegar.

Soups and vinaigrette are best cooked without potatoes. All other vegetables can be added. The same goes for cooking vegetable stews and side dishes. Cutlets with vegetables and carrots must be steamed or baked in the oven, wrapped in foil, but in no case should they be fried. Juices and fruit drinks must be diluted with water at least in a ratio of 3:1 (juice / water), but 2:2 is better.

A diet for acute hemorrhoids is an effective element of treatment that contributes to the restoration of the body and a mandatory addition to drug treatment.

By regulating nutrition and following a diet, you can achieve:

  • Normalization of the motor function of the intestine;
  • Normal rhythm of defecation;
  • Softening of feces;
  • Reducing their volume;
  • Minimization of damage to the mucous membrane and hemorrhoids during the passage of feces;
  • Avoid bleeding;
  • Avoid the spread of inflammation to large areas;
  • Minimizing gas formation;
  • Avoid too frequent stools, leading to a load on the circulatory network in the pelvic area.

How to make the right diet?

Diet for acute hemorrhoids has its own rules:

  • Food should be liquid enough, but at the same time, high-calorie enough to strengthen the body;
  • The daily diet is divided into small portions. Eat approximately every 3 hours so as not to overload the stomach and not feel hungry;
  • Drinking enough fluids - up to 2 liters per day. These can be herbal infusions with a laxative and calming effect from coriander, buckthorn, hay, licorice. Alcohol is completely excluded. After consulting a doctor, you can turn on lightly salted mineral water without gas;
  • Compliance with a clear diet helps to adjust the body and regulate stool. To do this, set certain hours of eating;
  • Bakery products are excluded, you can eat black bread from wholemeal flour;
  • Porridges are used only cooked on water;
  • Starchy vegetables that cause increased gas formation are excluded from vegetables;
  • Do not eat too sweet fruits and berries.

Treatment menu for hemorrhoids

What to eat in the first days of an exacerbation of the disease? For this period, a special slag-free diet is prescribed.

Main products at this time:

  • Mucous porridge from dark cereals;
  • Transparent unsaturated broths from dietary meat;
  • Homemade crackers;
  • Baked apples;
  • Boiled fish.

Sample menu for the first 2-4 days of illness:

  • Breakfast: slimy oatmeal, weak green tea.
  • Snack: steamed egg white omelet.
  • Lunch: vegetable puree soup, mashed boiled meat.
  • Snack: homemade crackers and a glass of kefir.
  • Dinner: steamed fish soufflé, mashed carrot puree.

Diet for acute hemorrhoids necessarily includes:

  • dietary meat;
  • Lean fish;
  • Oat, rye and wheat bran;
  • Fresh fruits and unsweetened berries;
  • Products with calcium content, curd or milk whey.

Pictured: foods rich in fiber

What you can eat:

  • Nutritious broths from dietary meat;
  • Wholemeal black bread;
  • Porridges from dark cereals: buckwheat, barley, pearl barley, oatmeal;
  • Carrots, cucumbers, zucchini, beets, broccoli, cauliflower;
  • Apples, apricots, bananas;
  • Dried fruits: prunes and dried apricots, preferably homemade.

Occasionally you can diversify your food with an omelet or a soft-boiled egg. It is recommended to consume them in the morning for breakfast.

Fiber-rich wheat and oat bran (60 grams of bran contains about 80% of the daily requirement) is eaten separately or added to various dishes.

When consuming a large amount of fiber, care should be taken to exclude such consequences as fermentation and flatulence. Juices, fresh fruits and vegetables should not be consumed simultaneously with cereals.

The drinking diet includes unboiled water, green tea, herbal decoctions and dried fruit decoctions. Black tea and coffee are completely excluded.

Sample daily menu for acute hemorrhoids:

  • Breakfast: buckwheat on the water, herbal tea;
  • Snack: baked apples;
  • Lunch: steam cutlets from fish or chicken fillet, pearl barley, lean meat broth, wholemeal bread;
  • Afternoon snack: fruit jelly or fresh fruit;
  • Dinner: boiled fish with vegetables;
  • Before going to bed: a glass of kefir.

In a therapeutic diet for acute hemorrhoids, you can include the following constipation porridge:

Take 2 tablespoons:

  • Oatmeal;
  • Flaxseed;
  • chopped nuts;
  • Chopped dried fruits.

In the evening, pour the composition with a glass of water at room temperature, drain the remaining water in the morning, add fresh fermented milk products to taste.

What should not be eaten by the sick?

In acute hemorrhoids, the optimal frequency of bowel movements is from 1-2 times a day to 1 time in 2-3 days. To normalize the condition, products that irritate the intestines and lead to increased gas formation are excluded.

What not to eat:

  • Fat meat;
  • canned soups;
  • Concentrated soups and broths;
  • mushroom broths;
  • Canned food;
  • Smoked products;
  • legumes;
  • Spicy, salty, sweet, sour dishes;
  • Alcohol;
  • Kiseli;
  • Cocoa, strong tea - they should be replaced with decoctions of herbs or plain water.
  • Pasta;
  • Potato;
  • undiluted milk;
  • Rice and semolina porridge;
  • Products containing cocoa and chocolate.

To avoid increased gas formation, completely exclude:

  • Carbonated drinks;
  • Sweet juices;
  • Sweet fruits;
  • Grape;
  • Melon;
  • Radish and radish;
  • White cabbage.

White bread can only be eaten in the form of homemade crackers. Foods with a high protein content are consumed in minimal quantities. Foods that cause individual intolerance should be excluded from the diet.

Traditional medicine against hemorrhoids

Many folk remedies can bring relief from acute hemorrhoids, but a doctor's consultation is required before using them. Special decoctions of herbs that have a laxative effect will help normalize stool and intestinal motility.

To prepare a decoction, take one tablespoon:

  • crushed valerian root;
  • buckthorn herbs;
  • sweet clover.

Pour the mixture with a glass of boiling water and insist in a thermos for an hour. Drink half a glass before bed.

Dogwood jam cooked from 1 kg of berries and 1 kg of sugar will help improve the condition of a patient with acute hemorrhoids. It is taken in a tablespoon a day for a month.

Physical exercise

Stagnation of blood in the pelvic region negatively affects the state of the body and can increase pain.

To minimize the load to the rectum should sit less, especially on hard and uncomfortable surfaces, and move more. Sleep preferably on your back, face up.

In the treatment of hemorrhoids, yoga exercises and light gymnastics are useful

Light gymnastics or a little warm-up - required. Exercises for acute hemorrhoids are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the pelvis and abdominal wall.

In the supine position, the exercises "Scissors", "Bicycle" are useful.

The diet menu and exercises for acute hemorrhoids can be selected in accordance with the individual characteristics and taste preferences of the patient, taking into account the main recommendations of specialists.

The exact causes of hemorrhoids are not yet known to science, but one of the provoking factors for its development is nutritional errors, leading to chronic constipation, hard feces, its constant presence in the rectum and straining during defecation. In addition, non-compliance with the diet, namely the consumption of spicy foods and alcohol, can lead to an exacerbation of the disease in people with a chronic form. In this case, not only inflammation of the hemorrhoids is observed, accompanied by pain and discomfort, but also bleeding from the anus, first only during bowel movements, and then outside of defecation.

Why do you need a diet for hemorrhoids

The purpose of the diet is to stimulate intestinal motility. Food should help improve his motor function. That is, in a person suffering from hemorrhoids, the intestines should work without disturbance, and the feces should come out easily, without any extra effort. With hemorrhoids, both constipation and diarrhea are harmful, since in both cases the rectal mucosa is injured, which will lead to increased pain and even greater discomfort.

Each patient should know how to eat with hemorrhoids, so as not to harm themselves. The basis of the diet should be food containing coarse fiber. It is not digested in the digestive tract and softens the feces, thereby contributing to a quick and easy bowel movement. It is found in fruits and vegetables, both fresh and thermally processed. Fiber also contributes to the colonization of the intestinal microflora with beneficial bacteria, ensuring its proper functioning.

Bran - a source of coarse dietary fiber, which helps to improve the digestion process

The source of coarse dietary fiber is wheat and oat bran, so you should definitely include them in the diet, for example, add them to ready meals. It will take no more than 60 g per day.

Nutrition principles:

  • Ensure smooth bowel movements to minimize injury to hemorrhoids.
  • Enough fluid to soften the stool.
  • You need to eat fractionally and regularly.
  • Eat wheat bran in moderation.
  • Take drugs with lactulose.
  • When refusing meat, it is imperative to control the level of hemoglobin in order to avoid anemia.

What can you eat with hemorrhoids

What to eat:

  • Vegetables: beets, carrots, zucchini, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkin, bell peppers.
  • Kashi: buckwheat, corn, barley, millet.
  • Greens: spinach, lettuce, dill, cilantro, celery, basil.
  • Berries and fruits: melon, bananas, peaches, apricots, kiwi, plums, persimmons.
  • Dairy products: cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, yogurt.

The basis of the diet during periods of exacerbations should be vegetables. You can eat them both raw and boiled, baked, stewed and steamed.

Fruits can be eaten fresh, dried, dried, baked (for example, apples, which are not allowed to be eaten fresh) and in the form of compote. When choosing fruits, you need to pay attention to ripeness, it is ripe fruits that are useful for hemorrhoids.

It is recommended to eat sour-milk products, but not fresh milk.

Kefir must be drunk only fresh, on the day of manufacture, because only in this case it weakens. You need to buy only natural yogurt, without flavors and dyes, and it is better to add berries or fruits yourself. Yogurt and kefir are recommended to replace mayonnaise and sour cream while preparing salads.

Important: It should be remembered that, despite all the benefits of vegetables and fruits, there should be a sense of proportion when eating them. They can cause diarrhea, which means that they can lead to inflammation of the anus and its swelling.

What products are allowed
This category includes foods that are not forbidden to use with hemorrhoids, but at the same time, you should not eat them in large quantities every day.

  • Bakery products. Try to give preference to products made from whole grains with sesame seeds, bran, flax seeds and pumpkin seeds.
  • The fish is lean. Haddock, cod, pike perch, pollock, hake, pike, perch, bream. Once a week it is allowed to afford fish of more fatty varieties: trout, carp, flounder, tuna, salmon.
  • Meat. Veal, turkey, chicken, rabbit.
  • Eggs. No more than three times a week and only boiled, poached and in the form of an omelet.
  • Cheese. Not more than 2 times a week, you can eat one piece of pickled cheese: feta, cheese, suluguni. Once a week, it is allowed to eat soft creamy curd varieties.

Important. You can't eat fried meat. It is recommended to bake it in foil, boil or steam. It is advisable not to add spices and salt, with the exception of bay leaves and black peppercorns.

Is it possible to eat fat with hemorrhoids? This is a very fatty product that can negatively affect the functioning of the digestive tract, so it is better not to include it in the diet.

It is recommended to use sauerkraut with caution. It is not prohibited for hemorrhoids in men and women, and is even beneficial for the intestines, but due to the mustard oil contained in it, which contains sulfur, it can cause gas formation, fermentation and pain, which will immediately aggravate the symptoms of the disease.

What not to eat with hemorrhoids

Strict restrictions are required only during the period of exacerbation or after surgical treatment. Dieting helps:

  • Speedy recovery.
  • Improvement in general condition.
  • Prevention of relapses.

You can not eat with hemorrhoids:

  • Fried food. It impairs intestinal motility, makes the feces harder, leads to constipation - all this injures the hemorrhoids.
  • Fatty cheeses.
  • Smoked products.
  • Spicy food.
  • Semi-finished products.
  • Marinated products.
  • Sweets and snacks.
  • Canned food.
  • Salty.
  • Vegetables and fruits containing a lot of essential oils and organic acids: radish, radish, sorrel, quince, blueberries.
  • Citrus.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Foods containing a lot of starch: semolina, potatoes, white rice varieties, legumes.
  • Chocolate.
  • Coffee, black tea and cocoa.
  • Drinks carbonated drinks, concentrated juices.
  • Kiseli.

Is it possible to eat garlic with hemorrhoids, as well as onions and greens? Indeed, without onions and garlic it is difficult to imagine an everyday table. Unfortunately, during an exacerbation, these products will have to be abandoned.

It is very harmful for hemorrhoids to eat smoked sausages


With hemorrhoids, it is important not only to choose the right products, but also to adhere to the regimen. To prevent unnecessary stress on the digestive system, you need to eat little and often - up to six times a day. Breakfast - an hour after getting up, dinner - three hours before going to bed. Thus, normal digestion of food will be ensured.

Drinking regime

With hemorrhoids, a sufficient amount of liquid must enter the human body (at least one and a half liters per day), not counting the liquid contained in dishes. Water softens the stool, thereby preventing the development of constipation. It is recommended to drink mineral and plain pure water, green tea, fruit drinks, herbal drinks (with thyme, lemon balm, chamomile, mint).


With hemorrhoids, alcoholic beverages are prohibited. They thicken the blood, dilate the veins, draw fluid from the intestines, and contribute to soft tissue swelling. When they are used in large quantities, there are frequent exacerbations of the disease, it progresses, new nodes appear, and old ones increase.

Alcoholic beverages are not allowed to drink in any form and stage of hemorrhoids

Diet during exacerbation

In acute hemorrhoids, you need to follow a special diet (slag-free) to avoid bowel movements and irritation of the mucous membrane of the anus and hemorrhoids.

In the first three days, the following menu is shown:

  • broth on meat;
  • egg white omelet;
  • oatmeal;
  • white bread crackers (3 pieces per day);
  • boiled lean meat, passed through a meat grinder.

The patient is shown to drink plenty of water (water, herbal teas). At night, you need to drink a glass of herbal infusion (hay, yarrow, licorice or buckthorn).

Diet for every day

An approximate diet menu for hemorrhoids may be as follows:

1 breakfast: oatmeal with dried fruits and herbal tea / scrambled eggs and herbal tea / pickled cheese, bread, diluted juice.

2 breakfast: soft-boiled egg and juice diluted with water / beetroot salad and compote / baked apple and herbal tea.

Lunch: Vegetable soup in meat broth, carrot salad with boiled meat, herbal tea/vegetable soup, steam fish, beetroot salad, compote/fish soup, vegetables with seafood, mineral water.

Snack: 2 walnuts, dried fruits (50 g) and herbal tea / cottage cheese with nuts and dried fruits, compote / vinaigrette, cereal bread, compote.

1 dinner: cottage cheese casserole, vegetable salad, compote / chicken fillet with vegetables and herbal tea / carrot cutlets with buckwheat and mineral water.

2 dinner: bioyogurt / kefir / fermented baked milk (glass).

What diet is needed after surgery

It is very important to eat right after surgery for hemorrhoids. Food should contribute to the timely and trouble-free bowel movement, so the following rules must be followed:

1st day. Fasting and drinking heavily.

2nd day. Exclude from the menu products that can lead to fermentation and increased formation of gases. These include radishes, turnips, white cabbage, radishes, milk, carbonated drinks, legumes, citrus fruits, grapes, and sweets. It is forbidden to eat food that increase blood flow to the small pelvis: smoked, spicy, pickled, fried, salty, alcohol, canned food, spices. Useful crumbly cereals on the water (buckwheat), yesterday's bread, lean meat, dairy products, vegetable oil, fruits and vegetables. It is best to cook for a couple, you can bake and boil. The number of meals - 5-6.

During pregnancy

Expectant mothers often suffer from hemorrhoids, especially in the second and third trimesters. The disease can also appear immediately after childbirth due to the high load on the vascular system during the passage of the child through the birth canal.

To improve bowel function, you must adhere to proper nutrition.

A diet for hemorrhoids for women during gestation and after childbirth should help prevent the onset of the disease, and it appeared, then reduce symptoms

Women need to remove some foods from their diet:

  • rich broths;
  • heavy protein food;
  • salted, smoked, spicy;
  • sweet, rich;
  • whole milk.

The menu for hemorrhoids in expectant mothers should include:

  • porridge on the water;
  • fermented milk drinks;
  • vegetable stew;
  • dark bread;
  • vegetable soups;
  • dried fruits;
  • unrefined vegetable oil.

Food should only be freshly prepared, it should be eaten slowly, chewing thoroughly.

Recipes for hemorrhoids

Lentil soup


  • lentils - 120 grams;
  • vegetable oil - 60 grams;
  • onion - 20 grams;
  • flour - 40 g;
  • milk - 0.2 l;
  • salt, pepper, bay leaf - to taste.

Cooking order:

  1. Soak lentils in cold water for one day.
  2. Lightly fry the onion in vegetable oil.
  3. Add milk and flour to the fried onion, mix and cook a little until thickened.
  4. Add pepper and bay leaf to the lentils, then cook until tender.
  5. Combine the soup with the sauce, after removing the spices, and bring to a boil one more time.



  • coarse crushed grain (wheat or barley) - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • whole flax seeds - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • chopped nuts (except peanuts) - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • chopped prunes and dried apricots - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking order:

  1. Put all the ingredients in a saucepan, mix, pour water, leave overnight.
  2. In the morning, add yogurt, kefir or yogurt to the resulting mixture and you can eat.

Such porridge should be eaten with hemorrhoids to get rid of constipation, but at the same time it is not recommended to eat fresh fruits and drink juices, otherwise fermentation will begin.

Steam cutlets


  • minced beef - 300 g;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • carrots - 2 pieces;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • salt - the minimum amount.

Cooking order:

  1. Mix all ingredients well and form into patties.
  2. Put them in a double boiler and cook for about 25 minutes. The steamer can be replaced with a metal sieve, which must be placed in a pot of water.
  • To prevent constipation, you should eat protein foods (meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese) in moderation.
  • With frequent diarrhea, before changing the diet, it is necessary to find out their cause.
  • With gas formation, legumes, white cabbage, rye bread should be removed from the diet.
  • Outside of exacerbation, a small amount of low-alcohol drinks is allowed: cider, wine, cocktail.
  • For constipation, instead of laxatives, it is recommended to eat dried apricots, prunes.
  • You can add cilantro, dill, basil, parsley to ready-made dishes.

If you don't diet

If a person suffering from hemorrhoids constantly violates the diet and abuses prohibited foods, as a rule, he has frequent exacerbations, the symptoms become more severe, which will eventually lead to surgical treatment.

Ignoring dietary nutrition can lead to complications such as:

  • vein thrombosis;
  • bleeding from hemorrhoids;
  • node damage.


Proper nutrition for hemorrhoids helps to reduce the frequency of exacerbations of the disease, as well as alleviate the symptoms. If there is a predisposition to the disease, following a diet will help prevent its development.

Hemorrhoids today - a fairly common disease, mainly pursuing people with a sedentary lifestyle. Often, a person resorts to the treatment of this disease only during periods of exacerbation. But few people thought that exacerbation of hemorrhoids can be completely avoided. One of the ways to alleviate the condition and prevent the development of the disease is a diet. What to eat with hemorrhoids, and what diet to follow during an exacerbation?

To prevent the development of hemorrhoids and improve the condition, it is especially important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. One aspect of maintaining a healthy body is proper nutrition. Proper nutrition for hemorrhoids is especially important during periods of exacerbation. The use of certain foods can alleviate the patient's condition, help to avoid constipation and.

It is important to remember that the use of certain foods can not only adversely affect the functioning of the intestines, but also increase blood flow to the vessels. An increase in blood flow to the vessels can cause the venous system of the pelvis to overflow with blood. This often causes the formation of hemorrhoids or bleeding.

What to eat with hemorrhoids?

Nutrition for hemorrhoids should be aimed primarily at normalizing the functioning of the intestine and improving its peristalsis. There are several basic principles of nutrition. How and what to eat with hemorrhoids:

During pregnancy, it is best to focus on vegetables and fruits. With the exception of legumes, white cabbage, grapes, turnips and citrus fruits in large quantities. As you know, these products are able to increase gas formation.

How to eat right?

Should include vegetables, fruits and cereals. Nutrition for this ailment should first of all be aimed at preventing constipation and normalizing bowel function. A diet does not mean that you have to give up a large number of products. What can you eat with hemorrhoids:

What foods should be avoided?

A diet for hemorrhoids does not mean a strict restriction on certain types of food. In certain periods, it is quite possible to allow yourself some liberties. At the same time, periods of loosening the diet should be combined with taking drugs that improve digestion. But at the same time, you should not abuse products that can negatively affect the course of the disease and the state of the cardiovascular system.

What can not be eaten with hemorrhoids? First of all, it is best to give up fatty and fried foods. These foods are very harmful to the work of the intestines and can cause diarrhea and irritation of the intestines. In addition, fried foods adversely affect the general condition of the body. It is also worth abandoning various pickles and marinades. Spicy and very peppery foods are best eaten in limited quantities during the first half of the day.

Butter buns, fresh bread, donuts and buns - these products also negatively affect the course of the disease and can cause constipation. It is worth limiting the consumption of chocolate, confectionery with butter cream and cream.

Tea and coffee are best consumed in the morning. At the same time, tea and coffee should not be strong. Carbonated drinks and lemonades are best not remembered at all. Alcohol during the period of exacerbation is strictly prohibited. It is best to give up all bad habits for the duration of treatment.

Nutrition during an exacerbation of the disease

During the period of exacerbation, it is worth more carefully adhering to the diet. Otherwise, the patient's condition may worsen significantly. It is best to start treatment of the disease in case of relapse as early as possible.

So, how and what to eat with an exacerbation of hemorrhoids?
The diet during an exacerbation of the disease is aimed at improving the patient's condition, normalizing the patient's condition, softening the stool, and in some cases, stopping bleeding. In the first day with an acute course of hemorrhoids, it is best to refuse food altogether. At the same time, it is worth drinking plenty of water. Such therapeutic fasting will help to gently empty the intestines and facilitate the process of defecation.

After the first day, you can eat porridge in small portions. Porridges from such cereals as buckwheat, oatmeal or barley are well suited during this period. It is contraindicated during this period to fill porridge with butter.

Gradually, a small amount of fresh fruits and vegetables can be added to cereals. You can cook pureed soups with vegetable broth. On the third day, you can add fermented milk products to the diet, and then boiled meat and fish.

All dishes should be boiled or steamed. Meat broths during this period are prohibited.

The period of exacerbation is often accompanied by bleeding. It is important to remember that eating smoked or fried foods with hemorrhoids with bleeding is strictly prohibited. Also, you can not eat mayonnaise, ketchup and strongly spicy foods. Such products can adversely affect the patient's condition, as they increase blood flow to the pelvic organs.

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