Magnetic iron ore or magnetite. Physical properties and photo of magnetite

Encyclopedia of Plants 25.09.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Magnetite(from the Greek "magnetis" - magnet) - a mineral from the class of oxides: a mixture of oxides of iron (II) and (III). Synonym: magnetic iron ore. There are two versions of the origin of the name: in the first, a Greek shepherd named Magnes discovered the mineral; the second version is connected with the name of the locality in Macedonia, Magnesia. Chemical formula: FeO Fe 2 O 3 .

Shine metallic, metallic or matte magnetite. Hardness 5.5-6. Specific gravity 4.9-5.2 g/cm3. Iron black color. The line is black. Magnetic. A piece of magnetic iron ore, mined on Mount Vysokaya, has been holding a 50-kilogram weight for more than a century by the force of magnetic attraction. Cleavage is absent. Solid granular, dense or loose (magnetite sand) masses, individual crystals (octahedrons, rhombic dodecahedrons), twins; blotches; placers. Syngony is cubic. Crystals ingrown or overgrown.

Features . Magnetite is easily recognizable by its permanent iron-black color, its black streak, and its magnetism. Looks like chrome iron. The difference is that the feature of chromium iron ore is brown; in addition, magnetic iron ore has magnetism.

Chemical properties. The powder dissolves in hydrochloric acid when heated.

Variety. Titanomagnetite, contains TiO 2 .

Magnetite. Photo by Rob Lavinsky Magnetite with calcite inclusions. Photo by Norbert Kaiser Magnetite. Photo by Rob Lavinsky A combination of magnetite and hematite. Photo by Rob Lavinsky A combination of magnetite and hematite. Photo by Rob Lavinsky

Origin of magnetite

Magnetite deposits of contact-metasomatic origin are of great industrial importance. Magnetite is formed in the contact zone of granitic magmas, magmas of syenite, diorite composition with limestones. In these deposits, it occurs in the form of continuous masses and inclusions. Deposits of igneous origin are associated with basic, rarely acidic and intermediate igneous rocks and represent the result of magma differentiation. Magnetite is usually found in gabbro, pyroxenites. It is found in the form of inclusions in the source rocks or forms powerful reservoir deposits. Magnetite is formed as a result of the metamorphism of iron compounds of surface origin under the action of high pressure and high temperatures in deep conditions. The formation of magnetite and hematite is observed in the ore veins of the hypo- and mesozone.

Under surface conditions, magnetite is quite stable, so it is often found in placers. Sometimes it is converted to hematite (martite) or limonite. This is facilitated by the presence of sulfides, mainly pyrite, the destruction of which is accompanied by the formation of sulfuric acid, which enhances the process of decomposition of magnetite.

satellites. In contacts: calcite, hematite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, apatite. In ore veins: hematite, siderite. In quartzites: quartz, hematite. Products of chemical change: hematite (martite), limonite, siderite.


Magnetite is the most important iron ore. Pure iron is used in chemical laboratories, in precision special instruments. "White iron" does not rust, it is eternal. Chandragupta's column in Delhi has been standing for 15 centuries, as if it was made only yesterday.

Magnetite deposits

Basic stocks iron ores are located in Russia (about half of the world's reserves). Then come Brazil, Canada, India, Australia, South Africa, USA, UK and Sweden.

The greatest pantry of iron ores in the world is the Kursk magnetic anomaly, which extends from Smolensk to Rostov-on-Don. The identified iron ore reserves of the KMA exceed the resources of Brazil, India, Canada and the United States combined. The iron ore resources of the KMA exceed three times the rest of the iron ore reserves the globe.

The deposits of the Urals (Magnitnaya, Blagodat, High, Kachkanar mountains), Kruglogorskoye, Kusinskoye (near Zlatoust) and Pervouralskoye deposits are famous. A new deposit of magnetic iron ore was discovered in the Urals - Maly Kuibas, located near the city of Magnitogorsk. There are deposits of magnetite in Gornaya Shoria (Timertau, Telbes) and the Minusinsk Basin (Abakan). Magnetite occurs together with hematite in Krivoy Rog (Ukraine).

A large deposit of iron ore has recently been discovered in Kazakhstan - the Kustanai region (Sokolovo-Sarbayskoye, etc.). there is more iron ore in it than in all the deposits of the Urals combined.

Currently great importance acquire the Angara-Ilimsk iron ore basin Eastern Siberia, Tagarskaya group of magnetite deposits (Middle Angara region), Olenegorskoe and Kovdorskoe iron ore deposits (Murmansk region), Kostomukshinskoe (Karelia), magnetite deposits in Far East– Pioneer, Sivagli, Desovskoye, deposits in the Olekma and Chara river basins. The largest in Western Siberia A deposit of magnetite ores has been discovered in the area of ​​the Kholzun Ridge (Altai Territory).

This mineral was first discovered by the Greek shepherd Magnus, and after his name he was named magnetite. According to another version, the name of the stone comes from the name ancient city Magnesia, in Asia Minor. At the same time, magnetite got its name in almost every country. So, in China it is known as "chu-shi", in Greece as "adamas" and "calamita" or "stone of Hercules", in France it was called "aiman", the inhabitants of India - "thumbaka", in Egypt - "eagle bone". ”, in Spain - “pedramant”, in Germany - “magness” and “sigelstein”, in England - “loudstone”.

The formation of magnetite usually occurs in rocks of igneous or metamorphic origin. Sometimes it is also found in the form of magnetite sand, in placers. Natural aggregates of magnetite are formed in the form of a dense, granular or confluent mass. Interestingly, in a handful of sand or a sample of any other rock, magnetite grains can very often be found.

Among the industrial deposits of stone, the most famous and significant today are those located in the Urals, in Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. The mineral that is mined in the Irkutsk region is famous for its bright brilliance and beautiful forms. Magnetite deposits are also found on the territory of countries such as the USA, South Africa, Sweden, Canada.

Magnetite stone, endowed with unusual properties, has been known to man for a long time. So, the inhabitants of China mentioned its use as early as the 6th century AD. Then magnetite was used as a compass and with its help went to explore unknown lands.

The properties of magnetite were described by Plato in his works. The philosopher noted the ability of a stone to attract various items, as well as transferring their energy to them, as a result of which they also began to attract iron products, that is, the effect of magnetization.

According to ancient legends, the name of the stone was given by the name of the shepherd Magnus. There were iron nails in his shoes, and the tip of his staff was also made of iron, which caused them to be attracted to stones. There is another version, according to which the mineral is named after the city of Magnesia, now located in Turkey. Not far from it is a mountain, which was often hit by lightning. There is a similar mountain in the Urals. It is called so - magnetic, and its composition is almost completely magnetite. Mount Zimirt in Ethiopia is also made of magnetite and, according to legend, is able to pull nails out of ships and attract all iron products to itself.

In general, the name of the stone has changed many times. For a long time it was known simply as "magnet", later as "magnetic iron ore", and only at the end of the 19th century acquired a new name - magnetite.

By chemical nature magnetite is a complex compound of iron (II) and (III) oxides. It is painted black with a pronounced metallic sheen, a matte surface is rare. The mineral is opaque, transparent specimens are an infrequent phenomenon. Mohs hardness 5.5-6. The specific gravity is 4.9-5.2 g/cm3. At the break, the crystals are conchoidal or irregularly stepped.

The ferromagnetic properties of magnetite are very pronounced. The stone can even cause changes in the operation of the compass. When grinding a mineral to a powder state, its magnetic properties are preserved. Magnetic sand is also attracted to the magnetic poles.

Ore magnetite is mainly granular aggregates. Individual crystals are found in octahedral, rhombododecahedral form, and in their combination. Unique natural magnetite balls are also valued.

Magnetite has been known for its magical powers since ancient times. Because of its magnetic properties, it has always been popular with alchemists, magicians and sorcerers. The gem is endowed with powerful protective properties, protects its owner from all enemies. The stone is a stimulant for inventors in creating new products, helps to make plans and create new projects.

Magnetite also reveals and enhances psychic abilities. For these purposes, it is placed on the third eye area and meditated.

Modern lithotherapy recommends the use of magnetite in diseases nervous system. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, accelerates the healing of tissues and bones in ulcers, wounds, fractures, burns.

Magnetite is also used to treat disorders in the cardiovascular system, allergic dermatosis, and gynecological diseases.

In order to improve and stimulate the body, special magnetic bracelets and magnetite balls are recommended.

Magnetite powder is used as a hematopoietic agent for anemia, severe blood loss and general weakness.

Since the 17th century, magnetite has been widely used in medical practice. Along with healing qualities, the stone also has valuable jewelry characteristics. It is cut cabochon or made into balls, rosaries and beads. The main rule is that jewelry with magnetite cannot be worn without taking it off, so as not to harm the body.

And magnetite underlies the invention of the compass, without which it is difficult to imagine the development of mankind.

Magnetite has an intense black color due to its composition and iron oxide content.

As an inexpensive stone, magnetite is not faked, but it is often confused with hematite, which looks similar to it. It is easy to distinguish magnetite - it is the only one among minerals that has magnetic properties.

Magnetite is undemanding in care, jewelry with it is stored separately from other stones. Clean it with a soft wet tissue.

Magnetite is recommended to all representatives of the earth and air elements, especially Capricorns and Aquarius.

Magnetite with a diameter of about 2 mm, cut cabochon, is estimated at about 2-3 dollars. Magnetite rosaries can be purchased for $10-15. The cost of other products depends on their setting and on the complexity of the work of the jeweler.

Special massage balls made of magnetite, which are used to combat cellulite, are priced at an average of $20 per set.

  • Since ancient times, magnetite has been considered a powerful magical stone, and all because people were afraid and did not understand its magnetic properties. So, the magnetite gate did not let armed enemies into the city. Magnetite amulets were considered the best defenders against all misfortunes.
  • In China, there is a legend about how magnetite brought victory in battle to Emperor Huang Ti. The ruler made a cunning attack on the enemies from the rear. But there was thick fog, and in order to get to the right position, the emperor used magnetite figurines in the form of little men with outstretched arms. It was the prototype of the modern compass.
  • The healing properties of magnetite were discovered at the end of the 18th century, after the doctor Friedrich Mesmer cured with it a patient who had convulsions, paralysis and constant severe headaches. The doctor used all the means known at that time, but nothing helped. Then he tried to attach strong magnets to the patient's body and relief came almost immediately. After a course of procedures, the woman fully recovered. And doctors began to widely use magnetite in their practice. Today, mineral-based massage balls are especially popular.

Magnetic iron ore or magnetite is a fairly common type ores. It consists of oxides of ferric and ferrous iron. The mineral was widely used and used due to its ability to attract various metals.

Properties and formula of magnetite

IN different countries the world's magnetic iron ore has various titles:

  • in Germany - magnes;
  • in France - ayman;
  • in Egypt, the bone of an eagle;
  • in China - chu-shi;
  • in Greece - Adam.

This cubic crystal has the chemical formula Fe O - Fe 2 O 3 . It is distinguished by a rather rare spinel-like structure and has the following properties:

When crushed, the mineral does not lose its magnetic properties.

Magnetic iron ore can look like an octahedron, a granular aggregate, a rhombic dodecahedron, and other various combinations. Quite rarely in nature you can find placers from rounded pieces of a mineral or magnetic balls. They are considered a truly unique find.

History of magnetic iron ore

An amazing mineral has long been known in all corners of the globe. In China, magnetite was known as early as the 6th century. With the help of a mineral, they learned the world, using it as compass. Legend has it that the "black stone" is named after the Greek shepherd Magnes, whose tip was iron and whose shoes were made of iron nails. They constantly attracted stones, which turned out to be magnetic iron ore.

According to another legend, the name of the mineral comes from the city of Magnesia located in Turkey. Not far from it is a mountain, which was constantly hit by lightning. It turned out that it almost entirely consists of magnetite. There is a similar mountain in the Urals, and it is called Magnetic Mountain. Mount Zimir, located in Ethiopia, mainly consists of magnetite. She is famous for attracting all the iron that is on the ship.

He also discussed the unusual behavior and properties of the stone great philosopher Plato. He noted the fact that magnetic iron ore is not only capable of attracting iron objects to itself, but also shares its energy. Apparently the philosopher had in mind magnetization.

Place of Birth

About half of the world's iron ore reserves are located in Russia. Their greatest storehouse is the Kursk magnetic anomaly. It is located from Smolensk to Rostov-on-Don. Three times the ore reserves of the KMA exceed the ore reserves of the rest of the globe.

Other well-known iron ore deposits include Ural mountains and Kustanai region. There is a magnetite deposit in the Altai Territory in the region of the Kholzun Range, in the basin of the Chara and Olekma rivers in the Far East. There are many deposits in the Murmansk region and Eastern Siberia.

Brazil ranks second in terms of ore reserves. There are deposits of magnetite in Canada, Australia, India, USA, South Africa, Sweden and the UK.


Magnetic iron ore is actively used in metallurgy ferrous metals. Here, with its help, they extract different kinds become. From a well-calcined mineral, hematite is obtained. Magnetite is involved in the production of vanadium and phosphorus. It is one of the sources of pure iron, which is then used in precision special instruments and chemical laboratories. Such iron is valuable because it does not rust. An example of this is Chandragupta's column, which has been standing for 15 centuries. When you look at it, it seems that it was completed just yesterday.

Due to its availability in jewelry, the mineral has not received wide popularity. But it makes beautiful beads and bracelets.

Medicinal properties

In modern medicine, with the help of magnetite probes, they are pulled out of the respiratory or digestive system metal objects. The weak magnetic fields of the mineral are used to treatment:

  • bronchitis;
  • poliomyelitis;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • burns;
  • for healing fractures and wounds;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (hypertension, ischemic disease hearts, etc.);
  • headaches and joint pain;
  • chronic venous insufficiency;
  • sclerosis;
  • itching and allergic dermatoses;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system.

Special balls, bracelets and biocorrectors are made from the mineral, which heal and stimulate the body. In the found writings of Pliny the Elder, it was indicated that magnetic iron ore was used to treat wounds, burns and eyes. In ancient times, magnetite was crushed to a powder and used for general weakness, severe blood loss and anemia. That is, in cases where the body needed iron, which is part of the blood.

magical properties

Healers and psychics are very fond of black stone. They believe that if you put it in the area of ​​the "third eye", then a connecting bridge will appear between ordinary consciousness and superconsciousness. Thanks to this, you can look into the future and the past.

According to experts in the field of magic, magnetite is able to provide protection to the deceased ancestors. In this case, the owner of the stone can choose his own defender. To do this, you need to ask the mineral to become a conductor between a living person and an ancestor.

Magnetic iron ore stimulates invention and innovation. Therefore, amulets with him help in organizing a new business and drawing up new plans.

Magnetite is considered the talisman of travelers, geologists, engineers, inventors. He helps them make discoveries, endure difficulties in professional activity and protects from various troubles along the way.

Be sure to purchase a mineral as an amulet, astrologers advise Capricorn and Aquarius. It will help to accept and realize everything new and unusual. People born under other zodiac signs can use magnetite for meditation.

Magnetite is a popular mineral belonging to the class of oxides. Magnetite stone has healing and magical properties, meaning. It has a positive effect on all signs of the zodiac. Differs in saturated black color.

A mineral with a metallic sheen, but matte transparent specimens can also be found in nature. The unique abilities of the stone include the ferromagnetic property, which allows it to influence the compass readings. Sometimes the stone is also called magnetic iron ore, which is more often presented in the form of granular aggregates. Sometimes it is presented in the form of a scattering of stone particles, magnetic balls.

Magnetite has an octahedral crystal shape, resulting from metal connections between iron cations, which provokes the main property of the stone - to attract iron objects.

Very slowly soluble in water, opaque. As a result of heating at a temperature of plus 580 degrees Celsius, the stone loses its magnetism, but when it cools down, the properties return.

Cell parametersa = 0.8397 nm
kinkconchoidal uneven
Hardness5.5 to 6
Chemical formulaFeO Fe2O3
ShineMetallic, brushed
Molecular weight231.54
Cell Optionsa = 8.397Å
IMA statusdescribed for the first time before 1959 (before IMA)
Typical impuritiesMg,Zn,Mn,Ni,Cr,Ti,V,Al
Refractive indicesn = 2.42
Maximum birefringenceδ = 0.000 - isotropic, does not have birefringence
optical reliefTall
MicrohardnessVHN100=681 - 792 kg/mm2

There are different types of magnetite:

  • Mushketovite;
  • Ishkulit;
  • Chrome magnetite;
  • Titanomagnetite;

Place of Birth

In most cases, the formation of minerals occurs in igneous and metamorphic rocks. Occasionally, it forms magnetite sand in placers.

The most popular world producers of magnetite for industry are the Urals, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan. Deposits in Dashkesan, USA, Sweden and Canada are also very popular.

Within the territory of Russian Federation known is the Korshunovskoye deposit in Irkutsk.

The largest source of stone is deposits in the Kursk magnetic anomaly.


The name of the mineral is presented in two versions. The first says that it is named after the shepherd, whose name was Magnes, he was lucky to find the stone first. Another source says that it was found in Asia Minor near the city of Magnesia.

In translation, it sounds like loving. The ancient manuscripts of Plato indicate that the word magnetis was first given to this stone by Euripides. But more often it was called as the Heraclius stone.

Also about properties amazing stone was mentioned in China in the 6th century, where an amazing mineral replaced the compass.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, more precisely in the Urals, a magnetic mountain rises, the basis of which is precisely magnetite. In addition, in Ethiopia there are also similar elevations - Mount Zimir. Thanks to unique properties stone, a legend has taken root in this area that the mountain is capable of pulling metal objects from ships.

It received its name in 1845.


In ancient manuscripts there is information that describes that Ptolemy of Philadelphia planned the construction of a temple in honor of his wife and sister. To do this, he turned to Chinocrates, an Alexandrian architect, for help, who, inside the structure, outlined a place where he planned to place an iron statue of Arsenoi's wife, floating in the air. In this case, the supports were not assumed. But the idea was never realized, the Egyptian king and creator did not live up to this moment. The secret was in the structure suspended by magnets, and the stones were built into the floor, walls and ceiling. The legend was retold from mouth to mouth by many peoples. In this form, she came to us.

In China, there is a legend that once a stone contributed to the victory in the battle of Emperor Huang Ti, who conceived a trick. He planned to attack the enemy from the rear. Then everything spoke of a successful maneuver, as fog swirled over the sea, although the emperor saw this as a danger. The exit has been found. The situation was saved by magnetite figurines - little men with an outstretched hand, which served as a guide in the sea.


The formation of the mineral occurs as a result of the interaction of syenite, granite and diorite rocks, in which homogeneous masses or their inclusions are found. The origin of minerals is influenced by various rocks, in particular, its localization in pyroxenites. The formation of the rock occurs as a result of the metamorphism of the iron compound present on the surface. As a result various factors, affecting the destruction of the rock, in minerals is formed sulphuric acid, magnetite deteriorates.

Practical use

About amazing magical properties known for a long time. IN early VII centuries with the help of magnetite successfully coped with big amount diseases of a nervous nature. The active use of the stone began after one unusual story. At that time, a doctor named Friedrich Mesmer successfully cured a patient suffering from paralysis and headaches, the ailment bothered her around the clock. She went to various doctors and the doctor tried to help her by using magnetite by placing a few on her chest. From the first procedure, the woman felt relieved, after a while she said goodbye to her illness and was grateful to the doctor, she told everyone about her miraculous healing. Thus, many healers began to turn to this method of treatment for help.

The stone looks very beautiful in jewelry. It is cut cabochon, but it is often not worth wearing products. Beads and rosaries are in demand.

Healing effect

In modern medical practice, magnetite balls are a common tool for massages and the treatment of diseases.

Information has reached our days that medicinal properties stone was used even by Avicenna, who recommended wearing it to improve work gastrointestinal tract.

Albert the Great noted that wearing a stone on the left hand allows you to get rid of neurotic diseases.

To date, lithotherapists have studied the energy of stone and its magnetic field which speed up the healing process.

  • Relieve convulsions;
  • Improves the condition of people with Parkinson's disease;
  • Has an antibacterial effect;
  • Rejuvenates the body as a whole;
  • Helps to get rid of diseases of the bronchopulmonary system and with poliomyelitis;
  • Facilitates the condition of a person with varicose veins;
  • Sets up functions cardiovascular system;
  • analgesic effect;
  • Soothes with allergic dermatosis and other skin diseases;
  • Fights inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system.

magical influence

Since ancient times, scientists have noticed the properties of an amazing stone, but they could not explain the nature of the appearance of magnetism. At that time, he was a talisman, in the power of which they believed. Its main task was to protect from evil spirits. It served as the basis for wands for witches and sorcerers, helped the ordinary person to show magical abilities, and talents to fully open up.

Even Alexander the Great handed out a small magnetite talisman to the soldiers before the battles, in the power of which he believed. Thus, the army was invulnerable to enemies. Recommended creative people whom he encourages to learn new things.

Mineral in astrology

This stone is considered universal and suits almost all signs of the zodiac. But it has the most pronounced positive effect on the signs of Air (Libra, Aquarius and Gemini), and Earth (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn).

The difference between an original and a fake

It is worth noting that the stone does not fall into the category of expensive stones, therefore it is unprofitable to fake it. When purchasing products with a mineral, you should be careful, because it looks similar to hematite. In addition, they have a similar meaning in nature, it is possible to replace each other.

To purchase a natural stone, you should check the presence of magnetic properties.

The mineral does not belong to valuable minerals, because its cost is small and anyone can buy it. For example, a magnetite rosary will cost only $15.

Magnetite is an iron oxide mineral. The name comes from the Greek word "magnetis", which means "magnet". This name was given to the material for rare magnetic properties in nature.


The first mention of an exceptional mineral dates back to the 6th century BC. in ancient works and manuscripts of the countries of Asia, Central America and Europe, it is told about natural stones capable of attracting iron. The names of magnetite in those days were different in each country, but almost all of them were translated as a stone “loving iron”.

In the chronicles dating back to the 2nd century BC. are the first mention of the use of magnetite ores. He was indispensable ancient india. Thanks to the magnetic properties of the mineral, it was possible to extract arrowheads and other iron fragments from the wounds of warriors. According to legend, in an ancient Chinese city there was a gate that had magical protective powers. They did not let the armed into the city, attracting all the iron equipment of the fighters.

But the truly important ancient invention was the compass. Created on the basis of magnetite, he accurately indicated the location of the parts of the world. Invented in China in the second millennium BC. the compass was borrowed by Europeans already in the Middle Ages and subsequently great geographical discoveries were made with its help.

There are many versions about the origin of the name of the mineral. The most famous legends about the magnetic stone come from Ancient Greece. According to one of these legends, the mineral is named after the shepherd Magnes, who was one of the first to notice the unusual properties of black stones to attract the iron details of his shoes and staff. According to another version, magnetite was named after the area in Macedonia, which was called Magnesia.

In Russia, magnetite was called "magnetic iron ore". Currently, this name of the mineral is considered obsolete.

Description of magnetite: physical and chemical properties of the mineral

Magnetite is an iron oxide compound. His chemical formula– FeO, Fe2O3.

Magnetite is an opaque black mineral aggregate with a metallic sheen. Some mineral samples may have a blue tint closer to the edge. There are also specimens that lack a metallic sheen. They are impenetrably matte. Distinctive feature magnetite from other iron ores is its conchoidal fracture and black color of fine powder.

The specific gravity of magnetite is 4.9-5.2 g/cm3. The mineral, despite the hardness equal to the Mohs scale of 5.5 - 6, is a rather fragile material. Physical indicators of magnetite density are 5-5.2 g/cm3. It is a mineral of cubic syngony.

The mineral magnetite acts as a semiconductor and has a low electrical conductivity. It is also highly magnetic. Some specimens are polar magnetic and act as natural magnets. Cleavage is completely absent.

Magnetite ores are rarely found in pure form. Usually the mineral has an admixture of other metals in its composition.

Depending on the impurity content, the following types of magnetite are distinguished:

  • Titanomagnetite - has a high content of titanium in the composition;
  • Chrommagnetite - contains chromium;
  • Vanadium magnetite or coulsonite - contains vanadium;

Magnetites can also have an isomorphic admixture of Mn, Al, Cr, Zn, and Ca.

Magnetite deposits

The main deposits of magnetite are rocks igneous, regional-metamorphic and contact-metasomatic origin.

Russia occupies a leading position in terms of magnetite ore reserves. One of largest deposits in Russia is the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly. The magnetite reserves of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly are three times higher than the magnetite reserves of the rest of the world combined. The Ural Mountains are also rich in deposits of magnetite ores. On their territory there are Kusinskoye, Kruglogorskoye and Pervouralskoye deposits. A relatively new deposit of magnetite ores is Maly Kuibas. It is located in the Southern Urals near the city of Magnitogorsk.

Magnetite deposits located in Siberia and the Russian Far East are of great importance.

Mountains rich in magnetite are also located in countries such as Brazil, Canada, India, Australia, the USA and others.

Fields of application of magnetite

The scope of magnetite is quite wide. The main application of magnetite found in metallurgy. It is one of the main types of iron ores in industry. Specialized steels are smelted from it. Also, such important minerals are extracted from magnetite ores. chemical elements like titanium and vanadium.

This mineral is also used in the medical field. For example, probes made of magnetite are indispensable for removing foreign objects from the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract person.

In jewelry, beads, rings, bracelets and other jewelry are made from the mineral, which are cheap and durable to use.

Therapeutic effect of magnetite

In the 17th century, descriptions of the first practices of treatment with magnets were found. Then it was believed that magnetite was able to have a beneficial effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems of a person. This medical practice has gained particular popularity since 1770. This year, the physician Friedrich Anton Mesmer developed the doctrine of animal magnetism and put it into practice. The basis of his treatment was magnets, which cured various neurological diseases by the power of the magnetic field. So he cured one of his patients, who suffered from constant headaches and convulsions. After this case treatment with magnets began to be carried out everywhere.

Currently, the stone is used in medicine for the treatment of a number of diseases. Proven healing and antibacterial action, which renders magnetite. The stone promotes wound healing and fusion of damaged tissues. A beneficial effect has been observed in varicose veins. The mineral facilitates the course of diseases such as polio and Parkinson's disease, as well as diseases of the human respiratory and nervous system. It has a rejuvenating effect, which has been proven in laboratory studies on animals.

Magic abilities of magnetite

Ancestors, unable to explain the physical properties of the mineral, attributed magical abilities to magnetite. Among the ancient peoples, the stone was considered a talisman against enemies, and they believed in its strong protective functions. During excavations in many states ancient world found sculptures and figurines made of magnetite, which served as amulets.

It is believed that the stone helps its owner achieve goals, gives an incentive to implement innovative ideas and solutions.

Minerals have also been used in magic. Magnetite is one of the materials used by sorcerers and psychics. It is believed that amulets made of magnetite allow you to reveal the superpowers of a person and enhance the magical abilities of the owner.

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