How to grow bamboo at home: care, reproduction, as well as magical properties. Proper care of indoor bamboo

Engineering systems 12.06.2019
Engineering systems

Dracaena sander can be grown in water, but in this case, the plant may lack the necessary minerals. Because of this, its leaves acquire a yellowish tint, so it is necessary to add mineral fertilizers and dressings for dracaena or palm trees to the water. You can also apply fertilizer for decorative leafy houseplants.

If you decide to grow Dracaena Lucky in water, you need to ensure that it covers the roots by no more than 1-2 cm. Otherwise, the likelihood of trunk rotting increases. The plant can be grown in what is called a synthetic decorative substrate, just do not forget to add mineral fertilizers to it.

When planting dracaena in the ground, you need to create good drainage of the liquid. Oval or round are added to the lower part of the soil. decorative stones, as well as coarse sand. A mixture of turf and leaf soil with sand is placed on the surface, granulate and peat can be added.

Top dressing is done 2-3 times a month during the period of active growth from March to August. In autumn and winter, the plant begins a dormant period, at this time, feeding can be omitted or done rarely - once a month.

Watering and humidity

Unlike other dracaena, Sanderiana is watered abundantly. The soil should not be allowed to dry out, it should always be in a slightly damp state. The leaves should be periodically wiped off the accumulated dust with a damp cloth, and leaf gloss should not be used.

Dracaena Lucky tolerates dry air well, it does not require constant spraying. It is desirable to maintain air humidity at the level of 70-75%. A comfortable temperature for plant growth is + 18-35 ° C.

Since Dracaena Lucky has a powerful root system, for her it is better to choose high, but not very wide pots. Before transplanting, the substrate is weighted, increasing the proportion of sod land and reducing the amount of sand. Young plants are transplanted after 1-2 years, and adults - after 2-3 years. large plants can only be transplanted if upper layer substrate 10-15 cm thick was replaced every year.

Propagate Dracaena sander apical cuttings rooted in water or in moist soil, you can also use stem segments with dormant buds. If the plant has grown too long a stem, the top is cut off and placed in water to form a root system. In order to receive a large number of processes, pinch the top and make a small horizontal incision above the ringlet. After some time, a new shoot will grow from this cut.

Indoor bamboo is a representative of the Dracaena species, and belongs to unpretentious plants. The cultivation of indoor bamboo can be carried out as in normal ground, as well as in water.

plant description

Such bamboo is used in the interior as an individual element, or in group flower arrangements. This is especially popular indoor flower among fans of the art of feng shui. And therefore, in addition to the scientific name - Dracaena Sander, such a plant is called the "flower of happiness, good luck and prosperity." It is such an indoor culture of stems of green (sometimes with a straw tint) color, which can be both bare and leafy. The leaves, growing at the top of the stems, are lanceolate in shape and rich green in color. And caring for the amazing indoor bamboo growing in water or soil will not be difficult if you create an optimal environment for its cultivation. And this article will tell you how to care for such a "green pet" at home. Also, how is it propagated?

Basic rules for care

Further care must be carried out based on the environment of its content. So, there are only two ways to grow. And caring for the plant in both cases is not difficult. Let's consider each of them in detail.

Grow bamboo stems by placing them in water

Indoor bamboo will feel good in the water, if you do not forget to change it regularly. As mentioned earlier, such decorative culture not whimsical. It is enough to take the time to change the water in the bamboo container once a week to provide it with optimal conditions.

Fertilizing plants should be carried out approximately 1 time in 2-3 months, combining the procedure with watering. Special fertilizers are used for these purposes. As a rule, top dressing is carried out by adding mineral fertilizers to the water when it is changed to fresh water. Do not forget that if you do not care for bamboo in this regard and do not feed the plant, then it will soon turn yellow, and may even shed all the foliage.

When caring for representatives of this evergreen culture, do not forget that ordinary water is not suitable for them. For irrigation or as a permanent growing medium, use only soft settled water. Melt water is best. It is not difficult to make such water yourself, it is enough to fill it with ordinary water. plastic bottle and put it in the freezer for a couple of days. After that, it is thawed to room temperature and used.

In soil, Dracaena Sander grows better and faster than grown in water. And it's easier to take care of her. This is due to the fact that moisture does not stagnate in the soil for a long time. In turn, this is considered favorable and simplifies care in general. It is not necessary to select a specific soil. Enough to buy in the near flower shop common substrate for indoor plants.

Bamboo growing at home in the ground also needs fertilizer, like the one whose stems are in the water. Top dressing is carried out periodically. As a rule, fertilizers are used for such procedures for other representatives of dracaena.

Reproduction methods

  • with the help of offspring;
  • Therefore, cuttings are the most affordable and easiest way for lovers of indoor exotic vegetation. It is best to propagate by cuttings in the spring. At this time, young shoots appear on adult stems, which subsequently become planting material.

    For rooting cuttings, it is recommended to use the same soil intended for planting Dracenovs. As a container for planting, it is necessary to choose a spacious pot, despite the fact that the young shoots are small. Because indoor bamboo grows rapidly not only in the visible area, but also in the invisible (roots in a pot).

    As can be seen from the article, growing both in water and in ordinary soil, indoor bamboo is unpretentious. It's not only showy plant, but also grateful, which is able to quickly respond to full care. And, if you take care of the rapidly growing bamboo in the proper form, you can soon turn your home into a real tropical corner.

    Bamboo varnish spiral: transplant and fertilizer

    Transplantation is recommended in April or May. It is during these months that bamboo tolerates this process well. A drainage about 2 cm high is required. For transplanting, you need a special substrate for dracaena, which is sold in gardening stores.

      The plant propagates not only by cuttings, but also by seeds. You will have to act in a certain sequence. First, the seeds are soaked in gauze and kept until germination at a humidity of 80 percent. Then planted in a box with soil, consisting of 2 parts (for example, expanded clay and sand). Every day you will have to spray the seedlings with a spray bottle. When the first shoots appear, you need to cover the plant with polyethylene. Thus, you will create a semblance of a greenhouse (a lot of moisture, heat and light - everything that varnishes love).

      If you notice yellow leaves on the plant, it begins to fall off, this indicates the appearance of a small midge. It can be found on the folds and stalks of bamboo upon close examination. You can get rid of midges with the help of a special tool by spraying them with bamboo varnishes. If it was not possible to cope with the pest the first time, repeat the procedure.

      Caring for spiral bamboo varnishes is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. This makes it perfect houseplant. In addition, it is a wonderful decoration of the room and charges the house with positive energy of happiness!

      I like 2

    1. Up to a year, bamboo can grow in a jar of water. It is recommended to add some mineral fertilizers to it from time to time. It is best to transplant the plant into a pot with soil after a year. Continue to fertilize and water regularly ornamental grass. Fertilizers are not recommended to be used immediately after planting.
    2. Under the container where you grow bamboo lacquer spiral, it is recommended to put a pallet filled with fine gravel. Pour enough water into the pan so that it does not exceed the drainage level.
    3. If the room is too high temperature and high humidity, the bamboo will begin to rot (the stem and leaves become covered with black spots). To prevent this from happening, do not place the plant next to a heater or battery.

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      How to care for indoor bamboo grown in water and in the ground

      A long time ago indoor flowers have become an integral part of the interiors. But at the same time, such prevalence bypassed the evergreen decorative bamboo. Although it is this representative of the flora that is able to bring a creative and unusual element to the home environment. In the right conditions, this wonderful exotic will grow long time. Therefore, those who prefer unusual plants for your home, you need to know what care the plant requires at home.

      Care for growing in residential and office space bamboo is based on where the plant is grown - in water or substrate. But there are also basic provisions that determine the location of the flower at home.

      When planning the cultivation of indoor bamboo, it is worth freeing up the windowsill of the east or west window for it. In this case, it is desirable that the flow of light to the plant is blocked by a light curtain. Thus, the “green pet” will have enough light, and ultraviolet will not harm him.

      If you are guided by the provisions of the teachings of Feng Shui when choosing a place at home for the maintenance of bamboo, then it is better to place the flower in the southeastern part of the room. However, do not forget that indoor bamboo, with a lack of light, will develop poorly and lose leaves, which will greatly affect its decorative effect. Therefore, care for this representative of the flora must begin with right choice places.

      Temperature regime also does not depend on the environment in which it is grown. Therefore, it is better to keep such a plant at a temperature of +18 to +25 degrees. Easily withstand indoor bamboo temperature increase, especially on hot summer days, up to +30 degrees. Bamboo stalks are not picky about humidity. However, try to dust the leaves regularly.

      Bamboo, whose roots are constantly in the water, will develop quickly and harmoniously. Under such conditions, this houseplant can reach a height of 80-200 cm. This will help create your own tropical corner in the room if you take good care of the green guest.

      Bamboo growing in water can be combined into groups. That is, several stems can be tied with a beautiful ribbon and placed in one pot or glass. Of course, if they are small, such a container can be placed on the windowsill. If you have adult stems that reach a height that will not allow them to be placed on the windowsill, plant them in a deep vase or bucket. As a rule, such vessels with bamboo are placed at home on the floor by the window.

      Growing bamboo stems planted in the ground

      Caring for bamboo stems that grow in the ground is much easier. Initially because there is no need to constantly change the water. It is only necessary to make regular watering and not allow the soil to dry out. AT special attention and watering needs bamboo, which was recently transferred to the ground from the water. In winter and during cold periods, it is better to water the plant moderately, avoiding stagnation of moisture in the soil.

      Too much moisture in the soil can lead to mold growth. And this disease is the first enemy of such a houseplant as bamboo.

      Reproduction of indoor bamboo can be carried out according to one of the options:

    4. apical shoots;
    5. cuttings;
    6. sometimes by sowing seeds.
    7. It is almost impossible to grow such a plant from seeds at home. The process of seed germination itself is difficult, as well as how to care for the seedlings in the future. It is not very simple to reproduce such a plant in the first two ways - shoots and offspring.

      The easiest way to carry out reproduction, combining it with a transplant. Like cuttings, transplantation must be done in the spring. As a rule, the need for it arises 1 time in 2 years. At the same time, at first, both young cuttings and newly transplanted plants need to be looked after more carefully. To watering and wiping the foliage, you should definitely add loosening the soil. So, you can increase access fresh air to the roots, and the plant will take root faster.

      Bamboo varnish spiral: care

    8. Up to a year, bamboo can grow in a jar of water. It is recommended to add some mineral fertilizers to it from time to time. It is best to transplant the plant into a pot with soil after a year. Continue fertilizing and watering your ornamental grass regularly. Fertilizers are not recommended to be used immediately after planting.

    9. Soil and watering. The most suitable soil for spiral varnishes is turf, humus and peat. If you grow lacquers spiral in indoors, provide it with regular watering. This will prevent the soil from drying out. But this does not mean at all that you need to water it every day - it all depends on the individual characteristics of your plant. If the leaves are curling, the bamboo lacquer needs to be watered more intensively. If the leaves sag and wither, then you have poured water. In hot weather, the plant needs especially plentiful watering. Bamboo leaves must be periodically wiped from dust with a damp cloth.
    10. The most important thing for bamboo is warmth, humidity and plenty of air. Otherwise, the plant is quite unpretentious and convenient for growing in an apartment. It doesn't take long to take care of.
    11. Since bamboo varnish spiral loves water, be sure to moisten the ground abundantly before transplanting. 3 weeks after moving to a pot, be sure to feed the plant with mineral fertilizers diluted in water. Phosphorus or nitrogen can be used as top dressing. Some flower lovers fertilize happiness bamboo with bird droppings or horse manure.

      Bamboo varnishes spiral: propagation by seeds

      Bamboo varnish spiral: how to care?

      Bamboo is a special type of grass that grows in tropical countries. Thanks to its unpretentiousness exotic plant can be grown at home. Most often, people are interested in the so-called bamboo of happiness or bamboo lacquers. It is believed that it can bring good luck and positive energy to the house where it grows.

    12. Lighting and humidity. In order for the plant to get used to home conditions, it is recommended to put it in a sufficiently lit place, but not in direct sunlight. Because bamboo is used to growing in places high humidity, You have to maintain the atmosphere familiar to him in the apartment. To achieve this, you can spray water or use a humidifier.
    13. Air and temperature. Sometimes spiral varnishes need to be taken out into the open air. It is also necessary to regularly ventilate the room so that the plant does not weaken from a lack of oxygen. The temperature regime in which varnishes are comfortable is quite extensive - from 18 to 35 degrees.
    14. The mini-greenhouse must be ventilated 3 times a day. This will prevent rotting of young shoots. When the plant reaches a height of 15 cm, it is transplanted into a separate pot, observing all the conditions. You need to choose the strongest seedlings.

    Bamboo varnish seedlings: diseases and pests

    Cultivation and Care - Bamboo of Happiness

    Dracaena Sander received among amateur flower growers original name- happiness bamboo. Indeed, many owners this plant claim that it attracts good luck and positive energy to the house. Of course, in order for the bamboo talisman to work, it needs proper care. This is what we will talk about below.

    By the way, this plant has another name - bamboo lacquers, which means "happy." Sometimes the flower is sold in cut form - several stems are tied into an original bouquet. People who adhere to the philosophy of Feng Shui prefer to wrap bamboo lacquer stems with red braid with a thematic image. Such a bouquet must be constantly kept in water. Every 5-7 days the water is changed. It is believed that bamboo care will be more accurate if mineral fertilizers are added to the water.

    If you are planning to stay at home lucky bamboo, it will not be superfluous to learn about its reproduction, as well as how to care for the plant after transplantation.

  • Transplantation is carried out in April-May. It is at this time that the plant tolerates this process more easily;
  • Drainage is required - a layer 2 centimeters high. For planting, a special substrate for dracaena is used;
  • Bamboo happiness loves abundant watering, so make sure that the earth in the pot does not dry out completely. Ideally, the soil should always be moist;
  • If you need to propagate lucky bamboo from an existing plant, then pinch off the shoot from above and leave it in the water until the roots appear;
  • When transplanting, no mineral fertilizers can be added to the soil;
  • 3 weeks after planting in a pot, it is necessary to feed the plant - just pour it with water with the addition of mineral fertilizers (they will be advised in specialized stores);
  • Nitrogen and phosphorus are also used as top dressing;
  • So what have we found out? Well-fed land, timely watering, regular moistening of the stems and leaves - these are the main points that are included in the proper care of happiness bamboo.

    Bamboo lacquer is not only propagated by cuttings, it can also be grown from seeds. Yes, it's not easy, but it's doable. It is necessary to act according to the following algorithm:

  • Seedlings are sprayed daily with a spray bottle;
  • Three times a day, the greenhouse is ventilated in order to avoid rotting of young plants.
  • After the plants have reached a five-centimeter height, they are transplanted into separate pots. At the same time, only the strongest sprouts are chosen, since they will definitely take root. It is necessary to care for the young bamboo of happiness according to the above scheme.

    feng shui happiness bamboo

    Here an important role is played by the location of the plant in the house, as well as the design of its crown.

  • Good health will be given by seven twisted stems;
  • Twenty-one stems will fulfill all wishes at once;
  • Place bamboo in the southeast - attract and good health, and financial flows at the same time;
  • In the south - you will have a certain weight in society: promotion, respect from colleagues;
  • By the way, experts say that you can make a bouquet from any number of stems, its magic charms will still work. Only the number 4 should be avoided: it is considered unlucky. How to twist the stem?

  • Bend young sprouts, wrap them around a straight stem and fasten with wire. As soon as the sprouts are compacted, you can remove the fixation;
  • As young shoots grow, turn the pot in different sides to keep the plant from twisting.
  • As you have already noticed, caring for happiness bamboo is not difficult. Especially if you get a cut bouquet. It stands for a long time, does not require special attention, and also serves as a wonderful decoration for the room. "If you want to be happy, be happy!" Remember this and never rely on the power of talismans. You build your own life, and what side it will turn to you depends only on you!

    Features of keeping happiness bamboo at home

    Lucky bamboo loves water, especially in summer. In the hot season, he needs abundant watering. The leaves of the plant should be wiped from dust with a damp cloth, but it is not necessary to spray. The temperature regime is quite wide - from 18 to 35 degrees. The plant does not like straight sun rays, so it is better to place it in a shaded area of ​​​​the room.

    Transplanting and fertilizing bamboo

  • Many owners add organic fertilizers- horse manure or bird droppings.
  • Reproduction by seeds

    • Seeds are soaked in gauze and kept at a humidity of 60-80% until they germinate;
    • Next, the seeds are planted in a box with soil: it should consist of two parts of leafy soil, one part of drainage (for example, expanded clay) and one part of sand;
    • When shoots appear, they are covered with a piece of polyethylene, creating greenhouse conditions: a lot of moisture, light and heat.
    • From time to time the leaves of the plant turn yellow and fall off. This suggests that the bamboo wound up small midge. She hides in the folds and cracks of the stem, so it is quite difficult to notice her. To get rid of it, get special agent and spray the plant. Repeat if necessary.

      Due to excessively high temperature and high humidity, bamboo varnishes can begin to rot - the stem and leaves become covered with black spots. Therefore, it is not recommended to place it near the battery or heater.

    • Three stems in a pyramid of bamboo varnishes will bring good emotions and happiness to the house;
    • If you want to add financial flows to the house, then make a pyramid of five stems;
    • In the east - love will accompany you everywhere, and harmony and tranquility will reign in the family;
    • By twisting red ribbons around a bamboo stalk, hanging an image of a “fu” dog (according to the philosophy of Feng Shui, it guards the peace of the house), you can enhance the beneficial energy of the plant.
    • Plant the sprout in the soil vertically and close it with a box, leaving a narrow strip - young sprouts will break into it, reach for the light;

    Often, "bamboo happiness" or "happy bamboo" (Lucky Bamboo) is grown in apartments. In fact - this perennial, which is called Dracaena Sander (Dracaena Sanderiana). It belongs to the Needle family, trees or succulent shrubs. The annual sales volume of all types of dracaena outstrips sales of other indoor plants.

    Dracaena sander or "bamboo of happiness"

    The word "bamboo" in the name appeared due to the similarity of this type of dracaena to bamboo. Why another word - "happiness"? There is a version that this name came from the Aztec legend. It said that a poor young man, in love with the daughter of the ruler, fulfilling the condition of his father, watered the dry stem of the dracaena for 5 days, after which leaves appeared on it. The father of the beauty had no choice but to agree to the wedding.

    Dracaena Sander looks a bit like bamboo and differs from most of its relatives in a thickened cylindrical stem from which shoots extend. It has gray-green, slightly twisted leaves, up to 23 cm long. There is a variety that has leaves with a dark green border. Often, during stem growth different ways give a spiral shape. Such a plant looks more interesting than the standard form.

    Bamboo happiness is often presented as a gift. This is a pretty good choice, since the very word happiness gives it a special meaning. Yes, and the item itself will decorate the room and, with proper care, will be able to serve its owner for a long time.

    Lucky bamboo is good for Feng Shui. Its stem is a symbol of a strong life filled with prosperity. It is a favorite gift in business, for example for partners.

    Meanings for the Number of Stems in Lucky Bamboo

    Of great importance is the number of stems in one bundle. Main principle is: the more of them, the more blessings of good luck and luck. However, these are beliefs, and science has not found confirmation of the dependence of health, material well-being and similar serious things from the number of stems of "lucky bamboo" or another plant on the table.

    The Chinese send two stems of bamboo to express love. This number is also said to double your luck.
    Three stems is one of the most beloved combinations for the home. It brings three types of luck: happiness, longevity, wealth or career.
    Four stems. In Chinese, the word for "four" sounds something like the word for "death." The number 4 attracts negative sha energy.
    The five stems strengthen five areas of your life: emotional, intuitive, mental, physical, spiritual.
    Six stems attract prosperity and the prerequisites for wealth. In Chinese, the word "six" sounds similar to the word "luck".
    Seven stems bring good health.
    The word "eight" in Chinese sounds like a word denoting growth, development.
    Nine stems also symbolize and attract good luck.
    If ten stalks of lucky bamboo were sent to you, then this means that the one who sent them to you wants everything in your life to be as you wish.
    Twenty-one stems. If someone gave you so many lucky bamboo stalks then he expresses good wishes for you and your family in terms of great wealth and lasting health.

    Growing Dracaena

    In rooms, Dracaena Sandera grows up to 70-100 cm, rarely up to 2 meters. It is unpretentious plant. It can be kept in a vessel with water, but it is better in a container with earth. The best is a ceramic container, and besides it, glass.
    On sale in specialized stores there is an optimally composed soil for dracaena.

    When keeping the “bamboo of happiness” in a container with soil, it must be watered as the soil dries. The soil should be well shed, but it is undesirable if the water stagnates in it for a long time. Therefore, pebbles or coarse sand are placed in the lower part of the container with soil.
    In addition to watering, caring for dracaena consists in removing dust from the leaves, removing wilted leaves from the ground, and feeding the plant.

    It is better to put a container with dracaena in a ventilated and bright place, but not in direct light. The “bamboo of happiness” tolerates dry air better than real bamboo.

    It is enough to transplant the "bamboo of happiness" once a year, in the spring.
    It can be propagated in one of two ways:
    1. Upper cuttings, by further rooting in water or in moist soil.
    2. Segments of the stem with maturing "sleeping" buds.

    When growing a "bamboo of happiness" often curved shapes are attached to its stem. For example, in the form of a spiral, a heart, etc.
    The composition of several Sander dracaena plants looks very nice, the stems of which are tilted and intertwined and grouped at the bottom.

    Bamboo is a special type of grass that grows in tropical countries. Due to its unpretentiousness, an exotic plant can be grown at home. Most often, people are interested in the so-called bamboo of happiness or bamboo lacquers. It is believed that it can bring good luck and positive energy to the house where it grows.

    Bamboo varnish spiral: care

    • Up to a year, bamboo can grow in a jar of water. It is recommended to add some mineral fertilizers to it from time to time. It is best to transplant the plant into a pot with soil after a year. Continue fertilizing and watering your ornamental grass regularly. Fertilizers are not recommended to be used immediately after planting.
    • Soil and watering. The most suitable soil for spiral varnishes is turf, humus and peat. If you are growing Lucky Spiral indoors, make sure to water it regularly. This will prevent the soil from drying out. But this does not mean at all that you need to water it every day - it all depends on the individual characteristics of your plant. If the leaves are curling, the bamboo lacquer needs to be watered more intensively. If the leaves sag and wither, then you have poured water. In hot weather, the plant needs especially plentiful watering. Bamboo leaves must be periodically wiped from dust with a damp cloth.
    • Lighting and humidity. In order for the plant to get used to home conditions, it is recommended to put it in a sufficiently lit place, but not in direct sunlight. Since bamboo is used to growing in places with high humidity, you have to maintain the atmosphere familiar to it in the apartment. To achieve this, you can spray water or use a humidifier.
    • Under the container where you grow bamboo lacquer spiral, it is recommended to put a pallet filled with fine gravel. Pour enough water into the pan so that it does not exceed the drainage level.
    • Air and temperature. Sometimes spiral varnishes need to be taken out into the open air. It is also necessary to regularly ventilate the room so that the plant does not weaken from a lack of oxygen. The temperature regime in which varnishes are comfortable is quite extensive - from 18 to 35 degrees.
    • The most important thing for bamboo is warmth, humidity and plenty of air. Otherwise, the plant is quite unpretentious and convenient for growing in an apartment. It doesn't take long to take care of.

    Bamboo varnish spiral: transplant and fertilizer

    Transplantation is recommended in April or May. It is during these months that bamboo tolerates this process well. A drainage about 2 cm high is required. For transplanting, you need a special substrate for dracaena, which is sold in gardening stores.

    Since bamboo varnish spiral loves water, be sure to moisten the ground abundantly before transplanting. 3 weeks after moving to a pot, be sure to feed the plant with mineral fertilizers diluted in water. Phosphorus or nitrogen can be used as top dressing. Some flower lovers fertilize happiness bamboo with bird droppings or horse manure.

    Bamboo varnishes spiral: propagation by seeds

    1. The plant propagates not only by cuttings, but also by seeds. You will have to act in a certain sequence.
    2. First, the seeds are soaked in gauze and kept until germination at a humidity of 80 percent. Then planted in a box with soil, consisting of 2 parts (for example, expanded clay and sand). Every day you will have to spray the seedlings with a spray bottle. When the first shoots appear, you need to cover the plant with polyethylene. Thus, you will create a semblance of a greenhouse (a lot of moisture, heat and light - everything that varnishes love).
    3. The mini-greenhouse must be ventilated 3 times a day. This will prevent rotting of young shoots. When the plant reaches a height of 15 cm, it is transplanted into a separate pot, observing all the conditions. You need to choose the strongest seedlings.

    Bamboo varnish seedlings: diseases and pests

    If you notice yellow leaves on the plant, it begins to fall off, this indicates the appearance of a small midge. It can be found on the folds and stalks of bamboo upon close examination. You can get rid of midges with the help of a special tool by spraying them with bamboo varnishes. If it was not possible to cope with the pest the first time, repeat the procedure.

    If the room is too high temperature and high humidity, the bamboo will begin to rot (the stem and leaves become covered with black spots). To prevent this from happening, do not place the plant next to a heater or battery.

    Caring for spiral bamboo varnishes is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. This makes it an ideal houseplant. In addition, it is a wonderful decoration of the room and charges the house with positive energy of happiness!

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    Dracaena Sandera received an original name among amateur flower growers - bamboo of happiness. Indeed, many owners of this plant claim that it attracts good luck and positive energy to the house. Of course, in order for the bamboo talisman to work, it needs proper care. This is what we will talk about below.

    Lucky bamboo loves water, especially in summer. In the hot season, he needs abundant watering. The leaves of the plant should be wiped from dust with a damp cloth, but it is not necessary to spray. The temperature regime is quite wide - from 18 to 35 degrees. The plant does not like direct sunlight, so it is better to place it in a shaded area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

    By the way, this plant has another name - bamboo lacquers, which means "happy." Sometimes the flower is sold in cut form - several stems are tied into an original bouquet. People who adhere to the philosophy of Feng Shui prefer to wrap bamboo lacquer stems with red braid with a thematic image. Such a bouquet must be constantly kept in water. Every 5-7 days the water is changed. It is believed that bamboo care will be more accurate if mineral fertilizers are added to the water.

    If you are going to settle lucky bamboo in your home, it will not be superfluous to learn about its reproduction, as well as how to care for the plant after transplantation.

    • Transplantation is carried out in April-May. It is at this time that the plant tolerates this process more easily;

    • Drainage is required - a layer 2 centimeters high. For planting, a special substrate for dracaena is used;

    • Bamboo happiness loves abundant watering, so make sure that the earth in the pot does not dry out completely. Ideally, the soil should always be moist;

    • If you need to propagate lucky bamboo from an existing plant, then pinch off the shoot from above and leave it in the water until the roots appear;

    • When transplanting, no mineral fertilizers can be added to the soil;

    • 3 weeks after planting in a pot, it is necessary to feed the plant - just pour it with water with the addition of mineral fertilizers (they will be advised in specialized stores);

    • Nitrogen and phosphorus are also used as top dressing;

    • Many owners add organic fertilizers such as horse manure or bird droppings.

    So what have we found out? Well-fed land, timely watering, regular moistening of the stems and leaves - these are the main points that are included in the proper care of happiness bamboo.

    Bamboo lacquer is not only propagated by cuttings, it can also be grown from seeds. Yes, it's not easy, but it's doable. It is necessary to act according to the following algorithm:

    After the plants have reached a five-centimeter height, they are transplanted into separate pots. At the same time, only the strongest sprouts are chosen, since they will definitely take root. It is necessary to care for the young bamboo of happiness according to the above scheme.

    From time to time the leaves of the plant turn yellow and fall off. This suggests that a small midge started up in the bamboo. She hides in the folds and cracks of the stem, so it is quite difficult to notice her. In order to get rid of it, purchase a special tool and spray the plant. Repeat if necessary.

    Due to excessively high temperature and high humidity, bamboo varnishes can begin to rot - the stem and leaves become covered with black spots. Therefore, it is not recommended to place it near the battery or heater.

    • Three stems in a pyramid of bamboo varnishes will bring good emotions and happiness to the house;

    • If you want to add financial flows to the house, then make a pyramid of five stems;

    • Good health will be given by seven twisted stems;

    • Twenty-one stems will fulfill all wishes at once;

    • Place bamboo in the southeast - you will attract both good health and financial flows at the same time;

    • In the south - you will have a certain weight in society: promotion, respect from colleagues;

    • In the east - love will accompany you everywhere, and harmony and tranquility will reign in the family;

    • By twisting red ribbons around a bamboo stalk, hanging an image of a “fu” dog (according to the philosophy of Feng Shui, it guards the peace of the house), you can enhance the beneficial energy of the plant.

    By the way, experts say that you can make a bouquet from any number of stems, its magic charms will still work. Only the number 4 should be avoided: it is considered unlucky. How to twist the stem?

    • Bend young sprouts, wrap them around a straight stem and fasten with wire. As soon as the sprouts are compacted, you can remove the fixation;

    • Plant the sprout in the soil vertically and close it with a box, leaving a narrow strip - young sprouts will break into it, reach for the light;

    • As the young shoots grow, turn the pot in different directions so that the plant does not twist.

    As you have already noticed, caring for happiness bamboo is not difficult. Especially if you get a cut bouquet. It stands for a long time, does not require special attention, and also serves as a wonderful decoration for the room. "If you want to be happy, be happy!" Remember this and never rely on the power of talismans. You build your own life, and what side it will turn to you depends only on you!

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