Strawberry guava. Guava Strawberry and others

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Guava Cattley, or strawberry guava Author: Semenova Natalia collector indoor plants, editor of (houseplants section) Among the plants of the genus Guava (Psidium), the guava Kettley, or Psidium cattleianum, named after the famous English gardener William Kettley, is widely cultivated. Its other names are often used - Peruvian, or strawberry guava. A synonym is the name coastal guava, or coastal psidium (Psidium littorale). In the literature, you can often find the name Psidium littorale var. Cattleianum for the red-fruited strawberry guava and Psidium littorale var. Littorale - for the yellow fruit variety (lemon guava). Native to the coastal regions of eastern Brazil, the strawberry guava quickly spread and adapted in many tropical climates, and is now recognized as an invasive species in Hawaii and the Caribbean, where it forms dense vegetation. Psidium Kettley is very fertile, shade-tolerant, aggressive in its vegetative growth, easily gives root shoots and powerful leaf litter, which, apparently, contains substances that are toxic to seedlings of other plant species. In ancient times, the Kettley guava was brought by the Portuguese to southern China, from there it came to Europe, hence another, incorrect name - Chinese guava, or Chinese psidium (Psidium chinense). In Europe, it now successfully grows in the south of France and in Spain. Strawberry guava is a very beautiful, dense, compact evergreen plant, rarely exceeding 4 meters in height, grows in the form of a bush or small tree, with cinnamon-colored bark that flakes off with age. Young shoots are round (in contrast to the tetrahedral psidium guava), pubescent. Glossy dark green thick leathery fragrant leaves are located opposite and quite dense on the branch. Blossom in leaf axils, often solitary, white fragrant flowers with many white-yellow stamens. The fruits are round, with a diameter of 3-6 cm. with numerous seeds, ripen 5-6 months after flowering. Fruits with a red skin are usually sweeter, with a pronounced strawberry flavor, translucent and very juicy pulp. Fruits with a yellow skin (Lucidum) are slightly larger, with yellow flesh, with a lemon aroma. Their taste is softer compared to the common guava (Psidium guajava), without pronounced musky notes, for this reason some people prefer Kettley guava, which is widely grown as a fruit crop. In addition to tasty and plentiful fruits, this species also has a number of remarkable qualities. Strawberry guava forms dense screens, its foliage is much more attractive than that of psidium guava. Very beautiful sheared plants can be formed from it, pruning does not interfere with fruiting next year, since the flowers are located on young growths. Widely used for outdoor gardening in countries with tropical and subtropical climates, easily bears fruit in small containers. The plant is extremely unassuming to soils, can grow even on limestone and very poor soils, tolerates a low salt content, tolerates fairly long periods of drought (but young plants should be watered regularly) and with short periods of waterlogging, is practically not affected by pests. More cold-resistant than guava, the plant - some varieties can withstand short frosts down to -50C. In countries with hot tropical climates, Psidium Kettley prefers to grow at a certain height, where average temperature much lower. Shade-tolerant, however, achieves all its beauty and abundant fruiting only in direct sun. Yellow-fruited varieties are slightly less hardy and prefer warmer climates. Cultivated successfully with citrus crops, prefers a dry, subtropical climate with irrigation. Strawberry guava fruits in nature serve as good food support for many species of birds and animals. And people use them fresh and for making jams, fruit purees and drinks, since plucked fruits are not stored for a long time. Care and maintenance Psidium Kettley is often grown as a pot fruit plant... That high adaptive capacity, which damages some natural ecosystems, is very valuable for adapting to home conditions. Compared to myrtle, its close relative, it is much less capricious. It is advisable to give the strawberry guava at home a place in direct sun, in winter to provide a cool content (+ 12 + 150C). The best place will be a frost-free balcony. Not demanding on soils, tolerates short-term overdrying. It blooms in spring or early summer. For fruit setting, artificial pollination with a soft brush is desirable. Delicious ripen in autumn fragrant fruits, depending on the variety - yellow or red. The leaves always remain glossy, the plant is decorative, it tolerates pruning well. Like all members of the myrtle family, it has a good effect on the air quality in the house. Psidium Kettley is resistant to pests, not affected by whitefly and scale insects, may be affected mealybug, sometimes can be attacked by thrips, with very unfavorable conditions and frequent overdrying can be affected by spider mites. Seeds from fruits germinate well; when stored outside the fruit, they quickly lose their germination. The plant grown from seeds blooms for 3-4 years. Cuttings are reluctant, only in the ground, in a greenhouse, preferably with lower heating and the use of root formation stimulants. The rooting rate is extremely low - it may be more expedient to propagate by air layers.

Strawberry guava or Guava cattley (Psidium cattleyanum)- fruit tree of the Myrtle family. The plant got the name Guava Kettley in honor of the English gardener William Kettley.

Strawberry guava is a small, evergreen, slow-growing, branchy tree or shrub with smooth brown bark and thin branches, 2-4 m high. The plant begins to bear fruit at 3-6 years.

The strawberry guava is an ideal tree for home gardens. Because the plant is small, it does not require much space to grow and bear fruit that the whole family can enjoy. The plant attracts many wild birds who love its delicious fruit.

Leaves are oval, dark green, glossy, 3.4-12 cm long and 1.6-6 cm wide., Smooth, leathery, with prominent veins. The flowers are very fragrant, white, with long stamens, tubular with 5 petals. Blooms from June to December. The plant also bears fruit for a long time throughout the spring and summer.

Strawberry guava fruit round or oval, about the size Walnut, 2.5 - 4 cm in diameter, with a thin skin of dark red, purplish red or lemon yellow color... The pulp of red fruits is white, slightly reddish near the skin, yellowish in yellow fruits. In both types of fruits, the pulp is juicy, translucent, in the pulp there is a large number of soft seeds, has a strawberry aroma and a pleasant sour taste. Fruits with a reddish skin are sweeter with a translucent and juicy pulp, and also have a pronounced strawberry flavor. Fruits with a yellowish skin are slightly larger, with a lemon aroma and yellow pulp.

The chemical composition of strawberry guava. Fruits contain proteins, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, vitamins A, B1,, PP. Also, strawberry guava is rich in trace elements, it contains phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, calcium.

The homeland of the strawberry guava is Eastern Brazil. It is also cultivated on a limited scale in other countries of Central and South America, Florida, Southern California, the Antilles, Bahamas and Bermuda. It has also been introduced and cultivated in Africa, India, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and the Philippines. Currently cultivated in tropical and subtropical areas around the world as a fruit and ornamental plant... In ancient times, strawberry guava was brought by the Portuguese to southern China, from there it came to Europe, hence another, incorrect name - guava chinese, or Chinese psidium (Psidium chinense)... In Europe, it now successfully grows in the south of France and in Spain.

The use of strawberry guava. The fruits of the strawberry guava are consumed fresh and are used to make jams, jellies, sorbets, juices and alcoholic beverages.

Strawberry guava puree and pasta (the fruit is boiled with sugar and water) are used as a filling in baked goods. Plucked fruits are not stored for a long time, so they should be eaten immediately.

How much is strawberry guava (average price per 1 kg.)?

Moscow and Moscow region

Strawberry guava (Latin name Psidium cattleyanum) or kettley guava is an evergreen plant classified scientific classification to the Myrtov family. Guava is a fairly extensive genus of myrtle plants, which includes about 100 different subspecies. Researchers believe that the homeland of the guava can be called the American continent, namely the territory of modern Mexico.

The guava plant grows in the tropical climate of Africa, countries South-East Asia and Oceania. It is worth noting that all types of guava or psidium are small trees or shrubs, which, as a rule, do not exceed 5 meters in height. Guava has long been eaten. This fruit stands out not only for its distinctive taste, but also for its unique vitamin and mineral composition.

It is noteworthy that guava is currently grown in industrial scale... Moreover, the most popular are two main types of plants - strawberry guava and guava. Strawberry guava is a small evergreen tree or shrub that rarely reaches four meters in height. The plant's dark green leathery leaves are 12 cm long.

The fruit of the strawberry guava can be of different colors. As a rule, strawberry guava is found in dark purple-red or light lemon-yellow color. The pulp of strawberry guava is distinguished by its reddish or yellow tint. Interestingly, both main varieties of strawberry guava have the same strawberry flavor and aroma.

Researchers believe that the homeland of the strawberry guava is the territory of Eastern Brazil, where the plant still grows in the wild. Strawberry guava originally grew in the coastal regions of the country, and then quickly spread and adapted to climatic conditions neighboring territories. In addition, strawberry guava is cultivated on an industrial scale in Central, as well as South America, in the USA (Caltfornia, Florida), in the Bahamas and Bermuda.

Strawberry guava grows in the countries of Southeast Asia (Malaysia, Philippines, India, Sri Lanka). The fruits of the strawberry guava are eaten fresh. The most popular is strawberry guava juice, as well as jams, preserves, sherbets made from the fruits of the plant. In addition, strawberry guava is used in the production of some national spirits.

It is worth noting that strawberry guava fruits came to Europe thanks to the Spanish conquistadors who brought the fruit from China. For quite a long time, the strawberry guava has been called the Chinese psidium. Currently, strawberry guava is successfully cultivated in Europe, southern France, and also in Spain.

Calorie content of strawberry guava 69 kcal

Energy value of strawberry guava (The ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bju):

: 0.58 g. (~ 2 kcal)
: 0.6 g (~ 5 kcal)
: 17.36 g. (~ 69 kcal)

Energy ratio (b | f | y): 3% | 8% | 101%

Guava Strawberry has the same names Guayava, Psidium Cattley, Guava Peruvian or Strawberry (Psidium cattleianum) - a genus of plants of the Myrtle family, small evergreen tree reaching 4 m in height.

Young shoots are 4-sided. Leaves are oblong-oval, 7-15 cm long and 3-7 cm wide, glabrous above, pubescent below and with prominent veins. Flowers one by one or 2-3, 2-2.5 cm wide, white. The fruit is round, pear-shaped, with pink fragrant pulp, polyspermous (fruits of some varieties with white and yellow pulp). It is widely known in the culture as a fruit, in tropical America, Asia and Africa. Suitable for light and warm spacious rooms.

Guava leaves, flowers and fruits are bactericidal. The fruit extract is active against Salmonella. The plant is used as one of effective means with diabetes. For this, fresh leaves (9 g) are used daily in their raw form or an infusion is made from them, which is consumed in the form of tea. It has a positive effect both at the initial stage and in case of moderate diabetes. The content of glucose in blood and urine decreases markedly. The tool can be used to prevent diabetes.

Strawberry guava blooms exclusively in spring. It takes 5-6 months from flowering to fruit ripening. Fruits no more than 4 cm in diameter, contain juicy, sweet pulp. The taste of the fruit is soft and does not contain a musky aroma. Jams, juices, preserves, jellies are made from juicy fruits, alcoholic drinks... Delicious raw strawberry guava.

Psidium needs bright diffused light; the plant should be shaded from direct sunlight. For psidium in the spring summer period optimum temperature around 22-24 ° C. In the autumn-winter period, coastal psidium is optimally kept at a temperature of about 12-15 ° C. Guayava prefers temperatures around 22-24 ° C throughout the year.

Water the plants abundantly, with soft, settled water, as the upper layer of the substrate dries up.

Psidiums prefer high humidity air, respond well to spraying with soft, settled water. You can place plant pots on pallets with damp expanded clay or peat. In this case, the bottom of the pot should not touch the water.

Landing:The seeds are sown in pots. Upon reaching a height of 10-15 cm, the seedlings are planted one at a time in 7-9 cm pots. The soil is used with the following composition: turf, humus, sand (1: 1: 1). Plants are watered abundantly, placed in a bright place, kept at a temperature of 22-24 ° C. Young plants are replanted annually.

Briefly: Seed collection October 2017. Suitable for making bonsai. Description Psidium CATTLEIANUM or Guava Strawberry has the same names Guayava, Psidium Cattley, Guava Peruvian or strawberry - a small evergreen tree reaching 4 m in height.

The native land of the species is Tropical America. Young shoots are 4-sided. Leaves are oblong-oval, 7-15 cm long and 3-7 cm wide, glabrous above, pubescent below and with prominent veins. Flowers one by one or 2-3, 2-2.5 cm wide, white. The fruit is round, pear-shaped, with pink fragrant pulp, polyspermous (fruits of some varieties with white and yellow pulp). It is widely known in the culture as a fruit, in tropical America, Asia and Africa. Suitable for light and warm spacious rooms.

Guava leaves, flowers and fruits are bactericidal. The fruit extract is active against Salmonella. The plant is used as one of the most effective remedies for diabetes. For this, fresh leaves (9 g) are used daily in their raw form or an infusion is made from them, which is consumed in the form of tea. It has a positive effect both at the initial stage and in case of moderate diabetes. The content of glucose in blood and urine decreases markedly. The tool can be used to prevent diabetes.

Strawberry guava blooms exclusively in spring. It takes 5-6 months from flowering to fruit ripening. Guava fruits are divided by color into two types: Bright red with a pronounced strawberry flavor and yellow fruits or yellow-green with lemon flavor.

Fruits no more than 4 cm in diameter, contain juicy, sweet pulp. The taste of the fruit is soft and does not contain a musky aroma. Jams, juices, preserves, jellies, and alcoholic drinks are made from juicy fruits. Delicious raw strawberry guava.

Guava. Care and maintenance:

Psidium needs bright diffused light; the plant should be shaded from direct sunlight. Suitable for growing on western or eastern windows. It grows well near south-facing windows, but the plant should be protected from direct sun, especially in summer, using gauze or a tulle curtain for this. V winter time also needs good lighting, therefore, you can carry out additional supplementary lighting of the plant with fluorescent lamps. In summer, the plant can be taken out into the open air, in a place protected from direct sunlight.

For psidium in the spring-summer period, the optimum temperature is in the region of 22-24 °. In the autumn-winter period, coastal psidium is optimally kept at a temperature of about 12-15 ° C. Guayava prefers temperatures around 22-24 ° C throughout the year.

Water the plants abundantly, with soft, settled water, as the upper layer of the substrate dries up.

Psidiums prefer high air humidity, respond well to spraying with soft, settled water. You can place plant pots on pallets with damp expanded clay or peat. In this case, the bottom of the pot should not touch the water.

Plants are fed monthly from autumn to spring. organic fertilizer... From spring to autumn, during the active growing season, they are fed every 10 days. You can alternate mineral and organic feeding.

Plants are transplanted in the spring. Young annually, adults as needed. The plant is not too demanding on the substrate, a substrate of sod, humus soil and sand in equal proportions is suitable. Provide good drainage at the bottom of the pot.

Psidiums are propagated by grafts, air layers, seeds, and semi-green and ripe cuttings.

The cuttings are rooted at a temperature of 26-28 ° C.

The seeds are sown in pots. Upon reaching a height of 10-15 cm, the seedlings are planted one at a time in 7-9 cm pots. The soil is used as follows: turf - 1 hour, humus - 1 hour, sand - 1 hour. Plants are watered abundantly, placed in a bright place, kept at a temperature of 22-24 ° C. Young plants are replanted annually.

When planted in greenhouse soil, the plants bear fruit abundantly and regularly, almost annually. In the tropics, fruiting occurs in the 4th-5th year.

Possible difficulties:

Falling leaves can be caused by too dry air.

With excessive watering, mottling appears on the leaves, and they fall off.

Direct Sun rays can also cause burns and leaf fall.

Damaged by: aphids, scale insects.

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