Guava Strawberry and other fruit home exotics

Encyclopedia of Plants 14.06.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants


Guava Strawberry 450 and 609 rubles - is valued for its purple-red fruits with white-reddish very juicy pulp and an unusually strong strawberry aroma that cannot be expressed in words
There is Guava Yellow 430 rubles with excellent taste

there are many fruit trees, which grow well and bear fruit in natural room conditions
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- olive
- tabernemontana
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- and many other plants for home, office, winter garden...

There are many rare FRUIT TREES that easily and willingly bear fruit indoors without requiring pollination or any special care!


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Or psidium Kettley (Psidium cattleianum), named after the famous English gardener William Kettley. Its other names are often used - Peruvian, or strawberry guava. (strawberry guava). The name is synonymous coastal guava, or psidium coastal (Psidium littorale). In the literature one can often find the name Psidium littorale var. Cattleianum to designate a red-fruited variety - strawberry guava and Psidium littorale var. Littoral- for the variety with yellow fruits (lemon guava).

Native to the coastal regions of Eastern Brazil, the strawberry guava has rapidly spread and adapted to many tropical climates, and is now recognized as an invasive species in Hawaii and the Caribbean where it forms dense thickets. Psidium Kettley is very prolific, shade-tolerant, aggressive in its vegetative growth, easily produces basal shoots and powerful leaf litter, which, apparently, contains substances that are toxic to seedlings of other plant species.

In ancient times, Kettley's guava was brought by the Portuguese to South China, from there it came to Europe, hence another, incorrect name appeared - Chinese guava, or Chinese psidium (Psidium chinense). In Europe, it now successfully grows in the south of France and in Spain.

strawberry guava- very beautiful, dense, compact evergreen, rarely exceeding 4 meters in height, grows as a shrub or small tree, with cinnamon-colored bark that flakes off with age. Young shoots are rounded (unlike the tetrahedral guava psidium), pubescent. Glossy dark green, thick, leathery, fragrant leaves are arranged oppositely and quite densely on the branch. In the axils of the leaves bloom, often solitary, white fragrant flowers with many white-yellow stamens. The fruits are round, 3-6 cm in diameter. with numerous seeds, ripen 5-6 months after flowering.

Red-skinned fruits are usually sweeter, with a pronounced strawberry flavor, translucent and very juicy flesh. Fruits with yellow skin (Lucidum) slightly larger, with yellow flesh, lemon flavor. Their taste is milder compared to common guava. (Psidium guajava), without pronounced musky notes, for this reason some people prefer Kettley guava, widely growing it as a fruit crop.

In addition to tasty and plentiful fruits, this species has a number of remarkable qualities. Strawberry guava forms dense screens, its foliage is much more attractive than that of guava psidium. Very beautiful sheared plants can be formed from it, pruning does not interfere with fruiting next year, since the flowers are located on young growths. Widely used for outdoor gardening in tropical and sub-tropical countries, easily fruiting in small containers. The plant is extremely undemanding to soils, can grow even on limestone and very poor soils, tolerates a low salt content, puts up with fairly long periods of drought (but young plants should be watered regularly) and with short periods of waterlogging, is practically not affected by pests. More cold-resistant than guava, a plant - some varieties can withstand short frosts down to -5 o C. In countries with a hot tropical climate, Kettley's psidium prefers to grow at a certain height, where average temperature much lower. Shade-tolerant, however, it reaches all its beauty and abundant fruiting only in direct sun.

Yellow-fruited varieties are slightly less hardy and prefer warmer climates. Successfully grown together with citrus crops, prefers a dry subtropical climate with irrigation.

Strawberry guava fruits in nature serve as a good fodder for many species of birds and animals. And people use them fresh and for making jams, fruit purees and drinks, since plucked fruits do not keep for a long time.

Care and maintenance

Psidium Kettley is often grown as a potted plant. fruit plant. That high adaptability, which damages some natural ecosystems, is very valuable for adaptation to domestic conditions. Compared to myrtle, his close relative, he is much less capricious. Strawberry guava at home is desirable to provide a place in the direct sun, in winter to provide a cool content (+12 ... + 15 ° C). The best place would be a non-freezing balcony.

It is not demanding on soils, tolerates short-term drying. Blooms in spring or early summer. For fruit setting, artificial pollination with a soft brush is desirable. Delicious fruits ripen in autumn fragrant fruits, depending on the variety - yellow or red. The leaves always remain glossy, the plant is decorative, tolerates pruning well. Like all representatives of the myrtle family, it has a good effect on the air quality in the house. Psidium Kettley is resistant to pests, is not affected by whiteflies and scale insects, can be affected mealybug, can sometimes be attacked by thrips, with very adverse conditions and frequent overdrying can be affected by spider mites.

Seeds from fruits germinate well; when stored outside the fruit, they quickly lose their germination capacity. A plant grown from seeds blooms for 3-4 years. It is reluctant to take cuttings, only in the ground, in a greenhouse, preferably with bottom heating and the use of root formation stimulants. The percentage of rooting is extremely low - it may be more expedient to propagate by air layering.

Photo: Natalia Semenova, Rita Brilliantova

Briefly: Seed collection October 2017. Suitable for making bonsai. Description Psidium CATTLEIANUM or Strawberry Guava also has the names Guava, Psidium Kettley, Guava Peruvian or strawberry - small evergreen tree reaching 4 m in height.

The birthplace of the species is Tropical America. Young shoots are 4-sided. The leaves are oblong-oval, 7-15 cm long and 3-7 cm wide, glabrous above, pubescent below and with prominent veins. Flowers singly or 2-3, 2-2.5 cm wide, white. The fruit is round, pear-shaped, with pink fragrant pulp, multi-seeded (fruits of some varieties with white and yellow flesh). Widely known in culture as a fruit, in tropical America, Asia and Africa. Suitable for light and warm spacious rooms.

Leaves, flowers and fruits of guava have a bactericidal effect. The fruit extract is active against Salmonella. The plant is used as one of effective means with diabetes. To do this, fresh leaves (9 g) are used daily in their raw form or an infusion is made from them, which is consumed in the form of tea. It has a positive effect both at the initial stage and with moderate severity of diabetes. The content of glucose in the blood and urine is markedly reduced. The tool can be used to prevent diabetes.

Strawberry guava blooms exclusively in spring. From flowering to fruit ripening takes 5-6 months. Guava fruits are divided by color into two types: Bright red with a pronounced strawberry flavor and yellow fruits or yellow-green with a lemon flavor.

Fruits no more than 4 cm in diameter, contain juicy, sweet pulp. The taste of the fruit is mild, and does not contain a musky aroma. From juicy fruits, jams, juices, preserves, jelly, alcoholic drinks. Delicious raw strawberry guava fruit.

Guava. Care and maintenance:

Psidium needs bright diffused light; the plant should be shaded from direct sunlight. Suitable for growing on western or eastern windows. It grows well near south-facing windows, but the plant should be protected from direct sun, especially in summer period, for this use gauze or a tulle curtain. AT winter time also needs good lighting, therefore, it is possible to carry out additional illumination of the plant with fluorescent lamps. In summer, the plant can be taken out into the open air, in a place protected from direct sunlight.

For psidium in spring and summer optimum temperature in the region of 22-24 °. In the autumn-winter period, coastal psidium is optimally kept at a temperature of about 12-15 ° C. Guava prefers temperatures around 22-24°C throughout the year.

Water the plants abundantly, with soft settled water, as the top layer of the substrate dries up.

Psidiums prefer high humidity air, respond well to spraying with soft settled water. You can place plant pots on pallets with wet expanded clay or peat. In this case, the bottom of the pot should not touch the water.

Plants are fertilized monthly from autumn to spring. organic fertilizer. From spring to autumn, during the period of active vegetation, feed every 10 days. You can alternate mineral and organic top dressing.

Transplant plants in the spring. Young annually, adults as needed. The plant is not too demanding on the substrate; a substrate of turf, humus soil and sand in equal proportions is suitable. The bottom of the pot provides good drainage.

Psidiums are propagated by grafting, air layering, seeds, and semi-green and matured cuttings.

The cuttings are rooted at a temperature of 26-28°C.

Seeds are sown in pots. Upon reaching a height of 10-15 cm, seedlings are planted one at a time in 7-9 cm pots. The soil of the following composition is used: turf - 1 hour, humus - 1 hour, sand - 1 hour. Plants are watered abundantly, set in a bright place, kept at a temperature of 22-24°C. Young plants are transplanted annually.

When planted in the soil of the greenhouse, the plants bear fruit abundantly and regularly, almost annually. In the tropics, fruiting occurs in the 4-5th year.

Possible difficulties:

Leaf drop can be caused by too dry air.

With excessive watering, spotting appears on the leaves, and they fall off.

Direct Sun rays can also cause burns and leaf fall.

Damaged by: aphids, scale insects.

Guava acquired its second name thanks to gardener William Kettley. There are several other names for strawberry guava, such as Peruvian or strawberry.

strawberry guava fruit

Strawberry guava blooms exclusively in spring. From flowering to fruit ripening takes 5-6 months. Guava fruits are divided by color into two types: Bright red with a pronounced strawberry flavor

Yellow fruits or yellow-green with lemon flavor

Fruits no more than 4 cm in diameter, contain juicy, sweet pulp. The taste of the fruit is mild, and does not contain a musky aroma. Jams, juices, preserves, jellies, alcoholic drinks are prepared from juicy fruits. Delicious raw strawberry guava fruit.

Strawberry guava is often grown at home, greenhouses and winter gardens. The plant is not at all capricious to the soil, any soil is perfect. Also on sale there is a special soil for myrtle plants. By trimming guava leaves, you can create any shape. The plant tolerates shade remarkably, but the sun is more favorable for growth and fruiting.

For favorable growth homemade guava, the temperature conditions should not be lower than 15 ° C. Don't forget that tropical plant does not tolerate temperature changes. A light frost can be detrimental to guava, especially when young. A young plant needs to be watered more often, the soil should not dry out. Feed the plant several times a year, especially in spring.

Propagation is more successful by seeds than by cuttings. For planting, it is better to immediately take a larger pot, as the guava grows very quickly. Seeds need to be filled with water at room temperature for a couple of hours. Then place the seeds in several holes and lightly sprinkle with sand. Until the moment of germination, the pot is preferably located in a sunny, bright place. In order for the plant to branch, it should be pinched in the first year of life. Plants over two years old should be pruned every year.

Young guava will bloom no earlier than three years after planting.

It is necessary to pollinate the flowers artificially, this must be done with a brush with a soft bristle. And already in the fall, guava will delight you with juicy fragrant fruits.

Guava has a great effect on indoor air quality, however, like all members of the myrtle family. The plant is extremely resistant to many pests. Leaves always delight with a brilliant, bright green gloss. Under especially unfavorable conditions of detention, it is possible to damage the guava with a spider mite.

Nutritional value of strawberry guava

The energy value of guava is 69 kcal. Fruits contain the necessary proteins, carbohydrates, dietary fiber.

Vitamins A, B1, C, PP.

Guava is also rich in trace elements: phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, calcium.

Masks and balms from guava eliminate the separation of damaged hair. They rejuvenate the skin of the face, reduce wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones. Such masks are perfectly prepared at home, you can experiment by mixing ripe juicy fruits with bananas, cottage cheese, honey.

Guava Kettley, or strawberry guava Author: Semenova Natalia collector indoor plants, editor (section houseplants) Among the plants of the genus Guava (Psidium), Kettley's guava, or Kettley's psidium (Psidium cattleianum), named after the famous English gardener William Kettley, is widely cultivated. Its other names are also often used - Peruvian, or strawberry guava (strawberry guava). A synonym is the name coastal guava, or coastal psidium (Psidium littorale). In the literature you can often find the name Psidium littorale var. Cattleianum for the red-fruited variety, strawberry guava, and Psidium littorale var. Littorale - for the yellow-fruited variety (lemon guava). Native to the coastal regions of Eastern Brazil, the strawberry guava has rapidly spread and adapted to many tropical climates, and is now recognized as an invasive species in Hawaii and the Caribbean where it forms dense thickets. Psidium Kettley is very prolific, shade-tolerant, aggressive in its vegetative growth, easily produces basal shoots and powerful leaf litter, which, apparently, contains substances that are toxic to seedlings of other plant species. In ancient times, Kettley's guava was brought by the Portuguese to South China, from there it came to Europe, hence another, incorrect name appeared - Chinese guava, or Chinese psidium (Psidium chinense). In Europe, it now successfully grows in the south of France and in Spain. Strawberry guava is a very beautiful, dense, compact evergreen plant, rarely exceeding 4 meters in height, growing as a shrub or small tree, with cinnamon-colored bark that flakes off with age. Young shoots are rounded (unlike the tetrahedral guava psidium), pubescent. Glossy dark green, thick, leathery, fragrant leaves are arranged oppositely and quite densely on the branch. In the axils of the leaves bloom, often solitary, white fragrant flowers with many white-yellow stamens. The fruits are round, 3-6 cm in diameter. with numerous seeds, ripen 5-6 months after flowering. Red-skinned fruits are usually sweeter, with a pronounced strawberry flavor, translucent and very juicy flesh. The yellow-skinned fruit (Lucidum) is slightly larger, yellow-fleshed and lemon-scented. Their taste is softer than common guava (Psidium guajava), without pronounced musky notes, for this reason some people prefer Kettley guava, widely grown as a fruit crop. In addition to tasty and plentiful fruits, this species has a number of remarkable qualities. Strawberry guava forms dense screens, its foliage is much more attractive than that of guava psidium. Very beautiful sheared plants can be formed from it, pruning does not interfere with fruiting next year, since the flowers are located on young growths. Widely used for outdoor gardening in tropical and sub-tropical countries, easily fruiting in small containers. The plant is extremely undemanding to soils, can grow even on limestone and very poor soils, tolerates a low salt content, puts up with fairly long periods of drought (but young plants should be watered regularly) and with short periods of waterlogging, is practically not affected by pests. More cold-resistant than guava, the plant - some varieties can withstand short frosts down to -50C. In countries with a hot tropical climate, Psidium Kettley prefers to grow at a certain altitude, where the average temperature is much lower. Shade-tolerant, however, it reaches all its beauty and abundant fruiting only in direct sun. Yellow-fruited varieties are slightly less hardy and prefer warmer climates. Successfully grown together with citrus crops, prefers a dry subtropical climate with irrigation. Strawberry guava fruits in nature serve as a good fodder for many species of birds and animals. And people use them fresh and for making jams, fruit purees and drinks, since plucked fruits do not keep for a long time. Care and maintenance Psidium Kettley is often grown as a potted fruit plant. That high adaptability, which damages some natural ecosystems, is very valuable for adaptation to domestic conditions. Compared to myrtle, his close relative, he is much less capricious. Strawberry guava at home is desirable to provide a place in the direct sun, in winter to provide a cool content (+ 12 + 150C). The best place would be a non-freezing balcony. It is not demanding on soils, tolerates short-term drying. Blooms in spring or early summer. For fruit setting, artificial pollination with a soft brush is desirable. Delicious fragrant fruits ripen in autumn, depending on the variety - yellow or red. The leaves always remain glossy, the plant is decorative, tolerates pruning well. Like all representatives of the myrtle family, it has a good effect on the air quality in the house. Psidium Kettley is resistant to pests, is not affected by whiteflies and scale insects, can be affected by mealybugs, can sometimes be attacked by thrips, under very unfavorable conditions and frequent drying out can be affected by spider mites. Seeds from fruits germinate well; when stored outside the fruit, they quickly lose their germination capacity. A plant grown from seeds blooms for 3-4 years. It is reluctant to take cuttings, only in the ground, in a greenhouse, preferably with bottom heating and the use of root formation stimulants. The percentage of rooting is extremely low - it may be more expedient to propagate by air layering.

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