A visitor from the tropics is the ficus “Benedict. Proper care for ficus ali at home Possible difficulties in growing

Engineering systems 23.06.2020
Engineering systems

When the willow ficus grows up and the pot becomes too cramped for it, there is not enough earth for the roots, it dries up quickly, it's time to replant the plant. The pot for Benedict is chosen a couple of centimeters larger than the previous one.

Young plants need an annual transplant, and 4-5 year olds can be transplanted every two years or less.

Before transplanting, the plant is watered abundantly. Be sure to examine the roots of the ficus. Rotten or damaged parts are removed. The bottom of the container is laid out with expanded clay or pebbles.

At the end of the process, the new settler is again watered at the root. If necessary, the migrant is reinforced with a support. Adult specimens growing in large containers require only renewal of the top layer of the earth without replanting. Resettlement of green pets is carried out in the spring-summer season. In winter, plants are not disturbed.

Ficus Ali, a less popular name is Benedict, one of the many types of ficus adapted to domestic conditions. Southeast Asia is considered the homeland. It got its name from the discoverer of this species (Simon Benedict).

There are several varieties. External views are not quite similar to ordinary ficuses. Benedict is not whimsical to strict living conditions and care is quite simple.

Description: In its natural environment, it reaches a height of 15-20 m. A tree-like evergreen with a tall and even trunk and brown bark at maturity. Young trees have dark bark. There are light streaks on the surface of the bark.

Narrow, belt-like leaves with a pointed end and drooping branches.

The color of the leaves depends on the habitat and the variety: monochromatic or variegated. The length reaches 30 cm, the width is 5-7 cm.

A vein is clearly visible along the leaf; less noticeable lateral veins evenly extend from it to the sides. The central vein bends the leaf in half, as if breaking it.

The appearance of the ficus "Ali"

Ficus Ali (cv. ‘Alii’ or Ficus Binnendijkii), ficus Binnendijk hides under its name a whole group of similar plants.

In the 19th century. they were discovered and described by the Dutch botanist Simon Binnendijk.

Ficus leaves, dark green and long, similar to willow leaves.

Therefore, it has another name - willow ficus.

Information! The scientific name of the plant is Ficus binnendijkii, but due to difficulty in pronunciation or other reason, it is rarely used. Usually called Ficus Alii

Ficus Alii is a fast growing and evergreen tree that can grow up to 20 m in the wild.

At home, ficus Ali grows up to 2 m.

This plant came out of the tropics of Southeast Asia and spread to the territory that covers the foothills of the Himalayas, Nepal, Burma, Thailand, Java, Borneo, Sumatra.

This ficus can grow successfully both indoors and in a winter garden.

Among florists, different varieties of ficus are used.

But varieties differ only in the width of the leaves.

If you follow certain conditions, then Ali's ficuses will delight you with their appearance.

These are the conditions:

  • illumination;
  • temperature;
  • watering;
  • humidity;
  • the soil.


Ali - strong and not whimsical plants.

But they have their own preferences.

One of the most important is light. Plants prefer bright rooms, but so that direct sunlight does not fall on it.

Ficuses with variegated leaves need bright diffused light, plants with green leaves do well in partial shade.

Backlighting is required in winter.

Ali does not like when he is moved, turned, he is a "stay-at-home", so you need to look for a place for him in the room, taking into account his future growth.


Room temperature is comfortable enough for ficuses.

Optimum in summer is 20-25 ° C, in winter 16-20 ° C.

Interesting! if the room is warm, then the plant needs more light, and vice versa, the cooler it is in the room, the shorter the daylight hours. In nature, this is associated with the seasons.

This flower does not like both drought and excessive moisture.

It requires regular and moderate watering, avoiding stagnant water and waterlogging of the soil.

Experts advise to water the ficus when the topsoil dries up by 1-2 cm.

Air humidity

Humidity is important to Ficus Alii, so they will appreciate regular spraying.

If the plant is not large, you can rinse it under the shower.

Tip: You can buy soil for the plant at the store: special soil for ficuses or use soil for palm trees.

If you do it yourself, then for young plants you need to use the following mixture: turf, sand and peat in equal parts, adult ficuses love loose and nutritious soil

Important! Alkaline and acidic soils are not suitable for Ali's ficus!

Ficuses need to be fed sometimes, it is optimal to do this every 10-14 days, alternating organic and mineral fertilizers.

Ficuses need feeding only in the spring-summer period.

If you buy ficus Ali as a home plant, caring for it will be minimal, since the tree is unpretentious. But some "wishes" from the willow leaf to the owner, nevertheless, are there. Many novice flower growers often make typical mistakes when caring for a green pet. To prevent this from happening, it is important to take into account some of the subtleties that will have to be faced after he finds himself in a new home.

One of the keys to the success of growing any ficus is a sufficient amount of sunlight, but without exposure to direct radiation. It is better that the lighting is soft and diffused. In principle, if a florist has acquired a plant with monochromatic foliage, it can feel normal in partial shade, but the variegated leaf will definitely not tolerate such an attitude towards itself and will begin to declare this with a total loss of leaves. The best place is a window facing east or southeast, without drafts.

Ali, like other ficus plants, greets warmly. In summer, the best temperature for him is from 22 to 25 ° C, and in winter it is not recommended to leave him indoors if the thermometer there drops below 16 ° C. If the temperature in the room drops sharply, the plant may die, especially if the pot or tub is on the floor.

Since the tree does not make special requirements for air humidity, its moderate indicators - 50-70% - will be enough for it. In the hot season, foliage spraying should be added to watering activities. It is advisable to either get a humidifier, or put an aquarium or a large container of water next to the pot. You will get effective moisturizing that does not require serious money.

By the state of the topsoil in the pot, you can always determine whether Ali's ficus needs water treatments. When the layer dries up two to three centimeters deep, and the soil becomes crumbly, it's time to water. Scheme - one to two times a week. Neither "pour" nor "underfill" is allowed.

Many novice flower growers, having read that a tree loves moisture, often make a total mistake, starting to water it too abundantly. This leads to decay of the roots, and it can be difficult to reanimate the plant after it. Therefore, the amount of liquid should always be monitored, as well as regularly check the condition of the pan in the pot or tub so that there is no excess water left.

Water for irrigation must be kept at room temperature. It is impossible to use immediately the water that flows from the tap. It contains lime, and it greatly spoils the appearance of the foliage: whitish stains appear on it, and it can be very problematic to remove them.

Spraying activities, as already mentioned, are carried out in the heat. But do not neglect them even in winter, when heaters and batteries are operating. It is recommended to purchase a fine atomizer for this purpose. Spraying itself is carried out once or twice a week, depending on weather conditions. Dust from the leaves is carefully removed with a soft and damp cloth. In the hot summer, it is quite possible to arrange a shower for the plant with the help of a slightly warm, moderate stream of water.

Soil requirements

Ficus Binnendijka grows well and develops in a special soil designed for it. However, if you cook the soil yourself, the effect will be even better. It consists of peat, turf, fine sand, charcoal and red brick chips, mixed in equal proportions. It is important not to forget about the drainage holes in the pot. For a young ficus, three components will be enough: peat, sand and sod.

Ficus Benedict needs to be fed periodically. Fertilization usually starts in March and ends in August. At the same time, it is recommended to alternate root and foliar dressing, making them every two to three weeks.

Crown formation

This tree is very well formed, the formation of its crown can be done in different ways, among which there are both simple and more complex ones. The easiest way is to arrange a culture in the form of a simple trunk. First, the side branches are pruned, leaving only five of them in the center. After that, the tip of the longest and strongest branch is pinched, and a spherical shape is given to the entire lateral growth. After this trimming, it is necessary to briefly equip the support for the trunk.

The stem, consisting of two tiers, is already more difficult to make. To do this, the tree must be divided into three levels, giving the shape of a ball to both the upper and lower parts, and in the middle, remove all lateral branches.

Crown formation is carried out only in spring and summer, when the plant is in an active phase of growth and development. The time from October to February should be excluded. The pruning process itself should be carried out with a sharp pruner, avoiding hemp-shaped cuts. Sections are processed with garden varnish and sprinkled with crushed charcoal, and the pruner must be treated with alcohol.

Taking care of Ali's ficus is one of the easiest. In indoor conditions, the tree almost never blooms, the main stages of cultivation are watering, feeding and mandatory formative pruning of the crown, creating ideal lighting conditions and temperature indicators.


All varieties of ficuses are photophilous, so for growing, choose illuminated sills of windows facing south or southeast. Varieties with dark green leaves can grow in partial shade and prefer the absence of direct sunlight. Variegated forms are suitable for growing even in direct sunlight, but they need to be shaded on hot summer days.

Temperature regime

In its natural environment, the Binnendijka ficus grows at a constantly high temperature of the subtropics. Differs in thermophilicity, does not tolerate cold drafts, a sharp decrease or fluctuations in temperature. The temperature regime differs depending on the season:

  • in winter, the maximum possible temperature drop is 16 degrees;
  • in summer, the temperature will be optimal up to 30 degrees.

When the temperature drops below 10 degrees, the ficus withers, leaves fall, the plant enters a state of dormancy. If the flower is hypothermic, pour it with warm water and put it in a sunny place.

Varieties with dark green foliage are more frost-resistant, can tolerate a short-term drop in temperature to 7 degrees, variegated varieties die already at 10 degrees.

Air humidity

For this small-leaved indoor ficus, air humidity is critical. In a dry room or with a sharp rise in temperature, the leaves may dry out, turn yellow, and fall off.

In this case, you need to regularly spray the plant, and try to get on the upper and lower parts of the leaves. It is better to use not ordinary tap water, but rain, distilled or filtered water. The procedure is carried out as needed; in the hot summer season, it can be sprayed daily.

A warm shower is an additional measure of humidification. The plant is completely bathed, previously covering the surface of the earth with a package so as not to overmoisten the soil.

Watering rules

It is necessary to take care of the plant regularly, one of the most important stages is watering. Between the introduction of water into the soil, drying of the earthen coma by at least 3 cm should be observed.Watering can be done in two ways:

  1. From above - gently bring settled or purified water into the near-root zone. The amount of water depends on the volume of the root system and the height of the tree.
  2. From the pallet. If there are drainage holes at the bottom of the pot, additional humidification can be arranged from the bottom of the container. Coarse sand or pebbles are poured into a flat wide pan, water is poured. As the soil dries up, the plant draws out moisture by its roots.


Ficus Ali (Binnendiyka)

Mulberry family. Ficus binnendiyka is native to the tropical forests of Southeast Asia, the extent of its distribution from the foothills of the Himalayas, through Nepal, Burma, Thailand, and to Vietnam, Java, Borneo, Sumatra, Philippines. It spread to other parts of the world in countries with tropical climates, is also popular in the United States, and is grown on the streets in parks and gardens. Grows everywhere except in the wettest and driest habitats on all major islands, best in rocky and rocky open areas.

These are evergreen trees or shrubs that grow in nature about 20 m in height, at home about 1.5 m. It has a powerful root system, very aggressive in favorable conditions. Leaves are shiny, dark green, about 25-30 cm long and 6-7 wide. As with all ficuses, when cut or broken, a sticky white milky sap is released from any part of the plant.

Description Vitaly Alenkin (Vitaly): Ficus binnendijkii Miquel - the bark of young shoots is light green. Young shoots quickly lignify. On the trunks and lateral shoots of middle-aged plants, the bark is dark brown, rough, with white streaks, partially exfoliates in the form of small gray pieces (ribbons). In adult plants, the bark is light gray with white streaks.

Young leaves on the tops of the shoots are tubularly twisted, in light green stipules. The latter, after opening the leaf, dry up and fall off. Fully formed leaves are lanceolate (resembling oleander leaves), slightly concave along the midrib (boatlike), smooth to the touch, hard, glossy with a pointed tip and a triangular base, from 25 to 30 cm long and up to 4-4.5 cm wide. The leaf blade is dark green above, matt green below, with a pronounced powerful yellow-green central vein. The petiole is 3-4 cm.

Among florists, you can hear the names "willow ficus" related to the binnendey ficus. The leaves of this ficus really resemble willow in shape, but this is a popular name, not a botanical one.

Temperature: moderate, optimal within the range of 20-25 ° C, in winter, it is possible to keep it at lower temperatures around 16-18 ° C, with limited watering, the limit is 13 ° C with a dry content. In case of sudden changes in temperature, it can shed leaves.

Lighting: bright diffused light, light partial shade. With a lack of light, the shoots stretch out, the leaves thin out. Direct sunlight can cause burns in the hot afternoon. Variegated varieties like 'Amstel Gold need more intense lighting, with some sunlight in the morning or evening.

Watering: in summer, moderate, the topsoil should dry out completely. In winter, with a decrease in illumination and temperature, watering is limited to such an extent that the soil dries out completely. Ficus Ali and other varieties of Binnendijka endure severe overdrying, but die from waterlogging.

Humidity: Leaves can be sprayed, especially in hot dry weather in summer and in winter when central heating is on. If the size of the pot allows, then you can wear the binnendey ficus in the shower every two weeks, while covering the ground from water ingress.

Top dressing with fertilizers: from March to August, once every two to three weeks, they are fed with fertilizers for decorative leafy plants.

Reproduction: cuttings, which are easily rooted in water in good light, as well as air layering. Cut the cuttings about 15 to 25 cm long. Just put in a jar of water, it takes from a month to three to form roots. But this is much faster than rooting in a greenhouse in the ground. To prevent the water in the jar from blooming, change it every 2 days.

Formation of appearance: ficus binnendijka is a large plant, with good care, an adult plant requires periodic pruning in order to maintain a compact shape. You can grow ficus in the form of a stem, or by braiding the trunks of several cuttings, planted in one pot, with a pigtail. Even if you don't form Ali's ficus in any way, it will still grow into a beautiful lush empty.

Young ficuses are transplanted annually in spring, into fresh soil. But if it turns out that the roots have not grown too much, there is a lot of free land, plant it in the same pot, only replacing the soil with fresh one.

Old binnendeyka ficuses are transplanted every 2-3 years, but you can add fresh fertile soil every year by removing the top 2-3 cm of the old soil.

The soil for ficuses should be loose and nutritious. Such a mixture is suitable: sod land 2 parts, leaf or greenhouse 1 part, you can add chopped pine bark, vermiculite and charcoal. An important condition is good drainage to the bottom of the pot, and the acidity of the soil should be slightly acidic, or close to neutral (pH 5.5-6.5).

The most widespread variety of Ficus binnendik Ali. Very often the name of the species is omitted and shortened to the ficus Ali.

Ficus Ali is also called Ficus Benedict and it is a species that is very common in home floriculture. In nature, it can be found in Southeast Asia. And this plant was named so, in honor of the man who first discovered this species and his name is Simon Benedict.

There are several varieties of this plant. Their appearance is somewhat unusual for ficuses. Ficus Ali is quite unpretentious and undemanding to care for.

Planting and transplanting

It is better to do the transplanting and reproduction (planting) of ficuses in early spring, when the plant is just awakening.

Young plants are transplanted annually, completely changing the soil.

Adults are transplanted by the transshipment method, every 3 years.

Large plants are not transplanted. They are fed and the topsoil is renewed once a year.

How to propagate ficus Ali - reproduction is usually carried out during its transplantation: by layering, by cuttings (cuttings, which are most often cut from the top). Branches suitable for propagation can also be used those that remained after pruning, however, the transplanting process is most conveniently combined with dividing the tree into several parts.

Until the plant reaches three to four years of age, it is advisable to transplant it annually, and in the future it will be needed no more often than once every five years. If the tree is already very large, it is not necessary to replant it: it is enough to change the topsoil every year to fresh and nutritious.

Ficus Ali should be transplanted into a container that is two to three centimeters larger than the previous one. Before removing the ficus from the pot, the soil is watered so that you can get it quickly, without severely injuring the root system. All roots should be well examined and rinsed. If any part of them has rotted, which is sometimes found in adult plants, the damaged areas are immediately excised and treated with an antifungal agent. Then the tree is placed in a new container and gradually covered with earth. After transplanting it should be watered.

In order for the new planting material separated from the "mother" plant to be able to root well, there should be several rooted shoots. Thus, there is a chance to grow different specimens, which in the future may differ from each other in the growth rate and splendor of the crown. The beginning of spring is the optimal time for this.

After the cutting is carefully cut from the bulk of the tree, it is placed in a separate container with water at room temperature. The secreted milky juice is quickly removed, and the water in the container is changed as often as possible. If the place for the growth of the material is warm and light, the first roots will appear after 14 days. Water is periodically changed and added, and when the roots grow two centimeters, the stalk can be planted in a permanent pot.

Until the ficus reaches 4 years of age, the transplant is carried out annually, and then once every 3 years. The following factors indicate the need to transfer the plant to a new pot:

  • roots can be seen in the drainage holes;
  • even after abundant watering, the soil instantly dries up;
  • the root system protrudes above the soil surface.

In a cramped pot, the plant will receive less nutrients and moisture, which will negatively affect the appearance of the tree.

Transplant scheme:

  1. Prepare a pot 4-5 cm larger than the old one. It is better to take a completely new sterile container, but if there is none, the used one must be thoroughly washed and disinfected to eliminate pathogenic microflora.
  2. You can make up the soil yourself or purchase a ready-made substrate.
  3. It is better to transplant in spring or June, when the temperature is kept at 22 degrees.
  4. Water the soil during the day. Gently remove the plant by pulling on the trunk from the pot. Remove excess soil from the rhizome.
  5. Lay a layer of drainage up to 3 cm thick at the bottom. Then add the soil another 4-5 cm. Place the plant on top, cover with the rest of the soil. To the top of the container, the layer of earth should not reach 2 cm.
  6. Moisten the soil immediately after transplanting.

Old ficuses that have reached a height of 1 or more meters do not need to be replanted. But it is necessary to periodically change the soil, removing the top 5-6 cm of the earth.

Immediately after transplanting, limit watering and feeding; infrequent spraying with warm water will be enough. Place the pot in a dry, draft-free place, but not in direct sunlight.

For the transplant, a pot is selected, which will be only a little larger than the previous one. The flower should be very carefully removed from the pot (for this it is recommended to soak an earthen ball). Next, you need to separate the roots from the ground and carefully examine them. In the event that there are sick, rotten or dried roots, get rid of them immediately. After that, place the flower in a pot, add soil and water.

When the procedure is complete, do not touch your pet for a while. He needs peace to cope with stress.

Ficuses are transplanted in the spring, as soon as the plant has awakened. If you have a young shoot, then you need to replant every year, because of the growth. This completely changes the soil. Adult ficuses are transplanted every 3 years. Do not "bother" large plants - they only need feeding and replacing the topsoil once a year.

  • Prepare a new pot. It should be a couple of centimeters larger than the current one.
  • We cover the bottom with drainage (stones and expanded clay). We put the ficus on it, then cover it with soil, in equal parts.
  • Be careful: the ficus should not bend over.
  • We water the plant, it now needs a lot of water, and we return it to where it used to be. Now you will need to water when the soil dries up.
  • Reproduction

    The ficus Ali is propagated by a stem cuttings: in May-July, with a sharp knife (pruning shears) from the mother plant, cut a cut of at least 15-20 cm in size with 3-4 leaves on it, put it in a container with water at room temperature and place it in a warm (22- 25 ° C) bright place until roots appear.

    After a couple of weeks, roots begin to sprout.

    The plant is planted in the ground when the roots reach 1.5-2.5 cm.

    Ficus Ali is propagated by cuttings. The procedure is carried out in the spring at the beginning of active growth. You will need an apical stem about 10 cm long. Remove the lower leaves from it, leaving 2-3 pairs of upper ones. The stalk is planted immediately in a mixture of sand and peat.

    For quick rooting, the pot can be placed in a mini-greenhouse - under a cut plastic bottle. It can also be rooted in water by covering the container with the shoot with a bag. When the roots appear, the plant is transplanted into a pot with a diameter of 10 cm, and the first days are also covered with a bag or a cut bottle.

    Reproduction of ficus Ali is a very simple process, it is very easy to carry out using cuttings. To reproduce this flower, you must cut off the stalk with a sharpened knife. After cutting, this part of the stem is placed in water and placed in a warm, bright place. Top up the water periodically, as it will evaporate rather quickly.

    The best time to breed these flowers is late winter or early spring. It is during this period that their growth is activated, so by next winter your baby will be able to root properly.

    Reproduction of ficus Ali is carried out by cuttings. Do it in the spring. The procedure is carried out in stages:

    • Cut the stalk with a sharp knife.
    • They put it in the water in not too hot place before the appearance of young roots.
    • When they become strong enough, the mini-willow is placed in water for a couple of days with the addition of a growth stimulant. This is done to strengthen his immunity with the upcoming transplant into the ground.
    • Then the plant is planted in a permanent place in a prepared pot with an earthen mixture.

    Mature plants with long shoots are propagated by layering. This is done in the following sequence:

    1. On the leafless part of the shoot is done shallow incision.
    2. A pebble is inserted into it, and the place is sprinkled with hormonal powder.
    3. The incision is wrapped in wet moss and wrapped in foil.
    4. After the emergence of roots that have broken through the moss, the shoot is cut off below the winding point.
    5. Young plant fits in a pot.
    6. Remaining after that the cut is lubricated with petroleum jelly.

    About air humidity

    Ficus bennendieck is very tolerant of dry air in apartments. Spraying and showering have purely hygienic purposes, and also serve as prevention of spider mite damage.

    At first, Ali will develop curled leaves due to lack of air humidity, but this does not mean that you need to rush around with a spray bottle. Over time, the plant will get used to the humidity that you have and will grow beautiful, straight leaves.

    Protection against diseases and pests

    Ficus Ali is good because it is almost not susceptible to diseases and pest attacks. But it does happen sometimes.

    Signs of illness:

    • leaves numb, look lethargic and fall: the reason is waterlogging of the soil, it is necessary to moderate watering
    • plant growth slows down, leaves lose color and fall: usually the problem is a lack of light.
    • The issue is solved by rearranging the plant in a more illuminated place or connecting artificial lighting

    • plant leaves dry and wrinkle: bright sunlight is to blame, shading and spraying will solve the problem
    • brown spots on the tips of the leaves: the reason is high temperature or low humidity, overfeeding of the plant. The issue is solved by spraying ficus and airing the room, reducing the amount of fertilizer.

    Poor plant maintenance can lead to pests.

    As a result, the following may appear on the ficus:

    • mealybugs;
    • shields and false shields;
    • spider mites.

    The mealybug appears due to low humidity, they fight it by wiping the plants with a soft cloth dipped in alcohol.

    This is more common in winter when the batteries become hot.

    Alternatively, you can hang wet towels over the batteries or place a humidifier under the plant.

    When attacked by scale insects and false scale insects, ficus leaves lose their color and fall.

    The insects themselves look like plaques - black or flesh-colored.

    They can be removed by rubbing the plant with a soft cloth soaked in soapy water.

    In case of serious damage, actellic is used (20 drops per liter of water).

    A spider web, white and thin, will tell you about a spider mite. The spider mite does not like moisture, so it is worth rinsing the ficus under the shower with warm water several times in a row.

    Ficus binnendiyka Ali is rarely affected by pests and diseases, however, if mistakes are made in care, they can nevertheless appear. If the tree slows down and loses its foliage, it may not have enough lighting, and you need to choose another place for it, in accordance with the well-known rules of care. When the leaf begins to dry and curl, the reason may lie in both lack of sun and the appearance of pests and diseases.

    It so happens that spots of different colors appear on the foliage - from gray to brown. These are most likely fungal infections. Gray bloom is a manifestation of powdery mildew, and black or brown spots are black spot. All such diseases are treated by using effective fungicides and adjusting care measures - too abundant watering is stopped and fertilization is adjusted.

    An equally common pest is the scale insect. A small bug grasps the foliage and draws out all the juices from it. The foliage loses color, becomes lethargic and begins to fall off. If there are few scale insects, they are also removed manually (for example, with a sponge dipped in water). Then the entire ficus Ali is treated with an ordinary solution of laundry soap.

    Sometimes, after a week, re-treatment may be required, and when the soap is ineffective, unfortunately, there is no way out, except for insecticides. One of the strongest drugs is Actellic. It is diluted in the following ratio: 20 drops per liter of water, and the treatment itself is carried out only on the street or with open windows, using gloves.

    In simple ways, you can cope with a spider mite. A characteristic sign of its appearance is a white sticky cobweb, entangling a diseased plant. At first, do not rush to use "chemistry": this type of tick does not tolerate moisture, so the ficus should be rinsed under a plentiful shower, and then wrapped in an impromptu greenhouse made of plastic wrap.

    If you regularly look after Ali's home ficus, then it becomes quite possible to avoid damage by pests and fungi. It is best to familiarize yourself with the rules of easy care in advance so that you do not have any problems in the future.

    The plant can be attacked by various insect pests - spider mites, whiteflies, aphids, mealybugs. They are attracted by weakened trees with reduced immunity, which is the result of improper care: frequent and abundant watering and spraying, inappropriate feeding, especially fertilizers with a high nitrogen content, growing in too dry and cool rooms.

    Most diseases also develop against the background of illiterate ficus care. Among fungal diseases, powdery mildew is more common, which manifests itself with whitish spots on the foliage with a bloom. Root rot appears after waterlogging the soil in the absence of drainage holes in the pot, excessive watering.

    Ficus Ali is one of the most commonly used plants for landscaping offices and apartments. In general, the flower is unpretentious, it lives for a long time with proper care, it is highly decorative due to the large mass of rich green foliage.

    Your pet may be exposed to the adverse effects of various diseases due to improper care. Also, if you do not follow all the necessary conditions, there is a chance to find harmful insects on the leaves of the flower. Therefore, proper care is the best protection and prevention of various pests.

    • For example, if you take care of a flower incorrectly, a mealybug may appear. It is removed either mechanically or using a very weak alcohol solution.
    • If your pet is attacked by scabbards, use soapy water or (if the process has gone too far) use insecticides.
    • They get rid of the spider mite, creating a kind of greenhouse effect. If the desired result does not come, use an insecticide.

    Ficus Ali is an unpretentious medium-sized ornamental plant. It looks a lot like a small willow tree. He is sick most often due to improper care. In favorable conditions with good care, the green pet grows quickly and pleases with its beautiful appearance.

    Emerging problems

    In the ficus binnendik, in contrast to benjamin, cuttings are more reluctant to root. In order for the stalk to give roots for sure, you need to cut off a branch of at least 15-20 cm and leave 3-4 leaves on it. And you need to cut the cuttings in May-July. Root in water or wet vermiculite, in a bright place. It improves rooting by heating the cuttings so that the water temperature is around 24-25 ° C.

    Unlike ficus benjamin, binnendika is more often affected by a tick, especially in winter during the heating season or in summer, exposed on the balcony in hot weather. At the same time, the tips of the leaves of the ficus may begin to dry. The only salvation is hanging the batteries with wet towels, or installing a humidifier right under the ficus.

    Excessive watering is destructive for Ali's ficus, as well as for all other ficuses, the plant rots easily, shedding leaves. Also, the ficus suffers from sharp temperature fluctuations, for example, if it stands in the garden and on the balcony in the summer, and becomes sharply colder at night. Also, the plant reacts painfully to drafts. In winter, opening the window, rearrange the ficus from the cold air streams, otherwise the branches dry out, curl, the leaves fly around.

    Ficus Ali is very light tolerant, but it is not a small plant and grows quickly under good conditions. After a while, it is no longer removed on the windowsill and you have to look for a place for it in the room. I would like to warn against setting the pot on the floor, near the balcony door (it can be dark there if the leaves are not at glass level, and it is cold - drafts).

    It is tempting to put a pot of ficus against the wall of the room, for example, next to the sofa. The large ficus tree Ali looks really impressively beautiful, but exactly as long as it has enough light. Then a beautiful tree can begin to “go bald”. To prevent this from happening, it needs to be supplemented with lamps.

    But you can use lamps with conventional E27 or E14 sockets, put a fluorescent or LED bulb with a wide or narrow base. For a ficus up to 50 cm high, a 20 W fluorescent lamp or an LED 5-7 W lamp is sufficient.

    Whoever loves flowers, loves to plant them and other plants at home, sooner or later will come to the desire to have a ficus. But which one to choose? So that in the world you are suitable for him, and there are all the conditions for his growth? Alternatively, choose the ficus Ali. And how to handle it, we'll figure it out now.

    What your green neighbor will look like depends on your preference. Forming the crown of Ali's ficus is the so-called haircut for room joy. Pruning will help make the bush. It will not grow, will get a compact shape and become fluffy. You can also plant a couple of cuttings in one pot, and as you grow, weave them together in a pigtail.

    If Ali's ficus sheds leaves, then you have waterlogged the soil and the roots have rotted. Or the habitat of the plant was changed. Your ficus plant does not grow, the leaves have become colorless and lifeless - these are the first calls for concern. Does Ali's ficus shed leaves? No, but the condition of the cortex may worsen - there is not enough light.

    The leaves can wrinkle and dry, turn yellow, Ali's ficus is ready to throw them off - in this case, it is necessary to shade and moisturize them with a spray bottle. If the ficus Ali has leaves with brown spots, then there are several reasons - the high temperature of the room, overfed, or there is not enough moisture in the air.

    Diseases and pests

    Considering that Ficus Ali is not rubbery, it almost does no harm.

    You should be careful with the juice of the leaves of the plant, if they come into contact with the skin, they can cause dermatological and allergic reactions, but the ficus Ali leaves are not as fleshy as in other species and therefore the harm is minimal here.

    The plant has beneficial properties that are characteristic of all ficuses.

    It has a good effect on the microclimate of the room in which it is located.

    According to popular belief, in a house where ficus grows well, people do not get sick.

    And if an illness suddenly occurs, then it passes easily and without consequences.

    According to an old tradition, if a childless woman starts growing ficus, she will soon become pregnant.

    We think that this is due to the positive energy emanating from the ficus.

    An infusion of alcohol from the leaves of the plant treats arthritis, arthrosis and rheumatism.

    The plant is used in the treatment of vascular, pulmonary, skin diseases. It is used to make infusions and tinctures, compresses, extracts.

    Ficus Ali is stylish, hardy and not demanding.

    It can be formed in the form of a bush or tree on a trunk, or you can do nothing, letting Ali's ficus just grow.

    The choice is yours. With due care, it will decorate your home and bring you a lot of joy.

    Description of ficus ali

    Ficus binnendiyka Ali in natural conditions can grow from fifteen to twenty meters in height. It has an even and long trunk, covered with strong dark bark. It is the same in indoor varieties, which, with good care, grow up to one and a half to two meters. The leaves are narrow, similar to dense straps, pointed at both ends, the branches droop beautifully, like those of a real willow.

    The maximum length of the leaves is up to thirty centimeters, and the width is from 5 to 7. The leaf has a characteristic bright vein, and its color depends on the variety: there are both monochromatic and variegated specimens.

    Southeast Asia is considered the birthplace of such an evergreen plant. For the first time this type of ficus was discovered by the botanist Simon Benedict, therefore the second name of the tree is Binnendijka.

    There are several varieties of this ficus, four varieties are most often grown at home:

    • Amstel Gold is distinguished by an unusual color of the leaves - the upper part is colored yellow-green, saturated dark green spots are located in a chaotic manner;
    • Alii has wider leaves than other varieties and is more unpretentious for indoor cultivation;
    • Amstel Queen is distinguished by wide leaves curved at the edges;
    • in Amstel King, the width of one leaf can reach 7 cm, the plate is more durable, with a thick skin.

    Description of the variety:

    1. Under natural conditions, it grows in the form of a tree up to 20 m high. The trunk is long, even, in young plants it has a deep brown hue, over time the bark turns gray, and scars from fallen leaves remain on it.
    2. Leaves are dense, narrow, with a pointed end, without glossy sheen.
    3. The branches are thin and flexible, and due to the large amount of foliage they tilt towards the ground.
    4. In some varieties, the leaves have a lighter central vein.

    Young trees are standard plants with a long trunk, completely covered with small leaves and flexible branches. In adulthood, the ficus has a rounded crown, a long lignified trunk. Due to the fact that trees have flexible trunks at a young age, it is possible to create compositions - the formation of a ball, spiral, pigtails.

    Ficus Ali is a plant that does not look too much like a ficus in its appearance, which misleads many people. However, despite its peculiar appearance, it is still a domestic long-leaved ficus plant. Why is this ficus bin Ali so different from other ficuses?

    It's all about the leaves of this variety. While most ficuses have large, dense and oval leaves, the species has long and narrow leaves. In length, these narrow leaves reach about 30 cm. The leaves of different varieties of this domestic ficus are equally long, but they can have different colors. In view of these features, this plant is also called "willow ficus".

    As already mentioned, Binnendijk's ficus is represented by several varieties that differ slightly from each other.

    Let's consider them in more detail:

    1. Ficus Binnendijka Amstel King. Among its narrow-leaved counterparts, the Amstel King ficus has the widest leaves. Also, the Amstel King variety has a fairly high trunk and a spherical crown.
    2. Ficus Amstel Gold. Narrow-leaved ficus, the leaves of which are painted in two colors - green and light green.
    3. Ficus Amstel Queen. A variety that in its characteristics is very similar to the home variety of Ali, but its leaves are slightly smaller.

    Ficuses are those plants that are found in almost all homes or workplaces of those who love greenery. Ficus Ali (Ficus Binnendijkii), aka Binnendijka, or willow ficus, is a fairly well-known plant. As you learn the history of this representative of the flora, you may come across the name of Simon Benedict, who found Ali in Southeast Asia.

    Ficus Binnendijka is the most common choice for growers. And all thanks to its brightness. Seeing him for the first time, you will immediately understand that this is a representative of this species. As for the shape of the leaves, it may seem that in front of you is a willow. They are so similar. The leaves are long, dark green in color. They grow densely on branches and trunks. If you adhere to all the rules of care, then you will get a 2-meter handsome man.

    In nature, this evergreen plant reaches a height of 15–20 meters. It resembles a tree, as it has an even and fairly long trunk. It is covered with bark, which in adult specimens has a dark shade. On its surface there are stains of a pale shade.

    Narrow belt-like leaves have pointed tips. The branches of this ficus are drooping.

    The color of the foliage is directly dependent on the variety of the plant, as well as on its habitat. It can be plain or variegated. In length, the leaves can reach 30 centimeters, and in width from 5 to 7 centimeters.

    The leaf has a striking streak that runs along it. In different directions from the central vein, lateral veins diverge, which are not so clearly visible. And also the central vein bends the leaf in half, as if breaking it.

    Ficus varieties Ali

    The willow ficus has several varieties, each of which can be a worthy decoration for any room:

    • Amstel King - if a fan of indoor floriculture wants to purchase a willow tree with wider leaves, this is ideal. It has a high trunk, and the crown randomly takes on a spherical shape. From time to time it needs to be adjusted a little;
    • Amstel Gold is a beautiful bicolor ficus plant. It contains leaves of both classic green and light green colors;
    • Amstel Queen - almost no different from Ali, but his leaves are much smaller. The most graceful among small-leaved plants.

    In the wild, and there are many varieties of Ali on sale. But there are only four really popular ones.

    • Ali. Also known as Aliya. The most popular. Its leaves are the widest among its "brethren".
    • Amstel King. Recognizable ficus Ali, but with lighter and wider leaves.
    • Amstel Gold. Has light green, yellowish leaves. The green spots scattered over the leaf blades make the crown even more interesting.
    • Amstel Queen. It is the leaves of the "Queen" that are a bit like cherry leaves - wider than other varieties, rich green.

    This beautiful culture was discovered by the botanist Simon Bennendijka (now it is clear why the ficus Binnendijka Ali). This variety is also found in the wild. True, there he is already 20 meters tall. You can observe such beauty in the Indian subtropics. They are evergreen. If you meet a representative with a light gray bark, then in front of you is an adult, with a dark brown one - a young one.

    Another similarity with a willow is that the leaves, in addition, are narrow, there are many of them, so the branches cannot withstand the piled load and, under their weight, tend downward - just like those of a willow. The color of the leaves can be not only monochromatic, but also variegated. Their length can be 30 cm, and width - no more than 7. Leaves are bent towards the middle, therefore they still resemble opened pea pods.

    Ficus has many varieties. For example, Alii has very wide leaves. Most often, you will find him at florists. There is also Amstel Gold, Queen and King. Gold is characterized by variegated leaves: the background is yellow-green, and in the middle all shades of green. Royal - leaf width is average, about the same as Alii and Amstel Gold. And Amstel King has the largest leaf width, in all other respects it is the same Amstel Queen.

    Unpretentious care

    This home variety is distinguished by its strength, so caring for the Binnendijka ficus is simple. The main thing is to create all the conditions for its growth and normal development. Binnedika loves light, but indirect. With a green color, they prefer partial shade, and variegated representatives prefer diffused light. In summer, make sure that the sun's rays do not hit the plant directly.

    This species does not like to be moved or moved or even simply turned, so try not to touch it again. Use this knowledge when choosing a site, as well as the fact that the plant needs a place to grow. The ideal temperature for Ali is between 18 and 23 degrees Celsius. In the summer months it can withstand 20-25 degrees, in winter it should not fall below 16, it will feel most comfortable within 20 degrees Celsius.

    Ali does not tolerate dryness of the soil. Watering requires moderate and enviable regularity. The water in the pot should not stagnate. Overdoing it, you will allow the soil to acidify, which leads to rotting of the ficus and its death. Water the plant more frequently from spring to fall. At this time, it grows actively, therefore it requires more fluid.

    Correct care is the key to success

    Spraying ficus Ali loves. Use for these purposes either a spray bottle or a shower. The water temperature is room. So you will not only moisturize the plant, but also remove dust from its leaves. How often to do this - look according to your conditions: what is the temperature and what is the humidity in the room where the ficus is located. If the temperature does not exceed 22 degrees, 2 times a week is enough.

  • 2 parts of sod and greenhouse / leaf lands;
  • charcoal;
  • sand;
  • baking powder (crushed red brick).
  • For young individuals, 1 part of sand, peat and sod land is suitable. Do not use alkaline or acidic soils. Spring-summer - active development of ficus, which requires additional nutrition. Fertilize twice a month. In the flower shop, you can find special complex dressings for deciduous houseplants.

    Starting in autumn and until spring comes, the ficus Ali is dormant, therefore it does not require feeding. If you decide to purchase a ficus Ali, then the care for it will need to be monitored - remember this.

    How to "propagate" a plant

    Transplant scheme:

    • Light. He must be present in the room, and in large quantities. But beware of direct hit of the rays on the plant - they can burn the sensitive leaves of the ficus.
    • Temperature. In summer, such a ficus needs about 22 degrees, in winter - at least 16. The ficus will become ill if the air in the room stagnates all the time - but do not open the window on which this plant stands for ventilation. Also, do not hang the air conditioner over the ficus itself - for him it will be akin to constant drafts.
    • Air humidity. She can be moderate. But if the summer is hot, or in winter you do not save on heating, spray your ficus more often. And do not forget: defend the water for these purposes, while allowing it to warm up to room temperature.
    • Watering. They remember it when the top of the soil in the pot begins to dry out by about 2 cm.Use settled water. Anything that runs out into the pan, drain away - if such a liquid is not removed in time, the soil will pull it back, but the flower will not have time to use it, and the roots in such wet soil may begin to rot.
    • Nutrition. In the spring and summer, ficus is bought “delicacies”. They are given twice a month. It can be either mineral fertilizer or organic matter, or a combination of these dressings (once "mineral water" is given, the second time, two weeks later - organic). Important: food is introduced only when watering, you cannot feed the ficus from a spray bottle.
    • Diseases. If you look after correctly, Ali practically does not get sick. True, sometimes he still suffers ailments. If its leaves wither and turn yellow, this may indicate an excess or lack of light (see the situation). Black, dry leaves scream that the plant is frozen over, and the temperature has dropped sharply. And if dark (black or reddish) spots have gone from the bottom of the leaves, this is a fungus. Urgently treat the ficus with a fungicide, and cut off diseased leaves and twigs.
    • Pests. Sometimes scale insects, mealybugs, aphids grow on the leaves. In order to drive them away, insecticides are bought. But before processing, wipe both the leaves and the stem with a piece of cotton wool dipped in soapy water, scraping the insects into the sink.
    • Special conditions. Like other ficuses, Ali does not tolerate rearrangements. Having got used to one window sill, he can react painfully to relocation to another place (up to "scandals" with indicative leaf fall). Therefore, having brought the plant into the house, immediately choose a windowsill where the ficus will stand all its life. It is great if it is southeastern (for light or spotted leaves) or eastern (for strictly green leaves). And no drafts!


    Reasons for transplanting may be a suspicion of root rot (in this case, all roots are examined, all suspicious parts are cut off) or the banal growth of a ficus, in which its root system ceases to fit into the pot.

    In the first case, an old pot is used, only before that it is sterilized (with a solution of potassium permanganate, boiling water). In the second, the pot is bought a couple of centimeters larger than the old one.

    Young ficuses (up to 4 years old) are transplanted every year. Older ones - every 2-3 years.

    If you have a real giant growing up to the ceiling, you don't need to replant it (and how can you handle an almost full-fledged tree?), Just feed Ali more often and change his top soil.

    I can recommend several good recipes at once.

    1. Sod, leafy land, peat, sand (in equal shares).
    2. Two shares of leaf and sod land, one share of humus, peat, sand.
    3. Sand, peat, turf land (in equal quantities).

    In the case of a healthy plant, use the transplant when replanting. Place the ficus in a new pot together with the adhering soil, and fill the gap between it and the walls with fresh soil.


    The most popular and popular method is grafting.

    Everything is done like this:

    1. In spring or summer, cut a healthy stem cut.
    2. Place it in a glass of water.
    3. Root this twig in partial shade at 20-24 degrees. If the room is hot, spray the cutting occasionally.
    4. This baby should start up the roots after 20 days.
    5. As soon as the roots get stronger (as in the photo above), the ficus can be planted in the ground and considered a small tree, but a tree.

    And ficuses can be propagated by seeds. We sell such seeds (for example, they are offered by the well-known company "Gavrish"). This is not the most popular method as it takes a lot of time and patience.

    Reproduction is a process that, like transplantation, is carried out in the spring, as soon as the ficus wakes up. Propagated by Ali Benjamin by stem cuttings, because they root perfectly.

  • We take the ficus mother and cut off the stalk.
  • Make sure that this process goes quickly - for this use a sharp instrument (pruner, knife, scissors).
  • We put in a container with water at room temperature and into the light.
  • We are waiting for the roots, this will take about half a month.
  • Do not forget to add water. When they are already 2-3 centimeters long, you can plant them. Thus, stem cuttings reproduce in the Binnenndieck plant.
  • It is the ficus Binnendiyka Ali that is the most frequent option chosen by flower growers. This type of ficus has a very bright, conspicuous color.

    Paying attention to the shape of the leaves, you might think that there is a small willow in front of your eyes. Yes, willow and ficus Ali are very similar to each other

    Ficus Ali has long leaves of green and dark color, which densely envelop and overgrow the trunk.

    In length, the leaves can reach 30 cm, and in width - no more than 7-8 cm. Externally, the ficus Ali is similar to the Amstel variety. It also has a similarity to willow in that in both plants, due to thin and thick leaves, the branches, unable to withstand the stress and not having so much strength to hold, go down under their weight. According to Feng Shui, it is believed that home ficus brings positive energy to people.

    Pruning ficus Binnendijka

    Caring for indoor ficus includes mandatory formative pruning. Without it, it will grow chaotically and lose its decorative effect. In order for the exotic grown at home or in the office to acquire a permanent form, it is necessary to start pruning it from an early age, when the stems remain flexible. The best time for a haircut is spring. During this period, the green pet has a large supply of vitality, is able to grow evenly, throwing out many shoots.

    Thanks to pruning and shaping, the tree will be able to take on a variety of forms: an arc, a ball, a bush, a bonsai. Some masters give their green pets even more complex configurations, which are equated with sculptures, and their creation is a kind of art - ficus weaving. The process is incredibly fun, but it takes patience and regularity.

    When starting pruning, you need to take into account some of the nuances. New shoots are formed from the apical and lateral (axillary) buds. Apical buds develop faster and inhibit or even completely block lateral bud development. Pruning the apical bud during the period of its active growth (in spring) entails active awakening of the axillary buds, from which, in turn, shoots begin to actively grow.

    Autumn-winter pruning carries the risk of one-sided development and the ficus will grow skewed. In addition, in autumn and winter, the ficus uses nutrients accumulated in the ground parts during the period of active growth, and pruning deprives the plant of these reserves.

    Crown formation is not only pruning, but the direction of the shoots in the right direction. This is done with the help of all kinds of devices. Therefore, before cutting off the shoot, it must be directed and fixed. After some time, the fixing device is removed.

    Pruning is carried out with a sharp knife or pruning shears in the following order:

    • remove the shoot above the kidney;
    • the place of the cut is soaked with a sponge until the milky juice ceases to stand out;
    • The "wound" is disinfected with charcoal or activated carbon powder.

    Trunks can also be shaped into interesting shapes by intertwining them. For this, 2-3 cuttings are planted in one pot. From a pair of plants, spirals are formed, twisting the stems. Of the three, they make a pigtail. Weaving is done freely so that the growth of the tree does not stop. Excess shoots and leaves are removed.

    Willow ficus Ficus salicifolia

    It is an evergreen plant that naturally grows to a truly impressive size, with alternate lanceolate leaves located at a short distance from each other.

    Even young plants bloom and give first green, and later from reddish to brown-violet color of fruit, reminiscent of berries.

    It is easy to get an expressive style (for example, broom) by trimming. The plant can be recommended for beginners. However, it must be remembered that with irregular and improper care, as well as with sudden changes in environmental conditions, F. salicifolia can shed its foliage.


    in a bright place on a window, protected from the midday sun. In summer, the plant can be exposed to the open air. When it is brought into the room in September, as a rule, the tree loses its foliage.

    In a warm room with not very low air humidity, it sprouts again after a short time.


    a mixture of clay granulate, sand and diving earth in equal parts. Other substrate mixtures with good water permeability are also used. When watering with tap water only, it is necessary to replace the substrate by 1/2 every year.

    Water mode:

    the ground should be evenly moist. If the tree has lost its foliage, it is watered only when the substrate is completely dry. You can use regular tap water for irrigation.

    Top dressing:

    from March to September, they are fed every two weeks, at other times of the year only once a month, applying fertilizers for bonsai to the soil.


    by regular pruning, it is easy to form a broom-shaped crown without resorting to the help of a wire. Other styles of bonsai are possible. As a rule, wire can be used to form two-year-old branches that have lost their leaves; younger branches are more difficult to fix due to densely spaced leaves. Three-year and older branches are fixed with tensioners. In young plants, shoots that have reached 10-20 cm are shortened to 1-5 cm, depending on the position of the branch in the crown and the final height of the bonsai. Older bonsai can be pruned even earlier.

    Purchase of a plant:

    willow ficus is easily propagated by cuttings. Both young and mature plants can be found on sale.


    F. salicifolia often infects spider mites, and the plant sheds most of its leaves. The tree does not give new shoots without special treatment.

    Diseases and pests

    Ficus binnendica is rarely exposed to diseases and pests, but due to improper care, some problems can arise. Caring for Ali's ficus primarily includes adherence to the watering and lighting regime.

    Ficus binnendijka

    If Ali's ficus sheds its leaves, then, most likely, the reason is excessive waterlogging of the soil or constant rearrangement of the flower. With a lack of lighting, Benedict's ficus first slows down in growth, and then the leaves begin to fall off.

    With a long stay in a poorly lit place, the ficus Ali can develop various diseases, since the flower loses its immunity.

    If the leaves curl and dry out, then most likely the reason is too bright the sun. At the peak of solar activity, the flower should be sprayed with a spray bottle and shaded to avoid burns.

    It happens that brown spots appear on the tips of the leaves. This phenomenon occurs due to too high a temperature or with frequent feeding. It is recommended to periodically ventilate the room and, if possible, use an electric humidifier.

    With improper care, Ali's ficus can be attacked by mealybugs, scale insects or spider mites.

    Mealybug appears when the air in the room is dry. If bugs are found, the pests should be removed with a wet sponge, and the plant should be wiped with a weak solution of alcohol.

    The scabbards are like small suckers that, attaching themselves to the leaf, draw out all the life's juice from it. The leaves begin to lose color, and then gradually fall off. If there are few scale insects, then you can remove them manually, and treat the plant with soapy water. At a late stage of damage, it is possible to get rid of pests only with the help of Actellik solution at a dosage of 20 drops per 1 liter of water. All insecticides are very toxic, so it is recommended to process Ali Ficus outdoors and wearing protective gloves.

    Spider mites are easy to distinguish from other pests. The affected plant will have fine and white cobwebs on or between leaves. Pests do not tolerate moisture, so all parts of the flower should be completely rinsed. If the ficus ali is still very small, then you can wrap the flower in plastic wrap, creating a greenhouse effect. Spider mites cannot tolerate high humidity. If such control measures do not help, then any insecticide must be used according to the instructions.

    Home care for Ali's ficus is simple, and even a novice florist can handle it.

    Botanical portrait

    Ficus Ali is a group of varieties also known as Ficus binnendijkii. Belongs to the genus of ficuses, whose homeland is Southeast Asia. It got its name from the name of the nineteenth century botanist Simon Binnendijk who discovered and described it. This ficus is a tall (up to twenty meters) evergreen tree with light gray bark, decorated with light strokes. True, in young ficuses, the bark is colored dark brown.

    This varietal group differs in the size and shape of the leaves. It is a narrow-leaved plant with drooping branches. Ficus Ali's leaves can be monochromatic or variegated, but in all varieties they are long and narrow. In length, the leaves can reach thirty centimeters, while their width does not exceed seven centimeters. A relief vein runs along the leaf, in its center, making the leaf concave. Since the lateral veins on the leaves are almost invisible, the foliage of Ali's ficus resembles narrow strips of green paper folded along the fold or half-opened pea pods.

    The main varieties of ficus Ali:

    • Amstel Gold has variegated leaves;
    • Alii has a wider leaf width than other varieties;
    • Amstel King has the widest leaves (up to seven centimeters);
    • Amstel Queen in leaf width is an intermediate variety between the previous two.

    Ficus care. Ficus varieties.

    Ficus. Varieties and types of Ficus.

    Ficus is an evergreen plant from the mulberry family. The extensive genus includes a huge number of species and varieties. America, Africa, India, China, Java, and Sri Lanka are considered the birthplace of ficuses. They grow in the Crimea, Transcaucasia, Greece and Northern Australia. In the jungle, there are huge trees - more than 30 m, with giant leaves, aerial roots that can strangle neighboring trees. There are also ficuses of shrub forms, and ficus-lianas, and even ground cover ficuses with tiny leaves. These plants include both evergreen and deciduous species.

    With all the diversity, ficuses have common characteristics. They are rubber plants, their leaves, trunks and roots secrete a milky sap of white or slightly yellowish color. The growth point of the ficus is closed with a bundle of two stipules; the bundle-cap disappears when the young leaf is unfolded. Interestingly, a small scar remains on the stem near the adult leaf. Ficuses bear fruit, although in room conditions this happens only with some species (figs). In nature, ficus fruits are round or pear-shaped, they are yellow, purple and bright orange.

    The most popular species since the days of Queen Victoria has been the rubber plant (Ficus elastica). Now, perhaps, the most common ficus of Benjamin (F. benjamina). This evergreen tree with a slender trunk, drooping stems and leaves that amaze the imagination of flower growers have the largest number of varieties.

    I bring to your attention a number of ficus leaves, spectacular in general appearance, structure and color, which are not yet very widely known to the mass grower. Ficus Ali Binnendiyka. Homeland - southeast Asia, the island of Java. Ficus Ali was named after the botanist Simon Binnendijk. The leaves of the plant are long, narrow, drooping, like those of an oleander or willow (it is also called willow ficus).

    Ficus Ali varieties:

    Ficus Binnendijka Amstel Green Gold: it has leaf blades, like long canoe boats, slightly concave with a pointed top, green with a yellow-golden pattern. Requires good lighting;


    Home care

    Fikus Ali is the endurance champion among Mulberry. With proper care, it pleases with an exquisite appearance. What do you need to know to take the best possible care of him?

    Microclimate for ficus

    For a tree, you need to choose a place away from drafts and radiators, it should not be exposed to direct sun. Frequent change of location for a plant is destructive. It just needs to be rotated from time to time in relation to the light source.

    Lighting conditions

    The subtropical native needs good lighting. For variegated specimens, diffused sunlight is suitable. Plants with green leaves prefer partial shade.

    Choose the right lighting for your ficus

    When choosing a place for a pet to stay, it is better to stay on the south or east side of the room. In winter, Ali needs lighting.


    Comfortable temperature for willow ficus is 16-24 degrees. The upper limit is 27 degrees and the lower limit is 12 degrees.

    The soil

    It should be loose and fertile. Both alkaline and acidic soils are not suitable for the tree. Suitable substrate: turf and rotted leaves - 2 parts each, peat, sand, humus - 1 part each. You can use a ready-made mixture for ficuses or palm trees.


    Watering should be moderate, it is better to water with settled room water. From spring to autumn, water is usually watered 2-3 times a week, and in winter - no more than once a week. Stagnant water causes root decay and tree death.

    How to organize the right humidity?

    Ficus loves humid air. It needs to be regularly sprayed 1-2 per week. If the indoor air is too dry, the spraying frequency should be increased significantly.

    In spring and summer, the plant needs to be fed with complex fertilizer for indoor flowers. 2 times a month, fertilizer is added to the water during irrigation. It is also advisable to spray the plant with a weak solution of fertilizers with the same frequency. Mineral fertilizing with organic matter should be alternated. During the dormant period, the plant is not fed.

    Even in low light, the mini-willow does not shed its leaves and continues to grow. But in this case, growth is slow - a couple of centimeters per year. In favorable conditions, its annual growth is 10-15 cm.

    Ficus Ali is one of the brightest representatives of its kind, it is popular with flower growers. The unpretentiousness and ease of caring for the plant allows you to keep it in almost any room, and a lush crown and a spectacular look makes offices, cafes and other establishments more comfortable.

    Ficus Ali was discovered in the nineteenth century by Simon Binnendijk, who combined a large number of varieties with similar characteristics into one species. Scientifically, Ali is named after his discoverer, but for ease of pronunciation he was given a short nickname. In nature, plants live in the subtropical forests of India and grow up to 20 meters.

    The general external characteristics of all representatives of Ali ficus are long leaves with pointed ends. They reach 30 cm and look like willow leaves. Because of this, it is sometimes called willow ficus.

    It grows in the form of a tree, reaching 2 meters in indoor conditions. Branches with densely arranged leaves extend from the trunk, covered with brown or gray bark.

    The bulk of the shoots is concentrated in the upper half, while the lower part of the trunk remains bare. Under their own weight, they go down, and only young shoots on the top of the head grow up.

    The small distance between the sinuses, with proper care, allows the formation of a lush green crown.

    The most popular varieties of ficus Ali

    Ficuses in nature are very diverse in terms of species characteristics, each of them also includes several varieties. The most popular are 4 varieties of Binnendijka ficus. The differences between them are in the width of the leaf plate or their colors.

    Ali (Alii)

    The Ali variety has the widest leaf blade of all the species.

    Their color is uniform, dark green. The bark of young plants is brown; as it grows, it becomes gray with veins.

    Amstel King

    The leaves of the ficus Amstel King grow up to 7 cm wide. The color is uniform green.

    Amstel Gold (Gold)

    The variety is distinguished by its variegated color: on the main light yellow background, spots of several shades of green are randomly located.

    Such a plant will adorn any home or office.

    Amstel Queen (Queen)

    Queen is almost identical to Amstel King, but its leaves are slightly wider.


    In nature, the ficus Benedict (Ali) lives in the forests of warm countries. To provide proper care at home, it is required to bring its content as close as possible to natural conditions.


    The need for lighting depends on the variety and color of the ficus. For monochromatic representatives, diffused daylight is sufficient at a short distance from the window. They can even grow in partial shade, but the rate of development and decorative qualities will decrease.

    The variegated color of the leaves requires brighter light to maintain beauty.... For this, the ficus is placed near the southern or southeastern window. The plant must be protected from direct rays of the sun so as not to provoke burns.

    Advice! Ficus, like any tree, is not used to changing the direction of lighting, so you need to keep it in a constant place and not turn the pot.

    Temperature regime

    The most favorable temperature for the growth of healthy ficus is 22 ... 24 ° C. In the summer, in the heat, the plant should be sprayed more often and watered with cool water.

    In winter, you should not keep ficus Ali on the windowsill.... The soil will be very cold from the window, and even if the room is warm, the roots will freeze. This contributes to the shedding of foliage and the appearance of diseases.

    You cannot keep the plant near radiators, which dry the air and overheat it. It is better to put the ficus in the corner of the room opposite the window and the battery, providing additional lighting with a lamp.

    Air humidity

    Air humidity does not play a significant role in the development of ficus. It is enough not to dim the heating and abandon the heaters so that a comfortable microclimate is formed in the apartment with humidity about 70%.

    To remove dust from leaves, it is useful spray the tree with settled water a couple of times a week... In summer, for a comfortable temperature, you can take cooler water and spray it daily in the early morning or late evening.

    Watering rules

    When watering ficus, a rule that is universal for most plants applies: moisten the soil after the top layer dries. The frequency depends on the season of the year and the size of the tree:

    1. In summer, especially in hot weather, watering may be required every evening.
    2. In winter, it is better to dry out the soil a little than to fill it.
    3. The larger the plant, the more moisture it needs. It is not recommended to use large pots with excess soil, it is better to water more often. Young ficuses absorb water more slowly, and the interval between moisture of the substrate needs a longer one.

    Carefully! Do not leave the water drained after watering in the pan. This will lead to decay of the root system and diseases of the ficus.

    Ground requirements

    In garden stores, prepared substrates for ficuses are sold. Alternatively, you can use the soil for palm trees - they are similar in characteristics.

    If you can't find either one or the other, then you can prepare the soil yourself: mix sand, humus and peat in equal parts, then add 2 parts of leaf and sod land each.

    For a young plant, it is better to make the soil looser. by mixing all components in equal parts. At the bottom of the flowerpot, do not forget to put a drainage layer of pebbles or expanded clay.

    Top dressing

    The plant needs additional nutrition only during the period of activity (from March to October). Fertilizers are applied complex or alternate mineral and organic fertilizing.

    The frequency is usually 3 times a month, the first and last month can be reduced to 1 time in 2 weeks.

    Attention! Top dressing is carried out only by application to the soil. Spraying with chemical compounds is undesirable for ficuses.

    In winter, growth stops, so additional nutrition is not required for the plant and even harms.

    Crown formation

    A tree that has grown in width several meters in height is unattractive, therefore, in ficuses, the forced formation of a crown is mandatory.

    For this, branches in the fall are cut at approximately the same distance from the trunk. This allows in the spring to give rise to the growth of new shoots and make the crown thicker and the trunk low.

    Interestingly, the trunk can also be shaped into a very original "pigtail" shape.

    Due to the elasticity of young shoots, they can be twisted together. To do this, 2 shoots sit in one pot very close to each other.

    A few years later, when the bark becomes woody, a very original twisted trunk with a lush crown is obtained. Such compositions can even be seen in photos of rich interiors created by eminent designers.


    A transplant is required as the plant or its root system grows. The pot is bought no larger than the previous one by more than 3 cm.

    Up to the age of 5 years, transshipment is carried out annually in the first month of active growth (February - March)... Then it is enough to change the pot and add fertile soil once every 2 years.

    To transplant ficus, you need to prepare a new flowerpot and soil:

    1. Water the plant first.
    2. Pour a layer of drainage and 2–3 cm of soil into a new pot.
    3. Gently remove the ficus by turning the pot upside down and tapping the sides. In a large specimen, it is better to separate the soil from the walls with a knife and pull out a clod of earth with roots by the trunk.
    4. Place the plant in the center of a new container and sprinkle with fresh soil from the sides, renew 2 cm from the top.
    5. Set for 1-2 days in partial shade for adaptation, then water and determine in a permanent place.

    The main points of care are outlined again in this video:


    After pruning to form a beautiful crown, cuttings suitable for propagation remain from the plant. They need to be put in a glass of clean water, changing it periodically. Rooting should be done in a warm and well-lit place.

    Reproduction of ficus does not take much time, and the first roots can hatch in 2 weeks. When the roots grow about 3 cm, the cuttings are planted in loose soil.

    Important, that young seedlings are most susceptible to disease... To maintain the health of the plant, it must be steamed and disinfected before planting in the soil. To do this, the soil is spilled with boiling water and heated in an oven or microwave oven at a temperature of 70 ° C for 15–30 minutes, depending on the power.

    Protection against diseases and pests

    Most often, mistakes are made when watering the soil. Excessive moisture provokes rotting of the root system and shedding of foliage. The quality of water is also important, which ideally should be melt or rainwater from an ecologically clean area.

    Tap water must be defended in an open container for several days and soften with apple cider vinegar (1 tsp per liter of water).

    Leads to a thinning of the crown freezing of the soil in winter in a cold place.

    If the color of the ficus becomes pale or turns yellow, then this indicates about lack of daylight.

    Poor growth and susceptibility to pests is observed with frequent rearrangement of the pot or constant turns relative to the light source. This is very stressful for the tree and has a negative impact on health.

    Of the pests, ficus most often affects the spider mite and the scale insect. To get rid of them, you need to rinse all the leaves under running water, spray with a solution of laundry soap. To be sure, treat the plants in the house with a pest repellent that is sold in flower shops.

    Ficus Ali easily adapts to room conditions. Therefore, even a novice florist can easily grow a beautiful tree with lush green foliage.

    Inexperienced growers, having met this plant for the first time, may not recognize the ficus in it, but few of them will refuse to see it on their windowsill. Ficus Ali (Alii or Ficus Binnendijkii) is an evergreen tree of the Mulberry family. It grows naturally in Asian countries. Among all the varieties of the genus, it is he who is most often chosen for landscaping residential premises and offices.

    A whole group of externally similar plants is hidden under the names "Ficus Ali" or "Binnendiyka ficus". In the 19th century, they were discovered and described by the Dutch gardener and botanist Simon Binnendijk. “Nakhodka” later received a name in his honor, and later, in common parlance, the name was simplified to “Binnedik Ali”, “Benedict Ali” and “Binnendik”. That is, more specifically, Ali is a miniature indoor species of a huge willow tree brought to Europe from the Asian tropics. Sometimes it is mistakenly considered a variety, but as you can easily see from its appearance, these are different plants.

    The most popular domesticated varieties (cultivars) of Binnendieck ficus are:

    • Ficus Ali (Ficus Binnendijkii cv. Alii). Differs in slightly wider leaves than those of Ficus Binnendijkii. The most cultivated variety at home among all the other Bennendikians.

      Ficuses can also be propagated by seeds. These seeds are sold in many specialty stores. This is not the most popular method as it takes a lot of time and patience.

      Care features

      This exotic green pet is not at all capricious in home care, it grows very quickly and after a couple of years after rooting it can hit the ceiling. In order for the tree to conquer those around it with its well-groomed appearance, it is enough to create certain conditions for it.

      The soil

      The soil for willow ficus should be fertile, loose, breathable, not retaining excess moisture. Alkaline and acidic soil types are not suitable. Cuttings can be planted in ready-made soils for palms and ficuses, or you can make up a soil mixture yourself. To do this, you need to take 2 parts of turf, 2 parts of rotted leaves, one part each of sand, humus and peat.

      Top dressing

      Fertilizers should be applied in the spring and summer months, alternating mineral and organic. A compound fertilizer designed for indoor flowers can be added to the irrigation water twice a month. With the same regularity, you can spray the leaves with a weak fertilizing solution. During the rest period (late autumn and winter), feeding is stopped.


      The most suitable place for Binnendijk varieties is away from direct sunlight and radiators. The most comfortable air temperature in the room in summer is + 20 -25 ° С, in winter - + 16-20 ° С. The air in the room should not stagnate. But you cannot open a window for ventilation, near which there is a pot or a tub with a tree, or you cannot hang an air conditioner over it: the ficus also does not tolerate direct drafts.


      Watering should be moderate, with settled water at room temperature. In winter, the frequency of watering is once a week, from spring to autumn - three times a week. Stagnation of moisture in the pot should not be allowed, this leads to decay of the roots. Leaves, especially when the air in the room is overheated, it is recommended to spray regularly.

      The need for watering is determined by the state of the soil in the pot - it should dry out to a depth of 3-5 cm. If the surface layer of soil easily crumbles in the hands and does not stick, the ficus is watered. Water is poured on top of the earthen coma in small portions in several steps. After half an hour, the water drained into the pan is drained, and the pan and the bottom of the pot are wiped dry.


      Ficus Binnendijka Ali comes from subtropical forests, so he loves good lighting. It is also noteworthy that the warmer the room, the more light it needs. In their natural habitat, this feature is associated with the change of seasons. Diffused light is suitable for variegated varieties, partial shade for trees with dark green leaves. The preferred place on the windowsill is the south or east side.


      Young trees grow quickly, and every year they need to be transplanted into a new pot 3-4 cm larger than the previous one with a complete replacement of the soil. It is desirable that the pot is new and sterile. If the container has already been used, wash it thoroughly and disinfect it. Mature plants have to be replanted less frequently, every 3 years, using the transshipment method. Very large specimens have a negative attitude towards transplanting, they are left in place, but every year the topsoil is necessarily renewed.

      The best time to transplant is early spring, when the tree is awakening from dormancy. Drainage is poured at the bottom of the pot. Ficus is placed on it, and soil is evenly poured around from all sides. This is done regardless of whether the tree is transplanted with a complete replacement of soil or transshipment with a lump of root earth. Care must be taken to ensure that the barrel is level, without tilting to either side. Then the soil in the pot is watered abundantly, and the transplanted plant is put in its original place. Subsequent watering is carried out as the soil dries up.

      Ficus Ali does not like when he is moved, turned, he is a "homebody", so you must immediately look for a place for him in the room, taking into account his future growth.

      Pruning ficus Binnendijka

      Caring for indoor ficus includes mandatory formative pruning. Without it, it will grow chaotically and lose its decorative effect. In order for the exotic grown at home or in the office to acquire a permanent form, it is necessary to start pruning it from an early age, when the stems remain flexible. The best time for a haircut is spring. During this period, the green pet has a large supply of vitality, is able to grow evenly, throwing out many shoots.

      Thanks to pruning and shaping, the tree will be able to take on a variety of forms: an arc, a ball, a bush, a bonsai. Some masters give their green pets even more complex configurations, which are equated with sculptures, and their creation is a kind of art - ficus weaving. The process is incredibly fun, but it takes patience and regularity.

      When starting pruning, you need to take into account some of the nuances. New shoots are formed from the apical and lateral (axillary) buds. Apical buds develop faster and inhibit or even completely block lateral bud development. Pruning the apical bud during the period of its active growth (in spring) entails active awakening of the axillary buds, from which, in turn, shoots begin to actively grow.

      Autumn-winter pruning carries the risk of one-sided development and the ficus will grow skewed. In addition, in autumn and winter, the ficus uses nutrients accumulated in the ground parts during the period of active growth, and pruning deprives the plant of these reserves.

      Crown formation is not only pruning, but the direction of the shoots in the right direction. This is done with the help of all kinds of devices. Therefore, before cutting off the shoot, it must be directed and fixed. After some time, the fixing device is removed.

      Pruning is carried out with a sharp knife or pruning shears in the following order:

      • remove the shoot above the kidney;
      • the place of the cut is soaked with a sponge until the milky juice ceases to stand out;
      • The "wound" is disinfected with charcoal or activated carbon powder.

      Trunks can also be shaped into interesting shapes by intertwining them. For this, 2-3 cuttings are planted in one pot. From a pair of plants, spirals are formed, twisting the stems. Of the three, they make a pigtail. Weaving is done freely so that the growth of the tree does not stop. Excess shoots and leaves are removed.

      Diseases and pests

      The question of what to do if the ficus is sick or attacked by pests is relevant, despite the fact that such troubles rarely happen with willow specimens. Let's list the main ones:

      • Leaves droop and fall. A common cause is excessive soil moisture and root rot.
      • The development of the ficus has slowed down, it sheds its leaves. This is often due to a lack of light.
      • The foliage shrivels and dries up. This is often the result of direct sunlight hitting the crown. It needs to be shaded.
      • Brown spots appear at the edges of the leaves. The reasons can be different: excessive amount of fertilizers, dry air, high room temperature.

      With insufficient care, the Binnendijka varieties can infect pests. The most common among them:

      • Shields and false shields. Infection is manifested by loss of color and foliage. On it you can see insects that look like black plaques. To remove them, wipe the leaves with a soft cloth soaked in soapy water.
      • Spider mite. It is easy to determine its appearance by the thinnest cobweb on the leaves, similar to a white bloom. To get rid of the tick, you need to rinse the plant under the shower several times with a break of a week to increase the humidity. Her spider mite does not tolerate.

      Useful properties of ficus Ali for humans

      In different peoples, all kinds of signs and superstitions are associated with finding a ficus in the house. In Asian countries, they believe that this tree is the patron saint of the hearth, helps to solve family money problems, strengthens marital unions, and helps childless women get pregnant. The Slavs, on the contrary, often have a negative attitude to the ficus, considering it a "muzhegon" - a lovebird.

      Whether this is true or not, we cannot judge. In any case, it is wrong to consider the ficus growing in the house only as a decorative decoration of the space. He is able to bring a lot of benefits to a person:

      • purify indoor air by saturating it with oxygen and converting harmful substances into amino acids;
      • serve as energy protection for the inhabitants of the house;
      • to be the basis for the preparation of decoctions and alcoholic tinctures that help with diseases of the joints, oral cavity, hematomas, female genital area.

      There is also an opinion that ficus is poisonous. Indeed, since this tree belongs to rubber, its milky juice contains rubber. It can cause itching and irritation if it comes into contact with the skin. Therefore, it is better to carry out all work with gloves, and also put the pot with it out of the reach of small children and animals.

      It is easy and interesting to grow ficus Ali: unpretentious in care, it pleases with lush and bright foliage. It also gives flower growers the opportunity to show their creative talents by creating green sculptures of various shapes on their own windowsill. Florists who cultivate this exotic plant in their homes leave positive reviews about it and receive only positive emotions from "communication" with it.

    Marina Kaustyan

    Mom and housewife. Knows all the secrets of indoor plants and loves to tell them to others

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    Mulberry family... Ficus binnendiyka is native to the tropical forests of Southeast Asia, the extent of its distribution from the foothills of the Himalayas, through Nepal, Burma, Thailand, and to Vietnam, Java, Borneo, Sumatra, Philippines. It spread to other parts of the world in countries with tropical climates, is also popular in the United States, and is grown on the streets in parks and gardens. Grows everywhere except in the wettest and driest habitats on all major islands, best in rocky and rocky open areas.

    These are evergreen trees or shrubs that grow in nature about 20 m in height, at home about 1.5 m. It has a powerful root system, very aggressive in favorable conditions. Leaves are shiny, dark green, about 25-30 cm long and 6-7 wide. As with all ficuses, when cut or broken, a sticky white milky sap is released from any part of the plant.

    Description Vitaly Alenkin (Vitaly): Ficus binnendijkii Miquel- the bark of young shoots is light green. Young shoots quickly lignify. On the trunks and lateral shoots of middle-aged plants, the bark is dark brown, rough, with white streaks, partially exfoliates in the form of small gray pieces (ribbons). In adult plants, the bark is light gray with white streaks.

    Young leaves on the tops of the shoots are tubularly twisted, in light green stipules. The latter, after opening the leaf, dry up and fall off. Fully formed leaves are lanceolate (resembling oleander leaves), slightly concave along the midrib (boatlike), smooth to the touch, hard, glossy with a pointed tip and a triangular base, from 25 to 30 cm long and up to 4-4.5 cm wide. The leaf blade is dark green above, matt green below, with a pronounced powerful yellow-green central vein. The petiole is 3-4 cm.

    Among florists, you can hear the names "willow ficus" related to the binnendey ficus. The leaves of this ficus really resemble willow in shape, but this is a popular name, not a botanical one.

    Temperature: moderate, optimal in the range of 20-25 ° C, in winter it is possible to keep it at lower temperatures of about 16-18 ° C, with limited watering, the limit is 13 ° C with a dry content. In case of sudden changes in temperature, it can shed leaves.

    Lighting: bright diffused light, light partial shade. With a lack of light, the shoots stretch out, the leaves thin out. Direct sunlight can cause burns in the hot afternoon. Variegated varieties like 'Amstel Gold needs more intense lighting, with some sunlight in the morning or evening.

    Watering: temperate in summer, the topsoil should dry out completely. In winter, with a decrease in illumination and temperature, watering is limited to such an extent that the soil dries out completely. Ficus Ali and other varieties of Binnendijka endure severe overdrying, but die from waterlogging.

    Air humidity: the leaves can be sprayed, especially in hot dry weather in summer and in winter when central heating is on. If the size of the pot allows, then you can wear the binnendey ficus in the shower every two weeks, while covering the ground from water ingress.

    Top dressing with fertilizers: from March to August, once every two to three weeks, they are fed with fertilizers for decorative deciduous plants.

    Reproduction: cuttings, which are easily rooted in water in good light, as well as air layers. Cut the cuttings about 15 to 25 cm long. Just put in a jar of water, it takes from a month to three to form roots. But this is much faster than rooting in a greenhouse in the ground. To prevent the water in the jar from blooming, change it every 2 days.

    Formation of appearance: ficus binnendijka - a large plant, with good care, an adult plant requires periodic pruning in order to maintain a compact shape. You can grow ficus in the form of a stem, or by braiding the trunks of several cuttings, planted in one pot, with a pigtail. Even if you don't form Ali's ficus in any way, it will still grow into a beautiful lush empty.

    How to transplant ficus Ali

    Young ficuses are transplanted annually in spring, into fresh soil. But if it turns out that the roots have not grown too much, there is a lot of free land, plant it in the same pot, only replacing the soil with fresh one.

    Old binnendeyka ficuses are transplanted every 2-3 years, but you can add fresh fertile soil every year by removing the top 2-3 cm of the old soil.

    The soil for ficuses should be loose and nutritious. Such a mixture is suitable: sod land 2 parts, leaf or greenhouse 1 part, you can add chopped pine bark, vermiculite and charcoal. An important condition is good drainage to the bottom of the pot, and the acidity of the soil should be slightly acidic, or close to neutral (pH 5.5-6.5). Ficus does not tolerate alkaline and too acidic substrates. The pot should be stable enough and not too spacious. The volume of the pot is increased when the roots have filled almost the entire volume.

    The most widespread variety of Ficus binnendik Ali. Very often the name of the species is omitted and shortened to the ficus Ali.

    About air humidity

    Ficus bennendieck is very tolerant of dry air in apartments. Spraying and showering have purely hygienic purposes, and also serve as prevention of spider mite damage.

    This is how Vitaly answers the question why several new leaves of a purchased ficus are very fragile and, as it were, wavy:

    At first, Ali will develop curled leaves due to lack of air humidity, but this does not mean that you need to rush around with a spray bottle. Over time, the plant will get used to the humidity that you have and will grow beautiful, straight leaves.

    Growing problems

    Growing ficus binnendik for 8 years along with ficus benjamin, I would like to note some features of its content, without pretending to be authoritative:

    In the ficus binnendik, in contrast to benjamin, cuttings are more reluctant to root. In order for the stalk to give roots for sure, you need to cut off a branch of at least 15-20 cm and leave 3-4 leaves on it. And you need to cut the cuttings in May-July. Root in water or wet vermiculite, in a bright place. It improves rooting by heating the cuttings so that the water temperature is around 24-25 ° C.

    Unlike ficus benjamin, binnendika is more often affected by a tick, especially in winter during the heating season or in summer, exposed on the balcony in hot weather. At the same time, the tips of the leaves of the ficus may begin to dry. The only salvation is hanging the batteries with wet towels, or installing a humidifier right under the ficus.

    Excessive watering is destructive for Ali's ficus, as well as for all other ficuses, the plant rots easily, shedding leaves. Also, the ficus suffers from sharp temperature fluctuations, for example, if it stands in the garden and on the balcony in the summer, and becomes sharply colder at night. Also, the plant reacts painfully to drafts. In winter, opening the window, rearrange the ficus from the cold air streams, otherwise the branches dry out, curl, the leaves fly around.

    Ficus Ali is very light tolerant, but it is not a small plant and grows quickly under good conditions. After a while, it is no longer removed on the windowsill and you have to look for a place for it in the room. I would like to warn against setting the pot on the floor, near the balcony door (it can be dark there if the leaves are not at glass level, and it is cold - drafts).

    It is tempting to put a pot of ficus against the wall of the room, for example, next to the sofa. The large ficus tree Ali looks really impressively beautiful, but exactly as long as it has enough light. Then a beautiful tree can begin to “go bald”. To prevent this from happening, it needs to be supplemented with lamps.

    But you can use lamps with conventional E27 or E14 sockets, put a fluorescent or LED bulb with a wide or narrow base. For a ficus up to 50 cm high, a 20 W fluorescent lamp or an LED 5-7 W lamp is sufficient.

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    Ficuses are one of the most common plants found in homes, apartments and offices. Their diversity is unimaginably great. Different types of ficuses differ from each other in the size and structure of the bushes, as well as in the shape and color of the leaves. These plants are valued all over the world for their very effective appearance and unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention.

    Ficus Ali(lat. Ficus Binnendijkii cv. ‘Alii’) is one of the most sought-after and outstanding representatives of its kind. Having seen this plant for the first time, every florist wants to buy it for himself, but at the same time he may not even guess that it is a ficus.

    I have two species of these green beauties growing at home - Ficus rubber and Ficus Ali. In this article I will tell you what the proper care of the last plant should be.

    General information about the ficus Ali.

    For landscaping a room, that is, a house, apartment or office, of all types of ficuses, Ali is often found. The leaves of this plant are similar to willow, so they were given the popular name - "willow ficus". The trunk and branches of this plant are densely bordered with dark green long leaves. In good conditions, Ali's ficus can grow up to 2m in height.

    In fact, Ali's ficuses are a whole group of varieties of similar plants, which were discovered and described by the botanist Simon Bennendijka in the 19th century. Hence the second name - ficus Binnendijka (lat.Ficus binnendijkii). In the wild, these evergreens reach 20m in height and are found in the subtropical forests of India. In young ficuses, the bark is dark brown, while in adults it is light gray with light strokes.

    Ficus Ali- narrow-leaved plants, the branches of which fall down under their weight. The leaves of these plants are variegated or monochromatic. Their length is up to 30cm, and their width is up to 7cm. In their shape, the leaves of Ali ficus resemble well-opened pea pods, that is, they are bent in the middle along the entire length in the same way.

    Ficus varieties Ali.

    There are quite a few varieties of Ali ficuses. In this article, I will list only those that are most often found in flower growers.

      Ficus "Alii". The leaves of this plant are slightly wider than those of other Bennendijk varieties. For landscaping a room, this plant is used more often than its counterparts.

    Ficus "Amstel Gold" has very beautiful leaves of an unusual color: a yellow-green background, on which areas of different shapes and different shades of green are located in a chaotic manner.

    Ficus "Amstel Queen". The leaves of this plant are slightly wider than those of Amstel King, but narrower than those of Alii.

  • Ficus "Amstel King" has wider leaves (up to 7cm). In all respects, this plant is very similar to the ficus "Amstel Queen".
  • Ficus Ali care.

    As I said, Ali's ficuses are very strong and not whimsical plants. And yet, for normal growth, they need to create the right conditions.

    Lighting for Ali ficuses.
    All ficuses love bright rooms, but without direct sunlight. Green plants feel fine in partial shade, but for variegated, so that they do not lose color, a bright diffused light is needed.

    If on summer days the sun's rays fall on the plant, then it must be shaded. At the same time, you should not put the plant deep into the room, since its leaves will turn pale.

    Ali's ficuses do not like to be moved or even turned, therefore, when choosing a place for your green pet, in addition to lighting, count on the fact that it will grow.

    Do you have a vegetable garden?


    Temperature for Ali ficus.
    This plant thrives at normal room temperature. In summer, it should be from 20 0 C to 25 0 C, and in winter it should be slightly lower - 16-20 0 C.

    If the room is very warm in winter, then place the ficus as close to the window as possible. It's cooler in there anyway.

    When growing ficus, you need to know the following pattern: if the ambient temperature is warm, then the plant needs more light, and vice versa, the cooler it is in the room, the shorter the daylight hours can be. In nature, these parameters are associated with the seasons.

    Watering the ficus Ali.
    Ficuses do not tolerate prolonged drought, so they need to be watered regularly and in moderation, avoiding stagnant water. When waterlogged, the soil sours, the roots begin to rot and the plant dies.

    From spring (after waking up) to autumn (before the plant leaves dormancy), the ficus is watered more often, since, due to active growth, it requires more moisture. In winter, watering is slightly limited.

    I water my ficus Ali when the topsoil (1-2cm) dries up.

    Spraying Ali's ficuses.
    This beautiful plant is very fond of water and high humidity, so it is necessary to spray the plant regularly. This is best done with a spray bottle or, if the plant is not large, under the shower. In this case, the water should be at room temperature. In addition to moisturizing, spraying is useful in that it helps to remove dust from the leaves of the ficus. The frequency of this procedure directly depends on the humidity of the air and the ambient temperature. In summer, at a temperature of 20-22 0 С, they are sprayed 1-2 times a week, and if the temperature is higher, then this can be done daily.

    Soil for ficus Ali.
    Ficuses need special soil. It can be purchased at a flower shop, and there it is called "Soil for Ficuses" or "Soil for Palm Trees". If you wish, you can make such a mixture yourself. For adult plants, it should be nutritious and loose enough, consisting of:

    1. Greenhouse or leaf land (2 parts);
    2. Sod land (2 parts);
    3. Sand (1 part);
    4. Some charcoal;
    5. Some fine red brick chips as a baking powder.

    For young Ali ficuses, you can mix:

    1. Sod land (1 part);
    2. Sand (1 part);
    3. Peat (1 part).

    These plants cannot tolerate acidic and alkaline soils.

    Top dressing for Ali's ficuses.
    From the beginning of spring to the end of summer, the plant develops rapidly, therefore it requires regular feeding. During this period, I fertilize my ficus Ali once every 2-3 weeks and use store-bought complex dressings for deciduous indoor plants. Usually I do both root dressing and foliar dressing (spraying the leaves with a weak solution of liquid fertilizer), alternating them with each other.

    From autumn to spring, ficuses can not be fertilized, since at this time the plant has a dormant period.

    Ali's ficus transplant.
    Ali's ficuses are transplanted in early spring, when he just wakes up. Young plants, due to their rapid growth, require an annual transplant with a complete replacement of the soil, and adults - by the transshipment method about 1 time in 3 years. Very large specimens are not transplanted. They are simply fed and the topsoil is renewed once a year.

    For transplanting, take a new pot, the diameter of which is 2-3 cm larger than the previous one.

    At its bottom, be sure to make good drainage from expanded clay and / or stones. Then, regardless of whether you are replanting the ficus by transshipment or removing all the soil, put it on a drain and cover it evenly with soil mixture on all sides. At the same time, make sure that he does not bend over, but stands level. Then water the plant abundantly and put it back in its original habitat. The next watering occurs as the soil dries up.

    Reproduction of Ali's ficuses.
    Reproduction, as well as transplantation, are carried out in early spring. Basically, Ali ficuses are propagated by stem cuttings, as they root very well. This is done this way: a stalk is cut off from the mother plant with a sharp knife, pruner or scissors. Then it is placed in a container with water at room temperature and placed in a warm (22-25 0 С) bright place. The plant is in this form until the roots appear. In this case, it is necessary to periodically top up water. The roots themselves begin to sprout after about 2 weeks. When they reach a size of 1.5-2.5 cm, the plant can be planted in the ground.

    Formation of Ali's ficuses.
    Ficus Ali can be grown like a regular bush, pruning it periodically to keep it from overgrowing. At the same time, the plant will remain compact and become very fluffy.

    You can also plant several cuttings of Ali's ficus in one pot and grow it as an ornamental pigtail plant, intertwining them and removing excess shoots and leaves.

    Diseases of Ali's ficuses.

    Ali ficus, like all other species of this plant, are very rarely exposed to diseases and pest attacks. But sometimes it happens under unfavorable conditions.

    Ficus leaves droop, become lethargic and fall off.
    Most often this occurs from waterlogging of the soil and, consequently, decay of the roots. It also happens when you move the plant to a new location.

    Ficus growth has slowed down, and its leaves lose color and fall off.
    This may be due to a lack of lighting. If it is not enough for a long time, then the ficus will lose immunity and can catch a more serious disease, which will be difficult to cure. To correct this situation, it is necessary to increase the lighting.

    Ficus leaves wrinkle and dry.
    Most often this occurs due to direct sunlight on the plant. To correct this situation at peak solar activity, it is necessary to shade the plant and spray.

    Brown spots appeared on the tips of the ficus leaves.
    This can be due to high ambient temperatures, overfeeding or low humidity. To increase the humidity, spray ficus more often or place a pallet with wet expanded clay under the pot. It is also necessary to increase the frequency of airing the room, but do not allow drafts. Also check if you are fertilizing correctly. The recipe and dosage must be written on the package.

    Ficus pests Ali.

    With poor care, ficuses are affected by mealybugs, scale insects and false scales, as well as spider mites.

    Mealybug on ficus.
    At low air humidity, mealybugs can attack ficuses. With a small amount of them, wipe the affected area with a soft cloth moistened with alcohol.

    Shield and false shield on ficus.
    When a plant is damaged by this pest, the leaves lose their color and fall off. The insects themselves look like plaques (adults are black, and young ones are flesh-colored) adhering to the plant. At the initial stage (as soon as the first insects appear), they can be removed by wiping the plant with a soft cloth dipped in a soapy solution. With a more severe lesion, you will have to use Actellic at the rate of 20 drops per 1 liter of water. Be careful when using it as it is toxic. Ventilate the room at all times.

    Pointe mite.
    As soon as you notice on the ficus a very thin white cobweb between the leaves and under them, then immediately start treating the plant. Spider mites do not tolerate moisture, so rinse the plant well in a shower at room temperature several times in a row at intervals of 5-7 days. If the plant is still small, then you can put on a "greenhouse" from, for example, a transparent plastic bag. Then place the plant in a warm, bright place. Thus, you will increase the humidity of the air, which is very harmful for spider mites. If this does not help, then use actellic in the same way as for fighting the scabbard.


    Properly caring for Ali ficus, you will be able to enjoy this tropical giant for many years. Yes, this is a truly beautiful plant that brings almost no trouble to its owner. But this is only on condition that you take care of him.

    Read more about growing ficuses in my article "Homemade ficus".

    As for me, all types of ficuses are excellent indoor plants that constantly delight their owners and their guests with their beauty. Therefore, if you have not yet installed ficus in your house, then do it as soon as possible.

    Interesting on YouTube:

    For more than a year, my mother-in-law thought that I was growing some special kind of Russian willow in my apartment. And when she finally realized that it was a ficus, she began to demand that it be thrown away: they say, all ficuses are “muzhegons,” besides, in a house with such a plant, disputes, gossip and scandals must reign.

    Yes, not a single plant has been so hard for me! Ali, I won back. But here's what I will say about the superstitions associated with the flowerpot: scandals around the ficus are really hovering! But only in one case - if a scandalous person who believes in any prejudices is taken for a plant ...

    Why do flower growers like him so much?

    Ficus binnendiyka (or willow; less often the plant is called ficus Benedict, although this name is incorrect, since it refers to a completely different type of ficus) - a native of Southeast Asia. "In the wild" is a twenty-meter tree with drooping branches.

    The leaves of such a ficus can be confused with willow or cherry. Depending on the species, their width and shade may differ slightly. In any case, there is a deep vein in the center of each leaf that turns the leaf into a small, half-open "booklet".

    Ficus Ali is an ornamental-leaved plant, not whimsical at all. It grows quickly, in a couple of years of good care it can hit the ceiling.

    And by the way! In vain superstitious people "run over" him. In narrow circles, ficus is known not as a bad plant, but as an energetically good plant. In particular, he helps his mistress to get pregnant quickly.

    You can hear more about it here:

    Are there many varieties of ficus Ali

    In the wild, and there are many varieties of Ali on sale. But there are only four really popular ones.

    • Ali. Also known as Aliya. The most popular. Its leaves are the widest among its "brethren".
    • Amstel King. Recognizable ficus Ali, but with lighter and wider leaves.
    • Amstel Gold. Has light green, yellowish leaves. The green spots scattered over the leaf blades make the crown even more interesting.
    • Amstel Queen. It is the leaves of the "Queen" that are a bit like cherry leaves - wider than other varieties, rich green.

    Basic care of this plant

    • Light. He must be present in the room, and in large quantities. But beware of direct hit of the rays on the plant - they can burn the sensitive leaves of the ficus.
    • Temperature. In summer, such a ficus needs about 22 degrees, in winter - at least 16. The ficus will become ill if the air in the room stagnates all the time - but do not open the window on which this plant stands for ventilation. Also, do not hang the air conditioner over the ficus itself - for him it will be akin to constant drafts.
    • Air humidity. She can be moderate. But if the summer is hot, or in winter you do not save on heating, spray your ficus more often. And do not forget: defend the water for these purposes, while allowing it to warm up to room temperature.
    • Watering. They remember it when the top of the soil in the pot begins to dry out by about 2 cm.Use settled water. Anything that runs out into the pan, drain away - if such a liquid is not removed in time, the soil will pull it back, but the flower will not have time to use it, and the roots in such wet soil may begin to rot.
    • Nutrition. In the spring and summer, ficus is bought “delicacies”. They are given twice a month. It can be either mineral fertilizer or organic matter, or a combination of these dressings (once "mineral water" is given, the second time, two weeks later - organic). Important: food is introduced only when watering, you cannot feed the ficus from a spray bottle.
    • Diseases. If you look after correctly, Ali practically does not get sick. True, sometimes he still suffers ailments. If its leaves wither and turn yellow, this may indicate an excess or lack of light (see the situation). Black, dry leaves scream that the plant is frozen over, and the temperature has dropped sharply. And if dark (black or reddish) spots have gone from the bottom of the leaves, this is a fungus. Urgently treat the ficus with a fungicide, and cut off diseased leaves and twigs.
    • Pests. Sometimes scale insects, mealybugs, aphids grow on the leaves. In order to drive them away, insecticides are bought. But before processing, wipe both the leaves and the stem with a piece of cotton wool dipped in soapy water, scraping the insects into the sink.
    • Special conditions. Like other ficuses, Ali does not tolerate rearrangements. Having got used to one window sill, he can react painfully to relocation to another place (up to "scandals" with indicative leaf fall). Therefore, having brought the plant into the house, immediately choose a windowsill where the ficus will stand all its life. It is great if it is southeastern (for light or spotted leaves) or eastern (for strictly green leaves). And no drafts!

    Reasons for transplanting may be a suspicion of root rot (in this case, all roots are examined, all suspicious parts are cut off) or the banal growth of a ficus, in which its root system ceases to fit into the pot.

    In the first case, an old pot is used, only before that it is sterilized (with a solution of potassium permanganate, boiling water). In the second, the pot is bought a couple of centimeters larger than the old one.

    Young ficuses (up to 4 years old) are transplanted every year. Older ones - every 2-3 years.

    If you have a real giant growing up to the ceiling, you don't need to replant it (and how can you handle an almost full-fledged tree?), Just feed Ali more often and change his top soil.

    The choice of soil. If your store does not have ready-made soil for ficuses and / or palms, create the correct soil with your own hands.

    I can recommend several good recipes at once.

    1. Sod, leafy land, peat, sand (in equal shares).
    2. Two shares of leaf and sod land, one share of humus, peat, sand.
    3. Sand, peat, turf land (in equal quantities).

    In the case of a healthy plant, use the transplant when replanting. Place the ficus in a new pot together with the adhering soil, and fill the gap between it and the walls with fresh soil.


    The most popular and popular method is grafting.

    Everything is done like this:

    1. In spring or summer, cut a healthy stem cut.
    2. Place it in a glass of water.
    3. Root this twig in partial shade at 20-24 degrees. If the room is hot, spray the cutting occasionally.
    4. This baby should start up the roots after 20 days.
    5. As soon as the roots get stronger (as in the photo above), the ficus can be planted in the ground and considered a small tree, but a tree.

    And ficuses can be propagated by seeds. We sell such seeds (for example, they are offered by the well-known company "Gavrish"). This is not the most popular method as it takes a lot of time and patience.

    But if you're interested, I suggest you watch this video. It has everything: unpacking a bag of seeds, and germination, and what the sprouts look like. Very informative:

    By the way! Do you know what wild fig trees look like? It is in our apartments that Benjamin, Ali and other green fellows peacefully turn green in pots. “In the wild,” these guys behave much more cheeky. For example, they can capture an entire house!

    Modern advanced technologies are not only beneficial for humans. Air pollution, stress, overwork due to the high pace of life ... Agree, I want to at least create an atmosphere of peace and relaxation at home. And breathe fresh air.

    And by the way, it is not as difficult and expensive as it might seem. Try planting ficuses at home. They have an air purification factor of 8 points (on a 10-point scale), the highest of all indoor flowers. And the supporters of the Feng Shui theory are absolutely sure of the positive energy of this flower.

    Florists call ficus a rather unpretentious plant that lives by its own rules. You just need to know and follow these rules. This article is dedicated to them.

    Ficus: familiar stranger

    A tropical plant growing at home - in Malaysia - up to 40 m, at home it reaches 2-3 m.There are 3 types of ficuses:

    • Benjamin;
    • rubbery;
    • small-leaved.

    Thanks to the mass of wide leaves, all ficuses absorb such harmful substances that accumulate in the air of our homes, such as benzene, formaldehyde and ammonia, releasing oxygen in return.

    The lustrous foliage is weakly electrically charged and attracts dust particles, thereby purifying the surrounding air.

    Well, looking at beautiful leaves, a person comes to a state of peace and tranquility.

    All these qualities are characteristic only of healthy plants. To maintain and strengthen their strength, you need to properly care for the flower.

    Ficus care

    It includes the following operations:

    • landing;
    • creating an appropriate microclimate;
    • watering;
    • top dressing;
    • pruning.

    It doesn't matter what type of ficus you plan to plant at home. The care rules are the same for any species.

    Important! If the ficus has dropped all the leaves, then some care operations are disrupted. After the restoration of the care regimen, the plant will begin to grow leaf blades.

    Planting ficus

    A stable ceramic pot is suitable for ficus, the diameter of which is 2-3 cm larger than the diameter of the crown. At the bottom of the container, you need to place a drainage layer of expanded clay, crushed stone or pebbles.

    It is better to take special soil for ficuses or palms. If not, then you can cook it yourself. The main feature of such soil is its high air and moisture permeability and neutral or slightly acidic acidity.

    Composition of soil for plants aged 3 and more years:

    • garden land - part 2;
    • peat - 1 part;
    • sand - 1 part.

    For young ficuses, the soil should be even looser:

    • humus -1 part;
    • peat - 1 part;
    • sand - 1 part.

    The looser the soil, the better the survival rate of the plant. To loosen the substrate, coarse sand or charcoal is added to it.

    To improve plant survival and accelerate its adaptation during planting and transplanting, biohumus or potassium humate is used.

    You can reduce the acidity of the soil with lime and dolomite flour.

    Wood ash is an auxiliary source of phosphorus, potassium and trace elements.

    The plant is planted so that the root collar is at or below ground level not more than 1 cm. Deeper deepening can lead to decay of the bark of the main stem.

    After planting the ficus, the soil is lightly crushed.

    Microclimate for ficuses

    Ficus loves well lit place but does not tolerate direct sunlight. Therefore, the best place for it is the east, west window or a place near it. The main thing is that the midday sun does not burn the leaves.

    Note! Variegated ficus varieties need longer daylight hours: their leaves contain less chlorophyll. In winter, they need additional lighting.

    Optimal air humidity 50-70%. To achieve it, the plant is sprayed daily with warm water, the leaves are wiped with a damp cloth or sponge. A flat vessel with water is placed next to the pot. The pot can be placed on damp expanded clay.

    Comfortable temperature for ficus:

    If the ficus is not watered, then it can withstand a temperature drop of up to +10 degrees.

    Below +10 degrees, the roots of the ficus freeze and the plant dies.


    Ficus, even living in our conditions for a long time, still remains a plant in the humid tropics. It requires a change of wet and dry soil, as in natural conditions: wet soil after heavy rainfall and drying out of the soil in the dry period.

    Therefore, when watering, you need to wet the earthen lump well in small portions - let the ficus remember about a tropical rainstorm. The water should be 2-3 degrees warmer than room temperature, soft, free of chlorine and salts. Standing (no more than 1-2 days) or boiled will do.

    The next watering is carried out only after the soil dries out:

    • for a small pot at a depth of 3-4 cm;
    • for a large one - at a depth of 5-7 cm.

    You can check the moisture content of the soil with your finger or a wooden sushi stick or toothpick.

    Ficus is very fond of watering by sprinkling (again, the memory of tropical rains!). To do this, cover the soil with a plastic bag so as not to overmoisten it. The plant in the bathroom is watered under the shower with warm (up to 37 degrees) water for 15-20 minutes.

    Important! Such sprinkling is necessary at the slightest signs of damage to the ficus by insect pests.

    Top dressing

    They are carried out only during the period of active growth of the plant: from March to August.

    The feeding schedule is as follows:

    • March: complete mineral fertilization (NPK) - 2 times;
    • April: potassium + phosphorus + a small amount of nitrogen - 2 times;
    • May: potassium + phosphorus - 2 times;
    • June: phosphorus + potassium - 2 times;
    • July: phosphorus + potassium - 2 times;
    • August: potassium - 2 times.

    During the dormant period, the ficus is fed with potassium humate no more than 1 time a month, only to support the plant's tone.

    Note! Top dressing should be carried out only on wet soil, after watering. Otherwise, there is a risk of burning the root system.

    Supporters of organic farming can be offered top dressing with nettle infusion, an ash solution or a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

    Recommendation! It is best to use special fertilizers for ficus. They contain balanced substances and trace elements that your pet needs. It is not recommended to use manure and humus.


    This operation has the following goals:

    • sanitization;
    • plant rejuvenation;
    • improved ventilation of the crown.

    Sanitary pruning is carried out throughout the year. In its course, weak, damaged and crooked shoots are removed.

    Rejuvenating pruning is carried out from March to August - at this time, the plant tolerates such a traumatic operation more easily.

    The purpose of this pruning is to form a crown, to remove thickening shoots growing inward.

    • the tool must be very sharp to prevent crushing of the shoot;
    • before trimming, you must disinfect the tool;
    • you need to start pruning with internal shoots;
    • at least 5 leaves should be left on the central shoots;
    • the cut is carried out over the kidney, at an angle of 45 degrees;
    • all sections must be sprinkled with activated charcoal or cinnamon.

    Cardinal rejuvenating pruning is indicated for ficus, in which the aerial part is withered, frost-bitten or damaged. The plant is pruned at soil level, and the stump is covered with a glass jar, plastic bag, or cut plastic bottle.

    After 2-3 weeks, new leaves will appear, the mini-greenhouse can be removed, and the young plant can be fed with full mineral fertilizer at 50% concentration.

    Reproduction of ficuses

    This plant is propagated by cuttings and leaves.

    A stalk is a mature apical shoot with 3-4 buds (leaves) at least 10 cm long. Before rooting, the stalk can first be placed in water with the addition of root or any root-stimulating agent. After the appearance of roots 1-2 cm long, the cutting is planted in a light nutritious soil.

    Some growers prefer rooting directly into the ground. In this case, the cutting is immersed in the root solution for 30-50 minutes, and then stuck into the ground. The planted stalk is covered with a mini-greenhouse until new leaves appear.

    Leaves are propagated by rubbery ficuses (with large leaves). For this, the leaf is cut along with the "heel" - a part of the stem with a dormant bud. After that, it is placed in an aqueous solution of the root for 2-3 weeks, then rooted in the ground.

    As a result

    Ficus has been living with people for a long time. He was called a relic of the past and a petty-bourgeois symbol. And he calmly waited for the pendulum to swing in the other direction. And now there is no room where this tropical giant would not grow. For the full disclosure of his qualities, it is necessary to provide him with the necessary conditions.

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