Organic feeders for seedling and indoor plants. Natural fertilizers for domestic flowers

Gardening 13.06.2019

As known, the best way Get a good seedlings or healthy room plants. But not everyone has time to mix the components in different proportions, marvel or calculate the soil mixture. Often, the policy is as follows - we will buy, put, and then feed, if that ...

To be filtered - it is easily! Moreover, you can prepare several options for organic feeding, as they say, without departing from the box office. Dachnik is able to create feeding even their kitchen waste. Egg shell, potato cleaning, sugar, banana skins, coffee thickness - everything is in business.

In our description we will move from the most popular and effective to the most controversial. Go…

This option uses almost every gardener as soon as the problems have problems with its seedlings.

Infusion is prepared as follows: litter and water take in a 2: 1 ratio and leave to wander for 2-3 days in a closed dish. Immediately before subcording, infusion is diluted 10 times.

The main thing is to know and always remember that in the fertilizer from the litter for the most part nitrogen, and therefore provokes the growth of green mass. Such feeding is good as the very first. It will undoubtedly help seedlings or room colors to move into growth. Subsequently, if you do not see the signs of nitrogen starvation in the plants, the pallor or yellowishness of the leaves, the soft stem), the nitrogen feeding is no longer anything.

Fertilizer bird litter can be useful: All vegetable cultures As the first feeding, fakes, palm trees, citrus, Diffenbahiam, Monster.

Solo subcord

Another popular supporters natural Agriculture View of feeding. Wood or straw ash in organic farming It is considered one of the best sources of potassium and phosphorus, respectively, feeding the solid infusion of seedlings or colors is an excellent assistant in stimulation of flowering and fruiting.

Recipe infusion is simple: 1 tablespoon of ash for 2 liters hot water. The feeder insists 24 hours, then farting.

Fertilizer ash can be useful: All vegetable cultures and room plants.

Banana skins as fertilizer

In banana peel (as in the bananas themselves) contain a large number of potassium. Therefore, many dackets are in no hurry to throw out skins, but use them as a home fertilizer.

Someone dries banana peel At the battery, then crushes it into powder, adds to the ground when landing and forgets about potash feeding.

Someone insists the skins of bananas in water (peel from 2-3 bananas on three lithuanian bank Waters, insist for three days, then strain), and then water the plants obtained by infusion.

Fertilizer from banana peel can be useful: Tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, roses, ferns, cyclamen, begonias, violets and other home colors. The latter are usually fed at the stage of appearance of buds to ensure violent and long-lasting flowering.

Infusion of egg shell as fertilizer

Egg shell is a storehouse of trace elements. Most dacms carefully collects shells all winter so that before the start of the season lay in compost or scatter around the garden. But the shell can help and at the growing stage of seedlings. If you soak it in water, a hydrogen sulfide is begged in the decomposition process, which scares us with a disgusting smell, but it perfectly stimulates the plants to grow and develop.

The infusion of the egg shell is prepared as follows: the crushed shell from 3-4 eggs is taken on three liters of warm water and it is under a loosely closed lid in dark place in three days. Signs of fertilizer's readiness - blurred infusion and appearance of a specific smell.

The egg shell fertilizer can be useful: Eggplant, tomatoes, peppers, palm trees, lemons, laurels, cypress trees, Petuniam, Zamiculkas, Diffenbahia.

Coffee thickness as a fertilizer

Coffee lovers that are not lynching to dry the spent coffee thickness, mix it with a soil before sowing seeds in seedlings or transplantation indoor plants. Coffee is well breaking the soil, improves its water permeability and introduces nutrient macro and trace elements, especially nitrogen.

Some gardeners are afraid to use coffee, because you are sure: coffee is deoxying the soil. However, this is a myth. An increase in the acidity of the soil is capable of raw coffee, and the roasted and already used for the purpose has a reaction close to neutral.

The fertilizer of the coffee grounds can be useful: Tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, roses, azals, camellias, hydrangees, ferns, rhododendons.

The onion husks of gardeners are very loved for the "two in one" effect. Watering or spraying with infusion low husk - This is not only a full-fledged feeder for seedlings and colors, but also a measure of combating unwanted microorganisms.

The leek feeder is prepared from 20 grams of husk for five liters of warm water, which is insisted for 4 days, and then focusing.

Feeding the onions of the onion husk can be useful All vegetable cultures, especially tomatoes.

Feeding with a decoction of potatoes or potato cleaning

Plants are not in vain to accumulate starch in their seeds, bulbs and tubers. Starch is a kind of "warehouse nutrients about stock. It is this law of nature and use dackets, feeding the seedlings of a decoction, in which potatoes were cooked. Or specifically for these purposes boiled cleaning.

Potato fertilizer can be useful All cultures and room plants.

Sugar subcord

Sugar is the energy in its pure form not only for a person. Plants are also "sweet tooth" and once a week you can pamper them sweet.

To do this, directly on the surface of the Earth in the pot are scattered with a teaspoon of sugar, and then just watered the plant. Or watered sweet water (2 teaspoons of sugar on a glass of water).

Since the sugar plants need predominantly glucose, someone uses glucose tablets directly as fertilizer, which is sold in pharmacies. For cooking, one tablet is bred in a glass of water. Glucose feeds spend once a month, no more often.

Fertilizer sugar can be useful All room plants, especially cacti.

What else amateur gardeners feed their mini garden on the windowsill? For instance:

  • divorced in water aloe juice (Aloe juice works great, and hence it will not subordinate as feeding);
  • the water remaining from the soaking of pea, lentils, beans, other legumes and even croup (the principle here, most likely the same as the feeding of a potato decoction - when soaking from the legumes, a part of the starch is washed out of the legumes, which can serve as a nutritious "soup" for plants);
  • decoction or infusion dried mushrooms (Again, a natural stimulant is selected for the role of feeding, often used to wrap seeds before landing);
  • citrus crusts (good by the fact that nitrogen are brought in soil and scare away pests, the crusts are dried, crushed into powder and added to the soil);
  • fresh or dry yeast (in detail about yeast feeding, we wrote in);
  • toothpaste (at the rate of 1/3 tube on a liter of warm water, very original way feeding, suitable for plants that do not like acidic soils).

How effective are organic feeding from "primary materials"?

Unambiguous opinions from gardeners on this topic are not, and probably disputes about the feasibility of home organic feeding seedlings and room flowers never subscribe ever. Table supporters folk recipes The egg shell and potato purification will continue to insist, and their irreconcilable opponents will once again go to the store for a bag of finished industrial fertilizer. Each harass choose for itself the most convenient and appropriate option.

Many of you probably heard that potato cleaning can be used as an organic fertilizer for country plantations. This is true as they contain starch, potassium, other valuable mineral components. This method of fertilizer is absolutely harmless, economical, helps protect the garden from colorado beetles (as well as their larvae), slugs, a wireman. How to use potato cleaning as a fertilizer, for which plants they fit as feeding - Consider below.

How to prepare fertilizer from cleaning?

Potatoes love very many of us, in most families, it is considered the most popular most frequently used vegetable. After cleaning the potatoes are always a peel. And the highest content of valuable components is located in it and in the layer, which is located under the skin. Raw potato waste contains a lot of macroelements, trace elements, as well as an impressive list of vitamins. If you are rationally use them, do not throw it into the trash can, then all useful elements will give their properties of the soil, plants in your garden.

The inhabitants of private houses are much easier to determine the place for organic fertilizers, they have a land plot reserved under the garden-garden. In this case, you can immediately send potato cleaning into compost.

If the dacha visit is seasonal, the output is also there - the peel can be dried or freeze. When the street is holding subzero temperature, potato cleaning can be laid on an unheated balcony (on suitable surfaces). They will be refunded and thus saved. New "servings" of cleaning can be easily taken to the balcony as needed. As soon as early spring comes, you will have to visit the cottage and take them there, because in heat this product boosts, distributes nasty smell, And this is not necessary for anyone.

The drying of potato peel is a more troublesome way of saving, but more reliable, convenient. It can be dried on a hot battery or in the oven - so it will be better stored. If you attach additional efforts, after heat treatment, grind the peel on the meat grinder, and then again dry in the oven, you will get the finished perfect raw material for fertilizer.

With the onset of spring frozen or dried cleaning from potatoes are placed in a large capacity (for example, barrel), poured very hot water, leave to grind for 2-3 days. This nutrient mixture must be intermitted periodically. Thus, potato cleanings are used as a fertilizer rich in starch, salts, minerals, vitamins.

How to apply fertilizer from potato peel?

The resulting cashem is simply ideal for increasing the fertility of the soil when planting seedlings of cucumbers, cabbage, Bakhchyev, fruit-berry trees, bushes. On the bottom of the wells and beds pre-pour a small amount of received potato ins With casket, and then plants are planted. Such fertilizer acts as an organic feeding, thanks to which the onions, zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkins, all varieties of cabbage develop well, are growing actively. You can make this feeder (by watering the roots of the roots) every 10-14 days, for this, the infusion is pre-filled with a sieve.

Infusion of potato peel - the best fertilizer for currant and similar berry cultures. Thanks to this infusion, it becomes large, sweet. Especially good to add feeding at the stage of the appearance of uncess, during the ripening of berries, before removing the crop.

However, there are some restrictions - tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, eggplant, other parallery cultures should not fertilize such a method, since this fertilizer simply does not work on them. In some cases, it may even bring harm to these plants, because they are prone to general diseases (black pasta, phytoofluorosis).

If you still want to feed the tomatoes with this organic composition, then use only those purification that pre-visited the oven. The raw material has no hot treatment no longer contains a phytoofer if you board it with boiling water before entering into the soil or simply cover near the plants, nothing bad will happen.

Good use cleaning from potatoes for fertilizer fruit treesBerry bushes. To do this, they are buried in the region of the priority circle. It is best to carry out this procedure in the spring.

You can also use potato cleaning, the beneficial properties contained in them not only as fertilizers. With their help, you can scare the pests and save your crop.

Options for "outdoor" application of potato peel:

  1. It is possible to decompose it between the beds, as well as in places of the slipping of the slugs - they are attracted by the smell, they willingly slide on it. After that, it can be easily assembled and destroyed.
  2. If there are many pile of cleaning between rows of potatoes, it will attract Colorado beetles, their larvae. After the pests are slipped into the handhes, they are collected together with the peel and burn, pre-obsuate kerosene.
  3. Also potato cleaning will help significantly reduce the number of the wire, only here you will have to additionally sacrifice several potato tubers. Cleaning and cut into several pieces of tubers are cheered in different places of the site, and after 3-4 days, they are removed from the ground together with voracious pests. Subsequently, the wire and bait is similarly destroyed by burning.

Potato cleaning and currant

According to the set positive feedback From the summer houses feeding currants by purification gives excellent result. This berry shrub "loves" starch and glucose, namely the peel of tubers is richer than these elements. Dry potato peel can be buried under currant bushes in spring and summer. They decompose in the ground, giving it all useful components during the process. You can also pour cleaning with boiling water, after the infusion will cool the shrubs.

So that the berries of currant in their sizes approached the fruits of the cherries, boldly "treat" the bushes with infusion from potato cleaning.

With the onset of autumn, remove the foliage under currant, shuffle the soil, cover the dry skin dry, then cover with dry grass from above. The result of the effort subsequently will pleasantly surprise you.

You can use cleaning not only for currant, but also gooseberry, raspberries, strawberries. This fertilizer is very well suited for garden flowers, (Easy infusion).

This simple free feeding helps to increase the fertility of the soil, safe, non-toxic. It is an effective alternative chemical preparations, And this is a weighty plus. Do not rush to throw out the product rich with useful elements, the more it is easily, quickly dried, well stored in the tissue bags. Use potato cleaning as a fertilizer, for which plants they can be applied, and for some cannot - we tried to specify in this article.

Generous yields!

See top fertilizers For feeding houseplants at home. Recipes are presented by more than 20 natural folk agents: yeast, sugar, banana peel, succanic acid, wood ash, eggshell and citrus skewers.

And also other home natural fertilizers together with medical and kitchen secrets.

Home fertilizers for indoor plants: Popular feeding

For feeding room plants, natural fertilizers are successfully used by various products and substances.

The most popular homemade fertilizers are banana peel, sugar, yeast, succinic acid, wood ash and egg shell.

Forming room colors with a certain substance or product has its own characteristics and rules of application.

The effectiveness of home fertilizers and folk remedies is also significantly different and generates discussions.

Family reviews and arguments of specialists can differ dramatically.

Therefore, the use of folk remedies or domestic fertilizers as feeding indoor plants is purely individual.

1. Falker of indoor plants yeast

Yeasts are a popular homemade fertilizer for indoor plants and colors. They contain hormones, including cytokinines, regulating cell division, as well as auxins, thiamine and vitamins of groups V.

  • Due to this, yeast contributes to the active growth of home plants and their full-fledged development.

Falker of indoor plants with yeast has repeatedly studied by scientists. It is scientifically confirmed that yeast accelerates mineralization organic substances, Nitrogen and phosphorus produce, and also increase the activity of microorganisms in the soil mixture.

Thus, feeding indoor plants with yeast at home is an approximate to the subcording mineral fertilizer.

RECIPE Forming indoor plants yeast:

  1. 10 grams of dry yeast (bag) and 3 tbsp. l. Sugar Stir in 10 liters of warm water. For a smaller volume: 1 gr dry yeast + 1 h. Sahara on 1 liter of water.
  2. The resulting solution insists 2-3 hours.
  3. Before the yeast of home plants, the infusion is stirred with water in proportion of 1 to 5, and then watered indoor flowers.

Live yeast:

  1. 200 grams of yeast are in line in 1 liter of water.
  2. Before use, mix the solution with water in proportion 1 to 10.

Feeding room flowers yeast Reviews:

For maximum effect, feeding room plants with yeast should be supplemented with calcium and potassium - egg shell powder and wood ash.

1% yeast extract:

  1. 10 grams of live yeast dissolve in one liter of water.
  2. Feed the plant once a year in the spring.

Reviews: Some specialists believe that feeding 1% yeast infusion is equivalent to the seasonal dose of complex fertilizer for room colors.

2. Wood ash - like fertilizer for indoor plants

Wood ash is a very efficient homemade fertilizer for room colors. It contains many nutrient elements: phosphorus, iron, sulfur, magnesium, potassium, zinc and calcium.

In wood ash, phosphorus and potassium are located for plants in an easily accessible form.

The editors of the magazine "Holiday Flowers" believes that feeding the wood ash floor colors is a very powerful and secure folk remedy. Wood ash is rightfully considered the best organic fertilizer For indoor plants.

Application - Liquid feeding:

  1. 3 tbsp. l. Ash (about 25 grams) Discount in 1 liter of water.
  2. Insist the solution of the week, and then water the room plants 1 time in 10-14 days.

Dry: 1. Wood ashes mix with soil mixture Before planting in the proportion of 1 to 50.

IMPORTANT! In addition to feeding, wood ash also disinfects the substrate. The ash is very loved by begonia, geranium, fuchsia, cyclamen and other indoor plants.

3. Undercaming of indoor plants sugar

For feeding room plants, sugar is used as a source of glucose, which gives energy to flow various processes in the plant.

And as an excellent building material to stimulate the formation of organic molecules. Glucose to be great building material It must be well absorbed by the plant.

This is possible only in the presence of sufficient concentration of carbon dioxide. In the reverse case, sugar will feed the root rot or mold.

Therefore, to avoid such an effect, feeding the bedroom flowers sugar must be supplemented with efficient microorganisms ("EM") ("Baikal Em-1" or "East Em-1").

Application: Undercaming of indoor plants with sugar is produced by a prepared solution - 1 tbsp. Spoon on 1 liter of water.

Some flower products sprinkle soil mixture with sugar from above and then watered - 1 h. Spoon for a pot of diameter up to 10 cm.

GLUCOSE: maximum efficiency From feeding sugar room plants can be obtained by replacing it with glucose. IN this case The recipe is: 1 glucose tablet per 1 liter of water.

IMPORTANT! Feed the bedroom flowers with sugar or glucose recommend no more than 1 time in 30 days.

4. Amber Acid for Indoor Flowers

Amber Acid is formed in the process of processing a natural amber and has useful properties. It helps better absorb substances, strengthens the immunity of plants.

Amber Acid is not a fertilizer, but an auxiliary additive, which is often used for soaking seeds, rooting cuttings, as well as for spraying and irrigation.

Amber Acid For Indoor Plants Application in Tablets:

  1. Solution for feeding room colors is prepared at the rate of - 1 tablet (0.25 g) or powder per 1 liter of warm water.
  2. The resulting solution spray the leaves, shoots or water the roots for rapid recovery of the plant.

Reviews: subordinate amber Acid Especially love Aglaionm, Maranth, Ficus, Fuss, Begonia, Spenting, Oleander, Chlorophytum, Havorti and Citrus.

Amber Acid in Tablets

IMPORTANT! Homemade flowers to water amber acid are recommended once a year, and for cacti and succulents (empmium, chavorti) every 2-3 years. The overabundance is not dangerous, but also benefits will bring a little.

  • To accelerate the growth of young shoots, spray the ground part of the plant can every 3 weeks in spring and summer.
  • The solution is suitable for feeding for 3 days.

5. Fertilizer from egg shell for indoor plants

The egg shell is a popular and controversial natural fertilizer for indoor plants. It contains a lot of calcium, but in a hard-to-reach form and reduces the level of the acidity of the substrate.

In addition, calcium loves a small number of types of domestic flowers, and an excess substance contributes to the occurrence of chlorosis.

  • Therefore, feeding the egg shell of indoor plants should be carried out carefully and begin with small dosages.


  1. The egg shell is crushed, mixed with soil mixture during plants transplant.
  2. Make infusion on eggshell and watered.


  1. The dried and crushed egg shell is poured with warm water 1 to 5.
  2. Insist 15-20 days, stirring every 3-4 days.
  3. The obtained infusion watered home plants 1 time in 30-40 days.

DRAINAGE: The egg shell can be good drainage. For this, during the transplant, the potted pot is 2-centimeter layer of crushed egg shells.

Fertilizer of eggs for indoor plants:

  1. 1 egg squirrel stir in 200 grams of water.
  2. The solution put in a dark and cool place (basement, cellar, but not a refrigerator (!)).
  3. After a week, the solution is divorced in 2 liters of water and water the room flowers.
  • The smell is specific, but plants actively react to such feeding.

6. Fertilizer from banana peel for indoor plants

Banana peel is a popular natural fertilizer for indoor flowers and plants. It contains a lot of nutrients, especially rich in potassium.

Undercalinking from banana peel for room colors is made in various ways.

Here we will give the most popular and simple recipe, while others are described in a separate material.

  1. Fresh banana peel, thoroughly washed with warm water and dried (battery, oven).
  2. Dried banana skins fall asleep in a coffee grinder and crushed.
  3. The powder from the peel from the bananas is poured on top of the soil mixture and watered with water (1 time per month). It can also be mixed with a soil during a plants transplant 1 to 10.

7. Undercalinking fertilizer from citrus fruits

Peel from lemons, tangerines and oranges is an excellent natural fertilizer for indoor plants and colors that will stimulate their growth and strengthen the immune system.

The citrum feeder at home perfectly scars many pests and reduces the likelihood of diseases in room colors, and also introduces nitrogen into the soil.

Application - WINTER:

  1. Fresh zest from citrus fruits to grind and fill the liter jar on 3/4, and then pour the whole bank with water.
  2. The zest insists 24 hours, then the infusion is filtered and mixed with water 1 to 3.

Spring and summer:

  1. If you collect the cuse from citrus fruits in winter to feed indoor flowers in spring and summer, then the dried peels are putting into a liter can be 80% in a liter jar and pour boiling water.
  2. After the decoction cooled, it is bred with water 1 to 5 and watering for feeding the plants.

IMPORTANT! Fertilize the bedroom flowers fertilizer from citrus at home is recommended in this mode: 1 time in 30 days - autumn / winter and 2 times in 30 days - spring / summer.

Natural folk remedies for subcording houseplants:

8. Onions - Protector of Indoor Plants

The fertilizer from the onion husk occupies a worthy place in the filter of plants at home, as it contains many trace elements.

Undercumation of indoor plants tincture made of a magnificent prevention from many diseases and pests at the expense of phytoncides.


  1. 25 grams of lows of husk (about handy) are poured by a liter of hot water and boil 7-8 minutes under the lid and on a small fire.
  2. The decoction insists 3 hours, and after its cooling, it is filled with and spray home plants and upper layer Soil mixture.
  3. Fucking a decoction from the bow speake about once every two months.

IMPORTANT! A feature of the fertilizer from Luka is that it needs to be prepared before each feeding of domestic flowers.

Feed the plants by spraying, so maximum benefit It will be for those species whose not glossy or pubescent leaves.

9. Garlic

Garlic is a powerful prophylactic tool from fungal diseases in room plants.


  1. 150-200 grams of garlic (slices) are crushed and poured with one liter of water.
  2. The mixture is tightly closed with a lid and insist 4-5 days, and then filter.
  3. For feeding of indoor flowers, infusion is diluted with water: 1 tbsp. A spoon for 2 liters.

IMPORTANT! The fertilizer from garlic is suitable for watering and spraying plants - 1 time in 10-14 days.

10. Aloe juice

Aloe juice is a famous natural stimulator for rooting cuttings, and it can be a fertilizer for room colors. Supporting juice Aloe strengthens the immunity of the plant.


  1. From 3-4-year-old aloe cut off bottom leaves And put in the package, and the package in the refrigerator so that the juice becomes more "soft."
  2. The next day, the juice is squeezed out of aloe leaves and diluted with water - 1 h. Spoon per 1.5 liter of water.
  3. Feed home plants with irrigation or spraying no more than 1 time in 14 days.

2nd recipe from an experienced flowerflower from Moscow:

  1. 6-7 Aloe branches are crushed (cut with a knife into small pieces), put in a 3-liter jar and poured with boiled warm water.
  2. Insist the week in a dark place.
  3. 200 grams of infusion (glass) are bred in 3 liters of water and watered with natural fertilizer room flowers under the root.

11. Speat coffee

This natural fertilizer is widely used by many flower products. Speit coffee does nourishing substrate More loose and easy, increases the acidity and amount of oxygen.

Features: Improving the acidity of the soil has not a positive effect on all indoor plants. Cooking with fresh coffee is recommended for azaleas, hydrangeas, lilies, ripsalis, roses and many evergreen species.

Application: Coffee groove mix with soil mixture in a pot.

12. Tea brew

Some flowerflowers feed home flowers, a teaweed that molds on top of the earth, however, we do not recommend, as speciars (black flies) are easily bred in welding.

Application: Speit tea as a fertilizer can only be used in this version.

  1. Tea welding is dried, collected in a separate bag, and during the transplantation of indoor plants mixed with soil mixture in proportions 1: 3.
  2. It is recommended to feed tea with only indoor flowers with a gentle root system - Begonia, peperomy, violet and others.

Reviews: Speit coffee and tea welding, according to specialists, makes sense to use exclusively as a drainage.

13. Aquarium water

Aquarium water has a neutral pH and contains many substances that stimulate the growth of indoor plants, and, consequently, is quite good natural fertilizer.

Application: Aquarium water can be picked up home flowers only from March to June, and no more than once a month.

Forming indoor flowers: kitchen and medical secrets!

14. Water after defrosting meat

The main danger is the risk of the emergence and development of unwanted microorganisms.

15. Water after washing croup and potato decoction

Some flowerflowers feed indoor flowers with water, which remains after soaking bean (peas, beans, lentils) or potato decoction.

The essence lies in the fact that the starch falls into the water, which feeds the plants with energy.

16. Legs of vegetables

the feeding with the help of bursting of vegetables is popular in some flower water, but a scientifically proven positive effect on home plants is not received.

Therefore, the editors of the magazine "Holiday Flowers" does not consider a decoction after vegetables with good fertilizer.

After June, it is not necessary to stimulate the active growth of green mass in most plants. And the feeder more often once a month leads to excessive reproduction of algae and further landscaping and overlooking the soil mixture.

17. Broth or infusion of dried mushrooms

The natural stimulant for soaking seeds before landing will not harm it, but the scientific results failed to find.

18. Hydrogen peroxide

  1. 25 grams of 3-% hydrogen peroxide are bred in a liter of water.
  2. The resulting solution can spray or water plants.

The subcorter of a weakened plant needs to be carried out several times until it becomes better to look. Spraying indoor plants protects them from diseases.

19. iodine

Often use iodine to protect against fungal diseases and muced dewAnd he is also a good growth stimulant and flowering.

  1. 1-2 drops (1 ml) per 1 liter of water.
  2. Water along the edge of the pot in order not to burn the root system.

Feed once in 7-10 days to restore a weak and fading plant.

  • In other cases, it is enough to carry out the indoor plants with iodine at the spring and summer.

20. Manganese

21. Castor Oil

Castor oil is very well influenced by beautiful plants at the time of the tavering of buds (bootonization) - 1 tsp. per 1 liter of water.

22. Toothpaste

Such feeding is suitable for indoor plants loving alkaline soil.

  1. 20 ml of toothpaste is dissolved in 1 liter of warm water and watered indoor flowers.

23. Toothproof

From the root rot, such a recipe helps well.

  1. 2 tbsp. Spoons of dental powder, 2 tbsp. Spoons of wood ash and 1 tbsp. A spoonful of copper mock is mixed in 100 grams of water.
  2. Near the root of the plant, we move the soil and water the resulting solution.
  3. Plant transfer to dry place

The most famous and efficient home fertilizers for feeding houseplants are considered. We will be glad if it becomes easier for you to feed indoor flowers, and they will answer their beautiful appearance.

Addition to the article:

If you have a favorite fertilizer for indoor plants at home, then please share with us with your recipe.

Flowers will be grateful, like their homemade pets!

Each hostess in their culinary possessions almost daily over the preparation of dishes. Take for example boiled potatoes. What do we do in the usual situation? In 99%, after we welcome potatoes, we drain the water from it into the sewer. IN summer time, yes panstone in a compost pit. Similarly occurs when cleaning onion from the husk, which we throw in the garbage chute. The only thing when we apply it is in Easter with the dye of eggs. However, brazers from potatoes and onions can be used in pomidery and flower growing. Where to? Potato and onion decoction for watering plants.

From how to make a decoction of onion husk and apply it when watering plants, read.


Dear gardes, flowerflowers and builders. Send your stories to grow vegetables, colors and other plants. We are waiting for photos from you with you, family on the background of landings. Photos will be posted on the site in the heading gallery or the thematic to becomee.

Broth from potatoes can also serve you good service when watering plants. You can water them not only outdoor flowers, but also indoor. In this case, it must be drained from potatoes, cool and give to settle. Drain from the potatoes standing on the bottom. Then divert the decoction with water 1: 1 and boldly water them plants.

Measurement of potato and onion beam TDS meter

Potato decoction after measuring on salts contains more than 1,800 units. Maximum for watering fertilizers use 1300 units in solution. We merged potato decoction With the help that you can buy in our store. Unfortunately, he does not show which salts contained in it. Therefore, it is best to water the decoction already adult plants, pour under fruit trees And shrubs in the summer. It is not necessary to water seedlings that nitrogen is needed for growth.

Onion decoction is not so much fruit as potato. However, it has much more useful minerals than in ordinary water.

Low decoction - 230 units.

Water from 70-115 (approximately).

Rain water - 0-1 units.

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All articles about potatoes you will find.

Do not pour water after cooking potatoes! Meet how you can apply

The remaining water of potatoes is most often pouring into the sink? If so, know that this is a waste! Contrary to popular belief, this liquid contains many valuable components that can be used, in particular, to care for plants. How will water from under potatoes affect your flowers, how to apply it and what to pay attention to? You will find the answer below.

Water from cooking potatoes is an excellent fertilizer for both indoor plants and those in the garden. Contains many nutrients that provided vegetables prepared in it. Among the main should be noted:

Potassium - chemical elementnecessary in the process of photosynthesis and the spread of nutrients in the plant; Protects from diseases, improves the color of leaves and colors.
Phosphorus - stimulates the growth of the plant (including their roots).
Microelements, including important magnesium and iron plants.
Starch, which (ka and all carbohydrates) takes part in the formation of humus, stimulates the growth of roots and germination of seeds.

How to apply potato water?

With cool water, just water the plants (just once a week, without adding any more fertilizers). You can also enrich it compost.
Important: Water can not be salty! Salt is fatal for plants, in particular, makes it difficult to obtain water from the soil. If you collected large volumes of water from the preparation of potatoes, before watering the plants, it must be mixed (it should also be borne in mind that after a while this water will have an unpleasant odor).
Not only the water from the potato nourishes the plants. Similar properties have the water remaining from the preparation of other vegetables (for example, spinach, beets or carrots), as well as pasta and rice - of course, if it was not chained earlier.

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