The use of manganese What is potassium permanganate

garden equipment 22.09.2019
garden equipment

Manganese is found in all types of steel and cast iron. The ability of manganese to produce alloys with most known metals is used to obtain not only various grades of manganese steel, but also a large number of non-ferrous alloys (manganines). Of these, alloys of manganese with copper (manganese bronze) are especially remarkable. It, like steel, can be hardened and at the same time magnetized, although neither manganese nor copper show noticeable magnetic properties.

Manganese in the form of ferromanganese is used to "deoxidize" steel during its melting, that is, to remove oxygen from it. In addition, it binds sulfur, which also improves the properties of steels. The introduction of up to 12-13% Mn into steel (the so-called Hadfield Steel), sometimes in combination with other alloying metals, greatly strengthens the steel, makes it hard and resistant to wear and impact (this steel is sharply hardened and becomes harder on impact). Such steel is used for the manufacture of ball mills, earth-moving and stone-crushing machines, armor elements, etc. Up to 20% Mn is introduced into "mirror cast iron".

An alloy of 83% Cu, 13% Mn, and 4% Ni (manganin) has a high electrical resistance that changes little with temperature. Therefore, it is used for the manufacture of rheostats, etc.

According to the standards adopted in our country, all steel alloying elements have their own letter. So, the steel grade containing silicon necessarily includes the letter C, chromium is denoted by the letter X, nickel is denoted by the letter H, vanadium is denoted by the letter F, tungsten is denoted by the letter B, aluminum is denoted by the letter Y, molybdenum is denoted by the letter M. Manganese is assigned the letter G. Only carbon does not have a letter, and for most steels, the numbers at the beginning of the grade indicate its content, expressed in hundredths of a percent. If there are no numbers behind the letter, it means that the element indicated by this letter is contained in steel in an amount of about 1%. Let us decipher, for example, the composition of structural steel 30KhGS: the indices show that it contains 0.30% carbon, 1% chromium, 1% manganese and 1% silicon.

Manganese is usually introduced into steel along with other elements - chromium, silicon, tungsten. However, there is steel, which, apart from iron, manganese and carbon, contains nothing. This is the so-called Hadfield steel. It contains 1...1.5% carbon and 11...15% manganese. Steel of this brand has great wear resistance and hardness. It is used to make crushers that grind the hardest rocks, parts of excavators and bulldozers. The hardness of this steel is such that it cannot be machined; parts from it can only be cast.

The use of manganese for the purification of metal from sulfur.

Sulfur is an element, of course, useful. But not for metallurgists. Getting into cast iron and steel, it becomes almost the most harmful impurity. Sulfur actively reacts with iron, and FeS sulfide lowers the melting point of the metal. Because of this, during rolling, gaps and cracks appear on the hot metal.

In metallurgical production, sulfur removal is entrusted to blast furnace workers. "Bind", turn into a fusible compound and remove sulfur from the metal is easiest in a reducing atmosphere. This is the atmosphere created in blast furnace. But sulfur is also introduced into the metal during blast-furnace smelting along with coke, which usually contains 0.7 ... 2% sulfur. Cast iron produced in our country should contain no more than 0.05% sulfur, and at advanced plants this limit has been reduced to 0.035% or even less.

Manganese is introduced into the blast mine precisely in order to remove sulfur from pig iron. The affinity for sulfur in manganese is greater than that of iron. Element No. 25 forms with it a strong low-melting sulfide MnS. Sulfur bound by manganese turns into slag. This method of cleaning cast iron from sulfur is simple and reliable.

The ability of manganese to bind sulfur, as well as its analogue - oxygen, is widely used in steel production. Even in the last century, metallurgists learned how to melt "mirror" cast iron from manganese iron ores. This cast iron, containing 5 ... 20% manganese and 3.5 ... 5.5% carbon, has a remarkable property: if it is added to liquid steel, then oxygen and sulfur are removed from the metal. The inventor of the first converter, G. Bessemer, used mirror cast iron to deoxidize and carburize steel.

In 1863, the production of ferromanganese, an alloy of manganese with iron, was organized at the Fonica plant in Glasgow. The content of element No. 25 in such an alloy is 25 ... 35%. Ferromanganese turned out to be a better deoxidizer than mirror cast iron. Steel, clad with ferromanganese, becomes flexible and elastic.

Now ferromanganese containing 75...80% Mn is being produced. This alloy is smelted in blast and electric arc furnaces and is widely used for the production of manganese steels, which are still to be discussed.

Manganese is introduced into bronze and brass.

A significant amount of manganese dioxide is consumed in the production of manganese-zinc galvanic cells, MnO2 is used in such cells as an oxidizing agent-depolarizer.

Manganese compounds are also widely used both in fine organic synthesis (MnO2 and KMnO4 as oxidizing agents) and industrial organic synthesis (components of hydrocarbon oxidation catalysts, for example, in the production of terephthalic acid by oxidation of p-xylene, oxidation of paraffins to higher fatty acids).

Manganese arsenide has a gigantic magnetocaloric effect (increasing under pressure). Manganese telluride is a promising thermoelectric material (thermo-emf with 500 μV/K).

Interesting properties have an alloy called normal manganin, containing 11-13% manganese, 2.5-3.5% nickel and 86% copper. Characterized by high electrical resistance and low thermal electromotive force paired with copper, this alloy is especially suitable for the manufacture of resistance coils. The ability of manganin to change resistance depending on the pressure under which the alloy is located is used in the manufacture of electrical pressure gauges. Indeed, how to measure pressure, for example, in 15-25-30 thousand atmospheres? No ordinary pressure gauge can withstand such pressure. The liquid or gas escapes through the walls of the tube, no matter how strong they are, with the force of an explosion. Sometimes it is not even possible to find micro-holes through which the contents of the manometric tube break through. In these cases, manganin is indispensable. By measuring the electrical resistance of manganin under a determined pressure, it is possible to calculate the latter with any degree of accuracy from a pre-drawn graph of the dependence of resistance on pressure.

Of the manganese compounds that have found application in practical activities man, one should point to manganese dioxide and potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate), the best known, especially among physicians, under the name "potassium permanganate". Manganese dioxide is used in galvanic cells of the Leclanchet type, in the production of chlorine, in the preparation of catalytic mixtures (hopcalite in gas masks). Potassium permanganate is widely used in medicine as an antiseptic for washing wounds, lubricating burns, etc., for washing the stomach in case of poisoning with phosphorus, alkaloids, hydrocyanic acid salts. Potassium permanganate is also widely used in chemistry for analytical studies, obtaining chlorine, oxygen, etc.

However, manganese improves the properties of not only iron. So, alloys of manganese with copper have high strength and corrosion resistance. Turbine blades are made from these alloys, and aircraft propellers and other aircraft parts are made from manganese bronzes.

The use of manganese dioxide and potassium permanganate

Manganese dioxide is used as a catalyst in ammonia oxidation processes, organic reactions, and decomposition reactions of inorganic salts. In the ceramics industry, MnO2 is used to color black and dark brown enamels and glazes. Highly dispersed MnO2 has a good adsorbing capacity and is used to purify the air from harmful impurities.

Potassium permanganate is used for bleaching linen and wool, bleaching technological solutions, as an oxidizing agent for organic substances.

Some salts of manganese are used in medicine. For example, potassium permanganate is used as an antiseptic in the form of an aqueous solution, for washing wounds, gargling, lubricating ulcers and burns. A solution of KMnO4 is also used orally in some cases of poisoning with alkaloids and cyanides. Manganese is one of the most active trace elements and is found in almost all plant and living organisms. It improves the processes of hematopoiesis in organisms.

Manganese fertilizers are manganese slags containing up to 15% manganese, as well as manganese sulfate. But the most widely used is manganese superphosphate containing about 2-3% manganese.

Microfertilizers are also used in the form of foliar dressings, spraying plants with an appropriate solution or soaking seeds in it before sowing.

Manganese compounds used in many industries can have a toxic effect on the body. Entering the body mainly through Airways, Manganese accumulates in parenchymal organs (liver, spleen), bones and muscles and is excreted slowly over many years. The maximum permissible concentration of manganese compounds in the air is 0.3 mg/m3. With severe poisoning, damage to the nervous system is observed with a characteristic syndrome of manganese parkinsonism. Treatment: vitamin therapy, anticholinergics and others. Prevention: observance of the rules of occupational health.

Prices for metallic manganese in ingots with a purity of 95% in 2006 averaged $2.5 per kg. In 2010, a kilogram of metal cost $4-4.5

In the general structure of manganese consumption, over 90% of it is used in ferrous metallurgy for steelmaking in the form of various manganese ferroalloys, as well as in the form of metallic manganese of technical purity (96-99% Mn). The average consumption of manganese in ferrous metallurgy is 7-9 kg per 1 ton of steel. A wide variety of steel grades and alloys necessitates the production of manganese and manganese ferroalloys of a wide range. The standard for metallic manganese and manganese alloys is based on carbon content, while low carbon alloys also have a low phosphorus content. The silicomanganese standard is based on silicon content, and alloys richer in silicon are characterized by lower carbon and phosphorus content. The content of phosphorus and sulfur in ferromanganese is strictly limited. The most common manganese alloys are as follows:


carbon ferromanganese FMn75 and FMn78 (the numbers in the brand indicate the percentage of manganese) contains > 70% Mn and< 7% С;

medium-carbon ferromanganese FMn1.0, FMn1.5 and FMn2.0 (the numbers in the grade indicate the percentage of carbon) contains > 85% Mn and, accordingly,< 1,0; 1,5 и 2,0 %С;

low-carbon ferromanganese FMn 0.5 (> 85% Mn,< 0,5 %С).

Silicomanganese grades SMn10, SMn14, SMn17, SMn20 and SMn26 (numbers indicate the silicon content in percent), the manganese content in hard grade silicomanganese is > 60%.

Metal manganese - contains 95.0 - 99.85% Mn and 0.04 - 0.20% C. Phosphorus content< 0,01 % для Мр00 и Мр0 и 0,07 % для остальных марок. Выплавляется следующие марки металлического марганца:

Electrothermal Mr2, Mr1, Mr1C;

Electrolytic Mr0, Mr00.

Nitrided metallic manganese containing 2-6% nitrogen.

Ferromanganese is used for deoxidation of boiling and calm steel of almost all grades, as well as for alloying some grades of special steel. For deoxidation of boiling steel, carbon ferromanganese with a normal or reduced silicon content is used, for deoxidation of calm steel, carbon ferromanganese or silicomanganese is used. Special steel is alloyed with carbon or low-carbon ferromanganese or metallic manganese.

In medicine, some manganese salts (for example, KMnO4) are used as disinfectants.

Belongs to the VII group. Located in the fourth period between chromium and iron. It has the 25th atomic number. Formula of manganese 3d 5 4s 2 .

It was opened in 1774. manganese atom weighs 54.938045. Contains the isotope 55Mn, and natural manganese consists entirely of it. The degree of oxidation of the metal ranges from 2 to 7. The electronegativity of Mn is 1.55. transition material.

Connections manganese 2 form oxide and dioxide. Exhibit basic properties element. Education manganese 3 and manganese 4 have amphoteric properties. In metal combinations 6 and 7, properties are leading acid manganese. Element number 25 forms numerous types of salts and various binary compounds.

Manganese is mined everywhere both in Russia and in neighboring countries. In Ukraine there is a special Manganese - city located on numerous formations of manganese ore.

Description and properties of manganese

Silvery-white color with a slight gray tinge manganese. Compound The element has an admixture of carbon, which gives it a silvery white color. It surpasses iron in hardness and brittleness. In the form of fine abrasives, it is pyrophoric.

When interacting with air, manganese oxidation. It is covered with an oxide film that protects it from subsequent oxidative reactions.

It dissolves in water, completely absorbs hydrogen without reacting with it. When heated, it burns in oxygen. Actively reacts with chlorine and sulfur. When interacting with acidic oxidizing agents, it forms manganese salts.

Density - 7200 kg / m3, melting t - 1247 ° C, boiling t - 2150 ° C. Specific heat- 0.478 kJ. It has electrical conductivity. Contacting with chlorine, bromine and iodine forms dihalides.

At high temperatures, it interacts with nitrogen, phosphorus, silicon and boron. interacts slowly with cold water. In the process of heating, the reactivity of the element increases. At the output, Mn(OH)2 and hydrogen are formed. When manganese combines with oxygen, it forms manganese oxide. There are seven groups:

Manganese(II) oxide. Monoxide. Does not interact with water. Easily oxidized, forming a brittle crust. When heated with hydrogen and active group metals, it is reduced to manganese. Has green and gray-green color of crystals. Semiconductor.

Manganese (II, III) oxide. Brown-black crystals of Mn3O4. Paramagnetic. V natural environment occurs as the mineral hausmanite.

Manganese oxide (II, IV). Inorganic compound Mn5O8. Can be considered as manganese orthomanganite. Does not dissolve in H 2 O.

Manganese (III) oxide. Brown-black crystals Mn2O3. Do not react with water. Found in natural environment in the minerals brownite, kurnakite, and bixbyite.

Manganese (IV) oxide or manganese dioxide MnO2. Water-insoluble dark brown powder. Stable formation of manganese. Contained in the mineral pyrolusite. Absorbs chlorine and salts heavy metals.

Manganese(VI) oxide. Dark red amorphous element. Reacts with water. Completely decomposes when heated. alkaline reactions form salt deposits.

Manganese(VII) oxide. Oily greenish-brown liquid Mn2O7. Strong oxidizer. Upon contact with combustible mixtures, it instantly ignites them. May explode from a shock, a sharp and bright flash of light, interaction with organic components. When interacting with H 2 O, it forms permanganic acid.

Salts of manganese are catalysts for oxidative processes involving oxygen. They are used in desiccants. Linseed oil with the addition of such a desiccant is called drying oil.

Application of manganese

Mn is widely used in ferrous metallurgy. Add alloy iron manganese(ferromanganese). The proportion of manganese in it is 70-80%, carbon 0.5-7%, the rest is iron and impurities. Element #25 in steelmaking combines oxygen and sulfur.

Mixes are used chromium - manganese, -manganese, silicon-manganese. There is no alternative substitute for manganese in steel production.

The chemical element performs many functions, including refining and deoxidizing steel. Widely used technology zinc manganese. The solubility of Zn in magnesium is 2%, and the strength of steel, in this case, increases to 40%.

In a blast mine, manganese removes sulfur deposits from cast iron. The technique uses ternary alloys of manganin, which includes manganese copper and nickel. The material is characterized by high electrical resistance, which is affected not by temperature, but by pressure force.

Used to make pressure gauges. The real value for the industry is copper alloy - manganese. Content manganese is 70%, copper 30%. It is used to reduce harmful industrial noise. In the manufacture of explosion packages for festive events, a mixture is used, which includes elements such as magnesium manganese. Magnesium is widely used in aircraft construction.

Some types of manganese salts, such as KMnO4, have found their way into the medical industry. Potassium permanganate refers to salts of permanganic acid. It has a dark purple appearance. Dissolves into aquatic environment, turning it purple.

It is a strong oxidizing agent. Antiseptic, has antimicrobial properties. manganese in water easily oxidized, forming a poorly soluble brown manganese oxide.

In contact with tissue protein, it forms compounds with pronounced astringent qualities. In high concentrations manganese solution has an irritating and cauterizing effect.

potassium manganese used to treat certain diseases and for first aid, and a bottle of potassium permanganate crystals is in every first aid kit.

Manganese is beneficial for human health. Participates in the formation and development of cells of the central nervous system. Promotes the absorption of vitamin B1 and iron. Regulates blood sugar. Involved in the construction of bone tissue.

Participates in the formation of fatty acids. Improves reflex abilities, memory, removes nervous tension, irritability. Absorbed in the intestinal wall manganese, vitamins B, E, phosphorus, calcium enhance this process, affect the body and metabolic processes in general.

Minerals essential for humans, such as calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, potassium, iron are added to vitamin-mineral complexes to eliminate vitamin deficiency.

Also trace elements zinc, manganese and iron play a huge role in plant life. They are part of phosphate and mineral fertilizers.

manganese price

Metallic manganese contains up to 95% pure manganese. It is used in the steel and metallurgical industry. Removes unnecessary impurities from steel and gives it alloying qualities.

Ferromanganese is used to deoxidize the alloy during the melting process by removing oxygen from it. Binds sulfur particles together, improving the quality characteristics of steel. Manganese strengthens the material, making it more wear resistant.

Metal is used to create ball mills, earth-moving and stone-crushing machines, armor elements. Rheostats are made from mangadin alloy. Element number 25 is added to bronze and.

A large percentage of manganese dioxide is consumed to create galvanic cells. with the addition of Mn, it is used in fine organic and industrial synthesis. MnO2 and KMnO4 compounds act as oxidizing agents.

Manganese is a substance irreplaceable in ferrous metallurgy. Unique in its physical and chemical characteristics. buy manganese available at specialist retail outlets. Five kilograms of metal costs about 150 rubles, and a ton, depending on the type of connection, costs about 100-200 thousand rubles.

One of the most important metals for metallurgy is manganese. In addition, it is generally a rather unusual element with which Interesting Facts. Important for living organisms, needed in the production of many alloys, chemicals. Manganese - a photo of which can be seen below. It is its properties and characteristics that we will consider in this article.

Characteristics of a chemical element

If we talk about manganese as an element, then first of all it is necessary to characterize its position in it.

  1. Located in the fourth big period, the seventh group, a secondary subgroup.
  2. Ordinal number - 25. Manganese - chemical element, whose atoms is equal to +25. The number of electrons is the same, neutrons - 30.
  3. The atomic mass value is 54.938.
  4. The symbol for the chemical element manganese is Mn.
  5. The Latin name is manganese.

It is located between chromium and iron, which explains its similarity with them in physical and chemical characteristics.

Manganese - chemical element: transition metal

If we consider the electronic configuration of a reduced atom, then its formula will look like: 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 4s 2 3d 5. It becomes obvious that the element we are considering is from the d-family. Five electrons on the 3d sublevel indicate the stability of the atom, which is manifested in its chemical properties.

As a metal, manganese is a reducing agent, however most of its compounds are capable of exhibiting quite strong oxidizing abilities. This is due to the different oxidation states and valences that this element has. This is a feature of all metals of this family.

Thus, manganese is a chemical element that is located among other atoms and has its own special characteristics. Let's take a look at these properties in more detail.

Manganese is a chemical element. Oxidation state

We have already given the electronic formula of the atom. According to her, this element is able to exhibit several positive oxidation states. This:

The valence of an atom is IV. The most stable are those compounds in which manganese has the values ​​+2, +4, +6. The highest degree of oxidation allows compounds to act as the strongest oxidizing agents. For example: KMnO 4 , Mn 2 O 7 .

Compounds with +2 are reducing agents, manganese (II) hydroxide has amphoteric properties, with a predominance of basic ones. Intermediate indicators of oxidation states form amphoteric compounds.

Discovery history

Manganese is a chemical element that was not discovered immediately, but gradually and by various scientists. However, its compounds have been used by people since ancient times. Manganese (IV) oxide was used for glass smelting. One Italian stated the fact that the addition of this compound with chemical production glass turns them purple. Along with this, the same substance helps to eliminate haze in colored glasses.

Later in Austria, the scientist Kaim managed to obtain a piece of metallic manganese by exposing pyrolysite (manganese (IV) oxide), potash and coal to high temperatures. but this sample had many impurities, which he failed to eliminate, so the discovery did not take place.

Even later, another scientist also synthesized a mixture in which a significant proportion was pure metal. It was Bergman, who had previously discovered the element nickel. However, he was not destined to finish the job.

Manganese is a chemical element, which was first obtained and isolated in the form of a simple substance by Karl Scheele in 1774. However, he did this together with I. Gan, who completed the process of smelting a piece of metal. But even they failed to completely rid it of impurities and get a 100% product yield.

Nevertheless, it was precisely this time that this atom was discovered. The same scientists attempted to give a name as the discoverers. They chose the term manganesium. However, after the discovery of magnesium, confusion began, and the name of manganese was changed to the modern one (H. David, 1908).

Since manganese is a chemical element whose properties are very valuable for many metallurgical processes, over time it became necessary to find a way to obtain it in the purest form. This problem was solved by scientists all over the world, but was only able to be resolved in 1919 thanks to the work of R. Agladze, a Soviet chemist. It was he who found a method by which it is possible to obtain pure metal with a substance content of 99.98% from manganese sulfates and chlorides by electrolysis. Now this method is applied all over the world.

Being in nature

Manganese is a chemical element, a photo of a simple substance of which can be seen below. In nature, there are many isotopes of this atom, the number of neutrons in which varies greatly. So, the mass numbers range from 44 to 69. However, the only stable isotope is an element with a value of 55 Mn, all the rest have either a negligibly short half-life or exist in too small quantities.

Since manganese is a chemical element whose oxidation state is very different, it also forms many compounds in nature. In its pure form, this element does not occur at all. In minerals and ores, its constant neighbor is iron. In total, we can identify a few of the most important rocks containing manganese.

  1. pyrolusite. Compound formula: MnO 2 * nH 2 O.
  2. Psilomelane, MnO2*mMnO*nH2O molecule.
  3. Manganite, formula MnO*OH.
  4. Brownite is less common than the others. Formula Mn 2 O 3.
  5. Gausmanite, formula Mn*Mn 2 O 4.
  6. Rhodonite Mn 2 (SiO 3) 2.
  7. Carbonate ores of manganese.
  8. Raspberry spar or rhodochrosite - MnCO 3.
  9. Purpurite - Mn 3 PO 4.

In addition, several more minerals can be identified, which also include the element in question. This:

  • calcite;
  • siderite;
  • clay minerals;
  • chalcedony;
  • opal;
  • sandy-silty compounds.

In addition to mountain and sedimentary rocks, minerals, manganese - a chemical element that is part of the following objects:

  1. plant organisms. The largest accumulators of this element are: water chestnut, duckweed, diatoms.
  2. Rust mushrooms.
  3. Some types of bacteria.
  4. The following animals: red ants, crustaceans, molluscs.
  5. People - the daily requirement is approximately 3-5 mg.
  6. The waters of the oceans contain 0.3% of this element.
  7. The total content in the earth's crust is 0.1% by mass.

In general, it is the 14th most common element of all on our planet. Among heavy metals, it is the second after iron.

Physical properties

From the point of view of the properties of manganese, as a simple substance, several basic physical characteristics can be distinguished for it.

  1. In the form of a simple substance is enough solid metal(on the Mohs scale, the indicator is 4). Color - silvery-white, covered with a protective oxide film in the air, glistens in the cut.
  2. The melting point is 1246 0 С.
  3. Boiling - 2061 0 C.
  4. Conducting properties are good, it is paramagnetic.
  5. The density of the metal is 7.44 g/cm 3 .
  6. Exists in the form of four polymorphic modifications (α, β, γ, σ), differing in structure and shape crystal lattice and atomic packing density. Their melting points also differ.

In metallurgy, three main forms of manganese are used: β, γ, σ. Alpha is rarer, as it is too fragile in its properties.

Chemical properties

In terms of chemistry, manganese is a chemical element whose ion charge varies greatly from +2 to +7. This leaves its mark on his activity. In free form in air, manganese reacts very weakly with water and dissolves in dilute acids. However, one has only to increase the temperature, as the activity of the metal increases sharply.

So, it is able to interact with:

  • nitrogen;
  • carbon;
  • halogens;
  • silicon;
  • phosphorus;
  • sulfur and other non-metals.

When heated without access to air, the metal easily passes into a vapor state. Depending on the oxidation state that manganese exhibits, its compounds can be both reducing agents and oxidizing agents. Some exhibit amphoteric properties. So, the main ones are characteristic of compounds in which it is +2. Amphoteric - +4, and acidic and strong oxidizing in highest value +7.

Despite the fact that manganese is a transition metal, complex compounds for it are few. It is associated with sustainable electronic configuration atom, because its 3d sublevel contains 5 electrons.

How to get

There are three main ways in which manganese (a chemical element) is obtained in industry. As the name is read in Latin, we have already designated - manganum. If you translate it into Russian, then it will be "yes, I really clarify, I discolor." Manganese owes its name to the manifested properties known since antiquity.

However, despite its fame, it was only in 1919 that it was possible to obtain it in its pure form for use. This is done by the following methods.

  1. Electrolytic, product yield is 99.98%. In this way, manganese is obtained in the chemical industry.
  2. Silicothermic, or reduction with silicon. With this method, silicon and manganese (IV) oxide are fused, resulting in the formation of a pure metal. The yield is about 68%, as a side effect is the combination of manganese with silicon to form silicide. This method is used in the metallurgical industry.
  3. Aluminothermic method - restoration with aluminum. It also does not give too high a product yield, manganese is formed contaminated with impurities.

The production of this metal is important for many processes carried out in metallurgy. Even a small addition of manganese can greatly affect the properties of alloys. It has been proven that many metals dissolve in it, filling its crystal lattice.

In terms of extraction and production of this element, Russia ranks first in the world. This process is also carried out in countries such as:

  • China.
  • Kazakhstan.
  • Georgia.
  • Ukraine.

Industrial use

Manganese is a chemical element, the use of which is important not only in metallurgy. but also in other areas. In addition to pure metal, great importance have different compounds of a given atom. Let's outline the main ones.

  1. There are several types of alloys that, thanks to manganese, have unique properties. So, for example, it is so strong and wear-resistant that it is used for smelting parts for excavators, stone processing machines, crushers, ball mills, armor parts.
  2. Manganese dioxide is an obligatory oxidizing element of electroplating, it is used in the creation of depolarizers.
  3. Many manganese compounds are needed for organic syntheses of various substances.
  4. Potassium permanganate (or potassium permanganate) is used in medicine as a strong disinfectant.
  5. This element is part of bronze, brass, forms its own alloy with copper, which is used for the manufacture of aircraft turbines, blades and other parts.

Biological role

The daily requirement for manganese for a person is 3-5 mg. Deficiency of this element leads to depression of the nervous system, sleep disturbance and anxiety, dizziness. Its role has not yet been fully studied, but it is clear that, first of all, it affects:

  • growth;
  • activity of the sex glands;
  • the work of hormones;
  • blood formation.

This element is present in all plants, animals, humans, which proves its important biological role.

Manganese is a chemical element, interesting facts about which can impress any person, as well as make you realize how important it is. Here are the most basic of them, which have found their mark in the history of this metal.

  1. In hard times civil war in the USSR, one of the first export products was ore containing a large number of manganese.
  2. If manganese dioxide is alloyed with and saltpeter, and then the product is dissolved in water, then amazing transformations will begin. First, the solution will turn green, then the color will change to blue, then purple. Finally, it will turn crimson and a brown precipitate will gradually fall out. If the mixture is shaken, then the green color will be restored again and everything will happen again. It is for this that potassium permanganate got its name, which translates as "mineral chameleon".
  3. If fertilizers containing manganese are applied to the ground, then the productivity of plants will increase and the rate of photosynthesis will increase. Winter wheat will form grains better.
  4. The largest block of the manganese mineral rhodonite weighed 47 tons and was found in the Urals.
  5. There is a ternary alloy called manganin. It consists of elements such as copper, manganese and nickel. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it has a high electrical resistance, which does not depend on temperature, but is influenced by pressure.

Of course, this is not all that can be said about this metal. Manganese is a chemical element, interesting facts about which are quite diverse. Especially if we talk about the properties that he gives to various alloys.

The antiseptic habitual for us not only actively fights against various microbes and infectious agents, but also has a beneficial effect in case of poisoning and many other symptoms.

Scope of potassium permanganate

Thanks to their amazing healing properties, potassium permanganate is so actively practiced in the field of traditional and alternative medicine, cosmetology and even gynecology. Potassium permanganate is also used in horticulture, as effective remedy fight against small pests and plant diseases.

Travelers take potassium permanganate with them to disinfect their wounds or drinking water, in this case, you need to add a few crystals to it. The concentrated solution is a strong oxidizing agent and will attack plastic, wood and metal. Using potassium permanganate at home, you should be aware that this substance can pretty much spoil a metal sink or bath. The stains left after the solution are practically not washed off.

Potassium permanganate is formed after electrolysis of caustic potassium and a manganese anode. As it decays, the anode dissolves and forms a purple solution that contains permanganate ions. Hydrogen is released at the cathode, and then the same manganese appears as a precipitate.

This drug is one of the leaders in terms of having antimicrobial properties. In the form of a powder, it is sold in pharmacies, but in last years some pharmaceutical companies only sell it by prescription. The shelf life of potassium permanganate is unlimited, but it must be emphasized that only the freshest solution is able to destroy any pathogens, having active sterilization of any surface. It exists in the form of crystals, which, if necessary, are dissolved in water to obtain a solution. It differs in color: a pale pink shade indicates a weak concentration, bright crimson - on the contrary. A treatment solution is prepared mainly at the rate of 10 crystals per 1 liter of water, further adjusting its strength by color. It is always very important to completely stir the potassium permanganate powder, since undissolved particles can cause burns when in contact with the skin.

The use of potassium permanganate in medicine is due to its disinfecting properties. The prepared solution is used to treat cuts, wash wounds and calluses. In case of inflammation of the throat and pharynx, rinsing with a non-concentrated solution of manganese is prescribed. This remedy is washed with a sore spot 4 times a day. Very often, a solution of potassium permanganate is used as a preparation for irrigating the oral cavity, namely, for gum disease.

Potassium permanganate treatment

  1. Potassium permanganate for indigestion. Potassium permanganate is popular for food and diarrhea. Feeling the first signs, the patient should drink a weak solution that can stimulate the process of bowel cleansing.
  2. For oral administration, when eliminating intoxication of the body, 200 ml of water will require literally 2 crystals of powder. After mixing the drug well, you need to drink this water at a time. This good antiseptic will help to neutralize the infection in the stomach.
  3. With hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating. If your feet sweat a lot, then baths with a weak solution of potassium permanganate will be a good way to eliminate this problem. This procedure, as a rule, should not take more than 15 minutes, and the water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees. After steaming the feet, they must be wiped dry and smeared with a formalin solution (1%).
  4. As already noted, potassium permanganate is a wonderful antiseptic, which is extremely useful in the treatment of various injuries. You need to know how to properly use potassium permanganate for its intended purpose. The wound is not washed directly with manganese water, but only the edges are treated. A disinfectant for a serious wound is prepared at the rate of: a small amount of powder on the tip of a knife per 1 liter. water. With minor damage to the skin, it is enough to dilute a weak solution, rinse this area, and then lubricate with iodine.
  5. At . Now a lot of girls and guys are trying to look as creative and extraordinary as possible, including piercing their ears, navels, nostrils and eyebrows. But for the attention of young people, such experiments are fraught with backfire if they are not properly cared for. Careful debridement of wounds is necessary to avoid tissue contamination after needle piercing. antiseptics. A weak solution of manganese in this case will be very helpful. The piercing site must be disinfected at least 2 times a day and only with clean hands.
  6. If you are worried about annoying warts or calluses, then potassium permanganate will come in handy here. A concentrated solution of potassium permanganate perfectly cauterizes all unnecessary growths on the skin, for this it is enough to lubricate them with potassium permanganate daily.
  7. With fungal diseases of the female and male external genital organs, doctors very often prescribe to their patients a painless and harmless remedy - a manganese solution for washing. To prescribe daily douching with a pale pink solution, it is only important to ensure that all the crystals are completely dissolved in water. Otherwise, it may cause damage to the mucous membranes and irritation.

Potassium permanganate when caring for a child

You may have heard that some mothers use potassium permanganate for their babies. While bathing a child, a little of this powder is added to the water so that the water acquires disinfecting properties. Doctors, in turn, are skeptical about this method, believing that the slightest excess of the permissible dosage of manganese can cause burns to the baby. The same applies to not completely dissolved crystals.

If, contrary to all fears, you decide to use potassium permanganate, considering it the most effective and non-allergenic antiseptic, then you should know the rules for preparing a solution for bathing a child. It is best to cook it sequentially. First, dilute potassium permanganate in a glass of water, then strain the resulting saturated solution through gauze folded in several layers. Only after that, the solution can be poured into the bathroom until the water gets a pale pink hue, but pouring manganese crystals directly into the bath is strictly prohibited. To treat the navel of a newborn, use a richer mixture.

Potassium permanganate in the first aid kit:

  1. Potassium permanganate will quickly relieve pain from calluses. To do this, add a little table salt to the potassium permanganate solution, dissolve everything and steam your feet in this liquid for about 20 minutes. After that, the feet need to be wiped and after a while the pain will stop.
  2. Unpleasant dermatitis, manifested by rashes and the appearance of blisters on the skin, is also treated with potassium permanganate. It is necessary to lubricate the affected areas daily with a 10% manganese solution for a week.
  3. Traditional healers recommend using potassium permanganate when running. The healing solution is prepared as follows: for 3 liters of water you need to add a few crystals of manganese, 1 tsp. soda, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil and 200 g of boiled milk. Warm the solution, mix and pour into the bath.
  4. Every night at night it is recommended to take such a bath for 20 minutes, and after 7 days you will get rid of unpleasant hemorrhoids.
  5. Potassium permanganate treats even signs of dysentery. The composition of the therapeutic agent includes several crystals of manganese, diluted in 500 g of water. The concentration of the solution can be increased depending on the age of the patient. For example, infants are given a pale pink solution, and adults are given a raspberry one. You need to take the medicine inside, in parallel with the cleansing enemas.

Contraindications to the use of potassium permanganate is individual intolerance or allergy. To understand this, you need to follow the body's reaction to manganese solutions. Potassium permanganate should be stopped immediately if swelling appears, the mucous membranes in the throat change color, or there is a sharp pain at the next ingestion. Before using this tool, it is still recommended to consult with a local therapist.

Due to its oxidizing effect, potassium permanganate is simply not compatible with the simultaneous use of other easily oxidized substances. Keep the powder bottle away from children and easily oxidized preparations, which, when in contact with manganese crystals, can cause a fire.

The popularity of this ancient remedy has not faded over the years, and the practice of using potassium permanganate is growing. MirSovetov recommends remembering the most important thing, that only if all the rules for handling potassium permanganate are observed, it will be absolutely safe for humans and will have its real beneficial effect.

Grandmothers knew beneficial features potassium permanganate: they washed wounds, treated poisoning, disinfected it, bathed babies and even used it in pest control in the garden. Such wide application potassium permanganate explains its main property - it is an antimicrobial drug. Due to active oxidation processes, potassium permanganate kills harmful microbes - the causative agents of various infections both on the surface of the skin and inside the body.

The first thing they resort to for diseases of the throat, intestinal disorders, poisoning is potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate, potassium permanganate).

During the years of the Great Patriotic War, like a soldier’s cartridges, she was in the bags of orderlies, paramedics and was widely used in the treatment of wounds in hospitals.

The basis of the action of potassium permanganate is its ability to oxidize organic substances, while releasing oxygen. This is due to the antimicrobial and antiseptic effect of potassium permanganate.

Water solution potassium permanganate has anti-inflammatory properties. In various concentrations, this solution is used for washing wounds, rinsing the mouth and throat, for lubricating ulcerative and burn surfaces, douching. The range of application of potassium permanganate is quite wide. Even with the presence of many new synthetic agents, it is still indispensable "in" gynecological, urological, dermatological practice.

In the table of antidotes for poisoning, potassium permanganate is one of the most important first aid.

However, with all the advantages of potassium permanganate, it must be handled with care. In high concentrations, it cauterizes and causes swelling of the mucous membranes of the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, intestines, vomiting and diarrhea. Therefore, the solution should be used with caution.

Our grandmothers also knew the useful properties of potassium permanganate in everyday life: they washed wounds, treated poisoning, disinfected them, bathed babies, and even used them in pest control in the garden. Such widespread use of potassium permanganate explains its main property - it is an antifungal, antimicrobial drug. Due to active oxidation processes, potassium permanganate kills harmful microbes - the causative agents of various infections both on the surface of the skin and inside the body.

Healing properties of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate)

Potassium permanganate is an effective disinfectant. A solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) has antiseptic properties, is able to neutralize the toxic effect on the body of such toxic compounds as aconitine, morphine, other alkaloids, phosphorus (when taken orally).

Potassium permanganate is one of the types of permanganates (from Latin manganum - "manganese") - permanganate salts. This chemical is widely used both for household needs and for medicine. Potassium permanganate - dark crystals purple, highly soluble in water (depending on the concentration, the color can be from light pink to red-violet), methyl alcohol, acetic acid and acetone. In everyday life, potassium permanganate dissolved in water is called potassium permanganate.

Treatment with potassium permanganate in medicine

Neutralization of hydrocyanic acid (toxic substance) with potassium permanganate occurs only in an alkaline environment. Potassium permanganate - strong oxidizing agent. An aqueous solution of potassium permanganate has a strong disinfecting and drying effect, it is widely used in dermatological and surgical practice.

When the first signs of gastritis and gastroenterocolitis appear, first of all, it is necessary to wash the stomach, using a weak (slightly pink) solution of potassium permanganate for this. For gastric lavage in adults and even children, it is not necessary to use a probe, it is enough just to give the patient a prepared solution to drink in an amount of 0.5 - 2 liters, and then reflexively induce vomiting.

In case of poisoning, when it is necessary to induce vomiting as soon as possible, the victim is given a pink solution of potassium permanganate to drink, which is also a medicinal, disinfectant gastrointestinal tract means.

The solution is often prepared "by eye", but the main recommendations are 10 crystals per 1 liter of water, the further strength of the solution can be adjusted according to its color. It is very important that all crystals dissolve in water before use, otherwise, in the process of contact with the skin or internal organs, undissolved crystals may cause a burn.

The most popular solution of potassium permanganate in case of poisoning. At the first signs, including diarrhea, the patient is offered a solution of potassium permanganate, which stimulates bowel cleansing.

Potassium permanganate for oral administration in case of poisoning is prepared in the ratio of 2 crystals per cup of water, such a solution is drunk. Due to its antiseptic properties, such a medicine stops the focus of infection in the stomach.

Potassium permanganate - use in urology, gynecology

Due to its antiseptic, antimicrobial abilities, potassium permanganate solution is used in the treatment of fungal, bacterial diseases in urology and gynecology. Potassium permanganate is used for thrush, when a weak solution is prescribed for daily douching. For urological problems in men associated with external inflammatory processes, prescribe washing with a solution of potassium permanganate.

When used in urology and gynecology, it is important to follow the rules for preparing the solution, to ensure that the potassium permanganate crystals are completely dissolved. Otherwise, if it gets on the mucous membrane, the crystals can cause even more irritation.

Potassium permanganate - contraindications

It is not recommended to use a solution of potassium permanganate in case of individual intolerance. This can be immediately understood by the presence side effects- swelling, discoloration of the mucous membranes, sharp pain when taken orally, convulsions, etc. If there are similar or other unpleasant symptoms, potassium permanganate should be stopped.

Potassium permanganate due to its oxidizing properties is absolutely incompatible with the use of coal, sugar and other substances that are easily oxidized. It is important to store potassium permanganate crystals away from easily oxidizing substances, otherwise their contact can lead to an explosion and even a fire.

Treatment with potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) in folk medicine

Treatment with potassium permanganate folk medicine to relieve pain caused by calluses. To do this, add pink potassium permanganate to a solution table salt and, pouring the solution into a basin, lower the legs into it for 20 minutes; after the procedure, the legs do not need to be wiped. After a while, the pain in the area of ​​​​the corns will pass. In no case should a highly concentrated solution (purple) be used for the treatment of potassium permanganate, as this can lead to harm to health, burns of the skin and mucous membranes, and poisoning.

Good healing effect with diaper rash, including infants, provide hygienic baths with potassium permanganate: the water should be pink and warm.

With increased sweating of the lower extremities, unpleasant odors, purulent calluses will help a warm foot bath with salt and potassium permanganate, after the procedure, the legs should be wiped well and sprinkled with talc.

Treatment with potassium permanganate is actively used for washing open wounds, including festering ones. For dermatitis characterized by blistering, the skin should be washed with a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

If you hold them for too long when placing cans, purple spots and even bubbles filled with bloody fluid may form on the skin. In such cases, it is useful to lubricate the affected areas with a 5-10% solution of potassium permanganate.

Treatment with potassium permanganate in practice: the best recipes

In advanced cases of hemorrhoids, you can prepare a healing solution.


  • 1 tsp baking soda,
  • 1 st. l. any vegetable oil
  • potassium permanganate,
  • 3 liters of water.


V hot water pour so much potassium permanganate to get pink color, add soda, oil, pour the solution into the bath.

Application. Take a bath for 20 minutes at night. The procedure is carried out daily for a week.

In folk medicine there is a recipe for treating dysentery with potassium permanganate

The composition of this tool includes several crystals of potassium permanganate per 0.5 l of water. It is advised to increase the concentration of the solution depending on age (for babies - pale pink, and for adults - raspberry solution).

It must be borne in mind that potassium permanganate, when interacting with various organic matter becomes explosive. Therefore, its crystals should be stored in clean glassware with ground stoppers, and the solution should be stored in dark glass flasks, since under the action sun rays and daylight it decomposes easily.

When using the solution, it is often difficult to wash off stains on the skin and linen. To eliminate them, the skin can be washed with a solution of ammonium sulfide at a concentration of 1:5, and then hot water. Remove stains from linen with a solution oxalic acid(1:9), 2% hydrochloric acid, vinegar or lemon juice.

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