What is the best remedy for cesspools: an overview of live bacteria, antiseptics and chemistry. Live bacteria for septic tanks: types of biologics for septic tanks and pit latrines Preparations for septic tanks of pit latrines

garden equipment 26.06.2020
garden equipment
  1. A bit of theory
  2. About the features and principle of operation
  3. What are the types of biobacteria?
  4. What problems do biological products solve?
  5. What are the benefits of using bacteria?
  6. How to make the right choice?
  7. Pay attention to details!
  8. Practical recommendations
  9. How to ensure maximum efficiency of bacteria?
  10. When can microorganisms die?

Owners of cottages and personal plots regularly decide the need to maintain treatment facilities. To solve this problem, they use the help of a sewage machine, but today we want to propose to consider more thoughtful and modern technologies, among which bacteria for treatment facilities deserve special attention, which break down and convert wastewater into a purified liquid, carbon dioxide and waste, acting in the form of minerals or the so-called silt.

A bit of theory

Pay attention to details!

Before ordering a specific drug, carefully study the instructions, paying close attention to the points:

  • The degree of concentration. The greater the number of bacteria in the preparation, the higher the efficiency of the work.
  • Types of microorganisms used. The composition establishes the types of waste that the product disposes of during operation. The more different microbes, the wider the possibilities and potential.
  • The volume of waste processed by bacteria from a pack. In case of insufficient number of microorganisms, microbes can die. As a result, the colony will not pull the task. With too many bacteria used for cleaning, they can tritely destroy themselves, reducing efficiency.
  • Dry residue left by microorganisms after work. The lower it is, the better for sure.
  • Best before date. Most often it is equal to the life span of microorganisms. In an expired package, the bacteria have already died or their concentration is decreasing.
  • If the bacteria will be used for the first time, then we recommend buying drugs with the phrase “start” or “for primary use”. The content of such funds includes substances that stimulate the development of a new colony.
  • After cleaning, the liquid remains in the septic tank, which is pumped out by a conventional

    Bacteria are living beings, so for normal operation it is necessary to provide a set of conditions:

    • Temperature regime in the region of 4-30 ° С. If the indicators fall below the indicated figures, then the microorganisms “fall asleep”. When it gets warmer, microbes become active. Remember that in a cold toilet, bacteria will not work properly in winter.
    • Microbes always need food. Otherwise, the microorganisms die. If the toilet is used infrequently, then periodically it is necessary to introduce additional microbes. If the toilet is used exclusively in the summer, then a new colony must be formed annually.
    • For the bacteria to work well, the liquid must rise several centimeters above the level at which the solid waste is located in the treatment plant. In case of insufficient amount of water, liquids must be added.
    • Microbes do not utilize inorganics. Do not drain plastic or metal elements as they will simply remain at the bottom of the treatment plant.
    • Chlorine, manganese and other similar substances can completely kill the colony.
    • In the process of preparing the product, it is necessary to fully comply with the instructions, because otherwise the bacteria may "not come out of hibernation."

    When can microorganisms die?

    The impact of a number of substances for bacteria is similar to death. The wastewater treatment plant should not contain:

    • Substances that contain chlorine.
    • Byt.chemistry.
    • Potassium permanganate.
    • Medicines.
    • Antibacterial drugs.

    If, nevertheless, aggressive elements have got into septic tanks, then it is necessary to introduce new bacteria in time. Such a decision will provide an opportunity to update and strengthen the colony.

The lack of a centralized sewage system is forcing the owners of summer cottages and any other private buildings to organize their own sewage system. In this case, bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools become a necessity to maintain normal sanitary and hygienic living conditions and keep the site clean. Separate live bacteria for pit latrines and toilets keep other harmful micro-organisms at bay and prevent the possibility of spreading infections in the area.

Before the introduction of bacterial products on the market, there were other ways to clean private toilets. For example, chlorine was a popular remedy, but it had two main drawbacks:

  • there was a replacement of the smell of feces with a pungent smell of bleach;
  • in the mass of feces, the process of decomposition was completely suspended, masses accumulated, which eventually had to be constantly cleaned out.

Other methods were either inefficient or uneconomical - there was the option of calling special services to clean cesspools, but this service is very expensive and does little to get rid of the smell and, for example, the breeding of flies. Biological products have become a new generation of means for solving the problem, in terms of their properties, they have overtaken all other existing options.

If an initial major cleaning of the cesspool is necessary, active substances such as chlorine can be used to neutralize pathogenic microbes, but later on, to use a septic tank, you will have to wait some time for the chlorine to completely disappear. For permanent use, indeed, preference is given to natural ingredients, but in advanced cases, when you need the fastest possible solution to the problem, you can also turn to older cleaning options.

The composition of modern cleaning products

Modern biological products are absolutely safe for human health, they also do not cause any damage to the environment, which makes their choice preferable to purchasing chlorine and other purely chemical products. The composition does not contain pathogenic bacteria, substances that emit methane and chemical elements.

The basis of modern biological cleaners are bacteria that decompose organic matter, and a number of enzymes designed to help in reducing the volume of feces to active microorganisms.

Benefits of using

Modern biopreparations have a number of advantages, which include:

  1. they are easy to use on their own - just add the required amount of the selected product to the cesspool with your own hands;
  2. all drugs are sold in several forms, which allows you to choose the most optimal option for use and use only it;
  3. biological products almost completely destroy any unpleasant odor and prevent its appearance in the future;
  4. bacteria significantly reduce the volume of wastewater and the filling of the sewage pit, and, therefore, significantly reduce the required amount of wastewater pumping;
  5. natural cleaning agents have a positive effect on the restoration of the microculture of only certain beneficial bacteria that “connect” to the fight against wastewater;
  6. the bacteria used not only disinfect all organic waste, killing almost every microbe, but also liquefy them, subsequently facilitating the pumping process.

In addition to these advantages, many rely on the naturalness and safety of the drugs themselves, their low price, the ability to use all year round without the need to buy additional funds. With their many benefits and long-established effectiveness, biological cleaners are the one-stop-shop for keeping any private sewer and septic tank clean.

Features of biological preparations

There are three main types of cleansing preparations, from which it is worth choosing a specific option, choosing according to the requirements of each product:

  • products with anaerobic bacteria in the composition; it is quite realistic to add them to completely closed chambers of septic tanks, where decay processes take place, all solid waste gradually sinks to the bottom of the chamber, which must be constantly removed, and the water itself is clarified and cleaned of contaminants; The disadvantage of this tool is the release of methane, so it is used only in closed systems;

  • aerobic bacteria in cleaning agents work only in the presence of a sufficient amount of oxygen and allow maximum purification of wastewater without methane and unpleasant odors, with the release of only heat and completely harmless carbon dioxide; they can be used in any open cesspool, while the amount of solid sediment is completely minimal and does not require additional intervention;
  • the so-called bioactivators, the composition of which includes both types of bacteria and additional enzymes that make these preparations somewhat more expensive, but absolutely universal and suitable for any systems; these products are used to accelerate the natural biological processes of decomposition, but at the same time they act not only on getting rid of organic waste, but also on the processes of processing paper, fabrics, fats and other materials.

Bioactivators are needed not only for cleaning sewage pits and other sewer systems, but even for cleaning ordinary sewer pipes, the network of which runs through the house. These products reduce the existing mass of solid waste by 80 percent and increase the permeability of pipes, eliminating unpleasant odors and the danger of possible rotting of products in them.

Separately, it is worth paying attention to the form of products offered for purchase, which can be:

  • liquid, the easiest to use, since these concentrated additives can simply be poured into a cesspool without additional manipulation;
  • powder, requiring dilution in a liquid and some time for the whole mixture to infuse and activate;
  • capsule or tablet, most often used in industry, but also suitable for private use in full accordance with the instructions indicated.

Rules for the use of selected funds

Biobacteria for cesspools are real living organisms, so in order to preserve them and maintain their “working capacity”, some simple rules must be followed:

  • any living organisms require constant nutrition, and bacteria for toilets are no exception - a break in the use of sewers and the discharge of household organic waste into it should not be more than two weeks; otherwise, a new portion of active bacteria will have to be added to the cesspool;
  • you also need to choose household chemicals with special attention - detergents containing the same chlorine in their composition can, like medicines, quickly destroy bacteria added to the pit;
  • the bacterial background in any environment is actively affected by any antiseptic or medical preparations, it is worth avoiding their entry into the sewer, otherwise even the repeated use of septic tanks can be neutralized for a while;
  • before introducing bacteria, you should make sure that there is a layer of water (at least a couple of centimeters high), since all existing modern bacteria act only in a liquid medium.

Biobacteria, if used correctly, are quite long-term, but still, in order to maintain the active action of the selected products, it is better, in accordance with the recommendations, to update their quantity in a private sewer by adding a new batch of cleaners. Otherwise, there is a risk of reducing the efficiency of the decomposition processes and reducing the unpleasant odor in the toilet.

Features of using cleaning products

Usually, manufacturers indicate all recommendations for the use of their products directly on the packaging, but there are several general rules that greatly facilitate the use of selected cleaning liquids or powders:

There are a huge number of manufacturers of biological cleaning agents, on the modern market it is worth choosing products based on their direct parameters - the number of species and the concentration of bacteria in the composition, the amount of dry residue, the volumes of the selected agent required for wastewater treatment and other characteristics of individual products. Separately, it is worth remembering that the selected products can be combined with each other to achieve greater efficiency and used for different purposes: cleaning sewage pits, septic tanks and any sewer pipes.

How to clean an outdoor toilet if a cesspool truck cannot drive up? Modern septic tanks for cesspools will solve this problem without difficulty. Biologists have been able to grow microorganisms that purify wastewater and turn it into process water.

Types of cleansing preparations

To date, septic tanks for cleaning cesspools are produced in two versions:

  1. Chemical;
  2. Biological.


  • Chlorine and its compounds;
  • Formaldehydes;
  • nitrogen compounds;
  • ammonium compounds.

Chemicals are used to disinfect and disinfect the contents of the cesspool. Preparations can be used at any air temperature. The action of the reagents is aimed at the total elimination of harmful microorganisms and infectious agents.

But it should be borne in mind that the reagents can partially penetrate the soil, and also cause corrosion of metal pipes. It is important to follow the exact dosage when using in order to avoid unwanted manifestations. Remember that waste after applying chemicals must be removed from the site: they are not suitable for fertilizing the soil.

Among chemicals, nitrate oxidizers (nitrogen fertilizers) are the safest. The activators that are part of nitrate oxidizers liquefy and disinfect feces and sewage, depriving them of their harmful properties. The resulting slurry can be used to water compost heaps.

We watch the video, a little about the septic tank and septic processes:

Ammonium compounds contribute to the decomposition of sewage and eliminate unpleasant odors. However, if there are soapy substances in the drains (after showering and washing), the ability of ammonium to deactivate fecal matter worsens. Waste processed with ammonium is recommended to be removed from the summer cottage.

Remember that all chemical compounds are extremely harmful and have a high degree of danger to health. In this regard, some reagents are prohibited for domestic use (formaldehyde). Among the listed reagents, nitrogen is the safest.

How bioactivators work

Biological preparations in their composition contain living microflora and enzymes. Sewage and waste are a breeding ground for them. To date, manufacturers offer two types of biological products:

  • Septic tanks;
  • Antiseptics.

Active microorganisms, getting into wastewater, begin to multiply, feeding on sewage. As a result of their operational activities, the following occurs:

  • Processing of faeces and waste into liquid;
  • Reducing the volume of stocks.

Septic tanks cause the decomposition and processing of feces into an odorless technical liquid. Antiseptics sanitize sewage waste. With the regular use of biological products, the need to pump waste out of the toilet completely disappears: a clean drainage system conducts liquid well into the soil. Also, after the work of microorganisms, the liquid becomes completely safe, and it can be used to water the garden or fertilize the soil.

Features of the use of biological products

  1. They are used only at positive temperatures (3 - 30 degrees).
  2. The growth and activity of microorganisms is suspended in the presence of chemical constituents in the effluent.

What to choose

Nitrate oxidizing agents (nitrogen) are the most popular chemical cleaners. They are expensive, but are not carcinogenic like formaldehyde. Chlorine substances are not desirable for use, since exposure to chlorine vapor negatively affects the human body.

Popular bioactivators include:

  • The drug "Saneks";
  • The drug "Micropan";
  • Means "Doctor Robik".

If there are soapy substances in the wastewater that microorganisms do not like, you need to choose a Fatcracker septic tank. It is specifically designed for this type of cleansing. It also neutralizes alkalis "Doctor Robik" well.

If you need compost, use the Oxygenator preparation. This bio-powder perfectly forms "early" compost for fertilizers.

Types of drugs

  • Description: "Septic-Biogranules"

Biogranules are used for cleaning septic tanks and cesspools. The drug "Septic-biogranules" processes sewage, turning them into a harmless liquid. To activate the growth of microorganisms contained in biogranules, it is necessary to add the contents of the package to a jar of water and leave for at least 20 minutes. Then the liquid from the can is poured into a cesspool or drain hole.

Strictly follow the instructions and do not use the home toilet for 15 hours so that the microorganisms can adapt to the new environment. During this time, all pipes will be completely cleared of impurities. It is necessary to clean the sewerage with biogranules every 7-8 days.

  • Description: "Doctor Robik"

The bacteria of this drug are able to survive in an aggressive chemical environment. They recycle everything except iron, wood and plastic:

  1. Phenol;
  2. Material;
  3. Solution of washing powders;
  4. Cleaning powders.
  • Description: Waste Treat

This septic tank contains anaerobic microcultures for the processing of fecal matter and household waste. This type of bacteria is well adapted to aggressive chemistry. The drug completely eliminates unpleasant odors, reduces the amount of waste by several times, and cleans the drainage system.

  • Description: "Septi Treat"

The preparation contains enzymes, saprophytic microflora and several types of soil microorganisms. "Septi Treat" converts fecal matter into valuable fertilizer.

When applying, monitor the moisture level of the waste. If the sewage has dried up, several buckets of water should be added to the pit.

  • Description: "Oxygenator"

This bioactivator perfectly forms compost for fertilizer. Reviews: The drug "Oxygenerator" processes not only fecal matter, but also straw, kitchen waste, leaves and sawdust. You get high-quality compost fertilizer for the production of mushrooms, berries, and any horticultural crops. The formation of compost is not accompanied by clouds of flies and a putrid smell. Boiled water is used to activate the Oxygenator.

This is a cesspool chemical powder that destroys dangerous microbes. The action of the device is aimed at disinfecting the contents of the cesspool and eliminating the unpleasant "aroma". "Septifos" turns an unpleasant smell into the fragrance of eucalyptus.

How to apply

  1. When using ammonium preparations, processed waste should be removed from the site using a sewage machine. It is forbidden to store on the site and use recycled liquid and waste for fertilizer.
  2. The use of nitrate oxidizers (nitrogen) for sewage treatment is the safest among chemicals. Recycled material can be watered into compost heaps. Prices for septic tanks containing nitrogen are quite expensive.
  3. When using bioactivators, make sure there is sufficient moisture in the cesspool. In an insufficiently humid environment, microorganisms cannot function effectively. If the liquid level is low, simply add water to the cesspool.
  4. Remember that with irregular use of the country toilet, the mobility of bacteria decreases: they need a nutrient medium. If the toilet is not used for two weeks, then the microorganisms will simply die from “malnutrition”.
  5. If you are using bioactivators for the toilet for the first time, buy a septic tank for the Start cesspool: this mixture accelerates the growth of microorganisms in the cesspool. Subsequently, "Start" is not necessary to apply.
  6. Remember that bioactivators do not like soapy substances and chemical ingredients. If soapy liquid enters your cesspool, choose special products. Well adapted for such conditions "Doctor Robik".
  7. If you use bioactivators for waste disposal and recycling, do not use chemical detergents. It is better to buy not ordinary washing powders, but enzymatic ones: bacteria will not die from the aggression of chemicals.


Cleaning the cesspool and septic tank is an important moment in the life of summer residents. When choosing a septic tank, first of all, consider the frequency of using the toilet. If you do not often visit the cottage, it is advisable to buy a chemical agent. When choosing bioactivators, pay attention to the concentration of bacteria. If the percentage of microorganisms in the preparation is high, you will rarely need to add the agent to the cesspool.

A separate toilet, equipped with a familiar cesspool, is one of the necessary facilities in the country. It is not difficult to use it, but the periodic cleaning work is a problem. To facilitate this procedure, you can choose an effective chemical agent that promotes the intensive decomposition of waste. Also offered to summer residents are environmentally friendly biological products, which include bacteria that process the contents of cesspools.

Cleaning methods

During the operation of the outdoor toilet, it is necessary to periodically clean the cesspool. The traditional method is to call a special service. If the site is small and it is difficult for cars to get to the toilet, then the owner had to solve this problem himself. Most often, a new hole was dug, transferring a toilet house to it, and the old one was covered with improvised materials, using crushed stone, construction waste, branches, and soil.

How to care for an outdoor toilet in the country

Recently, funds have been proposed for quick cleaning of the toilet, aimed at processing waste entering the cesspool. They are divided into two groups:

  1. Chemical preparations, including formaldehyde, quaternary ammonium salts, nitrate oxidizing agents.

Chemistry works in different conditions, being resistant to aggressive environments. But it must be borne in mind that these agents can adversely affect nature, and also cause corrosion defects on metal parts, if they are present in the design of the cesspool.

  1. Bacteria-enzyme complexes are modern environmentally friendly biological products containing specially cultivated bacteria that process sewage in the course of their life.

The essence of biological utilization

Unlike chemical formulations, biologics are unable to operate at temperatures below 4°C. They also lose their effectiveness when heated excessively - over 60 ° C.

The main important advantage of biological disposal is the fact that the bacteria, after exposure, turn the waste in the pit of the toilet into a safe mass that can be placed in the compost heap. There are a number of other advantages of biological products, which:

  • contribute to the destruction of specific unpleasant odors in the toilet;
  • prevent the spread of toxic fumes;
  • do not destroy the materials from which the cesspool is constructed;
  • do not adversely affect human health;
  • do not irritate the skin while working with them.

When using biological products, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions in order to correctly calculate the amount of the drug to be applied. This will also help establish the frequency at which the product must be applied to the pit latrine in order to keep the outdoor toilet clean and comfortable.

This approach will provide the desired efficiency, since the bacteria contained in the biological products will be able to completely utilize the contents of the cesspool if they exceed the colony of putrefactive microorganisms in quantity.

Using any biological agent containing bacteria in the toilet in the country, you need to know some conditions for their use:

  • the supply of waste products necessary for the life of bacteria must be regular. If there is a big break in using the toilet, all the beneficial microflora dies;
  • bacterial activity decreases with decreasing temperature;
  • the water used to dilute powdered preparations must be settled, since the chlorine contained in it destroys bacteria.

How to arrange an odorless country toilet Biopreparation Ekomik Country

The composition of biological products

The range of biological preparations oriented to their use in outdoor toilets equipped with a cesspool is quite extensive. Their structural formula includes the following components:

  • aerobic bacteria that can function only in the presence of oxygen in the habitat;
  • enzymes that serve as organic catalysts that increase the intensity of ongoing biochemical reactions;
  • enzymes that speed up decomposition.

For closed septic tanks, special types of biological products based on anaerobic bacteria are produced, which are able to actively work in an environment without oxygen.

Anaerobic spore-forming bacteria for cleaning cesspools
  • powder;
  • granules;
  • concentrated liquid;
  • tablet.

Powder antiseptics

In the assortment of biopreparations for the toilet there are powder products that are used strictly according to the instructions. Several well-known names can be distinguished.

Means in the form of liquid, granules, tablets

Concentrated liquid biologics are ready-made formulations for use in outdoor toilets. Among them, one can single out "Bio Favorite" (USA) - a composition that, when poured into a toilet pit, allows you to get rid of various wastes that fall into it. One bottle (946 ml) is designed for a year and is intended for the decomposition of sewage up to 2000 liters.

For small toilets in the country, the Microplan tool can be successfully used. A half-liter bottle is enough for three months. During this time, the bacteria will completely clean the pit. You can also purchase this biological product in the form of a tablet, oriented to the decomposition of one cubic meter of waste.

The tablets (85 g) "Waist Treat" (USA) are popular, in which there are aerobic and mixed bacteria. There is a similar preparation in the form of granules in packages of 227 g. If necessary, you can purchase a concentrate in bottles of different volumes.

The tablets are directly placed in the pit, where they are cleansed for three months. The granules are filled with water without chlorine in accordance with the instructions. The solution is poured into the toilet in about a day. By the end of the season, a solid sediment and a harmless liquid remain in the pit, which, in the absence of good drainage, can simply be scooped out with a bucket.

Video: An effective remedy for country toilets

Many people prefer to live outside the city, away from the polluted metropolis, close to nature, enjoying clean air, birds singing and other delights of village life. But the lack of rural amenities in the house does not attract, on the contrary, it frightens and repels a person who is accustomed to civilization.

In the city, you don’t have to think about arranging amenities; there is a centralized sewerage system in the apartments, which can be conveniently used without thinking about how everything works and happens. But the owner of a country house has to think about it. There you have to arrange septic tanks, cesspools, then monitor their work, as they require regular maintenance. In general, worries and worries. But everything will be easier if you understand the issue.

Useful information! The pit, the septic tank are filling up, the smell is inevitable. Of course, not very pleasant. Vacuum trucks, which often have to be called, pump out the contents. I must say that during their work and for some time after their departure, the smell is still the same. The enjoyment of clean air is spoiled.

To eliminate the smell and for disinfection, some use bleach or something else chemical. All these drugs are aggressive, corrode metal and even concrete, as a result, the septic tank fails, it must be changed. Extra hassle and expenses, and what! Fortunately, there is a completely harmless way that gives the same result and even better. This is a bacterial cleaning method. Let's consider it.

The principle of operation of means for cesspools

With this method, microorganisms are launched into the drains. They are grown in special laboratories, are not pathogenic, that is, harmless. Everything that gets into the septic tank or drain holes, which a person needs to get rid of - soapy water, grease, feces, and so on - is food for them. Bacteria eat everything, leaving only water, and it is quite clean. Partially, this water itself goes into the ground, the remains are pumped out, but this is no longer the unpleasant work that is carried out by sewers in a septic tank without bacteria.

These microorganisms are called bioactivators for cesspools. Until their use, they sleep in a convenient container. Once in the water or septic tank, they begin a rapid process of life, the result of which can soon be seen by the reduced unpleasant odor.

Useful information! In 4 hours, the smell can be reduced by 60%.

This method is harmless to all living things and plants, this is its huge plus. It is also harmless to buildings - be it iron, plastic or concrete. This is also a great advantage of this method. In winter, if the toilet is cold, this method is unacceptable, bacteria live only at a positive temperature of 4 degrees. The upper limit is 30 degrees.

anaerobic bacteria

These are bacteria that live quietly in a septic tank or cesspool, and they do not require oxygen. They have enough or nitrates, or sulfates, or carbon.

As a result of their activities, waste wanders and sinks to the bottom, sewage is clarified and made quite clean.

Aerobic bacteria for cesspools

These bacteria cannot survive without oxygen. For their vital activity in the septic tank, it is necessary to pump air with a compressor. Colonies of these bacteria live on cloth shields. They clean up well too.

In the simplest septic tanks, anaerobic bacteria are used. Complex cleaning systems usually have two stages. At the last stage, aeration occurs, aerobic microorganisms come into play. In addition, biopreparations contain enzymes. They serve as catalysts for the decomposition of organic matter.

The effectiveness of biological products and the form of release

The effectiveness of the drug depends on the concentration of bacteria in it, the form of release is not important. The dependence is direct, the more bacteria, the better.

The packaging indicates how much waste this product can handle. This must be taken into account, because if the funds are not enough, the microorganisms will simply die without bringing any benefit. Different products contain different amounts of different bacteria.

Here again, the connection is direct, the more variety, the better. A good indicator for the product is a small final indicator of sediment.

Preparations are produced in different types:

  • It may be liquid;
  • Possible powder or granules;
  • Packages that dissolve themselves in water;
  • Cassettes with bacteria. But this is already for treatment plants.

We clean cesspools - tablets or powder?

The drug in the form of a tablet should be chosen if feces are supposed to be subsequently used as fertilizer. Thus, the choice of the drug depends on the future fate of the feces, how they are going to dispose of them later. With the help of a tablet, feces and toilet paper are turned into a colorless and odorless liquid. Bacteria remain at the bottom of the silty mass, which can be used as fertilizer. One tablet is enough for a cubic meter of waste.

Useful information! If purified water is going to be used for watering plants, it is necessary to take a powder or liquid. The resulting liquid will be clean in appearance and odorless, but this, of course, is water suitable only for technical needs, but not for humans or animals. In this case, just as in the previous one, a mass with bacteria remains at the bottom, it can be used as a fertilizer for a vegetable garden and fruit trees.

The liquid preparation can be used immediately after purchase, just shake it. Powder or tablets must be kept in clean water without bleach before use so that they wake up. One liter of liquid biological product is usually enough for a pit with a volume of 2000 liters. When choosing a bioactivator for a cesspool, one should be preferred that requires less water to work.

What is the best way to clean a cesspool

It is necessary to look at how many solid components bacteria can process. The better they do it, the less sediment remains at the bottom, the less often it will be possible to thoroughly clean the sewer.

It also takes into account whether people live in the house permanently. The septic tank works fully if it is fed by residents. If the owners come to the dacha occasionally, it is better to buy bacteria that activate the cleaning system. In addition, it is necessary to take into account what kind of septic tank is present - a local structure or a true septic tank.

What is detrimental to biobacteria

When buying biological products, you need to learn as much as possible about bacteria. What are they afraid of, what conditions are irreconcilable for them. It's a shame if the microorganisms die and the money is wasted. The rules must be known in advance and be sure to follow them.

Should know that the liquid level in the septic tank must be at least 2 cm higher than the solids level. Bacteria cannot coexist in an environment with a lack of moisture. This can be corrected by adding water to the septic tank. Sewerage should be used constantly, as bacteria need constant replenishment. Without this, with a non-working sewer, they can live no more than 2 weeks, then they will die.

Chlorine and substances containing it, for example, powders with antibacterial additives, are very dangerous for bacteria. Water after washing with such powders cannot be poured into a septic tank if bacteria work there. It is also detrimental to bacteria getting into the septic tank of medicinal antibacterial agents. An example is manganese. Such agents may be contained in water filters.

Other chemicals - paint thinners, hydrogen peroxide, car wash runoff, acids - should also not get into the septic tank with bacteria. Polyethylene and plastic are not food for bacteria. If an undesirable substance somehow got into the pit, water and new bacteria should be added immediately. They do the same if the system has not worked for a long time and needs to be restored. For these purposes, a drug with the inscription "Start" is well suited.

Popular drugs

The bioactivators that have gained the most popularity among users are as follows:

  • Sanex drug. It is a brown powder. Suitable for septic tanks and cesspools. Good for pipes. Waste is converted into water suitable for irrigation. One package of the drug is enough for 14 months.
  • "Micropan cesspool". This drug is mainly for summer residents. It is produced in tablets, one tablet per cubic meter of waste. Water and sludge after this drug is used as a fertilizer. For small country toilets, the Micropan Toilet Bucket is produced, it comes in liquid form and granules. Half the drug is enough for 3 months.
  • Atmosbio drug. This is a powder, in a pack of 24 doses. One dose per week. Do not allow the product to dry out
  • Dry preparation ROEBIC. This is an excellent solution for any kind of septic tanks and cesspools. The package is designed for 5 cubic meters of waste.

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