Is it possible to water the bedroom flowers with apple info. Using potato cleaning as fertilizer for plants

The buildings 13.05.2019
The buildings

Hello, Klava!

So that indoor plants can grow, blossom and smell, they need good care.

If you do not trust purchased fertilizers or simply do not want to throw money on them, there are many other ways to feed your plants.

Useful fertilizers for soil

The funds offered in this article are suitable for most indoor plants And they will become an excellent stimulant of their growth and the source of vitamins.

Indoor plants often suffer from exposure to land. Water from the crane does not have any minerals or vitamins, so you can use water in which eggs, vegetables or potatoes were cooked.

Potato decoction is an excellent source of starch, which is necessary for the energy of plants. Periodically, watering the flowers of potato decoction, you make them stronger and stronger, as the starch accumulates in seeds, bulbs and organs responsible for reproduction of the plant. After you are a fertilizer, it needs to be cooled and diluted well with water. Salted decoction can not be poured on plants!

For the impregnation of the soil with iron, put a pair of rusty nails into the remaining water, and then paint the plant. After a few days, you will notice how the flower leaves will become brighter and get rid of white spots.

Sugar is a wonderful feeder (especially he loves cacti). It is possible to breed it in water (2 l. Per glass of water) or sprinkle the soil before irrigated.

The yeast solution is an excellent rootimulator (on 1 liter of water 100 mg yeast). Watering the plant by this solution, you can well strengthen the roots, and if it is not necessary to use the "heteroacexin" to use the "heteroacexin" for a day.

Full fertilizer for any plants will be a decoction low husk (2 handles of husks pour a liter of water and boil about 5 minutes). With the cooled decoction, you can not only fertilize the soil, but also spray plants in the fight against pests.

Nitrogen, which is contained in the coffee grounds, is an excellent fertilizer for any plants, including garden. Thanks to him, the soil becomes more loose, the plant instantly becomes harder and growing rapidly.

Banana Schork - excellent help for flowering plants. Cut it finely and dry, and then add to the soil. You can pour the skin into the ground with pieces, and you can make a powder in a coffee grinder and spray the soil before irrigated. Also, a solution is made from the peel (1 skin per 1 liter of water), which insists for about 5 days, after which it is fastened, diluted with water 1: 2, and you are ready at home natural fertilizer. This is an excellent source of potassium, sodium and phosphorus.

If you grow fern grow, you should know that milk is their favorite feeding (on 1 liter of water 100 ml of milk). Such watering is usually alternate through 3 watering with simple water.

Naphtage from nettle is an excellent plant biostimulator. It increases their immunity and resistance to pests. Infusion is prepared both from dry (200 g of nettle on 5 liters of water), and from fresh (500 g per 5 liters of water) nettle. Insperate a solution of about 14 days, filter, and can be fertilized.

Excellent plants can turn out of apples (1 kg of green sour apples on 5 liters of water). We insist the bait for about three days. Use this solution more often than other fertilizers. Most it is useful for forest cacti, azaleas and anthurium.

Make useful fertilizers for indoor plants from what is in the kitchen is completely simple, the main thing is desire.

Sincerely, Eugene.

Do not pour water after cooking potatoes! Meet how you can apply

The remaining water of potatoes is most often pouring into the sink? If so, know that this is a waste! Contrary to popular belief, this liquid contains many valuable components that can be used, in particular, to care for plants. How will water from under potatoes affect your flowers, how to apply it and what to pay attention to? You will find the answer below.

Water from cooking potatoes is an excellent fertilizer for both indoor plants and those in the garden. Contains a lot nutrientswhich provided vegetables cooked in it. Among the main should be noted:

Potassium - chemical elementnecessary in the process of photosynthesis and the spread of nutrients in the plant; Protects from diseases, improves the color of leaves and colors.
Phosphorus - stimulates the growth of the plant (including their roots).
Microelements, including important magnesium and iron plants.
Starch, which (ka and all carbohydrates) takes part in the formation of humus, stimulates the growth of roots and germination of seeds.

How to apply potato water?

With cool water, just water the plants (just once a week, without adding any more fertilizers). You can also enrich it compost.
Important: Water can not be salty! Salt is fatal for plants, in particular, makes it difficult to obtain water from the soil. If you collected large volumes of water from the preparation of potatoes, before watering the plants, it must be mixed (it should also be borne in mind that after a while this water will have an unpleasant odor).
Not only the water from the potato nourishes the plants. Similar properties have the water remaining from the preparation of other vegetables (for example, spinach, beets or carrots), as well as pasta and rice - of course, if it was not chained earlier.

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In order to preach to feed home flowers, it is absolutely not necessary to run to the store for finished fertilizers - if you carefully look at, then in the refrigerator, and in the first-aid kit, there will always be an ingredients for cooking magnificent feeding! By the way, not everyone knows that for the preparation of nutritional feeding, you can take dairy water, decoction of potatoes, sugar, honey, banana peel, boric acid, and also toothpaste And even castor oil!

Milk water

Watering, it loves various decorative plants With motley leaves and spectacular ferns. Milk is rich in microelements capable of stimulating intense growth. And to prepare a valuable dairy feeder is easier than simple: 100 ml of milk (necessarily low-fat) are bred in a liter of water and a pretty mix composition. Ready solution green pets watered next scheme: After every two ordinary irrigation, it is given one feeding of lactic water.

Potato decoction

The richest source of starch! Regular feeding of potato decoction help strengthen root system Virtually any domestic flowers and a more favorable way affect the reproduction of beautiful plants. To prepare a useful starch fertilizer, pre-prepared potatoes are boiled in the uniform, after which the decoction is drained and cool it to a temperature of about twenty degrees. By the way, home flowers are treated with this nutritional decoction no more than once a month.


It is believed that human organism Sugar does not bring any benefit. With plants, everything is completely vice versa - sugar serves as a great power source for them! Glucose, which is part of its composition, acts as an excellent building material For a vulnerable root system.

For the preparation of sweet feeding, two teaspoons of sugar sand are dissolved in 500 ml of water. And watering the flowers with a useful solution more often than two weeks. Especially like such feeders handsome cacti and spectacular succulents!


Honey is an indispensable biostimulator for a truly increase in the truly incredible amount of a wide variety of plants. It is necessary to take it undiluted, carefully apply a sweet sensation with a tassel right on the point of growth of favorite room colors.

Banana skins

The banana peel contains a lot of potassium, a magnificent natural blossom stimulator. Best of all the banana feeders react beautiful azals, bright begonias and gentle home roses. By the way, a similar feeder is preparing very simple: well dried banana peel shred in a coffee grinder until it turns into a brownish powder, which subsequently sprinkle in pots in pots.

Boric acid

Perfect fertilizer for regular extractive feeding! Solution boric acid endowed with the ability to stimulate the formation of new boutons and growth points. For the preparation of a saving solution, 1 g of boric acid is bred in a liter of water (a 0.1% solution should be obtained). First boric acid pours hot water, and after its complete dissolution, it should be connected to the remaining amount cold water. The finished solution is carried out systematic spraying of flowering plants in the phase of flowering or formation of boutons.


With its help, you can quickly saturate the green pets with fluorine and calcium, and also significantly reduce the acidity of the soil used. One-third of the toothpaste tube (the main thing is that it be without whitening effect) is bred enough warm water in a liter (with a temperature of about twenty two to twenty five degrees). It is especially recommended to feed the available home plants with this solution in spring and summer.

Castor oil

Wonderful means for the speedy stimulation of flowering! For each liter of water to obtain an effective feeding, they take on a teaspoon of castor oil. The finished solution is allowed both to water the plants and spray them. The main thing is not to forget to take a good nutrient fluid before each use!
Calcium plants are very useful, and therefore use water irrigated for watering egg shell, or the one in which the eggs were boiled.

Banana infusion
Our favorite houseplants need enhanced feeder especially now when they do not get a lot of light and nutrition in winter. Now plants are rolled into growth, and they need enhanced nutrition and care. We often eating bananas, throw out skins, and this is a very valuable fertilizer. In the skins from bananas a lot of magnesium, potassium, sodium and phosphorus. This is vital for nutrition and growth. Put three banana skins in a 3-l jar, fill the room temperature water, insist two days. After strain and dilute with water 1: 1. Nasty is very good to water and seed out. Finger once a few days - and you will see how your favorite flowers will start to get into the growth. Plants and seedlings will especially thank and tell you a lot thank you! And when you remove your lovingly grown seedlings to the country, you can also bury banana skins under each bush, so gradually improve your soil, and the plants will quickly and better grow. Its plants can also give tea feeding. 1 tbsp. l. Tea welding pour 1 liter of boiling water, insist about an hour. Water plants under the most root, plants also speak well for it.
Banana's peel is excellent potash fertilizer. In winter, do not throw it away, and dry on the spring. With the beginning of mass flowering, heat the peel, grind and fertilize her roses and ferns. If it is too lazy to mess around, use dry skins in the form of mulch. In the summer, fold them only in compost pit. And even banana skins are well put on the bottom of the wells when planting tomatoes.
And banana infusion cases like this:
We take the peel of one banana on 1 liter of water and insist 4-5 days. Then they flicker, we dilute the water in the proportion of one to one (you can rush and water in times.

Strengthen the rashes without chemistry. one.
Strengthens plant tissues and helps well against pulse dew, rust and web ticks.
Preparation: In a large enameled pan or bucket, put 1 kg of fresh grass (or 150 g of dry) fields and fill 10 liters of cold water. Leave the grass to incande the day. Then, closing the pan with a lid, tapping a field hand on a slow heat for 30 minutes so that silicon acid is separated from the horsetail. Then remove the lid and allow the brave to cool. Then strain it, overflowing the fluid into enameled or plastic vessels (do not hold the horsetail decoction in the metal dishes, as the acid corrosive it).
The horsetail blade retains its beneficial features Only for two weeks.
Using the horsetail beam: To prevent the appearance of diseases and pests, spray all the plants completely, in particularly hot days - early in the morning before the occurrence of heat (then the action of the horsetail brave is most strongly). For spraying, we lake the decoction with water in the ratio (1: 5). Additionally, the roots of the plants also irrigate the horsetail decoction. If necessary, I repeat this procedure in a few days.

The horsetail decoction, which begins to wander, is used only for watering plants, 1 liter of decoction is diluted in 10 liters of water.

Infusion of nettle
is a good feeding and enhances the resistance of plants
Cooking infantry:
Method 1: 500-700 g of fresh (or 200 g dry) nettles are put into the wooden container and poured 5 liters of cold water, allowed for 14 days. Every day stirred until fermentation starts. To weaken the smell of fermentation, add a little drilling flour. The finished infusion is filled with the use of molding infusion brute it with water in the ratio (1:10).
Method 2: Make an exhaust from inferior. For this, the mixture is left to appease only for several hours (usually 12-24 hours, but not more than 3 days). That is, in this case I am not adjusted to the infusion of nettle to fermentation, but use it immediately after cooking.
Using nettle inferior: used for watering plants and spraying of leaves. To combat the solar, spray roses and other plants undiluted hint of nettle.
If there is no fresh, in the pharmacy or in specialized stores you can buy powder or dry leaves of nettle.
If you mix the bucking of the horsetail and infusion of nettle - their action will increase

Nasty wormwood
The wormwood is used to combat the soot, caterpillars and rust, enhancing plant resistance.
Cooking insight:
Method 1: 300-500 g of fresh grass or 30 g of dried wormwood is poured in a wooden cane 10 liters of cold water. They insist 14 days until fermentation begin.
Using the insno inspection: one part of the infusion is mixed with ten parts of cold water, we use for watering and spraying the leaves.
Method 2: Wormwood poured cold water, insist during the day (you can up to 3 days), without bringing the infusion to fermentation. This hood is used in the spring garden.

Stimulates the growth of the plant
We water the plant, we are waiting for about 1-1.5 hours, and then put in the bath. Turn on the shower. The temperature of the water must be hot, such as themselves wash. And we water the leaves of the plant approximately 2-3 minutes. Then you need to leave the plant in the bathroom. It is desirable for the night, with the goal that it would be cooled well and not caught.
The procedure cannot be carried out during the rest of the plants, and the rest of the time can be carried out once a week.

Hot water Stimulates the growth of roots
Water is screaming (do not understand under the word we look - boiling water, the water must be tolerant) roots.
You can use this method no more than once a month.
In hot water, plants need to slowly immerse directly in the pot.

The presence in the feeding of vitamins stimulates the absorption of phosphorus plants, sulfur, calcium, and reduces the absorption of chlorine. Vitamins accelerate the growth of leaves, delay their die away and favorably affect the pace of plant development.
Children's multivitamins (liquid), fertilizers for aquarium plants or vitamins for fish - they can be added when watering.

The joint use of thiamine and nicotinic acid exhibits a greater effect than their separate use when feeding.

1) On 1 liter of water to dissolve 1 vitamin B12 ampule, 1 time in 2 weeks - the leaves become saturated green, and the size of the flowers is increased.
2) Spraying: Vitamins B1, B6 and B5 take 0.25 ml and diluted in 0.5 liters of warm water.
All group vitamins work! The main thing is to know about their compatibility:
B12 destroys B1, B2, B6 and Nicotine, the same in the presence of B6 collapses B1. Also, many water-grade vitamins are destroyed at the light very quickly!

3) for cacti: we buy vitamins in a pharmacy "Vitrum
We take at the rate of 1 tablet about 70 plants.
We put the tablet "Vitrum" into a small amount of vodka, after it is dissolved, add a little honey or a glucose tablet, as well as urea (you can buy in a pharmacy or where fertilizers sell).
We add urea because there is no nitrogen in the "Witrum" - man is harmful.
All stirred thoroughly
The finished composition of the tassel on the growth point of plants (according to N. Bazhanova, its lofofoff (slowly growing plant) has increased pretty quickly in diameter by 1 cm, almost in one week).
To accelerate the growth of seedlings, it is impossible to use this composition (as long as the first spines appear).
Croton loves Vitamin B12 and B6 Two ampoules open and "pour" into the ground before irrigated) the leaves are noticeably growing faster make in the spring in May and in July

Undercabe sugar.
On a pot of diameter 10 cm 1 teaspoon of sugar sand. Sand pour on the surface of the earth before irrigated once a week. It is possible in a solution - 2 teaspoons on a glass of water, once a week. Particularly responded to the feeding with sugar cacti.
Castor Oil.
On a liter of water, a teaspoon of castor oil is poured and sculpt well. Fertilize during flowering and fruiting.
Some craftsmen fertilize the flowers with milk with meat or fish water and have good results, but it is as they say - "Gol on fiction of the cunning." Than pervert, it is easier to buy fertilizer, and what to do with it, it is written there.
Strengthen the rashes without chemistry. 2.
Kilogram of green sour fresh apples put on a 5l water bottle, waiting for two days - and you can go ahead smaller apples and water, depending on how many and whom to water. Big plus - You can use a much cup of fertilizers. Forest cacti, anthurium, azaleas are especially loved by such feeding.

Long husk
This infusion is almost all plants perceive as a full fertilizer. The decoction is preparing simply: the whole onion husk is poured with 1.5 liters of boiling water, boil a minute, the two hours insist, filter in the sprayer. Spray with fresh solution (immediately all 1.5 liters) - it is impossible to store infusion.
For cultures requiring a lot of potassium and a little nitrogen. By the content of potassium, the sprinkler exceeds the manure and is slightly lagging behind the content of phosphorus.

1 kg of fresh chopped plants pour 10 liters of water and leave for 4 weeks. Use the same as flawlessness. The fertilizer from the opponent is suitable for all cultures and is especially useful when signs of potassium deficiency. Spraying of leaves very quickly relieves signs of potassium deficit. In the infusion ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is 3: 1: 7.
Fertilizer blood
For the preparation of a helpful pulling out of the blood, blood is diluted with two volumes of water (on 1 bucket of blood - 2 buckets of water). Two weeks later, the fluid during daily stirring moves well and will be quite suitable for planting plants.
Heteroacexins can be replaced with a solution of yeast, it contains a sufficient amount of growth substances. The yeast solution accelerates the appearance of roots for 10-12 days and increases the number of roots in 2-10 times compared with sanulated cuttings.
100 mg is dissolved in one liter of cold boiled water.
In this solution, plants are placed on the day. After a day, the cuttings are riveted from a solution of yeast, washed with water and put on rooting into a water vessel. It is good to put a piece of charcoal into the water.

Potato decoction
In the water in which potatoes were soaked or cooked, sugar was dissolved. Do not forget to cool and dilute potato decoctionbefore watering
Excellent fertilizer - Aquarium water, can with admixture of fish waste
Do not hold them to fertilize cacti, succulents and plants that are going to bloom
1 Watering, 2 Skip 1 Pulling 2
We divor into a liter of milk for 10 liters of water and spray or water.
This potion is used against pulse dew on cucumbers, and as a fertilizer. There you are little secret From pulse dew and no chemistry.
Such feeding adores Nerefolpp.

What, in addition to epin, zircon, HB-101 can you cheer up your green pets? It turns out that there are quite a few funds in the home arsenal that can successfully replace new-fashioned drugs that can not only facilitate the care of plants, but also to completely replace chemical feeders or stimulants of growth and flowering. And they are good not only for indoor, but also for garden plants.

The most elementary , and not T. the guys no tricks - hot shower! Hot water (not boiling water, of course) will be not only prevention against pests, but a good growth stimulator.

Before the procedure itself, all indoor plants need to pour well, after 1-2 hours put in the bath and turn on the shower.

The temperature of hot water should be such that the hand tolerate. Hot jet watering plants one or two minutes. Hot water that fell into a pot will help in the fight against soil pests (if they started). After the shower of the plant, you need to leave in the bathroom for the night so that they dry, excessive water from the glass pots. Hot souls You can do almost all rooms, except Satpolia. Such procedures begin to do from February and continue throughout the season. The results will not wait for a long time, you can see them in a week.

Sugar. For feeding, it is enough to pour out one teaspoon of sugar sand on the surface of the soil in a pot before irrigated, or water sweet water once a week. On one glass of water take two teaspoons of sugar sand. Cacti adore sugar sand.

Castor oil. Castor oil feeders are good for stimulating flowering and fruit formation. One chapoon of castor oil is enough for one liter of water. Before use, the solution must be carefully shaken.

Normal Zelenka (diamond green solution), as well as fuccin (Red liquid) Having a powerful antifungal effect, will help in the fight in mushroom diseases. The bulbs of hyacinths, lilies, tulips and other bulbous and tuberukovic plants in places of damage, as well as scratches and damage to roses stems, especially after winter, can be lubricated with greenflaw or fuccin. Scratches and damage, heal and do not rot.

Boric acid . Boric acid solution is also a stimulant of the formation of buds, marking. Boric acid can safely be replaced by the well-known "maritime" in the garden for stimulating flowering and the formation of fruits vegetable crops, for example, at tomatoes, cucumbers, as well as during the formation of kochens on the cabbage, and even all fruit shrubs and trees. Working solution - Boric acid package Dilute in two liters of water. This solution spray plants several times per season: Before flowering, immediately after flowering, two weeks after flowering, so that the zero does not disappear.

Effective growth stimulant and root formation is considered aloe juice. It is good to soak or germinate seeds.

Honey, or rather honeymath Also is a powerful biostimulator. It can be used to be used for soaking and germinating seeds, rooting cuttings. Honeymage can be used in the garden during flowering for better pollination and formation.

Honeymage is good to use in buckets waved on fruit trees, for preservation of fruits from pests.

Fresh apples. One kilogram of sliced \u200b\u200bapples insisted in five liters of water for two days, and feeding for all plants is ready. Infusion of fresh apples especially adore plants such as Skimberger, Sygocactus, Ripzalidopsis.

Milk. For volatile and decorative plants, ordinary milk can be used as feeding. Working solution: 100 ml of milk is divorced in one liter of water. Such watering is very like fern. Watering by lactic water alternate after 2-3 irrigation of simple water.

Vitamins of group B (B 1, B 6, B 12), as well as vitamin C It can be used to root the cuttings, soaking seeds, the development of the root system. For the working solution, just a few drops per liter of water.

Yeast solution may with great success to replace such a corpsimulator as heteroacexin. Preparation of a working solution: in one liter of water you need to dissolve 100 mg yeast. In this solution for a day, put stalks prepared for rooting. After that, the cuttings must be taken from a yeast solution, rinse with water and put on rooting in mini-greenhouse or water tank. If you put rooting the cuttings into the water, do not forget to put a small piece of charcoal there.

The yeast solution can also be used in the garden. In the spring when landing, they can water all plants, including roses.

Broth onion husk Perceived by all plants without exception as a full fertilizer. The decoction can not only pour the land, but also to clean the entire plant for the prevention of pests. Broth onion husks (it is prepared, as for the painting of Easter eggs) will scare the TRU, and the infusion (200 g of the husk on 10 liters of water) will help save cucumbers from a spider tick. Preparation of beam onion husks for feeding plants: one or two handstounds of the onion husk pour with one liter of boiling water, boil for 3-5 minutes, let cool. After that, the decoction to strain and can be used! It is advisable to use the entire cooked branch of the onion husk at a time.

Dried speit tea Very useful for large varieties Tomatoes. Begin to harvest the used welding now. When landing tomatoes in the prepared land, quit the handful of sleep tea. This tool will not only improve the soil, but also serve as a source of necessary trace elements for large-scale tomatoes. A healthy plant, as we know, is less affected by diseases and pests.

Excellent fertilizer for indoor plants - aquarium water. In aquarium water, many substances stimulating plant growth. Aquarium water as a feeding is recommended to be used only in spring and early summer, when there is an active growth of new shoots and leaves. In the second half of summer, when young shoots are already being ripening, seeds, as well as for feeding slowly growing cacti and succulents, aquarium water is better not to use.

Potato decoction you can also be used as feeding all plants. The water in which potatoes was cooked, cool, strain and then drip. I experienced, works! Of course, at first I was very afraid, I thought, suddenly the land in the pots will immediately scribe, then, after all, risked. The result is satisfied.

Water in which washed raw meat can be used as feeding all plants. For feeding of indoor plants, this water is recommended for two weeks to insist so that it goes over and become suitable for watering. The plants in the garden I watered such water without insistence. Georgina, who often got water after washing meat, bloomed much earlier than the rest, the bushes were chic, and the Buds are darkness. So also checked.

Decorations and infusions from other plants as it is impossible to suit not only for feeding, but also help to cope with pests.

Nasty wormwood Enhances the immunity of plants, helps to cope with rust on the leaves from Pelargonium, rose roses, lavaters, roses, and is also used in the fight against tool, various caterpillars and other sheet-raging insects. Cooking working solutions: Wormwood can be used in a dry and fresh form, pour cold water and give to stand 1-3 days. Used without dilution. Such infusion is very effective in spring.

You can hurt the infusion to hold two weeks, let's wander. This infusion is recommended to breed tenfold. It can be used for watering and spraying indoor and garden plants.

As has long been noticed, some garden plants Possess not only healing force, but also restrain the onslaught of pests. For example, gypsophila and L. avandaprevent the attack of tool and ants to neighboring plants, marigold and calendulaprotect the neighboring plants from nematodes and other underground pests, garlic Kills fungi I. viral diseases, Including torrential dew. Therefore, infusions and decoctions from these plants have exactly the same force and with great success can be used as biological agents Fighting pests and diseases.

Infusion of nettle enhances the immunity of plants and is also used as a full-fledged feeding for all plants. The infusion from nettle is preparing for the same principle as the infusion of wormwood. You can insist the nettle in the water day - three and water with this presentation of the plant, and you can wait until fermentation begin. In order not to stink so much, you can add a bit of a little bora into this infusion. After fermentation with infusion from nettle strain, dilute with water at a concentration of 1:10. Such herbal infusions are good in summer outdoors. And herbs in wealth, and in the house does not smell. To combat the solar, you can spray plants with undiluted nettle.

Nutture from nettle - a natural and universal complex with micro- and macroelements, in its influence on plants, exceeds all chemical growth stimulants.

Infusion okopnik it can be used as feeding in the second half of summer when plants for preparation for winter need a lot of potassium.

Preparation of infusion from the opponent is similar to the preparation of infusion from wormwood or nettle. An infusion from the opponent can be used for all plants, but it is especially useful to plants that have a lot of potassium and a bit of nitrogen for full development. Spraying with the influence of the socket on the leaves very quickly removes signs of potassium starvation. In the infusion of the socket, the main elements of nutrition - nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are located in such a proportion of 3: 1: 7.

Broth of horsetail it will help not only to strengthen plant tissues, it will help to cope with rust on the leaves, muced dew, web tick. Horsetail can be used both in fresh and dry. Preparation of a working solution: Pour grass with cold water and leave for a day. After that, the infusion with the tail boil, let it cool, strain into glass or plastic dishes. The decoction of the horsettle can be sprayed with both indoor and garden plants. The decoction of the chemport can be added to water for watering. A versatile tick for a persistent effect should be carried out repeated spraying with a decoction of the chewing.

Juice from Valeriana. Fresh grass Valerian is crushed, add some boiled or rainwater, squeeze. The resulting Valerian extract, pour into a glass container and store in the refrigerator. Capacity with valerian extract Before use, you need to shabby thoroughly. Such an extract is enough to make only 30 drops on the water bucket. It is recommended to water and spray all the plants, including orchids. Itself has not yet experienced, but they say that this is a truly "magic agent". What is not HB-101, which is sold for mad money?

Such extracts, infusions, decoctions can be made practically from any plants and in any combination.

So that the plants bloom are even more beautiful, during the period of bootonization
You need to make feeding.
I am my flowers when buds begin to form,
I water water with castor oil.
From this plant flower lush and longer,
and floral heads are larger
and more rich color.
You need to do this.

Fill Lithric plastic bottle
indentioned water temperature
and add 1 tsp in it. Kastor oil.
Further tightly spin the lid
And thoroughly shake the contents.
Castor oil should crash to the smallest fractions
and mix with water. If Castor is stirred badly,
It can burn the roots of the plant.
Be sure to check what happened.
Then immediately, until the castor oil rose
The surface of the water, pour flowers.
If they bloom once a year, then one such feeding is enough.
If the plants bloom constantly,
I need to feed them with Castorkov Oil once a month.

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