Succinic acid for orchids - what are the benefits of tablets, how to dilute them correctly and use them to feed plants, watering rules. Application of succinic acid for orchid Succinic acid for orchid leaves how to apply

Water bodies 23.06.2020
Water bodies

Succinic acid is a natural, harmless preparation and is widely used to treat orchids. The popularity of the tool is due to its high efficiency, wide consumer availability and ease of use.

Features and characteristics

Succinic acid is a colorless and odorless crystalline substance found in natural substances such as amber, brown coal and resins. In addition, the substance is part of any living organism that breathes oxygen. It owes its name to amber, from which it was first isolated in the middle of the 15th century. Today, acid is obtained both by chemical synthesis and in the old way - in the process of processing amber. However, the latter method is the most labor-consuming and expensive; therefore, all commercially available succinic acid preparations are produced by a chemical method.

The substance has two forms of release and is produced in tablets and powder for injection. The product is completely soluble in water, alcohol and ether, and is used for medicinal purposes. It has a mild antioxidant, immunomodulatory and antihypoxic effect, fights infection, calms the nerves and improves metabolism. In addition to medicine, succinic acid is actively used in floriculture, in particular, for the care of orchids. The high efficiency of restoring damaged flowers and feeding healthy individuals is due to the participation of succinic acid in cellular respiration. Thanks to this, metabolic processes are accelerated and the plant begins to actively develop, grow and bloom.

The effect of the drug on plant cells leads to an improvement in oxygen metabolism in tissues, the elimination of toxins and an improvement in the flower's resistance to various kinds of diseases.

The main feature of succinic acid is its point effect, which applies exclusively to damaged and weakened flower tissues. Acid does not tend to accumulate in plant cells and in the soil and quickly decomposes into simple, well-assimilated substances. It should be noted here that succinic acid itself is not a fertilizer; it only contributes to the rapid digestibility of dressings and improves cellular respiration. In addition, with the help of the drug, it is possible to reanimate seemingly hopeless plants that have undergone long transportation, unsuccessful transplantation, or have lost their viable roots.

Such situations often occur after frostbite of the plant or due to improper watering.

In addition to the regenerating function, succinic acid helps to increase the resistance of plants to the scalding effects of ultraviolet radiation, poor watering, frost and excessive moisture, and also has a stimulating effect on the intensity of root formation and shoot growth.

An important feature of the drug is its compatibility with most vitamins, growth stimulants, dressings and other agents. This allows you to use an acidic solution in any combination without fear of harming the plant.

Benefit and harm

The popularity of using amber solution and a large number of approving reviews are due to a number of significant advantages of this natural remedy.

  1. Succinic acid is very well absorbed by orchids, and therefore the risk of overdose is practically excluded.
  2. The drug significantly accelerates the processes of photosynthesis and contributes to the saturation of young leaves with chlorophyll. This activates the growth and development of plants and significantly improves their appearance.
  3. The acid also acts on the substrate in which the orchid grows, restoring the balance of nutrients in it and protecting it from pathogenic microflora. Moreover, the agent effectively destroys toxic components and improves the absorption of trace elements from the soil.
  4. Thanks to the use of succinic acid, the rooting of cuttings is significantly accelerated and the survival rate increases. In addition, there is a significant increase in flowering time due to the activation of metabolic processes.

However, with inept use, succinic acid can do harm. This is due to the fact that not only metabolic processes, but also pathogenic ones, are accelerated from its effect. Therefore, if the plant is already sick, then acid treatment can bring its death closer. Improper watering can also play a fatal role for the orchid. So, many experts note that excessive enthusiasm for succinic acid increases the risk of fungal infections.

In this regard, only healthy plants should be watered with an acid solution, while observing the required dosage and frequency of treatment.

How to prepare the solution?

Using a solution of succinic acid to treat orchids is usually straightforward. To do this, you just need to learn how to breed it correctly. As noted above, the drug is available in powder and tablets, and both forms are equally well suited for use and are absolutely equivalent in their effect on the plant.

From pills

This method of making a solution includes two stages. First, the acid tablet (250 mg) should be crushed into powder. This can be done without removing it from the package, while acting with a hammer or using a mortar. The resulting powder is dissolved in water at a temperature of 45 degrees, after complete dissolution, the volume of the liquid is brought to 0.5 l. However, in the case of emergency assistance to plants, it is allowed to reduce the volume to 250 ml, and for spraying and root dressing, a ratio of 1 tablet per liter of water is used.

In cases where flower resuscitation is required after loss, frostbite or root damage, the solution is prepared in the proportion of 1 tablet per 100 ml of liquid.

A prerequisite for the preparation of a high-quality solution is to use only warm water for these purposes.


A powder solution is even easier to prepare. To do this, take 1 g of the substance and dissolve it in 1 liter of water. If there are no pharmaceutical scales in the house, then they use an ordinary kitchen knife. To do this, scoop up a little powder with the tip of a knife and dissolve it in warm water. To provide the flower with emergency assistance, the volume of the liquid is halved.

Such a composition is suitable for use for 2-3 days, after which it completely loses its beneficial properties and becomes completely useless.

How to use?

Succinic acid is a real find for novice flower growers and provides them with invaluable help in caring for orchids. The use of the drug is not difficult and consists in watering, processing leaf plates, spraying and feeding the root.

For watering

Watering orchids growing in a pot is carried out from a small watering can without using a spray. The solution should flow in a thin stream, gradually filling the entire surface of the soil. As soon as excess water begins to leave the lower holes, watering is stopped and the excess is allowed to drain into the pan. If the flower grows in a container that does not have drainage holes, for example, in a glass flask, then you should wait 15-20 minutes, after which, holding the plant and the substrate in which it grows, carefully drain the excess liquid into the sink.

With room maintenance, you can water the orchid at any time of the day. If a flower adorns a balcony or loggia, then watering should be done only in the morning. This requirement is due to the fact that the plant must dry completely before evening and night temperatures drop.

The solution for irrigation should be weakly concentrated: one tablet per liter of liquid will be enough.

For wiping the leaves

This method is quite time consuming and requires a lot of time, so its use is advisable only for the treatment of injured, suddenly yellowed or wrinkled orchid leaves. In order to carry out the treatment, it is necessary to moisten a soft cloth or cotton pad in a solution of succinic acid and gently wipe the leaf plate. In this case, you need to ensure that the acid does not get into the base of the sheet and does not burn it. The solution for wiping is made more saturated, while dissolving 1 tablet of the drug in a glass of warm water. A couple of days after application, the drug is removed with napkins dipped in cool water.


Such treatment, unlike wiping the leaves, is not an emergency measure for a dying plant and can be performed regularly. To do this, dilute 1 tablet of acid in 500 ml of warm water and spray the aerial part of the plant. This event promotes the active growth of new shoots and is held until the orchid blooms. As soon as the first buds appear, spraying is stopped and resumed only after the plant has faded and rested after flowering.

In order to prevent spraying, it is carried out once a week, for medicinal purposes and to obtain a large number of buds - once every 2-3 days.

For the development of the root system

Treatment of root appendages with a solution of succinic acid is carried out when plants are transplanted to a new place. This is necessary for the early adaptation of the flower to new conditions and to prevent root rotting due to stress. For this, 1 tablet of succinic acid is diluted in 0.5 l of water and the roots of the plant are immersed there. After half an hour, the flower is taken out of the container and thoroughly dried in air for 2 hours. Then the orchid is planted in fresh substrate and slightly moistened.

Thanks to this treatment, the growth of root shoots is noticeably activated, which contributes to the emergence of new strong shoots. Moreover, orchids with a treated root system begin to bloom profusely and for a long time and are distinguished by especially large flowers.

This method can also be used for medicinal purposes. To do this, carefully examine the roots, remove rotten and damaged processes and immerse the plant in an amber solution for 2-3 hours. The residence time of the roots in the liquid depends on the state of the flower and in emergency cases can reach 4 hours.

In the process of soaking, the plant should be removed from the container every 30 minutes, allowing the roots to "breathe".

Some experts recommend combining succinic acid with garlic. To prepare garlic water, a clove of garlic is crushed to a state of gruel, poured with a liter of warm water and infused for 45 minutes. Then, a tablet of succinic acid is dissolved in the resulting garlic water and the orchid is watered. However, there is also the opposite opinion, according to which it is better to alternate the use of garlic and acid, in no case mixing them in one solution. But in fairness, it is worth noting that both joint and separate use of these two components gives excellent results, so the choice of any one option depends on the personal preferences of the grower.

Whatever the reasons for treating indoor orchids, whether it is the need to save a wilting plant or spraying for preventive purposes, it is important to follow the instructions for the safe use of the product. So, when working with a solution, do not allow drops of the drug to get on the mucous membranes or skin. Such contact, of course, will not bring serious consequences, but it may well cause itching and irritation.

In case of allergic reactions associated with the respiratory system, you should immediately contact a medical institution.

In order for the treatment of orchids with a solution of succinic acid to give the maximum effect and not harm the plant, there are a number of simple rules to follow.

  1. It is prohibited to use the solution for watering diseased plants. This is due to the acceleration of metabolism under the influence of the drug, which leads to the rapid multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms and the progression of the disease.
  2. Exceeding the recommended dosage of the drug is strictly prohibited. This can cause the plant to overfeed, which can stop flowering and reproduction.
  3. During the flowering of an orchid, it cannot be treated with succinic acid. Excessive oversaturation with the drug will cause a rapid drop in color, and the leaves will become lethargic and ugly. In addition, if you simultaneously fertilize a plant with phosphate or nitrogen-containing preparations and succinic acid, it will quickly lose its attractiveness and begin to wither.
  4. It is recommended to store the freshly prepared solution in a cool place, using glassware of a dark color. The use of aluminum containers is prohibited. The mixture can be stored for no more than 3 days, after which it loses its useful properties and must be poured out. A signal that the solution is unusable is the appearance of white flakes, which form a non-uniform precipitate.
  5. When growing orchids with seeds, it is recommended to soak them in an amber solution for 12 hours before sowing. Then the seeds must be thoroughly dried and sown according to the rules for sowing orchids.

Sometimes there are situations when the plant loses most of its root system. This happens for many reasons, the most common of which are freezing or rotting of root processes or severe injury during transplantation. The amber solution is able to grow roots in a short time, thereby preventing the inevitable death of the plant. For emergency assistance, a solution of 4 tablets of acid and a liter of warm water is prepared.

Treatment is carried out by spraying shoots, leaves and flower neck, performing the procedure every morning. The result will not be long in coming - in a few days, the active formation of a new root mass will begin, clearly visible to the naked eye. You should not worry about a possible overdose: the plant will absorb as much of the drug as it needs to regenerate the root system. The only requirement in this case is the use of a fresh solution, which is recommended to be prepared every day.

However, spraying can be replaced by dipping the orchid in a solution.... To do this, the freshly prepared composition is poured into a transparent bowl and a flower is placed in it so that only the outlet is hidden in the liquid, while the neck remains above the water. In this position, the orchid is fixed and the entire "structure" is placed in a well-lit place. In the process of growing roots in the room, a constant temperature of 25 degrees and high humidity should be maintained.

In the course of treatment, the solution will gradually evaporate, so every few days you will need to add a new mixture. As mentioned above, the shelf life of the mixture is 2-3 days, so the more often a new solution is poured, the better. After 2-2.5 months, the orchid will put down new roots, and after they grow up to 5 cm, the plant can be transplanted into a sterile substrate. 2-3 weeks after planting, the flower is transferred to the general care regimen.

You can also grow roots dry. To do this, 2-3 tablets of acid are abraded to a powder state and applied to the stalk of the orchid. Then the plant is placed in a transparent pot equipped with a ventilation hole and filled with a special substrate. Watering the shoot should be alternated with irrigating the leaves, continuing the process until the roots appear.

Using an amber solution for treating orchids, it should be understood that this agent is only capable of providing an auxiliary effect and cannot replace the application of fertilizers and dressings. The drug is only able to significantly improve the general condition of the plant and accelerate its recovery after illness and stress.

Many have heard of the miraculous effects of succinic acid on plants. Let's find out the details of the use, as well as the results of using this remedy on orchids.

About succinic acid

Succinic acid is a natural component found in all living organisms that use oxygen for respiration.

This acid got its name thanks to the German researcher George Agricole, who isolated this acid from amber in the 15th century. Other names for this acid: butanedioic or ethane-1,2-dicarboxylic acid, succinate.

The main functions of succinic acid:

  • power generation;
  • protection of cells from harmful effects;
  • participation in the processes of cellular respiration.

Therefore, succinic acid is beneficial and non-toxic for plants and humans. In application, it has a very important effect: in organisms it is directed precisely to those areas where its effect is needed. The surplus does not accumulate either in the soil or in the plants.

Succinic acid is found in free form in coal, resins and amber. It contains in insignificant amounts iron chlorides and sulfides. This acid is produced industrially in two ways: by chemical synthesis or by processing amber.

The acid obtained by processing amber is expensive, but its composition is no different from the "chemical" one. On sale you can buy an inexpensive chemical product, which is odorless white crystals. Release form - tablets or powder.

You can buy succinic acid in a pharmacy or gardening stores, both in pure form and in various compositions.

Succinic acid - gallery

Succinic acid powder Succinic acid produced from amber with the addition of glucose and vitamin C Pharmaceutical succinic acid tablets You can buy succinic acid in horticultural departments

Crystals of succinic acid dissolve in water, alcohol and ether. For plants, only aqueous solutions are used.

Succinic acid belongs to biostimulants. With this tool, you can improve the microflora of the substrate and stimulate plant growth.

The acid neutralizes toxins in the soil and helps the plant absorb beneficial trace elements. The effect of using succinic acid can be seen in about two to three weeks.

Succinic acid is used for:

  • strengthening immunity;
  • better assimilation of dressings;
  • plant growth and development;
  • neutralizing toxins;
  • resuscitation;
  • restoration of roots;
  • flowering stimulation.

After treatment with succinic acid, the orchid begins to form new flower stalks and buds, grow new roots and leaves. The weakened plant strengthens and restores leaf turgor. Therefore, succinic acid is useful in unfavorable and stressful situations.

Succinic acid does not replace top dressing, but is only an auxiliary stimulant.

The use of succinic acid for orchids

What you need to know about the use of succinic acid:

  • it is undesirable to use it during dormancy or flowering of an orchid;
  • one tablet is equivalent to the acid powder at the tip of a teaspoon;
  • you need to dilute the acid in hot water, it will not dilute in cold water;
  • you can use food utensils, this acid is not harmful (even beneficial) to humans;

Please note that it is strictly forbidden to take it on your own! Consultation of a specialist is required.

  • store acid in a cool, dry and dark place;
  • it is necessary to protect it from heat and keep it away from sources of ignition;
  • keep the finished solution for no more than 3 days (unsuitability is determined by white flakes in the solution);
  • you can not leave the roots of the plant in solution for more than 4 hours;
  • do not use aluminum dishes for solutions, preferably glass or plastic.

Precautions: do not inhale dust and spray of succinic acid!

Instructions for diluting acid in water

How to dilute and apply succinic acid - video

Application for processing leaves with loss of turgor

If in an orchid with leathery leaves (for example, Phalaenopsis) they become wrinkled and lethargic, then you need to wipe them with a solution of succinic acid.

Dissolve one tablet in 250 ml of water and wipe the leaves with a cotton pad soaked in the solution. This should be done every morning until the turgor is restored.

For orchids with more delicate leaves, simply spray with this solution and keep the substrate dry.

The use of succinic acid to restore leaf turgor - video

Watering and root restoration

For watering orchids, dilute 1 tablet of succinic acid in 1 liter of water.

In this case, you need to know that:

  • you can water both healthy and reanimated plants;
  • with submerged watering, a healthy orchid must be soaked for 30 minutes;
  • frequency of use - once or twice a month with breaks for the rest and flowering of the orchid.

Orchid watering methods - gallery

This is how you can water an orchid with a tray Watering an orchid substrate with good drainage Watering an orchid by immersion This is how you can soak a reanimated orchid without roots

With the help of succinic acid, you can help the orchid grow new roots. Even in the absence of roots, the orchid can be saved!

Small orchids can be planted on moss, and instead of watering, spray it with a solution: 1 tablet per 500 ml of water.

The frequency of spraying depends on the humidity in the air - just make sure that the moss does not dry out! Alternate spraying with plain water with a spray of solution.

Small orchid grows better on moss

For soaking:

  1. Dissolve one tablet in 500 ml of water and soak the roots for 1-2 hours.
  2. If there are few or no roots, then spray the root collar and lower leaves of the orchid in the morning.
  3. You need to soak twice a week, spray every other day until new roots appear.

Root treatment with succinic acid - video

Orchid processing during transplantation and beyond

When transplanting an orchid, it is useful to treat the roots with a solution of succinic acid. The plant will better tolerate stress and will grow roots faster in a new substrate.

Transplant soaking:

  1. After freeing the roots of the orchid from the substrate, cut off everything that is rotten and dry.
  2. Make a solution: 1 500 ml tablet.
  3. Soak the roots in the solution for 30 minutes and plant the plant in a new substrate.

After planting the orchid, you can continue the treatment with succinic acid by rubbing the leaves, spraying and watering.

If the orchid is healthy, spray the parts of the plant that you want to stimulate and strengthen 1-2 times a week. Wipe the leaves with a solution of succinic acid as they become dusty. Once a month, you can water or soak the orchid in the solution.

Treatment during treatment

Alternate spraying all parts of the plant with wiping the leaves. Do this in the morning until signs of recovery. You can dip the reanimated parts of the orchid with a cotton pad dipped in a solution.

Solution: 1 tablet of 500 ml.

The frequency of treatments is every other day.

Resuscitation of orchids with succinic acid - video

To stimulate flowering

To stimulate flowering, spraying and soaking of the roots are used. Before spraying, you need to wipe the leaves with a cotton pad dipped in the solution.

Solution: 1 tablet in 500 ml of water.

You need to spray old peduncles and leaf axils with a warm solution every morning.

Soak the orchid as you would when watering.

The use of succinic acid in conjunction with other drugs

Succinic acid can be used in conjunction with other drugs: vitamins, stimulants, glucose and others. Let's consider examples of such complex solutions.

Orchid tonic

Solution for 1 liter of water:

  • Succinic acid - 2 tablets;
  • Glucose - 1 pc;
  • Nicotinic acid (Vitamin PP) - 1 ampoule;
  • Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) - 1 ampoule;
  • Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12) - 1 ampoule;
  • Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) - 1 ampoule.

A tonic is used for spraying, wiping the leaves and watering in the usual way. It stimulates flowering and new root growth very well. After flowering, take a break for 1-2 months. It is desirable to process early in the morning or in the evening in the dark.

Vitamins are quickly destroyed in the light, and the acid is not stored for more than 3 days, so it is advisable to apply the solution immediately and not leave it in reserve.

Orchid resuscitation cocktail

For 1 liter of water from tablet preparations:

  • Succinic acid: 2 tablets;
  • Nicotinic acid (Vitamin PP) - 1/5 tablet;
  • Thiamin (Vitamin B1) - 1/2 tablet;
  • Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) - 1/2 tablet;
  • Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12) - 1/2 tablet;
  • The drug Kornevin is at the tip of a knife.

A cocktail is used, like a tonic: for watering, spraying and soaking. The frequency of use is the same as in the usual scheme for resuscitation.

There is a strong opinion about the incompatibility of vitamins, but competent doctors refute it!

Succinic acid with garlic

  1. Mash 6 cloves of garlic and insist in 500 ml of warm water for 24 hours.
  2. The next day, strain the solution, dilute 3 tablets of succinic acid in hot water and bring both solutions to 8 liters with warm water. Water the orchids.
  3. Use 1-2 times a month.

Changes in orchids after using garlic with succinic acid - video

What harm can the use of succinic acid cause?

It is difficult to overdose succinic acid, but still it is better not to exceed the indicated dosages and frequency of use. On average, for prophylaxis, it is used 1-2 times a week for spraying and wiping the leaves and once a month for watering.

Do not forget that succinic acid is a biostimulant, and the use of this remedy must be combined with basic feeding, treatment and proper care of your orchid. Only in this way the action of succinic acid will produce the expected and long-term effect.

When your orchid enters dormancy, you need to stop feeding and using any kind of stimulant. During flowering, you should also not feed and stimulate the orchid with succinic acid, otherwise it may shed all flowers.

Succinic acid application table

Application Solution concentration Peculiarities Application frequency
For turgor of leaves 1 tab. for 250 ml Wipe clean with a cotton pad moistened with the solution. Every day or every other day until the turgor is restored.
Root processing 1 tab. for 500 ml Soak for 1-2 hours or spray. Soak 2 times a week, spray every other day until results appear.
Watering 1 tab. for 1 liter With submerged watering, keep for 30 minutes. 1-2 times a month with a break for dormancy and flowering.
Spraying 1 tab. for 500 ml You need to spray in the morning with a warm solution. For flowering: every morning before flowering. For treatment: every other day until results appear. For prevention: 1-2 times a week with a break for rest and flowering.

Home orchids grow poorly without special care and, of course, do not bloom. Succinic acid allows plants to absorb much better all the beneficial components contained in the soil, and also helps to adapt during climate change or after transplantation. In other words, the drug helps orchids to cope with stress faster and easier. Succinic acid has long gained popularity among indoor plant growers. It is safe and effective.

Succinic acid (butanedionic acid) is a dicarboxylic acid that occurs naturally in plant and animal tissues. The chemical is also known as the Spirit of Amber. When it was first discovered, it was extracted from amber by grinding and distilling it using a sand bath. The substance was mainly used for rheumatic pains.

Now succinic acid is produced chemically. Esters are extracted by combining acid with alcohol and removing the water molecule. They are used as aromatic base materials, plasticizers, solvents and binders. Higher chain compounds are used as constituents in metalworking fluids, surfactants, lubricants, detergents. Succinic acid is used in the manufacture of many medicines and is used in its pure form as a food additive for mono and complex therapy. The supplement is also popular in cosmetology.

Succinic acid is a colorless crystalline solid with a melting point of 185-187 ° C. It is soluble in water, slightly soluble in ethanol, ether, acetone and glycerin.

Pharmaceutical preparations with succinic acid are used as antioxidants that normalize intracellular metabolism and help restore body functions impaired due to diseases or natural aging of human cells.

Preparations containing succinic acid are produced in the form of:

  • Injection solutions.
  • Pills.
  • Powder.
  • Capsules.

There are preparations with succinic acid that are used to activate tissue metabolism and normalize energy balance, that is, they act as metabolites. The use of succinic acid to reduce the intensity of oxidative processes is possible due to its pronounced antioxidant properties. Compounds of succinic acid - succinates Na, K, Ca, Mg - improve the supply of oxygen to cells, exerting an antihypoxic effect on the tissues of organs during their morphological changes and dystrophy caused by a wide range of diseases and pathological conditions. In complex therapy, preparations with succinic acid are used to treat blood vessels, including those of the brain.

Nature has given humanity many solutions to treat various diseases. With the increase in the use of pharmaceuticals and the ever-growing list of harmful side effects for drugs, succinic acid is a natural solution to problems, succinic acid is a solution to many problems not only in humans, but also in plants.

Useful properties of succinic acid for orchids

The use of succinic acid for indoor plants is diverse:

  • Normalization of soil composition. Succinic acid restores beneficial microflora in the substrate, enriching it with useful substances. At the same time, the pathogenic environment is destroyed.
  • Fight against harmful substances in the ground. Various toxins are formed in mail over time. Succinic acid destroys them.
  • Stimulating growth. After the application of butadionic acid, nutrients from the substrate are more actively absorbed by the root system. This speeds up the growth of indoor flowers.
  • Better survival. Improves plant recovery after disease, transplantation and other stressful situations. Flowers take root better, tolerate transplanting or recover from damage.
  • Increase in chlorophyll content in green parts of plants. If the substance is produced in sufficient quantities, indoor plants grow better, bloom profusely, and look healthy.
  • Acceleration of root formation. An indispensable tool for grafting, transplanting, rescuing plants without roots. Very often, plants suffer from unfavorable conditions for growth and transplantation.
  • Increased stability. Plants fed with succinic acid tolerate drought, excess water, and lower temperatures better.

The use of succinic acid is useful for orchids. Substance:

  • excellent catalyst for plant growth,
  • improves the soil and stabilizes its microflora.

Butanedionic acid dissolved in water is used for:

  • soaking plant cuttings;
  • regular watering;
  • resuscitation;
  • disease prevention;
  • transplants;
  • spraying plants during the growing season.

Succinic acid dissolved in water (0.002% -0.02%) is used to soak the cuttings. A small overdose is not dangerous for plants.

Spraying rooted seedlings improves the growth of new shoots, and if the roots of the seedlings are soaked in an aqueous solution of butanedionic acid for a quarter of a day, accelerated root growth will occur. When planting cuttings pre-soaked with the drug, stronger orchids will eventually grow. They are less susceptible to attacks by pests, almost do not get sick, steadily resist changing conditions of detention.

Indications for use

Succinic acid strengthens orchids, increasing their resistance to various diseases. Thanks to this substance, plants begin to bloom, as the drug increases the level of chlorophyll. Indications for the use of succinic acid for orchids:

  • deterioration in the appearance of the plant;
  • the appearance of signs of the disease;
  • decay of roots;
  • poor growth;
  • lack of flowering;
  • need for transplant:
  • rooting;
  • the plant dies.

Nuances of preparing a solution from succinic acid

The drug tablet contains 100 mg (0.1 g) of acid, it is easy to dose. How to dilute succinic acid for orchids: in order to make a solution, it is enough to dilute one tablet in a liter of pure water.

Principles and methods of using the product

For the recovery of diseased orchids, succinic acid is one of the most popular remedies. Even healthy flowers respond well to acid feeding, which helps them maintain a beautiful decorative appearance and affects growth and flowering. With the systematic addition of dietary supplements, orchids rarely get sick, they bloom actively and profusely.

Leaf processing

Wipe the leaves with a sponge or cotton swab moistened with the solution (including the bottom of the leaf plate). You can spray the green mass of the plant, avoiding pouring liquid into the growing point.

Spraying orchids with succinic acid provides the following effect:

  • disposal and protection from ticks and other insects;
  • disease prevention;
  • formation of resistance to climate change;
  • growth stimulation;
  • acceleration of the appearance of peduncles;
  • increased flowering time.

Healthy plants are sprayed with the prepared solution every two to three weeks.

After spraying the orchid, wipe the center of the flower with a dry cotton pad to remove moisture from the outlet.


Watering orchids with succinic acid is useful for prophylaxis and during treatment. Part of the drug settles on the ground, and even after the excess liquid drains into the pan, it nourishes the roots of the orchid, activating growth and the emergence of new branches. For treatment, the plant is watered for 2 weeks. Orchids are fed with succinic acid once a month.

Root processing

The roots are processed when they are damaged. It is necessary to remove dry roots, if only two or three healthy ones remain, remove them too, especially if the roots look as if they are hanging on a thread, since they can no longer feed the plant. How to remove damaged roots:

  1. Disinfect scissors.
  2. Cut off damaged roots.
  3. Dip the root part into activated carbon powder for disinfection.
  4. Place the plant in soil so that the plant can grow healing tissue around the cut.

Water every other day. When transplanting, the roots of the plant are placed in a solution of succinic acid for half an hour.

Resuscitation of orchids without roots

If the roots of the plant have died, then you can reanimate the orchid as follows:

  • remove all rot;
  • treat the cut with activated carbon powder;
  • place the plant in a solution of succinic acid in a glass container;
  • put on a windowsill that is well lit, but does not fall under the direct rays of the sun;
  • the succinic acid solution is renewed every 3 days.

New roots will appear in 2 - 3 months. After the roots grow 5 cm, the plant is planted in a substrate.

Compatibility with other drugs and combination recipes

Succinic acid can be combined with other formulations to fertilize or revive weak orchids.

Orchid tonic

Garlic, when added to succinic acid solution, helps to activate and prolong orchid flowering. To achieve this result, it is necessary to prepare a special mixture of garlic, water and succinic acid. The supplement will help the process of enriching the plant with oxygen, increasing its resistance to diseases and other negative factors. If done correctly, a new flower stalk will grow on the orchid within 14 days.

Succinic acid is diluted with hot water. Only after the liquid has cooled completely can the garlic pulp be added. The finished mixture can only be stored for 3 days. To prepare the tonic, you need to take:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • glass jar;
  • 1 tablet of succinic acid.

Dissolve a succinic acid tablet in hot water. Chop the garlic with a knife or garlic press. When the liquid has cooled, add the garlic. Pour the solution with succinic acid into a glass jar, leave to infuse for 24 hours.

Before you start watering your orchids, strain the garlic water through a sieve. Water the plants with partial immersion. This method should be alternated with regular watering, but no more than once a month.

Another way to fertilize an orchid is to add 1 tablet of glucose and an ampoule of vitamin C to the succinic acid solution. This is a quick recovery tool.

Resuscitation cocktail

If you feel unwell, the orchid is resuscitated with a cocktail with succinic acid. The composition of the mixture per liter of water:

  • 2 tablets of succinic acid.
  • 1 ampoule of vitamins PP, B1, B6, B2.
  • A pinch of Kornevin stimulant.

The remaining components are added to the solution with the acid and mixed. Do foliar feeding. Repeat once a week until the plant returns to its original healthy appearance.

Precautions for work

Succinic acid is not poisonous and does not accumulate in plant parts. The excess is quickly eliminated and a small overdose will not harm. When preparing formulations with acid, avoid touching the mucous membranes. If this happens by accident, rinse with water.

Kira Stoletova

Growing orchids is accompanied by a number of difficulties, so it is so important not to harm the plant. Succinic acid for orchids is a universal feeding that helps to solve all problems.

  • Indications for using the product

    The useful composition of this product allows you to quickly and efficiently regenerate the roots and leaves of a flower, as well as normalize its nutrition. With this drug, there is a chance:

    • extend the flowering period of Orchids;
    • activate the process of active rooting of cut cuttings;
    • stimulate root formation;
    • speed up the regeneration processes;
    • increase the flower's immunity to diseases and poor living conditions;
    • build up the deciduous mass of the plant.

    Succinic acid for orchids is also a good antiseptic, so its effect, if used correctly, extends to the soil that contains the flower. With the help of the active ingredients of the drug, microorganisms harmful to the plant contained in the soil are destroyed.

    The composition of the tablet

    The drug is a product of amber processing. The product is of natural origin and its use is not harmful to the human body and plants. The substance has the appearance of a white crystalline fine powder. In pharmacological form, these are tablets or powder.

    The preparation contains 100 mg of acetylominosuccinic acid, which is the active ingredient. Also, such a product is rich in magnesium, zinc, iron, copper, etc.

    Dilution of the drug

    Diluting succinic acid for orchids should be strictly in proportion. Dilute 1 tablet in 250 ml of water. The tablet is pounded in the package. The resulting powder is dissolved in 1000-1500 ml of hot water. Add warm water to the required volume.

    Use a solution at room temperature or warm. It is allowed to be stored only in a dark place and using glass containers. The maximum shelf life is 3 days. The unsuitability of its use is determined by the appearance of white lumps in the liquid.

    Rules and methods of application

    The main advantage of treating orchids with succinic acid is the high efficiency of the preparation, as well as its versatility. It is used as a fertilizer for healthy flowers at all stages of orchid growth and as a root growth stimulant. This remedy helps prevent the appearance of diseases and pests. Leaves, roots, seeds, cuttings are treated with it.

    It is an ideal biostimulant that can be used in several ways. The main thing is to take into account the proportions and follow the appropriate recommendations.

    Leaf processing

    In floriculture, the most effective way is to wipe the leaves. Orchid leaves should be wiped with succinic acid if they shriveled or become lethargic. It is important to restore turgor: it is an indicator of the state of the plant. You need to process it with a solution, for this 1 tablet should be diluted in 250 ml of water.

    The foliage is processed daily in the morning using soft materials (cosmetic discs, a piece of natural fabric, etc.). Avoid getting the medicine into the base of the sheet plates. After use, the effect of the drug lasts for 1-2 days. When the turgor returns, the solution is washed off with a wet rag or napkin.

    Seed treatment

    The use of succinic acid for orchids also lies in the germination of seedlings from seeds. Stimulating growth is often a necessary activity that increases the chances of producing healthy and strong young flowers.

    The use of succinic acid for orchids (its seeds) requires the preparation of a solution. 1 tablet is dissolved in 240 ml of water, the seeds are soaked for 12 hours. After drying them, they proceed to sowing. Such an operation is necessary for flower growers who want to breed a crop at home.

    Root restoration

    The result of diseases and poor quality flower care at home is a partial loss of roots. The flower is reanimated using a concentrated product. The drug in tablets is diluted in water in a ratio of 4 tablets / 1 liter. The damaged flower is sprayed with a spray bottle. The plant is processed daily in the morning.

    Do not be afraid of harming the orchid with an overdose. The use of such a remedy when building up roots has no drawbacks. The flower takes as much medicine as it needs. To increase efficiency, before each spraying procedure, the leaves of a diseased orchid are wiped with a damp cloth.

    Resuscitation of the root shoots of the plant is carried out by another method. Dilute the same solution of succinic acid for orchids (4 tablets / 1 liter of warm water), soak the damaged flower in it. Plant resuscitation is carried out according to the instructions:

    • The plant is placed in the solution so that only the socket is treated.
    • Processing is carried out within 2-3 months at the main growing site. Take into account the indicators of room temperature and humidity.
    • As the medicine evaporates and is absorbed by the plant, the solution is poured into the pot.

    This method is effective for complete loss of plant roots. When used correctly, the roots are formed within 30-40 days. The procedure for keeping the orchid in succinic acid is stopped with the appearance of shoots more than 5 cm long. Then it is transplanted to a permanent place.

    Extending the flowering period

    Fertilizing orchids with succinic acid is also beneficial for the inflorescences of the plant. Often the indication for use is the wilting of the bush. The use of the drug promotes an increase in flowering shoots by 2-3 times. Spraying method is used. The standard solution is diluted before use. The main thing is to take into account some features:

    • The use of fertilizer to stimulate flowering is effective only for healthy plants with 3-5 leaves.
    • Spraying is carried out in a place familiar to a flower at a room temperature of 20-22 ° C, moderate air humidity and in a well-lit place.
    • Spraying is repeated with active growth, flowering. Re-fertilizing indoor flowers is required when the arrow reaches 10 cm.

    The third spraying is carried out when the first flowering opens. It provides the flower with an abundance of nutrients to prolong the flowering period, and also helps to increase the size of the blooms. Florists do not recommend beginners to start using this method. Any mistake negatively affects the health of the plant, depriving it of buds. They can crumble, and the nutrients that were obtained with the solution can be spent on the growth of the root system and leaves.

    Root treatment before transplanting a flower

    Succinic acid for Phalaenopsis and other Orchid species is also used to stimulate the root system before transplanting a flower. It is required to prepare a solution of 4 tablets per 1 liter of water and place a flower in it. The holding time depends on the condition of the plant. A healthy flower needs 30 minutes. Flabby flowers can stand for 2-2.5 hours.

    Dry the roots before transplanting. This procedure makes the plant stronger. The effect is observed after 7-10 days. New shoots appear on the peduncles.


    It will be useful to use succinic acid for orchids in the form of additional feeding. The use of this remedy has a beneficial effect on the roots of the flower, stimulating their active growth, forming a stable immunity to diseases and pests. Using the product in tablets, it is necessary to prepare a standard solution (1 g of substance per 1 liter of water).

    Having poured the prepared solution into a watering can or a bottle, they start feeding. The plant is gently watered at the root. The volume of liquid fertilizer is determined by the size of the pot. Watering is stopped as soon as water begins to flow from the drainage holes. After waiting for it to drain into the pan, it is poured out to avoid rotting the roots of the plant.

    Watering also has its own characteristics. When watering flowers with such a biostimulant, it is important to take into account periods of intense flower growth, therefore it is watered only in spring and summer. In autumn and winter, the flower is easy to harm. Additional stimulation during dormancy often leads to impaired root development and root rot.

    Preparation of complex solutions

    It is permissible to use complex solutions that feed flowers with useful microelements. The most widespread are:

    • Tonic. In 1 liter of water dissolve 2 tablets of succinic acid and 1 ampoule of glucose, vitamin PP, ascorbic acid, vitamin B12 and pyridoxine. Such a solution is suitable for both watering and spraying, and for wiping the leaves. The flower is processed once a day in the morning or in the evening.
    • Cocktail. The solution is prepared from preparations in tablets: succinic acid (2 pcs.), Nicotinic acid (1/2 pcs.), "Thiamin" (1/2 pcs.), "Pyridoxine" (1/2 pcs.), "Cyanocobalamin" ( 1/2 pcs.). The tablets are crushed and added to 1 liter of water. It is also important to add Kornevin (on the tip of a knife).
    • Mix with garlic. 6 cloves of garlic are infused in 0.5 liters of warm water. After 12 hours, the agent is filtered and mixed with an aqueous fertilizer solution (0.5 l). The resulting volume is diluted to 4 liters and used for irrigation 1-2 times a month.

    Thanks to the additional nutrients included in the complex products, it is easy to restore the health of the plant, activate its growth and even flowering.

    The harm of the drug

    Having decided to save the flower from death, flower growers often forget about simple recommendations for the use of the drug. Spray, water or keep the flower strictly at a favorable time for this. The product should be used in accordance with the recommended concentration.

    For preventive purposes, the flower is treated every 30-60 days. In winter and autumn, you should not start such events. During the flowering period, succinic acid should be used with caution. Any mistake leads to shedding of flowering, and all the forces of the plant are distributed to the formation of the root system and leaves of the flower.

    Precautionary measures

    Watering decorative orchids with succinic acid requires special safety rules.

    A natural biostimulant in the dosage form of tablets makes orchids stronger and more beautiful. It is completely safe for the flower and is perceived by it as a food product. It is not harmful to humans either, but if it gets on the skin or mucous membranes, it causes an allergic reaction.

    Gloves should be worn to avoid acid contact with skin. To protect the mucous membrane of the mouth and nose - a gauze bandage. This drug is not toxic. The only danger is contact with the eyes (irritation of the eye shell appears).

    If the solution comes into contact with the skin or eyes, rinse them with water. It is important to see a doctor if necessary.


    In the care of indoor flowers, succinic acid is often used, and decorative orchids are no exception. With the help of this drug there is a chance to revive the plant after loss of roots, increase immunity to diseases and even increase the duration of flowering. The use of the drug is universal. The plant is sprayed with the solution made, watered, the leaves are wiped and used as a liquid stimulating basis for the formation of root shoots (aging in solution).

    It is important to adhere to the basic rules for using such a tool. It will be beneficial only if the proportions are observed and the time of use is favorable.

    Many people acquire an orchid for the beautiful appearance of a flower. But in order to grow it, most people think that it is necessary to study all the requirements and the ability of the plant to grow in different regions.

    This opinion is erroneous, since at home they are no different from indoor flowers.

    But it happens that at friends they bloom all year round, and you do not have to admire such a long period of your plant. What to do in this case? There are some secrets for experienced florists. The main one is succinic acid for orchids. Each of them has it in their flower kit for a long time.

    It has a positive effect on the flower and is applied not only to orchids.

    Description, useful properties of the preparation for orchids

    The amber solution helps to maintain the growth of the orchid. Also, with its help, the plant itself is strengthened. To the maximum, it enhances root growth. After application, new healthy roots may appear.

    If you want to transplant a flower, then in order for it to adapt better, florists use succinic acid.

    If you have never used acid, then there will be no harm with an abundant amount. The flower will take just the right amount. In order for the orchid to grow actively, it needs early acid treatment.

    Useful properties include:

    • accelerates growth;
    • assimilates fertilizers better;
    • protection against excessive moisture;
    • overheat protection;
    • “Heals” damaged leaves;
    • protection from the negative external environment.

    It also helps to develop immunity from diseases and pests. The solution in the soil destroys toxic substances and thus becomes the first medicine among various pharmacy flower growers.

    With the help of it, almost the entire plant is processed. This contributes to the general strengthening effect for the flower.

    Succinic acid can be bought at every pharmacy. It is a colorless crystalline substance that is poorly soluble in water. It comes in tablet or powder form. Therefore, if purchased in pill form, it is best to grind before use. It goes like a dietary supplement. This is not a fertilizer. This acid also includes vitamin C. As we know, for orchids this vitamin is used to improve growth.

    If you notice that the plant does not grow or flowers have fallen, then after treatment with this acid, the plant actively releases new roots, peduncles. No wonder it is called a growth stimulant for orchids.

    How to properly dilute succinic acid

    The instructions for use are very simple. It includes several ways:

    1. Strengthening the roots.
    2. Growth stimulation.
    3. Application to seeds.
    4. Treatment in case of damage to the plant.

    To make the solution correctly, take water and acid in a ratio of 2 tablets: 0.5 l. If you have powder, then take it at the tip of a knife. The rest of the ratio with the powder is not changed.

    The water should be at room temperature. First, take a pill or powder, add a small amount of water (preferably using a glass), dissolve. Then add the rest of the water.

    Thus, we get a 0.1% solution. If a weaker solution is needed, then take more water.

    Flower garden advice: Only work with gloves. Sometimes allergic rashes may appear on the skin.

    How to use it correctly for orchids

    The whole plant is processed. But the best result is obtained with acid treatment:

    • seeds;
    • roots;
    • cuttings;
    • spray the leaves.

    To properly process the seeds, they need to be soaked for a day in a solution of succinic acid. Then it is dried.

    Important! Soak only a day or two before planting.

    When you need to transplant an orchid to a new location, it is advisable to properly process the roots. To do this, they are placed in an acid solution for at least 5 hours.

    Important! When soaking the roots, use a very weak solution so as not to burn the roots (0.02%).

    If you need to process the cuttings, then they are simply dipped for 10 hours in a weak solution and not dried.

    If you saw that the leaves began to fall or become stained, then you need to make a 0.002% solution of succinic acid and spray the leaves abundantly every day. To make a solution, take 1 tablet and 10 liters of water.

    When it is not possible to spray, you can use a cotton swab. Then we dip it into the solution and wipe the leaves. We wipe it very carefully. In no case do we turn the plant over, wipe it from all sides. It is advisable to wipe it in the morning. We begin to wipe from the place of growth of the leaves.

    Important! It is necessary to spray the leaves every week.

    The made solution has no expiration date. But there is no need to store it for a long time. Florists recommend using the entire mixture for no more than two weeks.

    By treating the orchid with acid, the result can already be seen in 2-3 weeks.

    Precautionary measures

    During pollination, the ovary of the plant must be in a dormant state. During these periods, you should not use such a dietary supplement as much as possible. After pollination, you can begin to actively process the leaves, branches and cuttings.

    If you have soaked seeds, discard it after use. Reuse is not recommended. The result with such use may not be, or you may harm the plant.

    It should be mentioned again that succinic acid is not a fertilizer. Its effect on the plant is only as a growth activator.

    There are no special precautions for use. It is not harmful to humans and animals. But it is worth remembering that this is an acidic solution and it is not worth rubbing mucous membranes or wounds after processing the plant. There are several side effects:

    • eye contact: may cause mild eye irritation;
    • Skin contact: May cause mild skin irritation;
    • inhalation: can sometimes irritate the respiratory tract (personality of the human body).

    First aid measures:

    1. If the solution gets into the eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and consult a doctor.
    2. If the solution gets on the skin, also wash it with water and when irritation persists, consult a doctor.
    3. When respiratory tract irritation is only a specialized doctor's help. Call an ambulance immediately.
    4. If your animals have swallowed the pill, no treatment is required.

    The main advantage of acid is that, even in small amounts, it is of great benefit to orchids. It should also be used because the solution is useful:

    • increases the content of vitamins;
    • prevents the accumulation of nitrogenous substances in the soil;
    • increases plant chlorophyll.

    The whole world has been using succinic acid for a long time. So why haven't you purchased this supplement for your favorite plant yet?

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